The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 06, 1871, Image 3

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Logal Items.
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6, 1871.
New Advertisements.
Cutters—C. T. Whoeiar.
'lcaching_Musie—Mrs. Ada C. 'Klock;
Sewing Machine for gale.--C JrVan Gelder
COAL.—Persons desiring to procuro
their bard coal for winter, mast. leave their or
ders with A. F. Barrows, at once, as there is no
probability of getting coal after a few weeks, as
the mines will istraosed for the winter.
0001) LUCK.—Mr. John Short, of
Shtatsvillo, Chatham townehip, agod 82 years,
event four days in camp, and brought homo a
largo deer. Mr. Shortie an old hunter, and eel
&al Nile in Lie hunting tripe.
(JET VACCINATED.—This is a duty
which every man owes to himself and family,L--
Mere is no doubt ?whatever that, many cases of
03all pox prevail in different parts of the
sod therefore the great necessity of all at•
'tcadiog to this nutter.
BRIEFs.-7Prepare for cold weather.
—Donations for the poor will.soon be in order.
—Mrs. Henry Sherwood, of Corning, died on
the ISth of No'ember.
—Ball tickets, cards, circulars, handbills, bill
heads, statements, wedding cards, &0., neatly
oriuted at this office.
Read our 'Washington letter in to•day's paper.
—lt is said that Mitchell's (Wilson °reek) coal
is the best bituminous coal in the State.
—Read the Railroad article on the Second page
of this paper.
CONCERT.—.MIits H. W. Todd will
conduct a concert in the Presbyterian •ohurolt oA
Tuef clay evening, Dec. b, composed of the choir
and Sabbath school !cholera of that ohurob.. The
in'tertninment will no doubt be highly entertain
ing. Let there bo - a rousing house on that eve
ning. The proceed. to be for the benefit Of the
Church. ^
PENMANBHIP.—Mr. B. D. Forrest,
graduate of Professor L. Mend in peulnanship,
hie opened a school in Dewar, to toaoh othors
thAt tilt; pen is nut only "mightier than the
sword," but how, to handle it successfully. Mr.
Forrest is said to bey praotical penman, and
hill tIQ doubt give satisfaction to those under his
rußs! Knits !—.lVra. Caroline tinalth
;ashes as to say to the adles that she .has just
received n nice- assortment of furs for the eold
weather, which she is selling cheap. No lady
recd go Cold for the neat of furs, when they can
be had at prices within range of all. She also
has a gaol assortment of , fashionable millinery
hod ladies' - furnishing goods. *Call in and see,
Mille the stook is full, on Main street, opposite
the M. E. church.
t,l November a Intl° son of:Erastus Cooper, of
clo.heau, aged live years,' fell Into a frail - -thirty
t ret deep, &attaining four inohes of ivater, and
t o out without aseistancte, Ito fell feet tore
mod!, oat somewhat bruised, and called loudly
ter help, but no one coming to hie reeene; extri.
fr, NT ERTA 11' , ..TMENT.—The musical and
terary entertainment by Professor W. H. 15P-
Ccliia. an? said by those present' to be very fine
and meritorious Mr. Ai:Collin has certainty a
splendid voice, both for ballad singing and de
claiming. The announcement for the concert
Ives very late. consequently the audience was
Arna)l. Those pre.ent were so highly entertain
ed, that !dr. 'AI e°llin has been induced to give
another entertainment in the Court House this
t Wednesday) moiling. We bespeak for him a
g,erei bowie. Ili* concerts everywhere are highly
simbert of by the press.
TEMPEL A I'CCE OTE L. —As ehese ho
tels are so few and fur octween in this county,
we ohroniolo the flat with great pleasure that our
friend, W. 13 Hall, it oundaciing one on the
nhore plan ,n Iltaibabur,g. called the H. State' .
Mr. Hail is highly Ppolien of as a landlord, and
one too that 1,1.0ws hoir to keep a Lotel." llte
tattle is eel! tapt.tied c ite the gOOl.l thtll.lg3 of
the season, his beds era ciean and enjoyable, and
in fact every comfort can be found at this Image
for man and beast. IWo trust, the people will
give Mr. Hall a liberal support, cc a house con.
duetril on ttniperanoo principles cortlinly do
TutiatEy ItEcEiI,LED.-I\rrp. Eunice
II lion, of ,Lickson township, halt placed the
eltter of thi4 paper 'mica laving obligations for
a goal fit turkey far the holiday 3. It was not
tent an subscription, us is 'usually tho case, but
;Arne to us " donated"—freo, and without any
cha - gc. While Mrs. H. is so nniply supplied
with the goal things of a productive farm and
nc tat things raised thereon, the did not forget
h s i , /t the print . er could be tondo happy over a
vialfitootil meal from one of her hen turkies. Xt
was served at our table, and voted excellent by
th e entire family. This moves us another notch
yard " woman suffrage "
QUINTET CLUB.--:1111/ Club perform
cd to titis vtllngo to a erow.locl h6use, on Thurs..
j'r vetoing 'flzo antliene'e was eon:pond
1:e ai (exervt ape) of this land neighboring
'Yarg Thu 1111.114i° of the dub vras delightful,
• r.) tll, rtillnets of the lerp,e 'audience prover
1-,tv uuch they 'tern chartnnd std,intereeted by
Execution of the various pieces pElyed end
Fred Dlugla .T 8 (the colored orator) will give
next en tcri airmen t before th rienllll s o BOCi
it n the erening of tho, 'nat.
" nr boll a. quarterly convention
xtt " Wide Awoke" lodge r at Knoxville, cern-
Thurvirly, December 21, at 10/ o'clock
..M, TLS cor.vcntion will luect in open seexton.
the rountr ore notiestell to
Bent delegate.. I'iic following ritibjecla will be
v..,1",Yer2:101( " By G hat
oat action can ti n 3 te , up.ranee cane.) 13051 be Pro
ta.,ted' ' " The dnly of the Church tem
perance eive. ' Leclure un Thursday evening
by Dr. 0 I n Boch. A'd friendi of the tempo
ranco 0.1 , /3Q dre Invited to attend.
