IS FALLING is'EAVES. —• ie t t3f 9 d, ato z irce l The dirge of tl.v i scaning year. ' ---1 Falling, the r , rlr,nn leatiete, Uut aA ectliaio:4?" With pteatittrit mice so rife. - F6ll u; five) f ie's tree 'the le4it.o, Many and marv, a friend; kays.ll - ine 'ratting' • Tu wcet, like them, my en,i. ttigtO .4, I ite,7112 - nttft3 It hcteau nwful thing Where the lei(' Nil not n.n earnes i t if auf•thtr hrighler npring. kierAP Itotih I 14 1 :4, By the good and magic hand, And-Flare ire Kind reunion, L , 115-in•tte eututner land. ' ULTER:E. 4 , TIRE OLD JEWS AS FARNESS. ME - - In hie lavjil, made agriculture the hauls of . the State. According tot this prlliciple be appointed to every citizen a ; pot tier. of land, marked by tiXed bou'n do fits. Land grabbing spec utatot s melt- • vreveuted by,the lawi' lapf:J9 ill; -0062- own weal tla I 4) revert- td.tbe heirB"Vtkhe crtigitial ownere, of , the . • of artier was beld to _lien in from lieinq tbus pfotected by J ibe 4tinatnetittil' laW''Ot the Mate._; None wergki‘rithrltir noble, as to dis dain to put their hand to a plow. Va rious ineaus—were resorted to by the Hebrews to increase the fertility of "their 6 --- g - tisEeir . NV eie withered And wallaiwider wOs brought irt aqueducts from , g reat distance, and many kinds, of mantire were used. The I.llk were terraced .to the very tops, aud plo.n tEcl with_ vineyards and dens. They..cultirated wheat, barley," audAighaps rice. In agripulloral impleihentthe„.l4ebrews were nut siifiyr behind the pre . ?ent age as we are prone v io •Isaiah lived 700 yr 7 ..s.pefoLer Christ,. yet - inr. , "bis day iron plow::, here in ,nee,,f . oF prophe 61yd of the time witer."lWiards should be turned to plowshires and spears to pruning-hooks. The passage shows, too, that they had instruments for,: pruning vines and trees: s' -±.14,141m - a -- W - IY — sed in plowing were cattle and Horles were not, in comulottlitinatrienitjbe Hebrews.— T / htFirrNtrat' Milhed ar vesti g grain ' w*:tn pull it:4:10 :by Ih - 6A - oats, but sick-. _les were in - - - tife among' the Hebrews rrotu the Woe of Joshua. Harvest among thern.was — ra for . yeipleing, being heard. in every neld. Tbr4sliing was effected by flails, the feet of animals, or by drags or rolV ere.. Vineyards and olive groves were extensively and, carefully cultivated.— Culinary plants arid . fruit trees were among the that l objects of attention.— Palestine ivies said to flow 'with milk and homy. Bob were— highly es teemed. Their hives were made of clay mixed with straw, but stores of honey were often found in hollow trees and .t.11.,...ares of the rooks. . . One - remarkable provision of the :Mosaic law in regard to agriculture is the Sabbatie year. Every seventh year was a year of rest, not so much to the farmer as to the farm. - .1) - othing was sown, and nothing was reaped ; there was no gathering of fruit. The object 0 . ,f this regulatiOn"Seems to have been to preserve the wild beasts, to let the land recover strength, and to teach the people to be provident and-look out for the future. But the people could hunt, fish, repair their buildings orfurniture, c-..,„!.nanufactore,eloth, or carry on com- merce