The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 14, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Henrietta D. Grauel
Sweet Potatoes and How to Prepare Them
Td know the «wwt potato was in
W><> long before the common potato; we
can tell nothing of its origin, iior does
it grow wild in any country. Always,
it must he cultivated and it does heat
in southern countries, though the well
known "Jersey sweet" is a splendid
deep yellow variety.
We consider this tnber only a veg
etnble bnt in India it is presergpd as a
sweetmeat in a clear, heavy syrup.
Japan makes sweet potato flour and
•akes haked from H are very good: not
nnlike the American pumpkin bread of
two or three generations ago.
But when a food is delicious in its
own simple goodness, as sweet potatoes
are, why should we want to change
their character or make them into anv-i
thing they are not?
"Yams," these vegetables are called
in the south and though the name is
incorrectly applied, it has come to
mean a very large and very sweet va
riety that seldom come far into the'
northern market, more's the pity.
To imitate its incomparable flavor we '
add sugar, honey or maple syrup to our i
more starchy sweet potatoes when we
cook them: though this inproves their
flavor, they are still inferior to the
southern article.
There are but three ways to cook
sweet potatoes according to the dictum
of those who know —the negTo cooks, of
I !§
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Parents, Poor, Sought to Pill Their
Larder at Grocery Store
Altoona, Pa.. Oct. 14.—The police re- j
reived information (Monday night tHiat
an attempt was being ma le to rob the
grocery store of Nicholas Gansz, a for
mer lieutenant of police. Gansz ami the j
]H)iii'fc arrived at the store at the same '
time. They found that a man and his
wife had hoistel their N-vpar old son '
through a transom with instructions to'
open the door for t:iom.
They had two large market baskets
ready to be filled with provisions. As
the family is v?ry poor Gansz refused to
prosecute and they were released.
Man Stabbed to Death, Two Dying, |
After Fight in Saloon
Shenandoah, Pa., Oct. 14.—Early j
yesterday morning a heated argument
over the European war caused a riot in
the saloon ot' 1 Dominick Slaminsky, in i
which a dozen men were stabbed, 1
punched and clubbed and the bar was i
Alexander Zueifsky was stabbed to
death. Anthony I'hitniniski and John,
Swaskie are dying in a hospital. < hiefi
of Police ''antlin and €aptaiu of Po-1
lice Mahiev made a number of ar- j
rests. * |
Measles May Close Schools 1
Danville Pa., Get. 1 4.—With more '
than 3(1 cases of measles, an epidemic
is feared in South Danville anil River- 1
fide, and the authorities assert that
they will probably have to close the
schools. Pour new cases were reported I
yesterday, and the Health Board, if |
the increase continues, will appeal to i
the State Health Board for aid.
| the south—"You bake 'em in ashes or
j the oven, or boil and then fry 'en in
11 butter or you mak' 'em into a puddin'."
,1 The sweet potato cooked for the
1 Marster's table is very differeut from
| that eaten in the cabin, but not any
more delicious. Marion's men lived on
sweet potatoes for weeks during (lie
Revolutionary war and when the Eng
lish general hunted out the "Swamp-
Vox," as they had named turn, for a
! parley he was asked to dine on the
same fare. Evidently he was not a
lover of the vegetable for he reported
that "men who could live and fight on
; such diet could never be whipped."
Carameled sweet potatoes; boil them
in their .jackets aud skin, slice in length
: and brown in butter, sprinkle with su
gar and place in hot oven until sugar
; melts. Or put the potato slices in a
| shallow dish that is well buttered and
i sprinkle with melted butter mixed with
sugar and cook in the oven until
! browned or carameled.
I Potato pudding—Mash the boiled
; sweet potato and add butter and cream,
i Whip the mixture light and bake until
brown over the top in a dish it can be
j served in. Most recipes for this call for
eggs, but they are not needed as the
1 potato is sufficiently rich.
Hither of the above dishes are much
i relished with pork roasts and with all
State Health Official Mystified by Le
high's Typhoid
, South Bethlehem, Pa., Oct. 14. A
! statement was.issued yesterday bv Dr.
0. .1. Hunt who was sent here bv the
state Health Department to investi
gate the typhoid outbreak at Lehigh
1 In it he finds no cause for alarm
and believes the situation is well in,
hand. The 17 cases in St. Luke's Hos
pital are in mild form, and in all there
are 2i eases, and there mar be a few
more. Dr. Hunt is still at a loss to ac
count for the source of the disease.
Thresher Maims and Kills Him
To wan da, Pa.. Oct. 14.—Ivan Van
Duseer, 35 years of age, was crushed
to death when his arm was torn out in
a threshing machine in ' Sheshequii:
township yesterday morning.
Tbeae Clurmlnir Inlnnds Are Now
•1 Their nest
holds the record—4o hours—ts tha
newest and only twin-screw steam
ship sailing to Bermuda, and tba
only one landing? passengers at the
dock at Hamilton without tranirer
by tender.
Round Trip with meals OCand
and stateroom berth U p
Kor full particulars apply to A. K.
OtTEKitKIDGK S. CO., Agents Que*,
bee S. >. Co., Ltd., 211 Broadway, \c*t
York: P. LOHXK HfMMKi., lu3 Mar
ket St., Harrlabura. »'u„ or any Tfefc.
e« Asnl.
Novelized From the Great Play of the Same Name by
George C. Jenks and Carlyle Moore
Copyright 1911 by The H. K. Tly CompMy
' Continued
"It isn't that." whispered Nell, who
had her lull share of feminine intui
tion "Rut Miss Madge was to be
married here today, and her mother
thinks it he bad luck for some
' M&j&r 18
Madge Gave Her Hand to Her Fianc*
and Looked at the Minister.
other bride to come in ahead of her.
You've lifvinl that, haven't you, JaekV"
"Nary :i kenril." lie replied. "What's
more. I «!-••.«'; 11; i:■ ' I here's a thing iu it.
You couldn't tell nil* thai it would
bring hud In to .-uiybt cly for you to
many mo. What the"
"Never mind. Jack. Don't swear on
our wedding uay." interrupted Nell
"Too late. Nell. I've been cursing all
the afternoon like n drunken iceman.
But I'll cut it out now to please you.
I'm da—l mean. I'm— er—blowed if 1
"There's only one w. / out of the dif
ficulty that I can see." remarked Mr.
Spelain, turning toward I>r. Willough
by and Cluuey.
"Oh. yet: a move on. sir. This bus to
be a hurry up job if we are goiug to
get it done today." cried Doogan.
"Yes. Tile police"— began Dr. Wil
"Oil, they won't be here. I've told
you that. But Nell and I have to make a
train. That's all." interrupted Doogan.
"Caroline, my dear, look out of the
front door and see if there are any in
dications that the police are coming
back," directed Mrs. i.'arr.
"Very well, mother." replied Caroline.
"But the only Indications would be the
police coming in. However, I'll go and
look, as you tell uie to."
Caroline went out. gave a perfunc
tory look up the street and auother one
dowu and came back with the report
that all was outside. There was
not a policeman to be seen. Eveu the
officer on the beat was keeping away
from , that part .of
"Then I'll proceed." announced Mr.
Spelain. taking out bis ever useful
prayer book aud turning the leaves to
the marriage service. "Show me you*
Jack Doogan hastily produced the li
cense and handed it to Mr. Spelain. He
glanced over it. saw that the stamp
and signatures were correct and in due
form and handed il back.
"That nil?" asked Doogan. "Want to
look at my tongue or see my vaccina
tion marks?" he added in a low tone
that the minister did not catch, bul
which Nell did aud I'#: - which she gave
her lover an admonitory si;ip on the
"Now. John Doogan and—and"—
"Nellie Jones," supplied Nell.
"And Nellie Jones," went on the min
ister. "do you both promise to lead
honorable lives?"
"I'd do anything for her." answered
Jack Doogan quickly. "Honest to God
1 would!"
"Then join hands."
"Wait a moment." interrupted James
.lack Doogan turned swiftly, and the
black look on his face might have
made Cluney fall back if he had seen
it. But be was not looking at Doogan
lust then. He was beckoning to
"What 1s it?" asked the minister,
rather scandalized over being stopped
at such n moment. "I)o you know of
any reason or just impediment"—
"No. no! Not at all! But tbis is our
wedding day. and I feel that we've
tvaited long enough."
"That's all right!" said Doogan. "You
won't have to wait more than a few
minutes. Then we'll give you the par
son if you want him."
"There is no use waiting at all that
1 can see." rejoined James Cluney.
"He can marry us at the same time
make n double ceremony of it. you
know. It's often done. Are you will
ing. Madce?"
Madge did not answer in words, but I
she gave her baud to h';r G a lice and !
looked at the minister with a smile of j
Mr Spelain rather liked the prospect |
of marrying two couples at once. It j
was something that would call for i
neat and skillful work, and an.v man |
who loves his calling, as Mr. Spelain j
did his. is pleased to show how well
he can conduct himself professionally j
under unusual circumstances. He nev
er hnd had any double weddings.
"Stand up by the side of the other J
couple." he told Cluney and Madge, 1
as he looked at Mrs. Can
The two young people who had tried j
to get married ali tlie afternoon took j
their places, and Mr. Speialn address
ed Mrs. Carr in the loud voice neces- I
sary to get to her understanding J
through the ear trumpet:
"lias the young lady the full con
sent of her parents?"
"Yes." replied Mrs. Carr. "Although i
I never thought a daughter of mine
would be married in the company of
"That'll do. mother." interrupted Wil
liam Carr, with more decision than
was usual with him. "Mr. Doogan is
our guest now."
But there was another interruption.
As the minister turned to his prayer
book to include James Cluney audi
Madge Carr in the ritual that was to!
bind Jack Doogan and Nellie Jones to-1
getber, I)r. Willoughby besged him not'
to bfcgin just yet.
The doctor had be< n whispering ear-j
nestly to Joan Carr behind the others,:
and it appeared now that he had al- j
most persuaded her to something which |
had shocked her at first, but which did
not seem so dreadful as he kept on !
"And will you marry me, Joan?" he 1
was saying. "We might as well. I have !
the license in my pocket"—
"Impertinence'." she interjected, but I
not in an angry tone.
"The names are there, and every- i
thin? is complete and regular," Wil
loughby went. on. "Det me ask Mr.
Spelain to include us in the ceremony.
Won't yon. dear?"
"I couldn't think of such a thing." re
turned Joau. "What would mother
At the same time she allowed Dr. <
Willoughby to take her hand and lead
her to Mrs. Carr. before whom he
bowed his head and asked in a prop !
erly humble fasliiou. but In a loud}
voice, to comply with the exigencies of j
the ear trumpet:
"Mrs. Carr. would you object to my
marrying your youngest daughter,
Joan? We have been partly eugaged.
as you have known for sume time, and!
now she has consented—lf you will per
mit it."
"What's all tiiis?" cried William Carr.'
"Do you mean to say, Willoughby, |
"Willitun!" boomed Mrs. Carr in au j
awful voice—for she wanted to make
her husband understand that she still
was head of the house so far as mar
riage and similar proceedings were
concerned. "I have given my consent." !
"Mr. Spelain." continued Mrs. Carr j
solemnly. "Mr. Spelain, will you please
marry my daughter Joan to Dr. Wil- j
"Geet What next?'' breathed Jack
Doogan. "There'll only be one of the j
Carr girls left."
"That's so—Miss Caroline," whisper
ed Nell.
The little minister was rather taken
aback by the unexpected rush of busi
ness. But he was game—as Jack Doo
gan remarked afterward to Nell—and
as soon as he had recovered from the
shock ol' finding three couplfs on his
hands he directed Dr. Willoughby and
Joan to stand up on the right side of
Doogan and Nell, while James Cluney
and Madge Carr were on their left.
"Al! kneel," said the minister sol
Jack Doogan hesitated, as if he hard 1
ly knew how to do it, and Mrs. Carr,
intensely interested, repeated the in
struction. for his benefit:
"He sßid kneel."
"This seems too gr.od to be true."
muttered Jack Doogan n ,ie knelt rev
erently by Ihe f ide of the gri who had
•lone so much for liitn, and for whom,
on his side, he had dared something and
would dure more by giving up bis old
lawless life for ever.
There is a young man working for ;
one of the biggest safe manufacturers
in Chicago—a young man with flash
ing brown eyes, n ruddy complexion
and powerful bands—who i* an expert
in the manipulation of combination
locks, lie has a genius for that kind
of thing, people say.
When, as happens at intervals, a
business house cannot get Its safe
open on account of some irregularity
in the mechanism this young man Is
always sent to adjust the difficulty.
He has never failed to get a safe open
yet. Then, again, occasionally it is ah- '
solutely necessary, to get into a safe
when the ouly two or three persons I
who know the combination are away
and cannot be reached. Hut the young j
man with the strong hands and deli- I
cate fingers goes from the safe manu
g I J
| The Aughinbaugh Press j
I and J. A. Thompson Co. i
3 |
& Whose Plant Was Destroyed By «
> Fire April Bth, 1914 Have Opened j
| Temporary Offices and Plant j
| AT THE «
I 18-20-22 South third St. {
g J. L. L. KUEN, Secretary and Treasurer
<S» )
fneturers'. and always the door flios j
open sooner or Inter at his command.
