The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, November 08, 1871, Image 3

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Local Items.
Wy.IMESDAY, NOV. 8, 2871.
Id 0 - 1.7 Advortiaomont
ATElfeation for Charter.
Slteriffee'Sales,—E. A. Fiah
Court Proclamation.
Strayed or Stolen,—A. D. McConnell
Hotel for Salo,—C. B. Whited.
School Notice.
Blacksmith WAnted—lloughton, Orr & Co,
Register's Notico—D. L. Deane:
uung's card in ancithetc:colUnrir
Tile locomotive distinctly nunonnCes
o reivolo,riTtlepaitttre, daily
,atia nightly, at
o , e temporary depot nt Browsteek- Zt mites a
w and not nnwoloome - echo among ditr hills.
J. B. Niles is finishing an elegant reildenee
Avenue street.
rho grading of Main atroot has greatly im
Fi coa it. The I , :rilssings are being murk im
-'lllo,ltorougli might 1,0 saved possible law:
:olte for broken legs, if the town authorities
", tild enforce, u little more strictly the ordinance
ttl:,ti‘e to dilapidated Fidowalk s.
-11.e' 'nick block of Messrs. Converso and
L \Natilus, now approaching completion, is a ore
-111 tho proprietors and builders, and tom
nond., general admiration. Tho erection of such
gags as thiJ, the Bowen Cono block, Cone
oe and M. church, mairk a new era in the
I•tore of our % illage. Let t 1111 new order eon-
Ei.i.tGiot:g.—Rev. Dr. Huntington,
t I: , will preach in the M. E. Church un Fri-
Evening next, at 7 o'clock. •
The citizens of Chicago kept October
ae a day or fasting, harniliakinn and prayer.
A youhg man by the name of
tinights. ‘ dliAysyLeu4deßly at Blossbnrg on the
25th ult.:
NET.--A GEM—the chrotno of Wa
ter's painting of Raini;on , Fatly Watkins Gian.
It may bo seen at the bookstore. •
The Steinway Piano, which made
suzh exeellont music in Bowen dr. Bona's Hall
ou Wednerday evening, Nor. 1, was purchased
by Mr. W. 'Williams, of this Miss Todd
,;an furnish moro of li r o same kind to : any ono
wishing to boy.
of Painted P05t,•14." - Y., stabbed a young man by
the name of Charles , hart , and is bold to ball in
the sum of $5OO for his appearance at court.--:
The young marris supposed not to bo dangerons•
Iy injured. _ -
LARG,E TORDZIP.—Mr. Sohn Spaul
ding, of Chatham, loft a white turnip on our ra—
bic) last week, which weighed seven pounds, and
was perfectly solid, Who can beat that?
,Mr. C. B. 'Whited, or Blossbure, who
keeps an excellent honse at that place, offers in
another ooluenn a hotel in Nelson for sale, on Tea•
sonablo terms. Mr. Whited having two hotels
on hand nt once, substantiates the fact that he is
really following his calling.
PUBLIC DRAY.—Our citizens are now
proviiled with a public dray, for carrying goo'di
to and from tho cars, and to all parts of the vil
lage. Trunon's-store
ad! he promptly attended to.
ACCIDENT.—Mrs. Daniel D. Erdley,
ci ,rativoo, on the 13th ultimo, fell from the top
to the bottom of the roller stairs, striking he
head on the cellar bottom, and receilg sevcri3
Injury. We learn she is recovering.
THANKsaiviNo. Prt , sidetit Grant
bas ie.-eued - tht proclamation to the people of the
United Strfte., Setting apart Thursday, the 30th
d a y of No l / 4 -amtor, a , tbo day for Thanksgiving
this year. We trust the people of Wellelmro will
make due arrangements for the proper obEerv
atm of that day.
DEA TII OF r _SIi.::.` , ZATPR CONNELI+ - . --
lion. Geo. Connell ilied at hi's ruidenee itt Phil
adelphia on Thursday, 21) Mr Connell
had been a member of 010 State Senate Oince
1;3:1, and had jag be. n re elected by a large
SOMETHING NEW.-0. 0. Thompson
bus struck oil; that Ho claims
something new in the art of pnrtrait painting, i.
c., a combination of crayon ni.d oil, (not hero.
Eenc.) The result k worth seeing. A
1)(11'131R of Pr. C. K. Thompson, painted in this
new si3 le, ia ao lif. liter, (bat it icould net be our
pricing to HO it step out ~ f i;s frame and walk
SociAßLE.—The Mettle(list liociabie
at the house of Chester Itobirt , on, adjourned
from Wedneß.lay to Friday evening .f fast week,
In order to shell the grand demonstration in fa
vor of our schools. (toed. 'Churches and soeia
bles are recruited from the coluods, and any sac
rifice of enjoyment, time or money for them, is
I,ke bread cast upon the waters, itsl:Lich thall re
turn bearing with it blessings.
T. 0. Hollis, E-(1., the newly elected
lftuirity Commissioner, h entered upon the du
ties of hip office. lio i %NCH qualified For the po
limn, and Nvill enrCfnlly gu rd the interests of
the county during Li; term. Mr. %Votberbeo,the
retiring CimiculeAaner, has gained fur himself
the entire o.hnfidenct; of the people, without dis
tinction of party, and goes out of ()thee as he
came in, w ith no untarnished reputation.
On Monday evening, the 30th ultimo,
the body of an infant child was found in Truman
t Ilowen's mill yard, wrapped in n woolen cloth.
An inquest was held, and the Jury decided that
the child was born alive, but ass foully dealt
with and placelterti found, by some person or
persons unknown. 'fhe mother has not been dis
coterekl. •
SnclAL.—A': very pleaktant gathering
took place on Friday evening last, at the house
of E. J. Purple, on the occasion of a. temporary
tuft of notner Follows, now of hij,siouti, to his
old howe. It wee an enjoyable re- pion. , Song,
mirth and convivial harmony mar •ed the hour,
Mr. Panama selected. Missouri as t o home of hia
aAeplion setae twelve or fourteen years ago, and
bike acbleveA pecuniary success, nad- , --what is
better—a reputation f. , r business s.nglicity and in
tegrity. Congritu,„tory,roinerks were made by
Rev. , 1 F' Cqlkins and d s iiiiges Williams and Wll-
sop, a kiLli were beatt ricknovidetig i cil and re
eposdetl 61 by :Ir Pellet }s, in a few fir words
r ile %Vest upon FL,londny.
t 4.
Executive Corowittee•of the State Sinday
prciposo that aim scholars of ail the various schools
in the State he ?aNcri ul:on ro contribute to the
relief of the flflerers by the late fires in the West
and Northwe , t. Let ono Sarapv in the month of
:ievember be set apart in which to gather tb , se
collections All enotify, collected way he sent
by draft or pr,st utTi r ut.ict to ..I.iihes W. Weir,
Cashier of Ilarrixbure. Naii. nal ! L int: Acknom
ledgtnen Ito promptly made of the various
air(xibt.s i , c; ke ; betiele the SAbb.l;l;
ache As of W e lkle,ro mill all t, e 1 it a prt%iivce. to
lend a helpingliar. I in thin rx.client wort:.
1-10:S•1 S. F. W I LSON.-1. - 1 , 0 _trait is—
burg 7r:ryitiph .iur newly proin led Law
Judge the following enruplinielit :
" t c aro gratified to learn that Ibis gentleman
bet been uppoinred addit , ohal Ina , judge of the
fourth judici4l. di:itrkt. , Mr. Wilson is well
known to the eublir ; and as State Senator, and
member of Congrettq has setved them faithfully.
ere satisfied tie will inoke an excellent judge,
and adminiirter justice without 'or foNor,.—
The Governor may eungratulate himself on har
ing fillul the office eo to the sitizene
f that district "
PAzito.Ns.=_On . the Ara _of,
January next the AGITATOR Will be printed on
new type, and greatly improved mechaniCally
and otherwise. To accomplish .this, we stall be
under the necessity of urging our patrons indebt
ed fur subscription, advertising and .job work, to
hand in their respective amounts on or befo4 the
corning November term of court. After' that
date, Mr...D. 11. Curtis,,our agent,, will call on
those residing at a distance from'Wellsboro. We
trust each one will be prepared to '• fork over"-
f it tight, that our agent may pass around as rap•
idly as possible in gathering.in_the. LUNA:. BM
due this office. Please remember, and be prepared.
Nov. 8, 1871. at
1 -. WitiiISOCYMTIrttPOHRES,j2± . : . ;%5 . ,',,..
16one's Hall will ho open to the public next
74day morning, the 13th inst., from 9 tp 12
lock, at which time_ analtspwslisork:;tiokliii
d reserved seats will tie 6710 d." - irieribatlditte
son tickets can be procured at Young doCO'S
okstore, where a plan of the balloon be found.
ale season tickets, (reserved seats,) for 10 lee..
es $4; 2 ticker, (family,) $7; 3 Helots, ( fain.
,),$lO. Admission to each lecture, 50cts.
lit y the managers. J. H. Brrtn. 4l ,
THE ScHooLlMEEinvo.—Some one
d at this meeting on Wednesday evening, that
cause we paid a school and building tax of IS on the dollar, we were " the worst taxed
•ople in the State." The error of this state
nt be seen from the following figures ta.
;t1 from 'the school report or 1869:
erage tax of all the toivnabips in Potter
Lyboming county
Troy bordugh, $5 poll tax and 28 "
Canton borough 20 "
Alba borough 20 if
Covington borough
• -
hero figures epecik
- .
a rt Setipor,,,s.—The meeting In Bow
en ,S; Cono's hall, on Wednesday evening last, in
thq interest of on il schoole, was a pleasant affair.
It has attended by our town people en niasse, and
the largo hall was crowded to overflowing. The
meeting was ono of contagious enthusiasm.—
Questions of the influence, numbers and progress
of lour schools, and the means necessary to keep
thim at the Kesent high Standard_of excellence,
we o discussed by various speakers. The spoe
eh s wero; , interspereetik with instruftfetitaptia4 vo•
d e
n w n e ti l i d . e P r eeti th r' e tne: auspices ln -
t in w u a s s le p , - r w o e p i t k rt e d le a e n te a d: i n v
de d. the music calls for more than a passing no
tic , for it was of far more than ordinary merit.
of - liss Todd, which was of itself a sufficient
gui. rnteo of its success. The opening piece per
forfisl upon one of Steinway's finest Pianos, by
Misses MeElhony and - Dakin, was well executed.
he il°
om o selections ,
sprin : , T ,
, "The 0
m Laugh s
Faust, were
e a r
e C ,c. h e i
p i d; o ' itt a i n iy d
, i ‘
fin , and elicited the most-upVtieletivis4pPiduee
the audience. An instrumental medley_ on
thell piano and cornet, by Miss Todd and Job
We i tinore, fitly closed the musical portion .of the
i t _
i refessor 'Winters opened the meeting by a
plain statement of the paSt and present, the tri
als, and the wants and needs of the schools. He
Was followed by Hon. 11. W. Williams, iit a abort
address upon the beneficent results of education,
which be defined to be the highest perfeotion of
our physical, intellectual- and moral natures; a
1301ewhat hackneyed theme, but happily treated.
Ho . Henry Sherwood Followed in a few off
hand, practical remarks concerning the material
alntages f resulting from good schools, closing
wit some friendly advice to the boys and girls.
- Siiefaeir, short, pithy, clerical and: liprfollowed;-,
from Revs. Dr. Book, Calkins, Reynosa liar.
Har l eher, and others. .
„V i ol!, the music was l inspiriting , and so were
the, l ispeeches, but above alt was the flue temper
ancillpirit of the largo audience., No question of.
coat i alaall chill the, feeling or check the progie - ss
of o l nr F 13110°1 s. This sentiment was aP , P I ded
to the echo. Our schools are at no discount;
tand above par. The cause of education
qir to us, and must be maintainod, f ' A few
I'may find fault with their taxes; it will bo a
t o day when they do not. There, may be
tit. disparity in assessments of prbp,rtil„ - Uabi,
cm be corrected. It is eminotitlr - theinfet=.]
. privilege for all to criticize and find fault '
!feel so inclined. Let that few—and they aro
rd.ral'a guard—bo indulged ; it is the safety'
' of surplus vitality . , We , arc, credibly lA-,
e that, Troy and C`4,14 - n,ii.493:ht9V - loytedA'
.ol tax of 26 mills on the "dolla, and O. poll
of five dollars.
gentleman of our acquaintance grumbled
i at the last school tax, and consulted tha t
.ers as to its eritntiorintitil 1011.Atii
generally in fav r of the . tax; so ho con
d that, either they must all haVe been re
d on the other side,' or werO more honest'
he had given theM credit:for. It only illua
s the favor with which the .school tae is ils-,
d. Our friend paid his oicn cheerfully.
is d . 1
let t
a co
e yesterday paid a school tax—the second
this . We will cheerfully pay
orrow, need - bd. - We Mita inload•schoula;
are the chief foundation of enlightened so
; without fgem4e , shoutor niewaity - -' 7. - elapse
ono I
Ciet y
ignorance and barbarism; a few generations
wou ddo It. Their Value, then, oannet:b.e over: estimated. Good schools do as much 'for the
grolth of a place as any material interest '031:I.-
The. attract and produce the choicest element of
rocsly—they who seek a higher culture.. They
rho hl be ippOAli
ted,siti," 4,t, All liOxtexablti.
men .s,—time, influence and money.
T le best erVico any man or woman can ren
der orioty, is to see that every boy and girl be
twen the years of six and fifteen go regularly to
som gelid school. Idleness i s an—invitation to
e }
vice nod the first step toward &lime! Ignorance
is otir greatest danger, and we may Ovoid it by
edudating every child. It is nu less a duty than
a philanthropy, and the hour of its performance
is always—now. If any poor man or woman
cannot fur any reason send their boy or girl to
sehool, but purpose to keep thetriat hotue,4o do
chores, or,turn them ittto thb7Etteottleto i fritikarif
fortile penitentiary—there'vill Vela great OfiPor;
tunily to do a groat deal, without ' telling anybo
dy; c i f it._ * '`•
Sinclair" sends us some lines which
ladip publish. They are mote like poetry
anything that we have had offered in months,
,ays, " If you decline to publish, remember
silence speaks, louder lhAtiwords.", „Ppr: ,
• ; but we meter tebnyOtaixiitesfan'opin:.t,
I .n any miller Crfferiefei - these eoln'mils7 and
I re pleased when, as in this case, oar opinion
be honestly favorable.
[Oh ! thOFe days are "sad ifiddrear
To us all,
.1.1 eri4pektpad.sott,
Slo%ly fall; '
When, in colors sad and sober,
That pale, dying month, October,
NV it,h_therfaded leatesolethyohe her •
Like a pap ;
~; •
While the bare and brown,
Rears jtacrept.,..._
And 160 dead leaks
'fp their rest ;
Through the dim wood. falling
Then again aro whirling madly, .
, , • ir .t. `
Tly the fierce wind welcomed
Tit its lireabt.
And the cold winAls whistle shrill
Through the vale,
Ail shiver with the chill
%V Lilo thOßlne'treo'a ebakii and mutter.
Sad the pl: : otheiieselheZ
While fileivindiiii:Lsani and'ihultd=
Creak and wail.
?inglog birJs, from la an and grove,
South have fled.
lu'~_ithly the dell cleuJa tno , ,e •
n verb en d .
Neath the Hest the gray trres
Whilc braneheJ bend and quiver, _.
ing, a~ it' mewling ever
3 c
NOXVILI,r. —Rev. George Porter, of
nv. , eave his lecture on London, nt
net: church, on Tuesday evening:October
21. It e.3s well received and highly anteda
ted 'y a.7:11 - 47- - tirriii;ZattiiitiiiiPairdiertee;trerKiii
11. y s under still further obligation, lie . .attvo the
/ I
obti o proceeds of the leetnfe teiward . 0441iloieb;:4 ,
ing he debt on the building.
F r two yeti'risi,linexville.ttnabeisit .4in the line.
of i provement;:nod_;_still,. it
~- , g6e,s op.' David .
Cost s is about to put up the Walla, of a fi ne
brie dwelling the hatil.....:liTillitial Mark:
raw as nearly finished a largo building, to he,
occo )red as A 4;11 3 rell/lift - bOot UW1064 4 1017.
Dca loan hof.',..;hilltlitostdAstunnicltlyk rugl tempt-,
Ingl. displid in his huildineadjoining the
burnt district, lately occupied - by• 'Wm. B.:P=lth
as hi's eill7e. Marlatt has erected
_a very taco,
tow' orary &tore on his. grounds,luik"AiMearli
read to display Ai l slito•vr-,t t e), Atm v ovt, , ;: , si , r ,
1' e lower part :of.,:the b,broui4l, toward Oat; is,
knot n as Deerfield-eciiiiitris; is beitig`beilt "dp‘tial
pid ,_ with dwellings which_coMparefavoryi_bly s
with if they do not surpass, the older parts of
the) race. 4
,-, ~,..... 1 , -,)•-. , - ....4. 4 "'l
Co corning the late cuttamtlntcatten or w up..R .t ,
= Snit , I have only follayllial 1 tilit;ii - goi3a au
-t-liori y for all I. rfrite, nnti had brother Smiths or
the ricer of the actic,linthat appettred in your
own Ins over his name, obeyed the gentle admo
nitio eentained,ltt
,thelag clause/or the; irtiolc l :
it wo u ld never have banded tb ' thO publish
' er. 1 can assure Mr. Smith. that ho,baaloojauCtt
'trouble, c,attecd hs_big.torn actions,' fort, - 04`t04e,:
sire lit the lehet'te'tnnteltse - hts tributattand.'B. _t.--
22i mills
16h "
20 "
1.4 "
. t:;-...
of E. Butteriok's patterns. - Lad es can find a
pattern fovnr kind ofjartrppattisn store, at
(1146 . aslIxttat batt*M . i estalehment in
r' ..o Call and see for yourselves,
Mr. A. B. Eastman has returned from
his trip " down East," and is so far rejuvenated,
that he feels as if he could now accomplish more
than ho had antialpated.
--.440,46,..Wwin is also book, prepared
to • gi Waal& &o.
To the Editor of the Agitator:—As many inqui
ries have been made by our customers relative to
the effect of,the Chicago fire upon tho several
companies represented by ns, we deem it proper
to make the following statement:
The ./E,toa. of Itart_ford r hadAsseta „amounting
to $14047,178 07, on Xuly lit." The loss'it .amounting
cage, which is being promptly paid, ardotihtild
less than' two millions, leaving its capital of three
millions intact, and over a miasma surplus funds
still in its treasury.
The Home, of New York, bad assets amountr
leg to $4,578,006 - 02, It loses by the grest—tre
less than two millions, and its Board of Direc
tors, on the 16th of October, resolved to fill up
the capito,l i to' two on,d,a half millioas,mhich will
Make Rh Aesitti f+rir Velaykng all its
losses, af:Opteage ariAolsewhe'llo. 's I
The fispoico iCoippany of No ttt America
- (sometiatee-eohlbultddd with the cfdlth Ameri
can, which has failed) had, on the Ist of Dote
ber, assets amounting to $3,262,307 98. After
paying all its losses at Chicago, it had. $2,700,-
000 left. This company (the oldest in the Uni
ted States) has been doing business 77 years, and
has paid in that timo 25 millions of dollars in
The Franklin, of Philadelphia, had assets
amounting to $3,225,000, and lost less than $500,-
000, thus coming victoriously out of the fire with
$2,600,000 to pay future lases with.
ehenix,,of,4ew4rk and pro,o,tr % lspiyi
548,580'05 45 - (44134 tof OcUbazi •Si
was"abilt s aoltooif °MY, eav In flea' int If U ana
a half to do business with. This company gets
credit from the Chicago Journal of the 15th of
October, of being the first company to pay a loss
at Chicago, being $4,000 to Hart, Asten & Co.
Sibee the first publication of this card, the En.
terprise Insurance Company of. Philadelphia,
and the Putnam Insurance Company of Hartford,
have been obliged to suspend. The affairs of
both compat4es are now in course of liquidation
and settlement. Parties holding policies in eith
ek_of hesa conspaideh milipleasa—forward them
to al ; Irtailk,otheitaULAWHAta claims may
be made for return premium.
The Lycoming Fire Insurance Company lost
heavily ; the exact sum, though not yet known,
is supposed to be nearly half a million dollars.
This is now admitted to be the leading mutual
company of the United States; and by the ex
cellent management of its officers, it has for 31
years afforded mutual security to its members, at
very low rates. Of course a reasonable assess
ment will now be made upon its premium notes,
and the sooner this is paid, the sooner the com
pany will be able to extend prompt aid to the
Mint-era Id - Chicago and elsewhere.
In concluSion We will always be glad to an
swer—fromlofficial sources—all questions rela
tive to the standing of every company. Insu
rances effected by mail, iniany of the above com
panies, at standard rates.
Oot 2A41
A case el' ( . unusual se
verity, Oared Liniment, Is
noticed by m _ oacnangi A rarge bunch
came out upon the breast of the sufferer, and ap
peared like part of the breast bone.
.The sweetest word in our language Is • health.
At the first indication of disease, use well-known
And o,pprOyed remedibs: For_ dyspcpsia,bx
gestion,nso Parson's Purgative Pills. For cougtie•
colds, sore or lame stomach, use Johnson's An.
odyne Liniment.'
•.' Leming the R . ao , t-artarrirg ,
at Chicago or
, in`diatfdpolis, Ifianr4halt-atfe reach the West?
The best Lino is acknowledged to bo the C., B.
& Q., joined together with tne B.& M. Railroad
by the Iron Bridge at Bytklingtoo, and called the
13075. r ,
TO 04 liA fht great
n 444.
connects'irtth 0
t PARIO liaaits,iid for*: the loading route to California. The Mid
dle Branch, entering Nebraska at Plattemouth,
passes through Lincoln, the State" Capital, and
thtgirritittiiittilitted omitt,„, Kearney, for
ming the a tor est route across Continent by
over 100 miles.
Another branch of the B. M., diverging at
Rod Oak, falls into a line running down the Mis
souri tbroughSyJaeto Kansas City, and all
Itinias! Passengers by this route to Kansas, see
Illinois, Southern lowa, and Missouri, and, by a
slight divergence, can see Nebraska also.
Lovers of fine views should Amembei
lington Route, for its towns "high-gloaming
puffs and quarries—its corn-oceans-stretching
aver, tha prairies ftirtherhsk:tqyvilyi,n, raachs,,
enrikiPriinffintbei ittlat
they - hAvo friange among the two thousand who
have already bought farms from Geo. S. lif:reiB )
the Land Commissioner of the B. & M. R. R. at
&trip g tort, Aowarorlppowthp4lfti r
flome-steadiers.and 44 fireAsolorVirtio lsat - ears
filed claims in the Lincoln land office, where
"Uncle Sam is rich enough to givens all a farm.'
July 19, 1871.-tf
Sept. 27, by the Rev.-T."
D. Shaffon-of Moravia, to Miss Alice V. Phillips
of Westfield Pa.
GOODALL—SPENCER . 1 - At Canoe Camp,
bet 25th, 1871, by Elder I, R. Spencer, E. A.
Goodall to Miss Doll E. Spencer, alle4-.Canoe
A MP/ 6 6J
N E14.60N1440F, V/
etobot b';'' Nov
stb i by tho Rey. N. L. Reynolds, Mr. Joseph Nel
sonof Montroso Pa., to Miss Carrie E. Spencer of
A victim . of early indiscretion, causing ner
,yios, debi4ty, pr9 o . 3 ..•
0 4 / 1 4
ifofeied a`iimpleaeins 'of serf-cure, which be
will send free to -ilia fellow.sufferers._ J. E.
REEVES, 78 Nassau st., New York.
Aug, 9, 187k r ly,
n 3.
MIME UOVIN'S a?. 00.9
-Tl--ZoOksetler :c iia StOtoners,
4' IsT
e •--
RA3, BowerreCorrell lock, have just
Areceived and are now opening their fall
stock of
" - WALVAND'WiNtidVvon: , :?
They keep constantly on band, in itii;talfei'.
ties, every article usually sold in a first class
bookstore. Stationery, alcites„.sottOojikopitA,4o.,.
• Sept 20, 1871 tf
41 3j , rl ft Dird 3.3 rKS)
is.pooltea if, known to Medical
blitiMWdflttite*inueffreccurrence or so little
cared for as those peculiar to the female organ
ism. A slight derangement of health from del
icacy or some other cause is often allowed to
continue until the whole system suffers,
and con-.
stitutional disturbances of a grave and serious
character are often establisketi : ___
MiShler'sAlerb litttAts , - ? 4, ; re•
' esi
,Is a iterett? igp remedy, for, andliriftarrsi; of tall
bnolr 4ontplgia Arid eve ry e Pr tee;
Ono Dollar per Bottle.
Nov 1 1871-1 m
k c - - NE who 'lndent:nods shoeing, and general
tqliitieweilt: Atiply to
011.1 t & CO.
Nov. S, 1471-35 r. Stony Fork . Pa.
Hotel for Sale.
Hotel, Nelson Pa., house and
tZr'n nearly new half tiCre lend. On the
title of Coscanetquo Valley K. E. Wary. justhcing
commenced, 100 teen at worir.l:so
good properly will be sold at a bargain. A goo
man can pay for the property while the road is
.4ptea4)14 411 -'4slPllA3l,,Y4etti*OzlL,^' ,
gime prodises,Tr teas
cZz, "i•r- O
` ,. ..lllMitafhogynYC'S, trifisburg Pa.
bik • /e:o FC/tr#T
1 L .
: • ... , 1;'T.1,r3;.•
the live stock and likricuitural imple
mants belongs to the farm of Fe k.
I iflOrstioro, Or 4 g ofNEXittr, l ,l44/ti
ifotli;litirtff,VAgonst *firs s, ylotia
eultive,tprg,•nteritpr, ft?wwill be offered at public
•Verictrigoti fariii,''on Wednesday, November
pi, 1871, for caslkiuNivnte,lritl7.AmosTd
tpsurity, bearing; rtoot.
40odeived-Tor4iiiiiiiee: be
kihple or part of the farm, fOiluatioji
conqorgi4r, the samA befora,the day of sale, can
l)e'bl3tareed On 'the ptoiise~ , or by addressing
C. p.,y4111,,ene of the Truitees, Liborty, ‘ „,
# l ,7i •Sllriitt6OWS,
Nov 8, 1871 :iyv Trustees.
Aibitinistra tor' i-Witice.
,uPtosislie4tivibolowirpeiltieta Ad.. ?
"intaistratcir tit 'the Math 'l4" - Jam'eti'Doith,
,dtt9.l,ll:oso,44,pf.,9ttathata,lowmtkip, all pertiona
' blitittirakititlitytti44ifili ortiodebt42d,
settle with D. V. 4 IiOAN,
151 kje .1 U taltl ,148910:0
n'a Block.
ABlock. STEINWAY and other
" fJ t 2
fur halo very cheap. AIso,MifiONINAMi•IN
OLU INST4II4.NNX,Sta.Iten is axehange,
A large stook of 'EMI MUSIC just unfired.
LESSONS given on the Piano, Organ, and in
Singing. An opportubity for peaotioe afforded
to thoaemnii.fnay,deaire it.-
ter' GO TOE
H t l iit - 1 7 VARIER S
Drugs and )le4itiiie'S,
(Pateiiit-or cittiorwfse)—Also foi -
and all styles of BRITSIIII9, &a.
`.0.94T4 ,1;1,EAl 9,3ITh.ATERS Egit...eaf
h o iC Imice -
an TO13A0d();,1 - Ala° eor.-.
Roligious., Hikerlokl;Medleal, Legal, blank or
Sohool:N.' B. A; full alaortaient - °fee latter.
Also, an e,xcelloat assortment Of;
cr © 6
On Teas, Sugars, Coffeo, Syrup, Molasses, Ries;
Spices,-lied& eta. We will stot•be,heaf.en In,prloe
or qualit#: . lffn will sell choice Time by the
or sugar by atns low figures as flu; 'same
oan belt:ought at this side of New York: „
of tbe,aeaTat Myles, and lamp oblaratas that
will notbr,tair- '2l ; • •
I4ifrithke!.P.PPTUßY AND
-' , "WHIPS;AND LASHES.' ' •
We mia tieaniyAlealtibicelllage lett fof' Baia
in Min Oenttal pn - tt'ortte town; anti *lll alai/
loan inoney at teaeonable
N. D. Dr. W. W. Webb bas Ibis aloe in • one
store, who ehe may be donsulted for advlbil - or
p.ept 20, 1871—tf
S riimiaaeiving froal Nei!. -a -dna al
aottltietit Cof :
Iti/Z131.13n.e)3e3r ,
' -•-
whichiitiii'43Efire to' the publto at low'iates.-
Everything usually found in a
iikiqtit ,-- stigioisti
will be kept on-,land.nnd ; aolil low for , oaelle.,
The Wilcox fin& Gllibs sa4ing inn'obizieslor'ettle
and to rent LI - , "
Wellsboro, Sept. 20, 1871-Iy.
Urphrins' Coiirt &le
:Wt . virtue of an order issued out of the Or.
plistaie,Cotirt -nonnty,..tha-undei.-
-teed, Executors of the estate of Conrad Ber
i-aftur, decca3ed, will, poll .tht nubile Bole, on the
,Treviiitfes in. Gain Oil, the farm of the Said Bar
deeesied, on Saturday, the 2d day of
1871, at two o'clock P.M., to the highest
and best bidder.
The said farm Is situated in Gaines townshii,
Tloga county, near the hotel of H. C. Vermil
yea ; bounded north and east by lands 8. X.
.. : Billings, south by Pine creek and !nada of 7.8.
Hernaur, and west by lands of John L. Phenix,
Jr.. with courses and distances as follows.:
Beginning at the northeast oornerof lot of
John L. Phenix. Jr.; thence east 895.1 rods to a
post; thence south 186 rods to. a post ;- thence
.west 20 rods to a post; thence north, 501 de
19°0 west, 20 rods ; thence north, 37 degrees
the t, 10 rods ; thence north, 47 do reps west, 35
-r4s ; thence north, 88 degrees webt,• 541 rods t ; r
tlienhe north, 153° west, 41 rods ; theikeie northr
-213 'degrees west. 51 rods; theatre hprth. 09E
rods; thence west 22.4 rods theria'oast, rating'
lands of sail Phenix, 43.3 rods; thence north
59 3 rods, to the place of beginning; containing
96.9 acres, more or loss; reserving from sale a
small lot, about 20 by 60 feet, used as a burying
ground,; with about 60
_acres. improved, and a
good Itttase*, - burn and orchard thereon. ••
Terms : Ono-third at time of sale, and short
time given for the balance of-purohaso money.
Particulars given at time of sale.
, .
25,1871 4w Executors.
Orphans' Court Sale. :, • : .-
BY virtue of an order issued out of the Or
phans' Court of Tioga county, C ite under-.
signed, Administrators - of the estatelof Vedder:
ick Welty, deceased, will sell at public sale, on
Wediosday, the 29th day of November, 1871,
at one o'illftk, e,tr,,,44 - the Court House In Wells.
%ie . °, to tbghlkhestitda bestlbidder, the follow
ing described lands, situate in Liberty town
ship, being the farm..of Abe late Prod.Welty.;
let. Beginning at ti poit,lhenotthearst corner
of farrant survey No. 1961; thence west 53
perbbes to a poet ; thence south 33 3 f perobes to.
a poet in line of Jonah Brewster'-lot , thence
along the land of said Brewster, east 5 perch
es, to a poet in the warrant line; thence north
8343. perches to the place of beginnin ; being
zu l ta_
=dart of said yrarrant,epntaining 27.7 res.
2d. Being north Part •Of warrant 0.1981;
, lands'eL3l) Emu,
- ly 'and Jonah Taylor, west by land of John.
Hoyle; south by lands,of Jare ,
n:dab 4ila and. ok, a
east by lands of BrederjOlC:ffolti 1.6.;.c0n-.
taining 82.1 torch more or less.
3d, Stglinittratn post in the westosh Mita of
lands of zdm Uptsdopat Aesdany;'thanoti.nortb
along siddilnif 83 'probes to a begat - thence
west 17 peroheito•a poet; thence south by lands
of Israel Greenlief 83,perohes to a pout;, thence,
east 17 pendia to.thepleob of beginning; con•
taining 3, apt as und , 13.1 perches.
4th. Begitittlnt tit a pod la 800 of, lands df
Henry gardly; thence south 49 9 perehei to' a
beech ; thence .b,y unsettled lands, west 49.0
perebet, f to a beech" ;thence by unsetied lands,
west 144 pertstic4, to a beech; thence y lands of
Jonah Tayrer,.nbrth 49.9 perches, to a.4post ;
thence by lands , of John-Lev egood, east 144 per
ches, to plado iiClteginuing; coutaielog 42 acres
and 80 percbeff.•••''- • ' -: -•`• '
Terms : One-thlid at. tibia of sale, ono third
ono year thereafter, ono-third •at the death of
Mary Ann Welty, widow of said Frederick, de
ceased, c withinterest,on same frout confirmation
of sale; payabiiiitnnuitily, tied to be - (moored by
bond and-_kitbrlfigts on t list `liiicli sold --•
• ••=•:. ' fPI - lILLIP WE LTY,I
Oct 45: 1 0Tti 4w :.-,: _•• • Adradre
prf r - OTIC.Fhic - "'" •
It •
lI ; EREBY N noii s fx the public not to purchaseI any uOiniliiiiinaitti in circulation against
ittb;.l.§7l,, I:or „ono lug".
dre dollititValabitytol3:ll.-.Titiha'Sitinifortini
nellsville N. Y. It helog.a.....”sindle, and will
not be paid. ' JOHN KING.'
Oct. 17. 1871-4ovi?
Auditor's Notice
fTIHE undersigned auditor, appointed by the
Orphan's Court of Tioga county, to distri
ute funds - 44 teak estate
f Heman Soper, doceaded, end ;indite and set
tle the aceoutsteio!ltasles
of decedent uferi§sai ; I ,trill,atteidto the 'duties
of his appoiattmeat fob Friday,. licivv. 414 h, at
I'o' lock r . .at his office in Wel Isboi"n.
Oat. 251871_4%...,_„W.. A STONE.
. ”
Register's Notice
NOTICE is hereby given- th at Mathew K. Rot
tan, Administrator of the estate-el Clorrissa
R. Brian, deceased, late of Jact , son township,
Tioga. county, has filed his account in the Reg-
aster's! office for Tinge county, and that raid act
count be presented to ;lie Judges of the
Or Court, at a session of said court to, be
WA Wellsboro, in and fur raid cnizifty,un
Monday, the 4thl4iiy:oi refit, at two
o'elooh P.M., farilrewuneethtreoetirenation!" '
, _ D. L. DEANE, Register.
..t;,.-lypllaboto t, Nov 3, 1871
";•• ‹.O, 3
If.iY. - TOIYill
it 4 I*.'t
y+.. `~ `. ~; ~
thel,Recent • Improiiements!
:.1.: ( DE I
" • •
- - •
;Don't .-buy-a SEWiNCI,.DdAJHINE, witilyon h4veiried the
J. K. TILLOTSON:, :(31 - eal'Agep t, 83 Lake Street, Elmira, N. Y.
;; Sept:2o,7 1871.
•A OA X, - BARIOAD? GOODl4—taady-ta mon t a 4711111 .
atudiihr PEICFROt
as may alloys° t oI with a cal.
witrVddliiol4ohiliWiteek of - c 6 '
Fancy , and Staple Dry- goods
glahelhe toll owing . branehea . orour Viainese, .BPROI&LTIPS.
.DgEEit3 gOODS, of which wo have a large variety. '
OASSIMERJS, which we ..11 Me - yard, or MAILS TO. ORDER
moat experience workmen on abort node°. - •
• . : , ,-;
, 4 ')
An Children, Got . lenie#o4:2loya
; J.•
• :'./lit'irierArls"
1, 1 .•
• - Ifull
One : nUndi s ed: : rieos)
,fron/ 25els. to $2 50 :je er yard.
~.A ~'A
, •
' • Or stook Brthe LARGEST, GOODS THE BEST, PRIC2B _THE LOWEST, of -any atorir
a CORNING; and probably IN SOUTRERN . NEW 7:014C: ,
Corning, Oot 4, 1871. •
, ~. i.:,::-: ;::: -, z 1.-.:, - 4, - . f.,, -:-; • .-:- .• ,
.. _
~ . .
Ws - J Horton 4,„ a the r, r
_ ;..X.,11514:11.0get" 312ore•issap IprFc•clicitla
4, .1
.P4 l ea 161 4 lifohetilir i Plaids, French andaisit. - Japanese.Sliks,:,
Fanoi Colored and Blaok.rD)-essZll4l; .-• • -
L all at prices mnotillesa than have been sold fcsiiethia, IFe keep a tau line of _
Fancy (Foods, , Yanlsce-Notionsd3oots ilnd Shoes, Eats' . and Caps.
' • , ~,.
Male& from • •10to 50 cti. Childrodeptoel from' 'BO obi; to $425.
Boots from $2,50 to $5,50. Hots riodi t ,, .... - - 75 ota. t 0,88,50.
*ewe Shoos frprd....,,....„ $1,2e,t0,55,50. Claps fibdr...;,.; ' ..80 ots. to $1,26.
poi!' Shoes froitt .Z.-.;. , ...•. - $4',00 to 111,50. :.,,,:.:„:.) •.' ; . :,-. ,- .1 - . -.: . ,
..•'. A,ll 'Seasonable Goods at untwaneditiied LO*Priess.
1F.,;;-- n ? .. --. :
_-,- eadrl i
iade-I.,Clothing abundance.'
irg,4 Nide int:fit:myAt !,..4 ..... : ..... dia. - Praneht Ottighanit '.- •*'-' - " ' - . 26 "ota. '''
Prldtafor ....
.....- 10 etc queens' 0.044141' iim' ii(iO4 ' 4110181 tl3 irea.
Delano!, for
20 ots. .....:,,.......L..- ,
',_: Ciiiille,o'..Groderle.i,' -tic.
• Tisas 60 cti. CoffeeS
A Sugars 124 otv.- Spiaes,,all kinds.
Porters!' Sugar,at 121 ots. Snaps, OA-kinds.
Our motto is, "fair dealing, low prices, and strict attention.,to business,",wkilb is always
the key to success. ° , •
We invite every one in want of !anything tu ottr line, to drop in and take &look through our
stock, as we are always pleased to lobo* our Goode.
- -
• • • -;
. . .
• '
• " • • --
• .
, atrit.-30tm
v, ; ; ; ;I, o a •••••J
• .• ,
erk 8;1811. 2, • ,
- ' .1 ";.-;''; •' • '; : • - •
IN BANiIitiPTCY.,L I -Thls:iia'; teV- - eivo .l ,notrce
tbrg 9,ll.l44„l4Pl e day,,ofßotober. 187 I, armor,
rit tytSllinkrulltWitare -leasta6 a elnet the s es
tate of Justus' M: Bailey, 9f, Al anstield, _the
county of Tioga and ' State of Petin'syl?.afila,
petition; o
tpl payment of any debts and
delivety—of• any property, belonging- , to snob
befiltrupteto him or for hie use, and thi r transfer
of, by him,.are forbidden-by law;
that a meeting of the creditors of tho said bank
rupt,.to,prove-tbeir_debtsvgo to choose one or
more dssigrieeii of his 'Oatafe, will ha held at a
court of bakrup toy, to be holden at thOffice
of F. E. ZMith, Esq.,in the boroulof;„figga.
before . Itigister, ili a d; day, o
Deeember)-187;,at ten o'clock , •
- I MIJR:D9tiffVU.
• Oct. 2A, 1871. Marabal;as blessonser.
'" CAR' EY )• " •
1173OULD t o Wellaboro
ll'AtildeliTtealsWi•ibtitlit6 2 lli *collared to do
all Made of
Fluting, Ramping Pinking ,
- -
Tucking, Cordthg,
i;ticlr I.‘„z.•
PaiSieo atianinifol ionise On abort tiat ea, Cali
at her rooms over Mrs. Sofleldp Millinery store.
, ;:ftilitorailit2o;lBl,24(G - '
S 'f
A. L.:BODINE, Agent, WeHonore.
J. B. HUST E D, Agent, Blosetourg
We are now fully Armed and Bquippedfor the
411 CaTpaign.
JUST RECEIVE6:IIV7_I,:4:::-.;".
. 1 , C
mr. 3. HORTON et 00.
A uditor' Notice.
ir. 7! „),IE undetsigneC apffiointed, an auditor, to
`make ilistilinitioti,oßtbe balance reinaloin - g
in the imip.pmf. t lohn .I.,SitchelL,tithnintetrit;os
de bon i llowctithreitame*annweci,'Of ,the, indite
Jaeot, Prutsuisn, lot, of Wioga, dear:teed. will
attend , to the dittietiolf,,b is 2APPOItt ittutat. at his
office in Tioga, county Pa:, un l'bursday,
the 9th day 01 Nniretuqui A. nt 10
o'clock A. u. wilco and wbetn.all Parsousi
l ug an y portion of said fund must pielierit and
' their claims or be forever debhreed 'from
cowing in thereof. , - .
Ont. IS, TSfil.=2w. C. lI:SEYMOUR
r,T.:* r >• ; iftiditer:
• • ~,,
PA Rai Pan 'SA I, E.
1.1 , 11 K sub4eritior offers (or Sale hid fake. of 56
I . acres. plosisntly,..situated. In Catittalrollo.,
Ttoza csountly, Pa.; wliOnnbeut four
miles of Millsboro and two miles-of Niles Val
ley depot, .Sehoo) house, church, mills, shops,
ire., within - Varies easy. Inquire. on
the : premises. a l ' C.A. CtTLIN
1.1,. 2 AL- 1 .4741 0 -.-*
. ... .... ..... ~
N oiiitirifilm--ee'ifahe:•thot
11;rt ul th "" m 4 1- ati l iPWl t i c tot
hours, .1a tu - dak. t :4 4 i 1 10, a t i 10, ric t leek A. u.,
for the piarpiii , e , of b the winter
term Teachers wishin - eurroltuebt ate re.
, , --
quested to present their cart Acmes fly ord r
of the board. -1-L: O. SNITS, Seo'y.
:IT ° 7 ,* N . .P 3l ! - 72 1 r.r • ' ' .
7 1
by the
25 to BO cts
formula; o'cvned by P. R. Williams, and aro istd
ding to tha stook a line line of Goode, amidst,
11 4 of •
pure Drugs, Patent Meclioines, Yankee
... Notions, Paints. Oils, Tarnishes,
Varnish Brushes, Paint
Paint Brnahea,
Fishing Tackle,
and in feet everything usually kept in a first
elm Drug Store. In.tho line of
Wall Paper, Window Shades ancLfixlter'esl
'we cannot - be undersold. Call and' examine
Goods.aPd. prices beforo purchasing elsewhere,
Particular attention paid to Physicians Prescrip•
tions, and compoinded at all hours.
The patroonge of the publio is solicited
A M. laat7-
V. KL x.
May 4, 137 .
S I & Squires,
Fo ign 6c, omestic Liquors
Wines, i pe., e.
Agents for Vine Old Whiskiee,
G. N. Squirms CORNING, N. Y.
May 17, 1871. ,
Every year increases the popularity
of this valuable flair 'Preparation;
which- is due to merit alone. We can
asaute our old, patrons that it is kept
fully up to its Ihigh standard; and it
is the only reliable and perfected prep
aration for restoring GRAY OR FADED
HAIR to its youthful color,,making it
soil / lustrous, a' silken. The scalp,
by iits use, becomes white hnd clean.
It removes all eruptions and dandruff,
and, by its tonic, properties, prevents
the hair from falling out, as it istimu
lates and nourishes the hair-glands.
riy its use, the hair grows thicker and
Stronger. In baldness, it restores the
&pillory glands to their rim - nal:vigor,
Ana will, create a new gTowth, except
in extreme (..ld age. It is the most i
economical HAIR DRESSING ever used,
as it requires ihwer applications, and
gives the - hair a splendid, glossy ap
pearance. •A: A. Hayes, MIN State
Assayer of Massachusetts, saes, "The
constituents, are pure, and carefully
selectid for excellent&lity; and I
consider it the BEST PREPARATION
for its intended purposes."
Sbld by all Druggists, aril Dealers in Medicines.
Price One Dollar.
' •
- Buckingham's Dye
AS oui Renpwpr in many cis re
quires too long a time, and too much
cure, to restore gray or faded Whisk-
ers, we have prepared this dye, in one
7 reparation ; which 'will quickly andi
I c eCtually accomplish this result. It
-is easily, applied, and produces a colors
I. Which will nether rub,nor wash off,
Sold by all Druggists. Price F 1
— Manufaotured by R. P. HALL & CO.,
Aug. 3, 1870-Iy.
F': wo c. 1.- I-- im ocD -cr •••••
r- 0 0. 0 C .--1 0 C 0 a
1 1;3 r- cl .cri co 0a) or 1:
o) -. . oi
4 .
M •-.4 Co C> 0 co CO 0 I-I ~.
. ..
C`l ova LID CO CD CO C l L•• `-' 4') C l 4
, 111 C . ry; r 0 r: . cf . 0 - c 5 1.-: c p 11 2 7
a, a CO g-" '8 7-1 8 1;3 4 4 ; t o
c* - ...,e_ ,-, 05 . of Co - CO ~... ,44 1
;i1 8 •
mi.. ci -
: : ' .Z
:',llg - cs • ci; 8 .., p
ii •-• ; :4 C.) ', 0
-- G .CI cs vs P•
14 ;
ch.• 0 Cl l., P .. 4 A " si s:4 Lc' rl! '.1 1.3
t 4 L ) .* --. 9 g
„„- i S -d ca 0 1 4 L. 4
9 p Fl '0 - ••• ci •••4
r-I 1. , 0 3 1 ,3 4
~4 ' l' ." 8 ,r 4
-154 - la 0 z -z - • ~.., Y-1
ea Z Pi. ...... a 6 ..... •
'.41 O.W
0 0m.4 •• Pl• • .4 , ~.. ',.) 0 al 0 1. ,
44 PI ra 0 4.4 Q C.) ou _0 ,le
'. O .
0 141-- 4 ' t 8 0:1 ‘a g .2. 8 co -A
0 I '4 -'-'
P/4 0Q -3 • i>. = 1 ~. ..
` ll U :' a) `a ,5 3 202 ":', l 0 ro
J .2 • - b-4 I:I
i ,ft 112) gla 'c l !, A. i-4 co ° ti l '-4 -
C Ig '4 0
4 -1- e, 0 ,2,
0 z. il ''' 2; 1 4 1 1 , ° '''_" ; g 4
icl e l .9 2 . 5 4
.8 ?to ..--.." ,„°) - a , 02" -8
.4 0 t7i d . to fil ~ :i, I! 74 -, °4
11 1 : 1 3 "c, -.4 a 7, - .4 - e. -.1 -2
8 BtociBl4 s ;• - 0" ° , ..5.
04 0 '''. vl LI =LiAi 2 Z
DI cw ai Ri 49 P fr 4 Prl E. .1 •
- VSTRAY.—Strayed into the eneksure of the
entileriber, in Oharlestott township, about
the 24th of September, a deep red yearling bet
far. The,.owner is requested to prove property.
pay ebargee and tab her away. I
Nov t, 1871 Sw • ABRAM HART.
Of thorough trial it has become an established
fact that ROY'S CLIOLLRA DROPS is the best
Filthily Medicine that can l he fou id for the cure of
Colic, (Vamps,
'And all those disorders of the bowels which are
so common in, the Summer and Fall. This medi
cine never fails when ; rightly used. • It is no
CURE.ALL, it is notreoom - Mencled for anything
else. It does not contain pepper like the l Pain-
Killers It does not Irritate, but is mild and
soothing in its operatics. It is not like any
otbicr medicine, therefore ask for ROY'S °ROL-
IfIVA DROPS 9nd..talse no other kind.
5.414 UTiritit
~.,. 1
.fitikN'arid BEAST.
' This preporation itai gained its present repu
tatiGn-beguusea it,does., not disappoint the • pur
chaser. - It is-anii of those' tisefur things that la
alia'ays keptt sittßmiLtmalreTy eoultry homo.
As a family mud Moo roi.rinimals Salutifer
Salatifer..icate,applica.-.....haa .no-equal ,in- the
tion !fur—- cure of—
.. ..
Nenialgia, - •- • - POI Evil,
Rheumatism, .. a ... : .: ‘llin ...bone • '
Stlitioitits,.Chilblains, 'ila ess• Galls, Spavini
Dipbtberia, Sore Thrust,-Seven ney, Wind Puffs,
tTroap, Quinsy. '-- " - .- n
Sc 'tubes, Lameness
' i3pans, Felons, ....•.; ' Pal is Ranchos ) ,
Aocidentar Injuries, FoUridere4 Feet;: r,
Bee Stinp, External Pe,,..1j21ii.,_,_ . _,,_,,..„„,,,,,„,,._
-This re U 3 CIF i$ founduseful•in every
House . n,
Bold by Druggists and Country Marehantti gen;
,rally." Bele . , 1. 1,§71,
- . l-1,,,,,,-.1-1,,.
1 ,
1 1 fi - CATIOS for 60 cents. Large pictures end
AJ , frames for $l. Old:pictures copied, on-,
argot and finished in the finest style. Now .
•atyle fret:ace and everything kept in a gallery on
hand, or furnished to order.
; noble Town Property
rritt4 subscriber 'offers for sale this following
prdporty, viz: 20 village lots situated on
State Street, 4 lets si tuated_near Sheridan. et., 9
acrost or land near the cemetery. This property
will bo sold at moderato prices and time , given;
also the house and lot of Chas. Williams, near
the M. E. Church. The subscriber is also agent
for the North Carolina Land COmpany. Par
ties desiring to visit that section can get Rail
road tickets at reduced prices, and also, valuable
information in reference to o Company I ,from
May 10, 1871-tf. V. SHERWOOD.
E Va
• BuggiAs
We are prepared to do anything in o
.n thort notice and in the beet manner.
action guarranteed.
. Wonders Willnever GOase.l
AVE you triad tbeilatest and matestlmed
teal discovery of the age? • 1
.Or. M. L. Bacon's illagic Patin
_Remedy. i
q 01111 s c olds, diptheria, cramps and pains in
the 'stomach, indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery,
slimmer complaints, cholera Morbus, cholera,
as by magic. As an external application
or frost bites, chilblains, sptains, bruises, fel
rheutnatism, sick headache, toothaoho', neu
ralgia, paiLs in the side, back and loins, in a
practice of rix years, it bus been found Ito bo
second to no, preparation ever offered tb the
The proprietor of this medicine feels warran'
tad in guaranteeing it to be the best remedy for
- I
the above diseases in the market.
4Manufaetureld,and put up only -by Dr. M. L.
rcon, Blessbuig. Pa.
Wholesale agents-Ballot, Starer 4 Burbank,
1411 Chamber street, New Fork ; W. D. Terbell
• Co., Corning, N. Y. July 12,
• HE subscribers will pay Caf i ll, Full-Cloth,
Cashmeres, naels, &c., for WOO.—
They also manufaot t, as usual— . 1
tci suit customers . MI work warranted asrep
resented . They invite particular attention to
their Water Proof
w;hicl, are warranted in every rompoot. Pardon
tar attention given to
INGHAM'S large stock of C ssimerea, ie „Sib
r cent less than any compoti bra, and warrant-
I as represented.;
INGRAMS nrinufacture to order, and do all
,nds of Roll-Carding and Cloth' Dressing, and
)fy competition. i
INGHAM'S have as good n assortment of
, .
Full Oloth i s, OassimUres, &c,,
• •
ad give more foil Wool in exchange than any
her esrablishment. Try them and satisfy,your
INGUAMS whcilesalo and retail at tho Cow
it wine Mille, 2 miles below, ignoxville. ,
Anelia Nudd : You ark hereby notified that
-IkovPil Nudd hoi applied to the Court of !Coln:
di tn Illeaa of Troca. county for a divorce,' from
t!ti r wo'nd3 of matrimony. and that said Court has
jp. M
t i
.intodmday, 27th day of No4ember
c t•fitr a hosti,ing in the premises, uhOn and
.lc re . you can rtitend-i1 you think proper.
„ of 25,.'71 4f, E. A. FISH, Sheriff. ,
1" '
I 64..'"
banes Policies In Ilrat i 7 class .Compani
3d,c1. - Nm , - 'lstt
a& any
will gran
Jan. 4,1871.-1 y
he Oheapest P
For Photographs!
ace in the
- r
Rooms Lver Gardner's grocery store.
Fes 1 1871 tf Wellaboro, Pa.
Photigraph Ga
rs.tuos taia ea: 1,
Insg,ca to ally
13 )(tau Stvuot.,n
May 11, 1971
Manufacturers of
Platform 'Spring; Truck and
Lum)3er Wagons,
HA.STINS & COLES, 'Agts, Wellabor°
Stony Pork. April b, .1.371
higham's Woolen Mills ! 1
~- - • - ,
- Out. Clotbs are warranted, and sold by tbo
Mowing persons: ;
B . KELLEY, Wellsboro,Pa.
T. L• BALDWIN& CO., Tioga, Pa'.
- C. BENNETT,CovIngtori,Pa.
Deertleld..Jan 1. 1871-tf -
H & CO.,
'r Ira e
OA 8 •