The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 09, 1914, Page 16, Image 16

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The Challenge Millinery Sale Brings I**
Fall's Latest Styles at Prices That The Man Who Really Knows Quality in Shoes
Are Inr nt n fWfl hi v I nw Can Step Right Into a S P lendid Bargain
A..11 vy A C\kJ «/ J—Vvv W 1 pwartl of two hundred and fifty pair ot Hue sjradc shoos for tuon jjo into our
Annual October Sale to-morrow at substantial savings. Many of the stvles in gun
U A A r ii T • . it x j metal and tan Russia calf represent manufacturers' samples of $4.00 shoes—these to- s.
\\ \j} nUnuf€uS Of nlew Stimmeu tl3ts dtlQ gcther with tans and blacks from our s;*..">() lines will move out to-morrow 65
i ' ii ms& Thousands of N2W StI3DPS M f ns $3..">0 tan and black storm OH It' shoos, in | Boys' $2.50 tan oalf skin button shops, on full
iJH 'HwJr bluohtjr style with bellows tongues; made on wide high toe lasts, with heavy stitched soles; sizes 1
mgimfM/ n I. (* • || mm —. . toe lasts, with two full Goodyear welted soles; all to 3U. Special iHl.tif)
_ j/Ewyr- Douont Specially ror This event si \ e , s - w?! * 365 ko; s - #u-> «,,« .m>tnu«ir button shoes; made
! en 8 sample shoes in hall styles. Made on wide toe lasts with heavy solid leather stitched
' i * T > . U P •" Run metal calf, tan Russia calf and patent' soles; sizes 2 1 - to Special $1.40
HO tc Iri t-n tn £=±A F colt skin ; button lace and blucher styles with oak Roys'"gun metal oalf button shoes, made
<1- lid lo X 1 IIIIIXI VvV.l. A I t/t/ v_/l V, I 1 <x lUn leather hand-belted soles; sizes ti and 7, on B on wide toe lasts with heavy stitched soles; sizes
*7 O and C widths. Special $2.65 9to l» l 2 . Special $1.15
\>/ This is the greatest millinery sale we have over held, it is note- - «• My. Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor.
worthy because of the thousands of dollars' worth of new trimmed "\7" at * £ T * 1 T> 1
R V\ hats, pattern hats, untrimmed hats and trimmings that enter the sale V OUT N TOr f\ I /ICmt" fTI s\Ct\S\W
mL K X \k at Challenge Prices. The values are matchless at every price, ami WA Cl UI 6 IU UaAAAAaLrCUIAA
► |WO.' v - A ' V\L demonstrate in a most convincing manner that voit can buv fashiou- rn CM C <IM O
V' r 1 ahle millinery here for less. Here are values that defy competition. SIZ.OU, $lO. OU, s>lo
>j§§ Beautiful New Trimmed Hats in the ""** l " rtM " ,p
CI A Balniacaan is a coat of this kind, and will be an immense source of satis
s ' Challenge at $4.95 We have some fine examples of light weight overcoats that we would like
More than a hundred new models of a qualitv and smart do- T£ \/ A IT i T">i • A'fi
signing that proves thein to bp excellent styles for the money. The It YOU Are Hard tO PleaSe 111 a JQfcr WT '
collection embraces all the newest shapes in finest black velvet beau- o • T IT o x r
•, tifully trimmed to interpret Fashion's latest dictates. OUIt —Let US berVe YOU MSU'h'/fM
~~7TT T T7JT c _ n 71 ~ Many Styles Between $lO and $35 KWjf rI (3
"i • Unarming MU and Pattern Hcits---All Ae havt such a large assemblage of handsomely tailored suits that we are- flnn \TOTP''°"7T
New Models in the Challenge Sale at $8.95 v duality. The call is for— ' 4 ■' r '[
\ | j o> —— Tartan Plaids Fancy Mixtures Neat Stripes '' •
f Great preparations have been made for this Challenge Sale of t4r >i\o3, Pomeroy i Stewart, Men's Clothing. Second Floor—Thrpp Elevators.
/ Millinery and to assure satisfactory service to everybody, our reg
girls from our Reading store. * S Suits That Are Well Chosen
Special Showing ot New Hats GM QC Adaptations of Exclusive
m the Sale at . . .
Thousands of Hat Shapes at The Reproductions Are Faithful and the Workmanship is Skilled
_ , ■■ | mmr N°W on view in the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart outergarment section are
uQp J QQ p f ±4 < y/ / scores of different models, every one of which is a faithful reproduction of an
dllVj. <7OC mT}W\ expensive suit. They come to us from makers who are famed equally for
ah .u i ... v. j i . . ~ c, , . . . SvmHlh. the excellence of their workmanship and for the svmpathv with which they
All the latest turban and sailor shapes m the L hallenge Sale assemblage ot 60 r SIHII interpret and adopt Parisian styles to the tastes of American women,
untrimmed hats—and a wonderful assortment of fine dress shapes in plush, velvet. V& •> \ d[H JlrJ
velvet and hatter's plush and felt at 9Sr—all the wanted shapes in turbans, j Ski ■!■ The Styles Are Fascinating and Rich In Quality '
sailors and new laree, small and medium stvles. V \ swffTl l«in . ~ .. . ~ , ~, .
Afty —v, Jj||f t 1 ''Jmtrg* At each price will be found a fascinating display of styles and fabrics. Some are TC-ed-
T r~) i r \T FT * * 1 f * iwiiß inpotes with wide collar and crushed plush or velvet, and yoke skirts which are so much
Large rurcnase or i\ew rancies in the W +X; N > ml Ih :'r ored. Ornamental buttons of jet and rows of small buttons are prominent. The materials
V-\ v /7 ipjg | . are broadcloth, gabardine, poplin and ohoviot. in black, navy, Russian green and tete-de-
Challenge Sale~~~2oC, 49c, 69c, 98c ~ JSt - j At each price the variety of styles is greater and the quality better than you ■will see
» -si * ssAk JJbBmMWi. UW at equal prices elsewhere in Harrisburg. In each garment you will at once recognize re
rhousands of new fancies in ha-kie, ostrich, pheasant and other styles in four \ > *HI W' W'J' markable value,
great Challenge Sale groups. \ ■'/ • 'V $ . . ~ , ~
Because of the large quantities involved in the sale 'he 40c and 69c fancies (/ \ Combination Dl6SSes of Serge and Charmeuso
will be displayed for sale together with the 60c and 9Sc untrimmed on ' ! >-x 9ft f*> IH| The most winsome styles that we have ever seen developed from cloth and silk for stre^
tahlf>< nil Fmirth 1 ' \ c WE?"" V - iii I lbe . r e 13 a * olu-h sk i !l t 1 " 1 designing that is not to be found in garments shown
» k. «. s elsewhere in Harrisburg. And the prices are interestingly low starting, for the Combination
*•*" Dives, Pomeroy « Stewart. Millinery. Second Flixir—Three Elevator?. ' —■ - styles, at $12.50.
* Dive?, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor—Three Klevators.
; Footwear of the A Delicious Popular Edition Shirts for Work Lying Out Discerning Women Will
Better Kind Confection, 35c "Germany and
Women's gun metal .alf and patent colt gaiter top Being Our Regular 50c Maria the IN CXt War a full cut coat style with launder cuffs. The U1 rVIUV^IOVeS
button shoes, long vamp pattern, plain toes. Goodyear Chocolates Rr P V T2 Vi rl - sizes are complete from 14 to 17, and as a special The most comprehensive showing of kid
weite«i soles, with leather Louis heels 84.00 -Deninarai attraction to-morrow the price will sQr* gloves that we have ever assembled awaits the
Women-, dull Ud 15 button shoes: P la :n toe: hand of pine apple frait, eljrij. S°"ut? Y« be inspection of discerning women at our
welted soles leather French heels. *o.OO "tee of these Maria chocolates after vou've tried r ' hls 18 * he book whl, ' h «»rtled all y kid glove section. Lovely styles from direct im
, one b«x Europe a teu vears ago and which no are t™ r 'o open air work «e portation are shown along with fine grades
A omens black kid skm arch support shoes: lace :tsc instead of SOe ,s t f da >' tht " ot much com- have procured regular sl.oo military khaki and from 5 ,... h ren owned makers as Trefmisse and
style: broa.l shan'-: lasts with Ions: inside leather coun- j tr p ; ves. Pomerov i Stewart Basement " ! °, nt i.erman imperial g re y flannel shirts, with two flap pockets oil Perrin
Itstessk ,h ;r hest ' ,o se " to - momnv fo , r 1 - 39
Women? gun metal eaif and parent colt button For Rpft"FT T iffVitinrt' or t ' le ' ause Oerman expansion. there are many other flannels to choose from Representative of trne quality are these:
shoes; black .cloth tops; medium narrow toe lasts with UCIICTI J— From this book are taken many of at to $2.50 Real kid 2-clasp gloves with, wide embroiderv and
hand welted soles an.] French heel*. $5.00 ! >175 inverted gas lamps complete with inner globe; [,,„,?,!! ♦ R>r ~hr:,ses wh „' r!l . a Pl <ear Bovs' Wool Blouses Pans point stitching $1.75
. or piok fringes shade an.i Welsbach mantle OHc !.\i- news P a P er artir!e«, viz: x 1 r ♦ i t 4. i i Two-clasp kid gloves with Paris point emhroid
patent Bight tg m'dining ". x ' u% civilizing influ- Urailj made for sturdy hoys at school nre prv
rolt. dull kid black vici xi.i: Goodyear welted diameter with five-inch fringe: complete with the world, "Germany is the these grey and blue wool blouse waists, with One-clasp kid gloves with P. K. stitching, , ..$1.54)
•o!m; with many different stylet of hee!» t burner, S7.j>h 1. .' , * their military collars, . 50 C Two-clasp kid gloves in colors, white and black,
$3 50 $4 0o <S4 anrf s T nrt Fignt T*anel art glass dining room domes; 24 inches '-t.- ; t y s asset, | Hovs' new uetrliuee shirts with senarate ei>l to $2.25
w.uo, *4..>0 and SVOO in ,i ;am „ tl>r: ~f ..verln.d metal scroll work, ** M) might is not right it is so alike . " ,v . . f ? V.V Se ' )a ' dle COl A complete color range also is shown at
Pomeror 4 Stewart, Street Floor. Hear tr Dives, Pomerov & Stewart. Basement iV" ' ' ,w,,n^u,<bll,,,e tro '" military style, sizes 1-and 14 years, $1.25 and $!.,V>
— a ' to SI.OO tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Men's Fall Union Suits at $1 Pure Food Groceries Are Very Reasonably Priced A New Nemo Corset for $2
A garment of medium weight that fan be wnrr right up to Itn £5 JT-* Q i „ C T* > ■ j •
bitter weather. Of fine qualitv ribbed cotton 111 111" LV. I.CO »O. OrOCGt'V TOf D-mOrrOW Just arrived .« a decidedly attra l -tive corset from the makers of the
I • • XJ iVI xKJ muliuvv Nemo. It is in a low bust model and of excellent quality coutil. The
Men's medium and heavy weight Egyptian cotton ribbed union , u it«. The Basement grocery carries a stock of .laiiv food stuffs that for qualitv and price attractiveness can Bh ° Wn thiH We " k f ° r th< " timP
Heavy w»ight natural wool union sutt. l\Z Harrisb » r ?- <-'onnected with the department is a telephone order service that is «t " U,VPB • P °" ierov & Btewart ' 8e, • 0 " ,, l ' loor — Tliree E,eva,ori -
Extra oeavy w,. 0 l union suits, a:s!.>o * '"j s P' > , sa . er . v sei-ond in the day. If you are unable to come to the store for vour grocery
Fast black cotton seamless half hose, tn light and heavy weights. needs »,■ H give you the benefit of'an efficient telephone service. W OlTl©n's LJfldorWo<ir 311(1 HOSIGTV
Fast black cotton hose; »xtra weight. '"-Ar " P 'l'" " r,r ' jl ' ;t,(l 'utrar. ... »i.ri> Post im cereal, laree packaee 21c Senate" blend- a «le!icl«us eweet draw- I ™ , v .. .. ... .
Fast black lisle hose. .37 Uc and '» Pounds granulated su K ar, T4c Choice M«sSlna lemons. Kao!, ing tea. Lb.! . . . .. . . . «3c Women s white cotton ribbed Union suits; fleece lined Tsc
Cashmere hose, in oxford and black, oy wheat bac™ Penn«> , —: Women's while wool and cotton union wiits. . ... .SI.BO
t* Divee, Pomerov ± Stewart. Street Floor " **''<?■ * oa,; KM DELICATESSEN WlU»ur> cocoa shells. Lb',". [jic Women's white silk and wool union suits; high neck and long sleeves;
sW'fr « sMv.r i , ' J , 2! , 3 lbs - We or Dutch neck and elbow sleeves $2.00
v . ® * -ivtr i lard, pail. 4Wc 1 o'intr\" «'ured dri«-d href. U lb Pure cocoa a>hnnliit*»lv hi»*t Th ... . ,
h V *t u mai>le ®>' ru P. ln pmt iiu- isc. 2 lbs., 'ihc Women's white wool and cotton vests and tights; vests long sleoves.
Wfl Annminr* for CSotnrH-iTr rinlt, inS -.iJ . I!,r Minced ham. Lib., ... 20, • Peanut buiter: th>* verv best. Ijb.,' Bach 75c
»v C AUUUUUte lor oaturaay univ imported Ensrlish Chow Chow, full Lebanon bologna L.b as,- ISc 2 lbs is-
■ 4™! . , *"• . fre*h home-made currant jelly. Lb..l3c HOSIERY IN FALL ANT) WINTER WEIGHTS
AT . O | f T ■ 1 \ » new table s.ze ar>«- tolled ham: sliced. L,b„ 38c Xew home-made mince meat for pies.
/ATI I m nnrtfl fl t" Sa l#=* nf \qiqH Mixed' veVetlhfen r«r i s-v ' "'"far-cured ba.-..n. sliced any thf- k- Lb is<-i 2 lbs., 3Se Black Fall weight lisle hose; Black heavy cotton hose; high
l—v hand-packei tomatoes In glass 1.b.. W Tuna !t«h; a delicious substitute for j ® nd ouble soles. Pair, . .H7Hc; Pair, , ... . .»7?»c; 8 pair, SI.OO
I | f o C V -Ma-tinu v™' / ,r as *" Luncheon loaf. Lb., chicken In salads, sandwiches, etc. I * P»lr. SI.OO Fast black lisle out size hose;
L/l Coo OllldClS Resulartv is • «'«°n" ns ' «■'*"»• % r J%" "heese. .L- . .xio 1-argecan. asc Fast black cotton out stse hose; fashioned feet. Pair, 37 4c;
Santa Clara prunes. 2 ibi.! Lb Iv "Pi'kerts " soused mackerel In large j ribbed or hemmed topß 23c 8 pair SI.OO
Na;a 'wT Shi M d " *u d b^ Mtere * f w " rn bv pwctteally everv Tartarian cherries; "Clear very finest ■ reaniery Norway herring, can.'l i! £ « Dives, Pomerov * Stewart. Street Floor.
woman Out it is -etdorn that these wnrtb\ items are offered below pre- "Purltv dates Pound packages lit,- " S f a Gu "" sardines in mustard.
vailing prieee California seeded raisins. Package. ia,- — l l j u^, r £ e "J]*' '." k i/. '2® !
For to-morrow only we w„| sell-
'» i; "■ Zar v -"" — 1 --T"-: -r™."s; * l - ou oerman oroadcioth 3>i.^o
23c shields, size 3. for 17c; or 3 for i... ££ New Pearl tapioca. 3 lbs .!! ! ; the price Lb" ' ° Can. 15, aD " BUIU M """ a * for toatß '
25c lace trimmed shields, for l»c: or 3 for . ->sc sh^did a wh» c f i 3 > IO iT as "' B. J. coffee. Lb **•. b ibi..'!."" mn- Sllced m ox Ba tonEue n ?ara. Th,is weave has just come to us from Germany, through the Nether
50c sanitary aprons for mi!. Package****' " C ?V k- " lea ' the faracus Belfast blend. 11 tongue In jars, 3<h | ani|g and out of the port of Amsterdam. In eleven shades, at $1.25
Dive< Pomerov a- Stpwart v ft », ftna Mother's Oats. J packaged 'JTw . * ®Oc i instead of $1.50.
i Toasues. 3 packages Mr New Nova Scotia mackerel, weight 1 lb. each. Special, 3 for 25? I or Dives. Pomerov 4 Stewart, street Floor.
— •