The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 13, 1871, Image 1

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• Y V ousiieD zvtar:vrEDIIESDAY 'MIMING DI
P. Q. Van Gelder,
bs,rlptlon,(por year)
X bINEEI or Eirraox mg LAI; 'xttirg'oi
A.— I 14n. I Blns 14414 1.41111:4 I 011og 11Yr
••• SII OO t 2.00 I $ 2 , 40 155, 00 I $7,00 I $12.00
12,00 8,00 4,00 1
,8,00 112.00 I 18,00
,i 110,00 1
15 . 0 Tut) j '4 , ,ocp 160.1)4 - 1 60,00 ;
1...... I 16.00 25,00 30,00 1 46,00 1 Gem ilootO
if ,If Vol
„.? :pecial Notices 16 cents per lino; .Editorfalor
: Ain coats por lino.
con3tent advestioing sttiar bo paid for in advance.
Blanks, Constable 'Blanks ,Deede,Judg•
cs ,4.arFlagoCortiticatos 7 dtc.;on Land.
! 1 tIKI NIC SS C.A.11./DS.
Mitchell 8i Cameron,
tinet-4okuranee Agents. Office Roy's : ,
Wellsboto, Ya. Nov.l, 1871. ! 1
`.lly 31,1871-6m*
Settleb Coates & Co.
ASKERE, Knoxville, Tioga, County, Pa.—
, t,e.lsivo money on deposit, discount nottp,
tad doll drafts on No York City. Collect
• ons promptly made.-Aran 1,1871-y
'.iono.ix SzeLNY—Osceola.
o.llee in auilth and Bowen's Block, across hall
f , ,a Agitator °trio° up stairs, (second floors
Nellsboro P.a, Jan.4,1871-Iy.
William A. Stone.
t 'racy and Counselor at Law, first door - Alia+.
Converse .t Osgood's store, on Main street. 1
IVollsbore, January 1, 1871 y
Jab. W. Adams,
ttnrkey and, eounselorat Limy, Mansfield, Tioga
nty, Pa. Oo!lotions promptly attended
an. 1,187 Y—y
Jero e
,tcyriney and Counselor at Law. Will attend
promptly to baldness initrosted to his op%) , in
ae counties or Tioga and Potter. Oftioe on
le Avenue. Jan. 1, 1871 y •.
Joint W. Guernsey,
c't.)riley and Counselor at .Law. 'All buelnesil
intrusted to him will be promptly attended to.
Offioe 2d door south of Hazlett?' Hotel, Tlogai
Tioga Connty,-Pa.—Jan. 1,1871.
Win. B. Smith,
?dation, Bounty and Insurance Agent. Com
munications sont to the above address will re.
oeive prompt attention. Terms moderate,
;eet-rille, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1571.
Seymour Horton,.
klt,nioys and Coque°lora at law, Tioga Pa.
k baBilleed ontrugted to their care will receive
pr)mpt attention.
. 7 . IL St:rmourt . C. liosrox.
Jan I. 1371 y
1 , 1; A. AP.3191110110. SAMUSL LINN
mmstiong - & Linn,
19.rx 11371-y.
Terbell & Co.,
\S holesale Druggists, and dealers in Wall Paper,
Jierosene Lamps, Window Glass, Perfumery,
_. - Paints, Oils, ,tu., &o.—Cornin, N.Y. Jan. rn.
D. Baco n s M. D• 9. •
, •
IPhys;cia a and Burgeondst door (met of Laugher
Pectic—Alain Street. Will attend promptly to
i,l calla. Wellsboro.—Jan. 1, 1871.
a, u. Ingham, Pt.
iir,c.coupathist, Office at his Residence on the
Arenue..—Jan.. 1, 1871.
. . •
. ,
' Smith's otel,
Pa., 1. H
1, Smith, Proprietor, House in
ecndition to accommodate the traveling
public in a superior manner.—Jan. 1, 1871;
i l artnerte Temperance Hotel.
P. MONROE, having purchased this house,
T:',llcond,:a in future ds in the plait, strictly
:a ta:nparance principals. _Every_ nocommo
cittiaa for Mall alld beast. Charges reason
January 1, 1871
Union Hotel. .
. 11 " rn , Proprifatar, Wqllaboro, Pas'
'rSi4 house; isl-pleasandy located, -and has all
ao 04nrontenoes for tuna and beast. Charges
- - ,,, dohte,—Jan 1, 1871-Iy.
W. W. WEIM3 I M. D., ft • '
Physician , atti_ . s t urge9n,
, Fica —Opening out dt Ilastiogg Colee
g Storo.—mar. 1, 18i1.
Farm. for Salf - 1
HUNDRED ACRES with eighty '
kJ acres improved, an(l - situated - near "
State Road, south of Mainsburg. This
entatne a comfortable house, tyro' goo.
tsras and ninety fruit trees. It is welt adapted
dairying and agrioulture. Terms easy. In
of the subscribe: at Mainsburg, Pa.
• ?ea° 14, 1871-if. ' J. A. BOYCE.—
New J • welry Store.
THE Undorggned would reapeottally say - to
the citizen e of wollsboro and vicinity, that
hl5 opened a
Sewetry Store
• n the building recently occupied by C. L. Will•
.3C ills stock comprises a Nil' rumortment of
re A 7) PI, A Tr.n.;-*ARIY.
D. W It iNER, ego of the best workmen
~• , rthern Pannpylvania, will attend to the
2 -
~.. CLOCKS &c., &.) . e•
, &c.
?.; t+in loins; ofwhich his eaVenice - is
"0 , Ft -Act imt expel-let/co le suffraiefEt guaran tee.
0091, shoe, Lealiter anti
"i!!..ib , lro, Aug 23, WI-0
Finding . Store.
7Voga Co., Pa.
ser 4, 4.4„.e,h0. notify (heir
they ara doing a levnit
fiw= aai 11,1 e lui,in4 B s ep tirelfshara Street, op
ttthv i Ito S.aith h.)tel. They keep beatti of
1 4 1 10,4. to ,*1 t overytway, both Nl'
stl 4ontg ; alsa any kind of children's"L. Drop in 1%
APP. •
if. ET If J. Sri N
<-, . j ,
1911 If
ATIONA L 110"'l IL,
, nrbarg P. k , conducted on silica tom.
Iv: prinekrilcs by the subscriber, sr ti , ,
re n , : paini to. make this house a pleas
is ror the trnr,eling publio. Being well
1 rita house nd stible room, he will
mss endoar I' ato provide are comfort
1 man and b a st . Wu. B.IIALL.
I bings Not 16th, 18x1—if,
• - Wellsboro H0te1, : ,,,,,
Thi is a popular Hotel lately kept by B. B.
Holiday. The Proprietor will spare no pains to
make it a first-class house. All the stages ar
rive and depart from this house. A good hostler
i&attendance. 0611-Livory attached.
Jan 1,1.871-1 y j „
HE undersigned is now prepared eXe
ante all orders for Tomb Stones and Main-
Tents of either
of tbelateet style an 4 Eipfire4ed wOrkinanahip
and with dispatch. •••
He keeps constantly on hand both kinds of
Marble and will be able toanit_all who may fst..;
vor bins with their orders, on as rehsbnablaterile
as can be obtained in the country.
Tioga Jan. 1,11f71-tf.
MU. Colroßto3r,
it• -
_Tr grEPS conaka ß tly oil hand, ELGIN
.1 -312k i - `lll. - WALT SWISS_WKROR
1-7ti: ES, Marine, Alatm& Calendar 'oLqats,
Plated - Spoons and Forks; _Table,- lattor,nnd
Fruit Knives; Cup's, Castors and Cake Baskets; •
Napkin Rings; Cream Salt Sugar and _ r Mustrird
Spoons; Fine Gold and Agate Rings; Gold Pens
and Pencils,; Solid Gold, Sets; Pearl Fancyand
Pia(tillitattonai..l.Wat*StAnNa and OitCuaii.So4
A large stock of SPECTAIILES,
Colored Glasses, all at reilitcedpriVelle"
B.—Watches and Jewelry neatly Repaired.
thlarbii - t i s lS7l:• •
R .
` l —Constituted by the homes of the people—
Beceived - tho - Great Award o_f tho
. r
And hav 6 left all rivals far behind theta, for they
, ; ~•
ib g. mcir9th au firty thousond in advance of
tileti - eiitee ot thd precious - year, and Ovitlorti:
four thonicind'vtore than the acitei of any - piker
tipmpany for 1870, as shown by the fOlhiihnit
figartia from SW9RN tietarus of:the:Wee of
Licansoe. .; t! -•-
1 214. T31114(3 1 ' Manufacturing Compa4Y,
sold over the Florence - Sewing
• ;
Nachine Co 110,173 .bfaehines
Sold over the' Wilco Giocsittp„ ,
ding •
iffichine Co., 518,043 do.
Sold osier the 'Weed Seltefrid Nct. ' .;
= 9,831' - ' do.
Sold aver the Grover & Baer
Sewing Machine Co., 70,431 do.
Sold over thellotoelfoohine co., 52,677.:
Stfd ores t h e Wheefei.'&4lraeon -
!Nicnnfacturing Co 45,825" do.
all of which is mainly owing to the popularity
of srliit2 ii lerieWii 'de the "Naw PaairnYtAiwiicd -
NI A O- n r c rvihich Is Row itmt „tiddqktinr:
ilteild.verY 4414egurated tionset,c4d A l . ie t ;
a lars giving full particulars of Machines, their
F )ding Cases of many varieties of wood .and
ft isb, their Attaohmonts for numerous kinds of
II , rlt, which, till recently, it was . thought that
dlicate fi ngers alone could perform, Rs well as
p4rtieu)ars about all articles used,by their Ma
chines, such a,r Twist, Linen Thread, ?pool Cot
ton, Oil, &e., Ac., apply to any of their etath_orn.
lied Agents, or to . •
458 Brdadway, New York. Philadelphia
.00oe 1106 Chestnut Bt.
1 Mardh 22, 1871—tf.
New Music Store I
J 4 3ltEii•trure new mprovo ron l~ramo
. and Soft Pedal
Dealer In all kinde of
Piano§ and Musical Merchandise,
largest and best selection of MUSIC In this sea
don of the Country. Plunl3s warranted for 20
Melodeons and Oabinet Organs
All kinne of Instruments bought or, taken in
exchange audio let. AV- All orders for re
pairing and Tuning promptly attended t 0.,.
NE elegant, new, leat i ller top buggy ; one
If nice open buggy, nearly new; one two
boree lumber wagon ; a good single 'Arnim.
June 21, 1871 tf
Farah itor - Sate._ ;:_
in. Sahib - libel-criers hlrfarm,
T &az'
ated in the town. of Delmar, some eight
miles free', Wellisboro.l-Steid farm contains 76
acres, some 30 of which is , imprered; good
frame, h ire 30x42, and a goad log house, and
seine ftnit trews th-roen. Said farm is
t' , .r fertility et io this so. •._n. For
p'articoter , inqui , cot" thi) sub ecsiber at the office
of el W. Merrick, Eq., Wellsboro Pa.
April 19, 1471-tf. A. REDFIELD.
AN lustitittlot, to prepare young won for Bus
loess. The graduates of this College aro
commanding and lucrative positions in
dearly every city in the Ur.lon.
Fur circulars, containing full partioulars, Spec.
baens of Writing, Colleen Bank Bills, Pen Draw
ing, so., enclose ten bents - and addreas
A. J. WA'II,NER, Principal
Elmira, N. Y.
August 23,1871—Gm
Hotel. for:. Sale,
- m: American Hotel, Nelion Pa., house and
j barn nearly new half acre land. On the
o of Co wanesque Valley 11. R. Work just being
commenced, 100 men at work near by. The
property will bo sold at a bargain. A good
man can pay for the property while the road is
being built. Terms easy.. Per particulars in
quire' op the promises, or address
r ~ ; C. 13. WHITItt ,
Nov. 8, Late. f. Illosobeij Fat
qj •
VOL. , X I
SOL. EtTJNN'L ;;; /$llO - 'istlii ,1?
Tioga Marble .Works,
Manufacturing Company,
i_i-A`rg t ec.:.
1-1.--,--.11..-76 • A. - -,.... g , -.<,..:- .. 1 ,......„ : , * , , •
---- • --t, • . 1 _ -..-..
fr lc Ai '3V;A : ' ,
ti.,...e.-- ~irs.,•
. . . ._
with Greener's Patent Foot Pedal
_ ~ r
A'Aimturr l ißurs 1871
SLEEPING COA.ollEB,sombining all Modern Improve
ments, are run through on all Trains between Buffalo,
Niagara Balls, Suspension Bridge, Cleveland, einbln
nati and New York.
NtimrreiLL'iro .
Butqi4atiut. , -,
Great Bard."
Binglia'lon. }'
°wag). if
• Waverly.
Corning. "
Palgtefl i ffoetitJ
Buffalo. "
()Mon "
tffitoUral ''. l '
Otuelnuati "
Local Trains Westward.
5.00.0,r0., except Sundays, from Owego.
8.00 el in., daily, from Stusquebana.,,
0.09 X. "4 dallyy fresx . i,SusgueSjina,,._; - „ ir 4 4 Y. 4
1:00V.Br. skteapt:Suddels, franallaistroatiatta.*
I.llAm exeept SuudsYs, from Elmira. Stopping at
Big V s LES, Corning 2 00, Painted Post 200, spa
thenoei l is Avon,, to Buffalo, arriving at 8 118 pm. •
SI 30 in except 'Sundays, from illtrghataten.
• f t • r
taticPat' Vi 6
Clifton' "
B's'e "
NiagEtra V. "
4111441 % 1
144 11 iiitie29 1
Voralug .•
Plemerly "
a re e et Bind 14ktltalreVe
Stigma:mi . *"
'Port Jerrie_
Goshei( "
Newburgh a'
Newark "
- army City
New York
Additional Looal Traini Eastward.
4.00 a M.-, itgfly from If ornelevilla.
'7 tx46,1, 4,6itlindaje exeepied. from ffornellatills.
7.A0 a m.. except Sundays, from Owego.
T. 60 a tn., exeept Sand aye from Elmira.
1.68 p. m., except. Sandaye:from PrU ra
tod t,
, r . 3 34eMet.ikrf4/ 11 ,XfPAli ,
• t
.1 01 46 1 1 bef Veer !Strati v64'.
t J
Poroete. _ r • - • • •
9 r? . ? 1, i 4fY i :!? " W a I
• f
Bliort entral. ,r'
....1 -u. • ( .
• - ••
itotife'rtoith esio sonti,
• on. eind after Bawl/Li', Nov 12 th , 1881 , Traing celll
15,1%. a F t I r 9 lll ,T zt 9iYfait,°_l l .e. ll l: !)" • b
iitiilt - KftrZatt4ltti.'..*' •
hail.:..;' ' 7 8,811 A,. ht. 1.1312tE416 10 • ;8 • 8•P.m.:
Irtatp6rt Accora. 710. N lagar&Sxpren 1.05 P. M
• ' 6 1'i1iti*S1 L.E4VB NOlATit i l6al.l).
Mail, ~ 'lkea P. M. Rlinith 4goixt4B 08 4. IQ.
Ittilictialxviimie 488 P. St; BlighTol n 14681 frt M.
• ; nnx
eget Gen'l Snl3l,
Welisporo & Lawrenceville 11. R.
Time Table No. k '
Eino2 TaUßanir, Nov.lo ra,1871.
Man IrOttli; -- _1302311.111.0ur1i._ •
..IM3 par 1 1 10 - Bm. - 4 - 11 , ....t ..9 ` - ' — ilpy r -Al 4 - Z° P
0 425 pm 26 or I.4arrtinoevlTl• v a m 60 pm
14,14 pm 66 ro, , puompg •
44,10 co t 8 11:6
408 prd adz '' • •Latnrep - - 1.0•88 am• 9 U 4 p
864 pm 40 *Boar Creek 19 40 axn 918 pin
8,49 pm 84 . 15ii . 1, 1 ,714ga Village 10 56.auf 20 pm
881 pm , ) .e.g4tainonil-.11 12 a m ip1315 . F.
819 pm • 11111004 11;28 a m 4O p In
818 pm •,9 9 - a - 11011184 • • 11.81 a m 960 p m
803 pm 1 htlfdlabarf „.,11. 41,am 959 p m
2-54 pm 18 43 am "" N 1144 Valley 11•4911. : m 10 05 p m
242 pm 831 am.;-
, W,P #'
tlgdrsh Oreg11100:_pdV110 16 ran
2 35 pm S 0 6 - F an ,0 V A2 -3 / 2 AP?
o • . • .1, IR
.. . . .
t lossburgit. 13of'Oing.aiTiti*Ittt• ,
. ,
00INCi NORTH STATIONS CfOTAl l SOirel l it ni
11 10 am, T.', ts- Maim' .- VoriLidc*.asciiria. WI pm
id 5§ am. 6;10 pp . . ' Italholion .' 4 2 /410.4 k t r . 1
ld 4'2 ata' ' 6'o2Pm " Erwin Coatis 9 '83 am . pm
lci BO am 460 pm Cook'il 946 am ' p
10 26 atn"4 46 pm - Muffle " ' 1 - tr'9ol: 88
1016 am , ia 85 tnn - Li" re ttriiiiouleata -, . til - '
10,03 am•%;4 21 pm • = Baia .I, a3M'Aiurri ‘ l7 ' 1
a a Aar % -4:11 pm - 1t14148 Ilf '-', -I:llBlaiiittrg Oil
21 49'sta L:4,ter pm - : % cna Stififti -,- I;l4ll. , Hi l itz 1. )
937 ilia :t , S 61trpm% - zallOra ` ,`"' 01 10951Rizi?2'2,6) ,
9 . 26 +am t I 1347.ipthat I tifill'erVak ° n MA2 hick 5 -4.82 fa )
McCoy's " ~aiiffa lq2F..tcd.";:i 1
916 am •I II ST:paft ..7irxiaib's tiseelllll2 am 943 pm
9.06 ant • E.B .27- pal% c : allasiiield 11431 iM! 9fa pni ,
- ' - Canoe Camp .
846 am 309 pm, - , - 13411416.0 Z) • 1.144 4 am 1016 pm
826 aal 260 bpi - Blosaburg 1206 am 10 86 pm
....... r.,....v: zapmt- ' Scrag,- 12 ?Pm, —*v . * , *
~, ' ..,--'3 2 4 6 Talt AI2 ea am 4 1 t
A.: I', : ..GOitTON, u 6L H "' i SAL. Efrraixtrfti_ '
i Supt B. at. O. R.ll. 1.. ., Supt Mega, R. IL
PjanihgLattd Satoh:mg!
IiONE Isflitt.liiatnelicAnd .dlapatobj)Also,
* " F
BE L i
made from inch Xeciatrig. , Can plane, 24 inches
wide. At Hamilterrisis atedui
ore ok r kiii daokeon corn Tpiltdo zi rkYi, l 6 l , 4 ,4-
JaCILSOnp.IIII3O 7,1874,4 C,, „ •, 1 0 . •
• g •
tot .4).x.a z
ITENTISYLVA 1, 4 1-10ust'40
LAT.LT kikoyni."aatVes . Z9wieett4 ) lictueel
1 ,6 and for, a time occupiedby b. b,,../14 7 .
` . ‘114, hai3 been thdiciughly refitted"; reptiri
ed and 011 . 1
, - fa -- •
' ,W13.0 will bo •.1449 to
deottjtere a Iv old
frtandep f thelt?uee!i f t,rory retwonabla utteb, ,
Aug. so'' j ,; 1 , ? 4 , 47 0 ! 0 ;Pl! 1 il..• :
A iiiniiTiitrabeal:Wohe' .
Ll' RIM Ur 110;!BilIttISTRATION.ber:Ing
been granteskto..the,nuder i slisned oA.tbe t ea,
tate of - Diwit p. nolden,'dieUledtlate orlAtettal ,
field, Tioga 001, , ,Pa.,- all Pellontilndobted, to the
said estate" and those tidying' claims - againstAt i
win settle with . SARAH—HOLDEN, ;
. 1 ! Q. Opyntoxlir
Oct. •
Real Estatelirar
ONE tiCit!tqf AND L,OT..en,l3tece,street, en
tirely new ' . 'lliliefted` nicelyithrongbout
Cottage style. Terrde shay., •
One lotion State etrefit i ypo4 which a. louse
le boing built. . ,
Tee lot, on Meade atr et. - „ •
Four hundred acres of timber land in Delmar.
Also, a - iptindid - dairy - farm in nolinar,',g9,rq
taining 1 1 0 nem. , Inquire of
Juno 2 T
~1 71 tf WAIIIITT BAILEY., •
S FARM ED!? 0.541,E.'" '
rrILLE subscr iber o ff ers for sale his farm of 50
acres, pleasantly situated In Catlin hollow,
Charleston, Ttoga county, Pa.; within about four
miles of Iyelleboro and two w iles-of Niles Val
ley, depot: Sohoo/ house, church, mills, shops,
&c., within a mile. Terms easy. Inquire on
the promises, of C. G. CATLIN.
May 17, 1871' tf
Admmistrator'sWo (ice.
JEL/ estate of David Mark deceased, Isto of
Charleston township, having been granted to the
undersigned, alLpersOfifilitlit,:orltiving any
eltilmeg against said est ; ate,,wlll call on
IsToir.!2‘ It.' P. CONE;
• ...,,i• .v•r;AL 15..,...,.; ,; 3
.Admmistrator'.l, ptic:c.
ri" , •• -, k • • ~1.; • 0 ~;:!. 1 4 , ,1,)
WV; undonigned baving been appoipted Ad ,
Itatniatrator of (ha 'estate i of ' 46catia . Doan;
deceased, late of Cha th am toliaahlp, all painting.
Ins'elntaltttme against said estate; or indebted to
it, will mettle with y , 1D. , -,l)s DO/al ? . ~...
Nov I, sin itt_i :,.. After,:, ..,.
- ' - v -, J"‘aV
1 • I
''..-t A.'...1.. ~- 3 1 :J ", ‘1
No. 6. No. 7,t No 8.•
x lio: 1
9.89 a
'9.45 d '
11.00 All 6.80 P M 7.00 P M
11.16 '" 'SA6 " 7.20 "
d sals 711 1.56 A M 216 Alt
8.87 " 2.17 "
9.15 a .2.52 8.26
10.10 " 8.45 " 4.11 "
11,00 ."
4.27 " 4.48 "
11.60." 6.05 Is 6.26 '.
1236 ,t u"6.42 " 6.01
" 10.20 "
2.06' " 7.06 .13ft, 7.20 Bit
0.26 ". 111-20 A mi 11.20 "
7:0213 1 112.10 P 3 01 2 ,10 12
4 9. 7 .f 4 i(11.2:16 12.16
16 - • ".12.20 " 12.20 "
4,20„; - . ( 012.64 " 12.64 "
6.66 Tagi*C4.ll6 " 1 abb a
7.00 AM; 700 AM
4513 Au
! 0.80
7.05 ‘‘.
7.88 "
8.58 Bay
i 5158 it g 2 . 00 Pal
12,58 "
11.00 4 '
gg ;
0,00 P
:No.* i a.i
4 r
1 46 R
25 P
I p
140 '•
145 • "
.1 62 Lc
11 46
7 6
812 I.
847 "
, 2.82
W. 3.2
.torrt:•••••• !PM e••- lio
6.:,':5.{1000 p m Ji Pm
64tipmf1000 i 440 am
645 " !10 06 ** : 446 "
610 ". 410 12 • a 1%462 f ! -,,i
.0 6 ji.,:fl. alanf
46 ." 8808m ;1006 44
4640!' .. ..... i fl 6 "
12 20 a m . 4
5 . 5 " 111 80 m •
12 68 a : 486 " :12 08 p m
ii Wl_ 4, 1 808 44 IA2 6.1,p m
4491. 4 i.1:04810 +vial ra
/06: i7:17 , ::r.r , imp.
86,, 7.62, .1: g,pRiD
4 ) 00 " I ' l 828 " a
r6O• alittep 6 le , I ii. tp
;6.46 " 1 1262 ' ":' 441444:1
1210 p m 'el iiVnli
1100 am "....
247 " 1 840 p m
206 pm 616 a ..
11 Or 44 '
gla 9.1 m
b 60 "
083 "
1188 am! 322 " 915 pm
1200 m 124.0 •l i 9245 pm
.4 .4 .4 A
_ t if•
Gene Sap'eilnteDi7eat.
31 r
7,? . :1Fig . 19,1t0i.1 :: ,,T1,04,' , C10 .
l• i i [Corrempondenoa oft the Agitator.]. '
I t RANSAII CITY, (ifo.,)'N'iair,l.: , B; 18:T1. '-
leir-'-Odito,:--PiVni, you" ktiof.c is a
wonderful magnet. What wild strupi
imamniadeto - gain . her' favor: - None'
iliPkiKf -e.T,e914 tlic.*,,Fho ,figßoPgir
lacing themselves within the power
f her attraction. Ambition shows Us.,
any ways in do this„ While
home aspire to swaying audiences by
, he power of, theirelognepco,..others de
pght more iiksiecrie ihtl'ikvorid moved
y the power of their pen. Spine' de-
Olre akin lo the latter is perhaps what
'prompts we to ask a little space in the
columns of the Agitator. A startling
es a m ide 1,1, fliOnap4Olfislitiess, . . fl .
I will Say nothing of the "West"
;generally. They that have been : here
know what it is ; 'otlicii have heard so
much about the West, that they will
know very little more until they pay it
a visit. I will confine my remarks to
;smuts city and surroundings. I ar
rived at thid plebe on'the - 18th, of the,
present month, and have e since . that
thllikAbill4434l3 7 kettatilditntalCa' liiad,
present and future. My labors - have
put me in possession of many facts con
-0944:140-0/40;.14:404.6 I laPc i tC4P.l.
aividifiaivill , Con,deise : r ai-nidekiis.
Iliaistioi,444 4itsAelhaiii'of ilie'dtiA . •
Water have them for what : they are
worth, What I say, fnay be relied up
ion, as my knowledge - is drawn frotn au
thenticated sources.
Nestled iticiiinioillic_iiiiii3, -- at the
iconfluence of the Kansas and Missouri
rivers, and on the last great bend of the
1 atter, is the growing and wonderful
oung.,,qtt,y, of, Kansas: -the holpe of
merica. , Tile corporate limits of the
ity at present embrace an area of 2,160
cres, - Shit'is bduhdedon the north by
holysours. river, and on the west by
hiitne bet Ween the .States of Kansas
nd Missouri.' A line drawn !mart Phi
aqt*,/,09, Sap,g/11/3089tw"1-4111q)
his - pitteiri - lalill' 'the - lame" wt._ a an
t i i k ii - t/09*: 4- 40- 1- 04fist. 0 4/Viajal
i t is on qlelwolgreat. , thoroughfu t res of
ravel .eiA add -Nviit. MO' Woreir and
outhaieroitt;thelontlrieptk- T 104; ifref7
- nt
. 11nea rfdloll4dA ptlitln afigyKin
14iiattiglitt 'Kai/la-44f aieihetifol:.;i
Mae the Vhlo.o;', 7 4 1fartir j * t d . :
• itm, : raurpati, and lat.
