_.vt ~. HOB COUNTY AGITATOR ' aIISAMD ECSIVt "AtIaNCIDAY VIOEINVM NT ) . Van Gelder. Gi K:BSCRIPTION INVARIABLY IN ADVANCB. r(o or ycar) . $2)00. - ; RTES OE ADVERTISING. nINTO:r oa LE H, /SAES ONIr BMaja. / In. I Bins I 4 Ins I ttblos I 240 I 1 Yr :1,00 181.00 I $2,60 I $5,00 I $7,00 I $12.00 1140 14,00 1 8,00 11'4,00 118,00 50,0 re,o,an foc,oo _ cants par Ituo; Editorlalor " t o , rrlino• vt.3tialcgmt.s7 pa paid for tne.dtance. Oonstatio manite,Doodajudg , ,ro Certificates, f;,c.,ori ;r3OS CI.A.TI'DkI. IM=il . 1: : r1 • DI 1. t J...• • , VID 0411£110N -,..iC,1.1311 & Ca:moron, 1,.j . -is S u GOL'IiBELLORS AT LAW , ) ',. , • Inrance Agonta. °Moo Roy's sa '. v, ,`.,0r0, ' Pa. Nov. 1, 1871. ,Y,I I :IO.TURST 00„ ' PA , 113 05 . ••!,1,?11-eal" Coates Co. r Knoxville, Tloga, County; Pa, money on (101)03it, ai9Co9.llt UOteSs to. :rafts on Neer York . city. oolleat. inadooi—Jen 1,1971—y ,$ ta; r-- 0,40 0 Ohl.. 45.:1) ALL, IEO. W. AERRICK, i',":;.EY call COUNSELOR at LAW. and Bawon's IlloDk, scrota ball 0:11.3 up stain', teectond eluor.j Jan. 4, 18714 y. ‘,l 7 l.lllant A. Stazo, “::e:or at Law, firakdoor above ...).I;jx3.*B ;sore, on Main etropt. Jaauaryy ..;i1 J. .I.clams, :...2aiolarat.La,r7,Niansfild,Tioga -io.tootiony Promptly attouderd 1:111-7 ,_.~~~_~ Jero:zo 33. lles, Ct-Juzielor at, LET. Will attend pi..taus,i entrusted to hie care in and Putter. 0111 Co on _ e . Jin. 1, 1571 y ,1111 '',4uornsey, ) at. Law. All busiwasi f I tr it 2. . 3 0 111'U:21 1, 6 y utteu(Nd ro. ti.d , f it e. ; Ca of lid Fdott's hotel, Tiogn ) 1, 1".371. sillith ) cy nal Intaraneo Agent. Com .r.trt. to Lila nbcve te3 El 'it ror tteLtiOn. TOlll5 )IIePIeTEStO, 1. liorton, it:w, yi. )ga Pa. • V?ilireCeiVb 11•11 ‘J', r.". - ', _:, ._ Cc in 1;a11 Paper, •es, l'erfuinery, att. t =1 of i,augher r: , ,, v tl) tC 1,1'871. • t = [I7E ) : r. rl , l , lcrco tho lini l' - '' Ifotei, , i 7.11 r.etor. iloaeo it aveling Lief :12 1, 1671. -tzt:i A v :...r3i2...ec,1 this house, past, strictly atC93111.10- .t r i tlb 1 reason• I:2;4iii 11't el. I'Yeil.eb , yro, Pa. bas all :n aau 033. n Charade 1.571-Iy. _, ... i and S'argeoui !!,, a- Cole's 1'471 IBM Icor ('lnieg 4 - ; elg':ty tii t r st't uti2, t.oftr 1. F (WO gUUd well adapted In- =I MOM Po A.DO7CE v -, AO 14 .1 ),17 • tJ 11 11;11:y, that _ L l . lll '• - . 1 f) e C. fal Y:)U .. ‘Ortgierit Of ME T ~•'-.if.'1' IC 11. c 5• it it iFini./I!.ilg r-41.Di'42, ; T c. 1;:f 1 1 1 11. . 1 .1 . rr, :"lolq :“.try •r! t:JtIT .I•.itiA a lovel treet, op. [:1? . 7 blots of .3, tjj,tealub,p.iy, butt' for ; and . ottildcures 7, 2!11r4d ace. .m7l , r C SIT IT II At. SON. h \A r ritrA'Al i f EOTEL I conduoto.l on :Argot tern I , rineiple3 by the subscriber, trh.) to toßk thie hou+o tr,:,hu public. Boint•irell ibie mom, be will tCur , pr4vido ovary o unfurt 4 Vtiou r dtbi 1 :16%,:• Wu. B. BALL. i,Nuv,llso, 1871.-tf. i , _ VOL; Wollsboro Hotel, • r i . cot. DI AIN '4 ;,T ME EEL - WELLSBORO,„ PA. Thi is a populsir Hotel lately kept by B. B. Holiday. alio Proprietor will spare no painsto make it a iirst-olass house. .All the stager's?: rive and depart iron► this house. A good hostler in attendance, —`Livery attached. Jan 1,V1871-ly lioga Marble Works: U]l unnersigned is now preptiretto JL cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Main. Monts of either , ITALIAN OR 'RUTLAND .DIA.Rit,Llt, of thelateit Istylo and aPpytyrod woritmeiliblp and with dispatch. ' Re keePs constantly , on hand both kinds of Marble and will be able to snit all 'who may ra ver him with their orders, on asreasonable terms ae on be cibrained in the feountii. • - E.8.A.101 ADAMS. Tioga 1,1811.. a. 3Ft.4 41, , xaemeovi- - : '{!lJ 1 Iti ANSFULD,' t EEPS constantly on hand, WALTHAM and SWISS WATOU !,W-.A. ErA, tinElne, Alarm dr. Calendar CLOCKS, • SILVER ?lated Stons. , aud , F9rlts; Table,_ Batter ,and Fruit Krt Ciips, Castors rind' Call% Busiltetai Napkin Rinks; Cream Salt Sugar, laud Illuatard. Spoons; Ilne Gold and Agate Rings; Gold Perna and Penal a; Solid Gold Sets; Pearl Fancy and Piaterd litt tons ; • Wiitell G nar.L A large stcrek of,SPECTACLES,A LASSO, and Colored Gtosse, all at teduded Fr:l3.... l ,liatohes and JOsralry neatly Ilepalted. March 1, 1811. THE SINGER Maxtufaerturlxis ComPanY. • itT . ;THE WORLD'S FAIR, —Oataitituted by the hootta of the people— ; ilecoive4l tho Groat Award 9f tho HIGHEST SALES Andb ova loft all rivals far behind them, for they .SOLD IN 1870 ONE .&111) TWENTr•BEsx;i:I.LiouSANDI EI013; iitif:TDRED 4: TIFIRTY TURFS Miorinessl being nivre than forty 4h.olleund in aciFanee of tbclr ealz3 of the previa 0.1. year, liad .aver :forty four thotoond ~tore than the sales of any other Compony for IS7O, 1.0; blicw i) by the Telloseing ilgurea front SWOIC:: telurns et the sales o LieenbeB. The Binger Mnuufaotaring• Company acid orer the Florence Sewing Machine CO - 110,173 Machins, Solderer 'the Witeez d GibL3 Scta ing C hi;le Cv., ii3, , ,)43 do, Sold cater the Speed • ~. :~~ `:7v.. I=l LA W , chine Co., '- over the Gi;or.to , 41: Miter Sexi:lll iochitic Co., 'iG,4.31 do Sold over thatiotoa No - chino Co., 62,67 _ . do. Sad 7‘,0 priirafpr irezneri uritist a:l cf %Tbieh is inainiy owing to Cris popularity of what ie known as tho "Nnw Szirlxv MAcuini whiCh ie now fast finding ita way into every well regulated household.—For onlara giving fall particulara of Machines, their Folding Cases dummy varieties of wood and finish, their Altachnaehts for thmerous kinds of work, which, till recently, it was thought that delicate Engert atone could perform, as well as purttculart, übaut all article . vsed by their Ma chines, dll s e h uo Twist, Linen Thread, Spool Cot. ton, Oil, &c ,mac., apply to any of their Author ised 2.lscuts, or to TILE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. 453 Broadway, :New York. Philadelphia OLdco 1106 Chestnut St.. March 22, 1871-tf. New Music Store I OPPOSITE CONE 1101138, WELLSBORO, PA. ~.:..".:;; ; .1 ::; : -..., -, .; , :,! ;. ~L\_: , 7 1 ,: ::: ;;;;: , ,,174„- „ .7i ; i....,i . ...{4n . OA",, z, , 'Z'Fklfg,: - ` -- Tr" -- / ---. . ----- :. ,-,4-- •! --447. ~.), 1 ,- v . 4 ~ , p ,,,... ,N,_-.3 . ,A. `"'...):, SVr •-.. r• -• , ...1:11% ,a'-- • JortrENfirvs no::lcarirovol Iron Frame) and 6olc Podal PIANO FORTES 9 Pianos and Musical Merchandise, lurv:t MUSD; in this Pee atm 01 (iio i,5.7,-.4uted fur 20 jAelatiec,n.c.. and Cabinet Organs A. It •-.no- instrutbente I).,ught or taken in axe All 14 , 1,:rs for re pairhv uni promptly attemlod U. J. W. MoINTOSII, Agent. y ; March 22, 1871. new, leather tx,p.buguy , ono ON 1: elevant„ r.ico open buggy, nearly now ; OGO two horse lumber wagon.; a goad single harness. *,-- IYIiTB ct BAILEY,. tf 11 4 tellA tic9ll' hit .`,llO 1115 tarn), ;51.tu. In the tcsn ?Orile night I nikc f,rrn o.intnins C'req,.,o2•3 :SD of WM(' 11 15 improved; good frame V , (“ 1"11 f, t i e and a good log houee, and satne Hall L, er:, liz4eou. Said tart) p &UT pa!"o,l I r Foil in thi, bet•':.a. For particular: , inquire of the subsesiber at the office of U. SS'. Merrick, Eq., We'llsboro Pa. -- April 18. 1571—th A. REDFIELD:--- EDE Ef tee BUSINESS COLLEGE, A N institution to prepare young men for This. luc3s. Tho graduates of this College aro tiding eatumandiog and lucrative positions in nearly every city in the Union. . Fur eireulArs, containing full particulars, Spec ,ituene of Writing, College Dank Bills, Pen Draw ing, nth, unclose ten Gouts, and address ~, s A. J. WARNP.R. Principal A. T. August 23, 1871—Cm Hotel for Sale, JIUE Ainerican Hotel, Nelson Pa., house end barn nearly new half acre land. On the lino of Oonenesque•Valley H. H. Work just being ciimmenced, Ufa nra ta,work i near by. The preperty wilPtie , -sold litritlititgiiin. goofil uibtir can pay for, this property while the rottifik being built. Terms easy . Wor papiculere in quint 'in the promises, or address. 0. B. WHITED alosobtu g , Nov. 8, /8?/«If. Blosaburs h. .y , - --- 6, ~ .e,t,,,v_...-4 .-- --•-• . , ;• , . ~. 1 „ :,„ :- .L. - , . -., -, .. -- • -, . ._ , t . ,::, - -, : .i : ,-; . 1 -.., 4 - . t . 1 :,. -.- . 1 - ., • • ,:.• •. , - ,. - ..1;?- ~-:. - -.. . • , , 1.5 - z , -1? t.::, it -- i 41-- Zl' 1 'VT"' ir'..l:., a zazz.4: t.::,.5..-... , ...;,-..., t-.:,-;.:::: - ..i. , . , ~1;;;; , : y.e.m , i ~ , , i.,,,., - ~- ~ i .:... kf ' ''i f-• • - -• -• • • -' • • ': : ' '' :' : • :. .t, _„, . ~, , . . -....,..._ . t • 4 •'; : :••• -; '; ' ' '‘ ' . ' . • ........---...........-.....--....-..-...-.....,.-......, .............,...-.: --....,. . . I , ---- , - - '- • ' ,' ' 'if ;..:' :' • '-'• ''t ' • -': -• , 'dr•...• ~- : -• It ''' ---: t - rr hi z •- • ,7-7------___ .. 7 ,--- --- -------L. 4 4,,,• - k , r , : .4 S . '' r- Tt A tr ' 1;: '''- t "' :,-.-- r ' t ''''''. '' • r ' ' - „ -,,, r i L ; .. ;,,....11%;,.........., . i s t: , ~. ' " 7 7.4%.- 1 4.'4 V . 'r' ' ' rr ) '- , , ''; '., ', r 'r ' r .', t t r .: 1 P.,14112 ; tir , R,-4 .t. ;, - -'. 4 - ; 4.-r- '',.: - rr-r. ' ql ,' ,: L S ; • ! : ''' , , " A PI- • . '. -k'. " ',.,' #ro , ' fp - --• ~ , -7,` ' t , . - i • , I 4s .% ,f,.- - r . .. ,;,, t • _ i , & Book ~ ~5..... .....,.....: ... ... ,t.•••,..... i _.. ‘....,...,... .-, ..•- \ • ;- • - ',i•f - ', : '''''' - .- '''''''''' '' ' .. . . . . 1 • :. .;,,, ~.. ~ )-I ,e . • i k \ • i .. : • •. P . ~t,i. . t....s ii •i ~ , ' I i •5 1. !, ,• .;•• . -•• , , , - : : i r ‘. ' , i • - , .. . . 1i . 4,1 :ii r . ,- . • -• _ . . , ----*" 6) ~'•-' '" - ' ' 4 , ;. i „. is well ad pilot 1II;1 , 1 1 (.4 \\,....____:,... ~_ I , , 1 . , ', ', .. ante all fade , „„ ;. . , ~;;# L., ~ r . C ..... = --- . " o `l 4-4 •-• t- , . Ct.:, 4 0 zleal ..„ ~,.„: 4..,---, i 4 ....= Ir.rw- - t ••• •=. - 1 t • ~. ... .- ,4 4. , - : ' . -.• • ": - r [h- i- aq...t- t:-. - ...1...-- - "*Yej. j :i i T ' A - :i't-1 . ; , •• : 0...."717 . :! 1; .-, ;(1:. ' : --, 1 :-• - -**'' 'P . • k:i . Large dditli , - ~-1,;-1 ~ --= , , . f 7 , , , ;'4-ZOF-„'- ' V -?,4 -' i - ' ' ' ' • ' • : , , haf: bee] ...-- 4 _ -*- ....-R R. ra . '‘— I ; • t 1 t • - • ',.; _.'t •' t . ?.. - r' r ' - . t ~, , ,, t r:; _ rT;ni -.Ytill, "b r ;:r -r; :.,t.ltrt tt : 14 t.'el Pt “'IL cii 10 1 7 .i.i....../.. , ' i r' I , - • - ' ~, __. . XVllli , WHIPBOR 0;' - '- r TIOGA '-- 0 i gi'.l' ' - . 4 fA- - - ' NOV E MBER ;.1.871 .-- • . ~- .. - • NO. 47 • iaoatio :., , -,',1; ~ i,-.; , „ --'.: '' , . , 1. -- i'f-,—; ' r . . • `:r ,''.:‘ ''.- r '. I ....111 '11,111111.11.0. ‘ViiMigiik, 'M.P..- i t - . • TIOGA 1 ltiOtArTl i ” is , . 4 1 ! I $ AN:O. , , P. • ••-- • i i SOL. BUNNEL, P,ROPqt. ..... Dualelia all kind§ of irreLer' , rate at Fuu c.j,kl FOB SALE, CHEAP. ME ..:-''---.C, _ t y , _ 4..." l i,/, s , —/ A /4". '' s V.-/ (..", %../ -----_ \ .......... ~ , BALDWIN'S - SHANTY. fti 3i,tfoi” df you want to see aloe assortment of Fall & Winter Goods CALL AT • BALDWIN'S SHANT'f, TIOGA, If yOu - want Dre- Goads of 'all kinds, GIME call at BA - WM.l4'6 Shanty. If you want 131'1c-Alpada;;:alirfor thi, drandPutchesa • at BALDWIN'S Shanty. If y9a_wkatfitn. Ottoman Shawl, call at BALDWIN'S Shanty. If PP.l7#l. l :i,!PlAifil A '9 en §:1 :4 - Pdcrc, ware, eall at BALDWIN'S Shanty. If you want Pitt. lrti;3l < ; 5 1 *Ptyi If Top • • Li ,• • il• - •:; I. ' pAtatiVnti„ '8 Mhsitity: ifyou want knit-Goods, 'Oa/ at . . 13 41)WIN'S if2 - xoni4intlfaAn3citilitfatit4 call at BALDWIN'B Sl anty. x c iA4 l :**OS call at - p4.17171FA-R i oti ; g,:, if yonN'rattt 'a. sets ioish t e4;l ., z !) ( : 11 . call at BALDWIN'S Shanty. If you want good Teas and Grocer. kit trod), call at BALDWIN'S Shanty. If you -alit a ready made suit of clothes, 'call at'l3A.l.JD*lN''66:s6l4y:: If you want a 'suit of -01 . 0itteal'lea4i your ineasur4 at lAl,l;sWlN!,,s.lsll,ituty, If you want Over Coats,-. !-- ' Culi!at BALDWIN'S If yOu - want ButTalo:Robes i , -, .c.A.11 a.t BALDWlN!a:Sliaiity. If you ,want prices that caut7be beat, „call t .BALDWIMS, :Shan kr. 'hats what's 1116' Ifittef.' we are anxious to sell these goode, before we leave the Shanty: -T-. L. BALDMN ee _ `•_=.Y' 1, 1871. ' JE W ELRY STORE: WRIMSI3OIIO, arrintEW: room I? 1 . 6 long !)e,..6n , c 9 tali-I, Itied . in Ise in Wellat;oro, tai; 1311 011 •yilate r ^,:lftcrioilt ndu an AMERICAN WA` tlikk,c .)1; GOLD OR SILTER::CLOO /iB;4EPr4bi RY, GOLD 011 AIN'S.,.y;Y r i,IIINGi, PINS, PENCILS, CASES, GOLEO4 , STErfli.! SPOON'S, RAVORS, PLO. TED WARE; ' SEWING MACIIiNES:i &c., &o„ &o With most other article: umpy keptin each evtabiishmmilt, which is sold_le7 V A S He Repairing Mono neatly; and prp,mßily, and pn hart Noncr , • "- POLRYI' • January 1, 1871-y. - New Millin - 011;400 - dit ial t f s s e t ti r t e o co r iv , ed :ergo. tisiLlinVER I K.; Fancy Goads, ParasOls, VA 11113130N5, ir.olVEßs, .te„ , , , - which :hu is sofilling at very toy. , prieas. [trap to and sae the new good?. 4 1371-tr. "NV E.LLSI3ORO AND' •MANSPZDD 1‘ STAGE 4 TILE underaigrud; 'propreetor of; this line,takes this loathed of itt4" forming thu publie that the abovo Stage rave. daily (SandnY B ecePtutl4) between the two plat., aes as follows: --Leaves Wellsbuto at 8 a. m., sad arriteatat Maiisflelti at 10.30 a. tn. - - -- Leaves Manefiel4l 4 l4-2c80,:jt;91., etbillATA*4ll: -Welleboro at 5 p". ' Bare $1,'1 4 5." Jan f, 1 I — tf II7.I3.ITANITORN. MRS. C. E woULD sap- to Of' AVellabare; and vt nltyi, that. shei la: pittoredi-toctio all kinds of Fluting; Stamping ;" -- - • Tucking Cording - Patent Githerini for ruffieis ikri - pflort,nothe: at hor rooms over Mre: 6olfelds Minna& store. Wellihoro. Sept 20„.:4374—,3a2..0 f r, • Applications .for , Clrttiters.,-, , ortoE le hereby i gitreu4 that tin e feilewhig appllcatlone.for'obit&& of ineerpi•itlen have been glad in my title°, end : lfill Ag:pretail . :l Common to the:COUrt of Pleats or Tlo g a county. NoveMber 1871 t Application of Jaet h Jotierolohn and Williatlkildehards, feroharteauf ingentoira - don" for "First Mount Zion Alontiragatinnal t Citiitkeb of );,qcp-allutsrii • f , ll 'll4lleatleniirjohn M. Barden, Samuel W. Sherman, Stephen If. Wood, and others, under the name of the " Baptist Church of Rutland." 4011$ Ir. DONALDSON, Prey.. NG* 8,1811 Ite . ,_ 4 -:,r,lirftlLE Ceschnonwealth oil`,, ,- ; "', fl - *intik li• - tiii, Sherif! :Ge, ''.. • ci,:_. '-•„-`' tgOnfity,,,Grinialnei: . , ~... , f , ji• ‘ -We-cominarid you';' that, you .at •-::=-:,„.1 tads John 0. Brown, Ira A. Ward; , "IVlllrem Ci. Ward, John Ward,:lr.,. aortal • : - 'Ward; Prescott Rail - Ward, Edward Cf. Thomson and Cornolia Pennoyer; who sur vived Jo n _ Dykcns , by: alt ' and singular their Itgeode a d shattele, lands and tenements, in whose bands or possession toeVer the same may be, so thecthey,be and appear before our--Court of Cotenris Pleakio be holden at Welleboro, in and for said county, on the last Monday of Nov. neat, thsire to answer James Lowrey and 8. F. Wilson of a plea ofdebt, and also that you sum mon the ,leraon, or persons, and every of them in whose hands the goods or effects or every of them of 010 said John O. Brown A at may be found, se that they be and appear ,before our said Cout, at the day and place aforesaid, to answer ghat shall be objeotedtOthentrandlbidi the judgpient of the Court in tho pretialses.•-•And have you Wen and theretlite weft.' ' , Witnelfs'tboltori.E.fl:White,PrOsideni.lndge of our said Court. wept. 21,1,871. - -= J. W.- DONAL DBON # Dip'y Protiltyn. . : - : :.....i..i....i. i. - •:.:' • • • - By alike. of di •ait nikict well of'Porotgt . At. , laohment, I lave attached the otioirkt detorib iii lot o Lind, liLttated Ift 4,i ..,,04i," - • 011 btu braadeit itScroletelliedlt ~, 00 .'• • three a aiialkaflfeAß4W, .:olviaiPhi 4 i lands o be 'Lltefendanti, on *arrant V.. 50 7, t . tbflottlia .1t Eirirwistiellittattil 111013 taiwnehle, r , , . 8 4 02 . 1 ,i 14 Ponnoyitanla V ungeated lands warrant .No,_fl2A,Ako4 a slikrifata, warran es —eituatiallir 2 MlN'toftetrlifltforti: ealtlfit o Etacree ottuleekid,,,loied :searro,,et• 'No. 809, riantllifliroll4ge weirafitea I n - Moss town obi aforetaid ;, also, ,t 441 fOlOwb;l P s Alesprib., 'M A 6 'h and in Elome .townshfp. aforeoriki-0-be. 1 O? i at a poatolB4 and 8.19 - 'perobeit, south. 'B'B§' 11ATFeis'itixat.fretiii ti falliti'Dyn?i, -, the 'North Ybetootelee otwarriat ri.o:,..—: ,. .l)l,l4:itlitaci it 14icklin Vtlrlffirivyrarrenteal,,llieneet..49ikth 2, - degree. vliat,lB2 44.0 Imre:solo a post,' iboneo west 18 &DO iiinaket ? filopeognotilt It:dog:roe, ..e.A.1 0 411M erotic's' tb ti"poitk'tlibtfeetiqttk 44t de.` VOW* t 142.7 perches to a forked Pink tifelieo south 6 -degrees - welt 18fit - perekoe to a - poet, thence north 8/ degrae,er. 4 lLittlo Pltoß h as ,--0 ° 11 "` north 1 1- degrees Wei e le'perobto, tilrehifile veps * tl6 perch", north, 27,ttozTeas tv,31.4 14 t e ti r hcs7 t•P.: 4 oer.A9.4:illolA paraie4 t o that . pla tirbf eg dranz,:clantatainatiat.aares of laud. V4(11114 btfultr. I ' ;'-t .' •''' '' c ' . ll tint. 9 pp.-p'9le,Cw. ' E.: ii: FISH, Sheriff. t► ci IL _ • ."""'w' T .. I ; . fIROVIE YeAGNER, has - just received a anrtertririaortmei# of all Made of --, 4061 ILFLICOrnig • • ' for gentlemereal CO:ISE & • RENE ,LOTHIM • arkil Ite repared to manufacture in the BEST STYt t l',l and on the shortest notice. Persons :Wartting'olothing 'trill, please drop In and Bee In.y o tAocli.• Good Pis and th e best of work Adarant ed. `: .4 34! 14 f, •GEO. WAGNER i:1() I_ _ - IMO CoiiinhinvedCiover Thresher and i3parator. TIIIS niaohine is in • by eight horse's with apparent - ease, and requires but few hands to mark 'it.- It lias no complicated parte, hence no hrealiages and nonsequont;delays and expon- EOB. No man can feed it faster than its ability to thresh;stiptirate ' Mill and ohne in 'Mot thorough ttiu n ek. Fo . fr, typi of, llhieh - arid igreko filt,apPeltiep'4l - t,bas ho eqUal..: It threshes-the:: ballsrota alto straw, separates. the •strem from! the chafe. hulls the seed - from the lied and °lonia' the seed i for market alt at onti Operation: Cape.; city from 20 , t0 GO Intsholti <if seed per day. , • ikiannttain)sed by 'the ' Alanufsoturing Cot:Orton SOtith - Don't!, further particulapi,seed to' the ihnnufauturert , or their agent tot the Clover Lref,•e. , p'aper whieW,gives 'hill pat Maulers in - regard Or the - nta sixtue...o,nd nue ... ~,cry.vtriemoter suggestwan stature ,to the ruislyg ?e the clover crop. Apply to W. J. DIAi N. south of Mill Creek, Tioga co , Pa.. Sept Al*,, 187 L Sm ISM MEE .14LAti4 THE GREAT CAUSE - ',.; `- : ',•: r r:, - l UMAiSIiNIXSERY.' - ~ :"W - ysu , , i,4i . f,n 5 pic t :e.441.4p444. Prix tn.cake, . A ' i p, A 0: eau -the. 'Nit:Lief qrefitteite - ad . Itailloal ft efaa ml Cal AVtin:ki U iO•Z j k l. l s4 rin!ittrrinteLi Induced - 1„ ) , , st it to 3% . Deveraetarkfttiatentobeil topoteney; per. ) coue Deb 110 1 , tlndltay v 41111 1 ,111 to to; Inittilogegootrell ; OM IPP At AP' l l , Po.TiotAiiiteitltietual und:Phyal al 331;649 S . 6 4 , 1:43`. itc.ib .1., 001111111 MULL, DI. i,, „riathw o p.fig eit , o I) op lt,"/S:S, • :,,. :. : • ,Tut?,V r ..tepaowlif , A,Etp,t4erflo:thie.,edmirable Ltc. 'Alkt". erl i in:PTeli. f.oPl:liicowttexperienco that the , y,711c, 5,e-gbouct4 4f; , .5e.1514111.450 tow . be ergo ens lly ' 1 dAOV42I! Niro 140,rA An odsui tie. BOA. ,vrithottt :dangerous ' n ... • cal • reiatjwi,, bou:,:ips ? f astapdscuts. : rings, or .:I'6, “sh i i tug mn Aryan.. re ; i1t,,0n0,43 pertain i t uliti . ..l • rial. liy rh kb 'CYPY , 410;1:Jotter what IN cr: • . Weil ..rpr/ Ibr;d4,i ." liiii• - Agifolt ohoeSdh = IA " a. r eter 7n i - - 1 1 . T0P4. 4 .. %!itil P.rovo. A ' 9 40 6iiiiiiiti a t - 97/ .114. - . ~. ,„" Cleatl3 ' Ix re. 4 14 PIM ttAnyelopo to?, any aCireao,' on met • t 61' Ali -cents, or tnt pontlostinttips, by mi. armoring !tlynolishere... , I , :- ~.. - . . . .A.1. 1 0.it" 'l 7 l7l,73)l W. l 4 l 3 . tilde.Tritia Guide, price zAiebit- ';olll*,l4lPR,4llshers.se.. , . • ', _.,_...., .. ,-- : , ieti.A9.,...7.:0. UClN'ff & 00, ..' 127 i icudruyi;ilevr.lforiciPolll:4lllte But 4,580: EePg• ' 0474..1y. - , .I. • 1 ;...:!i7;• , : c{, i , , • ITILLAGE-.LOTSFOR;SAW map Isnilscriber "Cs' ,liiffering'village'lot' larisaie Sri the - iic;‘ , forti . patt 'of the I:illaka, ,. on reasieble terng, - , : ,:ep.id, lota , (Re large and nicely E tuated. Also, ebeut, 160,0,00 feet of pine lumber for , salerlat i rr qw i 4 li.olyen'a nalll,llabore.• Sept -1 • % , A. GROWL, Planing a-Aid Latching • [_ , 149;tir; vtith neitt4s.E. stid .cligpatch. Also BEVEL =SIDING motto /lib inch itimhet - ,Ctip :piano 24 inches t on n avamon d, ,intildk, id Jaciszoli toyitio.itip; TI ga county. 0. •HAMILTON. JackaCrii•Juno 7,•1671: if - • , . • LATZLYopir as tb'e lowneenclnorise anti. fur a limo o'seupted by D.. D. Ron ' has been.tboropghly'refitted, repair and Opened by taytpy . ,, ,ileeommodate the old "friends of the h outtwat :very reasonable rates. 80;•187I-1y,'b2. pl. o'oo-NI4DR. fl dritinistivtq' s ,1‘ ()dice. ETTERS OF Ab.I.t.IMISTRATION having bode granted - to der nnder . signed on tho'.e's , . ; t4FI C. irordeit; deeenied, Tato of .Mans 410410'Fici,e.,C.b.', niqnisinie indebte to the ear eetatb"..atid.tkoix. having ; claims figninet ! , ,SARA.II.IIOLDEN, . SEYMOUR; 1.137 L. Ciw.- • ' • Admrei • — R i esillEiitttle. For f rv.l 115 Stats atreot'aat iA1ar,",._111404 "nlieli.ttrOtigUnt:r4 — Cottegd etyle. ',Terme .eaey. .• -• :- •c: 1, 1 . . OneXoton.Eitate'street, upon %bleb a hula); libeint built. „ Ten letit oa gertdo - iireet. ; , Four' bnni/red ftgra.i pi' timber Media Delmar„ Also' keplendid dairy, farm in Delmar, cop-. tuinin4 875 acres.. Inquire'a Juile‘2l 1 — 71 If • WILIGIIT DAILEY. • 1 :FTAfAr, - n - Exo# - t s'A LE. - deftteoribet eirsii,fol4le . bis fatei ,t 58' ,Flberlfcltep;Tuiga county, Pi.; shout four mileti of W011940'0 and . tieci tulles •of Niles Val. ley cleriot,•'• eaiy: on '.thePreAtl!4•l, 4 I, ,C.A4•LtN;;.I 51ay11,7„,143.1• .; , •• ' ' 1 . , 1 • , tt!l'.:aiFl 1 - Admiiteittafor's -!Notice.• "- triln ut,Migraigritditia.VlS been appointed Ad miniattator tlio estate of James Doan, deceased, late of Chatham township, all persons hawing claims against said estate or indebted to it, will settle with ' D. D. DOAN, Ifov_8;1871 , . Adm'r. THE; OLD "PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE- EM,BFJ • s r IVILLYAIf - 110ig trAttibt. my heart is bowed, hrk 1 bow the wings' .;Of dark It OVemberle moornfl2l' breeze; Like montage over broken hopes, ' • Are tinkling through the'faded trees;' • And heir ; the bitten at his chant • ; thcii , se, restless. on the shore, „ . That scones as if Ineuid never know. The. gotd . en sinelkinreany - zuere- 7 - • of4l, ' And bleu tis' great'ee& groaning' by. • :•i . ,1 ~ : er ' TT, .: L . ' , My heart ia bowed;:youeall.it weak To Tel the ' Eriop,,daritlhag.roltud,, ,yhue fill its y,allti yrklit gloomy thought ',' :4144 refiny,i,e4liteablitting Bonne; ' Alf,-nattio it 'Ea th'eni.atbii . - 1 6 , ,Yed o'n4o - • - But', atilt no shrinking Mama is anise; l'Or annealing eltartiti stole link! 1 , .: Will Id • teta.to - paltletaineit's, ahrine, • Mi l litill! 011 4#9.1V 11 4 , 0 1 .1 101 41iflatiOqx * 4-sil di' d M#. l ". 111 ,1 11 / 1 41 P , 44r/ tr :W* . !: - -., 1 ' "ill' - . '•' ' , • .- -;' 9 i , --• I. -- - Tne floweriShei tel Orktritt4;h4es'ione, ~ '3:tior b e,ibiiltiY in intldearittai hf-yiialb, ••':• '' ' .' ' '' Attei err oliddli'reintekt bears; -'— I = r• -.- • And e .ery bra.:ebeaut vended, with truth. -: ,: know hat enartheest.AlOulA nol grleire.-7 'Xiin - R 09,94 Y!. i ba POg ht 7:# l lr' i--, ' 1 7 That snob the fate of every barque ,` _ • Lannotuid op - di riiiliftig ilea, of life'; . /3at; ;I/Mt:t wises ow the aelking-heett - .. ': .To fate, nor shrink from iiriadom'A part? I . Tho , dirgee—whose- the, dirges here? , i6 l2,ne for a,.gleriotia . 4,thar - i githe;'; ; ' (WhatiossOihhtllfa4lhbi(oi ) l6BBl), ' '" Even iik'til t y; opOnitii down • another forlife.ataallletir ote; r Who rimmed iirithlneritt7onth'e.green bowers, Whou'ilvt P9SQ4l.qritlCP•4o;ed bads!, • • , 17,ti0,n ho,eofh, wAngs o the hours; • - 0, -- tothei! . slater ; 12ow, I hear The Wild: wfilds wait ribavi thy bier ! My heart le boidedl then& far taway;, • -: Dear inother I ithote teen:olf with me now— The dirg4 also in thy land, , , , . And piernerylm thy fhding brow ;, 0, give tria,souleibit,g, of the hope 'That:from rellgien thon doet know, Audit inaifeel4htit 'Eden yet May apifitifierrOhilinY wastes of woe, While leaden:yonder Antonin shy, dad. hlea k: din groat nen, groaning by. iffRCELLANEOUS. THE ODD GLOVE• It is 'a dear little thing, anyhow, Ned.' - • 'How much longer are you going to stand there and sentimentalize over it, Bob ? 'Fling it away and come along.', , away 1 ; I• shall keep that glovelill i•ilnd its owner,' 'Bib FJirit 'replied, folding tholittle gleveletitlY, and potting Oh fits; VeSt !. And When"yon - do find her, :what' you do?' I pledge you my word to ask her for 4lieland that wore It.' I . A rash vow, my prince; ,you niay not be pleased with your Cinderella, when N l Oll Tina t.. 1-• - Tiniuks foi)yoursuggestiona.. I will follow the prince's example, and search everywhere till X find her, feeling' sure that she is otte,ni the incomparkble" mat; -Vete lute allotted to - me.r — • !Only don't get taken in 14' seine ePttrions article, as the prince very nearly did when the two wicked and ambitious sisters of the adorable Cin derella cutoff 'their toes and their heels, that their feet might fit into the ollp , per.' ' I heed yotir warning, my good fel-, low,,nud shall keep my eyes wide open.'. • Bob Flint and Neddy Durand were spending a week together in O coun try dining the dog days; Ned enjoying a , vacation from the orrice , and Bob,. -WhOie whole life, 'Ai a PerPe:t4i vacs - 1101 killing time as .inst ho 45;00, 7 - , tte 4 'in, 0, ilttie eetio6 - ,Plitc§, , ii?:‘ ii: l *bri :ht; beiiiitittill-14M44,7t 'hi 01'4 l'i4', •NNI:1 n thete i vas, nothing - co' iouie one 'fit! `. a dreaming 'hilt' the sound, or the eh rehbells and the song Jot the Virile; 'Bop Viint had -found, in alliff; OtgOin mess, beside a little'broOk i ; A" dainty -11-1 1 Jae kid glove, iiii d' •oni,tli it' -sliglift,feitin -Idation he. had built a iomanee:of , Whieh 1 howas the .hero. : 1 , ~. • : ... :1 .:. He r wits young, golott, •looking, idle and rich:: ,Therefore lie was free tolti, dillge tin romance: , - He was resolved .to , itiarry,•wheu he found som,one tolattit.: biSlasttdiou s taste. N 0 ... w,,h0l p icagea :°' himßeK.lW l l l 4 (Pe. 3 WDe l 2of!Aat glive may be. ..Sic is a bloude;thyis be, blite , eyed, wlthslender,,blae-velu ed •littuds, arid Wavyrgolthn baiii - • . . • Be Wonders if'lit; shall 110;16 much trouble to find bor," but father tblnlts not, ' for the' population of •Wilton is ;small. ' '' - ' ' ! • ,! ~,• , ..' AEle did not find her there, thottglr, Sol he • abandoned 'the search for • a ,time, still keeping the little gliwe, ,as one. would a.,tali§man; '.: . ., .. Bob Flint was. daclined ,e. take,the. world easy. •The result 'was i that sey erLyears laterlie looked scarnely a day older' han when we first.made bisiAcT "quail:Jane° that „lovely Sunday murn ing•by the btoolt,.. , His friend led b 4--: -rand, nOwtlie,ipliei beati l .of'd, "fainily,, 'invited' him to Ray .him, a;Vlslt at:liis bunco 'ill the country itailitignotia ( ?! r . log else to dO,' Bob accepted i ,"ati'd wad' eortilittly nviteil into thel'inillyelride. -'.'' , l declare; Ned'," flits' 106 ks ilurtel 'pa.; trtar Alai. I, , Vbytinder the - Sitn' ilid(nt; I gee married *llearyott did•?! -Li ‘',,, , i• " ', I really don't know, except that you Aid not di --nd .tha.t , ,Olnderellit yott werft lookip for--the.„,, owner,, .of tbe 1040 glov . 'Still, 'it Is, : nel.ler .; too late to im.eild 1 • and, In spiteof your advanced ~ OA A year,s, I think , TR,It. inish , t try ,g roatrl :prft,ial,gogaptneiff. on ..your::oi,:t lie ,ccant,liiliVeadiat staii'4oo iiiiieviivi.:. l' . ...ti)ii't'ttiirtkirenvy' you i but 'really Th r diis:loitrk=veritosy.'-: ..!"2 ':; , LIC a i '! I believe ferigoi to' tMt Ih t irX pe W4O me ) mipan Itlila' evening ; :so-If i there, are any - little alterations to, Let wade? in your„toii644 : yeti ilavlnt midi:UAW' to spare.' 101 tlaerelbtr luiyaticp bqr.er l'A whole lot'of them %:All'iof theca nice. Partleolarly agreenble.i.to:ltigh young , mem ) : , • :NJ ; ' r want; yon to make We a protaisa, Ned. <Don't'let them know Vox Worth NiVatto, l 4 s3 , ',Aver make eracP l Wigitr9 • far,. for 71.4.14111 ifxctri tit :It 4 , TOP ilfitVint ( 114t 1 N 4 3 7 9LtriF.,9, 0 A 1 )49. •1101toPs yet+ I 8 E:f 1 ,...%0•::,,)i., ' Promise me this.' I promise.' An boor later Flint entered a parlor that was fall of bright, sunny , : ra0e14:•, , ,, .43 Vas 110 t, one .of yok, stig, ,fortnal iaocinhles, where ; people sit nrotind and nie4e uneharltable'rematil ellen tlheii r iteighhors behind their fans, but a grout; Of'peciple . aaaembled to give pleasure'to eiteh'other.` Bob Flint en joyeVit ' thoroughly. lElis frieridL, Mr.' Durand,approached him 'during the evening ;with an apprOving nod. , Never stiwiyou play, the agreeable so energetically before, Bob. Why, wife saY.6,Viu,fire quite an acquisition.— • linve ybu been presented to Misaßlake, Silleallake, yet 7 1 Nii i , ; Who laahe?' • -• Siii3',B,Att authoress.' . • , ' Hoiroml ; Keep her away.', ' Wiii.nritii you k rito w something almUttufbefore you Sitytliat. Shehas been a fr and "of my wife since the year , one, an Jiekt to My , wife she's'the ni neat,' lit le'*ircitiik 'living. - She knows Itew A 9 .aiountierithing--inake bonnets ,juk4 0 iteitake cat•e;ora hour ei look,' •Anwt, Welt°. i Shlkkuttwe evelything ft,wpmeu ought to know.' , ' ' l- A lid *little more..ltm afraid., -Ned, Xtledreadsautluareases and clever •wo t 4 - :" Verkapil aba'll Make , fuu of me.? 1 . 1 till .3uld'ut NFoptier,ir. Ethe.4l4, . Kir i k 'ya k; lb " se fan ef me before abe got too deeper ialy in, love, with me to see my truperf *inns. -.1 tell you ; Ellie B,liike IS a.brav,e,*(io,ci . Womaq—* woman w tin has had a"hand to hand 'struggle with povertYla;:vicitptai whO never quailed before thtiVolf at the door, but battled with itltiliiihei cOnquere d 1 i f.' ' ' ' ti n n ' ,tibb n " ila 0 iti tek 'feel' ga were tou ldild:' , Telioulti like` to bee such a ;No. , - coati '' be ield. • ',Which is she it - I do _ - riet'afie t any one•who looks like an au •thciresst':: f, :,' • • • 1 • • •,• . :, J My udiear, boy,;they'rc; not all made afteritlie_satne 'pattern. , There she Is, resting her heact on the mantel.' Bob loyhetipagerly, and saw a sweet, fa4/4. 2 1e? ,0, ela4sically beautiful, but Irresi, y , attractive, In spite of the irregni ritY 4f - feature. - .Lap hingly Mr. Durand approached her!. '.'lif YOu'itre not in a very critical nieod; 4oLnlglit;',Miss Blake, I want to 'present 'My - friend, Mr. Flint, to you.— Itti'V - noi- "iiii , hard. as his name would KOMMItd =ME Z.IL inggesi,;:so . dehl with him gently, I lirey yeu.' • • • Bb 's •dread of the authoress soon' vanishd, and it seemed to him that he was on enchanted ground, till he was arouse by a general signal of depar ture. • . . Blake,'. said Mr. Durand, „' heyetOjedeem, my premise to see you home;! k•gt - lf you'll accpt a poor sub stitute; I yvlll oiler Mr. Flint In my `.pro s vided Mr: Flint be willing,' re pined Miss Blake. Mr.- yllpt was only too happy. It weieit'cleai,:starlight night, and Ellen Blake' as even lovelier, with a back ground iiitiure,_ than 'she was in the parlor.; ' . She iand Mr. Flint walked unhur. riedlY till they dame to a little cottage, aimpsti covered with vines. Woodbine, roseeapd pale morning glories twined over, there was little of; the cot tage to be seen save the windows, and in' these hung delicate muss baskets, whilethe delielous fragrance of lielio trope, i•oses, geraniums and mignonette the air. little nest is this ?) asked . 'Mine,' was the replY,. .„ • T thought so,' be re Oiled . • Houses ; reflect the character of their inmates. yult may Judge every living creature by its permanent surro r ,W. bat judgment do •ou pronounce, then,,. ()tithe' Owner Of l lhis little neat, as you: call t , •I should say that she possessed ex quisite 'refinement and , ideality; that her &natio senses were fully develop. td.'' Thenkn. You flatter me. Come, and 4 E 4 ) ib bYdPlYliglit, - Yon havo the pais "woril:+tbe open seearop. Good night.' trap .I.oome . to 7 rporrovir .' l •Yei3, you may comp ,to-morrow.' , ` , Then pod night, and very pleasant dreritUs'.' “ No boy la, his teens I was ever more !Completely bewitched by a dazzling W0n:414, n:414, thaii was Bob Flint by this r uch- AireadectOuthOress. Re was awoke all night wishing lewas the next day, thht betnight sett her again. And when he .4121,iiie t ier again the' charm , deepened. E,yp s tiefngin , and about the house had 1 - g.ril thenttraction of novelty. i i - , A3liMiniative Colored girl opinied the door;, Or. filth,' and' boWed him into a . t.iiky,, liaitor. Here - he' san• every evi denii,e4 'Of imilturv.• • A chbinet organ oc-: copleVhespoco between the windows;. 0,1ie,0 tit:oly ,caived i writing deek stood iti",`Oh `E'otber of ',ate room ; on each side' the' - 'Maritel': were book shelves filled witir ' .- . 'tiliiitbile boollS • vsblle lover the laihnttl - 15Vece there - hunglCSOftlehromo, -iepi;e4eiiting a iiceitO in the MO. Fine 's'teel' erigtaving.4 Nvete hung on'the Wall; also . nnirtnerable !little straw frames, coutoming. photrigraphs ' - of. ieminent, ;palnti_.rs, . musical composers • and ati 7 .there/ Delicrite white muslifirCurtains; mith ihated iruftieh, hung at the win-, tlovisl yr Alebly.,,tioted autppa 14 leaves 44.01 9 --Parh9 ;yft.,. 4 on 4 bracket of cor tfee',-9oid, ..w.bile - ,n exquisite marble .hns'ttitOOd on a .pedestal by ite4lf, ' l et :1 . 0 .e ,tl.4) 1 1 18 ,,Ild d'ionnge completed the fdinitiire"olt Ellisl.4siMr, %. , Ith . the 'eXceP'-' tan - cif' o'cente.r tattle on' which' Was 'a of itilefentlir lath V, ti'vaii3' of fresh fidiiers:, in&a; siandhig globe of the 'earth, ' AV tight,' delicate carpet covered the''floor. IthOrts the abode of refinement, though lintr - nr *etilth. - 1) - nfortn nal ely, tbe two `itioincit-'ili , i;ay's-'eoinbined. Bog FlhA felt. the iiiikietVee'iif; the room - at Otide,k ,XV w' -stiottling, ixanquilizing,lharmcpr. 9 4.14 , I.Herfortnti. himself Amu , tt ; toitt i rppe Ol yk ~ :,: , fi , „ ~..,.071111 qtht: rbtealing:lbtfeti me ?', be ttil4(l one day. .# Don't I to titrrupt your xyrit t ing 2 1 .., -.,;,..., - i ; . : ,_. - ~ Teplieti l Jtia Blake;• I always wrjt,e'4 ih.lba.mOrningi.fronv.,nine till sieve iii eftlC-.roatit. ulo qtrit.,T • iiti r tty, itd bang, fbr l elityeu Lean !Rai ,trly Om? ; and If 9 14e r: 1 1,r!. P? , 0411 V. 42 Ar.r.,494' tYßß' N Y.49',Y°u•tit ii vI so 1 1166.. • haste tiinariced etcat ‘ , )loti . Loteal ilblEtiteetiislhat:4Our hands. Ate : newt 1. 441. • 'WWI t • Rig ti. :l s4 l l3arri 4as fk.A4pa, !whewi , 3 had tostorksecituitantiYl otau)d-iitlVaillSrd.tOirstvle3eatAmeby : riots own fingers bad to do all the ti i;11" myself and a young brother who IA now away at school. I am far from sigh now, but I have bought this little iIEME home 04 of my own savings, and I have Many comforts, and llttle work Compared With what I hid then. , • Yoneannot mean that you did all Your work yourself?' asked Bob. ' Yes; every bitof it—sweeping, dust ing, cooking; making flies, scrubbing even,' she answered ; ti ith a merry laugh. 'But to a peiaou of your retinetnaut . I never lost one iota of self respect thereby, Mr. Flint, it' that is whatyou mean. I should do the same thing over to-anorrow it it were necessary.' 'of course it could not lessen your self respeet, nor could it , lessen you in the estimation of any one man or 'wo man of sense. It is greatly to your credit, : but I dti not understand how you, found time to' write.' always' Made time for that as well as for reading;• I think those two things are aki hecessaty to me as sleeping or eating. t The ditiladlty at first was to get ipablts,hei for whit I vriote. A novice le 'literature Must have patience and r peree'verttrice in unlimited (pant!. Ales, in order :to succeed, But when you get tr - fair start.•literature pays well, and it; is 'a delightful profession, one that has nothing } repulsive in it, nor jarring• to one's sensibility.' _ Still, as you say, ,there are difficul ties at the start, and it must be fearfully discouraging to beginners.' I believe thatit is fo many ; but I have always possessed such an amount of Self rellande, that I' was never dis couraged for more than a minute at a. time, but kept on, bearing in mind a little precept taught in the days of childhood : If you; don't ;succeed at first try; try 'I tbink I must take lessons of you in perseverance; will you teach it to me?' ' If I could teach such a thinei wo'd found _schools for that purpose. I think it can lie acquired, but it cannot be taught. iWill you stay to lunch?' No, thank you, I promised to be back at Ned's in time 1 . (or 'lunch. I must give 'him a little of tey time be fore I leave) You ,know I go to-mor row. It has been a much longer visit than I intended it Had he been watching her, he would, have seen a sudden gloom fill those gray yes of hers. Is'nt your departure rather unex pected ?' , `Yes, rather. - May I come in again this evening, and take a farewell walk with you ?' You may ; but youcmust accept my hospitality this time, and come to tea; after tea we will takepe walk,?' So it was agreed, and Bob returned puuctually-t Miss Blake was waiting for him at the door, the vines around the doorway' forming a frame for her own picturesque self. She Wore a dress of silver gray, a soft intiterial that flt.l ted her graceful, slight form to perfec• tlon ; she wore a knot of scarlet velvet at her throat, 'and 'a bright red rosebud nestled .in green leaves In her waVy eheetunt ball. • ' i catmot *go to•morrow,' thottgiat ppor Bob. She met him with a sweet, rippling laugh. ' I'm so glad you're on time; .1 was afraid my blicult would 'be all cold.— You are very good. Come right in to supper.' - .no showed him into' a snug,' cosy little dining room. The round table was COVtAsed with snowy cloth, and fairly glittered with its display of In ig h t silver and shining porcelain. Arc such deliciously prepared little dishes; and such fragrant tea. But somehow both guest and hosteps were unusually quiet and reserved over - it; both felt that this was the first, and perhaps the last meal. they should ever partake of Wgether. After tea, Wise Blake put on ber bon net for the walk. Are 2ou ready, Miss Blake ?) asked Bob. `ln one minute; i•caunot.flod my gloves,' ' Can 1 help you? Where Alan I look?' . . ' Look around the room for them.' Bob stood up composedly, and looked around the room. ' I don't see them,' tie said. 'Wait— . perhaps they are in this drawer.' He opened a drawer in the writing desk, anti found in We. faded Mae kid - glove. ',ls,this one?' I,filie l looked -at it carelessly, Ind re ; Oh, no ; that is an odd gloVe. I losit !the mateio it long ago. There is a saying thtit everything comes In use once iin - seveil years. .I've had that glove , seven' years now, and it's of no use. think I shall throw It away.' ' Wbere did you lose its mate ?' ' ; ,` wal Wilton; I --belleve—a little village that I don't suppose you've ever beard of. I remember it ;well ; for iu those days kid gloves were a luxury" to Me. ; I had got this pair to wear on a visit there, and ,I lost oneof them corn ing fqon'elmreli the day before I left; so11,:id;to go about with one hand un gloved rok Bonin time afterward.' Intvethe Mate to this.' Ellie Blake looked at him in utter aso tonislitnent., ' What do you mean? I lost it seven . .years ; sgo.' A l An . d. I 'found it seven years ago. Te - Winded her a faded little lilac glove, thenudoubted mate of her Own. §r4,! .this..ls the 'l - talisman that has "bi.Oiight...tne, to .-you. Seven summers ago, 111 i;i:4 1111).4, •on a bright summer morning :77 lost en,* a morning as this, W,e'r--4..found this little glove in, a bed , sk brook,, Ned Maraud I th f gri X pledged my word to'ffini e flitit • :l"Ywn"iild find the owner, Orgirk the 11,0414 that wore that ghWe r liave found ;the Owner:. I ask hermOierpethw i htitid eatebtinke for LITT 4 a ‘17111 , i he give it to me? =I 4ave wetted riven:long year's.' ,Ahe Triiseri:ber - beautiful eyes to: bis, nttd,Oesread,tia answer there. , '.l'brit,gkivektrre mated,' he said, •e 7,1,1 t-fit • IV ' - Iql 1 ' V ' Haute, I .kbr f_eg o nt o s t erre 1 pdi -1 'Elnai ' etbke iiq' l l'Als' engagement wbile iho" toliteiiiiiipleporing fort e nev em(' 14 biatiee be 'Happened. to lance WO be Ml:Joint:4 found tile brl ewvas :r i ditte nietiniolder than Abe bill reale I ,inillo fori okle:sald budid'ut Intend to i t broom ,onstAildpeOple., if be could bell) j '14 . 1 11 •ItiliO! lc) .1‘os; . : , - .... :1 : -_-.........___. 1 11 in. IPAa r iiroitito 161 . 44340 ttt whetlipLpiaste c vet good. tctrklefatkJp9tat4 l l.4, l VP#lLA - ; tilted itet- --.., 4e) an -.lite& b y sailhe always . sed gravy °Antler — oil i - potatoes, but supposed any one cou ld good manners, fairnets 'end candor; get accustomed to plaster it they 'wade , rand not by petulant mperlousness.— an _effort. l'And I charge, that th y oftep Mire evi. e Agitator Job Printing House, d with Presses anti Typos to el's« of joblVork with neatness 4d dittp.toh. one of all the latd styles of typs n added to this department. wen'& Cono took, 2ti Flooo ( e orreep °nano of thy h i gitotor.] WAiIIIIMCIP, (D. 0.,) 'Sof. 10, 1371: You ave promised your readers oc; easiona letters from-me: therefore`i must w Ito. But' what to write about 1 doth give me pause. Have not all top ics been written to death ! I will just grumble. Grumbling is always,in or der. Vde all Republican newspapers ; vide, x ore especially, that eminent Man, the founder of the New York Tri bune. Allow me,;to grumble at him ; he can't bo hurt; his chances for the I n Pfesidet cy can't be I paired. No put ter, though,: if they. are ; be doe 3 not want, the office; be o ly runs to exploit his one-term bobby. Th 6 qhestion is i minent, whether ho Is a dfitnigad; b, d agogue, or a fer ((urn Quifl. He has ong made-believe to be something bigger than the Gov ernment —ableat of - statesmen, and wi ser than fall creation .—the pilot in Ott , • sublunai j y roptituenti. Congtais 10 a school; which he . keeps; or rath-- _ an Which he sdret3ts to drive, He mds our E.teetitive, - ; and not , but those of Europe and Asia, !ady to " boss" any other fa n world._ _ any weakness? Let us iu. be " rigid past:" ,•• tetkun, superlnts ours on) and Is the knov Has h quire of hen the ,great rebellion was be born, some one proclaimed raditions compelled us to Per :cession, if backed by a olear in the States about to secede; I e not fit' to mention at such a lever so , true. But' it was not 'e have nb such traditionS; e had, the Union stands upon transcend all traditions. Ist. •N: trying t, j , that our mit a : majority a doctrln time, If true. V, and, if reasons , Think c. I a patriot, who holds that a servile, sectional majority should 'coun t tervall 11 e great fact of nationality ! 2d. S me oue, who ought to have been mo e distrustful of his ,own" mili taryand what kilo ledge, raised the dry, "On to Rich ond," and kept it up; when he ought to have known that there we not, and could not be, a com petent r ad iness for such a movement. ard. A ter the rebellion was crushed, there wii raised and kept up another. cry, "1-1 lrry up reconstruction," when, the Lord knows, there was , in the South no fitnes . for rehabilitatton ; and., be cause- of the pressure upon .Congress, thus can ed, the business was slono in foolish I, ante,—and that, moreover, the got tlt, even yet, to be hi the States. South is Union 6. It nee clitiOn pi part of t terventi eil a long probation : in a con /mating guardianship on the lie national Government; in an for the protection of loyal people; due administration of law and conservation of the peace,—without any obstruction from hair-splitting, constituilional quibbieFi. 4 Appe 'dant to thii cry,__ , WAS the call for " no vere na al anest,!,. ;" as If, the 1) pri vilegl of voting, wl [hunt holding of fice, were not boon enotglt to be con ferred 0/ perJured„uureclainifcl rebels. 4ill. 'l' is cry ; " Uurry up specie pay ment," IAB been vexing the .dull, ears of Time for the last six years. ,' , ft is c pressed tpat the resumption of specie p i 1 , lytuents Vould be followed by a " eras / ;" but uged that it is better to suger this, an e —take a new depar ture. (ee Tribu ,c) What owewa n 1:c. t to accompitsh,by a ti return to specie payments and a mixed currency ? Without - a metalio curren cy, we bave'bad prosperity through al most a c ecade ; such as we never had before;—simply bees/lee oak paper cur rency had no direct sympathy . with trade in the foreign world, and cannot be lucre: sed or diminished by any,,for eign ex geucy ;' being subject onrY to the per urbatlons of trade arising with in the c untry. - . We d not need a metallc currency for the ies of domestic commerce ; and the Pao e completely the precious met ! els bec me the subject of traffic), like grain a d other staples, the more I..7,ex empt s all we be froM great revulsions, invelvi g general bankruptcy. We have, haw, the best 'currency ever in vented , si.h. it is assumed that the founder of the Tribune is reAponsible for the spirit in whl 11 it deals with the leat'ling men ... I and in asures of the Repoll7 , a_nlpa , rty, and th conduct of the AdministratiOn. And l' ever that Its oriticiSm has been unreaspnablyharsh,—often supererog atory and gratultons,—sometimes sel fish aid narrow, and tinetiFed With blgotrf and' prejudice; - 00„ i) . pon the whole tins been calculated tb inspire the hon,est Repadlcan with unreason able distrust Of ills parts.,-and a erlpi tie). ti , Hiiifereice to its snece.is. For some reason„ not otherwise to be plainerl, I thin l; it would be found, Ota i llyest igation, -that in those sect wherq the irtbttina Is most read, Repu stayi out e them licun voters are most guilt • of g ut home on elecLiou day, vath trnordinary means used to "scare out." li this is my proximate incentive willing. The Republican vote, eLr, is disgracefully small in the l y of Tioga,--where they all swear e Tribtl7l . o. he Tetbune le not responsible for who is? Are the Republicans of ate) banner county'naltircaly pre• !Fed to dawdling in polities ?—un tutil, negligent? Have they de ll their first love, and "-gone a ing after strange 'gods Vl' If they there must be: so:no exceptional At to gr ttlip MIME IMRE this, the dtsp pun Bute who have CAMS I well understand the plea u p o l li w,hiA the Tribune and other leading RA p, , [Akan papers iqulge in' the Ink- ' wry f censoriousness, - at the espense of' thei friends and their party, and as I bell ! ve) of their country also.. t is, ,, that the Republican party differs; andifr, e i train the nature of its gonipos.itio and! 'lts P inelples, is bound to differ, n its ! :: ee-on my, trom the so-walled Demo ratio 'part ; and whereas the latter, as a gen- erat thing, supported 'lts administra,-., tiou. and its authentic leaders with ii .unit d, subserVient approbation, and *,hkel ed its official nialefactors*to the' title most,—the foraler• Is to expose' . with ninerity the ! shorl-comings 'of its i own men, and e ! se ew indiscriminate sitVi) rt of the me sures of its leadei- • ship. And, more° er, if theipartycan-s' not s and this,l it =list " go to the dogs)! t I ami happy' in i i subscribing to this! ! . Plea, k lea, and ao in be ievlnglhat the,par ty ir, ii not "go fothe dogs." . - - , . 'But, I Submit to the ticnil i geds , of that : il - ii.Sw,'tilat there IR'a•bt M esode'ef tixer-z: eisitt the function Or Ofteiftt hip'; * and' that it ontrittan: i: ) Ouniteferlf '‘" 4,-- ' ' my ex up- one the
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers