The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, October 11, 1871, Image 1

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C. Van Gelder.
,plioo, (Per Sear) i Stoo
go of Minos os Los, KAU ors SQUAW!
;e Net
15 cents per line; Editorial or
ttceote pet line.
~oat advestislog SICIST be paid for In advance.
dee iou kc, Constable Blank.,
kn.on h Deede,Judg
'.:i.,,lferrlage Certificates,
PAl`lu v ' UT._ } ELKLAND. PA.
1'A66 110,51.
py rriioX. •
VI, 1511-6m*.
Seeley, Coates AC°.
s, knoxvilio, liogs," County, •Pag—:.
i re money on deposit, discount notes,
drafte on Now York City. Collect
3roxptly mado.—=Jan 1,1871—y
l g Szturt—Osoeols.
Coos, Knoxville.
o Smith and Bolien'a Blook ) .aorosa hal
ostor Office up stairs, [iecond toot.]
Yrfo F 3, Jaa:4, 1871-Iy.
Jay. I.
And Counselor at Law, Clain4 and In
-I,:e Agent. Office ovor Kress's Drug Store,
Pa. Jan.l, 1871—y
William A. Stone. •
oy sod Couneolor at Law, Drat door above
yoe Osgood's 8i01.., on Main street.
elliboro, January 1, 1871 y
inv. W. Adams,
y mud oouuselor at Law, Mansfield, Tioga
~, p a , 001Leedom; promptly attended
j i c.l, 19T1-i
Wilson &
t.:3Eid Counselors at Law. Will attend
ptly to Ineness entrusted to their care in
;trifles of Tioga and Potten Office on
tease. Jan. 1, 1871 y
John W. Guernsey,
ly toil Counselor at Law. All business
tal to him will be promptly attended to.
Ii door south of liaalettPs Hotel, Tioga,
'County, Pa.--Jan. 1, 1871.
Wm. B. Smith,
, Bounty and film:mane° Agent. Como
Woos sent to the above address will so.
prompt attention. Terme moderate,
Tillo, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1871.
_ _
Seymour & Horton,
all and Counselors at law, 'flogs Pa.
-.3i110111 entrueted TO their care willroaaiva
4. !moult
'tt 1.1871 y
Armstrong Sr. Linn,
W. 1). Torbell & Co.,
u!a Druggista, and dealers in Wail Paper,
mac Lamps, Window Glass, Perfumery,
I, Oila, Jte., &o.—Corning, N. Y. Jan.l '7l.
D; Bacon, M.. D.; and Surgeon, let door east of Laugher
Main Street. Will attend promptly to
Weliabero.—Jan. 1, 1811.
A. M. Ingham, M. P.,
qattiist, Otteo at his Iteildenco on the
:e.—Jan. 1, 1871.
fiebrge Wagner,
• s'a)ll first door north of Roberts / Bail.
,firdware Store. Cutting, Fitting and Re_
d - •ao promptly and wolf.—Jan.l,lB7l
Smith's Hotel,
,E. M. Smith, Proprietor. House in
.11..iitioo to accommodate the traveling
• a!urerior manner.—Jan. I, 1871.
farmers' Temperance ;Hotel.
giiNitoE, having purchased this house, in future as in tho past, 'strictly
principals.) Every acotainuao
: f.c Endo and beast. Charges reason-
tar; l, 1571
Union Hotel.
vu Horn, Proprietor, Vi'milsboro, Pa.
pleasantly located, and has all
ventenees for wan and bast. Charges
lte,—Jan 1, 1871-Iy. ,
W. W. WEBB, M. D.,
lysician and Surgeon.
I —Opening out of Millings' Colo's
re —mar. 1, 1871.
New 'Millinery!
has now oo band an ale
nat gseuritnont of all the latest styles of
y Goods, Parasols, Gloves,
!;eis swilling at very low prices. Drop
lie the new goods.
Mrs. C. P. SMITH.
labiorihor offers for sale his farm of 56
19, pinasantly situated in Catlin Hollow,
a,Ttoga county, Pa.; within about four
Welishoro and two tnlies of Niloa
Sch , wl hott4e, church, shops, a mile. Terms easy. Insluire on
of C. Q. cATrAN.
1571 it
!area for Sale
BUN - BRED ACRES with eighty
Pr improved, and situated near am
Roatl, south of Malneburg. This
' Ales a comfortable house, two good
'fsicety fruit trees. It is well adapted
and agriculture Terms easy. In.
I.`a oubseriher at Mainsburg, Pa.
it 4, 1871-tf J. A. BOYCE.
w Jewelry. Store.
C tiersigned would respectfully eto
4 ttizeos of r - ollaboro and vicinity, ay
Petted n
l eiVe!ey Store
. e .
,; .. ing recce tly occupied by C. L. Will.
if utitock comprises a full araortment of
..)ci ,
`;':`"ajtiNEß, ono of the beet workmen
P ennsylvania, will attend to the
CLOCKS <tic:
i1144n111/tal delng of which Ms seventeen
titsl experience le eufficirt guarantee.
4418, ieti-u.
,O - o
TM is a popular Hotel lately kept by B. B.
Holiday. The Proprietor will spare no pajns to
make it a first-eaas s toma. • All the stager ar
rive and depart from this house. A good hostler
in attendance. *firLivery attached.
Jan 1, 18T1-Iy.
FUSE undersigned Vs now prepared to exc.
1 onto all ordure for Tomb Stones and,,Mo2ti
merits of either
of thelatest stye and approved workmanship
and with disph.
Ho keeps cotautly on hand both kinds o 1
'Marble and will .e able tosuit all who may fa-.
vor him with thti r orders, on as reasonable terms
as can be obtain • in the eountry.
Tioga o lan. 1 1871—tf.
r - •Tr BAPS constantly on hand, ELGIN
, : a2l, j3,,,WALTRAM and SWISS WATCH.
vrtf :
•BS:, Martha, Alarm .k, Calendar CLOCKS,
Plated Spoons and Forks; Table, Butter and
Fruit Knives; CUps, Castors and Cake Baskets;
Napkin Rings; Grown Salt Sugar and Mustard
Spoons; Fine Gold an Agate Rings; Gold Pens.
and Pencils; Solid G o d Sets; Pearl Fancy and
Plated Buttons; *ate Guards and Chains, Ao,
A large stock of SPECTACILI3B, GLOM, and
Colored Glasses, all at reduced filo,.
N. 8.--Watches i nd Jewelry neatly Repaired.
March I, 1871.
bl . B. Nun
Qt!toe opposite Co
operationineatly !
isfaotion gnarantel
Bob 22, 1871 t 1
—Conetitated b
Roceived t
J. C. Hourox.
And have leit all
91KE IluvintED
being more than f l f
their eales of the id,
four chousond
Company fOr 1370,
figures from SWO I
The Singer'Net
.sold ovcr the Flo
Machine C 0......
Said over she 117i!eg
ing Machine Co.,'
Sold oner the Wee.
cline Co., - •
Sold over the Groil
- Seteing Machette
Bold peer Eke/hum
&Id over the Wlte4
Manufacturing q
ull of which is mai .ly owing to the popularity
of what is known tis thri"llzw Fes.tiLir SEWING
MACHINE," which is now fast finding its way
into every well re ula.ted household.—For Cir
culars giving full artioulars of Machines, their
Folding Cases of ashy varieties of wood and
finish, their Attachments for numerous kinds of
w0rk , .7 111-6, tni 4, 64 tly, it
, Sfair thought that
delidate fingers idOne could perform, as well as
partidular's alaaidall artiolesused by their Ma
chines, such as Twist, Linen Thread, Spool Cot
ton, Oil, d;o., &c., apply to any of their Author
ized Agents, onto.
' THE )1.17 , :fi1r it
458 liroa,dwity,
Office 1;106 Chestn
March 22, 1871-
*New Music Store I
CONE 110U8B,
e. and EloA Ped:
Pianos and 3
lorgest and best sel
Hon of the Country
Melodeons a'
with 1-4 en•
All kinns of Inst
exchange and to I.
pairing and Tuning
Marob 22, 1871
CINE elegant ; n
J nice open h
borne lumber wag°
Juno 21, 1871 tf
Far for Sale.
1/111E Subscribezi offers for sale his farm, situ
'. ated in the town of Delmar, some eight
miles from WellsbOro. Said farm contains 75
acres, some 30 of which is improved; good
frame barn 80.142, I nd a good log house, and
some fruit trees th reon. Said farm is unsur
passed for fertility of soil in this section. Por
particulars in quiree the subscsiber nt 'the office
of a. W . Merrick, sq., Wellsboro P 4.
April 19, 1871-4. A. AEI
Executors' Notice.' -
WHEREAS lott i ars testamentary to the es
tate of Zervia Wilson, late oflWellsboro,
Tioga county. have granted to the subsori
bets, all persons i ndebted to the said estate are
requested to -makei immediate payment, and
those having claims or demands against the es
tate of the said dedqdent, will make known the
same without delayl i Ito A. S. BREWSTER,
Wellsboro, Aug JO, 1871 6w Exeautore.
T' Rent.
Farm on Long l un with ten oowe will be
rented for a torru.o yams, apply to '
Wellsboro, Sept 9)1E1140
• .
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. ..
Weilsboro Hotel,
Tioga Marble Works.
ue House, Wollslooro, Pa. All
6ind carefully perfornied. Bat
•,od at , live j and let live prioes:
l oturing Oombany,
the homes of the people—
I o Groat Award of the
irala far behind them, for they
LD 1 1670
,rty thousand in advance of
irevious year, and over/orig
.lthan the sales of any other
as shown by the following
111. N returns of the sales of
maturing Onzarattr ---
en•• Sewing
110,178 Machines
& Gibbs How.
98,943 do,
Seining Ma-
r & Baker
00., 70,431 do
i nachinc C0:,:52,677 do
:Zer & Wilson
New York. ,Philadeiflia
t St. 1.
new Improved Iron Brame
lilrifkinde of
:laical Merchandise,
°lion of MUKC in ibis sea.
Pianos warrante4 for 20
d Cabinet Organs
,r's PatentFooi Pedal
ruments bought or taken In
t. pq All orders for re
promptly attended to.
W. MorNTOSTI, Agent.
w, loather top buggy ; one
ggy, naarly new ; one two
; a good single harness.
• ABSTRACT or Tura Tens, AnonEn JILT 19su, lfrfl
SLEEPINO COAORRE,cotubtulng all Modern Improve.
went*, are run through on all Traine between Buffalo,
Niagara Yall., Suspension Dtido, Cilevelanet, Cincin
nati and New York. . „ ...
STATION'S. No. 1. - No. 5... 110.7. No. 5.*
N. York, L've '9 00 a m 11. 00am 6,80 in 7.00 pin
Jersey City," .:9 15 " 11.16 " 6.46 " 7.20 .„
Newark " ' . 11.06 " 6.40 "
Paterson " 12.00 m 0.2.6 11 . ........
Turners "1043 " 1.25 din 7.46 sup . 9.10 sup
Newb'gb " 11.40 a m 6,80 pm .......
PtJervia,Arr. 1166 " 815 " 9.20 10.80 p in.,
Dingleton " :8 89 p ‘ ut 9.11 " 211 a m 3.13 alxt '
Owego 488 1 10.10 " 3.12 " 5.68 •
Waverly I * s /l:" 10.48 " 4.02 " 4.48 -",
Illmirs • "' ~ 5
44' " 11.89 " 1 ' 4,40 ' 6,16, ••• .
Coining " 0 24. 7 ', 12.26 ain 6.15 14 • L 5.65
Hornelavle" 782 Sup 2.00 " 1.00 bfb. 7.11.t0ft.
Rochester * 1 10 27 "0 • a 9.86 aaz 9.56 asu
Buffalo * 1 1060 " 0.20 a m 1 1.20 11.20 ".
Mag.:Palle " 11 30 " 7.08 '• /11.14 pin 12.1‘ t i ns
Sue-Bridge: . 1136 " 7.10 a 12.20 1940
Clifton 11 40 " 7.16 " 12.t5 11121
'Dunkirk " 'lBO • m 7.20 " 12.63 - 'T• 12.68 "
Meadville " '1 26 u 9.20. 11.10,d1n.
Cleaveland " 660 "
Dayton . 1 2 80 ilk
Cincinnati " 46
22_,0 pso , T. 20 pm TAO p
7 Aid, "4.06 it at LW, .m
Furies e.le 0.110 di
.„ .
Additional Loofa Triune •Weatvaull,
6.00 a, m., except Bntidaye, from (New. ,
6.00 a. m., daily, from Basquahana.
0.00 a. m dailk, from Busonehana. •
12.15 p.m. exceptn ndays,,from Ilaituebaha.
1.16 p m except flu ridayearom eteppiaa at
Big Vista 1 50, Corning 200, Palatal(
_Pdet '2 011,,,and,
thence, via Avon, to Buifido iiiriving at
3.00 p m fleets Sundays:from la ndltarattot: ; '
5'P4.7101 !No. it'
Chin 046 p in,Ls
Dayton...... , 103 a
Cleveland.. " ......
Meadville.. " t uargrinr ,
Dunklik ... a I , 1111 p
Clifton "!, % 810 " 010 jp
82s. BMW " :11 " i 686 "
BuNiagara fels i; 1 116 646 a
ll " 1,2 4.0 " 1 816 41
Rochester ' 400 " 640 -4-
Herne/15YMa I : aoa auptio so 1.
Corning— " 1 7MI gimlll - 48 •M '
links " 8.10 a 12 28 a a
Owegn- " i 926 "j 1110
Binghamton 11008'" 2 so! 11-
Port Jervis Ail 2 DS aMI TOB ' l2l 1
Middletown" ! 68 ", V 800 a'
Newburgh " I ; l i n 4,0 am .
Turners... " ;9 06 BO
p a t ersoa ... r 660 am
Newark ... " ir 00 " 206 p
Jersey City " $ ll 110 68a in
New York " ;, 4-00. a
Additional Loiangini T,
6.40 a m., daily froai Mcoiiiial49l.ll4l.
646 a m„ aaodaya n fro
aopil. froagilora9l7 . l4O.'
6,00 a m.. axospll 16117o3amitom' (*aim -
7.60 a m., same Lund aya, from Elmira:
1.68 p. m.. exostfranadayli tram Paints& P 4416 • • •
9,10 p. m., azo•pl Saud*"om Honiallsvfilloi. ,
• fr
Daily, Moneta"' INN oeptod. •
L. D. )1170R1111, WM. P. BAHR,— • - -
eon . ' Sap% ' ' 00111.1114449.1.-...
Blossburgt Corning &-TiogaltaL
• ,
DIPAUTN4O2I TICKIA..-GontalleNNN:• • ''•-
. • , ~
No 1-9.118 a m No 2-810 p M "'No 11 -4 1 .14831.": ,'
No 7-6.88 a m No 9-12 . 07 m No 11-1.116 pM . •
' - ----N5 . ,, , :.18-6,50 pm, Nols-10.1 ti en No lr-Lte sea •
_ ..
DNPAIIT .11110 M 2100 —Goias NoIlie::'
No 24.12 pen No 44.42 am_ No 64.20 ain L
No 8-8.08 a m No 10-10.88 A m N,12-11.80 a m
4o 14-12.07 pen No 16.12 b pen lilB-6.18 le an
o 20-6.80 p m No 28-11.12 p M Nie 24-12.86 a tee
A. N. (TORT N; L. L. 88A1°l'1708,
Supt IL ii. C. N. N. . . • inept ?yoga R. B.
Direct aouto North and South,
-trks-amAajteltitandair_l ll 42l, Tralue will
depart horn Troy, Pa., so ro
Ph Ha p res e t 8.03 A. M. Buffalo Bxpre re; /14 0 P.M
Irateport Accom. T.OB. • .
Exprose Mail, 9025 P. Blinirs Ann. 9.f2 e. M
A,. B. TIERS!,
rneral jinpleybpudent
. • •
92,831 do
Aset Gaol Suet.
Wellshoro do Lawrenceville B. B.
Time Table No. 1. • .• :
Going north, arrivo at Cornlngos:3s p 1[410:15 ,
" Laverencarllle," 4:80 p 9 a 131..
dopirt frdm Dunning, 419 p m,_13:80 a m.
• • Lathrop, 4;18 p m; 8:45 a ni.-
Bear Crock; 8187 pro,_B:B2 am
' • Tioga; 8:51.op in, BAS a in
" •
Hammond, m, 8:08 am
11111Cireek, 8;20 p m, T:Miam •
, •• _ _ Lthlliday!a.igl.4 7 * -1311
Niddieb'y, B:4p m, 7:89 a m
" from Niles Talley, 2ts6ep m;, 50 ant
Gong south, deVatt fioniCarning, 8 a ro; 6:48 p
• • • Lawrenoeville,.9:34som,l-050
Dan ifinge9iiiti, a no p ra.
• " Lathrop, 9:41 a m, 8:04 p m
• " Bear Creek,' 9:67% a:m.l3;lop 131_
• ' 'flop, 10:086m, Salt= ,
" Hammond, 101i1 a En, 5:8 5 P
" Hill's Creak 10:84 I in, 8:46
" Holliday's; 10:40 a m, 8:60' p ra ,
1 Middlebury, 101500 a in, 8:50.vm
arrive at Millet Valley, 10M9 :911Piri
Sept 18, 1871 : • A. U. 034 4 1 9*e 810 t
PINS, PENCILS, 'CAMS, 1:10!)Wit-
TED WARE, -- • -
WN l tt most other article' ague*" Itept in such
isbtablisliment, which is sold low for
illpairingdono neally,and promptly; mid on
Norms. A. FOLEY.
January 1;I871-y.
- .
THE subseribas will Offer for Isle, the fol.:
lowibg desfreable village ptoperty, in Went.
boro. 20 town lots situated on State street, 60
lots on Charleston street—(the Brutus Follows
Farm,) and the house and lot of Charles Will
iams. These lots are well situated and 'will be
sold on reasonable terms:
. ,
August 28, 1871—tf , •
THE' 'undersigned, .proprseter - of
this line takes this teethed •of in
forming the pnblio that the above
• Stage rtins
daily l (Stmdays exeepted;) between tlrl two pia.
eel! follon's :
Loaves Wellsboro tali a. M.,' tied arriies=at
Mansfield at 10 30 a. m -
Leaves Mansfield at 2 80 p: m.. and arrives at
Wellaboru at 5 p.m. 01 0 -Ifare $1,35,
Jan i f 1.811-1 f W. R. VAN HORN.
L've ).
,been estnb-,
hated in tbo Jewelry buil
nolo in Wellsboto, ban el.
ways. on male, grins
kinds,nnd prloon of
&0., 40,, &o
C H. L
, . .
.... _ _
jefal repotuileis ItVt.ssffi - are' anion&
•:- thew fo 4 ho(Pn#4t 4 H9n of •Pennifilva'
Be 44 Resolved 'by lits '4484 4 cinci gouss Ret
nieritittivei of dm tionetoowsaith of Poonsgiointia
la Gamma ono, That the foileiring
amendment of the Constitution of, this Common
tritelth be proposed to the people for their adop.
lion or rojeatiOn, pursuant to the provisions of
the tenth article thereof, to wit ;
. • • ,
Strike out thi'lltzth Section-of the Sixth Ar-
Cale of the Constitution, and insert in lieu th(fro
of the following:
"A State Treasurer shall be obosen by ' the
quaililed electors of thi State. at sueh times and
for such term Of service as ebalt bo proscribed
by law, " I •• •
... .
Speaker of the House of RepresentatiFes. ,
Speaker of the Sonatas
Approved the fifteenth day of June,, Anno
Domini one theueend eight hundred and am
Prepared avid oorWlid for publUtiation pursu
ant to the Tenth Arttele of the Oo'netitution. •
ElegtigarY, of tho Commonwealth. ,
• oAtipe Beeretai7 of the Ocnnmenweelth,l .••
„,; Ha
1871 —3 rrisburl w g .t , July lithilB7l.•
• I
t • .t: • tt„• -• , : •
Keep it BefoicH‘ithi Pe .. 4413c .
rinHAT A. HUMPHREY & 130. are ootteisr44-
4. rocitiltis largo swiftest lots 15t'aksiloti ,
• ,
51 .E..ATOTTONS, PRrf..121,5,
'iii:iiii;aids of Tobacco :and Clijaryi.
