The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, October 25, 1871, Image 3
TOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. .C...0ca1. Items. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 25, 1871. Now Advortisoments Aoklitor'd Nottce- - --W. A. Stone. ziabool Notice—Rob't Campbell. Notice—John King. N'olice—Goo. 0. Derby_ ITE3L—The days of staging by .oriA power, in a northerly diveotion, are over. 3lvnclsy the oars commenced running rogu ,,r as high up' es lirettster's—almost to the gh limits. sm. Wickham & Farr have just heavy involoo of the most desirable hought atlhe lowest rates by expert- Their now advertisement comes this week; Took for it in ffn MID Idly° , Imo for i ect I.qua lEmoNAL,7David Cameron, Esq., c hosen his future residence, has r einosed hie honsehold goods hither, and has be ,ano associated with John I. Mitehell,in the law , n a insurance businosa._ Mr. QUM= lb well wjon OF a capable business man and m desirable 31 „„, we welcome blin to our plCasant village. PUBLIC BALE..—Mr. D. P. CittPo, of a a riegory, will sell his stock, farming utensil', ac,, on tbe 2il of November, at remlenee, at ,2 M. —Mr. Anchor Wetmore will eel! home, cows, u,y, ()ate, ivngona, so., at ble residence in Del a) .3 r, Di. 10 A. 1.1.y0u Thursday the 28th hat. TUE IMPERIAL SPRING tiED.—This bei is usanufaotured by Mem& Davie Zs 'Kim ball, at Osceola, g,nd le well worth tho ttiention the public. It was on exhibition and took. tee Drat premium at our county Pair. It hae been thoroughly' tested by the editor of this pa per, who is willing to vouch for Its superiority. It is cheap,darable,..aad-onka,needs_ to ins aceu , o be appreciated. Persons wiehing to purchase will address as above —Oct. IS, 1871-St. among the literary_ monthlies. v A ato pg atm, ant : , else, " Tennyson and 'Meteorites" will take the with the scholai l ly and ,pnotio reader.— , Wayside Pikes," by ClarenoeXing, is a chatty, readable article. --The poetry is c t f . the ordinary zalgaaine•oharacter—:,a sort ; of highly granatoatj -al rhyming, that rade very well, awl fades too the memory as soon as read. A friend complains to us that the school children at the lower school annoy him -?.ictedingly. They have absorbed hie entire up crop, have overrun him promiscuoubly, , and i ac row—regarclleds of colic& the pro6pcorivol —tatirt; their way through his turnip patch. Nu admire. children ; thinks these ..1 the gra. ,ed sohnot a; bright es any - he has seen ; but :u;geca that the young lady teachers find a few tludred rpeeloterts of tnalo and fetnale Young America too lunch for thorn, in the way of tnan• agoiLent ACCIDENT.—A berious runaway on erred rear the now mill of Phulpo it Dodge, at iitt Big Mars.b, un the 11th inst. Mr. ChaTlea o nv i e fl i i r k, of Farmington, With a Eon and datigh pr, (a little girl of about ten years,} was going , rum the mill to the main read in a buggy, when ute of the bores heceme frightened, sprang •.galnrt the tongue, Lod broke It. Mr. Ouder- Awn Stamped out fur the purpose of catohing the hurreaty the hend,Lltt failed, they starting ahead furiumly, and coon run tim buggy into a hailk, turning it twioa over, with the twu we:Tants Un ./zroeetb:when It finally halted and the hordes became dettuThed freill the eehle:e. The young wan emaped with a few Might injurita, but the little girl bid one leg broken just above ilso an- Tho wagon woe pretty much demulishe'd..... Iforms unharmed. Thu November number of that most popular of all .tnagasinee, ilarper'e, is on our ta ble. It I: a live number, and the Elpy Chair is ~ stth the pike of. it, easy. The Drawer 14 get ;irqr, a little huwever—owing, probably, is the re4reity of anything new under the tun. ihe tale of this tnagaetne exceeds that of any :Cur printed - in the English language, and is lacreaslng. Now that we are on the subject of pertodicale, 313 mill just say that limper's Weekly is Ilittliest pictorial and literary weekly. of which we have ,ny knowledge. The illustrations by Nast have :artily been equalled since tho days of Cruiir• thank: and IsTast% caricatures of the Tammany ?rag have made even boys familiar with the flees of boss Tffeed aril - Oaliey Hall. That Ring -said have well afforded to retire Nast on a pen ;ion before be, got after thew, had they known that vg:as to coma. 1111; INSURANCE COMFAICIES:--Of :nurse the Chicago disasters are ratnoue to insu-. rnee companies. But the companies bay° iu a mauncr U , ..;:urvini.; of thu :ighest praise; and Lilo straightsorward, manly— IA liberal spirit in which they have behaved coder crushing losses, is a lasting honor to the , :ass of men who live by insuring their neigh hns against loss by fire. -••- All the insuran9o companies of Chicago are toix.ttcd as insolvent. Their policies were chief 1Y to tile city, and they are ruined. Eastern mpantcs, by far the greats number pay their ~ , se; and laar , a Itandsotne'fiurplus. In bogi4nd, toe Liverlwul, London arol Globe : - :eb two and three Tiarter millions of dollars, r, ' {',lo2l it Trtiyi r , Tomptl. besides subseribiti4 ten suffurerb. The followinik trivau cap lE.!. frp..rte.l as broken fhe 141cpendfdiv, ; North Ameri• Ilartkrd 13utTi'o toy, Ituffal,t ; Putnam,' doubtful, hroukhn,ot Ilrooklyn ; Albany City, . nSan Fiau c! ~• ,- 61 pay over per ceut. 91.1 , ioLp,,arld FOLD° , r.i 61 , 41:.4 i VI dueler, of /4 wfu! t zail tips G d,etur—f d r 10 is n tgat, .ot.derful protern't,o,, a robber of rush ae hatab, , :t_te,t.r whf, pas-, d through our ..%;+. it tow at. kt "go, gotog frotu I.oase to ;:c..r(Ling tot .11 the lame and rick. 1.1,1.1 tr , .tnutog t cure nit tutturable disea.t.vs, by ad. LL:f.:atering n .• preparation that to oilier dc'etor 'et.c.r.v, anything alatu " Nov, tho tied Avant to LuTt.•:, dttea‘t‘l ; ii zeiltht halt 1,..:en a motor +A inditfornee befoto period arrived, 'it no I ) Liglt. Atd 'sen tho hard vr . Orking phTtiehtn, o fur years Pt: dot "iv' every factdry to thi 4tudy t I di:Ta to and their remedies, says to the peer iorulid 'The repent mato of medianl selectee nto not warrant trio in giving you much encouragement''% ktt strange that the Buffeter turns to such tues• angert of healing as Varn Fleet ? Ills patienti Itl thi, vicinity aro noxiously awaiting hisro' . I'm. Though they ought to know that his yi— wt are like the angels, only ono to the saute in iindatil, yet they would consider it a favor could tbty obtain information as to his whereabouts.-- ii I will attempt a faint tics;.tription of this phi ttLferuplst. Ifs is a maiderably past the prime QC life, has t tmili Ae 1: Eloping back from the eyebrows to the eezipw, retreating chin and protruding ab- C oleo. drives a dilapidated buggy and Sarre, eugg J estive of a crow festival, to (.0 door Ivrelli . nc. enters, calls for buttermilk, cern thedi attend fixes his eyes on the flour, and Vocrlde by rote; " l ar4 4n eeicettc pi); sici4n ; 7' , 1 44 d 2f, years' pTaepee l liaye Vflia a pro. , t "ut of ui edicine to the i'ity of tier, York ; (a thwagt,f, I) 3fse nn kupl . :l4l giedi use rt; ,, ti:ii waters of cavil, and .zers•net-; I iind , r , tkv n;) case but who " r. S , IA II 33 l'e ,( 'i r , 40t. •,srt ' 4 "4 hi ••• 1, la t n i.. 1 illl.O 0 1lio that no'allopittno or humoopothio can du a .7•;•', -r'aSV=::"'"''" r "4 „, ny. • atm- tn>tue easet-tuat- inttaatten a- • • titans , of all the trouble; that It will take two pres•riptione to effect a gure..lliimill on 6 oharge for b i ls medicine, fifteen ;_ twenty .twontYptlre. dollars for the first prescription. Said I to a • neighbor, who shad employed him; "Did that medieine do you any good? "I haV'nt taken muo ," was the answer. " Why not ?" 1"It eou (1. Bnt I'll have that money back, when I see lm." That has gone to tho bourne from whe l eo no rtioney can return; but . yort ritill:prep bably hare a chanoo to expend rad io on imill'os tors of the same class. Tho same question! was put. I o little boy. ) , " Did that old quack's med ioind help year unblo ?" "0, it all soured. , He gave the doctor a ton and a twenty dollar bill, l and o promised to bring back the change, but be bas'nt." • pray others profit by their experience, and no. vor, ever have it anything to do with traveling prof nders. Hard "arofking, honest, Montilla pbye clans deserve the support of the commu nity Let theta have it. S. B. Brookfield, September 30. 'line concert at the Baptist hall ou Sunday night waa s;ery: pleinannt gay.; la hall w as full, and allpyiaen °mad to enjoy : t coca ion heartily. • Th'e nsnaloiwatwllifreqetad, theplaces well selected, and many went awa y nnatile to tind oven standing room in tho rrowcied hail. ur old friend "JohnVy" Emory •a ua a brief letter from tha fiery regions of orthweat, which we print below: writ the to correct a wrong imp - realest that has gone forth!through the medium of the Agitator ; one that is calculated, whether - designed or not, to work lme injury. Premising, howiiverthat Ido . not intend to - inaugurate a newspaper war, and that plain statement of facts is all I shall make, linee tnd for all. Your correspondent "B." has - Abought it " advisable" to publish a "calm" 'itatensent of the particulars of the fire that oor °erred in this place on the 22d of last mon f th.— The tii.tement may be "calm,"-but is sertainly erroneous in some respects. "B." chargels that' sinceithe risks on Marlatt's pr party were can celled, " it bas been against thle earnest prayers dud Protestations. of the adjoining merchants that aoy agent has taken risks upon bit proper "&A.,.. It bq well known that I am the agent who has since ' l ingered his property, rstitli the bxoention,of 41,00 p taken by Her. C. D. Keeney,) 'and r bb,y ,, e to reCollection of ever having' been prayed,"ent treat'd, or protested, not to fake any risks upon said roperty einoo the fire which broke out two years ago last June. In regard to the cancelling "of hi insurance immediately after said fire, the 1 agent cancelled a portion of it, leaving an inen tanceof .5.1,,50121—the same amount I insured on the ba i illo class of properfx.- The . rlsks were ta,, hen in good faith on my peart;.