The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 14, 1914, Image 1

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Detailed Report. Pas* • j
SJ : T r A J L ,«V 1D VOL. 76—NO. 113
Determined Efforts of German
Commander Have Thus Far
Been Frustrated in Fight With
the Anglo-French Forces in I
Northern France —Desperate
Conflict Proceeding in Tri
angle of Dixmude, Ypres and
Dunkirk—Germans Are Ap
proaching Ostend by Three
Roads "Kaiser 9 s Forces Pre
paring to Lay Siege Upon Bel
fort, An Almost Impregnable
French Fortress
By Associated Press,
London, Oct. 14, 3.03 A. M,—"A fierce battle is pro
ceeding in the triangle of Dixmude, Ypres and Dunkirk,"
fiays the "Times" London correspondent, telegraphing
Monday. He says:
"Von Kluck's right is making a determined effort to
cut through the allies' lines, but thus far it has been
London, Oct. 14, 3.45 A. M.— Adispatch to the "Daily
News" from Ostend, dated Monday midnight, says:
"The Germans are approaching Ostend by three roads
from Ypres by way Dixmude from Coutrai, through
Thourout and from Eecloo through Brughes."
London, Oct. 14, 10.12 A. M.—A dispatch to the "Cen
tral News" from Copenhagen says:
"According to a Berlin dispatch received here the Ger
mans are preparing to lay siege upon Belfort with as large
a force as possible. Almost the entire civil population has
left the city."
Belfort is an almost impregnable fortress in France
just across the Alsatian border opposite Muelhausen. In
the Franco-Prussian war it withstood a siege for more
than three months. The town has a population of about
Petrograd, Oct. 14. —The following official communica
tion was issued by the ministry of marine to-night:
"According to complete reports received from the chief
commander of the Baltic fleet, our cruisers attacked by
German submarine boats on October 10 and 11, sank two
of the submarines."
The attempt of the Germans to crush the right wing of
the allies in the old French province of Picardv continues
with little to indicate the course of the battle.
This afternoon's French official statement savs that
the operations of the allies as far as the Oise are develop
ing normally.
Of scarcely less importance and with the saFue ultimate
object in view is the struggle of the Germans from Ant
werp to reach the coast. Nothing definite of this situation
has been revealed. Paris says there was fighting in the
region of Ghent 1 uesday and that English and French
troops have occupied \ pres. a Belgian town in West
Flanders, 30 miles southwest of Burges.
A report from The Hague is that 50,000 Germans have
entered Ghent, a laF-ge number of them later leaving for
Burges with the purpose of continuing to Ostend.
A dispatch from Ostend says that onlv a few Belgian
and British remain in Ostend.-indicating that the allied
armies have gone east to meet the incoming Germans.
The Belgian government has now been reestablished
at Havre, France.
A Petrograd dispatch says it is reported there that
a great battle between the Russians and the Austro-Ger
man forces is being waged along the Vistula river at points
not revealed.
The Germans made an aeroplane attack on Nancy
Tuesday, hitting a railway train and injuring thi*ee per
sons. It is reported from Berlin that the Germans are pre
paring to attack the French city of Belfort.
Madrid sends a report from Lisbon that Portugal has
declared war on Germany. It is not confirmed. Portugal
has a treat> with Great Britain by which she agrees to
furnish 10,000 men when they are required.
The former German cruisers Breslau and Goeben,
which were sold to Turkey, are said to have appeared in
the Black Sea.
The British ambassador at Constantinople has re
quested the women of the embassy to leave on Monday,
according to a dispatch from Amsterdam.
SI)C Bfox- 3nbepenfcnt
|He Is Making Determined Efforts to;
Break Through Allies' Lines
london, Oft. '4. 2.55 P. M.—A die-,
patch to the Reuter Telegram Company I
. from Ostend, under date of October 11, :
' • Following volent engagement*
| near and Melle, ingre than
t>Ot> Gerniaus were killed and a large j
number of others wounded. Freuch
marine fusilliers charged with bayonets',
j and 'uuk 4ft" German prisoners. The
enetltv wa< obHgcd to retire in the di
rection of OpTilegem. The battle began
again thi* morning n tiie neighborhood
of Lyde. • 1
London, Oct. 14. 1.21 P. M.—A;
"Central News" dispatch from Madrid!
say- it i s reporte 1 from ljisbon That
Portugal lia 5 declared war agaiust tier-!
many. The message, which lacks of-j
ficial confirmation, is published in
Madrid with all reserve.
London, Oct. 14, 4.16 P. M.—ln a I
IdispaU'h from The Hague to the cor !
i respondent of the Exchange Telegraph!
I I ompanv says the Austrian legation at;
; The Hague announces that the Russians!
| have evacuated Lemberg, Galieia, aft '
j er a fierce tight.
Lemberg k ha? been in possession of!
the Russians since shortly after the :
beginning of their Galician campaign. |
Belgian Government Now at HavTe
London. Oct. 14. 7A. M.—A Reuter !
dispatch from Havre says Che mem-bers
of the Belgium government arrived in
Havre at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening!
and were received by the Minister of
Marine and the local authorities. Mili-'
tary honors were rendered the Belgians
and the jopulace gave them an enthusi- i
astic reception.
i 3fT 7 - •* *- j I
Pictured above art King Albert, of the Belgians, who has been active on the firing line attacking the Oernuux Invader*
of Belgium . General Pau, who Is one of the ablest assistants of General J off re, commander In chief of the French army,
and Colonel Douglas Haig, a commanding figure, fighting with the British soldiers.
Gigantic Foreign Cor
poration Building in
Mexico City Taken
at Point of Bayonet
Action Alleged to Be In Interest of
Public Welfare and Due to Stop
page of Cars When Company Re
fused Demands of Employes
By .4sjoci<inrf IVctj.
.Mexico City, Oct. 12, (By Courier to
Veru Cruz, Get. 14.) —The seizure of
the Mexico Tramways Company lines
by the < arrauza government to-day was
niaite at the poiut of the bayonet. The
Mexican Tramways Company Limited,
; is a foreign corporation capitalized at
$1,000,000. Its home office is in To
Sho'-tlv before noon soldiers sur
rounded tiie main building occupied by
offices and plant while a delegation of
officials entered the premises aud serv
ed notice upon General Graves that all
' the books, rolling stock and other
i property of the company with the ex
• ception of the cash in the vaults must
; be delivered to the chief of police. The
order was given in the name of the
supreme chief and was signed by the
governor of the federal district.
Governor Explains Action
The governor explained that the
measure was a provisional one taken
j iu the interest of public welfare and
j due to the stoppage of. the street car
I traffic of the city on noon of last
! Thursday when the motornien, conduc
| tors, inspectors and shopmeti struck be
j cause their demands for r 100 per
| cent, increase in wages, an eight hour
. day and recognition of the union were
j not granted by the company in the
| four hours time limit specified by the
I strikers committee.
The principal owners of the prop
| erty are English. French and Belgian,
with some American stockholders. All
j foreign employes were kept in the
\ building at the behest of the troops.
The management"kas mede a vigorous,
protest to the Brifilian, British,
French and Belgian legations. A for
mal protest was registered also with
of Passengers Carried
t arranza later designated Tomas
Ramos as acting general manager of
the system. The lines of the companv
j form a uet work over the federal dis
| trict extending for nearly 250 miles
i and carrying millions of passengers
, monthly.
The act has caused a sensation here
as the tramways company and the al
; lied Mexican Light and Power Com
i panv, Umited, supply all the light,
! power, heat and transportation within
a radius of 30 miles of the capital. The
i joint investment of the allied coni
i panics represent nearly $100,000,000.
Passsengers arriving from Aguas
! Calientes say that General Villa is 30
miles north of there with a large force
and determined to fight unless the ad
i herents of Cariianza agree to a commis
, sion form of government.
! Young Man Dies in Hospital From Kick
in Stomach
Jersey City, X. J„ Oct. 14.—Charles
{ 1 '• Hays, 18 years old, died in a hos
, pi tad here to day of injuries received in
; a football game iast Monday. Young
Hays n-as a player on thePord'ham
University preparatory school team.
In a game with a team from St. Pe
ters' College he tackled the man with
the ball and many of the others fell on
; top of him. A* kick on the stomach
caused injuries whirth an operation fail
! Ed to alleviate.
A new serial, "The After House,"
a story- of love, mystery and a pri
vate yacht, will start in the Star
i Independent to-morrow. It is from
the pen of Mary Roberts Riuehart,
the well-known author. Be sure and
. read the initial chapter to-morrow.
Gives All Cash It Has
to Four Companies
That Checked Bor
ough's Big Blaze
Hope Company, of this City, Receives 1
#25, aud Washington, #ls, While'
New Cumberland and Camp Hill De- 1
partments Got $lO Each
Bach of tiie four fire companies—two |
from Harrtsburg, one from New Cum-I
| l>erland and one from Camp Hill—that;
! responded to* the call for aid sent out
bv the Lemoyne tire chief on October
t> last, wtoen a large part of the 'cross
river borough's business and residential
section was threatened with destruction,
1 to-day received a check from the Le
' inoyne borough as a reward for vaiu
luble services iu helping the liemoyne
•company tight the big bla/.e. The re
wards totaled S6O.
The Ha;o Ste;wn Fire Kugine Com
pany, of this city, received $25; the
Washington Chemical an\l Hose Com
pany, of Harrisburg, sls, and the
New Cumberland and < *%m{> Hill com
panies each $lO, making a total of SGO.
The checks were sent out bv H. D.
Ijeacli, the Lemoyne borough secretary,
under instructions received at a meet
ing of the Couneilmeu last evening "'as
a tok#n of appreciation of the citizens
of liemoyne for the valuable assistance
rendered at the fire in this borough on
October 6, 1914, and with the hope
that it will be accepted in the spirit in
whi.'h it is tendered."
Ilarrishurg firemen who responded to
Ijemojne's appeal for aid expected no.
rewSrd, but tihe local companies will
probably awept nhe checks in the spirit
in which they were given. Lemoyne is
not a wealthy borough and the gifts are
regarded by firemen here as very gener
ous ones.
The Lemoyne town Council and the
citizens of Lemoyne were unanimously
in favor of the plan to rewanj the
visiting firemen. The checks would
ili»v* been set out immediately after
tlfe fire when the Councilmen were in
i session had funds been available at tftiat
time. There being no funds on hand
i then a special session of Council was
j held last evening by which time the
! money was available am) t'he issuance
i at the rewards was authorised,
j Those who pretend to Know say Le
| moyne has an empty cash box.
temporarily, as the result of its gener-
I ous action.
Raymond Whitman Narrowly Escapes
Death This Morning When Safety
Belt Becomes Disengaged
Falling twenty-five feet from the
! cross-arm of a telegraph pole to the
i street, having the force of his fall
; broken when his head hit a supply wag
| on and living to tell about it was the
j experience of Raymond Whitman, 434
j South Fourteenth street, a lineman for
! the Harrisburg Light and Power Com
j pauv, at 8.15 o'clock this morning.
'He suffered a laceration of tne nead
< and painful bruises of the shoulder ana
J leit hip, but was not injured badly
| enough to be taken to a hospital, the
| ambulance crew taking him to his
home, where his injuries were dressed
|by his family physician. It was a most
| miraculous escape from death, in the
1 opinion of hir fellow workmen.
Whitman was working on a cross
arm on the pole, when his safety belt
became disengaged, throwing him back
! ward to the street. His-head struck
| the end of the supply wagon, which
j was standing at the pole, and he struck
the street on his side.
Five-Year-Old Girl Expires
The funeral of the five-year-old
| daughter, Frances Elizabeth, of Mr.
and Mrs. M. C. Carroll, 3025 Forster
I street. Pleasant View, who died Mon
day, was held yesterday from the home.
