II SUMMER SONG ~i-THTi'C~ B Vt . o D This is the time of fretkh winds blowing, - 7- - And cuckoo calls, and heather bells; This is the time when striAM, are, t l O lll B Down the green mist of dreamy dells ‘ ; Poesy, 0 Poesy, • Stay in London lanes with me. I In the deep valley, spring-winds holier" Shaking the dew from their wild hair : Beyond the cool shade of the lover,. The mower sweats *ithieleep,M4yep.j.--1_ Color and sweet melody Fill the forest greenery. The teev is sing', "Young lover, lover, ite quiek, De quick—kiss sweet, lc! Tim young love hieothes as tweet ?s( The ohi love hangs like ripon'a pi 31hery; 0 Misery ! Do.l thou listen ? coma tlio Thy llt gd Summer floatettigtlir) Into Oi l , .I‘lll xtreitA, whitening !Id 'llse 'A-tuts imrt, Mid eyoe Freutthir•ty laues•and erearyfeta. 'harity. 0 o h:ritY! •, •nfitur thy bright aced fearlessly . ' b M.r Summer geld, Plea , tti re L+ l tchglldso diep Oitfy the btgger it less Cold; :61 • And kelp a druweier thirst fur Bleep : 0 P,.ce.y •l • Hli per neat !,4) 31U:dine Irby wh q , rri,l, the grain all England , quivers, 1,11(3 glow milky, wheat ears bared- NVG.ll:l4_,kO riatrkta-all the TIV01:8, Ah, to I,o'lllllg' ry and athirst ! ; Water niid bread; 0 Charity, Bring to plea' humanity ! i Dark in (Pa pour ,:no's hearth and lonely, Ho would rot leatm, ho would not know.; Ho eraVos the bitsed wheat4ryttd only, - 7 ; licit the sweet ight tbit 'makes it grow,- • ,; Fruit of tho forbidden tree, i; Were but sour tordispry l ! , • ~..:: .. t • ill Now all the days aro riolyilith beauty,, il"And other angels roaiiolsewhore, li 0 Poesy 1 ilaere lics•that (fray, 1 '• In darker Jays and fouler - air— - 1! , Peery, 0 Pocay ! Fold th - i wings and do no; flee. • r, While 6 , 11 the plains are heary.lEiden, • rt:' And rioher droccs the ripening ear, P“(ite i 5 thv p 11.•,, 0 - heavenly i l itaiden ' lii kiethitr thy 12 .t vest with rio-fenr— .4l ~t Let other. wnder free, !;;i a ~.. .. ,'say say t h ou A wes t o °horny ' - -., ..4...........,......... 111 "AGRICULTURE. In a , 10 READY MADE HOUSES. il: :1 i l l A 1'144g0 builder, as we learn from (;: , t he Illkstrated price-liet t offeri:for sale c'',twentyl-trine different sties and styles : fr f l‘v n Li buildings. This list in -0 Ica( • ls e n I,f( hides three styles, of stores, three of lOiallway stations,-and two of churches, ti the pi i Ceti raging from $175 to $5OO 'teach. The :',-'175 dWelling eonsOta of a g t ,ni»gle ,tn'f, lnxl2 feet on the floor, with fn/walls eight feet high. Pixeitteli pine sills, and is thy:veil: with ! !;;;•.'.xf; • nuri lig jnists and 2x4 -pine stOd- Ilv• ding, iiitier,4 and gelling joists. - - The !lii, [defile y.ailr , tilt. covered with one-Inch ' 11 1 ! ilifikei.d lane, the Joints being pro iiiteeteil iiy.i•t. t pendieular molded battens. 1,,11ie nn-nte walls and cooling are coy t ii-il with haltAtielti boards, dressed, 11" 1 1 :1 i :e l l: I i l l i w i i l i i ::, 'i nil g sse r t. C r a l u 'e d m il e ' i t i e e h e i t l l oo i . l The s 1- 4 linnt nin kV (.1' .Ititliile.it 01' double floor- . qilii,;.: ' I 1,, tll ililllPY is a cement pipe, 1ii,,,,t,- ~, :-, ~t n,nl4, and joined together, .5,,n‘l re-tio:.; 'limn a bracket near the . f-eiilli g 't'hr•te are two doors and tWO Vti.nr-rialnes,and two windows and icl 111 , 1“ W 1 " i , r••..:IO tiuflicient hardware .:1 iiiiiii-iie4 Ii t (Mill) i plete the - house.— elle iiii e ve iiiil more expensive build ,.,_' ugh tit' of it .itilllitr description, vary ;lng LIS ti, fistfuls according to their size tr mil purpoii. , . No plastering and no ipirietis and mortar are used except y ! ivlieri speeLnhy ordered. The buildings ittre shipped by railroads, making from !bay fr ear load to five full car loads, and ~:n 1 imuient , e ,tiumber of them have been i' . 'eeted on the prairies where timber is •- pearce and mechanics not to be had.— DOI - earth and Home. How PANCAKES WERE MADE ONCE t 11. 7 PON ,1 TlME.—Wben our grandmoth . 'ns of about fifty years ago made griddle. , sakes, 0 — asthey were then called, pan l takes, the following receipt was then in 1 1 ';tse. We do not present it for imitation, 3i.l,•?ut to show what changes a few years i i ;:)are wrought in that article - of food,. VPaticaltes should be=inade - Of halcK:a bint of milk, three great spoonfuls of h. ugar, one or two eggs, a teaspoonful of ?-,',.lissolved pearl-ash, spiced with china ??,'non or cloves, a little salt, rose-water, :4',r lemon brandy, just as you happen to P'Mve it. Flour should be stirred in un 4.''' • 4tr:il the spoon moves round with ditil-, r :laity. If they+ are thin, they are apt A . 'o soak fat. Havei the fat In your sitil •,t , _ • i.•,,St boiling hot, and drop` them In with t'l spoon. Let them cook until tiler * 4-iughly brown. Thellitiore fat they are ,' s l'ooked in, the less they soak. li,f_ you iiiate no eggs, or wish to save them, use !M s•: , he above ingredients, and supply the slace of eggs by two or three spoonfuls_ , : l.:f lively eroptyings, in which case they anust be math five or six •hours before '-bey are coolfdd. A - Sliciiinfill or more 1\: • ,t New England rum makes pancakes , 'r s gbt. Flip reek es very nice pancakes. kl n this case, nothing is done but to i'creeten your mug of beer with mines :tt,•-,s, put in 'one glass of New - England ;itai, heat it till it foams by witting in ._,s•O• Lot poker, and stir it up with fl,our.aa .-,.• 7 411 . 11h:11 as other naneakesX Whatever ~,,, le msy think of the above as is recipe,' (kite result seems to have given great ',..rtiisfae'llon to thago . otifoilia who made a(i ate pancakes fifty years ago.--Er ,fit: It: .1 , • l!I. ,, t: ,A (.' ti ut :., wtTit JEREM . Y STUCK.—A v st'' iczt:PEltiOß COW.—As it is Impracticable in. farm wa in most oases to invest sev • rftl hundred dollars in a ,pure Jersey k : J.,,,w,,,,,. fire generally doing the next 'est thing by obtaining a crossletween rojand their best selection of common iws. Most of our dairies in' this' Sec ,on partake more or less Of these strong Ir '! ' rsey CI'OP9C6, which has produced some '„ titraordinary milkers. _ .. „,1 - We *have ascertained from SAMUEL 1-.rtimßLE, East Goshen, Chester county, 'sat he owns a cow of thiS description, ~ ...iced by himself and now about five I ,'4ars old. She Is seven-eighths Jersey •ood, is of a fine fawn color, and mliks , . _ose up to bee calving. He .inside one , ial of her butter qualities three months ;:' ter calving, and obtained from her. In to week, 141 lbg. of butter. We take `: 'lts case to be encouraging to farmers, k hen they happen to own a deep milk- Y.:„ to raise her heifer calves by a pure g , rsey bull.—Rural. ;'The color of yolks of eggs" may or ay not be slightly affected — by the • d food eaten by hens. But it is tamp that the yolk of a new-laid egg Oiways of a light lemon color, and - at age causes it to grow darker. .A k of a deep orange color simply de , Ytes and old egg. The lighter the co ca the yolk, the fresher the egg, pile Orleans County (N. Y.)•Agriotil , I Society has decided that horse. • lag is not an agricultural exhibition 1 prohibit it on the teak troinds, , , - - - _ =Mil • .. - ---,....•;-.:...._ .r., -t ; 1 ; C') •;e: 01 .' ',7 :"I c ', --7 .: , tV o- 1 cn v , . It • ' - 4 I"—, • 0 .. 1-.• tri tcf 1 - -; : • • •• 'es titvea, clover; I eat— thithet, • L 7 ~.,~` ^ ~1 ;/, J .~ L '~ .Alfiemarle Land Agency ELIZABETH CITY, NCRT• CAROLINA. L ARGE AND S'AIALLiARMS EOR SAL BALE at prices 'ranging from $8 to trs 'per Wore, on reasonable terms of prlmotit. • • II • Timber Lands - • covered with ne, , JuniVet, Cipresi, gum and Poplar Timbek, close to navigation. Priees3 to $lO per acre. ' - Village Property, -_-_,viz..:!', Stores, Wood anti Briok -Dwellings, Vacant Lots and Wharves, excellent olinaateiferkilesoll, friendly people, navigable waters and good markets, favor this laoality. Inquire of MI SMITH •.4. SHAW, Aii'ye st,Lreir, • May 3, 1871. 1 isabetli ••••. For Salo or .:.s ~. A GOOD dairy farm in Vioga townsiiip, oga county; Pa., about 0 .1 miles welt of the Dorong4 'Ploge. Omni 100- aorgsl-lmtrovet, and 46 iminipro\ , ea. Has on tt' three birit, three dwelling houses, an apple and-peach oroh.i erd, and o ther fruit trees, Terms easy. Also mia , joining on the, -west, a tarp - and timber ; lairds from 90 in 200 acres as desired, with 80 Mires improved; with a good barn;alood time nd apple oreharar Good fora dairying farm. Jan 1, 1871-if. O.'II:SEYMOUR,' WEIiLSIBORO‘ ' Door Sash 14: BliniPaa tory B ENJAMIN AUSTIN/I ' s Pr i v ' ared to .tar. B nigh first-olase work :from the boot lumber, at his new factory vrhioh is now in full operation. gash, Door 4; 3Z,2U11 1 113 0 IFINIMINFr AND MOULDINGS, constantly on band, or manufactured to order. Planing and Matching- done promptly, and In the bait manner. l'he best workmen employed, and none but the' best seasoned lumber need. Encourage home Indus. try. . . Factory near the foot of Math St '•BEN7. AUSTIN. Wellsboro, Aagust 2, 18711 tf _ • _ • 111 1 / I .l3Eo.—Fruit and ornantetttel MU; 'limb. - buy, grape vines, strawberry plata', • oto.--• I am ageftfor the .Catherine and If t ighland series and , tarn furnish any gbakti* for fait planting. 1 also have a fine stook i;st two ytwor old 'apple trees, choice cif'grY own growing. " Qiaiot tools plants OK vs. bind,' • Aug 9,1471 Itt • P,xairtim 111 c"), 6 " ; . -.. i. , ~~~aY Y • '4.: -,.+41:5 r 0 0 k-i 744 :11 1 1Z:=;' 17 " 1 ;L' .• Vi ...c 0 .-1 ..,..: .11. 0 Q k. R-- ' O. P : • to 0 rp ME cc;" .110 Sa to at .i.i., I . IT f CD et . 0 NI, , ° DI ~~ '~ 11 3 Si El o ;Id t. -g ' r 1 ed o al S' , e, w -11!)suraniee: Insuramiefat o HAM) IN HAW' MUTUAL LIFE ~'4t :- NSURANCE COMPAtilt No. 112 IS. 4th Bt., Philadelphia. .' • . Incorporated Feb'y 23,1667, Charf . '4l Cnpital $500,000. Assets "ove`t~, : • i11t0c10,0,09%k c• Stock and • utual, combining Security with !Prate. - Suppose'your are already insured in a first.elaas company, and from any cause wltat- ever,Asay lifter ten yearly payment) you 4004901 or canitettlay longer and die—your insufance Is gone and your monoy wasted. Not so in the filland-IN-lIAN,D " al! Potholes are FON-7/04 ITAItt,H. ' r ;',. Tbi'iconipanywhieh ranke among the most popular and'intsdessfull Life, Ig i turiuloq Comps* ties, grants policies 'on all doilrible plane, both vri_tiaAwithcit profits. 'I '- •` • Traveling Priveleges unrestrioted: . i , .... A 1 1 pollees are! Inoontestible after t Akner t rac , from any of the a 'dinary causes. ' 'k, - 4 .- ai i 4.." -4 t. Look to your fe Insurance. Please esamine Um:allowing C oo putative Table. .It ii, some-, itlialliiilloged by gents of other COniftantel that' the Company the represent is safer than others. While we,unhesitAtingly assert our belief in the soundMtps aUd,itabilr of all companies, we de sire to present the fol owing for the inepectitigic' • those desiring to 4nsu e: . T4 I II O V O -4 1 3a c f: ani6Compa l °the premiums reyetctforsn r 10" 11 ,ifetthe;gemilo years , payable at death : • EIM BE NM :,' ~a ',,,k) MIS =I :Annual pram:Jam - Ten anauAL for Ws. payments. $16,84 - $88.21 '.Etna, 22,78 42,80, Hanle, ... .... 28,80 50,00 -j " • Equitable,. 22,70 . 48,9 g Washington;.... 22,70 46,9,7,;17 ' Hand-in-Hand, _16,60 32,60 ttlioadyinstged take ppIiPTIKWI - M&O: the beet Mutual Compitii iri die llnlitieStates. March, 1, 187.1:-TY0., - A . ME Livery Sti,tl*C; • . - • ATKINS & KETCHAM . . ,_ , PL.- e••- Wrespeotfully Inform the fittbe 7 ;ii:.e...d. - • s ' Ito that they have OA tablietked a . 1. Livery for Miiiii t k'o,4 AttbeirStable - on Pearl St., opposite Whneler's. wagon shop. Single or double rJaVitldatied a order. They aim to keep good horses and wa. gone,antt Intend to pleas,. Pam reasonable. ••., WATEINS A KETCHAM. • Ja1t.:4,.1811-Iy. SALEe• 4.del • lilundersigned, owners of a Portable an. gibe;T with a tlardisirlitaeldt*,64 a,a4 a inn of Nsenoh 'Burr Stones attaohedAte prefosied Ml orders in their business At Blast Ottarleetbn; Pa. The above Trioietly is in g'o'bif itinniikear at, and,will be sold at a fair false, sad on,rtalsork-• able time. , For particuloro, inquire of Goo..W.lSfemio4 Wo)loboro, or -4140140 WILITNET, o o,4krelnist4;" May 4, 187/-Lf Ayer's Cathartic) , - Pills I T. 13 in the stem liver, {ma bow ThCy MID a 141141 7 lent, ' and ' 'au ellent purgative. dng purel%pe• 4rcuryo We ,l* (hatever. Much one sickness and _Angie prevent -- • ed by- their timely use;. and every family should have them on hand for their, protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be the saf est, surest, and beat of all the .Pil bovith.tvitich the market abounds. By their occasional use, ttirrbloOd is purified, the corruptions of the sys tem expelled, .obstructions removed and the whole machinery of life restored to its healthy • activiv. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish into cleanse Thus yer Pitts, and stimulated into action. incipient. disease is changed into health, the value of which when reckoned on the Vast multitudessvh_ oy: Li; it, can hardly be computed. Their Sugar coa makes them preacaut, lv take, px una. virtues unimpaired ler any length of time, so that tliey axe ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. ..fdthOugh searching, they are mild, and operate without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. lUL:directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to use them as a Family Physic, and for the =owing complaints, which these PM& rapidly cure:— For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Listless. . nese,•Langnor and Loos of hipFsite, they ' Should he Puttees moderately to stim e the stom ach, and restore its healthy tons an action. Per LlvistCerniplatut and tie various Equip tbms, Iteadache,_ Sick Head. Ache,_.ll - anndice or Green Sickness, 110. ions Colter and Dilionklrevers, they should be judickeurly taken ibr each =o4ttroerreet the' diseasedactiortOr remove the obsns width - 088 Z"'"' For 11*nis 81,11 terk rolbk dose iagenerally ]rulred. For Ithenmatism_,_Vont, Gravel, Peas Dilation of the Breast, Pain in the de, Back and Loins, they should be oentin , nously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change these complaints disappear. I,‘ the- Dropsy and Dropsical Swellinips, yhould be taken in large and frequent doses t 0 nee the gnat of a drastic purge. or Sanpreaston, a large _dgcruk,should be -4,tdreli, as it produces the desired urea) iby spur , As a Dinnir-Piss, take one or two Pills to promote digestion and relieye • An ooaulonal dose stinitilttealleeMOMthlinaA , bowels, nattiest the appetite, and invigorates the system. Bend it is often advantageous where no serioucdttitagement exists. One who feels tolerablyAnal' oft en finds that a dose of these Pins makes h im feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and-renovating erect on the digestive itrindettut;" • MEI Pin:P.OlEl5 DT Dr. J. C.4YVR CO., Practical ohomists, ZOWNIZ A MASS., U. S. 4. SOB MIS BT ALL DBI7E/GISTS rivitatinim. June , 14,'71-Iy. W. O. KRESS, Agt. • • As Welliboro. /- • • Has now In stook, and will keep constantly on hand, at the lowest-marketlitotationa. Wool Twine,24 4 ply 6114 ilt*lniq.; iq :Idatlia:2, 8 & 4 strand. Ei r Owri pat. Step Ladder, from,3 to 8 ft. JACK CREWS, TACItiE BLOCKS, :11nOtotOTH Sc WIRE G9CIDC ',: - 'l'::EitEliY WHEELS for gumming sans. A foil assorituont of Lake Huron A, Berea Tioga, Pa. GrRINDSTONES, v.al i se Wheel Barrows , . in any quantity. • - ; MANILLA ROPE No I A in 1 ex* engine oiL A complete assortment of MIIeIHNICW.TOOLS, House BOilders and Household ware NMI - - , oonidantly on hand. • Bottom prioee oh r AGRICULTURAL 11dPiEtitiSiTi. Come in atidtake I look, get the figures and tee how j.t - Aesnurself, and oblige • Yours Truly . J. SCHlClFYykl h ilt. a - Ma y 24, 1871.-e. • New Tobaooo -Store lii T" subsoriber . has gated up the Store Ant door east Thoriass,Hardea'sfq Bottle ton t ' for the maattfasotars and salt,o, a t I n, aZGABS, (010.4;464, lanCy and Common SMOKING TOll4ooo,Miohigan aHt OM; dna on kind, of I LETG TOBACCO,. PIPES, and thechoi) . of MAAS. 06,11 intim° for yourtelviti. Wa , • JOHN i1"r 0, 871. 4 kr. tr;-: ; generally. from 1 Inch down. Qit-11111NIONrilltIEFITTC , ~..„.„..,,,,,,.„. •' . t - ,- ;-7...4" , *A . otigfri,.+A„, ,4Art W" -0 : V Otfilisidietown,l4. V. and. Ho i, . :' r. ' 3 -,;'‘ tiii , v . -..f., ,, , , , kr v , ,•, tk=:. -‘` c • - *1. 7 4 ,,Chattere4 .#B, - fAct of Legislature of Pennsytv ma i 11'18 SAFE! IT IS RELIABLE! IT. IS OtIEAP BETTER THAN LIFE INSURANCE AND FOUR TIMES CHEAPEAL •-! ~• , - • 'Legally Incorporated. I ra.; A 'Strictly Mutual Co- Bit& bIEMBEi IS A. , STOOkHOLISER, ANi) IriAOHI ONE'S PAST, Arm no, • SPEOTIVE INTEREST, AS WELL AS THEIR INTEGRITt AND HONOR, IS PLEDt ED AS THE CAPITAL, OF TIIE OOMPAtilt. tilitiere Wilke Coanpaity : - 4.IIIISIDEINT, L ."' •-V. ' -: ' ' ' TUISASUBEIR,, c-; 'l , ~. • • ' - I'.• - " " 't= - Cor..D C. DUSHINDERRY,.-Middlitioivii N. Y Hon. It:B. REARDSLEB, Honesdale, Penna. 4 * YIDS-PRZOIDIDITO, _- 1 11110R$TARY,' 0. W. lit/UCLA'S, Supt. South Side R. R., L. I. I , .t_ r till,Wiii 0 LAIR lc, bliddletoivir,' N. Y. 91,t,T9 1 Ttfile 1 °!'?'"T#1 /4 : y ` - ' - I ‘. ' `.l '1.: 4- ..a.,.(3:,,.‘ ~.,: , ; .w•,7) _D,,,.,,,,,R.. ,„.„2..., F.'• ?'1 f'.'“:" ''..:c. i . ', , ' 7 • '-. I 7 r . , ' How. H. B. DHABI/BLEB, Counsellor at Law, 3 . 11 . NORTON. Big. , °f. B ra9k l -to:WinoDit Co.' Honesdale, Pa. Middloto n, N. Y. HON. W i lkt. t M. P p,OßifillgOroblitli; E qu i nun k, ORINNBLL IlUt'P o listi..*PiestWatilliilti vaL: • i ler R. R., Warwick, N. Y. JACOB MAY, ESQ., Tobsodo Merchant, Port JAIL 8./JUL/M s Blititibv - iiitamoolitclim' Clonal Ba k, idlddlidown, N. Y. i ,:iii.Tertiftra t -u --- .;T-.C.?; C. :ltia 1414:t. cF,wiliztrwaltitte ; -jawlleri whiffle. JOSHUA DRAP It, M. D., 'Tres; Atidgettinii town, N, Y. , Savings II nk, Middloto,,ituelf.Xy.--.-., Bo uirig l4 ,_ ir eE 4 wf, E r i e BLISHA P. W ULM Belf44lsuanen4l , l l . ,Holf,AßONßill. '.i - ., 'Rgilway, IlivAtbitEKN:Y. , '' • - l au d Reileay, Middletpern .N. Y., ' C. W. DOUGLAS ? Ees):, Sept. 86 . 1t .# Sid. I t ' / - 1 ' D. C. L " S t o E ti li rn ittrtife "cf r i e 4rli 1 ?r ; , r ,,,._ :„, „ J ., ::, „.,,..hsi z, , ; ..2../',4 0 Citif%aqs „- „i 1 r , .. I,li .-, , 4 • • - -PILIAMVIO CLARK, Esq., Midaltitin6Or/ri 2 •.•: . 1 --1 rj - r ..1 f l .. - i CONElVllliikkgrOiolitzg. *A' - -DI - .. 5)1 . '.= - 1 •C. A. DITSIIiBUNItt 'iiitas 11 1 6nVatali - I" - ' I ..liy_44, 2 oP_BAkErli• - •;:hi.Alictdbitcetra, 1 AUDITORS. •• I ,- lo — ii; (ifilli . R.liiititliTT, Blituoill 0414, l'ailll i eu. THOMAS; GEORORVllitielrargii it4r., ',......" - Frostdesit Judge 22d Jidicial tetit.-Pa. :- r-- county JetdOoT Orange -Ciatity, N. 7.-. ,' To heal:cue a member or members of this Company; the paymen i ta Al If„•,,De rj ul 1,V a eive;,4,,4, : 1.„‘ ; c 1 a , ,, , ,i. .-...'ri ; I:4i - , -:' (1-471VA1,-RAL Di YllarPA T ' le ;ffentbers9Ao.9 ' :: ;: I : I d : ' . iO3# kj, sl:..Lt:s "-;•V ak..71. r: .' :.: tt;:l",f ..,- ; . , .:-...1.•,.. -;... ~, A .: [To consist of 500 Q members each. Raielite $5,000 in a full Ditislout - pr $t for - Oat/I li tiaribeif Ja.thOilvision at the time of death._ Divisioa,lo. I•lneindes per s ona from 20 to 4,0 years of age. Ii irisidiNo.,2 l lalltulectierseitilrom - 4016 4 10'Y chi rib:, Membiretdif he kb , either' - of Ibexes division SB. Assessment at the death of a member, $1,10„ 1 r• • • S. .'j, .i f • .: — , ----GON.E.RAL DlVlSlol7.—Joint ilfearthlarpl f - ,-..:., for husband and viler—Benefits payable to the istviveor. To so l isie 'is boov..milat Oeitfiteitis, •It bested& s6,oolhsVhdl diriAte,:ktaielimeleertileste the 40.11,10$ Ott thfiatefiri a ir-ath: — Dlvfslefi I'fd."S;ltiolndelfpersoliTElsUllMTb - 40 years of age. Dtrisiou„,No.;-4 - !sandal persons from £0 to .60 years of ago. Membership fee to either ofitheso divisions $42:•" - Ataam: I .!_ le vl l tet Pldkilamsmbafist* ft -, .. ,, i 4 ' ,:- • - I 1 . a`,.... ,::. , .7.- I:1 ..-,.. -. ' 7.14;• - .". t . .0 . q.::... ,, ..:.1,;., , 1, 1 Z-Ni1..1. .-' l / 4 :17.:. -- 5i1.,,5P4111 - 912L .1). I VL91011 1 .4--Single .1144mkoi: ; c,-,,,,, . . ~. • To . .oonsist•of 1000'memberteash.: tilinadts $5,008 ins full divisio i nr : or $6 foAoyery t momhor, of . kha division atlie time of death., , . ;,, „, ~ ~ ‘,: . -d., . ( Divisio n A.tholudes person froraloE.a44s yeauftif age.. • 44 B f• II 14 Su 50 411 IS ft c•-.•:...v . .....• '. .I . ~ • .., " ' ,O. ...".• --."•-. " . • 501440 " tk al ' - ' .Membership fee to either of these divisions, $l 6. • Assessmention thO death of a morning, $5,10 REMEMBER • THE - MEMBERSHIP NEE, IS ONLY' 1 4 AID ONOE„..ATTER WHIcH,YOU,,ONLY ;PAY WHAT MORTALITY E*TES MAKES THE 'i' '` ' ' ' 1 " ' APTITAL . COST-i — ND: I UNUAL DOES ',OHAEGED. -• ..: ~ - ' . Initi' r eififti IV cl 6 -111.;. ki . ii i.,--ii f ik c p' i ha n .l 3 ) id _is ; pso ; -ain bit ; r ani -e • oorest i may •ov e - 0 , . -., • Competency for his Eamityi . . _ ........_ , _ • •. - . Reliable insuranoa statistics assert.the fact that out of .very 1,000 sound, iesiciiioll 44 ' .b4tr tween 20 and 00 years of age, not more than 7 or Bon an average die each year, and this holds good:throughout all•thaso years.irlitaroftisailor every 1,000 metabers of the Dams liturninv Oottraliv; in a division of which' yOu were ' a member, you would bi tiviessed 7 or 8 'Drabs in sail year. 1 . WOULD A LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY INSURE YOU FOR , THOU-. ,• ;,',SAND DOLLARS FOR EIGHT DOLLARS, AN EIGHTY CENTS? No unsound or unhealthy persons received as members. • Divls ng are all flung rapidly. G. O. Wassmot G. W. LANGAN, WHEELER & LA.NOALIII.. • . . General Agents r Tioga Ci4Velithcife, Pa." Office Stone, in At the auto office you can itisureyour property against fire, your heroes and cattle isisiust death and thtiff: Rates low - and Qompardes reliable. • 'August2BoB7l-3td —•- • • --- - ' I The Largest Eitablishment in INorthern Pa.! -Tr* i ,- ...._ • - % . 1 ; • , • " Y . 1 HAPING realities for bluing and'handllug luge quantities 4 f • Goodi - enables him to oft 1 them at the lowest Jobbing prioes. In our retail department Goods are sold at sitititH salt! elykee over wholesale prices. A large stool of STONE, GLASS, itur cusze, taloa Abrotiotrittiffitick. . . . PAINTS, Auk KATEI ANDLOIIB, i VARNISHES . D VA RNISH BRUSHES, A TULL STOOK; I q Transfer Ornaments, Strip4ng, 1P444908 ~.-.... . and Braih.eifler Capt.:Oise and.' - - ECEEISEE A full line of all clams of Cloodi Opportaluing to our bualuota kept 1p stook. Fe4.l, 1971-17.,_ Stoves WA ~._~~ S4SH, DOORS, BLINDS, AT PAC/TORY PRIC:inS wautoseiFax-i)taillay.t 7' WILLIAM notnisTEL O. MIMI STOVES, I'M AN HARDWARE, -01110NoNAILS, OARRIAGELEOLIISk-HORSIPSHOES, AND HORSE NAILS, • Eitz-Dexcterviv-YATOcoIS • 3 frgentral steak of Rulldara lifiteritthr: LOONS, - BUTS; OREBiSIIBRB , Ad 4 Also. WRAPPING A , ADM at manaraetureriprlees. • 5 k .1 • - A'411,311414 ATTENBEg WOrlirill Cub; aiadtrilliti feu . *or ab . ove one 00110. Wellebom An. 4,187 27. 0 . , r 3- ,I , t ' 4 ki', the Co : ._44-_.174.-ki) ,:). triiill:, la 4 upon uo-operativerio LI • -',,t ...ti 4 ., 1 ~, , 1 •-,.......... ItE.3IPLIEI +43 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ~ : BE 1111011 ISIANDAP WITER LIMB, Gutter Ornainentths. • •-• " :- (SueffelOotio D: - ,P,:1f.08W11t713) DEALER ER T .Charter Perpefua . J - ' . %..1;. StOV6g I : Having on Lail • tarp otook.oo4l kr iSort, sad liasolwaro, ihil szatimisball`MlMkplosetto i t rime to anaouttoo that has at a giat'olatlai, itd: dal to the usual ooh a the old stand OA. _ ___ - MAIN ST , WEILMSQ#O, i . •:',.4.,_ L , _ . t a qtynploto asoottanout 'of isbeir w ale, attof , Jr'hibb bo ate the Irlowbsg articles t NAILS, SP ICES, i CROWBARS, X - OPT, 3H , HAND AND'. MOH SAWS, BU 8, STRAP HINGES, OARPEN '43:t.TGOLS, - ... PUMP& AXES, AIAU ERSABITTSiBITT/e . ' '-' STOOKS; HATOHEM - di [s, • , SHOVELS, SPADES, HtES, BENCH. SCREWS, B IPOQR ELANSINaSt a few ofthe manyitloles oomposiag itoeig id=sagas for the selves. I aim- to keeptim rlt 40 - .Oider.done . Orompity and well. I • 11111 „, y .. '~~}~ ~.~ ~x girl - • • 0 • ' 1.7" We intend to keep.thls,ptoT4hli. of 11 44 . 414`14 Goods, itud to sell them at very close rates, impeotlosiojnorottee'ou rAdo 4ely: e aro:noieseling'st bottom prices : 1.„ PRINTS, SHEETINGSp•-- .4 -B LE AOH ED MITSLINS,' 'DENIMS, •• STRIPED SIIIRTINGS, COTTON YABI . COTTON BATTING;-- 43111111'119 GINGHAM% CARPET WARP. • - • '"••• • • ••• • _ DRESS GOODSAIMPAR_ VligNelt;;;_.,, ~ 11111[4.W.14, 1 11EPARTIMENT. „ ; : , :.' , IIOOP . SKIRT • DEIPARTMENT * Iball keep a very.larga at4ok,of Goode in ,e4tob of the above Departments, and sell them itt•Yatos thst will satisfy the closest buyers. • • _ " BLAOK. SILICEL—Our stookis now very iterge;lnearlydeuble ever kept before, and being gold at the low ptitlea of tbaqpriet,_maktnt !kthe . niost,attraetive'btook of- Bilks, as to quality and prices we t!aye• ever Uffrpcli • • : 1 • -.OOLOfIRD SILKS, a handsome assortment. - . . . 2 . mowA. POPLINS, in great varietr. • BLACK. ALPAOAS.-:—Oiar'regnlai Stook—the came we have kept for years-in all the de, arable umbels, for 2110.510. Me. Ott. COo. tido. and 62 e. •,' 'BLACK. PURE ,MDRAIRS:4-, i'his;stoek we make a leading article now, keeping all the rintnbeil at all times;and selling then?ftkerieh lowprioes as to salt the eloseet tinyere.. ---- DRESS PLAlDS:r4..handeimietoch, at the. loweat market prices. •We also keep our reg. iilar Thipturmou n 00.4.911, NE 'Consistlog of all the - now sty/ea:4o9yr and medium prlood goods, giving our easterners the ben. 6fit of the largest stick end lowest - prices to he found. - ' atiILEY NHAW.F#O, 4 -4VO ehsJllrktep Oki stook fall oi bargains in all the grades--low, me dium, and Ane theramtteh cheaper than usual. WOOLEN SRA the-Newest Styles, to suit about every ono, at the lowest Mirliet rates. . . . •- - . I'LANIVEL DEBAR TIKEIV T. I - We have more Barijeineln Ode aMoletbaiie4i line; medium find low qualities in :benisiteholoe styles.' • - " ' • • - " . • , t'. - 0— -LINEIV 'DEPARTMANT. '' ... . . . . _ •• . .. • Geod Blown Table Linen, Al 150. por yard.. . - Good White Table Lbaen,..so obi. For Y.ad.: I , . . '... T6frelfrig,.lo. 1 - 2;16, apd 18 ota. Pee yard. Cheap. . - - - • --• : Llnena 11aladirecrehlef e;8;10 / _12, 16 and 20 cents. - . : . Linen Han dkerchiefs, 25 to - 50 cent/. --.....---; .A554. .. .._ • c . A Good Swim, Balmeral at $l.OO "A Goo Heavy BalmTal, high colored, at 1.25 Mara qualithii Balm ral, at 81.50 to 200 - • -- • , • ' fli7 i• ": • '• • HOKUM'', very Oheap. CORSETS, a Good Corset, 76 do. EOTIONO, of all !duds, yory'oboap. , et- is' ' = , BOOT SHOE DEPARTAtIiNT. • mike :thli steak ottr4eadlat Department, keeping an unusually large, variety of custom 'Elide work, outselling it 16,14.0100 s than any one in the Shoe Trade alone eon afford to abU The largest portlon'ofvui Stook IS made especially for us, and we WARRANT all work that. we , sell for Custom Work. We have an • . ,„ Enti . , . . , - , Imminot 'Mod of dr. .Rioharciston's WOO.. P. . , ' - In Mans' two-soleld4oga Boots „ Women'. Calf Balmoral sad Polish Boots In Mons' J. d. Joie Eine, Rip ; Beal - - • ~ Misses' Calf Balmoral and Polish Boots Men'. 2 sole lima tap Pine Hip Boots- i Children's Calf Balmoral and Polish Boots BUOVii.L2 ILIA A. H. Cilf !Boots • Women's Kip Balmoral and Polish Boots liso olll P I sole -4... H.. Calf Boots Misses' •Kip Balmoral and Polish Boots Men's Tap tole Prenolt Calf Boots' Children's KipDalmOral and Polish Boots Men's id. a. /aired " ,Calf Boots .- - • Women's Goat Balmoral and Polish Boot. . , . • Misses' Goat Balmoral and Polish Boots • Children's GOat - Balmoral add Polish Boots • • • , • • , , ••' .. Boys' Tap Sole A. H. Calf Boots • ' Boys' Tap Sole Pine Kip Boots . • . •., Boys' i double sole Pine 1E ip Boots . ,• ' ' '' ' -'•;., ' • ' , • Boys'donble-soloStogaKip Boots . -• , Youths'• in same styles , ... ~. :This entire line is of one make, and has been kept by us for a good many years, and has bean tried and adopted by a large portion of our Customers • in - thole • purchases of substantial custom work. ' - . We also keep faltlinisi of 'Soled Work, in Ladies,' Misses' and Children ' s Sizes, In Bilmor al, Half Polish, Fall Polish, and Button Style, made of Calf, Pebble Goat, Morocco, Kid and Serge, single end double Sole. Wein'alfe 111 close buyers to look at our stook of Fine Work, 'beds* buying, as Imlay° the BEST CLASS of WORK MADE IN THIS STATE, AND SELL AT VERY LOW RATES. ' - We make largtiolaims in this stook, but the success of our business in this line warrants us in so doing. Corning, September 6 ,1871. !EMI W. C. $1121413. EOM 24-14 AUZZlirp Nvii Fall Goods lIIM ~ d;. a ..-!. ..i poistiEigitit::,;buivAitir*EN'T. INS - t `:: Urea ;Goi,titi.. ...WATTER 2EOOE . Ci t olllB 7 fancy And gelid colors. itOOtir sOnte irk great variety, Sn.all thetteri Oyler au'ir Union 'Okra, Cassimeres Whiahlwo shall 8011 at very close figures. Also Trlmmiagslor Suite billed at low prices. =I s t. _ • . • Clicatlairuir.s colOthirms! of every description. FOR MEN, FOR DOTS,. • FOR YOUTHS, JUSI'RECEIVED AT HARDEN'S iSept 6, 1871. ••• . • • .•. • . . , . _ MEE ~ T4I F , ---41:*-0,....15''C0N1N4. The track it 3 laid, arid the .Cars are running.ito We long bridge which they are putting. up across - the .stieam near Tioga, bat it would take a great deal long4,3o3partithan:#lat to,bridge the continually increasing STRIAM OF tiWickhain STOCK Just received. When they have more time, they , will put in a notice in .this place to all: their old. customers, toget her vith the new, that they have a first-rate stock of Goods at bottom prices. Togs, July 6, '1871.... „ 1 ' 3E3433ELME.II33ELYSI Ch.eap Cash Store! 1 HAS A FULL [ ASSORTM.ENT OP NEW GOODS, SUCH AS . • . - _-. = . , Foreigri and - Dm :nettle _ Dry Goods, • I Which will be sold very cheap. 11 ' ',i LADIES' DRESS GOODS, ': ' ; ''' wgin • PIQIIE. _ 'BUTTONS, ALL HINDS, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, ILINBN GOODS, . , ' POPLINS it WHITE-GOODS, '' Y_ . .1 ' .:.:. aioveii;44`ary' ocnit, Goods an a -NOtions. . • ' • 'Choi . 6e.: - .•o=l6oeries. . • Fi r o e a a p, Yrobect,o6oB, L • Syrup,, Ipo!), t u a l l o p i rus, °a sett,sl4 Rate & Caps, Boots*Slteeeilititbeis, Cteekery ? Wooden Ware, dce , . ;:ki, . . . Cash Paid for'BUTTER r dapped on Comaussion.. , --. . Please call and look opr Stook ;Quit. , on .7/111 shiviris An& na- ready - aid willing to Oho* goods. _ a-•tWoljiboro, Zifsy 10, 1871.—,1y.,: - .-, ',,.. - — t - .. , i 7, . . 7i/C'BAILICEIRe ME .A.T'r7:-..t .L.rre -;i • ; "fteuirra.. M A. PARSONS & CO. 13==i EU To-leek at the pew OF GOODS, IE9 MI CUSTOMERS Sr, Varr's i WIOKHAM A, PARR i3OOT:'ANDSIiok _o;'Tditi% MEW T rOgliDY PISIILEt: have - now on hand a"large stook' „•,gi s i of Boots.aadllhotisi Bad propose 1•71 P continuing tbo manufasture of the same, at the shop lately oc of pied by Biabler it Randolph. They•also pur pose reducing prices on all t goods and selling strictly • We keep a good assortment of 7 Hats, and Caps;l • BOOTS, BALMORALS; GAITERS, BOOTEES, BROGANS AND GALLIGASKINS - - - warranted to At any foot from NO. 0, to 13 fn. FRENCH CALF, FIIN6II Km, UP PER, SOLE, COMMON CALF, LININGS, BINDING, MO ROCCO, AC., • „ will he kept np as heretofore. I • . On Findings we shall be found at ,home al b ' waye, and we shall endeavor to .sell , at price satisfactory to the trade. We won't be under jr CASH PAID • FOR HIDES. CUSTOM WOWK . _ Done promptly and well. Repairing done on abort notice. Drop in and be convinced. • 11114,11,8 Y 4 PIOBLEIL: Dec. 14, 1870;-1y. TO THE FARM TIOGA OOU' . lijd nor, building st my manufaete ,Lawren ce yille.a emperior . . FANNING •M L; arhithpossestleethe following:avast • corer allothr• mule: I - I.lt separates rye,este,rat•litter.a dfOillereeds,an cheese:id ooekle,from wheat. Lit clone flax seed,takesont yellow aced, arid all other seeds, perfectly. ' 8, Itoleane timothy seed. • 4. It does all otherseParatingrequiredot a mill This refills built of the beat and most durable tire. ber t hs gomistyle.and is told cheap feroash, or pro duce. I will lit a patent glare, for separating oatstroni whest,tocithermills,onreairdnableteime. J. 13. Lawrenceville,Jan.l,lB7o-t f nzAnute rig HARDWARE, IRAN, STEEL,. NAIIIS, MAIM;9 4 SAWS - , WATER LIME, AGRIVIILTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Oarriago and Harness TrbininingO, HARNESSES, SADDLES, Oarning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1871-y ROSABALIS • , ..,--, •THE INGREDIENTS THAT S *.• OMPOE ROSADALIS are .0 , publish t 1 xon every package, iheiv t,,..o. ! fore it is not a secret prepatation, consequently .. I ,i ""' 1, ..•I'llYSielliNS PRESCRIBE IT llt ii a certain curo for ScnAbla, 4 . -1 4; I:.:+ypoilt. , in a-t-ints f q-nts, Rheurna.- c• ....-.. itism, Skin Disease:, Liver Conn• 11::' ' 1 1111 h t and t.II diseases of the Rosodalis is sold by all Druggists, ••• prico $1.50 per bottle. Address DR. CLEITENTS & 00. Manufacturing CA:milli, IlarrsitWW l bi.D. • July 19,18T1-Iy. • TIOGA W..% STORE I 1 . BORDEN Imps - constantly .n hand: Pure Drugs and Medioinie, ' Chemicals, Paints and 011 e, Lampe Stationery, Yankee Notions ac. PRIISOUIPItiCiNBCATMFULLY COUPOUNDED .1 11. 11, ITORDIM Tioga, Jan. 1, 1871=.-Ig. • IM $l.) Past 01los cider chains .._or drafts on New Tort, Vannes too avenlenn. .o not, tuna v 4,100 - Mars =mums money. Address L W. I ENGLAND; It AI n 0 W lO MCONO• t - 3 . 1 4.* i i nAta . FOR CASH. oluirivo Ourfitoo,:of WALHER & LATHROP, STOVES, TIIV-TVA.RE, ::1,,t),' C:7; 7::::.1' CF ROSADIZIS Mil 0.0 more good than ten ,bottl:: of - I: • .-"., rtl:ls of li.irsapanlla. , nit - . - UN'..): - .ZI.:.:•:;r4ED PHYSICIANS I):.ve th•«! 1 (..v.dalis i n their practie , 1 for the phtt thrce years and freely t• ,, c10: .?.. Il' '::..3 a r .i..iblo Alterative 'nn. T c. .1 I. 'ff J. '1 E. W L. l'.o ....:.t J.! P( II i r. t .1,I,?It I more. '01'1; IN, A . CAliii '• " I 'ANN E L Y ,_ PARKS, Nicholasvillo, McCAIIT lA, Columbia, i. C. L C. A. 11. 1: 1. 1) J. p. Edgccortib, N. C. - I:7,DORSED BY NI - !I L. rON:1, Fall River, AITI":I,.*AcI.Fon, Mich. A. I . LEI', Lula, Ohio. r. I,:ra tr !o. N o.,(;"idogsville, Va. c6A.M'I.. G. McFADDE..3, Murfrecs- torn, Tcrin Ours;:i^c.;;-!;1 not allow of any in tended ; iu relation to the virtuoso! Rosadalis. Toth° Medical Profession we guarintee a Fluid Fri tract superior to auy they belie ever used in the treatment of- d teased Blood and to the afflicted we say try Rosadalis, and you will bo estorod to health. Urbe - Asurt• CRADLES A. DANA. Editor. Zug gotta *Wag #ttn. A Newspaper of the Present Times. i Intended for People Now on Earth. Including Farmers, Mechanics, Merchants. Pro , Condone! Mon, Workers, Thinkers, and all titan• nor of Honest Folks, and the Wives, Boni, and Daughters of all mob: ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR 1 ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOIL 930. Or Leg than One Coat a Copy. Let there be a 830 Club at every Poet Office. SEMI-WEEKLY SUN. 62 A YEAR, of the same also and general ammeter as THE WEEKLY, but with a greater variety of miscellaneous reading, and furnishing the pews to its subscribers with greater freshness, Manse It comes twice a week instead of once only. II Tilt DAILY BUN, $6 A YEAR. A preaminently readable newspaper. wit 4 t he lamest circulation in the world . Free. ode pendent, and fearless in politics. All tbe• news Vora everywhere. Two cents a copy; by glo Ceuta a month, or $6 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SIIN. Ilya copies, one year, separateladdressed, Four Dollars. Ten cop es, one year, separately addressed (and _ an extra oopy to the getter up of club). Eight /Dollars. Twenty copies, one year, separately addressed - (and an extra oopy to the getter up of club). I . Fifteen Dollars. Fillyf Filly CO RS. Ono year, to one address (and the eeriy one year to getter up of club), Thlrtyrthree Dollars. "My co lee one year, separately addressed,(and the f3erallYesklyoralyear to getter up_or club). Thlrty•ave Dollars. One hundred ooples, one year, to one address land the Daily for one year to the getter up of club), Fifty Dollars. One hundred copies._ one year separately ad dressed (and the Deny for oneipar to t he.getter up of club), IXII7 Dollars. r- , TSB DRItIIt.WZNILLY SUN. Miro coulee, ono you, separstoly addrettell Eight Dollank Tea cotes, ono nu, separately addressed c_su o.llxis copy to Fetter up Qu e u:i Dollar,. SEND YOUR MONEY = RW OF "1"17'... Mir