The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, November 01, 1871, Image 3

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L0c,,,l Items.
WEDNESDAY. NOV. 1, 1!3:71.
New Advertieemente.
Ne w Doods—T. L. Baldwin & Co.
New Goode—Wickham & Parr.
Elmira Meekly Advertiser.
For Everybody.
k:stray —Abram Hart.
Register's Notice—D. L. Deane.
urphan's Court Sale—Emmer Bowen.
FlRE:—There was a fire in licirnelis
-1110 on 'Thursday evening last, which destroyed
the ttables of the Osborne House. TWelve hor-
r, e were burncd
TIME TATILES.—The time tables of
i i,„ Wellsbpro and Lawrenceville, and Blostburg
~r . „l Caning Railroads will be found correct in
another column.
TkSdil has the agency for the Singer Sewing Ma
came for this looality. This machine is ono of
tiv , Lent manufactured, having had ono in our
ton years, wo can speak from knowl-
A NEW DODGE. —Wtt would call ape
oaf attention of merchants anti others to a new
w.iy now in practice by evil persons, of passing
e ouuttrleit money. The dodges is this : A man
cbttrt a plorein a hurry, near some building in
pioects of erection, with alcoves, rolled up and
clothing bespattered with lime and mortar, and
change for a five or a ten dollar bill. Un
a,,ta,qt ugly the change is given in good money,
,m 1 the working man. i. a. the rascal, escapes.—
tva would advise all to be on the look-out for
ruch scamps. Examine all money carefully.—E.r.
call attention to the advertisement of the Elmira .
Weekly Advertiser in another column. It is a
;Mashie paper, and should be taken by every
farmer in this locplity. - It is filled with ambito
reading matter, giving the latest current news.
Try it
FtEtabrous. —On Sunday evening
.pt. Eel: N. 1., Reynolds preached the first of a series
0 1 .eructs on the book of Genesis, to a deeply inter
41:ed /once. The3e Sunday evening sermons can
e-ft fail to attract the attention of all lovers of science
and the Bible. Perhaps no man in the county is bet
r qualified to speak knowingly upon the many
cult questions of this most difficult book. Ile is ha
mitiar with the writings of Darwin, Agassiz and oth
er. of the scientific school, and can thus illustrate his
@ermons by the highest revelations of modern thought.
HOTEL CHANGE.—The Cone House
,Nanges hands on the 15th inst.—Mr. A. B. Graves re
tires, and Alr. Peleg Deud, of blainsburg, takes ebargo
of the Maths. Mr. Doud is a live vside-nivake man,
n.l we can assure the public that the Cone House Will
be midP a lively institution, and everything kept up
in ample order. Success to our friend Doud.
SURGICAL.—A gentleman from Hor
calsville had an operation performed on Friday last,
tor the removal of a fragment of steel, which found
loigment io his eye, while at work in a machine
shop. Dr.lip Do Graff cut through the eye, removed
Cie steel, together with the ruptured lens, and 130 re-
Flared the lost vision.. The patient Is at the Citl Hos
pital, doing welL—El. AClr.
CONCERT.-The music which has been
prepared for the meeting on Wednesday night,
will be a prominent feature of the entertainment
offered to the public. Wo have not heard in a
long timo better music than that which has pro—
ceeded from Miss Todd's rooms while the glee,
club was rehearsing. WeHeber° has musical(
talent of no mediocre order, and we
s ere glad it
1.5 to be brought. forward. - ' :
To 01112 PATRONS.—On the first of
January next the AGITATOR will he printed on
new Type and greatly improved—mechanically
and otherwise. To acComplish this, we shall be
Vader the necessity of URGING our patrons indobt
i-il for subscription, advertising and job work, to
hand in their respective amounts on or before the
coming November term of Court. After Octet
"date, Mr. D. 11. Curtis, our agent, will call ,on
Itlt;te reclaim; at a distance from Welloboro.—
Vie Trutt caub w Lo prepared to "fork
over" at sight, that ho may parr around av rap•
dlp as po.csible in gathering in , the LITTLE BITS
due tbie Pleni , e remember and he prepared.
L e d is manufactured by Messrs. Davis & Kim
t.4ll, at Osceola, and is well worth the attention
of the public. It was on exhibition and look
the tir , t premium at our county Fair. ' It has
trio thoroughly tested by the editor of this pa
ts;, who is to vouch for Its uperinrity.
It 1:‘ cheap, durable, and only needs to be seen
to bo appreciated. Persons wishing to purchase
w• 11 :,I.lre4s a; above.-0 c t. 13, IS7I-3t.
Tim (7omiNG CoNcEhT.—lt is with
pleerure we announce the coming concert of the
Ilendidssohrt gointet Club, of Boston, Thursday
e‘ening, the 30th of November. We hope they
trill be generously patronized by our people, as
then concerts aro of the first class, ju ' g from
the complimentary notices they race" e from the
press all over the country. A listene to ono of
their concerts recently, says, " Their music was
of the highest order in all respects, and rendered
with most artistic skill. No harmony could have
been more complete, and tho o"..pression and time
pare perfection. Persons who do not hear them
fiill doe the finest musical treat ever offered."
PuRsoNAL.—M. H. Cobb, Esq., has
reetgeed his position on The Day and accepted
the appointment by Assistant Treasurer Eyster
of paying teller at the United States Mint, at a sal
ary of •;. , 2,500 per annum. This responsible po
sition needed precisely dr. Col,b's integrity
and ripe experience. We hope its duties will not
deprive us of hismonsutntnate journalistic uid in
the great contest of 1872. Success to him.
_Mr. T. S. DeWolf of the COrning Journal
rlstted Wellshoro and the Agitator office on Tues.
hibt, and said it was the first time in hie
deeply was he c impressed with the beauty and
enterprise of the place, that he very reluctantly
returned to his old town of dust and cinders.—
.:'orne again Scott.
- Somebody," in writing to the Elmira Adeeraser
siddress delivered by N. L. Reynolds before the
lra 'lnstitute at Manafinid, says .
?11 who' are acquainted with the Rev. N 1.. Bey
.. Ina know him to be an experienced teacher and well
is , tect 1.41 ail educational matters, and likewise possess
, i of a onsiderable gut of gab, of couree something to
tie purp,se was looked for from him, but It is said
that la% thseourde exceeded all expectation, and went,
to irmra, , men,, practicability and usefulness,
tar br , 14 , 1 übat al' usually have, even from him." ,
PREPARE Fria FIRE.—As many of
the western tillages har° recently been destroyed
by tiro. bhouhl that wit be a warning to other
please torepare before they meet a similar fate
now i$ itVith Wellsboro ? Have we sufficient
-- niter in case of Grp ? lye think not. The few
I;terns sunk in tilfferciat parts of the village, in.
opinion are of but litite consequence in ease
a fire in our nuo.loa buildings—either of which
Wald be drained in less than five minutes We
trot rot more time or expense will be thrown
~n that kind of hey's work. Let us have
a largo reservoir built in either straw running
into Wellsboro 50 as to reserve eater fur the dry
:Eason. With a small expense this water can lie
trrolght knto the village which would amply sup.
Fly any demand This looks to to to be the
t:ply soya way, and morel.) erpendeil in
. carring
cut this suggestion will, oe are sure, b • o
rotted tar the safely of our eltle3ro, and of
lading benefit for"!: , ocratious In come Our 61
nag.) rapidly growing. and wo are sorry to 5 113
that quite a large number of the building, hart
not so much as a well or cistern on the prern tka
We ask, then, in a.l cash .r, don't this look as
though we were totally helpless as regards fire.
l'unue MF.ETlNn.—There will he a
t. , .•;,11.1b1ie N:eoting in I3owen 4. Cone's hall, on
` ,7 edriesdny evening, Nov. 1, at 7 P.M., in t o
• Isterest of the" eohools of this village. 110 .
II W. Williams and . lion. Henry Sherwood will
jelircr carefully prepared addresses, after which
, Janteer speeches will be called for.
Mies Todd, assisted by a number of our best
uluickans, will present several glees, duets and
choruses. The selections have been made with
great c.tre, and cannot fail to add much to the
toterest of the evening. It is earnestly desired
that every parent in the borough be present.
We aro heartily glad that our citizens are to be
ztled togetho- 4p;A. Wednesday night in the itt
!west 'of EchOols . . We' ore justly proud of
the interest felt by all of our citizens in educat
('coat mattus; and a public weetycg, with such
41,1 e spcnkers as lions. Williams and Sherwood,
4 , Pri , pri ate wtly to give expression to that
tatere2t. From what we hear on the street, tie
that it wilt lie the largest and. 11260 en
nilutic educational meeting eve? hold in Wells
• ,
IA large potath, wishing 4 polinds,
d raised on tho farm oit4dam.Day of Ifiddle.
, I ry, has boon loft at :EIS office. It is of tho
dsty-coat-pinkeyo varlay.
I EDICATION.—The services connect
witli the dedication of the now M. E. church
Blossbarg, will commence on Tuesday "eve
g, November 7, with preaohing by Rev. Wm.
+Hs, of Rome, N. Y. On Wednesday, at 2P. Rev. D. W. C. Huntington, D.
6 Presiding Eider of the 'district; and in the
'cuing, Rey. P. G. Ilibbard, D. D., of Roche--
r, N. Y., will preach, and conduct the dediea
• services.
I he meetings will continuo over tho Sabbath.
eachors and people of surrounding charges are'
neatly inyited to be present.
JIFF; OF CHRlST.—Another work on
at= life of our Saviour has made its appearance
before the world, written by that great religious
to l eher, Henry Ward Beecher, who ,has shade It'
th work of his life. The work is said not to be:'
se tarian, but a work of true christian oharao-;
tet. The New York Time says of it :
d , The charming style in which the book is
Wr tten, the poetic imagery and beauty of senti•
ment with which it abounds, the delicate and
tender treatment of Mary's experience of moth
erhood, the vivid pictures of the manners and
customs of the Orient in that day--:indeed, all its
parts and features aro charactcrized by the pecu•
liar freshness and ortginality Which Mr. Beecher
brings to whatever subject he touches."
rliss 11. W. Todd is the only agent for this
k in this locality, and is prepared to receive
.ers at her music store.
3 EI TSONAL.-14.1essrs. Beeles, Gaskill
lidwland, Principals of schools of some 300
• 00 pupils each, at Blossburg, Arnot and Nor
, tun, left Blossburg at 5 A.ll, on Friday last,
• mid the day in visiting the various grades
ur school, and making themselves acquainted
\the system of instruction carried out there-
After careful observation, they expressed to
la to several of our citizens,, great admira
of the Pys tem, - an d no lime. - stirprigo la tire
I)tical results attained.
uoh high commendation, so heartily bestow
looming from practical and experienced tea
is, is very gratifying to the friends and pc,
• s of the school, and but corresponds with
testimony of every person who has witnessed
a half hour the work daily done by our chit
it in the school room. We doubt not visits
Iti other teachers svill be heartily welcomed by
teachers and Directors. Of one thing we are
•red : teachers who have enterprise and en
enough to carry them 20 miles before 8 A.
in the interests of their schools, deserve and
tot fail to achieve success
11 1 11 S. yITCIIELL AND SISTEII.-When you visit
Rat , ho sure and not fail to call on Mrs. Mitch
ell 4: Sister. Their large stock of millinery and
f 4 nay goods will repay examination. They keep
a rill and splendid line of all kinds of such
g ods, which are unsurpassed in quality by any
in tho county. They aim to please, and prices
will be satisfactory to any purchaser. Remem
ber trs. Mitchell cb Sister's millinery establish.
men .—Bath Adv.
Tiat is just what the ladies learned to do
whethe Mitchells lived in this county—" to
tall'i—when they wanted a tasty bonnet or hat,
Many of them sttil foriiard orders from their old
; plac , of business. Success to them.
That best of country dailies, the El
mir ' Advertiser, has an article on Well - aboro and
he . and L. railroad, in which it says : •
" he trains so run that one canlath%) Wells
at 7:40 A.M., and arrive in Elmira at 11:40
; returning, leave Elmira at 8 P.M., arriv
t Wellsboro al 9:30 P.M. This gives our
ds at Wellsboro a fine opportunity to come
Elmira, do their trading, and return in
I season." . •
up t.
its correct—with tho alight exception that
;e from this place don't go "ttp" Mtwara,
io reason that it is all the way down stream
this borough to the city of a thousand ea-
Yo hardness : but that Local does got
I .
tions a little tangled, sometimes. What
the up trains to Williamsport, his beans
gup wron end upward, with occasional
up from Corning and Bath, ho is In danger
nning too strong on elevations.
for t
of rt
;;Fr Us.—ltems, on Saturday last,
adieu to pen, Hoissors and paste pot, and.
ed Lis " post" on the Agitator, which he
uck to " closer than wax" fer. nine months
Ile has done honor to himself and thopo
ii which he has so ably filled, (with little
,-ienee,) and 'a , o will risk him in almost any
tilt place. His articles have been copied in
i‘aling papers of tho country, and his, liu
.us writings and witty sayings will be missed
i l l any readers of this paper. lie carries with
our best wishes in Lis travels " to the other
kof Jordan," and may ho find plenty of
backs to Mat him\mr/ through thext:etches
resig' l
hRs e
expr. l
tho 11
L 1
by 11)
of 11
'ALEDICTOIII".—With this number
onnection of Ante with the Agitator ceases.
!early ten months he has shared the privi
and privations of the editorial sanctum,
las stuck to his vocation closer than a bro-
The engagement outcry' into fora few
has extended to morn than three (parters
I,e, year, and the connection has been a plea
'one. Though disagreeing with the chief
~..on " pints of doctrine and views of a N
ate," there has no unpleasantness arisen
that or any other reason; and Items leaves
.100 with the.kindliest feelings toward all
eted with the Agitator.
ugh not unappreciative of woddinecake,
, g gs, specimen squashes and romo,putup
.ltems is not sorry to leave at this time.—
weeks he has watched the leaves of the ma
rd hickory, as they turned from dark, glos-
Teen to scarlet and gold, then sifted in
'',ers to the fresh wood-meld, on bright Octo
iornings. And the uneasy,'half-gipsy,half
n restlessness of the hunter is on him.
asant are honor - 3- and perquisites to the
of Vs Local, and the labors are nee' otter
but sweeter to the lover of nature and the
r, is the quotidian leek with adventitious
i n, than the fil otT,frings, of subscribers or
ns ; nod de.irer to the heart of Items. is a
er'e camp %lilt, n bed of brorre, than a seat
16 Eancl , .ltOe of :.L? 1()1i0 , : r.t. .
11:1s is (, - 11 for tlp Mountains
t l fly nest week we shall establish, an office on
ountai•l side, among the pines, where a
11 Sprinz I,obblt6 out from the rocks to tprawl
ny down to thu waters of Pour Mile Run. - -
dice hours will be from dark P.M. till day
in the morning The day time will be in
rusly devotgd to lying around the " pinta"
' hollers" near the head of the stream, for a
,t a deer.
ouR ;
in hi
its 's'
dust r
en we have obtained vepison ronough to
e family through, (Or ! hordriveti Out hiy
w' ether',) offlaeand 'come
Altarp6at, wo.are open to offers as 'ipso
from t•tie,h periodicals as the Atlan
tic, do Gallxy, or Serilmer'e. No eeaond rate
magic .inos nmr(.l apply.
If .ur littrary tkro not appreciated—
kit robe to the ',tonl and hammer, which,
11, is tho nioot indepenCont
s wap
we ever•
of making our broad
IR EVERYBODY. -- Greta induce off. rea,o ; • I ,4o . ,,,tl;uleribe
Everybody." 3uslly named, as eve
shoutd have it. l'rico $1 50 per annum.
ptiooq recei:ed nt thi.3 office
we , 11 1
after t'
' For
r.‘ bo,
)1 A !NT ART.—This Was a -Suit
•,-teh of marriage con tract,brought by Nan
.an, a blushing plaintiff - of some tlffroda
•re, against David 'Hart, an old resident of
lace, and a gay Lothario of some .65 or 70
rs. The trial promised to bo a trifle rich
rest, and we attr,ndek not for the purpose
iockiness, am& atilt tog game," but because
ought it might ho arpocasion of :moral
ment—with humorous points, such as learn
t i nsel are a little given po . developing In-suite
ttended the trial preparedro bo amused,'
con fees to disippleliittnent. : To our think-,
m pathetic piedoniinnteci over the absurd,
over / the funny emeriti; of the case.
not to very lambable to see a man and
in the November of life contesting mach
for 14.1
this p 1
in int
or "c
vie th e
ed cou
of thi-
and w,
ing, t
the la
Ii is
a suit
i . ,
In open court, with tho grown children of
both as witnesses, labile enrolees young
,ll around indiherently, waiting for some
ate or doubtful point to- bring the laugh
i is . not particulailf exbilaratitig to a man
'heves in firesides, this knee encounter of
on or
atera I.
who LI
legal its, by which ithe inner sanctities of ii
mestii: life are salijecial to the ^estboiieal zottlp-
ing Isn le ..I :' euerpr,aatiee, o and iho best feel•
fngs - ofl humanity are-made the basis of dollar
and emit damages. The facts that plaintiff and
defendant were eaoh no longer ago than last
May .app man s or divorao4ti the boa le, oaeh
having an uncongenial partner at that time, and
each obtaining a divorce at the \same time—de
fendant assisting plaintiff in procuring her di
voroo—vrere very good food for scandal, but to
us seemed more sad than funny.
It was pypved, that Fending the divorces plain
tiff kepttbuii l'orldereillant, and that, in lieu of
wages, he had agreed to marry her when they
were both free; also, he had given her a written
contract, which be spoke of as a sort of will, by
which she was to have an interest in his property,
in case she survived him, of $lOO r per annum.—
The paper had myeterlonsly disappeared, and
the contract of marriage, admitted by- him, was ,
void, because at the time neither party was in
condition to make a valid °entreat of the kind.
The admission, however, was strong corrobora
tive testimony of a subsequent contract, and was
so argued.
Perhaps we are expected to be facetious on
this subject; but we do not see it in that light.—
We tried to ;:ico•strove to find a hurneroltsi anal
,ogy,in the fanious eitio (:)$' Pardelkivi:' foliwiek,
but it would Ilia- do.; ',. '49 'element. I o 4 ‘iluoks
and tomato wanting, ima we;inissed
the peroration of Bargeant 'Snafus. We thought
of Jack Bunsby and the widow M'Stinger,'but
the analogy failed here, partly because the plain
tiff was not a virago ; partly, perhaps, because
any children in the case were too big to spank.
Wo found some comfort in the antithesis affor
ded by another of Dickens's stories—the inimi
table story of Master Harry Warmles, aged
nine, who eloped with his adored Norab, aged
This Vrettiest of ill Dickens's o,hkistidis Ida ! '
ries we only allude to for the purpose of quoting
the Boots of the Holly-tree, who tells the story
and stands the friend of " Master harry Warm
les and Mrs. Harry Warmles, Jr.," by detain
ing the little man and woman until their parents
can bo sent for—admitting that "he felt himself
to be a traitor and a beast, when that young pair
told him, as they all three jogged along togeth
er, that they had made up their minds to give
him two thousand.gulgeps ite i llioad gar
dener, on accounts of his being so true a friend to
'em." But it was the philosophical conclusion
of Boots that we meant to quote, and he puts it
thus : "Firstly, that there are not many couples
on their way to be married, who aro half as in
noccnt of guile as those two children ; secondly,
that it would be a jolly good thing for a great
many couples on their way to be married, if they
could only bo stopped in time, and brought book
separately." An opinion in which g l om° married
people will heartily ooincidb.
As for the case we have outlined, it was a mis
take to bring it. There may have been deceit on
one side and.suffering on the other, as claimed;
but law bas not mended the matter; and such
suits aro always more or less damaging to the
parties concerned. :The award—sloo—cannot
compenstita for this 'and the moral effect is not
conducive to the integrity or felicity of domestic
relations, while it is always injurious to the
minds of the young.
As this may not be the float determination of
the matter, we forbear making any comments on
the evidence.
Monday week some interesting experiments l were
mado•at this office in testing the inflammability
of different burning oils. The tests were made
with an' apparatus specia i lly . mminfaetured for the
purpose; such as is used - in government tests. In
this method, a glass cup, nearly filled with oil,
is immersed. In a water bath, the boat of which
is raised by a small alcohol lamp underneath,
froni a temperature of, 00° or below, to the point
of ignition. -_ There was a vast &ulnae. in the
oils tested; some commenced flashing ar 72°,
and blazed steadily at 78 to 80°. Other brands
only burned at 114, 116 and 119°. Robert Simp
son, of this place, brought some oil for test,
which. he habanght oft a New.l6lrk firm, with a
guaranty that it was equal to any in market. It
flashed at 90, and blazed at 92. Mr. S. said he
should throw away his stock of that oil and buy
some that stood the test up to 130, as did the oil
from.T. A. Shaw's factory, at Jamestown. It ie
not necessary that oil should stand so high a test
as 130. The government test of 110° is pro.
flounced safe by the best chemists, though a
higher test may be preferied.
The fact that . these experiments were made by
an agent of T. A,. Shaw's, does not invalid:OA:the
tests. Heat and , Fahrenheit do not lie. The
statement that Shaw sent a.lotof superior oil to
various towns, and then sent an agent around to
test and demonstrate its superiority, amounts to
nothing. What the public want to know is, that
it is superior, not how it came hero. The. Corry
kerosene wake Autti 4,6 oli cto6d'ltlte
teats up to a safe point, i. o. from 114 to 119.
We have beard it stated that in the tests, two
samples of oil were tried from the same estab
lishrhent, one of which ignited at 78, the other
at 114. They might have been from the same
establishment—they were different Oils. liaMati
ingenuity cannot make the :lame oil, under equal
temperature and similar circumstances, vary 36 0 ,
or even ten degrees in the point of ignition.
We aro not writing in the interest of dealers,
but for the safety of the public, who have a right
to knOw-Where a safe burning oil may 4-obtain
.etiL At may be ; lell,lrevilhifo, to
mention the dealers who haie the manliness to
send out oil in barrels preporly marked above
the government teat, and which will stand some
degrees oven higher than the mark.
Many respectable oil dealers are sending out
'such oil; and it •is - because competition' is so'
close and profits are so low, that others are send:
ing out oils that ignite at a dangerously low tem
perature, but which can be manufactured at
-abttt 75 cents less pe'rAtioatinin ant ei)
is perfectly safe. "
There are about ono hundred people most mis-
erably burned to death every year in the United
Statos 11y thp panlpqiqn of thpsp oben oils, Avery
life of which might be saved by proper obedi
ence to and enforcement of the following, Which
Ia a geneta4 law, applicattlp in ovary State of the
Union; ,1$ wits passed tbogreis in 186/, and
reads as follows :
" And be it further enacted, that no perron
shall nils for sale napthn and illnminating oils,
or shall knowingly sell or keep for sale or
for sale such mixture, or shall soil or °For for sale
oil made from petroleum for illuminating purpo
ses, inflammable at a less temperature or,firo_test
than 110 'ilegreics Fahrenheit; and any person so
doing shall be hold to be guilty of a misdemea
nor ; and on conviction thereof by indictment or
presentment in any court of the United States
havinAflotopeteot jurisdiction, shall be pun ishod
by a- fine of•notless'ilYan one hundred nor more
than five hundred dollars, and by imprisonment
for a term of not less than six months nor more
than three yrars."
Any man may noalp a cheap and efieient ap
paratus for testing oil, by using a common tin
cup for theAvater bath, t?; tea enfirfpr beeoitfand
a common Itiomp!, for p. ;laeator, crtthliin oid , f ; uart
~rminerse the tea otip-4-folftatentlO
in half an inch of the brirci—irt the water; hang
the thermometer so that the bulb remains sus-
pended in the oil, and, plaoe the :lighted lamp
underneath. The water must be cold, or quite
cool. As the mercury begins to rise above 70,
pass a light blaze to and fro just above the sur
face of the oil. If it ignites at a lower tempera
ture than 110, have nothing to do with it.
And fill your lamps with clean • cotton ; ityy
lvjll hold nearly as mush oil, and ; in case 4 lamp
igneekel oyar and broken, there is ng muss
—no oil spilled.
In this connection, we will mentlort avliimp
ohimney that we think very sulrior. It is
made of Mica, or isinglass, as it is g perally
- (3d - hereabout ; is infiiur pieces, set, in a light
;..bialiq..fra:ir* is elaidlo, will not breAlcAy
biiing sprinkled with water when lhot, and if ,
iery.bright and . traheparent. mkt knew
it they tireSer este generally lin f0v..,n(1
44st;pgs L 8019. iyiti f f 51191 A 'alilni , ticy, and
c;ottois t saturibiewith the Lost oil, kerosene is es
iafe (allow, and incomparably brighter,, be.
sides ,
heing.mnerli-cheaper.' 1
BR BARU' UL,—ln these days, when tight hate,
hotair, and sedeniaiir'tieeupatlorts,- cause 0 ' , the
hair to fail nut, it is ne_nuttfer of tict.iittlesiiiiavt:
ance to know which of the hairTreplavq‘igllSAte,
of any value.. The majority, tis has. been fro
qui3utly proved. by -the first . - dermatologists, or
hair-doctors,possess little or no merit. Such be
ing the_ract, lt is consoling tivttose FWD aro, of
ttlfinow gro is realli gnelgoo
whit% is recommended and' used by the tned•
loaf authorityi,airdluil stood every:'-test. many
years. Thl9 preparation is ttatt.i'ygmErAßlA.
SICILIAN HAIR RENE IVER,—a truly scientir
is compound, Which is nackite4ionably the
prepaftitiOn'orthe kind `how'before ttlo A it•ri ' , Aan
public. jt will realove to greiy, belf its arigin.ll
40Ier, Ole en lAet!id Ao r oufbly, ogre et urt .
tieti•ortse scalp and will a ways reoere the
hair so long as any.%erms, reatsio. as they nl
moat invariably do, until 'o t streme old ego has
destroyed the roots. The original article id
made by Ft. P. Hall A Co., Nashua, N. ii.
--Forney'l Preea.
N _
• I , • i
NOTICE. T* et the stook-;
holders lot,thot company,
for the election of President, Directors, Secreta
ry and Treasurer, will be bald at the office otthe
,l i tk,OUtning s Few Xorkow the fith day
of Novemter, 1871, a 10 .o'Olock A. lit, the
election to close at 12 o'clock noon.
Oct 18, 1871 3t A. C. STEARNS, Seo'y.
ktEr o Toga
Drugs and Medicines,
(Pzft6nt or othrise—Alanfor' . •
and all style's of B,111:18HEI3,.&o.
yar• (310 1 40 lIEAD QUARTERS FOR-ei
Choice Liquors, Cigars,
and TOBA4O. Also for
Religions, Historioal,ltadioal, Legal, blank or
School.—N.l3. A. fall assortment" of the latter.
Also, an excellent assortment of
air" . °Cie rae Sim
On Teas, Sugars, Coffee, Syrup, Molasses, Rice,
Spices, Soda eto. We will not be beaten in price
or quality. We will sell choice Teas by the chest
or sugar by Abe bbl. at as low the same
can be bought at this side of New York.
of the newest etyler, and lamp ohimniee that
will not break.
Fancy= - c& Toilet Articles.
We hold twenty desirable village lots for sale
in the central part of the town; and will a
loan money at reasonable rates • • r
• N. B. Dr. W. W. Webb has his 'office in ontr
store, whero he may be consulted foi advice dlr
treatment. • i
Sept 20, 1.137.-tf.
11-71. qt. - •
Tsnow receiving from New York, a fine
eortment of
• .. • . , •. .
• r
4N-" •
.• ' •`.
FANCY - '6lo4llS
which ebb- affarY to- the public' at low rates.-
Everything usually found in a
• 1 3'4iN'eflr' - ; 0 1 20,11311 0
will be kept on•hand and sold - low , tfor cash.—
The,Wilcps•atici Gibbil loyjaik inittibtii6s for ease
Itoatil root.
Welleboro, blept. 20, 1871-Iy.
Orphans' CoUri Sale
11DY virtue of an order issued ont of the. Or
phans' Court of Tioga ootirtin'the'ritider
signed, Executors of the estate of Conrad Ber
naur, deceased, will sell at public sale, on-the
premises in Gaines, the farm of the said Bar
nanr, deceased, on Saturday, the-2d day , of De
cember, 1871, at two o'clock P.M., to the highest
and best bidder.
' The said farm is situated in Gaines township,
.Tioga county, near the hotel of H. C. Vermil
yea ; bounded north and east by lands of 8. Z.
Billings, south by Pine creek and lands of J. B o
Bornaur, and west by lands of John L. P henix,
Jr., with courses and distances as follows :
Beginning at the northeast corner of lot of
John L. Phenix. Jr.; thence east 895.1 rods to a
post; thence south 186 rods to a post; thence
west 20 rods to a post; thence north, 501 de
grees west, 20 rods; thence north, 37 degrees
west, 10 rods . ; thence nottb,47 degrees west, lb
rode; thence north, 88 degrees west, 541 rods;
thence north, 154 0 west, 41 roils; thence north.
211 degrees west. 51 rode; thence north 391
rods ; thence west 21.4 rode; ',pence east, along
lands of said Phefil 43.3 rdS; thence Aorta
150,3 - rods, to the place of beg !ming oontainin'
90.9 aotes,.more or less; .reserving from sale
small lot, about 20 by 60 feet, used as a buryin
ground; with about 60 acres improved. and
good house, barn and orchard tbefeon.
Terms : One-third at time of sale, and short
time given for the balance of purchase money.
Particulars given at time of sale.
0; A. - SMITH, •
Got 25,1871'4w Executers'.
Orphans', „court Safe.
ID Y virtue of an order issued; out of the Or—
phans' Court of Tioga county, the under.
signed. Administrators of the estate. of Freder:..
ick Welty, deceased, will sell at public sale, on
Wednesday, the 29th day of Nombor,_lB7l,
at' one o'clock r.n., at the ciourfliotise in Well&
hero; to the hightist end hest bidder, the follow
ing dos ibetl Hindi, situate in Liberty town—
ship, be ntrAtte:ferea of the late Fred. Welty :
Ist. ,B ginning at a post, the northoarat corner
of waft.
t i
t 'survey Re. iitll ; thence west 53
porcbtis to a post ; thence senth:B3 8 parches to
a post i line of Jonah Brewster lot ; thence
along e land of .sitid Brewster, east 63 perch.;
es topo st in the warrant line; thence north
838 perches to the place of beginning; being
part of said wurrntd,eontaining 2T./7 acres.:'
2d. Being north,Lpaq 0 .warrant No. 1901;
bounditi on the-1,41101y betide of Daniel' Eardl
ly and Jonah Taylor, west by lands of John
Ileyler, sontli'briatidd of Jeremiah Black, and
east by lands of ;Frederick - Welty estate; cons
- ,
tinning 82i norm snore, or less. .
t 3d. Begfitnin# at aitest in thevi'esterh line of
lands of the Binsoiipal Aoademy:rithence north
along said s linctWparches , td - ;tir , beech'; ;thance
west 17:pdrehes-to ft poet ; therm south by ; lands,
of Israel Greettilef 83. perebell'tb a "oat . ; tben oo
east 1? perches . to the place nlf beginalne; con
tainingk acres and 131.peroliel.' • • .
4th. eginning at a post in line f lands of
Henry E rdly ; thence south 49 9 porches to a
beach; thence by unsettled, lands, west 49.9
perches, tela , beeck; thanes-by uds'etthitilaridei,
west 14f pereltbsCtif a bileoli; thence Wands Of
Jonah 'Taylor, north 49.9 perches, to a post;
thence by lands of John XAvegood, east 144 per.
dies, toAdtitle!, of •begienine; ontitin!ag 42 wet
and 80 'erotica. - L - f , •• l'P , 17•'• '': -'; -• ' '';
,Terms I One-titird,at, time of sale, one third
one year thereafter, 'onts:thirdi at' us e death of
Mary Ann Welty, widow of said Frederick, de
consed;with' intereat on same - from confirmation
of - sale, payable,wAttally, and to be secured by
bond and mortgage on the lands sold
Oct ' 2B, 1871 41! .7 - - • :Aaut.
y lIESEBY notify thO public not to purchase
any noto that may be in circulation against
loci, bearing date o,t. 17tb, 1871, for one bun
dro dollars, payable to :B. 11, Johnson ; of .11oN
nellsvitle N. 31eing ; . irerindlO;. end *lll
not be paid.
Oct. 17. 1871-4. " -`..—
.Auditor's ,IVotice.
Ir HE undersigned auditor, appoiotad by the
Orphan's Court of TiOga oounty, to distrt
hobo ('ands arising from the sale of Teal estate
ofHeran Soper, decensedPhnd dudtte rend;set-
Oh the ar:coutits' of Eitistus hose, ''adMinistrator
of decedeAt aforeseid; will 'attend to tbo duties
of apPointmoAt krAday, 17.-th; qt
To'cluch p. Lis office in W9.1,1;h95q.
Oct 25;18 kc. sToNg:
StIVODA , fle'ttll4.---Ntio,belaror t3ettan) Di
reztare will me op ' dth , day
ot November next, et 10 A. M , at the school
house near ,he cheere meters., for the- purpose
of% contruetiug- with •teachars for the winter
sChools. Tetahorti are tc'q&eated to t.riug their
certificates with them.
Oct 25 1871 2w Secretary.
t •
t 4 ' . %
With the Recent
Don't buy a.BEWING MACHINE until you have , tried the
New Weed.!
J. TILLOTSON, Gen'l Agent, 83 Lake Street, Elm ra, N. Y.
A. L. BODINE, Agen, WOlabor°.
J. B. MISTED, Agent, Bloasburg.
Sept. 20, 1871.
Fail '
Intrenched behind a PERFECT BARICADE OF GOODS, , ready to net a CHARGE FROM
"ALL: OUR OLD CUSTOMERS, A as many now once, as may choose to favor us with a call.
In addition ton fall stock of
, .
Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, -
• ,
we make the following branches of our business, -SPEOTILTIES.
' • ,•
DRESS GOODS. of which 1
we have a large variety. . r c-
CLOTHS a OASSIMERRS, whioh we sell by the yard, or MAKE TO ORDER by the
most experience workmen on abort notice.
for :Ladies, Jfis9e;9 l , Children, Gentlemen . and , Boys
r . +.- ,
One Hundred` Pieces,
ranging from 25 . ets. to $2 50 per yard,
Corning, Dot ;4,11016
NEW 0-00.1)S
VV■ 3■ Horton & Bro or ,
MastcllC•44? IJPepists I
Parades, Mohairs, Plaids, French, and Irish Poplins Japanese Silks ?
Fancy caved an Black Dress Silks,
• .
all at prices much less than have been sold for before. We keop a fall line of
Paw* Goods, Yankee Notions, Boots and Shoes, Arals and Caps.
.30 ots. to $1,20.
.75 ots. to 23,60.
,80 ots. to $1,26.
Hosiery from
Boots from
Mem' Shoos from
Boys' Shoes from .
10 to 50 ctB.
......82,60 to $5,50.
81,25 tq
41,110 to *1,50.
411 Seasonable Goods at unprecedented Low Prices.
Ready-Made Clothing in abundance.
Yard wide Tstotory for. TO ate. French Gingham ••• •20 obi
Prluta for... ... ..... 10 eta. Queens' Own Alapaoa,(epeotalilty) to No
Delatnes for 20 ota.
Choice Groceries, :Ipte's
Teas from 60 ots. to $1,50, 'Coffees from .
A Sugars 121 ets. Spices, all ki • de
Porterea Sugar at l2l etc Soaps, all kinds.
Our motto is, "fair dealing, low l prices, and strict attention imo4imes," which ii 3 a lways
the key to success. - - - ..
'1 ,
We invite every one in want of anytking la our Hue, to drop in and take a loolt , through oar
stook, as, l
we are alwaxi 1404seci to.ohow our Goods. It)
Welleboro, Oct. 4,1871. W. J.
i . .
• ,ew"
_ . . 3
- • - a 7 3 VI iV a , !3; . 0
...Sept 8, 1871
IN BANKRUPT44, 7 -Thiq is to glye notice
thaton the 14th day" ec ttotober,ltr i f I, n war
relit in bankrotey was
..Asstied agaiaet-- the es
-tate..Ot Juitatt,M. Ballefr. of, Mansfield, in the
coulgy ‘9l4loga • and, Rtitte* of Pantisyliania,
wholtas been adjudged a bankrupt, on his own
petition; that the payment of any debts and
delivery of any property belonging to sneh
bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer
of any property by him, are forbidden by low ;
quit a, meeting of the creditors of the said trink
i4t,"to prove their ,debts, and to cheese ,Anie or
niter° siSsignees of bdelestate, will bc: heldi at a
..cfottrOl bakrap 14f, tto - be 401004,4 the t oe,
Etai4 in the borentitt'o "Rit*l4`
lieforet B. Smith, Register, o the 2,A1 day of 1
beceniber, to o'clock 4 ht.
A. 31VRIDOCII. 11. S.
• Oct. 20, 1871 'Marshal, as Messenger.
. .
- ABA. 04 O.Wv
w Cl u ttf v ) 4 az i t e l !I n ets P II t
r 1 4 .: 911.t u i:o d ro o
all lanai of
Fluting; :Stamiing, , Pinking,
- Tucking, Cording ,
Patent Gathering for raffles on abort notice. Cpki
at bar rooms over Mrs. Bonet& bfillinery'store.
Welbtboro, Sept. 20, 1871-3 m.
We are nom folly Armed and Equipped for the
Fail Campaign.
a Kull eiocir, embracing
+ i -r,.,
r _ ~ tia
0.0013 s
childrese Shoes from
Hatt from
Caps from
Atidilar' .Notice.
a'ppointed an auditor to
make distribution of the - balance remaining
iu the 'binds of John I. 73141ie11' administrator
de boccie non cumfatatnento onnecro, of the estate
of Jacob Prutscuan, late of Tioga. daoaasod• will
attend to the duties of his Appointment ) at his
Tioga county Peg, on Thurt
the 9th - day of Isluvember A. D. 13Ti , tst. 10
&clock A. u. when and whore all persons elsim
Lug any portiOn of mkt fcaull' meat proeent and
prevo their capi t ols or be torever debarred from
°ea t ing in for any; pan Iberia.
NAL 13,1871-2 w. 6.11.131C1.11(1UR.
FA Rli - FQR A5"4.1.,X.
TIE suites:Aber f. ofts for sale his farm 4.f be
lieres, pleaslntly situated in Palau 11-110 11 9
ehliritOgn, Ttcurni l coonty, Pi.; within a b .ut four
curios of Wuliaburo and two miles of 'Niles Vni.
[ l e y depot. School house, obarobc ft:dill, shops,
4,e., within - a Mile. 'berms easy. Ina/etre on
the premises. of . ' C Q. 0.1TL1 14 1
flay 17. 171 tf 1 1
i - -
A u U D rroß'S tl() rEC g - ; The Du dersigmK k ,
nn Auditor ap ;Anted by the Curt of (loin
m Pleas of Tiogu oonuty .t a diettiqute agonel a
art - sing from tbu sz.'o of, the real esta.e . f. T. S
Ututtt 4 , V l 4 ,i; Artli:d Yu , th 0 fintlei of his appoint
(D ent, at Rid tiatiA "id' ,t,(?ellabetii'; on Thursday,
the itch day of Novato Pr next, at ten o'elook in
the forenoon. , BROMB B. NILES,
October 18,1871 3 ' Auditor.
MAKE pleasure in announcing to the citizens
of.Welleboro and vicinity that , they have
purehaeed the entire stook of • •
1 I
and in fact everything usually kept in a flr,st
ainde Drug Store. En the line, of
we cannot be undersold. Call and examine
Goode and prioes befbre 'pnrohasiog elsewhere..
Particular attention paid to nye()tam Presorip
tions,and oodpounded at all hours.
The patronage of the public' is solicited.
EST,, of any store
25 io 80 cte
, 2
A. M. Ingham & Co.,
formerly owned by P. IL WiMame, and are ad
ding to the *dotal a fine llno of flooduvoonelet
lag of
Pure Drugs, Patent Medioines, Yankee
Notions, Paints. Oils, Varnishes,
VarnAlz Brushes Paint 4
Paint Brushes, -
Fishing Tackle,
Wall Papei., Window Shades and Fixtures:
A M. INtiriAm. ING/IAM "Jr, CO
May 4, 1871.
Sill & Squires,
Foreign dc Domestic Liquors
Wines, t pc.,
i! Ageuta for Fine did Whigkiee,
'PYrtus D. BILL,
itt!.y 17,1871. '
J 144 1;77 4 5'
6t: „AI&
‘Nctr . avv:l.
Every yeal• increases the popularity
of • this valinible Hair Preparation;
which is due to merit alone. We can
assure our,eld patrons that it is kept
fully up to its high standard; and it
is the only reliable and perfected prep
aration for restoring GRAY OR FADED
lIAIR to its youthful color; making it
soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp,
by 'its use, becomes white and clean.
It removes all eruptions and dandruff,
and, by its tonic properties, prevents
the hair from falling out, as it stimu
iate3 and nourishes the hair-glands.
By its use, the hair grows thicker and
stronger. In baldness, it restores the
capillary glands to their normal vigor,
and will eye rite 'a new growth, except
in extre l tne old' fl or oe. It is the most
economical HAIR. DRESSING ever used,
as it requires fewer applications, and
gives (he hair :a splendid, glossy ap=
pearance. A, A. Hayes, M.D., State
.Assayer of Massachusetts, says, (,‘ The
constituents are pure, and carefully
selected fhr excellent eEtality; and I
consider it the BEST i'REPARATiort
for its intended purposes."
Sold by all Druggisls, and Deus -e 9 in MedielneB
Price One Pallor.
Buckingham's Dye
As our'Renewer in many cases re
quires too long a time, and too much
care, to restore gray or faded Whisk
ers, we have prepared this dye, in one
preparation; which will quickly and
effectually accomplish this result. It
is easily applied, and produces a' color
which will neither rib nor wash off.
Sold by all Diuggists. Price Fifty
Manufactured by R. P. HALL
, NAiEuxu.a.zrai
lit g `,'0 , ,,, 48'8 Z I
.. '01!: - .gr0Tg288`,41t .
c 0 .0 .0 03 00 00 . 0. 0 z, 0 .4
0 - w-. 8 - c - -7 a c C 6"1-:: or
, t.._. 8,
.zi. 1,-, 43)" 0 ...,
:i . . -• :4 '6' 76
ID 5 . i ' 4 •
• :Zs : : : 4 ' r , :
• • :: 1
x t _,...,
o af p. 4 tat ' l 7 a •." ",...
a i 1 8 Ti 63 S" ) C ) 73 4 a . SA Pcs t;l4
PA 8 a 573 :4- Eil ia.o
s _ l l4 %Pr t 6 ' (EI :a 124
4 . § r 4
1 . 1 sz
CI g li t $ 24 S 13 La 4 ' , 5 1 it 0 " tit
ICI C2 - > § I j Q PN i
laca t illrlt p 44. P! cd
If, ci c$ 0-, ,a 2 c , g cs .
4c 4 C ; l + • 1 ;; cl 7,
II ES) 4 t.. 4 Pri CO
i y, 4 1 .51 T.: - F, .2 • 2
0) •,-* cl ca ,rd
- Ef gfi gi = g 0 .2.0. -6. .3 0
6 401 ci .". %.' ;:-. I.° g' At S
I 111 A 4 aRihAP AgiPxlE4 1!
To Farmers and Stoek Raisers. ,
TitOßOOGill BB'ED, pure blood, Ohio im
proved Cheats White pigs (stock bough
from Ohio) for soloist Covington, by
August 2, 1871 2krk 0. V. KING.
Of thorongh trial it bag become an established
faot that ROY'S CHOLERA DROPS la the beati i
Family hiediaina that can be found for the cure of
Colic, Cralutips 3 -
stT tvi*Eß cOIirLAINT
And all those disorders of the bowels which are
so common in the Summer and Fall. This Medi
cine never fails when rightly used. It is no
OURE-A,LL, it is not recommended for anything
"else It dues not contain pepper 'like the Ps .in-
Killers. It does not irritate, but i
,g mild and
soothing in its operation, It, is not like any
Other medicine, therefoze ask for ROY'S 01101,
ERA DROPS aptl take no other kind. •
This preperation loss gained Its present repu
tation heeanse it does not disappoint the pur
chaser. Tt le one of those useful things that is
always kept nt Lund in every country home.
Asa family medicine For animals Salutifer
Salatifer is. the apPlioa- has no equal in ski
tion for— oaks of—
kfauralgia, 'Poll Evi),.
Rheumatism, Ring-bone, i
Stiff Joints, Chilblains, - tit:pegs Galls, Spaying
Diphtheria, Sore l'hroat, Sweeney, Wind Puffs,
Croup., c)olins,x, peratobes, Lauseneas
qpreins, Xtilons, Callus Bunches,
, AeOrdental Injuries, Foundered Feet;
' Ree,Btings, Rotorua. Poisons he.
_ Ws remedy is found useful in every
. House 0 Barn.
Bold by Druggists and'Country Merchants • en
mity. : e ts, . . Vt.
JN0. 1 1 .1. NIITCUSLL, A
The Oheapest Place .in the State
. FOr Photographs!
10 CARDS for &I oentia. LargeOcituree and
frames for $l. Old platnres copied, en
larged and finished in the finest style. Sew
style, frames and everything kept in a gallery on
hand, or furnished to order. I
rrillE subsorit offers for sale the following
I property, vi : 20 village lots situated on
State Street, 4 lots situated near Sheridan at., 9
aoree'df land near the cemetery. This property
,will bo sold at moderate prisms and time given;
',llse the house and lot of Chas. Williams, near
the M. E. Chnroh. The subscriber is also agent
for the North Chrolina Land Company, Par
ties desiring to Visit that section can get Rail
road tioketa at reduced prices, ancl also valuable
information in reference to the Company from
1 May 10, 1871—tf. W. S : BRWOOJi.
Issues Policies iti.first-olais Compostlee at an
3Lacyvcr I=tettels.
as any
will gran! Insurance
Jan. 4, 1871.-Iy., JNO. I. MITOBBLL
1 AT
oms over Gardnor's groom. store.
5 1 1871 tr Wellsboro, Pa.
Inable Toxin Property
Alay 11, 18
Manufacturers of
Buggies, Sulkies,
Platform Spring, Track and
Lumber Wagons,
We are prepared to do anything in our line
short notice and in the beet manner. = Satis
etion gnarranteed.
COLES, Agta, Wellaboro.,
Stony Fork,
pril 5, 1871.
Wonde s Will NeVer Cease.
AVE you Eried the latest and greatest med
ical diecdrery of the age? \
Dr. M. if,. Bacon's Magic Pain
It cams colds, diptheria, cramps arid pains in
the stomach, indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery,
summer complaints, cholera morbus, ehlera,
titlo., as by magic. As an external appll ation
Or frost biros, chilblains, sprains, bruise , fa
ohs, rheumatism ' sick headache, toothache', neu
r ',gin, pairs Inltho side ,, back and loins; In art
p actice of six Years, it has boon fonetto be
cond to no preparation ever offered to the
public. I
The proprietor of this medicine feels warren
-1.0 In guaranteeing it to be the beet remedy fur
die above diseases in the market.
Nariufactured and put up,only by Dr. M. L.
Bionn, Blosaburg. Pa.
!Whole:3.110 agents-Hallett, Soarer A. Burbank,
1.141 Chamber etreet, New York ; W. D. Terbeil
& I Co , Corning, N. Y. July. 12,'71 ly
' _-
liam's Woolen, Mi ll s!
I ..
TIM subeoribera will pay Quell, Full-Cloth,
Caesimeree, Fla vole; eco., to., for Wool.—
They itao mounfaotdft as usual—
, ~
. •
to iluitcustomere. All work warranted aerop.:
let/anted. They invite particular attention to
their eater Prof
ob are warranted in every - caveat. Particu -
tar attention given , to
°HAM'S large stook of Cassimeres, .to
ant len than any competitors, and warrant
s represented.
FIAMS manufacture to or, er, and do all
sof Roll-Carding and Cloth Dresaing, and
L 011A1118 have as good an . tatiortirt/;nt of
• llii MOOS ' OaSSIMer43I3 ) &c.,
I .
Ind give more for Wool in eaohange than any
oth , r establishment. Try them and satlafy your.
eal • es.
tQIIIAIII9 wholesale and retail at the Cow
au clue Mills, 2 miles below Knoxville.
0 r Cloths are warranted, and sold by this
idly:ring persons :
O. B . KELLEY, Wellaboro, Pa.
T. Id• BALDWIN A 00., Tioga, Pa. -
J. 0, BENNETT,OovIngton,Pa.
Deerfield..ian i :871-ti
melia Nud i c You' are hereby notified that
PIM(' Nudd has applied to th4Cotirt of Com
`Mon Pleas of Tioga county for a divorce from
the bonds of matrimonj. and.that said Court has
li)tvcinte , l tI n d,y, the 27th (Joy of November
ntxt f.,r a he 'sing in the premiers, when avtd
WlKire you Ca.n * aitend-if you think proper.