NEWS OF S FORMER PROMINENT SOKQL MEMBER KILLED IN BATTLE! I via skukan. Who Assisted ia Organi;- ln£ tk* Stealton Croatian Eranch Met Death in Qaluia in Operation} Against the Russia us Several mem«M»rs of the "weal Oroa *:on Sokol nave :,\ f ve.i word of the deat.ii of Ivan J 4 * . a former »'o« be- of tee local organ ration and »mi> *asi«e«l in its organization. Skukan \..led \n : ><» operai oris njainst the R.issians in Cialioia where ho was tight lr. as a a -:r.;>er of the X'Wi s \(h Austrian infantry. > kalian »o-kcd the merchant mill; •ierartmetrt of tie Pi: nsvlvania Company while a resident of this place. He was a rinelv developed athlete an i took -art in a t contests and drills hei i by the local sokoi. WFIN LKSK-FKST OCTOBKR l!> Local Germans Will Present a Comedy Play Nest Monday \ ■ommitteo of \va. Cernians i< tr s\ : « a.—Migeaiects for :ie : r>: . ele ation n the boiv ih of " e We u leso feat which *lliw he in the German quartet hall, gwll I'Von: street. Mor. :ay evening. tVto ln. l> Mr. and M-s. Q 1 •<>. sor Kenneth, an 1 da. _ ter. te. Harr shorg. and Miss ' >" ?5 ' Athennan. Be:ivertown. Pa. Myers. Alexandria. Hunting don -tv. is spending several davg *it i r. s --rorae-s.' Pr. "51. C. ar, 1 I>r. I>. Ei'rsri Myers. Swata-a street. Mrs. :..ita Ooraiaa. Snireroar.stovrr is stea ling severa! days as the gue« of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. *.\>ier. South Front street. ■Mrs Joar M. Siuth »ont. street, left this morning for Pittsburgh to atten - ;i orvear on of the Federa tion of Women's labs of Pennsylva t*a. s a aient.»er of the credential oomtaittee of this convention. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Maginus. Miss 'Bertha Nmik and Chariw OCinke en oye>i an automobile trip to SMontgom e _ v "s Ferry, yeste-day. Mr. an l . H. Russell Rupp. John B R.jpp and K-aase have re t i-nod from at. automobil* trip to P' sdej-hia. w. ; ere t*oey witnessed the opening games of r'ae World's series. Fri ay and Saturday. Be- a P. SeL'ers has resume! his «" lies i>t Pie - , e Or ege. Philadelphia. a *er - en-iirg the week-end his parents. Swatar-a st-eet. George A. Wolf aad family. Mt. Wolf. w»-» pntertameb?nson. s-?nj. E!gar *1 i Wi -lam. afte- «?en iiag several *■«*<* »ift ker parents. Mr. ar i Mrs T> . M Nev. North Fr>jr" street, "cave re turne! to their onie. Iyew?towa. Knp; North Front street, vis ;te«l -*:er - it p alm\-a on Sunday. Miss 'Marie Ney. NofA FVwt street. -k« -etii-re- ; t'-om" a short visit to f"ends at Pa'njvra. Mr. an : Mrs. William Critchlev. of " are giesrs of Mr. and Mrs. William 1 ntehley, Sr.. Hamsburg and • L.aeola ?tre. -s. A-tflu- -xers Gettysburg, spent t -.e wec-i ec i st hone he-e Mi.« Wi>oi the visit ng et» r,loved bv tb» SteeltJß Civic Cl-b wil) He -la her cff.e from 8 a. m. to 9 • «.. from 12 30 p. m. to 1.30 p. t» A Great Show at the Standard Theatre To-night Tte Thumb Print. Four reels This is a masterpie*-e. Sophie's Legacy. One reel. <>tnedv. Polities atd the Press. OEe ree! Vita graph. Hearrt and Selig's News Nc. -Vi. See . the w-).- new« in this issue. Admission. •» and 10 Cents 1 HATJRTSBURG SnWR-TXPEPEN'DENT. MONDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 12. 1914. HYGIENIC GUN CLUB HELD LAST SHOOT OF SEASON Miek W*s High Oun. Scoring at Out « of Uo Blue Rock Targets—Solon V Barr. President. Is Low On 11 With Score of .1 llie i-oes- Hygienic G«n Club held its tins shoot of the season on the > s» hole groc.uds Sutur<)av aftenwoc at 1.30 o'clock. j, T ie targes* used were blue i\vks an 1 won ti'.e shoot, sconug 21 out of 2."" ta'gets. Sdon V. Itarr. president o' the >ub. was low gun. s-oring »ut ? i.Us. The scores: Miek. 21; Mitike. \9: F-eeo. IS; Sheet.-. lo; Wa'ley, 11;' Hoeh. 10; R»leataker, 9; Barr. 3. M'KAKKRS AT RKI EPTIUX Virituig Piretnen Enioyed Clam Soup and Saudwichps The spe.ixers at the tender e the I'nioa 'ire «.a -a.t*. of Kea I us;, by the Baldwin Hose Company *jn Sa?urday :if.errioon at rhe 'aftor's ti.