The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 20, 1871, Image 3

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svEDNESDAIt". DEC. 20, 1871.
New. Advertisements
Notica ini,l3 .1 • 1 Inkruptey—G. W. Merrick. 1
Pay Up—W. C.-Kress.
Fn. Stle beqp.
Tars—h :If. Seam
lOU Roc Notice.
itn.Ars.- I The water in lake Erie is
staid to be four feet lower than crer known be-
—Mr. B. 0; 'Wheeler, of the Welisbore‘ Graded
-'?ho•;!, has,gr,r,,o Zit c,3urity,J9 tQkp
• 1 4arze ef'n POllOO at that place.
—Tile WeUsher° Democrat has a new way of
ding its name=" The Dcaeeeqt."
—The ladies can do up their hair sweetly with
, '•i•lncy carob.
—An Elmira girl, after giving her lover a kiss,
ot:daiined, ci Dog tny'elts, if you paint been a.
•Aing rye, old boss."
—The express office will hereafter bo in the
cigar store of Mr. John Purcell.
—1). D. Von Allen, formerly Principal of the
Wellsboro Aeadetny, L is now Principal of the
Port Byron Free School in Cayuga county, N.Y.
—lra liceney, of liollidaytown, will glvo a
I '
.I.lree at his house on Christmas Eve.
--Foley is prepared to supply all creation with
tancy pods for the holidays.. ?
- Ball tickets printed at this office on double
t 4 o'ck. Call and sec. . . - -
—minify Bibles, pocket hooks, photograph
.1 1. mtns, end other articles -for the 'holidays, at
Young S. Co,'3 bookstore.
—Deacon Ensworth and C. I..Willoox left for
Norfolk, Virginia, on Monday morning last.
—Keep the Welle.boro water Works agitated
ontil Bortiothing is acoomplished. ' '''
—The mammoth sato for the Wellaboro na.
;tonal hank will be along in a few days. .
—Lookout for horeo thieves; they ore oommit•
ting depredations in other localities. -
—Mr. Sol Bunnell will giv'e i public dance at
Bowen .'t Corers ball on Christmas evening.
—Mr. Poleg Dond will give a publio
Bowen & Cone's hall' on, Now Year's evening,
'January 1, 1872. Mr. D. attends on invitation
to all lovers_of dancing. . .
—Mr. Willioni English, of Delmar, promised
to bring'n load of coal to this office some two
, •
weeks since, raying ho " would bring it it ho
lived." We shall - hereafror believe hiin dead,
' unless it is proven to the contrary.
—Remember the heek.tiolderdli friiirrlia--DaP
tut Hall Tuesday Evening, D 20.19, 1871.
—Persons indebted on the Right of Way to
the Wellsboro & LawrencovillelOilroid, irill re.
ceitis no further noticlo after Wit week.
DONATION.—TOere will be a dona
tie the house of Mac P. Johnson,
ton, on Thursday E 717. Dee. 21. 1971, for the
Rey. Geo. 0. Kinney.
persons having book or
note account with J. Sahel&lin, Jr., ,fitelNeques
ted to call and nettle before Jannary.l, 1872, or
ooste will be made without further notice. Thie
means batiste's.
I C OOI7II fia
rettleing( in this paper, who wish to change their
advertisdments or insert new ones, will please
hand them in at once, as wear° re•setting all In
new type:" Please•be pronipt lb this metier:
CORR£t?T2o\.—•Our attention has beep
drawn to a typlgraphioal error made by our
dovil'in the report of :+fr. Rtrics on water works.
The dischnoge of water par minute from the rail
road brook, should ha.v.s read or seven bar.
role in the drycet tima, instead of one barrol.
persona indebted to this °Mei; forjob
work, advertising and subscription, will pleitse
bear in mind that we are incurring a heavy ex
penal to imprare our paper tho coming year,
and will need every dollar due us. OPTlcatio
raruember the fact!
Mr - LiaNERY.—Mr?. L. A. Newman,
the fashionable tailliner at Mansfield, is now pre.
pared to (a oish the ladies with any desired nit).
finery, at low mess. Sha hes a gand.assortment
f nil ;be late styles, an._. l ean'therefore suit any
".1-'ers9ns wisbing to Sub . serioe . for the
i:(11 YorAc- A inerivl , l uhrez lot
c , th• •Io P." • IL317)1:t; o:air D.VDC3 and
A -M. B. Pr:rive, of tbii vil•
A evi,nrlNT.—Trunttt Car'onter, of
Iron ills thigh i.c,kon on 11101301
,- a large box from a wa
n Dr. I',l?.her was an.l radece..l the
irauture. I'. is tieing well.
GLASS 1111,01vEm—The Bohemian
lovivrd exhitiiled lu Cone's hall
au thu evening of thi. 12th, and on tho afternoon
of the 13th to the echool oebolars. It i 9
they seero more on the blovi" than the
Music.--Professor Iloyt-tta Co.
, aceui.e in another COILIaItI to snit first olass pi
;r.. s and organ... at, prices. Professor Iloyt
Is rery able in.;truet , r .1 . " music, and writes us
intend.. tc. :Ten a eaneervatory of mile°
:n tt•iiriilat A. as 5:3n :I.! a protier huilding can
be P:rnlrell.
The following epitaph is by Moore on
att.riley. natrtel Sh em
-" Here John Shaw,
Attorney- at.lac..
And When be died -
The devil cried,
`Give us your pan.,
Sohn Shan,
Attorney-at law '"
DIINDEE TlilitEGllAPll.—This is the
tute of a new paper just started at Dundee, N.
Y, by William A Driedale,l formerly or this
county. It is a lively, welt go tsn-np paper, and
we question if it won't give Cllr friend Wescott,
or the Record, a hard pulimi
_oe king...stretch.—
It is well printed and edited, and we wish It
atuandani enema.
Hugh Young & Co. are novrreeetv.
log their holiday .gooda r consisting of -beautifully
bowl Bibles, prayer and hymn books, m3hoga•
ny and rosewood writing ileika, chromes, stereo
scopic pictures, and line editions of the works of
the standard authors for presentation gifts.
We hare also the -largest stock of. diaries for
1872, bought directly from the manufacturers,
which we aro selling at from 10 cents to $3 50
each. Pocket books of erery variety. Call and
examine our •. Deo. 13, 1872 2w
, ELECTION OF OrrrcEas.--Tho Sto
ny Fork Salt Company met on Mon•iny the 4th
instant, and elected the till() win.; officers: Cha.
Copestick, Senior, )('resident; Charles Houghton-,-
Esq., Secretary; Israel Stone, Treasurer; Capt.
William Chase, Joseph Palmer, Lucius Sabin,
GeorgO.Va4lng and Thornas Alien, Directors.
Our exchanges are making a big fuss
()tor the great Prince now visiting this •country.
We-bayli Prince in Wellaborn, who, thon;lf not
a prirmatipporens," nor rt "princo
ave. is n capital fellow, and nobody terms to
make a fuss over him, unless they want some fat
chickens, or houe or gardon plants. We go in .
for our Prince at home. first,
—Mr. B. T. Vnn Born, our r'nterprisiel... furni
ture denier, has just re-rived t 1nr7,2.1 lot of par•
lur, dining room rtml bitell'en furniture, which
could ha put in a: woail-n isareptaPtir
In tact, he he, now en ii? , .)rtment fr.itil
rust any'hody email e.leet )something desirablE'.
%Nnr ,
Roads; and that the po.ipin tnly unat . r.:tan:l thh
f ger,
„ e ta!rit., na;"?9 :•) bh:w . t're'ad Horn
for hint
DA Sci:lo. - :- Tlse Pr6bV:ieftfiri . so(ijel,y
of Corning, N. Y., Are iflialisslot
r ‘ ccoinparo e ,3 with A good ile3) of fet,iing,
, the proprietf_74l "awn TOt' , 4l,€> ,
Quito a tarinber rerilq in the dancing 1,4 . 11 of .
At the mutual of Titqta trangthient, white tittitlier pottion'ainitlinee
C I) "iatY, r . • i rrltogettarl - ' flog yieldpn hat
r„it r hie}, ip rwle..tht. , olttrolt• or the world ...if 1
year 1572 • Nnij F' D : then . the - tiiii'roh will I. lan step
Vice Prebident, E•iitta_X. 11;14i - tiro, -0, 1.1- lo , oteti . of mboy e. II tiiries, to the time, „whet:Oho church- I
M J l'ot‘ter: *Cream-. Aft:: governed by eiyil lets, taint Admit .
E‘trfit, ; On; e1;ur...11 itt tot , touch gorcrued by the
Ni!e,v; L;" Willfalsief A,.. ;C4tajakt.ll; 2 ! , pevi•lk:' , Ll l lll. C ' I/Odd . Wormy eCCIII9' to control
tii keniond, W„ tiLuLnyrny, %, tlit 3 tle 'cla 4 reh : therefore wo mutt admit it—" the
Princf, J. Rorapaugb), 1 root of all evil."
iris vitaritter : now offering village lot
e for -saip *4 Western part of tbo eijlttge
ton rtieoftebli terms. Bald lots sire laige• end
nicely eltuatetl.
about 160,000 feet of pine lumber for
Bale, et Truman 4 Boliou'e mill , Welleboro.
Sept 6;1111. A. CEOWL.
CLOSE 11usuntsg arr- uttRIST.Ma
Several of, our leading merohanta wisely /suggest
that all the business places in this village be
closed on Christmas. We second the motion,
and put the question for decision. The most of
places throughout this country . honor that day
by suspending Witless and hsAdlog:, religiou s,
sorvica. This is llght and pr oper, when we SiStie
shier the wonderful event that day is intended to
commenaorate, which brought joy, bapplitosi and'
salvation to the world. Above all other days,
this one should be celebrated wi t h praise pad
thanksgiving by every human befog on the face
of the earth,
LA.RdE PEAR.—Mr. E. J. tlammings,
formerly of this county, and recently from : San.
Francisco; California, ahowld no the other do
picture of a pear raised in that State weighing
4 pounds, measuring around its center In inch
ea, and around its length 24i luottes. Ho also '
left with ns a photograjah.?l,9,ltmcii ot'pearitlott
one branch, weighing nineteen pounds, and fifty
in number, raised,in galifOrnia. This!
is not a fish story, as the card banitiffieen at this'
(Arm / t • . •
imp meeting of the Pennsylvania Editorial As
sociation will be held in the State capitol, at
Harrisburg, Thursday, January 25, 1872, eonve•
ning at 11 o'clock A. M. Editors of natrapapers
in Pennsylvania who have riot connected them . -
selves Nvith the Association, are earnestly Invited
to attend on this occasion and enroll • themselves
as members.
4pstgAi'Coxy.gbf , ; , 44T. = Prot:efspg
D. C. - Jewett has madf;liirimgements to conduot
a musical donvention at Mansfield, commencing
Monday evening, January 1, 1872, In the M. E.
church,-and to continue, with three sessions por
day,',until Saturday, January 8, whea It will
()load with a publi6 entertainment. Por the term,
$I ; for the concert, 25 cents. Mr. Jewett is a
praetioal instructor, and we bespeak for him a
grand success,
. .
C IiRIST tie
Chrisfitaar, autPaa Oki Santa Claus hyis in.stere a
large stook of toys, wa trust every little girl and
boy will prepare their long-legged stookings on
Christmas Evo to hold his gonernue gifts. Chil
dren, do you think thorn are late of little ragged
.girls and boys that have no good Santa Claus to
1111 their stockings with presents and their hearts
with Joy ? You, whose lives have fallen in plea
sant places, should open your hearts and help
oarry a little of tho Christmas light into som
ebeeries abode, where want antitilliery are 'the
_ 1
chief guests at the festival time.
December, thus far, has made a freezing improS.
sion upon the minds of pedestrians, bringing
winter in dead earnest. If it contlawsO, with.
;veils, cisterns and creeks nearly'dri,Ae . farmeis
will experience great inconvenience in this sec
tion. Water for stock and domestic purposes
will bo a scarce article, unless the weather should
soften a little. The need of water for the sup
pression of fire would be seriously felt in case of
an outbreak, We trust ,the TAmr, seen ta
tie ushered 'in, Nall - not be one of marked ex
tremes as regards the weather, but that it will be
one of peace and plenty.
ROOM FOR MORE.—Now is the, 'time, '
to subscribe for the Ay44 . carI97:IBIT.;" Noitt
year will Once the
also the qribernatoylal, and the Agitator should
be in the hands of every Republican- in the
county, and, in fact, of every Democrat, too.-r.
We purpose to make it a live paper, and, if ratt
aie, to elect our entlio Rekst. While we shall,
labor bard'for the'betielit of the party,, we trust
our Republican friends 1111 feel it a Pleasure to
contribute aWO by subscribing to this paper,
while we shall a heavy 'expense I,u,Aitnging„
it a good one . -
FARMERS'. CLtrris.—We nptiee that
farmers sire forming clubs in various places for
discussion and the interohange of opinions as to
the best way of raising. the different lands of
crops, horses{ cattle, sheep; bogs, &a. These
clubs are made very interesting and prodtablo,
particularly to the inexperienced -farmer. To
keep paee i sfith the.timeir,, - tby should not the
farmers of Tioga county form societies for this
parpos42---Walt4fo, farmertoblsiteMzsmoisosnd,''
intiirpflie7 - siVoltitainitda 'themselves, as the old
saying, " well to do" from their praatlaat ,
ittioTilitlitt% iVr ipirasican. tirp_
beim - Ili - year neighbor by the Pippo, diffiseincl.A
your practical knowledge? We be glad
to )/ ay before our readers the proceedings of snob
BELL RlNoEit.—Leavitt's troupe of
heft ingerts will giro a concert in Bowen & Cone's
Wednesday evening, December 20. This is
not the Alleghenian troupe of hell _ringers that
recently exhibited • here, .but are a, link in'tho
chain of the original,Swiss 'hell ringers., No oriti
will be disappointed in attending the above con
cert, as thii troupe not only come highly recom
mended, but are backed up by the press wherever
they perform. Admission, 35 cents ; reserved
seats, 50 cints;,children under 12 years, 25 pts.
Tickets for sale at Young.4.Cfriltookstore.
Rownvism.—Our attention has been
ealivci to the fact of a number of young mon,
living in and about this village; who aro in the
habit of attending public gatherings and area•
ling disturhances, And:daring their return home
indulging in loud, vulgar and profane language
and boisterous conduct- From tho character of
their demonstrations, ono would
row ditti liirt eiithiyikiniataiod - for , Iltin-i
!tensible, ttspose'i tinauniesi - they talt s e - thehAt'
t. , i
which th warning contained in this notice may
give theta, and amend their conduct, they may
be likely to find then-11504e5, - ere long, held crlm;„
foully resbotisiblo - onE MO' °hare `oVilltilarldigt•
public mdetings and of street vulgarity and pro
_ --
• tt ? ' -.'
will be no paper Issued from tbis office nett
week. ,We.know our •readera -01:-et.Ouse4his
omission, hen they tee the Agitator on the 3d
of :SWIM' , 1872;41% is new tuft. We do not
propose to tell all we Intend to do, but for the
prasentliWsimplat say the 1—: :.7.-7.= - .... - .: - : - - - . -...:..-7--::.,
" The editor works—he's nover at reel,
For the world. uneated with news,
Treepe l peking for more, the latest and best
Ile cannot, he will not seftueZ2`..l — „,s,
Big eermons and epeecleeries and rhymes,
With items both ancient and-mktr,
Suiting the people and lulling the itmee„.;_ .
He must faithful and conetant review.
Not only deals help subjects profound;—
11 . 1 e reOlori:raliet mingle rich fury; ,•
The Wor4 will laugh, and the Ph i l, go 'Footle
Whit tte4ditarecribblii a Pin."
Mr. George W. Sears, better known
as " Bacchus," and more recently recognised as •
"Items" of tho Agitator, has been *frequent,
sufferer from aching teetb, and-On' Friday MR
separated himself from one by again pulling the
trigger of his gun. Vie -scene occurred in the
rear of this office, witnessed-by a number of spec.
tatersosho loudly applauded-,our-Jriendltn• hi
succeisful dentistry:, 'This LS 41104141 rrliYof - eie;
j ,
tracting teeth, a a a quick one, provided the pa.
gent has stale ent pluck for the emergeney.•••
Items never fail , as be is expert with a gun.
bravo as a lion, nd has the utmost cionadenoe I n .
tlie. et itinglYtif -r oivdeti:-;:= .---------
Since ) writin the above,-,Valliqnr, 0/1•7
not long since sr. Beare, lii;ing' an attack Of
ague chills, rgitl:boing-debar -- rt3d froth usfpg-the,
Usual rernedylor,a -few day* yet, conitindidAtie
try the tooth remedy; and -agoordingo. 7 et a ln
the gun a " dose" agreeing with hit diagnosis of
the cue"; and-after a aotfuricartinui b k a4:el4Ptieii.o
for tba.oieration;-the, faititint.:lwar, oortipleecti,
and,'as he believes, foreier curedof,his dlsa-.,
greeable malady. Perhaps a little perieverinee
in good respires otter the first - qr.funtramiropld
avail him tuuch.7.—
etiliiSTitAtil Pb 3 &flowing
poem wee written by Mciitimer.Colatur;:mel pbbbibeit
in the London Society, entitled
An Old Fogy on Clirlstinao.
'Tin Christman, but clanged Are the Whims.
Since I Dist 6=4 its elsineyosus
•.•rfix*Ahngirlii of the period have.passlons,
And tho boys of tho period are swells ;
Yet a charm on one's memory dwells.
Long ego there were terrible specters
And marvelous riddles to guess, . .
In days ors the railway directors •
Put on the Express.
- • Neath mistletrie,ittare ll sa 17Ytheiridd
Tim might then snatch a frolics 0'
- And the punch at that time was a Sold
• " ' That Nobody--voted amiss ;
And the anapdragon:4ldn't it hiss $ •
- Every girl in your hdart was a lodger,
Who met you with miachltwOua glance ;
. And oh uhata•romp was Sir Roger. .
•• 're Corirlera data 1
- r - .• ; .
•, 1 4 -
40,412 Ca BO WI %
160 /1290112
i DnelfOrgot that theiWiatlr me cold ;
••, HU:sty-does it seed that 4 miss 'em ;
Perchance I'm a fogy, grown.old,
Whoso Ilfo is a tale that Is told.
When a man is approaching to fifty
/Ts seldom breaks into his Weds,
And la apt to be studiously thrifty
Of - .dolma delights.
But wherefore one's ago be revealing f
Leave that to the Registry books.
A man—is as old as he's feeling:
A woman as old as she looks ro.
eagles live lafelre . AV I
Zeildigkititis featly ti
'Tis fit that great Ma should be told ;
"Whom the gods love, die young"—for this reason,
They cannot grow old.
NEW PAPER.=Master - A. - C. Niles
son o( Hon. - J. B. Niles of this village, saysihe
will issue the first number of his new paper;on
the first of .Tan. 1872, entitled "Wide-a-wake."
•Re says it will be considerable larger than the
little boys' Normal° Amu/. Subscription pries
25 oentigkeliiiiiii(a: &limes to the new paper.
DONATION.--The friends of the Rev.
0. K. Bunnell, are invited to attend a donation
visit, at Meelianios' Hall, in Hollidaytown,
day evening, Dee. 20th.
HBlthiA.lo lixerintEs.—The first lec
ture of the ?fermate Course was delivered by.
Frederick Douglass the justly celebrated colored
orator, on Friday , evening last. The lectuter
was 'suffering severe y with a sore throat, the're
suit of a heavy cold, and he consequently ;spoke
with considerable difficulty, He (timid not pru
dently exert the full powers of his fine voice,
which in its higher tones rings like the pealing
notes of a clarion ; and the lower, or oonveria
linnet topmrof bie violet), in which he spoke, are
attsoft,;4o. melodious as the notes of a linte l .--
Thts melody of voice is oharacteristio of the col
ored race; the exceptions to it are very rare,
deed ; and in the (raise of ?dr. Douglass, the na
tural gift has received a high polish from . cul
ture, and forms one of the orator's most powerful
auxiliaries. ,
lat Douglass - tali,: little tilaiAre . :40 5 ordioary
size, erect, symmetrical, and carries his fifty odd
years lightly upon him. Indeed, the most Oo
ticeable Riga of bin age is ble gray hair, which
still•has, however all the luxuriance of a youth
ful growth, is voice is most perfectly modula
ted;' Melted and graceful, and oc
casionally emphasised by appropriate gesture,:
Ills language, Beaton, and whole. appoisrance, is
that of a oultivatedientleman—whieh he is.
Thii was Mr.
be {(ell
first appearance in
,Wellihisfo i . atid ilqlceit ,Lioagy.euppunteet,d
and gratified by the 'very large an&inteBigent
audience which gathered, not only from this vi
cinity, but from the various towns in the county,
to listen to his leoturo upon Santo Domingo...
Itliarotufkl:waiiNfiry fine one.-In language,
delivery and sentiment. It portrayed the island
of Santo Domingo id all the warmth and bright
ness of its own tropical surroundings: its dis
covery, its history, its wars, its sufferings, its de.
Svapare, its climate, it s
i religion, its society, its go..
vernment, its resources, its wants and needs, its
desire for annexation, tto., Ito.; and his view of
the duty of 'the, Unitid,thlNremjscs..-.
Ho agreed' with l i iesident)iiiint to Eli ;Row of
the questiod ; and wished he had re erri,tglind:. °
IralitifiliSSOßTlßirlifirifiart - ' " Mj ap 1
the President- was right in not doing so ; keeri
tainly "hadno...po4cy to.enroms 'age*" VI
'h the pee:pit- 4 . find - theftW Ohfflei'lgtt iler,
- I,riff:ww - bvins•idear 'or d -- Vtatesiis - ate, and ho re
gretted to differ With him, ho could not bring
himself to agree withi him upon this eubjeol.-
Ile believed annexation to be for tba_good of
;hp th-conntrfes; andTsratin - in tiiiiiiteOrde larger
'and lttere "enligliterefer liberty; bati r vion wbioh
and despotism there must yet come a great con
flict. It could do us no harm to prepare, by ex
tending the area of the most enlightened pro
gressive force In the world—the United States.
Wo oongratalate„the . Herto4lo .49,0p0,,Trpen
oft tbeipscort , ile t wee,
atra.: l l 6 o 1 t ,rPxii .1 0 2 li',o4ralh- -0 Ate ftfi 'O , loatid
'their`brilliadt,ill.k'aps,ctitreis slkihy,443),:liest
assurance of ft. " - ' •
The neat lecture ofi the count) will be given
the sth of January, by Mra. Mary A. Livermore.
The simple announcement of her name, will se
cure an overflowing blase. „.
- 7(C ? —*y
EF etiii Agitator.] t
[ln ono of tho streets of Chioascy, as the fire reaohed St, was scan '
' an oldlady 411 to
. .
walk, bad been removed by her eons to this sup.
posed place of security, while they returned to
secure thele,eillots prraiing., with un-
-;" her sole
attendant, a colored servant, unable to procure
help to remove her, resolved to stay and share
her mletreses fate. They both perished].
Tie tlitY.lollC Italittd CVI A
All night, all day, the flames with ceaseless roar
Had rolled their crimson Wows higher, higher,
o_breariirOhi st i r in fiery spray,
dad stfe w ves o'er ()burettes, towers,
O'er tom Sit 6416; : in with ring flood,
And dropping, thick and far, in biasing showers,
On'prairie, and upon the moaning lake
Whose waves wiLidtriellabiglitidiiihitlibitiiiie
dreadful hours. .r:
And night bad oome again, if night were there '
When dark
~nes4 only servect_tuatturt—trarts r igen
Of barging homes, and hopes, and bleeding
And still the flame waves rolled where fled na
• *CII4 f e
ArraowlingArretelies from its.deadly breath,
Bach other trampling, as with curses loud , '
They fled in terror from its lurid waves,
Or shrieking, itruggling, sank wrapped in its
fiery shroud.
And, ee the crowd ran from Ste lurid wrath,
o ditnrea4 the blaspgceapl t p
oklzed add aili ng fothir
idtaleg4he4intlog red wstetantr(That.
With eyes transtlacd, they watelled the flame*
And feeling, in the tierce airoooo blast,
The nearing of the dead eternity 1— •
And prostrate, grasping, prayed that, death's
tiexellitide were passed.
The one Was aged; and her feeble form
Could fly combat with the maddened crowd ; l '
The other, with youth's pulses beating warm,
Rut branded deep and dark with Canaan's aurae.
.Yet color ()An not weigh, a human soul;
And she, when from theltiged one all had fled, Li
Stahl with her, while the hot wares round theta
They stood with bandirt(iolaltpecr, mrstrithi and
'And knew that all werelc nal JaAholr_rwartag
• env;
. 1
.07604iiiss tersil 7 ,l4:;o die l k fire, .
( To_,L.c,sl itstierce to»gurs ecir.-...44-44mire . ting
i;" Meet]. „.....i.....-i vnl V -,
-1,1104 .. 511}i each I 141#4 . ,4 pi re— ,
.gtietlirecitb., a li,rl egort . 4l4.g death.
'Th'ivier rf-ilfropt± red rt ho' tery ware;
The rising me !wills coldly on the scone ;•,r.4. i
•* ehrif blaelionc¢ inins; %Warn 1 !
Viefitallon erikilidflAoirly ilt INJwillis, '
Where plomos.of i l uiph'rous Smoke bends o'eti
D " •OE Isimges grass. •
We sing ollioßes, bpast.t.4, at: 0 14; 11 , 34 o ,
And oharalcrtAffsirfirtlii . Nbitr; ore, -
Bing the aitititlnitl,:. r ditepotehlAiforsii;'er thorn
wave r - r,al \. „()i) Rav)z ,
Sad lamentations fur theliuved and teat.
:111inirnoblei - pdrilltied, though by bard unsung, !
Than this poor
seryanth..i t ler friend ;
"Ono g M1:14,T- flip 'Val his gre among;—
keit) , giV,Siti tre„RApiii4ci .6 \,..,...,,, ; .
.X part, ilarholuads and fire by nature eisr her
.:., ftong - .0 • ~- t,,,,,"? RTOVii iR.
7., r,ll
'n; _ T.l.
Fr' .§'Pao 4gwAAP,—,,lo4AtrrqtriYrp.s
iv 1111'ot each for informatlo by whin!) I can
Maohinco, w ith
'lllll following ""nuittibffit peon- then ': 1006 7
200118—,1 774,24 T/10 ISittnolc,r i nljoili 4-
7 IV* I
log tit Ifir 0: bi paid
by B. Monroe, at WelleboFo Pa.
Nov. 214 1871—tit. • E. A. JINNINOS.
1111 E
Infti itioAtto
the Chr
-Normal &heal, bfauelleld, • will actinienci*
Januari.2;lB72, when nee► students will. is
a favorable time to enter.
woOd`,Erq., of thin box:oak:1i; Wig siiirr, po
for nate or rent. Terms easy.
If you want anything in ,the line
fine ladies' gold watches • and chains, :lel
silver watches, silver ware, fancy goods, dm
to Polcy. Ile has ?ust :dinned from the
and he knows how to buy. cheap and how to
the tastes of his . customers.
"Li.fria4i itiad
STONY FOES . --bll3 8
Thd Mute. Coles, the FataplatJoii ot.
steam saw mill, we noticed not long since,
poiriwided - tri it a trdit -- fot; grinding Ihedi - it
This ikilrbo a gteit - cbrivenienco the pee
in that Thcality: - Co: have ml
another addition to their blacksmith — Shop, 1
now employ five hands in that departinent.
continue turning out wagons, sleighs, die., fal l
than any other establishment in the county:"
salt company will not evaporate any salt by
sun so long as fool is as plepty as at present.
PERSONAL.—We Tilted to, Qall t• e
attentiOngifoliZrksidpct9 it`ttiolo
B. City;fiObr i kinnal(bitg, 0., itiLlAitt - 1.%
Agitator. Mr. M'Cay was admitted to the bar
1,1 tritinpfiry, }and for
,a_ shcrtAm9racipi
'l7l — Catitbit, - 11iddffid"Ciolinty; Pa: Ire lba
young man of energy, well read in the law, a nd
is strictly honorable In Ids businescrelatio • s
with mon, which is a sure guaranty of mos a.
We trust our young friend will fad hie Wcste
home a pleasant and'rematerative One. - -
it Son have completed their new brink- store .n
Main street, in the village of Tioga, Pa., a. d
have filled it with an entire new stook boo
and shoes, which they are prepareci•to diepose
to the citizens of Tioga and vicinity at viol
which cannot, caytioalleas . o etcrer , IA
of the lioeitatabyttiiirn
stook is ilneurpaseed, inoladlng Burt's oelebrate'd
andßopular varieties. They aro also agents f.r
titaikaleldidaidn ..ottazis b. And'
ties wishing to purchase will And at their store •
variety of styles to soled from.—.El Adv.
SNI.TIrIi AND Ctoans.—The internal revenue In
makes it the duty of every person who emptiee
any stamped box, bag, vessel, wrapper or enve
lope of any kind, containing tobacco, snug or
cigars, to destroy the stamp. Mid any . person
who wilfully neglects or refuses to do so; is lia
ble, on conviction, to be fined 09 and tii~ptlsbti
not less than ten days nor morn than 14 months
It also prohibits the sellingn i l tobac,kolhou,wif-p
cigars out of anything bt4tftice orlgthal plata
.atiliffaiiiikaist*pd:aygitYint g,t 3ohj i l a i l s:
Indianapolis, hoi—shall we reach the West?
The best Line is acknowledged to be the 0., B.
ct Qt, joined together. Ith.tne B. & M. Railroad
by the Iron Bridge at Burlington, and milled the
The main line -of the Route running to Omaha
connects with the great Paella Roads, and forms
to=day thq leading route to California. T_he
die Brandy entering Reliraska at .Riattsimouth, l
passes through Lincoln, the State Capital and
will this yirfilMeiffitfiltAlt' e sra taltz
ming theratteffeeitoete ontitt
over 100 miles.
,41P 9 1t`,.°0'f , "4 PE, Em,.. 44T1T10/
Its Oa k , Into a An6iiiiip ii i 4OP6 9910 ,SPAT
soul through Bt. Joulo 'Eta I CU;,
Kansas. Passergers by this route to Rause, see
Illinois, Southern and, by a
alight dirergenoe, can sea Nebraska also.
Lorerti of floe views ehoUld Semember . the j$
lington Route, for its towns "high.gleaming.
ftlitOlarketmatil tn 'LeZflinite4
bluffs and quarries—its corn oceans stretehitig
over tbo prairies farther then eye can reach; ..
14kud,b e tore rtlll4 2 3ane tq remember it, for
theylisieVbfei'alambSttli&two thousand who
have already-bought farms from Geo. S. Harris,
' imismaattaarsouirak:,m;ev:
Burlington, lowa, or among the four thousand
home-steaders at. pre-em mk
pre-emptors who last
firailatfo34- W-Uttateln-000- arki41#(11011•
*''fruitsEain'firi fi erfo'tegik tees tiffdin( WIC'
ju1. 1 :19, 1871.-tf -
Persons who have become thoroughly o4lirod
from any oauge, may laavotkeir,_ . oiretrAtipiLstt
once restored by takixliinttabrilltotaittak,aqtair
spoonful of Jo/insOn's Anodyne Liniment mixed in
a little cold water, wellsweeterted.
Every farmer who owni - a - go4!Itook of horses,
cattle and sheep, and intends te — koep them
through the winter, should get at once a good
stook 01 Shoridan's rineeti.
One dollar's worth will safe atolgistha half Ort i ltf
hay. ; 4 s•
AVo c~I4OKS,,
Altiotim bf early judisertstiou, 4 111161 4 'lei
vow+ debility, premature decoy &0., beviag
tried in vain every advertised remedy, has dls
covered: Amide nsf9f;of self-ens*, oth* `kl . _will AMA's* to; ; 11W epAniv-suftereh. J ar -
Aug: 9, 1971-Iy.
Et!ISE VOA:Mg itic
Booicaiiiiriand ;Setitioskellse,
t i liq No. S, Bowen Cono's tome jolt
rect. amine, nowißottal4eirifiß
ties, every article usually sold is a JIM deo
booliatore. Stationoryolateit,RehonOooktg#,44
sold to country dealers:it •
Sept 20, 1871 tf - "
'biro ad clad of dtseasoa known to Medlin'
oared for sstbosa peoullar to tho fetsalst,organ.
Ism. A silt& MO 011 2 •114 alarliwn de
limy or awe ft. - bilked to
oontlusto a nt i t• w 010 system suffers, and oon.
ior Wife/ ited ,, itirlons
Whiniassesitoioll•siVitUllatlted.'' l - 1 • frz , -
' 5 a 515Z5 (let: et
o bae4..Atalpr.fp , xxv.4o., •.=
tea sp=ssreAdyterossoi. preventive a all
each P Itl -- ` , Wery4here. - Prloo,
^ C - 413 ?- c q ar ra: B 4t. ti trm:2‘.7,:7' frw
ilB ts.m. •
• .1 tot •.: ~.:co o 4 P •
ID -, :a pAPtAltrilintliftiiLAtillE II X' - 1
.Si s rt ois i, ,s: e t , ..'i ,; 4 ~!.
1 4=h tOPO t ft% P rti l A rP 44:llt ea : :'
ber4Prial faummaiiitio; ,n1,44b - pl_ijo i lm,,
to the wurnlsrApfp,l;9os3o - j(lnyleal h failed
'to such sae:tent tliatjutPitystota a n; :0 ottuovd .
me Incurable. I fikil - uted'all sorts f temedlee
1 )
and-erect took a voyage to Californl ; but noth
, 0. 1 1/.441 1 1v,t 41 :401-.. , 'l4' hail ißte ftla
Ptliaa_AliaPMMenos l 4 . k refined t 6 k4blc.' ' but
y ffilialit itlati; WI, 1 - if lila yielded:l Tam
41,411105Niglitit IMO ni fto., e prad PA and-itata
!IPAPSSI4 1,9,„Wi11t sua.itotigm_ 1 4tAs.fifteett
years• ke- - -::t 1 ,:' , :•:-. 1 ;::.
Deo. 6,157.1-lin -
c 7 r La gYI-TOT
„, tioftft., It r - meeting ..,
. • .6. :`• . - A. of the stockholders
~-• • -- ~ ....
' - '-' .. . - ani i tM t iferll l a en
ening year, wilata liellatilut_offide Compiri,y,
in Eklund, Penrall 2 vaniar !Li rday. e .of
January, 1872, at o'clerr ~ e e ell to
est 2 o'clock P' S[.
'... , '' .
Eakland Pa: Dee. 20, 1811.4 t. Sec'y: ”'
For : Sale Cheap
R °ABEL or ood Paper on short time.
e‘: , ; Ar( c ,
- 1
44 ' 0 ; ) 1 2 . Mg.
rthe District Court of the 17nitod - States for the Wei
ern District of Pennsylvania. D , s(4 7 ,2mitter of .311
MP& VatiMi4A6sl4.4 70-ack
o Worn it may concern t un ersignel hereby
givea notice of his appointment as assignee of dustus
M. Bailey, of Mansfield, Tioga County, Pa., Within said
District, who hue_ll4ci4outio,thinkrugmbl
Petition, by the P@l.&%Otatakitald
Dec. 20, 1371.4 w
, 'az=7ll,
Pa.—Nov. 22,1271-Iy.
:.).,..;;;„ ft
at the
,d if
ED ..: B • E wit t il .,o,7, ti A
Hai recently:been improved, antis pOw-Wlthout a daiibe the 'eV best
• , 1:' , ' - 'i
1 L
11 ivet' gets out of ardor, and - will - run a Ilfatinze,tvitiOnt repairs.
Don's u.,
re .. ,
hase a Sewing idaohtt!aorapy, kind until 'pia'iniii se.ii Oa?,
. ~..,
_:.•!, ,-._ 22.) %.;1.
NEW IMPROVED .mlaneane.
~ ::-14)tea.atlintliviedged ohm:Edda Sawing ittsohine of tha,Muld. , : -
Nov. 10,- / .184, ~,..! i li:,-;.:
. .
?, 3ac , -, z,...1. , :„;... ;,_. -Y. .1 , :: •
kid '. l
,i r z 6F1031:' .. •
~ ... .
latreaohed behind • PENYBOT RADIO/11)B OF GOODS, ready to asset a 011ABGB VROM
ALL 'OWL OLD OVSTOSUUte,¢ as many are oneecas may choose to faveritsirtttr'avatt.
• .lohaddittrat. to willatrakiek
. ' . -we make the fellowieginagehietari a!beetgem, OPTIOIALTISOc: ', •
DUOS 4001)4..0: which we have a large tatlity. , ,
(MOTU& & OASSIZILIMOS whist). ws mil hy l ths„- , Yri, cs USA* TO OUT &by the
Meet eapeximoe workmen ea eke mai"' • ---: -, -, ,- • - ,
: . .
• .. -.
rzs- • .
• i•
•-;' •
•, . • • .. r - yam"'
- • : lyooll.q from 25a4:9; .. fo $ 2 '5O Per
~... ..'i . :r., ,. .r, ..-:,, —,..,ir. - ..a.i
• ,
Oir siZok la the LAIIGIIIIV4OiIDB Tilt iliiti'lllOßS TitlittOW2WP of say /fate
Gortitig, Ost 4, 4,m. - ' ' ' • ' • , sitrry at WAITIL
rna ; f•
• .„ - at ..**7 — 1
; -11,7r14
5_ _ _
_ ... ,
. ..
. • ti
•, k I
1-,;:i.,:,:" .(> i
. - ~ a, .
:' - 4 ~:.;.ii, J !„'
al- i ,: i. 474...,
: , ~. I.
..'i cp.,' ~~
.z.~ Ks~
•• ,
- '
I • ‘
, :r., ''••• rt - r• - ,
• ?T:.. -4.,
.:1.t4 , I
' • ' i• ; , . - •
--. ''' ':' . t ' ',•' , . ..' . 7 , I
,f ''
i. . 54 -- 17 i ii
iii, a .. - ve - -.-.--• : ~,, ~ ..t.'„,l . ~,.
ess ~..,11.00114iik,,C1p11:ProaLES 2
2 ' o •P_,, ...T., 41 ". 00 - 2 .. ~..., ,:-. •, ..
...f -- ' - ' - : ~, .
71,0 r aikiffilisi*Rskritk—jhrnch and4*ll•4Pqpiint t /appinefs - ailka,
litey-thiored and Praernrestailio t .
-..- ...
„.„ ~.?^%,;" s".• .
altommoes ronel4ailma bare boom sold for before., 1 , V0.1p50p.0911 Use of
- ..- ..._. •
.1, Ira
. 1 11 t 0S.. 91,..:a.. 9 —", - relate Notions, Boots and Shoo k
, Haanet (Nos.:,
Hosiery from- •
. 7 i 17-- ,'-i • -: .. • ..,• ...1 1 / 4 .: '... ~ • ~. ~. ' '
19 to 119 iits:---; Crldldiotio' Shope frtta .1411 , 1- to 94 2 9.
114 ti lima ...:-.... $9,60 to sB,6e. . :Mitifibinc ..... . :44...... . .'..;:19,, OIL to PAO.
114ms'rfilio!rfrono ./7974.7 1 :.''. 1 ,;:. -ISAAC , . Caps from '' -:.;:. '.`:...... -69 sus to $1,95.
-7, ~ 1 0. ••/
Bo ; , 13 64 1 84 " L 44! • 1 ' 6 1 1 A" .%i.t 1.1...7,_ -: ;::. _'-'-. -
% ' ,
k, - ,,i 1 . gerials '. • . at, anpieaedented Low Trials.
1 4: -,-,,, : ••.• ! -?,
din -........,.....
I .r i tady - cliade; . ciofg- rweAbundanoe
„.. " .., *.e * 1....,1,•- , '' - ,'. -.- , ..A ..- •
Ye d 'WU. ikotory for ' ......10 sta. , tsllft4got GWiliiiiii).-:.a...!:.i!4 - '' - - •24 Oti:
Pei to ON ..... :..... .10 oto. I il'AVdsigtet OitiAlititi9l(4lKlN4) 81 to tag,
•••44kabits,ta....*•,-..-•#oi , k.
. ,
• • •- - - litilig ~ ;., --
'''.'.), ..11 - :i - - . .:;.*7- , •••;;;; • ';•; - ;•. -•-• -
. Choir Oreitime ...EU., ._ . ...
iuial.. "1.;,......... au.tac,au, Coirwiti Iti3lie ' ....,........,
oRr.P . ,;• -.......: —AR cm. .;', troloiiodlitintio.- -,. .- - - --- -,
.., ~.
tent Mt ikt c vi%li t ko ktst i t opiii oak Soaps, alptiftwt:,.. : '• , -...,,: --:
`4.. I'll * ' •z . ,,C t& 4
atotto;l4 Atoll. doollas, low prim, sui striet attoution•ra tbuotpost,": latch . :11. airip
LY4trlM'il 11 , 5 r;t:'.. *127)7 • - r.r..' ' ,
I ',T, :2 !::"J " -t" ',': OT.
r.rt .7
, , Y
tivito iiodr Y pitirt irialt- y
oilit3rtilui la oar lirm, to drop 1117211 tai4 I Zook titiottgit oat ow itiilto altos pleated to Rum our ',Goods.
iliifiW, i101..4.,-lati.
. Oa
•.; t 1,
THE liElv ni:Puov ‘ilto
In the world 114',Oka4rd'pil
Deets!. 'every kind :of *oil: with the I t TrOuble I.`
J. IC. TILLOSON, Qen'l Alsikik:Likko
ow" Aim% ivepooo,
ji tirricEtt
. 7 . 11144:tsi•
.1- _-t. .
• • • di r;::-.,'. • ,
, .
Wo are now fally Armed Ida' Equippol far tb.
-:;"" -- 1.0"11
alloy and 511910000418,..-„z
f pr .. - I ' l4 2 fist.e, Qhild ren, G in g es i nar a itoy
. • . ;.,
ril ~:..,:. ;1;.;
r. • i •..•)
One Hundred Pieces=
• f:
~:;'s~u.. 1.~
q.% v -
~ .
I Vi
OP. Xi` •
- ere 4 112)
0 -j
1. , -. ‘...,
•••e• _
N.A f ty . . W . W
• ?' 41' ' -
- stioNvaDaY:
• • .
• .„‘
'"ftif as OattOZl: •%. 3PC)therf-.
IstU,A4ol,2l.l%tif CONIPS .BLOC .11ZZ8190210, A.
; •
i ~.T ~.i ~~L.
' V ''. ':' ,- 'i' ''S. I I t' '' ' , '''';
• ,
Fall Campaign
iibli itocik;fdatsimilit
~..~. ~-:.;
r , r _
-L. ,
tItiJUST rawatvga, AT
s ".•
GOODS ! i.
~,. ,S sM.:i^-3.rl` ' w r<~l'Y4. I+'.~.~st: z ~F~
rte. -
~: ~~~
- ',•i , ''-'' . ; i 1...'1. :!:::! t ' '-.';. ': '-'
~.,; i'; ( 4 sl 1 t ',,,?' '.
s -
w. i. =aura co.
TA" pleasure in announelni to tile oltlsel
— of Witisboro,arkd vicinity that Huey have
Purith . ared tite,entirestrick' of • .
*MI* eitned by : P. 81 Willtame,-ead Are ed.
Aiarg to the eteek a, Om *tie at Geode, iintOtt
lag or •
Acre' Drugs,.'l e int Ifidioinee Yamikes
•Noflooss; Pei s. Oils, rarflike,
Finds }D
tilm u l t i v.„ol 4 ...._ *as s :Rept in, ", arty
m " s' l 1,
Wall Rapp. Malmo Shades anti Arturpot
we cannot - horandeliold. ' Call and einunlize
lksodnond prim "afore purchasing allpirbenn,
Pacebralca attention Pnid to Physietne Priosarip;
1101114 !Ant/veil:pounded:it all Ileum -;
"At patronage of the phblie '
A . M. kgrAilr.
• -Sill -squire's, •
Foreign do Domestic Liquors
Wtnes, to., to.
Aar Fine Old Whisktes,
Yta l4l itivnis z i, I 00Bilita, N. It.
Every-year increases the popularity
-of this' vuable Hair Preparation;
Which is d ike to merit alone. We otus
assure onCold patrons that it is kept
fully up to its high standard; and it
is the only reliable and perfected prep
aration fbr Vestoringc Grcs.r oit FADED
EWE to its
. youthful color, making it
_ loft, lustrous and silken: The scalp,
;Wite use, becomeS white and clean.
It !mines all eruptions and dandruff
and, by its tonic properties; prevents
the hair from falling out, as it stitatt ,
lutes and nourishes the hair;glendzi.
By its use, the hair grows thicker and
stronger. In baldness, it restores the
capillary glands to their normal vigor,
and will create a new growth, except
in extreme old' age. It ,
is the most
economical Hats DlnEssise ever used,
it, rekinires feWer applications, and
" gives the hair a splendid,_ glossy
pearanee. A. A. Hayes,.ll3l, State
Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The
constituents are pure, and carefully
selected for excellent vality; and I
consider `it the BEST YEEPARAT/ON
' for its intended purposes."
sad by an Druggists, and Dealers to Illectioinss.
Price One Dollar.
Buckingham.'s Dye
,As our Renewer in many oases re
quires toe'long a time, and. too much
etc.; tosestoregray or faded Whisk
ers, we have prepared this die, in one
preparation; which will quickly and
effectually accomplish this result. llt
is easily applied, and produces a color
which will neither rub nor wash off.
Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty
Manufaotured by R. P. HALL. & 00.,
SAakuit, N.S.
Luso% 186-17.
0, .• A 4.4.
a .E
^oi c::. r. ~ 15 0
6 t ; Fi . F. - 1 , -: 74. §. r,.• gi a t o ' /
.. 4 7 0 ri we Cr 10 a . r-4 4 ., .04
g,§:1 3C6 3,
a. -• : 01 1
• C.) I"
: .. e, . „ 0
of" Pot 0 4i
Al ; b i g 1 1 1111 i h
Iti - 5 . .„ 1 A.A 44 . 1.,
0 3 k g g I i Q Bw, 1
„ ct s
O .
0 Q tp t
4 -,, NO . ga, oS ri
01 4810% it /V
igt 1 6 4 °' 0' P• 4
4 * Q a lQ sa 11ml 1 8 Z
I S tCa , i t psi F"+li ih Ir.
Fr 13 e 120 4-3 $4 4ok ,74. Fi l 7.
~ , , ,-.4. ••-, ~, 12 a 0 • a • r
= = i vr(
. d . a •-4 ci if t -,..1 r : ,, ... .... 4 ,
A large number of Cutters,. and Platfurtu
Spring and other Wagons for' tulle. H. H.
BordeadfTioge ' atid'R. Wheeler of Lawronou.
elite. ageute'. 0411 at the above plums, or my
chop In Wellsboro, And examine work Woo
purchasing elsewhere, 0. J. WIIIIIRLER.
Dee. 6, 1871,4.17.,
: r 1 49 XCIIIIIITS, T 4 2 ,10117011114 IbUlat TOPS,-..
411 o th er Marble *or* exeent d neatly, and ",at
reiteolkable- rater. We alio furnish to ordef,
Marble atttithtt• litasteje; Gratee,"Feeders, ae:
`. 1 •":, . ..r 17 .:1 , 1 I. R. BATCHELDER.
Nov. 22, 1871,441ai. P. A. JOHNSTON'. :
Valuablekhoire,and lot oa. the • corner of
and Walik streets. Bald property
allt tie sold lamp: ilor terms, so., apply to 'the
on the prentlies.l Pi K. Wll GUT,,
;Witt, 11, 101-4 f. , '
A. &
Bat ! °holder. & Johnson,
TROPItIiToBr Or Tfl 13
• • opposite Found t rr; '
WELL ns 80, .Tl4Xla. COtrlitY;
"0. I. Nurciniti; Art,
The Oheapeei Plate _ln thplititte
For PhotogtiOil
RDO - for 00 sents:' Urge Pletartms and
t.P frames An. $l. Old imietures *VW. eri
/Inv, and dabbed fa the finest style.'• New
stylefttunes and everything kept in a gallery on
baad; I?r {lied to ordtc.
INGRAM & 00.
, i 1
r 1 f
Issues ?Dile4es In Ant•einas Companion at as
as any
will gran t . Insuranea.
Jiro. L DiriCrifELL.
:in . .
woors GMBH! °
Room ovor GarAnor's grows , I . 6iro.
Pos 1 1871 tf WoilibotoiPa
Photograph Gallery I
Ou Jo,
/am thra 101:1%
Ptctutres end frastes.
Ola Videssoti oolikaa and 01-
loggd to any,ektfb.
htelAs 11.01t31. h.03./k010),
15 %alio strosta
May 11,1
sToo VOJTA, PA. •
lianursotaroro of .
1 I
: • -t • ••'' . - . , a 7 • Buggies, -Sulkies,
-4A: •
Opr Wagons,
1 ---
- .
e prepared to — do estythkig in elm line
nedoe and to the beet moaner. Satie•
• ntecid.-
We a,
LES,. --- 4. - / ---- ttOreibbtoro.
INS dh, 0
York,-1 ,
t a
-11 15, MI:
W gtt niters ill "Weyer Oetoo.
, . I
r_ T - 4. V k you - trick the latest arAgseateel med.
1..1_ iced disoevai4 of the age f
Dr. Atic - L. Bacon's Magid Pain
• iliamedy.
. _
It wares wilds, diptiteria, *ramps and pains In
,;f,e atemaah, indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery,
summer complaints; cholera morbus, cholera,
0., as, by magic. As an adorned appiliation
fir frost bites, chilblains, spiaini, bruises, fel.
ors, rheumatism, Isiah headaahe, toothaehvnes
raigia, pain. in-thel side,
batik and lola*, in a
practise of six years, it ha's baea 'found to be
si:tend to no prepirstiom ever offered to the
Oblio. _ •
The proprietor ofd this mod:Leine feats warran
t d to gee.ranteeing it to be thi host remedy; for
tkke above diseases 14 the market.
:11arictritstared and per up only by Dr. M. L. l
traeon, Bleasburg.
Wholesale agento;Ballott, gooier di
119 Ohamber street; New York, W. D. Teibeill
Co., Corning; N. Y. Saly 11,11 'ly
laglam's Woolen Nillsl_
- 13 subaarlbeea
Casein:Levee, Fla
eyitleo minutia
ill pay
aals Aka &a
as awanl---
suitu4stotuers. A'
sensed They .tuts
1: work warrautod estop
* particular attentiolt to
ator Proof '
lob "to warrants(' ovary ;esprit. .Pitrtloo
la/ attozalcvn air= to .;
K61614'6. ,ARDING
(NOHAM'S large et
; r seat leis than any
As represented.
!IWO 111.1, 'rn Wei
tads of ItOlf-Carding
y oompetttton.
lINGFIAMS have as
:aro to order,. and do all
End Clot t Dreesl29l 4 sad
- good 4.4 aesertateat of
Isimaree, tic,
.• . .
o t
d giro more for Wool to axe ante that any
er estelliebateat. Tky theta axe)
d satisfy your.
tvia. - • 'I
11011,1113 allolosala and IOW) at the Clow ! ,
Iszea9ao Mil s, 2 miles below Knox/Tan,.
put moo, 'are mann ( tiled, and' sold by tile
followlay p nous:— . I -..
' 0. 1 • fLICLLRY, Wollsboro, Pi:
. 'T.L. II ALDWI as 00., Tioga, Pa.
J. 0. 111211111EVII,Coviagtan,Pa.
) Jeri:laid. Jan 1.11441-ti
Full °laths, 0
_ Ii~R~,~$ ; . J
• now zotiekvltig from
sortmeit of.
-itc ° Z .w 3r
411 D
Litivii'v Goons,
h ah aha offora to tinl pablia at
Everything isaailly fonat in es
- - . •
11 be kapt on band an , sold tow for
loos. and Gibbs pring madams tot Isla
, to rant.
' ellaboto,
Itstide *O,
ek oftleselnieres, &e .41
omlietitore, earl Bursar.
New York, •...Zvi