The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 07, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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*4 Carat to Carat in Size j
At SIOO.OO Per Carat
Diamonds have not come down in price. On the other hand they have been ad
vancing steadily. This is an unusually large special lot which we were lucky
enough to get at prices away below the usual market value, and we are going to
give the public the benefit of our fortunate purchase.
V 4 carat diamonds; pure white, brilliant, perfectly cut $25.00
% carat diamonds; pure white, brilliant, perfectly cut $37.50
| Vo carat diamonds; pure white, brilliant, perfectly cut $50.00
% carat diamonds; pure white, briUiant, perfectly cut $62.50
% carat diamonds; pure white, brilliant, perfectly cut, $75.00
V 8 carat diamonds; pure white, brilliant, perfectly cut, $87.50
1 carat diamonds; pure white, brilliant, perfectly cut SIOO.OO
1V 4 carat diamonds; pure white, brilliant, perfectly cut, $125.00
li/ 2 carat diamonds; pure white, brilliant, perfectly cut $150.00
This is by big odds the largest special purchase of Diamonds ever brought to Harrisbtirg.
You cannot possibly get the same grade anywhere else for anything like the low prices at which
we offer them. If you have any idea of buying a diamond you cannot afford to allow this oppor
tunity to go by.
Every Diamond Guaranteed
Just As Represented
H. C. CLASTER, 3*2 Market St.
Civil Club to Make Final Inspection of
Gardens of Five Hundred School
Children on Friday—Prizes Will
Be Awarded
On Friday members of the Civic
•Club will make their final inspection of
the flotver gardens of the school chil
dren of the city. I<ast spring the Civic
. flub gave seeds to five hundred and
forty-two si-hooi children who entered
the "Home Garden Contest" of the
Aa juk.* pßTiiens were inspected dur
ing f?ie summer and prizes will be
awarded not only for the prettiest gar
den but for tie gardens that showed
that unusual effort had been made.
•Many of the children had great diffi
culty in making a garden at all for
some of the yards were bri "ked and at
these pla-es the little gardeners secured
boxes, filled them with sou and planted
their flower seeds. In other yards the
soil was so poor that it was almost im
possible to grow anything at all. All
these things will be taken into consid
eration and prizes awarded accordingly.
A director's meeting will be held
Saturday morning at 10.30 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. William Henderson,
-5 North Front street, and final de
cisions made in regard to the prizes.
The first fall meeting of the Civic
<"!ub will be held 'Monday, October 19.
Mrs. Edwin 8. Herman, chairman of the
Home Garden Contest, will announce
the number of prizes awarded and the
awards. Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones
will g've an informal talk on the bi
ennial and on the State Federation ol '
Civic Clubs whWh will be held next ,
week in Pittsburgh. Mrs. John W. 1
Reilv, >Mrs. Edward S. Dunlap and Mrs.
Jones will, be delegates to the t'eder
Ruddy Cheeks—Sparkling Eyes-
Most Women Can Have
Says Dr. Edwards, a Well-Known Ohio
Dr. F. M. Edwards for 17 years
treated scores of women t'or liver and
bowel ailments. During these years he '
gave to his patients a prescription made i
of a few well-known vegetable ingredi- j
erits mixed with olive oil, naming them
l>r. Edwards' Olive Tablets, you will
know them by their olive color.
These tablets arc wonder-workers on I
the liver and bowels, which cause a I
normal action, carrying off the waste !
and poisonous matter that one's svstem
If you have a pale face, sallow look,
dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, head- j
aches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out !
of sorts, inactive bowels, you take one!
of l)r Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly !
lor a time and note the pleasing re !
Thousands of women, as well as men, j
take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets now I
and then just to keep in the pink ofi
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the suc
cessful substitute for calomel— loc and |
25c per box. All druggists.
The Olive Tablet Company, Colnm-I
bus, O. " Adv.
Brilliant Playing in the First Matches
in Ladies' Singles for Cham
j All of tne matches in the first and
i two of the second roifnd were played
in the opening matches of the ladies'
singles tennis championship for the
f ! McCreath cup at the Country Club yea
- j terdaj. Three of the matches were won
b\ default but the others were hard
J j fought.
»j , • VI|SS Arta Williams defeated Mrs.
I W. W. Davis by default, and was de
feated by Mrs. Prank Carnev. Miss
'jl-Mary Elizabeth Meyers and Miss Helen
11 (Hammond also won their matches bvi
'' default.
The match between Miss Dora <'oe
. and Miss Martha Fleming ended in a
victory for Miss foe. Miss Frances'
I \^ eat * d Miss Rmilv Bailev and
h ,w y ,lefeate 'l Mrs. Goldsbor-1
ough and Mrs. Evans defeated Miss Vir- i
giiwa King. The summaries:
First Round
vv M \v S n U illiams IMrs.
W. \\ alley Davis by default.
Mrs. Frank D. Oarnev defeated Miss I
< onstance Ferriday, 6-1, 6 4.
I Miss Frances Bailey defeated Miss'
h.nuJy Bailey, 6 2, 3-6, 6-2.
Miss Dora < ne defeated 'Miss Martha '
: -Fleming 7-9, 6-4. 6-4
Mrs. Evans defeated 'Miss Virginia!
Hargest King. 6-1, 6-0.
MHss Mary /Meyers defeated Mrs.!
Henry 'Blake 'Rent bv default.
Miss Katherine Et'ter defeated Miss'
j Louise Carney, 6-4, 6-2.
Miss Helen Hammond defeated Miss
Elizabeth Bailey fry default.
. Mrs. Ri,'hard V." IMleKaiy ' defeated
Mrs. Robert G. Goldsborough, 6-2 7-9
. 6-0. '
: Mrs. Ross Hickok defeated Miss
1 !• ranges Morrison. 6 4. 6-1.
Second Bound
Mrs Frank D. ' arnev defeated Miss 1
Arte Williams, 6-1, 6 2.
! Mrs. Evans defeated IMrs. Rov Cos.!
6 1, 6-1.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Wagner Chaperoned
Merry Party Last Evening
Mr. and Mrs. Van Wagner chaperon I
ed g party of young people who i
••hiked" from this city to Rockville
i last evening. On their return thev were!
| entertained at the home of Mr. &:i,; |
I Mrs. Van Wagner, Emerald street. The!
|* party included:
Misses Gertrude Stapf. Anna, |
Elsie Mionn, Rose Monn, Elizabeth Snv- j
I der, Messrs. Oharles Gerdes, Lawrence i
| <>ch, Jo'hn Nestle and Joseph Reuwer.
Entertained at Her Home in Honor 'of i
Her Guest Prom Lancaster
Miss Annie Eieholtz entertained at'
j her home, 2288 North Sixth street,
' Monday evening in honor of her guest,
| Miss Betty Bosler, of Lancaster.
| The guests included Miss Lillian!
| Drake, of Philadelphia; Miss Gale
Knell, of Chambersburg; Miss Gladys
Koons, Miss Laura Knupp, Miss Flo
rence Eieholtz, Miss Anna Eieholtz, ,
Harry Wilder. William Corish, Liw
rence McGrath, Aarrv Hwovelin, Jack
Hamilton, Reno Lesher and George i
Craig, of Paoli.
Mrs. I. N. Winters Gave a Delightful
Affair at Her Home in Celebration
of the Seventy-fourth Birthday An
niversary of Her Grandmother
■itrg. I. X. Winters gave a dinner
at her home in Progress Sunday in
honor of her grandmother, Mrs. Martin
Kay lor, who celebrated her seventv
fourt'h birthday anniversary. The guests
Mr. ami Mrs. .loshua Kavlor, Mr.
and Mrs. Simon Kavior, Mr. and 'Mrs.
Daniel Kay lor. Miss Et'oel Kavlor. tM'iss
i Elizabeth Kavlor, Carson Ryder, of
| Elizabet'htowu; 'Simon Epler, Mrs. J. R.
| it. pier, Helen Epler, Kathrvn Epler,
• Gaisburg; iMr. and Mrs. David Ecder.
I Mkldletown: Mr. and ,Mrs. Samuel
Demmy, Miss Gertrude Demmy. Miss
: 'Martha 'Demmy, Allen Demmy, Swatara
! 'Hill: Mr. and Mrs. Reuben L#ingle,
| Oberlin; Mr. and Mrs. Ensminger, Da
i vid €assel, Mrs. Ed Xissley. Mrs. Marv
| Garverich, Mrs. William Parting. Esther
! Cassel, IMr. and Mrs. •George Kavlor,
Mrs. Mary Kavlor. iMr. and Mrs. John
'Farling, 1. Newton Winters and Mrs.
I V\ inters, Miss Mavbelle Kavlor, 'Mr.
j and Mrs. Clinton Demmy and Miss
Edith Demmy.
Members of Queen Esther Circle Spent
Pleasant Evening at Home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fencil
j The CJueen Esther Circle of St.
j Paul s M. E. church enjoyed a moon-
I light "hike" to New Market Monday
I evening, where they were pleasantly
j entertained by Mr."and Mrs. Frank
I Pencil.
| Music and games were enjoyed aft
;er which a sauerkraut supper was
j served. Tile "hike" and social at the
I home of Mr. and Mrs. Fencil also eele
| brated the birthday anniversary of
I Miss Sara Kllen Mardorf, deaconess
and superintendent of the Home for
j Foreign children.
The party included Miss Cather
i ine Pike, Miss Sarah McCormick. j
Miss Gertrude Keil. Miss Agnes Spar
i row, Miss Amy Malev, Miss Tamson j
■ Drinkwater, Miss Louise Hoyler, Miss!
j Martha Graham, Miss Djrothy Sto
l ner, Miss Ann?. Wiikins, Miss Maiyi
' Hare, Miss Bertha Rohrer. Miss Sara 1
j Ellen Mardorf, Miss Margaret Klaiss, 1
I Miss Thelma Klaiss, Miss Anna Dick- i
I ey, Miss Mabel Corpman, Miss Mil !
i dred Graham, Miss Alice Xisslev, Mr. :
and Mrs. Ed. Drinkwater, Mr. and!
I Mrs. Frank Feneil and Leon Fencil. j
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mack Quietly Cele-1
brated Event Yesterday
Marietta, Oct. 7.—lVllr. and Mirs.iPrank
Mack, residing at the eastern end of
town, to-day celebrated Iheir forty-fifth
wedding anniversary. Both are enjoy
ing good health and the aged couple
•havo lived in the same house for more
than ttbirty years. Mr. Mack is the old
est painter in point of service in this!
section of Lancaster county and ig well- \
known among the Masonic fraternity. I
Singing Party of Ithaca Conservatory
of Music to Bender Interesting
Program, October 'JO
The Men's Musical Festival will be
held in the Stevens Memorial Metho
dist Episcopal church, Tuesday even
ing, October 20. The music of the even
ing will be furnished by the singing
party of the Ithaca Conservatory of
Music, Ithaca. N. Y. Theparty includes
four gifted young ladies who, on ac
count of their unusual talent and great
versatility are ::bio to present a pro
gram of great variety and merit. Great
care has been given to the choice and
arrangement of the program of this
company, so as to present not only the
purest and best of literature and music
but also a program that everyone can
enjoy and appreciate —a program that
entertains, but at the same time in
structs and uplifts—in short a pur
poseful program. It can be said of
the party that they make music, the
| deep melodious music that stirs the
' soul and appeals to the nobler thought.
I They are pleasing packed houses every
! where. *
Was Quiet Event Solemnized by the
Bev. Floyd Appleton
The marriage of Miss Sarah Hill
Roberts to Walter A. ljandor, of Oau
ton, 0., was a quiet event of to-day,
taking place at 10.30 o 'clock this morn
ing at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. au-d Mrs. Alexander 'H. R-oberts,
Fifth and Camp streets. The ceremony
was performed by tihe Rev. Floyd Ap
pleton, with only the immediate fam
ilies and a few friends in' attendance.
The bride wore a traveling of
navv blue with 'hat to match and a
corsage of orchids and valley lilies. Tm
i mediately after the ceremony Mr. and
! Mrs. 1 .atutor left for a wedding trip
through the West, after which they will
reside in Canton.
Entertains Very Charmingly Fifty
Members of Mrs. Smucker's Class
Fifty members of Mrs. Clayton Al
bert Smucker's Sunday school class
were entertained in the home of Mrs.
be wis 8. Weible, 15'0'6 Walnut street,
Monday evening. The program of en
tertainment was full of good talk,
music and fun. The supper was enjoy
ed by all. Active preparations began
two weeks ago in the class for an
autumu festival to be giveu in the Stev
ens Memorial Methodist Episcopal
church, Thursday evening, October 15.
The event will be marked with great
brilliancy. Old Lady Bountiful and her
pumpkin Plentiful, has been invited to
attend. The Free Art museum will be
Ceremony Performed at Parsonage of
M. E. Church, Marietta
Marietta. Oct. 7. Miss Myrtle V.
Biukley was married last evening to
Frederick (iouse. of Terre Hill, at the
I arsonage of the Lancaster Avenue M. j
E. church, by the pastor, the Rev. War-;
ren T. Dunkle, the ring ceremony being
used. They Vere attended by Waltw!
P. Biukley, of Paradise, and Mrs. Annie ;
Armstrong, of 'Lancaster. A reception
Thomas Devme and son. Thomas,
Jr., 3 *outh Eighteenth street, arc ;
home from a business trip to Philadel- I
When You Want
to Laugh-Eat!
And If You Want to Eat Without Food
Fears Take ?. Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablet After Each Meal
Laughter, smiles and mirth never :
go with a "caved-in" stomach. Fancy
a-man-af raid-of-his-food laughing! l
There is always that haunting feel-i
iug that a sick stomach is nothing to t
he mirthful about.
■ • -vXy old grouchy days are funny to
me now.''
Just make up your mind to help
> nature help herself. Give your body
! a chance to make good. Heal the
! raw edges of your stomach and give
] your blood the tools to make diges
tive fluids with.
There is only one way to make the
I body well—give it the chance to
make itself well. Harmful ami strong
i medicines handicap the system. Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets go into the stoni
ar-h just like food. They are dissolved
i and there they strengthen the weak
ened .juices of the digestive apparatus
| until the digestion is made normal.
There is nothing mysterious or
magical about them. Science has
| proved that certain ingredients make
up the digestive juices. Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets are these concen
trated ingredients—that is all there
is to it. One grain of a certain in
gredient contained in Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets will digest 3.000 grains
of food. This illustrates how you aid
nature to restore her worn-out ma
terials. When a stomach which is
filled with food receives a Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablet, it is more able to
digest the food than it would be with
out it. The work is not so hard nor
the task so long.
When the meal is finally assim
ilate.l the entire system absorbs more!
nourishment and harmful food effects
are eliminated easily, quickly and with i
the maximum of benefit.
Every drug store carries Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets. To anyone wishing l
a free trial of these tablets please ad
dress F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart
Bldg., Marshall, Mich., and a small
sample package will be mailed free.
News of Persons
Who Come and Go
Mrs. Jo'hn Thomer and small son,
•Itfhn Thomer, Jr., of Falmouth, Ky.,
are guests of Mr. a tut 'MTS. Adam
Rcider, 1630 Park <rtreet.
IMtiss Eva Rush, of Newport, is visit
ing Mrs. Berttha Welsh, 1200 Maritet
Mrs. Kathorine Kiehl, of Carlisle,
will arrive to morrow to spend the day
with friends in t'he city.
!MT. and Mrs. J .vim Sackler, of Xew
York City, are visiting thair nuve, Mrs.
William E. Pugh, 251 North street.
Mr. and tMrs. George W. Wallace
and daughter, Mildred, of Hagerstown,
are spending a week with relauivee and
friends in this city.
Mliss Klizabetth 'Fisher and Miss 'Mar
garet Williams, of West Philadelphia,
are guests of Miss Frances Williams, of
Mrs. ,T. 'Horace MclFarland, Mrs.
Hiles C. Pardoe and Miss Carrie
Reinoehl left this morning for Johns
town as delegates from Grace M*. E.
church to the convention of Foreign
Missionary Societies .held there.
Colonel and Mrs. Frederick RevnoJds
: and Miss Mary Lynn, of Belief on te,
have motored to their home after
spending Sunday as the guests of Mrs.
Henry McCormick at Rosegarden. '
Mrs. William E. Wright, 204 State
street and Miss Anne McCormick, of
Rosegarden, have gone to Bellefonte
to spend several days as the guest of
Miss Mary Lynn.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Wallower, Front
and Macla.v streets, left Mondav night
for a ten days' trip to Joplin, Mo., and
points in Oklahoma.
-Miss Sarah Thomas, of Philadelphia,
is visiting Miss Louise Carney at Steel
ton. Miss Thomas will leave for her
home on Friday, accompanied bv Miss
Carney, who will make her a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lecoq, 3d, have
returned from their southern honev
mooii and are "at home" at 125 Pine
street. Mrs. Leuoq was formerly Miss
Dorothy dean Boher.
Miss Eleanor \eal Clark, who is
summering at "Kmcora," spent to
day at her home, 109 Reily street.
Mrs. Robert Fulton Stirling, of Dau
phin, spent yesterdav among friends in
Mrs. Mackev and daughter, Miss
Esther Mai key, 215 North street, have
returned home from Allentown and
Miss Virginia Foster has returned to
her home in Philadelphia after a vis-it
with friends in this city.
Martin Carriagan, of Lancaster, is
the guest of his sister, Mrs. William
Johnson, 408 South Thirteenth street.
La Rue Grove, of Washington, D.
( is the guest of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Grove, 1 247 Kittatinny
Mrs. John Fritehev, 911 North Sec
ond street, is spending a few days in
Mr. • and Mrs. IT. G. Bright and
daughters, Miss Emily and Miss Mary
Bright, 327 Hummel street, are home
after a pleasant visit with the former's
son, Arthur Bright, in Philadelphia.
Mrs. James Clark, 1 732 Oreen street,
has gone to Columbia to spend several
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dennis and
son have returned to their home in
Martinsburg, W. after spending a
month with the former's mother, Mrs.
E. Dennis, 222 Kelker street.
William Stewart, of Shippensburg,
is tne guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hance, S
South Sixteenth street.
Miss Ethel Wolf, 315 Burchfield
street, has returned from a visit to
Mt. Holly.
Mrs. Clarence Tunger ami son, Rene
Alfred Tanger, of York Springs, are
tiie guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. T. W.
McLaughlin, 1106 North Sixth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Beidler, of Car
lisle, are the guests of Miss I'hoebe
Hawkins and Miss Maud Sherwood,
1107 Capital street.
James Barker, 33 Evergreen street,
is attending the State convention of
Sunday schools at Scranton.
.Mrs. W. Moore, of Altoona.-is visiting
among friends in this city during the
firemen's convention.
Mrs. Laura Gisli, of Newport, and
Mrs. tiara Kenfon, of Washington, D.
Would Burn Something Fierce,
Came to Head. Red and Inflamed.
Clothing Irritated. Very Disfigur
ing. Used Cuticura Soap and
Ointment. Pimples Gone.
260S N. 28th St.. Philadelphia. Pa.—"l
was suffering with pimples on my neck and
forehead and whenever 1 got warm it
_ T would hurn joint' lung fierce.
They also affected my chest.
1/ , |) The pimples came to a head.
«L' *<""| vi jL then they would rub off and
\L 0 come again. They were red
V J and Inflamed and I think my
yPv/YV clothing irritated them bo
/i/WA V cause whenever I was in a
v/A/ ■ warm room they would itch
™ ' ' something terrible. They
were very rilsflguring on my face.
"I used without success and th«
trouble had lasted about three months
when 1 re*d of the CuMcura Soap and Oint
ment. I washed my face, neck and chest
with the Cuticura Soap and warm water,
dried It and put the Cuticura Ointment on
and in about h month my face was as soft
and nice as ever. The pimples were gone.''
(Signed. Williams. Blair. Jr., Jan. .'ll. IUI4.
Samples Free by Mall
In the care of baby'* skin and hair, Cuti
cura Soap is the mother s favorite. Not
only is it unrivaled In purity and refreshing
fragrance, but Its gentle emollient proper
ties are usually sufficient, to allay minor Irri
tations. remove redness, roughness and
chafing, soothe sensitive conditions, and
promote skin and hair health generally.
Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment ara
sold throughout the world. Liberal sample of
each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Ad
dress post-card "Cuticura. Dept.T. Boston-"
NTT-BONE CORSETS, front and back
laced, flesh reducing triple wire stays,
washable, unbreakable, rust proof,
elastic, tricot and slip-ons; read.v to
wear and made to ordor. Maternity,
surgical and abdomen belts; moat com
fortable hygienic corsets made. NU
Secoud Street.
Girls! Girls! Save Your
Hair! Make It Grow
Luxuriant and
If you care for heavy hair, that
glistens with beauty and is radiant
with lite; has an incomparable softness
and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine.
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it imme
diately dissolves every particle of dan
druff ; you cannot have nice, heavy,
healthy hair if you have dandruff. This
49c Fresh Cut ROSES 49c
Just the Thing" for the Big Parade
SCHMIDT 313 Market Street
FLOEIST Harrisburg, Pa.
—— ——» —"
What Do You
Know About Coal?
Yes, what do you know about the
coal you burn ?
Did you ever consider whether the kind of coal
you are using is the best kind for your individual
There are several hundred kinds of coal mined in
(his state and very few of them give just exactly the
same results.
Maybe you are using the Wilkes-Barre Nut Coal
in your range where you should burn Lykens Valley
Nut to give good satisfaction. Then there are in
stances where we recommend Wilkes-Barre and
Lykens Valley mixed.
We have made a careful study of the coal business
and if we know the conditions we can easily send
something that will please you.
United Ice & Coal Co.
Forster & Cowden Third & Bom
15th & Chestnut Hummel & Mulberry
C„ are guests of Mrs. Mary Huston,
60 7 Reily street.
Mrs. Fannie P. Cary, of Washington.
1). ('., is a guest at the home of Mrs.
iJ. Sutton Wall, 224 Woodbine street.
Mrs. Maria H. Abbott and son, of
Riverside, spent the week-end with
I Dr. and Mrs. John Barr McAllister at
i their summer home near Middletown.
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kay, 1835
| Market street, are spending their vaca
] tion in New York and Boston.
Miss Mabel E. Stallman, of York, is
| spending a week with Marea Costello,
I 1.12 North Thirteenth street.
Mrs. 8. T. Moore, of New Cumber-
I land, is the guest of relatives in Wil
j iiamsport, Elinsport and Leetonia for
a week.
Miss Frances Hamilton. 309 South
Seventeenth street, has returned home
| from Philadelphia after a week's visit
I with relatives.
Miss Margaret Gladden. 1718 North
Fifth street, and Miss Mary Runipf,
1526 North Sixth street, are going to
New York for a little visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallas:, 30
South Seventeenth street, are going to
York for the remainder of the week.
Miss "Fannie Eckert, of Wormleys
burg, is going to Tampa, Florida, for
a several months' stay with relatives.
Met at Home of Miss Blanche Martin
Last Evening
The T. W. T. Club was organized
at the home of .Miss 'Blanche iMartin,
: 514 Mac lay street, bst evening. Offi
cers were elected as follows: President,
'Miss Helen ißurris; vice president, Miss
Blanche (Martin; secretary. Miss Flor
ence Shade; treasurer. Miss Muldred
Following the 'business session re
freshments were served to the follow-)
ing: Misses Ailaline Burris, Helen Bur-J
ris, Florence Shade, 'Mildred Wells, 'Mar ;
garet Zeigler and 'Blanche Martin. '
Home From Jefferson Hospital
Mrs. Harry Weidenmyer, of 167 1
N'orth Fifteenth street, who has been !
undergoing treatment at the Jefferson i
hospital, Philadelphia, has returned to
her hrtrne greatly improved in health, i
Grand Jury Scrutinizes New Haven
Books and Documents
New York, Oct. 7. —Charles S. Mel-j
len, ex-president of the New York, New |
Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, i
was summoned again yesterday before ;
the special Federal Grand Jury which !
is investigating the affairs of the New
Haven. He was under examination for!
two hours and emerged from the ordeal i
apparently in excellent spirits.
A large ease of books anil papers re
lating to the company was taken to the
Grand Jury room. Mr. Mellen contin
ued his testiinouy this afternoon.
destructive scurf robs tho hair of its
lustre, its strength Ami its very lifo.
and if not overcome it produces a fee
verishness and itching of the sculp; the
hair roots famish, loosen and die; then
the hair falls out fast.
If your hair has been neglected anil
is thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too oily',
get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine at any drug store or toilet
counter; apply a little as directed and
ten minutes after you will say this wns
tiic best ill vestment you ever made.
We sincerely believe, regardless of
everything else advertised, that if you
desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair and
lots of it—no dandruff—llo itching
scalp and no more falling hair —yoi|
must use Knowlton's Danderine. If
eventually—why not now? Adv.
For Fall Planting. Hyacinth*. Tu
lip*. CrovuN, Kte. \ln«»
Paeon I both lierbaeeou* and Tree.
Holmes Seed Co.
119 South Second St.
Wliile Miih»ay IN lielntc hull*. Phone
llell HN, our rpiirenenlative will call
mill hnvp xnniiilen for yon to Deleft
i Mr. and Mrs. Stoner, of Lisburn, En
tertain Guests
I Special Correspondence.
1 B'hirenianstown, Oct. 7. Misses Mary
At ticks, Marie and \1 i 1 < i rt>-i Senseinan
spent Saturday with 'Mr. an.l I.Mrs. Wil.
liam Stevens and family in Harrisi
Miss Pauline Harro and Miss Rij*
maine Freeze, of York r-ountv, spent;
Sunday with Mrs. Frank Kauffman and
i family.
M. I *. Guise moved his family and
household goods In 3'12 Puffer street,
Rhoda 'Bearner spent several ilavs
with Mr. and Mrs. 'Granville 'Heartier,
Mrs. Bender and daughter, of Ue
moyne: .1 ohr- Prosper, of Camp Hillj
Walter Starry, of Church town; \A/./Ao
Harglerowd, of Carlisle, spent Sunday
at the'home of llarvev Reiv-er.
Miss Isabella Feist or spent Sundav
with iMr. an I Mrs. .1. \V. Stoner and
family near Jjisburn.
John A. Stoner spent Sunday,at tha
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jj
AV. Stoner. near l.isliurn.
To Form Tennis Club
Persons who petitioned for the erne,
tion of the Reservoir Park tennis cluii
house will meet for organization of a
permanent tennis club Friday night ali
7.30 o'clock in the offices of the
Buy Your Set of Furs Now
Cheap for the quality offered
R. Gerstner
218 Locust Street