NEWS OF THE SPORTIN COLLINS THE HEAVIEST SLUGGER IN BIC SERIES Evers Gets $55,000 for Season's Wort, Independent of World's Scriea Cash—Points About Rival Players And Former Competitors The world's champion Athletics, of the American League, have lost two games thus far in defending their title •gainst the Boston nine, champions of the National League. Series, best four in seven games. Players' share in receipts of firs four games .only, Johnny livers will receive about $•25,600 lor his season'* work, exclus ive of world's series money. No spectators are allowed in the Belli, either at Shi be or Fenway Parks. Uowdv is Uie best catcher for t :ie Braves, with Whaling as the second string man. Seventeen home runs have been made in the last nine world's series, of which Frank Baker has three to his credit "Chief" Chailes Albert Bender is 31 years old. Three victories is the best any pitch er has won in world's series. After Saturday's game at Shibe Park. Philadelphia, the second two will i be played at Fenway Park. Boston, to t day and to-morrow. At Philadelphia October 14 and Boston October 15. and a seventh game on grounds to l>e de cide.! by to«s of a coin, if necessary. The four umpires will, it is reported, receive SI,OOO each for their work in the contests. . Eddie Plank, the leading shutout southpaw, is I! 9 years old, and joned the Athletics in 1901. „ The National League champions have lost to the American League pen . nant winners in the last four series. [ The Athletics beat the Chicago tubs in > 1910 and the Giants in 1911 and , 1913. while Boston Americans won [ from McGraw's team in 1912. i Both Mack and Stalling* are bench ' managers. Evers was kept out of the 1910 game between the Athletics and the Cubs with a brokea 'eg. Walter (" Rabbit") Mnranvillc is 22 years old and 5 feet o\ inches in height , Tickets are sold for three games, and if only two are played the purchase will be refunded one-third of the amount paid The year 1906 marked the first and only time that two teams of the same city met in the world's series—the Cubs and White Sox Moran is the leading base-stealcr or" the Braves, w th 30 to iiis credit; while Kddie Collins, of the Athletics, who fads the champions in this department, ha# 60 sacks to bis credit. Manager Stalling? is callei the mira- e man. but so is Connie Mack. Stalling* is a tempestuous driver; Muck is a repressed adviser. The luckiest player in the series is Jo-h Devore, outfielder of the Braves. He was a sharer in two of the Giants' world series. The heaviest hitter of the Athletics i« C-ollins, batting .3 4 2 in 149 games, a- compared to -loe Connolly, the : H Hies' leader, hitting .3IS in 117 contests. The terms of service of the rival pitchers in major leagues follows: Plank. 14 years, and Bender. 12 years, always with the Athletics: Tyler, 4 .iears. Rudolph and .lames. 2 years each. It is the tirs' time Byron and Hilde brand worked in worM's -eries. the : Athletics Phink has kept teams r'rom scoring a run in more than 60 game*, and has pitched more than 4On games, of Wh: h he has won 280. Evers started to play ball origipailv as a pitcher. As a schoolboy in Troy h' played on the St. Joseph's Parcch at 1 team, Kev stone Johnny does not know «hat u is to play with a second divis ion team, a- before joining the Braves he played with the Cobs. The Athletics' veteran pitchers have i shown up strongly in former world's 1 scries. Bender has pitched one tfciree-hit. two four-hit and two five-bit games P ank 'has to his credit one two-hit. one four-hit and one five-hit game. In the National I'mpire Wif -1 ii Klem, who has no superior iu Ins DR. KLUGH, Specialist PhTilftai nnri r>*lceg: 30K Walnnt fl- H«rrl»bar*. Pi Dheiarfl ef VTSDICB anil mem nrtvate. •perlllc. nervou» and chroale rilieaira. General office norls. C«««al. ration free and confidential. Medlclna furnished. Work auaranteeil. Chargea tunderafe. 2ft gears' experieace. UK. KIAGH, the well-kaofra *perlallat I lArVlflk BLADDER relieved in HBSQH 24 HOURS RU rarr.* +# Beware of court Urfei CHICHESTER S PILLS Hiu. i. li I SMJKYOBUi(iiSTSEVEBntt£KI / "n HEACQIARTEBJ FOR SHIRTS SIDES <* SIDES *■ f, HABRISBURG STAR-INDEPFXDKXT. MONDAY KVENTNfI. OCTOBER 12. lOT 4. profess,on. has done more world's series work than any 'other umpire now in harness. This is his sixth scrie*. Evers is Si years old and Coli.n' 27. Eves broke in with the Cubs in. 1903 and Collins joined th« Athletics in 9106. The both bat left-handed nil I thro* right-handed. The games will be staged in \m.-ri can L ague territory for the first time, as the Brave? are playing their horn. - series in the larger American l*> grounds in Boston. The distribution of the money i* ti< follows: The National Commission re ceives 10 per cent, of the gross totul. Players share in first four games, iak-; itig 60 per cent, of the balance, while the owners of the two club.' get 40 per cent. The owners take entire receipts after first four games less the 10 per cent, o* the National Commission. The figures'far ast year's games are: Total pa.d attendance tor five games. 161.000: total receipts f >r me games. divded as follows: Plavers. four games. $135,264.19; each dub. $79,109.15; National Commission, $32,497.51. The Athletic players TO ceived $3,264.36 each and the Giants $2,164.22 each. The total attendance at the threei games of the first world's series in ISS4 was less than 5,000. The ball must weigh uot less than 5 nor more than 5 3-8 ounces avo. dupois. ami measure not less than 9 nor more than 9 14 inches in circum ference. Mathewson won three games from, the Athletics in the 1905 series, si of: them shut outs. Adams, of Pittsburgh, beat Detroit thref times n 1909. Coombs turned back the I übs three times in 1910. and Wood, of the Bos ton Americans, dealt the tiiants three defeats in 191 2. , Pitcher Reut'bach's one-hit game for the Cubs against the White Sox in 1906 is the nearest approach to a no hit game n the blue r.bbon event. Ten previous world's series of 60 games have attra'trd 1,254. iO2 s: ec tators. the receipts being $1,948,649. Taking 20-odd players of the oppos ng teams as a basis, it will be found that the average age of the Athletics is 26 12 years and the Braves 2 4 3-4 years. I'mpire "Bill"' D ncen was the hero, of the first of the modern competi tions. in 1903. He won three of the five games necessary for the Boston | Americans to beat P ttsburgh. Last vear the Athletics used only 12 players in the entire five game series, of which three were pitchers and two catchers. Forty eight of the 6'» games won by, the Braves in tnei r pennant-winning dash saw the "big three, Biil James, George ("ljefty"> Tyler and Dick .Ru dolph on the firing line. , The bggast crowd ever seated in! Fenway Park .it a world's series game was 34.683. for the fourth game in 1912 between the Kei Sox and the Giants. The greatest crowd tha: ever saw a world's series game was ;n New York on October 14. 1911, when 38,281 tans paid $77,359 to see the first game between tiie G ants and the Ath letics. The smallest attendance at a world's series game turned out for the fifth and deciding game between the White Sox and the Cubs on O.rober 14, 190 S. Only 6.210 paid admission. The receipts were $9,577.50. The biggest share the players ever received was iu 1912, when their share amounted to. $I 4 7.572.28. The Red Sox won the series. Each of the play ers got a trifle over $4,000. while the losing Giants go - around $2,000. The next "iargest was in 1913. The best turnout for a world 's series game at Philadelphia was on October 17. 1910. the opening game with the: Cubs, when 25.9>1 fans passed through! the gate. ' j la no previous series in which the ; Athletics have participated have more than six games been played. It took five games for the Giants to defeat the Athletics n 1905. In 1910 the Ath-1 letic« defeated 'he Cubs in five games. I In 1911 j- required six games for the Athletics to beat McGraw's men. I,xis: vear they won from McGraw's team in five games. LEBANON PROVES SURPRISE Overwhelm Steehon Eleven in Annual Game By Score of to 6 The Steelton High school eleven was outclassed by the Lebanon High school team Saturday afternoon at Lebanon, the "Dutch" winning by the big score of 26 to 6. It was the first time in ten years that a Lebanon team has defeated Steeiton High. Le anon playe I straight football. Gardner male Steeiton's scort l after the Blue and White had pushed its way the entire length of the field. Light. Walters. Albert, Hynson and Nagle played the best game for Leb anon. while Gardner, Crump. Davoff and Keim did Steeiton's best work. The line-up and summary: Lebanon. Steeiton Gamber L. E Keim J. Waiters ... .L. T Wrenn Milberry li, G Lojritx Albert C , . Xorri9 Bucher R. G Daylor Nagle R. T Crump E. Nagle R. E Eckenrode Hvnsou y. B Rupp Short L. H. B Conklin Light R. H. B Dayoff C.Walters F. B Gardner Touchdowns. Lebanon, Light, 2; Gamber an 1 Hynson. Steeiton, Gardner. Goals. Light, 2. Referee. Walters, Dickinson. Empires. Butterwick. Leb anon Valley, Second half, Frost. anon Valley. Hea 1 linesman. Btriekler, Lebanon Valley. Time of quarters. 10 minutes. Mjddletown, 19; Allison Tigers, n The Middletown A. C. eleven down ed the Allison Hill Tigers at Middle town Saturday, score 19 to 0. The line up and summary: Middletown. Allison Tigers Hummel L. E Bertram Gingrich L. T Blair Kurtz L. G Kepler Snyder C Fagan Arnold R. G. ... J. Ehrsman Bowman R. T MeC'lellan Titus R. E ...Hoffis Brandt (J. B Dunn Russel R. H. B Staff Singer L. H. B Hoverter Group F. B Brim Substitutions. Snavelv for Hummel; Shaffer for Gingrich. Touchdowns, Group, 2; Brandt. Goals from touch downs. Singer. Referee, McCore. Em pire, Lynninger. CASINO BOWLING LEAGUE :j PRYS OFF LID TO-fiIGHT Si* Teams Keady to Contcat for City Championship Handsome Priiss to Be Awarded at Eud of 73-game Sssscn The third l season of the Casino Bowl ing League will open tliis evening on th * asino alleys, when the Alphas and Or pheums meet. On the schedule are 75 games. Captaius and teams in this year's race follow: Alphas. Morrison: Orpheuuis. Jame Miv'abe; Monarchs, ({ay Attieks; Sena tors. Stew art Montgomery ; Co'onia's, A. Black; Nationals. W. Luck. The ofti cers ef tiie league are: John Hdpwood, president: Mercer B. Tate, secretary. Miles l>. Fry, treasurer. Thirty-eight prizes will be awarded at the e'ose of the season, as follows: Casino Company Prizes $25 to team finishing iu first place. sls to team finishing second, j $lO to team finishing third. Special League Prizes $lO tc team finishing in first place. $5 to team finishing in last place. $5 to team having highest single game total. $5 to team having Highest match to I tal. $6 to man having most successive j strikes in one game. Prize to the Bowler Scoring Highest Total Pius First prize, Mineralite ball, bv Mer cer B. Tate, j Second pri $5 pair Regal shoes, by j Harry Messersmith. Third priie. $4 jewelry value, bv G, N. Springer. Fourth pvi/.e. S3 hat. by H C. Dodge. Prizes to Mail Havinj Highest Three Game Total | First prize, silver loving cup, by President Hopwood and Treasurer Frv. Second prize, $5 Manhattan siik shirt, by Forry. the Haberdasher. Fourth prize. $3 hat. by C. W. Poul ton. Prizes for the Highest Single Game Total First prize, Mineralite ball, bv Ed. First. | Second pri. e. $3 fishing rod bv the llarrisborg Hu 'iiware Company. Fourth pri.'.c, 50 Henrietta igars. by Eisenlohr Bros. Prize for the Most 'JIHI Scores First prize. Mineralite ball, by the Brunswick Baike < ollen.ler Co. Second prize. $6 |>air Forbush shoes, by O. J. Crego. Th.rd prize. s•"> kodak, bv George W. , Bogar. Fourth priie, 1 box handkerchiefs. by MeFall. Prizes for Highest Individual Average for 50 Games or More First prize. $5 gold-piece, by Cun ningham. Second prize. $5 cigar jar. by C. Ross Boas. Third pri.-e. $5 box candv bv John Rose. Fourrii prize, 50 Mc.ia cigars, by J. i . Herman Co. Prizes for Highest Three Singles Games During Tournament Firm pri: e, $!0 worth of merchan dise. by Sehleisner. Second prize. $5 wofth men nandise. by Doutrich Co Th\rd prize, $5 box candy, by Gor gas. Fourth prize, cane, by the Regal I'mbrella Co. Prises for Covering the Most Splits First prize. s.*• worth cigars by Wit man-Schwarz Co. Second prize. $2.50 gold-piece, by i friends of the league. Special Prize i $lO for first man howling 700. by . Dan Ness and (ieoige Bolton. Special Prize t omplete shaving set to man coming nearest to secret number of pins, by , George V. Bolton. Special Prize Box party at both the Orpheum and Majestic to the winning team, by Man ager Floyd Hopkins MKS. EVANS WIN'S (TP Newcomer Takes Ladies' Tennis Sin gles at Country Club iXlirs. Evans won file McCreath cup in the laU to 0 Tech High scrubs won from the Steelton second team Saturday after noon l\\ the score of 52 to 0. The i line-up and summary: Teh. Steelton Mi Curdy 1., K Thompson McFariand L. T Stanb Phillips 1.. G Pierce Snv.ler C Wishinsky: Shellenberger . . .R. E Miner Challenger . . . L. H. B Milier , MeH RUB Walk Maeville V- B Alberts Substitutions: Tech, Fisher for Snv ' der; Fisher for Shellenberger: Wolfe ' for Challenger: Killinger for Melville; I Frasch or Mell: Todd for Little. Touchdowns. Challenger. 2; Maelviile. Weaver, McCurdv. Mell. Frash, Cot's s from touchdowns. Challenger, 4. Time of quarters. 10 and 9 minutes each, i Referee, Fisher, Bueknell. Umpire, Grubb. Gettysburg. Linesmen. Stiteler and Strickler. Sycamore, 15; Keeners, O The eleven won their . fourth straight victory Saturday aft ernoon when they defeated the Keen ers on the Sycamore grounds, score 1 5 . to 0. The lineup and summary: Keeners. Sycamore. Clark L E ... W. Rodgers Shanaman L T O'Conner i Wichalo L U Wolf s Holtzman C Derick ! Lig . R O Ludlow • Goodyear R T T. lifcnney ' Seit/ R E Robison Met.t'er tj B ... E. Rodgers ' Manchamer .. L H B. .. Zimmerman j Cohn R H B Minnieh • Cumbler F B Shreck Touchdowns, Minnick. Shreck. Goal from placement. Rodgers. Substitu • tion" Sycamore. R. Downey for Wolf; J Williams for Zimmerman. Scotland, 7; Highspire, A Scotland, Oct. 12.—Scotland school defeated Highspire here Saturday 7 j to 6. The line-up: . : Scotland. Highspire . | Sourwein L. E .Wolf ' l'alen L. T Nelson Wier L. G Daniels Fennett € ... .DielVendorfer T | Rosenberger . . .R. G. . Fides f Lippart R. T Hock _ ! Jones R. E Diff . Hutchison Q. B. ......Hocker . i Irwin L. H. B G. Wolf I | Golds R. H. B White I: Card well ...... F. B Chubb i | Substitutions, Scotland, Krunkelton x for Irwin; Fides for Chubb. Touch- I downs, Jones, Fides. Coal from touch v down, Cardwell. Referee. Johnson, Scotland. Cmpire, Bradsoti, Millers -1 villc S. N. S. 1 WAI.BI RN WINS SHOOT W album ftnd T. Gross, with scores of 22, tied Saturday in a prize shoot of the Swatara Rod and Gun Club Sat , urday. The former won in the shoot off, his prize being a cont sweater, j llross won a leatner gun case. The prizes and their winners follow: Howell, one hat, 21 of 25 targets. Brodley. fourth prize, box of cigars. 19 of 25. Sheesley, lifth prize, shirt and tie, 18 of 25. Moore, sixth prize, fountain pen, 1 7 of 25. • • E. Shurman. seventh prize, umbrella, 16 of 25. Detweiler, eighth prize, smoking set, 15 of 25. F. M. Milton, ninth prize, box of ci gars, 15 of 25. Ness, tenth prize, quart ot wine. 12 of 25. Sliambaugh, eleventh prize, box pa , per, 11 of 25. Bovd. twelfth prize, can of tobacco, i 9 of 25. j Mathias, thirteenth prize, box paper. ' 6 of 25. Second Event Howell, first prize, tennis racket, 22 j of 25. I Gross, second prize, slippers, 21 of Walburn, third prize, box candy, 20 i of 25. shccsipv. fourth prize, bottle of wine, 20 of 25. >iii email, lll'ih prize, box of raiulv. ' 9 of 25. Bradley, sixth prize, bottle of wine, 19 to 25. Moore, seventh prize, ton of coal, 12 of 25. Shambaugh eight'h prize, bottle of j wine, 7 of 25. Lsbanou Here Saturday The Lt'.ianon High s hool team which overwhelmingly defeated Steel ton on Saturday will meet t'entral 'High on Island Park Saturday afternoon, i Coach Smlt'h will work ihi's team hard' to get them in condition as Lebanon evidently possesses unusual strength this season. gB —— _j ; Hon, William Jennings Bryan I SAYS, Grape Juice is a Temperance i IF YOU WANT A MILD DRINK, I I »*—DRINK «—*» RIEKER'S FAMOUS LANCASTER s^BEER^s It is LOW in Alcohol and HIGH in Quality | JOHN G. WALL, Agent, I f th & Cumberland Stß. Hamsbure. Pa Both" Phonss % i TECH GAINS EASY VICTORY Win From Sunbury High School on Is- 1 j land Grounds Saturday l)y Score | of 33 to 0 The Tech eleven wou Saturday aft j 1 ernoon from the Sunbury high team iu i tile former's first local game by the fi'ore of 33 to 0. Kutz, Beck, Britsch ' : and Harris played good games for Tech I while Adams, Thomas and Stillwagner | starred for Sunbury. The opposition could gain little' ground except on forward passes and J repeatedly had to kick out of danger. I . Twice Tech scored after getting ihe lyil! j i on a Sunbury fumble and once on an I intercepted forward pass. The lineup! and summary: Tech. Sunbury. L E Faux i | Miller 1< T ....... Adams I ' Fitzpatrick ... I> (i Parks' : Cless 0 Faust I I'hillipellt R (» Messimei- Kutz R T Kline' Emanuel R K Weaver Britsch Q B ... .Stillwagner j Beach R H H Weleherj Harris ..... I< H B ....'. Faringer | Beck. (Capt.l .. F H Thomas Touchdowns, Beck. 3: Britsch, Philli : I'oili. Goals from touchdowns, Kutz, 3. j Substitutions, Tech. Phillipelli for. Beach. Wier t'o.r Phillipelli, McKay for j Fiiz;'itri.-k. Sunbiirv, Fahringer for: Wetstone. VVetstone for Faux. Referee, Fisher. Buckuell: umpire,' Stall, Sunbury; head linesman, Bain, | Tech; quarters, ten minutes each. Holtzman Season Opens The Federals will clash with the Na | tionals in the opening in the j Holtzman League on the Hoftaman alley i , this evening. The schedule for this week follows: ■ Moijiiay, Federals vs. Nationals; Wed-1 ncsdav, Tri-State vs. Central; Friday,l I Americans vs. Internationals. HIGHSPIRK WINS 9-5 Closing Game in Central Pennsylvania Baseball League Highspire won an exhibition game from Middletown, closing the Central Pennsylvania 1/reigue, winning by, the score of 9 to 5. The score: HICrHSipPRE A'B. R. H. 0.1 A. E. S'hoop, ss 4 1 2 0 2 0 Miller, 3b ... . 3 0 1 2 1 0 R. Bfcter, lb . . 4 2 112 0 0 |K. Jjeedy, cf . . 4 1 2 2 0 0 •I. Leedy, If . . 5 2 3 0 oft I'. Btter, 2b. . . 4 1 2 1 5 0 llßamford, p... 5 1 1 1 1 ft ! Bonhoßzer, c. . 4 1 1 7 0 1 | Beinhauer, rf ... 3 0 1 2 2 0 Totals 36 9 14 27 11 X MIDDi /ETOWLV A'B. R, R. O. A. E. j Shaitner, rf ... 3 1 2 ft 0 0 I Ney, lb 3 0 0 13 0 0 Aderholt, 3b . . 4 1 2 3 0 0 Ijockard, p.. . 5 1 2 3 « 1 | Sheiffer, c .. . 3 0 0 1 1 0 1 MOOTO, 2b ... . 4 0 ft ft 5 ft I MvOreary, If . . 3 0 0 2 0 ft (irunden, cf .. . 4 1 0 2 ft 0 ' Kling, ss .. . . n 1 1 0 n ft ; Ttftals 34 5 7 24 12 1 pMiddletown 0 1021100 o—s | lHlgOi spire 1 2 0 2 1 1 ft 2 x—ft CUBS BEAT WHITE SOX Kinsley. New Recruit, Starts Winning Rally in Tenth Inning Chicago, Oct. 12.—"Pete Kinsley, a minor league recruit, called upon to bat in a pinch, delivered yesterday, tied the score and enabled the Chicago Nationals to defeat the Chicago Americans in the fourbh game of the city championship series, 4 to 3. The game went ten in nings and 'was a thriller from start to finish. R. H. K. 1 American .IftftftOlftftO I—3 fi 2 National ..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2—4 8 2 Oiootto ami Schalk; Vaughn, Ijaven der and Bresnahan. 9