The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 09, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    ► "Isn't this Bowman's Store?" asked a lady who came in our Store this week;
* on being told it was, she said it looked so large and different that she thought she
* was in another Store.
► New arrangement of every department on every floor and new store equip
► ment have given more light and wider aisles —and the new Elevators make it a
► I leasure to shop on any floor. These are the beginning of manv new things
► planned for better Store Service at Bowman's.
J Women's Kid Gloves
' We have ample gloves that came from Prance, Ger
j many and England before the present war. The val
i ues speak for themselves. Every line we ever car-
ried and without a doubt the largest—including
Reynier, Fownes, Bacmo. Christmas is on its way—
why not buy your gifts while the stock is at its best 1 ?
y The favorite 2-clasp overseam "loves with three rows AT _
K embroidery in black, white, tan and grey. Pair,
Bacmo 1-clasp Cape Gloves, P. X. M. in good tan d*"| 1 F
shades. Pair,
* Fownes 1-elasp pique lambskin gloves; Paris point einbroid
►ery; beautiful soft, pliable skins; in black, white QC
► and tan. Pair,
► The Odette 2-elasp overseam gloves; Paris point 1 P
y embroidery; in black, white, tan and grey. Pair,
y Fownes 12-button French kid gloves; soft and d*o
pliable, in black and white. Exceptional values. Pr.. I t)
Revnier 3-clasp French kid gloves; Paris point OP
| embroidery. Pair O
j * Bacmo 1-clasp washable doeskin gloves—every d»"| ftT
j ► pair guaranteed to wash or a new pair given. Pair,
1 ► Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
! ►
: Cottons Have Dropped Considerable
[ Prices quoted here are a decided saving.
- Sheets, Muslins, Etc.
j 30c 90-inch Sheeting, Pepperell 39-inch Sheeting, very fine qual
j Equality; 2Ms yards make a square !ity, -aid, 9c
* s ' ieet ' var( ' 22c, 400 pounds Quilt Patches, 4xß
► 27-inch Unbleached Sheeting. >«=]'.?£ Pf ck - • •••• ••• •• •■ ■
vanl 3 C I 12 Vfcc to IDC White Shaker Flan-
IP ' nel > vard 10c and 13}£c
39-inch Sheeting, fine texture, 18c 45-inch Best Quality Pillow
yard, 41Jc jCasing, yard, 10c
► Sheets About % Off Usual Prices
75c Arcadia Sheets, size 76x90; | 90c Mohawk Sheets, size 81x90;
* seamless, bleached, 58c seamless- marked E. S OOc
: si no I-.- ci ci HA! an< * 22c Mohawk Pillow
$1.09 I tica Sheets, size 81x90 leases, marked E. S., good size, each,
1 in- 90x90; marked 0 79c ja c
Main Floor—Rear New Elevators—BOWMAN'S.
J A Trip to Our New Dra
► pery Department
► will be of interest to you. This is the time of the year
k to dress up the home with new draperies. So many
y materials and styles to select from—and experts who
h will be pleased to suggest and help you select.
y —.. .- Roman striped and ori
y ''Jr.' H'J ('/• r ental designs in eouch
► 'lt"-' r f-n •'/' 1 ' eovers ' • •
- '/• ' •]' • Sunfast materials in
'■ 'jl* L' j ' - P' a ' n aß< l cut designs, 31
k '• ' -I' • ' to 50 inches wide; colors
►.-j. '. [ , /' ■ jrX jI ■ I .' ■ are rose, blue, brown and
► ' i ' • ':&£]• ' "j' * ; grey. Yard,
► : '-J \A\ '
► '.' ' '
H* ' J irl WlCilA' V ' /*i\r Battenburg curtains, 2*4
'.'-I' ,¥«Jn\\t\ \ 7- r • >' ards long; white and
*'■ ■ .hmlM\\!.y '* \' ' eeru - Pair
► -• - - ' ■' $1.25 to $5.75
► Nottingham lace curtains, 2Y 2 and 3 yards long; white and
► lleize - Pa ir- 49< to $5.00
Cretonnes, repps, tickings and taffetas for cushion curtains,
and box and furniture coverings. Yard 20«* to $2.50
I *■ Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
: Facts About Sophia
Quality Hair Goods
- 1 li p name Sophia on our hair goods means—finest
, quality—best workmanship and most important of all
-moderate price.
► To-morrow we feature
Psyche Switches at $1.50 fiW&w
y In all shades including grey, that are indispensable \
► 10 the newest arrangements of the hair. Worth $2.50. f?
► Wavy Transformations at $1.50 IJK
► In all shades including grey, that are essentia! to
y the latest French Twist effect. Worth $3.00. Experts
in attendance. Jn
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. V" 1 *
: Saturday Last Day to See
the Lions, Cza
l Czar as he poses for motion picture shows, only lie"
is behind iron bars here. They will be fed at 2 P M. "
and 7P. M. Bring the Children. Come in and see <
them. 1
Third Floor —BOWMAN'S. i
kAAAAAAA A . - . ...
s* 1 m m m m m m m ■ A AAA AAA, A A A A A
Our buyer was in New York the early part of the week and owing to the warm
weather, bought certain lots of goods at a big reduction. This is very unusual for the
first week of October and they will be offered to you at this time at correspond
ing reductions.
Large Black Velvet Hats—sailors The very finest quality of Velour
with flange on edge. Also a few seal Hats in the new mannish shapes; in
plush hats. These hats are actual black, brown, green and navy. This is
$2.50 and $3.00 values Q&r* au actual $7.50 value. QF
at Jot Special so.£/£>
Black Lyons Velvet Hats, hand blocked, and we truthfully say —as fine a
| velvet hat as can be bought. Should sell at sti.OO. Very special j
. trimmings was never larger. V
1 \ A A A A S- A 1\ II
I J/' Big purchases at this time- ftT JAJT
!> 4> * taking advantage of all price
I 4 ' concessions and r.t the same I |
\ J time receiving all the new [j '| ||
| ' \ goods—will make this depart- lu j ifl^l
' + Lfj§ ' ment the logical place to pur- jyj j) 11|||
I ' ' chase your new millinery. *
i — L — \ i , Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
$25.00 Broadcloth and
Poplin Suits at $16.50
And the materials so scarce that manufacturers are buying from each other at
I advanced prices. The suits were made for a large retail store that met with finan
cial reverses just when the suits were to be delivered. Our buyer happened to be
on the spot when the news arrived and made an offer for them. The offer was low
enough, you may be sure, but as the manufacturer wanted them shipped at once,
and more important, he needed the immediate cash, he accepted
and the suits are here.
Sixty Chiffon Broadcloth Suits in the best colors—navy, Copenhagen, j
PNSfj!* dark brown and Russian green—they would be unusual values tf»-| f* r A
(ipf at $25.00, at 3>10.0U
\ Fifty-five Poplin Suits—blat-k, dark brown, dark green, dfl
/j\ A plum ' " avy and <iregs of wine ' s P lendi d $25.00 suits, at tPIU.OU
/ 'f, j jjj j I wenty-seven Imported Gabardine Suits—black, dark brown, green and
/ IN Iff navy—a better liian is usually found in $25.00 suits, r' f\
t'<J h >
|f jf~ I | 'I ' n above suits there is a very satisfying assortment of the
a //! I later models and the tailoring is excellent. All sizes are among
lif I[l\ them—- but notwithstanding the quantitv an earlv visit ad- •
JJ ! \ visable.
1 IjU
k .p]/. .. Ninety-five Handsome Coats Arrived Here Yesterday from
| \ N; / jr iie—And Wile's models have a reputation from Maine to Cali-
I \ 1/ fornia. Beautiful broadcloths, ssibylines, lustrous Meritex and !
vV\ Pomoires and all the fashionable plaids.
V M sls, $17.50, S2O, $25, $27.50,
* $32.50, $35 and $45
All sizes for misses and children.
Suit Section—Second KIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Furniture and
Mattresses I J|
High grade merchandise at special prices Saturday to get you j I 1' - H Iff
acouainted with our new commodious Furniture quarters. J j 1
Showing finest grades of furniture made—only a few seconds
on fhe new elevators to fifth floor. | 1 i |l i . T
0 Q /)
$6.00 felt fibre mattresses $4.95
$7.00 roll edge felt mattresses, ....$5.95 | ®
$12.00 white felt mattresses $7.95 i
$15.00 imperial edge felt mattress, $11.95 ® &
$25.00 quartered oak dressers, chiffonier and princess dressers \ r-r-r-r
--j —colonial design $18.50 [j j , ~~
SIB.OO dressing table to match, $12.75 \ Cfl.
Fifth FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Young Bessemer Had a Cautious as
Well as an Inventive Head
The moat trivial incidents have oft-i
en originated the fortunes of our rich
est men. Take, for example, the for
tunes made out of Bessemer steel. This!
I genius, young Bessemer, had some Idea
of making steel out of iron, hut a poor,
I newly-married young mau has no means
1' "A rifcslVi.AsS MriTPL"'
J Resident Physician
I Massage; Electricity; Cabi- (Kjfl
J net Baths; Diet Kitchen.
y Same management as
Store Opens Saturday 9 A. M.—Closes 9 P. M. 1
i of experimenting on a large scale. The I
story I muirt tell is I heard it from an j
intimate friend of Bessemer and is a
true tale.
After Bessemer had in his small !
laboratory experimented with the mert
! als and at last obtained the desired re- ;
suit by blowing air through melted iron i
j he found in the bottom of the cruci'ble !
a little lump of the famous steel. Now !
[ the question was how to make the dis- '
| covery public. He put the lump of I
steel into his pocket and made hU way '
to Nasinyth of steam hammer fame. !
Placing the metal on Nasmyth's degk, I
he told him that he had made this ex- :
traordinary discovery, which would rev- !
olut ionize the whole metal world.
Then came n little incident which
shows what wonderful heads these
Scotch financiers possess. "What do you
think Nasrayth said to his excited in
ventor f
" Bh, mon, it's vary risky to show
your wonderful invention, The world
is vary dishonest."
To which the aspiring inventor re
"Right, Mr. Nasmyth. I just calcu
lated who 1 was coming tn see, so with
my last half crown I registered the in
vention on my way."—London Stand
Carvers' Tonic Tablet*
For nerves, weakness and nervous
prostration, 50 cents at druggists.
And There You Are
"It is figured that the average wom
an upends 242 days gazing into the
mirror between the agos of 16 and
70." the man.
"And it is also figured that the
average man spends a good deal <more
than thait gazing after the passing
woman after she's used the same mir
ror, replied the female companion.—
Yonkers Statesman.
«r <r yy t V " I
Lifien crash cushions: oblong, with fringed ends; stamped for *
embroidery. Special <
Pullman Slippers—made of moire, stamped for embroidery; <
pink, blue and black. Special, $1.25 <
Linen Bureau Scarfs, trimmed with Cluny lace and insertion;
stamped for embroidery. Prices ' an( j SI.OO i
59c lace and insertion trimmed bureau scarfs 37<* j
White Goods
and Linens
Large wide aisles and
new equipment make it a
pleasure to shop in this
department. Specials for
90-inch Linen Sheeting—a soft
heavy quality, extra good grade.
Yard. SI.OO
Koval Longcloth—lo yards to the
piece. Our 75c leader. Special at I
03 lie
Rice Cloth—36 inches wide. Ex- !
tra fine quality—used especially tor •
the new collar and cuffs. Yard, 29c
Homespun Blankets with brown !
and blue border; heavy weight and j
very serviceable. Pairi $1.50
Grey Blankets with blue and pink !
borders, large bod size, good qual
ity. Pair $1.3»
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Corsets for Every Figure
Made of coutil in light and
heavy weight.; three pair hose j
supporters; low, medium and 1
high bust. Special, $1.50 |
Henderson corsets, front and |
back laced; medium, low and
high bust; rubber gores in back, !
heavy hose supporters. Spe- !
cial $2.00
Henderson corsets for slight,
medium and full figures; laced
front and back; some with rub
ber gores front and back. Spe
cial $3.00
Second Floor —BOWMAN'S.
Children's bonnets; white and
colored, in plush, silk and vel
vet-, trimmed with ribbon, fur
and ribbon flowers. Prices are
50tf to $4.50
Children's hats in corduroy, I
plush and velvet, with shirred
silk facings, ribbon and fur |
trimmed. Prices are
$1.50 to $5.50
Children's dresses in white :
poplin, pique and linen, high j
neck, long sleeves, belted styles.
Prices .SI.OO to $2.98
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Special Sale of
for Saturday
75c crepe gowns—white and '
colored, stripes and figured, j
scalloped edges and lace trim
med. Special, j
$1.25 Combinations corset j
coyer and drawers made of fine j
nainsook, lace and embroidery j
trimmed. Special 98^
Second Floor— BOVVMAN'S.
Soap Specials for Saturday '
Visit our new large Basement Store '
10 rolls Crepe Toilet Paper, 25e^ i
10 cakes Swift's Pride Side, i
10 cakes Ivory Soap 38tf <
10 cakes P. & G. Naptha Soap, 38tf i
10 cakes Pels Naptha Soap '' i
packs Swift s Pride Washing Powder, *
fi cans Swift's Sunbright Cleanser 25* i
No phone orders tilled on soap.
Neckwear and Ribbons «
We pride ourselves on the large line of up-to-the-minute
styles in neckwear shown here. 4 I
Laundered cuff and collar sets—a big assortment. Sot. 4
.. 50* and SI,OO <
Mare collars lfi net and organdie 25* and 50* „
Pique yestees . .. 25* and 50*
Net guimpes; high neck 25* and 50* <
Ribbons I
Wide satin ribbons for girdles. Yard, 59* to SI.OO «
Pupils Sit Swaying on the Floor as
They All Study Aloud
In the schools of Arabia the chil
dren, with the schoolmaster, sit upon
the floor or the ground in a semi
circle and each has a tablet of wood
which is painted *hite and upon which
the lessons are written. When the
latter are learned they are washed
out and replaced bv other lessons.
During study hours the Arab schools
remind one of the Chinese, for the
children all study aloud, and as they
chant they rock back and forth like
trees in a storm, and this movement is
continued for an - hour or more at a
time. The schoolmaster rocks back
and forth also, aud altogether the
school presents a most novel appear
ance as well as sound. Worshipers in
the mosques always move about while
reciting the Koran, a* this movement
is believed to assist the memory.
The desks of the Arab schools are
Visit Our \
New Men's 1
Store on
Third Floor '
Those who have not been <
here since the Store has <
been remodeled will he <
pleasantly surprised with <
the large new quarters <
and convenience of our <
new Men's Store. i
Special showing of
Men's and ;|
Young Men's;
Suits ;
in tartan check. Roman stripe, i
gre.v serge, blue worsted, brown i
cassimere, black and while <
striped unfinished worsted; also <
the new Oxford-bound
English and semi-Knglish mod
els at $9.90, $12.50, $13.50, <
$15.00, SIB.OO and up to $25.00 4
New top coats and balma
caans at $10.50, $12.50, $15.00 '
and SIB.OO. <
Showing new cloth stitched
hats—high crown, open curl
brim—a $2.00 hat, for . .$1.50 <
Fell and stiff'hats in all the .
new shades, at $1.50 $2.00
Third Floor —BOWMAN'S.
, odd contrivances of palm sticks, upon
; which is placed the Koran or one of
'' the thirty sections of it. After learn
; ing the alphaibet the boys fake up the
• j study of the Koran, memorizing entire
i | chapters of it until the sacred book is
■ entirely familiar.
I A peculiar method is followed in
i lenrning the Koran. The study begins
| with the opening chapter, and fro/ti
1 this it skills to the last. The last bi«
one is then learned, then the last but
' two, and so on in inverted order, end
> ing finally with the second chapter. J.'
Oause For Rejoicing
' ''Your wife used to like to sing ami
* she played the piano a lot. Now we
i don't hear her at all. How's that "
' "She hasn't the time. We have two
little children."
i "Well, well! After all children are
' a blessing! " —Dallas News.