The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 08, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Farmers Advised by
the Department of
Agriculture to Pre
pare for the Demand
Countries a.t War Possess Nearly Forty
Million Horses—Good Mares Used
in Farm Work Should Be Bred to
, Good Stallions
Washington. D. C., Oct. B.—During
the next derade there will prcbabiv be ,
an increased demand for American
horses in the countries now engaged in
the European war. Tht demand may
even continue much longer, according to
investigators of the United States De
lai lment of Agriculture, as not only
will horses be needed for armies, but
- when peace is restored more will be
needed for agriculture. Already Euro
pean agents are said to be endeavoring
to . ;r, liase horses in this country an I
Canada, and there is an increased inter
est in many sections in horse-breeding.
To meet t'his increased European de
i man! American farmers may well en- [
J' deavor to raise well-bred 'horses, ai- '
though the Department of Agriculture 1
, does not advise them to purchase a sur-1
plus of horses merely for breeding pur- .
poses. It merely advises that ordinary j
farm work should lie done whenever I
• |>ossible- by good mares whif'n should j
be bred to good stallions. It aiso de-j
sires to emphasize the fact that only [
horses of high quaiitv may be profit- t
•'able raised today. Inferio" horses are
a drug on the market, and their produc- j
tion is to be discouiage I as much as the
production of gcod horses should be'
100,0(10 Horses for Boer War
The United States has previously :
been drawn on to supply Eurooean '
■countries at war. In the' Boer war overt
100.000 horses were bought 'here by!
the l-tritisii government. It may be;
doubted whether a foreign government
could now obtain a similar supply in I
this country, except at excessive cost.!
However, if farmers take :«ins to util-;
ize their good mares during this win- ■
ter to breed them to good staliions, in j
the course of several years (time enough !
for the foals to develop). America will j
be better aide to meet the European
» demand.
It. is natural t'ha-t European countries j
sh&uld look to the United States for j
( horses, as next to Russia it has more ■
i of these animals t'han anv other country |
i in the world. The United 'States and j
Russia possess 58 per cent, of the world ,
supply. Strange to say, however, there
> were no horses originally on our con- I
Mnent and the present supply comes!
from stock brought over from Europe.
Canada's supply is small compared to ■
our own.
War as a Consumer of Horses
The Germany army requires for a j
complete mobilization 770.000 horses
anil the French army is said to require |
250,000. which figure, however, prob-I
ably includes only those for the cav-i
airy. It is conservatively estimated on
good authority that 1.000,000 horses
are now engaged in the European war.
As the great maioritv of these horses
are not included in the permanent mil
itary organization but are used fori
farm work and are requisitioned by
governments only When needed for mili
tary cur poses, the countries of conn- i
"nental Europe will certainly face an
acute shortage of farm horses before
the next planting season which will
seriously affect the price of horses rhe
world over, as soon as peace is de
According to the beeit information
horses in the countries of Europe now
at war number as follows:
• C«eat 'Britain 2,231,000
France 3.222,000
Belgium 263,000 !
' Herman 4.523,000
Austria-Hungary 4.374,000
Russia 24.652.000
Total 39,265,000 i
In addition England 'ha-- a supply of I
about six millions to draw on in her i
various dependencies. K;issia has about!
ton millions in Asia and France prob-I
iably 500.000 to one million in her col- ■
on if .'
The rapacious consumption of horses j
.in war i* illustrated by figures from our i
, own Civil conflict. During his Shenan
i doah Valley ampaign, Sheridan was j
• stfpplied with fresh horses at the rate j
of ,150 per day. In his report for the
>ear 1865. the Quartermaster General!
of the United States army stated: "Tliol
service of a cavalry horse under an en
terprising commander has averaged only
four months.'' During 1 564 there were
. 500 horses consumed per |lav in the
northern army, without considering
those ca tured and Ifot reported. Dur
ing eight months of that year, the cav
alry ->f the Army of the Potomac was
remounted twice," nearly 40,000 horses
in all being required.
Our Own Army a Desirable Market
Our own army furnishes a desirable
market for well-bred horses, thor be
ing under the remount system at least
5,000 horses required annually to sup-
'Harmless "Fruit Laxa
tive " Cleanses
Stomach, Liver
and Bowels
A delicious pure for constipation,
biliousness, sick headache, sour stomach,
indigestion, coated tongue, sallowness —
take "California Syrup of Figs." For
the cause of all this distress lies in a
torpid liver and sluggish bowels.
A tkbleapoonful to night means all
constipation, poison, waste matter, fer- \
Bre«lau, n city of Prussia, «D the Odor River, which Is threatened b.v the Russians, is one of Europe's oldest cities. Hnrdly another city In Europe contains so many public squares and
open places as Bres'nu. Many <if the new public squares are embellished with fine sculpture. Among the many interesting ecclesiastical structures are the Catholic Cathedral, a grand
medieval edifice, and St. •Eii/nlmtli's Protestant Church, which has a bell weighing twelve tons. Conspicuous among the other buildings are the new savings bank, containing the municipal
library of about 150,000 volumes; university buildings and mauy uew government buildings.
pl\ hotji the army and the National!
j Guard. There are now abotvt 20,0iU'
j horses in our regular army on a peace
basis In war. many more would be
j required before tllio first engagement.!
! There is. therefore, a steady market for
j good horses independent of the Euro- i
j pean demand. Kven the invasion of mo |
| tor [tower which has reduced the hum- i
j bcr of horses on our streets has not ]
i influenced this demand. In favt, the
j |> ri■ * e of horses 'has advanced along (
I with other commodities during recent i
j W**- |
; The Bureau ot Animal Industry of i
t'he I'nited States department of Agri-'
culture, Washington, D. C.. stands I
| ready to aid any farmor desiring to
A-eed high-class horses. As the day of i
; nie large horse raw 'h is practically |
I gone, any increased demand will have
ito be met bv Vhe farmer. There are!
certain localities more suited to horse 1
breeding than others and places where |
certain ureeds do better. Suc-h details!
may be obtained for the asking. Even j
I in the South, where mules are bred in j
preference to 'horses, an increased pro
-I<l uction of first-.'lass animals should
find a ready market abroad, although i
the mule is not used on the continent i
to tne extent that it is used here.
Bordeaux, Oct. R.—Official dispatch-)
es received b\ the French War Depart
ment yesterday give a graphic account '
of an aerial duel which was watched
by thousands of soldiers of the French
and tierman armies October o at Jonch-;
erv, in the region of Rheims.
A German aeroplane of the Aviatie
type ascended with two men. After]
circling over the French positions, it j
was returning to its own lines when |
1 Sergeant Frantic, one of the most ex- j
pert of French aviators, accompanied i
by his mechanic, Quinault, sprang to j
! a machine and gave chase.
By a skilful maneuver the occupants
[ of the French aeroplane took the Ger !
j mans on the flank, wounded the pilot
; and put a bullet through the gasoline i
i tank.
A sheet of flames enveloped the Ger- .
man craft and the machine dropped
I rapidly, landing dose to the French !
I lines. In the descent the unwounded
i man continued to fire his pistol until
' prevented by the flames.
1 Sergeant Frantz came to earth in a
| series of sweeping spirals. Both Ger
mans were found burned to in
the embers of their machine. Frantz
was decorated with the Legion of Hon
or and (Quinault was awarded the niili
, tary medal for their exploit.
Asquith's Sons Volunteer
i London, Oct. B.—Three sons of
i Premier Asquith have volunteered fori
j service with the British army in
| France. Two of them are now train- i
j ing with their regiments, but the third, |
I who is not completely recovered from
I serious illness, failed to pass the doc
; tor.
Imputing food and sour bile gently
[moved out of your system by morning
| without griping. Please don't think of
!"«'alifornia Syrup of Figs" as a physic.
1 Don't think you are drugging yourself
'or your children, because this delicious
i fruit laxative cannot cause injury.
| Even a delicate child can take it •as
safely as a robust man. It is the most
1 harmless, effective stomach, liver and
bowel regulator and tonic ever devised.
Your only difficulty may be in getting
the genuine; so ask your druggist for a
50-ccnt bottle of "California Syrup of
Figs." Say to your druggist, "I want
only that made by the 'California Fig
;Syrup Company.' " This city has many
| counterfeit "fig syrups,' so watch out.
London, Oct. 8. 9.25 A. XI. —-A Ber
I lin dispatch to the Reuter Telegram
i Company contains an official statement
| given out at general headquarters in
'Berlin on the evening of October 7. It j
| follows:
'•The engagements of the right wing j
1 in France have not led to auv de.'is j
'ion. The attacks of the French in the
i Argonne and from the north cast front:
| of Verdun have been repulsed. .
I "'Off Antwerp the attack has crossed
! a section of the river Nethc.
"The attacks of the Russians on thil
[government of Sytwaiki have been re-,
j pulsed, the Russians losing 2,700 p-:s
j oners and nine machine guns.
"In Poland, in Minor, ..uccessful en
gagements west of Ivangorod", we cap
| tured 4,800 prisoners."
London, Oct. 8. — Mary Garden has
abandoned the grand opera stage for
] the time being and is going to the
front as a Red Cross worker. She has
j just returned to London after having
spent the summer in Scotland, and looks
! prepared for any eventuality. Afier
| seeing her mother aud sister off for
| America on Saturday, she will proceed
to Paris to take up her new duties.
"1 may never sing again," she said
yesterday, "but I don't care, i am
i intensely interested in my new work
j and am impatient for relaxation. Hav
ing had no experience in nursing, I
I shall have no hospital work to do, but
! I shall help to move the wounded from
the battlefields.
"Dangerous? Yes. But what does
it matter? I am not afraid. I am a
fatalist. If it is destiny, w'tiat matter?
I might as well die from a bullet as
from any other way. At least I will
be doing something useful, and that is
sure to couut in the final summing up.
"I expect to be at tthe front with
i the French troops next week. If [
i come through it alive, perhaps 1 shall
> be able to sing better than ever befe-e.
i The experience will at least be broad
| Germans Fail to Cross Scheldt
London, Oct. 8, 6.32 A. M.—A dis
i patch from Ostend to the Reuter Tele
i grain Company dated Wednesday says:
"The Belgian troops to-dav vic-
I toriouslv repelled the German attempts
' to cross the river Scheldt at Schoon
aerde neat- T Termonde. The enemy
I was compelled to retire with consider-
I able losses."
Antwerp Governor Calls for Men
Amsterdam, Via London, Oct. 7,
j 11.52 P. M.— A telegram to the [
N'oevws Van Den Dag from Ghent!
says that the military governor of Ant
i werp has issued a proclamation calling l
| on all ablcbodied men between the ages I
, of 18 and 32 to join the army in de
fense of the fatherland.
German Fire Is Slackening
Tokio, Oct. B.—The following of
ficial dispatch was issued here this
morning: "At Tsing Tau the German
I fire is slackening. During the fighting
| the rope holding a German captive bal
' loon was cut and the balloon floated
| awnv."
| Canadian Troops iji England
liondon. Oct, S, 8.48 A. M. —-The Ca-j
, I nadian troops, it is announced, arrived
in home waters to-day. I
Pittsburgh, Oct. B. Because of the
war in Europe, many large orders for
window and plate glass have come to
the manufacturers of the United states,
according to Captain C. W. Brown, of
the Pittsburgh Plate tilass Company,
who also said yesterday that his com
; pany had received a large number of
i orders for window and plate glass since
i the European war sfhut off importations,
' aiso that his company has been asked
I by European manufacturers to assume
; contracts they had taken before war
• developed.
"We could not assume these con
tracts at the prices at which they were
taken,'' said Captain Brown, "because
they were at prices 3 to 5 cents per
square foot lower than we could nianu
-1 facture it for The result has been
tnat in all cases where we have under
taken to supply the glass on foreign
! contracts we have taken them at a price
that is remunerative and that considers
American wage rates. During the last
j two reductions in the tariff laws, plate
. and other qualities of glass have suf
! tered reductions so severe that we can
not compete UII equal terms for for
! cign trade, measuring wage and freight
trues with those of Belgium, Germany
j and England.''
Tennis Cracks at Front
London, Oct. B.—The British army
| at the front has drawn into its ranks
Anthony F. Wilding, lawn tennis ex
] champion, who received a commission
: as second Hieutenaut in the Royal Ma
' rines and is proceeding to France. He
j will be fighting side by side with Go
i bert and Deeaugis, the French tennis
| champion, and against Froitzeim, the
j German champion.
"P ape's Diapepsin"
; Makes Sick, Sour,
Gassy Stomachs
Feel Fine
Do some foods you eat hit back —
taste good, but work Jnadly;' ferment
into stubborn lumps and cause a sick,
sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or
Mrs. Dyspeptic, .jot this down: I'ape's
Diapepsin digests everything, leaving
nothing to sour and upset you. There
never wag anything so safely quick, so
certainly effective. No difference how
badly your stomach is disordered you
will get happy relief in five minutes,
but what pleases you most is that 'it
strengthens and regulates your atom
ach so you can eat your favorite foods
without fear.
Most remedies give you relief some
j times —they are slow, but not sure.
"Pape's Diapepsin" is quick, positive
and puts your stomach in a healthy
condition so the misery won't come
back. ;
You feel different as soon as "Pape's
I Diapepsin" comes in contact with the
I stomach —distress just vanishes —your
stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch
i ing, no eructations of undigested food,
your head clears and you feel fine.
Go now, make the best investment
j you ever made, bv getting a large fifty-
I cent cflse of Pape's Diapepsin from any
; drug store. You realize in five inin
| utes how needless it is to suffer from
indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach
' disorder. Adv.
88. MIIH
Addresses an Earnest
Crowd in East Berlin
—Speaks Also in
Ho and Dean Make Addresses
There in Scottish Bite Hall—Pen
rose and the '' System'' Are At- ,
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
York, Pa., Oct. B.—After an automo
bile journey down the Cumberland Val
i ley brilliant in autumn coloring,
] through Democratic Adams county
■ | among apple orchards unsurpassed any
i, where, Martin 0. Brumbaugh spoke last
I night at East Berlin,'seventeen mile?;
i I from York. The party did not. reach i
. j York until 11 o'clock.
• Many of t'he East Berlin audience
j were members of flie Church of the:
, j 'Brethren and had known I >r. Brum-;
> 1 baugl] since boyhood. Led by Bishop i
j We wish to announce we are ex
clusive Harrisburg agents for the sim
ple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycer
ine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka. This
remedy, used successfully for nppetidi-
I citis, it; the most THOROUGH bowel
cleanser we ever sold. It is sn power
| fill that, ONE SPOONFUL relieves al- ;
j most ANY CASE of constipation, sour
lor gassy stomach. Adler-i-ka never
, 1 gripes, is safe to use and the INSTANT
j action is surprising. G. A. Gorgas, 16
. North Third street and Pennsylvania
I Kailroad Station. Adv.
Make Repairs
; Before Painting
r '
Go over your building
e; and sec if the lumber is
11! sound before you paint.
11 1 We have siding to
j match what is now in |
your house; as well as any
other lumber you may
i- i need.
e Don't paint over boards |
y that are rotten and expect
the painter to give you a j
® lasting job.
* Come in—we can fix
you up.
'• United Ice & Coal Co.
Forster and Cowden Streets
Albert Hollinger, of the Sotffchern <iis
trie.t, who accompanied the Republican
Gubernatorial candidate throughout the
day, there were many evidences that
Dr. Brunvbaugh was speaking to his
Last night he s|>oke among relatives
ami old friends, tillers of Pennsylva
nia's soil. He appealed to them to
strike down at. the polls any man or men
who will be smirch the fair name of
Pennsylvania to win office and power.
'Chairman llobort V. [Miller, of Adams
county, was in charge of the day's ar
rangements. With Secretary 'George W.'
Baker, T. Lower, .lame l " W. Moore I
and l-\ 11. Blocker he met the party and j
escorted its members to 'Gettysburg. At j
the hotel an impromptu reception wax '
Address 10(1 Students
At the noon hour Dr. W. A, Granville, |
president of Gettysburg College, intro
duced Dr. Brumbaugh to the 300 or 4UO i
students. Dr. Granville came to Get-]
tysburg four years ago. at which time |
the trustees of the college conferred the
degree of doctor of laws ou 'him, so I
he spoke to them, not on any phase of
politics, but on education, praising |
indiscreetly the achievements of Get 1
tysburg College.
Another reception and hand-shaking
was held in the early afternoon at •Get
tysburg. The program for the rest of
the day included stops at 'Litfcletown,
New Oxford and Ahbottstown. with a
wigiit meeting at Kasit Berlin.
Haxleton, Pa., Oct. B.—Gifford Pin
chot. Washington party candidate for
United States Senator, struck had
weather anil a poor crowd here last j
night, and it was at first decided to rail t
oft' the scheduled speech-making aud i
hold a reception instead; but. when Pin
chot went to the front of his hotel to
make this announcement there were
calls for an address. Mounting a chair. '
ho leveled his batteries at Senator Pen- j
rose. He said tliat Senator Penrose
was a traitor to the Republican party
and showed it at Chicago, when lioose- •
volt was cheated out of the nomination.
Pimihoifc expressed himself confident of
election and stated that, whether suc
cessful or not, he would continue his
fight to free the country from monopo
listic control.
McCormick In Philadelphia
Philadelphia, (Vet. B.—Vance 0. 'Mc-
Cormick, 'Democratic aud Washington |
party nominee for Governor, invaded j
this city yesterday, speaking to work ]
men at the Surpnsr leatner TTOT-KS ni
noon, and dividing t! " rest of the day in
conferences with Demowats and Wash j
ington j arty leaders. He ended his
day with two speeches. One of these,
the more important, was made before
Washington party workers in the Seot-
I tisii Rite Hall, and the other to the
j Palmer-tMci'ormielv League.
In all his speeches 'he attacked Pen- I
' rose aud the "system,'' and asked Dr.'
I Brumbaugh a number of questions. 1
| Mr. Palmer, the 'Demoerati" nom-'
; iiit-e tor United States Senator, was'
here part of the day. He was not con
cerned much with politics, coming here
on his way to atten.l t'he wedding of
Miss Sproul, at Chester. Mr. Palmer
refrained from seeing any of the Wash
| ington party leaders while in the Belle
' vue-St.ratford. 'Mr. MeCornvick, how
; ever, succeeded in meeting the members
j of his two parties without much difli
i cultv, while the head of the ticket con
tented 'himself with predicting the elec
tion of the entire Democratic ticket.
William Draper Lewis, who gave way
to Mr. McCormick on the Washington
party ticket, accompanied his successor
on his tour, and spoke with him at the
Scottish IRite hall meeting.
Lodge Will Confer Second Rank on
Nine Candidates To-night
Bayard Lodge No. 150, Knights of
| Pythias, will meet in the G. A. R. hall,
, 2fi North Third street, to-night and
will confer second rank on nine candi
. dates.
Visiting firemen, who are members of
I the order, as well as all other Knights,
I are heartily welcome.
Fiercest Fighting in the
French Theatre ol
War Takes Place
Since Monday
Each Side as Determined as the Othei
Not to Give Up the Struggle. Be
fore Victory is Achieved ou thi
On the Battle Front, Oct. 7, Vis
I Paris, Oct. S, 12.11 A. M.—The fierce*
| ti iiji which Mas marked the conttio'
in the Kreooh theatre of war ha"* takai
jilaire since Monday 011 the westen
wing of the allied armies. New forcei
of German cavalry and infantry whit
have appeared in front of the allies
lines have used every resource and
every effort to attain success. They
have thrown themselves again and
again at the French and British who
have brought, equally strong bodies of
troops forward to oppose tlieni.
The battle is 110 longer one of mi
chine-like strategy of two armies, 'but
a contest centering in the powers of 011
durance of two bodies of human be
ings, each as determined as (lie other
not to give up the struggle before \ ic
toiv is achieved. Here and there tiie
lines have faltered one way or the
other under the shock, but again have
tightened up and become firm.
Break Through Allies' Lines
At one point the German cavalry
even succeeded in breaking through the
allied lines at a place which must re
main undisclosed but not in sufficient
strength to make their feat of appreci
able importance. The retirement of
the allies was, however, fully in ac
cordance with the plans of the general
staff. The breach in tlie line was at
an acute angle and the Germans were
placed in a very precarious position
from which they were ousted with
great loss later in the day.
All through last night and to-day
the fight proceeded, continuing until
this evening when a period of calm *et
in. Never, perhaps, in military annals
have so many men come to close grips
with cold steel and kept up the strug
gle so long. On both si(ies many re
markable instances have been recorded
of daring and bravery and the French
and British troops, who themselves
showed unparalleled coolness and cour
age without exception, when the fury)
'of the battle died down, expressed ad
! miration for the fearlessness of their
I German opponents.
Terrible Nature of Fighting
. The terrific nature of the fighting
| may be seen from this fact: One com
j pany of French infantry started the
(war with 190 men and a full eompln-
I nient of officers. Since then it has ra
! c.eived drafts bringing the total up to
I 324. To-day the company is composed
j of 90 men. commanded by a sergeant,
I all the higher officers having disap
i The heroic self-sacrifice shown by
wounded men is exemplified in the re
ply of a British soldier who greeted a
comrade, coming to his assistance with:
"Hike off, I'm no good any more.''
An official announcement madt»
known to-day for the first time tho
vast numbers of the German forces
fighting against the allies in Belgium
and France. They are composed of no
.fewer than 23 army corps of the active
German army, 1S army corps of re
[ serves, several divisions of the land
wehr and large detachments of the
landsturm. l'nder normal condition
j this niuiiber of units make a grand to
| tal of nearly 2,000,000 men. Frbm
jlhis total, however, losses must be de
-1 ducted. The number of allies facing
ithe Germans has not been made puldii!
but it is known to be very large.
Emblem Boncath Heap of Dead
In abandoned German trench oppo
site the English lines, unvisited since
September 15, was found to day a Ger
man regimental llag beneath a great,
heap of dead. The emblem was taken
to the headquarters of the British field
marshal, Sir John French.
it is generally expected that' to
morrow (Thursday) the fighting on the
! western wing will have extended to
Belgian soil, as the cavalry of bath ar
j mies is operating with incredible swift
i ness.
j Khodesian Forces Accepted
< apetown, South Africa, Oct. B.
I The government of the I'nion of South
Africa has accepted a proffer of a Rim
desian contingent for service with the
Union's defense forces against the
Germans in South Africa.
Suicide Due to War
London, Oct. X.—Crazed by the fact
that children chaffed his daughter on
] account of his German nationality and
i despondent also because of the death of
| his wife last year, Charles Hichter, a
' hotel porter, committed suicide. t'e
Sample of Pyramid Pile Remedy
mailed free for trial gives quick relief,
stops Itching, bleeding or protruding
piles, hemorrhoids and all rectal
troubles. In the privacy of your own
j home. fiOc a box at r.U druggists. Fre*
sample for trial with booklet mailed
I I free in plain wrapper.
514 Pyramid Bldg., Marshal], Mich.
I Kindly send me a sample of
Pyramid Pi| a Remedy, In plain wrapper.
f Street
Clty State