The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 20, 1871, Image 2

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' Cai 4
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(it 0104 'CP PVT
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, ,
P. 8. TAN 881.888, Editor and Proprietor.
_ TWffilitesilayi Dec. 20, 1871.
Twe;ed is i o prison:
. .
Fass..llEl9.—Hon. • ..11cnry ether wood,
C., has Our thanks (Q copies of the
Weshiniton daily Globes'
Jo n Bigler, ce-Governdr of Califor
nia, and brotheCnt
,ex-Governor Wm:
Bigler, of this litate,Aled at Sacramen
to, California, ou the SOth of,Novem
'ilie'R.epublicans of Bedford county
have announced themselves in favor
of. Hon: Francis Jordan as the Repub.
lican.candidate.for next Governor. See
their iesolUtions in another column.
Ws'havec engaged l one of thS ablest
cOrresponiiiints in' the cotintry td fur
nish leiter'from the national caps
fal every *ea. We intend to ;pare no
etrort to wake our paper the medium of
fully posting our readers upon every
matter of public interest, ,
Sow completely olvilisation makes
men brethars: Even Peru has centri
bute4l.lo,oo* in aid of the sufferers, ,by
the Miring° fire:. People Whom we are
accustomed to think of as livingalmost
out of the. world; have' heard of ••our
dountrymentsi calamity, and stretched
out a brotherly hand to their rescue.
The National Connell of the Unto
Lewis' of America met at the Conti
nental hotel, Philadelphia, on the 14th
instant. The National officers were '
eledted for next year. A series of reso
.ltlo?uts were, ttdopted,!, endorsing the
Adtfilcdatratlon of Geu. Grant, and
pledgiFg_tho,,UniOna ! eague to sustain
the Republican nominee, whoever he
may be,- for President in 1572. The
council then adjourned to meet the
'clay before the next National Conven
tion of the Union Republican party.
- 4
.Borrie of our exchanges say that Con
nolly has 'turned State's Evidence and
paade a full confession of the Tammany
timid ; others say he is preparing his
confessiOn in writing, and that he will
give it to the public in a few days.-
-Another paper says both of tilt above
statements are untrue, as he Is alting
patiently for the reduction of his bail,
so he can be released from jail. Which
of the above statements are true, we
leave it for our readers to judge. We
venture this much: if th e charges
against him are substantiated; we do
most emphatically believe in mailing
an example of him, and also of the rest
who sailed In the same craft.
Fire in Patterson, N. J
The Franklin mile, in Patterson, N.
J., caught fire early Tuesday morning,
the 12th Instant, and before daylight
were totally destroyed. In these mills
eleven different firms, representing as
many separate branches of industry,
were engaged in manufacturing. The
tames spread from the mills through
Howell and Hayes's brass, copper and
sheet iron shop, and thence to the three
story building In the rear. A strong
east wind drove the flamed against the
western elope of Morris mountain, set
ting fire to the grass, underbrush-and
trees. The total loss Is $200,000, and
nearly 200 men are left without em
ST. Louza;,Dec. 12. 7 -Information has
been received here of a terrible affair
in Salina county, Nebraska, which oc
curred during the recent intensely cold
weather. A party of emigrants, with
their families, were passing through
the country westward, when, the cold
constantly Iporeeslng, they concluded
to camp and light a fire. They were on
a piece of high prairie ( several miles
from any' house, but thiee miles from
them was a piece of timber land. ,
After unhitching their teams, the
mew started - - for`this timber to procure
fuel. Not returning for_ several hours,
the woman left their children and star
ted to hunt them. This is all that is
4nown;save that the next day the ho
dies of seventeen persons, who died
from the intense cold, were found. The
children who were left .10 the wagons
were the only survivors of the party.
This doctrine imposes upon the peo
ple who accept it, the solemn obliga
tion to violate civil law, to set them
selves up in opposition to the ordinan
ces of the, Government whenever the
Pope shall ;pronounce hI a infallible
judgment against any one of those or-
Ilinineesnpon moral or religious
grounds. It is the assumption of pow
er on the part of the Pope to proclaim
a higher law, which, according to the
dogma, his children must obey, though
such ordinance involve treason to the
State, and the 'overthrow of the Gov
ernment. This doctrine is shocking to
the moral sense, and ti t ikkes us back to
the dark ages of the wqrld; and is not
only an insult to common sense, but
strikes at the common civilization of
our times. It can't prevail.
The bill now under consideration 1n
the House of Representatives at Wash
ton, to appoition the members of Con
gress to the several Sates, provides
that after the 9d of Dfaroh, 1873, the
House shall consist of 281 members, to
be apportioned as follows :
. . 5 1 Hentnoky ......
Now Ilasnpshtre 2 Tennessee
Vermont 23 Indiana
Massachusetts... I J-- 11(111in ois
Rhode Island... 2`l Mil so nrl
Connaottout • - C-Arkansas
New York i iii Michigan
Now Jumpy .. ..... 7i Bl orids
Pennsylvania 281Tezu
De1aware.......;..... 11Iowa '
if arylan4 • ' 81Wiltoonsin ... ....... ....
Virginia. .. ~,.., ..... ~... 9iCalifornia .......
north Car01na......„ 8 Manuel& -
South' Catelina..Z. - .: 474 5 Oregon -
Georgia ......... ..... - 9 Banns •
Alabama 7 West Virginia
Mississippi 6 Nevada
Lostislatt...... .. . .... . . 6 1 1Myruks 1- - -...:....
Ohio .. ..tl9]
Two *actions, providing for an in
orease of members in the present. Con
loess, were stricken out. It is believed
the bill will pass in its present shape,
pr with but slight .alteration. Penn
kffslvanta wp.ins.tws• n;ornbowindor
Senator Tiumhull ttea opened the
war in the Unitell,Atater 'enateefale4t 1
President C. 4 ttid O g i?
from his tirade ettet il4l:Oftti.t, - Ptetlo l l
the crusade agiOthil i ,i
is to be, we.nitty've4th rhSfutk..look3:3it
a dirty and a deeper:fie effort to.damage
Generat OrAnt it,fork. the people. But
R}iWf;:ti ii47,-Itritliiiiiitieelfill
tnitt.ltlltit it vet", and not the
limit pr•ople refuse to,
t.14.vt . ,4-,...! I can the,
.ire..eleatett:iiieveaLt - ..The tnitaifief the
Republican part.% huvr resolVed to qty
tan ser.ults, and all the Trupbulle
in tilt+ -14.1 d cat, uttainte. theirMeter'
ruination. --;Marl Tt€,
As we priefoo paper 'text Wseit,',titis!
