The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 12, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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\ k~. ;
w Henrietta D. Grauel !
fc. ii il^Lo
Bay-Leaves and Ginger
Some me has asked if the leaf from
the swamp hay tree is identical with
that used for seasoning and she sends
me a black velvety leaf for a sample.
It does not seem to even belong to the
same family and has none of the spicy
taste or odor that gives charactoi to
the bay leaf of the kitchen spice box.
•This leaf is from a tree that grows in
the East Indies; it is used not only for
seasoning, but for perfumes, and it is
this same leaf that is distilled and used
for making bay rum. If you do not
like the flavor of bay in tomatoes and
in spice mixtures, it is doubtless be
cause you add it with too heavy a
hand. I'se but a little. One leaf broken
ill half is enough to put into a quart
of food to be flavored and it should be
taken out jfter a few minutes as it is
so strong that it will cover all the other
flavors if left in.
Ginger is another spice that is either
much liked or ignored by every day
rooks. It is a valuable root crop
though its value differs from that of
roots that are used only for food.
Its aromatic quality and spicy fla
vor stimulates the flow of gastric
juices and pleases the palate. The plaut
it is taken from is very likely a palm
and grows freely in moist places
throughout the tropics. The root is
gathered when the stalk withers and is
scalded at once or washed and scraped
to prevent its sprouting. The Chinese
Ike to eat the most tender ginger
sprouts and they also use them for
many of their soups.
The old roots are strong in flavor
and produce dark or black ginger, the
white or light ginger is from the young
Yowe of) ttje 1
/ When You insert a "Wanted
| > / to Buy" adv. or "Wanted
¥ ! io Rent" adv. in the
0, -OR
/p, R£AL estate
My i\ i Columns of the Star-Indepen
i HW\ —Harrisburg's Great- Home
\ 3280, Independent 'Phone "245, *
WW \
Manaynnk Mills May Be Affected by
Action of Coal Company
Pottsville. Pa., Oct. 12.—1n order
that, the drought, which get? more se
vere in the coai regions e\erv nay,
notwithstanding slight rains, shall not
■ aiise the . losing down of its collieries,
the Reading i oal and Iron Company
iia,s impounded the headwaters of the
Schuylkill canal. Klectric and steam
pumps are conveying the water to the
move will afie**t the Msnavunk
mills, as there will be no water in the
dams to flush the canal if the mills,
& Mum \ our ••»nli»rMi*ii»«*nt o! »ii* ureal vducutlonnl opportunity S
l»> « iitlfni& out thf nbove Orliffratr of %ppreclntlni). and prpftcnflns
»< tllia nttice. with fhe piprnnf bonnft amount herein net oiipo-
f site Dictionary nrhieli cover* the item* of the coat of pacUlnir. $
f cipre.a from (lie In.tory, etc.l, nnd jtou will he preaented with thin f
V f"nl lltctionary. w
f I he 54.00 (Like illustrations printed in the display announcements.) I
T Unborn Cnirlieh I{ IS THC ONLY entirely NEW compilation by the world's |>
s - „«,'? rea,cst authorities from leading universities; is bound in T
1 DICTION AKYfuII Limp Leather, flexible, stamped in gold on back and X
x illustrated sides, printed on Bible paper, with red edges and corners %
♦ rounded; beautiful, strong, durable. Besides the general contents, there T
f are maps and over 600 subjects beautifully illustrated by three- i 1
X c"'->r plate*. numerous subjects by monotones, 16 pages of I &
|> educational charts and the latest L T nited States Census. Present I ° %
lat this office ONE CerMfic-re of Aporc iatlon and thn «JoC f-
X MAIT. ORnrns—vnv bonk hy parcel prat, Include EXTRA T centa within
A !r.« mile?: 1A c*nts J. r »o to miles; for greater distances ask your postmaster
J amount to include for 3 pounds. &
roots or from the dark roots bleached
The popular heating stimulant, -'a
maica giuger. is a fermented extract of
this root, as is ginger beer and ginger
The most delicate rootlets are cut in i
slices and preserved in sugar syrup and !
are railed Canton ginger in honor of i
the tirst Chinese makers. A taste of
the sweet takes one's memory ba>-k to
early trading davs when the sea cap
tains brought little blue and white jars
of the preserve with tlieni on their re
turn from the "Chinese" sea.
In "Mrs. and Mrs. Aleshine,"
the ginger iar has the place of honor j
on the parlor mantel and the writer I
of this quaint little novel. Fran'.; K. I
Stockton, makes it the receptacle of the I
cast a-ways' board money.
These little jars are still sold by iin- I
porters and treasured bv housekeepers!
after the candied gijiger they held is:
used, for they are odd in shape and I
foreign in appearance.
As tor candied ginger itself, i f is
most wholesome; a small piece eaten
after a heavy meal assists digestion so
greatly that it is often recommended
as an after dinner sweet by physicians.
When making fruit cake a little
should be added just as citron is and
it gives a splendid flavor to fruit fill
ings in layer cakes. The candy maker
finds it blends with all flavors and
makes a pleasant change from nuts,
cherries and citron in decorating.
While it is quite possible to buv the
green ginger root and preserve it in
your own home, you will find it is
not any cheaper, with sugar at its pres
ent price, nor is it so smooth and rich
ns the Chinese article.
need waiter. Under the charter, the
ompanv is required to release water
from the datns when the mills require
it. but the Reading officials sav they
hope th s will not be required of them,
as the water is urgently needed in this
Artistic Printing at Star Independent.
Farmers Are Hauling Water
Sun bury, Oct. 12. —Northumber-
land, Union and SnyJer county farm
ers a-e suffering severely from the
drought. Their wells are drying up,
and many are forced to drive from
three to five miles a day to get water
for their families and live stock.
Novelized From the Great Play of the Same Name by
George C. Jenks and Carlyle Moore
Copyright 1913. by Th« H. K. Fly Company
Down He went ou one knee behind
the sofn, aud. pointing the automatic
revolver at every one in the room with
a sweeping motion that made tile
weapon seem equal in potency to a
dozen revolvers, he thundered:
"Hands up!"
The hands of everybody in the room
went up in the air. those or the ser
geant going higher than any of the
others Even the delicate white hands
of Mrs Cnrr and her three daughters
were elevated.
"Sow." went on Ooogan in stead;
tones that conveyed n deadly purpose.
"Hands up!" thundered Doogan.
"I'll put a bullet through tbe firsi
man wb» makes .1 move."
He looked about him to make sure
that none of the policemen had failed
to obey his order and called out:
"Nell, come here!"
"But. .lack"— she began as she went
over to the sofa behind which he was
"Never mind about talking. Take it
»n the run!" lie interrupted.
"But. .lack," she expostulated, "vre
en n't both make it. and I won't leave
yon here!"
"Go on Nell!" be cried impatiently.
"1 know what I'm doing. Beat it, I
tell you!"
He watched her as she glided away
through the rear doorway, and he
knew she had reached the kitchen
stall's. I'lieii he fastened his gaze on
tbe sergeant while his pistol waved
slowly from side to side, although he
addressed everybody in general as he
said distinctly:
"You people will find everything
that's missing in that trunk and the
suit case. As for you cops, let me tell
you something. All 1 want is live min
utes' start, and you'll new.;' sc.- us in
New York again. We're ready to blow
the town, aud God help tbe guy who
tries to stop us, for I am a good shot,
and I'm desperate! Understand?"
As he uttered the lust word In a de
fiant shout he dashed to the door by
which Nell had gone out. darted
through and slammed the door alter
For a few moments e*erylxxJj In the
library remained as .lack Doogan had
left them, with thetr hands In the air.
Then as they realized that he really
had gone the sergeant swore a great
nath aud dropped his bands. •
"Hurry up. men! Whip them out!"
roared the sergeant as he shoved the
sofa out of the way. "Are yon all
The policemen all rushed the door
together, and down It went with a
crash. The officers tumbled through
the opening in a heap and scuttled
down the stairs. It was rather dark
there, after coming out of the well
lighted library, and they lauded at
the bottom in a profane heap, with
the sergeant underneath.
As he extricated himself, in a frenzy
of wrath, he bellowed, "Blow your
whistles, you fellows!" And away they
dashed through the kitchen to the outer
basement door, which was also locked
and which they demolished, as they
had the other door above.
Meanwhile .lames Cluney. who seem
ed to have forgotten his supposed klep
tomaniacal ailment in the excitement
of the last few moments and somewhat
reassured by the confession of .lack
Doogan, went over to Madge and put
his arm around her protectlngly.
They all went out. Dr. Willoughby
closing the door behind them, although
be was firmly resolved to get back and
see the rest of the fun so soon as be
should have the ladies settled down tn
the drawing room, where they could
nor hear whatever row there might be
iu tbe library.
For about half a minute the library
was empty. The noise of the police
men tumbling down the stairs and rarn
-1 paging through the kitchen regions bad
' ceased, and there was a stillness like
' that which often precedes a Berce out
break of the elements in the country.
1 Suddenly Jack Doogan tiptoed Into
the room from the front hallway. His
pistol was still in his hnud. and as he
1 glared about him there could be no
doubt that he was prepared to shoot
: j his way to liberty through any opposi
-1 tion he migbt encounter.
He beckoned to some one outside as
soon a 9 be had assured himself that
the room was empty, and Nell came in
j and stood by his side.
"All right. Nell!" he whispered hoarse
ly. "1 think we've slipped them. We
were inside ihe front door before they
came up from the,basement, and the
last I saw of them they were tearing
down Seventy-second street to River
side drive."
"Yes. that's the way they went. Jack.
I saw them too." She giggled half bys
! terically. "My. how they were run
| ning: And the wrong way tool It was
! funny, .tack!"
"I only hope they won't be able to
stop till they dive into tbe Hudsou
| river," he responded grimly. "Take
another peep from behind tbe door.
| .Nell. As soon as they are out of
sight we'll beat it ourselves."
"And everybody is running after
them, crying "Stop thief!' "
"Straight down the street, while we
are comfortably indoors It isn't bard
to fool a bunch of cops."
| "Well?"
".Tack." she murmured, "they're
i shouting Stop thief!' "
"Of course they are That's their
battlecry. You told me that before,
although it wasn't necessary. i
j knen- "
| "I know. dear. And the worst of it
Is that they mean us."
"You bet they do. [.ook out there
and see if they are gone."
"In a moment, dear. 1 lust wanted
j to ask you something "
; "Go ahead "
"You haven't forgotten that you
promised ine no one else would have
Rii excuse to cry 'Stop .thief!' after
jus when we have finished this job?"
I "Why. haven't I told you"—
"1 know: I know, .lack: Rut it has
turned out differently from what we
His Pistol Was Still In His Hand.
expected. You have not made any
thing ou this trick"—
"Not a red cent!" interjected Doo
gan regretfully.
"Then I thought—l feared—that you
migbt want to try it again. You said
you needed a stake to get married on,
and. as we'd missed it this time, 1
didn't know what you migbt do."
"Nell." he said, "wbeu 1 told you
this .was onr last I meant every word
of it. I didn't copper my bet. It was
to be tbe last, win or lose, and that's
what it is. We'll get out of this, and
| I'll show you that I can be as square
as any guy that never pur himself iu
wrong with tlh police. Get that?"
She held up ber lace to hint, and he
kissed her as she murmured with a
' happy smile:
"Yes. I got that. .lack, and I know
: it's straight"
A man iu some sort of uniform
' which Jack Doogan thought at first
was that of n policeman came in from
the front ball and advanced on him.
.lack Doognn's automatic revolver
was pointed at the newcomer's stom
ach in a flash, accompanied by the
tierce order:
| "Stire up your hands!"
The man obeyed, with wonderment
as well as terror expressed in bis
white face.
"He's all right, .lack!" interrupted
! Nell hurriedly. "Re's the chauffeur
' with my taxi. The cab is round the
Doogan dropped the muzzle of his
pistol as he remarked, with a warning
I shake of the head: "It's a pity you taxi
« - $
$ ——_ i «— — ®
1 The Aughinbaugh Press |
1 and J. A. Thompson Co. I
® •* * @
> Whose Plant Was Destroyed By
Fire April Bth, 1914 Have Opened f
1 Temporary Offices and Plant I
5 AX THE |
! 18-20-22 South Third St. I
| J. L. L. KUHN, Secretary and Treasurer %
men look so much like cops. That cap
or yours fooled me. Now. get that
trunk on your bnct and drive ns to the
Grand Central station as quick as the
Lord will let you."
"All right, hoss." answered the chauf
feur. "I'm on."
As the man picked np the trunk and
stepped into the hall ou his way to the
front door .lack Doogan grinned and
said to Xeil in a low tone:
"Pee. Nell! It isn't as bad as you
thought. We ain't going to lose on
this trick after all. Rriug the suit case.
I'll watch this fellow. I reckon he's
all right, but I'm not taking chances."
Doogan was following the chauffeur,
and Nell had stopped to pick up the
suit case from the floor when William
CE.T and the minister came in from the
rear stairs as Mrs. Carr. Madge and
Caroline entered from the door leading
from the drawing room.
Nell put down the suit case and look
ed about her with the hunted gaze of a
cornered animal. She would have run
out to the front door after .lack Doo
gnn. but Dr. Willoughby and Cluney
had come in behind Madge. Caroline
and their mother and were in front of
the only available exit.
"Why. there ..he is!" exclaimed Mr.
Spelain. "There's the maid! How did
she get here?"
Dr. Willoughby walked In front of
the girl and eyed her sternly: then as
he took the suit case from her, he de
manded: '
"Where's your pal?"
Nell closed her pretty mouth tifcbtly.
and her gray eyes Hashed unmistakable
"Why don't you speak?" put in Wll- ;
liani Carr in nn injured tone.
"Couie on. now." admonished Cluney. j
"Which way did he go';"
Nell remained obstinately silent, and j
once more Mr. Carr wanted to know ,
why she didn't answer, out got no re
Mrs Carr sailed over to Nell in her
grandest niauner and. adjusting her
ear trumpet with a flourish, took her ,
In hand with a majestic:
"Now. my girl, you might as well tell
the truth."
To Be Continued
The British Museum
In the early days of the British mil-1
seuni, a century or more ago, the place i
was open for only six hours daily 011 '
five days a week during the summer
and four hours daily during the rest of
the year. Nobody could remain in the
building for ico'e than two consecu
tive hours and the number' admissible
at one time was strictly limited to tif- :
teen. Each batch of visitors was shej>- ;
herded by an attendant.
B When in Philadelphia Stop at the B
Broad and Locust Streets (
P Reopened after the expenditure §j
■ of an enormous sum in remodel E
3 lng. redecorating and refurnishing, g
g Near ail Stores, Theatres and 9
g Points of Interest.
P Ever j Modern Convenience j|
H MO Elegantly Furnished Rooms I
European Plan ®
■■ Rooms, without bath ....91,50 up I
Rooms, with hath $2 up. jl
I Hot and cold running j
water in all rooms IK
B Louis Lukes. President Manager. 8 I
® lf wiii wvwMwiwv'a* ■ si
It is highly commended to lovers of good—pnre—beer. S
Remember the snappy flavor of our 5
Bell 82fl L Order It To-day Indepondant 31* |
Many Talks and Some Feasting Await
Pittsburgh Gathering
Pittsburgh, Oct. 12. —Club wotnon
of Pennsylvania will gather here this j
week to attend the nineteenth annual
incoting of the State Federation of j
Pennsylvania Women. Mrs. Samuel |
■Setnple, of Titusvill,-, State president, j
•has arrived ;o welcome the incoming i
delegates to-day. The meetings will !
open formally to morrow morning and :
will continue until Friday noon.
To-day a special conference on civics
was held. Tlio Kauai Franchise Fed
oration, of Pittsburgh, will entertain
the officer* and delegates this evening
with a banquet in Soldiers' Memorial
Hall. The speakers will be Mrs. iSem
ple, Mrs. Desha Breckenridge, of IJOX
ington. Ky., vice president of the .Na
tional Federation; Miss Mary Macalnr
ney, of Hairis'burg. and Dr. Marv
Wolfe, of Hointesbi.rg, Pa
Mrs. Percy V. Pennybacker. presi
dent of the Nationa: Federation of
Women's Clubs, will address the con- j
vent ion to-morrow.
Carvers' Tonic Tablets
For nerves, weakness and nervous
prostration, 50 cents at druggists.
Polrtstown Woman and Niece Fail to J
Get Money Sent
Pototstown, Pa., Oct. 12. —President
Wilson has been appealed to to make '
an investigation into the case of Mrs.
Sophia Bressler and her 10-year-old
niece, Madeline Thomas, who, in a let
tor received from Mrs. Bressler, say
they are without a penny and are half
starved in a little German town quite
a distance from Berlin.
Sums aggregating $260 have been
forwarded by her folks here through
various agencies. in her last letter
she says she has failed to receive a
Shejias return tickets on Hie Ham
burg-American Line but its boats arej
not running, and she has no money |
even to reach a port from which she j
could sail, much less to pay her pass
Critically Stabbed In Quarrel
Altoona, Oct. 12. —George Boyles is
in the hospital with three stab wounds
that may prove fatal and Vincent Per
ula is in prison awaiting the outcome.
Perikla and Boyles are said to have had j
an altercation about midnight, during
which Boyles called Perula a hard
name. Perula, it is alleged, drew a
knife an 1 as fast as he could wielded
the weapon. He almost cut. Bovles'|
right hand off, slashed hjm across the I
abdomen and plunged the blade into ,
his left shoulder. Then he fled. When !
the police arrested him later they j
could not find the knife.
Compels Him to Replace Articles He
Had Taken From Her Bureau
Sum bury, Oct. 12.—<'omiing unex-'
pectedlv upon a burglar rifling her!
bureau at a hospital here. Miss Mamie j
Harter, a trained nurse, demanded that j
he put everything just where lie had j
found it and leave, under pain of be
ing shot.
The fellow was inclined to laugh. I
she said, but when' she made a step
forward he beat a hasty retreat. The
young woman did not have a revolver.'
The room is on the first floor.
Toss Under Auto Fatal
Reading, Oct. 12.—While riding a 1
bicycle on Centre avenue a block from j
his home. William D. Lance, aged 11. |
only child of Blwood H. Lance, was !
struck and almost instautlv killed by
an automobile owned by H. C. Meek.
The boy was thrown under the wheels,
carried home bleeding from the nose,
mouth and ears, ami died a half hour
Mountain Forest Fires Extinguished
and Streets Get Washing
Altoona, Oct. 12.—An all-night rain
| broke the protractod drought in this
! section. All told, 1.31 inches of water
i fell Saturday night. It materially
! augmented the dwindling water supply
of Altoona and other municipalities in
j the vicinity but has not. entirely eli-
I minated the danger of famine.
Forest fires which had been burning
at several points on the mountains
wore extinguished. Altoona's streets,
which had not been swept for several
weeks on account of the water ahort
i age, were thoroughly washed.
Poles Lay Church Cornerstone
Shenandoah, Oct. 12.—The corncr
' stone of the neiw $150,000 St. Casbi
mcr Polish Catholic church was laid
yesterday afternoon. The Rev. .lohn A.
(lodricz, of tlie Polish college, Phila
i delphia, preached an eloquent sermon,
! after which the cornerstone was laid
| by Monsignor Masson, of Alientown.
, acting for Bishop McCort, of Philado
! phia, who also spoke and gave the
blessing to thousands of worshipers.
you to locate ll»
nearpßt retail ah opt and moot arcwwlbte
•o theutres, depots, ateam#blp plera, you
win b<* plaasfsJ at rtir
sth A v., Broadway, 24th St.
A five million dollar example of modern
orcl»lt«*ctura: perfection; aococnmodaUoa,
1,000 guests.
A Good Room,
$1.50 Per Day.
With Bath, $2 to $5.
IKaiuons PioeadlJly R««fauranL
■ B>oklet and OulM on Reqneat. jk
e— —
;jao Market Street
Fall Term Soptember First I
Day and Night Sessions
Positions for All Graduated
Enroll Next Monday
15 S. Market Sq., Harris i<urg, Pa.
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Kltect May 24, 1914.
Irnloa Lean' Uarrlilmrt—
Fur Winchester ana Alartiriabnrg, »:
*7.bu a. in, "3.40 p. m.
l-'or Huserituwn, Cliamoeraburg anil
Intermediate auitlon*, at >5.03. *7.i<L
■ a. m.. •■, S.i 2, '7.4 U. 11.0#
p m.
Additional trains for Carlisle ana
llechanlcaburg at IMS a. m.. *.lB. 1.27,
■J.JU, -J.HI u. m.
Kor Dilisbure at 5.93, 'l.l* and *ll.ll
a. m.. 2.18. *2.40, 6.32. t.V p. m.
*lkally. All other trains d.-.ily oxoept
Sunday. ; H. TO.N'QE,
U. A. RID DUE. O. P. A. Knot