OZG TIOGA COUNTY.AGITATOR. Lcr,4l;- wEDNEsDAy, Nov: 28,18,71. %i.ortisotacAatl)2_ . • For Stllor:V4 IL_ A,lmi w ted--,'W11061 , I'ortitlo44pr,et ,hornets at La _ 13tray--J. BMA: W0rke,.:",...' • , , right, •"' "Oen T;Yt(ID gBll. don; •--4. 'ninety "& Son in. The winter term of the Graded School Atilt:own-mom on Monday, Docoinber 4; TheNellsboro lodge of I. Q. of F. wads a generotil contribFtion to theeburlt3i far tbq relief or tho Clamp sufferer°. • Read Parsons & Co's adveritsenfent a nuthlr column; and note the feet ot their l'iberal oilers in merchandise. Socr.AßLe.—The Scalable 'connected tho Baptist soi3iety eili meet in their place wor Airtal---Toeslity-ozening, Nov. 21st, 1871. LECTURES, Rev. N. L. Reynolds's saoilay eversiiiilooniroo on die "Creation". In the Baptiz4. Ilell s ihrtLvery intereating: and instraot ice, nod ere largely attended. Next Sunday eve., n h i g the robjp.et! viii be "The Croatton of Matti \tiellsboto iaas tinge seoret societies. Two vscinde and one adqitis the gOntler rem to' settrA)trebip: ,Query Could swats is toddy .be pat oboold osolude the " ursgentler" ses ? 1. t ia SLIPPOSII'ION.—II 11,1M11:1 Wil . spends tea crcts a day for cigars or tobacco, r for snob, would avoid their use, and spoil, ha , Tit i vate for good newspapers, !low greatly' would_ ho, and his fatnitY icta bentfiWd. Think of it. , ,'• .'". Dr. Up De Graff, of Elmira, to meet— ing with grant suectss in the mechanical treat ment of curvature of tho spine; 110 has a largo uurnber of persons under his oaro suffering from ibis deformity+." r A BK CONTRACT.--D. Dewey, Esq., oP Tiogs, has taken tho contract 'of the Magee ovinpacy fgr clearing the gronv4 for the_Littroad. track through the woods!, a distance of fire wiles this side of Antrim, Mr. Derrey is juat the I r i an to push the 'Avork tarn os, Catruvi.—Thoso_ who- have I,ct already rihr.cribati for 11.,_1Y,. Peeolier'e Tate of Cbrist, can ba;:c:ixn _oppoitnnity to exopine ttie different styles of pindleg by Calling at the wade reems,ol,2.lle.a IIOV. TOIL - ' . Sbl ni o hxs:n new . Steinway:Piano for aisle, Nstliah is offere4lst, the lowest price. _ • _ . 'l'lle ttn noutieetiient in thip Agilcitor , last wept;thatlSlTe. wcilt:_wes prciAieseins 0#,..P413 We! eber° _tend ErKland railroceci, _should- have been tho L wrouccvilla anti .Eih ( s jut rest, ti. , The Printer's D) vil has that mistake charged to his account. ..- • - . _ , . 0 .. i\IIJSICAL. — Urtii. A. 13. .Ertettuan has returned from her visit Bast, and now pro pared to gi4o' music Icesor.i, instrumental and, voca l, furnill sheet music, and an initettmont to puttee on. Mrs. Eastman's exports Des th :tea: oblog bus boon ono of success-. . - . • COURT.—Nex - t -wilt be the Bret day of court of tho isiovttnbor term. AS many pereova tviil Wel:short, at that time; they ore cordially invited to n.' Etat in our "big chair." Tito antinal meeting ofc the Stony Fork Salt Wotks Co , rtqll be bold ist o this house of C. C. W in Stony Fork, on the 4thpf Deo., at 2 u'olook•P 2., for the elcetion of of Nov 15 St • 'new stettra haw mill of Phelps dr Botigo, at the Morel), de now in tortehlost7 is fltsf ci elasa, the building strong; and convenient, and with a full set of hands will; it is said, out an iminenee emouut t.i iamb, r iu a short that). Buildings fore store uni tlaollings arc to be °rooted in the locality, an I ovar:pthl , g boopeatss" a lively place of buaines.s. The Good Tomplara of cho Wellsboro lad a hare eke t.. 1 tha tallatving aftiaera for the tpi cur begianlug 1...it1i November:. VOT, - N. L. le3 nolds; W V', Lucy Knapp; P W C, Ju. liotto Al incr. ;_ W S, 3.>. 11. :garatnote; P S, R. J. Rose ; W T, )3dna Monroo; NV C, Thomas Allen; W A. Jahn RabotO; 0 0, Willi° Kelley; I a; Eva Hastings, - Col. Emery, reeentl:,7 of this place, advertises fir' another column that be can bo Lund irc thC practice of thu I.lw with his non In Wjfliiu3sport, opposite It `co' Court 'House 'suns itt 11:1-3 vicit2ity htt%it) : ; 3e b l.lbusinctut in that 19c;lity, Grillflncl - 3it r . Eu3ery a prompt and tato _Mann to ripply Northern Lights corattienced on Tours,iny evening the 9th iustaUt, and were Mainly _vial(' Quell - night' fur thu btlbs.r.ce . The display vtas the ,00lor ntar • tbe 1.1 - torizon being a pile green, nr.ti half . 3ray toward the zenith a slob red ; this sufititA9i la a pril . ,r,ilyej e y light. ; ? • tice'scnt ultßliitaatotiobers' Assozialiion at tit"- siViiiii,riidny." giving no, ,date;-. latnen the Association s7lll meet rriday rtizt, l ,4latt 24t13, itipient; „Ali teachers of ti.e nuenty pr tient. :In the-evening an address will he 'de.lll4tred- by Professor J; W. 11-triter. of Ditifitiorl'i..Y.,/. FuttNlTCritE.=Mr. B. - -- - tli-1-1-ont tes just f.llcd birlurniturc warfr rnottss - ,,:with eplendi.l furniture; frorr: the beLz.J . ghulle oheapeet. It !Jae EOM" Virj hrt:r1501"10 trod este P.dn Lure,miter tal_dee., and ir. T.lTit — aveythlng usually kept in a first °lees were room. i lk) cm furnish any kind, quai r itY iirrocibir dee.irtd tb miter' ether forn lune Mr." V: inanufaetures fir:ft .c lame well:, and is therefore prepared to fill any order on short notice. , Drop in and tee Lie new stuck. 12 •,- • TlTANv.4.laoSziet,-T- c Pq1 . 216./a who :wisl?, a gttod fat tie:itby , fur ThanArgiging, oc: cces on 7:1:14f4111,:y. Fns. $4, oan procure one by leaving their ortlere at, Ilai'er'a meat market.— Thai tiny %till no tbubt he observed by a itermon at ~ n o of tb , -)m-elles, a dinner of tnrkey by the tivnizeuf, aol. a IriiesTlinficeidiii eft; the con. cart in the e% e'.l7¢ - P 411"' L. R - ! - ' hit has been selected to preach tit. , Th:ll.l.e sermon In tbo Baptist Hall, or id!, A. .c.f. ••• •• WELLsi-lotto Mjumu NVOBICS.—AIessr. Batelleltier Ji•hr.ron here located' a" Atop in this ciiLtgr, on Kato Ftrect, opposite the faun dry. f , r, tho mswfattnre c,f taoanti2ehtl, tsnteir• stones, table lop.. etc. gentlinueitt,:iAnvis Eor !Nets vo•r:s tkvvo ,11,11 iug IN 3, and Lave h bong c:viivri bee in tho ttisintsF, th.eiti '1 . 9 give i.atisfse• tier i!J any elan - or 1 , ,er% c'arncateel vOth the butlness. Wo trust our c.W.cvnsir''..lll give tbetn generous patror.ago, as n /hop this kind shei'd be eustained In 11'..iIsh?r•I, Succosp to the new ettu. • . TO oUlt, th , O tlrEt of Jan u iry next the AoirAron watt ho lirinted on new type, or.d greatly itnprev, d rio.hattic illy lad othurviuo. To tto , :, , Jutplith this, we tholi he under the t k i,.!"t'n , sity26't' writitty our patronu . ti fur rahtoriptinn, a,l;ortiting and jib wr . . riz, hand in their rcepective amounts on orbefore the coluir.z Novo t ni;er tern: t.f COt:f:. • After that H. enrtit. our rqtent, wilt Atli in those r•ti , lll!ga , t eat tahoe front Wolltboro: We trutt each crkc w ill Le pr9nrecl to " fork ciyri 9 , at tight, thnt our tigeht, mo posei ieroand.og tdiS i 3 pws!ibie to gathering in the LITTLE DITLI due tbiß °film Pleat° reinembor, and Ito prt pied. Nov. 8., 1871. at, 'TILE COAL QuEsTrox.--Tor "tb s e' iri forinatlun (if l'lnquilar" .9ita7or; glee th:4! . - • Orate., -Sll3lO E&g 0,15 Stove ... Eco • • V' cIiCT.Z . all - 8,50 Cleetaut ' f,( 10 The fre9itle boat s { 39, pEc'ton' at Wel~abaro i?ore than at Vfatkli;., whieh'vronlil rialie 0,511 here. The Elmira quotatlou tact iv fair lithe competition th ere wave the Ketall price leach less than they are paying ati , 14 0 ,1.e.4 1 C4i; •-• /014 tall OPIINIVT• f~ Y _ ,f ~ L <<' illime.... _____ Par Mali • t r,r -; r • '.4l:l•Va s lart.'.llEßE.-11ortims bate - 133 tide tkeir second trip to the city for fall goods. Their . tise.lll44llV 3 "1 etas refseenooloilia trouts'-of 'their 'ctiatainars.:—:. niihtig,hiraty eon *thought of in thcif lino, but can be found off their ebelipikotleftirq, and at prices' t 66 that enielhOlosist buyer& It will pay to take a look through title Immense stook, es it costs nothing to look, and but . little to buy. • • CoxE HousE.,-Mr. Peleg DoOd, of Matnaburg t hav-taben'possession_q this house, and if nowiengaged In putting nie*thlng in. Of• der for Vcialnesa. Wo 1106 no reason • why this houao may not do a largO bualunsa. It is large and commodious; and well furnished throughout. Mr. Dona comes well recommended, as a "good landlord," end it is said be sleeps with one eye open to the svants of his guests, and has every. thing in shape sod os4 tlooAfor the sesame:lpda. non of all. The cbarges are very low for shit house,"and we tenet that emder ,, the4presant ministration its patronage may be 'is w,lv even. ded and business vastly increased. Ong' Scsocas. Professok Winters has occasion to feat proud of the accessions made to the graded school. .A t v mat- siltton (life membership) has recta eta thit grade under his especial earet4 he eigie imstmettt. We are unable t kstki. Of this acquisition (indcod vfs do — a l t know that it •bas any) but. aro of the opinion that the corning Season, if not the snow storm of last week (that somebody called a young Winter; are suggestive of IL "And thus is the Winter of our discontent made gloriqui summer by this Dake of York." THE COILING CONCERT..—The Men+ dellssohn Quintet Clab of Boston will give one of their " tall" concerts in Bowen & Cone's hall on the °vetting of AisitaittliersollS ph m ottli had the opport • VII them l ieki Corning, and 6thor plaoes, say positively that it is a troupe Ilard to beat. From the reputation of this club,"we have no doubt they will give the finest concert ever heard In this village. as this is tho first entertainment of the (lours° by the ermaie Society, we trust the hall will be crowd. ed. To accommodate all that come, we suggest thrtho,ladies leave their hoops at borne. . , TRfAikor Hmtv.s'y WoNtk-Tliettif: A of liarvey Ward, for the killing of W. E. Sbrader, on the 220 of February teat, at Towanda, has occupied the attention of the court of Oyer and Terminer tor Wyoming county for ono week.— The verdict 'was rendered on Saturday last as follows :---";iot guilty of murder, but guilty of manslatigliier." The counsel for the prisoner made ti; Motion for a new trial. The 27th of 2 , ToyOtTairXed as the day for the hearing of the motion-. Ottlt PAliY.—We omitted to announce the fact intr last IMO Of the new comer, for the goodje son that we wore so highly elated over:l3eingrreado grandfather, that we conoluded to wait, 911(4 we became more accustomed. to out newpositige. Really, we thought this a dyeakt, but after seeing the little blue. eyed oreay94t4i. pying the center of attraeltion at our home for sev eral.daye,tvenow admit it to be a reality, own the corn, enilliai3s on to say, as everybody else does— "that it Is the nicest baby we over saw." When 'we wore apprised of the fact of the new comer, we rigged:npla grandfather style, (so as to folly re aliee'tli tea tittkineci,). - trithl ti•• cane, balanced a pair of spectacles, across our nose, titarelio to the looking-glass, made a Choi. oagh examihntion for gray .hairs, and to our ut ter: asteoishatent found a large number bad gone back on us,'EL work which we charge t0.,.41gra, as she always adapts things to eirottrustWas.=.? Feeling now that we are fully installed in the of. fice of grandfather, we could do nothing less than accept did iiroffered offer to give a name to the little beauty adapted for calico. So in thefutnre, persona ad divs4ait oPt &mad odistagliter, please Say ' listisatt elibTositivelY r Attie; to mogulse any other given name. Wo com. mance* the cradle by singing el-Elm:hag baby upon th - e-trettiop, When ,tbie wind blows, tho erad - Wwiit gels '. 04 I:)iiSZVAT ED COMAME3Tr^4II . 4 Fic s ben Courier, a very excellent paper, published at Bath;'t. Yf., the home of A. F. Barnes, Erg.. in - noticingibis joining ue in tho publioittkok,of, -the .docraro i r the coming year, gives lain thiTol: loving compliment: " Mr. B, is known to many of our readers as a young lawyer of,lloN4llhyl,asialusg. he dims, mho tdifiiliftr 'Merl tor ealtbrtif ilfe, in .whiela he has had sotus experience, lacwill - be warmly •welasfinlittle*.stlircriel scat of Tioga. We donft Hite the idea first rate of losing bits! from Dath,but ro_frankly telkthe readers of t bea 4 - qhttati„theylittißtfthi„te in hitt a pleasant, courteous, gifted writer, both politically and locally, and we heartily eongratt4 late them in their good fortune. It is not nem eery, wt *h him success, for` that is nese:ad." •.1 ;7. 1, 74 7 - . 1) 11t0FITABIE .u.m.PLOYMENT furnished for a limited number of men povess ing tho recloisito qualifications to act as traveling salesmen or canvassing agents ilbr—the New fin. prorod Vied Sewing Nochilic. Few &Mum op. portunitlei offer iiidueemontiv.,foa.44otic oarnialry and applloadoai:equat tv atwilfilo.ter(ttleaeiMall known stdralartttgoatrar t'ibiberal ittftalgetarattr. um& with the right kind of men. Call on or p.ddrets d. I . TlLLoToott. Gen'l Agt., riely. lb 3t 33 Lake et., Elmira, N. Y. _:Editor, Agitator.—Having read In your pape4, of Nov. ist,.a report of Ihi:"Taap4 ertalnnitUte," I would earifiradef the4preicni"Superintend ' as boon "tedious amitaborillue the people of this diatrlot do not feel indebted to him. Oar school h the lar gest of an 3, rural district in the county. Is lo .etett,threi and a half m iles from Thi . ga, on the 'Matti rpad•beffeelivide #1,13-not al" back distriot ;" yet Pr fessor Hor ton-IA nter visited our school; and there are several er sehoqqa,, 4 , z u by him. 're havieffAiVi t e At . neglect pre4l:ec:AAorx; brad wit eurWatles tort%frieod, we wish for Janice, and - to gicie ority where honiir to due." ArAirimißci.—This week. Mr. Peleg Doud retires from hied:tote) at this place to take charge of, the Cone House, at wdii ti r oltz Deed line always lived in ' this locku have always known. 'him t he thorough-going and hattosabic la business. Ills mart is always one 0 : 1- 1/ 0 09..teTrdiPil . lE btlet 1 1 "up.sifunii ,f9a this place iti tha'tlireeticM. at ra;ilutitt is an es liltrlablellatir, I+2ll i i2Aimbiz erß eepo by all who Ictiowliet.i Thuldo away wait the most friendly feello:ki:no our citizens and en earnest wish fur Mr. W.B. Hail has rented the hotel here of Mr. Deed' and will take possession as Mr. Dotid retiree. he first morement of fir. Hail, is to rent the i b II room in the hotel to the Gootl'Tern. t plars for 4 ledge routs. Is it zl.l- necessas 4 y- 7 0A44 J --. runio of blot ? . The citizens of this place have organized an aid societt, fo'r the relief of those made destitute by the tires in the West. They will continue to send supplies during the winter. - The Odd Fellows of this place sent come over fifty dollars, cash, t th• :eedy.Anembers of_the order in chic% golan t P terol:ri, • :1 1 / 0 •t - • t t • OVII? lag eesayl ic wrillon and read t:y Larrison in oar Graddd &Illool—ter its real north and rats.. tical b: filing on the " victor of example," It is plain eianlnon sense, and will bear a careful pe twat. Read it : POWER OF EXAMPLE _ , . Perhail none of 115 can ever fully - know how great wiclit(l there is In influence. That which ~ we a‘•,• tolteis do, we have a natural Inclination . 1 . 0 d . oar. ` , risk Itlareltt r t n e ...l pe 1p le p R it 4 t 1 - :SI nor.-tined ,tvo; but put it in the soolety of the cultivate' and Intelligent, and, by the same rule, it will he (nee like :them. ket a boy easooiate scitb e4panions who habitually 1480 rough . 1 . 212 - emire', - ;intl he will coon bi? Ir,Lt.t l / 4 alit r:ousl2litoo. Let a girt,sni 1 %IN -1 , of vain, gid4y girls, and /boa 1. , . ... , : , -. mind running in the same o if '..7. - It 1- her associates It has been truly . • that' ono person capoot 9 i k A h_e i . e r. 47 ". her for nny'lep,gth of tdpse, o way., I la . , influsWeed thereby, And if wo are he d respon sibleV-114tolly fur what wolifo,3iliiiikl OffiLiWilnti also for our influo a over gthere,—it is indeed worth, while to ill ,44,1 in yob r e gi DAD it soft and pimps 7 1.1344ik0 imp e s fro everything it comes in contact with, and In pro. Ceti* ti't time, as it hardens, these Impressigns thouglkslight in themselves, it may bh,ypt_p_nite „tcratetb? o shape the miod ; 'and, .is-thWolaiii; ttnistlf a nd or bada2Matel l MPC ?1,, 8 • Alt t r ugh histoc i picAmp i teo.2 t good and ad exam plltirclfif stlfi l l -to J„,). hell:it one for all (attire ages /12 0RM, itati,?- 4 f isobedienoe. - Sinop then, how many , atet.',o rePords of bad ex.ato4;3l o f kin who disditiced; their thrones Oa !gig, nt o git graced the governmedi Mih It yo - Isles, who tbreategtgArlaw anAtif every in T itltutilin IT , 111 -1- " ..tbr 4urgs Are nit closed y' , , a.. .'f 4,114 l e - r• :Yeti 0 4 wr-g t a b ly Dada any I ; MEM i,.,, n 4.OYIIMI..V2u,Y:Nd =4 go t4l7 4 -AR aiatirkta :A ma duo art ty.3104 ottY 110,14 vim ,t 30,1 trans 1121. t sand k i t .trakh, r t er !NV oaydathle tallish a few good men have saved, their country. and redeemed their, peopie. - All down ~ the iNtsit.l4)i s s< . '—the'influencti'of a noble life;•'' Sitch'Anui'never Arty ale; 'for. tit g th eir bodies mrif he mg& le etilickti tO ..-. ng, h vh . ; ~ banal...," A- At so 60 ,_ a gnikexemple is 'almost of infinite value. Let us suppose a sehooi of canine, idle children, into which one diligent, studious, stint. I live seholar,should enter. . In a'fow days, his or her Itlian* *Would be felt all through the school) and I have no doubt there would ,e more perfect' r'reOltailons, and better behavior' than wan r aver kintwn 1)..g.. itepan fully realise how ? t eeratanU altWeginii.k upon us—mould ing our 'rioters, training our minds, giving us ncrf thou hts, desires, waives, plans; and these, perhaps, changing the-whole current of our liver, and marking out our future destinies. It is indeed of importance that each one amid look thoroughly into his own heart, and askhim• soil thequestions " What am I doing In this world ? what influence sea exerting oyes. my , fellow lieings,''otternaVaiiikatiti, 4 brottiliodtv mates, my friends? ;Am, Z,snaidng them b 7" " oriels?" - . Don't you know that all your fault finding, and every 111. natured remark about each other, and every cross or angry word, riot only makes your own heart worse, but leaves a bad impression on those around you? And so on through all your life. And it is enough to maks one tremble, to think of all the sin and suffering an trouble t. o I T , iimalif 14 1 ! 1 , i Illtor A ! re t e ito ttim or t. e‘ u tis .. mum , is iinea Endre; hop . _ • , -r Rohe o litical wire pulling Is over, you can spare a place for It. for " the farmer feeds all." Another crop bee been gathered; even the last of the corn it about being husked, the grain threshed, and roots gathered. By being atten tive, WO can at this time otthe year learn many useful !mono at our own expense, while .we are in the not of garnering the yield of the ground we have worked; finding it varying greatly in both quality and quantity, and tbat often caused by our own mismanagement or neglect. 1 _, The etiolates are so , k eof tii• causes of light Arrops 4: rin,Nballo. - ,ik , ,„ stand . Ithen t erbtf and ,'. 7- .ret °T M. waive plowing without any fertilising. In view of the first, I think the fifty dollars paid the lion. Horace Greeley to be the best in. vestment ever made by our agricultural soolety. His instructions regarding deep plowing have been heeded by some to this day; but by travel. ins through the county, I see the need of a repe tition of the came instructions. Another, and not the least cause of light crops, is the neglect of changing often all kinds of seed. Another cause is the want - of it good fanning ,Ivw,gest ritiliajt'.t a Itc.; 7:" Tony sow tnalefiSiThilliWitierforTrifenor grain, which germinates bat never matures; and thus they fill the pores of the ground with too much seed, thereby retardinfhtheat which other wise would grow. And after all the pains taken to," sow good seed," it should not be dragged in on either clay or red shale soil when too wet. "The earth he gave to the children of men": and if not for our own interests, I olefin that it should bo worked Worthy of the Donor. And bare let me ask a question :" In view of the gifts being hereditary, that is from genera ttugenatiorr, eon* man be honest in every sense of th e word, if he run down his land ? D. G. EDWASIDS. A NEW RAILROAD. In a r• ant article we discussed the Oct .f ofinnectirig Towilmja with en `,I s • itiraihisd rail - Alm through the counties of Bradford, Tioga, Potter, M'Kean and Warren. Such a road Would open up a section rich in timber, and in agricultural and mining wealth, und of unsurpassed natural advantages forztnentifactAign gi;4 l rhei'distgnisti atla s miles. The . material for construction would be at hand.; the cost . light, and the.grade easy. It is entirely practica ble.i,-riad must soon ! later con r?' :etc "g - point fEI 'W' ...4 WoA dit pay Let ' us see. When completed, it would connect with the Philadelphia and Erie at Warren ; the Bradford Toad at iiimetbpotlhe Bp'st w 1 0.*14,74441.*,44 - 71144.1 . 40.1. Wellsooro and Lawrenceville at ells boro ; Corning and Blossburg at Mans field or Tioga; Northern Central at t', 81i.P V4iiWTowau dajj—rseven Mant roads ~ At ctaines, tiOnsiefogrt, t l imethport . .alid Port Alleghany, other roads would ra diate north and south. It would form - Ole , •rh d e s t z'd freet l t tritilfirh'd utl et for the Pennsylvania oil region. As a through route between the East and the West, it would attract travail idid liiggViirotkit -compel-mg fltres;-ny reason - Grits-dire - et '''ra'•'l4'i l a a : aia 4 - 'ilai,,Te4l,,----;i,-,102.14-6, opv some oS t &berat dr osit of bi- Aildsvbfttcupgriv9utlet could be found for the anthracite coal fields, than by the Lebigh„yalle and thin road to th Lagand View The prominent papers of the State are now earnestly discussing the feasi bility and the possibilities of this en- AlgPi/B9u .BEttlcks#l. o o4P4 o Mt e wit fuspitalletsrttaliiiipro nesp ilicti if iiifetiielofataiekfitt Democratic Fairness. A Bit of Cool Im pudence. In the 19th Senatorial district of this , efig ' * t ,:nl candid ht qffi6 .r tAs' This was conceded on all hands, yet the ,return judges (Democrats) refused to give7 - him a certificate of election, on VV,Lsivilgtsoili,MitS l l,4 AUSltez lekra• came somebody heard somebody offto $2 for a vote in that district on the day of •le‘tlog • and t " iffy e ri cry have Ulu use , votes." All, right. We hope if even one Re- PRIMEOI.44 th.4.kie1.149k takikkr "- bribe a voter, he will be dealt with to the extent of the law But a man who 1 11 1 ' P 02189 , let Attor ne , • how, . 'alidato an election, there must be sufficient fraud 'l3roirOditfontititiNpthril6tlSiginftil • - fraud. And we only want to swots.. that one vote thrown out is .a discount t go This is not all. In the 9th district, Junkie, the Republican candidate, was isom.3l IVA tyVettm i either by mis take or fraud. Either way, the Demo cratic return judges refused to rectify the wrong, and Junkie received ills certificate, with much trouble In get= tang i.G, on.a stated_ ajor ty , s. steal if 1 I. . f t e` tie rift , n spit • p } pl" • • • , t Rep b 4 safe for a majority in both homes next winter, has driven 4ur Democratic friends over the'rnountains to the verge 1,c1111320,Nfi Butter and cheese aro almost indispensable artioles of food. Properly used, they are nu. talons and heabby ; but an inordinate use of e...s indigestion and dyspepbia Par r**, IftroOtive Pills,judfoiously used, will re move beta of them troubier, • ,„ r Have you aguo in the face; swollen? novo you severe pain : In tho den, back, or aide? Have you cramps or , atus in pt If itt o pse Mtn. 4 10 i 0‘.41 tar WA. ' ato th ri - ~, rit .'w;” rlr l'U 71 • jy t i V ir aig i gio • ~ in tut° s . th it,' alq , •year- Ling:heifer.' T own or owners will wrove IF ga .. 3 the.. 1 , -ft As SW. 011 11:1" i .‘" •-• It ; ALE.--• no pair of matched mares, t 4. our years of a 41 11 tilille ; j , de,' li:i ;Ave years 61 •4 No o . ..,,. .)f; t' All Dadra It 7, • - i t l. •; 4+411. g,, ; all well broke, but the - 'y P fr . ' I • ' f iSitP,43fAltlieft,;gl.imitleiSitt • luy farm ibis emt. tr. A, STOWELL. Delm , -v 22,1871 lwas . , F —Pro —::, Wiekb ..' j a atop, try. a boron ~ 1 7," I,t tbalit 114 ti. ' l, •amber WI r bull. 9 '‘A ' Yldge set . r. 1 ; ga' river: i ioga b. a looagoawt.io •v' • . • • t•N• • • • 11 •ow-a • a ' Ite1 te 060 tole es The best idno'ls aebrieWindgedle be the 04 - B." & Q., joined together with ttrif.44l4.l4ll(Oeik, by; the Iron Brldgeat 131irtleig ri r dodildtertliet Bonirsoron Rourr. , • The Math „ line of the Routarunolog to Cynabs, connate itieMtlietrekt ic niiiki to•day ttalee t lilog route to Oaliforma: The Mil': die e tering Nebraska at Pliable:tenth, Passes Stilly* I,loo 4ofitAtatitilkiegag... will this yitsr be finished to Fort Kearney, faro miog the,shortest route across the Continent by over 100 . Another:branch of the D. • diverging at Red Oak, tails into a line runniutdOwn tbe Mts. aottri throtigh Bt. Joe to Kansas 011 y, and. all Kansas. Fano geis by thli route to EMUS*, see olgt3Outhern lowa, and Missouri, apd, by ss *once, can see Nebraska also. sista or tine views-should renisinberitia Ungton Ratite, for its towns "high-eel:Oft fr 0133 afall - ita4F44ll.4l4.tk i r l !",t - 112- fre bluffs and quarries — its, porrooceans g over the prairies further than eye can reaolsc Land•bnyers will bo titre to remember, it, for they have friends among ,. the, two thousand who have tinselly bought farms from Geo. 8; the Land Commissioner 'of the &M. R. at Burllngtor, lowa, or among the four- thonsuid home-eteaders andpro , cmptors who 'last year flied claims in the Lincoln land ollice, where "Uncle Baia Is rich enough togivens all a farm' July 19, ilB7l.—tf t • POWErSTRWAltidara. '22 . d, by II Rev. G. P. Witt rlius Mr. -IF., Yoss4 ars to tdis Jennie ILStewatt, bothtlt4tehmontl iika—RlolBAy r ettatteld, on the I' thvßeireaWatiottieelialt ,, Mettle iof Austin, Nevada, to Miss Sarah 0., t Ramsey o Blaitisburg. Y0132.4—8R00K8--In WeWore, on the 12th Lust., , y John Gibson Mr.: Jeremiah Young to , Lorinda Brooks, all of Charleston. , MILLE Miller, of SHAFT Soho Sh i BEY'S LAJA ' :,,: i 1 4 : st iFA V ILI' It. Fo .NovaunsaiEß 0- .7 4 - The felt • wing or tbo embellishuienta: A fine steel plat Coo d Fathion.plate, containing six figure Opti) !NA r „,,... - A Bad Bs 's Sport elven an F ewer Ras kat, twen ..• four engravings. An• extra sheet of Rued, •s and Lingerie, Ilfty.four engray. legs. A •late of Walking Dresses. Suburban it Residence with plan. Besides a 'Variety of useful des gas in the . Work Department. The literary m tier is interesting and instruotive. This is he magazine first seized on by the fe. male portion of nearly every household where It is a visitor: and there Is an artietio finish and daintines about it especially congenial to feui init. tests. We stick - to the olst'Atlantle Di!' our own r :offing; but cannot help sympathising t with the taste whiob leads the sex to prefer nil' finished, ;artistic freshness of Godey. The 1 reading tter is always in good taste .ssed \ the • en vin are of a high order. It 14 1 40at> 4 to subscribe at the following terms: 'i•• -•----" One eopy one year $S 00 Two Copt , one year ........0 00 Three cop es, oor ~, H,f.t,,L. t , , ,H...a ...... trzu l 01, -b,'N'M s• 0i11b . ,9 - ear ................:1 17 :I u s ui t es, one year, un extra copy to the person Wing up the club, making six ' copies.. ... ...... ••......—.14 00 Eight el es, one year, and an extra copy to thepe rson getting up the club, making nine c op ies 21 00 Eleven ales, one your, and an extra copy to the .•-rson getting up the olub, making twelve • opies ...., ). 27 50 SP at yg4 . .. of early indiscretion, °analog nor. 'rims . . ityißprinniatiregaleellyi 4r5111. - ittlitki tried in viiin everredvortised remej1:3541451 AO I covered simple moans of self -cur", which he will Ben free to hie follow.sestere. .1. E. REEVE , 78 Maumee., New Wyk: , . • $ 1871-13 i. ' .-. ::, - ' • ' Aug... - I NU iliu . 74 1 0'0 40• . 64 - ook.k aan ia.- ii4n era, . va --"-i a . AT 1. 3, Bowen It Cone's block, balm 'just roe trod and aro now op . - enin g . their fall stook Of k r - A 94 air A A 4 i I , 44 WAIL ANDIVMDOW - 04EL' , 114129/1-L - - y Artie e usua yto n 1 41 a rat P c ass 1 Statify, slatowFol books, do., attrLd onlitit )o,l*. 4 I I, FM t Es :74t III? booksto i s FEMALE IYEARNp3SES ! There no class of diseases known to Medical 1 *Science f more frequent occurrence or so little INFfo as those peculiar to thlA rit zta4l tp, A light derangement of ' ~..4.1 bum , or 'beam other esuse is often allow° to aentinneluntil the whole system suflers,and. cm,' stitution 1 disturbances of n grave and serlOurri alternate are often established. 4.4lBftit Mailer's Herb Bitters v„ 4: eign remedy for, and preventive of all . v , _, IT. . :. plaints. Bold everywhelt. J Net t , .'. i ` r per Bottle, t' 4i ' 871-Im . fig/ ti3it t,, Nov 1 ATTOH Hone • Pa.— Com , 4 the eon lu • W. Gen tho abo Wolf a in oh Egli WE sa kat a era toteo.ll Marble 1212 A' will be subsoil,. Noy. est Charles anderei dolmen Nov. Agen meinbe Active gaalife and at It in tout ' liorses disease aoe ail eu. Stone. ~. Wiot•j day, De weeks) ; Student Nov 1. AN B Wellabo Septum , -nue ,k` ~ < -et a 'n le fiv BIIRLINGRON. IMARRIAGRS. , DEATHS. —At the County Howie, Oat:2, Marla ; lossbntg, aged 70. At the County .Elonee, Nov. 13th, of Middlebury, aged 904' OTICES. 01A1.; 01. D fah Eniery & C. D. Emery. EYS AT LAW, office opposite Court No. 1 Purdy's Block, Williamsport ' ov. 22, 1271-Iy. ran_ja: o ;l. ove 4twe .70 Urea!, , nwealth va William D. Phillips. lii -of Quarter Sessions, of Tioga county,. r scuba ' * # n Q no nt, &a. • . , ),e ;-, .. n o at '• 4 rx on will . , I • • 1 o ,Jo , for the pardon of William D. Phttllps. named defendant. JEROME B. NILES, DertykOes To Pa. Nov. 22, 1871-4 L , tchelder` ~ ~obnean, I gai UT 942 ; W 1 1 , Vain Street, opposite,iWo ; ; LS/30RO, TIOGA ,COUWEIVA. — Thitot:A }.)11 - 1 ATENTS TOIIIISTONZS TABLIC TOPS, .."*/#l4l4Eirfh ‘l7. at • lo - rates. We alio furnish ; to - oriter, cad Slate Matelle c a •1,./r d a, A oy 2, 1871 ; 6m. . . NTO I if • .l 1 t t '1 71 : •It trl "`. .0,4 0 4 ,1 ,osart I ,i allb ik. •,c.Y eitt t i i l mf t ioeif r WO, , . .11ifat tta d to"Viiiii r old 0 -r on i Mnret. -K. ti ll isaiteigt 244idli• 10 3.4:1,a,1tc,t.t. 03,J 4634403 f e 3 Neqsale :::, ~,, . 4 , . i 4 , fr. • it.sy tket 4:o„Vt i - 04 , n. 0 . eastko, Ai of .4. 14 1 lay .•'• • . grdtt 1 7 151.4te tr y ' n e 4,l , A .nlO • t , /ir itig I na ` 4,itil gaistatirM 1 , = re W, p ea,, 2, 1871.47 ,...v ,,, ~1 A6ll3ft Wanted: • TN. ad ,01/4 f - r *Vagift i 4 .n WET k ' - 41214su b 'esdisiiiAtitelmio frittrolf4,. 7 g ifirfA i g 7 As to Cerrito y Mee IefiN RWEERMA9bI 6 " .. ATSO6O6 WALISM 11 0 1 *(0 11 . • me .arttes will moue* late immrancea rid Cattle, ego, a4 , a10.t theft libatb•by /r . tire, accident, a 4 7 r, -We etc distrust proypen ,b t • ye a i e. very prelltdotily. Moe wu. . Nov. 22, 1871—tf. =A:I 4.314.14:1 a. State Normal School.. i i ii ILA,, •. • ••,. , 1• . , • • . , ".:' "" . ',term t . 11 i a) i I t/ 4 .. ti . embe • :, :'4.- 4 ; u ii i 11. 4 44 4 4 il 4', ,',4 i 44 • Ad,. tted 'at any time. Apply to the ' 1 r Atiltitififikell w agl i. t ba.al, ~ , _ • RDINAIICE.—Be it ordained by the gees_ and Couoikat t aksit of o, th at from anti of r, I fin, all sidewalks bails on East formerly called State etredti and .on nue Arifilinikt e neentlrbg feet mn &or toe es'g ea end Council. G'. - 'iNsfax, 0,871 8t noT eaawar,rm Matta IVI Ga EOM T . . .... „ ._ •• . ~... ~.,,,„,..p.z,,,,....,,,..„,,,......„..:4,.,,...„,,-,...,,.;... .; -, +in.r,, , 41, ' .-' AGAIN i ... r -- " .. 7r7: - ..:1 H 1 ' -' 4' -) lb - i ..'1 : -. 4.. •' -; ' ' -'- l' '' : ;?- 0 '' :I iillsil : • ; = ' ' iVi r:" ' - ‘:-''' /UP/t ...'. .— o i Villi r 14'; "1:1‘ . ' '''' '''" ' ' ' - 4 4 -4- . • • Haareoently been'lneprOvid, and le now wllliOnka titaitery*besi '- - - -:: :,,SEIV'IMG •• In the world for general. Purptslesig.e, c miDoesceviittifia - d-Weit —.- Never gets out of order, aid will run a lithitilie Without reparts. - Don't purchase a ilewing Machine of any klkittsßitll:you'haViteeentlii 114E1W IMPROVED ledigitifini a li# - •-• 5 The adknowledged obaralon Sewing . of 'the Warld:' $ 1.:,'.1 tt.t.rz4::tttt t t • fr TELLoteagif ) Gentint, sa L0410.14:244004 1 . - V.:::_ F) £l' OCRE A. L. Bojtait; Vireit‘ete: B BALD' sqtattostir;'Avyukicaloiri , iu•.- . s Agent, ittr.s! Jeer. Z 15.1 u.. 41 • 1 44 4 i 1,1 '4. 41 - -104 Nov.l I•, • ' I _ ,) ~,.., ~.. ,--, .._,.. :,' Pall Cailipgagrk 1 ~,._:.,.,„ , , Se ,I . J r-II - , o'.l We are now fully Ararat! and ifiri4pped fox tiao -1 - ~ ... , Pl ...4 I ii -,7 ~..,1. 1. , I . r ~,... g • ,-. 1 fr. -.,•:, ,-- • : v . . ,' .: Fall Camp go ? ., :a „ ~. .. .. .. , ,_,,,,,,. ~.„ , . - r , ..., -:z. Ditesnelled beblnd s PERFECT' BARIOADD OR GOOD i mai V* mas 4. o;:00,016611.110111: ALL OUR OLD CUSTOMISES, & as many sew ones, es !nee stools iti'Meft ailltithSia.: 2, , L addition to. flal stook of ' . ol6l l iiorti ce E.:i L '.1.7. , i;.1..1iki1;1it) '.i.:,..,:/:,;-,t , . . Ii 1 •; ; ,c! , . we make the following branshes of our bedfast. SPEOULTLILL-- _.. _ L w 1,7 , a I:, t- - . 3 afi lilts .i, Whim& or which we nave slug. variety. i P " -Z, v p .:- . 'ammo; & 041.827.11111109, which we suit by , the rtrd, o r • SLIK/446 - oilDifillf - tiy the initrroeprwslrewwiee. .c:-I tlfiLllZ:rl •1i t:: rt'.l:l'; ..,t :• ,'• ... ‘........ - . t:',.::.11.;.). TINDER CIARTIEEMM9II6-'" ';. 5 ii.;:?jf - !, . - !;1-,/ I.; ;•:: fil k • .2 jibliC " i ...• '''' 1 ." , ' '' '.1.: 4 r .- 11)e I zr .dtes - lifisses', Children, _Gitifilingett and BOA. ~..onpac'l 1 ~- ‘ ll.l".nan. . caßrieriffs„.:: TEEM - a fall stook, elabraslig G- 0 - - cr- ',-, • :." -... • - I e ~., ::,:, c „.„,,,,,, ~,.. 4140i114#11Ired Ibileggets - : 1 ,.....„,. ~,. 12 450 p ya : [tiv,,.) ii. 1:„.11,„.,, , .. i„ _ . ... ~, , A-.$ 1 441 La I '...- i ~,,lie i, . . rs i ; rsar4iniir4 A • tP - ' if C ' l l i d , ~ _ orr Valtaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirt;OihiAttifigr,_istins TifEilOWEst of of hors fa CORNING; &ad 10404 IN SOUTHERN NEW YOtHet.r, f , •-•-..i,-- - - '-, ---",:- Ocaratig, Oct iii lerl. i - - = , SMITH & yt, . , , r WOO !NUM rMriMMEI • " .: ur, , itteNtlimistea tito 6117 a 1 - I =I \e V? a ti;',' i....-i'l; ; - :•"-. 4:1‘..i.i. ti, 7 " Id L1Y.J14,1 ?-rVia tirea . p.aipl_stititkittcra 6111Vit r egosVlo4 nem; etl, ts la gwstivtot. A, act k 4 gavial* sms crianv -FT A C 4 WIZ ,o=.l ,El4:l§ 6 a &V VD' 0 ' i 8 -- 2la --1:1- 11 1- 8 -33- 4 ;• - o to 0 0 A= ei I V sidiv.-4 a -VII •tt .) '''• IPi 04 1: 1 4 N-at 0 - 4 1 Cfgi E -4-' 'I! Mt =ME U L Ella 7r-:" p i l l 9 4 70 , ttee‘. : , ..., 1 , ~ + . •:;, • ) 1 0 lii EiP),f4-iiiiiii 11(4, 1 1Viii" 14`01/rti, and ' t d,i)zilniStfat t atii :,ix`aretli below ',Byret . :'. led - ft:l:air -4' 401,11, trie,,neistiiteti Olßeis - foe 'lllageikeone t ri, , iip'd.,*,that..' iii4il„ll,edoui) la - will he, i presented diiie 061) i' Cokrefoi safe° county;' 1 at a sesslil . 3 (lf 44 et, A py,F4,bela :At vrap4b4,, to on fop ify. flio11:t 1 0 , e ,r, IsTiovetnb - er,;1871 . ,, 141,2Volnck P.llliait s tie,. ,I . OWatiO'ci,, arid' conclrina velorm, , ."-"'''_::, . if ...416obruit orrlSfir ftiscbo and B. 0. bladlion,, Adminlstreteri - orte estate of Ruth Lincoln, Lite of lativiience tow011411F:400eltsed; . c r .P : ' ' o f Account o John I. littehell;Elecutes-4f the last will and testament Of Batten Mitobell; late of Iliddlibu y totypshfi; elreelOkl. :,,-,' %) ' ertiat a eittlol/lEkin Allen, Baeontork)f Ilia leer Will end . tertaroeut 'of Cornelius Vandyke, j late of Clikt am township, deceased. D. L. DEANS; Register. 1 Wellsbnro. Oct 28, 1871 nov 14w t ENE Sio6k- and -Im • plemeritg: - LL thelive stook and agriculture - Uri/pie- al monis belonglng,tpAlle:farn opp.. owe.; in Weilehqoveoheistini''iif Celt pl bogs, borate, wagons. • harness, plows, harrow?, 'enltieatois, mower, ho., will be offered at pub] a si ,j vendee, on tha../orwolv-Wekdnesday, 'Nivea:Mar 119, , 1'871; for +p tetkeli Saito itk feettrity,r bearing interest. Ap the Isom° time, el prOpoiirepos will be resolved for *lasing the. *hole on part of the fpnsitifitlttlfinfAtm, the same befoirtiVtlf6viy otokto,z,vaii a :Wined on the premises, - of 1414ddressing 4V - r. Veil, one of the Trustees, , at Liberty. H. P. BELLOWI' Nov R: 1871 • •CriAn•:VErts [ - Trnstees. • 1./ ACKISA W ANT J . - W lobo oHerstands shoeing, andgeneral t674-Ali; .•;' ,5 'Roily INN rish*g-f , ,T4eklei ~ MEM FIRE' INSURANCE.. .4 - ',*:'ii,iiii:i*'i - 4.;: - Fi W.ELLISBORQ ! .P4:- I liac; Pon oleo In flirit.44oClatisifi r - - aw rtoNte RELIABLE e wilt grant Ini L=l Obeapest cPlao is Ate II c • For Photographs! . AT W 0; D'S OILLIII OA S for 80 cants: Ls/mister P tram ftrr $l. ' Old phstorss oople • sd and finished in the finest style. . • frame and everything kapkiria galls d. or fdentshird to order; NE LOWEST PRIOES AND T BEST WORD: : coma over Gardnor's groom store. • 'ss 11871 tf j Wellshoro, EOM hotpgraph tqg • . Olt OS't X'it.ll.ll4B'.o.lid,*ollileS. • • .1 dVc oiied,atiKer Olsca to tuWO..atzo • lat C( 0103:NCORASOD: totoetil 2,11/12 (IOGIITQN, ➢RB & C `STOATY PA. • Matiurtialuiera of 13uggie§, Platform Spring, - Truck an Limber Vilagort El6llB AND BOB_ SL ome prepare F 4 - pxything o , bort notioo end in .. , the boat . mannor,, ' at on guarrarrtood. ABTINB 4c. 'COLIIII3, ony Fork. Aprlis,•lBfl. .. the a t eWAr o ul in V.ortleo' io litn h di':- 1 14:61cli t : :f rivjli a :18 : : : 11:117 4 'td: : :: : : : :: : 111;11 : 1;t:ti d ses: i t:T a laa r llii r P: h :I s :31 : 1a 1 :C:a d -at'P y a l :e i t: 'I - tvi mem acimplainte; :balers trierbis,•:oh &a. as by matio,:', ternal appita i Au. r oot bitesi,,oblablainr, .spraiam, brulaes ''' , 11 :: : :: : d .• i.,! .. -1- - .' . -•-_-' 1 ono, rheupsatlinf i lfolkiteadruiliu, toothy:oho, .1 0 ratite, pails in tba aide; bask -and'iuine, praistioe of ,sia year's, - it --- bac been: fOund:l soficl to Al?' preparat i on :evor:'Ofst,d t Otitis. he proprietor of this medieine'f e t ea ' ' 4 1 " ted in guaranteeing it ;o be the best rcme -the above dileases inAbe rdirbbt. - Be ' otZ u ß fa lo at s 6 s .le bu d rgt i l(k . r t .' nil '. ' °l23 ,- i:II3Y- Dr. ; , t 4 aß/,'"IIP% 11 69 11 7 1 T 1 / 4 176. tis 13 .74 ,: liits') Oi , ' 4,4ritielqtraiil.lipii Y j Ork's ~IY- . '"r4 &" . 1 0,-; . , ,orfilifj) N. rot: s , 726 y..5-1.!,0T-T-9' nghWric . 61tql Xi ,- .,.c,a - •:, - .1 via.. ;Pit: r E subscribers rill pay ,Paall i Fall-d/Oft . !, 0 7 Isigo TatkultiCtu'• riamatia!44. • - • c .3 ON - 111111tBK:li:m' ait east/0131.5t. , -Aft •trit 'wetrantid staii• 2 -s - 2-• nted She, paittettiarAttiAtC4ll3l) , Water PX 0 4 1. :- , i. rs 2:,./7.•:ci • . : • .; f; , tl TIDE 1, '• 1 ...I '1;01:7 4.1 , 1`.;-: * r • A g tit : ;a4 '• - -e= --_ ' _ ,-..—.' • -; •-: ',' . • -.:;•-, --; ; ••• - :: 2'... ,- ; - ',' irlifeliiiio waprapte . d In 4very,F-efpgot ` Para . cp 7 , L . ; ~ ..;j z .. , , :. t. leirtittentlipi'givep,ip . -:• - ' . • ' •., ~. --- •.;.' -,:!:•; i. t ...; ':' '.70 1 4 16. 1. ,CARD/310 T i '" I , . I 010T11, . , INGHAM'S largi eibile of Cartallietea, to perk:Lint lege thin anjoitapititors, ind•warrant. • 7" ' ad terqpreeented. ::• ENOti.A7.4B m •nntaetasi to order, and; do al/ kin le of 8011-Cording 'acid Cloth tiresalttg, and defy eompeckt ion. • , 1 0 .108/12,11 6live aesortiniat 'at " OlothOrOayslitieres, Ikcj n. give mare for. Wool .in oiohange than any th ostobliohjnont,..'X'rx thofo, and aatiol7 GI go. WHAMS' orholaialtrane retail - '" - quo 1.11/144 , 2 wiles sr ib owing poroots ' T 1 C. B .BELLE?. Wolleboro,Pa. T. L• 8 4.1.t0W IN & 00.,-Illoga, Pa. J. O. tBENNETT :Covington ,Pi. aavaoldi t l . nw 1 5 . - rivw,;•Z,lBolpri, lI,D ;-..,-- r "-• . , raoolviqg from Ice York,. , a 812 Q as - I I.' sortateat pi;') I:, [ 1113 Di=l t r3 IPALIVeir GOODS In Bil EVE so any LI MPANY MAIM, - JNO, DEEM MITOBB titer_' CUTTERS, liouanToN; , AND •. ~~ ,r ANDI MEE =I ';:*":%:'`.):, i. ; .:‘'. -- .! .V.;`,.1 •, - ...'.:1',*(1' ,r - ,:,1,:Z0:1 .-..., i Min s El MEME t2MII 11111 MEE EMIM all - sad I en. N4w Ell MI ZI OE . f ',l s•f ~f: ~~F ~i , i~ El ail in I r /ilie 1-:atia- Imed ._ :~~ = 11.3211aLl itl47; atton F .lll -k nen - lira • a, be' lEal Dr Eli an -6y „far OVE p ~< BB _ 'alit • :;:.• be " r.:`:~~~ R F a'4: a~i L` s• ..... 4 X, , I In 2 1: , ...;: a, :::ifr.--,%; -~;~~- EN =EI . IBM El ' , 4-' MEI in • J.,1: OM EIMME ESE 011 EMI • :-;-• c_ tai • a.,