ran QUAKER AND THE llenr,v,—A —, 51:1:1 - nii: billy called upon a "Friend," .. .voNyedly to thrash him. "Friend." remonstrated the Quaker, knocking aside his visitor's fists, "be fore thou proceedest to chastise me, wilt thou take some dinner ?" , The bully was a glutton, and at once with washing down the solids with litigations of strong ale. He rose up again to fulfill his original errand. "Friend, said the Quaker, "wilt thou not first take some punoh ?" And he supplied abundance of punch. The bully, now staggering; attempted to thrash the , entertainer; but, quoth the Quaker : "Friend, wilt thou not take a pipe?" This,hctspltable offer* was accepted, and tilt bUlly , utterly weak, staggered across the room to chastise the Quaker. The latter; openingthe dooi; and pull ing him toward it, thus addressed him : • 'Friend thou eamest hero not to be pacified. I gave - thee a meat-offering ; but that did not assuage thy rage. I gave the a drink-offering; still thou pert - 'beside thyself. I gave thee a 1)111 , i - it:offering ; LieithOtild that suffice. Now I will try thee with a heave offering.'? And with that he tossed hitn nut offidoors. That sufficed him. ii/V111" - SHoonwe,—Ttie following dialogie on sharp shodting quietly took place between a Virginia and a, Yan kee pletet : I say, can you fellows shoot? • ~ • Wall, Ilreekon we can, some. Down 14:A.lissis : Alppl we knock a bumblebee's eye winker off atithree hundred yards. Oh, tbat i lain't nothing to the way we sltobt upLin Vertitont. T belong, to a military company up there of a hun dred men, and we went out for prac tice ow-4y w,tek. The captain draws os.up single tile, and sets a cider barrel rolling down hill, and each man takes his shot ;It the bung hole as it turns up It isafterwar4.6 examined, and if there xti a shut. didn't so Into the -bang-hole the metutier Who missed It Is expelled. I belonged to the company ten years, and there ain't been nobody expelled Yet.. • • • TOPPING NEwsPAlsiat.-One of our c;xchancea - has the following allegory, which we 'commend to the careful con sideration 'of those gentlemen, who, the moment they see anything which displeasesthem•in the columns of their local journal, rush to theprinting office and cry out, "atop my paper." It is certainly a neir song upon the old sub ject: tee against a pebble and felhieadlong to the ground. He was vexed, - and under the influence of anger and self sufficiency he kicked the earth right saucily. With irnper turabla- gravity- he:-looked - to "see the earth itAelf dissolve aiid come to naught. Bat the earth remained, and only his poor foot was injured in the encounter. This is .Iha.rzay of man. , An article in a newspaper tou'eles k 'him In a weak spot, and forthwith , be sends to stop hie, paper.. Wlth great complacency he looks to see the erash,when he finds he only hit his own toe against a world that dcies not iiiiresptibilibel the . ihook , and no Ono but himself." AOLISMA CAI Ida. 'PAINTS AND OILS • --t • - r•• •-•,; . TRADD,EVS, riy,i** 1 4...41 21 . ' s 0 Olgeliirr?tATED ~X.EpIOINES; • itt-Ectr, - &ACTS BiiRN Err', S 0000 A E;itr - y.O#IpIG E *.TRA,CTS , PATENT Mfil DIOINES, R911311:,_ ESTER ! Pkitt'UMEßlt • ; AND FLAVORING -EX:FRAGritAiLL VAPI , :It, WINDOW GLASSTIf I:II , TEW s_ l ll 1,4 •• ND YE 2; CVIAORB-;," ,rt AGENTS' FOR NIARVIN & CO'S RE. PiStft 4 Oth doidiet Wholifek 1 5 . 