Eli:niter will close tlie 18th "voiitme of
the Agitator; silt' yealis of' Which time;
we hate tpeelit';nnected with itshiSto
tory During ihe , - exls,tence of this pa-
Per; ha 4 cost an immense amount of
t rd labor and thousands of dollars te'
place,it upon a pas tog baste. Mr. M.
El. Cobbla statement in 1869, shows the
concern...barely coveredexpetises up to
1864, and tbht year it came•out s4oo4:te.
hihd. In January, 1866; 1 iwil =joined
is Cobb in the publication of the pa,
'pef,and at the_espiration of that year
the books showed that the buslneiiihad
More than dobbled. .This restili'Was
not' brought, 'abciiit 'b hlgh`dharilng,
as our ',pees were much lessithan those
of other ofllees, with one-half tl*Clren
lotion. The jobbing in 188,5amoilpted ,
to about , $509, and-0 the folisviring yehr
i t sea! tIJo $.2, 500 e c TAO elni'tllatle43io.ii
also steadily, increesedriwithotit 101141i
tatioh; and the omce to day Is a large
and spacious room,. containing• double
the amotint of materiel and macthinery;l
belnisging tit the concern When we Catheil
ritb, it, in 1886. -
I We do net purpoSe to-stop liere=k4 it I
is 4 lid has' been .''our' aim tO Aildl
up au ()Zee 10 Wellaboro that Would `'
lieAectori to none out of the citlea: - 'ltti
business is now too extensive to,beeon•
dutqc;i uy otie wen, and for thii reason
alone• w s;ltave taken a partner,,,to ,1911 - 4,
us on the first of Jaguary, thattwemay
make a still better paper, and:exteng
the business lir the other .departments, :
There Is no egotisirian .theleregoing
sketch of the fortunes of ;the paper, as
tile credit for Its sticeess beloilge to the.
people of Tioga county as-Well as to its
publisherA. It has been - te inwaver
ing friend of 'the masses ft ' m the houi'
of its birth:, It has held the good tkl i cal
to be higher and of greater it - ec4 f iliti
than the good of any.. man. ‘ l '
!To suit all classes in , the management et
of a new :paper would be impossible.—?
If we have, fulled in, soy --ease:',to do,
right, it was an error of-tilt4eadialitt
not of the heart. Our film h always
been to print an impartial paper, and.
do as tit; old adage has it—" , be sure
you are ri ht, and - then go aheatt"
If the l ieonle'kelli sustain us in .our
efforts the corning year, we shell work
hard 6) enlarge the Agitator clitither
col - lawn to the page, at Its present sub
scription price. To do this will incur
alreavy expense, as we shall be com
pelled to add to the office a larger power
press and a Steam'engine, to . aCcOnitno-.
date the enlarged paper. • •
Thankful for the very generous pa
tronage accorded us the' present year,
and wishing a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year to our readers, we
bid them adieu for 187 i; i
The New York 'newspapers received
the.followleg sums from the Tammany
Ring during the last three years :
San ....
Evening Poet
livening Mall.
Comtnereidl Advertiser,.. .. : ...... ....
Evening Telegrani....
Journal of Commerce
Evening Transcript , b 35,358 00
Star Publishing Company 247,1348 91
New York Daily News ' 309,338 31
New York Democrat (dead) 178,905 77
The Sunday SiercurYl2B,79B 80
New York Express ... 112,244 18"
The revenues of the whole Philadel
phia press from the city government,.
for ten years, would not amount to
what is paid to one paper in N. Yoik,
for three ; and No - question if the reve
nue of the entire: newspaper press of
the State, for official Municipal adver
tising. and printing, equals that paid by
New York city. Such facts illustrate
the beauties of 'Delnoetatic economy in
goVernment.—Ex: '
Senator Sumner has made a move in
the right , direction, in introdticing a
bill to reduce internal taxes and lessen
the expensJOf collecting the remain
der: His particular plan is to abolish
all internal taxation
. after the first of
July next, except stamp dutiei, and to
incre,ase those on apirits to eighty cents
a gallon, to
,dispense with the income
tax. after 4an uary 1, ./. 2 872, end with the
whole ;item! Aevepue Buteau,inolu
ding the Commissioner s ,Deputy Com
missioner, and all the subordinates, ex
cept one Collector ,for each State and
Territory, after the' Bret of September
. We have not at hand the figures up
on which
s i n
to calculate what amount of
revenue ay be expected from the
stump du les thus modified, and it wo'd
be Imp° ible at all events to estimate'
it with y approximation to certainty.
Eighty eats i probably more than
could be iongstly collected from whis
ky, even with the present force of de
tectives, Without the aid.of such offi
cers to guard against frauds, this source
of re venue would be rtill more precari
ou . '
, If distillers and dealers were all hon
est, Jhis stamp tax would probably
yield not lees than the amount received
from spirits last year, which was up
wards of $46,000,000: ' . .llnfortunately,
however, they are not, and it may well
be doubted if Mr. Sumnerla system of
stamps would yield so much as $40,000,-
000 in all. , • I
... 10
.. 9
- 12
Yet we say it is a id:oVe- in the right
4ireotion ; for so long as tho'Ciovern
nieut,by a slight increase
.in the tariff
upon such luxuries as highivines, cham
pagnes, cigars, silks, &0., and upon a
few other articles which are so largely
produced • in this country that the for
eign sellers must pay' whatever duty is
levied upon them, could Wise the en
tire $270,000,000 • required to carry on
the government and pay theinterest on
the debt and on the sinking. fund, we
need extract .no mom from the people
in the form of internal taxes than It is
deemed advisabli to pay•yearly toward
reclining the principal of the debt:..
Mr. Bontwell thinks an annual re
aucitofk of:nftY Lothians all, sufficient,
and the country tollysigreos arithbitn.
„ „
. .