The young man got his situation witli
the safe makers on the recommenda
tion of William Cnrr of the well known
New York importing firm of Scott,
Carr & Co. of New York city. Ills
name is John Doogan. His friends call
him .lack."
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Doogan have a
neat little house, with half an acre of
Sround, in one of those rural communi
ties that dot the prairie to the west of
the groat city on Tjike Michigan.
"And are you happy?" asked Nell,
setting up from the table and coming
around to his side.
"Happy? Say. Nell, I'm as happy as
if I'd just licked that ugly police ser
geant who wanted to nal> us both at |
the Carr house that day. I can't say
more than that."
"Oh. that reminds me." broke in Nell,
with a merry laugh. "I got a letter
from Miss Caroline today."
"That so? What does she want?"
"Nothing. She asked me to write to
her when we got settled. And I did '
This Is itt answer to it. She says she ,
hopes we are happy and that we are to j
go and see them whenever we are in i
New York."
To Be Continued
Educator Tells Women's Clubs of
Militarism in Schools
Pittsburgh, Oct. 14.—"The world
will not cease to have wars unless the
nations cease tca' liing school children j
the bravery of soldiers and the glories
of battle." said Dr. A. Duncan Yocum.j
professor of education In the Unlver- i
sity of Virginia, in an address to the
iState Federation of Women's Olubs
here yesterday.
Whether the State Federation will
endorse woman's suffrage and thug fol
low the national organization. Is the'
object of much discussion among the !
delegates. It is believed strong efforts"
will he made bv suffrage adherents to
obtain endorsement at this meeting.
At the formal opening of the con
vention last night, nu address by Mrs.
Percy V. Pennybacker, of Austin, Tex.,
president of the National Federation
of Women's Club, was listened to with
keen Interest.
Mrs. Samuel ■ Semple, of Titusvll'e.
State president, in her annual report
reviewed her official acts. She reported
an addition of two county organisa
tions and stated two more were being
organized. Mrs. Seinple said the club
women should find their inspiration for
next year's work wherever they see
tho need of their services.
Mrs. William Leverett read the re
port of the corresponding secretary and
said there had been an increase of 5 3
clubs to the State Federation during
the last year. The organizulion, the
report stated, now has 313 clubs and
approximately 37,000 members,
Chestnuts Kill a Girl
Towanda, Pa., Oct, 14.—Ciara,
young daughter of Mr, and Mr«.
Harvey Pierre, living in Troy town
ship, died Monday night from eating
too many chestnuts.
you desire to locate Ir <ue
nearest retail sbops and moet accesalbto
to theatres, depots. atfrfimablp plera, jou
wIN t>e pleased at tbe
sth AY., Broadway, 34th St
A fife million dollar example of moderia »< I
•ret i tec tor*] perfection; accommodation. I ;
1.000 guests. j
A Good Room,
$1.50 Per Day.
With Bath, $2 to $5. |
Famous Piccadilly Restaurant.
• Booklet and Guide on Request.
. damrl p. ritchey. I
s AND '
< It is highly commended to lovers of good—pure—beer. i
» Remember the snappy flavor of our /
Order It To-day « ... j'J—! rrrr
Brother of Slain Man Finally Runs
Down His Slayer
Spartanburg, S. 'O., Oft. 14.—After
eluding arrest for nearly twenty years,
T. A. Lewis, a 'cotton mill worker, was
committed to the county ,iail here ves
■fcerdav charged with the murder of Al
bert S. .T. Perry, who was struck with
a rock and killed Christmas, 1 895. Tile
arrest of Lewis was the climax of a
twenty-year search for tflie slayer made
by William I>. Perry, a brother of t'he
f'lain man. T'he 'trail led him to lialf a
dnren Wtate'*, nml 'he was only n day or
two 'behind 'bis quarry on several occa
William Perry lias constantly carried
.11 his pocket the warrant for liewls'
arrest, issued a few days after his
brother's death. This document, worn
and torn, was served on the accused at
tiis home on the outskirts of (vreenville,
IS. C\, Monday uigih't by Sheriff White,
who was Tel to the pla'o bv William
Perry and his 'brother, K. I?. Perry.
Lewis calmly submitted to arrest and
admlXed that lie was the man wanted,
lie said he and Albert Perry quarreled
over a girl.
Carvers' Tonic Tablets
For nerves, weakness and nervous
prostration, 50 cents at druggists.
Wilcox Company, of Kane, Will Put
150 Men to Work
Kane, Pa., 0"L, 14.—lOires were
lighted in the tank of the plant of tine
: Wilvox Window ("laws Company. Opera
| tions will lie started on October 21.
The plant gives employment to 150
The hand bo'ltle blowers were dealt
a crushing blow yesterday wiiien it was
announced that the plant of the Kane
Plin-i 'Bo;lie Company would su upend
operations. Reason for the closing of
'the plant is ma •hine competition. The
local plant is the largest iu this sec
tion of the .State and gives employ
men: to 200 men. It is likely tHiat
machines will be installed in the plant.
Wilkes-Barre Musician and a Police
man Are Seriously Injured
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Oct. 14.—William
Follay, loader of a local orchestra, is in
the hospital, expected to die. as a result
of injuries in an automobile accident
on the Sontih Main street hill. Patrol
man Theodore Rliinehart is in t'he same
iiu'ti'uition, tpii'te seriously injured.
I>r. Fred Sperling, the owner and
driver of the car, escaped witih a fen
scraiti-iies when the ear crashed into an
iron fence at t'he Vulcan iron works.
All three were thrown from the ear,
a runabout, which took lire and was de
Sixty-six Sticks of Explosive Under
House of Anti-liquor Man
Altoona, Pa., Oct. 14. —An attempt
was made to blow up the handsome
home of Dr. A. 1., (larver, one of the
prominent citizens of Roaring Springs.
|Hix;iy-six sticks of dynamite were
found on a cellar windowsil'i. They were
covered with stones. A fuse burned a
short distance and then went out.
Garver's activities in trying to rid
:lhe vicinity of "Mind tigers" is be
lieved to he the reason for the attempt
to dynamite t'he house.
Saves Her Baby; Hit by Auto
Hcranton, Pa., Oct. I 4.—By spilling
her 10-months-old baby out of its car
riage, just as an automobile ran her
down, Mrs. Frances J. Mattes saved the
life of the child, but she was seriously
injured. The child escaped injury. The
automobile was driven by Dr. L. C.
Kennedy, of Green Bidgo. He treated
the injured woman and took her to tho
State Hospital tn his automobile.
Artistic Printing at Star-Independent.
. ..JUJI
Say They Will Opon Fire on Marylam
Orisffteld, Md., Oct. 14.—'Phe orcirtci
war in Manokin river has broken mil
afresh, and yesterday the irate tongen
notified t>he officers of the police sc'hoon
er iHelen Baugtaan. on guard, that i
the boat did not leave it would bi
1 fired upon. Serious trouble is expected
I as the ovstermen are up in arms,
j Yesterday a number of oystermei
were at Orisfield and laid in a largi
supply of rifle ammunition. They am
tfhat wtien the Baltimore boats rnturi
■with the crews they -will line t'he short
and w'lien the first dredge is thrnwi
I t'hey will Shoot tn kill.
iWtien in Philadelphia Step st fho 1
Broad and Locust Streets B
g Iteopened after the expenditure I
| of sn enormous sum In remodel ||
=§ Ins;, redecorating nnd refurnishing 9
Near all Stores, Theatres and B
E Points of Interest. ■
■ Evwy Modnrn Convenient* H
I gj SCO Elegantly Kurnlshcd Rnnnn 3
1 g European Plan
1 B Rooms, without bath ~..»1.f50 up H
0 Itooms. with „„ M
u Hot and cold running
• I water In all ruoma B
i j Lnuis t,nkcn. President Manager. I
\' H. 80,. BUSINESS
•• Market Street
Fall Term September First I
' m ' 1
', j .. -.
;| Day and Night Sessions
Positions for All Graduates
Enroll Next Monday
15 S. Market Su., Harxiaburg, Pa.
w _ y — *
Cumberland Valley Railroad
in KKect May 2i, I>ll.
Train* Leave ilariUbura—
For Winchester ana Martini burs,
5.03. •l.iO a. m„ *3. 4U p. ra.
' For irlugerfclowii. Ctianibersbiirj and
liueiamaum tuitions, at *».03, *,
, ... Ilk, '-.HI, &.3il, *1.41), 11.u»
p. ni.
Additional trains for Carlisle ana
| Uecnanicaburg at «.4S a. m.. z.21, p. m.
' For Uilihbu.-i at 5.03. •?.*« antf MI.M
a. m., 2.18, •3.40, &.S2. <.3'' ». at.
•D*lly. All otbar trains daily »*ca»«
Sunday. i H. TON&B.
U. A. KIDDLJB, O. P. A. (u*t.