The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 12, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    1 Bigger Business |
is attracted to those who $
seize opportunity vigor- |
ously. Western Union |
Day and Night Letters - |
show business vigor and
88 are expressions of modern
S| methods. Their cost is
ffsff F "U information gladly given at any Wmtttrn Union office
Interesting Program Will Be Rendered
at Ridge Avenue M. E. Church Un
der Auspices of Woman's Foreign
Missionary Society
A missionary and temperance enter
tainment will be held this evening ait
7.45 o'clock in the Ridge Avenue M.
E. church under the auspices of the
Woman s Foreign Missionary sSoeiety of
the church. The following program will
be given:
Opening hymn, "From Greenland's
Icy .Mountains:" prayer, Miiss Fannie
Weaver; singing, Mary Caroline King
a little bight BearerK "Jesus Bids Is
Shine;" reading, "Co-operation with
Missions," MTS. William B. Sloane, W.
0. T. I". county superintendent of ttiie
work; singing, "The Cross and the
Flag," Mrs. Watson, W. C. T. IT.;l T .; read
ing. "Appeal to Young Men." Gleun
Boyle®, a King's Herald; recitation,
"Just One World," Catherine Reamer,
a Kn»g's Herald; singing, '' Missionary
Bells." King's Heralds; reading,
'Echoes from Philadelphia Branch
meeting, recently in session at Johns
town," IMrs. Harry Leonard: singing,
by Standard Bearer Girls. "The Vic
tory Depends on Vou;" " Dr. Chapman
on the Saloon Voters.'' 'Miss Bleanor
Hesilvey; singing, " Pennsylvania Shall
Re Free." \V. C. T. I'.; reading.
" Awake.Oh Churc'h of God. "Miss Kdna
Bowers; reading, IMrs. Chester Byler;
missionary dorology; prayer and bene
diction, Dr. Silas C. Swallow.
Gave a Theatre Party at the Orpheum
In Honor of Guests
Miss Eslinger gave a theatre party
Hi tiie Orpheum. Saturday in honor of
the Mi>ses Clendennin. After tne show
the guests were entertained at Miss
Kslinger's home in West Fairview.
The party included the Misses Clenden
nin, Miss Mumma. Miss Dewalt, Miss
Jackson, Miss Eslinger, Mr. Van Kirk,
Mr. Fortenbaugh, Mr. Rutherford, Mr.
Conrad, Mr. Baer and Mr. Landis. Mr.
"ul Mrs. Myers, of this city, chaper
oned the young people.
Sample-Kxantz Wedding
Marietta. Oct. 12.—Miss TMsie
Marie Kraut/. was married Saturday
m iilmer G. Sample, by the Rev. A.
H. Brubaker. pastor of the church of
'■' i. Strasburg township. A reception
followed yesterday.
Returned From Topeka, Kansas
Mrs. M. C. White and Miss Irene
White, 156 Linden street, have return
ed from an extended visit with rela
tives in Topeka, Kan.
Food Strength
of field grains—
Tli is splendid food
containing all the nutri- i
ment of prime wheat
and barley, including
the vital phosphates,
makes for
Good Digestion,
Clear Brains,
Sturdy Strength
Crisp, ready to eat. ap
petizing, economical—
"There's a Reason"
x for
sold Ivv (iroeers—
every where!
[ Mrs. Alice M. Wallis Gave Charming
Affair for Her Daugher, Miss
• Alice Wallis
a Mrs. Alice M. Wallis. 1717 North
second street, gave an informal dance at
the Country Club Saturday evening in
compliment, to in* daughter. Miss Alice
-j Wallis, who will be a debutante of the
t season. The g.iests included:
Miss \ (largest King. Miss
' Margaret McUin. Miss Marv William
son. Miss Katnerine K.ter, Miss Dora
r Wi< kersham oe. Miss Mary Meyers,
11 Thomas Baldwin, William Wright,
George Shot well, John Leniiart. Rich
, ard Knibloe, John I.Megoun, Thomas
9 J Moffit. Thomas Williamson, Mr. iMun
! soy, MT. Smith. Mr and MTS. W. Wallev
• Davisf, 'Mt. am) Mrs. Robert M. Rutti
s ert'evrd, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Pavno, Mr.
1 an I Mrs. Philip T. Meredith. Mr.' and
• iMlrs. Riefliaird Vincent MmK«v, Miss
' Isabel Wifhelm. i.Mias A)rati Wiihelm.
Frank P. Carney and Dr. John P. Culp.
Entertained Out-of-Town Guests l at
Their Home, Saturday Evening
1 Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Kberie entertained
at tlieir home. 240 4 North Sixz'ii street,
• Saturday evening. Music, by Prof, k!
K. Kberie.lMiss Groome and Air. Groome
was a feature of the evening's enter
' j tainiment. The guests include,!:
Prof, and Mrs. *W. W, liberie. Mr.
° and Mr«. Groome. M ss Edna (<roome.
I Mr. and .Mrs. O'Bryne, daughter ami
' | son, Charles Mundns and daughter, Car
| rie; Mr. Jenkins, all of York; Mrs. Ella I
i Shirk, >Mt. Joy. aud Mrs. Charles Ros
j sier. of Altoona.
Guests of Dr and Mrs. C. R. Miller
Spent Pleasant Time
Dr. and Mrs. C. K. Miller, Nineteenth
and Market streets, entertained the
, following week-end guests at Mt.
. Gretna:
Miss Una Gray, York; Miss Edith
i Steward, Miss Florence Feese. Miss
( i ( atharine Keller, Miss Helen Farmer,
. Mrs. Maurice Fitzgerald, William Clush, i
. Foster Sowers, George Lawrence, Miss
I.ingle. The party was chaperoned by i
I Mr. and Mrs. Charles X. Lawrence. j
Ceremony Performed at Parsonage of B.
F. Stevens M. E. Church
-Miss Blizabetih Farqiwior Morton, of
> . Market street, and Robert Eugene'
| liensel, of Chicago, 111., were quiet 1v j
; married Satuday evening at 8.30 j
, | o'clock at the parsionage of t.he Stevens I
, 1 Memorial M. E, chureh. The ceremonv i
j was performed by the pastor, r.he Rev.'
Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker, in the !
, i presence of the immediaite members of i
,t he bride s family. Late Saturdav '
night Mr and Mrs. Hensol left fo'r I
i Chicago where thev will reside.
Miss Elsie Spayd Entertains in Honor
of Miss Helen Shaver
-Miss Elsie Spayd gave a theatre par |
j ty. followed bv luncheon at Rose's, I
Saturday afternoon in compliment to j
i Mists Helen R. Shaver, whose marriage j
• to G. Douglas Andrews will be an i
I event of next week. Miss Spayd'si
| guests included Miss Helen Shaver, i
,lMiss Syra Pakra<iooni, of Overbrook; |
I Miss Sara Vance, Miss Frances Corbett, :
Miss Emma Graupner and Miss Mar i
j garet Stephens, of Reading.
Issued Invitations for Wedding j
, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Winfield, 70fi
North Sixth street, have issued invita- j
| tions for the wedding of their daugh ;
tor. Miss Catherine Winfield, to Dr. j
j Albert G. Davis, of Norristown, which i
will take place Wednesday, October 28. i
Guests Fr->m Lebanon
Miss Kathryn Me< onnell and Miss '
, Esther Paine, of Lebanon, are spend- I
| ing the week with Mrs. H. D. Guy, j
22J3 Jefferson street.
First Junior Class Meeting
The first Junior class meeting will
be held to-morrow evening in Han '
shaw 's hall, with president Harold j
| Houtz. presiding. Class colors will be :
i selected and other important business i
transacted. The first meeting of the
Senior class will be held Tuesday eve- j
f ning October 26th.
Motored to Bellefonte
Mr. an i Mrs. D I". Hershev, Mr. j
and Mrs. Prank Bomgariiner, Mr. and I
Mrs. N. S. Badorf. Mr. an|l Mrs. Jo I
seph Benfer. Mr. and Mrs. ('!. B. Shope, I
J. K. May and daughter, Miss
| ami David Hetrick left the city Sun
I ilay morning in three automobiles ou a
pleasure trip to Belleionte.
News of Persons
Who Come and Go
Mrs. \V. H. of Altoona, has
returned to her home after a visit with
her sister, Mrs. Frank (Jammings,
North Fourth street.
Mrs. B. C. Commings, of Lancaster
has returned to her home after a
week's-visit at the home of Mr. ami
Mrs. Prank Commings, North' Fourth
Miss Frances Bailey and Miss Em
ily Bailey, Third and M tie lay streets,
have goue to Beliei'onte to be the
guests of Mrs. Daniel Hartman Hast
Miss (Serena Motter. of Frederick,
Md„ is visiting Mrs. Charles A. Kun
kel, -21 North Front street.
Charles N. Hickok, of Cleveland. 0.,
was the week-end guest of Mr. and
Mrs. "W. On ilie Hiekok, 3d, Front and
Locust streets.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Doyle, of Phila
delphia. are visiting the latter 'sjnoth
er. Mrs. Charles W. Kohlmiein, 427
South Thirteenth street.
Miss Nolle rtepford, 304 North Sec
ond street, left last night for New
York City. .
Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Deen and
daughter, Dorothy, of Lancaster, re
turned home yesterday after a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Ehner R. King,
1725 North Sixth street.
Lawrence Brown, of Philadelphia,
' has returned home from a visit with
j Lon Eckmaiv, 2035 Peon street.
Mrs. D. S. Hartman and son. Charles
! Hartman, of Columbia, were guests of
j Mr. and Mrs. John Loun, 265 Herr
j street, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Good, of Lan
| castor, arrived to-day to bo the guests
! of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Shenk, 271
| Hamilton street.
Mrs. S. J. Ziegler, of Philadelphia,
| is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E.
| Ziogler, 106 State street,
j William Minster Kuukel and Daniel
j Herr Kunkel, students at Franklin
' and Marshall College, were in Phila
delphia last week for a several days'
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Light and
Martin Light, of Lancaster, are visit
ing Mrs. Thomas (.'lark, 707 North
Seventeenth street.
-Mrs. Samuel Haines, of Lancaster,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Thomas
I (-'lark, 707 North Seventeenth street.
Miss Ethel Lutz. 1810 Borryhill
street, has returned from Halifax where
j she was the guest of Miss Miriam
Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott and
• Miss Josephine Elliott, of Newtown,
N. have gone to Coiebrook to spend
j a day or two before returning home.
: While in this city they were the guests
j of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Miller, 609
j Brigg.s street.
Miss Lucy Reddiug, of Gettysburg,
j who has been visitiug Mrs. Anna Col
| lins, 1529 Zarker street, returned to
\ her home yesterday,
i Miss Winifred Welsh. 2132 North
i Fifth street, returned to her home yes
terday after several days' visit in At
| lantie City.
Mr. and .Mrs. Everett Moore and
| daughter, Dorothy, of Coatesville,
! have returned home after a visit with
j Mr. and Mrs. Hiesier Byier, IS 13 Re
g'ina street,
j Mrs. Charles Folk and daughter,
j Miss Helen Folk; of Lancaster, are
I guests at the home of the former's
: parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Hall,
1428 North Sixth street.
! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stewart, of
i Jamesburg. N. .1.. arrived to-day to
visit the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Stewart. 1 604 State street.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ('. Byter. of
Coatesville. are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Hiester H. Byler, ISI3 Regina street.
Mr. and Mrs. William Horting of
Newport, are visiting their son, F. O.
! Horting, of Hotel Dauphin.
! Mrs. Jane Beistline. of Lewisberry,!
j is the guest of her niece, Mrs. Chester
i C. Bvler, 1511 North street.
; Mr. and Mrs. John Ritter, Miss May
! Ritter and Charles Fritz, of Liver
pool, have returned home after a vis
it with Mrs. Martha Hartzell, 1501.
North Sixth street.
Mrs. Lillian Price and Mrs. Catha-
And Cuticura Ointment, both fra- j
grant, super-creamy emollients, will j
promote and maintain the natural i
purity and beauty of the hair and
skin, the first requisites of beauty.
Samples Free by
Cntlcura. Soap and Ointment aokl ttorou«hout :hi !
world. Liberal sample of each mailed free, <rlth 32-p. 1
book. Addreai "Cuticura," Dept. SF, Boston. ,
NU-BONE CORSETS, front find hack
laced, flesh reducing triple wire stays,
washable, unbreakable, rust proof, i
elastic, tricot agd slip-ons; ready to
wear and made to order. Maternity,
surgical and abdomen belts; most com- 1
fortable hygienic corsets made. NU-1
Second Street.
"Pape's Diapspsin" Is
the Only Real Stom
achßegulator Known
"Really does" put bad stomachs in
order—"really does" overcome indiges
tion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and
sourness in five minutes —that —just
that>—makes I'ape's Diapepsin the
largest selling stomach regulator in the
world. If what you eat ferments into
stubborn lumps, you belch gas and
eructate sour, undigested food aud
acid: head is dizzy and aches; breath
foul; tongue coated; y#ur iusides tilled
with bile aud indigestible waste, re
member the moment "Pape's Diapep
sin" comes in contact with the stomach
all such distress vanishes. It's truly
astonishing—almost marvelous, and the
,ioy is its harmlessness.
A large fifty-cent case of Pape's t'ia
pepsin will give you a hundred dollars'
worth of satisfaction or your druggist
hands you vour money back.
It's worth its weight In gold to men
and women who ean't get their stom
achs regulated. It belongs iu your
home- —should always be kept handy iu
case of a sick, sour, upset stomach dur
ing the day or at night. It's the
quickest, surest and most harmless
stomach regulator in the world. Adv.
rine MoCloskev, of Lancaster, werp
recent guests of Mrs. Jacob McCorkell,
2035 Be tin street.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Geiger of
Northumberland, have returned home
from a vfSit with Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
W'iliiams, 1501 North Sixth street.
John M • Kenny, 1349 V ernon street,
is the guest of relatives iu New Castle.
Mrs. Rice and daughters. Miss Mary
Elizabeth and Miss Annabel Kiee. of
Mechanicsburg, were recent guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Singeister, 1611
Park street.
Mrs. Cleveland A. Ace and Mrs.
Martin F. Bock, of Wilkes-Barre, have
been spending the past ten days visit
ing the latter's mother, Mrs. G. \V.
\ oaug, 1000',., South C ameron street,
and her sister, Mrs. Harry Fenstermach
er. Ninth and Hemlock streets.
Mr. aml Mr». William Frank and
Jacob Keller, of Lock Haven, have re
turned home from a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Marshall, 1306 North
Sixth street. '
Mrs. Sarah Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Chamberlain and Miss Ethel
Jeurgens, of Salem, Ohio, motored to
this city and are guests of Mr. and 'Mrs.
John Hutchison, 1 724 Pulton street.
Mrs. H. A. Toomev, of Newport, has
returned homo after a visit with her
sister. Mrs. Thcouore Bower, 500 Reiiv
Mr. and Mrs. Allie Windsor, of
Washington. I), r, are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William Linn. 1423 North
Sixth street.
! I'hcmas Hixon Lowe returned
jto this citv yesterday from a ten days'
j v , IS!t w ' ttl rs ' E. K. Sparks at State
| College and is now stopping with her
, mother, Mrs. Leßov J. Wolfe, at the
I Donaldson. Lieutenant Lowe is with
Ins regiment at Veia ruz. Mexico.
Miss Ida Header? of Wrigatford.
, Aid., is the guest 01" her relatives, Mr.
and Mrs. Williams, 425 North street.
Albert Drake, of Aitoona spent the
week-end with his .mrents, Mr. and
Mrs. Benjamin Dra..e, 14 22 State
1 street.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Waliazz. 04
, south Seventeenth street, are home
trom \ork.
; < liarles Lowe, 134S Vernon street
I has returned home from Washington.
; U- where he was the guest of his
' Miss Katie Winfield. 716 North
bixth sKeet. is spending some time in
New \ ork City.
. Mrs Mary Me.vei and Mrs. Aimie
Madfolter, ol \ ork, are guests of Mrs.
John Machlin, Thirteenth and State
Miss Annie Rhoads, Mrs. Margaret
Wetzel and Miss Minnie Wetzel of
Carlisle, are guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Miller, 632 Harris
Miss Helen Roland, of Lebanon, was
the guest of Miss Ruth Lightner, 619
I'etter street, during the convention last
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin and
children, of New Kingston, have re
turned home from a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Sterringer, 1717 Penn
Mrs. Harry Leonard, 1729 >'orth
Sixth street, has returned from a trip
to Oil i ity and Johnstown.
Jonas Eieholtz, of Nachusa, 111., who
has been the guest of -Mr. and Mrs.
Mervin Peters, Third and North streets,
left Saturday for a visit to Benders
ville and Gettysburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Latimer Willis, of
Brooklyn, former residents of this city,
are guests of Miss Bratten, 308 .North
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Swope. 2013
North Sixth street, have returned from
Lititz, where they attended the funeral
of the latterV. aunt, Mrs. Mary Ann
Mrs. James Wilson and children. 631
Camp street, have returned froni a
week's visit to Shamokin.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sebourn, 636
Harris street, spent Saturday in Phila
delphia and attended the world's series
Mr. and Mrs. Christ Breneman, of
West Willow, were week-end guests of
■Mr. and Mrs. Swope, 2013 North -Sixth!
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Crimes, of
Driftwood, who have been the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J W. I'rtban, 1438
Derrv street, have returned to their
Motor Trip of 156 Miles
E. J. Miller, Miss Ida Miller, Mrs.
Bertha Croft, Miss Katherine Croft and
Paul Miller motored to Sunbury, Mil
ton and Dwart, yesterday, covering a
distance of one hundred and fifty-six
mijes without mishap.
Motored to Sunbury
Mrs. Sarah A. Keys, J. Howard Keys,
Mrs. Brit'ten. of West iFairview;
'Mrs. J. H. Lynch. 80 North Seventeenth
street, and MTS. B. P. Stauffer, of Le
moyue. motored to Sunbury yesterday
to attend the fuueral of Simon Albright.
More Mobey for Building Mid Teach
ers Is Urgently Requested by the
State Superintendent of Public In
The annual report of Or. X. C.
Sehaeffer, Superintendent of Public In
struction, says that the most important
t problem before the next Legislature
j will be betterment of the educational
| facilities in the rural districts. He
I declared that they needed more money
j for buildings and teaclners and the pu•
! pils better facilities for reaching
schools. Dr. Sehaeffer snid there had
[been a notable advancement in inter
j est in industrial and vocational edu 'a
jtion. many of the cities having in
stituted extensive courses.
The Superintendent 'voiced objection
to numerous holidays and to the bring
] ing to the schools of many problems
which he considers as not within the
i duty of the educator to undertake. Dr.
jSehaeffer said tliat there should be an
| improvement in the teaching of Kng
j l ish. He «avs history, insofar as it pve
j paros youth for citizenship, is declare I
to be very valuable.
According to the report Dr. Sehaeffer
believes the operation of the act of the
last legislature, requiring the reading
of the Bible in all the public schools,
has not been accompanied by any of
the difficulties that were freely dis
cussed while the bill was being fought
over in tiic Senate and House. Dr.
Sehaeffer says:
"While the bill requiring the daily
reading of the Bible in the public
schools was pending, it was predicted
jin other States that if the proposed
| legislation were ever enacted into law,
i there would be scenes of riot and blood
shed in Pennsylvania. Nothing of the
j kind had come to pass. The campaign
which the school department inaujju
rated for carrying this law into effect
has been remarkably siJceessful. After
J the law interpreted and explained,
I there was little objection to its en
! forccment. The teachers, although dif
fering in religious creeds an.l customs,
I proved themselves to. be law abiding
| citizens. Fortunately, the spirit of re
j ligious tolerance, with which William
i Penn started the government of hit
J province, still abides in the hearts of
I our citizens.
'•The law in regar.l to vaccination is
! not satisfactory," says Superintendent
Sehaeffer. "During tlie last year some
| school houses were emptv because an
, attempt was made to enforce the law
{excluding unvaccinated children front
| school. The courts have held that when
I a child is excluded from school on the
1 ground that it has not been success
j fully vaccinated, the compulsory at
| tendance law cannot be enforced. An
! empty st'hool house is a needless ex
! pense, because it moans that tiie un
j vaccinated are neither getting in educa
tion nor receiving immunity from a
loathsome disease.''
The report makes no recoinmenda- 1
i tion as to how the law should be 1
i changed.
Students May Form Class Organization
to Get Taste of Univer
sity Life
With the preliminary work of regis
tration aud the opening exercises over,
the regular session of the University
of Pennsylvania extension school opens
this evening. Classes will start at 7.43'
p. m. and the first hour will continue
until 8.45 p. m. when there will be an
intermission of fifteen minutes, the
work terminating at 10 o'clock. There
will be alternation betweeu lecture
hours and quiz hours throughout the
term. The first week will consist of
lectures entirely.
The Harrisburg extension school is,
now the largest of the four "up-state",
evening schools of the university, pub
lic spirited citizens of Harrisburg as
well as members of the university fac
ulty have worked hard to establish j
the institution so firmlv in this city.
The classes will be held on the
fourth floor of the Technical High
school building in the lar *e study I
room, ideal for the purposes of the 1
school as it is large, well ventilated
and suitably equipped with desks.
Professor Budd, of the Wharton f
school faeultv, has made the suggestion j
to several of the students that as soon j
fis possible after the opening of the
school, the men get together and form
a class organization. In the Philadel
phia evening school the men have
their own organization as well as their
own football, baseball and debating
teams. Banquets, smokers and other en-j
tertainments are given continually \
through the winter. In this wav the
men partake of so ial life and recre
ation. while getting their business edu
Classes in this city will coiitiuue
without interruption with the excep
tion of Thanksgiving night until De
cember 17, when there will be a
week's vacation for Christmas.
Married at Hagerstown
Miss Martha Manbeek and George
Davis, bot'h of Lewistown, were mar
ried Saturday morning at the parsonage
of the First Baptist church, Hagers
town. (Mil. Tiie ceremony was porfor::
ed by the pastor, the Rev. K. K. Thomas.
How I Cured My Eyes
This Free Prescription
Did It
"My eyes were in a terrible state; I
could hardly stand it. They were ted
and inflamed; felt as though they had
sand in them. They would ache and
burn dreadfully and caused incessant
headaches. T could hardly lead at all.
After wearing my glasses my eyes
felt #trained and overworked. By
chance I met a man whose eyes had
bothered him the r«me way. He gave
me the following prescription, which
he said had cured him and since had i
enabled him to discard his glasses.
"If you wear glasses or have eye
trouble similar to mine T advise you to
have this formula (llleri at once. H.
O. Kennedy or any druggist can fix it
up for you. Here it is;
n grains Optona (1 tablet),
ounces water.
Allow to dissolve, then bathe the eyes
by means of an eye cup three to four
times daily— if convenient. Just
note how quickly your eyes will feel
fine. It does not smart or burn, is ab
solutely harmless and any druggist
who knows the formula will tell you
that you need not iiesitate to use it.
if you try It I am sure, you will be Just
as enthusiastic over it as I am. Cut
this out so you will always have the
t Here is a t
Present for You!
J A new delightfully flavored
Peppermint gum double I
strength lots of "Pep!" X
Double wrapped to keep it
fresh and full-flavored.
Five cents a package of 5 big
A sticks enough for the family. A
I Each stick is like a spicy 1
Peppermint Lozenge with a long X
lease of life —it lasts! **
And, with each package is a
United Profit-Sharing Coupon
(good for valuable presents. .
Made by the manufacturer* of the widely-known jj
mm 1 t
—both highest quality products, from the
(largest chewing gum plants in the world. .
Bear in mind the WRIGLEY
"twin mints" for quality cleanliness and |
flavor. Try today 1 9 J ,
Out of a Total Membership of 1,001)
in the Sunday School, NfMt Were
Present at the Interesting Exer
cises Held Yesterday
The annual fall rally clay was ob
served with great success, vester.lay at
the Kerry Street Cniteil Brethren
church, Fifteenth and Derry streets.
The school met at its regular hour. 9.50
a. in., ant! observed the following pro
Ten minute concert, Sunday school
orchestra; ten minute song service,
school; prayer. Superintendent .1. E.
Hippie; song, school; responsive lesson
reading. Assistant Superintendent W. X.
Wiiiemiller; offering; violin solo. Miss
Sara Lemer: exercise, the little lots;
song, Boys' Choir; address, H. L. Carl;
violin solo, Miss Sara Lemer; class re
ports; greetings. Dr. I. A. Lyter; cios
.ing song and benediction.
The membership of the school is 1,
000 and 596 were present at yester
day's rally. The church was beauti
fully decorated under the direction of
J. Prank Barley, chairman of the deco
rative committee. Autumn leaves and
pennants centering around a great
white court covered with live fens
completed the handsomest decoration
ever seen in Derry Street church.
Class Xo. 4, taught b\ A. K. Brough,
won the efficiency banner, which is con
tested for by all classes of the school
each year. This banner is awarded to
the class scoring the greatest number
of points secured as follows: Seventy
five points or 100 per cent, attendance,
20 points for each new member and
10 points for each visitor.
The singing, for which the school is
becoming noted, was never better than
yesterday. Professor Davies, as usual,
directed. The Rally Day exercises were
continued in the evening at 7.30 at
which service the superintendent. J. K.
G-ipple, presided. All classes were
grouped in the auditorium with their'
teachers and the following program was
Organ voluntary, organist; selection.!
Men's Bible Class; hymn, congrega
tion; devotional. Dr. Lyter; hymn, eon
ygregation; offering; anthem, i-hcir, un-i
der direction of Professor Davies; ad-I
I dress, ''The Bov of To-day and thijl
Church of To-morrow," Professor K E.I
McGinnes; hymn, congregation; bene-1
I diction.
Causes Involve Actions in Common
Pleas, Orphans' Court, Quarter
Sessions—Twenty-one Listed
Twenty-one causes are listed for :
hearing at the October term of argu- :
meut court which will be held Tues-!
day, October 13. The list follows:
State vs. W. J, Bavles, alderman,;
rule to show cause why indictment
1 should not be resubmitted to another
Grand Jury; George A. Matehett vs.
P. X. Kasson, mot on for judgment,
( notwithstanding verdict; Briuser 4c !
' Son vs. Pennsylvania Steel Company, |
i rule to strike off judgment; State vs.
Mabel Miller and Benjamin Powers,
rule to show cause; Broad Street Xa-,
1 tional bank, Trenton, vs. Pnited Water]
and (iuarantee Company, petition to j
open judgment; State vs. Farmers'!
Mutual Insuranre Company, Crawford, I
exceptions to receivers' second ac* j
count; Farmers' Produce Company, re- i
j eeivers va. William D. Durham, rule to |
I open judgment; same rule against H.
; j L. Shutt and Edward Shutt; Gatelv & 1
i Fitzgerald vs. H. K. Camber, rule to
open judgment: Truman A. Salpaugh
vs. ,1. Francis Unthicum, rule to show '
cause; Alfred Hoerner \s. A. H. I in
boden, certiorri; Alfred Bechtel vs. A.
I'" farmer and Mrs. Alice Parmer, rule
to open judgment: State vs. County
Commissioners, mandamus; Home Ger
man Bau and Span Verein vs. H. Hom
er Matter, rule to open .judgment; State
\s. Auditor General is. James B. Sliee
haii. Register of Wills, Philadelphia,
case stated; John H. Siders vs. Walter
1,. Montgomery, exceptions; (vjuvo vs.
Frank and Kate Capan, rule to open
judgment; Max Williams vs. Prank
Cohen, rule to show cause why action
I should not be considered or
Lena Arnold is. IVank Hess, et al.,
estate of Jacob Hess, exceptions to
confirmation of sale.
/ s
ptomaine poisomm;
Little Talks on Health and Hygiene
by Samuel G. Dixon. M. D.. LL.
D„ Commissioner of Health
Ptomaine poison causes a serious dis
turbanee of the digestive organs due t >
the products of germ life, Generally
speaking ptomaines are the result of
deconi|iositiun of food stuffs. This i<
caused by bacteria. In the process of
their growth a pnison is produced which
effects a violent disturbance if intro
duce I into the digestive system.
Sausage, decomposed lish, che s\
ice cream, milk, canned meats an I
vegetables are the food stuffs mo°t
commonly responsible for ptomaine po
soiling. Cooking will not always destroy
the ptomaines in food stuffs." It k ; l s
the bacteria but the poisonous sub
stances will remain.
I nfortunately our sen«e of in
the majority of instances does not warn
us of the presence ol' these poisons.
I his is often due to the common p'rac
tice of over seasoning 'our fooil stuffs
and the excessive use of condiments.
Also it is the practice of manv canners
to add preservatives which makes it
possible for them to use decomposed
meats or vegetables. If foods for can
ning are properly inspected before their
preparation and the decayed port on
eliminated, they ran lie made to keep
without the addition of injurious pre
Ptomaine poisoning as a rule de
velops a few hours after eating an 1
progresses rapidly.
In the treatment of ptomaine poi
soning the first essential is to wash
out the stomach ami empty the in
testinal canal of as much of the decent
posed food as possible. These tiling
may be done while awaiting the arrival
of the physician.
Limit of Courtesy
Japan's new prime minister, Count
Okunia, has a wooden leg. It replaces
a limb which was blown off b\ the
bomb of a political assassin. In con
nection with that outrage a story is
told which, goes far to support the
claim that is made for Okunia that he
is the best mannered man in Japan.
After the explosion, which had killuil
his servants and horses, besides shat
tering his leg. he was lying in his
office in an agony of pain, vet lie w:is
able to say smilingly to i: foreign
Statesman who was taking leave of
him, " Excuse me, sir, for my impolite
ness in not seeing you to the door,"-
Pall Mall Gazette.
t "A FIRSTri.ASS hoi ei.:- y
|g|V[ IN THE M§
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fffvt* Massage; Electricity; Cabi-
SHBJ net Baths; Diet Kitchen. 3315
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