522 Tags Issued by the 1
Cuonty Treasurer in
2.4 Hours Preceding
Noon To-day
Law Permits the Shooting of Squirrels, '
Pheasants, Hungarian Quail and
Woodcock—Deer and Babbit Sea
sons Do Not Open Until November
Although the periods for killing deer,
rabbits and partridges will not begin
until November, the game season really
>pens to-morrow when the law permits
the Shoot iug and bagging of all species
[>f pheasants and squirrels and Hun
garian quail and woodcock.
Hunters in this as in all tthe slxty
seven counties of the States are pre |
paring for the opening, a fact which
was evidenced by a great rush for the
hunters' licenses tlhis morning. Lio
i'ally tfie demand for these '' white
enameled duck" permits is immense. Tt
wan necessary for County Treasurer A.
H. Bailey to pat. on two extra clerks.
From the time the office opened this
morning until closing time at noon and
then again this afternoon there was a
long line of applicants seeking tihe li
censes at $1 apiece. As many as forty ■
hunters were in line at one time this
morning, this being the greatest rush
the treasurer ever had since the bill
compelling the licensing of hunters be
came a law.
esterdav at noon there had been
1,987 licences issued, but at the same
hour to-day the number had jumped to
2,609, indicating that more than six
hundred permits had been handed out
in twenty-four hours.
The Treasurer's office, which is on
the second floor, front, of the Court
House, and the hallway just outside had
the appearance this morning of the
ticket offices at the ball parks during
the recent world's series baseball
games. The hunters lined up, single
file, and waited their turns.
A few county justices of the peace,
who have power to accept license appli
cations, were in the line, But, ltke the
hunters, they had to wait their turns.
The line extended far out into the
On Monday the County Treasurer
employed one additional license clerk
and this morning he increased the
force by adding another. Even then
the work of issuing tags and taking in
the '' toadskins "- $ 1 bills went
slower than was desired.
There is but one species of quail,
the Hungarian, for which the season
opens to morrow in Pennsylvania. The
common type, which is generally re
ferred to as partridge, may not be shot
or captured before November x, when
the rabbit season opens.
The deer se-ason, which lasts but
fifteen days, will not open until No
vember 10. The law prohibits the sale
of 'both partridges and wookeock.
Friends Say Suspended Patrolman Will
Give Up Fight to Remain on Force
Bather tihan wait for finail disposition
of Ais case bv the Citv Commissioners,
Andrew J. Murphy, suspended patrol
man, who has made a vigorous defense
against charges of insubordination made
by Mayor Royal, will 'hand in his resig
nation, his friends said to-day. The
Mayor has suspended the policeman
and wants him dismissed, althougih tihe
City Commission has not yelt eitlher
confirmed or disapproved the IMavor's
Since his suspension from the police
force Murphy has attended several
meetings of the City Commissioners and
made appeals in his own behalf. The
Commissi oners in all probability will
ak-'t on tihe paitrolman *s case next Tues
day unless he resigns in the meantime.
Tihe Mayor wants to appoint Jacob Kin
lev as IMuTphy's successor.
Boulder Weighing Quarter of a Ton
Snuffs Out Life of William Bawls
Hagerstown, Mid., Oct. 14.—Crushed
beneath a falling rock weighing a qirar
ter of a ton, William Bawls, aged 46,
employed as a quarry-man at the quar
ries of H. E. Bewter, this city, was in
stantly killed last evening. <His back
and neo'k were broken and six ribs
Bawls 'had been attempting to move
the huge rock earlier in the day but
thad failed. He was at work with a
drill on another rock when, without
warning, the bouMer rolled down the
embankment and struck him. Other
workmen nearby narrowly escaped.
Curb Market Resumes Business
By Associated Press,
New York, Oct. 14.—The curb, or
outside market resumed business in a
tentative way to-day, trading being re
stricted to stocks selling under $lO a
share. In most instances quotations
were on a lever, or above July 30
prices, but dealings which hail the
sanction of the Stock Exchange were
very light.
Local Merchants Will
Show Articles of
Quality Nationally
Star-Independent Will Provide Cards to
Be Placed in afore Windows in Cam
paign to Advertise Standard Prod
uts in This City
Harrisburg merchants will take part
in the National Newspaper Window
l>isplay Week, beginning next Mon
day, the purpose of which is to display
goods of national reputation made so
through general newspaper advertis
ing. Window Display Week has been
arranged by the Bureau of Advertis
I ing of the American Newspaper Pub
lishers' Association.
Under the plan purchasers can bo
made acquainted with standard goo'l .
in all lines that have attained a liigii
place in the tra.le of this country
through means of newspaper publicity.
Goods of this character can be depend
ed on and usually maintain a standard
price and quality, no matter what the
fluctuation in the high cost of living.
Newspapers generally have been
asked by the national association to
promote the purposes of such a week
.for the benefit of the purchasers at
large and at the present more than
600 representative newspapers are en
gaged in aiding the movement. Pro
gressive dealers, recognizing the worth
of such a display, are co-operating in
the move. Nationally advertised goods
will be placed on display.
In Harrisburg the Star-Independent
has undertaken to further this cam
paign to place articles of recognized
worth the country over in the homes
of the people and will aid the mer
chants by distributing to applicants
window cards on which is printed.
W« Sell These Standard Products
—All Advertised in the DAILY
There is not a purchaser who does
not know the name of a certain brand
or article of the sort he wishes to pur
chase and his acquaintance is made
through advertising—judicious adver
tising. Back of the advertising must
be the article of actual w>orth or the
newspaper spa«e wiß not do any last
ing good.
This national movement on the part
of the publishers' association, is to
aid the merchants in placing before
their customers by means of window
displays the amount of goods of this
character that is handled on the in
With Party of Officials of the Cana
dian City He Is Taking a Look at
Harrisburg This Afternoon
There were on German sharpshoot
ers in the local reception committee
that greeted tihe Mayor of Toronto and
' his party, when the Canadian invaders
arrived at 11.30 o'clock this morhing
at the Pennsylvania raalroacj station
for an inspection of Harrisburg. Strict
neutrality was observed and conse
quently there is no list at casualties
to publish.
The party includes Mayor H. C.
Hocken, City Treasurer .lames Patter
son, City Auditor Wallace Sterling,
Works Commissioner H. C. Harris,
Controller William McCarthy and Al
derman S. Morley Wickett, all of To
ronto. They came here from Phila
delphia and will remain in Barrifcburg
until midnight when they will leave
for Toronto. The Canadians have in
spected accounting systems in New
York and Philadelphia and this after
noon they looked over the one in use
in Harrisburg.
Mayor Boyail, County Controller
Gough, City Commissioners Taylor and
Lynch, and E. L. McColgin, secretary
of the Harrisburg Chamber of Com
merce, met the visitors at the station.
After luncheon at the Senate Hotel the
visitors went through the Capitol and
then about the city in autos.
This evening the Rev. Floyd Apple
ton, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal
church, who is a personal friend of
Mayor Hocken, will give a reception
to the party in the church at Second
and Emerald streets. Members of the
parish and ail interested citizens are
invited to attend.
Herncane, Divorced in September, Gets
Marriage License Here To-day
After an unhappy marriage through
1 n'hich he landed in tihe divorce tfvouria
of his home county in September las-,
when the marital bonds were legally
severed, George 18. IHerncane, inspector
of weights and measures of Hunting
don county, came this morning to Har
• risburg and decided to make another
L try at matrimony.
He rtbtained a marriage license to
wed Mrs. Blanche W. Kogel, a widow,
1 whose home is in Philadelphia. The
i 'Huntingdon official is 49 years old.
1 The only otlher marriage license is
i sued this morning was obtained by An
-1 drew Yaros, of Middletown, andJuua
Pisalski, of Danville.