deuce of being "actuated by lower mo• lives than those of patriotism ;—what It I say—of spite, -prejuiliee..joaloeiyj and a tyrannous temper. - • - As to the great loan l ant " poking sticks at'y wre !Apo the abnormal genel I __ rUsity wk dolt roes to seed in Witt cha--I rlty for thitippietdating traitors, eoortil= • -2, uated with a general coolness toward the bettsr ; portion of mankind-- • ' roi.A um. . . ( 04ii4ondence of tini,Agitatorj ' . i WILLIAIISPORT, Nov. ii,, MI . . , Editor.,,Ayitator *.-- 7 0u occasion of a visit to Harrisburg last week as a dele gate to the, primary Conventionzot— what Is now—the _diocese of central .I)ennsylvania, I. enjoyed the pleasure of I:istentng to an address, or sermon, from the LOlli - tittihop of Litchfield, Eng!. hind ; mi l d cone_ !list's from the Dean - ot i Chester. / Both discourses were earn est, able and exceedingly practical ; but as literary efforts, As specimens of ele gance and-tdt,aptauce, they could not be said to rani; with those of Bishop Ste vene, and: indeed, of very manyAme riean dimities whom I have heard.— Every ono who heard t theni could not but be Inl:presred with the earnestness and ferv'ent piety. manifested „In their discouises, and at the same' time with their manifest inferiority, as speakers, to that elay.s of American ciergymen. In hearing, the, this 'One.questi6ii Game torelhly to•in 'mind—Do not our A met leait preach rg , often labter more to be iciStitell.; 0,1 quern. sermonizers;. 13 : than to ceOvjinee obe understanding and convert iitalt;atd4 of ,their, iie4rais 2 1 ' If these EngtiOt diAnesiarS:fAli:spOlaterts' of the E'agitsf.l - clergv, - I,4iik.,tt . , i . :5 - y,it'y apparent; that while! thay are inferior to the former, As to; the _later they are certainly - pot heldr(4l ) if not superior to our own etergyined. It is a good tl4s to combine elo quence with pionalearnestuess; but if in the pulpit they • ire to he separated, commend to -toe 11'0: latter rather than the former. I itave,trev‘ , .r before been so WllOll 1111-I pressed iiith 'the ability, piety and elo quence 411''Bisliop Stevens as at this convention, over which- he presided.— He rernatif4 as Bishop of the dioceSe of PeuusyLV/iblit, which is now composed of Phibaelf,itia, Cheeter;Bucks, Mont ornery and Delaware; while Dr. Howe, who wits sleeted at this convention, is Bishop of 'll4 1 -tiow diocese of Central _Pennsylvania. which embraces the re-I niattlitig eininitoti of the State east of the mounittitts.` . . it may he of sonic lo icrest: to some of your readers hiknow that' Dr. Howe,- . though a 'strict churchman, does `nett belong to the extreme high ehurch-par ty, and has no leaning towards Roman tem.' Whil copon religious matters, permit we to speak Of the enterprise of the Mulbe ry street Methodist church in this cit.. , A few •years'ago they built a beantifisi anti eohtly church. In 1868 it was deStibyed by flre. Therimmedi ately %vette to work and built a better one. Wills-great fire) of - August last this was ,destroyed, and now they are building on the same spot another new church, tuort beau4ful and costly than either of the others', and intended to be the finest church in the city. The walls of this are already up, and It is intend ed to hp ready for occupancy in a very Short flaw - The Welisboro Methodists showed _ great enterprise in the erection of their beautiful church, but the, Mulberry Street Methodist Church Is at least one church ahead of them in 'the way of enterprise. The Methodist' are an en terprising people. Can't the Baptists and Episcopalians of Wellstioro catch some of that spirit of enterprise in the way of church building? The people of Williameport are deci • dediy a church-going people. Accord ing to the best information .3. can ob tain, and from my own pbservatiOn,J judge his city. 'l, , Wenty-ilye ,per", cent. chore 'of the", poitilattiin, 'attend s church on'Siladay,that r i ,lit _*ellithpro. They have tWetity-tteVon regularly set.; tied pastors h e r e„, and twenty-nine churches * to wit: three Episecipitl, eight Methodls.t. four Presbyterian, _tie, Ro man, two Evengelical r five Baptist, one Germaki, t ßeformed, two Lutheran, One. • Congregationalist, and aSeviish ia,itut- gogue. Iwo of the Methodist are Al-_. rim' churches, and one of the Romal,• one of the Evangelical, and one of the Baptist, are German . f wonder, if lot., would not stave .ti moralizingeffect on, your colorp,l b,i - Atiiren lit IN"Olsboroc'dO' build an z Afriqau Church there, 't . ~ ,:,.-.. Perhaps the multiplicity of churches, is what malte's the difference in church going, or Is it the church-going propen sity that amittpliee the churches? i I havi idel'oted so'intich of my letter to religious matters, that I have, no = mom fo'r:temporalities. Religion first, the world afterwards. .In my treat I will tell you:somethini7 about the CainWissa railroad, .50110204 a just gained "another ' victory over the Pennsylvania Central. Yours truly.,, . ~, 3.'E.' ' , - POLITICAL ILIONITMENT. The elections 0f.1871 being comple ted, we erect the following monument him the results, which smell bad for the Deniocracy to overcome In 1872 1 4 5 E REPUBLICAN COLUMN'. OHIO IOWA• MAINE . MONTANA . ' • WYOMING COLORADO " ILLINOIS MISSISSIPPI CALIFORNIA CON NECTICUT WISCONS IN PENNSYLVANIA . NORTH CAROLINA • 'MASSACHUSETTS NEW YORK THE DEMOCRATIC COLUMN. TEXAS VIRGINIA NEW JERSEY MARYLAND TERRIBLE STORM. A terrible storm is reported to have passed over Hudson county, N. .14, on the 16th instant.. Its ravages tbrOugh.;• out the county are said . tolmve bt.en, fearful.- The damage to: Dettlaingeand 20ther property is estimated 'at $lOO,OOO. Trees add fencet were blowndowniand other Valuable property wrecked. The car buildings belonging to the North Hudson railway curnpanY wore dettiol; fished. ' Loss estiniated at $20,000. In 4 - ew York city the tidowae high er than ever known before. Great do: mage was done along the water front by the flooding of tbeeellars And bnse inents: • - . 1 The storm was severely, •felt. at Bos ton, and considerable damage sustain• ed ; also at- Portsraouth and Concord, - .IC' H., and at Cleveland; Ohio. , Rol/. George Taylor, President Judge ot i the'24th jadlolal district, died at his esidenee in Huntingdon on the morn ing of the 14th instant, of pandyele. •- I ' • - ; at4or. ~t~Gltc CIROLATION t!,:e. V tN GELDER, Editor ttn#: Voo%lool'. Nveilmbovoligh, -'Wednesday, The Ilithitieem 111 I 1 a Treitsttry at. the close or 1-.-a,:rri-eiii-77ir'lririgirtlillis fottow Tatk. `VD:I4II7,IOS; etirrency, $7:,539,1)52 ; c 4411), I%•rii ilelit 515,744i900. iCitittft and Jr.purt Shave. , been Aiked by heavy. 11kit14. ! AV Ithitt Met ten dad N, the IA higher titau reeP Ifi,iswil before:. -20,. 000 square ruifea tfteirleti'ry dated, anti 1,000 tieorde, 11.0whed; ,1 1 1/e•li.;xectitive Unminittee will meet on the llth of January next, to decide upon the place of bolding the next Na tionalitepublican t.'rnyentlon.l .It,wlll probably be•lield Yew York'Clt;y.or 7 • . - • Cincinnati. . The tlitoUtitiee - apf.Thited n I- T-- gate the alleged eleetjou 'frauds In the city rit Broc,klyn,illic tn i Ada fttattlll4 disc . o‘'eFlet+. notbe made .tiiilil.:actlott.,agalpat the guilty parties ie taket. is said . (q Ala Ye PILOYSI:AWAY 14# 11(1 AieW4c,4,oiStPiqui,COP"tifiPPVlcall;9llll - “5a1..2 0.3 ttltl.s. , l€•)% • :L i • 4.n. Z i filiM ..;'3 ( 11 ,4: IP itiV ePin log ton the. ltt 1), Ana taut,, change of vtiewir*aatiAd:fin. regard to, selectlng,ts prsq4.7,l9r-appolitt wen t . "colt fis!`A V&A tte ; Pl4.4).l 3 tatels ciovernment beforofltel'Siktlttfilt Com mission for the sttlelngittrof barna Claims, in place iitll.:lll.4 , Curtle, cr lio . has ;leen ii - 1)(1 the alTOtrititietti ' - • ' .12 , _ _ Ifon Win. M. Evi . rt* , says„that bills Al* prepaked e _Corn Mitteh Sev'enty _fur : akiplletiing now held i!y men in New Verk-tintklßforiklyn,,(rsith And : including thejuiliehity - 316NyFrn.tozi_Ahe. pelic4i. ',rile majority_ fh the -Tiggle,hx- - tpire i ample to tais,k oytliing tieekred,. ,an it iii. progaio to:ninWerriletean ew l eep of Llit. d,i4l r:•-; 1 - 74 MAST .);;,1 ;: • On Monday A 4i st ‘lllltgre,ss,tAt-sttoycne Vaehn o gto ; Tilf , ...te,mu)it t tivttliu rNerm t 41141,4 he; retire rme have'lbeeu>buSili engegeil-preparing their, , reporti, so as to "t4e,aLtioto submit :thorn at -au early day: it i 4 quite prolfithlti both houses.44 wilt ep i orr pirge 4Ubiiim' at' roll, cal I On' the opeiiitieortite - sepipio»: There is a large Ittiloup ... t of basiiiesF! to be a ISpei'eti or; Mid 'the Tien'', pie are lool%ig. for w!trft with much ansr iety Per the result.. Not fling atuoya 0011dUOtOr on 141 e N. York Central. auliroad -; attempted to prevent Vrederick; Douglass from occu pying the seat th acertaincat which he had engaged- twit VW' for. iWas ; he ejected ? • ph, , to rights 'dr otheri,-inci,geticrally et ncl~ upon ills own'; thiitakh ha'doesn pro voke rows; neghWiSiiii.'l4lraidrited iiy them. The oh.ooll:pluekil,y went'in and , occupied his ~ seat. • When . 1 : 5141 white fools cease insult, black gentle men ? - W hat Is it to a man, outwardly. white but internally black, that the:Au thor of men has chosen to reverse these colors in some-eases?, , , - CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND3IENT4. M W -11 0 P ,J;PlaWi P -1 . 19E0.P2), §ecretury of B, 'buggests the followhig 6hinges its alb Coll 4 titql9J l 9f VerwAYkv.E44la in'crea 84 of , the number of senators and' Representatives in the General Assemtly. 2. Iliennia. sessions of the' tegislata:re. S. The election by the people of 'sundry' ' State officers nose otberssiss nifosen. _ • 4. Minority representation. -. 5 Modification of the pordbiank poiver. d. A change In the tenure aritl , mode -of chaos ink the u , - , tA et.4nge tha, data 9f our .annual fall electtlen , tie tiose,of tha Presidential election, to yre.vour vs-bat olonfattioif riom stir foun d ing Statcr,:atid - to tispecati, wittrt atm lbw il-cry fourth year. reet_rietioho ultop „the powers of i ci9 wt.! • s , .ctorpqria F • fe;7•'.. .` IN A DDISOINT, Y. -L-About o' clock on Friday :-warning last ,a fire was discovered In the Jones Block, which tipreati -with rapidity, -destroying the following property, which conoptl 7 sea eEitlmateti oP flip tossee .an'd athounts :of ibstiratiee : • • • • ' li. It. Jones, buildings lof. , !ipo,ooopr $12,000; Insurance, $3,000, Lain do hardwaieria' erbbanti; loss on stook, s2,2oo4.losiltincei $1,000.. - • James I.l.4laok, ; billiar4 f salect tables earod,bui in - 13: 'damaged scOnaltion. Visa; $1,500'; insurance, $l,OOO. Hathaway Bros'., groats/440as in/ stook $l,- 000 insurance, $BOO. Iry - t— , Whitman, .butolier ; loss $l5O i AO lusar,ance... S. J 3. Minton; law °MON and genital - agenoy; 'loss $75 f not instited:--Y.l-;;-1 1 -- , 1.,'-r. • - • - Robert ,Jopek•karber;' oorerioea.,_ • _„ _ Mrs. Tracy, 'Rouselacild • idSti t s rip u?slkrtitiee; and amount of lose's:int kn3sea.l . Buildings in dEminrotialPg°;4lt were ra9t.f.ll,,eiyiNuAspm EAUTVIVAAE, ,terrl place at Iquique, SbuthPerii,:eo,l . l)6lsth of OC- . tobcr, the in-' tenor prov I nO, seller4t 49‘fligp fell, end the rail w ay•wqa,bleekeizi j*. thestones . which fell from the 'stile ctithhgs. e The* towns of Pica apdAtatiAla were laid in mina, and in Larapaca rushy buildlpga were destroyed., . ;In reference , to the vacancy (lensed py the death of 'Dr: lf.titi#,ol and, Or men nelci n witich:lt is to he '1111.1041, there is the usnalcontrariety of Opinionsamong the; ' editorial , ltiWyers. ' 'Dr. Stanton•! . Would have thisithied ' tile duties of thp office on the fltiiToetiday of text May, 1 at *WI tinA4 1 0eii. ,12ftirtiattlis tertn Hilt exPire:. ; -4 1 i iie law - oti Ati lities,tio:n `Ps eiplielt.ceiaigti l'ti'"e4lA l . :ktinfea -but . f)_ik r -> t PA B ';' ,l ‘,4 e :J - 4 0 / ..# 1 !/*4' ;: ( 4 April 8,,, 050,p,rpV01,6 ) hpk, map s py Tacattoy. sittoftid-Recup In,g 44; ot,PK ollices, by death, resignatken) or ether wipe, the , same, shall r .te :stilled by apt pointment of. the Cihvernor, , ,and the person so appointed ;shall .-continue it, office until :We Vitif of the' tirrit 'for Mitch his prideCesioi'was elected." A 7 ow this would, seen-4;o . ' o ; th° Go*, ;ierbor, 41,4 rigtlo4.!4l4Aeiojrgfi.k.:_,!The question . miglit op , prisih ri noN s eyer, .4 . there, catlibfi DPv440497,. elle finet l 4.9?',€! it 't Y. ofneial4inp9iff l W44l. Viefttliretn4 igt 1 the office eller,: haVingdimezt,,illieff r i t However, the Whole:questionodfte way or the other, rests With ti4eplgigislature.' By repealing the act, and ordering g 4 special 0 . 1 0 4 1 9 A.,QYa kY , A 1 944 4 - I L °ll ?,; . _,n_° . thing; they n throw , the, ieteeflon ,vl-' tlier oio. thir verfitOrtlie POP/ 424 ' ' =MI t ED -The petil•iatia , whiela.a re hi dug: drew! lated iti the (litlere - titio - whaltips - of fibs county to he , _lientJo the .I:,egialatuuf thla, winter; alfti ,uhieersallY signed:by,. tha votero itk)ii4h - part lea lob slr.rna a t peOpto far : tha•kikal4 t laZt o. l l)CeA*o4 6 4ll;al, WI 11 - o rt earited - out, the tali; will bM repealed. We' , buye:lio - dOubt hut Dig,.llliLep ell , our . _,.):tepresentativi - 4, will push, the hill' promptly through the House, and we hope Strong : mqke-.959111 1 3145,Tf'f 1100 thelOPL,te He‘viilier:ive 60 - prate - lid It4u - arlihrilfo fire" 19 the ujiperliintse, frinfith4" Net' r,hot:BizaAtaiii will, feel! it: to 60-tvbitty -1,900 01154 prcudenk,,,Al4il9lTtrful tricts yio;ol,cokstlit. , tioia ;3a s 3 repreSen tf4,i sctp, , 4 1 ,1 3 :1)t0P 1 , 6 ).04Th rights P 1 1.4 . 31: I MY 94 0 :491 8 tal?cess °llP ratd.l4gEtlPAt tAkit h 4 of 4'lll4r.g9cßit joritST,of their coustituenta., to petitions from swery towubhip 42 , 1 the district, itirgely - Ufgued; and. , theti-:-1-lice if the Ali IWO liaii'macie aistottg jecture: t • • _. ~, .; The people cannot_ be too careful in selecting candidates Tor °ince. 'lt'd:rd . nereOfiggtOri bilt the priatice der' diYr ; 4l“?M Of-gOi4rauk4thtt 114;" people "rule. Ttthek,•fo' &VOX* tlieteee vefiteiliOntlir thtugh'itori , 4ril4 l ,lo,PLCV. l 4 4l 7 l' ildille Wan of a seel4tfsvUl .li.4itsior:therui„ erßwitifi:ust:,ba'avatitatditataid taada-t s tpAnga.l • . c: :Fir* Lt iloilest•add retiring .eitlzeus, entrails .ed with bosinesk . day, " We-taker no park, In pOlities never attend prikna*tne44ings, Or' `-etrlfeEt'll than i initlsi , r take 140'0 offal inteteet I : n:4l,i!haalseh a ol4 afralial' I at t iliine,Lfd6 not tiN.sllie Mysek, tae of paying ati4,ll; t:ion .vi t ireprid pat dnty under our, t j orm of gov4nnieph 13 5 . !is',Iiinding,Auj moral or golr,usat,l4loy,- -Nreno4 lll ) ot 0.034 would. 711e4 initstigovetu inetneelves, OrPt) t e con blint to tie-govetined'by others. It ht very desirable that the best mere 7 —these 4ery . inetreAt Ithd . retiringimen should part 01411rD1 wary I meet I niga 'and inati rig edifj ventionS, - 1;1 t 4 piyeli s p4 Rhine `driiii&l` Men, enilltiilng esipey do, - the Fro* wbr ti the I n tellidenee and the ty of the ,community, would eitfft'ii ; salutary, :APO ten s t eit h 9„-.;8e 1f 7q9.1:i and the,loienaagogne, .„ ' , : peienee7 or g l oyeriameltti•of:Ploo:ttiVithc4o'l l Ps! soM i ihintrviirastnueb a J 3 nsitteB44B43% thing, elie. r Vhip busidesa.,muot 3 berat 'tended to by those Most deeply interim teklu It, or results not, foreietak f rand sometimes calamitous; may be. expect ed.. =ME lioth parties In thiscountry havesuf fered or late, anti been brought more - or less illtodiSrePuta bit thenppointtrient or eleCtioneof Unfit and , dighenest -nlen to office. Ville is the faint of the bidtei class of the PeoPle of these Vivo•partleii. It' was their neglect of an important - duty t 41.. proinOted these. dishonest:, meti, led to fraud, peculation; Ond att iitig,.TentetiOn Of the publiehurdent4, le,nO 4dtfer'itiln,,ft#o ',Viotti)? idr:jetrrreoft, that pulp " honest,".faith; 'firi,and capable" men should be placed in office., /she honest? is he faithful? Thetis, will be bel true to his pledgee,, •Is he capable? An honest man of mot ,derate attainments is to be preferred . ; tor a oishonest man of the most larifilant: , attainments. A time mati e who barely can write hisname, is to be 'preferred to a selfish, intrigulng, diEihonest :man, •whose charoiraPhy Is faultleia—abit, i4l2o.Atact chatter several hang ages-. Centeeticut would never have corn.Oned of,. Israel Putn!tupo oNsa, P!TIPsYIN'aPIa-^ ofSii9fart figen..49dn'ir, Kentucity;,of Daniel Boone. . '5 1 1,4 94'1 seemed ..not toknow, hOwrtn. he. disiton-,1 "Qovernateuts,hOthState,and riat on al, vlll , t continnit' to; decline. 44; ,honesty ,honestyity ai3tl simplicity, unless our,best PC°l )l6 of both parties -take an ,fiAtiva interest In politics, The charlatan and the demagegue as? long-., as Abe: Merchant, the farmer, the manufacturer and the , woriting , Man teinalwa horde • and say cth paii tbittiollbw PrOftefilifttitil polltleffulartle& 1I cei'lia l ty in their piaci* ilb ni6 &WM b the ,bar are itidispetiAble in !leglilittikis naseMbl les g 14f - di - shape to iititiiirelE )Nie,y9 orators, though sometimes _Stant and velit;il, tattf tri 3 OntOpuilliet6=' dies, and can' nOt" bet diSpaiscd wYttiEzl put, tie - 4onWti9 ii 4011" ment 1414c#:Oitiiiritiii-a8- 'Of kilt merchants . ', °lessee . 0„Our peop~p should reatizg that; du tY I t °.PF ° .o 3 l 3 , l *#; or to engage hakitually, I,a tho“elA4o of, politics,pp see to it, , by their larfreppe' t and iefrorlt , 16 :0PkiirY ixpeet ga, Auld ConventiOne,,ibtAt the best men are, p ea:: tufted, to, ma 4, e?ipOund arid ; e#cute, the' , i'Weventureiffo-41111on than .1 074inea were inteikediAth ihe ae they, , eheula N 4, these - -be. attended r p . :), Afa 1 r presence .thati:Yrneetins, I NFauld u l obuke ,th 4 "Moral,:the,diOqueat,,, and ~thei t nill4„ and at ,140,P911iGifio, would - prod uc e a ealm amongithe wnrat eharactere,•ithat : ,would prevtaxtrlote andrvlolenea t They. would pluck up the tares, :and see that more good , Wheat iwas, gathered into the exebutivand Judicial !ger= tors. PattiOttAthlieghis tiVhotaig`Self 'the dcaniatio "WAiki v i '6lilofiatioiary, the . iewes€l4stptkie.:. l 3,f;4ool:. 'sad ides ki*ST„t : hl...4Anies9ecticte. " in* e ‘ b#? ,rescryed, ,ande; . i ) i°°4 l € ll2 29glter: tt.ieinotliters ormcn to, purity the ; int; and tnputonly honest, and . capable the In ~ :!1 .118ur.6..4519 400; 7,14 fjo !.14!, Aire the owners. It) ; n I , • iblie 3, • , i 3 r, Fig; J*, ir9 ,yea r , 6 r; Aft -X994 o ;b l )crvq, wh 104 yiu3, eatabl W#ll).st 4 thstcbMl4 l lll,l4 thisttiiiier *atone 101 ale • into? intituni *din *MO coot . ttiir 11 lhas t , ltehfjuentle by a rigid aditeieficb?rin aWf4 teir leortufvoincylli, elples =inc °towel:l7 arid State. at bee both a tali - kis and a iiintibii'depati-. them, ; andialthauglk noti 'Witt* kin*/ than, lal bit ',character, ( it "tr4iY XPiet*R 4- 'o 4 4 4 itdif its 6E' iiattenV` , teplitillo ptilleff.! bat igts Oilitiocitifiti,ssetifili.a'cetittlijr 1184.1161ilie i t aiit a lattfo. %VIA' 6lititati7 cb.s reputing. V/ each one of Its subsort en a AtieWedrclßbOkOtairenaototoi, pfYthestmost inthlabkiinfonatigion `hregard to all those tangent-4EO4n titelvand. In olTil. life whfoli‘ifvery oneidWit:' alit* ContOitly at *our; T4e,b66leitlOnaltrlllibe WOW yeaVA subscription' to the ipaper; = Bend frog a apeolmeneopyAt 4!)kepaper.i ;NOW.ilatir serthemiyttllecolll l 0) 0 1 RaPeX 4,e,e , J4 1 17 g i altUßF74, l 4 • tt 1.72 it;g11" i.t iisll P/ (13 3iiwgeti ,W 4,11 I' . --' J wOI2II6OES int A V ELY ON. Effi 'CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE; MEM ;4;:tt 111011ZINE Ness 'ojpw;fuc 8041 e „yegs bgo_, , . mperini - nUinaralPtti - e&T- ligAl ; F*T : AN 6 ' ;-l i * F4A- I t ' ALL - eplraey against liberty, of almost an- Tipple tyranny. The people were .in , fact subjugated t Aeptnino to ‘ hp „. aware of it . '4llfif - ltaperia(gespitttitna glittered with *PexterlorsOikviitilall*- ifrosperity, thn#ll,lF; pendOus rapanity;:±the - gild r pit `fits' ,plunder. 'lt lacklfo.3ll I tsatrength _purnhaspdlegak_gOat ; hAtlpt_l9#l . 4: entlai journals ..,..antiit , set: its paid an d iie:rfuc4l4 4 l4l.l4!:toDrlifiiil9 ITO' the halls oLjustlee. 'lt deemed' Itself In 'eenvo_ sed evi - 0 iOliet 'spite t ffie Othei : eonamerelal•tlnanelal Brothers 131 E COALITION. ,141 ; eicluity ; eotifedweipi4frerhoke , k"one iii;itit,—Teituukehy ' 'The , ~441;0`, Errs met its Waterloo, the other ;wet meet its Sedah. - .... • ~ . ..- : . • _ . ... , _,. ~_ little 'is a moral .. conitict,, . it la ;the _ contest _of honest. men igainatl th (eves. And. no battler, was.ever,:wbn in Ithfii'ctiountry, than that. of:the- 7th of iii - ofebaber, 167.1, which brokathepow- , Cr T or - he most alarming coinbliation ltait_eVer threatened the experiment of free gO4ernment. .It was ant insidious enemy,:that struck In the day li it, the ,very foundations of "sixiiety and ;goy- !,erPWte,rit, ---- the gangrene: oli:dbiruption. - This battle masts - D6n on; must not_ .end-here; the routed colnan"innet be' .eePttered beyond tile, peasibßity . :o 3 io-, lintetti br the results of:the:Niel/ray urn inentrallzed: Indeed,kthialgibt:wingof: iiiiitikumn - IVi 4 ebbiii,iiietitbrirtli4tat iigolit an talfirnifithaTi.stifia' 'tifi3 generalissimo; returneff to view the .111 it 6T his foriiieiinfilcilk,nOw :In:the fu Ipossession of his,conqworpro.. '. Ite- Ally i .,4fi his .numerous :-. engagements - at ,filingi%ng do notPrebindalibirfrom ta .444g-rkip seat, hiEllAidtlilltV4llll4iinuch Atka thnt of Lucifer, compe l le d, against 1 biawill; an untipentantifiolsle, fere -1 Ver among the - innumerab l e , .9QnvinY 1 04114 Wes ed. - t uni whi the right - p i x 'issha , t- te4t,..l , and ursued,,lhe.leffj f enfatnif,,lp7 I ta,M?::::4 - ity oPitirgklerekil4 3 444o - grieteurpo ation, wag the prlmeiktover In I MO stapentioni 'Conspiracy.- of cor rupt capitalists, wilime ' truibhlnations tproduced the Memorable Aiii,doimaz which.'will long 03, retpe:44ll#d as - ,,the tidii:woen a feir desperitp gold gem ' b) ern' ea nie near I n vol ving n t,he - Awn try • Isii"fititpiclair:sulai •toctil-.ltiviliodoki*n ioiiillt,lon in the money'eltielsVihe *bele world. This mati'nud , ; Wl' first ,llPAienunt, the iedopbtible 'ca. James *. Ogi . r., hold possession „erilie ' ileat ~E,ilt :e . rnoratioti i and . pliant and, con -4 .4 Alp vast interests:tu ugh, xia the. Tam. many leaders managed anti= controlled the Ritniza..ol..NewA_ork o:4 .-Spneptripg, Infect; with those , leaders r they .Lave -procured corrupt' legislatleiGisy means of'whiCh they haV,e usurped extraordl- fittry'Vowers, wielding theltitdi powers Oi=the stockholders to their own pri- Viifeihenefit, doting and specUlating in the r :;i.ileal Ora ' others, who are Powerless to Obtaiiiradreis: ofiltocklias been. ills-` Bally` issued; watered, and •tratisferred • piqttloui initheritY, land depiekiskitia:iin-: flattflipol .3 market, tee.satt[lheruererl- PA- 4141 1 1 40:*- 4 0 4.4 ° . F40404* Fs, who,Joitead of uerenditig tire intercede of tb9 :cie , irration, tbus, wlth the grip of rollers, clutch it by_ the throat—. They have bribed Legislatnresolefrau- . deh an,d defied honest stoohliolders,sei:-' 'ified judges, and made ()ends the ye-- . ylelee of Oppression. ,:, ,i . *ow whatlei the cause of Mid torrup ilon, and what - 'its remedy? • Itsplairi: Cause 40 f ? fp:: hegroWing ks :iiii timing' ful t di dellitltlip3,g , ,,greed; for Ji3 ,l ;All , lrobil 'ffistinC l cons: are itaiiripek l y;lit ;, 11M it, moc_eas js .tehriaNse Osslitc by: thilliemetkt o'Llgkorance IA olloyo'liti-7: titil'claet t gpOwthy in, tßothe yt i ~,,Thes iniecese of th_ese,men, who Ucw_ occupy. .sifeh a ead_prorsteeoce, was primarily obtrifnedithrough the , ballot-which gave ,distil or their creatures place, and ena bled than lo,procure Wye conferring. neon theurainiost unlimiteillotter.—! . - . lt. 1.4 a , bloW aimed at the . iirPfounda::: ti0 1 ,14,0f i6l 1 )04/eintnent,' Vlore ditliger.- ens thailtird'forixiitlablifileheiliori. ' ,-, 3, I .1 . Is ,' s ' , ini_itt , ,t ‘ r r ADYPtheit ,Pi o.7 e V"F w4r gi ln ° e : ,ter,aufterVo , aptitttlianiTiellAllot. 77 4, Xt 4„the Oiff ) it he tlielieW9F Our - flYl4lAt rititel PilY Flllll ta Vir il* Ahab! 6 a ke ~Idr ~,,,, St . t . 7 ap . ; jtlrre. 1 ° tl a j fe ll , , t 1 1 : 64 :_ n W (PIO *l7: m ' aT Y T 40,4 41 fret •' eri,l,ll:Antr.-fiiftudl3.,; merit u oil l : , 4 k ss i isl ~01 iis.„ s7 ,repotin g t i buying...qt. pow, ap d'AylioccwpAipg.--,1 :Prc - thelsintof4,lbe!PPßlge iff 1 . 11 . 4 14 " I _l B dPd9striiiltkowkw.eAve tilikObregOPO • inrotur own weakness c pot the. strength. .01 , lin i ptarwardifee phyfeAttscs Internal,, irit'ic foreign; :And if sirehlritud: Cannot , -14-ireferrired , , , , , tben is selrgomnment a Atifi r isilY iffaretvl, and on i; mcperlinent a. i tnelt&rebalSWlAlitrie.• - There ' be pleritYli 'of scou s idielli,' always WO been; 410(tya wIll'hi;iflitiNiiirseek tiij iiUlfi'veitwi*d iimiertniteittfiiiyitil : l itie j leit' iriOreatir of society to thelf t own sidilshpurrsea. iliiii 00 - Miif";4PP l iiii*fall" iciafpr' 6 iii '' Vbanged 'Altsy pre perStatent - thes!' i coraldne ; and they never acknOwledge a 00, - eat,; st4ndlog reedy to, seize India.% P... l l l .x!ifiatfiki, And to relinquish pray at. .51 . lscietion. ißut •they are mottheotron., :ger element in society, and urn iilViays beaten-41nm tpaenormiwret. thelraoter amuse thehtoktonents tWntritia'actioni , Thelhetter pothole:of st!olety- predorni- ' netts; liiid'ioniiivitiwafatwiettaf if . lt , were ncitjde WlfferenCipitita i iikatlEY.' • 9 1 , hia hi ' alititdloaditiik.:'tfakOrds jtifitt teßio,*(nfrty 'ti;at.`tife`'TYcifiis need to 89410011# ifieri'deig:loii.l7ifn 'tth ls tiffleptt4dn taeln ' l,deq , e, i f f i th l npr s e 6 d 5-. ,4 o t t h i: j 41 ; tie °1 ATRO-frii Itli man th n a f h cliff eent, ha4hisgreadu e 47,,itn only , beciassethitrumg -the • Rue- Wes. bt: epublh3 freedomand ~ honpay.—, ,I ,lniscto be iss•an • accomplic.e of •th e. runimeetdnd kiihves, betattes they - could , InctstiededitAvithout hietntgailve . assis- , lantle c ,•, - " 4 ' 'l'l I'' j . ' 4 9 ' .1,,..p i t: A :)1- 4 7 4(4 'r i ngs ,iiiii 'ti gl'' . 4iiP i ii ii to4 iiio , A l n t - ill `Viiii4rvenal. ,o retie • .... 1:.'i1,1 61 ' 4 Atglei ' , MI. ThilLi PM . Ifrilain„ g oftlehtl honesty mustAnkfietnntided . i, 'Mid' tbk,svill,yequire 4,11 Alti, ; honest y, ihrit. exiata}ixt , the. B9ll feetsoosethe` plea 1, Enough) thereeilitts to.epforce , Alhighelrettindard. • Hottest' tifelpritril a , o llilag force. 'Their united:hatriettinlist . 1 4e;:ibcYedpibut they-cannot deep. upoti; .0114. T Tightii.lE.Pebtilatioutntist !bb:puu-. Wield;;li3ritnikittisanttstenotFhwhonored ; :Neves must be made, not only !tti:,rek-: 11484,91 oh' thErhelna ,-: ha tAkt-al isgeirtelheir, -pluntleit 4o Wheil morditareff(WyrEga fia siibvert ithd-iNefrildelavt.hhidliUquillite hanest i *Cif,' then honest inarr !nest colibineP to put. down . the monttie 1011 iiiililtfiti*ai; 'fprWltitiihe 66 1 1 340 1 1 le% the coalition be destroYed;:' , " • I.' C.: : ..,"" 11 .4i a - 7 9 Ort. ' 45:',"kr VIILLIIB . 114 7rni- 7 In !!-."; 1-pr! 'Splendid: - Offers for 1872. . • . qr.Thiikyl4ftnlar Monthly 'slafozine giros mere for the tifotteyeto,iiy in ilia loor&l. -- ,1 t has Oa beet colored fathlowiptiiiirbetit original atterlos, and tho best on gritvlngaltatiY lady's book, - Creat and coat 1 y improve. nents.*ll biliade in 1M.411 ,2 - en it: %Oil contain 'ONE TII. lISAND VAGESI FOURTEEN SPLENDID STEEL PLATES! ' : .TWELVE COLORED BERLIN PATTERNS! TWELVE 11 /0111101' II COLORED FASIIICNE 1 -- • TWENTY FOUR PAWN OF ?SUSI° t 141( *Or be given for' only' TWO b,O , LIIAR9 a" neafilieller tees' than ,Ilagaal 4es or the blase iif •TetereQa!,::' Ito,. • MEI TEIRILLINO TALES AND NOVELETTES. Aro tholmat published nuyntiero, .-411, /At inotlyloiadoe toPiterkurCtutptoyed to toritzuriginalfy for : ,4 1tterson.',... In 1872, hi addition to fin' usual quantity o[ehort stb• rtoir, plus oniountt covvntauv Novltztia will ncevon, viz :Itouctue Wyrn i Pater, by Anti& S. Aujiliens ; Tait Tatum or Ittlatounti,: by /furry , Danforth; - Omen Too OFref. by Prank La Donald; rattnitzv'ii LUCK, by Miss Hodgson:. and'A Wzrz, 'Tim Nos , A Wive, by MP anthor of "110 scconci-Lifejt MAMMOTH COLORED FASHION PLATER Ahead Of all .otheri. 'Theta) plates are engraved, en steel, mos sus usual. sctS,"stal contain eix Agures• They will be superbly colored. Also leveret pages of Household ansd other receipts; In Also,' everything Interesting to ladles. , . • THAbip--•:Aliviiya in Advance : ' One copy, for one yoar ......$2 00 Vivi coulee, gno.year 8 00 Eight copies, ono year " 12 00 • • • • . SUPEIt4 PREgrUffi ENGRAVING I kvery . periOn getting up a olnp.of five at SI.GO oacb; entitled to an extra cep!, .of /ha lifivqrino for 1812, and also to a copy of the superb parlor mezzotint (die 24 inches* Ift).."Ficre Times Ono To. Day,", wbicb, Avaitore, would cost four dollare.. to r ,Bpoctm omit sent, - -grAtfo; to 'those& wish I to got ilp - otubs.• Address, CI AISLES J...22 , T8R80N, 5 it. $O6 CJI tent EtygsoßMl . ad . olplAsi, Pa,„. tiGENTs . I 1 For thaisatealf re aTiti 1 3 3 1C1a beildintlefin4*-,OOIA ktitlotust, tlkoneasoo of all the Pitgildellflt,NnittfiG bohnd and printect on lintotpa,per. THE NATION, •.• it. , moo Aka inidltutione • : IN_,E4fGrraff- r4VD- VEglit.42lr. Nothing like It: Bei Wee oieribody as Just tile book they need. It lean Entielopre Wel the Government. blot pays is it,,aro otthomiatiree worth the price of t ebdok, , Oyer .4 00 Pakm.and only . $ 2 , 6 Q. A Bich Harvest for Catviaseererioalea end gentlemen— far., men, tembersand•student.. On ' • e agent Mak 75 orders (Jew deihrtoith etreutor/done, be,foreehe book appeared. 11410 kb, eini Dockland In fah- territory. Write at oaco for Oircalor Inforgntiap, New-woittat • PU131,18111 . 413 Cor.. 7th an 4 plarkot Strooto, Pllll- adelpliTa. Rot 1137,1-Ty • „ , • 4 0hen - - Ales. • , I.3I7:VIRTUE of 'sundry' writs . of Elul roam,. TA .IIIII-varl pada' And Venditlonf 'Et!ionas, limed out of tho floor% of Common Pleas of Vogt-county, and to sup dlrOted, I will expose to public solo, to the highest and boat bidder, ut tbo-Eonrt !louse 1n Wollsbproon Moak*, the 27th of 1811; at -one o'clock P. M , thq following &Mitred OtobeitY i ,Ong oflan tifoisbiiii 410 e wiit Mae' of, Ike Williamsolirail«lut.No-2.lnbl&k:-No. 1 'anon. map ofsaid village, with a one story frame building, known as ilie - Aelulemy of Moak, 36 feerfnifit, and 81 feet deep, with out buildings thereon. Tool's - sold as the property of Valentine Love, sult,ofP Nittroloop ALSO-4 lot of land in dimer townshlip, bon nded the north bp A B Trowbridge and Rufus Beak- on the east by Oro Barber estate, and /I Beach ;lon the aohth by James Smith and the Baniuel Niver estate, and ou_the west by the Samuel Niver estate And Omar Trowbridge, containing 179 Peres more poen, with -150 iscrishnproved; with ono frame Louse, - 8 frame bums aid oichards and other fruit tres thereon. To be sold as the-property Gf Patrick Hanley, suit of /1 11 Dent. - ALBO-..a lot at land"! . 11 Ward - to Waste In; bounded on the north by lauds of It 0 Lydia, on the east by Jane Ince, Curtis Cleveland, A Johnson and Daniel Hagar; on tie swath by Daniel Hagar and Simeon Elliott; on the west by David Ames, Wm Pletcher and, Isaac Smith, containing 177 acres ' more or less, about 80 acres improved, with frame barn, log house; frame house, apple orchard and other 'fruit trees thereon.= To be sold la •tho kroperty . of lerOTAyres and 'Ali lcnimn,- gull of Pomeroy Brothers. ALSO— a lot of land In - .Mans/told on west side of Williamson road, corner of Wellebbio street and south side of same, 40 feet on Williamson street, 80 feet on ''!hellebore street. bounded on the south by Pitts& Bro, on the west by Pitts & Brother, on the north by Wells ' bore street, and On the east by the Williamson road.— To be sold as the proUertyof L Cummings, snit-of kintdengb,-Pitte It Co. ; •.„ - • . ALSO-41et of landin (Wide thienShip',:liounded an the north by thePttblie blghtiny,i osi the west by bball JOMrll.l4takfl else south ITO& the Okirk Waists 4 to., be: intle Dos) and 70 bee deep, oath n. two story atone Ito e thereon. ,To ,be sold as, the property of Gap Bulkley; Newton Bulkley. • . ALSO -4 lot ofiad in Osceola township, bounded on north by* ands of 011 Keeney, on the west by Levi Skinner, ttn the south b eastyoyt thebb and pub. • lid or Private alley,' on the by public high. way, containing one half acre s or thereabouts, all lut. proved, frame house, frame- barn, ought:aidings and mit toile thereon To be meld as the property 0(000 Atso—a tot of land In Ohatbana township,bounded on-the north by lands of RhenstdoTaYlor, on the hest` by David Churchill, on the south and east by Isaiah and Oscar Westmillar,contalning 60 acres, 80 sores improv ed, frame house, frame blacksmith shop, log,barn;ap • ple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. To be told as thtiproporty of Lewis L Carr, snit of d - IrWood• and •Y44 34 1 43 v i t1e•-•.-s-Le, ,400.-a tor priaebd la ; ar4lgitittre Boro,,_boun ed' ibtth by Mehl iteeet, east 14 . 811tui Stauffer, south and :Wee) by J B strong, containing about one acre, tram& house, frOme steam and we gript,bllll, frame shed ' , Wibo horse stablebOufbeitattits AM fruit trees there.: on; together with atal tirade and dam attached, berm. ded on the north=east by Geo Stauffer, highway, John 'Posit/ D Maine. - Baldwksparkhnret,PelegDoud, Seth , Burnley; Eteltry timl.l) Dewey and J 11 Austin. on the south and.west by John./I,l3trong 4- al. To-be sold as • the property cf.,lllCalkine a lmit of Pornereyßrothent. - „ ALSO—a lot °flied In Delmar township, bounded on' the north and eastl.l4.latide of A °leaser:l,3M Dot a9lttr Sy lands of Robert Steele, on' the' welt by Wni ;lording and ADiesboti, containing two acres more or • 'less frame.'house; IraniWn, out buildings, apple orchard and other fruit s thereon: To be sold as' 1 the property el (Aeries Gleason, enit , of 0 L Wilcox. , 1 -` • ALSO—it lot of bind friWrnitllislcilltoroughitia town ' ship, bounded on the 'north' byprancis Mucha and 'Peter 2 iDin dgeblgh;con ilielleulfebyCoirlinesonerivernud ' Hitch thO'Philiketllltirlditi;exhi n oreapt White;a6dWrnE (loTbdtleitid_g4 gal kli, - 0,91414.,.. acres,.7o acres improved troupe °nee, . l'i r •ante, burnTutottdiuggrapple:-eitied - and 4 •O Th er tlitt b—oi ttihreptetebiWyj „ktitt. VeY.'„? , , ,- , Lire k ne house and lot in Wettileld,figiitii:,lll4, dettentheAtorth artMwettl'by tlie - tiowitneogneviiiir; - ,on t p heseuth by - Main street ' , &la r an the'ealit : b* Ifittilati, containing ~ t hregatenrthr of an acre, frame ' , lrenstkpatbuildings and knit: treee.thereent , TO be' 'ol'doath° property of M tl Bowman, suit of El lips• tor. use Qt.TO,O - - - ~A.4.1W-a lot of land in Mansfield Borough, bounded bn'theitorthbg Henry 441en,-en the east by P A Al. • lehisd the south by.' San inasy Avenue, en On treat by. ptoelitet or St: Jimetit., being 108 ft. on Seminary - A'ventle,and 80 feet orr.Prospoet or - St. James stress, =Tramp tied Story he*, entlgildin fp, ornamental and fruit frees:therion.',To be field air the property of P N 44 , 511 o 4 nd j!..bfainej suit of Daniel Harteock, ALSO--a lot of land in Bikland Borough, boliiided : pt}Site s qorth by the • 0 ovranhame ir o the west. andbanth by Josil Parkberet; bn the east by the pnbi. , 4 lia Spay, ;touts/Ay:lg phone two acres, all (Morey, ed,e - house, Mime steani tannery, frame shed, est dingo and fruit freer thernom.-*To - be- sold - as the property of Wing Tabor knit :of Dorance & Dan. • h'em, n I • '1 ALSO—The tellowliri oebctiibed iota of - .hind in i Wellshoro : Ond bounded on the southeast by Pearl 'street southwest by Lincoln street, northwest by lot. in popsetsioh of Jacob Sticklin, and northeast by Jno. Einar • being 160 by 100 feet,,all improved; 73 a bove described bounded on the southeast by' the' above !t lot, southwest by,Lincelti street, northwest by bin street,- mid portheeit by ,John Et nor; being j 100 bet on Matti Street and 130 feet- On Lincoln street, I with a two story frame dwelling Mime; a three , story • Dunk.' cabinet •and - chair- manufactory operated by ateata.pewer, outbuildings and fruit trees thereon, all Improved . , 'PAtso--One lothcMadej on the-north- by-a-private alley arid Samuel Herzog and Athens, east_ by,. the pub. no highway, south by Ann Straiktind othre,and west byJdhn Buehler; containing-It/ sores, all impreved, :with a frame licute,• frame batqj ond - apple and other . frnie 'eel theOtt VI • 1 i. Altio—One latholinded bn thA stet* by lfsvfil peaty ,John Milder and John Mtge!, , east by Ann. Strait, - south by Robert Kelsey;Yand (Witt- by Seth Bengal ; I contelaingtti acres', mere &lees, all Improved, 'with 1 apple and othkr fruit treasthereont ' 1 • .!Ateo—One lot bonided on the north by 'private ,elleyand Samuel Herzog, on the oast by /Damn Plaits; 'eonth'by Ann Stralkand west- by -David Peak; con.. ,teinlngftelf an acreizabre oriels, With frame horse' arid:ooi trees thereon,, To be sold as the property of Ettichlin: John Bue hler And Simon Plaits; suit of ,obarjes Eta:lrons for aft of Robert Campbell' • ' ALSO—A lqt of laud in Brookfteld toWnshlp; bona tin the north by the Statelfne, west . by. Lester ,k snob by the pnbile highway, and east by lands crflilleabethOilky; containiug el; acres, all improved, with fruit trees thereon. To ha field as the property of William 0. 011ky, snit of B t P. Murdoch, for use of ByroriElanford. - _ . ..ALSO—A • lot of land in Wellsboro; •bOundid westerly by Main street, northeasterlytrf lends of B T Yen Horn - , soittlrnesterly by Pearl street, and south, ,westerly by;iiiturin possession of A B Easknanfm ,cO tainihg one-third Of anicre. , morii or less, all improve; n with two story, houte,'oca - npled arid used as a board. ing Lod dwelling take; frame barn. outbuildings and Yrult trees thereon. To be sold as the, prverty of Ingst Hart, stilt of D. Q. Stevens. .• ; A 4.l9tigiAist in-vreogio-toiniiehfoi ;lid. • e w e st !;.p.tha welt, tli4Of .1,7 Janda; bt;Johirf 144". aisnt~s 3i te . _ppm ft., and south Ay Stepheb C: thtlainA .(4044.144tupkvvedr,..4, MO' , is a4d ettanty:, itogestker wi h a right of 'Pity ens him Stephen Potter's lands for thin 'race to said mill. ..TObe,solii4 as of- L.: B. Butler,- suite at. 11:Xs/land and N. Butler. • ALS—A lot of land in Costrigton.township; bonny ded an the_pottli by the highsray , leading from Co. 'y Webb to Frost settlement, weft by lands . of Edstin fiatterlY, - and south and.east brae .state Of X B Ger 'otildt., containing three-fourths ,of an acrd, with two story frame - house, ontbnildtogs and • fruit trees thereon, TT be Bold an the property of James L. Kid', .itittof '— - ALSO—A lot of land In Ellkland borough; bounded o n the north by the Coitimestme_river, west and booth Ay Joel Parkhurst, and 'east by tho publfolighway ; containing about twiartores,,,all, ',mammal ; . with.lterna, Wise/. frameateam.pipnstry, rratnighee,".outbull'ainge ,a4,fr•nlytreetithereent To'besoldu the prOpettp bf, 'Wing Tabtif'sliftWOPD3iffitte fiDnnbetc,lohri Paa,i; buret A Od., Tolzußithhurst;FFAlituter, 4) 13 son. Joel GlArkleraf. - 4 10 ,44S 4favar and J•W;Shaff• • „ I lot4,l!_ndlo ttscbOrinsgh . Of,-Afattathalds. ' hounded en the tion& kit Riney Allen, east :by F A Allen; south by' Seitilnitry" avenue, and west bt 'Preto ,pectar St. James street ; being lo¢ feet on% Seminary' avenuesndld feet on Provert _or, 13t,Taraes street,, 'with A two story frame how, outbuildings, and orna. mental and fruit trees tberebn. =To be sold et the pro. testy of P. Howell, suite of Daniel Ilartsoek'and his it Toll. . - E. A. PiElitil3harlff. . MEM Drervcr iaroo4sas fat I.IIOW 3Prioest J ,', .X,P.6','-iii..5.,„(5t,.1:Cp..;-, -r• ?-•/ j• , • PORNilia. ARR BELLING r - L - Goods, 'BOMB • • Eil 'XdOWEST .- CASOFPRWEIVI ._.,_.w„~..,.,.... *4 • , r ' II J 1 Great Reductions in the Prices 'of Dress Goods, Odioine COM Alpi,,i,ii,"3/0i13 4 worth 50. Ekipress Cloths, , 50 " 75. " Scotch Plaids l 25 66 ,2 t7i. " " Extra wide 87,E mirth 50. 66 66 4i ( . 6 id 50. - ,t 75 . ,weol French Satteens • 6.24. ". 6, •ki " Extra 7.5' - .3,Voroted Poplins : 25 . Alexander " • wide 50 Rich striped Dress Goods 27if 114 Li ii.l!.; ti ' ; r7 - J La tNevi Goods received-daily, and mold Cheaper than Ever. .Heavy 16e..:.. • New Printi,, • ' "Veakhed'Attisline, fine, 14; 16, 18, 20e. ' I" . lannelii; hisithan value., Cloths and Cassimeros, lees than 010 . Handsome Dress G00der,,25 and 310. New Satfeens, extra quality ; . 75c. Black Alpacas. 'Hoop Skirts and Corsets, cheaper than ever. Shawls in Greatoratiety, and Caminito!), all-wool and Union at the "lowed Prices in the country: _ . ..,.„ , •-... - - . ~ , - . , Black B all wool eavers, in great variety, at- rnuehless than regulai market rites, • Black Velveteens, plain Blacks. Sleek Velveteens, Twill Blacks,. in Aholea shadeikverreteaß; . - ' , , - 1 llolored"VelVeteens, in all the desirable shades. Terry. Velveteens, all colors. Allthe above styka'cuf_on the bias, (v . straight, at the lowest prices in the 2 emtntry., s .. ~ _'_ ~.' ,-- ,:L.a:c: ....% __. , ,f._ ~. Men's 2-Sole and Tap Fine Kip Bode; $4.00 stir This entire line of Men's Tap Sole, A. IL-Calf Boots, 4.50 Boots is manufactured Alines' Tap Solo'French Calf Boots, 5.00 • ' for us at J. RICHARD- Boys' half Double Sole Kip Boots, 2.75 to 300 SON'S, and warranted Boys' 2-Sole & tap fine kip Boots, 3,25t0 3.50 - by us in every respect, Youth's Kip-Boots,' - • 2,25 to 2i50 ai in former years. Women's Calf Vamp Balmoral Shoes, $2:O - =• .• . - - Woman's Calf Vamp Polish Shoes, 2.25 Ladies' Serge Polish ,Gititers, at $2.00, worth $2.50. Ladies' Serge Polish Gaiters, extra quality, at $2.50, worth $3:00 liistes and. Children's Work equally cheap. . • • OtWentlict line of LADIES' SEWED WORK, at equally low prices. •., , : We Garr yin 1131 use stook or our regu/sr makes, and exert ourselves to keep ou trade g. We 40 loot nil to Wats the, tilek trook at Mkt late den but *o pledge ours.. veil to Vir We eldvertiite Jo it oasis, making lid' claims that weeannot carry out. Nov. 22, 1871. .a. cil.o - ir zro ipb.,3_zrrin) For a_Book.lhat will Sell. To Sit Arai BY Va. RENO F.l). • ' -- • earriaar in This is in original, Interesting, and Lustructiqe Work • a of rare fun and humor, being an account of the AUVIOIVIS PItOMBIONAL LIFE, his wonderful trial sad feat', ILO leughable Incidents and &dean -Mall as it lf moments r; And Ventriloquist. 1440=v 4 .704k,- • • • _lO reCtiage Engravings. bli ,aldes the • iithat's l'Ortrait on steel, and numerous Map r:c filtee front any objectionable matter being Ashamed and moral in its character, and will hal read With deep lritirestibath by old and young,. It Ina thd most graphic and thrilling accounts of the *theta Ofillsworiderfal feats and =gloat tricks, cans -4 g theap i tifroillable meitimen t and latiglAter. , with full information lent ArrAie nap cation to ,95frtilori t.-tins 711 gansom Bt. Phslada. u•:•), - ,•E 7 r. e: L • 1 " -F. — " r fute , • ' , HI A D ' RI E R:3 , Prugs t " and Medicines, (Patent AeottiiirVrato-j-t-Also for. PANTS, a ILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, PUTTY, LIME, - and al styles of BRUSHES, &0. . 4tiewimitiloß4=t -Chole • Liori; Vtgaire, an. TOBA9OO. Abio for 31E11CPC0111C..1611. • Re Natalie; Legel, 2 blank • School:J.-N.-A R A, full assortment of the lakte! Mao, sz i eicaltint i,eioitment of J At../03113, -- FRAiDgibi-AWATiONAUi, '& CORPS CT&S&ELLS,_ &O. 0.- -----Cirracterlets. On Tear, Omar!, Coffee,,Syrigt, golareer, _Moe, Spiess, c Oda'etii. - We will net be beaten In4ltioe ui or q/ .We will sell eholee - Tear by the chest or angst y the bbl. etas low figures as the same can babought at this elde , of:NewToik. ~ P; , , S. TRY OM,t - '4 SAiAlNilt TEA I,AMAIi I eg4NPELLE.Pg ce•c„,.4v. rifest style!, and lamp ohlmniee that will not break. • ' 't • Fancy do Toilet Articles: •••"• PleßLlTSfirt, TOILET • SOAPS PO- MADES,,I 3 R , VSHEB, &c., LikewlielettLfillßY AND JFAVELEY, V iPS. AND LASHES. • . Wehold t my desirable village lots for saip in the'oentral art of tifitowi ; and will also losii limey reasonable rata.. • . B. . W. Webb hocs Us attc, in our 'iteri;*htsralt may la,' consulted for advice or tres,tment r 4 HASTINGS & COVES. 'O • 14116 t , , Fe , - .1 7- "OvA •r, - - „ Aestina3;oo.---. foliaaa ivy °Ultr', , _ . catfiniEt ;;:tERGANS:- ' : , )014D INEMlttiliF,l , p r tikon A brio stook of XATIF *i f ilieibstrOolirma. " 'l,loll3olo3fOlved on' the Platioi Organ, and In Musing. , 1114 . 49pportabity . prarittoo atirded to 414oaCwitOtaardestre • - • 30# /87/. •r TOS"PIi• ' lO •••" • 1 4- ; r -.• r!') I PM EEC IN THE COUNTRY. En W • See The Price T BOOTS & SHOES. =I EEO `.l.yoß -- T Mil . r- 0 MI = NM EMI FIN 2 v 1 J.A. PARSONS & CO.' No. 3, Concert Block, 03raing, N. 'Y WICKHAM & ,FARB MI t :.,! TIOGA`, PA , ~1 ,,::.:•: Z EIII try: • - We are tic'r i udeiving our =I Second MEI =I Pall and G- O.01)S, and Bra satliag them at their canal C.,' lagittes. S. • ! Jutt call and. tee 'ittint'aiondiattottnient we 0 7"4,7 M=EI "wzosalAtita /OR. • /' I',l Shoe®, 87k. 100. 37k. 75. 50. *-4 ' 1 . - ME .44, 1 beg EN Stock 1M:=1 El Winter MBE KEE MEM ,IC SO _-- ____........._ , . HERMAO ETY. .. ---...... 7 .... , -.I Lecture.- Course-- 971)72. 4-- , til following lactuiers itaA , been tugu for the ll : ertunido LsoiUrn CO iris for . ged suing season: '" t to ) • SIEND RISSOIINO,DINTETTE CI, 'is, Noy :;o,.ihn, OEOIIO X WILLIAM 'CURTIS , 'Feb. FL 1612 ' ANNA IL DICKINSON i Merit. 4. 157..,' - i MILS. LIVERMORE ' ' -- FREDERICK DOUOLASS, ... EDWIN-11. aiupix ' HON. WILLIAM PARSONS .i. PETROLEUM V. NABDY ' ,. GEORGE VANDENIIOFF ' ... TIENRY,WARD 1LEE0DER„..1.....! M. L'. ii-Ll4 „ .. JOIIX T. MITCI • 1 , 1 1 10 , 11 - YOUNOi JRROMM 11.-PC J. H. DOSARDi 8, 01 , 1 27, lii7 i tt ' -,-- ,---..---------,.. Real . Estate THE undersigned io Agent fullowing TOWN Pii.OPy, situate on the Mansfield road a Theeo lots are in the central pa convenient to the Road Also, SEVERAL situated (II the Hue of the I , all . • üble ftir Manufacturing Them, lute will kio sold on rea 1 WALTER Nay. 15, 1871.4 y, FdR SAL 1 ABOUT 110 acres of land kn, K. Mitchell farm at Mitch ,' o. f .Pa., with three direllifiL Saw Mill and Barns and Lothar of the best locations for a lum manufacturing establishment o road. ,Also, adjoining a lot of abo boot 30 acres in pasture. Wo farm—timber enough on it f. posts, arc., to, pay for it. Also about 740 acres of tins some improvements, about a above' described lands—valuab Bark, timber and farming land Also two lots of land of one ted at liollidaytown, in tho tow, bury—on which there is a Eton! Those ticeirlng to purchase ! Jane Mitchell on the ptemis' Creek. O. H. Ootober 18, 1871.-tf. t 1 C 4 ql .•:' 41 :it Ft i `Z, 'Ol Gen't Inman- Li - ' KNOXVILL Life, Fire, Assets or Assr.r Ins.'Co. of North A Franklin l'ire Ins. Republic Ins. Co. of N. Y. Cal Andes Inn Co. of Cincinnati, Niagara Fire Ins. Co.of N. Y. Farmers Mut. Fire Ins. Co., Yo Pike - nix lint. Life Ins. Co. of ford, Conn Pentea Cottle Ina. Co- T0ta1.... -4'24,220,84761 Insurance promptly dean(' y toad cr other wise, on nil kinds of Prop rty. Alt iG9ReS promptly adjusted and paid. Jive sto?k Incur. ed against deatb, Ilroor theft. lam also agent for ibe Aldps Fira tfo Oa. o: Cincinnati. Capital, $1,500, 1 000. AU oommunications promptly attet;det to -- Ordeet on Mill Street, 2d door from Min Knoxvillo„Pa. ' ~B. W.B. SM 11 April2s, 11371—tf. - A gout The Stan ..- • • - .3 • , • I . .j h=::;03•:,.:,2,t.:f"41f.P1Vf-. • 1 I " 5 4 1 :j) ( D pr . . - irn -, tnt - s"P) i ts ; r f On n,* ti ''- . 1 ^ • I L -IP 2 P • '' a ':,.. -. 1, iv' frAtt ,fk't t 'illt f ,"-.-- -4 '--:,,-1: 1' ' , t ., - " .. ,,'• - y, -ll'frAt.Z4,"2l' l 4'f r:):;-:- 1 -% - ;' 1 "1.1 •:tt• --- r„k - ,• '4, 1 / 44 , 6' C" 11--- qt•lUr:trt - -Pi . : 1. - K• --••- I it: - - •-.;'...•.i-.•-z.-,:t•14,..• ,- .61 ' -- -%.1: , --5-271A , k-.:.,-.L.,.' 4-•,-A 6.': - ..1.-•.1.4 , ,t,i - i , ,-,, -..3.... i. • 1 , Washing filprebine, Is Oronouneed, tho best in Ma4ket, having taken tho,first Premium at the Tio u• Co and othor Fairs, and is decidedly the >est Wayhing Ma chine invented. It only needs a trial to :eddy the most skeptical. Persons 'wishing to pur- I chase, will address LIJICE STEVEN'S, Oct. 11, 1571. ' i t Tioga, Pa, DON'T SUBSO FOR .ANY until you seo a . ."I*l EVER' , The best Family Paper The Finest Engravings, The beat Original Zitorics, ' The matt carefully stitcte • - 2'he chetreat and finest EVER USTI And offering the Largest toil TATION CHRONO to every liehed monthly at One Dollar and 11 a year; and the Chromo cou for that amount. We return to the OLD F 1 of Yearly Subscriptions, be, spend the amount usually pa in adding to tho goalie) , and Per. It pOSTS THE SrBSCRIBERS a more valuable - paper. Other publishers say we et say %se do afford it, and vital we buve tbo largest 6 übscript try. Then 17i/shall Stop and, for the paper alone. . Send ten cents for rtnOle subscribe foi'ab'y other g ape lIEN 26 Allen St , Buffalo, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED (L !ziiery olty, town and village " and,Clanadas, and liberal ter. Ni 1,11371,4 ca - OTT, Yrva t, ELL, TTEIt, Soo`y. hfau!noro, gency ! , , thu rale aide IVY : t LOTS, d State Street. of,town, and epot l NS ad, and gUit. urposes 9nabla — tertus 11E1tWOOD. svn as the Win. ll's Creek, TIo• !buses, a steam I buildings—one .ering or tither the Tioga Rabb. t 163 acree l , a. , Id mako a good r fool, lumber, e l r lands with Ile east of the o for Hemlock cre each, Bites chip of Middle. barn, 6:e. Fnqulio of Mn. •s at Mitch°ll'a SEYMOUR, Tiogn, ° / 4 - r' 4 CD • 13r. 14 • se Clo ' 4 ; H 8 ~ -4 . .. 7. , ~r r 4 4 CU CZ Pti 1 ... Jr +s r, = :L. .6 0 z 2 4) ° ^z gency CO., PA k I eidental 1,000. I Pa., ;IQ. ..-e3,050,535 60 Pa, 3,037,4 52 35i' $750,000 $l,OOO 000 1,000,000 k, Pu 909,389-15 fart• !, ital, F' 5,081,970 50 of Potts • 111 e. 600,000.00 mod MB AFT R , PY of BODY," in America Platter, ritoted plapKl Finest P.B.NBEIi Subricriber. Pub ME not be pgrehased I SIITON ED PLAN ' ouse wo eon thus ' d to Nows Ai0110) legatne of our pit- Es*irind tbey get t't ntiord ir. , wa eontinde to, Until on lids ill the ,vot!t2 , inenLaso our price copv, be: re you Addrees' 1 - 1 SAPE; I &ea preferred) in n the United States a aro offered.