`und 'without tip' prcheasio* of loss above the average liability. Tho article, though written with a show of fairn ( 4s, and an apparent effort to be "calm," was, apprehend, conceived for the purpose of lucre sing tilts already existing prejudice against 12 Mr.: , a rlattNnd of creating ono against my eolf, as an agent. I hope, in all charity, it inaz bo ei inia,ip i-, rt.heusion. Lasly, as to the benefit to Mr. Marlatt from i. hurni g, I have yet to meet the man who can make it appear, by comparing the amount of in- Euranu with the estimated loss, that there can be anything but 19ss in ease of a' fire., Tba_mo deratd amount of insurance .on the .property, oomp4red with its real value, makes it seem ab- Bard to suppose that any sine man could have thonglit of gaining anything by an incendiary act. ord about tho eirealation of ipeendiag rut, ex facts. A. gontleutoln...thia to-. yl lost his barn by Gra. Straightway the ru. haw that thero was a heavy insurance on the ty, and that the owner had burned out to it. On investigation, it proved that there i tid been any insurance on the property.-.- atters become serious, when persons pub- I l ona to the world as facts. A 1. Mors MB rora: il grope obtaiu 1=3:3 DM Bah th, Gen' especi• tlenaen of the press, correspondents, and such of you as profess to he Christians, e pens, and write with no others,_ with rds written on the handles and stamped • steul, " Remember the Gtoklem Rule." EZE th o c MEE roctre, for Truth aad Justice. Wm. 13. Sum. WuLtsuone, Oct. 13, 11111. ti this opportunity of notifying my Gusto friends that be lommete•enf the -North Fa and Franklin To eurauco coiopanics by irible calateily at Chicago, trill be about million dollars cacb. Thu losmet be ,tly paid, am soon as tho pro fa can be pro ) leaving taill the bandeouie sum of over 1 ,000 each applicablo to fu Vilna losses. A 'ny tilakcap etauikexteh ershecivie t worthy fidonoo,and patronge b 0 the People.— ndersiguell isiiriniared to wVite - Alolietes for icor() compahlris,. at raasonablo vitas: I am. . l ed that tbo Andes and all tho companies sent aro able to pay ovory dollar of their Chicago, and still cot:Mune business. ID. 6311T11, Agent, Knoxville, Pa.. ,-> Niagara: lire insurance company, •• York — , uotifiee ite otietomers that ice lees P hicago are iu rapid prooess •of settlement, 11 be met without embarrassment. The sy oentinuee basluess with undiminished n.. 4 A .larteettui`pluil;and'iiiiieTs,polioies dt o m men's u rate 'died Med. ""' \Fit. a. Sutra. Agent. 16, 1.371 Knoxville, Pa. of e ea at • and w eneipa' capita rates The ato no diseaso sh is heir to more troub -1810E04,,1L 9.-roa-P4go thaa,rhenpailsna__,lt .comes 'when lottleatt - expettitrand - genefally - tinfaitli till it dot, roaly to an away Tho most con epicuvde remedy for thl.3 complaint is Johnson's Anodyne Liniment, Two or three doses of Sheridan'a Cavalry 67/1. diS iOll owdera will cure a berth of any comma!, coughor cold, anclAoscri,w,o'ki.t oases may be cured 14 a few wegkoit,"Vito.lo3ove ibis fro ex portends). •": 'l l , -is .Vt.:l, BURLINGTON Leaving the East and arriving4t:Otar t ikgq:cl:r Indianapolis, huw thall we refactla' - '4 The belt Liao it a.-,eri tei.:silaTsC%lt: .. Q,I ioed to4ethpr o , i,th tee B. M. Itaifrom), .... by thgl Ton trttige at Burlington; bbd celled tile . LionLy i ttrolt i(oc sz. - ; •-: The Rain lino of lite Lotite ',ant:tics ti,tprat-,b,,a . : . coilnoet, with the great PYoiiii:4 - londa - :tr ,.-if. )T os. to day .he loa•ling route to California. Iho MO dle Branch, enteringlqiisiaskit.itt Pliqtamemb`i passts .hrough l i fiJeolt:f.,iho stoto cap)taj, 'sect will this year be;'ilui.shlaitc)!Vi,t :Kfiarpew„ . .fbr-, tning the shortest rouio mores, tbli Coutit'utit‘ b' ore,r 10y tulles. _,Antitlier branch of the 13. M., diverging at itod °al:, f,Ill.: into a line running down the Mis .- - -. ouri through - fst. - Joe-to Kansasciiy, uud , r ail. 1 ansai. l'astiengef:i bey ihiS route - to Kansas, see Ilittiott, 1.. - southern lowlu, and Miz-sourt, and, by a slight divergence, earl see Sebraska also. ' I Lorees of Gee views bhotthl remember the Bur lingto Iloute, for its towns -41gygleamirtg from n nr"-•-its tree fringed:ls ' eaMs-;-its rough ...e rit ce4. -i bluffs stahi . quarries-484.0 e . trotehing over thb, prairies further than eye eau freitoh. , Land ht2,yers will he sure tomtuember it, for t they hiLte filen cis aintittiltfil cwti tb °llea tid • who; have archlyiboughtfctreus - Ibp fie . o. ti.. .11nrrity• 1 the La atn M t Gotnicsloner of the D. ti: . 1i,1,t. at• Buriin ton, lowa, or among- the four thous ,nd twine s-teicdorratui ,pi,) ,441ploie r.lie last year tile' eltlins in the Liaooln laud orrice, where ••Unel :lira is Hob enough to givens. all a farm.' July Its, 1671.-11 r; EFeti Nlo:csfit.Y.for Novel:111)st prestuta us with "rt — Rfrl - Mild Alirietrthisl7.fir - 6r - irfifiter Fashi4ns, t:o essentia ,to z iauf r oliti,,ts, pcdr-titer tastes of.tho ladies. ho-presentlelitieltraliAiis usual outer of Mug e, Literature, Household, and useful art' lea .tritd „tit() new 1185 - fit a•recointnsior 1872. I.l;e"_terius _ler club& nio rety liimral, and should be esAtaittedb7 c,llwbo. requirt—and who do i lis not P—tt 'gamily - Alliga. zinc. ""a 00,per year, _ Published i1t,938 Bro tk a i, 4ow rk Y ...` - v " way, p . . .t_ . „.. , r; "'' ~ -.. , •... i. '. ..., • . . NAR` • I I , IS—Slf INI To" Middlebury, nt the res- .. t ..