12 Challenge Sale of Millinery Offering Hundreds of New Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats and Finest Trimmings at Matchlessly Low Prices jOfk New Millinery at Lowest Prices is the theme of this Challenge Sale —no matter k I / what the price may be it's a better value than you can iind anywhere else. Thousands . Ji~~ of dollars' worth of latest Fall styles in Trimmed Hats and Shapes and Trimmings of % pH| /mM all descriptions were bought specially for this sale, assuring a fresh new stock of won- M * A \ derful interest to the thousands of women who have yet to buy their new Fall Hats. M / Attend this sale and save money on new styles, and profit by our liberal policy j/\ \ brimmed Free of Charge Our regular millinery salesforce will be increased by experienced salesgirls from if \ Reading store —we will be prepared to serve you all, no matter how busy we -—. — maybe. < Challenge Sale of Pattern Hats Challenge Sale of $4.95 Hats New SIO.OO and $12.00 Models \ Showing 100 New Models a* a Have Their Formal Showing 1\ Supreme in Style and Q Friday and Saturday at . . ; w y J Superior in Value at . . In everything pertaining to Millinery this Challenge Sale will demonstrate our abilty \ 1 To-morrow and Saturday will be an excellent, opportunity to sec the newest arrivals to give Vx>tter style, better quality aud better trimming service for less money. Especially in stylish hats of the moderately priced kind—we are coufident that women will be r is this true of the values in tinest dress hats from New York's leading pattern hat de- prised at these rare values in NEW Hats. signers. These are all brand new creations, portraying Fall's latest fashions, and are genu- . ..t «i, a o», t„« n,;„ i., ,1 i- , , ... s __ ine $10.09 to #12.00 models —matchless values indeed at 55.95. «-, e . 5,,m11 close-fitting turban of velvet with soft j Large hat of black velvet with soft crown, e.lge Large black velvet sailors with small pink ostrich Smart tricome of black velvet with ostrich tips New rancies at I crown trimmed with narrow grosgrain ribbon atul jof brim covered with silver cloth and trimmed wit i tip®. and rosettes of narrow gTOsgTain ribbon. _ _ . _ _ _ . _ small pearl buckle—shown in green, red and navy, j BO W^' te t | <>athpr fancies. Small black velvet tailored model with plea tings Walking hat of black velvet with soft crown and /QQ, 49C. ' 1 w'hite of ?nwgT»uj ribbon and beads. trimmed with band of monkey fur. AIV/V/ ) UIIU trimmed with narrow grosgram ribbon and small ostr i,.h. namisonu white Til* showing of trimmings is the largest and scorched quill stems. Trlcorne turban of black velvet trimmed with And there are dozens of other styles equally as chic and charming! most interesting of the whole season because of with narrow n ?j' it f r - v of black grosgrain ribbon and two J J b the purchase of thousands of new fancies, wings, grosgrain ribbon and qu.ll points. s ,lk tassels. plumes, etc., to be sold at lowest prices. —.. Black skeleton ostrich quills; natural ostrich fancies Challenge Sale of New Ss"Sr i ?3£l'fi"" ednb '*" k Challenge Sale of New Shapes The 49C fancies include: Trimmed at $1 ?ke,e,(>n quiU9 louched with Bl,ver Hnißhel Thousands of Styles at lllllllv/vl 1 ICi lO Cil y 1« \ Challenge Sale of New Black Plumes d?"l Af\ pink - blue - c r!se white ana srreen. !) l/s \\ - J t at 5b1.49 o»*rioh'Vn^brown. green, naw. and velvet and hatters' plush shapes, large. /V J/ \ j new blue, purple, black and white. medium anu small shapes—some velvet liats faced in white satin ty % .• . nv ~7, _ 7~ ' _ ~ tmita^fon S numidi h quUU° with'»v*hite ? Vur"heads. •' j unallenge Sale OI Gorgeous New Pattern Hats In New bia"k"ombina?ions sant ,ails oranse ' brown > re( ' and aud the most attractive values offered this season at !// V!i Oval Turban Shapes, Tricornes and Sailors Trimmed | The. 98< fancies include: I i _____ J[ With Handsome Ostrich Plumes, bron« ce ma7oon s,r grev L"d r bi'ack. shadeß of sreen ' Mue ' Plush Hats for Little Girls—Dainty poke shapes in QQ O _ Handsome merle" fancies, edged with white. j black, white and all colors, at J/OC T _ %\0 00 Sl9 00 I** OO Mr andblack - ! ! x " 4)IO.KJU Black and black and whUe hack'e fancies. M Millinery Dep't, Second Floor and Fourth Street Ai.le—Three Elevators. Friday Specials Will Attract Hundreds of Enthusiastic Buyers Tomorrow Miscellaneous Specials Watch Fobs. Etc. Sweaters Bedding Supplies uitur. polish. Special Kri coat chains, cuff links and tie v ■■ - " heal knTtThoof and i/!" V ? clasps, special Fnda\ onl>. _ college sweaters in maroon dav onlv, 9<* ! gaS Tt'? ° e One 15c clutch pencil as illustrated aud one 5e box of leads. Spet'ial 1A« and navy ; all sizes. Special 45x36'bleac'hed pillow cases t j ax M(l [ v ' ' S9c Men's all linen hemstitch- t l'idav oillv AvfO Friday only, 82.39 embroidered and scalloped white bra ded shonpine tH ' handkerchiefs. Special ——^_____ __^ ______ ** L>iv{,s - Pomeroy * Stewart, edge; 33c quality. Special baskets, ial Friday onl>- Frida - V " nl - v - for 25r M,Va Store ' T l '"' ••"••••• 2^ i.b. ,-nir ho JSf store. Men's Shirts, 69c Turkish Wash Cloths Basement Specials I lengths. 81 Spwii" Friday"nk! ers combined. Spc-iai Kri- HIZZZIZ3ZZI i t\f P T' ale | white Turkish wash Mason - s one-quart fruit Men's Union Suits yß s[.'''''' V ''' r 7' dav onlv 7c ———————— shirts; made with short pleat- cloths of extra quality. !>pe- • rs Soeeial Fridav onlv 12V 2 c bleached Domet 39' bail bearinK cast-steei Corset Covers ed bosoms, iu excellent pat- cial Friday only, 2V 2 0 dozen 7oc and SI.OO cotton union Shaker flannel. Special Fri .l, > ;,i L ; .; i .. terns: sizes 13i.> to 17. Spe- * r Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, ' V v suits in athletic stvl<» anH dav onlv, vard 10<7 shears, special Fnda, omy. Cambric corset covers: • ,-ia. Friday onl.v 69 r Streets, aluimnum Bhor t s,eeves; wklf Street Floo, <• i ; i .kt » i limit two to a customer: none i* Dive#. Pomeroy i St«^art. ste . % pa " i, • e( ,al none exchaneed Snecial Kri Colonial table tumblers. exchanged. Special Fridav Men's Store. only, each 21<* Huv li! Special Fn- Special Friday only, dozen. ~u ) v a* > *r i SI.OO Wearever covered a - onl - ——^ 200 • W.en S «eckwear Berlin kettles. Special Fri- **" Dives, F J omerov & Stewart, I Bed Spreads Tin top jelly tumblers. ' muslin gowns: none ex- „ , . ... .. . day only, 69<» >,,reet n ° or - Special Friday only. . . 15r changed. Spe.-ial Friday German Napkins haiiH ' liirht m .> linm"*,!!!] $1.49 6-* quart aluminum lip- ——————— $2.00 scalloped light weight only 35C .. .. . »«nd ties ; light, medium and P ed'sauce pans Special Fri- satin bed spreads; good size Traveling Rairs *l.io German sih'er bleach- dark colors. Special Friday pe« sauce p«us. l lUlll r '' , gagS Second Floor— Elevators. Ed all linen napkins: 20x20 only 14£ day only. ............ Mens Shirts and •. l-*: i„ v n) •'aj Le $5.00 cowhide leather trav- inches square: extra good *r Dive., Pomeroy * Stewart f° t Jt f" C °^ per r» cial Friday only, .. .81.25 eling bag with leather lining: ————_. patterns. Special Fridav Men's Store. nickel-plated pitches. Spe- Drawers er Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, inside brass catches Flannelette Skirts only, dozen 81.49 cia ri Men's 39c bleached cotton Mr " < " and lock. >peual Fnday » Dive., Pomeroy k Stewart. shirts and drawers: nnt „I 1 onl - v 53.70 Short flannelette skirts Street Floor. rnpafl . p_j, lno j sizes. Special Fridav onlv Ba«ment Wlth P ink ° r blue stripes. c °w®ts Reduced each * Table Damask Special Friday only. . . .25c ~ " Smart Set Earner's Rust- Youths' Sweaters »" Dive., Pomerov 4 Stewart -n • a* m a - p S. Spe- ... P>«or. ' ooc mercerized table dam j*t «. . a- i , cial corsets nnt all Knvs nnH airk r*rt ask J64 inches W'idp; ffOOcl White Flaxon 5™ ffid™ : h trira, s V^runir g P sn a r Values to $3.00. Special Fri- sweaters with roll eollallln patterns and qualities. Spe .... ... ~ A hn day only. ...39< day only ..$1.69 tan. navy and red. Sizes 6to cial Friday only 29 C JU w lte laxon . a fine. Seeond Floor—Three Elevator*. StreeT^Moo-' ' t#Wmrt * ** Dive*. Pomeroy * Stewart. 12. Special Friday Only, Women's Union Suits » Dives. Poitlerov & Stewart, medium weight quality: with Se.ond Floor—'Three Elevators. 1 * Street Floor a linen finish :3S inches wide. ====±=: »5c D. P. & S Special cor- Infants'sweaters with'roll 50c and 75c- ribbed union Specia. Friday only. yard. _,, ' . sets. .Special l*ridav morn- ~«n«- o „,i . suits: sleeveless and knee 15c Cotton Waists Olus Shirts ing 59c Sizes ito c 'Special Fridav' W D.ve«. Pomeroy 4 Stewart. Batiste waists with em- . Sl ™ 8 01us shlr,s ** D.v«. Pomeroy A. Stewart. only ..50C Special Friday only, .. .39* laweWOUIS broidery front: lace edge , nPP '* , ' raw _ pra '- Street Moor. Women's SI.OO cardigan ** Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. $1 mercerized table cloths **—'' trims collar: long sleeves: 2 ° «i in jackets and vests: in black street Floor. of goo<] patterns; size H4xßl V- •, m; none ex-Kanged. Special Fri- ' t< Di anrf g rev . Special Friday inches. Special Friday only, Knit Ties , lav „ n i y ' White Eatine "fc;,.' P '" St* 2-V knit four-in-hand ties; B.«nd Flo..—Thw. El.v.tore- ' *I.OO white ratine for " W| Negligee Shirts «r Dire., Pomeroy * Stewart, large selection of fancy col- " skirts and dresses: 50 inches M Pn ' s 41 ftO white street Floor. orecl strtpe,. Spe-i.l Fnd.y Bath Towels wtde. Special Friday negligee ,hirt,; plain S"d bZTmZI white hemstit.-hed Women'. Silk Ho« «g„r,d white Silk Lirie Hoee Children's Hose school handker-hiefs. Spo- °° e , s blaek ity: red. blue and white bor- ! , mad ™ s a " V re P? Women's 15c silk lisle tan SI.OO negligee shirts; plain Children's l'>U,e fast hlack cial Friday only. 7 for. 10c h-; fashioned feet. Spec£ Jers. Specia. Friday only J- wrfe. Special Friday Special Fri- white; cream and assirted heaJy cotU^/" m .» n . .. .. , rriuay only oUC 12' jC • B 1 ■ avc dav onlv, 0C patterns; sizes X'iU to 17. Sne.-ial l«ViH«v nnlv ftc " MeiT's slore. ~ " el or ' !,,reet noor Hocr. Street Floor. Men'e Store. Street Floor. HARRISBFRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING. OOTOFSFR 8. 1914.