The,!,Gre4,-.o.ltipigo: , : , Fjsq! MI Pitlloo of Property DestroYe& • We ptiblisit below extracts of tho lel . egrain to 'the F.lniira Advert/pre Of I ho great - fire ak - fothiws: • 11uPPArli, . ti - -;-The tire cothtnene d, about J 0 'clack last night, nekt, the earner of - Jefferson - and Deleyan — stD, and swept everything before it, taking north eastetly course through the cote Old part. of the tits. culls t..; business portion of the eity Ie destroAell." 'the banks, express (lid teleurrph Offices, except the .7').1 'bone, six - k-levatois and the water works have been burned. There Is no water in the eity.,- Not less than ten thous and bui Whigs have already been des- Uoyeir The tire has burned a disyta ice of live' tinlet , atitl-is still raging. • The followieg . message, signed lby the .11mt.ii Of I !neeago,-Was sent to the May or fr,q. I.untr: t I Is, morning: "lend ut turd for the eutfetiog. Our city is in ko ws and ;inr zater works are burned " The iotAte* e.eeed $50,000,000. AU the bunks \vele distroyed and much 011j:1411g. !l'he Mayor lies telegraphed tei prinripai cities for food. • About WI,. o'clock this motning the tire:eros4-44t t too liver at the Adam's St. Itridtte:: f t '-thin destroyed the.. Gas Worke, t spread itself in every . :in t ! hilliest every building 11.nrrison street north ty the (Thi -eago river i 4 destroyed, including the insuranee-of—- • More than nue-half the population are now ranning the streets with the viieleOt nousehtild treasures In their arms, and tin back In utter confu sion, nt.t I;nowi ng whither to go: " Fearful sufferlnetnust follow and at- most Immediately. Fully tift.r thousand people are at this Aunt - nein homeless and houseless, not ltnoWing where to lay their heads or get anything to satisfy the 'cravings, of hunger. It is not known as yet whether any lives have been lost It is feared, tho', that there hut,. 1 Wasltingtoo, Madison, Afarket, Clin ton, *lelrerktM, Buffalo, Griswold, Me- nail Duvets, with all that. part of the city' are completely devastated. One huge blackened; charred mass, is all that remains of-the neighborhood bounded by the aboVe streets. • The vessels -in- the river are totally destroyed, numbering between thirty end forty. The finest blocks of h cuses In' the city are datroyEd. It will take ireeksbefore a correct-idea of the des trUotion can be, had. -The Are has ex ceuded for u circuit of three miles. , Both .ildes of the Chicago river are in ruins. ' The. city, to-night will be in ,total darkiio.s. Which will add to thelinten sityof the misery and terror now felt throtighout the city limits. The fire could he, sten hundreds of miles away., .Vftre Weida excitement prevails, and t4rrOr is depicted on the countenances 1 c,f ht'indreill 119 they hurry through the greets ottiq,riug curses and prayers. The whole litetinessportion of the city fs in ashes from Harrison street north to eill'Jewo a. , .eiiiie,,,,and east of the He r i r r 0) 1 A 1.,t! w. cone. 1 . 'Die iml,ornetl sreets for miles are Ud with hoio.eho d goods.he 1 ' Ni, .trre dat I' til think what the loss of . lite bray 1 , t , . Titt‘ flames swept through . c;tie eit!, %.kli ['to rapidity of a prairie acv, awl molly must have perished. The We , terii I.7nion Tellegraph. Com patty has , n. .t eeded in getting up a few wires fi toil a hastily improvished Oleo iii.t he .1 iii t hei ii part of the city estah. Fish 1 lif; c4a lal‘i n ieat.loll in nearly all Mahlikelit olkl's of 114*i:4141We are 'muting from -very quarter. At (..) P. \l., it 1:4 estimated that at least one ha toirci! thousand people are home less and lip a -uttering condition. The . most geoi-rous offers of assistance in money, rood,- or anything wanted, are !:•41alitig in toy almost every city anti t, ( „1, % .,, (I,,,,ogboitt the country, by tele- XiiLiih. :like Mayor' has responded to 'leveret , 'tier:, asking that cooked- food t.e provided as coon as possible. Buildings are being bitiwn up on the ii.. ; ,e Ih. $ll..- -.., m..ccurpt. to arrest us progreits. The North-‘Western i l l ailroad Com pany are running trains on both its branches, a hid) are crowded with flee ing eltiveni ' Reliable geoilenien from the North Division tiring the joyful intelligence that the water works are uninjured. The reibune building, which was supposed to he fire-proof, has finally sUCearnheri : every theatre,. the six lar gest elevators, the immense depots of the Michigan Southern and Illinois Centrtil ratiroalls; both the passenger . and freight depots of the latter; mere than a score of churches, - and 'mtiolf of -1 the shipping-In the river ...are all des troyed. OCTOBER 10.—A Chiertgo dispatch sass : "ft j is now certain the, loss of life has been very heavy. ,: A whole wa gon load of dead bodied was carried thro' Wabash 'Av. last evening, but I could learn nothing as to the precise matinef of their death. Xt said by some to have been the result of an explosion tifspirlts;-by others to have been caus ed: by falling wails. ~The fire continued to burn all last night on the north side, but this mor ning is under control. It - is literally true that there is nothing remaining of that side from the river south to from Park ou,the north, and the nafth branch- of the river oti the west . to the Lake on the east. This portion of tie city, except along the main river, w ere they were bus iness blooke was occupied by dwellings. Two-thirds of the population of this dis trict were Germans and Scandinavians. These people are now homeless, soma of' them in frame buildings on the inorth-western section and others on the' prairieswithout shelter. Throughout the day yesterday a re newal of the wall of fire on the west 81de was looked for, and a change of five de grees in the direction of the wind would hate led to this result. There would thorn . aye been ,no refuge for any. Everyb,edy bad their clothing packed ready ,to start for the prairies at any nioUtent ; but God averted this last poisible addition to our - disaster. At onndown the wind lulled, and at three &clock this morning the rain so fervently prayed for came. It did not• rain long, but the roofs of the houses and the ground have been wet, so that 'fiory it is possible to have tires and cook food for the-multitude. Fifteen, hund red citizens were sworn In last night as, an extra police force, and the seererltry of War authorized General r•.•!beritiftit to employ nil the aVallable troops for guard, and issued en order for ono hundred thousand ra tions. Five hundred soldiers arc on deity. The incvndiaries are busy, but seven or .eight have been hung or shot at sight. ..uppliesi are being forwarded from all sections of the country td relieve the snaring. Even London England bas largely contributed to alleviate the nee dy; /rile Insurance Companies have lost heavily, some of them will no doUbt go under. OCT. city Is patrolled by military. The bank vaults all appear ingood condition. The soldiers are making no arrests, but killing the turbulent characters on the spot. Garrotting and thieving are frequent at night. Forty-one persons were shot in mak ing arrests last night. The station house is filled with prisoners. The number of bodies recovered from the ruins now reaches ninety. The total loss of grain is definitely na oertained to be 1,600,000 bushels. Four vessels were loaded with grain for the East today, and the eastern movement will continue, as there are fully 5,000,- 000 bushels now in store. OtToiannl.2.