4cll 'l3'44,44oiftviosted to oat I and get quotations before eoing further N 1 87 / '"r7", EMI ME B. T. VAN H 9-1% telt) nowiithbinet Wate- Lir 12'6"u ie on 31*In etreef,lVellalor - o, has stook ed it ,cvttb Ittegojarkr-aliperior assorted atoclrof I• • ri hamber Milts Walnut, Ash, Biapt i e, _ i. - -r: trona :150 down, and—its-oheap tha satiO goods - op: 4H!) bo't in the cities, freight adtd. Parlor Suite, Walnut, - Cherry, and Reps:iir -Hair Cloth, , from t 125 dVwOi Moo, 4 - ; - - , - SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUWEIES;tOE .4I-TETES with Upholstery to snit. Cepta.r Tablea, Walnut or Marble !reps, ' Looking 131.asseia, Brackets ft per Racks, "Rocking-Chairs: - : all kinds, Whale/ink -and leetaiL _ , , 9;1 acin fa oturivg as,Uattal, ask In„tend to 'keep e toot of ware, home and'eltritade times My' , ll7fare Rooms arti•epitelette and :nen:timid how o cute In the largest, ooetliett, and best.atoelc of Furpitui.o ever brought into the eetthiy.. • - • -.lPitining and illatehing, ' .§AwIN4 4.3lotrLDpla; done to order at the raqory. J. L, 1871.-tf B. T; VANEiOWN Albemarle Land Agency ELIZABETH CITY, NORT CAROLINA.' T AND SSIALL FARMS FOB S , BALE L at prices ranging froni $8 to $75 per 'score, on reasonable terms of payment. Timber• Lands covered with Pine, Juntpes, Crprese l , Gam and Poplar Timber, close to: navigation. Price $ll to $lO per acre. Village Property, viz:' - _ Dwellings, Stores, IVLictd arkd Brick Vfipavt Lots and Whary wax salient climate, friendly people, navigable waters and 0/god markets, - favor, this locaitty. Inquire of SMITE ct, syhoisr,'Att'yellit taw, .El4abeth City, 1;1..:c. May 3„ 1871. for SAlevr•Rent. A tl(ii.lD dairy - farm in-Tiega township; Wi tt oga county, Pa., about 2 2ittsailea treat Of-Ahe Borough of Tioga. about 130 :acres Improved, ii and 40 uhimprovOd. - 11-its-on it three bar e, three 4weiling houses; atcapple toad peach'ti h erd, aud Other fraittrees,- Terme easy ; - Altha 111. joining lin'th6 : ':vreift, - , a :farm' and timber lands from 49 to 200 acres:as d esired , , With 80 acres improveC,lvith a 100.3 barii, a - good house and apple oretbre. ''Oodd:for a pqrying farm. _ Tall T L - 1.571=fr. - -- — ,:q. ibrAguovit, iIV-.7:7' '.. r 1 Ky ,-, , *••11Elotie, Pa •#,..:: ', ~... .. •, , • •- , ._ .. :::•-• WEL ) LSIIOI ;' Door Sash tt Mid Factory DEN.I ANI IN AUSTIN', is pripared to fur nltL,llret-class work-fromhe but iniziker, - 8 - Ihls rainy factory which is now f' full opera-116m. Sash, Doors, NANZt e AND MOOLOII4, ktia constantly on hand s or ni la 'attired to oidea. Planing .ano,,Xt,Qhipg done promptly, and in — flie beat manner. The but workmen employed; and none but the best tensioned lumbar need_'-: Enemas. home Wu. try: '—,, : . -•, - . . Faetel near the foot:of IllalttA . ... . ~ ~. ...... BENJ./Arial*. Welltboro, Aftgant 2,18 r 1. II . !, , ' egilter'. Noliee. N \i, .._, OTI'l E ie ereby given that 'Mathew R. If•- - tan, ddmi istratdr of the estate of Marries* H. ryan, decea ed, late, of Jioklon toirnshipi, Tioga county, hie filed Ils'ailioant in the :Reg. liter's omen for Toga county, add that' said ac count will be- preesnteettr - the 'Judge! of the Orphans' Court, ate session of said opurt to be held at WellaborO,4 i n',and•, fn saidl coutitt!.cdi fdondny, the 4th dly of Dioembar, lefl, at tit' o'clock P,51. 