TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. Local Items. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11,1871. New Advertisements. Milliner airs . C: P. Smith. Washing Maehine—Luke Stevens. Guardian Sale—J. G. Argeteinger. For Sale—lL M. Seeley. Attention Choppers—Thos. Verses. , For Sale—C. B. floyt. headings—Miss S. R. Preston. NOTICE. — The ladies of the Baptist s „ l i e ty of Mansfield, will give a festival Friday „ a ping Oct. nib. Objact-rreptir of the church. A. good housekeeper wanted ; one who tailhad experience with children preferred.- 0 ,4 a cages will be paid. Inquire at thie office. et 11-11 t. - _ (RsApiNo.—Mles S. R. Preston, Elo ,Woni,t, will give Readings in Bowen do Cone's go o n the evening of the 18th inst. Bliss Pres. ton tom es well recommended, and We bespeak for b e good house. Bee adv. in another colinm. ' , ARU N POTATOES.--L. L. Ruses], E N ., has left a lot of tine potatoes at this office, ibe t „ l ar gest of which weigh respeotively 2 lbs. j o4 o r., sod 2 Ib3. 5 oc. Thoy ate a tolled lot, molt (dam being Chills, and the largest being what we should call Californias. SOME POTATOES.- , —Mr. P. H. Boat— vlck, of Delmar, inform us that he retied this lesson on a patch of _ground six rods long and terse rode wide one hundred budeti of potatoes of the CIO variety, This Is aethe rate of 8841 buebele per adre. Who beats this? Mrs. 0. P. Smith has just receined a lot of new goods in the millinery line. Said lot comprises all the most desirable -styles r and will he dlopond of at figures that will gratify the most exulting. Mrs. Smith keeps up with the times end with the fashions. LARGE Clicrioris'—This is the season of large "notables, and we take pleasure la re— cording the achievements of tho earth in food producing—believing firmly that mankind lives mainly by eating. The beet on our table is a lot of Onions reload by Charles Close, very large and One, of the old red variety. Now, somebody try us with a bushel of fine apples: or a sack of fine toot : or a quarter of fat boof—wq will do the landsomo thing. PErtsorTAL.—Mr. Archie DeWe', of thi Einar& Advertiser, visited "bur Cour4 Tair last seek and wrote up some good letters for that pa- —Mr. J. E. Warren, Printer, formerly of the Owego Times, V. Y., is spending a few days with bib frienos in this place. —Our old friend, Wm. Garretson, Eeq., of the Internal Revenue Office, Washington, D. 0., put :a an appearance in out...office on Friday last, looking "bale and hearty." Our readers may look for a letter from his pen ocoasionally in the Ay, In contrast to our coil nights and bright bealthgiving days, - comes a private letter from ()smote, on the river Tooantios. The writer was a room-mate with /tens one year ago, and is an engineer of ability, whose last situation be. fore going out to Brazil was that of first engi• neer ow the private pleasure yacht of the Khedive of Egypt. Ills comrade, Oottrlngham, died in Para of fewer, and Bu r ding the engineer, fled from the pestilence, bel g one of the very fen foreigners who escaped. • His letter is graphic, and so interesting that re vein try and make room for it next week. COVINGTON VETERANS. This com pany of Soldiers was at this place during the two Est days of the county Fair. They aro de terring much praico for their gentlemanly as well as soldierly qualities. They ate fully armed and equipped, and their appearance added much to_the intertt of those present at the fair. Their officers are s follows: Captain, E. B. Decker; Ist Lieutenant, Tboa. Willoughby; 2 , 1 Lieutenant, Howland Mnvin. THE RACES,—The races o❑ the Wells- Loro driving course, which we aunounced last week, resulted as follows: Best three in five, mile heats. First day, first trot, for horses that have Dover beaten 3:10 in public. For this race there Here six eutries. John Peters enters Fanny Kern, I. 2,2, 2. W. If. Vail enter,. Coiranesque Boy, 0,0, 4, 0. W D Knox enters Spotted Fawn, 4,0, 0, 0. A Crop,ey enter, Chestnut Bill, 3 I 1. B. More enter: Bella Landon, 071; 0. Y. Leonard enters Linderman Puny, 2, Secuod tot, lor horses that hare never beaten 25 0 in public, hest three in fire, mile heats i Jacob Fountain (were David Greer. 2,1, 2, 2 A. Bentley entere Lady Myer, f, 2,1, 1 S. Decker enters Clara, 3,3., o', 0. F. B. Leonard enters Polly Parkins, 0,0, 0, 0. The time was not made public, but it was good for unrecorded horses, and we saw no disposition to jockey the race. The scoring was tedious in the first race, but tte Fond-off was fair;. and wo may remark that :DO of the horses in the brat race (Chestnut BM) will be likely to make his mark us a trotter. THE le no boasting to say that our c.utity Fair was a success and a credit to our people. The weather looked unpYomising on the tint morning, and, when a steady rain C3 - amenced pouring down, the weather-wise pre uered a stormy time fur exhibitors, and conse quent failure, to a degree. The prophets were zistakett. There was just rain enough to put th e grounds in solid condition', and then the sun rime out, to stay. The afternoon of the first, and every minute of the second anti third days, the weather could not have been ordered, finer. On the first day there were some 400 entries, sod the entries on the second day brought the tamber up to 534. Most of the classes were well represented. Class 1, mares and colts, mo t el class 3, horses, brought out better equine iatook than we hare Loretofore seen in the county, collectively. When tno'cail came for tingle wares, roadsters, there were tire who responded, and,. as tie trial was not 0120 of speed—though that was a leading point—we wore rather interested in watching tho notion of thu contestants. All were driven at . will, as one might say. We did nut see a whip used; but the traveling was very fine, and the mares behaved in a way to do themselves and owners credit. They gut right up and got along without a skip ; went just wyre they should go, with loose linen: and we saw no reason why the tae3t spirited of them nitght not•be driven by woman, or a child. No man can help noticing speed; and we Lund ourself watching a sorrel roan, driven by a wan in a gray Coat, (stranger to us,) beeause.c the behaved beautifully and showed signs of un'• stun! !peed. Left to bar own head, with linen banging loose, she got around that track in Way that looked very like speed, In the show tit of matched mares, J. Locke sad L. Holmes led ; both good, and bard to beat u roadsters, or as well mute:bed, well trained team. The show of einglu horses was fine, and the Napetition sharp. Wo do not chooso to risk on Iploton on their respective merits that is for tht committee of awards; but-we could ermine Irate several thht no think will ho heard of in Wilk trots. Si,., 13ative11 showed a very fine young horse, lab good promise of speed, and fine action. The matched teams and draught horses would Credit to an older and more populous , county tato this; and we havo seldom seen the equine ilsate'nt better represented at any Fair than It here last week. Hulse and jacks do not attract, to as fall an utent horses. There seems to be tapreiudice la this world against long ears. But we want to Ngest that the'farmers of Tioga county are to tt.l their acirrintage in draught animal, to rest a the mulr. Patient, strong, sure-footed, long lired easily kept, and not very liable to ailments, tie multi will do more work on the same feed and It the Huns cost, than any other animal. In a kagt country like this, he is the animal. The sr is too slow ; the horse sooa founders, or, in etc way or inather, wears out. Fie IS more lie then any domestic animal whatever, to dis use and death, and ho is a greater loss w on he Cet. MI these disadvantaga disaPpeir in th mule, - -bat he dot, kick. , The show of working oxen and steers was not it should and might two been. t here were some fine cattle; .but this chanty I , o:en that will compare • orably *Jib ally we Zitver seen—and they slatilla boo on WU. ions pry slue, well broken OWN own--for the best of which our readerL '.rred`tothapreiniuta list. , , , , L • ere is any one thing in which Tioga *dun ,t to excel, it is dairy stook. It Is a sot. it, that there it not a better oollnlY In th! States than this for Mains 'forposes,. have some very dap trinkets in the eon& l i t / Stolid live been on the ground, with a of their products. But they , were not ~. =I If t . ty cog emn 172 and w ty, tli& record there. o woo some duo stook exhibited, and the an good; but it •should and might lave ttor. The show been b, ennet entered his Alderney bull, and we lm the best bull In the county, Hie mark L. think . ning to be prominenton the young !pooh 'a; and a crud of the Alderney on good succeeds to a charm. is begi n bereab i native Mr. B. exhibited his boar, Young Ameilea, Chester white, and the boat animal of the kind we ha e seen in this county. - Llidasise a now and pigs of the same strain ; all of • bleb took first premiums. F. his Doi of his oridon c i piottar to belP Itobi first pi good citt hors shownl . Bunnell showed some tine Devon stook; ton bull being probably the best animal kind in this asotion. The cows also wore ly pure breed. Mr; B. likewise he a, &0., not fora premium, but, as he said, make the thing interesting. kt Steele entered a tine calf, whick took a lornium. Leonard Harrison also had a tat. le was a sprinkling of Ayrshire stook -full blooded and grade; a breed of eat 1 , tie that is destined to become very popular in this county as milkers. Thole was other good stock on the ground, of Which We did not learn - the owners' names. By tie way, the team of matched mares enter ed.by B.A. Stowell are worthy of especial men tion. They took the first premium. On the question of sheep, we feel 'sheepish.— We ar.4; told there was one on exhibition, but we did no see it. how is this ? We have a county second Ito few or none for wool growing, and there should-have been a fine show of long and short -drooled varieties, with`the best•of mutton: sit eep.l If it is dogs, let us get rid of them; and In any event, let 'ns have more sheep than goats on exhibition next year—which we did not the present one. , The Show of poultry was good, so :far 6s• it wont, but it did'uot go far enough. There was a coop of Sibright Bantams, entered. by M. Irp. Prince, which was a trio of Brabmas, and a pair of lloudans ; also a pair of fine Leese: There should have been a dozen coops o fowls. But the season is bad for show ing poltry, because, it is the moulting sewer', and th os e having fine fowls do not like to put them obi exhibition in a half naked state. i On fr u it we were agreeably surprised. The warm weather last April brought fruit buds for ward, and the nine siudoessive hard frosts in ay pretty ffeetually squelched the hopes of fruit grower. Consequently we were not looking for such a i i.how as the tables presented. C. ammond shelved' 35• varieties of large, choice tipples. 11. Griffin, of Charleston, had a stand of ap• pies, pears and quinces, excellent in quality and well grown. Palmer Shumway showed a lot of fine fruit, as did Chirles Johnson, and one or two other's. Darwin Thompson exhibited specimens of two seedling peaches, raised from the stone by him self, which we think deserving of notion, and wall worth propagation. The most promising of the two is a fi ne yellow poach , of handsome sp. pearanee and good quality; and the fact that it, has borne well and ripened Its fruit in such a season tis the past one, goes far to prove it a sue. cos her 4, and valuable in a. More genial climate" as well.l The peach is not usually a inpiess here, and we advise Mr. Thompson to _make the - Most_ of that seedling. It is worth money to this county. Of the'other seedling we do not think so bight , though it ,nuy be as valuable: In ci ss 19, there was some good work—in the way of ash, blinds, doors, So., by B. Austlin.—., I f This class included agricultural implements, and was weli filled. The show of . ploughs, inlay's tors, power maohines,, haying and harvesting tools, eO., was as good as we ever saw at any county pair, and some wore new, especially one called Arnold's bay pitcher and conveyer, well calculated to save time and musolez A combined grain drill and sower attracted much notice, and appears pus of much value. Also a mower and raker, which seems to us •an improvement on anything in us. hercabodt, Thera--more Si on- tries in this class, and space forbids us to partic ularize farther than to ray that - tlie - entries were highly •creditable. Class 1, dairy products. This class was very full and line, ash should always bo in this coun ty. ThJr° was not a cheese or a sample of but ter that imuld not be rated A tin the New York marls t. Tho premium list will tell just which gawp es , were considered be,:, but- where:all - ifera, so ex ellent, it mustibc a nice question toTselife. We a a not afraid to, challenge anything that lies 0u . 5 o' dinirs in'the Way of cheese and butter. Sp cimens of maple syrup and sugar were on eibi itbin, that would bring faneyi prices ti',4- faced in quantity while jars of pickles, catsup, preserves, canned fruit, and snowy loaves of home made bread, attested that oorgiris and wo men spend their time on something titorsiitnpor.: tant than their baok-bair. , Ohm 12, grain, was full; and, though we do not boa 4 of this as a grain county, the wheat, buckwheat, corn, oats, barley, &0., were just as good as p.nybody raises. In class 11, garden vegetables, there wore 54 ind the samples were first rate. Some flat-Much cabbage, shown by 0. F. El. entries, pr min istra large and.tedid:—A.:blakieliiTMEre toes-z-the beat uu eichtbitlon—vras exhi. William Harrison;; and orthis_potato, to Bugged that it 151 to In the potato for ty:for the next fen% years. The beats, radishet, and other roote, were of mon . Some yellow round corn, in the ear lie, was less pots bited by we wish this con r 1 ter size .od as we over saw ; and, on the whole, : waS oue of the boat represented:at the was as g' this alas Fair. cbanioalfiopartruont, class 15, was not OM'. Them was an entry of horse The in' very ivel !owing extra skill and trOrkmanshipi y fine harness, by William 11011ttrida.- 41 if the latter can be beaten in this noun- shots e, and a v. We ilea,. ) au excellent buggy from Lawrnneeville. of learn the innkVr's name, but it de premium. 8, >household ,axtd--aomettlo, ty. Ale Wo dii iervd c 511 rate info deo than tries in tl ery rsnipeot, and deserves * lunger no , cea Laic room for. Thire warty 84, olass; land the quilts; ,nciunterptoo, robes, o,go to abets , tbat I the gratLi x ' atot ( .t at taken all the usefulattsetlue i;tlieitti- 1 , tbecountry at least. We noticed one garments bend bits pinity,l quilt, whph the maker, Mrs. S. Gillett, told us was cosnOtted,ei 1200 Oleos, anti no two Them was a medley pioture, by the t ame hand, which attracted much attention, and howed great tasto and iugennity. lit was entirely the work of a bright of five years, Ads S. Bodine. . wish to mention la neat night suit and Ihes exhibited by !Miss Ida TyJer, of The girl who has tbellkill Vet make, l ood sense to exhibit such specimens of Ono qµ little girl And w. under do this plee ,l and the t: skill and indnatry, is worth looking af. 1 articles in thid °Weaver° too numerous womanly tar, Tb fur especial mention ; we can only say that it was one of the best filled and most creditable. Class tirwas devoted to flowers, paintings, Ace. The opines were 34. Among them we noticed feather flwerr, wax flowers, and ono largo frame cuotainio flowers made from seeds entirely.— The way? uwhich quash seeds, beans, corn. sun flower se6fls, 'etc., were worked into flowers.— There wake some tine. paintings by our home ar • tist, C. OiThoutpson, and a Madonna, by Mrs, winter-, vhich rittr.toted Much notice.. 'this o ass It ssu brought out tome good work in, photogra Thy, by Neramore. Class 20, house plants, produced a good show of exotics and rare flowering planta--oPerbioli we would say more if Tfo know more. The genie' discretionary clam brought out, 58 entries, aid the discreticinary 38. This class coati:raised, as it always does, an otict pro. ciricia of evarything not otherwise classified.. A book came composed of brokekdowa hoopskirta and ems spools, came, we judge, tnder-this head.. it was ingenious, and may be unfelt. keine . f fine surgical instruments, and ano ther of dentist's ditto, were shown, under this bead, we t hink; but, for the life of us, could not If " find , outrj ' et what was discretionary. B. T. V n Horn showed some excellent cabinet work s and Audio Foley had on exhibition a neat .. . case of plated ware, jewelry, etc. . - There were some very fine specimens of pen manship, ~ome neat fancy work, and ma n y in congruous eddities that were interesting to look at:, but not perhaps, o' greit practical value. There w s about usual umber of patent wasting , , 144 Oletbes VA" Oeog Forgot sta., with Oa, offeetiveloOcHaying • tine. PA. Oarl," "ntai sKittinigtin on,. ' On that deserves to,be better known; and that is the Pa' tent mortar mixer of our fellow townerruus, Beth Wetmore. We have had Minl.eppoittualties i ef Ss Paint thiOnadOiClirfth, ,th,"*!. punk': on; list we think it no exaggeration to evil' t tinniest and a horse, with this machine, will o the work of twelve ordinary men in Iniaing, ariar.,„and. ,do the work Uttar thin it can batitin ,h'iluusil. - We could say much mike in the , W y of per titularisation, , but space lorbide; l * ,d •we Will, only advert briefly to the' trial 'c. awing ma. chines, which is a standing feature of every Fair. The machines in competition were ibe Ameri can, the Weed, .tho A;11. Rowe,-and the Bliss how., Jr. . ~ :-.‘. ;1 :..` IThi trial was, thorough and Lair; and the . eem- Mittee were inclintuilto - award 'the , primitinic' Ant, Mai IleivoOr.r imt,Ahrough' . .some Winn. derstandhl," It was, finally decided to give each of the four machines a first premium, with this addenda in : favor of_the Elias Howe, Jr., by the committee : ' • - - - '.ltesolved, That,while we consider, the Weed and American machines excellent. yet, in con struction and material. we. consider, the Elias Howe in some respects superior to either. ' I , N. Iwitaxxotne, - • , • " Pair. CONI STICK, • , "C. K. Tnoureou." Our Fair has been a 'gratifying success in near ly every respect, and 13 failure in nothing—(un less you reckon eheep . .)' The occasion hue been souree'of pleasure to nearly all concerned, aid . these annual meetinge are too valuable to'be continued' for slight causes. There were many pleasant features which we cannot do full jus tice to in this issue, but we will make amends in the future, possibly. There was the procession of children from' the a l raded School,.numbering nearly 400; with a band of , musio, and a company of soldiers for *sport, with old lightened military MUsio."There wore teams that crowded our streets, artecrOirdc of r people that made our Main 'trait a miniature, Bioadwsy. There were etrangers front' abroad,' whil were astonished Wi the turnout in a county' supposed to be docideffly of a backioods stamp. A repreeentative of the press from Owego says he ,has seen notkilig better of -tiiie kind. • -A gent ieman who was clerk pf the Tompkins pointy Pair. says our Pair was no ways inferior-.to that of Tompkins county. nere they, a fair house that coat $2400. Here, we have . a shed of rough boards: - A reporter on the Elmira Nay Advertiser was present, and gee Mr, s, - very favorable report, though he got a little mixed on the second day. F. D. Bunnell owns and exhibits no Ayrshire stock. Audis Toley does not run to eatkittet work, but Le the beet jewstsrin the countayi.. But our fri6nd, who Is a good fellow, and com petent to report under any ordinary state of af. fairs, was a tat! flastere/nas any young man might harivbeen,rby: tbe Inanty. dimensions of our fair house. '' We saw . him on the second day, with, tiro re-' solve of, duty on his face and note.book in hand —.hard jammed on a „wawa of solid femininity, borne up the western !aisle or passes of the fair house • but he blenched mil. He m crushed, lifted off his feet; but still he viol) 4 the note - book—still tho penhp waggled ; At I** the snr; ging tide of old and young womanhood born Mi. tevrard the southern entrance, and inifroniuf the wall whereon hung the embroldereff night salt 'and *now) , under' clothes, aforementinied: Still be wantrm, sustained by a sense of reportorial duty. • Calmly be viewed the spolleino night third in its milk white purity—the pencil %still wig,: gling. • With a sang froid worthy !of an' older man, he looked on the snowy °herniae, as the enr ging wave of crinoline and bends 'bore him on ward.. Bat there was a halt; and his eye fell on --;,54 Ake frilled, puckered - , nnd bifurcated mass of snowy orimpiness that stood for drawers ! It was too mu*. • With a Wild yell,.he developed on top of the surging meae,Atbre madly for the door, and disappeared wildly in a northerly di rection. Hie hat—somewhat jamnied and disofdered— bac boon left at our aanotum for recognition and reclamation. • • ZELL'S ENCYCLOPEDIA.—The under signed having been requestid by Mr. J. C. John son to give Zen Encyclopedia an extended and critical examination, make the following state-, meat, as the result of their investigation. In amount of matter, it is equal to twelve volumes of Am:deten t e Encyclopedia. Its artleles are written ;run great care, ann so condensed as to soutaila the matter essential.to f the subject treated. It is brought down to the present day : giving au account of Sadowa, Se dan, and the fate of Napoleon 111 and the sec ond Empire. In the department of science, it gives the re sult of tho latest research, which adds very great ly to its value in comparison with any other cy clopedia; while iti,its copious illustrations it is entirely without a rival. „ , ....Etich or us having examlnek:thn-* ark with; respect to our several departments of study, do cheerfully and warmly recommend it as a most yak - 61131e and - reliable work, whose general use cannot fail to exercise a most important and ben.. efloial influence. It is a successful attempt-to give the American , people'ti -library for a Ask which places it within the reach of all. A. C. IVISTBIIB, - • • Wi W. Hon. J.' B. Welletioro, Aug. 24,181'1. Dear consider "Zells Encyclopedia," the beet now in use, for the amount of money in vested. The work ought to be in the bands of every teacher, end found on every teacher's desk. Yours truly, F. A. Aux& Tho above Lamed geritlemenarotoe.wallkaoWn. throughout:Ml t itbtrto fr i om us; and .wo.need not' remark that an ex- j haustire encyclopedia is a library of knowledge in itself. It is a silent schoolmaster In the house, always at hand for reference; costing nothing after ti'e purchase money first paid, but always remaining a bank,of,knowlode on which drafty , ' are paiable at, plei ;itaAbet MIS Work is being universally endorsed" end adopted' throughout the country, by eekolare, savans and soientists. Address 3. A.J.obuen r covingtnn, SPEMAL NOTICES. To TUX, orrwanta.—Bov. B. NOrtop, -while reakilag In Brazil as - a miestoniary, diadot4 ered in that land el:medial:let a remedy for:coo:- Gumption, &angels, sore ,tbo,a;,,aatbma l .cOirgba l . col•is • and nervous weakness - . '' This 'remedy cured himself after all other medicines had failed. wishing to haaafilt the safferlpsl 'ailed :the receipt for pritparing andl,Fairfir ainnedy totall•who dealt:eat:free a/awry*. 't ?Wasik 'Outran envelope with your, Uarne t abi addr6so obi it; Address Aay. I3SNaittot4 Sept 27, '7l 676 Broadway, New York. was first, AVOID QUACKS. el victim olquirly P 11 4 211 54 1 0 , - , vow, premainie ho., having tried in vain every advertised remedy, haB die oovered nosimple means o leg-cure, which ho will send free to hie 011ow-sulTorers. J. IL R.BEVBB, 78 Nassau et., New York. Aug.", 1871-Iy. • uniVepuil vans a_ cool .Elookeeliert and &alit:men, , AT No. 8, Bonne &Cone% blOole, tare jind 'received and are now opening .tholviall stook of WALL AND WINDOW PAPER, They keep coastantly on band, in all vatic. ties, ovary article usually sold in a „first glass bookstore. Stationery, slates, sobool books, &0., sold to country dealers at jobbers' rates. Sept 20, 1871 tf 111r1 'AVING been burned out aid lost the fed-. ri der on whichl relied for wintering - a -large stook of cattle, I am induced...to make..the fol. lowing proposition :.. nave 30. cows; 14- Year lings and 28 calves, all of which , I will let out to winter at the halves. I hays 8 now 'miloh cows for sale, on time t'or for,eash. .., Oct 4, 1871 8t ' ' D. A. BTOWBLL. 1911.43W.1.a5ES WILL ctosED the next thirty dam at . Sept O. 1871 •it WILLCOX • CO.'S HERS. C. E. CARE - • .. WOULD lei to 'the" eitheni of Wellsbore and vteinity, that abe it, prepared to dp : all kinds of Fluting Stamping, pinkin g Fucking,- CordWg.. • • Patent Gathering for mil calm alert notice. Call at her rooms over Mre. eoftelde Billttaer, vtortt. Weliaboro s Sept. 30, 18714;er- • ( Mawlleld, July 31, 1871. =I 111E1 Stir* e 0 TO 4Nsig HEAD QUARTERS Drugs a d Medicines, (Patent or tthervelee)—Also for PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, GLASS, PIT TY, LIME, and all styles or BRUSHES, '&0. , , fie- GQ TO 11BAD QUARTBIII3 VOLhalie ChQice Liquors, Cigars, arid' TOBACCO.✓ AllO'for 3i3 - * - lie Mikes, MatoOcol, Medici'', LOVA , MA O 41_ Oettool..—N. B. A. fulLiosoitcie3it crchijAcc:. Also, an excellent n sl l o2 :th"!ht 0 1" • • ALBUMS, MIRRI ORS, PICTURE PRAMES, STATIONARY, CORDS AND TASSELS, O. &C. I : 3l • l. o 43 erleaS• • On Teas. Sugars, :Coffew.tbiap i . bfolasses,"' Spieee, Bodo atoitWet will not be beatsa be price or quality: Wo wiii sell 'holes Teslbythe Aid or sugar by the bbl. star low figures as the lams can be bought at this Aldo of Naw York., P. O. TUT 01:111, 811ILLItte '- LAMP," 0261241DELlERSIcte..1j c. of the newest IltAilp and laUlp oliiammq 4 tbst will not break. Fancy Toilet Articles. PERFUMERY; „TOILET OAFS. TIN:. MAMBA' BRUME% 404 • 7 LiViiitie;OVi4Vileksho nTiLair; winps AN» LABIIIii. We hold twenty desirable villas' lota for sale I. the eentral part of the town; and ' will -"alto loan money at reasonable rates. •N. W. W.*tbb ' °MO in our store, white be may be consulted for advt.. or iteatmenti • . Sept i0:1871-tf. HASTINGS A OOLHO. For :Sale: gALP,*ii'apiti of laid for ' that 'part ofthe.batOrigh known a's gerinantown. Engem 4.(Lietuda Black, at the first bents Pilo* fiarniueDiekinson's. Terms Reasonable. ellsborn,:ilopt. 20, 1871-3 t. • ''" MRS. U. SOFIELD S now receiving rout New t* ork..• a fine as. I sornnent of - 114C.111,132.03C1r • AND FANCY . GOODS, which sbe - offers to the public at low rates., Everythink usually found In a • IPARTCYT liiiron hand andlid for nitykelof The Wilcox and Gibbs attwi . g mkolittkii foi* sale and to rent. Wellaboro, Sept. 20, 187 Ty. WHOLBSILB D CORNING, N. Y. nRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, _ ... L " THADDE.IIS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, IREDELL'S'FLUID, EX ) TRACTS, • Tn3:43OOOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS,- PATENT MEDICINES, ROM ESTER PERFUMERY , X,p FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, 'WINDOW GLASS, - WHITEWAfiII LIDS AND DYE CIOLORS, 'AtIRNTS' i'OR MARVIN & 0013, RE, 'inn 94, Bold a t Wholeagle vviesnand bat quotitio'ne before eig2 . .. 4raill. • ' No l l : : w„:Thasittiskat.i#: 0011 ling, N. Y.; Joia.linkflurT-' 1,-, 1: 7 f!" s. !.. - Yiliniture j .. ~Yiiiiiitiii B. T. VAA.; If i,irit, eompletakirtiolai Cabinet +Wara..l Mine* on Maim etveet, liireilebpro, ltetrtesk;l I id t with a late and attplisicir allotted atonic al FURNITURE. , • t Ohember gilts from $l6O down, s and obOap se tins-•_anne- goods can bo bo In the oiflid. freight sulded. Parlor Buits,, VirAnu___Cherry, - and Mahogany, Rept,' or Hair Cloth! from $125 down. Alio, SOFAS; LOUNGES, COUCHES, TE'IE- Ag-TETES, ‘ - :with Upholstery to-suit.. Center 'Tables, Walnuteriliferble,'Pkkar Looking Glasses; Bratikets;, Pa- ' 1 per Racks, Booking °Liaise. .. all kinds, - , Wholesale and 'Retell. I am.manufaeturing as usual, and, intend to keeps full stock aware, home and City mai. *Candi:mei. My War, Rooms are spacious and neat, and now contain the lawsuit, sostliest and best stoOk or Furniture era? brought into the. county.. . • Planing and Bl4 . och;ing, SCROLL &mitre a:MoCuitil'ii.- done toerder at the Paototif isn-tf 'X.-Y&N• ROBiN. WOE EG STOW BE lIMM lEEE KIM El • • -. , Z; • a, : , ._t r - -L, I 1. • • ' , Aga . siteltistpOse. .4 P • -? . IBM Intrenehed behind a PERPEST BARIVADE Or GOODS, r ady to meit'w CHARON vaom ALL OUlt OLD CUSTOMERS, a fi many new ones, as may iboosa to favor us with a oall, In addition to a tall stook of Fancy and Staple Dry 'oods, . . : - . ' iri puke the foilowlig briiidss U' l StnhtiSiners s: , SPROILLTI&B. DRUB fOODO, of whlsh we have s lugs varlety. i - ''' ' . CLOTHS AOASSIIRSHEI, whiob we sell ib y the ll3 yard, or 41N TO ORDER by mod expralsztos workman on short notion: UNDER_ GARMENTS, for Laces, Mases', ChfUrea, Gentleman ; (44 Boys. •. —Otte itiapltts the LARORST, GOODS THE BESTp_PRIONS THII . I.OWRST, ot any at M UM le , and prebabbo IV SOIITHRAN NEW YORE. • • . . Coning Oat ism- -- r _ SMITH 4 WAIT : . . . . _ NEW W.' a, Horton 'a sitothew, Aro. BOWBN B.LOCit, WEIZZSBORO, PA. "'140 111 411101 1 1 0 'Naom i iiimair__,B uPialek'llVindi ditd'friih Pqiiii - Jiipaiwie Bilks, . . Panag (Word and .131aak Davila Iffiks; • , _ . ~..,„:041st plus mat% leis than bate bug sold fer botsio:f We lutp a fall, lino a .1 11 024 Goods, ,Yardnu Milan; .13acris and ' Shoos,' data arid Oafs. .tr u la &OW 10 to SO ots. Ohildraus' 0h0i5'fr0te.......243 VA. t 4 $1,16. $2,60 to 156,611. , Hato from -;...-..4 . ..,::::...71 ots. to PAC Mons' Oboes from Olin to CIAO. Oafs tram —.... ... . . ....110 Ott. to 81,22. Sop' Oboes front r - $4Oll . 06 81:58-- ' 1 • • I. '1 1" All Agflifaigiittile titoolpi', l lo'.lll3ProOodeatted Low Priso€L, . rf Ready-Made.. Clot hing .in , abunda7ce. Yard will° llitorerYlOr •. ' ....IQ eta . I Raub Gioilsour ~.......... .... 26 cts. Prints for .. . ... ..... .......10 eV. QMOUIIe 01111 4lassimigesdaukr at to ?80. Delalnea for ..........4* SAL . ‘ ' • ' • ' Choice - Groceiries, Etc. • - _ . Tees from • 60 ots. to 111,60. Ooffooa from ...: ....24$ to SO cis. A Sows ..., 12 es. Spleen, all kinds. 1 Porteres Sager at • 13 ote: Soaps, all kinds. . Our motto te, - "fibir dealing, low prices, end stria attention to loteluess," whioh ta, always the key tp /10410411.! We Invite every one in want of anything in our line, twdrop In and take a look through oar sleek, as we are always pleased to show our Goods. WeUsbovo, Oat. 4,1.8,1. 1 i. , , • z GO AND SEE THE __ • . .: - • . . , . .. , . - , .. r.4 : 7. 1 NE w FALL 0-0:0D S 1.... _., _•. t, ,5. ..., : : 1 . • - ,_ ~,__ t . . itiqer RECEIVED lAT . .... , . . i , . • .. . . , . 0. Bs KEZZITY.Psx - .. -.• .....r.•. •.: i,t ~. : i, • - elov - 20;4471- , .: • ~ - . . ..,.:,, l ( • 1 , , •• • -- . • • •, • - ' :.• - . . • -,.• • • , • • ing i r ORIVBD, AT • , :1 • P. • 7E-r„.:• • •• 4 • ' • • - , **VA 6 . o • 0!" Ilk. A. .0, 4 ,./111.1hr, .41.!1.4 I. 1 0 - •, . , 187/.'• • of? . • ' - • • • • . • - •• , • • • . . 2 • • • - • • - _• .. • - • • • Man shall not lye by :13road, 11336 D211333711,g6 Not Illhoddy, but good, warm woolen °lathing, and needing this, he may as well dial with his neighbor trhWmadentandsolothe and clothing. livery man to his trade. When yon want a now suit for four horse you don't go to the clothier; when yen need a fall or winter harness for yourself, you do, if your are wise. • •• Speciality-is Clothing. If you waatolotbiag or 'cloth of anY'qiality, I can• somata 2saiiiiikodon as (a Ice and quality on, AND aNNTIMAINNI3 PUBNISHINtI \ O,OODII, lam at home. I alw keep , a full stook at end am oonstantly receiving new invoices in all last, I make ao charge for shoring - goods _ Drop fn. - ' • Erept 20,1871. • WILLIAM WIL2ON.-1 Falb u Campain. ENE C•IIPETS, a fall cobra:olPß 04e Iluidimhd rani4froi4:: 2s * .4 : 0 ' 5O per yard. GOODS ! JUST ItBOBIVS1) NOT .:111:THIS-CLIKATH, EIM CJSSIMER.ES, PRESS GOODS, LADIES' Etll ♦. .: a> i . =I W. J. HORTON & 00 IRE NEW FIRM. ME OEM A. Ingham &1 1 Co., •-: ..urr • 41 • • TAKE DRUGS AND MgDICINES former)" owned by P. B. Williams, and are ad ding to the stook a fine line of Goods, amidst lag of . Pave Drugs, Patent McMinn, Yankee ;Notions, Paints. Oita, Varnish ' e's, Vivaldi Braaka, Paint Paint Braihef, Fishing Taaltie, and In feet everything usually kept is a first. opts" Drag Store. • In the line of Wall ,Paper, Window Shadei ai d loietaros: we eannot be undersold. Call and examine Geode and prises belbre prohulng elsewhere. Partieular attention paid to Physiolane Preterit , - ttons,and Compounded at all hours. The patronage of the public) Is .eolicited. A Ma .11(sualf V. liCoos. Bly 4, ifin. Sill & Squires, • WHOLNBALII DI/MAIM! IN Foreign it, Donriestic Liqtiors Mlles, to., to. Agents for Fine Old Whiskies, Oval* D. Sum, G. N. Birosafo, j CORNING, N. V. 11118 y 17,1871. El A rrs VEGETABLI SICILIAN A A A"tn Fr A : RENEWER.- Every ! year increases the popularity of this, valuablei Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our Old' patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and .it is the only reliable and perfected prep.. aration r restoring GRAY on FADED HAIR to is youthful color, making it soft, his ous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becdraes white and clean. It remo - Os all eruptions and dandruff and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from Ming out, as it stimu lates and nourishe the, hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stroiger. In baldness, it restores the ,capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a. new growth, except in extreme old age. It- is Ithe most economical HAIR DitEssind ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, flossy ap pearance. A. A. Hayes, Al D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected fur excellent quality ;I - and I consider It the BEST PREPAII'ATION for its intended purposes." Bold Oval: Druggisii, and Dealers in Medicines Buckingham's Dye I' 4‘ x. R THE WHISKERS. As 4i - Renewer in many cases re quires t o long a tirae, , and too much care, to restore grayi or iiided Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in one imparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this-result. It is easily a plied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Bold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents,• • - V' - Manutsctured by R. P. HALL & CO., -3 ' ,- 11148RVA • NAL Aug. 8,187 - X8.8t8:18831 ,0-• .° ibl 4: l` =7 ? l 1 114 14)1: • .kp co ii . , _ - . .., 7 .,_ of co co ... 1 .4 .a 1 Z • : :: 41 : 41 8., -41 paw ,- 1, 1 .9 :3 ; : , : :- : 0.1 0 .4, g . ;+ 4 s 10,11;4;70A5RW, 1 wim 01=14 2 Q r ol o opp. - -: F 4 „ 1 Eit - i la"51Iii: al im, g 8 11l *4 ra 4 4 a ii l lB I I. F'a I a g 1 4 gFI 41 ; I" ' f 11 141 8 84 m2 44 ‘4 - e , ...„).,...„ ....,.....it •-4 la I:I . a 1 1 ! ".4 § 5 1 74 •-• . 4 a I 0 • ilge Agsi A. ,t 4 4 4 H ft 4 44il .fix . To Farmers ant!' Stook Ba •• rOOl3ll BIM* lima blood, ed Chutes Whits pigs (stook Ohio) kw olio at Ootiagtoa kr . • Attest 2, 'MI kw 6.1 i. Imo. AFTER 20 YEARS Of thorough trial it has become an established foot that BOY'S CHOLERA DROPS is the beet Family Medicine that can be found for theoure of DIMIRMA I DYSIINTIRY, Colic, Cramps, CHOLERAP.MORBUS sITINMER COMPLAINT And all those disorders of the bowels which are so common in the Summer and Ball..Tkis medi. clue sever falls when rightly need. It is no CURS ALL, it is not recommended for'anything else' it does not contain pepper like the Pain- Killirs it dies not irritate, but is mild and leis, Mug - in its operation. It is Inot like any ether modiciue, therefore ask for .I,IOY'S ERA DROPS and take . no other kind. PRICE 50 CT'S SOLD EVERYWHERE one I SA LiffiTlF.Apß FOR MAN and BEAST.i This properation has gained...its present rep:t uition tmeatieo it dies not disappoint the par chaser. it is no of those Useful things that Is always kept at hand In every eanntry,honvE Ana family medleine, ,For Animals &halter . Stint'for is the applloa- •bas la equal in the Oen fur— aura of— almirststs, . ' Poll Evil, Itheumatisni, 1 Ring-bone Stiff Jelote, Obilbinlae, Harmon Galls, Swine Diphtheria, Sore Throat,• Sweeney, Wind Puffs, Oroup, Quinsy, "I Scratches, Lameness Sprains, 'Felons, - ralltritanobes, Aesidental lojuriee , - Pentideted Peet; Bie Stings, External Poison's dtb: This ramsdy is loiiuci Useful In, every . House 40. Baru:. Bold by Druggists, spa Couutry.rdiroluturs gee. sialty. Sept. lasn. MEI INdifaill CO.. Price One ; Dollar. FIRE INTJR • NCE. JNO. I. 11111.TCHlgi,L, Ag't, SO' IMO WELrnono, Issues raHoles la rst•olais Coniiiantas at as • Z.Aco'vw 14.Eticesio RELIABLE' COMPANY will grant humanise Iran. 4,1871.-Iy.` The Oheapeeti Plaoe in t 1 a State For Photograpk! WOOD'S GRIMY! 0 CARDS for 60 cents. Large piottrres and frames for $l. Old plotares copied, in. lamed and finished in the Anon style. Now style frames and everything kept in is gallery on hand, or furnished to order. THE LOWEST PRICES. AND TIIE Rooms over Gardner', gager" Rote. Pea 1,1871. ti 1 1 Wellaboro, Pa. Valuable To • Property FOR STE: 'I I IIE subscriber offers fo sale the following property, vie 20 villa e lota situated on State Street, 4 iota situated near iTheridan it., 9 gored of land near the cemetery. This property will be sold at moderate prices and time given; also the house and lot of Ohas. Williams, near the M. E. Church. The subscriber is also agent for the. North Carolina Land Company.- Par ties desiring to' visit that section Gan get Rail road Colton; at reduced juices, and also valuable information in reference to the Company from May TO, 1811-44. W. 151/111tWOOD. Photograph Gallery ! N itAlthl4. 610 GIVE 1.0138 riettl:TCS and realitee. ola Victuaresny coptea eri- Vend, to ALL OILY. uip Al3.lthliftt . p Struot,l May 11, 1 HOUGHTON, ORR & CO., Mannfootrore of :dl j . Buggies, Sulkies, Platform Spring, Trunk and Lumber Wagons, IiMI SLEIGHS AND 808 SLEDS. We are prepared to do- anything in our lie on short notice and in the beat manner'. Satr faction guarrariteed. ;-4 HASiIbIS & COLES, Agis, Wellsboro. Stony Fork, April 6, 1873. enders Will Never oeaser VS you tried the latest and greatest med. sal disoovery of the ago? r. N. L. Bacon's Magic Pain Remedy. t urea colds. diptherla, cramps and pains it omacb, indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery, 1 f or complaints, cholera morbita, cholera, sby magic. As an external application lest bites, chilblains, sprains,. bruises, fel-1 ibenmadeto, sick headache, toothache, nett , pains in the side,: beak and loins, In a lea of six years, it bee been found to be . to no preparation ever offered to the the a for ' fr I one, rale praot 00911 1 publi proprietor of this remittable feels 'Arran : guaranteeing it to be the heat remedy for •ove diseases in the market. .ufacturod and put up only by Dr. M. L. , Blosehurg. Pa. Th ted 1.1 !heal Ma Baca Wh 149 X Oa. oleulo agonte--liallett, Bearer & Burbank, hamber street, New York ; W. D. Turban , Corning, N. Y. Jury 18,11 ly IngLiam's Woolen Mills! uitERFIELD, PA. 7113 hlo im• broush I THE subscribers will pay Cash, Full-tiloth, Oassimerss, Plaartels, a. 0., U., for Wool.— bey %lea luanufaabea as usual— _ TO- ORDER, OR Ofi SHIRR, toaultoustomers. All work warranted aarep recanted. They Invite particular attention to their Water Proof CASSIMERES, which are warranted In every respect. Partlou laratiention given to ROLL- CARDING CLOTH BRESSING. LNG RAMS large stook of Oassatnorasotc_j_p_ per cant loss than any competitors, mad warraht ed IS raPrelidnted. m enufaoture to order, and do all kinds of Roll-Carding and Cloth Dresaing, and defy eompetltion. INGRAM have as good an assortment of Full Moths, Cassimeres, au., and give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try tb 011:1 and satlsf7-yottr -4elvos INGIi SiS wholetiale and retail at the Cow. ,inesque miles below Our Cloths are warranted, and !sold by the following perions C. B K RUBY, Welleboro, Pa. T. L BALDWIN it 00., ?foga, Pa. J. 0. BBNNETT.Covington,Pn. 94ertield . Jam I. I R7l-tf PAY UP. • LL perrona indebted to the late 'firm of R Et .4 S. D. Campbell & Co, , Nelson. Pa 4re requested to call and settle with the sub ber Immediately; and rave 'anew • E. B. CAMPBELL... Nelson, Sept 6; 1871 4w - ii r any jNO. I. MITOBEILL, BEST WORK. EMI 'STONY FORK, PA. CUTTERS, 1101JORTON, ORR & CO. AND 2a=l