r TIOGA COUNTY, AGITATOR. ()cal Itews: , *ESDAY, NOV. 15, 1871-., PSIE 11:dvoildsoTnenta. B. Eus imam - iteal Eetate Agency—Walter Shprwood m.l/.111111. I ;',wing Machines—J. K. • State' Normal School. Coro Ordinance. Troy, 'Mere are 70 pupils ,attending the Weliicorn radol:sclui ollthiilt6 out of the bo• 1:411 attii&te'corif, - Cou pir, T; to c ;acr iHro ti emu )1;y• call. It 4 lti 'Ott MCI 1.% 13 going rapidly forward upon 1L Welkhoro and ElklAnd'road. \\'Mter Sl)tivood now oi : erLug, in lots CULJ Lis Wetio'y efeienlike abnyber'slop-arit cLo tat retvca. - , , • LlEfardiC Jcarx.tx.azz--'ll.lls is.trilo title %jolt Haze papor printed iu this village by Arthur 3j, rtuy, in the iutcri.lit of - the llertnato Bodotsr, .s;:crete to tb epterprigr, . , ~ Tiiii ulk Ital. 11)ecti.ng or :1,11i.) St'qtiy . ... f,)k 'i.tit IVOth6 Co , via be held at tho hottio of C. C. v.' ileos, iu Stony, rctlr, on, tho 4th c f Deb., 6.t :: 0%,'.ce1; P. v., f.-..r tb.e eleetion'of viCere. -4 N , :v 15. et .1: BEET Baldwin of 'aid 'al Li i e•tc , ru last wed:, D. ))e£ t raised Gil 'farm irk Sullivan, that wcithed 8z lba, cud utenzurod22 111C11C9 11.) tiroomfrelico. Tbia yeas not of the dead beat" variety. The yi,ltuge-of Ch Cu; g T beliti.g Ara' t aoln, by taiefortune; their term was swept away Ly fire, but is being rebuilt with flue brio's biceps, that aro a credit to the place and its ens 4f11114 ba,iarte men. Tbey.liave turned their, lore to g o od aazount. IllessiumPlsotuettooes- ohms , in the guise of tui.fortties. FIRE:•;-Ttie dwelling douse of Mr. A. itt , n,cacar )rust Charleston, took ilro Friday noon last, and consumed the errflro roof ,Of: the Throu i lb the untiring efforts of the neighbors, the by of the building was saved.-- It is suppOsed that the fire originated from the ohlroney; •Illte furniture. was aoarly all caved: It teerns,altuovt incred iblo that the • above fire was estlngulst;ea by the uso of water blieketa only. - • -- - - - • TAI NOTICE.—Mrs. L.A. New Alan , of ldaosaeld, Lau just received an eseollent ra rity of Mitlincty and Taney Goode from the city, and is new prepared to sett her customers_ with anything desired id her lluO, and at Blida:: fastury ltrle s, ller assortuieut 13 large, and to !cared with groat care to suit the wants of the people.`. Qido•Lgr a call, nod our word fur it, you „fill get the worth of your money. PUBLIC' SALE.—TiIe fartu sled: and Implements on the farm of Mr. - r ! reilows, of ibis villege, will be sold at public veudge, on tins promisee, on %Wanes:lay, Nov. 59, at 10 A. M. In the lot arc hots:%,•cattic, kivaep, hog!, wag : ons, barne..;e, plows?, harrokce, cultivators, mower, ito. po bo sold for cash in band, or on credit, _vitb opproycd E;curity. At the same time pro. positions•wiil to received for leasing, the farm. 2ELL'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. Nye again ntt•.ntiun to this work, from the filet that the inure people eX:1111i1)0 the Inure they -like etww, dr,? tb 1.1),11.d, amid eontains a world of Imewle6.to. :,Ir. J. C. Jubnson, at Covlag tuu, is prepar...4l ono with tho work who wants. Peit,one eleArPng tc renew their cub privti,ne t,) periodica:r, will oblige the publishers by ee , ,,llnz io their names as early ad convor,i,nt be 1,r.: 'he capirati•,a of their present suiiscrlpt:,:s. 1,!:1 obviate the 4oluy at tendss.t •mt r: (.1.1 , 2ri0g r,atuei amid .nial;ing hick Leit,bw , , be supplied with either ii,:rpc•t', Ilarper's Week er./Idiper's Bazar, from the present tiate to the cud r.r th.n 3. oar 1572, for ;.bur • Tnt: Tiogn, County Ti , nciters' Associ ation will meet at Lawreneevillu on Friday next, Lt tea A Si , ti,141 o.entintic till Sotarday noon.— Officcr.l of tho Avociation be elected. Po ptrr, efraya and declamations Nvl.ll bo given by vatiouo teacher?. Profetzzmr J. W. Darker, of }3uff.de,lN. Y., will give an addym Friday eve ning. .1111 tegohero of the ecunyy sre relocated to bo pri•aent. •Ity order of ) CO J!XITTEF.. E: E: ounAorNa.-11 looks as though our lc: (13 are appreciating the ...luitutor, judg tug fro , i 1 the way the ner: rilbseriptions are pour tug iii. Voliintevr risbt , cirilitions and always tho Leaf evi, enon that ri, paper Is giving satif faction. Tirenty Gat' itainos iti.ve bcvit ittl.f.aa to our lArga ii:t in the past ten da:, v. I.ot them roll in ; there t. r. , .1.1 for Mon , . W.: , eloill cridorac)r to in,lie the parer eh') botir. in 1..;72. I 4 11 , )1 aka Wps:. tn the. sing:sr. But if roe firs , 1,1 1. 4:t un - reliattiltl In lit,: is the second let,-We.,•11, the 13 ly 13. , ca!ist of the .Iklaudclssohn Quititet. Out. of 'listen, is renown ed ns uttu o the tittent ballad singers in the coon ivo,:;uttirtrabl4.intusi3l.l tsltst. entitoly the Etst appointment in the Hermitic Lecture COUr24.), No - cm bee 39. get-t.iekete early, in order to se sure a sCat, fir every one will be tnken- ltraii(wo thlelt)rpuottuntly relitiquished at .tho close of thoeyeliing—tr the Ivroite; invatiably cumbust a;:li, Ia praise of tho !paws of those triusiCians rto delight and, entrance their Nadi:linos, hts.true. It is raid that nil levers of zue;h: %rho once hear this club, Dever tali to itaprkivc: au after oppOrtu- Mlf. EDITOR. Will you bo kind Vlmogh to tell Your readers why we are pool i.elled to pay 57,25 per ton here for coal,when the PaIPS•C(181 IS Sold in other places near b$ for *4.10? It certainly 0 , 10 wore for transportation on oar new railroad thno-on other-roads, or we are paying dear zor the whiStie. —For tho inforitation, of "Inquirer" si-o zive ,t.lovr the. thair.L quotations at that plaoo t t avfol- Ions: Obagout pr. tqn, ;;4,, - .311 f Large Egg pr. too, $1,40 Lump " " 4".75 Small Egg " 4,50 Btore " " 1,7.) TO ow PATRONS.-011 the' flret oP Jicuiry Nell .lotrmolt Sri ibe printed oti nen 0.11-, :tl , l t0. 1 . 1 ,,vra urecliaojnally end ethcrai u. T this, we shall bo Undertl .101 trying our patrons indebt ed f, advertising sal job work, to h.NbiN tb,ir al. - monte on or beforo the c.Jullng I: , ,ratot,„r f court. After that I,te, !I r.ur ;1,1,1)1, will oil/ on thpo 4at.: flio,nol , front tirell6bor.). We trutt c,ch oto• rrcl.arcd to " fork over" et .514111, this our uc may around tit , rap lily ns poitibi• iu : . ;,)ti.fli p it in tbe 1.:7 TLE DIT6 du,, thr 0111.N.1 Pl. art re:non - 11)er, at,d bopreplred. Yw 3, ISII. A i;1.1 I> 'lO 1 TE.ITI7.—AS C• ,f a;.,•l.ti etitzsgeti in the • c: a - Al by tie r 1 tr•,i tit id. A j••:k, u 1 , /:411,.; tile !lip :in I ; „Jun art.riee abveu ;he. kzt:r. li e It "oui I,r Knoxville; bat by the time 'it to t o ed the re, he was n,sarly exhaus• ted from the h - of blood. Fortunately, Mr. Iluv.‘ i s ! i t ::lefitiot , of WeVnoltl, wos the - e, who or the clanger, preesod . I i rhie fir:,fcr ui,r,n t he ar:cry, and prevet,tvci the, fluty of 6100 d until the arrival (~C Dr. Phillips, I who dre 4 fea he hound; ar,il ho and Dr Hum- Pbdey it as their opinion that the loss of a . 11 r yoio of blood aL‘al - 1 hoyo eausOd Mr, , Parkhow's Beath. - IVe now reach the outer world. by No daily trains on tho Wellsboro and.Lasvrenee silk R. R. •A flying trip over Oil• road last week', showed ever) thing to be in working order.' The read is rebstant'iilly and. well built. The bridgmi era of anti of the most modern end elegant falltTn. TbeEe bridges rest upon massive loon htkes. of dressed gone work. Already the paS, . 4 tger travel, city and local freight, Make a : airi , asisicss, and will rapidly increase. When the Pa/ is completed to thee vas coal-Gelds'"- at 4ntrita, ta et.ich point iho gratii4 Is nearly fin -4110, all its rolling stock 'be " called, info tip' second in irdirotiiitilio 11 9 Pad of its ohareotor in the 'hate. :,+lC.' u7S C,' xkS`t ' ~'Bl;T':si~ : Y~:~:Tf'.;e~~t & 4 4 , R. B. AItTICLIC.-4V0,r0 ek 61. r •Tti,= era to the railroad 'article on the Ent page of this paper, copied from the Philadelphia Day.— It is worth musing, awrdyier ti . ; thoriliea oitold to Ms immediately it There, we'd, by uo complaints of heavy taxation, if the Pcb‘;" plc could see for themselves that Ptl2o who have eouttel of the money are doing _e.y ., ern.laing that, is practicable-to luirifo'i , o and - priaeot Suppose'a cdntlagration here, each as has desola ted so many places, and such as Wa are liable to have at 'any moment, what would be the self condemnation of the people fur their own neg lect:in this mutter ? And.what bitterneys,of can, t.ire. and critnlnntintr•niuit:.result;TC. the injary'atid disgrace of bur .itectiteddt,y! • If nothing better cats lie devlsed, let "a puhlio` meeting he called withoutl delay, to consider what *hall be done to protect cnraelsres from the petil in which we are living every moment. - .Editor Agitator :—ln your paper of Var. 1 I (Ind n report of a tycoVng of plo C,unty Tcnobere 4:871.i? frcto which I clip thei'dlLifTlb'g " That ;Lc work ef the present Superintendent, Pruf. liortot, been tedious and laborious, and th 0 . the salary paid him is nut commensu rate With OR, services performed, and we would respectfully sugzest to the School Directors of the county, at their nest triennial-Convention; 'to increase the salary so that it shall bear a rela tive prepor:ion in relation . tO salary with the county Superintendents-In the State." I mckklycqc,,,, 10144:51 Instit u te, t 1, i t t",..'„th WatalitittPillatticitiviiiiiloq -iiiiix has ir4t beau favored with a visit from a eonnty Superintendent Or tho last six years. I bepe the members cf tho Institute did not intend t 9 Add WIN ty. IDjuri. • .1 . 011 experiences differ. And " a fellow feeling makes us w u ndrotte kind," &a. ror theqbcucfit of the county, fppeFinprlont, I may add that we have a Set(ooldiebtol.tiving in our district, whose vote may prove of some value at the next convengen. I give this met+ einelly,*(is'an niCentit4,tind will niark .- aba per haps repot!. r • f Itwould • le hell if the people of We!Tabor° knew the feelings end , etti viesysnf those . 11f,thp "Lack drrliTe`,4 4 q4 iristne tentlent a ndhis lahors. YOUT S., for " edueatron" mut f4tr pley. , j 1.1. P. Charleston, Nov, 0,1671. • PROFITABLE EMPLOYAIFN4 . farni4bcd for a-limited number of men r poSreat ing the requisite qualiticatiact traveling eateetiten or eititva , ,t,ing agents fitr , bo S c o t ht. nrjrsci Wert/ Sowing ,if«chlite. Few biz: lots op portunities offer inducements for taut, tisp - '4ty and application, ignul to Ebel 'sato Of wet known el andard • (go*. ,t Übe* anvi g eturents will be tuatfivirfti6lto;itiOt li)nd oPt wen..` ; Cell on or add ra't X i 11.14.0statt. Att. nov 15,t1 33 Loki! et., Litsitra Y. - Mr. Editorz—On the 7th Itit., we left our house for a drive -to fltossburg, I for the purpose of witnessing the dedication of -t a ho M. D. Church. .Just ni the town was htmutifully doititil by burliirt4 Limps, wo reachild our destination, and found a placo of repose. At TP. Ir. we,. 'en terell the new church, which was beautifully ll lottlinnted a- neatly and tastily arranged. Ono is Furpr l,,,-,1 thAta chnpili,fia ,heal k tifl4 4 . - (tool(' Idt, built ->r 0 .stiiiii' 61!ii *4.o.Viiti W.AlthleAllabaa i' l $4'300). . 'lnc pastor, Ito?. IT. Lambio, deserves touch praise f,r hiv skiliful engineering In this enter pl'isie, 21 . .:‘ titim Done for ti. 3 Giot i-erzou i.), thiPliei.t (-Iliac, preached by 11.!v. Win. Sends, o: It inte,„N _Y., trom,these viords.'o,toy, father,- if I , be p . :),-.it)f..., let the cup pas.: fro:lL:me t ; nev- i rt heles, not p.. 1 r ~, ill, 14 4 514 thoy-itPwrip /b.*. - .. inn _ tor ty dimourse, tiponlilf,ir tFettieniViiiii aro'op o f God to man ; tlim gaining t laietory over th devil; and IV - ritin„re the hthlrclAity, "brouill life nod iErirftt,rtOtrty to tight 'F There :remained' an indebtedness of about $l2OO, .bitt,OcoUgh,tll9, masterly efforts of this prince of beggars, over_ S9OO were "180rd-0m circumstices bejny, t unfavorableo , f 104 7 ~' ; z : k Y 'l4 ~- " 1/ =, - On Wetlehltii . , - itll'w. u., we gdth'ered 'in'tlit"l church again, and listened to a sermon by BF', Dr. Hibbard, of Rochester, N. Y, fro those words, words, "The lovb or Christ coustrairieth.- ital.% i i i shall not attemii4 ito i givo an . oppliti. ) thits,lter. I in*, for I shout - a -fat tiao tit) is tlaii - HEE 6teSitith l . soy, it was oneetairDifilayipiiitteffbra ealitit listening to it, wo did pot wonder that the poet s o :I 14 !lig . : ,` .i , 'lO twas love, twas woxdrous love, -- ` , 21 The love ofRol:110 , 11(4r ~ - 6 - - , 4 - ` , , 4 - -, -'; , 4:j It tiro ugh t zofibiii.tor iromlalift .....-. 4 c N1 L .,,, To die on Calvary P'• 11., At 71 P. ar:; , tha church was again filled, ikiingl. the subject of financial was itittioduced by .111.4' :earls, and soon the sum of 8400 was pledged, Which 11 49ticititill siiiiimi IVllfirillAbtecinistria„Tboi delg. Is paid, and with grateful hearts we listened to,or smother sermon, by Dr. Hibhardon .vrltneitank td i elosing_dpflicatqry,,seryioewybto erg. betto.!..l t and impreslive. The -people f Blossburg I a - iiis; !veil beArtaA9l, pot rhopse; and judg. - l — Pefrout thO Manner Th whati they responded to the calls - for inoney, they do appreciate it. CS: TILOS% • ~~,- ~~r at - - * ena I ug d sym pathizing friends at Tioga aro doing a generous thing by way of forwarding _supplies 'from the Baptist Sunday school at that placeto the suffer; ors in the West. The following letter from Ray. Mr. Donnelly, pastes of the Port llttionDaptlst Church,. 0 4P11,2 1 194: VA% . (Mich.,) Nov.l, 1811. H 2lre. E. A. DiWestin, - Tiogq—Dear Madam : , Tour very kind letter came to hand to-day, eta tine that a box of supplies-from your Sunday i school was on the way to thls place ' for the lake shore'sufforers. Without wilting to receive the box, I hasten to roply ; and in case -it does not come in a reasonable time, will notify you newer c/047•fi...) - , r'. ..Eitat. 4,4 - 1.... i. c1 an ia.j ., .. lease airatla Thanks f o rtruti * exp your kindness toward and interest matii.es , th,oartffering Rookie of Huron end Sealtectetioitc;' , -1.10:0C Ittiebiali.- - .TAta, feta - ilf this ottfitaffiti• k0r.k.4 1 -faithrilliX in Sending relief, to the destk itatey,rind 'their actrvity icusinds one of war LiZnego lwiten,";relief societies' rendered' such efficient aid to the country. '.To givie You 50010 idea of the desolation iu the burnt district, permit me to IL t a a ty t° ln ti gt :11 a , V , - 1 11 n tc, an i a n he cast 1, I o Sta , lug _the' he, in 4..,..A. ea of o ' Band each,i h • ', ' ABa , 2 • HT' tlad Elm Creek, is a Complete waste.: These villages, it is true, were small, but 801130 of them contained 800 persons, and you must at once tee that scab destruction of property, at this reason of the year, la very great. Farmers have lost thelrhoty see, barns. hay, gran, fences rued bridges. At present eatiumtes, slmo 5,000 persona are home. lees and i'vadiqs, and between 1,000 and 2,000 families. " Clothing la coming in in abundance, and the pressing want now is bedding, household furni iol 1 re, etoscs, azc nails •- • lumber. If t , fa . I 1341 t i ,'i, stunt M% • a , when , .. • . • .en sofa : . spring, it would render efficient at to the far mers. Lion. 0. D. Conger, M. 0. from this dis trict, returned yesterday from a trip to the burnt district; and says this matter ought to be consid ered now. The relief committee here are ready to receive such supplietkat the depot' or supplies in this city. • -.1% " Ono word more : - TVA g t no railroad run: niug on the lakeehore, and.l only _,lKe i y,to got aupplios to the points Mid*, 411intiorted, is ty water.evietiort Wlii:soontiotetand -Veliatlis 0044,,bAfitatVINUMUL relief nom, mina's a-ere:will Torward at onca'sucl tnitillerras arc sent to their o&re. "Thanking you again ,for your favor, I.:roulain fraternally yours: , JOltti DONNELLY, Jr." Ifavo you a, savor° wrench or sprain ? Miro you rhoumatisin In any form? lla.vo you stiff nook, or, buncbcs caused by rheumatic pains? If so, ifohnson's ilitodynt• Liniment is a spooillo retnetly,und is also tbo beA pain killer in Elio world. Woofteirt see tVarge stock ofoattlo whieh do na'seWiA4 Wave, and corn° out "apring poor." all for went of of something to start them in the right direction. One dollar's worth of Sheridan's Oat,Wry Condition Powders, given to such a stock occasionally during .the winter, would Do worth cadre than an extns half eon of hay. T 4 BffiallilneN. 11 . 0fi h Leaving t o as and arriving at Ohtoago or Indianapolip, horn shall we reach tho West? The beet Lino Is acknowledged to be the C., b. & Q.,jotbed tog:oilier with ill . , B. a 11. ?taurpmt by the Iron Bridge at Darlington, and eallocl the BURLINGTON' ROUTD: ~; . ,11143noit)L l ine.of,t8alliontaltintaing.Iciftinah* connects with the great Paella Roods, and toiiiiF today the leading route to California. The Mid dle Branoh, entering Nebraska at Plattstnenth, palms through Lino°lu, the- State Capital, and wlJl•tbls year be Linlahq-to.4'ort Kearney, for. triftlio film/oft rOterit9i the Continent by • •cr-10 Another Grari s ett of tho B. 111., diverging at lied Oak, fitila Into a line running down tho hits eouti tLruugl St. Joe to Kama City, and all 9 .I•In*?:?I I I4I9.FPSP tl'te etl?A.Nissttlrii tot 10 Erc alight divergence, can ece 140.)r:trim also. . 5 Z. 41 Lovers of lino views should remember the Bur. !Luton Route, for its towns "high-gleaming from afar"—its treVilngd streams—its rough '6lulfeuCtittits alt ears stretching over the prairies further than eye can roach. Land buyers will be sure to remember it, for they have friends among the two Jhousand who have already bought farms from Goo. B. Harris, thciavid Gorainiisioner oflhe D. AI, R. It. at - Burlington, lowa, or among the four thous mid home-tteadera and pro ewptora who last year filed claims in the Lincoln laud office, where "Unole Sum is rich clump toahvika i ll p t entityt July 19, 1871.-tf • - ~., ~ r GRGati* - oMtt l x*.U3teMiddoirte*. Abe bib F C:.. pare 4, on the iltl of Nov. 1871, by the. It - eV:J.I , Z tilkint, Ilr. Ilenry E. Grolonn to Vita Xato E.lluesell, both of Delmar. 1 [A generous bit. of oboico eako aooompanied ,tbo nbevo, nettoor-4.44,,yaget i nted,wellol4,lfy ..' . . kype3. ignecigekto4hePhippy-eßtpre.] L.- -.- , - o .' I NARA.MORE—STODDARD—In this village, Nov. 8, 1871, itt the residence of the bridu'il pa. rents, by Rev. D. D. 13ualc, D. D., Mr. Dinlel A. Naranoro to iEIS Flora Stoddard. DIG 1 4 1311,44 V LIMIB - a-To: his:A 1111,541,,1f10 SII . V 0, 0 1/3 71 p a 11:4 ids idt hele: bi bfiditen tioetitipf ,bylieit: D. D: B to Miss Dpra, Williamb/w :tr; c.. 1? BOSNVORTII:—IIOYT—In Osceola, on the fith of Nov. 1871, by Rev. John Cairns, Mr. Urbano A. Bosworth to Miss Anna IJoyt, all of Oaoeola. aresmittan AVOID 4th A victim of early indlgaretien, causing ner vous debility, premature decay &0., having tried in vain every advertised remedy, ban Ella urea r t a4lf ~r_olfa c gst , lll:l jtot 1" A atia - fritoni; 6110 uficrers. }Pa REEVES, - 78 Nassau at., Now York. Aug. 0, 1.371-Iy4 3/{ - ; fity, Booksellers and Stationers, A T No. 3, Bowen ..t Cone's block, hove Jost jj,_ord roooivod'encl are nom. oporkittg.,t gicaoll ;I‘los. , 0 -Zi r irairzti 'i: fl tiL k, iAI ta WALL AND WINDOW PA ER. I, ..v. r i gi p couetnißon hf i nd, in all virlo iilie4o § , article 5 yt,sp in a Arai clays Iwo' kAU Fel' Statioil , - s fee,‘ ohool book', 4.0., sold to, country dealers at jobbers' rate's. Sept 20, 1871 tf . . . FEMALE WEAUNESSES,„,. There is no olase of diseases knower laslledrelelo; Science of mere frequent occurrence or so little an fora,o ttlestr.,PKuPit 4 o l ; sliettr i tifiliWgetheritOrhettiti rota del. ioney or aomo other canto is often allowed to continue until tho whole system suers, and con. stitutional disturbances of a grave and serials PhtSag.tcr;;;A:Acp..estr.Olished. e is Herb Bitters Is a sovereign.remedy for, and preventive of. all mob eon:1041On. Sold ovorywbeic. Price, Ono Dollar per Bottle. Nov 1 1571-lot I 44ti wty N7-130:11,, r , Vtif Daylo i e.o outsell V 7 litbo4P, at fr. la nd alto t it 1?•t • • d• o Eu311E611114 Stl, all; tidewatita Lbulit• - •rt 'ad actsnue. (tormeriy called State street) and on West avenue (formerly called Second avenue) bo built aro foot and four inobe3 wide. By order of 8UT, 0 81.5 and Council , . G. LANGAN, CNC. Nov 13, 1371 3t "it/11110AL IDi TIM ; IN Mainsburg ,00nduotell on strict tem prrance principles by the subscriber, who will opals, no pan to make this house a pleas antliastimo for the traveling public. Being well sup11116(1 with houto and ttablo room, he will at all times endeavor to yrovido every o,mit'ort for both inaa and beast. t I YIVI Or. tf11.3/- ai tabu rg NOV. 150, 137 T—M * .13 11ACK-61144 li r -14TANTED , - ~„. qvci,,_ o fierztio Al hoein gir and general A1C.72.0 - id is is . otkill,W4o a Rai HOUGHTON', ORR ~ • .. ,..0 ,7,:cr. , 1 4 11,3 w. 4 1 cflo_p3 f k_a. I , )I O :ULCHateI- for - e - Salo,:o , .. 1E AmKjean , otel, Nelson Pa.,. , hensLank '; E lita ri Y t a g i f t a Va ll itir kit* .tf squ 1 , 4 R a cowperica4, 100 ,n 7,94, at i work rear by - ;',, The liraptiirilvilebd - ilitair atj a. bargain. A good man can pay fot:Alle i krrep2Kihqtterls licit) g hula. Teiglii - qtyA' "'"pirtll tail iitaire on the preilitirifAik - 8 11k.f..) Ili' Pi . atll3l l .llaTißti Blossburg Nov. 8, IS7I-ti.-. Blessburg Pa. 41 ;4 4.....:ri s a re glgt. V IS I tti .li4 inAraDerifF, ct.l to et till. d yript Atqlri9A . 7 an t of :InJ tidy) g is ilty, 111): I AlAirptglsiglit!b§ert?49,y I S inti`nupoi Or bkro,""atl6l(Vale.V."ret,lfiverWere without Proferhatkia gjimy nAt01,44 q speob?lity:lWOntldftbritO.Wertmcl - Katittll . A. 13. BASTA' A: 4 ; 0 Detitiht. Nov 15, 1871. . Wellabero, Pa. B. 2YY' ezed froWN.(3 . rotaifigit from a vhil East, T ~:3e,'k~.Nc.~=.:~y,3: ,v:a~k.sa>~r~.`soi 6_;2_ :^ :1 %a::4~eiS'~_Y~+.,3%i ---- i . • _ I 1 I I : . -714304a111CH, Eta./ vory il,VileS&W)tiiN :" --, :: 4 -- • : CABINET ORGANS. , F , : 1 , :::4 up4r191,44113pft,,,,.. A a at * ct J. Swat red. , 14 SSONS given on tho Piano , 040, awl ha Slog og.. An opportulaity for • proott464lWod to tipAtyln.tdOlM w-w A il ~ Se e' zu gt4 7 , 1 11.110 311 ", it tYl f -- = . I efisittiMffliiiii- .4 0 IA" u ." in II kftfreitS • • I, ifoia 'Drug& aftd:leldi6intis,E (Patept or otliorttito)--Also for PA lIITA OILS 1TARN1511VA9.91•64 4 4 st " 1- / A PaliVtlfslV, A `fw. 1 ..., ik , it `d iiii ii6n40,11h 1 t14#1 , 14-‘ ' 1 1 1,i/ Q1 ..1 1-tt itilf i r,l/11 41 g ClheieV'Aiirtilft% ciliVrio ~ ,- , iy s ... ~ p 4., / f MIA and - I'O92EOOOU Alio:011 it , ^'i'`" 'i al 4 - ti il , 4 itaEll ert 47 " '' 101.4sitA ii ~ Itali °l‘,lfikiffitt;tyt teiraV* ja ai d e : e ,.,,, ' primmest of Mr. Ain' t an excellent aeeort i tnent of SALSUBIS, IMITLRIOhB,I',I PICTLVIE, 111,AMES, STATIONARY, CORDS AND z4l,§pELs t , 4p i . &R.,. 4:311-1 7 423 0 04011,ekr _ g On af; SnftareCoireo. r iftrup, fifolaittie, Wee, 1 Epi cs, Sods oto. IVO will not bo boaton in prioo oorr g i g i a li r tY bY Sl' l ' h u o " b l l:l, B l: l l= gu Te r a :il b je i t i l e e Itt l ii can ea bon s f bt at this lido of Now York, Pg. ,WCltei l inZlA444Va. I L4-41.1 5 8 1 01tANDELINNS cks 4-- tte. 1 r of do newest etylos, a n d lamp oblemlee'that will not Oreille. 1. 4 ,.. (4 , , „ , A ~ . F ii tc3 r A : .01104 Akr4o(e# ~., ic.,,,, ~, . 41 0 ,1, s o t lik 4 s , PEPlttet, „ a -40 V, MA , sAtidiallP 40 i 4.0 r , - , , p.,.. a, ._ 44%94 , , ...4* Mewls, CULTORY - ALND JEWSTA/Y, 1 vrnitvi3.4l9a4#fik,,..7 - ~. ~ W+l•l4t toundyltallatldiejk*frott itiler lir thp.itentratitirtoSititiron Mltiotiit ken*, loan 'noway at roasono.blo rates. - ... 2,403. Dr. W. W. Webb has,. his °Mon :In out lipnel, Nacre, ha may bo col:molted' for ' adirloo on troannont. ~..., ...... 1 misTINGS &LOOMS. 8 ept_paB7l-tf. _ ---- .3.. 1:: k •, ati'.'. :7 ()1.,...7 , -. —, -;•'' '' .. .t. VarRSI L AsII I : POPL/1 i 4_, 0.1 L't j e, •',. j A _: • ', TS now regellitos *oat New York. a • fin. ae• - WkaCllll]:o4.el 3l S P I.la -1J ~ .•••,:r,D.4 mv•it . FANCY GitODS, t. i! ..„ ,c ! i r ~F,icr,b oho ont., te ~ bit rtt .01 1 1" - 7.:41m0 .4" l EI T -3 91?4 .W. 1 1 4 ! 1 17.: AT2.11,t1.31!1...; A . 4 ,-- , -" - A gazi;e• - • I.:. ~W,F 4 VOIXAD-; : • , • • • will b en tsVj v cisChatut iip,4 IoW, for ind - alas soWini"tinacibides for gale ind to rent. Willabro Sept..2o # 1871Iy. Orphans Cmcrt In Yit Oa of att. t .altt a;h 7pluint . Court of Tioga •oonnty, tie under. signed, Executore of the eetato of Dented liar. natt, deceased, will sell at publie sale, on the preuilses in Uatuee, the farm of the said Berm nod., deceased, on Saturday, the 2d 'day of Do emi}er, 'lB7l, at two o'clock PAI4, V2,tbeht!glittet and !best bidder. The eald farm is situated in Gs!nes township, Tioga county, near the hotel of 11. goVermll. yea g bounded north and east by lands of 8. X. BiMaga, south by Pine creek and lands of 3. 8. Deinaur ' and west by land. of John L. Phenix, pith courses and distances as follows : 7,L:l3eginning at the northeasfeorner of lot . of sholia L. Phenix. Jr.; thence oseel.B9sll,rode m theuce south 184 rods talAtstjAheinei west 20 rode to a post; thence r brtii;s9}ol6:- greeS west, 20 rode; thence , nor 37—degreest .wes6 10 rods; thoueo north, 47 degrees west, 15 rodi; thence north, 88 degrees west, 541 rods; tbodce north, 153° west, 4/ rode; thence north. 21} ,:degrees west. 51 rods; theaoo north S9ll rodt4 thence West 22.4 rods;, thence oast-, along landeV:sald Ph‘onitlJ434.ll trotbi-Ohoniiiiritirth 59 tfrnde,i}o-the ple ea Of theglhninereiontelnitig 96.9lacres, more or loss; reserving from sale a small, lot, about 20 by 60 feet, need es a burying good; with +kill instssvpd. And 9 good ileum batogt,ial re rrt Tame : On, Millect 4, t 0 me; and Si ert 444 given fur the balance - of purchase money. Particulars given ut time of sale. WM. W.. TATP.,., 0. A. 811IT'11;"' Executors.l Oit 25, 071 4w i Orphans' Court Sale.. Ai,Y . virtue of an order issued „out of the Or. erttameronexamvort: • ick Welty, deceased, will sell at public sale, on Wednesday, the fat kAtez .of-Noytiittber,4Blf,' at opo o'clock p st:', -.. 'dt - th'erChririllouifo fib Wells. bord, to the highest and best bidder, the follow. lag described lands , Eituate in- 1,141 r town.: chip, being the farm of the late Va. - Welty : - h ? ,)itt. Beginning at a post, the northearst corner .ortsfarrant survey 1510., , 19,6,13• thenoa west 58 ticrehes to a post ; thence south 88 8 perches to - Het luAllits.WlJotinhyilrewster lot; thence along the land of said Brewster, oast 53 . perok- L . toe - Volrtifiliii!Witiferfitg -f irta; irsinia-tifttb: 88 8 perches to till place of beginning ; ,belhg part of said warrant,nstitaining - 2Y., ( husret ;,.-, 2d. Being nortin pillttot4tariant4co.4Bl-1. bouided o.s the l tiqtth.q.ls,ll4e of fOntc; /lat 4. [ ly .sid 7 3oo/ ttylo, , litet..bi Tahat fitlutti Ileyltridliftli Vieth' ellireintalif',Blisoli; bb east b:tiaildepf trimulik ','Wel,tY espliolit eon. tatniEg 82f Sicides — ;'in&lB4Mi."' -- v 4— '' ' • '. 38. BeMvutinittltripeittiln fhlttrtn, leTtl,litte of lands of wegpFidoptil - Aosd'ealyi thenoe north along said Bon 83;pqr.thea„, ttl,,a ,beeolu thence well p,erchoto a r post;, thepcloonth by lan& oflsrael ilieenllef 83 perches to a post; thence east 17 peralton tothe . place of hoginielog; cos taint rig ,8 ~ sin art aud,l 3 ; p oet, ~ , 4 Or. 'lleglhnidetif p poltlii ' lino", of lands of BenryJhardlyi tbeneetioutlo 49.0 _perches to a beech; theribis3ll lAsettlil' Itudi;'. Wilt' 49.9 perdhes, to-rbeech - i',:thetzuse.hy, unsettled. lands, west 144 perches, ton. beciehl,thiiniselry lands of Jonah Taylor, noitli '44.9 - ,p.ihell'ell, tt - a "pod; thence by lands of John Laveividd,eait 144 per ches, to placo of beginning; containing 42 acres and % porche ! ~,, 7„; r, i cr t= ~- ..- ;,, r , ~ ithr,,rOtto r .thia ht . tline'ef ;Sileorie , third on o 'Yaltr' . th hritifeezi,i onaltDifif illi 64 death. of Mary Ann Welt 7 „. widow of satd t'rsder;ol;, de, eeudfdiliith ;iatilrest'prcsault3 Item, confirmation, of ersto:l34ltbler,ariiinclly ' and' talso . 'ilecnred .bSI . bond and morighge 7 on 1 beliliticik.l4ld' (Pki AR:Yt .i 4 JAS a I Litif •A't t 411% ° tt . 1 '? A dufrs .1 or s we. rpHE underiignedliitiltori arp . ,sioted 14 the Orphatt'd Cott4t ofViog4 obittyy)'„ . . butt! funds nrisin t e iron the sale of real estate of 'Zeman Soper, deceased, and audios and sec-_ tle tho acouunts of Erastus Rose} adialtifstiator of dccedent af.)reshid, will attend to the duties of hs appointment on Friday, . Nov. 17th, at l'o'dlock r.. y at, hip ojlo e Wolhaboro4, °tit. 25, 2,17' ti.Nt . 4 AiellOPT E. -e le ri 773, i L lit-ST . F',l4thvgi( 6 3.,i, . 1 , ioTiuE is hereby given that Mathew K...Re tan,Admiolstrator of the Wile of Clarissa liryais,tdiefestot . reltPof 'Jitcksoii‘ tb4iistip;- Tioga county, has*Sled his account in the Reg ister's office for Tioga county, and that said ac count -will be presented to the Jadges„of Orrhans' Court, at agivision - ef•iditilie udtt to ' hell at Wellsboro, In and for' said bounty, on Motidny, the 4th day of December ltt'i I, at two o'clock P. k1.., • t0c allo wit ncO an con fl Opp, 1 ' ii. "L. DE /I;24cliiitinr. Vel4.boro, Nov 3, 1811 - noe43t • .}0 ~. - . - s•. rz. r.or - -, - , .:...e1,9, .1 p, A(I OtiiitergiQr 4% &Mai 1 ~: 'L tri 11 E underaigned baying been appointed Al. c IA ;iteinb ita trator of the natalotrt:Aulatiolloio, - dece so'ttralfC,Cligirim township , all persons la..v g claims against said estate or indebted to lc, will settle with D. D. LiOAN, Nov 8 1871 6t. 2E3M Ra recently been Unproved, and la ncew vltbuq, a doubt,the + • "k.'tl 011.4 4 er. 2. Ea 1.4 IV? 'O, .1 •14 9. 44rafti . NEFFAIMG l iNfaeffloo.4, I "u- " '.l • MEM In the world for geuerttl,pgrip9o l , . 1 ~ . . , • - t3'} " o w •,, - • : - .1.1t4t11.4ki..,4L1.):', :4 i u t-..k.) ,A.,i. ; .., • . ‘ : Vaeg everr, ma ori. , ..v.Y.oric witn me 'Oast Tro bliir,.. 1 ~,,-,, •, ~ , , ~,-,-.., Never gets out of order, and wilt runa life time rithout repaire. , ' `.15044 Purobiee a Sewing Machine of nO4IE/AA. Itintiliiyckii.ba*itieeill4o - ' • ! ! ..,,,,,,.. 4 - ~1-,,.! , .. ~,• : .. 3. R TILLOTSON, Genii Agent, tate St eet,` Elmira, N. Y. OF - 1.. t.r -,..., :,.,-, tic.i),!.. t; ' L- 1 ' 1, [ - ' tA. V. Boy= /wnt• f 'Welletioritf:'" >a " •,. 1 i 1 • ' . r 1 • r . ....: 21 Vl a d . ~. . 3 I.L.s 417 .....,,.L.L._ ..-", a ' t ;f, r: ,„ ,; .U. • tilfi;z3.), Agent, Blossebuto. , - ;•.1411- . .; : r t tf,fli...):-Ii ''.- 4 ‘ , ..*-• 1 -••....•541i0 .vizsl t , -,i -1 . ,, , , f, {., rt PAR St Ali I I IitrLIELEY, Agett, E,flotvIllio: 1 4 ‘.. -, .:1 - • , . 11,1,>„); .`. r6., - ;.1-:;`, ,r, : :r , l . v , 4 ‘111"/6u1) Fibtt VF .1 0 ,,ELIN3.,#gpitk'lloss,rts.. , - . • , ..,-, i ''''.,.( 1 , -, , 4.11 . ,:. i 417 ?..5..Y.... ',./ >•:-. 1 1,11 , i It f.rt,ct 15,;:' 1811; t -1;', 7 `7. - ,t<,,,:.:i,., - 1..: , Q . •,.. .1-.1...L'fi!45 - 7.4.. $ 1 _ 1 1 ...249,VA. „I. clitl , ;.. ~i,.. ri 4 . , . . El • ....: < '-',..; ti J Fac i llff ,ki.. Q. ..,a ,s_,. i , pfitagp l f.„. 4. ,„,,.. 74 A , .-T, It - .t.-.3 I te.gre 4 . 4.. , oittattfirS.F4.4--.. - 1 XX I. 1 , 2 ,a) 3.? 417, - :,i,-4.„,..,,ji443 1, cirpl.mai It, !tilt:cull. lc cr•tecil 4;1 44 ' ' 4,s ~4, ki. _ Yie pre a ow fully ?tripod 4df.kfliffpfel'lspil tiiii;"'"°c4 - 11 * l'' .....,,t,S., ) i .;';,, i \ i.k ~i. 1 - . ' 3'l :1.'7 IA 'IL) ' t , A„, - 1. ,440 , -1.1.;.k CI . :!•4 Y.. ,' ~-'„ *if . '..,...1 I 1 , • - ~,',,r&e.lr! ',lt::'4. V;il2,. .i, Jr ~. :3 - , P., i •t...:'..) t:J,',.,a,,,,i C:00.1 1J 1.... , ;:,..;;•73 VI . 1 . • . •r, L.1.,./a. ~, qii It.„. '...1%3 ,' 3a r „, t.-•.t; at i IS i '... - ~:•.-••.- 1:,‘.':,,..3 k. , ;• t4,>:t 'IL - .. - :••••nq toP " -c•K -• . •i 6 , • y al ~., ::-.J,1i , -: - ,t: : 1.-,tA) 4:,' 7 4.a L - . , :.., , .; —„ , ,i.j: ":„,„ . tv , , att . r .:•, l , j,,,.. ~, ~, - ',..,- • .. , ....U.4coss.tcll• ~.;-, Li - .... .-,.. •1. • , ~...... - . , I, A k y,t 5 _.‘_ ... I_ , •_vr l L c,l 1c Tatrineheil bOlnalt nurscr UATOCIADN OF (1001ii,Verettili to'inelie al OttillOil PAO* "AUOPltiltittt 1/BTOXC:I.S Alk ea eulooy_pite ttenc.. 6as roar eboome to favor ue wi th ate.. • • ii• 7 ...: . s l ams : 4 tailill : 0 3tt I; :14 kat;l•74lkia. Su; ! ..... I ~_ ~ -.- ' .•::::::1- 1 .,! 7o ~.EN:C. f arrtifl I: k 1 DOA aMst.s.lcf if:344# 1 '2" 4,t , 1.1,tay. , ,,,1ii u.Lia:aa.i ,t .01, ar,l i zitrlCl: ..e4 5,1, .A b2l .C.i. tsi .-..r.,.. t . .- „VII, . 1% .*:. Ft.12..6...,! ct ito i 2-9,..1 , Ai) . . ,1...• ....,.‘,44- 0 an 1 ir ,. 0 ...r la r ~,,,on , A •• ~,,,--,,., ~.t.:, ,„ ...,..:t ~, ~., .• i ,•• 4 -.- . - ...ek , - .;,.1, >_•`o , „\,,: c i'l 11,, ,:i i - ry , liaiy .- - CM i .7g1:114 . 8:.,7. '• 3 .'''.ri . J , :f, A1..,..1-.11'; ik.,1,..• • • ...V,..W1.4....:',; - ' - : ..... '.. ' . 3 "..,..• .. *' . l • *. z. _ : „l L s , r - i .I rii' it_j.l"_.'• 47.....f•i. '. • • r A. yl• ._ 106 ilk. fifinia.Witg,triltf ttit at tnefoesc, katialaiT.l.N6l. ~.. -o ...,.4 .. ,•... ~,..h.,t, -...-,-.1 il' tz ..1 ~x. i.l 4 : tai . ',... 4.:4 I 1 'lie "ocr i 3,0 , it, !,,1 -,, • - - -• ~ ,-,, DaVSB GOO#9. 3 ;:ifithrol l iigt i lliVilliilieW ety,-: 4n- •.- , 4 '' - ' l ' . , • ..L__, Vricinfig"f 041,15g/IPIHRB, yibioh we Deli by lie. yitd.• or ALl4S`Tttl)argat 'by O k a mole 474erienee worlinteu'On short notice'. , • 4 , ,t1;•14 - olf.. - 7. 1. .,,. • i ; ~.._,.,,J,..1: ,t.-. ~, ..•,•,,, 1 , .-.*. - ;',-: 1. . :L.. 4.,•..,... , . (..• ..... ...7 „-. .:.:. ~, . 1., . • '' .l a . V- 1. : 41 ' ".. '' —' ~. ...., 4.,.•,,,, , „.,..., ...:, „ T y,. „,.,... „,.,‘„, . ~ .. ~ ~,,,L,. or , .9i , Nfisse..s , Children' G-entletnen.l4.ind a .„.j!- 71 .- '---5. -:,. " r .• I - ~i s • V,iVW '...,). ,-;‘;.', 'l l i. ! ( 7 ) . 3''''' ' ''''" ‘4 ' 1- .\' : tC - ,•..31, , t...i ,f, , •:,-, :,. ~•,,,,j. ..•...7.-: . . .1. 11. - ,1,.', 0;,1. ,, :...,% ' ... ',":p le, ,7 ~ •-',7. - • 7 • -- 1,'..1 ' 4 fall 41+641e emitraetn . , it " '' * 4 4 r -.. J. f, ....,,. o i t iel pt r. . - • tot t oe ~,., pie cel4 , ~_,{. ,:fruc:i it() 1 , ~.-,. . t.' ... ..-,-. .1. -._,, • • ? • _ I.: , . • 1... . . . -,: 2 ‘,,- • valiging froin ,, 2o , t 'l: , tO s2.', po p s er ydrd. '- ' --. .5., , k. ~5.... f 1 ik ', • . . • . 1 ''.•‘- .. - -I V I • " 0 Li rn" ' L . , , !„ ') OUT stook is the LA.RGEST, GOODS T I ! $E T ' t?AIONO, Tait ILOWPBTA Alt artyllorte in coßstace, and probably Iti SOUTH EP. NEST ,11511 RP.. - - •" '. "-- . L. ,-,..L.• ~ ,, ,2:7_.__- L -- __,.•-•-- -- p f 093.alag i .00t,.4, ; itiyi., _: a ~, . . ;t - ,w :. i,. .4.65) 1 ~. !-_, V, %.:ivo , ' , "I. gsitTil,4l-W.S#TII , Z if H• '.••,•,, .:'; , 1 1•.14 - , :.••,-,•• <„•.; :: <„; ,c,1 , 4 1.,,,,ca... , 4.. -,, I r• , ,c - i . ,74 1, ...• . ,:7 . • [ , . 3' WEB I= i ~ ~ Jr » ~, ~, e ,i m• f - r . . 1 !. =I & . ' • o , •[ . I 11,:.,11 .;' -, . - ZelletittletS ' 7 : ) 1. e l liar*C. - OtrCOC:64:IB fr . • .1 , . . i 4 . ' 11.....- . 'llifel/fEt,itlito -• s,Letaals, .Freivicit and Irisk.eOpllns . Japanese Silks, - • - • r ,, ,_,1'',,,) ;6 1 11 ''' ahoy colol-ect and B okiii'4;iSillca' , 4 I- , - • - .1 all at pans toneb less than have been sal fob 1Ati05.61-:-Wo keel? a figl . *ii Vl' ' ', 6.1...' , 1 __ .. . ca • rang Goods, Yankee Notions, lid 3'40 Otoss,_.ffats-and, ps. 1 , I ~. lloslerz Irons: , t- - '•',: i :'...' 4::. '"""'''''''''' Wed - thr f titiii? Sifoto fr0ta. 1 ........80 cis. to $t 24 /Boot/ front V..1 . .,.Pi1/P.:'. 1 4: .... .......... kOlt t- 11 : is rtini:.:: - 1... : ....... ....di... 75 els. to $8,60. ateheßboecfrbutl ' •.-..z.;:i.vvils t 0 109,30 .6 "` ps (tilifil."4:: ' ..!......00 EL to 81." Doss' Shoes from st, oo to $1,50. I ' r i • t i I -:•;,•44.„-•••.r., •i- 1 A • I t AIL POlat*bisiiii fhi. \: at uniproodet tea Low.Prioca. 4 •!1; 5 ,.9,..., , ,,i . • 3-,„ , tak1; 1 ,&.,. ...v 6,,, L. A, . i z. 441 L, -, ''s . 1 . - Readrriade c ottii '?..elil qaDunaance. or .., .. ~ ;..- • , 'Mot 01444rabgeeproil.e.1;.6:Aii 10 etc F eh Qinghai - as " . 2 * etc ~10 r r0trtf0r.,V.1,444.414; 5 .341.111.,..../0 eh% Q getl ell u t l fla,ON.( l 99af.litilYklf 3 tt0,,.6tkl 1 0 11 01ikti....i..Et:air'.4;4144 20 1318. % - - ... ; - =', , w-a-w-- - -- x.,. 4 . - a . - ::' fi • Choice Groc rift, • t iFif.Vh -",,-, ,t:r.s.., 4. .',4 , • .1.1- r; i i k l b I d kif t :; ENTLI IMO 'auk:so:s t at -t W'Alfa I Tsai from ...... ......... -60 etc. to $l - 40. rvtifo - go to Sil etc Ailligato ~..‘,.,,,0ti....#4..,.n . r , Ji1i ote. fl c all kinds., I - 7., -- ,, ~. Vortlwei Snikirlitl. , -141444.14.1 1 1 i . .• *. Wl' .4;11"4414- '' - 11, • .;;.. :- ! . :'`,?..:, .:' , Y , ..ftsil'.`, / 4' 4 1 4. . t. t . pl „1 4 .,.,:„:" , I ..,,,..- •,,, , -,-0- -. V : :f 1...:e , .-!' , ^ t'i't,.‘“.-.. ',-',,,-,,, . t e ,. t . ~ , I. ..t - : ..:-, .! .'•, ,', '; 1; ' 'j .,„ " .I.l . ..''`f:'' l,- I.ll' i" --`• ' . • - • < LA ' `• ' ~. , .-41715 T ItEOEIVAD, Al '''• - ' ' - - , -..-- 4 ' - -.:`-‘''' -, ! . .• -: '; =-. :- ',,,i I ~,, % 2 -..,, ' ''- '• ''',;-:._' ~.: ,_,:-.. , -,, - -.,..`.,i , , • ,---,c..:.'',-;.:- ' ' ' , - , zl - ..,>''. ,- -;:' -- ' ----, 4,-' - ',Z, 3 ' .. • ucit_c 1 - Sept 0 3UI Z—Nr. ?14 t -1 " 1': . ; ; ti Ot4fy ' ';;C'• oi . , , ~, ~ , 1,.. ~, IN BANKRUPTOY.- 4 i riiilifig 'to'''`etra l tiol44 , thatt , 4o4.l4lkolsyst Octotter,?l.Bllitimar rant in bankruptcy was leaned againet the ee tut* ofilinttus M. Ittley la of Mayttlettt, in the 4 411 1:iti - o1 a d El to of AnXitylvania, who hits Wen ad3Miged i bankrtpt, °frills own 4petition'; 'that the payment of- any debts and pliteily 1....* .5' .19 a g i 4:::1 i tiuis N. 5 c,4 .r „, ~47 , , , 4 - Cli 3 : : 1 : 0 : : :•,: 1 - ,, 6 .45 'a) cifto : . cl ..0 *I a A '•••' I • • • o 1 • Pk f 3.4 *". 4 14 . 9? E Y' .4 ~.,1 6 ' , 4.6, • A . o r p,-: p, n z PO .4.41 43 i ll , `6,' 7:1 4 4%) V 4, cl .9 g t 4 Vsl ag• o p., f s -I: A , t 3 0 p i ~.., .14 i 15- , Pry 1 ,,,,u!...§... a g0 „.% ,ie,,ff 1 pl. LI • timr• 49 ' P 4, :Air'''. ~10,4 • -:: . 4 Y., g . - i co '4", • 'is 4:: -d, j. 0 ~ Of e 5, 1 4. 1 . 13 1 , 1 3 :1 t , a , • ta, f., 11 a) „53 ICI © V era er . -P. 11 = ' 44 u. si i 63 . 5 k. OM g 2 a jil l .-.. p.. 4 el 5 ,If .1 ~ .. t r? tar; t e..., 1 v.. •.0 , r' 4 ' A 1 1 ,1..,,, 13. , ,,e,a i O . , g 01 1 241 202` i re-r.-21.9,4 , 14•44-: ' po i .4 g: r, Al t tir, , ; 4, 44,24 ch, .In 0... 11 i 4 14 Pt E. 4. ,:, •k' • - =MD _ TRAX : .-..Etta eT In o the endlosuire' otsthe ,übSoritnitlin °barltaton township, about the 24tt ot - SOpteu.bit.; - ‘4leep fed gearing bet for. in° owner icreq,qtatelllo troy/J . :property, pay. charges end away. Nqv 1, 1871 3w ABRAM 11AltT. ERNE NbTICE is hereby given that tho Executors - ',and Administtators named below have r Alld 'their accounts in the Register's office for county,--; ny.d that stad aecounta will be `presented le, , tho_,OrPhapti e , Court for said county. at a session of said court to be held at,..Wellsbo to on Monday.'tho 27th day of November, 1871, at 2 o'clock P.M ,Ifor allowance and confirms *tont • Account of py - eYlitielio ' , and 8. -7 :0..-lfidtion, Administrators of the °stet° of Ruth Lincoln, late ill' LOirsrunce iownshipoleeeased. ExecutOr, of ;ln lest will and test.t 'f Riled! 'Mitchell; late of Mddlebury township i dcac”ed., . Partial account or gars.,AlliT)ltttioutor,iif the last will and tect.thintit` of tor Lona fate cif C.bathitru township, deceased. _St . 1). L. DEANE Register. w4 111 . 1 039),.. 6 Vti. 28 3. 1 .A 7 ! , . nov 1 4w• NM STRAYED, OR !STOIEN. F4AM th t e s . u„ bsez? 7. tr • • • • rnide in on' Bat- j,, nrday the 14th of Cotober 1 1871, three bead of toiatt.to dtaatited aZ,iollowe, viz. „Ono 1,144 , 'e o OA:1100SP rf.,4/ bank, sumo. ITltito un. tially , ,ajovvyr.s.; one-injto p (yearling sicors„onst loan stair. anti ;,be rod steer. Any pbraon inforinati) i n where these cattle can 1)6 found, will be,libarkli,t,4liiLliti ars, It. HALLENBECK, Mallste l a l %.). NiCoop N ELL, East Charles ton. ; 'I Nov 8 18711-,02,, ..,v •- , integre 4(ff ,gt -..4( .. .4,r,tn Stock 'and Im. . 'I ~ ',., ; 1),t,e1.0114.7 41 t. ,1.1,4711te ItAla.sitlak and. agrionitural imple• tnenta , fbeiati iiirje.v.the'farto , of 8. , Fel- A . ww,ellArdi , - :tortprOink '4O eittlei, sheep, Inas, hurfts,. woe t at hafthisifirgoi.le; [ berrtlirs, \Milli Vato re,' mower, If; ,i'ilit be 04rel at public); 4 vend e l to the form . on _Wednesday . November Q. 7 1.... 6 4 , eriCriti baud , or note witb t aßproved l ie y . beat in g ititOlreat.')Atiba . tatitie titne, prop talons will be "reserved - for leasing the " h "' 4 r 4 ttn,i' pr the tfft.f°AY.linfernfalleik. b eetixug 6. s '' in tt 4) , teß. r‘fik - ,; rt44,017. 9f !,r l osc O A4 be e btetitaelkototie- kviutises, or by addressing As ? I?, lydre, 01,e or' WeTrliVelen FEtiltiO ATW SNTYfAWIC, rr - F. I, Q. P. YELL, • t JD A lIIMM .R Ii 1 FIRE INSURA ;NO. I. MiTCEHILL, WELLSBO/10, PA. lima PoMita is Crst ! clas Compipate IX-ac)N*r 3E;Letite RELIABLE COMPANY ES will want Inarnanoe S e en. 4,1671.-Iy. JNO. I. BIITO# he Oheapest Place in the For PhotoOiap4l AT WOOD'S IitLLHR • i OATIDS ,for 60 pouts. Large plata I.lol'framoi for SI. Old iktetures cop!, larged And itntebed.- lu the' toest eve style, f l amos and everything kept, In cirO hand, or fornisbed to order, i r -"-- • ' TIE I L OWEST PRICES , ANO TUE 1 1 . BEST ;WORK. ....cmina tL I ver Gardner's grocery store. I ' . 6 1 .4; 11 4 l ' , ' Wellsbort VI -s. )I.o:;iii t ~-, ;_,..._,„:: . kac wi p, Iroult Proper l ty . 4,. , ~ , „FOR -.9 LE:. .- -- • Lti subscriber, offers or sale the follerklag iir4oity,,. viz i : 20dvil ego, lota . situ atad au let terStieeit;4lotimiia4 near Shotidaa Jilt:, O. ;ores otlaact , fitar:tha -if eipbteit: Thfo'ptoperti *l4 e ., ,, eppl,atillnode'ra,te grid Olt anti thrtelitlYiellt oho he house aa4 Iot,RtrCIMI. Williazas, :liar thi L lVChariiti. i rftehanpto;lber, iiii . t,lao..ttgent, for ci' "frollVtvditStrati tatte der3f)arTir, Pars ti iriag to , visir that eratton via' got. Bails ro dltiolteti at redueed,prioce i and of vOluabill information - iti reference to the Comipany, from lay 10; 13714 f. • •V. BH4RNIrdOOII. . eh HMI SIES Pic ores and irratnee. ME R,etuee cpted. and en- Old larged to any "Elza . ALLY{ Olt , -0 5101;3 Btr!,e,t,i tRYOBVT.2.2. ~lp~}' t~ -~~:" ~. ;~~; - HOUGHTON, ORR CO STONY TORE, Pk Mdaifaotarore of . . el:it:2 .--... : . 4-.-vr--;.:-„,..' lugglet. , .S l - 11171 . 4 '' Pla form Spring ; Truck, an Lumber Wagons' EIGHS AND ' 808 SL 1 . . • t. Wye are 'prepared to do anything in on . short potice and in the best wanner. , tion gfiarTanteed. C0L139,:-Agts, 14elfsboro. 'Stony Forls..Aprilil, 1871. I Wonders Will Never-Cease. 1 fi AVE.yort tried tbs late s t rind greatest . 1 U ioal .disoovery of the a g e? . _ , _ i .4 ?1:! x:4. Paeo7A's .1114yie raj Remedy. - - It cure& colds, diptheria, cramps and pai the 2 ! o a l k o mixt ludigustioni , diardicp, dysen synmer c,onaplaints, ,ch slats morhus,, oho dr 3., Ili by tangle. 'As an' paternal , - applicfl for frost bltes • chilblains; spiattik".broines, l l a, - rhounanastu, sitsx haudtmheptootlutehe, 1 r gio, piltli,in the gde i . baok, and loins, liact3So. of six - yea,rs;*it" bitt 'been foiirid il -idetenct ••to Oo pfoperialon-eiii , kirerikf to lt ,-/-..,,: ~---,' f.::ill: ,'."`...,ii 1,...:. The , piopil•itor et, thla teadkelna fesill,,w/K tedilo guaranteeing it to be the bestledfadj tl: r e i abets° diseases in.tbe market:- I Ni linufactured and put up only , by• Dr.' 13 - es)D,'Plostburg. pa. ~ . —,--, Wholesale agenta-Hallett, Searei. £ll - arb 1 9 Chamber street: Mew- York i - Iy: D. - Teri lt C.,,, Corning, N. I' - - July 12,01:1 4 Ingliain's Woo!ir rills ' .2 • ui4 so biertbers di4et;o6-11-b Cassimeres, Matelot, ey Lk gu mannfaot as ustia!—, ~:_• , . 1 1 1) , '1)111)E11 0 O N NII4 o 3 uiteustontera. AD work warranted an e anted. They invite part - War ettentio their Water Profit CASSIMFIES, eb are warranted in every roepeot. Part la rattention given to ROLL • CAIIDIN CLOTH DRESSING. ENG II Avrs large stork of Casnim area, Aol ictsent less than any compel/tare, and warn, d , • e repreeen tad. .. . 14 GRAMS m mutaeture 'la order, and , d kinds of Roll - Carding and . Cloth Drosalnir, , delf t competition. ---1.- GIIAMS have' ae good an assortraen Oassimeres t An give more for Wool In exolatatgO *ban ••th r esteblitienrit. Try them and aailafyl ,sOl • es.. • ' t ,*( )llettll . B . ;thicte„salp and retail at the • .incltqlse Milli, 2 wiles below Itlioxvlllo. (Jur Clotho are wainntel; [9O eiold foilr thi porpont, 0, R„ rumr,R,Y, Wellshprn,Pa. , I` . .` L. It tr,mytN l'ingtk, Pa. I. P. C. IttliNNWrl.egyati'itctt ,Pa• er,Gel.l ;Nu: , = P.PI;I6XTIOi3 'FOR' —Th c • melisoNuilitl: .Yen - nighiirebY notified at t. . i '1.;'•11 1 0 , 1 ,. ./ 1 ,n!:0PP 11 44 - ItonibkQPlt aint!Oacce i .1 f Tiforkenue ( " Yr COT f a .4ivnrca, frog? e bontia 1:t tnittrinin'ity`.`e Si& Psietcd M roday, the 27th d4 7- r:olt Ifte:re,.%; xt ffir a hewing. In the pretnirer, rthen and h :re you can attend If you think proper. 1 ~ f m pat as , 01 ne any En Atlas V I ea and ad, en, . Now fn7 on NZI CU D. U. NA.ft.tiblO OUTTERf, 110110,111b14; ORR do AND :i itE I. lino latils- tz try, era,F don ett. L I be 9, ' The fa: nlr, • ell !1;-- 1 OU- any ,tit- 1121 1111