The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 08, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Relief for Catarrh |
Sufferers Now FREE ;
You Can Now Treat This Trouble in Your
Own Home and Get Relief at Once.
tHow the Remedy for Catarrh
Wa# Discovered.
Br ikr nt-r terrible disease
method the nose I has raged unchecked
ZVh X "an A for years simply be
effedtve locat causc symptoms have been
9 etttf ay a ppi 1 i • 1 i c
directly to the treated while the cause or
ifanest " the trouble has been left to
circulate in the blood, and
bring the disease back as fast as local
treatments could relieve it.
C. E. Gauss, who experimented for
years on a treatment for Catarrh, found j
that after perfecting a balm that relieved
the nose and throat troubles quickly, he
could not prevent the trouble beginning
taken into the Q n tes t caseS) he could
'direct influence completely remove all
\ N l|(| ( ,. * cousmenfht-alies signs of Catarrh from nose
'!ii of the body and an( j throat, but in a few
11 ' case by tonm - weeks they were back.
vig the cause.
Careful experiments and investigations have shown
that as the troubles were expelled from the nose and UO6S tO tilß ROOt 0T
throat, the real cause of fhe disease was overlooked ,
»nd in a short time the Catarrh would return stronger Siopped-up noses
than ever. Mr. Gauss has gone way ahead of the Constant
ordinary methods of treatment and has provided a th roat
remedv that Nana discharges
Hawking and sp'tting
Removes the Cause SS*
and Immediately Gives Re- Di'S^realhing
lief to the Nose and Throat I Smothering sensation in i
Reese Jones, of Scranton, renn.. says that after tryine dreams
pinny other treatments, he used this new method and— Sudden nt» of sneezing
'Mv nose is now entirely clear and free and lam not ]) r y mucus in nose
bothered by the disease any more. The New Combined , f . .
Treatment is worth its weight in gold. ' ancl any or tne otner symp-
Tempornry relief from catarrh may be obtained in other toms that indicate ap
ways. but the New Combined Treatment must inevitably proaching or present catarrh
be accepted for permanent results.
•Sarah J. Cape. Mount Pelia, Tenn.. says, "I I
suffered the pains and distress of catarrh for ■ Send tHe Test Treatment
thirteen vears and needless to state, tried nearly 1 c 1 col iicaimcill
every method. But by your new method I was I
completely cured and you cannot imagine the "
joy that has come over me." | q. jt_ GAUSS,
Trial Trpatmpnt FRFF 1 6303 Main Street. Marshall, Mich.
* * * ivflllllvlll 1 IVLJLJ _ jf vout* Now Combined Treatment will
This new method is so important to the wel- ' ""eve my Catarrh and bring me health
fare of bumanitv. so vital to evcrv person suffer- | and good spirits again, I am willing to
iiw from ™,,:, form of catarrh, that the op**- * sencf °p™w d tf= Tre^
tun«v to actually test it and prove its results, I "2 ' J K™,,, prepaid, me ireit
will be sladly extended without one cent of cost. | ment ana BOOK.
A large trial treatment, with complete, mi
nute directions, will be sent free to any catarrh- I u ame
sufferer. •
Send no money, take 110 risks, make no
promises. Simply clip, sign and mail the con- | Address
pon and the test package of the New Combined , , . .
Treatment will be sen', fulty orepaid, together •
With the valuable book on Cetarrh. I
. —.—. . ■■ : ujj:
The Greatest Value ever offered—
A China Tea Pot and One Pound of
Angle Blend Coffee for
Limited supply of Tea Pots
Mrs. Gertrude Carlson in Court On
Charge of Killing Husband
Kane, Oct. 8. —The trial off Mrs.
GertFude Carlson, who shot and killed
Tier husband. John Carlson, at the home
of Jake Roller, on February 13, opened
at Smethport yesterday afternoon, j
When the case was railed before Judge I
Bouten at 3 o'clock, the eourt room
was crowded.
Mrs. Carlson is represented at the
trial by J. R. Campbell, of this city,
and Frederick C. Gallop, of Smethport.
District Attorney T. R. Wilson, of
Bradford, has charge of the common
wealth's side of the case.
The work of selecting the jury was
completed at 4.50 o'clock, after which
Dr. S. G. Reatty was placed on the
stand. He testified as to the course of
the bullet which caused Carlson's
150 Men Floe For Their Lives—Some
Believed Caught
Aspen, Col., Oct. B.—Fire, smolder
ing in the -Smuggler mine here for
twenty years, suddenly burst forth
with volcanic fury Tuesdav night and
for twentv-four hours has bpen raging!
One hundred and fifty miners, trap-j
ped by the flames, were forced to flee'
for their lives. Twenty, including &u-j
perintendeut Dougald Mathewson, were!
t IB f STAR-INPEPENDENT. 0CT.~7.T914~| »f
f Sh.ivi jour riiilurwiufnl <>r till* itr.nt .-.itimtlonlll opportunity &
A by -uttltiK nut the Hh.ive Ortlllcatr of Appreciation. nnil pr'nrntlnx f
A It nt thlN otllo.-. with (be riprnir liomia iimunnt lirrrln urt oppo- f"
« MilXrtlonnry iiyitlrh rovrrn the item* of the <-a*t of pni'klnir $
h exprnii from fhr factory, e«c.», nml yon will b<- prpnentcil Tilth Mil. T
V ii'a v. n iff cent Dictionary.
x (Like illustrations printed in the display announcements.) X
1 Unborn Cnnlioh II is the ON^ Y entirely NEW compilation by the world's I>
x K r^"a test authorities from leading universities ; is bound in $
t DICTIONARYfuII Limp Leather, flexible, stamped in gold on bick and X
x Illustrated sides, printed on Bible paper, with red edges and corners $
<| rounded; beautiful, strong, durable. Besides the general contents, there ¥
]| are maps and over 600 subjects beautifully illustrated by three- i %
A color plate?, numerous subjects In- monotones, 16 pages of | £**>«"•» &
$ educational charts and the latest United States Census. Present I T
Xat this office ONE Certt'li ?re oi Aooro',ianf*n and the
X MAIL ORDRRS—Any book by parcel post, Include BXTRA 7 cert* within A
T 150 miles; 10 cents 150 to 300 miles; for greater distances ask your postmaster A
J amount to Include for 3 pounds. <&|
overcome bv gas. Several are believed
| to be missing in the flame-swept mine.
A I nited States mine rescue car is
; rushing to the 'scene.
The fire has defied bulkheads and at
tempts of scientists to extinguish it l'or
twenty years.
Stop Those Early Bronchial Coughs
They hang on all winter if not
checked, and pave the way for serious
throat and lung diseases. Get a bottle
of Foley's Uone.v and Tar C'6mpo.;iid,
and take it freely. Stops coughs and
| colds, heals raw inflamed throat, loos
; ens the phlegan and is mildly laxative.
Charles T. Miller, Ed. Enquirer, Ci'n
neltou, Ind., had bronchial trouble, got
very hoarse, coughed constantly from
a tickling throat. He used only Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound. Was en
tirely relieved. Wants others to know
of Foley's Honey and Tar. George A.
Corgas, 16 North Third street and P.
R. K. Station. adv.
Kaiser's Shake-up a Mystery
London, Oct. B.—Apparently there
is some misapprehension as to the ap
: pointment given General Voights-
Rhetz. Late Berlin advices say that
lie has been made quartermaster aen
, cral in place of General Von Stein.
General Zoellncr succeeds Voights-
J Rhetz as chief of staff of the Imperial
| Guard. Earlier reports were to the
effect that "tneral Voights-Rhetz had
; succeeded General Von Moltke as chief
I of general staff.
Positions of- the Var
ious Companies in
the Different March-;
ing Divisions
, Chief Marshal Holstein This Morning
Completed All Arrangements for j
To-day's Pageant—Police Inspect
ed the Koute
Staging the biggest parade ever held
in connection with a Pennsylvania State
Firemen's convention was the Tiitanic
! task of Howard O. Holstein, chief mar
shal, to-day. He has 'been working con
| stantlv for tivvo weeks on the details
j for the proper movement of the parade
'and this morning Hosed up with the
I filial instructions to the division mar
Holstein and William S. Tunis, chief
of staff, made an inspection of the route
last night and found that everything
was satisfactory. 'His chief concern was
liie proper handling of division "A" of
the parade, made up of the York county
assoe'raltion, all of the members of
| which are unfamiliar with the city, but
various members of the local companies,
! who will entertain York companies,
'■ were detailed to see that the visitors
i get the proper position for 'the parade.
The central part of the city was
i roped ofV last night by officials of t*he
| fire and police departments. Every de
j tail was attended to. 'Chief Marshal
Holstein's oflicial list of 'the ,(.«.rbicipat
j ing ompanies, complete so far as 'he
was able to get it by noon to-day, ar
ranged according to divisions, was as
The Line of Parade
! Squad of Police l T mler Direction of
Captain Joseph P. Thompson.
Chief .Marshal —Howard O. Holsteiu.
1 Chief of Staff —William S. Tunis.
I Assistant Chiefs of Staff—John A.
Snyder. Edward F. Wisely, John G.
Willis, Francis F. Gardner.
| Assistant Marshals—Arthur L. Patton,
William L. Jauss, M. M. Tawney,
Frank F. Ellis.
Aids to Chief Marshal —>T. E Painter,
William Stewart, William J. Meek,
Walter Fredericks, W. A. Davis, R.
K. Spieer, Charles H. Tunis William
C. Wollerton, Truman Peebles, Geo.
Maily, Charles Dunlap, William
Shipe, John Bowman, Raymond Gil
bert. Clarence Butts, Russell Downey,
James Conner, George W. Reeser,
John Wenriek, John Taggart, L. H.
Bolton. William A. Revie, Augustus
Wildman, Charles B. Free, George
B. Sprout, E. C. Ostnan.
Chief J. C. Kindler
Assistant Chief Edward Halbert
Mount Union Band, 55 Pieces
Keystone Fire Chiefs' Association.
Firemen's Union of Harrisburg.
Ex-Chiefs of Harrisburg.
York County Association
I | Harry L. Wills, Marshal; Charles F.
I Harkins. Henry W. Met/., Samuel H.
s , Myers. Jacob Wolf, Aids.
j Glen Rock Band, 30 pieces.
_ ' Laurel Steam Eire and Chemical Co.
r Juj- 1, York, 90 men.
City Band of York. 40 pieces.
I Union Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 3,
York, 100 men.
I Rescue Steam Fire anil Chemical Co.
No. 4, York, 25 men.
Spring Garden Band, 40 pieces.
; Rex Hook and Ladder Company, York,
100 men.
Royal Band, York, 25 pieces.
; Good Will Steam Fire and Chemical
Co. No. 5, York, 85 men.
Spring Grove Band, 24 pieces.
Royal Steam Fire and Chemical Co.
York, 50 men.
Loganvijlc Band, 35 pieces,
j Eagle Chemical Engine Co. York, So
1 Royal Italian Band, Harrisburg, 30
j Vigilant Steam Fire and Chemical Co.
No. 1, York, 200 men.
Thomasville Band, 20 pieces.
B j Reliance Fire Co. West York, 40 men.
-] Citizens Band, York, 25 pieces.
. Liberty Fire Co. West York, 60 men.
t! East York Band, 26 piece®,
-i Hanover Steam Fire and Chemical Co.,
.; 70 men.
1.1 Knights of Pythias Band, Hanover, 42
I I men.
P j Eagle Chemical Co., Hanover. 50 men.
I ! Citizens Band, Dillsburg. 22 pieces,
f j Dillsburg Fire Co., 30 men.
Hellam Band, 25 pieces,
j Wriglvtsville Fire Co., 75 men.
* Red Lion Band, 40 pieces.
; Leo Eire Co., Red Lion, 100 men.
Mount Wolf Band, 36 pieces.
Eagle Fire Co., No. 1, Mount Wolf,
35 men.
Star View Band, 30 pieces.
Union Fire Co.. No. 1, Manchester,
30 men.
. Citizens Band, York, 35 pieces
I Yoe Fire Department, Yoe, 60 men.
Dallastown Band, 36 pieces.
| Rescue Fire Co., No. 3, Dallastown,
S5 men.
; City Council of Harrisburg and Officers
i of State Association in Automobiles.
Aug. H. Kreidler, Marshal; Edwin
H. Shell, F. H. Ho.v, Jr., A. H. Bald
win, Jr., Harry Miller, W. L. Windsor,
■ the Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler, Aids,
j 4th Regiment Band, Lancaster, 35
j Fame Fire Company, West Chester,
90 men.
Cousholiocken Band, 30 pieces,
i Humane Fire Company No. 1, Norris
t town, 60 men.
Newmanstown Band, 25 pieces.
Perseverance Fire Company No. 1,
Lebanon, 80 men."
Bth Regiment Band, Carlisle, 35
! Union Eire Company No. 1, Carlisle,
50 men.
! Colonial Band, Reading. 30 pieces.
; Rainbow Fire Company, No. 1, Read
ing, 75 men.
j Liberty Balid, Philadelphia, 32 pieces.
, Tivflli Hose Company, No. 39, Phila
delphia, 40 inen.
' Volunteer Firemen 's Association, Phila-
delphia, 45 men.
Halifax Band, 28 pieces.
Taylor Hose Company, No. 36, Phila
delphia, 50 men.
Iroquois Band. Coatesville, 32 pieces.
Washington Hose Company, Coatesville,
to men.
Carlisle Indian Band, 40 pieces.
Washington Company, No. 1, Me
<-hanicsburg, 45 men.
McAllisterville Band, 28 pieces.
Veteran Volunteer Association, Eliza
beth, N. J., 50 men.
Municipal Band, Harrisburg, 28 pieces.
Citizens' Fire Company, No. 1, Steel
ton, 70 men.
.'HagerStown Band, 25 pieces.
Cumberland Fire Company, Carlisle, 60 i
Ringgold Band, Heading, 35 pieces
Washington Fire Company, No. 2,
Reading, 75 pieces.
Altoona City Band, 32 pieces.
Volunteer Firemen's Association, Al
toona, 60 men.
Metropolitan Band, Columbia, 27
PioneeT Fire Company, No. 1, Marietta,
100 Men.
Annville Band, 2 4 pieces.
Lebanon Chemical Company, 45 men.
MarysviUe Band, 25 pieces.
West Side Hose Company, Steelton,
60 Men.
Burkey's Band, Hamburg, 27 pieces.
Union Fire Company, Hamburg, 50
Harris Bnnd. Downingtown, 25 pieces.
Alert Fire Company, No. 1, Downing
town, 80 men.
Hershey Band, 2 8 pieces.
Swarthmore Fire Company, Swarth
more, 70 men.
Highspire Band, 23 pieces.
Citizen's Fire Company, Highspire,
50 men.
Pine Grove Band, 25 pieces.
Pine Grove Hook and Ladder Com
pany, 4.5 men.
Cermaiua Band, Manheim, 25 pieces.
Hope Hose Company, Manheim, 50
Liberty Bugle Corps, 22 pieces.
Liberty Fire Company, No. 1, Middle
town, 55 men.
IMnrcus Hook Band, 25 pieces.
Marcus Hook Fire Company, 4 5 men.
Norristown Band
Hancock Chemical Company, Norris
town, 100 men.
York Cadet Baud, 25 pieces.
Hope Juniors, Harrisburg.
Commonwealth Band. Harrisburg, 40
Hope Steain Fire Engine Company, No.
2, Harrisburg, 100 men.
Charles P. Meek, Marshal; Frank
Fcgan, Luther Shoop, aids.
Biain Baml, 32 men.
Lincoln Fire Company, No. 1, Perth
Amboy, N. J., 45 man.
Military Band, Heading, 35 men.
Veteran Firemen's Association, Read
ing, 75 men.
Wayne Band, Waynesboro, 30 pieces
First Ward Hose Company, 'Hagers
town, Mil., 75 men.
Cadet Band, Heading, 32 pieces.
Schuylkill Steam Fire Kngine Com
pany, Reading, SO men.
Royersford Band, 28 pieces.
Humane Fire Company, Royersford,
55 men.
Acme Band, Hummelstown, 25 pieces.
Humnielstown Chemical Company, 40
Gettysburg Band, 28 pieces.
Gettysburg Fire Company, 50 men.
Kennett Band, Kennett 'Square, 23
Kennett Eire Company, Kenuett
Square, 60 men.
Citizen Hose Company, Renovo, 50
Band, 25 pieces.
Rescue Hook and Ladder Company,
Mechaniesburg, 50 men.
Ashland Band, 25 pieces.
Washington Fire Company, Ashland,
45 men.
Perseverance Band, Lebanon, 4 0 pieces.
Citizen Steam Fire Engine Company,
No. 3, Harrisburg, 50 men.
George W. Kennedy, Marshal; R. L.
Avers, Charles K. Ripper, Aids.
Ephrata Band, 25 pieces.
| William Penn Hose Company, Philadel
phia, 35 men.
Lewisburg Band, 26 pieces.
| William Cameron Engine Company,
Lewistown. 1
Wernersvilie Band, 26 pieces,
j Liberty Chemical and Hose Company,
Sinking Springs, 35 men.
j Greater Philadelphia Band, Philadel
phia, 25 pieces,
i Darby Fire Patrol Company, No. 2, 60
j City Band, Lancaster. 35 pieces.
Washington Hose Company, No. 4,
Harrisburg, 40 men.
1 Milton Myers, Marshal; William
Kirkwood, Martin Castfock, Aids,
i Bethlehem Steel Company Band, 92
Bethlehem Steel Fire Company, 55
Ardmore Band, 28 pieces.
Merion Fire Company, Ardmore, 30
| Paoli Fire Company, Paoli, 25 men.
Colwvn Fire Company, Colwvn, 50 men.
J Union Drum Corps, Royersford, 20
Friendship Hook and Ladder Company,
Royersford, 50 men.
Acme Band, Myerstown, 26 pieces
; Keystone Hook and Ladder Company,
Myerstown, 5 6 men.
Washington Band, Columbia, 22 pieces.
Keystone Hook and Ladder Company,
Columbia, 55 men.
Band, Lebanon. 30 pieces.
Lebanon Hook and Ladder Company,
Lnbanon, 4 0 men.
Citizen's Band, Steelton, 30 pieces.
Paxtang Hook and Ladder Company,
Steelton, 50 men.
Municipal Band. Reading, 25 pieces.
| Union Steam Fire Engine Company,
Reading, 60 men.
Liberty Band, Miildletown, 32 pieces.
Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder Com
pany, No. 5, Harrisburg, 40 men.
Adam Rohrbach, Marshal; George E,
Anderson. Ed Duttenhoffer, Aids.
Winona Band, Heading, 30 pieces.
IMarion Steam Fire 'Engine Co. No. 11,
Reading, 75 men.
Key*tone;Ban<l, Columbia, 25 pieces.
Susquehanna. Steam Fire Engine Co., Co
lumbia, 60 men.
Derry Firo Company, 60 men.
Lewistown Band, 27 pieces.
Fame Fire Company No. 2, 'Lewistown,
50 men.
Berrysburg Band, 25 pieces.
Paxton Steam Fire Kngine Co. No. 6,
Harrisburg, 50 men.
John H. Williamson. 'Marshal; Wm.
H. Filling, Charles Myers, Warren
Bretz, Chas. Kilpatrick, Aids.
Philharmonic Band, Read'ing, 30 pieces.
Hampden Steata Fire Kngine Company,
many ways of
warning man ■
of danger. ■
HH'V. The sense H
"Y of taste and
smell both JH
He serve for your JH
protection IHH
Why take the risk?
Jjf ity from the' brew
\ f 6ry t0 yOUr aSS ' ¥
M See that Crown is PKntWfc" 421 r B 5
(/Jim branded "Schlitz." „ ™ ones l united cotx
M Sanitary Bottling Works (% j m fif
\ m 26 Grace Ave., Harrisburg
That Made Milwaukee fallals.
Reading, 70 men.
Hughesville ''Band, 25 pieces.
Hughesvil'le tHose Company, 50 men.
Band, 25 pieces.
Columbia Steam Pi re 'Engine Company,
100 men.
Allen 'Band, 25 pieces.
Alert !• ire 'Company, Allen, 40 men
'Band, 30 pieces.
Union Steam Fire l-Xigine Co. Xo. 1,
Lebanon, 70 men.
Citizenß'Band, Montoursville, 25 pieces.
Willing' Hand Hose Company, .Vloatours
ville, 40 men.
'City Band, Huntingdon, 30 pieces.
Huntingdon Steam Fire 'Engine Co. Xo.
2, 80 men.
'Band, 30 pieces.
'Rescue Steam 'Fire Engine Co. Xo. 1,
Shamokiti, 85 men.
West End Baud, Harrisburg, 32 pieces.
Good Will Steam iFire Engine Co. No.
7, HamsbuVg, 75 men.
Charles Riegel, Marshal; F. A. S'hope,
H. B'hriver, IM. Hoover, Aids,
©ranrlywine Band, (Downingtown, 30
Minquas Fire Company. (Bant. Downing
town, 100 men.
West Chester .Band and Drum Corps 45
Good Will Fire Company, West Ches
ter, 150 men.
yueen City 'Band, Chambersburg, 36
Good Will 'Hose Company, <'arlisle, 45
Bridgeport Band. 30 pieces.
'Bridgeport Fire Co. Xo. 1, 60 men.
Peerless Band. Reading, 38 pieces.
Neversink Steam Fire Engine Co. No.
3, 'Reading.
Iroquois 'Band, Palmyra, 3S pieces.
Mount Pleasant S. F. K.Co. Xo. 8, Har
risburg, 75 men.
William C. 'Roberts, 'Marshal; Chas.
Downey, F. Bowman, Thomas Nary,
Fred W. Schreck, Aids.
Rexnvont 'Band, 25 pioces.
Li'berty Fire Company Xo. 3, Lebanon,
60 men.
Renovo Drum Cor,p«, 20 pieces.
West. 'Branch Hose ■Company, Renovo,
40 men.
Williamstown Band, 28 pieces.
'Liberty Fire Company No. 1, Williams
town, 4 5 men.
SonderDon 'Band, 28 pieces.
Perseverance Fire Company, Sotider
ton, 45 men.
Treverton Band, 24 pieces.
Treverton Fire Company, 40 men
Enola Band, 35 ipieces.
Susquehanna Steam Fire Kngine Co. No.
9, Harrisiburg, 60 men.
'Harfy Stroll, Marshal; Isaac Ligiht,
John I). Hudgins, Aids.
stoelton Band, 30 pieces.
Baldwin Hose Company No. 4,'Steelton,
fio m«n:
Chester Oity Band, 25 pieces.
lM!oyameußiug Hook and (Ladder 00.,
Chester, 75 men.
'Liberty 'Band,
Pioneer Steami Fire Engine Co. No. 1,
Hazletou, 100 men.
Stiamokin Band, 26 pieces.
Independence Fire Association, S'hamo
kin, 75 men.
'Bugle and (Drum Corps Columbia,
22 pieces.
Vigilant Steam Fire Engine C». No. 2,
Columbia, 80 men.
'Band, 25 pieces.
•Shawnee Steam Eire 'Engine Co. No. 3,
Columbia, 50 men.
i Emerald Hose 'Com;iany, Renovo, 30
Nowmanstown Band, 25 pieces.
'Rescue Hose Company, Lebanon, 50 men.
Greensbnrg Band, 38 pieces.
Greensiburg 'Fire Department, 150 men.
Lykens (Band, 25 men.
Liberty Fire Company Mo. 1, Lykens,
50 men.
Kerystoue iFire Company, Uniontown,
30 men.
Milton Band, 25"pieces.
Miltonian 8. T'. E. Co. No. 1. Milton,
50 men.
Frederick City IBand, 28 pieces.
United 'Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 3,
Frederick, Md., 50 men,
Band 25 pieces.
Rescue Hose 'Company, M'iddletown, 60
'Darktown Fire Co., 30 men.
Ooldsiboro Band, 32 pieces.
Reily Hose 'Company No. 10, Harris
burg, 75 men.
Christian Wihissier, marshal; <2harles
Wolford, William Garner, William
Pierce, Samuel Weaver, aids.
Carlisle Band, 26 pieces.
Empire Hook and Ladder Company,
Carlisle, 55 men.
Waynesboro Band, 25 pieces.
-Mechanics' Fire Company, Waynesboro
Pleasant View Eire Company, Pleasant
View, 50 men.
Star l>mm Corps, Port Allegheny, 15
Star Fire Company No. 1, Port Alle
gheny, 35 men.
New Cumberland Band, 25 pieces.
Shamrock Fire < onvpany No. 11, Har
risburg, 75 men.
A. Carson Stamm, marshal; George
P. Drake, Charles H. Glessner, aids.
Star Baud, Coatesville, 55 pieces.
Brandy wine Fire Company, Coatesville,
125 men.
Acme Hose Company, Baat Stroudsburg.
30 men.
Penbrook Band, 26 pieces.
•Hygienic Hose Company No. 5, Steel
ton. 60 men.
Spring City Band, 25 pieces.
Liberty 8. F. E. Company No. 1,
Spring City, 50 wen,
Milton Band, 25 pieces.
Independent S. F. E. Company, Milton,
4,0 men.
Lvberty Band, 25 pieces.
East Sunburv Hose Company, 50 men.
Band, 25 pieces.
American Hose Company, Sun'bury, 50
Orphan School Band, Loysville, 32
Citizens' Hose Company, New Cumber
land, 50 men.
Calhoun Band, 42 pieces.
Northumberland Fire Department, 12.".
Tyrrell's Military Band, Lebanon, 4 2
Allison Hook anil Ladder Company No.
12, Harrisburg, 75 men.
Simon W. Goodyear, marshal; John
W. Hepford, Erauk R. Smith, Robert
Squires, Walter Shepley, aids.
Citizens' Band, Lebanon, 23 pieces.
Good Will Fire Company, Lebanon, 60
Canton Band, Canton, 24 piece...
Tnness Hose Company, Canton, 40 men.
Band, 23 pieces.
Good Will Eire < ompany, Chambers
burg, 50 men.
Liberty Band, Mt. Union, 22 pieces.
iMt. Union Fire Company, 4 0 men.
Union Drum Corps, Middletown, 10
Union Fire Company, Middletown, .Mi
Band, 24 pieces.
Washington Fire Company No. 1, Sun
buty, 60 men.
Our Band," Sham Ok in, 25 pieces.
Union Fire Company, Shamokin, 55
Red Hill Band, 23 pieces.
Fort Hunter Fire Company, Fort Hunt
er, 35 men.
Elix-ahet.hviHe Band, 32 pieces.
Camp Curtin Eire ( ompany No. 13,
Harrisburg, 65 men.
Edward W. Lewis, marshal; Frank
Thompson, Asher L. Michener, aids.
Westr liobanon Baml, 28 pieces.
Independent District Fire Company,
Lebanon, 15 men.
Drum Corps, 15 pieces.
Juniata Fire < ompany No. 2, 60 men.
Drum Corps, 18 pieces.
Burnham Fire ('ompany, 6 0 men.
Lemovne Band, Lemovne, 2 5 pieces.
Royal Fire Company No. 14, Harris
burg, 45 men.
Barney Oldfleld Having Aeroplane
Built for Australian Flights
Denver, Oct. B.—A telegram was
received here Tuesday from Barney
Oldfleld, the famous automobile racer,
saying that he will within a short time
abandon automobile driving for avia
He will appear here in im exhibition
to-day, and says it is the last time lie
ever will drive in Denver. He is hav
ing an aeroplane built and plans to be
gin flights in Australia.