~.•:: .., .-.4,. ..,
And to foot ov l oryttilse itilitTir their lip. ,of iii
, idtliok, -*ldo thby ,fitoposo di at - 14101 /owe'
i llisst 41,4;e be for e.
r-- - eotti4 hi i s plea, oar soots. to -trouble to
,"'' ' - "' • ''''' . „'"' '
, .11hittok: Vkii *
4 Ilse 0114 to ads shisay umeps. ,
..- 7,7 C.1 .. .i •
10 ; 61 114 FICE
itii+ici, L 4 ultoo road' to furnish (on aitidtl'
APP . q.kvito airi:7 - ii&iiiTio - .1: 7, 0 4 :i or iiirlarl
•orkfott tot kilt fa:. lino. Ealnotiptiono - itilloitf
-for oH,pppu lisp* ond map' Inca. '
j Eolo, c fogg t
,to',..isoll 'oppootto E. M. andth's
4414, Mop, ?i'a: Tidy >I6, 18t1 ti'
i - 111 - al?,
111 ,
611 S
• • f••• 511••••
4 at
111000 D
10104 •
10 00 "
10 ‘ 12 a
Li 20
D 04."
I t 00 vg
11'40 a
V aa,
11110: 41 :,
14 1 . itzza;
gib 41 -
t'ea p
Pt In,
4 90
6 la p og
812 'u,.
-LW -::: & ;.'1(0111•Eiti
.. .
rpnva, opikwit ti' -i r st-elpi Hardware
- ' tibia it Matidald,'cppostte Flits Bros.,
on iiithre t, raspeorfally Invite their friends
'aiidViWto . oll.o in gane - r - toglai Hann" a aill.-T.
Thai guarsardee da ti Oa e den ilk an ehleii• ' Their
stook *assists of I :_
Bent Work, Spokes, Hubs, Agri
cultural Implements, Churn
and &general line of Goods, second to none in
thti-cblintiy, at the lovrett cash prices.
r: , ,Thgy alikaiso ageute ;the, KIRBY MOW 4
W.-4 4 . Lurk, 1
VE44.viak - K9pzAn r .1-„ • ~f.I3:TZ ICOgripß:
„Si - 19 . 1401d, .
••9R, SAL I int hAP—A bultift_ ouitier;ber;
-*mink nor. ; Time Will
beilimgCou 004PrAid . im‘per. Vor
aPPI7B4 Oh office, • •Alignst 2; 18V1
!:, 1.44,9 • f• y ; tr.
'VEX iAlis i rtibiti - livotilt notify - their fitiadii
' ehit,ba omers that they are dofpg
beet and eftealatelneee Welleboia
posits the Intl Stillttilofeli.: Ther keep biota tof
all Wadi, an d
, is 114411; WC, hiticribeiiiilloilig
•adies-andl genliarcaliel any. Mak of
wear. Drop ID gad 'seed •
1 c11 13 '4 1 1 1 TA T 4A
Itme t. ,18 4 - , • ,
- - - - Planing , and Matching
D? No with inntinoss Ahoy
madO frnm itkoh Con 'piano 24 Thohos
wide.-.A.(llamilton's stesnfmill, • onlistatootal.
creek; fri.l4tOkson township, Tiogo oomity.,, • ,
Jackson, Juno 7, 1811' tf
. • TAE , OLD . • •
ILIZLTftn ileTwitlZsratreoeoaPled:r_: HO
, day, bat been thoroughly rnfittedt ropiktr4
.0 and opened by
I •
m. R. itYPONNOR.;
wbn'will be happi -40 niOntmodotW Igd
tr . lendnitf the bongo at 7ertreasbiniblit'ititee..,
' : An. qii/SYI-17:. OTONNOR:.•
ry HE! Subscriber Jo now ;offeringivilliga , lot
for sale in the western part ofthe -
on reasonable terms. •Said lots 'ara large - 44a
'nicely situated. •
,Also, about 150,000* feet of pinerjaniter ,firr
sale; at Truman it Bowento mill,'Wellsborti., •
Sept 6 i 1871. A. CROWL,-'
THE BEST HOTEtin the 00114 TY
YEW. 1:toonla large and well gentila
ted. Ainiomitiodationi not itirpaased' bq
a* first =ilegc hotbl , ,in the " Northern
Tier!' BILLa bigik`er than* .eeeond and
third - rate hotels. tioaation, soqiir . cif felai4 and
Walnut - atreete, Wellaboro.4 , • . ,
A good table'lgood good - oider,,And a.
good battler. A. B. GRAVEIN, Prole*, -;
Marsh 8,1871.
gs me 4:7in ifs,
- TinilAfttr l Nails,
ITeI..OIV, i
I 1
04" -timitheir and
r . ,Z,
I:4`knilifijr -Store.
. • .-
- •
• -• •. • ,
H. E -SMITH -.t SO
Tieja, k os a Co., Pa:
.., She doctors tbeVelghbers I , o; yes,, , • •
_ ..KA ohilthsktbs, , tneasles or oroup,+• ' t ',
-,--She is there trithiher sufrolosna,squins,• - , : i -
` ''',ller, deters Difide , 'gin - 03 1 %nd soup; •••;o`j " i
, Bitf thin ehoOislits tin iiir ilea- . ' • ' • : _ •
.:. T o physic 4.1490 : 51 I fii t*44:i,,lOgii ~ ' '
And she telteilliciifOle el ' - Large 'Of. isylilla, ,:
- 0 she Is sae ie S get" t , ng I • ' - - •,-
'. wiioiiii''aillii4iogii 4 o4l'disor; :-
My slititis'4o44: 0 4•0; wtdtetall;lPA*;
My old olothes,loolt Dotter thell'.l;er, . ;
' 'Yet ditily,more threadintrwthey grow._
,;: - But ihoi If at venial if Brit •-••,..' .-: -. .ff , ..
1 - ...JOrAtiot tO taY.tibMie9 altonld'elieg;
'l'm sure or pnieerniotrat lasi,' • , - - •
' She is look ii 1 dii?tiihing I I, -
YOujurre heard tica'sOrlt eo nieekt , - • '
• ,' , ' Jiliirniek ihittik *or oppOsis,"' '"
:';;l:ticownit daliiiiirtir to speag. ' : • •
.: = , ',M t; I ItAtlWeir,•tb4l4* I.'
~ But.thpta I v ry i , ii - t-s* . otoria
~.......... ,
r pgr,,, dgski,iiilniii.4.44; '.., „.,
ritibit to RS rt4:44 sesoWi-•,;;;,s„.- '• T. : - ,r, : ; -17 z c
Shalt ipteh_alldgety thing I . ... '.. • ;
, , 4 ; ~,,_, ;A. , - , . r, •• , "•.,, ~
It'. mint* TosMll4 nellhir. Offer?, .. , -
" A treassire'tb:nie bat bean given ; . :
But iontethitealtain -would' be glad • •
TO lay up tuy:treiguire;in'heaved !
But then evOillte , liii 16 'dross,;'.' •-
- : 7 • - htestPleas* niise l en eirth have their"
. Strlag ;
• :She's treaik-/ liaip*Qrielitiltilli7:firer?'