orpll l KansasT CltrotoldlaappO`Oti;
netil eifY; • Stlig.Aifastr..34(oll:3llsdri. ,
her.E.4neas.Paelflo,l , the-:Leavilinwortli;
, v•reneortitilf Gitlifestetin; lie, atttt;
4qg4 4 .l9lli:LEJvqr, Fart - Stott , kittlf,
he Missouri Valley,Ahe Not:tti
1, .theX.dylilan a and Mikteourl
rid the - Kansas City and Metritthiiiria•
muds.' porcte - of =the itit_lo c ve Are,not yet
ompletea,'hdfite - 'lli .-- Ygpidittibess of
00 8 - t ru oi on , ‘ - -
I -
re alone .ffle,leXik-to *arrant Ittaisikt
I b e ing ti a raga' place it no Aline:4e
.erlocl. Besides,_ it has the great ad
outages of th r pititiite , rce . df the
OPitriyikr. and , )sitte toarket.for a largEg
eope:oMeacell'entiaountiy 'to:
the wy , - ,
a b l i t t i m s p , : ,; ;
:k4ltAfttiBl?c44.l4 l td out In itaiigiu 6 ;
1846 , 'which was the year,'
ifs'i>litlll'aud'on the first of Januti,--
y„18, thpre WAS Et.P9PI/184101?. : of :NO.
g,ollt*Ai st. mattaii..tamelorixii--.l4.. f rtrzasele,>
• qntlay•littie:v I liage 4n -186 Q, so th atsa fter
swept-alOkie,Vy ,
:cou.tge,Ai34::man,y others fled in terror
~ r their 11.e?,44ere, rcew i btist $O4 souls
omiolled ttlid little' totvii the be
: ttitting , of ,t 4,, ,!. ,
td l
:, 1 " gp4 die t4x/.449iiiirort:Y WIAs as"
;• z • dial, twat:Milieus. 'Fiona this pe-.
o4tt tbe-kegitining Of 'the civil - war
.7 1 -v ea lttr an !population., ITherk, came(
it tilt' lett* Wu di , 'never to be forgotten '
•0cg.074 - 41h 1 / 4 106. war laid its'
ost gruelLtaltd upon the little city,
hiel4l - 61 1 1:he time, 'itilielcdeath to its
, 1 f , ..-•wral prospects. Grass grew in the il
, — 1
: ree s, busineil " I s 1- 4 10a f ty,s l ispnded,
i: ~4, twp ,c law'e - Alres,,i4 their a nsual, ,
gsA L 9 ‘ ; ' kiii(Al4flitt4i 4 oii, .stVept . overlh •
"tY i tiomes were deserted.; tawnier' '
.- ould-gather around the hearth 'each a
l a i f i ltirVrerqf i t' iT a rlfisp r yt I L .
. , tv n -'f
it ' 15110 - e •
. nife or bullet ertbier rebel gnerrilla •
••Ight tileree.the lfearta ii' 4 loved (met. :e
.rurder, PlUittder'aria' ilesnlation''Werti - ra
ii. a all sides.l4olllltAittil.i.VOgiers, till a P
t• Is day, shiiiiFirr . with horror when e
Et ty recall the l gglini Sbenes of thpse
f`ifigriTtA4llkstlibi 4Ark, (i.tio..or 't
. L.l.vder2oo fitRAY:r PIO. !lAlPilgt !Ft: 1 igPitp 47,
tkieganto dawnrin the -horizon t•niglit'sl 3
4 . .i1" 2 really' piciped , by, , titidl'#ilinfpg' , l
bifibt4it ft ille bright . stitieh e
,ef f i,,
oPe:ialliikPT o F#P.PritY• At tbc Ciose.4 ‘,„
e war, in 1885, the population was re- i
c -- Ta - to 3,000 eable. -In Ziiiiiiiii7yi:lBB7, d
it ettYlatiltraixted.apialiallitiatilitif - 16,;' 1
4, and thuttqcaMtis , pygyiefq.:s:4l.B as
!ssed at rolreitlilficrua. TWA kust,*l
V:i- , :therptapitUttloli was 25;000, and
rtkOrtyiakkisbA, at,lai oilti l tilf '': ln
Itn - 1101i4fflitcr:viilifp' - I).ttlia, ta'a649
- !,„_._,.. ,- , , .--- -
og~at~y~i~saa,wUlinu au l a n~tf, fnati
6-aseetseil49ftlpf3:ftpt . .tht? Etrlftittitie
j A4 I.III .4 I Y e IP b 400 11 0: ,liefa'it i oo , 4 l ,
vgge4l.l6 86-,oo,disouls.
hSdb`csff~y_op 'au ' etfe,piv~ : b~idip j 's`s:'
i01: . 4e1)0464Pti;9f tviule; 4 12 d, OVOr
a 8 Cl d r i tl i ta tl i o l•h ttal tiu e ster 3l3 , 4 t i h h a e t A : . re s iljoi , ng 'a goo" .
' V;e..*A j bt29, l l i-clihg,i o tf tck. ' licip§ Qr • yet .we - are , not back
ard , copeldering:thelige 'tif • the' place. i
'S e htTie' ilk° good foundries, two fur
n ture rnanuftieturing douses, an, extert,'
s ye establishment for m . anufacturtag„
agerclitfural itniilementS, a counileas
n . 41. 3 .4 . A.4.t 0 46.14iiii'hn ;ST it;)4eklumlth
stiops, car shops, wagon shops, and ma
'n others, ~wheie _the skillful .artisan
p lee the ili - Itifirleit Of his / art' Nifth In
c ssantotoll.a . nd lridustry.._ •• •
' Vv l :- . 44lo3ketteiti . OidO.OY paclip
b sineast`o 'although- the "beef .paelting
* l 4 tisk* iii.A oii t .5v .4;:iitk d pOlt raking.
baaluitt be tin. 'T6w,/trdthathttter part
of b,Neasou.o i ratle,tikesetwt i .Vetir;
t ef i erepnltn Vieragti"oonth'olltfMl :
b exes i iiii daial oititerea,iptick.eir 4114
6 1 ..P00tf.F0V.900.40
~:':;; W P I. 1 012 1: iigi,.
i :
dpubtetliym t . it - largest • , beef ~.. potting,
hp#4.. iO, dilio . t.,Vitiita stittgs.;lAL44l*-i,
baps the largest in theAltirld. , :u L•- ;
2 110f1 3 . 01 j 1 4,4, 11 *!'sellq 40011 - ' 7 *i:o . o,f
nstructien. Its cost, wilet%coniiiie•
t didWillitlittiftill far;ehort'of'9:o6,6oo.::''
5 It isfitivphlngfnalluiet-lived, peace- '
f Will - sided( t'v3own'iettsfety> . *het al:tea . -
‘4 , tax the people here cheerfullY nub-
•irlitlifiTOrlhe suppert of schools. No
fdrie In sp.shost a space of titne for the 1
a6v l 4l,4,AYpt,..:o'eetit,dfitio` n'al,`'lp tcr.efthe. ;I,
411 Beet - Atte eoimbine in striving to pla c e 'tit
. ..their cherished young city in' ' a t k illi F• tIC
OP ek i bir ;gl 0 118 1 1 ?1, 3 ; td i ! n s P th et 4 l4 0( 11 ,; .ac
POlitklital.:U3atters. Siporate:ilittt,4l*. es
', -g . '.‘.. V''. , ) '., 1 4_1-YW 4 . , 7 f i
„. •H , ,
. 11J:
1 i
PL;"I),EOEMI3EIV 13, 1871.
i 1 41 444 .1• . ' • . ' . . '4 1 44 .4 1
' lent ie.' • la .are provided for , .children,
c.coler. We.have seven fine; spacious
• rick tic i • i I :houses. Our ' , soh 00l on ter
. rise: h ; : . eon.. the !neaps of bringing
'nto:our • idst good society, ando,large.
'ln:faker t the , beat faucilies. and , old
' ens in, ‘; is ;place. i We I can inlet): boast
f Iwo I . intnercial colleges, that are ;
': bly, an " well , conducted, , Omd , which
re;dul ' ustainediappreciated, end pte,:f
reniz • • •y, our citizerts.;ml,l ~ , 1 ,
;There e ,several4lrst foists hotels,
: nd a w , InitiOciltopera house,in which..
he heap lass of an4ueementsorelargal
• , patroti4ed every evening.. We have
'our dat.-and live weekly nowsPaPPrili:
codee • number of ]literary - and &e'en
'glover' teals. All of the professions,
, Pil nee yall of the religious ,denomi-,
s shops , , ' re, well and.largely , represen t-
• !40: - if, I 1 , ,,1:f• . _f .d . . ;.: , : _,? , •,i.
1: 11 1 1 P.0„ Y I,p iighted,with gas,:in&,the'
itreet Ara , aro, ever 'Award 'rumbling •
, loogir rr,ying,travelors Wall, parts of'
Iko to, . , Avorything , le , bustle and -
! I 0. , ! rut/behead! is the mottO,
l i rititiPrk.: X Was,wl:44oleg 'down.iiilain,
=geesow.,doyo ago, when I. came to
i gior.4 l ttAlSt was completely ; blocked
I I P .."1,. seems, . Ptreot, ears, -40. ..; The,
`P 1 ,419, 0 , 1 e At l 4,P9)/ 10 NAB /PlMOrge i the
'"uu, . 'fie p, YPIINgt• BwertrAPg,iapdt
T144rikv4404- ,, vgl#PPti AlagAls lo "4erk
1,41 13 5.! fitIPFP rips l l4tcl4.ol B Ple'ili49S./, - ,-.
pgr i ho e tour , :auctiebe4,,Nnuie i s pstgiug.
. rib ',‘ 4f:ever harmonious ',strains,
bogs Ms lag, P,loegnealing,, 40. ti yiria.,
: ail rig 'fieNiildertnetittat this Tin terear.
ng se, e, "Whiiii i ivas iuddenty
ng rejol
'lb' fie'pleastint Obaitfaticifibtpick
i'griii elf nto -Out 'tit • the "irlikf -'' into,
Mehl bid beSb . kuniled'O IWO' . leiii`
e lit
. • Li - l et strongketfilded teiiitile;*ll6 -
lii . ikz l ( hot& ' authenticated iiibtireees .
- ale alifrieup to theiantlieoftici f id
ve'llerliiistefr-edieerl the' beneilt_Of' i'
• - iiiisiiwtimanle Medir c
' Oi3Ose .
1. lit Si liiiiisate, if .t il l s be titie,'fOrli
etc ore said litibje'pt would be s wori;
. • lly 4refreshitig iii;,u/tiiii 'age of tlie -
It aliei City hid,' tOieriiidt4`Civ'e.liili .
ed tares of land Jut. a Atha for the teiiiL'
Sigtv pap*land _Ole _ogler _bßild
gs ItinnePtertheraWitt ;""hht L i've are
. t t ilSpArton;kove ettil..Pitolifor a few
~. yet.. ; The latter part 4,4f,thAri can;
'9.4 . '.
101 ~.‘ -. • . -
i , , . 17r; 2", ,t(• - i - j!It''
VgeEiti,X4S for the feet that.-thie,artk !
ifiActrked strictly,. to,
,thq impro,ye
pf.tpf *mnas, Sity,, , l Iwould say to , '
~• Onr r Aaders, that I: .tiaTp heoprne, a pakt- 7 ,,,,
~ n eat „ Suture ,therpin, and that .jny.!
41!3.0e.h.tkiligli out op. Main, street, 'ln c
I nld relief, to astonish the many ; pct,-,_
I 1
rip by. -
I i Foitlii i fi#ilteil lieneilt of 'my frftibils,
1.-116 ( titiknifi . to 'writl4ptitt , " nbtip't'fie .
,tli:if i tilii , its, I' eill . refer then 2 to,
l, l' he bininii pecernber or Jtiripa-=,
',. ' iiiineAle r r '4fiTfii;r?pifs' ' . pegailne', - IA ,
.'l l ic:h.7l' , .A.rustilley' r *Will lin d the ree f s ,
it - re (I . l4horgtott'deiortbd. `',' '
'*'hPil6l'o46o", l'f' I' titiie *pPt l a'irea4Y l
,0 01 04 if Viklie§'it,id i ) 1 41eilect'lleiritAr.
ill idisoi,'l NiOtits 446' qi iit,;', fili!it i ;iii'
I , 4eiiiiii9 . ly " j iidv4td!igeoui"kedgtfipliMit
I, Aleidir; Mini her" iiiitiii;ckk itlythe ritC of
!aliarap: raillatikio6' all pd itltii . iiiliiii!
; cfLisi(si';‘ Runt' iiei•' iiilpii , 10itiloir M P
'',..h IS ' tnidattf 'obi of Vie tietteikt diettiVite .
1 tfpilnttttgtWW6rlci'; freni' lief iii=: .
. ron • a- '.l;itraint4 - weld - 4,,it e s
1 , roinberireligious and Jobaritable instil.
boils'; I
. tioo 9I; • and•laStly, bu t' Tar ; fit& least,' ' 4.ii the sierling- qualitL4 of IdtliPifilL
~, ein,l'ltanasPity, in' , nlYlkidgifietiti is {
e to teninne, at no ilietantiddyT the {
nd ttletVdpoligitif Ilii'vestiAttelltlillf
1 1htry•- lying • betniee4 St ilion'is4 arid
c 4
1..:-Rocky Mountalins, IYours i &p.:•' 7,
Ii • • ;
2 . • ,
!S. • E. WCA - V.
'o V/te &nate and • How, o r i t'ePresen
c liti,eB.: ~ ' ~,i ; ii
'ln addressing my third annual mei.'
la e to the law-making branch of the
n ernMent, itia gratifying to berable '
p tate that iluring the past, yearomori
1 1.
~ht ia mitr4llf, ol l t ed i ni l lei t tlitr f t o a r i 4 u t i cj .
Urefl.ntlliltii?‘l,:iti)intittttlit .lot
yenaeted; but: tnlearni - theiivspgrlt:
4 iFtten, . and! to Aim forpei tb.era t Aagorrl.
now L L ickft,pl yp4frlalts',iln,o9vi
iiie ro•ca puce eau ,R f o) , 0 4 . 6 ,yriers!,
rtzlipiii* to,lo iittficii*: —. lr4B , l„-, -
O. been atte nded with more thiriiiititi-J
chastise:Mei:a in:thbiloss !of . ltfaland ,
iro erty,bytititerni.and. tire: , : Thew die?:
8 1, , rSA&YtWv . ,,! d
;. tla et A.flth AhAltie9ci
t ell tft ‘ 11 • 44 all , 110 . Y l. O •DP4 r 'cg t iß '
ry nn i .il *eloP a friendship r of ny
lid 'hart Or fc.i?eign "hrillonb," wiah
o ar toward.alleviating the! diStieedes ,
c stoned by the ci,gp.Mities,.l,,Tite,lbo‘
0, plent wbo,havespipp,4ollslyshared•
befr Meatid`witli - the' v,iptials` drtifek'
i fefolltillei,:*lll'reat'their "reWard 'iii
e consciousness, igi ' 'a
~nebh agt, MO in tstuttllsig)the,gra*
I-,t,bllk I,p ' ; pen,!wmen And ebil,:_
I en vhOse sufferings they
V i ed.
The relations of, tb — ,, el Itrited §tatee
iii foreign. Wwi!
i 'Omit ue friendly.
he year hitsibeen - eierit'fal in witness.
gt , two'greavnatiOffs, ispettkiligr One
uguage and 'having; one lineage, set.
n' :by , peaaeful.arbitration. l disputes
) ng standing, 4134 lia,Ole at anyttille
t ring l those naticms ipto blpq.cly,44,
h 4le conflict.: .An e4ae4e. /f 0 iP pa
b e set ;' Which; if andcesstur_in "14 ii:
i) I Ade; iiiit,y be 'll3,ll6weit ' iik other ell• '
l i e
b li a:battens, iiiidltfitillY6EilliellAini'
a - famine tollrotitiCtiVd Ifititnittyl
I loiii:ficfwinaintalnatt to settle !the'
d sputes of-'nations by thobayouetinud.
P _q;dpword..• i:tran a ttli ti,.h9revelth,mAxtl :
p f the treaty alluded to, which Ante,
ben, concl tided • el n ca. the adjournment
o ngress with Her BritanniciMajeliz
,t nd La, eqpy ~o f' the , protocoledf , Mel'
is n erericeil of ;the eomMissioners. , by
w om it was negotiated. This treat y
t ,
p &fides methods for adjiistingttioqinfit
,ti ne pen di iig'betWein_tbe 'twill natiOria. •
t riS que4l°,4# arA t 9 be ackioe.t.ed P.Y.:
a lii anon. _ , • ., ~,t , ~ :;
I ecommenti'-borigress at, ,itiii,eariy,
d4y Ito make :the., necessary proYlsion.
for the tribunal atqeneya, and: forathec
several cOmtilissions on the part of the
United . Stated called for by the treaty
is 1 Majesty,' the
• 'Bing of Italy, the
! . ,1 ) e idea Of' the' iSiwiss Confederation,
it d leNtkielittY, , ,the X4Derar , of Ara': l ,
aI, ave eagh consented to tale join t pen
e f Orthe two power*, to name an.
1 2
Lii retor for the tribunal at Gepe'va.;,.
I ' 1:I , il.' caused my t li anke to be shitably'
•e pieesed for the readiness 'with' kvii Leh
t, eJoint ' retitiest has ‘ beenle , complied:
CI! ~by the appointment of gini Lien:tete
Ie inenoe and learning , to tbeseAmm
, rt fit positions. His Majesty, the,
at eror of Germany, bas been pleased_
to c niplY Willi:ft Jointiceonest of the
i t
' t*o overn men W.. 7 anti - hits' evasen led to
het- pi ,:tfie kthifiiiroitiii, tifficitsi4iffira'Nig
; ter'botindarY bettioitintlidThilted - Statei
and - Great Britain: - - 1-- --
I Tb e cont Meting _parties lh.the ' treaty undertaken to regard as between
thesneelves, certain_printiiples ofpublie.
ilw,kiiiiilittili pififithiffa States f Iniie
icontended fronk'rthe,begirtiting,ol their
Pie 6 g; -,They
- 1 4yeAlee,agtctit t 9 bri9i;
tes filutiapies ..tO.thelknowledge ig ,j
ni l
)e tner maritime' powerli:anti•lot4n6:
to hernto aocedvwthetii fl-- 4 •l ,o 6 firt'_ •
5 are 0114 oti,io;tii'tlie'kkott tit, tba,
it.) by which' the 'lnvitation Is to' hii
10 dad istAla ether power*, , II roe-,
*-", 1 ---- - 7 ,----- : -
: k
.- :
' '.\••••• L
~ .
k , ‘ ,J,
• r•
ommend the legislation necessary•on•
the part of the United 'States to iniug,
Into operation the articles of thelreaty
relating' to' the fisheries *lndio the other
matters, touching the relations of the
United B,tAtee toward the British North American possessione, to heepme ope
lative'its soon as The proper 'legislation
shall be had on the part of Great BM.;
tainanditsictossessions. It Is much to
P 9 cic.9llo that this legislation warps.
come co•operative before the fishermen
br the 'United States -begin to make'
thdlrarrangements for the coming sea
. ,
„ .
i I tattve eddreesed 'a communication,
of *blob' a copy' is trantnnitted here-
With, •to i the Governor* of New Yo'rk,
I Pennaylvania, Ohlo,lndiana, Atte,*
gan,,llliugis and Wisconsin, urgleg up
on the governments of those States re- ,
spectivelythe necessary action on their
part to carry into effect the object of
the treaty, which contemplates the use
Of : tile - canals on either Bide connected
with the navigation of the lakes and
rivers forming the beuridary, on. terms.
Oteenity hy the inhabitants of both
nountries. - If Is hopedthat_ the im por'-;
tance of the object 'add' the benefits t&
Mow therefroin will secure the speedy
approval and legislative sanction of the
pitt4ekv,ObnefSrned. I renew„ the recetn
mendatiert'fitran appropriation. for de
tertifinitig the true position of the .48th
,eflatitude Where it forms the'
boundary,' bet Ween the United . States
end the Xrltlsh...North• •*Merisah Ales--
!sessions, between the Lake of Woods
gad•tin:amp:mit of the 'Rocky Moun
tattle. t::Thecarly action of, Congress in
this - recommendation -namedi would
Put Witt the power of the War Depart- ,
pent teplace a force in the field during
thenekt aunt:net. '` ''''' ' • ' . ,
'AO teperoption of the diplonlaticle-,
1000, hetween France 'and , Gernfatly,.
heXeleteibled. me to give •directions for
theoeithdrawal, of the protection ex
tende' to Germans In France by the
diplerriatic and consular representatives
ot. thotTnited States in that country.--
Itis jest to add that the' delicate duty
of this protection has been performed
pp y the" Minister and Consul' General
ilt FarleV . and the Various Consuls in
Fra,rice,' under the suipervision of the
Minister with great, kindness, as well
as with , prudence and tact, Their
course has received the(,commendation
of the German Government, and has
won nded , no susceptibility of the
French.r ''' '' ( ' , ' •
Thh(Griver g e ertt of the' Emperor of
Germany , , tinues to manifest a feel
ing friend , toward the' United States,
and a d , .., ; to harmonize with the mar
&rattle .d just ; policy which this Gov
ernment Maintains in itarelations with
theAsiatiepowers, as well as with the
South American republics. .
I have, given assurances that The
Friendly €e Bags of that Government
are fullytilitred by the United States.
The ratifleittione of the consular and
neturalization ; conventions with the
l Aestrollungarian , empire have been
taxi:banged. ”
I have been officially informed of the
Annexation, of the States cf. the Church
to the Kingdtan' Of Italy, `and of the
, removal of the capital of that
to Borne: 'ln conformity'With the es
tablished policy of the 'United States, I
veecognized this •change, and 'the
' atificatfoti of the new: treaty ,of Qom
area between the United States, and.
tidy. has ; been exchanged. The two'
ewers have agreed in the ' treatY :that
rivets prOrierty `at sea shall be exempt
rola capture in case of, war between
be ,t.w.o, Towers. The United;States
a,ve,tipared : no opportunity of ,incorpe
sting this rule - into the obligations 4,?f,
he nation.
' - Theullst 'Congress,' at its , ' third , 'see
lor4 Made:an appropriation: , for the or , f,
alliZat49.Frie , t,f l, . Paixed ReITIE4`.O O n /or , -
4 NlVTliir il) ' 14414 el m a telly;: .
tin O ea Pftafelf . iguiWetitttl ...-
gr , i4ing oidt:till the insurreetion lb Cu,
atr,l“Tiatati commission' has since been
organized. I transmit herewith the
correspondence relating to its formation
attd its juiriediction. It is lb be 'hoped
that this commission' Will , itithi,a the
"Claimants a complete riatriedy for( their'
inturiee.., , c.f •, r• , , : ' , i
I •It, ha been made the , egreeable duty,,
.6(theVocted, States, to, preside over a
doriferelibe ittVa'shingtori between the
plenipotentiary' of Spate and the allied
South American republics, which has:
resulted in an,artnistiee, with , the •rea
gorikatde assurance of ,a permanent and
jas tl r g A Vl 49 l;t:
i 6 r. ne friendly relations *filch(
. ha'do :long existed between 'the tint
tedlitates and•Rtissia , continue uudler,,
lturbed. The visit of the third sou, of•
1 e Emperor is a proet_that there is no
it es d l i r m e o iri n i ; s t e ti l e a c r o t id ot ia ti t v o lo t v h e o r s n e na re e i n:
ititNas,„ The- hespitablexeceptioe which
, 'has been Wen to the Grand(Duke,' is
Trobf that' on r' tatir bide' vve , flihare the
I : l2 turab b l:e t ti ll u a r t s l e G o ° f v t e h ri e rn* Ru n ss t ian T M he in i 4- '' .
~ , t I:aciWashh?gton rendered it pecesea-.
l c
(lr taaek,ltlit refsell, and 'to deeltue long,:
'e 'fir receive, thatlniactionitry its re di-'
plerdatic reprettietatatiVei , ' ' ;-... I; I
i LltiwartfimpoSsiblei with self respect
rt,W.ltikajtettt regard to the; dignity
A e try,,..tit permit, gr. Catacazy to
centre" to hOld interbeurse with this
.thilie dmenti-'`after hii perbonaf abuse
of Ihelgteirerfintent officials, intdduring"
,his,persistenb interference through va-,
rious means with the relations between]
- the United States and, ether powers.-- r .
k•lv . ateitiidanee - With 'my '`wishes, thls
reterifernderit'llas bleb rellek , ed 'of lii 0 . 1
-thee' Inteee t etirVe - :With•Al r: Cattiertie,
end, the)naaintgetnent:,of the- effeirs of,
09iimPerAa,lleEntiOgPst've. , 1./,iik 3 ollii , auto
the bands of a gentleman e4cireli : nil
objectionable..- 1-
• ... •
l ' i ly i l i th'.Jaintil lo - *e oolatinneto tn4loqdh
glitinfcregllnt b e 7 th i e l go c ur t tl i l l flll ° : I L e ol
eession 'of , Cotieresi, selected cit 'zees of. r
:t,he United States to serve le offiees,-01
(iMportance iu Jteveral deptirtutettts of 1
,the goVern men t', _I have reas m to think;l
tt at
t ta tl OF ztl!lit i ntrts 'e te t sne a z a 4 i r re tt 1
r i p Hey which the ,United States have
IA isour desire to- tiontittue to main. I
,lit this•dlsinteOsted anti just volley I
ph Chine; a5,,,i,e1l as with Japan. 'The
'eerreepOnd4nce., transmitted Alere,,vitlil
sbowp 'that - there_ le no dispot-ition ott
, , par(Of t 1 (it;'Government to swerve,i
,fioixt Its established course.l , = 1
!Prompted by a desire to 1 , , t. at, *me')
to the barbateus treatment .01 - 1 4, t , I , ship
teregked sallos on the Coreaty Conk, I
instructed our Minister at Pekin to en
deavor to conclude a COl.l VOlitlcili with'
Porea for securing the safety ittitt Mt.,'
Mane treatment of such mitrittet:s.l2iitt
yoitind Rodgers was instructed.te ReCom
,pany him.
;With a sufficient force to protect him
irt ease et,need,,asmall au r m , ,1 ng. partx
set.eut,:nnd on,reaohli4 the coast WAS
tre,iellerousl,y atttieked . at 'a "MS4l[l% 4 '6+l:l
I ylgtv. -- XWe ' cipportutiity 1 it-st4(l.-:gi rived
or--an explanation and apology
,for the'
In 8 Ili t. , ..10 1 09/1 ALl;extf:l • A '.letee Was,
1 bqi 3 j!fil9e,cle -404 ei ^ all- gliPYffs
over f e, owe, ansi ditilcu4 coltstry,
Tile font( ftb, 'Which the otitatges( had
beeri 7 cdrothit ell Were redueetVhSt•ktittitl-f
JantittirlaultV and were; , destroyed,. ,li.a
-,ving thus punished the Crimijlll4, a4O,
having vindicated the... honor of the flag,
- the expedition returned, fintileg it i in
preetiettble hnider4be .eirt II thlitit nitett ti)
'egnPilltie tholUsired conve ision,,, •i,
:I respectfully refer to ti correspen , ; ]
-deuce relating thereto herewith sub- ,
niitied, , Redrierviet- the , Subj.t.cti for such ,
Retied; sit Cong. - lees' 'lndy ',gee; ittl tio take,
,• rrhetkieptiblioZt blexithr titii4tihroPy - et
' repitileitilther- ierst , iftbjectibinittle,f(falWe
r e Liblilabii* twat iteltrittiii-art 'the :1"We!
A tae otitetv faitittek of. 7 the' IT- :Mates,
11 i t l a hoped:dud - 4111S magi. et! 1 tiw '4lorie,
a dialsio"Ahritititetto: itringetit ; uteinsures
RYltte•Ukitifilty that Gb'trkiiiimieet ;foie
; :i trainisittladleswiVersbneNm! itslfronLi
ilin . 4 l lll . la6loltatthlexico t b f y ite a41611C
VilliillOOTtbtvlievei' UM LeoA+l3lll,lllol3tl%Of
~GRitsi•~ ~~
the difficnities experienced from these,
causes; ; 'I-. '
OU'r relations with the varlouti repuh;
l lea of Cen triti" end South America con-
Untie, with one exception; to be cordial
annd friendly. I recommend some - irip;'
tion - by COngrees regardingthe overdue'
inetalitnente'Under the award of the
Voiieiuela claims commission ',of 1860.
The: internal dispessions of this Gov-
birinient present no justification for the
abierice ofleffort to meet -their solemn
Weak Obligations. The ratification of
eh ettradition treaty with Nicaraugua
has beat - exchanged. ' 1
'lt is ' Cause' for congratulation that the
great EMperor of Brazil has taken the
initiatory'eteils toward the abolition of
slavery. Our relations with that em
pire, always cordial, will naturally be
Made more so by this act. It is not too
'much to hope that the Government .of
Brain may hereafter find it for its -in
terest, 'as well as the intrinsical righ t, to: i t ,
adyance toward entire emancipitten 0
Moire rapidly than the present act non- ~
teiiiidates. The true prosperity and `!„
greatness Or a nation is to be found in d
the'elliVatiori and education of its litho=
eriii', - '"" '' • ;' ' 1 . 1 N
.Itieuserbject for-regret -that the re= P
1' tins : in:the direction which were vP c b '
,__, tarily'prettlised by the statesmen' of e ,
1141 ,
e a s i t n,p n a d v iitt e , n e o o t l ' o b n er e n s. car T ri h e e d out
law s in tin it d s 17 1- , ;
regulations fOr the :apparent abolition t
6, f , slavery in Cuba and . Porto Bice, ,
leave most of the laborers in bondage; '''
,Wittillio hdpe`of 'release until their lives, ;
,bedome 'a' burden to their employers.- •••'
11-desird to direct your attention to the !
,leot'that,citiCens of the - United• States,
6riiiitlions claiming to be citizens of the
Milted States, are large headers in- for
eign lands' Of this species of property
.forbidden' 'by' • the fundamental law. of
tileir alleged country.
='i. recommend to Congress to provide
bYntringent regulation a suitable rem-;
edyqigainst the holding, owning or
dealing in slaves or being interested in
alaVe' property in foreign • lands, either .
akownera, heirs or mortgagers hy eiti
ketis of the United States.
: 'lt le to he regretted that the disturb
ed condition-6f Cuba continues to be a
source of annoyance and of anxiety.—
Tire`existence of a protracted struggle
,in such close proximity to our own ter•
ritory, with Out apparent prospect 'of an
early termination, cannot-be other than
ati objeet:ef concern to a people, who;
while abAtaining from interference in
the 'affitirs of other (powers, naterally,
desire to see every country„ in the un-
Mitt:abed enjoyment 'of peace, liberty
and the blessing of free institutions.—
'Our nivel, commanders,in Cuban wa
ters have ibeen instructed in case it
sshould become necessary, to spare no
effort to protectothe lives and property
of bona fide American citizens, and, to
maintain the dignity of the flag. It is
hoped - that all pending questions with
Spain, growing out of the affairs in
Cubs ; may be adjusted in the spirit of
peace and conciliation which has hith
erto guided the two powers in the treat
ment of, suchl , questions. , To -give i ni-
Oortanee nod td'add to the efficiency of
our diplomatic ,relations with Japan
raid China, arid to further aid in retain
ing thei'vod opinion of those people,
and to secure to • the United States its
Share 'of thecommerce destined to flow
bet Ween thoseliations and the balance.
of the• commercial world, I earnestly
recommend that an appropriation be
madete support at least foqr American
'Youths •in ierioti of thesepountries to
serve:lists Finn of the o ffi cial family of
our ministers there. Our representa
tlives would , not even then be placed
it pon,an equality with -the represents
' iireS of Great Britain and of some ot.ii
' rettWers: As now situated, our rep.
. esentatives in Japan and China have
depend for ;interpreters and trant•la
dris4rpon the:natives, ofthose countries,
wknow-our language lnaperfectly,6r
rcieure for:mai:vasion the services or
employes •in foreign business houses, or
Lehe.interpreters to other foreign minis
rs. I • would also , recommend liberal
easures for the, purpoSe of aiding the
American -lines of steamers now plying
between, San Franciscband Japan - and
priqria,‘Und the Australian line, which
are almost We:Ally remaining lines of
ocean steamers, and of increasing their
The national debt has been reduced
to-the extent of -$88,870,128 80 during
theyear v and,by the negotiation of na
tlonal bonds at a lower rate of interest,
the interest on the public' debt, has
'been so far •ditninished, that now the
sum to be raised for the interest account
'is nearly seventeen millions dollars lees
,than on the Ist-of March, 1889. It was
highly desirable , that Ibis rapid dimi
nution should take place, both for the
Purpose of, strengthening the credit of
the coiintri - and to convince Its citizens
la'f their T entire ability to , meet every
oiler gf 44 - liability without bankrupt
g them ,• , but hastening
1 the accom
pllshinerit of_ these desirable ends—the
fropid I tlevel cipmen t of the resources of
:the 'Country, its increasing ability to
'Meet large demands—it is not desirable
that the presenCresourc:es , of the coon
-try should continue to b'e taxed in or='
der to continue this rapid palnent- I
therefore recommend , a rpodill ation of
both the tariff and internal taxation:—
treat:an . end, that all taxes fromj ail
b urges 6 abolished , except tose col
I ded - f in spirituous and
-malt liquors,
,t baCCO:,in 'its various forms, and from
s a ll2l Mi..•ln : re-adjusting- the -tariff, I
stiggestthat a careful, estimate be ina(te ,
o r the'linioutirot surplus revenCe col-
Icted urider'il6present laws, after pin
lading the current expensesof the goy
' 'ern men t,_the.interest and account, and
.uisitilii,):4,funit; and that this'surplus
Wreiniced in 'stiCh manner as to affbrd
the greatest; relief to the greatest num
!' ber,yan,ere are many articles' not poi
riloced at,horne, but which enter largely
into genital consumntion through ant
I.Fleitlwhlch . tire manufactured at home,
I tint:lit/as ;medicines, compOunded,- &c., -
I ficktp .which very little revenue is ti.r
fr%,:pd,Vtit which enter into general us,-;
~4 1' ih` recommendtretioles I to to ,
I p aced - on' it) 'free list; and - shOuld fur
-I't her reduction prove advisable, I would
I then recommend that It be made upon
',those: allieles which can best bear it
I tviltlintit disturbing the home produe
I:tions , or reducing the wages of Ameni
I•i•iin labor, f
I Litave not" entered into figures, he
' ctiatt 'to - do so would' be to repeat what
t"still lA' aid before you In the report of
the Seetetary.of the Treasury.
[Tilt?, prpsent laws , for collecting the
ttivertue j i pay collectors of custonts
'milt) salaries, but provide for shares in
:aIl seixUres,- which, at the principal
.portCof entry particularly, raise the
competiittiticti of those officials to a
'ldegelstitri. - ..It has always seemed to the
as ifl this sytitem Must Work perniciods
-1; ont . an inducement to ilia
'nest men,-atto}ild, such get possession
-9 itibbe offices, to be lax in their scro
ll ty tit, goods entered; , 4to enable tifetii
'fi make:large seizures. Your
'a terition is respectfully invited to this
- Object,
Oontinued l finctuations In the value
or ,gold; as compared with the national
currency, have a most damaging effect
'itpou the increase,and development of
the e'lkuntrY; Itt, keeping tip the prit ett
or lit to artieles , -rieceesary in every any
life.(, fostersf a spirit- of gambling, ,
p eltniicial : ankle ,to national morals,a it , tlie„ 'itationit .firiallces. If tli e
.4 l'ettltiti - can'lie' Met as to how to' get a
13 rid:Value, to our currency, that value
Plir Vitit Opecie, 4 yepe desirable object
411V6e ( "gatiiird: '`• ' Ii• .
i)ii i I ;t t y ' ea th r " Ll ti lt i e 4 x ti p ij e fi n s se f- .
r o t f he m a a r l m nta i i t n i maintaining
- " tillifiAtliPtsMf's T . the,, tingu In .g year,.
:a i o coati - fluting:Sea Whet and Wt.!
Intiiihi "therrikYconducted under tilt
' P auper sionof ribs War. Department, I
'refer,,yp,t,A , to, • the,aceornpanying report
rot tile ,SecretarY.Of `War.. I called your
"hi Cell tOO to: the P l Arttsktilli'Of the act of
',A.Toogreas• approved Natoli W s 188ai
ND. 50
4 ,',pr , he.,...4.gitatoz
ook Job 'Printings j House,
i- :,. ~: , i y•f..iti ._
wail suppliodr, witb Priml4
Primes andttypel to 0!
0 ;Sii kinds of , Job Work with pantnesit and
• .... , . f . -- ? dispotob,,, ; ; .c i' . 2.
urge additions of all: the lac sty es of type
have been addid to this departiaptit,
ocation--Boweli & tone,s Block , 24 Floor
w I iCh discontinues promotlort hi the
at. ir corps of the army ,until proVided
fot by law. I recommend tbattbespum..
be of officers in each grade of,the staff
I t
pa he fi xed, and, that whenever the
y 'one grade feile below
th *linnet' so fixed, that - the vacancy
In y • be filed by Promotion I front the,
gr tie bele 1 . ,Z' also recommend that
w en ' the pffice of chief of a,: corps be -1
co es vacant, the place maybe fl4d
b selectida from the corps in which
th vacancy exists. ~. _ i
be report of the. Secretary, of the
N vy shows, an inaPrOvement In the
n [libel: and e ffi ciency of the . , naval
fo ce, without material increase in ex—
pe Ise of supporting it. This is due, to
a o licy which has been' adopted, and
w lob is being eittetided as qfast,its our
nuiderlo will admit of tieing entailer
s ail
veespi cruisers on the several stations.
. . .
j this m w
eatis e:have. been,riabled
o occupy at • once a t larpr..extent ' of
3r ising ground and ,to visit' more..fre
iu :nay, the ports where- the, of
au fleg-is desirehle," and generally to
li. charge, Mere ,effeletatly -tbp• appro
pr, ate duties, ! of ifite, navy in, ; time of
[le ee,..withoot exoe,edlog the number'
)f men or tile ,expaudttures authorized
ay la•y. During,,the rest of the,year
A I :. navy has, in addition to ita ,reE_War
5e vice, au,pplied the men ar4 pffieers
'V the vessels of the coast our*,y l i and
aa• completed the surveys ta et rt wised
1 33
by Congress of the Isthmus erten
an Tehauntepec, and under,,like • an-
Lb, rity has sent out arteXpedittop i .eran
pl .tely furniehed and equipp,el,,, to•mt-,
pi ~ re the unknown ocean of t rio, forth::
The suggestions of the report aa,to the
neessity for increasing and improving
th4materiel of the navy, and the , plan
remmended for reducing the n person
be of the navy to a peace standard, by
th gradual abolition 'or-certain grades
of dicers, the reductjaa of otheFtr,, and
th 1:•
employment of•gethe in the,service
of the commercial/ marine ' are, well_,
considered, and deserve the thoughtful
attiutton of Congress. • , ,
Ii also recommend, that all promotions
in the navy above the rank otCaptain, •
be by selection instead of by seniority.
This course will secure lu !thuf,higher
grades greater efficiency and ,hold oat
an incentive to young officers,, to IW
prove themselves in the, knowledge of
their. profesision. -, cl •.' • • '- •
he present cos of maintaining the
nay, its cost compared with that of the
pr ceding yeas', and tile estimates for
the ensuing year, are contained in the •
aectompanyiug report of the"' Secretary
of the Navy. -: ; :. ,
he enlarged nicelpta of the Post
-office Department, as shown ley the ea
cotaPan.YlPgiePOrt of , the Postmaster
Ge;:ieral, exhibit a graifying increase .
In' h at. branch of ,the pubic service.—
It i the index of the growth of edu
,on and of the l prosperity of, the peo
pi tWo elm:Opts highly conducive to
thei v igor and stability of 'republics. -
Wi, h a vastlerrttory like ours, much-.
uf,i,i, sparsely•poPulated, but all, requirl
lokl . the services of the mail, it is not at
pile wit to be,expected that this,depart
me it can be made ,self sustai ging ; but .
ag l radual approach ,tu, this end, from
veatr to year, is gonfidently relied_on,
and / the day is not far distankWhen the .
1 - ',0!..4 office Department of the govern
ix,soi, will prove:S. much greatr, bless
i ugi tb the wheld,peoPle than it is now. i
The soggesilou .or Alm - Poknarister,l
Ge era for, itukcivements in the de4
par, 'limit pieakted over by, pm, are'!,,
ear it , t,137 .reed mended , to your , ape : .
cd 1 r Lineation, , IV,speciallyt do', 1",,' Odom- ,
in l id a favorable consideratlek l of the
pl a for milting the telegraph,' in the
U 'ted States wit O r d postal , system.
It . ihelierved thatty such a course the
c! kof tel could be Much' 're
d ' rd, andi.the service !as -well,-- if net
tai tier rendered. -It would secure 'the.'
further advafitageref extendinethe te1....
wer4pli tnkoiigh r tioktiong of theocountry '
where piivate enterprise will" not' don
struk it. Conainerce, trade, and abbve '
all the efforts to bring a people widely
sepi rated into a comtbenity of interest, •
are always benefitted by a rapid - . inter-
cont ‘ nuhic'ation,tLeduesition,thegrourtil;
wor •of repUblican institutions, i enz.
cool aged 1.,y , increaslrig the feellitles,',, ,
and gathering-, with speed 'the news -,-
from all parts of the country,• and the 7
desi e to reap the benefit of such ilifA'''
pros ennents,lwill ' stimulate educatlbia.`'
I yefer you to the report of tile Post
master General •for full details or the
open' nous of last year, and ler camper- '.
ativ statements of 1,114 restilts':witii
ton er years;, , . , . . ? rj 1,, I -;, , 3
Tt ere has been imposed I upon r.tbk
'exec [rive branch- of • the government
the ixecution of the act of Corigrtas.ap
proved A pri 1 20th, 1871; and ecialmohly-.
li HO LI as Lllfk KU4KIZ/X law, •in ill ~ pbr.
tiou r the State of South CAriAILIII.,
The necessity ,of the course pnrsaiJil :
win be demonstrated by the ,:neport-Aif-.
the ounnittceito inveatigateilstaithern
outr gee. Under the provialona of the
:Lbw . / set I IsSued a proclamation' Call- •
lug the attention of the _people Of the •
United States to the . earma,,arekidneler
leg uy reluCtiuseAo ,cutercise', tiny erif ,
the e, traordinary,,poweintAiel4 . i cok.
ferre upon Me...except:An ,eas 4 %ik E riiit'
pere ive necessicy,,laitt•ioalthig , mown
my. urposti Ito eiiercise ench i l oweis
wile! ever It bbould lbOckah), ne e ssatir
to do so; for the Purtpse,of aecuiltag, to,
all citizens of tlitriTiiited, State§ Alia .
peat ful enjoyment iirthe fightS; ,"guar
_ • .
I t
ante ti to them by tiro constitution ,a nd
the] . ws. I - • ..1 • 2- '
After the_passager.of thiif la4”ltifor- -
tuatiou was received/from time' to time .
that combination's pf the ' cliaiacter - re. _.
ferrect to in thiSlatv - eil e ted; and were
powerful in Miiny imrtS,of the South
erntales, partied lady In certln coun
tlesq 1 the 86tie of Smith Ca Mina.—
Care ul i nvestigation "Was
mad - and it
%sas seertalned that In 'nine 'counties.
o ttitt State ,
ru combinatiens - weit'active
and °wet-NI. i
, ebracinea 'auflicient •
portl u of the citizens - to 'edam .' the
i )
local authority, and ha4ing - among!.
othe things, the object 'of deptiving
the ematiciptit d class, of'ltir'stitsitart
tied l*nefits of ‘reeciothi.p t tidOf; iwiNett
tine Übe free,' dliticat'itOlon'of,,thile
citizebil4tio 9 u ri - Ot m ieylti,psithiito with
their',OWn-vie 's: , 'A,iiiitilig their, Opera
tioMilikere ri4ijueht!seiiurgli3gs; Artil'oe
cailohally aiSa6SiilatiotoSi:geherally per
petrated at night by disguis a persons,
the ( i/tiMs in- almost., ull 'sues bell*
citizens of different pelitlea sentiments
from Itheir °Wit, or 'freed prsont .who
have Shown a disposition to claith 'equal
rights with 'Mir citizens._ Thu116E111(10 of
inotreniive r .. aiiti Weil dispoSed 'citizens
were tie isufft;reiii"by, this 'lair-less vio
Thereupoh; on the 'l2th of 'October,
1471, a proclatnatien-was published in
the terms of the laiv,' Calling upon the
!hero hers of those einniffnations to dis-
Terse' Iwithin; live days ! and , t 0,,. &Hirer
to theitharshal!irtiiflltagy Officeri of the
U,ulte States rill'ailis, aintriti i iiition,
uhno his; dlSguise's, and other 'means
end ithplementshsed by them' Sr car
rying lout' their unlawful purposes.= .
This warning not having been heeded,
'on the 17th of Doti:Amt . another 'proela
matio was Istteci - 'suspending the
privil ge of the writ Of habeas eqrphs
in itint,countieS-in 'that State. ,
Vire . .tion - watigived that Within' the'
c4tinti 4 so 'designated:all those 'sbP
pegeil, upon creffitable'infOrmatioh, to
he 'met ihers ashcli,unlawftil combititt
ttons, il ' oll IdAael arrested by the'. pinta-,
ty 'forces of the UniteciStat,ei, hod do
"livi.tetto the inalShai to'be dealt with
9coord lig to law. lit two of said court:.
tie,-,• ( , ork and - Spartansburg) tn'an3.4
1 (
srrests'thave beeti; made. -At :the last
'itt...i 14 ~oun the filitntierPf persOnperson'sthliti
arrests was one 'lltlitdred -and sixtY
eight. Several htirldredovlitise erimi;
'- . ll4ility .tts asctirtaitied 40 be. Of an in
rt., lor yi egree, were released for the pres
,c. 9t. lhese hnirogenerfillylnutdo• con..
tession or-their GreikJeatition
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