Come! See the New Styles and the New Quality. This is Style plus Display Week Merchants from Maine to California are making a special display of STYLEPLUS ; CLOTHES sl7 this week. I We are the exclusive Styleplus Store here as you probably know. Fake advantage of the opportunity to examine the famous quality in this special suit and overcoat selling the world over for only sl7. All wool fabrics, hand tailoring where it counts the styling of a great fashion artist. All styles including specials for young men. See the big two page advertisement in the Saturday Evening Post. See our windows. 1 i*ii Come and just look. Sometime you will I buy and when you do you will save $3 to SB. | THE HUB 320 M ARRET S TRE E T 2 * SPORTS Additional Sports on Page Itt WHITF SOX DEFEAT CUBS Rcott Holds Nationals Safe in Second Game of Series I <'hici'go, Oct. St.—The White Sox • * v eiened up tiie series for the city cham-; piou«hip with the Chicago Nationalsi r ti'i iav b\ winning the second (jamc.! K 11. E. I Amiruruu .01j)t 0 b 0 1 3—5 lj ! Nationals . . » - n n 0 0 0 0 o—'J t 3 j Scott ami s-tiaik; ('heney and B;es i nahan. Eminent Plays New Bloomfield The Belmont A. c. will play the New Rloomtield Academy eleven at New • ' Bloomfield to-nmnow. Players ;• r • re ..-'nuesti'l to repon at the ciub hou-e a' •MO."!) a. in. Sites Honored at State F Boas Sites, son of Postmaster .sire>. has been elected manager of • the Freshman football- t«am at state i " C ilk'ge by a vote of 1B 7. Sites was I manage- of the football team of the Central 11 iyh sehool in 1911.' ami 101.!. DR. KLUGH, Specialist PhT«|clmi and Siirscoa » • OJfirfu: 20(1 >Vnlnnf •'t.. Hnrrlnhiire. Pit niflffitPß of women »n«l nieni nprctnl. private, *pcclflc, nervous und chrnnlr cjhfa«en. (ieuer«l office work. Connnl* tafion free uml coiwldpntlal. Mrtliclne furnlnheri. Work guaranteed. Clmriin moderate. -0 years' experience. OH. KLLGIJ. tlic uell-knouu Speciall»t , SAFETY FIRST T\ Do you think this is possible ' I I V I who uses it, or see it demon- I j J|S'| | 'ia O I I strated any time, day or nipht, Vv. lutely puncture-proof—or put ._!'.'C. V. Sealer Go. Box 268 Harrisburg, Pa. SUBURBAN LXNGLESTOWN Mr. and Mrs. TJnger Entertain Large Number of Guests Special Correspondence. binglestowu, Oct. 9.—Miss Sara' Shriner let : 011 Monday for Shoema- | ker * School of Elocution to resume her studies. The funeral services of J. L*. Bright bill, held at Shoop's church on Tues-1 day, were largely attended. Ihe farm west of town owned by j Mis. Mary Fariing was sold at public j sale on Saturday to Mr. Peitfer, of the ! upper end of tlie county. Mr. and Mrs. John trum aud\son, j Ross, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.! John Raber and daughter, Mildred,' spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Hivener at White Hill. Miss Minnie Mcllhenny, of Harris burg, spent Sunday with friends hero. The body of the late Foster Bird, of : 1 iarrisburg, was interred in the Willow) Grove cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, j Mrs. Israel Zimmerman .returned to ! her home iu Baltimore after spending l some time with friends here. Mrs. Chester Johnson and daughter, j Kuth, of Steelton, spent a few days I of this week the guests of Mrs. Mary i Fariing. _ Miss Anna Mehring, of Harrisburg, [ and Miss Hilda Thomas, of Hummels- ' town, were the receut guests of the' Misses Shriner. Mrs. John Fox and Mrs. John Clay j spent Monday with friends at Harris- 1 burg. Mrs. John Keller was the recent ! guest of friends at Palmyra. Mrs. David Rudv and two sons, of I i HARRISRFRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER P. 3914. Pen brook, on Sunday visited friends here. Miss Flora Clay is spending a few days this week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H a Fry Kicker at Hummels town. Miss Mary tLudwig and niece, Miss Mary Shutt, were week-end guests of friends at Knhaut. < alvin Peiffer, of Goldsboro, spent Sunday as the guest of Mr. and (Mrs. Charles Fcx. Mr. and .Mrs. William Zettlemoyer aud son, of Powl's Valley, spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Benja min Zettlemoyer. The following persons were enter tained nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. George I'nger on Sunday: Dr. and Mrs. K. R. Rhein, sons, Charles and Wil liam, and daughter, Isabelle, of Har risburg; Mr. aud Mrs. William Peters, Miss Beckie Richer, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Nissley and daughter, Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. William Ulrich and son. Russell'; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bishop and daughter, Ethel, and Mrs. Henry AValmer, of Oberlin. Mr. and Mrs. Warner, of Progress, on Sunday were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson George. A number of people from town and vicinity witnessed the firemen's parade at Harrisburg yesterday. Andrew Hetzel spent Tuesday in Harrisburg. HERSHEY Men's Club Reorganized on Self-Gov erning Basis Sppeia.l Correspondence. Hersbey, Oct. 9. —A meeting was held on Monday evening for the pur pose of reorganizing the Hershey Men's Club on a self-governing basis. The following officers were elected: Presi- Just Apply This Paste and the Hairs Will Vanish (( Boudoir Secrets) The judicious use of delntone paste insures any woman a clear, hairless skin. To prepare the paste, mix a lit tie of the powdered delatone with some i water, then apply to the objectiouable hairs for 2 or 3 minutes. When the | paste is removed, and the skin washed, every trace of hair will have vanished. No pain attends the use of Hie delatone and it will not mar the most sensitive skin, but to insure results, see that you j get real delatoue. Adv. dent, James W. Millard: first vice presi dent. Joseph E. Hills; second vice i president. Dr. H. G. Mumma; third vice! president, Daniel S. Graeff; recording} secretary, George V. Bench. The Rev. N. L. Linebaugh, pastor of j the United Brethren church at. thi's place, has been returned for another j year. The Rev. O. G. Romig, also of l this place, has been appointed to Tower! City. During the recent membership cam 1 paign of the Y. W. C. A.. 159 new i members have been added. I'lrich Weltmer, of Derry church, has j purchased a Ford touring car. The Rev. George S. Rentz attended j the fall meeting of the Presbytery which was held at Middletown. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Romig | returned from several days' visit to i Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Miss Mary Painter attended the Lancaster Fair. Mrs. Lizzie Letterinan has sold her property on Spring Creek avenue ■to George Geesanian. H. H. McCall, of New Berne. X, C., has come to this place and has accepted a position and will play in the Her shey band. MIDDLETOWN Refused to Take Passengers on Over- ! crowded Pennsy Trains Special Correspondence. Middletown, Oct. 9.—< Mrs. Anna i Carr, of Ohambersburg, is visiting her ! son, George <_arr, and family on South I Wood Two or the noon trains on the Penn sylvania railroad yesterday were so crowded that the employes would not take any passengers on at this point. The trains only stopped to let some off. This never occurred at the local station before. The employes of the Pennsylvania, railroad here received their pay yester day. Frederick Dale, of Ohambersburg, spent- yesterday in towe as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Carr, South Wood street. Mr. aud Mrs. John Beaehler and daughter, of Baltimore, are visiting relatives and friends in town for sev eral days. A stranger who arrived in town yes terday afternoon, walking on crutches and minus a leg, made quite an excite ment at Ann and. Union streets. He wanted to enter the Washington House and was barred, which made him angry. He pulled out of his pocket what was supposed to be a revolver and those standing near became frightened. He was taken to the lockup, when it was found t'he supposed revolver was only an imitation. The man was then sent out of town. The first entertainment of the Star Course, "The Strollers," was held in the Realty theatre last evening. Mrs. J. M. Aekerniun will leave to morrow morning for Lancaster, where j she will spend several days attending the Eldership of the Church of God. j Work on removing the county bridge | between Rovalton and this pi ace lias been started. The shale brick plant received a large crusher to be installed at their brick plant in Royalton. It weighs several tons. E. M. Suavely wiM be given a hear ing before Squire J. K. Henry, of Roy alton, this evening, charged by Burgess H. S. Granger with running nil automo bile through part of Royalton and not. blowing his horn. Burgess Granger had suit brought once before against Snavely for the same offense and a fine was Imposed, but this time the defend ant will take the case to court. Bur gess Granger also claims that since the first suit Snavely. would blow his horn long before he came to the point where the sign says, "Blow your horn," and claims that the same became monoton ; ous, hence the suit. To-morrow will be pay day at the car works. WORLD'S SERIES REPRODUCED Fans Can Follow Games Accurately iu Chestnut Street Hall If you are a regular dyed-in-the-wool baseball fan you are going to take a few hours off this afternoon, go down to the Chestnut street auditorium and see the first game of the series between Boston and the Athletics reproduced on the big "Wizard" player-board. About every ball fan in town knows this board and also knows that it is the next thing to sitting on the bleachers in Philadelphia to see game reproduced |by the "Wizard." Every play is re corded in less than a minute after it is made and the workings of the board are so complete that once a persofi be comes interested in the game it is hard to remember one is not looking at the real thing. In fat the spectators be come a* enthusiastic as they do in the gran Istand or bleachers at the bail park. EVEN CURBS ULCERS Remarkable Results From Skin Remedy That Costs Almost Nothing No matter how bad a sore or ulcer afflicts you, it is believed that Hokara, the pure skin healer, will cure it, but if it doesn't cure, the purchase price will be refunded. W. H. Kennedy, the local agent for Hokara, who has sold hundreds of packages, says he has yet to find any form of wound or disease affecting the, skin that Hokara does not heal, and its relief comes so quickly that those who try it are simply delighted with it. Pimples, eczema, backheads, acne, barber's itch, and all skin troubles are quickly relieved by applying this sim ple skin healer and tissue builder. It contains no grease or acids, and is cleanly to use. W. H. Kennedy's Drug Store is sell ing a large package of Hokura for 25c. Adv. AMUSEMENTSI | i i" v MAJESTIC To-night, 'Fay Foster (Burlesque.) To morrow afternoon and evening. My ißest students and teachers who intend ;. see j the remarkable play: "'Scenes from ''Everywoman,'" Canadian Magaziue, I July and September, 1911; "Moral j Consciousness of 'Everywoman,' " Cur j rent 'Literature, May, 1911; " 'Every woman' Criticism," 'Bookman. April, 1911: " 'Everywoman,' by Walter j Browne," Hampton's Magazine, May 1911; •• K-'-imate of ' Everywoman,' by WiKiam Winter," Harper's Weekly, March 2">. 1911; "New Plays and 'the Vow Theatre," Independent, Mar.h I Way Moralized," Literary ,Digest, March 11. 1914; "The Stage Lassies ' Its Own Sins," Munsey's, May, 1911; "A Modern Morality Play," Na tional Magazine, March, 1911; " Com ! ment on 'Everywoman,'" Outlook, March, 1911; "'Everywoman' Criti cism," 20th Century 'Magazine, Sep tember, 1911; " 'Everywoman' Reald, ' by H. F. Pierce," World To-day, May, 11911; '•Production of 'Everywoman' Int. Herald Square theatre, New York," Theatre Magazine," September, 1911; |" A Plav Entitling Both Author and Producer to "Knighthood in the Amer ; iean Order of Merit," 'National Maga zine, March, 1911. Adv. "The Traffic" "The Traffic,'' which has s.'ored nothing less than a sensation in Chi- I cago. will he presented at the Majes ! tic theatre next Tuesday and Wednes i day with Wednesday matinee. At first j the critics of 'Chicago, admitting the | power and truth of "The Traffic," doubted its sincerity of 'purpose aud of ! its author, Miss Marshall, a young i woman who has spent tihe greater por | tion of her life heading reform move i ments, and whose investigation of the terrible conditions attendant upon the white slave traffic were responsible for her writing "The Traffic" in an effort | to open the eves of the general public j to the conditions that exist and flourish ■ in many of the largest American ici'ties. It has succeeded in arousing the peo ple of Chicago and has beeu highly en dorsed hv (Lieutenant Governor o*Hara, of Illinois, and a number of earnest re formers. who, while admitting that it is rather frank and severe, nevertheless endorse it as a powerful lesson and warning to all voting women. Adv. At the Orpheum Notwithstanding the fac that Irene Franklin and 'Milton and the Delxing , Sinters occupy probably t'he most im portant places on this week's bill at the Orpheum, there is also a tram known a«'- Touey and 'Nerman in a ! mighty clever comedy offering that is certainly worthy of special mention also. Tone.v and Norman are the names of an attractive young woman aud j very slim comedian, who is as funny as |he is slim. The male portion of the team appears in a dress suit, so tight | that it would seem he slipped into it via the shoe horn route, and he lands . many an original laiifph over his' own leanness. However he sings a little ditty over his pity for the fat man, cause "nobody loves a fat man" and he seems otherwise perfectly satisfied i Ladies' Hand Bags The Tango is the very latest. Prices SI.OO to $5.00 Rain Proof Umbrella, 98c REGAL UMBRELLA CO., Sec °wahHit S ts. AMUSEMENTS. I AMUSEMENT*. MAJESTIC THEATRE w TO-NIGHT—LAST TIME THE FAMOIS Fay Foster Burlesquers Willi IIAHKV I.el I. 4I It PRICKS I So. UTio. Mv, ftOe and 75c Full Returnn of Worlil'd (tlvrn UurlnK the Sliou SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 MATINEE AND NIGHT THE KEKSATION Al. My Best Girl J!€!LE!!!L THE PRETTIEST %Xn IMLAUSW IMXCIBUT VUOHVn EVER I'RK KS— Mat., «o #l.«IOI SEAT >«W Matinee and Night, Monday, October 12 HKXlll tt. SAVAGE IIFKHItS EVERYWOMAN THE TUBMEN DOTS l)K UI\TIC SI'K( T\( I.K 1.%4» People—% Symphonv OrchcNlrn. Tliin h nut a "Number Two" or Roari Com pan y. II Ifi ll»«* only M Everywoniaa" Company In America. MIGHT, 2Tiv to 91.n0. >1 VT.. 2T»e In #I.OO. SK Vl' S\l.K NOW OIMON Tuesday & Wednesday, Oct 13 !!VVCkij\km\»;> THE TRAFFIC A CI.EA \ I*l. A \ OK INEIMTE POWER PRHES—MAT. 2.*«<-, 80c. 7tV<-l EVE.. Of. ."•«<•. T.")<-. *I.OO V ' r ~ IRENE FRANKLIN * Surrounded Ry n Hlk VHiideville No Long Feature i Shou r» • f Pictures Kull Hrhirn. of World's Srrlr* IIEIJINMM. TO-IIAV (ilvrn HiirliiK llie SHmm THE KIMI <>!•' A SHOW llil I,IKE V — 1 r SEE THE WORLD'S SERIES GAMES AT CHESTNUT STREET HULL 2 P, M i ADMISSION . ar» CENTS that lie i?« loan nnd, therefore, attractive to the ladies The fpinalo half of tho team is pretty an Trinl Until*. There arc no sleepless nights of tor turing. I tch inn and burning where jfemo is user], because this clean, non greasy liquid brings sklti comfort al most the moment it touches the skin. You'll lie surprised at how quickly and positively Zemo works. Our llles contain thousands of let ters telling of 7.emn cures of eczema, pimples, dandruff and other skin trou bles. Don't confuse Zemo with any of the advertised salves, etc. They are not like Zemo—nothing is like Zemo! It can be depended upon to do the work, and do It quickly. You'll see the truth of this just as soon as you try it. Buy a 25c bottle from your druggist to-day, or send 4c (for actual postage) to K. W. Rose Co. laboratories, Dept. 35, St. Louis, Mo., for free trial bottle In nlaln wrapper. Zemn is sold and guaranteed by druggists everywhere, and in Harrls burg by Golden Seal Drug Store, K. Z. Gross, Kennedy's Medicine Store, Croll Keller. W. T. Thompson, C. M. Kornev, and T. Prowell. Steelton, Pa., J. Nel son Clark Drug Co. 11