• - -•]Butlhisielioh ii'liksijc titles l - -
• The lasi 1 41e,ld' d ay" "bethell,Sidne
historical k".344tetY: as e.nliVened,bY an .
i t
address Mint-MI% R. IC. Sewall, who
said that , ati aapeol Imeetlng of the so
-dietYlteld at'A:tige th, irk February, 18-
E 19,, the:lqu'eittitiri f the' existence .., , r
paved streetaOA*p , 4'314 • Wits dlionis
edoome'alleging oikulardampustratiOni
and others dallying , the .facst: --- : .
On moticht , otc Rohn Wißradbary a
largocomMitfee of tile`sobiety. was. 'apt.
pointed to Visit ,the spot. On tb,ii'2Btit`
of - Auguit,,LtellOWing.' that ,Ocimtnitteo
proceeded 4414t r i01.,an4 foind the halt
litid - mit b - ank , - Thrse 'trona or ikiwro- - .
meats, artistically built of beaCh cob
ble stones, with perfect gutters and cur
bings, were opened and examined, un
earthed from, the depth of a foot or more,
of soil, above .which . the tall groWn
grass bad 'l6ng waved, and often been
shorn and made into hay. ' '
. ~.
Further examination disclosed other
facts, showing that Maine had a mys
terious but' burled history, to unearth
which tl4 citizens of Bristol were pro 7
tnised a field-day exercise in, two years
from that date by tills society, on con-1
dition that they_would make, fuller ex.,
planations' 'of • their •ancient rernaine, ,
and 'gather 3 . 10-for the use of the society'
all the fragments of history within
reach ; and a special committee was or
ganized to take Ulla duty in charge, the
remarkabltreaUlts ef:Whose efforts. in
developiroahejtroli:recil4Yof this Eipht,;,
have seemed, to. Justify_ the ';recorprr i um,
dation .that a granite shaft . be- raised.
here in 'the iriterestaiof the history of
Maine, to !nark the }"-beginnings of - N.'
Angland :here litipiiireil.' ) ,l s . , - -
J:„ 7 , hi .'Haokletort, - of PertlaqUid; -as:
*the',Orisen Of :the imbicommltti36 having
in :charge tliff 'tit:titbit rptt lie* l li the op=
eked ibittidiiitj'kwitt;a t tiit i t,i - i - 01..iltokeo.1
ing detail hf faCts;relles and ttadititaa l r
supported by OlKavits... of living eye,
liqtne)isf 3 P• ekkOViirlgiiii4t.g...tPktfz'.a # 1 .41 -,
-.pent -of
• a gravisnone-was :turned: out
'IT' a . illtittO - . - iiear,i the; aUcift t -burial
ground of .I . 4neptertitititiYitilsed with 44 ,
date 0f.184.: "ge" eibilitted 'al,tiadiii its-'
11 , 1 i,,)/t.e.iffi f .itkikKitlii..44l 4 *:ol l l- 4... i: a
.pleoe'ef - oioth,:dog up s at :1%.43W :bilar PM! ,
in 1852, bilailkiitfdatecof.46loand - stsitit- - ..
ter H. (*.lfis . i,),lt'tflbe . .' senior::: Tfi c tO
algilol . lo 'Ort * Fetatitiptliat i thito;the
iiiielente ittriniiiirui; foutleet 401;7
'•iiieP**t ivelON P.ePT/Pg at 6,-,itt.ll4ejPa''
,pie tretalpf,Fieheti.ittAnineter.- , .
e ,hibitedPis a o the
i'.•49. 01 101 J F . . . ~, rm. . A .
Ratentereins of an ancient faeter i v,i,here.
oliof:Otii;Pflterns of pipes of clay, in - all
r. 4 p,'etti 1 fie pipes classified; Marked
and arran ed in a museum" . of tobacco
lilikalii r 04144.1 1 U X4VidOn „ 6:100p $11 . 3$
t°:LW- L if es ,P,r , ilituiPs , t, l 4 4 Vist f 1 0)4 ,
Oharles : e= S e cond '; s l';Unglat, l 4, 11 !*4 .
there by 44Pitarheii4tit,.)*
s tio . iiiiiiVro
With the tipOoftnetaisikositi: l ; 4 4( :‘: )12 - 8 f, o t.
the-patternOf thit l .:.* l ll4betilti PiOod,' .
leri4 In all respeotslike those 'dig tip at
Gosh014:1 1 i 7janding, on: the Elizabeth'
-Istaikde; were found-here-and shown.--;•
,bdr. Haekletonz also ; exhibited i 3 h o-t
Ifennitin a locality. of N. Harbor, where
beatitt;of Shot, frem.the size . Of a bullet
,to a No. 2, have_ been taken out, -fifty
lioundli at a time, within the Pest:five
years by hil!,,eillanp,,T,o,shne jherrTsen,,
of N. Haihcir.. w: . . • _ ,
At this plice ake j tAeioiiks o r lf ,i,il). afi•
I. ' Ir* t ' . iill ' 'ft 'feet'
olent fort, 52Ay 5 .. ee , w
~ s
. ve
thick, whiiih Ai' years ago Wail oVer-,.
grown with very - large' deka; but nciii ,
cleared oft ' j',Full:•datierllitiona` of the
streets ..of c -larriestoWn, ktviiinebta, fr.&
rnal#fpf smitheries, as they' were half
a century ago,.:s edra. giv,en , by eye wit- 1
aeries and.laborers-w ho -have been em
)3l6yed to remove the ruins and level
, the streets,, ilil,up the..cellars, dig up
the pavements, and erase the retnaini.
—Maine Paper. -
!. 1
Sept. 23.—A special - dispatch to The
Chronicle, dated at 1616104 'Tort,lt'
Carolina, yesterdw; says': "Ten,
Klux prlsqnert, convicted thetuisaOlt
of Mr. JustICIN wereserittinced to•day,—
two i tilids years'' iiriprisentninit arid` a'
f1ue.,055,000 . , and the othere 'to term's
raging from six modttis to - five (years'
and fines - In - proportion: , Five rriernhera
¢f ; 6tta Ku Blux have confessed their
Farms - ointxm
' THE GOOD win.
It is just u yon say, neighboi Greeu,,
A.treasure, indeed, is my wife
Snob another Torinietbi and work,' " - I.
' I have_rieyer found'in my life, '• •' ' '
But then she keeps every. one oho
As buy as bees on the
There is never a moment for rut,
She is such a fidgety thing I ,
She makes the,,hest bread in the Mwn,
Her pies sire a.perfeet ;„
Her coffee a rich golden brown,
Her crullers and pudding'jest right;
But then when I" eat then ehe tells - •
01 the rans and the!SioititheY
Of the martyr ! liko toll she endures;'
0; she is suoks fidgety thine
My house ia ae . fleet nal " '
' Yon ihonid'ase how, the flooipliandlea
And all die ef;dl. C 14144011
And ninety enApt,eatpete aro ;
.But then' ehe valiant at the dust; • .1 ,
At a ily t •er a etraw, l er ti.etring •
Thi!_l:efay; out of doers' all iCatij • ".•
.Stio thing I
. - :;•XX:ffeiltrar,LANNO US.
: _
A Mirka City is Maine
- ; :" *TAMP= STOR
pgripli,• illeAmmtii,;(44lt-187Q1A
paragraph went theroundie :theNeW
Jersey papers setting forth that a dia•
liolleatatteMpt had
,been made by some
unknown p , ,arties to set fire tol the resi
dence of an elderly gentleman!of means"
and with eafeebled health and Mind,
named I Samuel 'Whitehead, ,Sr., at a
place called Washington, •in East New
Brunswick. • Efforts 'to' reaCh the al
iegsd incendiary failed; and the matter
bad passed entirely-from thelocal pub.
lie memory , atilength, id April or
May laat,.a i laborer named Jatnes Bax
ter;formerly in -the employ of White. 1
Ifead4'a sort ef valet, during a severe
At of ilinesEibeicaine conscience-stricken
and made 801340 startling revelations.
He subscribed to , the statement set
ting-forth; 4 brief, that he pad been
hired to murder the old gentleman by
ble.twedaughters'and . their husbands.
:For, the,coMMission of the crime he
wee r he deglitred;.te receive sl,ooo, be
side Other relniiheration. • Aceordingly
11e, iiniptir,ed some kerosene of , satura
ted the:lied clotheiliri.Mr. WI itehead'g
'Sleeping apartment; where he lay sick,
and latterly . - heiplesEr, . and ti 'en, with
therintenn - ef roasting the old man
itlivYOfeK tire! to .-the clothes and fled,
horrO iTifsilOk4SO 4 hteown fiendlilh act.
Mr;;, altehead ,‘wett, speedily aroused,
frobaiibiat - ,doze — by the flames and the .
smoke, , kixd,..perceiving his Peril, made
a de) iliefit(el efrott . to call for help.' Fie
iiii 1 , , ~- , .; hi t
wail ea I'y spume, ,and the "doniesl ,
LiO; fifliii. - a:dehierk4struggie succeed
.ed 10,- - rotecitirii licit' from' tlie burning
chamber.; ;and "then eithignishing the
ll a ma. Y. -'I ' -.-..' " i - :. --, , '
1 1
,_ , •
whiawes;a terriblatory, embellished
with all •111? aptiallintr details, Which he
made. ;pith! to . ;:beffOre:A' Justibe of `the'
.Peace-.,`CfO-*the'• strength of i the. ath
warTatit%vere - Isitdedlor the arrest of
41'44144 !suborners. These were Air ~•
.. ,
- TiteudoreWillett and his wipe,- Sarah-
J.'. wiftst baptairyWilliim •Xatea and
his Wife, Anna Mafia Yates. The Wit.'
lette ieild'ed, in Brooklyn, and moved
iii:oi c iveiy highest sestet circles,, both
in the mity of,churches and inl the me.
, tropolle.F:. -, Mr. Mirillett i ,was the reputed
owner ofith? Brooklyn, opera house, be-
Sido :OViet , valuable prOperty. The
144,*pq,'-40 - , were, well' off, and eceil-
Vied 44113a1 thi - Cial position with; the Wit
lette.“ InAliie Bine the , Yatesee were ar
restednitd taken teem a magistrate.—,
no waftired an examination and gave
ball 102,0b6iiich to appear tiefore the
grand jury, Of the county. The day af
ter the, Willetts turned up of their own
accord,- end -followed 'the example of
the others, andivere held to ball in the
Barad aintaint. , - ,
: Aemaight be expected from he char
acterof the_crime-and of the alleged
VeriSstrators, the -affair cause a fever- ,
'fah' itateiof. excitement among the New
*.ii,io24E' people,. and when tho par
,ties aptiettred in court, surrounded with,
all the Otiteia,tatious trappings and trim
mings Of .faskilop.,antt wealth, I . th ey at- .
:triated'itu .hr l t ne nieoncoursei of rural
slicht-Oieilli tiiiii . iifilialid`tna'nnei in
-44: . ,itio . iiiiit*e , fit thcilittliciiiil 0 tal i ; lind'the
large 'deg of no r uihnlence with which
they treated -the matter, helped their
case 'largely before . the bar of piiblic
' -An extraordinary feature oil the case
rt this•period; was the' 'course pursued
by the old gehtletaan whose taking off
was, afi iilleged, attempted. • lie atten-:
tied hiii daughters in court, and further' '
dei3;tOnstrated his belief. in their entire
innocence, despite the positive allega
delis Piioade,hy presenting each , with a
I detiatiOrt 0f.510,000, in addition to the
portioWallotted them in his w ill. f
'. : Thelnotivo impelling the, alleged sub-
orritition was agreed to be to become
poSSesSedof the 'old man's property.—
It -attipears he had had a eat deal of
trouble with his family., especially his
son's; mid , made , a will Ovjudicial to
.The daughtetl i s, hove
-4f,l:thliii,ted for the old man'ti dissolu
tion„.ati ai3 to step ,int ? 121 E; Monetary
shtiea, and therefore, as alleged, con
spireciAgairilit'llialife. He h fast ap-
I iiXottelling ifiii four score' years.
rt .T 14 5 ,4010 'facts 'of the affair were
threWiaApid --I tliti litindk of the Middle;
sex graod inijueet; and this bedy, after
ta?efill-eximination, found tr i ne bills of
4W:i x -Mini. against all four, a l s well as
ii ' lt
-i. e Jcata axter,. who has b en y 9 der.
t )
cliise- j -inir eillatice. ever-since. To-day,
-4k-th&,ti ' rAnd.*nlimir: be i ore Judge
litOtid - dir, thettecused Were arraigned to
.anssver.t 0 _several charges .ontailled
•irkhairt ithitientti.-11T. Brio 8.-Pa p e r
t) e v. ..5. , .
ictr^antki.—.i.v. ‘ _,
—; •,,..; : , : t.a ,•..
:...• ~..,.,- • I :!:- •, --,- -•
i,,, eigop, g.ii,..Dituehter to
• ~
~11.94a,* Robinson; looking
~yatolgairOinan,laged :nineteen, left her
liitritAfik7P,eo rla twoLy ears ago
liticeitietherparenta l wished,h sto mar
olti.enough.ft? be her,father,
irnaTatNivhom she epterialtied tleol
,guard against detect
-Von; %he :atiOptell Of a bOy,
and, witti'lai'liifir Ctie shOrt,' readily '
passed fora, 'troy 'cif'fiftetin . or sixteen..
She first 'Werit - to 'Chicago; aiid there
obtained. work as a-teamster, passing
„uttdertliel,narne of William Franks.—
;ShalisAbstistmotedof being a girl,. but
4en1e41,4!,, 'aftd left) Chicago through fear
of AteLogrdetevted;and.sent home: She,
W9*,ldAt *Arieuartlagea as a farm la-,
,borer, ll but.pelt:l94i stayed ; lung at. ,one
place:, : 'ihapr,y,lng eyes of woman were
altrioakalWaye the i first to detect the im
posture. After varleng 'adventures she
.founit berself:in Troy, it few 'days tigO,'
and engaged as deck hand; on' a catial
boat, -comnianded - by Caplit'abitredu;
and bound ow thitl Ott the way
,here Abe,cafttainia. Wife *accused hOr
belng.-a,girl,vsatiil she finally •eonfeased
014 such Wag tholact. • By , advice- of
gra. cfbirkeeka; she went., to, the West
Pientlath street pollee station to ask
Aid . tlie pOlfee -anthorttles to enable
her tri',feach,ber,ltom.e. Site la.tired of
her - rough life r .and wishes .to nee. her
relating, ofwbotp she ha's heard
.lng .since leitying home. Orr rough,
horny itan (is and ,son 4Arited , face 'Tar'
:witneigito her life - off ex pesure.
