The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 07, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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The Store Will Close at 1 P. M. To-morrow
Every Reader of Magazines Will
Save Money By Placing Subscrip
tions at Our Book Section Now
Prices On Many Club Rates Good Only Until Nov. 10
The Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Book Section is in position to till any magazine order at the
price offered bv any publisher or responsible agency, but many of the bargains which we have
listed now will be withdrawn after November 10. If you order subscriptions now they will begin
at the expiration of your old subscriptions.
New subscribers tor Harper's Magazine or the North American Review, who send their orders
for November 10, will get the November and December numbers free—l - months for the price
of one year's subscription. _ ,
The magazines and weeklies will be the first to tell in vivid pictures and dramatic stories the
real uncensored facts about the world struggle which is now devastating Europe. •
We give here a list of club rates on worth-while magazines:
Harpor's Magazine s I Everybody's Magazine $1.30) Our price,
Nov. Htnl Dee. numbers of Harper's Our price, Woman's Home Companion $1.50 J- _ 0
Magazine free to new subscribers }• Pictorial Review SI.OO )
Woman's Home Companion, .. . .$1.50 1 «p5.50 j
McClure's Magazine, $1.50 > ! Scribner's Magazine SS.OO ) Our price,
McClure's Magazine $1.50 V _ . _ _
Review of Reviews $3.00 i Our price, Woman's Home Companion- $1.50 ) $4.50
Everybody's Magazine ..$1.50 OK
(Delineator $1.50) SO.AO Travel Magazine $:t.()0 ) Our price,
I American Magazine $1.50 <- _
World's Work $3.00 ) Our price, Metropolitan Magazine, $1.50 ) ip 4.00
Woman's Home Companion, . $1.50 - „
American Magazine, $1.50 ' Jpo.oD Country Life In America or ) Our price
Century 84.00 \
Harper's Magazine, SI.OO ) Our price, Harper's Magazine, $4.00 i «p < .UU
Everybody's Magazine. 81.50 .-
Delineator $1.50 ) Jp&.oU Youths Companion, $2.00 | Our price,
— Christian Herald $1.50 V _ . ~ „
Scribner's Magazine SB.OO > Our price, Pictorial Review SI.OO | «p4.00
Etude (for Music Lovers) $1.50 ~ ' "
Metropolitan Magazine, $1.50 ) «J»4.oU j Cosmopolitan Magazine, Any Two
All for 1 $1.50 ICQ AO
Everybody's Magazine $1.50 } Our price, Harner's *< jpo.UU
McClure's Magazine $1.50 - 0 ' $6.00 hS M^aV in «' «™ 1 Any Three
American Magazine. j
Collier's Weekly $3.50 j Our price, j
Review of Reviews, $3.00 Harper's Magazine $4.00 ) Our'price,
Harper's Magazine <4.00 | <})O.O0 McClure's, SI.BO fs4 65
World's Work, SB.OO ———
We . ekly ' $2.50 ! q Dr ice i Harper's Magazine $4.00 1 Our price,
(Nov. and Dec. The Great j ~~ ~ 7
numbers free I War Trio J J Harper's Magazine $4.00 | ur price,
_ , . ~~~ Wo-nan's Home Companion $1.50 f el Tb:
CuiTent Opinion $3.00 ) Our nrioe. 1 J «J>4.70
Collier's Weekly $2.50 ' j
McClure's Magazine $1.50 I $5.40 Harper's Magazine $4.00 ) our Price,
7 ! Review of Reviews, $3.00 i ffij. rjtL
Harper's Weekly $5.00 I Our price, \ ' * "
Harper's Magazine $4.00 ( fflT Oft „ ,
_. _ . —~ Collier's Weekly $2.50 f cs: oer
Everybody's Magazine $1.50
Delineator $1.50 } $4.50 Harper's Magazine, $4 00 ) Our price,
Youth's Companion (Nine free TZ~"7 World's Work ...SB.OO if $5.35
issues and Calendar) $2.00 ( price, in
Harper's Magazine (Nov. ami [ $5.50 Harper's Magazine $4.00 (Our price,
1 Dec. numbers free) $4.00 J ' 1 St. Nicholas $3.00 $5.75
Teddy-Bear "Good Night" Pajamas
for Children
Tour youngsters will rest better because tfiey'll sleep better in Teddy Bear Good Night pa
jamas. Soft and velvety, they are really the most ideal sleeping garment we have seeu this year
for children.
The colors are so restful that you will want to buy several pair for yourself. In sizes 2 to 14
years. SI.OO.
C-r Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store.
Firemen's Suits Men's Silk Four
for Boys in-Hands
Every Fireman's Son will want to emulate Twelve hundred of the choicest silk four-in
his father after to-morrow's big parade. For bands that you have had the opportunity of
that reason we announce a big showing of fire- buying for lisc are now being shown in the
men's suits for boys. The regalia includes red u Pn i S Store. Broad-end shapes in
-hirt. blue trousers, felt regulation bat „„1 belt. Sres jfaoTid col™ »»' ««'
' . . ' 0 anon , • d ° n . bon " And there are manv new
Specially priced at $1.39 knitted ties at in the same showing. '
II \° S °l thp Pennsylvania Woman "s CJwis-
II *' lan Temperance Union camo to a close
TO ENROLL v r ® yest ® rda - v ™ th t:h « section <>?
M ork ag the conveiltjon city for iiext
II ,v « r and tlhfl elo(Hi<yu °* the following
II die Boileaux Parsels, of Philadelphia*
m** 4% ■ ftlßiA ■ M mrnm mmm ** » II secretary, (Mrs. Sylvia 18.
j || Ulysses. '
I II i«R doubled in membership during the
II ling their membership. Prizes were giv-
Greater Efficiency.
111 l A : lle * hen y College, Meadville; MHlers-
Increased laming Power. f |||||berland Grammar sc.'hool for the liesv
n mr r* * II oss n.Vs on temperance.
Better Position. ■ w
l| Hurt While Moving Furniture
Information and Application for Admission May II whulfnfi^rymL R vL]^
Rp OhfflinpH «♦ II to haul some furniture yesterday morn
wotaineo ai i ingt had his hand I)adJv hurt gec
|| ond finger of the hand was smashed
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE !° h th ( at , t} ? e JL rst > oiDt '" a - v bave
j || to be amputated. The wound bled con-
Kunkel Bldg., Third and Market Sts. Acquit Dr. Dixon's Maid
|| 'Norristown, Pa., Oct. 7. —The wife
/t| n • r f n mm A || ® r - Samuel G. (Dixon, Health Com-
Classes begin 7.H5 P. Irl., Oct. 12 I n ™7 r » f ff«wyivania, w» ! a»it.
* II ueBB r Commonwealth in an ac
|| tio-n charging Nellie Mills, a maid in
M did not consider t'hat. the theft was
■ 1 11 1 ' fix<M upon t'he negress, and admitted
1 ' 11 i ' llor -
Republican Candidate
Tells How He Fought
the Saloons in Hunt
ingdon County
In Big Lancaster Meeting the Demo
cratic Candidate Points to the Sen-1
ator's Vote Against the Ejection
of Lorimer
(Special to the Star-Independents
Chambersburg, Oct. 7. —Dr. Martin
G. Brumbaugh, Republican nominee for
Governor of Pentfsylvania, addressed
1,200 persons in the Orpheum Opera
House last night after a day of cam
paigning through Cumberland, Pulton
and Franklin counties. The doctor met
with an enthusiastic reception every
where he went. Among those who were
at the meeting hero was M. C. Kennedy,
president of the Cumberland Valley
Railroad, a Democrat. A long list of
vice presidents was announced and
their names were ' n print, but it is an
open secret that several declined to
serve because they propose to vote
against Senator Penrose.
For the first time during the pres
ent campaign Dr. Brumbaugh discussed
his own temperance record. He spoke
with apparent feeling as he said:
"When, in 1888, there was pending
in this State an amendment to the Con
stitution prohibiting the sale of liquor
in Pennsylvania 1 was the secretary
of the anti-saloon group in my home
county, and Mr. Simpson, of Hunting
don, who was the president, with my
self went over the county, stumped it
and carried it by 705 majority for the
white map of Pennsylvania.
"There are men in this room who
voted with me on that occasion because
they believed as I did on that prop
osition. Why, those who charge differ
ent are character assassins and defam
ers of men's good names, who would
try to make you believe that I am not
square on that proposition. I defy
them all and appeal to you men of
Pennsylvania whether any man any
where in this State has a record or has
made a declaration more plain and posi
tive than mv own on that question."'
Brumbaugh in Carlisle
In session at Carlisle Dr. Brumbaugh
found tlie annual convention of the Di
rectors of the Poor, representing every
county in the State, and it was to this
body he delivered his address on the
conservation of humanity.
The meeting at Shippensburg had
unusual interest, for George H. Stew
art, one of the State's largest land
owners, banker, president of the Cum
berland Valley State Normal School,
one of Colonel Roosevelt's chief sup
I porters in the State two years ago and
i a brother of Supreme Court Judge
| Stewart, introduced Dr. Brumbaugh,
I and predicted that he would be elected
Governor by one of the largest ma
jorities ever recorded. John Lindner,
at the head of the big shoe factory at
Shippensburg, a former Democratic can
didate for Congress, also announced
that he would support Dr. Bruinabugh.
Raps Penrose's Lorimer Vote
Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 7. —Affirming
that William Lorimer, the Illinois ma
| chine leader who was ejected from his
seat in the United States Senate, stood
I for exactly the same sort of leader
j ship in that State for which Senator
! Penrose stands in Pennsylvania, A.
1 Mitchell Palmer last night called upon
| Senator Penrose to defend, if he could,
j the vote which he cast in 1911 to keep
Lorimer in the Senate.
The Democratic Senatorial candi
| date's denunciation of Penrose's rec
ord regarding the Illinois Senator's
case was delivered in the Lancaster
county court house before an audience
that filled the auditorium.
The meeting was preceded by a
street parade from the Spencer House
to the court house, Mr. F'almer, Vance
C. McCormick, "Farmer" Creasy and
William N. McNair, candidate, for Sec
retary of Internal Affairs, marching at
the head of the procession.
A feature of the meeting was the
speech delivered by Henry C. Niles, of
Yoik, long prominently identified with
independent political movements, who
announced for the first time that he
would support the Democratic ticket.
Pinchot in Sullivan County
Williamsport, Oct. 7.—Gifford Pin
ebt)t, the Progressive candidate for
United States Senator, received a light
reception in Sullivan county yesterday.
Sullivan, with its many backwoods
hamlets, has been considered a Penrose
territory, and the greeting accorded the
Progressive candidate was not enthusi
Pinchot toured by auto, stopping at
Forksville, early in the morning and
Sonestown, Nordmont, Overton, New
Albany, Dushore, Mildred, Bernice, IJO
pez and Laporte during the day. At
every place a small crowd gathered at
his meeting place to hear his remarks
and to shake his hand as he greeted
them from an automobile. Swinging
out of the county last night, the can
didate turned toward Wilkes-Barre.
Justice Resigns Under Fire
By Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 7.—Associate Jus
tice Daniel Thew Wright of the Dis
trict of Columbia, against whom im
peachment charges are pending before
the House Judiciary Committee, has
sent his resignation to President Wil
son to take effect November 15.
Increased Rates Tabooed
By Associated Press.
Jefferson • City, Mo., Oct. 7.—The
Missouri Public Service Commission
i has refused to grant the petition of
the trunk line railroads for permission
to increase their intrastate passenger
rat.?s to three cents a mile and their
freight rates by from 50 to 225 per
Best Home Treatment
for All Hairy Growths
(The Modern Beauty)
Every woman should have a small
package of (lelatone handy, for its
timely use will keep the skin free from
beauty-marring hairy growths. To
remove hair or fuzz, make a thick paste
with some of the powdered delatone
and water. Apply to hairy kurfaoe and
after 2 or 3 minutes rub off, wash the
skin and it will he free from hair or
blemish. To avoid disappointment be
sure yon get real delatone. Adv.
New Yorkers Dedicated Fine Monu
ment to General Wadsworth
Gettysburg, Pa., Oct. 7. —On the
beautiful ridge overlooking Gettys
burg's historic railroad cut, and the
site of the first day's carnage, veterans
of Uie commands under General James
S. Wadsworth gathered yesterday aft
ernoon to* do honor to his memory and
to witness the dedication of New
York's memorial to the gallant soldier.
All the regiments under his command
were well represented by veterans
from the Empire State.
As an escort or honor, Troops L and
M, of the Fifth United States Cavalry
followed the grand marshal of the dedi
cation parade. General John A. Reyn
olds, of Rochester, prominent at Get
tysburg, was with Battery L», New
York Artillery, which figured in the
first day'jt battle. Following the regu
lar army men came the New York
monument commission, the Citizens'
band, of Gettysburg, and the veterans
of General Wadsworth'a command.
Colonel Ijewis R. Stegau, chairman
of the commissioners, who directed the
erection of the memorial, introduced
Master Jeremiah Wadsworth, great
grandson of the General. The young
man grasped the cord which held the
large American flag over the bronze
statue, and as he pulled it the folds
dropped gracefully, and the heroic fig
ure of Wadsworth stood out beautiful
ly in the light of a faultless autumn
day. The guns boomed forth a major
general's salute, and the oration of the
day by Captain Alfred M. Mill# of
Buford's Cavalry, followed. General
Horatio C, King also made an address
and remarks were made by Major
James W. Wadsworth, son of the Gen
eral and president of the National Sol
diers' Home, and by Jamos W. Wads
worth, Jr., his son. The poem of dedi
cation was read by J. I. C. Clarke.
Dauphin County Director Tells of Con
ditions as He Observes Them
Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 7.—Cuts of more
than six dollars a day in the cost of
fuel, savings of 60 per cent, in the
clothing bills, system substituted for
chaos, profligacy displaced by sav
ing, efficiency" introduced instead of
politics, improvements, extensions, re
sults, make up the history of the pres
ent management of the Dauphin coun
ty almshouse.
It was told here yesterday by Poor
Director Charles L. Boyer at the annual
conference of Dirertors of the Poor and
charity workers.
For Dauphin countians, it. will be
difficult to believe the transformation
at the poor house outside Harrisburg.
Director Boyer told the story bit by
bit and with such evidence that there
was no denying the progress he and
his colleague, Harry Walters, have
made. He showed among other
things, that by economy, $14,000 was
spent in needed improvements out of
the usual appropriation for mainte
Mr.- Boyer paid high tribute to
Steward Barber, without whose co-op
eration, he said, the results could not
have been obtained.
Bootlegger Got Six Months
Hagerstown, Oct. 7.—Edward Black
was yesterday morning lined by Justice
Ankenev S2OO and costs and six
months in jail on the charge of boot
Three witnesses, Abe Zimmerman,
Samuel Ramsey and Stev e Kusksi, euch
admitted on the witness stand to hav
ing purchased whiskey of Black, paying
3B cents per half pint for it. One of
the witnesses sijid he purchased a half
pint for 35 cents of Black Sunday
Raise Cost of Tuition
Carlisle, Oct. 7.—With the "high
cost of living" and its running mate
the "high cost (If loving" has been
added a now "H. C.," for the school
directors in their session last evening
increased the cost of tuition in the lo
cal high school for pupils from other
districts $17.50 for the term. The in
crease is made necessary by the in
crease in cost of school work by the
establishment of the technical course.
Sterile Land
Twe thousand miles of the western
■c-oast of South America above Valpa
raiso are dry and sterile to a width of
forty to sixty miles;
Stop Falling Hair and Itching Scalp
There is one sure way that has never
failed to remove dandruff at once, and
that is to dissolve it, then you destroy
it entirely. To do this, just get about
four ounces of plain, common liquid
arvon from any drug store (this is all
you will need), apply it at night when
retiring, use enough to moisten the
scalp and rub it in gently with the
finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or four
more applications will completely dis
solve, and entirely destroy, every single
sign and trace of it, no matter how
much dandruff you may have.
You will find all itching and digging
of the scalp will stop instantly and your
hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky
and soft, and look and feel a hundred
times better.
If you value your hair, you should get
rid of dandruff at once, for nothing de
stroys the hair so quickly. It not only
starves the hair and makes it fall out,
but it makes it stringy, straggly, dull,
dry, brittle and lifeless, and everybody
notices it. Adv.
Delegates Number 2,000 at Sessions
In New York
New York. Oct. 7.—The twenty
eighth annual convention of the United
Typothetae and Franklin Clubs of
America began here yesterday, with
2,000 delegates representing the Unit
ed States and Canada. The delegates
were called to order in the morning by
.lames W. Both well, president of the
Typothetae of the City of New York,
and an invocation bv Monsignor
Michael J. Uavelle, of St. Patrick's
cathedral, followed. George MuAneny,
president of the Board of Aldermen,
welcomed the delegates on behalf of
the city, and A. M. Glossbrenner, of
Indianapolis, responded. George iM.
Courts, of Galveston, Tex., president
of the Typotheate and Franklin Clubs,
formally opened the convention.
The real business was reached in the
afternoon, when a session of ten-min
ute talks on subjects of interest to the
printing trades was held. One speaker
was T. E. Donnelly, of Chicago, wlio
spoke on "The Printer's Responsibil
ity for the Respectability of His Prod
"I want to leave this idea with
you," he said. "Take it home and
think about it. Don't you think we
should see to it that the products of
our presses are as worthy as our own
personal lives?''
The Printing Trades Secretary-Man
agers Association held three sessions
yesterday and mapped out a campaign
for 1915. They are the field workers
of the Typothetae and Franklin Clubs.
A. Mitchell Palmer Writes to Secre
tary McAdoo on Subjoct
Washington, Oct. 7.—'Representa
tive A. Mitchell Palmer, Democratic,
nominee for the United States Senate
in Pennsylvania, has asked Secretary
of the Treasury McAdoo to restore the
old Twelfth internal revenue district
in Pennsylvania, with headquarters at
Scranton. Secretary McAdoo received
from Mr. Palmer yesterday this letter:
"To the Honorable, the Secretary of
the Treasury.
"Dear Mr. Secretary—The legisla
tive, .judicial and executive appropria
tion bill, recently signed by the Presi
dent, authorizes the establishment of
64 internal revenue districts in the
country, an increase of one district.
This change in the law was secured
mainly through my efforts in the de
sire to have the Twelfth Pennsylvania
district restored. You will remember
that this district was joined with
the Ninth district by executive order
of President Taft, and 1 have appeared
before you several times urgently re
questing that it be re-established. In
view of the fact that the law now
provides for the establishing of an
additional district, I trust you will
have an order issued re-establishing the
Twelfth Pennsylvania district with the
same boundaries as it formerly had
and with headquarters at Scranton.
"Hoping for your early and favor
able consideration, I am, yours very
"A. Mitchell Palmer."
Secretary McAdoo will pass upon
Mr. Palmer's request within a few
days. It is believed here that the dis
trict will be restored.
U. S. Manufacturers Begin Invasion
By Selling Goods
New York, Cot. 7.—The American ]
manufacturers have begun an invasion
of the South American trade field is
shown in an announcement made pub
lic yesterday of Consul General Joseph
Richling, of Uruguay, who stated that
American manufacturers have sold to
merchants of his country a quantity of
glassware and hardware. The sales were
made on terms satisfactory to both
buyers and sellers. Ho said:
"A still larger field awaits the
American manufacturers in Uruguay,
according to the consul genera.l, who
said that his country was in a healthy
ifiuancial condition. Exports to Uruguay
are increasing in a satisfactory man
ner," Mr. Richling said. ,
To-night, "The Movie Girl."
To-morrow, with matinee at 3
o'clock, "To-day."
Friday afternoon and evening, Fay
Foster, burlesque.
Saturday afternoon and evening,
'"My Best Girl."
Monday, n-atinee and night, Octo
-1 ber 12, "Every Woman."
Tuesday evening and Wednesday
afternoon and evening, October
13-14, "The Traffic." :
Thursday, October 15, "IHelp
* Wanted.''
Every afternoon and evening, high
class vaudeville.
Daily continuous vaudeville and pic
"The Movie Girl"
"The Movie Girl," which is a com
bination comedy-drama and musical
comedy playing at popular prices, gave
two performances at the Majestic the
atre yesterday and will remain at that
stand to-day with matinee and even
ing shows. "The Movie Girl", makes
no pretense in out-rivalling the expen
sive extravaganzas that are carried on
the road at high prices, nevertheless
it gives a pleasing entertainment and
affords the audience more to laugh at
than many of the bigger shows. A vein
of comedy runs through the entire
piece and there are plenty of song
numbers to please those who like to
hear good music. adv.
Everything, no matter how startling,
has an adequate explanation and, con
sequently, it is easy to explain the
phenomenal success of "To-day,"
which ran for an entire season at the
b'ort.v-eighth street theatre, and will
be seen in the Majestic theatre to-mor
row afternoon and night, the matinee
curtain being held until 3 o'clock after
the parade is over. The sensational suc
cess of ths drama is not a bit aston
ishing when it is taken into considera-
Weil-Known I ltician Nearly Bald
Now Has New Growth of Hair
TeUs How He Did It
A western politician, well known on
account of his baldness and ready wit.
surprised his friends by appearing
with a new growth of hair. Many of
his old friends did not know him and
others thought he bad a wig. On be
ing asked how lie did it, he made the
following statement: "1 attribute the
remarkable growth of mv hair to the
use of the following H imple recipe
which any lady or gentleman can mix
at home: To a half pint of water add
1 oz. of bay rum, a small box of Barbo
Compound and % oz. of glycerine.
Apply to the scalp two or three
a week with the finger tips. It not
onlf promotes the growth of the hair
but removes dandruff, Bca lp humors
and prevents the hair from falling out
It darkens streaked, faded grav hair
and makes the hair soft and glossv
These ingredients can be purchased at
any drug store at very little cost and
mixed at home."
tion that society folks, educators, so
cial and welfare workers, clergymen
and others alert to the present da/peril
of keeping up appearances, have en
dorsed—and endorsed most enthusias
tically this startling drama of modern
life, which brings a sensational lesson
to the very threshold of the home.
The Fay Foster Company
There is one bright, feature of the
hay Foster Company that will appear
at, the Majestic theatre Friday after
noon and evening, that will appeal to
all amusement patrons who appreciate
a good wholesome laughing show with
out any dialogue of a risk nature The
comedians are all well-known and of
established reputations and in their
efforts to entertain use only legitimate
methods. The Fay Foster Company of
fers an entertainment that appeals to
every lover of pure unadulterated fun.
"My Best Girl"
Victor Morley, who will be seen at
the Majestic theatre, Saturdav after
noon and evening, as the bright and
shining star of the Mew York Park
theatre's crowning musical coinedv
success, "My Best Girl," has inanv
notable creations to his credit In
"Three Twins" and "The Quaker
he was seen in a stellar capacity
but before that, he was considered a
young actor with a very bright future.
In "The Prince of Pilsen," "The
Spring Chicken" and "The Earl and
the Girl," he played light comedy roles
in manner most engaging, and in sucll
a way as to bring him rapid promotion.
Mr. Morley is not a comedian of the
clown variety, his work is clean cut
and free from burlesque. He depends
upon natural methods to get his results
and this is so rare on the stage that to
day.,he and Clifton Crawford the
only two who ftffcnd out above the
rank and file because of their excel
lenoe - , adv.
"Every Woman
Fresh from long engagements in the
lairgo cities, the dramatic spectacle.
"Every Woman," with all its v»st
scenic, effects and army of people, will
be presented by Henry W. Savage at
thQ Majestic theatre, '.Monday after
noon and evening. Everywhere this
great spectacle has been presented iS
has created a sensation. Generations
of theatregoers have witnessed no more
moving panoramic pageant than
"Every Woman," conceived as it was
by an inspired brain and executed bv
a master craftsman without regard to
monetary outlay. It represents all that,
is great, all that is lofty, in spectacle,
opera and drama. It is really three
great productions merged into one.
At the Orpheum
The good things at the Orpheum
this week are many. Many as there are
attractions, only of course, a few are
better than the rest. The best is Irene
Franklin, who is easily the most clever
artist that has appeared at the Or
pheum, and who is here again in an
entirely new repertoire of songs, equal
ly as as any that she sang here
j before. And her gowns are simply
! elaborate in the numbers, where such
wardrobe is appropriate. Some of her
character numbers, such as her "kid"
songs, are clothed to fit the number,
but in each instance the song is pleas
ing aud "nice." The new songs Miss
Franklin is delighting us with this week
include "The Police Woman," a suf
frage number in which Miss Franklin
does a humorous version of a female
"Oop." For it she dons a white mil
itary suit, a sort of policeman's cap,
and lo and behold, her club has a
powder puff and mirror in the end of
it. You'll want to hear her tell how
the women scoff her, and how lenient
she is with her handsome male prison
ers. In this song like all the others,
Miss Franklin injects all kinds of
facial expressions that are rich as they
are unusual.
And she has a great "kid" song
this time, too. It's cgjied "Nobody's
Baby." "All Wrong," is the title of
a fine comedy number that we haven't
heard before and "Makes Me Sick"
is the wail of the little girl, who must
go to bed when her sister has a beau.
All her songs are tuneful and inter
esting and delivered in Miss Franklin's
inimitable manner. And Frank Milton
and the nifty De I.»ong Sisters are. here
again, doing a new edition of their
screeching "rube" playlet "Twenty
Minutes Layover at Alfalfa Junction."
This trio is one of the most popular
that plays the Orpheum and their new
fun and song and saxophone playing is
proving the usual riot. Mirth, song and
variety are blended into a most deserv
ing offering at the Orpheum this week.
At the Colonial
A clever trio of trillers and funsters
of the first water; a sketch featuring
Eddie Carr and company and a mighty
clever German comedian, are the three
vaudeville acts that are pleasing pa
trons of the Busy Corner immensely
for the first half of the week. But the
Eddie "Carr act is the cream of the bill.
It comprises three players of ability
and they have a splendid comedy ve
hicle, written by Alack and Orth, and
they know how to make the most of
the laughable situations and bright
lines. "East Lynne" in multiple reels
is delighting the admirers of artistic
moving picture features. adv.