E. T. Drn-,Ler, See'v.
71 0,:rn, Is7l. 2t
Edta,,. :--Contrary to our usual, habit, we were
persaaded ,r
s friend to attend an entertainment
.;tren at the C l ourt Hone° in Wellyb•.rn on Wed
ce, lay evening in t. P r6•:ps crtntune humanity,
tt thif abfortunxle• ihoahl race led us to
ga in thi•t ease, 0)0110 we, in onrnmon with many
hove been ro. frogoently .01.1
p^rh-,rrnErp. C , .lllVi •:J-rp , nn t.ning to
'. 11. H'Colliti's balla , l4 as reht..irm4s, ,vrith
tabsegoent brief acquaintance, are that he more
:ban pays hip pa , rons every tint,• ip,n man
culture, an.l we are certain of a.mferting a
treattr favor (A) the :Lan uprin this man,
tr btterok!t• If fur Lima general heiiriog srh rrt
ht. he may go No tIttOTtalli:13:11/t trill HauroCcr
-411.1y give the hearer his (13(itra•y 'a
Worth. VG.
'rtd•r,'.a ; i he Ills eonponteti to give another en
: erramment iu Welisboro nt•at ethertisy etc
.1. F. C.
'''''.4. De, - : G
ifIANICSGIVINO DAY.—This day was
theerved in Welb?Lorn by a. union Thanksgiving
preaeh e d t,v t •i; X. L. Reyn , dda the
13 4112 t hall The ball w•v , filled with iiventive
Ltr., :ind the dircourß. eat:dint. We
l 'gr , w with a friend eJ,i) says that tho aho , io nay
11 a‘it , Arerved as it should by the A nierie•tr.
f!opie. All harderßs shi,nhl he ru‘penited; and
th day thonld he kept ns rained as, the 3i:othtidy.
dey =et _Lpurt for (noting and lad) er to
kit ' l o ,l 3' God, for Ilia watchful care over u.l,
ghl the. bueritiful blessinv we have reoeired rts
,hefiple the past year. But inrtend of obaerv-,
tbe ds,y b et.7ordln: , o with the nit)pard Oro;
tan , lng . ,surnptuo'ng dinne . t:r, and ea
oNsport aro indulged in to a great
"to ' rwwgliout the natibn.,_ It is feared wA
o be as bad as Franco and Spain ef , er
sere horse ruing, bull, dog and, curl:
re indulged in on the Sabbath- by roe
pastime. Let the people in futu're re•
tat this day should be kept as sacred as
!latch has so long been benorid a the
nab dim
___ ,-
FIR 11 AT W ESTVAgi 4 ,l2l—,Atepnalego
. _ .:
ta if
s. op Iv 111 Baker a ons, inWestilel i borough
_ s ooneutned by re on the a ft ernoon of th
9th ultimo. LOS about $2,000. No losurkno .
his is said to be the seventh building burned
1 at borough in less than six months.
.1-The public) will no doubt be gratified tofcria
that P. T. Barnum, the world.renowned she 0.
marl, is going to open his great traveling x ah.
in New York city, on Third avenue, come of
t ad street, where it will remain on exhib lion
every day and evening. Re has paid h i l t r i ;./efood,
vijth whom he entered into an Agree four,
ago not to open any arat , nt
uleme in that
otty for ten years, the sum of $15,00 to so far
+lecke° him from hie bond a to p)ermit him to
exhibit hie great traveliwg mina, menagerie
Ind caravan, and circus, fora ikiod not to ex
aed six weeks, in the Empire ink in that city.
The Wellebor.hlll4:treyrpye, Tits -
thinmonti on Monda;q:ah , ttlekday aventngs f
lest week, which friti s tli2kintVa.tienniarpatee
Laugh and g o7(1* '3 . 43 , ,lliefildleaiii a n f
them is
. anythi. 1 i it, those audiences must
Have waned imm - . sely fat by this time. The
p!aita are well ine , \up . and sustained. The ex
°Silence of the re .id is assured, when we say it
is''farniehed Willy b the'" Wetmore Boys."—
The burlesque lioture by "'trader Pell," alias
A. Wetmore, are. abs utely side-splitting, and
make even e serious Inded laugh conetimedly.
The clog \ eing by "wo fellows from Way. -
, i n
Bask,"-is/said is said to equal nything famished by
the bes pity . tr9upeilli An till Atomipipol 3o , g 0
alogu',virld-Itelibitiind se4tiMo4.l isitrigs, 14 1
J co a and Deane, never fail to make a‘bit. We
iiibiv of no surer mode of "Milking dull care off
at e the heels," than by scouring a seat at thi Min.
strls. Wo understand this troupe have in 'view
tt e giving of a few entertainments in theilVer
towns. Biossburg and Fall Brook. We prediot
fo them (what they deserve) full and apprecia-
Li e houses.
--;Mr. Daniel M'Carteic' or Ms village, perfor msl lllfully ed
following act on Saturday last. Ho
was returning from the mines with a load of
coal, and when ascending a small hill one of his
h(irscs refused to go. The load pilling heavily
brick, brought the old horse down in a sitting
p?sturo. Mr. WC. endeavored to unharness the
horse, bat while doing so, the horse stumbled
over a log lying on the side of the road, slipped"
ou l t of the harness, and fell a distapoe of 16 feet,
of the ice covering the creek, through -which he
broke, and laid down, nearly covered'withswa
ter. While Mr. M'C. was hastily preparing the
other horse to draw him out; horse number two
p l y° a loud whinner and leaped down the em
bankment after horse numbe t i. one. Mr. M'Carter
was compelled to perform tbe i difkonit arts,
(file play all alone, and as heit:hei .C3oult3i
are glad to state that the horses, man and load
al reached town the same night.
e place to the following oommunieation from
. Bunnell, who, with Mr. William Bade,
~ been investigating for the most female way
'supplying Wolleboro with water. These gen
. en have given considerable time and money
hie Investigation, and wo hope our citizens
1 now ,take hold of the brit prOposed plan
h energy, that something may=be done in this
'niter Agitctior Bache, gs q ., and
undersigned have been for the last two
n i nths searching in different directions to see
,ere they could prceurt: sufficient water to sup
ti the borough, and the cost thereof, They en.-
gad the services of an engineer from Wilkea
rre, lrr. F. L. Ponies. They think the enter
p is practicable, and that it would be a vay
investment to stockholders. The estimated
it is from $30,000 to s3s,ooo—not to exceed
latter sum. The estimated proceeds for the
of the water in and around-the,
DOO per year. The prertilurati geld' for prop
'• insured in Wellattoro, annually, are $lO,OOO,
not ono-fourtli of the buildings are insured.
water works will do away with
- nearly all
'ranee, or lessen it to one per cent., and that
.0 would eavo our people from $O,OOO to $3,000
year. It would give many •a business man
e rest, and his family pleasant dreams and a
home. It would bring in manufacturers
all parts of tho country, who would engage
- - •
. _
in business hero. It would ,,,
do,away with all at
jectlions to our locality. It would save the la
bors of Indies and gentlemen and hired help
$34410 per year, in carrying, drawing,' pninping,
i•iping and scolding fur-water. The water in
on temptation for the supply of our- borough, is
of the purest, to oonie, front- orings_fritta. AG ,
higliort hills surrounding our village, that has
nerler been adulterated with 'filth, as is most of
thelwaler used bore The reservoir would form
a lake, 170. feet above Main street, which would
renitn a tine skating park, and, 0: - .Ituitable pines
to get iee. It. oonld be flowed 6t aitY time.- -
At4tund the lait6' would he a third of a mile
drive, which,- when betutitied. would present to
etiew the finest scenery in all the State. It would
diminishi the necessity of medical attend:moo ; it
would give health, wealth, peace and happiness
to men, women and children ;—money for men,
water for women, skating for girls and boys—
and plenty of water for fire. F. D. 13umwar.L.
Atipx.—The Association was 11 , 1 d at Lawrence.
viitC, November 24 and 25. Th. Association was
Wi l ed to order on Friday afternoon, at S P.M.
Professor CEL Verrill. was red to the &air,
and 4, W. Matherivas chosen L ecreta ry. Prof.
Verrill made a short introductory address, and
then the business of the Association was oallel
for.' A committee on a oonstitution and by-laws
was appointed, and requested
,to report Saturday
morning at 0 o'clock.
• '#ie . afternoon session consisted of readings by
Miss Preston and the discussion of educational
topiC3 Professor M'Clureove prootieal '4e.
toonstration of Ms system of ceiridiaoting a reel
-I,y the examination of r class in algebra.
Professor Verrill explained the positiodtt of
student and teacher, and the duty of eaob. Prof.
Herten taattinfe:tr=ritinniks, and gas'e his views'
on nsing tqxt hooks In recitations. AdjOurned
to meet at, 7 in the evening.
Evening sersion oponc•i with Went readings
by Miss Preston. Professor' J. W. Barker, of
Buffalo, N. Y., delivered n leetnro on "Learned
and Bolearned Fools." Thq lecture was aenc
cess,lend entire sotisfsetion. Recitation by
J. V. iliatbritl, and a feet remarks by Verrill, Al
lett and others. Adjourned to meet at 83 o'clock
Saturday morning.
,Etteunrily morning, mei at Report
of committee en constitution and by-iaws was
read and accepted, and the eon.titistion adopted.
C. n: I'eroll tens eiteted President;,
1101 es, Vies president; J.MTlare, Secretary;
Miss F. M. Wright, Corre .., sponding Secretary;
J. W. Maiher, Treasurer.
Prof. Peeks read a paper on English gram
mar. Adjourned to meet on the last Friday of
February. 1872, at snob place as the President
may appiAnt: The Association was a success,
and wo hopeTn.b lest narltiiig *4l !Alegre!l at
tended a at. ail plviliabie at, th'ir-first tworied to is).
.1. W. M ATIIETt, See.y.
WELLsnono. Nov. 30, 1871
Luke .'sevens : —Dear Sir :—We hare used the
Stanna:-d washing machine in our family about,
six weeks. It dui i's mirk well, and is fully -as
good nM 'Li teev , itructid4d if to he.. It saves
both a - rui time, vFpccially on heavy articles.
liach a ' , l:whit.: :•11(•u Id be iu every. household ;
aria I ore :inn, it i.are labor enough to pay
for us rt ft:o. nienths.
1 . 1. e r i., the above recotntneudation,
d st, row tuAng the machine in our !null
it, a o Mn' B. Monnon.
!tins. P.• C. VAN GELDF.II
[The a'00%. ! m 'chine, in our opinion, is tho'
bt•.ir in tht• todiket. Several machines have been
Itft at our Istot:e at different times on trial, and
not OW of them has been permitted to realign
but the Stannard. This toachine is simple and
'durable, and can b. , operated successfully by a
small lad. it is like a good sewing machine,
indispensable, after = I?rconiing ncituainted*ith
its operation ...LED.]
Editor of Agitator
fee to wake a roneetiun. Tn speaking of school
'matters, I raid the sane' in the district where I
live bad not been vieitt4 toi• the, last six. 3elrra-
I wade a mistake of about a year. This in s jtl9-
COO to whom it concerns .
There are some things in the, Superinterident:s.
article which e coat tog ulie lid after
reading his inquiry, " Mr. Editor is it the heat ,
way ? " and your answer, he r IT have conoteded .
to withdraw, if you will allow - me to say that if
the Superintendent will call qq me, -ad ,he has
raid, " in charity," I Will convince him that he
has not been at our school house t as be says; and'
that when spoken to on the'subject, ho ;Tolle of
it as a
." Wyk district," he.
141iitIr 1 6 !ALP.I4RAIIANp.
SOO/ ChitrieStOni (*EPA mill ilistrict.)
'4!C..1 4 40 ig" import, on
the decease of her husband, sent the following
thrilling telegram to a, .distant friend : "Dear
John is dead-----loss fully covered by lean.
ran." - \•
A QUAICER ftniTEß'aPßovftuns.
The foliowl2 . s prov rbs by the old Qusker are
itilVtilikt_luisto dby the cra ft , and we give
beim in hia own language:
"! Never aendeat thou an article for publication
without giving the editor thy name, for tby name
oftentimes secures publication to worthless artt
" Thou shouldst not wrap at the door of a
printing office, for he that answereth the wrap
aneereth in Ms aloov t aa and tooth time.- ,•
,"Neither de thou' rod" ibont, oak. .itteatlepa,
or knock down typo,
or the boys will hive 'thee
liko they do shade t rees--when thou leaveth.
Torii, 1871, ifint-Mtk. Cotainviwkint'vf, fs f:
BlblinpboAnawilistkrte aTIVIIIO/Iflistif
*Mated fur larceny. Defendants plead guilty,
and were sentenced by the Court as follows
John Everts - to pay a tine of $lOO and goats, and
undergo imprisonment in the. Eastern-Peniten
tiary for the period oil years and 8 months.—
Allen Everts to pay a fine of $5O and octets, and
be imprisoned for one year and three months ;
and .T..ACampbell to pay a fine of $5O and
costs, and \ be imprisoned one year and three
C'Ommonweitlth vs. Mathias Marled& ; indicted
for setting fire to his own building, to obtain the
Insurance, and also for burning the buildings of
others. There were two true bills found by the
grand jury. Defendant plead not guilty. Cause
came on for trial, ocoupying boar days. The
jury retired on Saturday evening, but could not
agree—four for conviction and eight for acquit
~., 5..3
Mrs. Itacat Nougo-
1 Thou shouldst never read the copy on the
printer's case, or the sharp and hooked container
thereof, or be may krioek thee down.
" Never inquire thou of the I editor for the
news, it is his business at the appointed time to
give it thee without asking.
"I in notsigbt /at the T ot at¢st ask him
whOls th irfoLdi an ar t le c ot pie duty re.
quirethl ik soh thin e tt li u m t self.
" NV* h 4 4o tienter Uhl Me , take heed
anti:illy haf t 6u dostilot o what may
be lying open and ooneerneth thee not, for that
is not meet in tho sight of good breeding.
"Neither examine thou the proof sheet, for it
is not ready to meet thine eye, that thou mayest
understand. 1,
" Prefer thine own town paper to any other,
and enbeoribe for it immediately.
" Pay for it in advance, and it shall be wel
with thee and thine."
. - $BO REWABD.-1. - hqyby offer a Ds
ward of $l,O eaoh far informalloujq which I can
find three Bliss Rowe Sowing Machines, with
the following numbers upon them: 1110401-
200118-111422. Tho'last number was lost dur
ing tho fall of 1870. Said reward will be paid
by B. Monroe, at WellsboTo Pa.
20, 11 , 311 7 8 t. A. Jsmaniee.
Winter is now fairly upon us. and th• teams
aro hastening to tho lumber 'roads in various
parts of the country. Our advice to every man
who goes to the woods, be he captain, sock,
teamster, or any other man, is to take along a
good stook of .Tohneon's Anodyne Linimint.and
Parson's Pur‘gative Pills. Many monthe,of, le
bor (In the aggregate) may be saved by this
Bad enough to look and feel bad yourself;
t no exedra for having your horse. look and
badly, when fora small sum you can' buy
- kridan'e ';Ccryairy,
__Coridition Powders; which
I en in gralti - r*o of - Three times a week, will
1. ko him look and fecil well.
Atom l boat:Captain, of Pittsburgh , Ri4
"The inventor of llzun a
benefactor to the human race. I was • vtottin
to the worst form of Dyspepsia ; my healthfailed
to such an extent that my Physicians pronounced
me inompable. I had used all sorts, remedies
azisl;bVentook,a,:iortgojti-eplifornix; but stoth
ing relieved me. When fifisusan's HISRLI
TEne was recommended I refused to ass it ; but
my trionds insisted, I at last yielded. I am
thankful that I did so, for it eared me and I am
now as woll, hale and strong as I was fifteen
years ago."
Dee. 6,1971-1 m •
Hera Vioon. In common with many others
we have felt a lively interest in the investiga
tions which Dr. Ayer has been making to discov
er the causes of failure of the hair, and to pro.
vide a remedy.., reseatchatitruilltid to:have
been much more thorough and exhaustive than
any ever made before. The result is now before
us uvdythe Wamo.of Aikrt's ,
hive given iE a trii i, an'eviith - fati 'eatiefeetion.
It equals,oni most favorable anticipations. Our
gray 'hairs have disappeared,' or resumed their
original color; and a visible crop of soft, silkeik,
hair has started on a put of thq scalp .which ri t e
now stands among the first, and at the bead of all
articles for a similar purpose. The testimony of
our physicians is conclusive as to its value;uud
we are personally acquainted with - score:l of
wheretit has been used with - the l tieet 'of restilte:
ft will restore gray hair•'to original cotor; Std
leave's it glossy, and in 'a healthy' condition 1
while, for beads troubled with dandruff, or any
disease of the scalp, it acts like &charm in cleans
ing them. Try it, and you will not be dieap t
pointed. [Lowell Courier.
4 W4laa Itikt 1 1• ' •
I: -
TAYLOR—BACON—In Westfield the 28d
inst., by J. 0. Thompson Esq., Mr, Silas Taylor
of Farmington, to Miss Alioe Bacon of Charles
This printer was_ generously. Aseternberedi by
the above couple. May they enjoy long life.
happiness and prosperity.
A 7104 -Tirth
CULVER—In Silver City, New Meeloo, Nov
7th, 1871, Mrs. Jennie B. wife of B. S. Culver
Aged twenty-eye years, month. . _
Bloomberg Restioterple'ese copy.•' ' - `- '
Pil( RS. ADA (ii„.R.LO,CIC will giro music+ los
, sons at bid
ce ikom4 to as many as may
131) eased to pla-themeelves under her in
struetions. Terms, $8 a quarter. Instrument
furnished for praotioe for $2, Deo 6, 1871 tf
A.,laage number a eagerly. „an 4 Platform
iga l
Sprit* ind P ottier Wage* 4or ,e 4 e., H. H.
,Bordttn ofaioge,'Sind It. Wileader dfl, aefratioo
,ville.!egeri tr., 0411 at the lebaie , rot. 'my
- shop In Wellsboro, and examine work before
purchasing elsewhere. \C. J. WHEELER.
Dee. 6, 1871-Iy.
10 , with an Act of Congreas, approved tho 2d
day of March, A. D. 1867, entitled "An net to
establish a uniform system of bankruptcy
ithroughout the United States, "
the nndorsigded,
lassignee of the - estate of John Ferrer and James
Black, bankrupts, will expose to public sale on
Tuesday, December 19th, 1871, at 1 o'clock P.
e lf., at the Court !Ouse, in Wellsboro, Tiogs Co.
Pa , all the right, title. interest, claim and de
mand, whatsoever of John .reirrer, _ bankrup t
abol'e named, of, in, to or out of all those two
certain town lots, situated in Blessburg Tioge
Co. Pa m known its and heinglola._nn.mber--nin
and ten (No. 9 and 10,) in block number slut
(No. 0) o f said town of,Blosebtrq. Lot No 10
hns - erected - thereon• - a Small one story and a
half frmo house, with kitchen attached' Terms
cash. - A.:-81. 1 .0A 17 LE
•s•Nov. 89,1871-3 W.- ' • " Assignee.
A N ORDINANCE.—Be it ordained by
1 . 31,
.14tgOits >qoanoll ' L the i'bartiuglr
. 3
frdn; -sad after , - tble."2 : llibtla'y •of
September, 1871, all sidewalks Vailt on Bast
*venue' (formerly galled State street) and on
West avenue (formerly.aalled Second avenue) be
built five feet and Mtn. .inetiiii=Wide"..., 13y order
of Burgess and t6tiriell.i.l.l.4,Xisnlia,.ol'k.
Nov 15, 1871 St:
E "R A3r.—Cante to the enclosure of the sub
scriber, in Charleston, on tfie:lotla of Nov.
kred cow., 4rilOt tvhite. strip on iho hip,
left - hoin brolcerAff oE ttioliji;nndlitith horns
have brass nubs on. The
_owner can have Or
cow by piping
,obarges. B. 01,AV.9,,
Nov. 20, itn-31...
Ta a ,Notice.
". f ,ersons indebtei to tbe Ift;te
Rears lkottjese, wick IMMO ReOs ,t.
or book acgoittiVere , restinostefto
tie at the Store of E. R. Kimball.
Nov 29 18714 tit ISAAC SE
fitfitiodtbk , „
Leaving the East and arrivingat Obleago or
Intlipa c apalir,", , how shall we 'iikabbt the Weel
The bait Lino le acknowledged to be the 0., B.
& Qt, joined together with tne B. & M. Railroad
by the Ilion itddititit itagielkt4ic - crid valid the
Bentanorolegiitrin. - —" '
. The main line of the Route running to Omaha
connects with the great Pacific Roads, and forms
to-day the leading route to California. The Mid
die Branch, entering Nebraska at Plattamouth,
Panes through Lincoln, the State Capital, and
*ill this year be finished to Fort Kearney, for
ming the shortest route across the Continent by
Dyer 100 miles.
Another branch of theme. Id., diverging at
Red Oak, falls into a line running down the Mh!.,
sour! threagb fit. Joe to Kansas City; east all
Katmai' 'Paitaiigert'hy this routitc Hansat, l sei
Illinois, Southern lowa, and Idissonyi, aud, by a
slight divergence, can see Nebraska also. •
Lovers of due views should remember the Bur
lington Route, for its towns "high-gleaming
from afar"--its thee-fringed streams—its rough
bluffs and ctuarrtes—its corn-oceans" streiehlat
over the prairies further than eye can reach.
Land-buyers will be sure to remember it, for
ley have friends among the two thousand who
have already bought farms from Geo. S. garfish
the Laud Commissioner of the B. A M. R. R. at
Burlington, lowa or among the four thousand
home-deaden and prewmptork.who lest year
ti t led claims in .the, Linoelp where
'Toole Sam to itilionnigh4dgist natio Yana;
July 19, 1871,41
4;i9PArrik TAUT% BOOK
Fos Vomit:ma, 1.871-L4l2d
The following are the embellishments: A fine
steel plate. Oojored Fashion-plate, containing
six figureb. Colored ;daft of Winter Hoods,
A Bad Bay's sport. Viewers and Flower Bal.
kat, twenty four engravings. An extra sheet
of Fashion" and Lingerie, fifty-four engray.
Inge. A plate of Walking Dresses. Onburban
Residence with plan. Besides a variety of
useful designs in the Work Department. The
literary matter is interesting and instraellte.
This is the megasine first liaised on by the fe
male portion of nearly every household where it
is a visitor : and there is an artistic finish and
daintiness about it especially congenial to fem
inine taste. We stick to „the old Atlantic for
Our own reading ; tariliot help eynoiattililas
with the taste.whielrliadb•the sit Id peewit the
finished, artistic freshness of Oodey. The
reading matteris always in good taste, and the
engra+ingiljtrylita high order, J 4, to
,beet 10.
subscribers at the following terms:
One cagy, one year $3 00
Two cop:e ' en* year 5 00
Three copies, one year - - 7 50
Pour copies, one year _ 10 01)
Vivo topic., one year, an extra copy to the
person getting up the club, making six
copies --it 00
Bight copies, one year, and an extra copy
to the person getting up the club, making
nine copies 21 00
Eleven copies, one year, and an extra oopy
to the person getting op the dub, making
twelv • copies 27 60
A ricotta! of early ladlseretion, °lasing
,per- .
vons tibUlthtprentatuf• decay •0., hating
tried in rain every advertised remedy; has die.
Severed a simple means of seltanre, whiob ho
will send free to his fellow•euQerers. J. U.
9,1111Y118, 78 Nassau at., Now York.
Aug. 9, 1871-Iy.
Booksellers and Stationers,
AT No. 8, Bowen & Cone's blook, have Just
reoelyad And, aie_Tpv opening their fell
stock of - . -
They kosp_ocnitantly 'On hand, in all Tarte-
Iles, ovary article usually sold in p first class
boohatore. _Stationery, slates, schoolbooks, &0.,
sold to country dealers at jobbers' rats".
"Rcpt 20,1071 tt '
There is no class of diseasei known to Medici/I
Silence of more frequent occurrence or so little
oared for as those peonliar to the female organ.
ism. - A slight derangement of health from -del
toacy or some other cause is often allowed to
oontinue until the whole system suffers and con
stitutional disturbances of a grave and vedette
charaeterwre often eatabliahed._
MlAlees Herb Bitterly
Is..a.aateraigaratoody for, and Piaui:Wm of .all 2
each complaints. Sold everywhere. Moe,
One Dollar per Bottle. . .
Nov . ,
Josiah EmeryA C. IX Emery.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Oleo opposite Conti
_Rouse. No. 1 Pardy's Bleak, Williamsport
Pa.—Nov. 22, 1871-17.
Commonwealth vs William D. 'Phillips. In
court of Quarter Sessions, of Tiogs county,
November sessions, 1870. Indictment, Assault
with intent, Ao. Notice is hereby given that an
spplieatton will be made to his Bxoellenoy, John
W. Geary, for the pardon of William D, Phillips,
therabove named defendant.: t, ;
Jl3llO.ltE B. SILIIIS, Derts;ftWy.
4 Arellsboro Pa. Nov. 22, 18712-111.
Batchelder & Johnson,
Wain Btro9t, oppogite Foundry,
XONUltalllnly TOILBSTOSLIS, TA.04111, TOPA ' , -
All other Marble work executed neatly, and at
reasonable rates. We also tarnish to order,
Marble and Slate Mantels, Orates, Ponders, Lo.
Nov.. 22,, 1871,4 n. P. A. JOHNSTON.
A Valuabhiliouse and lot on the Ooreer of
Ili Walnut, and wain etreeti. ffaidl property
will be•sold cheap. For terms, &0,, apply to the
subscriber en the premises. 1. N. WR/011T.
Nov. 22, 11371 -
tf. t
Agents to canvass and reoolve application for
memberabtp irr - tfier Benefit Company:—
Active men of 10°111gal:too and reliable business
qualifications, Whowre.vrilling to give their time
and attention to tile business, will be liberally
dealt with. An to territory and commission,
ePpIY in t Orsen . ,;,orlY letter to.
The same partial! Willexeoute tire Tneuraticas
in sotunti.ooppeetnii sti standard .rates. Xesure
perces Cattle also, again.Utheft, denith by
Otomaitire aotildent,- and lightning.. We ask
no pug d istrust providence, but to invest a
small sum vary profitably. Office with W. A.
*tusk*. . Nov. 22, 1871— IL
"'Penna. State Nonni Sawa
"Winter term (14 weeks) sill commence Men
deg, Deoember4,4B7l-. Spring term (fourteen
weeks) sill commence Monday, March 18, 1872.
Students admitted at any time. Apply to the
Prlpcapal for catalogues or admission.
Nor Ifo, 1871.4 if
FOR SALE.—One pair of metalled
four years old, black ; one golden . horse,
bay:- Bee Mil old; one colt, two yeare old,
bleak. All Bertram stook,. sired by the Blab
horse ; all well broke, but the lest. Will tm sold
forrotab, er'ort time. Inqulre . at ,my farm thl.
week. D. A. STOWELL.
Deltiar, Nov 22,1E171 1w
MOTlClL—Proposals will be revolved
Wickbam 3 Barr's - store, it Tioge boroug
until the 2d dai of December neat, for buildin
a bridge acrose the Tinge river at Tioga boro
according to a plan and speeideation tk be see
at laid store. Tioga, NOV 22,187 t 21r --
AGENTS WANTEDt ee . r i l l
. r i t ri li e g
a rd
moat popular beolo—frith 80 Illuetrattone; likeneseea
of all the Preeldente—beariticaßy bound, and pal teat
oil ti.nteelpfo:. , E . 3 , ;
Tilt' NATION '
Its_Rutors and Institutions. —,,_ :,..
. 7 / 4 7 ",titril 1 ..r,,, i i ii‘m - 41.ND GER ..4.1V. -
-\ \ \ \
Nothing ULU. Str oa every dy said: l ithe book
tey flood: 1t.,1s on go loPutilbk 1 0 1 0 e main/V.;
\ i t
Si le pages fall, \arc I meal o f the trice
of book. 0e4.003 eihntr ' . A Rich
Mu for Coo visoroz-todleo aiT t ILIC3•••• far •
m re. teachere and students. One pc 75 ordert
in ew days, epitA circular alone. Wort the appeared.
4/3 0 a day can be cleared la fair tar Eery. Writs at.
once for, Circrilar and information. NNW WORLD
aIIII.IBIIING CO. Our. 7th and /la et Streefe o Phill
d Iphia.—Nov 1171-4 .
E. 4
: STRAY .- Carne to the enclosure of the sub
scriber, in Welleboro , on or about the sth
tent, o qe . red yearling steer' and ontsviii year;
ling heifer.; , ffite wiener or owuen will prove
property, pay charges and take them away.
N0v21,11171. Sw H. STIOELBY.
Notice of Pardon.
uritarnstavrtooA, go. PA"
n impr
Has recently
SE Fri
In the
Does eve
Never Bite
out of or
a Bowln
Don't pathos
.. - .
_ T.ttm alit
V.v. 111, an.
t Y3~
e .-- • •-__
l utranobed behind a PDRPBOT
I In addition to a fall stool of
, ;,___:: Foy a l
• ~...... _........ , ..
.•„ . we make the fellowiwg
DBE 6100D8. ci l Witch we ,
• CLOTHS & 0408111.11108, wh
oat experience workmen en abort n
for La
One, Hundred Pieces,
rarigilw from SUM. to $2 tiO per yard.
Onr stoatis Om !ARGOT, OCIODEI TUB DEBT, PRICES TUN LOWNOT, of any store
CORNING, and pretailAy IN 90yrINNN NNW WORK.
Corning, Oat A,lsll.
IM 1
ept 8, 1877.
• w •
Nek : l BOTieliskt 60
arcales, .11ohairs,1
I. aU a t prices mach
Tiny GOOGEtp '1
losier* fah J . r 0 to $0 etc
Gots fro= ..... PAO to $ 5 ,0 0
ens' ehoae from ...L ..... SIX to $6,50.
Pole' shw a imp 41,110.
4 1 11 Seaso li natlle at unprecedented Low Prices.
Ready-de lothing in abundance
Yid 'rids !factory for .. .......
to torfor...-
1 20 etc
...6O ots. to tl,aa
Ass, eta.
--••••'-•••/111 Os.
Onr deallak; si
to key to meows.
Ft Latta every Owlet met oPai
steak, as we are alai". p dto
F~Litboro, Ott. 4,1811.
241 trimOO O OOO 44.1. 1
:Ram • •
P. titres Sugar at O
.L f ~ , Y
ved, and I. now without a don - tit - the very beet
G •ffaCill&E
orid for general purposes.,
of Work lout Trouble,
er g and will nisi ON time Witiont "repairs.
Machine ofapx kind until you have seen the
Ammo "wmitooP
IXlias lop Sii*txfif *so ' bine of the world.
: ,
en'l Agent, ett;Uktte Street - , Elmira; N. T.
A. L. #l4 l / I ‘B Ageeit • Weliebore.
J.ll. rnThTED, Agent, Blosabp!sv ,
BA, LIP SpilELliii Asiat,
J. EICIEIJOitILIM, je'.; Tiogii;ta.
- • it
tally Armed IZlju#ppedjor the
We are no
I Campaign;
iIICIADS 0B 61150Dif,'Iiiiidi to wet a (MARSH 1111.0 M
many Dow etas, as goay *boon to favor na'witb I call. •
d Staplo„ Dry Goods,
braeolies of our buitness, lIPEOIALTIBB.
eve a largo .
Aoh we sell by - the yard, or MARE TO ORDER by the
, Misses', ad/dm/1,, Gentlemen and Boys
a MI stock, stobsoolog
Fa4l. GOODS,
V 7, 4• ea.
it j'JAXj
, - st de 0
.45161 7 ` laareSSO, laroCkiiii
and , Irish Nitirtst . Japattest
iney thiored-and - giklek_Drois Wks
tbiji: tiara ben /1141i ' Oar illif0111" 1 / 1 4CeliP...than Jibe of
!itnkee Notion, BOots and Shoes, Hato and Gaps.
anodise, filme"64.. 54, m.o. to $1,26.
:fats"Ciotti Gm. to NA.
'Caps from - 8I its. to sl,2b.
Irasi frOto l -,, ..! _. 24 .ife 80 , eta.
Rita p 11E4.
at Wootton to hualaestp which la always
Wait)* out to iir6i and'..tohwia !AK* through oar
r iow oue 060 S.
a.. 1 k - ; I
- 1
~ ,
,_,.~ i
al, Brother,
Trooth efilsbotit Otis.
QUSixo s OsitAlagaos.(ipeobillty) 81 to Ile.
W. J. 110hTON a CO.
.. -~ ~i ~ f
A. M. Isigham & Co.,
?TIAXE pleasuroln annonneing to the °Risen'
of Wollsboro and vicinity that they ha, , ke
purchased the entire stock of
formerly owned by P. R. Williams, and are ad.
ding to the stook a 'tine Deo of Goode, conwtet
ing of , _.„
Pure Drugs, Patent Medioines, Mugu*
Mittens; Paints. Oils, Varahthes,
Vara,SA Brashes t POW
Patel Brushes,
and hi fact everything, usually kept in a first.
Osier Drug there. In the line of -
mail Mailer, Window Shades and Fizitirsi
he Onnot be 'undereold. Call and esamine
Goode and prlbes before pareheslng elsewhete.
Pardlevier attention paid to PhyolobeniPteresip
tinne,and compounded at all boar&
Th 4 patronise of the pub 4ls solicited. •
i t M. Imatix. : 14TOILIM d. CO
May 4, 1871.
SCR & Squires,
Foreign ct, Domestic-Liquors
Wines, ic., Jc.
Agouti kr Fine Old Whiskies,
Craut SZLL,
O. N. Spinitts, J CORNING, N. Y
81117 1t,1871.
y 4, ..g!
:) , E:i.I.L7- 4 _37 , RENEWER.
Every year increases the popularity
_of this valuable pair Preparation;
which is due to merit alone. We can
assure our old 'patrons that it is kept
- fully up to its high standard.;• and it
is the onlyrrellable and perfected prep
aration!for restoring GRAY on FADED
- HAIR to ita'youthful color, making it
soft, luStrens, and silken. ' The scalp,
by its ; use,. becomes white and clean.
it reni j ovesall eruptions and dandruff,
and, by its tonic 'properties, prevents
the hair from &Bing out, as it stimu
lates and nourishes the hair-glands.
dray its use, the hair grows thicker and.
stronger. In baldness, it -restores the
capillary glands to their normal vigor,
and Will create a new growth, except
in extreme old a. It .is the most
economical IfAin DnnBalNG ever used,
as it requires fewer applications, and
gives the hair a spjendid, g iosa r ap
pearance. A. A. Hayes, MD., State
Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The
constituents _are pure, and carefully
selected for excellentquality; , and .I
consider it the BEST PREPARATION
for itsi intended purposes"
Bold by , all Drupgisti, and Diudera in medicine,.
Price One Dollar.
Buckingham's Dye .
FOR 4.a di: wzrzakinis.
As our .Ranewor in many oases re
quires too long a time l , and toci'much
eare, to restore gray or faded Whisk
ere, we have prepared this dye, in one
preparation; which will quickly and
effectually accomplish this result. It
is easily applied, and produces a color
which will neither rub nor wash off. •
Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty
Manufaotured B. P. HALL & CO.,
Aug. 3, 1870-17.
; 4 -'BBgBABB32
a E .2 g F. -1 E § F. 1 s s 3 '
g ~- ik i ti - ;_i . § ti , z E 2
oat .-7 Adz - c 4 eer e . ' ,-1 -
: Z
i W
41 1 41b., - • •• S . 0
... 'V
01, ID
IV, ' 4 14 gu•go
. pi a
ii 1 ,„c"-- ,i• e t-7,,P43 i ,1
A 0 A pi
It 4 a I I 7, 4 p i E 9,
vEt 8 14 °lll 7:1 41 ., 1.4 814
6‘•-ec, 00g2X
cp ms ca
04 w. 4 2 :I Q RAI so il .
a trigs 80 1 . ‘a la 0. 0 a
v el o,d dPI i I 0,,y.8 446
-fit c . ,?,, E. - 4 ,
ep at a om a ) I-1 go la t o
g! .
ig ~.. g i 6 1 44 i 4l ;:i . 0 ,I;
ea 11 A 01 4 co bp 41 , 1 g ••• co an c ,
4 . 2 , z 1 3 74. E, ? a ,
' 41) 403 )- a q 2 Ca 7:1 ti l:" Z '• A . 1 ' )
1 :• 3104
'' W j a 2 4 4', hi 4A"at WI E I :4 g
.-t-Register's Notice.
NOTION is hereby given that the Exeontors
land Administrators named -below have
filed tholi' aliciOnnts in the Register's °Moe for
Tioga county; And lot said accounts will he
presented to the Orphans' Coert for sald'oomnty,
al a be*Aou of said oe art to be held at Wellsbo.
re on Monday."the 27 b itiy of November, 1871,
at 2 e'altielr rat , folf allowpnee and confirma•
Aceouit of Dyer I,sobo and B. 0. Madison,
Adesluistratatrortbe estate of Ruth Lined n,
late of Lawrence township, dummied.
iAeoettat of John I. Mitchell, Executor of I he
last will and testament of Edeell Mitchell, I to
of Middlebury township, deceased.
Partial account of Ezra Allen, Executor of' be P °
last will and testament of Cornelius Vend) e,
late of Chatham township, deoeased.
• . D. L. DEANE, Registe ki
.Wellsboro, Oct 28, 1871 nov 1 1 4 w 1 -
fiublio Sale of Farm Stock-and Ina
pimiento. r
'ALL the liveistock nod agricultural imple•
mente belonging to the farm of E. Fel
lows, in WeHeber°, consisting of cattle, sheep,
hogs, horses, wagons, harness, plows, hariows,
cultivators, mower, &o , will be offered at publics
vendee, on the farm, on Wednesday, November
29, 1971, for calk in band, or note with approved
security, bearing interest. At the same
_propoiltione will be received fur leasing be
Whole - or part df Abe farm Any Informat on
concerning the same before the day of sale, an
be obtained on the •premises, or by address ng
0. P. Yell, ono of the Trustees, at Liberty,'
0. F. VEIL,_
Nov 9. 1671 .3'w
i itbirvalio undoiretande shoeing, and general
NJ c0.t,.t0 work. Apply to "
Ziov. 8,1871-3 w. Stony Pork Pa
_ , !
Tr/LYING returtied I w
•kA•l.# • VI i k JUNI , from a. Agit East, I
} am now prepared, with a
tie* 4 00k of goads and Instruments, to offer bp - :
perittr,Andoesments to those in want of anything
in toy lino. Artificial teeth inserted on a now
and superior bese L at,low_rants. Teeth extrsoted
without pato ) Preiervetionnf the natural teeth: u
a 4solallty. Work warented. Terms reasonable. 'l
A.B. EASTMAN. Dentist.
WelMoro, Pa.
Nov lb, 18T1.
/NO. I. MiTCHBLL, Aft%
I -
Issues Pollelos in f1;04-olass Companies at aid
i_ack - vvir 3FLELItata,
as any
will grant In urance,,
Jan. 4, 1811.-1
i The Cheapest Place in the State
For Photographs!
WO OD',5 .011iLORY!'
10 - 0.411,111 for 80 Gents. Large Pfitares and
frames fbr $l. Old pintures copied; en
larged and finished In the filleat, style. Raw
style frames and °Very thing kept In a gallery on
hand, or fternistedito order.
• .
Bowes over gardneep grocerffr store.
PeS 1 1871 tf • Wellaboro, Pa.
Photogr .ph Gallery !
Manufacturers of
ik24 li l Bugg i e s ,
Platte - 4m 3piing, Truck and
LuFnkiier IW.Nons,--
We aro prepared to do anything iri our line
on short notice and in tho best manner. Sada
&anon guarranteed. -.•
110UGHTON, ORR 1 00.
EASTINELA COLE?, Agts, We!labor°.
Stony Fork. dpriL4soBll.
Wonders :Will Never Cease.
AV I 1 you tried the latest and greateit med-
W teal disaore'ry of the age?
Dr. 31, L.jßacon's Magic . Pain
It cares colds, !diptherla, orempi and pains in
stomach, Indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery,
mmer complaints, cholera morbas, cholera,
As by magic. As an paiternal appliestlen
fo frost bites ebilbtaius, sprains, braises, fell—
o a, rheumatism, sick headache, toothache, usu.
ralgia,vains In the side,: back and loias, in a
practise of six years, It has been foliate be
se s send to no preparation ever offered .to the
The proprietor of this median() feels warran
ted in guaranteeing it to be the best remedy for
thp above diseases in. the market.
?law/featured and-put up only by Dr. M. L.
Delon, Blossburg, Pa.
Wboleealo agents--Haliett„Pearer & Burbank,
149 Clamber street, New Yiiik; 17: D. Terbell
& 00., Co'rning, N. Y. July 12,'71 ly
ngliam's Wool% Mills I
---- DitIERFIELD, PA.'
qi I
rHS subscribers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth,_
Cassirueres(Flaguals, &0., &0., for Wool.—
, yslso maaufactuW. as aerial—
. SR
a l uit suitornere. All work warranted aarep
ee-nted They invite particular attention to
their Water. Proof.
b are warranted In every respect. Pardon,
la r attention given to
I i tltllAM'l3 large stook of Casalmeres, ate ~2b
• r eont leas than any competitors, and warrant.
u represented.
INGIIIAMS m inufaeture to order, and do all
ndt of Roll-Carding end Cloth Dressing, and
.fy °repetition
N HAMS have at) good an aieortinent of
Lull Cloths, Ossaimeres, etc.,
...nd give more for Wool, in exchange than any
other bstablish went. Try them and lehtisfy your.
,elvsl. i
IN i RAMS wholesale anti retail at the Cow.
arms et Mille, 2 miles helevllnexville.
Oa Cloths are warranted, arld sold by filo
IC. B . KELLEY, Wellsboro, Pa.
T. 1.• BALDWIN & 00., Tioga Pa.
:. 1 70 1 . ° 11:N IIII N 2 ETT,Oovingten,P i a.
). retold. Jan 1. 1691—tf - ; •
gow reoeiving from Now York, a fine se.
rtment of
i. ebe offers to the publio at• low recs.-
- Everything usually - found In a
ThINCIT 00111116
, . 1
it , e kept on hind and sold 1.5 w for oath.—
. a " iloox and Gibbs sewing machines for salt
,a o rent. 1 /
r W Ritmo, Sept. 214 Wil-ly. ' ,