7 sr.~.*-. . _
• $34,105 4S
34,092 29
64,707 40
33-.1. i 1.-:41.7.± , :.-
x: Sit tikp e c'. tail. pertp3o * 011114 too
bir,A l it -Won 144. 4 7+ 0 teits l o l 'gti .ek• to re•
lit i kti It kfA i 14.)PAtt.! , 1 u ti ifi !I I\ .4"Plriiii tai u ed
fr(4 1 1;
,IYikix . O,' , : tti)ie!t ,#aitilitmut thirty
;i! i tifpu t e)l , Ftl We 1. 4 ~ 'VitVi'vv.l. 1 4g t. k ,, a more
eii!roltift i o-MtiNt r
rite, sine ly.f ./ .1".1!,-r, ii Ittoutit:Aeture4
cheaply. ~%..iii.d-'-0- ..x , ,:l'rtvret-i it great
-•• .. . tttieeva;*.iti
wand for tilt. g.i.i 2. ..r • t.. f.4.oit i erlzt. im
certainly a Large 'nut 4 itiNiliiteiW ,
revenue can_ be epared..,,44-0 1 P4APX
tfie•ofilistrif& tbe:liinittrb - e - itinitim:
' ' liiiiitiltlelleY MO intWadi.ll3l4 - 1 . 4)50.
;iiiile•ii`lh , oi# littitifidl`eilierdity which
had the eanie objettlie 4 be - vi , . L:, The_: . tel 7
- . graph doeifiabt elciirtliWdettilaofilile
plaii,. , but file- szlett4;tilion •the subject
are well known. `4!fer*iidld'reLdii . tee An
tßrnal taxes te'tbe . -Viiifgoiqat:ppisitble
teto9, and at an early dal alk,iiiih them
'altogether, - =.deilittdiet :-entirebo l t*9 - n
entipms . 'dittlett. .This - is- sonti l d' : :and
praglical statesmanship.--Preim •
In conformuncexithrthe call
.431 , the
Chairman': of the equntY,
the .Republicans of , L i7Beciforg ,caunP'
met iu Prlttsl3_ ineeting„"ja„tht, Court
House, to rejoice/ with one, another,
over the glorious 7 •
Resolved, El ythe i ßepubficantrof Bed
ford county, ; ,t# mks ,tnetttlug nspfflm
bled : • •
uti...Tinkt we, ce*rtituLlite- Me Re`
Publican party. Pf.t,bAX,9#0 1 4 2 4.4001
upon the Iseries•of recent ibrilllertv'll'ic
toriesi:Willoh At 'hap Obtitlued: **she
ontOpalgnjwit closef.difoiteha4ol4l l / 1
greateettlumplanaB72i > , • -' ,
2nd. That'iVelhayelull...fattifin the
has been marked tvitivgreat. ability
and econbmy, the •depattMents
of governtnenV . eyincin)reonnd states:,
inanship, pure .patriotieni, - and lirawer.
vial; 'fidelity to principle, andtwe - phidge
to hitu.our united eupportlowardiribis
re-itleetion in the coming ccinteet,c.
ad; That we'congratulate the Refoub
-1 Hoene of Bedford County. upon thegal
lant tight which - they readeinrthe late
campaign, and - the gicnions - triumph
which orowfltd their efforts, resulting
In the redemption ofthlibitherte
oeraticetronghold;:) .; r el - '7!
Resolved, That as citizens of Redford
county—the friends: nn d i neighbors of.
thnllon. Francis jordati,nmong whom
irt___ ltit_,
he was - iAT - iir land reared,"Yandvracticed
his profession fo any , Sfatire-44 take '
pfkuliar pletuitire an ride In •'preEien-
GI og -, hi nr -to Abe - Republicane of the
State as' one pre-eminently quallited to
fill with credit to: Ilitilself and iidvan- 1
tage to the COMmonwealth, the Culler!:
material Chaltimf Pennsylvania. ' His
early, ' constant .41tid ' licialCibfauppoyt
and advoeaey 'me Mel great principles of
Republicanism= -hie experierelei ins. "Abe
State Senataloodalegittlatiri mtayste;
matt?, ailigent antVcereful attention',
b the dischargrent lib; publlo -dutles.--,'
the satisfactory mapper in ',whichgha
has filled the arduous. and responsible`
position of Secretary of ,the Core Men:
wealth—his knowledge of the law, and
the wants and, interetits of thorkltatO
and his, high .character for trtotality
and integrity; pambltie Ito render., him
a standard-beareeireeVery_Way , vioroiy,
of the Republicenpart?' • , ...
Reserved; That DavldT. lamb, Eiti.,
be the Representative Delegate: to Abe
next State Convention, and that S.: 1.
Jordani Jintet Af.'":Barndollar: arid B.
R: Ashoom Allies., btkonferetit to Inept
conferees froni the-other comities - Of
this Senatorial District, to select a Sen
atorial Delegate to said Convention,
and that they are iristruoted to support
the nomination" of the -Ron- Francis
Jordan for Governort . • I ' ,(,,
The meeting was efgreat enthusiasm,
and heartily enjoyed by ell present.' ' '
Our Washington Letter.
W.tIIHINGTOI, (D. C.,)De0„,14, 1871
23,225 70
94,309 27
8,035 50
The spectacle now presented by Ti
S. Senators who are anxious to inruthe
wheel of pOlitioal favor, that,tbey may
come to the top In the approaching nag .
tional eleetioni im another proof. that
the.. old Adam of selfishness is :still
strong in man. sears, umbull,
Schurz and Tipton, in ,this Senate cau
cus yesterday, made such special ; plead
ing against the Grant administration,
that even some of the con slstentlYirn
orable Deniocrats bays cipenlyespress
ed disgust - at their course. The Area=
hiand 'resolutlian i , of Trumbull whs yo
led down in ca ucus, and yet hee x and
Schurz, who . supported.,lt
malned in the caucus', and no 14t was
made - except hy - Tiiiton., As
these gentlemen ark' tionorible men,"
it was but ?Milo ncilade, Ault - 1014
remained in the•Cifietts' after if 'ti*tin
guished the firebillad, they would abide
its decision in'quiet. Bat the rules oi
consistency have eget failed to gdYitrif
greatness, and hence the ''firebrand
siness was immediately transferred
from the caucus to the , Senate again,
inhere it was re-lighted. by' these•-gen
tlemen with the aid of Democratic
store whose interest 'it Iv to•lati , the
flames of discord and make them . out
shine if possible the glory of - Republb
pan progress. Scuator Sehur4,- fo r
whose benefit a bill is introdueed•idu
thorlzing an amendment to theVeristi
tution,making foreigners eligible tothe t
, Presidency, is most conspicuous at
tacking" the -Grant _ administration.—
Surely these are most honest and hon.
ornble men, andmeed highei Offices.-
20,465 17
23,577 10
13,177 37
77,301 97
3,946 58
Delegate Hopper has postponed' his
return to Utah until 'tlie Christmas re
cess. There are-indications that the
Mormon problem will be solved by the
voluntary abolition of polygamy by
the Mormons, providing that the crew.
tion of the new, State. ptleppt, Is al
lowed to take the place ofjlitkprceent
Territory on equitable principlus.
_ The pamphlet of Governor Alfred
Towifsend, letting daylight upon the
operations in Utah, will have a benefi
cial effect in getting for the Mormons,
fair play from Congress in the, settle
meet of their trout:doom° questiOnv- 1 -
He tells Mr. Hooper plainly that poly.
gamy must be abandoned, or Utah will
The envelope,manufaeturers
like the • economy of, the Government
in making envelopes and, selling •them'
cheaper than - the ,trade can ,famish,
them. This is perhan ono,otAheievl
dencee which the Pemeaftley an 4
aids would like tp hint at se impailtioll
and a fraud on the people. , The 1411411111•
facturers are making atstrong eirort,to'
get Congress to charge tenper 'cent.
profit on envelopes pad" by Ito . This is
not exlictly a cry, of ex travagancei, but
shows that retrenchment bas been: she
ruling, power at ileast in. thicitensxt
the:people's convenience.
A Senatorial Republican
held on- Mondays? And adjourned over
until yesterday; tetrefiebinent
and reform. oblation' litittoddecid`44
z i•-• • "Trumbull was the special earn
1 1.- .
~, 47 3 42144N4TAAVt
1' i - '
Jed consider . a-d a i ! naPp•deba 0 re.
a t
sulte4 new f. ,af pp ~('' moutti l p,:t
13etrio t Atr ~f •••• ' Alk, ,
~ ~" etiOafd,
ed aatreiOnrigirtrit I t"ja it!. t,rathint, i
AO Ateliiits t lOrte , Mink q o d, 04110 1 :
eroiiittOeVie latitWeii litraiWir4;
who,4nsilletilfaii the Inv 4gationa
profvix.."44-tivere ll I rea 41 y ill progress, and
.shduld.Ata-antied forward Li' ' , , -'
=l . - id adt#- .4 leve4) ,! •••
LAIL [p, ~taaderßcß y ai Wt
aid •
ateAtA,ltlOklit.-§o l4 o# l
. „ . p ... er dirairdon.l4, toll a 11 • Obit.
can etibeuitbciititait it tinttnd::by
the nifattfis - dtiondintintitir - liredeelalon
was reacbsilititteitlay, w ben the
reeolution4etted ,i4pd its
friends, int 4,61,4114 in4ol.744llriesult o.
bolt tbe - leiknons AO , slotit Acir_tolors:
Senator r rlOoniklotie . OoLtedi
Tlie fly-4144vk, - poor., 0. 6- day,.
which paper. on e , 44-;desvisifs4l:7lA the
Tweed dyngetilu.New4,ork, admitted
that a change of its pkoptletorship lx.•
came, ne•Cessalilas z if 4ilitife - Onv,enient
t&iip6§l44Etft'itirenotilatvY in.gan at the
natitiffaivispltuli'potitainsltOhlinn lea',
der on the..euhjeiMoritepobli - oan cor
ruption ! This is to be expOted from
such a toidee,' & Is
it fkultUral for this.
branch-. of , thooDettincritcy't to hold up ,
the hands , or a - sote.head ;opposition;
but the boldness of' , the, offer , of assist-.
Ithcels - stril worthy of special - remark.
Thja new pditionof :TAW many bribery
eAtil!VOrtuptiotti thus Ogkilly thaltee an
offer to tvgdUltre i tat ElePublicetieet the.
close of the aTtiols referred, to_:. " AO
every investrgaition, atidilf i Is stiffed,:
:impeach the. lintreYeteft the. .1 100 ,.,5ee•
trust. . l lor,cruNisgotto** o l. They
.dalt." .. , ~,* ~-,i c .- w .
This le,ticp ''l'atntiPhy„l t islo: eg•
Cause it li• ybfiF iraireet - tO Ull down
and dtstrpy„.,NPA, , w i tr 'Mrs;
t h
therefore , uiii •gi 9, .'"Voitr Mg
- vidiml 1 1, 1 1 4' 1 " 'it 6 174 P a
mount . '. , ii - lase ; and
hence Ta ii ii '7 • Srltdflr Oil ,pipposei
to make ityour into tp_work for a •
_piece beild427`tEkeit. keeking 'tvitteuness
and the Shatheral-delith'tO w hich ,they
have been . - ciOnelined by an outraged
country. " •- 2 - ' ' '
. ' 'ti . "leas ,;Leon:
Official no pp, r eceived at
the State D , . artment' that the treaty
with Mexico ' for: the settleMent of
has •',.-,.- iSktended for a year
and a half Etom nuat,,Pcbruery,
' The 'UPiteff - States am!. *Utah Com
misSicin ilnkihed theft Beset= yester
day. In theva4eof :Henna vs.. the U.
States, the Counnis'sion - deulded that
our Government cannot he beg liable. „acti:ot.„rebels,
- dierwlithifirdbliTirerxeefintiol,
QuikreWii.ctilitlilifekdialls disal
lowed. _
In regard to tlinctufe - Maile but against
Mr. CalaWvitir...blinlalinErnTartyrdom in
the cause of his-country.: His country.,
in , thincaseentill probablir Imt..;44ect
fig much from -ito ,MI Diger, tul,ityo7o 1
AV - A li bte t ' r f a ilio l in iicilA lf;i •iii i ii
nt,those itglointed itt it tne aee4l,
e ; ir
'haul at 146 :"siifitll (ft!) 4 tint. by he
Tres]. en tP '; ' ".:t ' F . Z ) T. 5
1 0:4410..:
At ;lle i nOnneral.Aluarmitg has re
-10,1, tftakecebok. I -- "nr 49. and
A l t, : A
• Oit. " 4:1 (heiciu,
Wifaitiefciiiiii • ; the ioilditit
to . fiti , thttmadanoyAle *III tie litogtpt
,oootirrooct., • „Pavia" WillahaD, of
enomqvanieN , :itiap been. nominated
,First Auditurpf the Tremary, and 1 1 : 1 20.
H. Ela to beFirth Auditor. •
Brigadier General Robert Anderson;
the hero of -Fort Sumter, has fallen.—
Jilvdcath -ate lfice,--France has just
§eeti..announged.,by the W att impart
ment. ~
, Gen. Schenck` bias
tequested to
be *relieved froin;thti peon of Et. James,
statements III: the:papers to the contrary
7 hotwithirtittiditiv, - - • • , ='p , l:••
• tongresa•will, only take , recess freni
The 210 instant te January gth,..gor the
holiday, and - -tha.
`Session -the third Aion Aim as
'sproposed c br Senator, Me resold4P,
tion, TJA C. M.
DOUGtA.I36IOg, , 04,011'.
The New ratat4iic f t' Zia,' edited by
'Frederick' Deuglairt; r-:ltik) an henest,
Inanl±litititheinlaiof Ustire;eleetion .
of President - Giant to 1872 i fifie
iiont given areadlidrable, and therein
presented very . foi:Ably. We giVe. the
article entirer - -
"It is now timely and - pit:oer to
make•khown to our respected residers
'and friendiciiiellied and 'uncondition
purpoSe, td s auPport U. 18. Grant for
iainomination and' re-eleCtion, by the
Republican party, to the Presidency in
1872. We , db this because upon the
whole irencitiiidellis nomination the
moat conducive to the unitynnd
depoy of the great Republican party,
and' to the, progrisirliind• emi!Pletion of
the great work diVelved upon the pa
! tfort b4thelate war; We do so because
U. 8. Grant Is an honest man and hilly
in Sympathy , With•that great work; We
"do" Bo' liecause he' is .an even-minded.
man, answerving In putpoie, wise and '
temperate iti l Mkenlei.'' We do' - BO be
realise be la allied man, and has.proved
himself w f oithy of alt confidence , in
guiding the ship of state in whatever
'lateiitis may arise; as well as those which
hive alieadi gegen.' We do so because
he is a trieoracil, ieryiee'riform,
lind will use lila isest and best' infiu.
tO'poigeU government , vor
iiiption,Snlinder Its'.dePart
meats pure and efficient ea any man
can in hls;iesitien •possibly render
them. ' Vice deao because he is a friend
to the Indian, and is the first President
of the 'United • Btatei:
w ho hse• room.
niendild "a - ,l4lor'WfllSh Odejn
sp dg--
'ent Can a s !npfkablised . race
from cruel wars' and 'ltitlipatti ;exam).
ttoo. We deiiiii)4auselici him and"
unflinolling In 414' minti46l enfaice
the constitution and laws ifie' iio
tiaittion of all the lights'
enfranchised • peelile, - *ld, thus' to se
cure to that people, With ail,Others, an
~equal chance 'iii" tbe - rece r o;
'do so because,'whatevii.inlstakes,hl
may have made,during - htiktartel ofef
ifite, ii4 .8 0t5,', 13 1 1 - 0 :2i04 6 4094 1 .
pared Witfilhe elphietit,Si!ceitsi(whioh
We do;en, - betaso ,atiaone," the able
atld PatifOre'sf*telitni*tfinSlkfliamed
as possible candidates:for the Viseiden-.
oy in 1872, therelinotislielheeettainty
of whose. lectien iisto-welf - ftittrid as
that of U, ii . ."Cireot. • ' ' -
We have help in., no haste to mike
annoerseenient, 044,We-shall bell!
no haste to rettapt -.We haye,uxade
it too, .with knowledge bf the
fabt that some men for_ wham NI feat a
,profound respest,, tylll
aria &di.
demn our course; but we are in apiece
where dellbeottasenvlction . : of what is
wisest and. b*,
lake side!, w e, now' have.-deria'.kand
we ;ally believe, that the; celesed
sena of nyerypaTt et
,our Out*,
approve 9uFt44106!..7
' Long , ago .yre adopted. , the:anailiti,
',sever tomeepy, ground:which our en
gales Agalre4 ua hi 19 9 0, P0'4' 1 0480141
:help it. Whilik - eeAlt Al:ant'a
kiS uPP O2 9II ~usuMeof titte , ;trueat
and best friends our rice .ever
, side and ontsicjet uf,. the gospel's - ill'. the
nation, this ~ .44 : 0 44.1/1 3 .4u 0 5L f.rufil us
the fact that hnOt:ell,lpers the,land
Is, most:Okadeil thedark, deggp
4Pa spAireactienas7 elements, which
:haFailAria9l l 4R; Y1+11*) of dPregtf),!
cli#44 r iaveryllNV4 l 4 l of tab our
candidate, the last hope: of,,thesse,-reac
tionary fOrcia will dissippear, ; anCthe
countly . Will enter ntielittiCikete"tweet.