„ lof the bride' lather; Oct. 15t14; by _i.icie',. A. Lope, MM. Elishti Davis to Mini -. ith of Tiogo n. ILINGER—WINqATP- 7 9n thn_l7th_of :71, by Rev J. F. Oath to a . 4 Mr'.':i . t. 11.1cBel-f" of•M at:oiled, to Mls'!" - Mtirthl3 - 1: Wing - lite ileeton. - .. . ~ !:1 D t idtneol Rev D rob S pct INger of Cho i TROWRI=FEtSEY-21n Mansfield ; tie lie oftbe.licintiog tuinigtr. no the 7,th v ttVY %V - liiiit.'hir. Perry ilettrussri: ttt at t I .. C.O l . Y •r. i•E V 11 , 13 L. Ey,-I;ty. , ye }we' at - foe' ?me .. d ph t,;. Mr.. Lal yette Dailey,. to • una Kohn all of Covington. the h., 1 h 4z m ' LI L htiva • JAGES. ,7 ', .? . office in Wright 4t Bailey's 81ogk,zhere he con firm** vicraltke teeth-with-4 ievi improvement whioh-givei better eZefaction-Nhan any thing else in use. To be had at Dartt's only.—Ang. 24 1870 —tf. SPECIAL NOTICES. To THE 8 'ME MNG.—Rev. William H. Norton, :yritilet;regiffEbrgdp4.Bratll as a missionary, discov. died - rethetraUff of medicines a remedy for con- ,• gumption, scrofula, sore throat, asthma, coughs, • colds and nervous weaknesa. This remedy cured biroself after all other medicines had failed. Wishing to benefit the suffering, I will send the receipt for preparing and using this remedy to all who desire it free of charge. ' Please send an envelope with your namefand ad dress on Address Rev. Wm: B.l47onruNp Sept 37,'71;BroadwayiNaw. Yet AVOID QUACKS. J I A victim of early indiscretion, causing tf• . vows debility, premature decay . leg tried in vain every advertised remedy as dis covered a simple means of which be setndtr t ee to ,hie foppw . •.i firers. urros,'Ts , iiisaan Ne • . • rk. A r4 : 4 9lBl i l r l %MOVE wTSIS 01, Calle Books , crB and Stationers,, KNo' Bowen dr. Cone's block, have just re. • ved and ore now opening their fall etc • .1' _ ALL AND WINDOW PAPER. They troop constantly on band, in all Tule. ties, every-article um/ally sold in a first clan bookstore. Stationery, slates, school books, tko., sold to count of Jobber,' Ilit :'Septll;22, QUARANTINE, NEW SUL Dr. D. /I. Diesel, Physician.inaltdef of the Hospital Ship "Falcon," Quarantine, New York Harbor. writes: "I have given your MISHLER'II /Inas BITTZIIB to crouvalesconts in Hospital good remain!, and believe them to be a good Ton io Bitting, well adopted to all caeca requiring tonics remediee." Snub-Is tho testimony of PliyeJolene in every aecticue of Almoner' „Tlitelmiudice existing agatat patent . Atefierilly is removed, and Misamit's HERB %ITER% is accepted by the profession as supplying a want long felt. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Oat 4;lB7l—im Orphans' - Court gate. - 1110 Y virtue of an order issued out of the Or. JO) phone' Court of Tioga county, the under signed, Administrators of the estate of Freder ick Welty, deceased, will soil at public sale, on Wednesday, the 29th day of November, 1871, at one o'clock p.u., at the Court House in Wells hero, to the highest and best bidder, the follow• lug described lands, "situate in Liberty town— ship, being the farm of the late Fred. Welty : Ist. Beginning at a post, the northearst corner of warrant survey No. 1981; thence west' 53 perchek to a post; thence . south 83 8 perches to a ,petfilis Huai cif Jonah ,;`Tirewster lot; thence along Ale landlot said iii•`ewster, east 53 perch es, to a post in the warrant line; thence north 83 Si - Porches 'to the place of beginning; being pare of said warrant, containing 27.7 acres. 2d. Being north part of warrant No. 1961; bounded on the north by lands of Daniel Hard ly and Jonah Taylor, west by lands of John Hoyler, south by lands of Jeremiah, Black, , and east by, Ja4da pf,FrodoricilCAVoltyloistat27o4i tainiug 82i acres, more or loss. 33. Begiuniag at a post in the weetern line of lands of the Epi-oopal Academy ;_thence north along said line 83 perches to a beech; thence west 17 perches to a poet ; thence south by Jande ,of-Israel Greenlief ,a3"perehee to a poet; thence ,east 17 peens: WO, pine(' of beginning; con taint ng 8 acteelttid I3l,perche3. 4th. Beginning at a post in line of lands of Hoary Bardly; thence south 49 9 perches to a beech ; thence by unsettled lands, west 49.9 porches, to a beech; thence by unsettled lands, west 144 porches, to.a.becok; thetice.byjandkof Jonah north ' 49: petehas k 'p a'; therde by lands 'of Lovekied, eatifl44 pr t , clue, to place of beginning ; .containing 42 acres and 80 perches. Terms : One-third at time of sale, one third one year thereafter, one-third at the death of Mary Anir4VultY;Widbial . firsaid Frederick, do. ceased; wifli ititdrest on same from confirmation of sale, payable annually, and to be scoured by bond and mortgage on the lands sold MARY ANN W ELTY, PHILLIP WELTY, Oct 2ö, 1.371 Adm'rs. Orphans' Court Sale Dvirtue of an order issued out of the Or. phone' Court 'Of Tioga county, the under. signed, Executors ofthe eatate of Conrad Ber- Aatir,_dticsaseldi slllz,rall at public seder on the' premises in Gainee," the farm of the. said Bar !mut, deceased, on naturday, the 2d day of De cember, .8.71, at two o'clock P.liL, to the highest and best bidder. The said farkilsiiituated in Gaines township, Tioga county, near the hotel of IL C. Vermil. yea; bounded north and east by lands of B. X. Billings, south by Pine creek and lands of J. B. Bornaur, and west by lands of John L. Phenix, Jr.. with courses and distances as follows : Beginning at the northeast corner of lot of Pienitr,Jr.; th eneenassll9s4 - rods In a post; Abe e send; 186 radii 0/ u , Rost; tbjmoo west 20 r tel . 's! post; tlibiW nor V, 50/ de. reettiyenti, 2/ rods; thence north, 7 degrees weal; 10 rode; thence north, 47 degrees west, 15 rods ; thence north, 88 degrees west, 541 rods; thence north, 153° west, 41 rode; them: north. 211 'degrees west. 51 rods; thence north 39/ rode ; thence west 22.4 rods; thence east, along lands4f ea4P4nix, 43.3 rods ; thence north X5O B`todd i to•the place of beginning; containing 9q.9 acres, more or less; reserving Trom sale a anaull lot, about 20 by 80 feet, need as a burying ground; with about 60 acres improved. and flood house, barn and orchard thereon. 'Toms : One-third at time of tale, and short time given for the balance of purchase money. Particulars given at time of sale. Yir.rTATE, 0. A. SMITH; Oct 25, 1871 4w Executors. I HEREBY notify the publio not to purohase 1 any note that may be in circulation against we, bearing date 0 t. 17th, 1871, for one bun dre doliare, payable to B H Johnson, of Bor. nellsville N. X. I W t being a swindle, and wtll ,not,be e iteld t ,„ 40t1)11EING. 4 1 qtt..ilt e1187t., stl jrnt. Auditor's Notice. rr HE underslviiiirattelltor, appointed by the •:.I , :grikiPAi oonnty, to distri •Witiantisdgilialpglt4ittglbe sale of real estate Sfaekoisi:Riiviser;.direasielA, and aludite and vit ae the accounts of Erastus Rose), administrator, will attend tc.,the debt 4 8a ,- I'ftld, at ,I.'o'Opok P. tfiat, : laiscgcst,iu WAstirgu. t , Oct:tis,lB7l=4w. - SOIIOOL . NOTIOE.—The Delmar, School Di reotote will meet 6th day of 15n , detntior next,44;ll:o A 4,t the school house near tho °hoe* fft_qtY i;ll ,l for thee purpose of ecintraoting wait' tiin petal flzr ?the winter schools; s 'groaeleren:ed teiftrestect to bring their !certificates with them. ROB'T CAMPBELL, Oct 25 1971 2w - siorelive- LL boobs and acoountepertaining to the Yosineao of SEARS dr. DERBY, aro in the bakda or the subscriber fur collection, and mare bdvsottled aeon, or cost will be made. lirellaboro Oct 25,1811 1 3t.r,1' 6". ‘, 1 otidE.—The Charleston Sonool Directors will meat at the Young school house Sat urday, Nov, the,te,urtkatp'cloo4,4,ll ) 4o) hlr iciaohera tb o & ter' ; term .. 45tifor 01.141 • , 11.ACtlitlYiCkNO-.; .; Cotoher,l3th, 1871. • . ESI - I.4&.N7VLOgg WIL L BE CLOSED OUT, 4e) ttto - Sept 3Q, 1871 4t WILLCOX h CO.'S OtTLD say to the citizens of Welisboro V.iktni Ttoiniky, 4 thckltirA.! she Is c prepto $q A , . Fluting, „Stamping, Pinking, Tuckingl ,,Cordingi):A Patent Gathering friritiffieh , ini , eho'ritiiiiiee. , Call o her rooms over Mrs. soilMaiipliitiiir k -ziare. Welt:tem. fActi 21 1 ) 1471-3172. -,k7f,-TN,',llO-14_, GROWERS. Tt _laciindersigned will bontraotlyr tth -respon sible parties-Or tba clpari,ng and grab blpg o he gioundsiet Rae fat: 'Ott Wollabora.fibil, LawreneeVille Ilailroticl near - Antrim ; dikiinae ' abont )191,miles 4,istrslor tbi • clonrkiK ail) nii l 4b ptilittc•rgati fvo4i . Vrallibtifdlo itidilin as fir s ' as the F all *oak Coal Compatl's Nada extend i •• - , -' 7 :.I1 1 Ii0 In ti ' PA KRER, Agent. •• . : 1,, , : '':*•:' Antrlia , bbArlVlliibg. Antrim, Fa ? Oot,ober 3 t l - 87/-7.9w. •-- Alai ,o. 1: ti., If, ry.!:,::. 4 F, , , tlt , 77 foi ale e i liy cheip ;.th kola ABON'a twit:* CABINET ORGANS. OLD INSTRUMENTD taken in Exfhaoge. A fatro-stosic of , it -m, craw ittlksikee!rod. LES Otte glienit'litl .the klatio q prgat!ouidin Singing. oppoitutitty foe praetleo iffoided to those who may desire It. Boit. 20, 1811. ar , A/Q.TO`Wa HEAD QUARTERS SOU Drugs, and . NOiCiii,lo, L , 7 (Valentrot ; opzer;tio)4i3ll4 toi PAINTS OILS, tAnNis grAvrriial% IiATIEL'III4/114 - --. • 17, auttaltortylett of I,lllll3o.lllgeew 'l 4 " ielia:laitoiusiii46:4lair :1 -7 .5 galYWN444l 4 l ll, erif t 1'1;0'14 EMI Religious, Historical, Medical, Legal, blank tfr flohool.-747. B.A. fall assortment of the Isttl A.l4g tgutelkmfassEttnittnitif 7 Vief•tur, Litiotu t , 9TATIONANTia4IOIO37' , .ANS t4SBELS, £O. &O. arroCliacir/44611*' ; -; IT.lnks, Ausiktb.,o.9go.o, rfe. rioratio, spim. 04:"*. pt WaTtit.ot tgoAsa.teatiti.piiist, or 444#7.-. wtortil a4ti slukieeltoaby this °haat OT sugar by ebe bbl. at as low egarea as tba can be bougbt at this side of New York. - P. S. TRY 0.111..4 LAMPS CR 4YJ L IERS ifo„ iird", ofilie . i . i4G;4l, wilfr, ! 49t4loo- r : Artioles: PERFUMERY, - TOILET .ISOAPg Foa , • MA,DES, BRUSII,ES, WHIPS AND•LASH - ES; -• We hold twenty desirable village ,sale loaYrtbe.aentral_wir . t of.the tki!d‘l . 4)sc* . Aide • W. , 76%-P1,0b01191 , k15 ,. ,11t,t . rer l our nr,e wor t y, b§. cotimktAd r for treataie / ;.liitB2lNGS'4 bola& Sept 20, 1871-tr. Foi Sale. "IfilrALF an acre of land for,eale, in that part AUL •of tho i h °rough An own at .germontowni-- 33ntkolrel oX,Jefoindo,Plack, at Itho • ((rat Ilona, ,b °row, lianauels4lakipaon't. Tornmi,Roa amiable. VOljalioro, fiaPt.4o - , 1871.-84. : •iY+iUU A. J. SOFIELD TSnow r ecei ving front Now Nork. lige agr sortniont'of • - ikt==ii3Lear3r. AID BEBE Goons, whipb sbe „offers to. tlte public as low rates. , -.• EvarOblotlisimall i ffeuad Saw" TIMM' 001it1i 0 will be kept on hand and eold low for cash.— The Wilcox and Gibbs sewing machines Sir eltie and to rent. -- - We'Moro, Sept. 20, 187I*Iy.' •ffi , ' WIIOLBSILS DREG STOill. CORNING-, N. V. DIICIS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND 011,13. THAPPEus,DAy/DO , nino, KEITH'S IREDELL'S FLUID, EX- IR4V1 1 ; BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE -LA-MS; PATENT aupipnizs,-8,99.4, 7 t,;' ESTER PERFUMERY AND:ittartiditG UttAftrACIUL PAPE/4, 4 WINDOW 9,440,5 1 W lIITSW & AND DYE COW/WE AGENTS FOR MARVIN I CO'S RB- I, V/L. iold at Wholesale PO CON _ Buyor a, aro to oall aod got quotogoil'a2befOro going 'Whiz • - D.' TER ELL Is' 00. Cotning;' , El Y‘',Vail.llB7ll4 . • • . • -..,•+•• • - ~"' Eurultura . Fuinitttrel ll ME T. VAN: HOgiN •••• : • • RAVUW 00uplatadlis sulk QsUlnet Walt -4r4iiiii.itrikati-3771411bar0, idotstoak • ed with w iatigi.w4gritipt4 p6aserte4l-stook of 'lr FURAT/TVREi ; "t• ,T ." • , iniii*iiitittfhttaiouti46,gapiet =NS • &A, tigt., Obit )gbo :itc44:lkitii • as cheap tie the earne goods can be 4'l : frOlgtit pidded." rarlOf %h;* Chorry arid Mahoganyfitepsor-ltairVl4l4-:-:- from SOFAS, LOUNGES, 0017OliES, A—TETESi. • with Upholstery to suit. Center rilas o rrikrarbl:Tliai Lookln 0 is, lot !EA P,a -h 11, -4 ' ' Whidesa Retan. am manufacturing as usual, and intend to keep a full stook ofmmAnktßO4Dll l l/0 110 0.1 at all times. My YiateAorrani"lrespaelpue ap neat, and now contain the largest, °GeVlust and best stook of - Furniture eim hr i agjiht taco the county. • latitilig and 1301 1 01 41a.SeihWrNEV done to Wrcler'itt the i'sotot7. 'Van. 1, „1,01•11 if. :*i :' ; -7'.:.;:z.: 7: ...,.!.. - ,-,: T i 7.7..c.,-...2 ~': 2: -:- .;•:., .v , ;..7 :" 'r: ._, ,„, ..., " . • ~.. .. _.-::: -7SIIS !: -.." t , n tr.:4,', . , mjpaigx-1. • 1 , •,• t rc, ..„..„.....„:„.„.„............„...„. :........, :,.. _...., , : ~...........„,.(0_,......,.....,...... • „.•:. • , •_. 4,1.. d 7 - , ::, .--... ;-,... ....- , : i . : 4 ' . . , ~ t".•;: .:, ~.:;:,••••--4,. 4, o.A.: ' ,loV : k r a " :344Ufv . 71:;;Iiw : 1 •: 4:7 • . , 1 4 ....e..1.4,5 ...* c , t. 7 - ‘4.... ~41 . . .. 4 • 5ek5.....1,,,, , ... , . ..r., lit-17 . es A" .4 . V.. !.. 1 . 7i t . 1.71C. •: . ..t ' .i; !. A‘ . , 1, : •,,,, Fro,ors pow..tqlty &clued and Equipped ibi'tifo' . t.t;..?1,11 . t kr.... , :':;i:., 0.,7:1 t.....::. , b , ..: y . :4•,‘-,-3.:;') r.-4 ,-..:' , ~,.. . _ .. _ , - -- 2 -.-- :.:1 ~ - •:..r , r;',= , .'; ,- .::'''''': ......, f: q • . -:, : - ... . ~ ; . iatralitAta4:i)thind a 'VERVECIT 4 a&D,ltiAlki:OF ileb - citii, rem:Dito mast a OLUJIGE i ROM ;Alai- o.Ant .91..4A111310111/1115; 4 so lastly atiss mass, as rosy °boom to favor os with 4 call. r... --/a aadltioa toss fall stook of_ —-. t; ,--, .-.:„. Cf.' ....,:f - u.,..- ; ; ~.:.f ...• ..... t - ''.:.,• '-• :-: ; I : ' -,, ... •.. " • ''' I . fan - by - 7 and Staple Dry , Goode: - - - 1: - 1-1 • , .71 _• .._ .._,_...._ • 1 . ..r.• -::1-..o... , .- ', -:..4; 7.1 ' -. ..''.V,•''.',' r.'..." t'• ' • . • .. .- .' !•C ,. - I r ifs tusks tholollowing branches of oai bigness,' SPECIiiiIII6. .>,~_ :~~ •DRESS GOOAS. of which wo 'have a largo vartair . :* .. • CIABOUVIAMS, .whlgirersklalt tp , the= yard, -or,,ISIAKE TO OR t - W moirt exporte 7 e writtmoa on short rarttoti. t p ,-- 7.....„'7." ARNILENTSi" MEI MID Our stook fitb&LARGEST, GOODS THE BEST, Mous THE -LOWEST, of. any store in 'CORNING, and probably IN SOUTHERN NEW .YORK. Cerning, Oat 4, 1871. I=l ;~ >f H:; T 1 >VAX • 'HOU*. ' r r' T I,ff -~ v,~ . - , '7. WEED SE ,wlth. : lo,9 T ipecenti'lffiprOlieinents! IMII 2 IBa - 2 UNEQUALED 1CUNE15.5.211E EASIEST.' 1 5 , 5 'ALUM THE FASTEST' - TIM BEST MADE .1 THE , SULPLEST I WILL NEVER GET OUT OF ORDER! TArg 4101V,PARREGT PARTICU.,4.I?! Don't btky - SEWo3 : ,,,tittittriNE4til youi lotve trivd'th: fiep Agep 88 Lake treat; Elmira - Xi y. A. L. BODllo, l ,#pnt, Wellebero. Agent,.l3Joeibelg. ' 1 . Sept.~?A; 1871. ~f.~s'; MEM MN= for Ladies, 'Misses', Children, -Gen4lenan. and Bags. C✓LRPETS, IMMI One ffundred Pieces, ranging from 25ets. to 12 50 per yard. OT-oc)i) J. Horton : tea .. Brother, 7d:I:BOWEN j CONES BLOCK-:',WELLOO.RO, ..-.2:0.-0. ' i,, . • , . - ' ; '': l '''''. n I:4o4tietav, roregoos taii:ooCiall 2 .„,,, r 14' •-' : 1 .rdieritay, iliohaira Pla Frineh and4rah -- i j oirilins Japiine.% Silks s Aney forod and Biaqk Vre#/$(1.149,. . 1 , .. . ~ tai 4t 0008 much logo th ou bon boon sold for WO: W9 liegg 4 foil lino of • ~.. ' , -. - ' • , ..- , ..1 •• ~ Shoo :,- -,: . . .. :• • . ' al r allW (lode - Ydrik€B Notions - .l3tioq gna , - Hata and (.4 , 9 ' • v 1 i - j r , ' n 1. .., 7.,ht. 4 _ . .0 '.' ~. n • n ? ... '• ' c. , ...74? , ' —),.. r , , 1 Ifoslery from ....—.lO to 30 eta. Cblidroor z : Sh‘ii ihi5cr...1....80 0te..t0.5464 Boost/from ~, .......,........$2,50 t* $3,30. Mastro .r......- - 75 oto. to ss,oo, c "Stogtilboot tfoga - .' ' $1,26 to $3,30. CatigAtml..;...., .•,, i ~ ,:,..:,80 eta: to $1,23. ; ,Bo 'Oboog,frolo l :.v... ...... ...