—Eighty dead bodies are now lying in the morgue, mostly found, on'the north side. It is certain that thts,is but a small portion of the num• ber caught in the flames Red utterly consumed. - The Coroner yesterday held an in queiit on slaty-four •bodies, Only two o? them were recognised—one, Henry i Thinian a banker, and the other Peter , • 1 e. The Lolly of a wan who craw ed9nro' the water main has, been rseog 140,a5 , that of a fieCkson,'Of.:lll,ll,lo,oll4 Twenty bodies werO' , basement of two buildings iffirtv!!; , side near Chicago flye Agita biRCULAtION. . _ V firLiwil,'Efiltor ail& Pr, N ellipibta•ot I , 00 Is. lOpt: 18,187. Thti ittunia otT on 'Tuesday , the 10th';vtn!y seem to think it - 01'Whe'' *ay 'without • • a n y obrt thCie —ft large item- Bee in' . neaiiy "iiIV the . towioll4a; liol'onglis not • 'veal ag. at:- at tire Republican ticket is elected In . the! county. .j_ i • ,! • Thwt,tloet pal•porttoti_ of the • town .of ) Wltichy+o, , Oanatta,. way destroyed- by tire* ofthe twenttig of the:J.2th , Instant: Thci ica4t.m'atre-emtimateil'at-$l5 MA , ' A inati ‘rn's itri•ebted i Rev o 16()Ilteil In -.WI. 'rDe'retuins flat look' for - , e4ilYing t by a large MajOrity ma gives a'rnajority - Of t 16,600, .„ 00 1 0, mid lowa 3r00p.. Ctie Le are itepui)lieari.. We now 100 York State„ ,g ‘ kyc 4)0 Tam mocracy .one,.good sogad,thr a large'Reimblicau majority. Rubset Erret, Chairman 3oi publican State,Cornruittee of Pennsyl vania, says: have ei tried the State by a iilajority of 18,000. , We gain 131' 0116 member of the ion hou iu Ottut;. beriand, 'one in Bilotti,' two In . Luzerne t , one-in Franklin; one in • Civanbria, arid. Tose hone. We fgain -one Senator 'sure in entiaberland and- Pranklin 'and pro bablY one in Lurzern6, giving us both .. •.- - The majority:in tills - bororigh for , Mr. Elliott, over'"Wlilth"tre - Dem i ocrats are tnakriig - ; fib*: - 15; tali tilo'W7es 'Orphaned as follows : ; The Republicans new that I,l,llllatba, , ,s.electiOn was a sure .thing, and took but little Interea ink ,the mat ter; }vials Elliott's. friends worked up everything 4ti the shape of a vote, so as to give, him, a respectable show., .41r. Elliott is a elever fellow, and of course, tti his associates not only vo d for him', but askt - .41 others to give him a "corn•;- pliinentary vote" in the bbrough, 0 his electioliWas impossible. ' I . ' . houses certain:" Ciiieug6 Is not dead, but Et a day. Proln its stnonhleri the city will Poon risEi toretn try. Front the past Olteiprli sinus setivity-tif that city, muted in the belief' thittwe' see either side qt* its once. streets lined with rtplendid for the aceounnodation of business interests. wit People ; mut wit h' t his spirit t activity, ()nee prom soon take ite•pinee ns in dny 01110 ELECTION. The Irmo Ohio Republican gains. The 1..4% unquestionably Republiean.l Hays sleeted by about, 30,00 frrart-ra: 3LL•It T State 3 T eket 20,000 M '). 7 The ex polure of the robbbry by the Tamm any. t nan agora In Nev, York city, the leader pi of the Democracy, strength ens the tkOple in the beli p t that the Republican party is the' onorin whlch to confide. The majority in this State is fixed at 20;000, Philadelphia' ivinil 6,000. 'People everywhere have come to the irresistible coriclusion that a Por ty7bich has failed to govern i its, own ditadel honestly, cannot longer be trus ted by the people. I. Knklux ,y Victor. ~ Texas goes democratic b y intimida tion and Violence." A telegam to the Philidelphia Press 'says : The eecbad district gives Capnori,' Detr, 231 •fliii ilarity," some counties not yet heard from ; first district, five counties heard from, ,oves Herndon, Dern.i a net ma jority of 525; third district, fe:Ur,coun'- ties heard from, giveS °reciting, Dem., nat maJerity of 2,320 forikth district, twelve counties heard givee'Han cock., Deni., a net reaPiiikk .f 1,382. • , .. NEW RAILROAD ROUTE. The subject of a railroad from To wanda to Warren,' via TroY,Wellaboro,. Coudersport anti SmethPort, is now be ing agitated very strongly by the peo ple. The Lehigh-,valley iiCatl, which . hes direct Conmivalcation with Phila delphia and Ne'v York, is seeking a• through, line West. . If , it bun its line from Towanda to Warier', as indicated above, alionl.ll3o Miles,_it will then have direet • e - Ominimietition between New Yoi IC, Bt. Louts and.Cthica o—more' di rect (him any other 'of the great 'corn; peting lines now doing b siness, and Which wilt be quite insuffl, lent in ten years to carry on the increased trade.•= 2 -- Thlsproposed route would open 'up.a riCli 'forming country, and a rich and undeveloped timber and 'coal:region, and would he of vast impoftance to the people along the route, as well as to the great. Eastern and IWesternleities. The four great competing lines bf trade, the New York Central, the Er l e, the Penn sylvania Central, and th , Baltimore and Qhio railioads,. leave tis great gap unreacheti t , 4.liieh would be a direct route: West, and in our jud mentremu-, nerative to any compare that pay build the road. ' Let any erson take 1 17 his - map and carefullyl3lance over his propbsed route, and we ar quite :tire that he will at once see its real, im' , or tatice. Such a toad would nutke . Bs boro a central point, and give our eo ple railroad advantages, places of greater importance. , E ery person should be interested in thiS'route and help . to keep Alm ball rolling . until it becoxes a fixed fact. Peniana at Ntror?c, ' '• The Government. received a dispatch on the 12th instant , dated at St. Paul, as follows: " The FenianS, under . ommand of Gen. OiDoilohue, attempted •to 'cross the border lintron the 6th at GeOrge.. town, and 'on' ISlMfday Morning eiiii tured the'Canadian eutitorii lionse and Hudson Day - post' at Pembina : + They were attacked and ,Itizioered' - ..*Alilycii States trotlpi, 'and Geti.' O'Neil l ,: Who was also ivittr them, want 'kart er, together with 200 stand' of arms. MEM .*:; 41 i.,,,\ lft ,z, f i t E , :: , ~` .„ . - ` , , ,. 1 "::' ' r . ; . . ' A ... r i 3 L 4 tii,lf Y i,,,,lyrotei, cas t-:,,_.''.,i' i lLt' il t , 'x ..r) 9 : 1 - *'- v ' , v,o44:, ~. - :• - 1: .11 il.l I on. t 'ift - 1,-- , . - ,?-,:aV - As +AV 'NI MI 101 lit' , ,i.,; 1 '4. , ' ' 1-'4, ‘,-1'_.e.,..x.'itz,,.. .. • - • i ci , 1-ii ^1 IV' ti4i. li ~., -fv, „2- -,f,-.q...,,,.* 90 *.a w 14't. :W eii a tor. P. Jud e . I•beealtti. 'e"Ali - ' 1 - 1, :. 4. "1 .-4 - 2----; -, 4 _...,:z,,..t......,:-.._, ~...--3......5 - 4--- e ..-7`..‘,...; --, ,-:: `f, ' ' : : ei fi . if.l ' C9,4 * 0 1 °I II: •II t' 474' t:li . tl i ri r... 11, - :4, 6 p.. 1 ' 4 t- 3 vi :,i °I : 3 - ----- - r. --sn •• ,i . i . _- i r t , .1 . 5 ' 3l - ------- i . ~,,,, ; 41 t: , ... :, : .1.;:t ' 4 i. 00. El, Illosabitrg, .n7l'1 0 ,157 ,r; ,, Mime • , • ~c-::781- . ;1;3 . :, :174 3 ! ~9 7 .Chtk,tham 1821 - '841 r 132 • " .Cliftrleslon ,;. : . 1 26 - '"48,; - 208 -t • Covington.:, ' e ll 91; ..I,.:Cpvingtop ; hero': 33;; :.="•,,,;'; • ; 33 Clymer ....... 37 2 u, '''37 ' , Delmni . ,•; Deerfield ‘;1‘,..'..;o.,. 00 :11 1 ; 13 1 ), , 0 9 : fi 1;111d '33 - 9 : t' 33 u • 100. Lir 41.';t (d) - zi , 43, 1 ,1 7 :1 a 44 „, . 11a4' .ues.„ ......... , 0 4A .. .. 'B7 123 IChbxville s: 321 = 57 f•• Lawrenceville:... 704;' Dasgrenee 90, 491: CIO , ..... 106"1 08 '19 1 7; ‘.3,42 .82.,; • a3 i • 351 •4. . 4 -Igan t 02 Oletor. ME 44)150n • ItiehMOTO: .•• - 201; 1 20 d ... „ .... .12 f r )2.6 ; " - Shim:ma ••'• gid , 11 . ^ • 11,4ir.7 64 f ..)/74 ,Tioa , I '75 Tiog g a g 4 ' 25 : 4 . 84 •• .. ... .. 113ti% 1 1 , ,111 Ward 33'1 8 .33 Westfield 87 , 87 Westfield _OI,: 14 Wellsboro' 21 0 ,448 t 5 " 1 881211174/1 4 / elect s ,iona • misylva: 19410 2 9,t- I •Aelature's to New APY • shin Staub:A/fa : (R4Y.) atapiit Minims (Rep.) vverz Ellto Nat,tIeOPARIPO494S. the Re- " - ''''.— '.."- - .:` fi '1- ' ' ' I r 7 y.. , - i , 4 ! pp? witi*,l94;o(ftkie Pfencan tinily P 4 Avasi.9i,ilm; ,i9.1415-echttitiffilei! pito ARAI' St. JP; * 4 4 fO ti * l iii P r tr " :l3,tat e i ,troops are , att . erool, ,lilit:d It qtiO4#o4l' that al/ thVi410; 1 04 . 44 Ociii l43' ,.!af ' l4 l ii -' neeotenre.ritiq efule," , , 1 ,, r , ~ • ' I .,l l o2tozurcil 'Petr„lA:r; x it.fa iettis Oa ,O'Donohue hes, been jilaigiips fol at. teelc n fort 'CieS7, al inflflarO r t TelO il g upon receiviuKsi t ipwit poio the Freireh half reeds. Therfid !Fee f4tended , to, 4w3pi a thew.NOth cpitiVent,lV.,„;#4i es been iintAigplpg,wlgl i tlis4; 4l jO rk .. ka,c1 1 . ,:9n the Dtorthern piecfte.,t'attrpkill__,e9olt,u,kl on their help .when the ~work ,on raw) ',stopped. J 'Coricmitted;•)-iihosen by the Board pi! Alder en' - aoklirg as'. 8u- per Visors, to aid' investigating ` the all ,, ged friinds lii bur oak finances',. report, , through , Booth, their ehaliman : , . "This extraVagant' waste ,of mono§ ex plaini in alteat miairtre' the' flitirra• ing increase df Vie city:debt; which has lately doubled every two years. ,Itlvas $86,000,000 on the Ist of .Janp4r,y, ,1869, and $73,0i96,600 the tat of. JanuttrYt, lB7 ,. It was $48,006,000 4m:1.03,414'0t 3anuary, 1870; an $97,287,55' oil the 14th of Sep tembet;lB7l; ' and` your eommittle ;fear thatithe aceitmulation of this. debt will swell the'amountto $126,006,000 within the ensning.year." , il . . cope th'' for b. 7 embers wed setiv -and bu e are war shall soon beautiful buildings is various is - in the to prompt city will of yore. We reprint, this paragraph : from the full report in• our last issue, to dispel one, of. the most frequently iterated mis statements uttered in behalf ' t ot pa i r r,nis rulers. They assert that the BOa i t i li of 1 Supervisors was equally tilNided n po litics, when it undeniably *sett to be so with the electioti of two Democrats in 1866. It was,.intended that , the mi= ,nority candidate for,litttpervisor,Wfict:re 'eeived the higheat;vote,ahouldbekrioeitross., ,• • • . TAT, EDWARDS,c.B. E. ' 0.. WHIMPER; B. B. = HARTZ ' ,_ E . •it „KATE BOVIZOLDS; ,B 1.• E. • 104. BTODIARD. B. E. • ANNA..tititILLEITT, , : - 0.11A8; 2 TH OMPSON "Prof. of , Drawthi. Wes H.,W. TOD 1), Inst.,oo yoail 11(nole. , • ME • i-k(rreO to all rObideiite of tlierßOroitgb.) ‘O O 4 l llOXt Etiglieh 4%00. 4 -} Itigheks7oo• ' ; ki ktaanab, tiCtinan, Vatin, - $1,00,' • Italian, $2,410, Instrumental ;Oslo ...$lO,OO. •Di7tlYifu W olaiumil, 4400; QO. Oil Paintiag , y. t .... R ... . Fall term optaileptomlorrell,lBll. .; ,v tgitoiliP,LT4.Heo s i. - W,ellpb . orO4tis.-18,484;1,. L • MN *' Yoitii l . Dr. D..ll..Tlissel;-.Blyalciantin.Ohlef. of the •Hospital Ship "Falcon," Quarantine, New York Harbor, writes: "I have given your 'Parmuslit's Hi Brrummto _convalescents in Hospital with; goo4iesults, and bilieve them to be &sod flo ereiweit adapted to all doses requiring LouieerneStria." • • • . • Such iallustestimony of.Physiolans. in triii7 -igation of the)Country... The:prejudice existing against "patent. medleines generany je • removed, and V anun'tialaas Birrzails accented by the profetudonxii)4lol7loSu want long felt:: Price One-Dollar per Bottle. , • I ' ' Oet 4, 187.1—;m• • • . . - 7lrilfifiOLUXlON.—The 'partnership 'hereto fore existing between row and Frank daare.,ht thliday dislolyed.,by mutual bonsent.. The Vellsbaro Foundry will • hereafter be eon *dilated by the subseriber, on his personal .carve., %Vho bookerM remain' at the counting - room of the fottn&y;for thirty days, Imolai' .persons in: delieed are requested to call and Nettle by cult or imminent Anoto. ISAAO BEARS. A October d s •18Tl. at , ICEMMO: SOCIETY. Lodi rewse.-1871-12. r folloiving lecturers have been engaged 1, for the 'fermate Lecture Course for the en suing seaecin: . QUXNTETTE CLUB, Nov. 30,1841. Gmonsa*WlLLlol-OURTIO, Fob. 12. ult. AilltA D. DIORINSON.., t *Marcy 4,1892, LIVDBMORD Patna:loa DOUGLASS . ; EDWIN IL CHAPIN ' ' 110 N. WILLIAM. PARSONS PETROLEUM V. RABBI • GEORGE VARDAR/lOU .. ' . HENRY WARD lIDEOIIia. • M. P.. ELLIOTT, Pree't. JOIIN I. MITORELL, . HUGH YOUNG. JEROME B. POTTER, J. 11. BOSAR'D, Sept 27,18f1 tf • Managers, 7 THE 'GREAT CAUSE •11•41 Or • HUMAN ' MASE#Y . Just ARNOW; tit a Scaled Bigwig& . .11* t- tr. A Lecture on - the retire. Treattnent and Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Bp,ermatorrhcos, fugue-au by Belf•abuse, Involuntary Ernie stony, Impotency, Nov vous Debility, and Impediments to rifarriage generally; Consort:Won, Epilepsy, and Pits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, to.--By ROB. J. OULVERWELL, M. D., author of the Hdreen Book," to. The World•renowned author, in this admirable Lee. Lure, clearlyprovea from his own experience that tke awful consequences of SalttAbnse "nay be effectually, removed without ; inedlcipe r and without, dangerous 'surgical operation ; bonitos, instrwrienK rings; or cordials, pointing out a mddcot care, at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, nil matter what his 'condition may be; may Cure himself cheaply; privately. AMC radically. 'Tuts lee tura will prove; a :boon to• thousands and thousands. , gentinder beef, in s plefis• enSelope to any address, "receipt of six cent% or two postage stamps, by ad. ••••••• 0 44 the pnbgaberee atanavraivs "Hardest , Guide, Pace It? * " 1 4 1 : 8 :. 41 !.(ress the Publishers. „;, :• •. , 011101.3. O. KLINE A 00., promulunwiiw Tern Post-Onlyenon 4,880. • Combined Clover Thresher IMO separator. • THIS machine is run by eialat horses with apparent ease, and, requires bte, few bands to work. it. It has no complioatedhe nce nO'breakagea atid'oonsoquent delayeana`b neo .. sec No man can feed it faster than ' its abni,ty , to threshi separate, hull and:alean in -a most _thorough manner.rotstyle of finish and grttoe 'fal'sippearanee itlasto - equal: • It threshes the ,balls from the straw, separates the straw from the chaff. bulls the seed from the pod and cleans the seed for market all at one operation: Capa city front 20 to 00 bushels of seed per day. , Manufactured by the; Birchen Manufacturing Company, South Bend,-Indiana. For further particulars, send to the manufacturers or their agent for tha p iover , Leaf, a paper which giros full particular's in regard to the maohina, and has many valuable suggestions relative to the raising of the clover crop. "Alpply to W. J. MANN, Month of Mill Creek, Tioga co., Pa. ,llept 27, 1871 Sm, •, • WU Administrators' Notke LETTERS OP ADMINISTRATION having been granted to the nndersigned on the es- Otte of Oliarles 11. Hertel, deaeased, late ,of the, township WRlehmond, all portions indebted to said eatate and those having claims against it wiltsettlemith ' . iMARGARICT HERTEL, FRANCIS CLEMENS, Richmond, Sept 27,' 1871" et' 'Adm're. BUSINESS COLLEGE, OLN Institution to prepare youngnan for Bus. " muss. The graduates of this College arc B ling commanding and lucrative positions in nearly every city in the Union. For circulars, containing full particulars, Spec imens of Writing, College Bank Bills, Pen Draw. log, so., encloie ten cents, and address A. J. WARNER, Principal Elmira, N. Y. August 85,1871—5 m Examination of Teaohers. Mlxamiztatioll for those desiring to teach dur -32,4 ing the ming year will be bold at Liberty (Block House) Monday, Sept 25, 1871. Union (Ogdeniiburg) Tuesday, " 26, " Blosaburg, " 27, " 00Y4rigton nf- -,Thirsday, " 28, " Chisles'lt(Whittey're) Friday,_ ft 29, " MiddlebnryllteenyV'e) Saturday, ff 80, fi 'Brookfield (13/ R.B. B.) Monday, Oot. 2, ft 'Westfield Bar;, Tuesday, " 8, n 'clymer(Sabinsville) Wednes. ," 4, ". 'Chatham (Close S. IL) Ours: it - Bikland ' • Fkida,y, " Knoxville Saturday, " 7, et Faruen (Campbell s. h.) Monday, 16, Lawrenceville, Tuesday, " 17, ' • ft, Jaekson (Millertown) Wednes. if 18, -Rutland (Roseville) Thursday, " , 19, ft Miinsburg '• Friday,' • ", 2(4( " Mansfield (State N.) Saturday, 21, ft Tioga Bor Monday,' - " 23, " Wellsboro f 'Tuesday, - 24, " Delmar (StonyKyrk) Wednes. it' Gaines (Vermilyeas) ?May, " 27, , . two following . And th tare Saturdayt at Academ Corners. Teachers will provide themaelies wit h pen; ink and des: sheets of -loolsditp, payer. lfixaminations will comaienee at 9'U n • School *Dfriktbrs and iiirfsine 'generally' are earnestly invited to attend 1 ;it larnomeni, Sept 20,1871.4 w Co, Supt.' NM 111371.....21. FAQIJI.TY • - ' - $lO 000 .wor„tli, , Ob%GENTS , 'YOUTHS & BOY S orionum; for, sale ESE . . Mil =I , - 25 DOZ. CENTS. SHIR` S fey, "gale=cheap i at !TAR 16. CASES OF 13oots and Shoe- F S • A full, lice of flannels, -- A - new - and - desirable styles of The Dress Goods will be found very attractive, ar .it comprises many new a, ble styles of Goods at prices thitt cannot fail te snit. The public are invited to call and examine my meek , b chasing. • Widlaboro, Oet., 18, 1871. New c2r.ociclia sat 1...50w 12 - Dry Goods, Boots Sh NE Heavy Sheetings, 10, 11, and 12k. New Prints, 61, 10, , 12k. Bleached itlnslinir fine , 12k- , 16, 18,20. Flannels, all kinds at less than value Cloths and Cassimeres, Ilandiome Dress Goods, 25 And 31c. New Battens, extra quality, 75c. Black Alpacas, 31, 37-i, 44, 50c. - Hoop Skirts and Corsets, cheaper than ever. Waterproofs, all Styles, • Shawls, In Great Mari Min's 2-Sole and Tap Fine Kip Boots, " Tap Sole, A. H. Calf Boots, .; " Tap Sole French Calf Boots, " 2-Sole and Tap French Kip Boots, Boys' half Double Sole Kip Boots, - 2-Solc, and Tap Fins Kip. Boots, Youth's . Boots, - - . - - Tide Entire Linn of Booti manufactured at J. Richardson's for us, on by us In every reepeot as to former years. • 1 Women's Coif Vamp Balmoral Slime; Woman's Calf Vamp Polish shoes, ' •We carry an itICIMODIO strok of our regular makes. and exort ourselves t , growing We do not:intend to take the book traek'at this late day, but we pl do as we itivertlso in:all cases, making ao olaime , thtt we cannot Carry out. 4.PARSOg.." No. 3 Concert 111Biel Oat 18, 1871. =II • IMMIII just received, ipd , for sale cheap at RAE T T EN Blankets and Rebe every diagription jot received it, • SHAWLS; justreceived and for sale 'cheap at HA A. Parsons ov ammo, ARE BELLING AT THE-LOWEST CASH: PRICE TO BE 11017 ND IN THE -QOONTRY• II Mee The Price List : Mime; and Children's :Work equally cheap. Our entire line of LADIES' SEWED WORK, at equally low pr irx..43.1t,133E:N? Departme THOS. HA MI EMI • j.~t: ,~.,+: , i map a 1 El =IS EN'S 1 MOM EN'S. al DENS. EN'S. 1 - d cipaira fore pue -1 I ' DEN. toe low 1 c:2 EMI a 1 1 ! ) E 1 ' 1 1:M=:1 2.75 & 3 3.25 &'3 2.25 & 2 En Warranted 00$. keep put t ledgeoureolve 11 1 I `aCo. ck, CorciiDgp