'o jrtlitilieiittd ' llbeirt~ +, and will be .16
in', prosperous and - 44'12x. Without
ofraggratiAfiVWV4 s .;'i : : . ;A;74 - 4;iiheii.V.i'tw*
ikiit4* it! 1i
p y og wa
0 14 1 :44Mittfoeud to all Rep
ire anStappn and re-eleett
'WO* lealdeot of the I
1 4 141tit,C-4.
tan, by the Rev 1 D'od e
40 ? ,1ark i lit • ecj
k. r
4k' - VI - GrAi:QP 4 Okte I
iiiritid. - o . :4l l liktarita it
thr Istii 2140--
inorktiaft;-4,1 414dmar,
Josekb 0•011.31er, aged 78 'toys, ,
l~ date : . .3-, ;
, ,
M, Stares S
e - rery !dad, 4pieility, , anif
.:•••• • c.:1• •
Ti 0 "
at Top low prjsel,,,,We_only, ae
of oat - tooth end' Otlies before b
Arltemembei the pl!re. I
• .•n•ilfci.i l kt:lPTA•; , • ;:;i 1 :;•
• • • ••.i . • ''--44::-!„-41411 ,
Office th.J. 11. Niles 'Ns • . Wells •
,' • •
' tifiZtek-arNI, E
Ladies' Ftitnialim' . 666 - del
. . . BRIT k atixelDD •, AT
1101111 A. B. - .CIDAVESI 'A 1• . :, . . ws twlszoN ,
4.ll.'ln . tlui Deno Hone ore.. A. : stook of s
Net recelyed and will be sold 011eaP•
life. R. E. KIMBALL will have c . go of Ufa
Oil department, and will be silsid to ilea her old
and new ones at ill. tam D'holi Sol and see WS
-Dsa..l3, 18714 y
~. ,
~~or.~ixtg l~tor~,
We Due opened to the
Watt a M
t:olio - 0th* mile dual we enough in
rents-W exhalkeights. We shill continue to ad 4
tothettedt 4tufal the mom racli Ramis IS the wants
of the tioNllftity Nei to doled.' W - 1 Invite ili ollll
*On tllllllo sze boast is • in.= Mt&
ctsi~sz Vivri ' sp~a'r►~
will be kept and fold at New York
mama, nec. 13, 1871-tf
Pittiiir Fortes an
L and It greatly to their Interest
We are Belling the beat . •
altiloit the moat Savoreble tutus.
• A lirit-class PIA22jO possesses all
taiga, vis the tone is diveste..d of
feet equality of power throughout
resonanoe and durstlOn of tone.
The touch Is elastid, .equal, easy
every demand of the ithgete..
A defect in any one of thew volt'
plate failure of the instrutn t.
. We trithnint everyPisno or the
airTanthlt Promptly Winded to
*wet; Tuners.
rintrtolo l / Books of the inost ap
the Piano 1i . 4(1 Organ constentlisti •
iirP ll2 =
bee. 18, 1871;44 ' I
Bail Road
mw.iganualmsetia g of the • • •
1. bore and Lawreneetille
election of President and Chadors
ed/ce Of the D'all Brook Coal Corn
Borongb. Tinge Co., Da., on !do •
January 1872, at one o'clock," I!, M.
pc,. 8, 1871..6-4t. .15
fiA e. KLoqs_wti
juL eons atlieV old home to .
be.,..P10822d to plioo thexosel
itenottous._ Terms, $8 sp, , 4/nas;
fungsgikd for praotlop fOr $2. ' I
CI - 1 - • J • I
ItIORT 0 4 F
0 the subeoribers to the fen
•• -
"Right of Way" of the W
renattalle it - inroad, 1 eke :d
mitt..., to °ell upon you for a_
per dent on yoni suipserlption. the eompittie
deslre me to ray - thit they b re recently lu•
cursed some obligations in the ourse of settle.
menhi.with_the olalmante
.r9t, dmnages, which
they are unable todischarge illthout this pay
ment; and that tvlth - the funds • to- furnished,
tlOy will be Ale to settle all maps without
farther eall.untillbe roadlis f ly eompleted to
Wellsbi4o. st. BAOIIII,
WellstPsro, Dep. 6,.1871-Bw. Treasurer.
(11101te1l yr4SINEIt, h jut resolvid a
soperb'isilrtioett of ill kinds of
. .
fa Outlaws, • .
and Is prepared to tharkeastaie In the BEST
STILIf, 'arid an the ihorteati nottoo. Persons
'Wanting Obithlog • will ptetioildtop. In and us
my stook. Goad ,PITIS and the but .of work
gnarintoitd: -
./14ents to eastern and moo
11101abfultd, In the Upton Be
/Wire Mal of lotelligenee an
qualliloatiotts ? who ate willing 1
and attention to tb• business, ,
dealt With. - - As to territory
- „
The gains patios will'aisonti l
in 'oust aompanter, rat stands
Hortsrandeattle, also, again,
disessOke, aooident, and , HI
no one to distrtnt provid•nos,
unaligual *try piqitably. 0
_ Iff
.-ELEC - 11t)
MBE Stockholders of the - 111
j of Wellsboro, Ps., aro h
An death* for directors for as
ensulmyear, will be held at i
o,We:second Tuesday of Jan
9ibettreen the hours of three
it LL. Bo
a, we eun.
;,Y 11( a00 ,s. •
t i r
~ ~
.if 174 ;
ti • •.: '
:::, 1 o ?
- - `4% ';-.•
I , rlestom - , Ditm
Mr. Thomas
r _Lidl;* •
IPPOit 5 ... 2 ft... _ 71.
i toga. N. ~ ea
1/ , -
1871, kfr.
'months, sod
loon I
s- ..., ~. , :0
l yl~g l ettawherc
.L.l .ta 1);'
, . A e '
ro, Ps.-Jan. 1, '72,
E ikland
.uati or
40 1 : 8 0. 11 4 04
saca es Low
4itipaa be bo
0024 PAN!
ra & WA 2R.
MUMMA will
buy of
CO. -
to at lowest prim,
e following euen•
laipusitlea, a per ,
e ea** se" with
arid responsive to
will emu a Qom-
of Aye years.
by . the moat sips.
roved method* for
_ -
I. 0. HOYT,
Osceola, Pa.
• • ottho Wdla
Company for the
bo hold at tho
to roll Brook
tie Sch day of
=RON, Bar
I give mule ha.
• many al may
..,uuder her in.
et.' Xastrament
Dee 0► lin if
' AY
, paying for
tabor° & Law
d by.tho oom.
foment of !lit),
vs opeloation !Or
sat uompurom.
fellatio bailout
to giro thole time
tl be
d • eoionittstou,
Wellsboro, Pa.
a ',Are nauseam
rates. Islam
theft, death by
ita7g. . We ask
Oat to tarot a
is 'w ith W. A.
at National Bank
by notified that
Bank, tor the;
I s banking ZOOMS;
1,879 y
: a toil o'oloek
44 .40411,:4444 4, 4 .44 - ( .... 1t c..7 ,.4 . t41,74
INtolpliPlir, - cillifts4* 0 a;
~,..,,.. ....,. N,..„......, ..., „..%
1 1 , .--,,i',. : •..,'
sr l , '• , il,:.`ri: i.`1,!,1---.:1:,1!?" ,
1 '' -t , -. p
t y . ) ".,. gA b.. - -...: p '
'._.-.. - - - - s - ‘
i jr
. .31:::1 • •
Div Goods,
twin, rAgyias
, 1
Great Reductions inthe Priocto of Dr,ooo Goods
ghttdsortio Col'd Aliiittas, - 31crts, worth CO.
" Fid4rolls Cloths,t i .1#59
` " 37i;.
wide 37,i worth 50.
76 .
-4,11 wool i'rench Satteetut -62 i
L 'C4 "' 64 r ,Fixtra 70
WOrtittilli 26
Rfohltriped.Dress Gotods
I ,
• !....•• TN Ar t , 7 , i'eoeipea
7"--r lte*Ao4B7tiffieitred d • am
liettifShitititiigi,ll,l2i,:and 16e. New ?Huts, 10, 12i.e.
Bleashed.MusliAsi fine, I 21 r , 16, 18, 20e. - -
Flannels, — altkilidS,at less thaEi wane. Cloths and Cassimercd, lose than
"v6lnti. = - - -'lTaitilserne Dress Goods, 26 and 81e. •
New Battieds, eatra'qttalith 76c. Black Alpacas. 31, 8.7 f, 44, 50e.
44Epp, - .,§!f4rts ang Corsets,_ cheaper than ever.
haWle in Great Variety, and Cassimeres, all-wool and Union
. ,- at the Lowest Prices in the country.
.. .
, .
~... _ ~
ft Black all-wool vets, in great variety, - at — muoh - less tharrrsgutafinar . ket
ratc.„ Itlack,yeilveteens, plain Blacks. Black Velveteens, Twill Blaelts, In
1 Woe shad6s, bear ()heap.' ' - -
Colored Velveteens, in all the desirable shades. Terry
,Valveteena,_all colors.
11 the above styles out on:thn bias, or straight, at the' lowest iiiicei in the
' 1 9.9 1 4r.t. - - - •• -. •
Mot's 2-Sole akd Tnp Fine Kip Boots, $4.00 - sO'This entire line of
Man l s TitiSole, £ Eft _Ottif "Boots, • i 4.60 Boots' is manufactured
Men's Tap SOle French Calf Boots, 5.00 - for us at J. iticpAßD
-BO? &If Double Sole Kip Boots, 2.75 to 8.00 sOs's, id warranted
Boys' 2-Soler&tap fokokip Boots, 8,25t0 8.50 by us in very mpeet,
LOllO4-ICi_p Boots t , i - - 2,25 to 2.50 as in forlter years.
W - Oiflen'S'Calflramp Balmoral Shoes, $2.00
- -I' .• Wbrnan's Calf Vamp Polish Shoes, :2.26
Ladies!, Sergi Polhill Gaiters, at $2.00, worth $2.60. 1 .
Ladies' Serge Polish Gaiters, extra quality, at $2.50, worth $B.OO
Misses anckehil4rea's Work equally -cheap.
Oar entire lino of LAOIES , SEWED WORK; at equally OW pines: I
- Wacarry an' Itimenie stock of Oufregilar mikes, and exert ourselves to keep our trade
growing.. We 40 not !stand td take the back track at this late day,- btu we pledge ourselves to
do as we alvertiii in alroaiii, making no claims that we cannot carry out.'
NOT; 22, 1871
,ittegarr,s, w.div.T.ED
For - a 'Book that - will Sell.
Wit: ti
16111103. cir '3l3llitus. -
This Is au original, Interesting, and instruotlio war,
fill of rare fan and humor, hoeing an amount of the
tricks fad hats, with laughable Incidentinnd area
tares ae a liegirdan, Nocromanoer, sod Vontriloquirt.
Must/Mad with
- • r- 16 Inuit Page Engravings.
ikumn Oa Author's Portrajt o on steel, and numerous
small eats.
The ratans IS harp froM objectionable • manta
Wag high-toned sad moral in Ito eharectar, and will
ba.rosd . with lefplatuat, both by old and.young. It
aim thi most graihko sad thrilling accounts of tea
shot, of isle wondetfutreata sad magical tricks, carer
lag the most unteratroliselcmorriMent sad laughter.
Oiroularr, Toms, Le i with fall information lent
tme on applioation to
0ct...111 11171 , 6* 711 Sarum Pt. Pbslads.
Drugs and ffedicines,
(Patent ! Icor otherwise)—Also for
ant all styles of 11111111RHEI, Aso.
Choice Liquora t .. Gigers,
sad TOBACCO. - Alio for'
, •
Religious, Historical, Medical, Legal, blank er
Bohool.—N. B.A. fell assortment of the latter.
Also, an excellentiii - orent of
AND TASSELS, &c.,.4c.
Oil Teafringtin; Cogee, Blrap, Molasses, -
gibes, Bode etc. We will not be beaten is price
or quality.lre will sell eholoe 'Nasty the sheet
or sugar by the bbl. at as low di/mesas the same
eon UV:aught at this side of New York.
of the flowed atylet, cad lamp Olkimbles that
will not Ursa. . .
Fancy do Toilet Articles.
MADES, BRUSRES, &0., &O. ,
We hold twenty desirable village lots Poi sale
is the central part of the town; and will also
, k)an money at reasonable rates. '
N. B. Dr. W. W. WebbjhaO biz *Sloe in oar
Mere, where be may be consulted for adrloe or
treatment. _
Sept 20, isll—tf."usic 1 Music i
1:11ook. diilliTiVAlr and other
for gale Tory sheep. Aleo,BiA.B ItAMLEN
OLDINSTIttiMptIId taken in lizohango.
A large atoift of lIINW MURK just melted.
.I.BAScifitt gtran,-_oik Ail Piano; Organ, and is
Au oPPottohitY for, -- notftwaforded
to tnooo Who may desire it.
Sept. 20, 1871. H. W. TODD.
or 'cOttsttio; ARE iiELLINd
Aliee Abe Price Litt:
air GO TO 'VI
Booth Moos
' i _ 4,
than Ever.
No. 8, Concert BIQA, Corning, N. Y
We are aow "atria g our
Piffi and Winter
and are lonics them at their anal
Xiacbw 3FLettes.
Jost call and us what a good usortmtnt 'Rs
, Nov. I,ll.vrianta r4RE.I
C . ,
.~ - .~i
37k. -
27,-w.. '-G6:
, ,
ter th4lteriaalo Lecttore Cowl
suing leazon:, ,
ANRA 11. tifeaßsox
01811(011, VANDENUCVk..
Bow. WILLIA 'PAR 80: . • •
11. 0114P/11
',HENRY WARD -0110111111.....
tO/ 13 1'r;'UITCBE
Sept 2r; iert - t.r -
Real .. Estate A
. ,
TMI vadarsignel ie Ageut for
situate on the Mansfield toad an
Theo lots are In the central part
convenient to the
Rail Road ,ID
situated on the line of the Rail R
- able for
Manufacturing P
These lots will ho sold on - reasonable term
Nov. H, 18f1.-17.
AiBOUT 110 acres of land linot w n as the li`m.
H. Mitchell farm at Mitebel.'s Creek, Tii)
go Lo., Pa:, with three dwelling houses, et,steam
Saw Mill wed Barns and• other haildings—one
of the best looations for a limbering or other
suinefeeturing astablishnseitlrlite Tioga Rail.
Verd• .
Also, adjoining a lot.of ; about 185 arras, a
bout 30 acres In paitire. Would make a good
farm—timber enough on It for fuel, lumber,'
posts, do.,ito pay for it.
Also about 750 aeres of timber
_lands with
some Improvements, about a mile east of the
above deseribed lands—raluabler for Hemlock
Bark, timber and farming lands.
Also twq lots of laud of one a s e each, dine
ted at Hollidaytown, in the township of Middle.
bury—on Which thereto a stbre, barn, du.
i i ,
Thfise desiring , to purchase e claire of Mr!,
Jane Mitchell on the premise at hliohell's
Creek. I 0. H. 'HYMOUIt,
October 18, 1811.-tf. Tioga, Po.
- 1
~5 \ 4
` /, c..; '1 4
• .._,---a f' , :-t '''
---‘1 1 e
~., „.,
al 0%
q 2 , ti*
E -
' C '4l
''' ..M
Gen'l Insurance
Life, Fire, and Ac
Assets over $24;000
Ina. C0..0f North -America, Pa...
Franklin Fire Ins. Co. of Phils,
Republic Ins. Co. of N. Y., Capi
Andes Ina. Co. of Cincinnati, "
Rlagare_Elre Ins. Co. of N. Y....
Farmers Mut. Fire Ina. Co., York
Mania Mut. lAN Ins. Co. of II
ford, Conn
Pont's Cattle Ina. Co. of Pottsv
Inearance Proinptly effeeted b •
wise, on all .kinds of Proper
promptly adjusted and paid. L
ad against death, tiro or theft.
I am also agent for the Andes
of Cincinnati. Capital, $1,800.0
All communications promptlyj
Office on Mill iltreet,'2d doorfr
Knoxville, Pi. WM.
April2B, 1871—tf.
The Stan
Washing 111.
priinounced the best in Mark
the first Premium at the Tioga
Pairs, and it decidedly the be
chine invented. It only needa
the most skeptieal. Persons vt'
*hate, will address LUKE
Oet. 11, 1871.
Just Published. in a Skated Enrftel
IL Lecture on the Nature. Treat m of Seminal,Weakness,`or op.rat
by Self dime, Involuntary Ftnissio
tons Debility, end litopedlmOts to 31
Oonatunption r Epilepsy, and Fite: :ki,
Incapacity. dc - - ---fly.kol3. J. cuLyi _
author of the' Oreet4lloo ." de.
. 1
The World-renowned atthor, in Ole orimirahlv L'c
tura, clearly proves from lie own 04Oriellet. that the
awful consequence. of s:elf Abate may lie , 41, , qually
removed Nythoul n.t Ofc.l l le, and nthrut .1, • r.11:8
icirglearo. Pratt° c., b.)ncies, inel in zer,ta, t ,:,., nr
cordials, pointing out a naeo oft 14 n: oi et• Ot rtain
and einctusl. by it Mat e cry sulT.,rer. no mawr a i , at
his condition may be, inay cum tinuself cheaply,
privately and radically. TIIIA hot ire will pr,,ve a
boon to thousands and thousand?, '
Bent under seal, in a plain envelo
on receipt, nt six cents, or two poste
dressing tbo publishers.
26 cents.. Address the Publishers.
0/2/03.4. 0.
UT Broodway, Now York ,Post•
Sept. 21,1811-Iy. -
I For the fdi-a t
most popular book—with CO Inustrottuns, likene , c 4
of all the Ficatdents.—beautifully Numb and printed
912 tintedpsier.
T -N--A If 0 II
Its Rulers and Instil tions.
Nothing like it. Strilusererbed asjatt the boa
they need. It Li as E jc ((Tani! ao • the alofin'ninPnt
Single puns it, it, are or themselves worth the price
of the to gver 500 .err and on/ $2,60. A R fah
Hanred fortahvaseere-I,ldles and gentlecuon— far.
to re and students. Com a , fit too. 76 orders
iisfew dap, with ciicutur alone beforithe book appeared
4120 a day can be cleared la fair te titcry. Wthe at
'once for Oncrtiar and Information NEW WORLD
PUBLISHING Cor, 7th and 11 iket street:,
Adolph ta.—Nev 1 1871-3 y
F e I[6l , the
0. 16,1111
• F h. 12 j
M rr44 fig;,
„ Ja.. R, /PV.2.
Ja 1(72
J. D. 24,
. Jen. •72
March 72, lk;fg
T, Pre
0 ralo of the
F State Stree
=Of town, an
ad, and suit
Fez ,;
0., PA
a, 3,087,452 35
1 $l,OOO on
CU 000
fs ,
Pa 909,850 IL
5,f181,Y7t. atl
110. 800 nee en
.t 24,22 9,c47
• mail. c.r Gth,r
Fir* In 4 C.*
m 111E0141v., _
B. FS{ IrTil
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