>se 1 o.ise. ». tii F-oi-t st tew. weie :l. i.udw-g. president c" I>e listing .or ivtiiy i .'.»mcs aut , Ken ling: Pre Cue' John K. Shu_ p. Jr.. and Kdward At-j ti \s. of t'ie Haliw.n .ou.pany, A la-ge ijnantit\ of clam s\>.; had oeen "eparel for *. Ie rtV(M*tiou by the ,ai 'ire ai : es an i this was a - com -- ,nie-t w-.Ui s.uv.iw>e ! Ces and desert. The Standard's Oflerings Manage- Sellers, of the Staudar 1 Theatre, announced this morning th«t the program for ibis evening at this popular show place has mor»> thai' the 1 usual merit. In the Thumb Print.' where drama succeeds drama in quick succession its patrons alone will get the worth of their money. Scenes of the European war news wil! please all who come. Fnnerai of George E. Stoiigh Funeral ser\ ices for George K. Stough were held this afternoon at - I o'clock at his 'ate home. 161> >•* Ik Front street The Kev. P. S. Hooper, and the Rev Pr. M P. Hocker. oft; • it el and interment was male in Baldw n > cemetery. 50 COMPLAINING WIVES iN COURT f«atlinfd ! rum Plr*f keep the si- .w -lean and look afre ted and the trunk. The w ii'.s c lit' e -r n0 conn a.-it •vshe home alt'no ga she said she 'a ! no work to do an 1 wanted to aid her tather who kept a boarding hotse. The defendant was ordered to pay his wife: a week. Harrv Anderson, another defendant » a ••non-support " case, sa . lie and h s wife lived ha. ; * during - \ an i one-half years of life ar . h's wife « or, < mp Ir' was about •ng on :tie farm. Vnderson has a farm of SC O 1 Mrs. An de-son said he- h.isband "came home irunk several times. Once he threat ened to knock my head cff. Another time he said he would throw a g ass tumbler through me." An iersoa saui: "I wasn't drunk. was just fee rg good. ar. 1 when -he sa 1 I was drink 1 ricked up the turn- Wer and said I'd throw it through her. if she said again.'' The court made a (j ir.a:r:en.v e order against A u.c son. George ani Mary McCann, a Mi i ile •owti couple, became estranged, al though both sa d there was little or no reason for it and. with the court's con : ■ sent, they agreed to cont nue the case i and live together again. Bury Their Differences <. p.r; C. Mover and his wife reached a 1 s;ni !ar agreement, after told by .lu ig? Kunkel to retire from the court room an i try and a! ,st your differen ?s. The attorneys will ask for a ance of the maintenance su u Charles Bobbretts. wh > is doing a Bine month jaii term on a charge of assaulting b.s mother-in-law, was caiied on a non maintenance charge. Judge Kuukcl continued the case. The court disposed of five aj iittonai ases as follows; Charles K. Barber. $4 a we- : George I*. Hoffman. );15 a month: Hcr.ry O. lx>-h. $2.50 a week: ' ha-.-'- K. Husson. lo.)" a week. Watson. a week. Mag;:e later toi i -lu ige Knnke. the only reason «ae had for aatering a surety of • ~» peace . harge against Charles K. Ma leer was because he mother ha! induced her to >ign the pi f-ers. The curt directed he- to ,ay the os;«. -imultaneously discharging the defendant. Andrew Jackson, in a surety . ase. was or.iere s to pay the costs and fur a bond to preserve the peace. The defendant. was charged, threatened the ;ife of B. F. Sheesley. whom he ac costed an i upbraided for whipping one of Jackson s sons, who is employed on the Sheesley farm, near Liuglestown. ANSWERS CRITICISM OF ' FIREMEN FROM READING Coniiaued Fma First Pa*e. were agreed upon by the hoteis an i eating houses, and 1 am certa.n thev 1 were not increased from the price? agree ! upon. "Our committee saw the hotel and restaurant propr.etors and had their assurance they wou.d not increase the rates 3 single cent, and I have everv reason to believe that they acted fair ly. On.y the regular . charges were 1 made, and that was all fixed by com mittees from tne \ !s,tiiig Jompanies «ho came here to make arrangements. Tue hotel nun only charged their reg I ular rates for lodging and meals. '' Tie kick from Reading is because tie k.cke-s we-e not furnished free j beer at the engine houses, jfhey had to buy it and pay for it at notels and lestaurants instead of getting it for nothing, and thit is why they are ma king the outcry. The orders were that no drink? were to be kept in the engine houses. As a matter of course visitors could no; get beer at the engine houses where they were guests, and that is wny the Heading men say "the enter ,tainment was not up to the usual standard.' They knew all about it. for it was explained to them.'' i 1 GET A CARRIER: TREK FILL IT RF The Pure Food Exhibit Opsns in the Chest nut Street Auditori um This Evening LOCAL MEN TARE HOLD THIS YEAR Tbey Take a Big Swipe at High Cost of Linus and Reduce Entrance Fee 1 to Ten Cents—Plenty of Samples for Everybody You get a iirr.c at the door and then til: 1; up Ms you go through the second annual pure fool show, which ' opens, n tV.e Chestnut street auditori um ti :- c\ca.iiß. Most of the nat onal ioo.l manufacturing firms will be on hand to g you a sample to take home. ' Promoters a-sured early visitors this morning tiiat there would be samples tor everyl»od>. Au adiv -s.on of ten cents < charged, 1 the visito's getting more than that value returned in samples and the pro moters getting the expenses of the show. There s no attempt made to make any money and the expenditures of the va- oils firms will far exceed any entrance .harge that mus; be pail. fhi; year's show differs widely from the r.r»; show lie' i iu this city last' yea-; tirst. because last • ar'« show was held by a pure food show pro moter. whereas this one "is being held by lo a! men, *or no profi:. As a di rect result of that another difference s noted. The entrance fee instead of l c ng twenty -five cents a- it !a*t year has been cut mo e than a fifty per cent., ten cents being the new price. Harrisb'.trgcrs B.u'k of Show The men \ of the show are promi nent in the Witnian-Sehiyar/ an I Kvans Bnrtnett Companies. *.'arl K. Been, of thj- former company, and Frank A. >ni th. of the Harrisburg 1 Brokerage t'ompany. are 111 diise*. • charge o: the show. Mr. Smith has opened nn office at the exhibit and >s in c!iar-;e of the eta its. Many more manufacturers have ta si a-e this yea th.ui last and t'ou of them have engaged -pa. e for the sliosv to e ; eld next year, for it is to be he' I annually, au I two manufactur ers have permiuient booths, which will 'be taken down after this show and stored a*ay for next year, but that 's art. lpating something far ahead, as ■ ;h.s yea- s s:iovv is tae pertinent one : now. Both the l«-ge auditorium and the smali hail over the street mar set house ave oeen engaged *y firms for show pur[K>se-. so -being the demand that a uu.nber of requests for space had to tve turned down. Halls Elaborately Decorated The halls iiavf beea draped in dags and bi.uting. but that - !v;t a triile when >ompare«i with the multi-colored ie-0.-at on- of the iu liv dual booths. biet- ligH;s t lay an important part '.n the de ,'rat.on scheme. lVuuite lanes of travel ino been established, so tha- tne crow,l ~m be handle I ons iftliic.tion throu» 1 the lihe of exhibits. BMM firms wil! show the finished t'rod ict; oti s the pioduct ti tae cours» or" manufacture, and many will be will ing tn _;vo a taste and some will lsave domestic science experts making table , delicacies while you wait. Kven to the unmarried and the lijiit housekeepers, who must not do anv looking. the exhibitors promise some thing interes:ing— aying aside the col lection of samples. The exhibit will be o;eu afternoons an.i evening! dur ing the week, musi ■ cmg furnished l>v l pdegrove's orchestra. ■ Sotae of the Exhibitors Among tne firms which will exhibit . their goods will be the following: r'niukliii Sugar Refining t ompany. ■ J. W. Heardsiey s Sons. Iternard Schmidt. Kould's Milling company. N1 agar a t uocolate Company. Haiph Gold smith A. to., tiencsee i'ure I'ood Prod-1 ucts Company, Minute Tapioca Com j | any. Martin Wajjner Com any, I'uri tan Food Products Company, City Milling Company, Thorley Baking Company. Brelsford FkeUlg and Stor age '. ompany. Royal Baking Powder Company, Corn Products Company, Russell-Miiler Miiiing Company. < . F. Bonsor A. Co.. l>iamon i rystal Sait Company. Pennsylvania Mi.k Products « ompany. Continental ndensed Milk Company, Hecker Cereal Company, I'ostum Cereal company, VV. R. Bealor, I'liderwood Typewriter Company, Na tional ash Register Company. The I'iftaphone company, Toledo Scales C mpanr, Kvans-Burtnctt Companv au.i Witman Schwar. Company. KHiHTS PAVIMi THK IOSTS Middletown Man Seeks to Upset Order of the Grand Jury Frank Barbnsh. Middletown. who as plaintiff In a malicious mi? hief suit against ' harles Green, was directed by the Clrand Jury to pay the costs, the bill of indictment hav ng been ignore I. in - morning took an ap-. a! and obtain ed a rule in District Attorney to «how ,-ause why the action of the Grand i Jury— respect to the payment of the costs—should not be set aside. Barbnsh alleges that he intended to bring a civil and not a criminal suit! • aga.nst Green, who formerly was a ten- j ant ia one.of h:« M dlletown proper- ■ ties. \V. J. Kennard, a Middletown justice. alleges, acted contrary! to his instructions, "a fact which he did rot ascertain until the ease ha! been pa«sed upon by the Gran 1 Jury." » The time for hearing the appeal has i not been fixed although the county' ■ prosecutor is required to make answer within ten days. I "-BUSINESS SECTION WIPED OUT j By A 1 tot ialci Presi. Spencer. \V. Va.. Oct. 12. —The en- ! [ tire business district of Spencer was de j stroyed by fire early to-day. with a loss of approximately $300,000. The fire started in a fruit store and spread rapidly because there was no water with which to figiit the flames. Little rain has fallen throughout this 1 section in the past two months. . I KEEP LIVER AND BOWELS REGULAR I WETHMSCARETSi No More Headache. Bad Colds, Sour Stomach and Constipation Het a.lO-cent box now No ixids now bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how much your bead aches, how miserable and uncomfortable you ate from constipatiou, indigestion, bil- , ■oust ess and sluggish bowels you al ways gel the desired results with 1 as- ; carets. Don't let your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable, lake Cas ; carets to-night; put au end to the head ache. biliousness, di.-r-iness. nervousness. ' sick, sour, gassy stomach, backache and all other distress: cleanse your inside J organs of ail the bile, gases and consti- , pated matter which is producing the misery. A 10 cent box means health, liappi -11 css and a clear head for months. No more days of gloom and distress if you >vill take a * it-caret now and then. All druggists sell Cascarets. Don't forget the children —their little insides need .1 ;entle cleansing, too. Adv. C. A. R. REUNION AT LEBANON All Arrangements Completed for the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of Cen tral Association Thursday Lebanon. Oct. 1-. The official com mittee of the G. A. R.. of this city, has; completed the program for the eight eenth annual reunion of the Central As sociation of the ti. A. R., of the Mid- I die Distinct of Pennsylvania, which will convene in l/ebanon on Thursday,; 'October 15, in Sons of America Hall, j Music will be furnished by the Per-1 severauce of this city. The Rev. J. C. Korncrook. chaplain of the as-o ciatiou. will deliver the prayer and Mayor John P. la>ngenecker, of thi* city, will welcome the Boys m Blue. 1 Colonel. 11. l'. Demming. of Harrisburg. will respond for the association. At 10.30 the business sessions will be held. \t I.SO p. m., the parade will be held. Former Slate Senator C. R. Uant/. of Post 42. this city . will be the chiet marshal. A* o p. Nt . mess will be held, not army rations, but a tiiip banquet to be -ervc.l bv the Ladies' Auxiliary. At t> o'clock in the evemug a rem 1111 scence hour will be observed, with Comrade Kulton, of Lancaster, presid ing. At Sp. 111.. a big canipfire will be held at the same hall. Addresses will no made by Department commander Wells. Comrade McKlroy. of the Na tional Tribune. Washington. D. C.; Com rade Salt.gabcr. Comniissione- of Pen sions. ef Washington. IV c'.; General Stewart. Ma.inr M. \. liherst, ani others. Mi.-> Wagner, daogiter of Comrade Wagner, of Post No. SS. of Ha ' -burg, will sound "taps." The Middle District comprises seven coun ties. including Daup.iiu. Berks. York. Ciimberlknd. The deb gates will number 60. RAILROAD CREW" BOARO HABRISBUBG SIDE Philadelphia Division—-J32 crew ti go first after 11.45 a. M.i -26. 20!), 224. 23". 209, 204. 236. 203, 225, 243. 246. 227, 220. 216. 223. 217. 240. 210. 231. 251. 24Si, 2J5, 112, 235. 252. 219. 202, 230. Hngineers for 204, 205, 210, 220, 227. 231. 243, 290. F remen for 204 21". 220, 226 235. Conductors for 202. 216. 224. Flagmen lor 222. 227. 232, 235, Brakeim u for 223. 237. 224, 246, 245. Kngineers up: Brubaker. Kauu, ( Stattler. Teanant. Sober. Manley, Speas. Ciallagher. Downs. Madenford, Smeltier. First. Cnsswell. Sellers. Hind man. Bis?inger. Long. A cright, Keane, Wolfe. Firemen up: Rhoaus. Carr. David son. Mulbolm. M urdy. Dunlevy, Bleich. Bushey, Hartz. 1.. K. Wagner, Ouva.l, Achey. Brenner, Cover, Weaver. Kelegman, \\. H. Myers. I.ant_, Barton, K. C. Myers. Moulder, hoistick. Win ters. Swank Ventzer. Arnsborger, E. M. Myers. Huston. Shice. Behmin, Mil . ler, Copeland. Conductors up: AVaiton, For ney, Stauffet, klaton. ' Flagmen up: Harris. Peek. Brakemen up: Albright. Fair, Boyd, Musser, tone, Stimeling. Campbell, slummy, Wolfe. Long. Shaffner. Maisee i, Jacobs. Middle Division—26 crew to go first after 1.20 p in.- 17. 245. Preference: 4, 8, 3, 1, 7, 5. 2. 6, 10. 9. Laid off: 20. Kngineer for 3. Flagmen for 7. 3. Brakemen for 3. 1. 2. 10. Engineers up: Wissler. Briggles. Moore. Hertzler. Smith. Muinaia. Miu nick, Bennett. Free. Haven*. Willis, Welcomer, simtonton. Kugler. Firemen up: Simmons. Beacham, Arnold. Bornuian. Liebau. Drewett, Reeder. Karstetter, Potteigei, Richards. Wright. Fletcher, Weibly. Conductors up: Pau 1 . Baskins, Gant. Flagmen up: Cain. Jacobs. Brakemen up: Kohl.. Roller, Kipp, ipUSE 1 Supple at Sixty Agt and ripe experience mean hap piness and usefulness when mental and bodily powers are preserved by keeping rich blood in the veins. Nature's rare nourishment in Scott't 4k EmuUion creates rich blood, waras ]SA the body and al!e\Sates rheumatic Cwk tendencies. Its oil-food imparts Vyl) strength to both body and brain. 'l/ It ia Noariahm*nt—*ot A Icchol. «^b)L QBEBBEB3BKBSBSBSBBmi4-74 HBHHBIRV) Hrrt -Not Alo«f llrrautr Prli*« Art ».«urr. I»«t Hft «u»r Qualitln %rr llrllrr BBmHO 0A Store By Which All Harrisburg May Profit --Our Ambition f * . i Recently a constant patron of this store said "You have really done a wonderful good in bringing this store to Harrisburg, and citizens must sooner or later realize its importance to them.'* This expression of good will, which is quality, or quality at high price, but but one or many that we hear almost where the price is to be kept down to daily, is repeated not through a spirit of certain limits, and the quality to be kept self pride, but to demonstrate that we up to a high standard the task is not have succeeded in bringing our ambi- an easy one. tion to an actual realisation. But we havfi solved it, and to-day this From the time this business was in- store stands supreme in Harrisburg for augurated, our set purpose was to pro- the values it offers. That is true in vide merchandise for which there is every one of the twenty-one big depart daily need for personal wear, or house- ments assembled here. It makes no dif hold use, at prices from Ito 25 cents, ference what your purchase may be, of and possessing that quality which the thing you may rest assured— intelligent buyer demands. you have secured the maximum in first quality (not "seconds") that can be The problem was not. an easy one. It given, whether the amount of your pur is a simple matter to give price without chase be one, ten, or twenty-five cents. Ready Now for Your Choosing-New Fall Merchandise Notions—Ribbons—Laces. Trimmings and Embroideries—Gloves—Corsets - Muslin Underwear—Ladies' Neckwear—Handkerchiefs—Stationery School Supplies—Candy—Jewelry—Men's Furnishings Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Fleece-Lined Underwear—Children's and Infants' Ready -to - wear— Household and Kitchen Needs—Music—Dry Goods—Art Needlework—Books- Toys—and perhaps greatest of all MILLINERY Every week new arrivals in our millinery department insure at all times the very newest shapes and trimmings from whieh to ehoose. It will pay you to investigate. lc to 25c Department Store Where Evsry Day Is Bargain Day, Opp. Court House, 215 Market Street BOWERS WILL SI NO BALLAD AT ORPHEUM TO-NIGHT - wMtl rvV: -v . ■' • * > i f, • y / . sv * f' ;■ . •-• i . ■* r ' *. A Singer on New Bill at the Orphcum Harrisburj is about to hear a new and' beautiful ballad called "When You Wore a Tulip and I Wore a Big Red Rose.'' It is going to be sung by Frederick Boners, whose strong and melodious baritone voice been heard here before. He appears with his clever company of Vinger? and dancers at the Orp'neum this week, in eluding one of the prettiest girls on the vaudeville stage. Another of Mr. Bowers' song? that will be heard about town is entitled, "You're Here and I'm Here." from the '•(.rirl of My Dreams." Peters. Frank, Putt. Kerwin, Reese, i Strouser, Bolen. Plack, Bell, Heck. Pipp.; St-sfrl. Harris. Spahr, (Henderson, Fritz, j Fleck. Yard Crews —Engineers up: Tysndis. Hoyler, Hohens'nelt. Breneman. Thomas.. It ; iy. Houser. Meals. Stahl, S-.vab. "■■ilks. Crist. Harvey, Saltsman. Ku.-n. I'elton. Shaker. Shipley. Firemen up: Bostdorf. Si-hieflfcr, Rauoh. Weigle. Laekey, (ookerlv, .»hol- | tef, Suell. Bartolet, Getty, Hart, Sheets, Tt will he remembered that Mr. Bowers was the first to sin 2 "There's a Uirl in the Heart of Maryland" at the Orpheum. He sang it to a beautiful girl too, and it was offered so well that no singer- who came to the Or pheum afterward ever scored the suc cess that Mr. Bowers did with that song. Two other interesting numbers on the bill are the Bison City Four, just back from the war. and "The Mystic Bird." the educated eanarv, that is one of the most unusual as well as most interesting turns of the new vaudeville season. adv. i Bair, Hyde, Essig. Ney, Myers, Boyle, I Revie. I'lsh. Engineers for 1886, 1768, IS2O, ' 432. Firemen for 1859. 1270, 90, 954. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division—los rrew to go first after I p. m.: 113, 124, 106, 102, 118. 116. 121. 112. I.'o, 104. ; 101. 119. 110, !03. 120, 114. 127. ' Engineers for 101, 103, 10 4, 106, 113. 114, 125. Firemen for 10?., 106, 125. I ('onduotors for 122, 125. I Flagmen for 10:!, 103. Brakemen for 101, 103, 110, 112, 114. 116, 121* (2); 122, (2): 127. roudiietora up: Ijooker, MehnefHo, ! Houdeshel, Hoar. Flagmen up: Baitkp« First, Bniehl, Harvey, Witinver. Brakemen up: Vile. Hivner. .TackslTn, Coleman. DearoflT, Ferguson, Steliman, inrclNfiiiM, Crocus, Kto. Alao | I'nconicft, both llcrhaeeouN and Tree. Holmes Seed Co. 119 South Second St. While Mulmay ia helnK hullt• Phone Hell i 0 MABKLT STREET S Office Hears, 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. g Open Evenings 7