4 BUY ADVERTISED GOODS=IT PAYS' 4 g. /£_ feCQO I iiiiiftffikmikyii fi ]jf yn n m |fc |i |i cfa ft ftfr'hfriiftnifiii lift Mmm I7~~~T VAITO nAl|r I When You're Cake Hungry-- \l AK Tv IL CyU *% I 1 P ill r j d| Whether it be a little jumble to munch on between mg ifir&llii a. VVA\ UVlflU jjfc meals, or a dainty biscuit for the afternoon tea, or _ TT Ai IF M l av er cake for the dinner dessert, you will obtain A SUNKISI HiIML | iftrss m qua " ty ' punty an " ddKio,,sness ' j j Products Thorley Baking Company's At this exhibit w« will give ample assurance as to the superiority § SUNKIST fruits do not simply happen—they are the result of k _ _ Of all "P. M. p. Co." products, and explain the care taken to secure long experience and intelligent study. mi C ; A K. HvS and - cream * antl the MnlUry proceM nndor whU:h SUNKIST fruits are so carefully and thoroughly prepared that ffjj A " r,t - cla " » ro « er » soU Thorlp y Baking company iakea. they differ from the fruits most people know. « | SMALL CAKES GortifiG(l Milk ButtfiMlilk SUNKIST fruits are prepared by specialists who know how to &; bih?ed M m'mblkß ( ' OCOANI ' t 1 | pack good fruit Sunkist fruit. | aE „ ..umbl™ * Antl PUNSt BOttlOtl Mljlk SUNKIST fruits are for those who want the better kind. UJ 1 . | ' "Nissley-Reist" and "P-M-P" LOOK FOR THE SUNKIST LABEL |j raui™KS cakes BUTTER ICCC TUE C VUf QIT BT T L/C Ci-JOtA/ ™ Rirthda} and othfl takes baktd 111 These "brands" are a household word, and to be sure you have the JL C I 11L. LAMI Dl 1 H I lil L 3lf 1/If* special orders to your grocer or best milk obtainable, see that this label is on every bottle. WITMAN-SCHWARZ 1 THORLEY BAKING COMPANY Pennsylvania $, Oth St. iid Diliwin Avinui \Mjs/ Milk PrfidllcK Go Wholesale Distributors I i£\rrisbur(t, pa. XIT7 lillllv il uitUMd UU. E \L=J HARRISBURG, PA. I See Our Display at the Pure Food Exhibit. J LOST HIS BAROMETER ff /f Const Zeppelin Says General Butter _ _ _ _ wmmimv «&£ bXSN*"rS£.&S See Them in the Evans-Burtnett Booth the United States, for he saw service' IHAN ANYTHING ELSt with the Union army in the war be rween the states. In his recently pub j _ _ 9 Hunt Products ; "op CTTPT? IT'S PTTWF . In planning operations General But i#.«» itfiniv <» knowledge of the probable " weather Canned California Fru ts —Peaches, Cherries, Apricots, Piums, Pears wn .... , . , . UL conditions, and for this reason he be When you make a bread purchase, just remember that your family s health 0 ! from London and paid a lot of money 11 cl Wct 11 cLTI 1 in.octp]3lo "G-ive me a loaf of bread." It is a duty you owe to your family and to yourself He saw this instrument in mv tent. \ • SSSwSSSS Winters & Prophet Products BREAD until at last he failed to return it a: * _ ~ , , , , • *ll. tVhen I was about to leave the ; For years Bernard Schmidt has followed but one standard in bread-bailing "Z, 1 Lilv of the Vallev and Reserve _ P. U l?'indents and thorough cleanliness. True he. baiea different breads to pressing that he said he wouii go to i a-'mj ' *" ,V J «"** tv- suit different tastes, but everyone must measure up to the same standard of his tent and fetch it out. A \T A. t-.1 After waiting outside a long time [ I vBDfICQ V 626t3DlGS HI f» n j /•} s« in w h a : Absolute Purity and Cleanliness hand he had crawled under the canvas! •" and disappeared. 1 There's a Schmidt Bread to suit your taste. Your dealer can supply you. iTiMbHna. i Jb!>vans-i3urtnett see^ y »u ge t « There was once a gentleman who. ■ .__ ____ , __ _ Wholesale Distributors For SCHMIDT'S BAKERY a >out a txuntul occurrence at my; house. Mv brother-in-law and I ha