Tilt TIOWCOUNTrAGIIIIIIII ~ r AusuEn. ;717 wata . . op Ay urn :4f p 0. Van, Gelder:.,-0 CER#B og S(IIISCRIPTION L'iVittl&BLY ,IN ADVANCE I , 52,00. bacriptiOn - ,(1)or icar) R 'Of. - ADVERTISING, C LINP.E. olt MINIOIIOIi 1.283, MAUL p.IIZ 3‘irs. l .• I 1 1n.1.4 . 4 i,4ii'li-ra*ma)-83,.14,1rr nary,... sl.,oo'l s sAoo $2,301 $5,00 I $7,00 I $12.00 S,quare9,.. 2,00 1: 2,00. REM UE 10,00 I - 16.00 j 3,0.9 -4;w- 3 pacial Naticas 11 aents_32.pr r ca 120 cents per line. r rAnslentsdireptielng l = La paldfor In ad Yaff....:. r 1.4:1C 4. madlia, constablo Blanks , Deeda,.7,nilt• ',P I..l.trritlf",o Ocrtificategotc,ort hand. ( I CAROB. JNO. Z. lIITCIit.LL. DLVID:CVIEROZT Mitchell & Cameron, ATTORNEYS COUNSELLORS AT LAW' Claim and Instivanoo ,Agentsi—Oißcte Roy!ts Stook, Wel'Apra, Pl 6. N0v.141871, =• . • r J. P.Altlltiltell".& .00. 1 '.." BANICERS • plrinurts:r. • • ; , tr , l PAILIZEitritT. _ PATTISON. - May 31, IS7l—Eltriv Seeley, 'Coatis bk J A NitERS„ Knoxville, Tioga, County, Pa.— Racetse faonoy on deposit, discount notes, and sell drafts on New York City. Collect ,Aas promptly made.-+Jan 1, 1871-y Monomirriiatkr—Osooola„ TIA""D Q°Als , i Knoxtrille.l S L IAE CIIANDA.LL, • 620. 6V. atEugt y • i ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR at IAW. (Mao in smith and ilOven'a 13190 k-sum hall from Agitator °taws up stairs, [second tioor,j Tollsboro Pa, Jan:4, 1871-Iy. - W lliam A: Stone: t tome) , and Counaolnr at-Law, first door abbve 2 , .arerso t Osgood'a store,, on !slain streot. wcilsbero,January 1, 1871 y , Jno. W. Itttuts) tnney and Clouneelorat Lag, Mansfield, floga y, Pa. tiolleetions promptly attended n . j, 'lB Jerome B. -Niles :,..ruoy and Counselor at. Law: Will- attend promptly to.buAiness entrusted to his oars in ;he coantir of Tioga and Potter. OfFtpe on the ironu Jart...l, 1871 y John W. Guernsey, tterie; and Counselor at Law. All business rntrustod to him will be promptly attended,to. Mee 2 , 1 door south of Raslett'a Hotel, Tloga, Tioga Counts, Pa.-.-Jan, 1, 1671. Wm../3. Smith, '' - • '.!nsion, Bounty and insurance Agent. Cora tanniee.tions sent to the above 'address will re calve prompt attention. Terms- mhderate; limoxvilio, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1371. ' 3ayllpur kliorton y T ; itturaoys and Ocua 7 3elera at law, Tiega Pa.! All bast:leas entruiled to their care win rioelrC •{lr4inpt•atterstion U. 11 Sarmourt Jan 1. 1571 y % 7 11. .9. ARISEITHOZII!F. BE-111'111. LEN! I Armstrong Br. Linn, ATTORNEYg - -AT-LAW, WILLIAMSPORT, PEN +'A. fan 1, 1871-7. W. 1). Terhell a: Co., •S belesale Druggists, .and dealers in `►all Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass, Perfumery,: Paints, Oils, Sc., &c.—Corning, N. Y. Jan. 1 '7l. D. Bacon, M. D., Pv ysi clan and r: , urgeon,lst door oast of Laugheri 6trest. Will attend promptly toi ait , 7alia. Wallsbaro,—Jan. 1, 161.1. Intrham- AT. D., moeopatltizt, Office — at hi Retiderree—on—fhol AY'.3:1110.-J11.13. 1, 1871, • , Bmith's Hot3J, tioga. Ps., E. M. Smith, Proprietor. ileuse in c;:mlition to act' ”nraudate the traveling "dolle in a oupertor mannov.—Satt. 1, 181'1. Farmers' Temperance HoteL ilr. 'B, 310NKQE, haring purchased this house, 'YU cJeduct in future as in the past, strictly 1 .)n t uaperaace principals. Every settee:me. I.ltl n for man 'anti beast. Charges reason- P:cle. J,tonary 1, 1371 . ' - _ Cnion V.in vetiviitaor,,lfisboio, Ya Lids house is pleasantly located, and basal] the conveniences for man and beast. Charges modarate,—Jan 1, 1871-Iy. W. W. WEBB, M. D., Physician and. Surgeon. 'rrier,—Oponing- out of Hastings k Coles D-:g Storo.—mitr. 1,1871. Farm for _Sale , IA NE HUNDRED ACILES.with eighty.. aorta lino :toyed, and situateCueor the g Ito Road-, eouth of Maiusburg. Tbiti; ;?ti f_r.n cAttatus n comfortable house, two good buns and ninet 7 trait trees. It is wail adapted to dairying and . m4r,rioul taro Terms easy. .l re of t 11,3 4 , 31.cr11).1 -- r at. Vli-,bur'itg., Pc. _ions 14, 1671—tr J. /i.rsoycE. soot, 8h FIE! H. E ULM SON, Tt'S'gci - ; - Tioga Co., Pa. -- 7 1.1 : „4. , .riSOri wont] nottf‘y ;their frlendi t -to i a•stora.,r! thlt they aro doing 6. Joval b oe blisinels on Welrsboin *2u...riot, op. z•! ':b Smith hotel. Thel kvilacIALQL 114.vu 4h,331., to /3,4 2 everyboilydtoth fur At, I kind children's 71•,- Dr- T ",r1 ftrpl ace. 7, IS7I tf \TT PAT f% I • ' 11;0 1 . • 1 • 4 • s P Main.bur • P.l - ; eciatteln n') bi tr.n poranc•e principles by the Ettb act ib er, Will spare no pains to make this house n pleas ant home for -the traveling public. Being tsell mpplied with house and stoblo room } he mill, at all times endeavor to provide every einaildi't for both man and boast. Nat. B. BALL. Xklasburs, Nor. laths 187/"If. 18,00 12,00 8,00 4,00 7,09 ZZIOCI 342),' 46,00 I 00,00 1 10,00 • io Ma .1. O. flortroff eather and Store. TI, E. SNT.I7II it SON. .1 ... ) •.. 1 / 4 ,1 ,- r - lz-c.L OM VOL XV go k. 4) - CO i lt. MAIN ST. A THE AVENUE,' WELLBI3OIIOe SOL. B - OWNEL, PROP7R, Zi . ci Cr 77- 4V -4 At ' l l Thi is .a H_ I_4l, q.,_ y ._ . The Proprietor spareino pane to make it a first-class house. All thq stages ar rive and depart from this house. A good hostler in attendance. Ar• Livery attached. "'""` Jan 1, 1871—ly • Tioga Marble THE undersigned le now prepared to °Zs. cute all orders for Tomb Stones and >kola manta of either ITALIAN OR RUAAND '*AltiftE, of the latest style amt ipprer'ed worknitinehip and with dispatch. 1;17 He keeps constant/y. 7 On hat:1411)01k. Iday of Marble and rill be ableqo snit all Akho may fa. Vor him with s tlAiir, orders, on aitilasonabletertat, as can bo obtalned in the oonttry.• ... • F 14.11 It ADAMS. Tiogn • •••, I (IA: • ~" . JEW • TTEEPS constantly on hand, ELGIN jahii%,..WALTHAMand SWISS WATCH -37.!( F.fs, Idarine,Narrauft Calendar CLOCKS, SILIFEEC*O . IIiNC. I- Platedc la giobris i an For s; flutter And • Fruit Knives; Cups, CAI Cake 'Kitts; Natitin Rings;PteaaiValt,.Bugar kid Bpoons;'sine Gold and Aga.to- ' Itip223,Gsoldi Pp!, and Pencils; Solid - 114U ' Beta- Peatllahty Plated Buttons; Watch Gnards and Chains, tic., A largoatook of SPECTACLES, GLASSES,aod traarel'ol4siep, alb Eit,i4sused N. B.—Watches a Tit,TeffeTitateStliKipaaidl March 1, 18710, TTIE SIAGEIit ' _ t APiliVik 5 4 l : l2 # 6l ,SP EI -R al Tti : • . AT THE WORLD'S FAIR, , —Constituted by the homes of the people— Received the Groat Award of the HICFHEBT SALES And have left all rivals farbehil443:o tt4,7 SOLD IN 1879 . . :T.vbittii3sr.vkai TirovtLialVii TnnitiMioutrum l; :bt " rug'imelittlititt fe;;lzilhoveculd in ativanoo of thb7provi6iiilear, juselkestiavdinne fkal).Cihf*. la /el *.5fi.0 1 .V.!• 4 21141`7. , Comptsitgdoi sliko cyjit by the folluvrlgg, figures froth SWORN returns of:-thO7sates Litman& . , vhe - sold over the F/orenee a • • . 1 / 4 1%).1 : ..... Sold over the Wilcox & Gibbs Sets- int, Machine 00., '08,943 Sold over the Weed'Sewing BTa 'c 7, aine . 1 ..,... ..yw......,...R~r~1~. : Sold over lZkeßfVrtr 44 AfktfAl.k Sewing Machine Sold over the Nome Maehene Co., 52,6/7 do. Sold over the Wheeler cti Wilcen • lill'of.whichis mainly owing: : to the popularity' of what is known as the Icw PeattLY Smile fr: ollik" Vg a s fa o l ka n ;t n a rAr V tfell r WOL*d finish, their Attaohments for numerous kinds of, woth, which, till recently,it was thought that delioate fingers alonooould perform, as well as particulars about all artieles used by their Ma chinos, snail as Twist, Linen Thread, Spool Cot ton, Oil, &0., to., apply to any of their Authot 7 ized Agents, or to . TUB SINGER MANIIPAOTURING CO. 458 Broadway, New York. Philadelphia; Office 1106 Chestnut fit. Maroh 22, 1871—tf. 'slew Music Storei „OPPOSITE CONE . HOUSE, WELLSBOIO, PA. 6 , .-_ ~~ N -- I ~`_~ ~~ • )4, GREENER'S now..lmproved IT' Frame and : BoflP9d.i7 , PrANO FORMES, Dealer in all kinds of Pianos and Musical Merchandise, lorgest and best sejection of MUSIC In tbie na tion of the Countr.§. Pianos warranted for 20 yeati. Nolodeons and Cabinet Organs with Greener's Patent Foot Pedal All kinus of Instruments bought or taken in exebango and to let. OP All orders for re pairing and Tuning promptly attended to. J. W. Mo'INTOSH, Agint; Maroh 22, lAtl,, • -••• FOR SALE CHEAP. ONE elegant, new, leather top buggy; one nice open buggy, nearly new ; one Iwo horse lumber wagon ; a good single - harriers. WRIGHT 4t, BAILEY. 'June 21, 1871 tf Farm for Sale. rrillii-Bubacribmr offers fur fares; - sitn• *tee in tile,of Delmar, ilotritt — sight mites- from Welliboro.'l4lld fatne . contatiii 7b sores, some 30 of which is improved; good frame barn 30a42, and a good log house, and some fruit trees thereon. Bald farm is fluent. passed for fertility of soil in this seettr.n. For particoliars inquire of the subscalber at the office of G. W. 'Merrick, Esq., Wellsboro Pa'. April 19, 1871—tf. A. REDFIELD. .BUSINESS COLLEGE, 'AT e6 wrii,tritt - pere ieaimel,l tt6l4at. ese. The graduates o f this College are filling commanding and lucrative potations In nearly every city in the Union. rim el rculara,oon Mining full particulars, Spec imene of Writing, College Bank Bills, Pen Draw tog, ac., enclore ten cents, and address A. J. W AR NER,.Prineipal • ' 1 " 4 " 4 ""' Elmira, N. Y. Augnet 2g, IS7I-6m Hotel far Sale, Trißß American Hotel, '44elson PA :J IIOI,6e, and A* half tact :land: - Oirtibe ino of CoWanesque Valley'R. R. Workjusiteing I,:onnuencod, 100 men at work near by. The !Property will be sold at a bargain. - A good !wan can pay for the property while the road is being built. Terms easy. Fur partioulare in. quire on, the pretclies, or address, C. B. WHITED Bleilil4ll4 Not. S t p3t/..it • Motsburg rat 2===M IMMO .77W2.0 0 77 do. do. : „ ,_..:1 , El • -,, woc GOLD OR •SILVDR. , OLOOKIVJEAREI rr 6,; t; ,t i J.111(i t nt'iltiteisd I WriVOLD Q,EqNgi s ge l fglitpreS ::".r.c.LI or• tynn ~;:otrz J einte , 1-* PnI.IO.:gPIPIM;AMMIZIV, . I $T EL' :• PiticlS;'''',Zttragge„ ) (Linz_ , IRAZORS'- PLAi., • MARL, " E szwxNa M,OIIINIMI ifr,, , !I...uritl L. 1. 1 11 ::. - f'!l::li,. , With moat other articles usuallikeptin one ~ •:...= .. . - •17- -7:: -, 5... PlP.iblilib49.fi I rl i j a ltie l i °/ 4.l T c .r f o r. . / . `..i,A . •-. . l,' ierwaTi NeW4 I IIIIIIW66O ---" Gods :f.%.,11 , 1 4 77tt . 7 vdgitcoa ; j LI 1.a17• t. t l .; .; .lo oca y"..6:yzo , o2IA As. C. P. SAlNJEktutiljust ree4o74,4ffaiff d Tash 4.114114#41ttni en t. Qr."' 11 1 13MNI , fanerfolodsiil,ftrasolseGloves V% : rANI4 ,J WIRB - 0 1 7tV ) FLOWIFR8 - ,' &cap to A 4, t l :: - :•1111'el tta,k. 2.41ci -?..1..5t 1 rL 1 "la etla f:-.1"1166 --00 t. 11, 187/• , ,t1.7.! - Applications 1 for ' r ers itTOTIC.Zie havolo7,oon 100" be 4 60 r italleett4i tor,. „41' IttOpYppr have beenitta noted, eta iritr be 'pr to th"....,Qgut joA l ignaapooeee of Tiogs (wonky, MbideNyos4 . ilie•—"Wir-17710-1 ' §PrenOation-0 1 4# 0 6.44701 3 08,49/X2l l *. c FRLIDB) ItTCEte id c e; t r °Vatter n c on) die t ton for n'art unt7Zpill Silt egationel Church AIM] 4PllliooVo* of obinC24l:lll4tilktiMibinitiell W. littereo.ach t fitolotodo,H. Wood, and co,t,4fe,,upder I*•l7iisne'orlti6 4,l 4iptiit Char& • iorltatised..! ; ,1 4OHNtlifpOlfaiLDIRAWAI. 1871-I*. 71143qq "2. C. 54: 71 . ./"P.'1,1:2116a , f .; MMINE=M BALOWItrtkSHANTY;,. L'"leltou "Ant to see a tics assortment of all & MilAtqr, Good • CALL 'AT BALDWIN'S SHANTY, 'ffIO,GA, PA. Ifyon ihtrDcasia GVods of all kind-, • 14 - 0, - BAT. 4 DWIN'S Shant . I,f / yon \ ant Brk Alpaua, call for t e Grand' Dutchess,' Shant . If you. stk liggigignan Shawl, call atailiblinnN'S Sant Gents' and ware, eall at BALI:MILTS Bhant; If f 7 ; cl wiy4Attina t. : . 4 fnE I ..-** Ant: If you rant Fnre, i ~..eigiokam4pwnspAtional Eli • IfY6ti r intritt/W tf9P d 13 1 , f 1 t :1 i fr44 , 03414 pri - ?Alia 0N1118b154RP. 4 • 1 Yv All .910.0 ' • ILyouritthat t Ailata And , Caw •:,, 0 ii.: Shant If you,want Poots And Shops, " °hant r e f yon want'a set of Dishes, J. Ition vlitYtgcl:94 tt 14ft,gt *tcx PPP fegLlM s b r 1 ,easu.l9vic,7 1,:.:101o9 2:JD , 174 1 . t•VediS cifil 11A call at BALDWlN4ilikazt If you !want a ready made - . suit cloths* 104 at BALDWIN'S Shant tiSkiliwant a suit of Clothes lea yotir measure I qija ,9 (!ciatriflt'D - WiNgi)ll4 .- -i f efl ':ii,Ltc) .4 1 gei. 4 41. gill' a go tebia at.crolt 5ji.141444.11.Vatr.81 Sipe **thitrttifEttlea4Via; c `cf.a i. _ II t . cO - 0 • /. 4 . I 15w . W you want pikes that cant be ben ItAlibWiligSvSfialit • , P c•-.- ibrj. I Itiefbilatte We are anxious t o o . :ttese- goo beitte tie 0, .T. L. BALDWIN &CCP. s.•r , i,Nov 1, 1871, • - . '.• • l+}D,_ I Dt E6 -- v 4 2r4tk •!!' " . 1 W , , ANDREW FOLD Ilon a been esta 1 iiihßt-litate4eNtelty bus , c i f il K ) C;iiisaik.* - o** i Akiii/ • ' *VP qii" 1 011,1#; irntrot ( r i4)t.. • " • , L 7.0 I ads - d :41n1 elay d oitti r- irOzip 0 • h t f_sicaroi It • January. h AAP o o ri ff it . 2 41,r,„ HOME wh very fatieg D rop ru,4451 !It!' the 1,3, I Witcd f .lisogo - Mk ypeif . r 1 5: 1 C - ( 11,4 4 4` r. I ;pAAtiik t iita,Tip t el..tO i r s.l o lib fklitakd thie- h o£ in fornfl roam Aux wardiont Tfititel run dally (SnuaikYrie.V?pte!t)l?elmentthe two pia les as s Lj. i; a l :144 1 1 1 4a, a Ithinitteildli-10.tOT Int•' . 3 ' 7 ! 'T t`2ia , z.7l tlO.l if Leaves Mansfrelif - Waliftsrcrat 5 01""Fiii$1,267, Tff '• • Jan I, I 871-!-ti . g.VATI`trofTLC CWX . tao , ' "IXTolll.6 — pittlittlbtrr V ImA:ft/KW, b eilbOetyligla to do all k lode of. Fluting, R aln ,P lii gJ l * lll . gl • rn •, S UOMU W nent Gatheil4lo* * l4lled atwit : oolos. Cal a t roonlyt,over'llf*Alolitlde gilhoortitore. I oils bank, 8' 1 '0; 11087 EIN WA=I=MOI= „ mar I •UTZO a7I ,Oylow - ,..ku.l , ,titit, ilir.36 . •- t - • A-0 .Psrii.i I ll.t in, it o ' eau:trail' t Ma l ta= ',XI tpinEfir.7ll I;smcm=,. Mre. &saw SIZE t.l . re • t i , r1111B r „ Ait cliTlYi tiaLi,ADotiabNoT. 404.3. . . . e l iaMlMAe rt 9Sayig a Suipenstan IBA mOlave naZt and New l York. • Westward. ST • fr.dB N G3 IZ New Y'r'kL'ye Jersey Oily." Stieq'benne." Greet. Bend." Bin • he.'tou.‘- , MTh Corttleg. " Pelutedßoat" Bocheater.Ar. Horiellet We" Buffalo. " ritogriiMPM, Busp.Briage" Clifton " .9.30 9.45 " 4.00 DI9 e ViCEY P' 245 42 14 728 1.40144 , . 8.63 Sup N 12.00 Nit 26.44 2 6si c.' 1.00 Istllsge t ,".„414.g. 00 - 1?9,0 gmitig ***l 0.00 a, m., ***opt nondoys, from Owego. 0.00 a. 1 21 6 „ . 62 1 1.f, tom Akuiquebattavico liasquebana. ,33 . W - 42 - 71nndays, fromagl a ." . Iliterpt Salaam from' .1 • Erls Plato 1 lA, Coming 2 00, PM:Ma - lost , thence, 'via Mori, to Bp Ifillo r polog et 46 Psi:, , 2 30 p m exobtiglifieltinghamtoO. _ • Tula irdatte l l - 4„fi. ,L li , talt.?; 5 4 -EV • 8"-A97040 --P, 371.9,- - , di —Pail t ore . " Olitton we , titer) ri ni t 7,414 ogyeffi r gp a .0 .1 1 ‘ I Waverly " Bw BirighitzaTti" Great Bend 94Gp f m • 1 1: 1 12 Iciotatl • • put , re ct) n iiiiiiiii ** ig:te ~ * 4** .. p i ek 47 4 . r0f . 4: ,t . az ricilLlAl NO ta, 1 . rt e , :ai• T , , ,i,i i t - ,81; 61100'05' 1 :1 5 ` 50 Wi1...:::.46i. .ailia 12 1 20'erbj .445aftvill Ely 1261 F: . 11 1 • , 19 86"x` 1248 0 1 1 87 • " 608 " ir4i l' 21929 " war ttt as 0 " 7 186 7 886 a , 762 " & 217 .1! ' 4oo ' I : -i-814 ,4 i- 4 4'47' it 1 11:31 1a1 2 f i1 k,,,... 8 ". i 4134 Ci,114/1.331# . 1 7-67,. 1 /210 pm, ...... f 885 . 1100 am 247 " i 840 it 2 06pm: 616 " I U 8134, , mi , -6281 , ' 4 916 1200 mlB4O ' 1 1 926 :4 tt - , 2; 5 - ' 018'110 44 1 00 - 1? in Tat- ir silt , 847 , c 989—s• 1016 ,0 11 08 -782" jinx ~,: Newburgh " Paterson " Newark " Jersey City IF, New York 660 100 ga .6 88.. 0 700 Adilittetftent& . ltastward 6.00 a mg, 045 a m„ sundays excepted, from ffornelleallle. 7.00 a m.. except Sundays, from O* go. - - TAO a m., except Snag, tile, from Elmira. 14$ p. m., excePt43oMaysifrbm'Painted Post, 2.10 p. m„ wept Sundays, from' Hornellavllle. oDatly. ' ~ , lw l ax oapleWetweett,4lpm na, , P4 t 4 1%& 4211.4 Vi s ii4A I Gsn'l Sup% j t Gen't Pau. Ag't GRIERZIMIN • - tii . e ., ~....... liTor rn Central. Direct and south, On and aftor Sunday. Nov 12th, 1821, Tratua depart from Troy, Pa.,"as follows s LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 3iUmAL:4I%-14 3 / 4 M- TRAINS LEAVE NORT/IWARTI. 980 1;, M. Elmira Acco.lo OA A. ttlffetr, #o4k r ilMpi t aPArtiP a or ouaitec,l .117 1e.74 - ,7771::11 ea e.tocasiDua Xfat.3 61.4441REVItilalaratzh crt Victlatinzas te, eztturalattital!kittiotralr tra eV' Ira =1 Wellsboro & Lawrenceville .11. Time TableNo, 8. T Taitaik&rfforle air 787 /. aorsdUalllMr s 7'46004 &MI 580 pas 110 am. Horning 9Oh M 7 609 425 pat 10 oti am Israrranserlillf 10174 to 880 • • 4 14pm 945 am tilittludop• 10 27 am Bpp p 408 pm ' 961 am . *Lathrop ' 1062 am 904 354 pm 940 am *Bear Creek 101151 a or 910 p p 8 43131 , 22_15itil ii.M4/NICI/7449 7 818 831 pm 918 am *Hammond 112am9 86 p • 819 pm 907 am *lllll3 Creek 1126 a M 948 p 818 pm 9 00am Holliday 11 81 am 9 60p 8(8p - ottsadLiimoi, - .311ddlebtorp::r11-11iam. ztio ~ 264 pm 843 am , Niles Valley 11 49a m 10 05 p 242 pia 801 am *Marsh Creek 12 02,pm 1018 p .1126.fra Made Wellsboro' - 12 09 a m 10 22 *Flag Stations. G0i1i01+,444. mos: 1 1 „ gri.COrAlliffq 4 0 4sig• 1 1 . kalcd s ' 4 : Inl( ''sTiigie (bur .0)T8 . 111tudao6 soviet, - , - ,ook . dig - I:v-1, 4 Obit ikArtfp ~ - io ao awl J 416 can , ...'-. BitinitiQut .+'.olo itizitt Odp , .t 10 42 am. 5 C 1 itpuk...,..,..g rAkip„peutie. 9 13,1. am 8,18 p.. 10 80 tah'...)4 pm AL 'r e ftl.lo4 • )9 461un 880 pm 10 26 am 44 pm Lindley 9 50am 838 pm.. ~10.41ftmg,18.81,_pm:..-liaiatenearlll9 1014 am , B'4B p st 10 08 am 421 pm .E__SamerkLatialL 19.27-iam 414irra -945am . Von,„ _145.0 0,11'4 -, • Q sTrigq, *V 0 2 , I' ';', ' i 014' A. ,ftbit 101 l slifitl / 3 t P , I t totilikfli'' .pv , : : int - ,13.0 45 att i I ViP ' 4 251651' " ' ' 'P m*.j we ek . " 4 6 F , .45A.0...P •J 1 ki f i oto azu..:Bl37.pi Er -; ) ' li Oivilt n igiik _I? 906 am 827 pm 5180178111 , - ' 2 -'ll'24' water 4.,...,,,i •i• ii)k:Aa.. i ClembaTiamp -, «4«.:::1-4L .t.....' 845 am B'o9 pm .:Comingtari :: , :.- 2 114all'&1110:16 "1 .A.1 3,1411 A1 . 2 SNP.* L r; Elp4mArps , -,,v0 A-40 6 P , ~ if P 4 -, .19Mivw1,... ,i, 2, . ~ 7 * .- ****** = 14 m• • Yalll3roor -1 . 44. ° • O t tat7o4 "ir ti"-V11:Wr!t.a...):141 lit ~. Lit taningand' killing ) Q4subvi(if.bono.trattatoh. Al,. J i tdi 1) anhi n i,l64 - i f , 8i.8.,6,34-thu t,. :.a.l i p v ..„Ivt.„-•, , ,,Rnotipiss -Jr ,114.11. I has C ~ . -Li iVt il lP i ritp i P. a .#4 I 4V Sid 4 i . , ,ega,..t. , s y tor Ngpaqa creek, to . d ab scittomusinlp, 'Dog& atiabtourrl t•cea .; ..r . " 7-1 t... f 2 t., 0.. ILIZI/LTON. i Jackson, Jane 7, 1871 tf nip !!.:',7 .Orzt £aA .E rr taints `,o36l) titc.r _6l , "1. 1 41 ad a..zr ust uNik ,•,„44d 3 .„ [1:11$1 • 7 knuvrn Rah° Telend Bone au 1.1104 Oetliii)lM Ho' (fa heart thorough:lyre ted, rift •.4,-xitilly4go'edt;g§4 dI • .7411Jire. :.1.1; •ra a; - 1 ,011 to "aotattilr>^; :la) ct . MhP:3Ol l trbiipo , . , kt , *9 0 494 I t4P.Oka t 9o9 1 ;1' 14 10Y:04 9A 4 4.4 B 944lv9tYref!onabtatlaktectl• rt.: AI& ; 1 :6.071 - 43'.'z ( NOMOAt% .r.z121-o, xilt; *;: 4 1 teinfihy r -Tt bre. Aartrantiiratorf 8 IV 0 IiCC; z , "terSti*: **1.491A46 AeirMaiteltta the and - edn tate' flig'wit fl t . 'Holden, Ileeeased, eirlfrin Co.eital , Peo6,e'ti to th • . • • ithoaa-hasiti t claims-against 11.14144+411t.•:- r•PAIN • O tt liolAT lA ti R.)..ra..0. Oct. 18, 1871. 6w. - Admee. I E #zut_i,as :10.1U:ii- r.G rk illowniustawitkor: Maori • _ riNE Itik r tfaiW , to streed , OD tlrely ulThe city broughout. Cottage style. wfilE4'iliihr" fktaltrrl eltr rt l3" % Vot _ z „ r. , Zll4,*ltil i firleAlY4trAet” huttixit sia,tel tkulbsr,lctudit--Ilstae 1410, k i sklo,4lA,l4iitiy ; farta, ifagitAg 2,7kligleil.: TOO of Jute tt, tr WRIGHT 344 .11..094%, arrs~t tf THE subsoriher'ii ofo dale his farm of aores, pleasantly situated in Catlin Hollo kuulltrOliat*tretibfh_Pitqofrithirfitbdkitfo adittireahlsofo Old Itito.tailis -layiesePofirsHottbriXkOnsGintlifeli,'-' likaPisatillgTe'rfille.. lll Eattaollisfill4ftitaff ''; ' '/" 1 cv,crotrotorp rrotftriappisiT Notiee. :mammas Of %Lees tatt 9f NM:: liforrhyl cdniumgrig Jinni Tothstcttotetrun.btpk tuning r iiesztVesunkit tol.l mclsriligngdiiiikpnitiKan mm 1614707, dating; An Le4gpmg agoiotg enid.sitstr.csdiliealt on on e' ti's*. 42r.14ta - 2•4 QOM En dben 1+.....f4Pt vnlo' IC yid" —l , i ---It' , -,--- i rtyigioF a .i.-votee. 1 , I ; 4 )- I) LIE undtfas ,0 gatiktig t&gn lippolp.tßdAdl `.... a iislislittaioVagtheiestateL'e 'Jatheir-tpkd, ta maiaatirdvefiaturetotsbiii , ; 'all Rerioni Ifilivtik elititin sliainlOsiCestAte orltiffilotato r ilivwnivi riiith 7 : i: *, i t: 1 .1); i V. Maar/ d" ...follIgn') moginstv.a.a.t . N... 1, ;=5• '•s 7 . ' ' . q X l l E 5 6446.. 1121 E 00 a u 6.60 P ati 7.01 11.16 " 6.46 : " i 7.21 8.16 P ntl 1.66 . 4. ail 2.11 9.16 8.974 I"le- p.liP77m-1,4 ... . 1 • - * 1141 :: • . , ....,_•' s ' l -,:. t.„,... a i 1286 ax; 6.49 ;" .0.0 12.88 "j • i t ..41AZ10,20 " 10. , i 2.06 " 47.05 . 1311 7.2_ 1 6.26 " 11•20 Aai 11.2 q 4 ati .1.464 14.Witia11.9,1 7.10 " 112.16 1 ' 12:1 4 7.16 " I " 12. i 7,..186 k 11114 0 ; • 4tV l 4 .6 '" NI ... ..I - 7. 34. 7 001-4 a fri?r;:; 60 I . . I . ' 1 1 If R. .11,a "t4V • ol ! ) 1.1:1 :“( 3/i;ji A•l7l_ 1 -1 , Dritthilll3ll . „ • ,e WcrtlH: - - , 1 - P. 1 4 2 ,51M5• .: 1 ?.:yl4lllO, tbitindtitiattletiiiii, ` A i ' '-'•- i • • 'Atettla trifirititts itaritil l: •,• '' -* 4 ,"•'-'' .0: , __,,,-.. ••• ; .... r ,1,1. e gut )3*.* a I se a l . f ii i i ta i t. .4 3 , • . A. grave Is se , 11 ; . ' t.i :s ASkiaillai *ll l it"iiikottii. ) 4itb 11(76,-. 41 4 "44 1litakeilikijatiittiliokiebille; 1.: I v /31 rai &A linirilaltfltliiihti Iseeli. tI , '... --. 114 1"1' 'l+ J clEiLlf - Jth v . “71 , .,,.1. ~-' 1) ,- )i.lts-t.4:./ I; 3 , ;:ii1l . 1 , 011 - I • Xll a jfk i t ' PO 10 7 31. 1 4 1 ,1 1- iiirPPßUila' ,_, 5 i riel •' : !•••• L1P• 4 4444.4-4941 2 •94 11 t. AklittlAtitekitlars. tr) 91 a gr l s4l4. l 4tyttlieslßitextl,3lls4l,l9a 7i , : i ".7 .- II tilhaftlipirkeOleitatlikairy4.ll f ;f - v 19! : 1 V Wil iiith.. , :1,11.4 ad 01 t i tt i,: : I, acll ti o i 1 .13 .4 0 17 M 9 14h UP 14 1 041,,1ttid 1 4k l • b l it)Terkil 449);0,1410iloakipt •ParT9Wl try) `L 1( , )liigitripit throtortdotna StUdlt.t6o T ~,', :: . 6 -1 •Iter. lehltitoneeigAthiribilti# ';', ll 3"A , A 0 ligri .41 wl•99;_t r-: ii} -, ,:drIOW i Ur: f , 11Wir: 4 1,1 . 044114 tetttdboirlifiturthirthlifte-torksc , 2! (I'l 9.1 s4g.titilkikalfyil at* *witiaraiitiottv *r. 3 3filMiltilifttg e lifßlialg.ou 01 7411(• 'd gq •' 10a. Al t a W 4il/11) oto1f) „ tits! SI Til 57 . } . .,4r; ,r 4.,) 417.) , Twtt1•T.1079 A l • ti?leitttiSaithrffilitatiPtStefifilitilini: lc ri I AtifthetiVilinklaiiirif of t ."”" .31.0 b WI:1;r stotes,,of S . ••le ' javizr u , 1 14 0 p hif •rt .c.t.; Miff Tt•rft"M;s l ar : • t'• f•-:,ri, ,? :Tilo -f.),) i 1 F itt ~i e A t)* 7 , , s t i t, r , ? 2 ,,,,,,,...:y ; ) 1 , 1 .1. 11111 i t r" "B,'y ' . , -' ei iiitibi'? • 14 La - Fri- ° ' 1 11 ' ' , -' ' 31111(,;1! 3 Y , 0 ' ' Val - 10 1 .01 1 0 R ,A,Fia: ~.,„ • , 1141 - ri.sl9l: !I 'ivi 1 /41 0 .1.. PiJili litirre li' OA' VI (+1 tillti-mt fain% _iim, 11 .,X016.8 6.i.v.i. I %4 .. at sl+.l,34Pagillt e 4.40( ilPIA 3 ll4 l tNei 3 4l if t; i b Wei f i efitillPhiji/e 4. 1 4144"-.C.414% 0.444709 iii I 1 The fringes of the stack. .. .. t 1.1 i ttso.:) • _:....:76:4"e:t , iaac.“?.W.. ~ Itpet niklit Is Goal ,se 4 til i III • r 31111 i“..r.lir'sikSl gir l ) st s ,o ,•++L+l •• hi•++;..., te n n ,, li t44:te irc,rp, , Pplki 'Au • , A j rA/ , : hgailia e tt99.s 9 :o"ll , ii 1. 1 7 s•.; . u f)q.)Pft,Y.RoilYikl4 eatC a ~ , r; 1,119 „...71supird+.04. 174.1( :writ • , •!-:! ) 1 .11,1 1,1 1 Vh" 6 1 9 -1 3 14 ft WM ° PP PM' , : -,i,..5y,,...‘90,....P 1 '04af 4..47ffiklint ,T 01 1.4,,1 '1 c) !Wog% b.affirlit4. l ;4:ll.4ppit Ilsry,l . v:LI) !ii inAtutbiditsYttriattrisPloelrit 5. - . , ,1ii ).::: doll Mori f.)ti Jotitutfl litlrßAtlViikOisiPm ,--F-,,, 1,, p,,,,. ~_:•i I,oi.reon .0 , 1['111:;1, 10 - 1 i a?. bWHOZIALAYBOVIS4I iI, 04.,"': , ,, :1iit. , 11, 1 • f.11 ~.i. ' '3l .t , - 1 ; P.; • Lt 10 t)l7 'S pia mils, =TE D i.l lt. 1:13.10`.) tai k i .711:1144051-6 id 10 'MI tri..ati ; ellibceePt that holindtilveketnotireelyi itltetlier(sVtlieaiiiteiloO tolo il l i f r e -n A P r f.1 11 #4, Ll ` t 'AP. - .1 4 0,, •.. two . mac, 4, •• . .. 111):.: 1 ita,. alais WAX: i many virtues. He meant aetelivi - when bed tiibeilrfiakt well. 407' .li t *... 4d- 4 i.'l l .`"''• k. f# • 1 ."-:f'{; • ' Pt - clatikwat 1! :t% 4111d.ptIZAhainoilitiettvetr 1 . yearefolifolia f6Elh7ee tliorklabd4ol 9. 1 h1f - Contiltildpeithli,dttivritiigiV# 'itl ll iaibe . / #4#4l3f l lWS l O l 4 46 . ' 1 ti...e6., ..%' o."/ c 1419 w 3 c) Ist e oa - t1.8. - . ' 2 43A Lk' PrtagftAYM gthrEo4t 44101103 t itmetimurnstiineesibiada niesabgn: • T ettitiltig-fietittaffintaber-fiailifst I ST •lPli a Pi!=gri eg pl(Y, f ft2,l4fl r ag:B l% . 14.7Ni:lik ..55130,k gremokrti4 ~ink , 11.0 tiomiqwwigkiois dAiletdont.p. ' was well aegnainteA,useith(Waihmicli i r Vinir fdO tiplibifipittoll MI ft , Aitftft 0 . 1 31#4 - 01) .:... - -t u -gib' .. . _ • - I ' 0 OAS , ' '' ' - 1 .- Witatiliettew(o ilitiraig that her father wan ;nine(); fis they_wpp .......ycj#ll put,* the boo in wiifeil vr- dr e.,. 4 .-J o.(ti ---- 'IA 2Y-10,E 4 02417WIRMakOleliiettick • g t. ; :tr:ll4 6 t Mk ePt4l o _ eAftT .44,4 fe.X.4h,A - ftOrrtsslkettlYer)4,weer <a(krigliff64B :!IWllist h.ile-4aPPeßfel 'f , •;,' - .19: ;r; , 4,3' -' MY LktheTl?s,l4ket ;eiklied,-,` ,. . hail t A,e 7P4 l ;keY -.,ter ray, t l 3e ,rePrll34ge,•94.ot e house in whioh we lite rti lip; j i till o 1 : .., . gen, noW. 2 , • ~ E i (,1 . ' E . g ilaii he lost,ity,!, ~, j , , 2 1 I ' !I ' cleo,4 o w; ,kl. B APPeeet go?! f , 400 X •* . ee4 he drew tm,o,,thousuud i ,0p4140 - row ipe bank, and4R4 EPP:Mr- larX% tfQrAfti/t431. - . , • , , 0 4 , gl4 J 8 4,, hro i keK. ; Ky . futher OA pOgi ge.414 , 14.P,ith ttinl:t•llff44o l ,4irrigil.ett,t. lUer•_lo (4 . 3o 9MdalvAlty, l l o 734l4, P 4? 11l Mr- BrYeelEfieler,,V, •—• ~ I , S , , , • , ' ~• '. v l Pßee(Mrr Pgza o 4,,,rgimi.too7.4t, -, ::1`Xe14Y1919,/3041PC04 At•!, - .. , i -.: 1 1 , :I,' Aregg-,500 is. the trP,RbYil kne4,:' , !' i , I , ~ : _,!,r, th,Q.A ers hillec.?, 4PcMcil it.: • . ; - • uffeest! auk .tho - fICO: Wl,ll pOV,e, : 1 •94 ' 1 1 ,.0 11: :#4 4. o „P ' ilfaajtle, ' ,:it?, 4' , 44 1 erY9tI , •• havo,t,he notiV I ' ' of;', , . -, 3 l t i bigr•Pars.9iPctfe4 i l , I -,_I • • ,j I, I. fight 9f qouxse ift I'll PI S - ?9'd " t iei *re the note. a 4 - er l „ T 'otir retilte t r,aex V , ice.,,; l -all 1:1‘, , + l e IPI)/#' 1 V'e U * 4 ,4 1 ,?!f? n.NF-re"" ,efil,ved lie , m oney .. :'4't , 10 ~ ROTlfii,ge; .1 /44 iiiii itomilt lie P,iditeltt)lo, i''.' • , , `,k , :i,er.l - 1 sill,kufaii i 4 iYft, iQurt4 l ?)#/11'9 : ' ',J. eiao.%,F4 te . fiee'T,,ir ungteaaaiq 7 1 0/ 1 1A liriP'i-k " V i il i ffe 4 f LlPP ll 4*:?rfißril 1 g . l i f h • 3 fr 7 B7 - if SI. .52Lf r• 1, • )fri • ~_,I I r, , qv°, s*e., ink ra et' was ,nek , f .t t , Sliikie4 4 h7CIrIP).PAEIIS , iii? bt,!,39t, 4-t391. 5Y Far on Pi j),: i : J11311)111 011101: - ;stop w 43 1eaf"V.)4fsiPeff, 11 f1 - 1 ori 1-0 , - 4LI 5 1W* 3 1:9 9 1b7 %afftftl,rri - o N i e lip -f . °ROI L i it 2? - AleaA°li: , ),Tt'- ,r,e_ ) ,.'v - I f__ ...trinw:l ..# ...., , fr:a‘, , ie'4l , Y9ll,Y3e Pete.Arß r f'4, J Pn l i e r fachi uM e fi' t l2BT rice qu inC4 .tP* 3 • l 5 01 t h '1.6 6 V01T4 4 4b e .r.,907, t i Pre. 4,lauFotilt4l,ooeo„,l;,;, i 17707 -4 4ffale V i i ) 59 ° .. e k";; l it t !Yi ' lY e" , s a epr t y t lp i . e frort'Attin, , k r, . ~,,,,,„,,,,,,,E,VrVitiir w eiC 2 , 3 f ii 3 1 1 0 k le :P 1 1 11 :4 1' ' '', 1; 11' ',D , ,21 E t . 4 t - r x,,41#/ ,41-#/er*,,,llo,3e'r -1 'ft 'VI lii *lter. - -,:li absga ov , r{ Vi, al ! MO 41: 1) O V PA I PPIWIRVAIR te t Ce . • P 7( ' n' t , OR ePlPtk i llp, Of ) ~Ni4e. Be gOl s.ol,tat baliga , dvasAuelitriitif ', it '44 ;OreillietY:ii"66,lolhe:le itinilt or'ihl§h v fliNiiiJto} ii :iiiiniC r ''''' iShifi l Agt . 145 i4,40 • abOt 4, tr . ' ii4oositt ke,An , leteiii 't.s:-.4.'=', ;.~: - ' - .., t i iiii - , y,..1 • , u . e.Lv. , 4 y - 7 , l' rd :..,. ; - .} ! ti,iihd i iiidi; ' ii4i n l lo4lfioi s Aiii l ' thousand dollars was'it" large Shpl tOr tank tt3tFebtfAulatalit IMAMS hnsittes4. ' lirhelldliaolo4ild: 'thilikit'cther ftlitirS ' 166 k HU/ 4 iiiiiertlo)itail E4- - iinicttbe . it;nilstdr i ta t iiiiiilli ntin 'Milk. , ulideriip' 1 i d ... not:ite m • iii t p,. :VI .1 •_ :1:7.= i''' -•• 01. • ' i t. if Of' *ftt th falied I 1 1:1 , 4491i - 11;te : oil C ithit• . Vay V ill 4- :/' O"*1 .N.; . *, :ill . l'- ' . , 1 11 • •• I/ ' • /IP , firein iliiiiiil it ii:eit: Into': bli , bt I 110.4WitriiiitalanlYitii_ ' lefe'r4 iiiitii . , Illyruft9ttellf . 6 i iiierlorfo'forklie tcP iiiVi) id% blot* fbii:69ittlit'otildii.' , " , ttltaiE 3 , i bib utoubuluitele at* I wad ` , o ri 1 2 there he said he wiiniegelil llib tie f.readrtheitiekedait.t fli (thsni Jet me' zantrlvilat titb=the froriveng?*; to e& r Imltruit's - fifiwtreolo (taps ihilitifik strAintt*li-eheitt for Vit4tiiiousandAdtr` ltits,;(*o k , . Slipitinied hie Wu gUliliktV • 4181/6 titim.r.. , <l , -.- o E.t. , u , ;11. ~ ,_.; -, 141 - .3 i ' I- eJ'AVhit 'COSS th6eiefiNtrity ati6tftlfr ' u EliiiiellYVELP. Iliyiiitisrkld,'iiklki i ili&-abtit tiliiiittlitt'ttoriiiiislMS4Witigr thieiheiileiii4l -7 Aii ` eiitleY 9- 6043 : 4141673 lii,ahW4ingliiiii i iliPifeiiit 'aipp , tfiglifikl - tiA ifboritieidadr Iltift4f be, tune tiViiielitiiiin,:bue 0%4 dia 4i6i 0 i, ilfelg ic fi e cle,, :F.ll oti2 .?;;,-, ~, T r,-., I . 11: 14 „4. , TPV - AlkedVArfAtjt Ifni!illk11:`•)5 1 ;! ...'..r.19 1 9.i Jiikd 1 1 1 9T,414 4 0401ket f 4 11 149, 1 ,1 IN tizi 71 .%..;{',l ~,` 7,1. bas .?tscl , ...ieoxcL , I .t't I i be supposed I bad not the notft ivW ill! itteoor Its WCONlies #..• L I ;..tcl4•l4a l 1 , 9,., come in thonesitsley, %tad Iwir*ldhltirlt it .ready. - „Thit;Wasklettterdayi i Mae* licame,tolooki tat tbol3Plei It ttePiclP:ot" _be fonnd. ~, Axmis :and I have tittnted the h9414:11/.1.9 1 044V , iI , ~ 1 ra11,.4. 1 14 ,7 4 1 704 10 .? -- . ;= = ..1.-=t , 1, r.t X 41 4 :4 Al, 440 4 4 4i l doq.'itqA lB slots, pith ' 111 ,..;08 1 44tige aPusedlNiitt :tvitit:trilt &god 4 kole ttcheliek:tbicelfkk. it.' .. t;=:-.;'...--_, ..: ' ' ~ .1.. ~f . .. 11 - I =l T '‘lt.is p , alit be ptdd: 470 1 1thitlItottlIS4.11 1 44 .03r- ' he biti. . obtained fraud t - pessession oft he', shoitst. i 1 sIV-bitti'diitt Ad' 67 poison hi that ' Chibillerrirblibaltrds With =you?'; 1 : , I ub tA ffhiiisl 3 #6ung men: . . Blesify eu; 7 be JOAutd' het ilohnittang . or that kind4'. ‘: u.,' I:Millen re ifc( woeld 7i-0W: reptintixt Annie, earneitle i 6 ""i/ e)L -- = :' ' l ' •"' 1 " 38.1 11hict Clie , lliebitirilliTyits ' =obtain tba. , illiVe,tliliti•Xtirdtriei him V' What: e , does be come home?' : fpyld iy. eA.AitogyiiritriAlktinibl'-' Hriseici g i loWthirlibildviliiii/. 107 .," Psi . -t%"! 7 ' , it;(l i - 7' dibtlitetilittnlelditrtict icdraertloh* till keit'ldittak this Hight 49 a i-liere 'el l 231itett*tril lakbtolOttrirt;tba-pfikteko, post books, Idiralthltig oft tbatibind. l ..i elf Ildie:diii , 'esettliniut , e. -. l i ' i l sh illitkibitmsfas tray„l: , -,',,, ~;triL 1 r : 3I in dug* Chitailer,?-taidLt Eil 11 - iStakittiarre - geeing h i m;? , mdditsiT :' i t I NVAIIKeIn , C‘ 2 (Will= 0, foribirc.", ,- --..- le •-, wltiattsw:moittenhvbe • 'et's:Medi:m.l bt. Ithikmonbg:msiniAnandieri,lothe 0,0 0 tvefeattati It badiwitis 111M,-mani rested a very ii intend cih the, aolutioni ;ft 41;o:bkriternond.proteasedhlmoolf re t, :nth doianythitigict forward my view F . , i 1 6 When.: did' yod Tett:Mr; to f tote, t), ,orrdldestbly hightr f.. El , ,) -: ;, . , : ni .... i 1f 1 !lAbout tiltblVe.!, Is,:. , ,',., 1.1- i a Twelve-1i:- add Antile ;,t it. ' , was =hot' more than ten o'elook. =when litheard' .siouil ';') 6CI:,i, , >, ~ ..i ; -I : _ 6 '._ 4 1 ...Tile!olook . .struak tyvelviias I turned lbw corneroft the, Street,';ireplied Chan 0. dieriVoilltbrely - 0 :IV I f.i,L 1 =s - ?-. 3 / 11 ‘0144 # 401 4, heard - oonie .. Ciao in . the Aciat.. mix et Ace,l, said Anple, loOblßg ,arsutad r,minti,!. astonishment at - • those' itcOndribero It -.i L:1-0 1 • tilq , ( 1(... ea ~..•. 1•1 sit sme gettiug at comethi.le sai4 0 icwidlitycarigat.irt2k I Thimotimprotb imiltd,as lie4iturs44, AtiAnedWand algal: lull!, .f 1 ~.! a A Thrsirglviiigat a esicor,l fourfilth4, 1 hichiszeon might-hey.:, A.ti Map me•-• . - .Ca happened &likewise , ) i With - bird mysitstationv.? He hue* me' s : • - . taltibtAladddrirctuanizniihisifid' bdthstopodsite; placed it agillitst ode of lidelieettrotatorrwlhdowd, audfl enter? Skdita 3 thiaitay.'y. I-4:n: .: •c,. - ~ , tri iA re '-l' 'ilti'oBi4iho .was ,It, that 'was barditil the tiatlet at teno uhless it Wes; larytm Mime; ottli.:, aseChipilloes - 2;1 s e : Willie , haven:takbitmttra •iirey: freak ,yo ii s. 4)0014443 - Mit;e4haddieri-dnd stolen i a note from that secretay: 1. t l , - 3 1.14, ta . I LI PlZwilicathrflfkbbti Ilitli irde, 1 t rtvhittstaar't - raPPtill:"e-eril Fs= , e.,w i li cdh iiiiStfhwhatti pa sh4111:-, ? 41F; I.z. 3; ; I '' :it lAisting bh tholhalighti I ' Inc ale*: listiaiettotthtileinestsHng tit,'. i tg i: mrtilthimaiD Immeiliately': a nt-An/ :i 4340ei.iiVantitntingitie ' parties hot 'I sttetilsr oribtridfatt, .I - diembsed itherili, '141: 1 r9e9 WIP/11/= - .'s , t3V 4 l. %%tar,. What• Italre maul° storiagalpicromonhe SO& Witty. ' A claim on tintistukAtiJob.n-ffal -Imo for twvAbiatitstud dollars. IrePheo,- pots lug my,-. popes:iv. nod appea r s Inct , t o..g premely indid'erent. _ _ 1 V g 441 ,he said, Bhqst: as, pie, cri? - st. Itttiri"J §a1.1 7 1 'said 1, lookirte hien sharply in the-eye:- 11- I%6 l mm] quilled. I saw he was • • - ifkleveYtheleasi if you , do not pay me r tWiYthOlatind dollars i and one hundred Atdlolo for the trouble and 'anxiety yOu ihatii , reansed my' client, at the• end of ihallext hour, , you' will :be lod g ed , i n ljait to answer a criminal' , charge.' • What, di) on mean, - ' t i iiiiet - n4fittt - say? 'Pay; -or take &onseqnenoes.. l - : , t;;i . .p l !tv!ts abold on'arge, 'and if be bad 1'4°10i:1411W an 'holiest man; f aliguld not 4i9i4ari4 to make #.‘ • r. `ll.avti, paid the niOney,' ,Pon,l isatihe'; IlaavO note my hreso9iFt? ;;..) -,7351PM 00-You'igeL it?: , , f, • , , • get', vtb , eß . 1 t 1 4,10 0 ,799 felcmionely entered. kftuM , T 0 1,1 14 (.0 0 002. TIW Tuesday ;!liirtittattesa 0 449 1 1 , ;_ Wl4 end ' t-e 6 k th e said A0..9:49 1 4 -0 40, 0 1.4krY•!. • tiyou,bliVe aci proof,,' saki' be. grasp °hair, 4e E tUPPQ rt • - • - Ti; f)Thatifi'my lookout: - I have no time' to*rastel Will leou:pay or go -to_ jail °• 1 ' infleAaw_that , the. evidence 1 itiad weal !tor 141'014,01f Wei genial, -an dr- b e dream iblftehecislcw.ttrerity-one. blied red _ d0,1.' _llAriV . ind alter.begging. me not to men*. itlonath'e atrain. be sneaked liff. •, • a .' larrtoilhed ihni tae - 'aid. 'inv9ien4 2 to;' cthe , :Wallaby ItOtheil The reader r Iffai 'Judge:JAM i 'hit eatlefai3tion he rekeivr' ecl xitl add ‘lt lejoki; w eda s viiiii i it iv t , a i_b . 9 v eit - erolnris E Wlinallif la Big teu frit Mit 'r 1 All.tadd' takit•,the One:hundred dollimilof I -myltroubie •;-; but :I riWas -maple iii momi miobgh tO keel!) only tweuty:: , 41fallite sigmfdlhe4dOdgerantiowas ever 4 eiftet a te In peratemain.." , Efin diedt a few years ggpsiaPAlsting achamitkodie- property Ea' I•Choorileratindflhis wife, - Mel marriage' chet , W.e.enitim and Annie having ,taken' Itill*Ke*hatly after the. above narrated Asirenra•Aarkeesnoeutred.' \L • - • ~ • Afm el.; 1•16. • .•'' •••• , freTioitita.- 2 ; 2i'idung li usband le I 43 5 a114612 id' ft/ nlee pickle:'Front sometiif t Mt "ebtlitittied'th a t hlf 'Wife' littliti , s ilikedlattn as ilia klhbuid, aml,,be F &fain rktitio'itest Wit m eleent, Ile hveifore 4tlote a note f telling =her that henfifittgoing to droWn himself iu the 643344 iihd that Uteri she tt , all'th -' epon tenthtf that nottit'his spirit would be :01 , tiring-titrAr her,' observing. how 4;iter ttrolirhili deith. The would-be suicide • entrusted the note to a small bo3, , • but' the boy iaiiifookiiteidlreetion, and ear ' (alit WV tle'fitiller Jai his Wife. Not inwerisibalnititiloixtelbeLd reid fbi In " 1 1 ilitiitikkofthe ‘tinlitekr Woman, the i liiiff battled 'the note to'an Aflitlef, With- Irdstfticiftdsilf jibatiltde ' to idtevettt thb: ta r ittildt,:emrhi3 l / 4 )fifiet hilkil6l oft; and isiitifiSteiighlbtindithebitititiii the biihk <iPtlietiittitallitßoshidg it pi t , ihe`+(illieer I ißel2eW i the . liti/Uoks ' liushand and mar t . - I Oiled hlttikhrta the station house, nee iiitlifietandlig bhCptoiestations thatia* 0- d'aGrtritelid tb tommit Suleicfe,leelq, rittreeth&indirdetatiatt of the hil fibiihd , 1 • Ircilbte itiashamlod4o tivsNite; with the informattOtifthittbehatittiettitiveti.< After upblitdinttheiititikin.for not 'let ' thO , TrilatiasAo/ 1 tisowttOuiroseif, l 1... AP bWACV; WOOet,l3barteirtifirtz d ady rezeitobittur, 4010 bitrelyyseliNidub+ legplottaill ill the seSeta, , ~, • „. gn 'd Intoocr 'Y i 1 er.,i; 0'r.i. 1 4.rf. ,, , lo:^tn: , • MI - ;ltaije , - - fr;.V,:til - 54leji-4 ;=6l k 4 A# 4, il+, ; -•.:: :„ , . . 4 .. .., t . „.: • , . ..,i1... of +.4CI - 7 , .:,:.' “I>`! . ;'3)..,'_ 0 , I tr„'.., 4.• • •: t i ( • c Pi ••fze•w:6 ...i.; -.6' 1 .: -..,. , . _ -,... . t , i. ' • ' --- :111. I t4,•,6 ..16-1-*6l lit` - 'it 6 -.6.61 . .,•••6 '•• I 1 . Aria I !El niII VV - - , u; USE - !! 4 '4l!°:* . Z° °„ • _ „ , OufiVasitington Lette, If Wasenicirow, (D.'oo boot, 1, ' PEESIDENt r iiIANING - ENDED. Some - pe - Oplf,gretepdto assume 0/at there is to be - a...contest for a Presiden-, tlal caudidite'citthe Republlcin part,y, Ji 1 01 fflre Mere low. satin„ men , infli4e 1 0 1 theAspubilean party lithos!. palms spoils i ne Illegthnate !Whip?, after _ the spoils of ki,illoe, anti viii!fose nyeaarb not 41101 . itcl'hyPtkonkte spite * , growing out of, iltglipp•alri nada` thatthelr avro esti ni trait of theniStilies f a aboVe the : ilitirPn diird-iixid by the aggregate of theit'fel loir:mori;and Who can yet see-a ohiene to make room for any. othe • candidlite, than . .....Gerk.Ali Ei' r Grant A' 'vibe uegt,' . 'Xiliddiptitil Orin, it,_ word be well 11 - ' givs their,upposition aOll2O U 6 141141.1 1 ~Pl9w: t hr4 a largenumber f the WO, Op,rAgelAtlagAt Walarl WI 9C kiltdeotßOki' 1 PkAleff..f%).4 3 7;, bave ep.fibe ..rtheb, * ;,/ - 00 7 .1 0 1 4 1i$9. 1 4**f esi dOitirR E IPYR, , a 4114 10, 8 ' ,trAktA9R,mt : ohli py.ti t papalar ynte ., ne t aleih - .i#4:iti`ticirkii 'yirtniiiii deolarine for na, ' t in` thij i way ,from Maiu4 to' I s *is ' iriiii, the vrailOrany othei:nia : tiAibielh - thei niingnailok seethe' ' l .- Illeteilitlinied.'- The death-lit Press'e Chatd oh* Can opiiiiii • Hit noral ti- r gitp • Wet feseltiays , a 'thing iti . e.**, thd gh l V c 'yotlinefiirO,' l and more , sure that it :was hr 12137.• forhis flat term.;. To e- MIMIC& : him :ficiery Is also,to denOu se iiiii-JuiMiblatretion and the •veriik of the people; and in ths,,aent of, is, Asath,prlerto the time of -holding ho l , .'l.P.P7Pg9n ,— A.thiDg not at ali lia 14t g still possible to occur,-the nati n t ,, i inopiding ;all parties, worild since ly, ,mourn the hero of the greatest of w• - • r 13,, and'the saviour 'of the liberties of he jieople. In such a sad poisibility, whit 4 ehiinciiivould ternairi for the' lattrie l li!• l atioliriation of his ipitefal •calum hiralci the pi - am:thus made vacant? 1. , 1 -To moralitebn the Course pursued by thin pygmy assailantalusideof the Ifs , - publicArb Arganigation is supereroa l i tion.. Common sense should close th eir mouths, artless •they desire in theirv6r ,dancy,,to get on the political fencie,j. et, After gte? D,emoeratic purty,hss expir fl-,. Tith , tbe c ,yteni O f fallinginki the 'ar fi ~, pc(ta it its(ty corpa, as represented y Ihe - 'effete " 'Prssidant-niaking 37 fami ,1 whose brairiiiiipired • long Since W tb : ihViiiiditiccil death cif the father-of he_ Slifka. • ' ' '_:..-:. ' • --1- ' ' ' : • , .9% Thd ita Omura:lle- liosition , and se , f i , , nity.:4! aezi.. Grant - - under this) p.e tf c , ftsgellation,!is only approached ip , reelity.,tbateof. the husband in the ,olury,• wbo Allowed hik wife to barn r'.. hintycybenexer.,knd es much as she 81Ted,,,, heoatirse Alio „lupin:oring did t hurt him, and has suoh:k powerful , '-' - ,AkfsetiCinyi tier.. Tb9 . :Pieiiiie,rit, ho* 1 1 ,yetWill.nri c t' he likely to t appreciate t e aireticin 1 - .) ,those Who 'are' bob il n tinily iiiittiiiiiiiii2 . 91 ' '- ' :'• ~-,". ', , If isii6fifisidicated - by.itbe • action of the . (l4liforni, a:Legislature,. in Choosing How . Thotnius Shannon Spexker of ibe House of liOreeentstives;_ that, Hon: - .4.efOtbe 4 -43strEL4 11 (wfill be retum4:l3pu:. vi i 4 Atow l 4)011.414, Siete kneteud 0f,13,ep tor' po,ie r luOctiiiin expires next Hal: ini A• iit.:soo.cace',i have boon COniilu es:t betel' the — Ektuttein Chtliiits toiii ' is= siou, three-totartlisili : iiiiibti''i're% t far vor--of the claimants ; but the ag re:; gide atuougt Is reduced - froul; , sl,B9o,p o o _tojess than $ 500,000. Tne,k: . poliyingle a true report of papulpflon of the United' States,_ __ ce rta by the report of the i3nter'- intendent of the. Census : Aggrerte f States and Territories, ,i 0,923, 10 ; white, , 83,580,857 ; 'volofed, 'n 4,886,867 ; Chinese,. 68,254; Indians, 883,712; but "of 'tribal relations, 25,731 ;•grn rese Lions stiagehcies, 28,886. _The Senate voted yesterday - focal tVe:President for a copy of the Cat go , _ correspondence. It is. klaied, • • this, will make an interesting expos Russian intrigue, unofficially ' tate ed by the late ptinistep against the gotiatiens it the TreaO: of Washi toii; . and-Alieoffeitil relations of (the' States with other , powers:, It se •we -that M. Oat - sassi l y denied certain cor es. -p(lttiiellOO AO' _being his , own, but, hat 1 Seeretury ...b . :4011: secured h i a •o4gin 'I -uukuitscriptrf4l4 fastened it, upotO , • . korace Greeley,. Whttelaw „Iteid t d Abet-New York : politicians were he i . yesterday for y thttput.pose of Preside t making and to forma isirttfish nil a the borders of the Republican Pail: '. A conference was had with Senator k Seim rz regarding-tike rnation of an, formation ,anti-,Grant _ patli; ,out, of Republic ns :a t6l:, st-. ,b: - .., I'olo . 'C,opsekiatiyeß, - Wh ch nVeilqe bead ' and ' t? itAer , - .l:yerrieli?r - Afe. To , scfefin,lte steps - lisiviceen tiiiiert; iint.l ' ifii ijoiltafaTlrtike prOpesitiqn tO: give 1 ilii2 .tiuoei:Otiir 'Ofileve . to ihese hungry peO.l6oo,ts to hip • tin already . Cert i tln 6 cae;;' , ol.ll 4)rove . generally poip far 4 o9itli''old' c n'Oixibers of the dorni - nsnt t - Pairt§. ,---- tvi2F4a I deV,lii'dVe tiraO: ~ ' / Al. bid ass in Othiced Into th'ellolt4H Of' s ite . ,preliittiti e s yesterday "pprorri l'at:ihg- tl , 6 ( ittilll btili of . dollars ' fel •ii r P :ohisiVA:tiiikiiir in'ehicage lin:* h vli I,li.;.'i,i'd iiiieiii: ens buildings eto d, aiiii IS ebaiinerf e the erection Of it`h" w United States building. It will pro a blyOse-bell'Ottrtho holidays, hi °Merl -to' , givolttatO persons thrown out of work fby .tholire, , and Ao furnish buildings ac 'tuallsFireqUrriidbyrthe•needs. of Abe p. States business'in that unfortunate et iy. LOCAL MATTERS The weather - hi unmet's - 11y dold lii-t• tair this - 4ia11011: Albeit Hensley (cil bred) %kg Mind yeaterday - thortilt?g fir ,en ta:deittba Esi ikirdieti - death froin,-.e - posa re.: t Itiostitt.dr• - meoo,ittiV %SUS 1 - 010 k at witoartylriiien to heath; 'With a bolt , of whisky by her aide also frozen. , • a;W&t'x opera houie; 'one C)f our Wash lbgtonittidaters, took fire this mornio wogi entirely consumed, togeth r IWiththfitiltdge appliances. The Lindh • ;log waftS vsty indifferent one for sue i puypos4, ibut its.loes will perhaps b%) • •ryLup4le,proposed enterprise. of, tame iitirek large and well appointed aoadeto of music or opera house for - Wastaxil., 4 2 ) .9 - - , ', 1 'hP7 .1 904 , Pf ate Pp9Ta , house b '• Om Aro is stated at about 1 , 50 099 which Parenall,y (layered by insurauce,., l „,, the!.crrtillmo Court,, yesterday, W c eoley Jones", w ho cut' Andrew. . Curti : get*t:it l•be . fLec;with, a razor, _.1,1m3t Juiy mekr,pl97Nteci.of assault. with, Intent t iltill,;m4seuterioed to the perdteutiar.) for e)glitqvars, , „ •. , ittelge Ma Moo. ybo,'wits recent] yel. , e stedc.titlhe:rWl.scatisialLegislature, , hn Or.,asd thew. an d•resumed - .the ' du t Muittori which will be..eina nAddrYi then Bret Alf-January • when li,ix.w.tillntire and return to Wis eoirsith c't; i ;.., Tittettmettal .I`i rat Alidtt4 ettilth; rightirintar two' ihrlft; diito 1.:J.44 tweri s p, 7,7t21:0D oat prang 4 11Se Islkiapipplied.with*OWAßOMPON to el** git-* kla4ll Pt bitWsttkin„.tatx.ktils sad = *at, •U ' iltl437:l. Li 11.1 , 1 r! .11: -"t• llggiadditioni 0411 Abe late. it Troftip, haig bieiriatteTfolhis War* • 1 „ ri x.. 21 v _ IMO NO. LooatkOi-•-iliweitt Ciittlii4f4llliii2d Floor ~.< t place tbirmorning: There are two va cant Audithribips, -Firs wand moottto..be ilfted . J: A. Senate resolution 'proposed bylkft. Morrell, of Idaltny,rwill• inquire what further upoittia.he •Tndian. question-is roquired: , The , lndittn•tre - e-q tleaeetitsideleservatiettiontwhiett l the Indinua are IP b& collect ALVAIX94IPed in the future. Commissioners tkepord ugly selected - tWirresqvatings--one gdlait"aiid thirotherAilitteobt Terri- An r ty - ,' snVPOstitt nogo ff. otigti to otelfaiti'alllndlana eat •of the Rocky Wountaintl.) . Thbr,antioitliss - ,repotted te rCtingnEtsa: several,, - ,yettmAjnee j efand large numbers-of-various tilbei• have (r 4 ,tire 4 9vgnst.g4 4 .lfla,.:PROcui• upon A b tc.Se - reWvAtIPIO; ;4 t 4941 1 , 8 0M9-°' 2- ' F e Allt!ft. B AeiSz.' il+PA c tiAPlt 6 40, 1 T 1 e d 4,_IiftTMOOPEA-30 0,,tt1514,130",, and a.yav,eiJioMiur,Andetft'af,oo..*lll be - dfititlife'rtir theirqinfts dilitirtii sitttetiVikfig bitVe ready driveg &IWO Eirthini f finiii r ilielr yew honitsir ',7ltWl,l'l!twlding the faith lirlbi r airlitiy 111:agiAPtiTtliViCithere bliftoifiri t iedangiribeWtilittringftne . ebolottottiiiitif 63 , idifteiiiitiets *in `l:anomie:upon* the' r linitivand tbitt tb fair_ •etrortan to:defehd:their rights:milt be so, 'construed• by., fronger, , settletirtiftakall • thttpreiedleetagaine; the Angtiow,vill be, meisli, PIM AlNlx!igeDXegtellt4l.9l3 that they will_gct 110 sympathy, but in stead will be.heetted tneipies, geter mined to Pintielathe 'raids tfpon , civili zation.- 011 ENI ,;, %ht.ehrlrffiqtß.T:clUil.q , tete' Mem pigk the wtlstelini frontier la 4129w1a. ,cob.t! Pad, or- 1 40 1 *Een.,tf 'Pe! l ;. - , 11 . 11 0 it is doub t ful, whether. t4eroject of, the •treat, cati ever b ? euitaho, 4- 31:litdtiot tn t °r a ib° value atO Otencef the ianiii3 re - • . ao,7cd `lt red tnati,,f9r ,hunting ifmindp.: 'US Watit of rq4ltir n,Obtipan ay' *(495- . .tr etitOtihig-'nteiktfOtioir to these pioneers to Seize andoultiliate the rieheepaits,- to which the' Indiana eel doin'make-visits.' It- will-• be ;well tor Congress = the t:Oniiider 7 8i/we method of securingsmaller.tracts to the head of each Indian Jamilyy,r ) ,,lgellhe tracts be ample and we defined, and the Indian' way th Mr real y get " , tv. largithomeiltead, .Fherebillitlog'grtiundsmuybe Wipes- Bible ttr b -airdf.l•:wonid lonly•tend to „retard P. Af. EzeiteMeWilLll.4 o ol o /40 011_10.h, 'We hair§ 'been itiVaiit Itik, 146iiie" , time Past th iifr thereciiitilj is iNflibigitr ID: the t ilifurehooPttitt- ' tinuiicitslitiii-(ltoroan Cfaboll4 4 !'llWi Hatimpor4 growing out ' 4. 1 1 or, the ct;ras:‘,. it ane thxfOrtned, :of a failure f , thereebgregatienActxabwthe •amnia fifi li tnerteyrequipol te l belaised by 7 tl,ll,e a is gpcg a thks %/Nest+, Week hefore,lpst.,*alher.. f fiitae y ka k ~the..eiticlitt ,lngpriest,svAVoraer4l,,V the:Bilihop todisebutinnieChlii - W3liiisiritildtis pr to ay mass in lhatatiirch: - Al lite Slime time, l ite*. - 3,7,:girlSliffair, l the priest of ficiating at the ib lich z 'oeliE Boldface, was - ,erft.PiVAlt9Ftkike.P,WWWl4.o.l4l9f the A e.VaStf - 904..tlitttPsthttlf.PX1,111Whilted .P 0 1'0, ailoW• t 1 1.9:0 [PO9 141 cfStileclll 11- AI ItiEtlierfPrOnkl),AthfigkliqP..4 o P 4.44, 8 41 1 .43 7 - twM4-„titlfftlTiSt PP. servi cesin ;tile Oprp,h c h ( hul t ,nA rt ipot aunday Ipvening•a‘ yery„jE r re qopAreigatinn as !leinhteAi:aetHa9§ieqt4o )Peki7l3 l Yee that , t 1 • ottlternlSW4s4 3 .', 'F4l.ll,of:YTl)4ok,at that -t tee:, - I, 4 );:the:c9aise Pt-kie l'Aix44ike, • e speaker n allu/efi , to the . 041:14Oulties between, that :Bishop-ma-She , cluircb and s6,4e4 ; ,ih z at it' -was Rot u, persottal 14iatter:witA l lihn, hut the gifeatien ; was _tfithAlw4qongregation,w4o j owned and had paid-their money for tbp property, whether they had a right to anycontrol overit„ At tit-la-point some one in the congregation Intiirtlipted‘ by stating that he thought it - was,a personal mat ter. ' •FittheV Stack!) isitill': - 4 ‘ Put that man' nut."_ ' ln an instant' ii: rush- was made for the Offender bYairrOs't theren 'ti re congreghtion 4-' They 'sprang over the tope' of pews, and . ail, was 'Per the mOment - diiiifuslon ' and •excitemcini.— The "M'an 'escaped through tare frOnt door, which 'wria imineillateiy*arded by two policemen ,to prArent Arsilit, thus saving_ severe injury; irliothing worse, for ttie; Ipall who, had"dared to interrtipt the, proseedingS: - I ather S tacke-'-oli i 'seeing" the' ' excltemen t— sprat? g'fili.s;viril and urged 'tee excited Congiegatiiiertz - t05:4160 'Ur-Their seats `an& he 'Citilet,,lolle nectisiiiirci - the' ills= tti rban de had' beat tiliteeliiffittiietieat. Thi4request'Wait dor - 111)1W Vith,' and services Niiiiki - colniil4t i Ca - -Ftibt 'ther'e is greiit'eiCilefiferit anieliktiVe4„iiuneia ticlf'pE;6l3lo7.itria`thit4iiid4iingt'yet:- Thefejis'ittitiisf6lllfiffidesnikiiilm porta4 . kcA:lvgit , MekstiFkua m a y grow out -of -this-aillar: -Tlt inVolves the r i gli t ,o f • abspi u iti-andArbitrarkr, 1 Control hy, t he:Alsbop • of .filLctiUkch 444:Tarty tif ,- ti all, pr.leilis i ,eyfisk,igile W:1 4.th11 of the cerigrigatkirt.wlfo hi,iif bought And paid' fOr 'the Propilit*. ' 6 g. 9 eitio n may alsb be Atiea ail tb44psthier A iSilist Can be 'ret6o4Sll`'tibirilt lichirgremitlon which ifropfkilaid to hifitliridvar,lviith ou t ea bliesabd* wilthoUt(atillal„•: , ykre.:be liev'e,,, thehi3lue?rqueitiontsineVer4iettled in this r4Jourlttlpitlehottgil Ant trance 'and sotablother cektintzleantbitriehti can be taken Iron ft , ' ebaivelvitbout il cause shown on:s3fair trial. -, Th.timiestiop. to be setOpti- J is w-lpAther,, 4,fyiolfi , ),, arbitrary rule is to,..be applied- in this eountry,,— -L°o liqvF:a-Pgßt• E va- . " ,u psi. "itow collies thfs = deathly , in y , tzu . up ? f 'Wititer: - kinla ;"iir, 13 11 iri'liiiiii)slffitiFftlea kicrii iii ! poor f t,l, g canie = iblllsodesitli, •vVirliaps , it hati not tstten au' :fhod - for a_long time, dashed :!•taiiiiii iiiiisoliP, at4t•Oiniuch of it, contracted aticTlullyuu j i . ti,on of the stolnacki';'ibat'brOtight:di With.' The ii fly tnust bave 'a, very ivettlr:t iiiitttutiii, for . when I serfica,the soUP:It'• iWas 'dtin (sing merilly..upOi '_ifietittifited. ' ker. -- hapsituif iheidia'preat hti itself Oily at thlti - runtrientit - etitielt6telltb sisial low too iarke-a plecis of vegetable; Allis remsiottigAtat.* ,Las tb oat,—ea,useo a °honk tng:in -tbei - viinedill - go: l',Vbfght Abe i only reason I Could,give• or the death of this insect r i i ! ''''- . -i'i .. ' - .•! I' ~ ...i'l • ~ .: --7 ..'_ii - .. ....,., -.,...; A younglbotor44.man in' illantiits, whose ri!editi 'iztieprities . prolkii4,*fin the iiii,4il)§l‘g'i a liitzt 'Ete(; Okatcli. ag6irtaily back ward *as....forittard ;. but , in- making short . turgAllirbilli an ' aNylt7ird, habit of treading, ..ii; iris' Ow ii jieeti; ' . .wlitch emuees.blin toistlddenly.take-a seatr.on the ba - dtt . titi - hi& :11"ad. . -._ • A math who read.: tha t. 4 _,P 14 , 113 . / 0 40 of'c'tf(wc:uld 4jr- -6PIIB yf)r4,,-90 • ;s l l:t.uko them lawfa.bed.; at;Criittl.l444"l9l4"4;l - :`'• L L 2t I A I 4 I M.7freO • t • air ,it 740_061010d .It, IS • :Lt.:: EI!MMEI 111 11 =I MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers