The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 09, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Stop Washing Hair!
Try This! Makes Hair
Glossy, Soft and
Surelv trv a "Danderine Hsir
Cleanse" if you wish to inuuiHliitrlv
double the beauty of your hair. Just
moisten a cloth with Pimderine atnl
draw it carefully through your hair,
taking one small strand at a tiuie. this
will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or
any excessive oil —in a few minutes
you will be ama red. Your hair will be
Aged Mother of Defendant and Chil
dren Welcome Her Home
Kane. Oct. 9. —Mrs. Gerrrude Carl
son, who shot her husband, was a. quit
ted yesterday afternoon of murder.
The jurv went out a" uoou and fouud
the verdict in an hour and a half.
When the opened yesterday
morning, the aged mother of the de
fendant was placed on the stand and
related the story of the snooting. she
told how Mrs Carlson came to her
ho.ise with her children seek mg pro
tection. She tol.l of Carlson's visit and
his demand that his wife return home
with the children.
She said Carlson attempted to attack
his wife when she interfered and that
Mrs. Carlson, to ward on his attack,
picked up a revolver from the table
and shot her husband.
When the verdict was telephoned to
M-s. Peter Swanson. age i mother of
Mrs. Carlson, she cried with joy. M-s.
Carlson returned to her home last n:ght
an .1 was greeted at the train by her
mother and little children.
Chased Into Her House by Man Priest
Is Wounded
St. Louis. Oct. 9.—The Rev. Nuol
Casu. assistant pries: at Our Lady Help
of Christians Catholic church, was shot
yesterday when he stopped a* the home
of Nathalie du Mosure. a woman par
ishioner. while on his way to mass. He
was wounded in the hand and the left
shoulder. The woman was arrested.
The Rev. Oaesar Spigardi, superior
of the wounded priest, said the woman
had asked him to help her got work
and that he had sent her to several
places. Father Casu said he was passing
through an alley when a man with a
revolver menaced him. To escape he
ran into t-he hallway lea-ding to the
woman's rooms and then upstairs. The
man pursued and tired.
Four Chosen After Decision Not to
Reduce Dioceses by Merger
Minneapo'.s. Oct. 9.— Four uew
bishops were elected \ est or day :»y the
House of Bishops of the Epis 'Opal
church n session here. Those chosen
The Rev Herman Page. rector of St.
Paul's church, <Tii ngo. who will pre
side over the diocese of Spokane.
The Rev. Paul Jones, of Salt l«i-;e
City, diocese of I'tah.
The Kev. George Coolidge Hunting,
of Berkelev. i a '\. -uovese o: Nevada.
The Rev.. Hiram R. Huise. of New
York, diocese of Cuba.
A proposal to reduce the number of
V.shovs to be elected from four to two
b\ combining 'he diocese of L'ta'n and
Nova la and. the diocese of Cuba and
Porto K '. was defeated after a long
Thoughts are Sparks
—flashes.of the mind that decide for success <>r failure.
The question is, what kind of sparks
does your brain generate ?
The brain, like a battery, must be supplied with certain elements to gen
erate thought properly. These brain elements are water, albumen and phos
phate of potash. If any of these are lacking in the daily food, brain and body
energy are vitally lessened..
Are any lacking? Listen! "Water and albumen are plentifully supplied in
ordinary food, but phosphate of potash—together with other mineral elements
—is almost wholly lacking in white bread and all white flour products.
—containing all the nutriment of wheat and barley, including the precious
phosphates so essential to perfect bodies and active brains, provides a food at
once delicious, nourishing and economical.
A morning dish with cream furnishes POWER for accomplishment that
many a man has come to appreciate. 1
Common sense goes a long way toward success. To eat right often means
to BE right.
"There's a Reason"
Grocers everywhere sell Grape-Nuts.
wavy, fluff\ and abundant and possess
an inebmparable softness, lustre and ■
Besides beautifying the hair, one ap
plication of Oandorine dissolves e>er\*
particle of dandruff; invigorates th'e
scalp, stopping itchiug and falling hair.
Danderine is to the liair what fresh
showers of rain and sunshine arc to
vegetation. It goes right to the roots,
invigorates and strengthens them. Its
cxhilaratiug. stimulating and life pro
ducing properties cause the hair to
grow long, strong and beautiful.
You can surely have pretty, soft,
lustrous hair, and lots of it, if you will
iust get a 25-cent bottle of Know It on *s
Danderine from any drug store or
toilet counter and trv it as directed.
Attendant of 70,000 Recorded and
Financial Success Assured
York. tVt. 9. —There was an esti
mated attendance of 70,000 persons at
the York fair yesterday and last night
and the financial success of the sixty
tirst annual exhibition is assured. The
throng bogau to pour upou the spacious 1
invlosure early, and when the sun broke 1
through the lowering clouds yesterday
afternoon the multitude increased with
rapidity, until there was one mass of
hiunanitv in every direction. Fifty
thousand visitors were brought here in
special trains o\cr the several rail
While some of Hie fakers did not do
a profitable business, showmen and
other concession holders reaped a har
More than a score of children were
separate i from their parents in the
crowd, but were found late-. The pyro
technic*! display last night was elabo
rate and daring ascensions were made
by Fred Carwile. a young aeronaut.
Says He Wants Wife. Not Money Her
Family Has Offered
New York, Oct. 9. —The Duke di
Mato O.irar.r.o. defendant in a suit filed
Wednesday to annul his marriage to
Miss Elisabeth Frances Hanan. n sister
of John T. Hanan, a millionaire shoe
manufacturer, announced yesterday
that he expected to defend the action.
"The Hanan family offered me $25 a
week fo- life," he fsid. "Rut what s
S- 5 to me? What 1 wanted was a
The marriage was one of the notable
social events here last winter. Annul
ment is sought on the allegation that
the Duke is a convicted thief and that
he was under indictment in France at
the time of the wedding.
Receives Delegates to Convention of
National Association
Washington, D. l\. Oct. 9. —Presi-
dent Wilson yesterday received dele
gates to the convention of the National
Association of Postmasters of the Sec
ond and Third Classes, which ended its
deliberations with the selection of At
lantic City as the next meeting place.
New officers elected were: A. H.
Frit... (Quarryville. president: Andrew
Price. Marlington, W. \'a.. vice presi
;ent. and H. A. Hopkins. St. Clair,
Mich., secretary-treasurer.
May Buy Delaware Canal
Washington. IV C.. Oct. 9.—A reso
lution ailing upon the Secretary of
War for a report on the price at which
the government conld purchase the
Chesapeake and Deiawae canal was
passed yester lay by the Senate. An
appropriation of nearly $11,000,000 for
the purchase of this canal was one of
the items forced out of the rivers and
harbors bill bv the recent filibuster.
Federal Body in Session at Chicago
Returns Bill on Eve of Charge
Being Outlawed
Chicago. Oct. 9. William Lorimer. !
ousted member of the Cnited States
Senate from Illinois, president of the
Ui Salle Street National Bank, and its
successor, the La Salle Street Trust'
ami Savings Bank, until the failure
of the latter institution last June,
was indicted yesterday by the tVleral
Grand Jury.
Joseph P. Gallagher, a director in
the former bank and a partner of the I
contracting firm of Ijorimbr 4i Gal
lagher, was named with him in a true
bill containing thirty six counts. and
accusing them jointly of misapplies
tion of the bank's money.
During a period of eight months,
'.jorinier and Gallagher misappropriated
$70,000 from the National bank,
• with intent to iu.iure and defraud,"
according to the indictment.
Three additional indictments were
returned. They charge t harles B. Mini
dav, vice president: Charles G. Fox.
cashier, and Thomas McDonald, auditor.]
with having t'al«e entries in the books
of the old National bank.
ljorimer's bail was fixed at $
and that of Gallagher at SIO,OOO. The
■ 06 counts in the one indictment against
; liorimer and Gallagher hinge on six
specific instances of alleged misappli
cation of funds. There are six different
sets of counts in each of the six in
stances 't is that a note was drawn by
the 1«>: tner Ji Gallagher Company, an
insolvent concern: endorsed by Gal
■agher, also insolvent, aud the worth
less paper placed in the bank for money
withdrawn. On October 10. 1911, the
indictmen' charges, ''William lioritner.
«s president of the bank, misapplied
$15,000, which lie converted to his own
use. with intent to injure and defraud
the bank," and he was "aided and
abetted by Gallagher."
\ll nf the remaining counts are with
variations based ou the>e.
The indictments against ljorimer an 1
Gallagher were returned just in time
to avoid their becoming outlawed by
the statute of limitations. The statute
would have become operative to-day.
The three indictments against Mun
day. Fox and McDonald all charge en
tries on the bank's books, showing
more cash oti hand than the bank ac
tually possessed.
Man Whose Family Were Slashed Kills
Intruder With Hands
Alton, 111., Oct. P. — A ntvjro burglar
was choked to death here yesterday by
Joseph Winkler after the negro had cut
Winkler, his wife and son with a razor.
Winkler's sou Frederick, aged IS,
awoke to see the negro leaning over his
• bed. A str.iggle began and the rest of
the family were awakened and hurried
to the aid of the son. The elder Wink
ler seized the negro, choking him until
he weakened. Frederick went for a
rope which which the negro was bound.
The police were notitiel. but when they
arrived the man was dead.
Gusher With Dsily Production of 12.-
000,000 Cubic Feet Found
Pittsburgh. Oct. 9 —Announcement
was nva-Je yesterday by the Philadel
phia Company that it hud struck a gas
well with a daily production of 12,000.-
000 en-die fee; and a rock pressure of
m>o feet per square inch on a farm
in The old Murraysville field. This is
within fifteen miles of this city.
The new well is within half a mile
of the first well drilled in the field
thirty-five years ago. Tt was struck
several days ago in the sand 600 feet
below fhe original discovery. The fact
that the well was opened in Mnrrays
v-.ile fie: i •'.tatters the genera! opinion
that that section has been •'dead'* iu
production gas for many years.
The Distribution Astonishes the '' Show
Me" Man. Who CaUs Run
Most Remarkable
"There ain't no sich animal.
That's what the farmer said when
h« saw his first circus giraffe, and that ;
is practically what Eastern publishers!
have been iaviug about the record
breaking run upon the Stardudepen 1
dent'» book bank. It has been almost
impossible to meet the demand, so,
great have been the inroads upon the]
banked up store of Modern English'
Dictionaries created bv our readers'
insatiable craving for knowledge neat-,
ly bound in black limp leather.
One certificate from the Star Tilde
pendent and a small bonus secures a J
"Ji hat's coming off in Harrisburg? " |
Twis has been the terse exclamation I
going the rounds of the publication |
world as wire after wire carried the
news of the rush for dictionaries and
the demands for more books faster than j
the publishers could readilv supply
i Yesterday the dictionary man. the
one who is responsible for the cre
ation of the volume which has set Har
risburg dictionary daffy, hurried ititfc
town to ''see what was up."
"Unbelievable" was the word he
used when he saw the Dictionary De
partment almost depleted of its store
ot volumes. He was shown the fast
emptying storeroom and the crowd of|
eager, intelligent purchasers aud he be i
came convinced.
"It only goes to )how how greatly;
Harrisburg has been maligned,'' he]
said. "This city knows a good thing]
when it sees it and the best is none j
too good for Harrisburg. This city !
beats all others tor culture and appre
. elation of an educational opportunity.
lin going link and busy myself with I
supplying this demand instead of scoff ]
iug at it."
Youth. Unattended. Presents His Com-]
mitment to Superintendent
Huntingdon, Pa.. Oct. 9.—John
Thrash, 15 years old, was sentenced
jS* > eml>er 30 by Judge Evans, of
llloonisburg. Columbia ounty, to the |
Huntingdon reformatory ami told the'
court that he would receive a railroad ]
ticket and be trusted to go to the re-:
formatorv unattended by an officer.
rhrasii left Rloomsburg Wednesday
morning an 1 tae same evening rang the
| bell of Superintendent Pattern's office
;<t the reformatory here, presented his I
j wjMnnjjc^
. _
Safe and Sure
should be your relief from indi
gestion, biliousness, or consti- ]
pation. Known to be reliable
and famous for their prompt
and certain efficacy—are
Beecham's i
Lars**! ftle ef Any Medicine in tbe WcrW.
Sold everywhere. In boxea, 10c., 25c.
Two Hundred and Eighty Employes
Forced Into Idleness
Huntingdon. Pa., O t. 9.—Early yes- '
| tor.iav morning a boiler'in the power
. pint of the Ro kiiill Coal and Iron
t'ompany s: Roberts lale exploded, kill- ]
ait: O? ar Brown, a miner, ami severely
injuring two firemen. The cc-mjKiav'
damage u ;)s Srt.oon. The coal ti* pie !
was deir.oi..-.ied and two other boiler? ]
injured. About 280 employes will be "
thrown out of work for at leasj a i
The able in the incline at the M<-
In tyre .al mine. Kinley ville, broke \ es- ,
terdav morning and two cars dropped
down and crashed through the tinnle j
to the railway tra.-ks below. Three i
■ nr.en were badly injured. ,
"E?t s Bale'' Slogan of Pseudo Army
Wa<li;nitcn. O.t. 9.—Cotton has aM
new foe. This time it is a sort of 1 i
se.: I 0 army norm that is get: U g after ,
the crop in the South, according to an ,
announcement issued by Secretary of
Agriculture Houston. "Eat a bale of
rotten seems to be the slogan adopted
( bv this laiest pest. '
Perha; ? the. popular stir about cotton
had something to do with it, and per-1
haps it didn't; but. anyway, this j i
"army worm." as it is frequently .all- \
ed :n the South, has lately beeu con- t
suming cotton at an unwonted rate. ii
Minister Admits Pitiful Story of At
tack Was Fabrication I
London. Oct. 9. —The Rev. Isaac i
i Wilson, of Marble Memorial Method s* .
Episcopal efliureb. Milan. Mi -h.. who i
was found lying iu a lane in this city:
Wednesday nig'.rt with a woim ! in his i
throat, and who declare 1 that he had <
'»een attacked an i robbed of $4,500 in |<
bills, has confessed, the police say, that'
his e"tire story was a fabrication and i
I that the wound was self-inflicted. I
Schuylkill County to Raise 910,004) ,
Fund for German Dependents .
PottsviHe. Pa.. Oct. 9.—A move
men-: to raise funds for the relief of j ■
German widows and orphans, caused bv
the European war. has been sta-ted here i
and prominent citizens are tiking ai
har !.
A meeting has been called for Thurs-!
lay, October 15. at which time ail
dresses will be delivered by the Rev. C.
<3. Kars:h. pastor of Zion's Lutheran
church, of IMinersville: the Rev. J. H.
Cmbenhen. pastor of Trinity "Lutheran I
churvh. of Pottsville, and August
Knecht. a representative of the German j
Catholics. This county expects to for- j
ward SIO,OOO for the relief of German '
Still in the Dark
First Stranger—"Hello, old chap! "
>»eeond Stranger—"Who are you?".
First Stranger—"Why. I'm the
; chap you pledged eternal friendship to
last night.''
i Second Stranger—■'"Yes. T know'
that. But who are you?''—Chicago
i News. 1
Great Suit Sale JT s2o, b Sm25
To-morrow at . . VALUES
A SPECIAL SALE! Every Woman and Miss thinking of New Clothes should
make sure to inspect these extraordinary values. Certainly there hasn't been such
opportunity earlier this season, and it's not likely there will be soon again.
Broadcloth, Poplin, Serge, Gabar Navy, Holland Blue, Plum, Brown
dines, Cheviots. and Black.
samples included in the lot, of which there is only one of a kind. Six styles of the popular
long coat suits and as many ot' the jaunty shorter models. Misses' and Women's Sizes.
UllA lOj $7.98 to SIO.OO Values J $3.90
They are all wool Scotch mixtures, plaids and handsome Treeo cloth in black and navy.
SALE NEW SKIRTS striped . Waistt $1.19
$5 Models in All Wool Serge, QQ Shown Saturday for the First Time.
Bedford Cords and Checks, . Beuutiful rolor Pomhinntionß in gtunnin(l two .
Perfectly matte Skirls in newest tunic with sinnrt three and four-tone Roman ami Persian stripes
button trimming: all sixes. Guaranteed Washable.
Silk Messaline- and Poplin Dresses *C QQ
Positive $lO Values. Special, . . .
Without question, the greatest value in the city. Newest models with the popular basque girdles
of crushed silk. Navy, green, brown and black—women's and misses' sizes.
Visitors Hud to Have Large Bathtub j
in Now Yorl; Hotel
N'ew York, Oct. ?. —When Miss Jen
nie labb\ and her sister, of Masardis,
Me., arrived ai the Hotel laiurelton ou
Tuesday night with several bags and a 1
large box fhey demanded a room with j
n large bathroom and a proportionately I
large tub. and insisted upon seeing the!
before registering.
Yesterday the manager of the hotel j
foun.i a hambermaid with a broonisti.-k >
marshaling four wet du ks that had just i
waddled out of the bathroom of t>he I
ladies from Maine. Ho bad the ducks I
remove.l at once to a phwe of security. ■
When the Misses Lib by were asked!
how it was they had traveled with so |
much aquati. 4 poultrt". Miss Jennie said
it was becauso her elder sister was not
in goo.l health anri that the doctor had i
said she must have every day egis that [
were only a few hours old.
Indicted on Charge of Killing Mrs.
Louise Bailey
New York. Oct. 9.—The trial of Mrs.
Florence Carman, itidi ted on a charge '
of killing Mrs. Louise Bailey in Dr.
Edwin Carman's hofne office, at Kree
jort, 1/. 1., probably wiil not begin tier:
Monday in the Supreme Court. Mineola,
it was announced yesterday afternoon.
Another murder trial, that of Joseph
Kerri, of 1 n wood, begins on Monday
and will probably occupy four days.
Wither D'.stri -t Attorney Lewis Smith
nor George Levy, counsel for the de- >
fense, care's to start trial of Mrs. Oar-.
man at the end of this week, so the!
trial probably will begin on O. tober 19.
A panel of 150 talesmen has been 1
called, and an additional panel w ill'
be drawn next week. On the last two!
Sundays the choir of the Hempstead j
'Methodist Episcopal church has sung!
in the Nassau jail corridor, giving great
comfort to Mrs. Carman, whose nervous!
condition seems to be improved.
The Method of Providing for the Re
payment of a Loan
Every now and then the plain man
who has saved a little money and
wants to invest it so that he will get
a reasonable and safe return runs I
against a nest of terms which are be
wildering and all but meaningless. I'm
afraid he usually passes by without
taking the trouble to understand them.
Take the word "amortization." [
hold that it's no shame to any man
nc*t to know what that word means.
And yet to investors the word is highly
"Amortization'' means simply the
method of providing for the repayment
of a loan. If vou lend me SIO,OOO,
which T promise to repay in ten years,
J you have a right to be interested in
my plans for meeting the demand fur
the SIO,OOO which you expect to tn;ike
upon me ten years hem-e.
So I,say to you:
"I am going to amortize that SIO,OOO
debt in this way: Out of my earnings
every year I'm going to set aside S9OO.
'Each year I will set the S9OO to work
; enrning something too. At the end of
ten years the fund will amount to just
enough to discharge my debt."
j Y'ou will find that specialists in
! bonds use the word a great deal. They
: know better than anybody else its im
portance. They realize that a borrower
j of money for a long term of years is
very apt to forget to make provision for
Certain lenders of money on long
1 terms insist upon the borrower's taking
I out a life insurance policy big enough
j to meet the debt in case of death before
the debt becomes due. Generally the
longer a debt has to run the more im
1 portant becomes the question of ''amor
; tization."—John M. Dskison in Chicago
1 News.
The Reason
"The Comeups declare their ances
■ tors came over with the very early set
1 tiers.''
"Well, then they couldn't afford to
1 deport them.'' —Baltimore American.
Entertained at Five Hundred at Her:
Home at Hainlyn Last Evening—
Supper Was Served
Miss Evelyn Aldinger entertained at
five hundred at her home at Hainlyn
last evening. The rooms were pretitily
decorated with mountain feru ami cos
mos and a Dutth supper was serve I fol
lowing; the games. The guests included:
Miss Sarah We it/, el, Miss Mora Rea
gaii. Mrs. C. H. Hunter, Miss Anne
Keanc, Miss Cecelia Joyce, IMiss Mary 1
Reagan. Miss Agnes Keaue, Miss Mal
tha Fox. Miss Margaret Dougherty,
Miss Nan MvKadden, Miss Anne
Sweeney, Miss Katherine Sweeney, Miss
Maine Hope, Miss Mary Toomey, Miss
Agnes Teoniey. Miss Hannah Vanderloo 1
and Mrs. Roscoe Bonisteel.
Kerschner Brought Original Gorman
Organization to This Country
Sunbury, o<'t. 9.—Eire of undeterm
ined origin yesterday, destroyed the
home built by Karl Kerschner here, a
Herman, who came to America in 187"
bringing with him a band of music of
fortv pieces, which was the original
German band in America.
Kerschner, after he built the home,
started a large vineyard. He quartered
his band and trained it there for more
than a year, when he started out on a
concert tour.
One of the pieces lie played was
called "The Burning of Moscow." To
illustrate it fireworks were exploded.
At Allentown, Pa., the firecrackers set
lire to the. opera house and caused a
$7 5,000 blaze and broke up the band.
Kerschner returned to his home and
died of a broken heart.
The property is owned by Jacob
Kerschner. Mrs. Kerschner was asleep
on the second floor and escaped by
jumping from a window.
Mr. Crimsoiibeak —I see a novel de-j
parture has been made in New South j
Wales by starting plowing at night.
Mrs. Crimsoiibeak —lust think! i
There is a new excuse for you to try
and put over for staying out late at
night!—Youkers Statesman.
| aven '* Tasted
llfl You've missed a rare treat
111 They're «o delicioui you limply c»n't eat
fj |t'i great lun to toait them over a candle flame, £*s■ Ml
II and they're Oh I to good dipped in hot n
; i! Thirty-fivt rents the package at the v\ ■' f
H v shop) inhere the DeUara Girl smiles '/. 1
Club Members Chaperoned by Mrs.
Spotz and Mrs. Sansone
Mrs. \ en Sotz, ."M rs. Sansone and
IMiss Sansone chaperoned a party of
young people, members of the if. A.
Club, on a straw ride to Paxtang last,
evening. 1 roll their arrival there sup
per was served to the following:
Miss Katherine S hillinger, Mi<*
Katherine Barringer, IMSss Ruth Spoti,
Miss Prune es Sansone, IMiss Virginia
llarinan, Miss Klias Ku.'kaloo, Miss Lil
lian Shoop, Miss Martha Shartaer. \li--i
Vera Hrrshey, Miss (Jrace Hershec,
Miss Miriam Spotz. Thomas Hershev,
•Harold Nor by, Kdgar Spot,- and I'asii
mere Sansone.
Visiting friends in Wost
'Mrs. Ida Blessing. 1342 North Cam
eron street, is spending several weeks
in Columbus. Ohio; Chicago and Tis
kilwa, IN.
Only 5<»2,a0."> Out of 1,206,107 Par
ticipated in Primaries
Albany, Oct. 9.—Out of an enroll
ment oi' 1,266,107 voters of the three
principal parties in the Sitate. only
502.1205 nvaile I themselves of the priv
ilege of voting for candidates for the
parties at the primary election on Sep
tember 2S.
Of the enrolled voters .1.8 per cent,
of the Democrats exercised their fran
chises. 1.2 per cent, of the Ri\r>ililica»s
ami .25 per cent, of the Progressives.
Thousands of voters lost interest aft;/
er voting for t'he head of the ticket, ti4
difference between the first and last
named offices being 38,645 on the Dem
ocratic and 25.902 on the Republican.
Washington Party Meetings
The regular meeting of the ward
chairmen of the Washington partv will
be held at headquarters on Saturdav
night, when further arrangements for
a vigorous campaign will be completed.
To-night meetings will be held at Fish
erville and Enders, when Dr. John H.
Kreider, candidate for Congress; Ira B.
Reider and Elmer S. McParland will
make addresses.
"She says her love for yon is a con
suming passion!''
"It is. It takes five pounds of candy
a week to keep it alive."—Town Top