!Her garb consists of, `'a coat, touch' the
worse for Wear, ilia 'torri' in sever;at
cos, patcheil - PantitiOcing,"rouirh woolen
shirt, a pairOf 'lteatirytboote,Land -tt bat
teretl black liati 'gill:Kt:possesses c herr
ful` dispitsitititr, whibb even- belt
life has been tl nable.toisubdue.. When
asked Nttbiette.dhol*xiofassit ilia garb
of her sex when:ftrst aectised of being
a girl; she said that ski .was. ninth,. of
being found by her father still: cottlPelt .
led ,to.return home. She is detained at
the station house. ,To-day she w ill be
sent hOmebLihaptillee•
f(, •);t"
*• l '.
1. •
. - e if e;
I ;:; NO,*].
To . the World..Tteund' or= mat
6AbOVi ' 3 % 4 110 ,0 ,P:9 0 iteu# 1 .00 4110 ^
140Yr,or named
John. Ilempdert, having convinced
himself.beyond all peradventure that
the world was fiat, not round, as com
monly supposed, undertook the arduous
missisonary work of 'converting man
kind to his way of belief. Not making
much progress, by following the ordi
nary methods of private preaching, be
resorted to the expedient of offering a
bet upon the subject. He made a pub
lic announcement, offering to stake
$2,600 againt $2,500 to be put up by any
scientific man, thathe could prove that
the earth wad flat, and not round, as
everybody else believ'ed.
No one appears to have taken imme
diate, notice of this absurd offer, and'
Hampden came out with' another an
nouncement, in hich he boldly de
clared that selent fie men knew they
were guilty of a imposition in pro
pounding the ro nd theory, and that,
in coneequence, hey were afraid to
take up Ills challe ge and stake $2,500,
as he proposed.,
But the challenge having come to the
notice of Mr. Alfred Wallace, a gentle
man of highleputation, and a member
of several scientific Societies, he accep
ted thelconditions, and put up his $2,-
600. T bia amount, together with a' si
milaramount;put up by Hampden, was
deposited, subject •to , the order of the
referees' Mr: Walshi editor of theirield
newspaper per, who Was to • pay over the
$6,000 to the .winning man.
[ The 4mode adepted for settling the
questio4 was planned by Hampden,
the advoeate of the flat theory, and the
experiment appears to have been con
'ducted in all respects as he desired.-=
The ground selected was a six mile lev
el,-on thp Bedford canal. Three long
poles of equal length were provided;
auks phinted,at equal depths, and at dis
tances of three ,nallea apart. A tele
scope was then employed, through
which It was clearly aturunmistakably
perceived that the central pole was five
feet above the level line of the telescope,'
which at once proved that the earth
was not flat, but round. 'Mr. Hampden
expressed himself 'satisfied that he had
lost the bet,_ and the money was accor
dingly paid by the referee to the win
ner, Mr. Wallace.
The experiment and the ielescop
were level, butnot so the head of Mt
Hampden. He that's convinced agains
his will is of the same opinion still. It
was not long before Hampden woke up
to the mortifying conclusion that he
had made a blunder, or that in some
way he had been befogged. His reason
told him that the earth was still flag,
and not round, as that lying telescope
and those [fibbing poles had affirnied.—
He concluded also that Wallace was a
thimble-rigger, ,a pickpocket, a liar,
and a 'swindler, and went about pro
claiming these libels. in the most un
blushing maniter. This so annoyed
Wallace, that lie brought suit for libel
'against Hampden , = and 'the jury lately
mulcted, /4131.11 ii, i3;ooo,damages, mak
ing a sum' total: of $5;500 Cash paid out
on account of his theory that the earth
is flat. Poor Hampden is indeed a mar
tyr to science. —Scientific Am erican.
The Hotel Clerk.
Some shrewd writer thus takes off
the conventional American Hotel clerk.
" He was young ; he had a neat mous
tache and Well brushed hair; jeweled
studs sparkled on his shirt front, and
rings on his white hands ; a gentle disc
lain of the 'traveling, public breathed
from his person in the .mystical odors
of Ihlang-ihlang. He did not lift his
haughty head td look at. the wayfarer
who meekly wrote his game in the ho
tel register; be did not answer him
when he begged forla cool .room ; he
turned to the board on which the keys
bung, and pliteking one from it, slid it
toward Basil on the. marble counter,
touched a bell for apall,bOy, whistled a
bar of Offenbach, unit; as he wrote the
number :of the room against Basil's
name, said . : to a friend lounging near
him, as
s it' resuming a conversation:
' Wejtattle's, r a mighty pooty girl, any
way,: OfittwleY !'
. . •
"*fien fi l effeeethatihis . Was a type
o f f
hotel clerk throughout the Uni
ted States, that behind unnumbered re
gisters he is at this momeut snubbing
travelers Into the dtist, and that they
are suffering and perpetuating him, I
am lost in wonder a. he national meek - -
mess. -.Not that I am -the one to refuse
the humble Whig j 4 weled fingers otter
me, abjectly take in key and creep off
up stairs after, the 41 boy, and try to
give myself the gent, el, air of ouej who
has not been stepped upon ; but I think
hotnicithil things all 'the same, and I
l iejolee t.liat . 0 the safety'of print I can
c' ott t. agai net the deipat whom I have
'not t be.preitiinento defy.. 'You vulgar
aunt cruel little:soul,' I say; and I ima
ginninyself-breathing the words to his .
teeth. " Why do - you . treat a weary
stranger with this ignominy ?. I am to
pay-well for• MI ..T.' get, . and..l shall not,
complain of that.-. me and
own my humanity ; confess, by some
civil action, by -some decont phrase,
that I have rights, and that they'. shall
be respected. : - Answer my proper ques
tions; re pond to my fair demands;
do not slide my key at me; do not de
ny me the poor politeness of a nod as
you' giVe it into my hand. lam not
your equal . ; fe'w Men are . ; but I shall
not presume up:li you'r 'clemency. I
Also mu human.' .
" Basil found that, for his sin in
'lug for cool rtMin,' the clerk had iv
en filth a chairAier into" which the tin
had-been shining the Whole afterucii n ;
but when his luggage had been put; iu,
it seemed uselesste pro-test, and, lika
true American', like yoli, like me,l he
; shrank , from ussertingliltnsetr. When
the sun went 'down it would e cool en
°nit • and 'they turned their thoughts
sttpper, not venturing to hope that,
as it prOvt:(l, tho .hapdsome clerk was
the solo' blemishof • the house."
1 •Va , Sept. 18.—At
.Wakefield yes•
terilaSr o 'llsetonti down freight train
ran civer a negro bob', aged fourteen
yeats;vompletelysevering, one of his
legs and harribly.manglitig.the other.
,The plot been'--tied on' the track
wit#ilivbj,ES by his • step-father to be
W lb) pfled,' and. 4hile, the Mani was it,
the woods gathering Ftwifelowille train
•passed=over the bay, wilo , waS lielplese
.to avert his fate. The authoritiei have
taken steps to punish the brutal
father. , . „
Book & Printing }louse,
ler wollatiPpliati with Presses and Typos ft) e i s.;
auto tay., : kj f ido of , 'Job Work With mat-non Mit
Logatiop—Bowen Cone,s Block, ?d Flo`pr
Interestiiteto Pashionattle _Woken
•1 ,
The Shoe worn by, the young worn, sn
of - the gioriod is surety ono= rof=tho , moit
abominable contrivances ever brodght
into vogue by the paprice Oortite sex.—
What need to describe it? Do we not
know the absurdity Of its construction,
and how ingeniously it has been do
signed for the destruction of comfort,
and ease,, and grace, in walking, and
also of semblance to a real - wornan's
foot ? When It first came into fashion,
the ladies were told by• a few sensible
men, that. to put their feet into a ma
chine' with% toe like a bird's bill; and
a heel three inches high brought for
ward under the instep,• would insure
suffering and deformity.
But the dear creatures, in' their irre
sistible way, resented this interference
with their pierogative of self-torture
and self...caricature, and asked, 'Would
you have us look like dowdiso, with
broad toes to our shoes, and. low heek
and all that ?'—' all that' meaning 'heels
where nature intended they should be.
The plea was unanswerable. But, the
predicted :consequences have come.—
Ladies' shoemakers (certain truthful
ones) tell us, what •observationTalso re
veals, that there is hardly a young wo
man now, who regards herself at all
fashionable, who has not bunions, cal
losities, corns and enlarged-Joints; and
that the crop of these ornaments devel
oped within the last four or five years
is astonishing and pitiful. The worst
of it is, that there appears to be no pros
pect of relief, except a turn in the
whirlgig of fashion, and that there are
no exceptions to the rule of torture and
deformity ;—for the good and sensible
of the sex inunolato themselves with
the foolish and the frivolous: No de
gree of sense,- or independence, or sta
bility of character, seems to abseil°
any woman who has the charm of wo
manhood about her, from slavery, to
fashion, at whatever sacrifice of time,
comfort, modesty, or health.
Suffrage! right to hold office ! Show
us first the woman who has indepen
dence and sense and taste enough to
dress attractively, and yet io walk down
Fifth avenue wearing an unfashionable
bonnet, or in aishoe whic does not de
stroy both her comfort an I /her gait.—
N. Y. Thitee.
A " Potato Race" in N. Hampshire.
A correspondent of the Boston Ad
vertiser -writes from East .Wilton, New
Hampshire, that outdoor athletic exer
cises are the fashion, and one of th
novelties is the potato race, which isf
thus described : A very curious trial
of strength and speed it is. Three lines
of potatoes were laid. ,Each line is of
* fifty—each a yard from each other. Of
course eaeli line is 49 yards long. At
the end of each line is a basket, by
.which at the start a contestant stands.
In this case there aro three competitors;
At the word " go," each one begins
where be chooses on his lint to pick up
potatoes that he may bring them to his
basket.' He must pick up but one on
each trip, and turn to bring it back to
the brisket. Your mathematical read
ers will see that this involves seven
thousand three hundred and fifty feet
of running, with such deductions as
may be made for an outstretched arm
when one comes to his basket; and
with the serious addition of two turns
of every potato, or one hundred turns
in all. Three apirited contestants en
tered, and one of them, named . 'Thrash:
er,' distinguished here as having won
a tub race in the lastsports, which were
aquatic, performed that feat in a li4le
more than nilue minutes. The other
two were elose l behind him. If you
er have any Oeasion to try, let me tell
you that the 4eientitic performance is
'to take your long runs firSlt when your
wind is rood. When you want to re
gain your breath, take your short runs,
which involve the delay 'Of turning,
but are easier for breathing: You see
how good the time was for a distance of
a mile and a half.
The, following account of a Curious
freak in the entomologicalline, we copy
from an exchange:
"Recently myriads of little black
caterpillars .have appeared in various
sections, of Tennessee. On the line of
the Mississippi and Tennessee railroad,
a few miles south of Memphis, they
c vered the railroad track to such an
'e tent, that the wheels . of the railway
t sins refused to pass over them, but
to hided around with such veto - city that
II e trains stood still. Upon reaching
tl e " varmints," the locomotive crush
el them 'With a popping, snapping,
s( nod for a few hundred feet, and when
tl e wheels were well greased with fat,
i t'N6in Id stop ; snd not until the track,
was swept - and sanded, . would th e
wheels perform their duty. Shortly
after passing, the caterpillars again
swarmed over the- rails, and the next
train passing 'had the .same work of
sweeping to perform. They have also
been seen, though less' numerously, on
the A elll phiS }tlld ChfirleStoll and Mem
phisnd Little Rock roads. Out on
the r cc course near , Memphis ) ) during
last r eel:, W
it as' stated that when per
sons at down on the ground,• only a
fewotnents elapsed before the 'sate&
was covered with the creepers, which
vseemed to rise from the earth or
other hidden abode.
" It is stated that a little Windt - sheet
of •water, some Seven mites from Afern
phis, is literally swarming with cater-
Pillars, which, having crowded around
its borders in such countless •numbers,
are crowded into the water by force of
numbers cram the ,vast armies in; the
rear. This phenomenon' ,
is themOst re
tnarkable of the season, and ..noue Can
account for the unexpeatO visit.
The llercitd=of-Ilealth says Ma' fetitsr
of strength perforMS - d — with_the teeth
are absurd. Those who indulgehi:them
o tight to be punished] like that yotth
who,ltiftys Dr. Leroartie, prolce all his
front teeth, who bet that ,he would_
throw over his head a chair, 'which he
held • with his teeth by tile upper part
of tho 'backboard to Reit/ley() that ob
ject. A ',other fellow, more imprudent
caused hitngelf to be hoisted up from
the ground to a window by mealns of a
rope, which he held in his teeth. When --
he reached a certain bight, he lost his
four Incisors and bro i lie one of-hie-legs -
l in the full.. Botue o
t hers
,tlud pleasure
In' grinding drinking &sees., between.
their teeth. One would suppose that
the life of these maiiiiies'is a perpetual
challenge to the Almighty 'who gave it
to them. The lobs of a_ tooth le:a.real
misfortune,' since it cannot be : repaired.
-A titioth'its worth a dianiond.
Largo additions of all the late:styles of type
hay° boon added to this department. ,'
Deluge of Caterpiillars.