$l,OO to $1,50. r " : I ;' : i ... ' All m:table Goods at unrOcp4ciriteli-Da*, . • • „ Re - obladd;' Clothing fit .ahundanoek, for ate. Yrenob Girigbevie- • ilf - ete. • ........... 4-4 0 ate. Qultip!fiz-Pryi.,Al4t. 4120..0.4.141:5 litiatnee for . l ii• •••?•,,•• eta. , • •Chbite"ettrocerles ' - ' ' "7T . :;l 5 il'i •T`lf3 ti T ''':', C . i 'Z' t ': . :. * '`, Usti 'fisi.iiii "'' - '.-- - be'oie. to st,sa. Cofireeltli''' . onk . :: ...... . i: . .1.... A Suva ~..., ~,.,., 124 Otis. Bplaaii i ,rall..kpide:•.'' ,- ~2610:iiit stittirit 4ii-.ii 124 ate. Soaps,illlthide.".' - ' --% Our motto le, "fair dealing, low prices, and strict attention to busii , of! ke y to success. ..• •_ 1 ..;. . • • I 'ainsite every one in Want of anything hi our line, •to drop in and ti Rook, as-we are' always pleased to show our Goods.! ; : W4ll - 10oirO, Oat. 4, 1871. W. ew - Fall GOODS, ME MI tr- -16 • 4T,AW a.% aet , ME fktaw Man shall not 'livro by Bread alone! wop aLimm, r itbb - c:mi4o•orml\Tir., MI • I, _Sot Shoddy, but good, wait° *eclat) clothing, and needing this, be may as well dtsi titb Lis neighbor who understands } sloths and clothing. livery man to his trade. When ice Want a Dow suit foc, your holm, you don't go to the clothier; when you tkooe fftll or winter harness for Oniielf; you do, If your APO wise. ; I 4; • tOl!y.Speellity is Clothing. .If you ora i nt elotbin; oloth of soy goality,,l, oto gualgtea,_ outtoitotion /to 'to price ;Lod %nowt:4G I'" • • • • • . • I'l • a , TRAY, • . AND ONNTlondurs ratra,sitnio u DODS, I am it home LADIES' DRESS GOODS, , , e and am constantly receiving new invoices in all lines. I make tic; tilemo Cos shoring goods. 8414 SO; . • _ - - - - WI:AULIS WIJAIOtt . =I 4 , I' MEE a ftili etaak, ombracing JUST RECEIVED Sy l!ii ME JUST latpOpr up, A t =I IMM C.ISNI•IN I ERES, E, WORLD =1 ING: MACHINE!' MITE ak VaTTH - 25 t9-•:20 ott he a ooh through ate I also keep a full stock of TAXE pleasure In announeink to th e citizens etWellsboro and vloinity that they hare purchased stock of DRUGS ANI) MEDICINES -• . • formerlieowned by, P.B. 'Williston, and ere ad ding to the !nook a !No line-of ()Gob, cow:dat ing of Pare Prays, Patent Diectiain pirankea Notions, .Paines. Oils, Varhis es, - Varnish, Brushes ' Pafnt Paint Brtihes, • Fishing T a c kle, and In fact everything neually kept in a diet. einem Drug Store. In the line of Wall _Riper, Window Shades and .Fklures: we cannot be undersold. Call and cumin, Goods and prices.beforo purohesing eleenhere. Particular attention paid to Mtge()fans Presorlp. Mos, aud compioundedlit all hours. The patronage of the public is solicited. Foreigii Doinestio Liquors Wines, *O4, c.l ' Agents le! Film 014 Whiskies, Cr D. 814, ,G. 19913/01, 09BVIT1 G, 10. T. May 17,1871 y, Every year increases the popularity of this valuable , Hairs Preparation; which is due to merit alOne. We can assure our old I:)atrons that it is kept - fishy up to its high standard; and it is the only, reliable.and perfeeteciprep - aration for restoring GRAY OR FADED HAIRIO its youthful colO, making it 'soft,Vistrous, and _silken. The' scalp ; by its use, becomes white and clean. - It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair _from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its u , e, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness:, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except hi extreme old age. It is the most eeOnomieal Hats DRESSING ever used, 'as it requires fewer applications,-and gives the hair a splendid, _glossy ap pearance. A. A. Hayes, KM, State - Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for meellentcEiality; and I consider it the BEST PREPARATION RR by for its intended purposes." sold 6g nli Diliggiata,and Dealers in 3Tet3ickte,9 Price Ono Dolltw, Rtickilighain's Dye rour_ THE WHISKERS As our Renewer in many cases r re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk -ere, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will quickly and ,effeetually accomplish this result. It ,is easily applied, and produces a color .which will neither rub nor wash off. 'Bold by all Druggists, Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by H. P. HALL &CO., :mauve., N.B. Aug. a l 18TO-li. . • oi* CI CD (1) • . el ..• • 43 '••.3 '4 0. i : a :.• 4. 0 • •••I d .., _ ~; • .41 io QP• .. co ... .... .1114 s" * • 0 " t, pi 2 _B- 8 s 0. 0 s, ~, ~, 4. C. no O c;,„ 0 0., - y ... a) = at A o 4 .. a: 4-8 7. a ,- -,„. -, g 0 Jr 0 la 4-0.444; A • . E , a • 0 .0 PR 14 Iwo •00 60 , ... op 0 • S i 'Ce A. ', m P" ..., 6 0 s'_. 4, - ° 2 itiV 4 if,o4 Ai oog6 rg . 14 :: ce. is !..? r..) 4, . ~,g . ,30 re, CO k. Al g, s t; 2 8 _ 1-4 m 41 0 0 pt? -. p-41 . . f i 4 .-, g A (1) 41 a 4 , `,? 4 Et -. 4 lie- 01 44 i., 2 bC 41 gi ‘ .. q) 0 0 •° "Iq ." C 4 a 4 14 . pii . gil li SPigBti s 1> 4 al, 0 • 0 4 a - ...a m p, .. iz! 4ai ...Z 14 ill tlf mci 1-4 Pri PTI E-4 `111.3. EINE =9 ME , •, , it,'! which is always . HORTON a 0.0. To Ft WS and Stock Raisers. , 1111011000 - BRED, pure blood, Ohio ire ." 'proved Chester White pigs (stock brought from Ohio) for sale at Covington, by August 2, 1871 2m • C. P. ICING. Of thorough trial It bat become an eltabilstml feet that ROT'S OROLERA DROPS the beat Smutty Medicine that oan be found for tbe once of And all.those dlsoidera of the bowels which are so obianwn ip the Summer and Fall. This wadi. eine nevor fails when rightly used. It is no CURE-ALL, it is not recommended for anything else Tt duos oot'contain pepper like the Pain. Killers. It does not irritate, but is mild and soothing in its operation. It is not like any other medicine, therefore ask for ROY'S CHOL : ERA DROPS and sniroao other kind. PRICE nO CT'S,' SOLD EVERYWHERE NEW PIRM. A.,111. Ingham dir f Co., A M. 'NNW/ . V. liz.ocx. May 4, 1871, Slll2-4ic Squires,' I WitOLSSALE DEALERS IN gBB ..5 1 , - '2i 2821 11 t i E§re § §n it Aft _ -..— I s I ' di if T A T s tt o ,t; ,tt, 8 fi 6 : n ,O 4 , 0 2 - 0 5:4 lau 1••• wa 01 P—l Ct IA •q , 7. t0 .. 8 164-00 —X . al ai co ...7 .., 44 , • X al ..--. AFTER 20 YEARS DINIMEA, DYSIINTBRY, cone, Cramps, CHOLERA-MORBUS RUMMER COMPLAINT . S ! ?OR and BEAST. TI .ioulitts gained its prosonS rept,- tati. It does riot disappoint the par cilium me o , those useful things that Is Ow ban' in every country borne. A, .modi ine • For animals 'Madras Sale, applios- has no equal in the Hon 1 , cure oft Neuil Poll Evil, Mout ~. , -- Ring-bone Stiff Juint - s, Chilblains, Harness Galls, Spavlns Dipbtbeta;Pore Tbroat , Bweeney, 'Wind Foils, Croup, Q Intl, Scratrikas, Lamonlits Sprains, Felons„ . Canna Etuubea,-- Lcoident4l fninyies Roundered Feet, .Bee-S 3l . l3 igs &stirliiii Peohons &e. Tls'a remedy Is found urefol tu every Ouse 4' Barn. Sold by pruggi,e4 sukk 4nuto Mitottanta git 4. orally.. flett. Z.-1$1: ' - EM E=l rSON.filit .t CO. j'aluable _ T FOR,, . rinfiE sabsoriber 01l 1 j i lbroperty, VII: 20 State Street, it lots O lt oorii,s of latul noar the will ho eoni at moder aleiN the bonne and lot the*. E. - Church. for the North Carolio dee desiring to visit road tickets at rednoe intiiitnation in referent gay 10, 1871-if. -II ' P ir"- - - 'MEM 11:41R NEWER, FIRE INS WET4LBI3 I:a . sime Polloioe in-firat , macrvir RELJABLE will gnat Insnranoe an. 4, II Ng. I. MITOMILL. e Cheapest P 1 ace in the State ,r • °graphs! ' For Pho WOOD'S g CARDS for 60 v frames for $l. :od and &defied o framoa and ovary d, or forniohod to GALLERY! 'outs. Largo pictures and - .11d picture■ copied,. cu. the finest etyle. New p leg kept in a gallery or; der. .491VNST_ BEST RICHES AND THE WORK. ooma over Gardoo Res 1 187/ t t o tom* , store. Wellaboro, Pa. WID Propartif SALE. ( 7 rs for sale the following village lots Bloated on mad near Enerid 32' at., t oomoter . This property to prices and ti e Wool of. Chas Willi ' ms, near e subscriber Is also agent i .Land Company. Par. hat - section can get Rail. prices, and also ewlitab/a ........ 4to th ei OomPany from ' • W; BHERWOOD. hdtograp &IS =am Fra -- *ea' j riGtar°6 o, am HON STONY I'O li, PA E=lM Buggi Platfu 'rat Spin Lumber CUTTE SIGHS AND ' e are prepared to do .ttort notice and in ti lon guerranteed. liOIIG -ASTTNS £ COLEB, tong Fork, April 5, 187 I Wonders Will I AYE you tried !Sal discovery of th• Dr. IL L. Baco Rem 6, 013,re3 _C94115, diptaatcs stomach, , indigestion,] mar complaints, cbA r , as by magic. As an troet bites, chilblains, s, , rheumatietu, sick hea t pa, pains In the side • otici of siz years, it .end 11) preparatio • "' he pfciprirar of thin in guavar teeing it to ! abdve diseases in the ,linUractured and put ,•on,;Blossburg. Pa: - Itholesale agents-Halle Chamber street, Now u., Corning, N.l. W Di!;ERFIE Rig; 139 badribore will Capslmmo, Flapsla s i t vklqn nitinufalitfflb as ()MUM, Oil ultpuetumet.A, All 1, nteitl They coots their Wate CASSIA which aro warranted in ev ry reapeot. Parttou tarattentlowitTren to KOLL o CARDING! AND' CLOTH 11121pAIWS large stook coat leas than any 0 1 )141 ripresented ee d, 1 kin, def GiIAMB m Inufaetur de of Roll-Curdlng and y ecimietitton. GRAMS have as go Ftill Olathe, Oits gt*e more for Woul I r eetabliattment. Try es. (HUMS wholaaats a vie Mine, Vales be) 1 cm: 1 ar Clothe are warrant • wing parsons: 0. B . KELLEY; W T. L BALDWIN 41 M 1 3. C. . esi field. 13 Jan RNMITT 1. Isr To it s ß s lariu on Long 4tun satth l ; ten cows will be .8 for a term aflyearii, apply to ' * I • A. P. COND.:- l imo. Oepi 18,1871x[ RANCEI BILL, RO, PA. lase Companies' at all vetoes, COMPANY Gallery ! Mil MEI s, Sulkies, , Truck and agons, 808 SLED .ything iu our little boa manner. Bre- TOZT, ORR 4 00. gte, Wollebvio ever Cease, oat and vastest med . age? 3 Magic .ftin !,'erataps and pains to diarrhea, dysentery, •ra morbus, cholera, external applloation sprains, bruises, fel. Rohe, toothache, neu. .stok and loins, In as been found to ho ever offered to the rodioini feels rrerral• • the boat remedy fc r r. arta. i p only - by Dr. ?4. t" ) .• t. Seater (I. Barber:lk, ork ; W. D. Ter ell July /2, in ly olen Mills I EX23I of Caen; Full•Olot1. ito., itii.pfar Waal.-- anal— ON SHARK Elt warranted enrol,- rtioular attention`to Pr_oof ERE S. Es~YNs. Ji-Calliklaerei ao ~26 i i petitore l , and warrant- to order, and do all Cloth Droning, and I.d an ialeortmant ckl 'mere% &c, exabange tikan any =node:4loy your. ci retail at the Caw. ,w ICnovrille. a; and aold by Oil ellaboro.Pa. On s , Ttua, Pa n ottagtoO,Pa. ' t