1 for allowance Awl aiditinitlinfb • ,:. ' D. - 11: DUNE, Roglaba.,l Wellelsoce t Nov 8, 1871 - c ;+`-' - * OM ' INSURANCE CO. Jt. Office, No. 112 S. 4th_ i fit. Philadelphia. _QUITO/MA VITI , 1 .... 7 t ezazd i ttiv e ,: l er val i T 11 cfe E. slgozoil . int ceptitt:pgairefiri :21 int Arst-ele company, and from any cause what ever, (u gf i tarvent)ik i lo not or ca ' n e tr . „ ' nee Is gone `yo - Cade' - iiii the "Hand-IN-HAND," all Policies are N4N-Boa - 22,1TABLR. This company which ratio ~aropgl_thezaost popular and suecessfull.Llfe triturate° 'Comila-" nice, grants policies on all desirable plans, both WiIk: NW:7 4 RJ ed alf ia l,' V° tiav g rive eget; 4nres ae .- Alpoatli)olesam ifineenitt!estilA a. after e it rt / , t, k - ' .) , -V"" ' froualiiPthkOrdiary eiat ii t flio o t bNling ompararve T alo I s Bede times alleged by Agents of other Compa. ec that 1 the climagwirls sa at t, olvozi Whllrillt se er( o 7 • ' itmtliiikl soundness and stability of all companies; we de sire to prematthe r tallorlpg fox.the toppeklenef, those dedfrl4.`tol ritu're :-""--- ."'" " """ The following companies, Compare thri annual premiums charged by each for an insurance on life at the age of 30 years,-payable at death: Annual Oremium Tenant:mei ME i 'A: c r itzle r aa 0 - 4 rt , Wailk:k T a'vel ti t .4444 1 ,kg`ii• 0 *lvp.o.t. ~.- OlinA. 2". ome, • ........-• XClttitslbi A ., /2 2 Atan ' tralat ot , ' SI Ti ' IiaItANCUtif"MALIZattLIC a 40.rAth.e.. 13 40,191#14,12 9 PanrA e . "HAND-Pi-HAND." the best Mutual Company In the 'United 114atis. dthiraoisgrams. --............-(:•:•=t-At•;7:-...._•:7:..-Tn-.. .t. M. ItlollAbi, Aga& ME =1 . . ATKINS a KETCHAM 0.. -. .. L. ,,,,.'-' : ... respectfully informthe pnli. %Igilemorsi. , .: Ho thilt;V 4 liirema ..i ttl4l4ll4 $ , Livery tor-Wre, ' - .. At their Stable on Pearl St., oppoiiiilt Vbri .14 c 4 wagon ebop. Single or donb da •• • order. They aim to keepi . Itig $. • . gong, an'd intend' to please. score canal WATKINS d. KETOHAM. 1...b.,...t ,-;0.t.1:.? ti 4-(::: 1-;:.-1,1 1 '..;.t 1.:::!TDIF1,1 4 ,:b,,,,,,.,,,„t.....,.., r '7 ,‘• ::-.• ,• -• .• T... 0 . C. e ~.• , : A at ull . - .L' ' -6.0.7 - .61.7tr - Tdis fitingLofinaw:atd-s'destrable-styles of 3 LJAns,71 THE undersign: v *l l 6mA of 11 4 34tabIAEn r . gine, with a C . gpfilioh o ii and a run of Fran ." hiVlierneg - Zhhti, prepared to fill orders in their business at asi Charleston, Pa. i The aboveipidielli•itilti4good rtttilitifdiatlii and will be sold at a fair price, and on.r rt. ' ease able time. .y.rilei . ? ' Fa rinietbiciltisq. firlflltA of advm-Aretrie V, Welisboro, or ALONZO WHITNEY, on the premises. May 4, 1841-4104nwir-Rt.r.•::':,TMack El MANIC'S TOOK . Household'll4tlrilfi.!' * Bono= Prie oB .o4.l l A. AGRIOULTURAL iMPLEMIINTS. tratite Sa ata 4k4ltilo'oiC; gaff ikft 4inttoclumS, nee pw 1.2 $,o)?1,.11.511;41i44?,11,14:1 J. 80/11113/hLIN,JB. y24,1874..41 1 . I:591 61.),0 I Itl:/,4 f‘lititrislkbitSStfikb refit. THs subscriber has iiii.4:l49 Ate , Stotetrst , door east Wiiiii44l4:oeVe-46gogdoAtore, tor theleatifficitiiiii d sali of , _ CIGAR gratieOr'FagleY 13 *-4,l44,olttfltrilk .31 OILLIsfd TOltibeib,ll4ieitiai3 Orzwirre, and aii mat, PLUG TOR:4000; PIPES, trad,thirOloi. aut 'Brand of l ardliar. 41117`,. Giliblld tea (01'yottisiver.;:.; - JQHN W. , relliboro, Jan. I, 187011,t, "•7. 1.1.°1, 'no 14. j 1 L SALE. - .y la r 410, - ,,, - : ,_ , lidilliodr,_,... For rostorin%oFlk' l tli natural Vitttli6 an oo F r. A dressing rhiole.tir;at^' ,nee agreeable, . g hair checked, and baldness often, though not alirays, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated, into activity, so that a nevr growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi mentjtovigkeepritglea a)4 , 1 v - izorous; Ititecesisioillafts e prOifittle h air_ from turii gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and, yet ilasta; long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.!, Practical and A.nalyttoal Chemists, .LOWELL, MASS. Juno 14,' W. 0. KRESS, Agt* ifl3: BLVSS I - Liras now in stook, and will keep congtently 11._on hand, at the lowest market quoftitions. Wool Twin°, 2 & 4 ply ootton & jutetrrine.i Marlin 2, S & 4 - strand. Knowls pat. step Ladder, from 8 to 8 ft. ~ACk CREWS, TACKLE BLOCKS 9 WIRE CLOTH ft WIRE GOODS generally. ERY WHEELS _ ; ,...„. r .fssiramseiteltoluto A full assortment of Lake gluon I, Berea Rit WEDS Canalltheel Banrgm l wo Any qtantity. TA.) i;J No 1 no 1 eatza engine oil. ,re complete assortment of etiastinfli El 'usura 11111 ittgth":9 D /opt ) AfeduaT for )r,gryixig . ,the iair. ?t l43opi •fstprfaAded. ? - 4. 1 4 ;AO'. .o' its ort:griial `Vourr.:—Thip Wellsio MEI kM lEMIE:EI :4117 ? I' • - tr.. 4 L t vkcillatat 0.4.)V1 k= a 25. DQZ r . RHO...TS SHIRTS. 44 . 7 .-Dit4WSHARS elieap 8 s •I. • • / r o :ill A 'Wit, a=v44.l ..;1 taa i l,i•':,o )o 3'; : r . -;tll 7f..)V01.: Y 5 CASES OF I_ , p.„ . 13 ones. and,- .-Sn, I , E.cro ,3 , : z0.i....,T0ia1: 1 T ii, 1: A fall Hue gilgq \,• , „ • • Blalkets, a n d- A, ..! • every dis4ription justreaeivedla ci; ' 7 :it...1 3111 : / i; . r.N4 ti JA3 KS4 ` just received, and:for saleviisaii at, , ~,,,,,,,,:,., ~:y.t0‘...., 4. E.-1 ,. ..11e, , a. .7. ~..,- i i- • - _ -,--•- , - -. ..; ::-. ... :' ._ 1 , :.• 44,4:::.7.4._. . r .. , :t cry' - .•.),1it-::. 4 -:.-/..... , .... , " " ' ' ..: r - RE ~t~:~^~,4.~~ i~:~ ,'f ~ _..Lila. MIMI Ab Dress Goods Department ..)4440 will be found very attraetive, as , it ConYoseg. pwly new avi dam- ble styles of Goods at prices th4f Snit, 0 , I • •1 . - The ptibito are invited to oa)1 tualtamisie my stook before , put. ,etifgaing.7-mr t..T ' • • • " ' . - TIAQS,...IW4AN. • , I3ar;n3Yril The Largest EstabliiiiMentin.:,Norther ~ .! ' l"' •• A r DRUGGIST! gAVING faellitios for buying and.bau4ing largorgiaantities of Goods 'enables • • them at the lowest Jobbing price... la our retail' department goods atescild at a mace over who leiale prises. A largei stook of . . ..• -~F~~~~STON~, GLS, ALL Oak AND D 01714. 1 .1 PAINTS, Ats, KIND/ AND'O,Ol4* • ; _ VARNIEINDS AND VAttNIBIE p4paw9s,-. susa. Biwa. Transfer Ornameniso , Miripeln i g 'Pentane aad Brushes4eri''k f si' ' 'irtiii . e'and .Futter Ornamenting. ME A fall lino of all olaues of Goode appertaining to our bnelnest kaolin e •' . • Feb. 1, 1871--I*. Stoves . spAskAi a new thing, and made for nee. These are bitt wfiviAttib." km, iittiigoi itoligipOiiiifie • T . ardware. I invite the putdioto call andiNtataine toniallieilvtift" Stec so bap*, eat quality of goodkin T illy line ; and all viol* to order done promptliand.well: SAISJE,_ DQ613 , , OBINDS, AT FACTORY PRICES .r=f4 ir 1,1% `irtillaboiCrZ:rtft 0W 8, --, :111 1 .14 - W-.l+once _ _ ME _c^r xl ijivw B. MIMI • .. -: ..`-.z •;:. '' , i:t';':c. 4 , 2 , .. ;,. xgieitie - ::1 ~-, - •--r . . , rin • , or ~ o - , D. P. Roaliass)-Dlmaketi.n :•-!- t ---- __ _ t , i l'::: rf - ... ~ .. ..... ... .„; ,- , 1 v .-. ,t. I! • • - . 0 ".'. t.:: , 1 ,1 , 1 ( 1 .'... 4 ...' t•r. - 1" , ii i.,) a. , • , 8-... 1 • - [ ) 4 . - 4 ;1 . - 1 0 ; 1 1 : : .. 1 ~. ^ ... . 'l. _ ... . • , . ~ .) !. .. , L,' ': • ..! fr I AND: Ili - .., r . el - . • 0 , NM, TB, Itoileig asoza,,ol‘ (Ant _ .... - c , ~.: .. 1 . ~ ` . P7? L'.!...7. ' ":,!,---;'• i'. ' :.': • -1- -- • .. . ... , !'"0- 4 . -- ' - : • ' ....,- ' L - ' -..1. - , . . a ela ir j,o3:LlNeil li aS' - : . 1 1 1 . 1 / 4 :141:0 :-.' . - - ' '- '• • ' -•__ ~- ... __ _ 'al stook of Buhl& -a" ESE t , , t ( ' A ~ _ ge,.. _ —.QUI .4m.__-,...,. - .. ikA, 'lll, LATims 4 ,l,lpzen, to. ; ,; ~,?, ~ ~,...„. ~.„: ,Al ! e.7ill 4 P,V,l3lp h gliPliti at :a Aitnitar*tprliet. 4 7 . - ; *',., iiij.------.-• . • --•- ', ----- • ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ._,.,:,. ,/,..-, m.: '...-- - •,• .:.: , 7, .: . _ t '' ' . "3033B11111' VIROSEPtLYALTTEND 1 ,. ..: - - 7' , . , I ti Lior "us iiiiiitti l liiiiii: ' ' Pint door aboTO Con, *Deo. . , % 1 1 7 ., ,_. 4 M4 l ,sVr e itgi - AT1.3.: 0 , :.- i 17.12.1 -,::- i - B. a. kaginr, . :,,,,, •I` ~3 t; ,I , 3t• .. ..;_i s .-,; tr.r.r - r.itz t:—.:; r. , . ,-.. ,-.--,.....,• . . .. . ;.; boa law ztzt.4l , :iEveri _ l %7* : =MEM ~ k I = =I just received, and. 4ale_cheap - - t • L t -.117 GM =I MEI j - • , d.itiVainsausi, INpLESALE AND RDTAIL IDE ISLAND IND 'IV/TEL-LIM ;il. ve t t „ 0 1 1_ 3 Sib() -nv) Ba l a '• -•:•:13 all• • •/. '' • " 4400,09•14 • itioies -Areiomatosisped take* plume Okst, a pest ontisy, a - titi old - itand on 1004 4 4 . _ R 0 , ,, • assortinent onunterate the follirielng snide, t EIPtIEES, -OROWBARV, -AMY.; Welt Au..T.TI 6•44,r unicipk . puiitte; vroot=4ll.l4" teciala. LiklF - ' -- Bill EU • ,OJT• `, 4• --* ' - LNG ; Ivrt.o SI t . COM IMlii S '1 i ffl!MIIMI gill mom ME .61. eater Ohetip! at e.,7.119ii-zqz":4l ;r1 ! , • ~ HAI DEN~a. es, AMIPEX'a =I ` , • T . :% MEM ROI bes, ~EliB ,; MARDEN'S. Is EMS Pa. 4 1 1 1 i Trio oft r all adik W. 0. lvt:Rois. elia - t:-.4 4 ;11 - .. 4 (11 0 ator 9 rr: , :,,._L-..;i:..:;'--,: . LII:li 2 i'iql It-3 v, ~,, aC.ljz:ki f.. , LT.; z. MEM :;"7" . ;,' Z."l. , .• OM ME =IIII EIS IS n0w,..1011-40-teeds l ialtable-lorthe fell Trade. The compketa is every 4440itat*- - ....--- • - DRY GOODS, GROCER ES, EIMR=I Crockery Boots and 'Shoes, ' c I =MI J A 3P61,11.43V CiA.CAcisliai r do°. . tz _ IMIE 1 anti Unite ALL the people of Tiogn County t►ho wis to make purchases in this line to ezxdlook at " I ' ME . - • And solvate prioei. , Thi closest baysTs icill" be convinced ,that this is the place to pay oj. atonepettiabzoloally. Come ote and Ap r have . a Woe lido, a good Limo generally,_bny just wha ratifint, - r - • ME 1116 diait LiCOl7ll7 3P151001135, • Coollilig ! •ftt. 27, 1871, • MOM ni at live by. Bread alone ' I . • . • •- •" • 14 . 0" . 1" IN TSB CLIMATE, -.' *stieti WIDIGIENs curacvrxx*rwr, Notillind4,lo4gitod p Wirm woolen clothing, and needing this, he may as well deal , with his stifsbliiitiMOß4 . ISlidi cloths and clothing. Every man to his trade. When . you want a I•WAttitibtl* Otii4 lint'don't go to the,olothier; when you need a fall or winter harness for oyottlasaliacat do, f ytart are *lse. r My Spepiality is Clothing. s,; If you *ant olothiag or cloth of say quality,' I oan • gttatutee satisilsotion as to :price a'ad 411,1P7 CLOTHS, AND GRIPEDEMEN'S EMU/WRING GOODS, lam athome. I also keep a full stook o .• , , -- • :. ~ . • I 1 Dr ,ao o on la. ogninatly rectoilting new Invcrioes in .all lines. I make no charge for showing good. p _ ( , Sept 28, 1871. i WILLIAM WILSON. • ~ , . NEW Sept. 20, 1871. rt,.. .I4s...rtzwalirtme; I. (-heap Cash Store! HAS A TULL ASSORTMENT GE NEW SIOODO, non AS 1 • " Foreign and Doniestic - Dry oods, • Whioh Will be sold very ;Insp. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, WHITE PIQUE. ItIITTONS, ALL HINDS, i ' CLOTHS AND OASSI BEES, LINEN GOODS, , POPLINS & WHITE DODS, Gloves, tiosiory, &nit Goods and Notions. Choice Grocerie s , Su ar, • Soap, Tobecoo,l . Syrup, Rice, t3Aleratue, Cofeer Tea, Oraokersi l Salt, Fish, Flour. Rate dy - Gari,-Beots'ar Blioes•, Rubbers, Cripskery, Wooden Ware, &a. Clash Paid for Buskint, or shipped on Oeinmisslon. Mewl oat eadlook our Stock . a ver . Yon win aim end ne ready and willing to shoe e pai r . „ . welbiberoMay 10 1871.4i-li. • J. E. BARBER. • if)ORNINO, IC- FY., We are now easy of Via The New Rail .Rord, Our j and you Will go home happy and oontWed. I=ME! CiSfSIMERES, WIES' DRESS ser, GO AND; SEE THE .fir ME , EA...,14 GOODS, JUST 14011VED AT o, B, KELLEY'S, I HES IMII Egii r• '. ■ NEWELL & OVVERS. GOODS, teCrt'-Ain. - I 'HOE. Stio - li I . • , 1) E"p) stow ; s ea or Boota . , i con Hk un • the Porno -copied - by Fishier & Rai .pose redno.ing_priceo on strictly •- • - • • 121 Notions, El IEI C_ We keep a gee' •fiats- an' BOOTS, BALIIOI I BOOTEES, B' 0 ALM() warranted to fit a .y foot °tut dur s FRENCH CALF, ' I • • -j ' 2 PER, SOLE, C LININGS, BI -`1 ' ROCC., wilt b© kmpt. tip On Findings we shall I ways, and we shall end satisfeetory to the' trade sold. CASH FOR II CUSTOM D.ono promptly and on ehorf notice. Drop i , • , t• D Dec. 14. 1870.—1 i. TO THE IF ' BIERS TIOGA • OUNTV. lAx now building at my anufactory.ic Law *filo .a supoilor _FANNIN MILL, whlehpossesseithe followl gattantagesorer a' mills : separates tye,oats s ra choesand cockle, from aim.% 9. It Cleans arm sead,take other seed I, perfectly, 11, It cleans timothy seed . 4. It doe' all other separal This mill is built of the be) btr,ln goodatyle,and. le sal dace. . I will MA . patent sieve Wheat,tootbortaille,onrea Lawreacevillejan.l,ol • WALICAR & MLLE HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, N. STOVES, TIN-WAI?E,I ° BRISING, SAI g, Cnigitt: "'MATE 1 ' LIME, _- AGRICITILDIRA IMPLEYENTS, • barriage and' Ilaona Trimmings ADDLES, 187;—y HARNESSES, Qorping, N. V., Jdn. OS COMPOS published for© it is n fonsequea PHYSICI - - is a co) Syphilis tism, Skirl plaint an< Blood. CITE BO wilt do rn of the THE UND havt,w , ed for the pl endorse it and 8100 ' DR. T. C. DR. 'I% 3. .DR. R. W a. F. O. 3 ;DR. 3. O. 5511 S C. Dfl. A. 71 UZTD J. ra r. w B. HA' .1.1 CRAP S.A.MI.. CI MEI Prc lc tract sui fused in Blood; a. Rosathlir, to hep_ltlv. ricsao , price 871-ly July 19, 1 WARE HAND; LUTZ .11.13ViNG opene Store in Mane +1 on Alain Stnfet, reitio and the public in gun, They guarratitee satisj stock conzists, of a first class iTardvnr3 aid, opposito Pitts Er. , invitii their frierHF tre: to give them a call, 'actiya in art enee "ften- HAR li.:rte Tin'W re, Wails, l'k;•T Bent Work, S! oulteral Im . Po • A i elements, \Cliprn -ccers. ;*(4°l`'., ~..2eoi 1,.% ice i~ cash and a general line of the country, at the le; They aro also ages .ER, ITHACA W t HORSE PARK AN s for the, KI EEL RAKE, HAT CARR W. G. Mtn, Fassic KOELEP. ) Mansfield, July 19. LUTZ' a I: 1671.-tf. =DA D BolappNr Impel coitantly oL I ' hand: Pro Drugs and i!cd , ctre , • • Chemical4,Paints and oi)e,p‘r , •, , • Stationc9 , ,yankeoNotion l s, to • Pansoarmorrs C.411E1971, LT COXPOr:sr IL if, 33011 D E, —ly. •l Tioga, Jan. 1,1871 OR SALE, CRE4P—A buggy, cut! nose and buffalo obo, all new. Ili , il y ve a n t iz t r i n ig azo i l pop r. AFuguitil • II EL9IILER, I .et hand a largo et ail Shoes, , end prop' igattkethe emhaort.l"atellity" ;dolph.' They also 'all ; ; goods end tel NE, ek afEarttetent c,f d I ALS, GAITER' ,OGANS AND SKINS from No. .0, tc )g ye. ETD 'RENCII KIP. p.mmorr CALF, 1 )670,'310- ►, - AC., las heretofore . i (be found .fit horn' savor to sell at pl , Wo won't be u ; !3~ Irict e ; ler PAID DES. WORK • ell. Repairing and be convince MEL doEt II I JIM loth. Utteisendfoulsetl MEM 1. out yellow seed, D.. al 'lngrequired of a at 'at and Wont dare id cheap tor cash, I It t!ED , r pro) for separating oa onabletormo. .17 HAT 0.4 I atom LATEInop , a la IL- BALKS pREDIEN'M THAT ROSADALIS are on every package, there a a secret Troulration, ly ' it t , E lis PRESCRIBE 17. ; lain cure' f,,r SOofu r la, all its forms, RIIVIIIM• Disease., I..i , :eir COm ,4 all alscases of the ILL r.:SAD I AL:3 Ire good titan tel bottle j yrups (t r , :3IO!tED P:htslcimir; los.ldahs tilel-practire t hrce yeatr. zr.e. freely z: a r2tiabic: P uriflcr VC: IT, r f icCAR S: or.i.r., 1te. : ,... ;:-...,,, . .C. _7l._,r_ :!A 0 • t any ex• to the r ^ a Fluid Ex .cy• lza7s. Oyer: . 61* dise.gol 11' C say try D.l d :till be restored El kis so:LI by all Ij'rng:brts t pc: b.zttic. Address LE,TEITTEI !.; CO, fam:racturing Chemith, BALT:MORE, MD. KOHLER. WARE, "TT ,r.3;Ri, BY NOW ARNOLD tEri. 1- 11,E 7 . RE UG ST 'cr, bP r ilrlae Will liCtliare 1871
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers