The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 12, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Number of Persons Visit Capital City
During Past Week
Special Correapnndeno*.
Berryaburg. Oct. 12. —Mrs. John
l.ebo and daughter, M*bel, of Kite
were the guests of Mr. ami Mrs. Robert
Peibler last week.
Miss *Ulie Heckert. Miss Marie
tie**, of I'rban; Miss Mabel IV bier.
Mack Keooch U 1 Villitn S hlegel
«ere the quests of Ms. Norman Ungle.!
ot Penbrook. last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mo Coy visited:
the latter's brother. Samuel Hoed, near
Hebe, ou Friday.
Mr. and Airs. David Beuiier. i Wi
liamstown. visited the former - iar
■nts. M . and M-s. Joseph B.'nder.
Mrs. Morris Sc'aretHor i'u I Mr-. John
Burkett are v sit: •* tr ends n llarr s
burg hv,,l Lebanon.
Mr. an 1 Mrs. Charles Keboch au.i
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peibler motore i
to Millersburg last week.
Miss He en Puie! « \ <:tinj friend*
R" Harrisburg for a tew days
Robert Peibler transacted business
a: U.vk Haven on Friday.
Several Chestnut Parties Go to Peters'
Mountain Saturday
Special Correspondence
Dupkil, OM. 13.—Mil J. Str ck j
er. local ice dealer, entertained his i.-ei
eustomers at a chestnut party on Sat
urday afternoon on Peters mountain.
Charles K. Lit bo entertained his Sua-!
day school class of the United Evan
gelical church at a chestnut hunt ;it the
old Toll Gate. Peters' mountain. Satur
M-s. Prank Ssmford. of Washington.
P. C.. is the guest of her brother. Spoil
cer G. Kinter.
Mrs. Emma Bon a wit l and grandson.
Samuel Houseman, of West • >ke.
are tver niece. Mrs. William
Harvest Home services were ob
served n the Lutheran church on Sua
Mr«. Mary Cofrode. Mis? Cora Co
•rode and the guest. Miss Bertha
trode. of Johnstown, were the guests of
Mrs. C. C. Hoover, of Kockville. Friday.
Mrs. Lick Eeaser has returned rou;
a month's visit to her mother. Mrs.
Nancy Berkey, at Somerset, Pa.
Mrs. J. B. McKissick. of Hershey. is
the guest of Mrs. W. E. Reed.
THE HOUSE on Church street. opposite
the school house, lot ?S\ti3 ft., s ' <••
sale for J!. 200. See H G. PBPIjOW
?. Thirteenth street. Harrisburs.
Women's Home and Foreign Mission
ary Society's Annual Convention
Special Correspondence.
Mickfletown. Oct 12.—The rhirtv
fifth annual convention of the Women s
Home and Foreign M-ssionarv Society
of the Easit Pennsylvania Synod of the
Ijurheran Ohnrvhes will meet in St,
Peter's Lutheran church this m*k, Oe
rober 14. 15 and 16. Following is the
Meeting of the executive committee
1 p. m. Wednesday in r'ne church par
lor: Wednesday - \ devotional and
organisation 0 f the onvent on, Mrs.
P. HaMnnur. PMJatfefph-a. i-,*-<>pnr»p of ;
credentials. roil c:C. greet' i>vmn:
"Our literature." Mrs. Waiter Austin:
fhe young people's hour. »v
Miss Bessie Johnston. Maytown: theme,
''Come, Take l"n My Cross. Follow
Me. eh: i-er s work: '''oir. ?,
Who? ''Children: '« Inter
est in Children;" i,Why? Most Im
pressionable Ace. " " Missionary Work
*r* of To-morrow:" "Take Ei> Mv
>"'ow. " Howf l "Working," Where?
Mission Bunds. Sunday schools:
hat ? Books. Booklets. Sewing. et-..
s ste- ' «-rie G-,<. Harrisburg confer
•»n<*e; "TV:low Me." "R-.'h Results of
Service, Mr-* Pesh Easton confer
ence, 21 Young People's Work;
"Come." Who' 1 "Young People:"
Why f • • Educational Value." •' IV
vrtio-<s S-..-*ia Lite." Philadelphia
conference: "Take l"p My Cress.'
How? 1 "Working," Where?" Young
People's Societies. Helpers' Circ ■>«:
What "Persons to Piscuss Ft," •' W .I,'
Tell What Own -Society Is Poing."
Philadelphia conference: •' Mv Call to
Servnce." M s« Helen Breneman. Har
risburg conference: appointment of con
ventiion committers: hymn: adjourn 1
ire nr.
Wednesday. 7.30 P. 'M. —Mrs. George
•''trickier. p»e«:ding: music, choir: open
ing service, tne Rev. Filler Be'g«r-es
ser: .iffering: adiress. Miss Jessie
Brewer, rndia: hyam: closing service.
Thurmlay Mort tig 9 O'ciock—Pe
vrrtional service. Mrs. M. A. F s.-her,
Pal-nyra: 9.3" a. ir . business
hvmn. roll call, m nurte«, report* of of
fice's a-. i standing eomtnine#« as foi
lows: President, '"orresponding see-e
--ta ry. «ecreta-v of Young People's So
cities and 1 - iren s Ban is. treasurer.
\-"-e presiients. literature, box work,
ti'stor an. some '.e: arthient se'.-reta-v,
hospital suppWes. mi mi res of last con
rent ion. annuity secretary; hymn: our
publications, "Lutheran Woman's
Work." "Lutheran Boys and Girls."
"Luther <~i*Kjrch W c/rk," Miss Rehf»-ca
Go-ion: r<rayer. hymn, beneiiitrtion.
Thursday 2 P. M.—Opening servi'e.
Mi* Rebecca Go-don. Lionviile. Pa.;
r-inates: report of -r.m grant mission
ary, M « Marietta ftaake: delegate's
hoti-. Elsie
-isiv.irg: hymn; memorial ?erv ; e. Mrs.
-T. I>. >tadeiman: • ene>n -tion; erect
"g f-orr, Ka«* Pennsvivania Svnoi. the'
Rev Pr. Hanson. Harrisburg.
Thurviay. 7.30 P. M.—Mrs. J. F
Hartman. presi ii-g*. music; oper. ng
service, the Rev. Fu!ter Berg«;-esser;
off*'::: g: address. Miss Sinipson. Africa:
antroue etrents. cios ng service.
Friday. 0 A. 'M.—S<rr:n«.ur» and prsv.
minutes, -eports of convention cox
mittees. unfinished nusiness, new busi
ness. appointment of standing commit
tees, announcements, minutes, closing
serv ■ e.
The officers are as follows: Pre*i
dent. Mrs. J. F. Hartman, Philadelphia:
vice pres lents. Mis* U Kr'aber.
Philadelphia: Mrs C. L. Klerk. Ricsre'.s
vi'.le, Pa.: Mrs. P. \. !B-ehm. S-eeiton:
Mrs. George Str..-icier. Rea ring: re--ord
ing secretary. Mrs. Wiilram" Harder.
(:ftrmantown. Phi.adelr'nia: correspond
ing secretary. Mrs. J. P. Keller. Harris
burg: corresponding secreta-v of
Young People's So eties and Children's
Bands. Miss Bessie Johnston. Mav
town: treasrrer. Mrs W. J. Mil er.
Philadelphia: histc-ian. *Mrs. J. L. Sta
dieman. Germanstowri. Pa.: '.-hairman
box work committee. Mrs. i'iiester
B'ck, Harrisburg: caai-man of I ter
at ure committee. Mrs. W. A stin. N'or- j
wood. Pa.: home de artment se retarv,
Mrs. T. W. BoH«. p .. .ad» chair
man of ciimmittee on sufipiies for the!
f |
I tiuntur hos»pit»l, Mrs. M. A. Ewgleman, v
Th ladelphia i magazaoe secretary. Miss I <
Rebesva Cti>rdou, LionvilVe. Pa.: imrni- j i
era* missionary, )\tiss Marietta Staakc, 1
FxUSy 150 oftK-ers and delegates are i '
eTpectol and they will be taken care
of by the members of the church n"jo ;
will loilw them ami give them break
1 t'ast. Pinner and -nipper will he served ]
ii the Farmers' market house.
.Tacoti MHkiily, A. H. Kreider. Paul 1
Warton ami Claude Garver moitore>l to
Philadelphia and witnosstvl the game be !
tw(vn the B«>ston and Athletic teams. '
l>avis Garver, mail i-arric-. is ili at 1
his home on Catherine street with ap
pemiieifci*. |
Gus Sv-hwan is repairing the pave
merit of Jo'hn Wagner at Ann and
W(H>d streets.
Simon ii eerier purohasKvl fn»m the
• ar company t ie two houses on Wood
street formerly owned bv T. C. Smith
aa. MTS Jenuie Petwe.'.er and will
ta*e them ntoveti to Ea.nie Heights. C.
S. Sitraus. of Sealing, aiso purchased
from the ear company tho double house
a" ood and Water streets, formerly
o« ire*l iv Mrs Hasehore and will move
trie s ; ;. ll( » to Eagle Heights. Amos
it'ut >erger rurchased from the a-
the MSvh proiH»rtv. Ntsslev
avenue and Maiu street, and will have
■ne b.i ing moved to S---;ng street on
he plot of gt\>un 1 w<6we tiie old log
•oiise stands, which he will tear dow-ii.
Scot* Sides ami fo-ce of men have
moved, one of the'e hinises of the
P-aselio.!- estate whi.-h was purchase*! ,
>y John The same is now being '
movei across the nio.or tra ks and w ;
>e tarieu of the brici\ row.
Harvest Home an 1 Old Folks' Pay
wa-s observed in the M. K. church ves
terday morning. The Rev. W. R. Rid
ngton prea hed a special sermon ro the
old t'olks. Kach tH'rsou over 50 years
old wss presenteil with s carnation.
In the evening the Rev. ,1. Gould \\ ck
of Gettys:>urg < o'lege. preached the
Harvest Honu sermon.
James Fuhrman. of Enola. spent,
Saturday in town as the guest of rela
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mateer. of :
! Coateavill®, spent Saturday aud Sun lay
in town as the guests >f Mr. and Mrs.
Kdward Nuskey, Catherine street.
Thieves -dole teu bushels of potatoes
, from the corn crib on the Eisiier farm
on Friday night.
X numi'er of members of Prince Kd
wiu Lodge attended the services at the
Masoui Home ar Eli abethtown yester
day afternoou. The Rev. H. F. Hoov
er i reachevl the sermon.
The so., .able held by the members
of the High school iu the Farmers'
market house on Satur ia\ evening
I proved a sue ess.
About fifty mem ers of Bvownstone
Castle No. K. G. E„ attended serv
; ices in St. Peter's Lutheran church ves i
terday morning. Tut - Rev. Fuller
Berg*tresser delivered the sermon.
N. C. Fuhrman spent rue day at Dau
phin as the guest of relatives.
Mrs. John Hawk is . is'ting her
•daughter at Philadelphia.
William Myers, of Kuo a. spent i
Sunday m Roya.ton as trie guest of his;
imrents. Mr. and Mrs. haries Mvers.
William Nitrauei and family and
Mr. and Mrs. William Lynch and son,
or ,-i grupiie. spent Souday ; n town.
Mr. aud Mrs. Rov Walton an I two
•-•lren. of Palmyia. spent Sunday m '
, town.
Harry I'oyie, of Falmouth, spent
Sundav in town
The Rev Mr. and Mrs. D«z'.er, of
yeveruay n town.
The annual Rally Pay exercises were
he i yesterday in the St. Peter's Ln-j
tiieran Sunday school, with an attend
ance of 653. The following program
was rendered: Singing, school; opeu
exercise; prayer, the Rev. Mr.
Hi l.e-. reading of lesson, school; class
records: men's chorus; address of w-e'-
come. Helen Ba hmoyer: singing, in
fant department; solo. Alice Covan: ad
iress, the Rev. J. Gould Wiekey, Get
rysburg College: solo. Carrie Hoffman;
address, the Rev. Mr. Hocker; duet.
Martha Jane Rergstresser and Ruth
Bertne-: exercise, primary department:
eoorts. song, school; bene.iiction. the
ne\. Mr. Bergstresser.
Miss Bess Trump, of Harrisburg.
-pent Sunday ti town as the guest of
i friends.
Miss Annie Frv. of Elizabetiitown.
spent yesterday in town as the guest of
Municipal Band, of Reading. Serenades
Prominent Citizens
. Special Correspondence.
Linglestowr. Oct. 12.—The Eldership
' of the "'hurcth of God convened in Lan
-aster October 6 and continue! over
Surday. in consequence there being no
church service in tile Chun-h of God i
■ yesteriiav.
The Rev. Clyde Lynch has been re
s'pointed as pastor in the United
Brerh-en church at this place.
A new blacksmith has succeeded
John Erich.
Professor K ng wj< t>he week-end
gue«t of rarents a' Ba : abridge.
The 'Municipal band, of Reading,
who were attending the firemen's con
vention ar Harrisburg, visited th> town
on Fri.!.->%- morning and gave the prom
. inent •■•.nz-eriS of town a serenade.
Master Pan! Leniror. of Harrisl>urg,
s sper.-iing some time with his grand
'■a-ent-'. Arr. and Mrs. William Cassel.
The Woman's Missionary So' erv 0 f
the E. B. hurch met at rhe home of
Mrs. Annie Buck. At this meeting it
w«s decided to hold woman's day In rhe
1". B. church on Sunday e\-ening. Oc
tot'er 25, in the interest of tthe mis
Tne School i ßosrd of Ijowe- Paxton
met at Partonia lasit week to pav the
teachers their first month payment.
Wor I was received here on Saturday
of the leanh of Cornelius Reese. Jr..
lof Penbrook. Mr. Ree«e was a former,
-esident of this community. His hodn
will be interred in the family plot at:
Willow Grove cemeterv to-morrow morn
Tne Eev r.eorge Sigier is attending;
rhe Cnunrh of God Eldership at Lanca«
1 tef.
Mrs Helen Eraivtz and daug'h. An
na. are spending this week with friends
at Paiiadelphia.
M -s Eveivn £*teigleman. of Harris- '
n.irg: M ss Edna Heagan. of Xew Jer
-ey: the Florence and Goldie
, Heii.g. of Mount Joy, on Friday were
the guests of Miss Ellen Bolton.
Ja-k Seltzer made a business trip
to Reading last week.
Mts. Valentine Fox and son. of ;
Obe-l n. were week end gnest« of Mr.
and Mrs Floyd Harvey.
John *?huey ertered the Harrisburg
hospital last week where an operation
was performed on him on Saturday for
some serous nwa-1 trouble. i
Mr«. Mary Farl r.g s -.ending some
: t time toe guest o:' Mr. aioi Mrs. 1 "pester l
'onii-on, Steeiton. : <
I The funeral servios of Mrs. Peek, |i
of Alanada Gap. wore held in the Cuureh '
of God ivf this place on Sunday fore-1
noon. Interment was ma le in the old j
ltethel grave yard.
'Mrs. Matilda Shuey visited friends at
Harrisburg and Penbrook last week..
Brownstone Lodge F. & A. M. to Hold
Banquet To-morrow Night
6prci&l Correspondence.
Humm'elstown, Oct. 12. The annual 1
banquet of Brownstone l.odiie No.
Free and Accepted Masons, will be
held tomorrow evening in Ruff'- Hall.
A number of the Civil war veterans
residing in town will attend the re
uniou of the Centra! Pennsylvania H.
A. K. Association to be held at Leba
uon on Thursday.
Miss Marv W.ul, of Harrisburg, vis
ted her gran .mother, Mrs. Jane Hum
me!, yesterda) •
John S. Harvey, the dor>st. has built
another large green house on his lot.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eshenoir, of
Harrisburg. spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mr- Harry 11 Snyder, South Water
The degree team of l amp No. 107 I 4.
Modern Woodmen or Amer.. a, will to
ruorrow evening perform the initiatory
work when a l:irge class of candidate:
is admitted to membership in the Anu
ville camp. A large number of meni
bers of the lov.n 1 camp will accompany |
the team ;o Lebanon. A special car will i
leave Centfe Square at T.K> o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R trucks spent
Sunday at Reading with Mr. Laueks']
mother, who s seriously ill.
Mr. an Mrs. Roy L Fox. of Harris
I burg, visited Mr. Fox 's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. George Fox. yesterday.
Mr. an i Mrs. William Buser. of'
Hershey. and M-s. Henry HoU.ngsworth
of Gravel Hill, called W Mrs. H. Wellal
Buser yesterday.
Pr. and Mrs. A. L Shope and ehii
dren. of Penbrook were guests of Mr.
an i Mrs. Samuel Wlltdt v,st "rdav.
Mrs. Mary Ellinger, who has been ill
for the £•:» st several months, is slowing
The Rev. W Ibur \ilison. a semo.'
student in Gettysburg Theological Semi-'
nary, con 1 i< ;ed both the morning an 1
evening services u Zion Lutheran
; church yesterday.
The blacksmith business conducted I
Ibv Charles Shepler has been sold tol
jMr, Kimmel, of Lemoyne. Mr. shepler;
will move to Palmyra.
Miss Helen Fox spent Saturday "in:
Philadelphia and witnessed the se on t'
■game of 'he wo id championship base
■ baii se-les.
Morris Eugie ha? purchased two ot*
.on West Huh reet from W. I. Busier.
Mr. Kngle will erect a dwell ng house
ou the plot.
M'. and Mrs. Guy Krai's? and cliil
dren. 'C lla-i sbarg. spent yesterday
vi h M-s. K i.tse 's mother. Mrs Emma'
j Mrs. Katherne Stener. of Zattes ,
v: ie. 0„ who has been spending se\
era week? at l amp Hill. \ sited friends
in towu Saturday. Mrs. Stoner left for)
her home in Zanesville yesterday.
M Flora ■ ay has returned ro her
; home n L.aglest >wn -,fter s ending a
! week with her sister. Mrs. Hiirry Rick ,
j Preparatory servicas will be held ia{
the Reformed church on Friday even j
ng. The Holy Cominuniou will b> ob
served at V' ot it mi? morring and ev fu
| mg services next Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar K ei. of Phi a
delphia. were gues sof Ms. Real's
! parents. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac B. N s-ley.
over Suniay.
Tht .-'orrence Concert Company will
igive an entertainment in the S-a- The
atre on rhursdav even ng. iic*?ber
: under the auspices of the Ladies' Ail
; Society of Zion Lutheran church.
Mrs. W. B. Shape and children. Mar-!
j garet and Howard, spent Saturday with
friends is Harns'ourg.
Reel Walmer. of Philadelphia, \ is
ited'his mother. Mrs. Elisabeth Wal
mer. over Sunday.
Ross W. Niaaley. of Bliubethtowa,
• »renr yesterday w th ii-s parents. Mr.
and Mrs. M. F. Nissley. * 1
Youngest Band Member Gets Sham
rock's Gold Watch
; Spe -ia! CVrresy M-.dence.
New Cumberland. Oct. 12.—Edward
estonhaver. the youngest member of
the New Cumberland band, aged 14
years, wou the gold watch which was
given away by the Shamrock Fire Com
' pativ, of Harrisburg, la«t week. The
New Cumberland band played for the
j Shamrock company.
H A. Bixler is spending several davs
n Philadeiphia, taking in the world's
Miss Oral L. Loude. a student at
! Shippensburg Normal School, is a
i guest of Miss Ethel Watts.
Miss Ida Kreiger entertained the,
hristian Endeavor Society of Trinity '
In.'ed Brethren church at her home
at Bellavista last week.
Mrs. R. R. R-eitf, son, Lloyd, and l
Mrs. H. F. Kohr visited friends in
York last week and attended the fair.
Miss Sara Ihebl and Mies Meda Ar
nold. of Mt. Wolf, are visiting friends
' here.
Mrs. Elmer Clay and Miss Hattie
Grass visited Mrs. John Marklev at
i Cly last week.
Miss Nancy Campbell entertained a
number of her Harrisburg friends at
he; home at Seven Maples Saturday.
Miss Flora Met leaf, of Philadelphia;
Mr. an.i Mts. William Straley. of Frank
lintown, were guest- ot Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Straley several days.
Miss Edith Ross is visiting her aunt.
Mrs. Charles Bond, in York.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brenneman and
family, of York, are visiting .Mrs. El
i mer Clay and Mrs. S.ple,
Miss Sara Rodes. of Mt. Wolf, is a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Steflie.
Alfred Bond and Nivin Price, of
York, paid a brief visit here Thurs
Mr. and Mrs. William Walker and
daughter. Beatrice, visited relatives in
Adams county la-! week.
When word of the dear.h of Mrs. '
Harriet Kaufman, of this place, was
received here Saturday her many;
friends were very much grieved. Mrs.
Kaufman who was almost 82 years of
age, spent nearly all of her life here.
Her Christian example and noble char
acter influenced many for tjood wiio
came in touch with her. She was born
anil brought up on a farm near here,
where her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thom
as James, reared a large family, of
whi'-h she was tae la»: member. She
was a consistent member of the Meth
odist Episcopal church almos* 50 wears |
and at une tune was superintendent of i
the primary school. On Tuesday she i
went tu Steeltou spend sevcrn' days!
witli Mr. ami Mis. Robert Stontvifer, |
Main street. She was in her usual
happy mood ami was gettiug ready to
go out wiih Mr. and Mrs. Stones; fer.
when she was stricken with paralysis
ami died »t 1 o'clock a. m. The body
was brought to her home, where funeral
services will be held at 2 o'clock to
morrow afteruoon, in charge of the Rev. |
1 Adams, of Baughman Memorial |
Methodis; church. Interment will be
made a; Mt. Olivet cemetery.
The n (dress on his trip to the Holy i
Land by the Kev. Charles Fult... of'
Washington. D t.. iu Trinity I'. B. j
church Sunday afternoon was excellent
The Junioi c'ass oX the New t urn
berland High school took a hike to the
mountain Saturday for chestnuts.
On Friday evening a committee of
John W. Geary l amp, Sons of Veterans
will meet at the home of K. 11. Fisher
to make arrangements for holding a
Mrs. James fiby. Bridge street, was i
brought home from the Harrisburg hos I
pi tat on Saturday. Several months ago
Mrs. Kbv ami her husband wont to
an island near Halifax, vvluni she was j
stricken with paralysis several weeks
ago. She was removed to the Harris
burg hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Dra whaugh, of York
county, spent several days with their
daughter, Mrs. Jerre Spahr.
Miss Pauline Haverstoek and broth
er, Klraer, of York, are visiting their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
i Haverstoek.
Miss Ze gler, of York. s;>eut Sunday
with Miss Xlarjorie Mclvor.
Mr. and Mrs. George Watkins spent
Sunday with relatives at Middletown.
Miss Addic Guistwhite spent the
week end with friends in York.
Miss Mary Drayer ami Michael
Draver went to Perry county to spend
several days.
A regular monthly meeting of the
Esther Circle will be held this ;
i evening in the Sunday school room of
the M. K. church
Mrs. William Shaffner is spending a
week at Bendersville.
Interesting Evangelistic Services in the
Church of the Brethren
; Spe, at Correspondence
Mechanicsburg, Oct? 12. — Friday
eveinug tiie Brotherhood of Trinity l,u
therau church held n very successful
land pleasant rally. The principal ad
dress of tne evening was given by the
• Kev. A. R. Steck. i>. D., of Carlisle. j
The pulpits of several of the churches
1 were filled yesterday by members of
the I'nited Brethren > onference, now
iu session heie.
The evangelistic services which are
being held each evening in the Church
of the Brethren are giowiug iu inter
I est. These services are conducted by
Evangelist \Vil iam Rupp, of West
minster, Md.
Mr. and Mrs. Solomon livers and Mr.:
and Mrs. .1. V Smith attended the fu
neral of their sister in-law. Mrs. D.i
Smith, Friday in New Cumberland.
On Thursday Georg \V. Lambert and j
Miss Etta C. Russell, both of this place,
were married by the Rev. \\. J.
Houck. of Carlisle, who is here attend- |
ing the I'niteit Brethren ( onference.
Dr. J. H. Young, of New Cumber
land, was among the visitors to the
• onference last week.
Mrs. Ida Buchev attended the Glad
felter Suud iv wedding in Middlesex
on Thursday
Miss Klsie Strong, of Shiremanstown.
spent Friday in town.
H. H. Mercer has returned from a j
\ is't to his ilaughter. Mrs. Fred Ger- :
ber, in York.
Ira<- evening the congregations of the
'h.i-.-h of God and tne Presbyterian
hu--ii held a union service. The serv-j
e was held in tiie Bethel of the
•<'iiure-bof God, the sermon being prea li
ed bv the Rev. George Fultou. pastor
of the Presbyterian church.
On Saturday evening the Bible class
of which the Rev. Mr. Castle is teach
er. gave a banquet to the members of
the conference.
On Saturday afternoon MTS. Anna
l.lovd. West Main st*eet. entertained a
: ;wrty of little folks, friends of her
jran ia.-titer. Miss Winifred Smith,
who ■ -eleirated her 7th birthday. Miss
Winifred was the recipient of many
prettv „ifts and good wishes and al T
the little eople had a royal good time.
Mr. and Mrs. James Holtzman. of
Montgomery ountv. are guests in the!
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Springer. l
East Coover street.
Ms. O. Wanner, of Reading, is vts ;
iting her » ster. Mr«. William Mohler.
West Main street.
Mervin .Martin, of York, is vis't-lng
l is parents. Mr. anil Mrs. Samuel War
tin. South Washington etreet.
G. A. Frill, tif Beavertown. wis the
guest of h:s sister. Mrs. Charles Kunkle.
and per fan- !y, South Washington
street, yester lay.
Miss Florence Underwood, who is
teaching in. Jersey City, spent Sunday
an.' Columbus day at her home here.
Mrs. A. B. Mower, of Shepherdstown.
was the guest of Mrs. John
South Arch street the past week.
Prof. A. J. Beitzel. of Harrisburg.
was a visitor here on Saturday.
Miss Eliza'»et'h Mvers. of Lancaster,,
is visiting her brother. W. S. Myers,
and his familv. West Simnson strec*.
George S. Comstoek and family will
■■lose their house on North Frederick
; street for the winter and will occupy j
apartti'ent-i in 'Harrisburg.
W. K. Bitner. ot' Shiremanstown. was
i a visitor here on Saturday.
Mrs. Kate Hoffer has returned from
;• visit of several days to relative* in '
Mr. and Mrs. William Hensel, of Tn-!
i anap-ilis. are visiting relatives in this
, place an i vicinity at present. Thev are
quests of Mr. Hensel's aunt. Mrs. < arrie
W liiamson. South Market street.
Services at Masonic Home
Elizhbethtown, Oct. 12.—A large
number of people from Lancaster and
Dauphin counties, attended the special
services yesterday at "the new Masonic
home, when Prince Edwin lodge con
ducted the exercises. Immediately fol
lowing a sacred concert was given by
the Saginaw band. The aged guests
1 were wheeled about on their new
, chairs, the gift of a western organiza
She Loved That Tortoise
Miss Elien Biddell, of Violet Lodge,
Parkroad, Ipswich, who died March,;
last, aged 85. and left 14,097 pounds.'
stated in her will that she desired her j
residuary legatees to be kind to and
to find the best home they can for her
tortoise, which she had had since June,!
1 1845.—London Standard.
This afternoon and evening, !
" Every woman.''
To morrow evening Wednesday aft
eruoou and evening, "TheTraf-
I Thursday evening. "Help Wanted."
| fridav afternoon and evening. Bur
i lesque.
1 Saturday afternoon and evening, j
"Seven Keys to Baldpate."
Every aftbrnoon and evening, high
class vaudeville.
Daily continuous .audeville and pic |
> .* j
"Every woman"
| Henry W, Savage brings his colos |
sal production of the dramatic spec
tacle, " Every woman," to the Majestic
this afternoon and evening. This iu>\ I
el play has proven to be the sensation
of the entire country for nearly four
years. I'he same splendid production'
which was offered iu New York for j
nearly two years is to be shown bore!
without any abridgement. The com
pany is an enormous one, containing
over one hundred people. It is accom
panied by a special symphony orches
tra. This is the only " Every woman ''
company touring Ameri.a and is consid
ered by Mr. Savage the best produc l
tion he has ever made of the famous
morality play, it represents an actual
expenditure of over sixty thousand dot
| lars. The company moves from point
Ito point by means of a special train,
i Its objective point in San Francisco
where it will be a special theatrical
i feature for Exposition visitors. Adv.
"The Traffic"
A dramatic sensation is promised in
I "The Traffic." a new play by Raj
| chael Marshall, which will be seen at !
: the Ma jestic to morrow evening and I
Wednesday matinee and evening with!
Bess Sankey and a notable cast in sup-1
port. Its authorship and the manner in
which it is to be presented here be
speak for it the dignity of literary ex
cellence and tine dramatic projection.
Lavishly staged, acted by a companv
of well known and competent players
"The Traffic " is for the attention of I
j sincere and observant theatregoers.
The industrial side of the question ot':
morality looms big m "The Traffic."
Facts are the basis of this play, but |
the story unfolded is one of intense in- j
terest and incident with witty dialogue
and inevitable denouement. Adv.
"Help Wanted"
"Help Wanted," which conies to the
Majestic Thursday evening, is a play of
| the present in which the author,' Jack
I Lait. endeavors to point a moral in a 1
| story that is skillfully a iorncd with in-j
i tense passages, plentifully intermin j
| gled with waves of highly humorous |
situations. The story has to do princi-j
pally with Jerrold R. Scott, a million
aire importer, whose acquaintance with
young women stenographers employed 1
in his office constitutes the pivet around I
which revolves the dramatic situations
of the play; his stepson, a most like
• able young men of moral bent, and a
17-year-old girl, untaught as to stenog
raphy. and in positive need of the
j small salary, obtains employment in the
1 otlice of the father who. while he loves
i his wife, is somewhat thoughtless of
1 what might result from his little side
line of flirtations. Conditions become
such that the girl is forced to leave her
work, but finds a haven of peace and
happiness in the awaiting arm< of the
young man. Adv.
"Girls From Joyland"
Burlesque's best laughing attraction. I
"The Girls From Joyland." come to I
the Majestic theatre Friday matinee
and night. This company with a cas r 1
of favorites including Frank L. Wake j
field, who is known as America's lead \
ing exponent of the dope character;'
Joe Phillips, Fred Bulla, Schuler, Hill I
and Martin, the highest salaried sing !
ing trio in burlesque; Doily Sweet, the
• lasiiing magnetic sou>brette: Maisie!
L'F.strange, known as the Australian I
nightingale: Ijillian Raymond, the best I
, dressed woman in this field of enter -
jtainment and a chorus of musical com
j edy girls. Adv.
"Seven Keys to Baldpate"
One of the really big events in locai
theatrical circles will be the engage-1
ment at the Majestic theatre Sat.irday!
matinee and night, of Cohan and Har-'
ris' special company, presenting Mr.l
Ceor'ge M. Cohan's latest play, ••Sev
en Keys to Baldpate." It is a mystery;
farce which Mr. Cohan has made into!
play form from the story of the same!
name by Karl Derr Biggers. Th-> piece
has been persistently touted as the besi
play that has so far come from this
past master in the art of play build- j
i ing, therefore the announcement of ;
i its presentation here has arousei un-j
usual interest. The original company
which played so long at the Astor andi
Gaiety theatres in New York, is ahout
to open a long run in Boston, but a
cast of equal strength will present it j
here. Adv. i
World's Series Reproduced
The world's series, as far as local i
i fans are concerned, will be transferred .
from the Chestnut street hall to the
Board of Trade auditorium to-day.
This was made necessary in order to
! make room for the food show. Mr. j
Davis' big "wizard" board has proved
a great source of entertainment to local
oaseball enthusiasts. The perfect me- ■
.hanical arrangement of the board en
i ebles the fans to follow every move j
made in the actual game, and excite
ment rurs high when some particularly
brilliant play is depicted. Adv.
At the Orpheum
There's much to interest, plenty to
admire, and loads to laugh at, in the
bill of Keith hits that come to the Or
pheum to-day. Advance interest cer
tainly centers in Frederick Bjwers,
who is a favorite here, and who will
j likely have Harrisburg singing some
new songs this week. There's also a
; good bit of interest connected with the
appearance of the Bison City Four, who \
j actually get here this week. Yes, these
comedy trillers are here at last, after
being lost on two different occasions,
because they were abroad or out on the
ocean somewhere with the enemy pur
: suing them, and they didn't get to Har
risburg to fulfill their engagement.
They are not going to tell of their hard
; luck experiences, but they are so glad ,
i to get back that they will be funnier j
CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE.-ifr 1
i Demonstratwn Wearever ;
|: Aluminum Cooking Utensils:
\ In Basement
Miss Sourber will explain to yon the merits of Wearevor Aluminum!<
1 ooking l tenails Ihe light weight and durability of aluminum make* it
the most popular wear and the price is so reasonable that it is within
the reach of every housewife.
Replace utensils that WEAR OUT with utensils that WEAK EVER.
► Demonstration Special ,<
► $1.60 Wearever Aluminum Sauce Pan sef consisting of 1, and
► - l 2 qt. Sauce Pans. Special, set " 98c
l.ach person visiting the department during this demonstration will he 'a
presented with a book of recipes on paring, preserving and jelly making.
y Interesting demonstrations each (lav. I'oitie tomorrow.
► Basement—BOWMAN'S. •» <
j [ Full Pieces and Remnants of J
; Cotton Dry Goods ■:
► Rear of Elevators—First Floor. t
► ■■ ■ <
► SOc Mohawk Double We have a Pillow
Bed Sheets: seamless. _ Case -branded "Bow
► bleached. 3-inch hems; Cn* man's Special." that "f 01/ i„ <
marked R. S.; soiled by If the regular brand
► mill stains otherwise was on would be ISc.
perfect Special at
► i
► 10c and 12Vtcmus- to 3H-in. mus- SN* Flannelette, cut
lin, cut from full 'in, bleached or un- from new patterns
► pieces, such as Hill. Dieached. in ind full pieces; i
Fearless and other nants. JO vards to ipht and dark col
r best brands, » customer. >rs, i
► 8c yard yard 6V2C yard
► ________ __________ ________________ <
> si and SO-in. Un- 18c Plll<rw Cases. . h <
bleached sheeting; one of the tlnest inch .sh.eUnK,
J y launders nice and qualities made, un- <heer. unbleached
i bleaches easily, for bleached. ißem- '
I y sheets and pillow mints) in remnants, s
cases. 1 to yds.. V'
15c yard yard <
' i
* ________ __________ _____________ <
! I-V Cretonnes lSfef 36-ln. Out- At last we are able <
' y for comforts. 38 ins Flannel, heavy to offer vou flannel
inches wide: beau- weight, for night ottc quilt patches.
I y tiful patterns. towns and pajamas. uniform size, at
' ► yard 10c yard 20c pack <
|" :
I * Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. .
I . . A j!
than ever in new comedy antics and
will harmonize in their always capital
style in a number of new songs. Anoth
er line feature of the new offering is
"The Mystic Bird." the most sensa
tional find of the new season. Picture to
your imagination a tiny canary bird,
the ordinary little yellow fellow we
see every day, and listen to him imi
tate the calls and songs of other birds
upon request. Also hear him harmoniz
ing and Miiging obligates with the or
chestra while it plays "Mendelssohn's
Spring -Song.'' "The Mow Worm,"
etc. A pretty stage setting, a wonder
ful violinist and "the mystic bird"
combine into an attraction that is at
on.e interesting and artistic. The Nel
son Wahlen Troupe will please with
spectacular as well as expert hoop roll
ing and diabolo throwing and comedy,
song and novelty are happily blended
in the remaining attractions to be pre
sented by the Novelty Clintons; Mr.
and Mrs. Cappelen and Pauli and
Boyne. The usual interesting moving
picture will he included in the per
formance also, and latest baseball news
will he announced between acts.
At the Colonial
Amusement seekers who visit the Co
lonial this week will notice eons der
able improvement in the vaudeville j
!The Casino Co.^
1914 1915 ,i
Bowling Season^
Everything as usual "The Best" * 1
Allows equipped with Backus Pin Setters
Alphas vs. Orpheum,,
Opening of the Casino Ten Pin League
"Where You Meet Everybody That's Worth While" , >
acts presented there. Also during the
present week the management has an
nounced that the picture programs are
to be changed daily and the features
will be those of the General Film < om
panv, including such makes as Lubiu,
Vitagraph. Kssanay, Kalem. etc. Th ■
fact that baseball news by innings will
be announced at the Colonial also add
to the interest of the Busy Corner. Tna
line vaudeville acts for "the first lull
of the week comprise Bicknell ami Gib
uev MI a rattling "rube" comedy [day
let; (jene and Arthur, young man and
woman in a song and patter skit, and
the Smihette listers, dainty misses in
spirited and unusual feats 011 the living
trapeze. Adv.
Studied Insult
"1 wish," said the waiter who had
been serving the man with the grim
face and the pert looking girl, "I could
think of some way to get even with
that fellow, lie complained about ev
erything 1 put on the tHble and growled
about every move I made.''
"What did his'bill amount to?''
"A dollar and ninety cents."
"And how much money did he haiyi
you'' .
"A 52 bill."
" Tt's easy. Have if in two
when you return his change."—Chi<S
go Herald. «