The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, October 04, 1871, Image 3

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LOc;itt _
WEDNESDAY, OCT: 4, 1871.
New A.dvertiatfattouta
N 0 floods—Bwith Walt°.
$. —Hor ton .Mg Brother.
Dissolation—Jaaao Sears.
Penmanthip—L. Mead.
Remember, the Teachers' Teitituto at
.11tatfleld Oetolr 9. Trains will carry. persona
to from the Inatititte at half 'fare.' Let there
b 6 n large attendance. •
DEDICATION. — The first M. E. church
of Jackson wilt bo dedloated on Thursday, Oot.
12, 1871. Sermon by D. D. dove. D. D., at 19 1 i
A. M. A oordial invitation le extended to all.
oct 2t* CRAB. Wanks, Piustor.
John Kinney' has, started a barber
shop over Persell'l(elgar atom on Mnin etroet
A friend oho ban fled him, says he. shaves 'twit
do , under the ski,. OiTO him a call boys.
The cbeapeetplice in town to buy
a nt g ood?, nt BiRKERII.
TateXEl.—Hol2. Simon Cameron, U.
g. Rove, hes our thanks for public documents,
as follows : ;Two volumes of Patent Office Re.
ports for 166, Report of the Commissioner of
Education fo 1870, and Message and documents
of 1570 awl t BU.
Wool, Shirts, and Balmoral Skirts at
We call attention to the advertise
ment of J. It. Barker, whose notices appear
iprinkled through our local columns this morn
jag. His stook Ts full, store neat as wax work,
and be sails lowAlown."
Dress trimmings, and Buttons at
The Cowanesque Valley railroad is a
axed fact. The contracts for grading , 1 ironing,
and running the road for 20 years, have been
'limed, sealed and delivered. Giound was bro
ken by the track-makers on the 2d.
A choice lot of Groceriee and Crock
ery at BARKER'S.
We call attention . to the fact that the
WeHaber° Minstrels give a concert at Bowen
Cone's ball bn Wednesday (this) evening. There
are traveling troupes of more pretension, who'
pe poorer entertaintnente than this band of
home minstrels. 1 .
will leave for the East on the Monday succeed—
ing the Fair. Those having bueinees with him
requiring immediate attention, will take note.—
Due notice will be given of his return.
MANSFIELD.--A match game of base
ball took place between the Agile club, of Mona.
bald, and the star, Jr., club, of Tiogri, on the
grounds of the Stak club at Tioga, on the 21st
inst. The soars 'vas as follows : Agile-2, 8,6,
2, 5. 13, 5,1, 1-43. Star, Jr.—S, 0,2, 1, 4. 1, 0
5,2-18. S. W. A.
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, at
GOOD PENMANSHIP.—If 3700 wish to
equine a rapid, uniform business band, or learn
etaamental penmanship on correct principles,
Take a course of lessons with Prof. L. Mead,
who is giving instructions on the spencerian
method daily at the district school house.
We call attention to an article on our
OW pago concerning the starving to death of a
boy connected with O'Brien's'cirous and menag
erie. ( Of all the miserable modes by which the
young seek to gain a livelihood, the two most
miserable and least romantic are, going to sea,
and joining a circus company: Both modes of
life are simply slavish.
Alpacas, Wool Delathe, Silks, at
age Dr. I.TeDsartsvr, of Elmira, removc*a - large
tumor from the eye of,a little girl, the daughter
of Wu. D. firmly, of this city. The tumor bee
been about two years forming, and nearly cov
ered one side of the eyeball. The operation was
entirely euccossful, and the girl is now attending
reboot, without the least trace of the tumor, or
the operation upon the eye.—Birighemptou 12c
lardtets, RptiPs and Shawls, at
Not necetisarily for competition, but to beip ol;\,
You may not bavo anytbing on which you Cart
-look for a premium, and yet be the possessor of
meth ing unique, neat, interesting, and well
worth looking at. Bring it, 'whether it be a pic
ture., a curiosity from another clime, a - Ono jab
in inecbanies,'or something from your bands
that you take pride in. Make a little effort your.
tell to bnve the of our county.
Prints, Ara and' Flannels, at
all:publio impiovements, particularly to one
which it of so much importance to the people of
this section of the county, as is the Wellsboro
toil Lawrenceville railroad, we must say a few
yards about the now road. For the fret time in
ever eighteen hundred yetirs, we last week passed
over the Welleborongh and .Lars renceville rat
rosd, and were agreeably surprised to iiiirlsoLl!W
road in such splendid condition. The cars
make but lit tie noise in passing over the contin
uous rills, and the road is comparatively as
emoth aS thobe which hare been operated fur
re3i ! Mr. Charles Ch l ,arman, the engineer of
- 'he um, 13 11. faithful, competent and trusty
mau. James Stull is attentive and
obliging to hit, passengers, and at the same time
Ptrl,Aly eLt ,r,oB Ito rules and regulations of the
road, which is always necessary in conducting
trains With success.
The time 1 - s near at hand when AV°Heller° will
bo oonneeted by rail with the
Row will this seem to a people who have been
hidden among the hills. for so many yeatsj
New Goods j 11:-t received at Barlife..
P,liik; DELMAIt.-013 Tuesday ove
eing, of last week, between the hours of nine and
ten, itte large barn on the Stowell'ftrui tva3
rocc•lrd to he on fire. sir. D: Stowell, who first
th,c,vered the tire g e the. dlecrte, and hurried
t ' th e riot in the bop- of frreidg conic cows and
raise of fine oxen, wilieh were iii the stable
lie succeeded in saving the cows, but the oxen
stele burned With the barn, the fire being under
tech headway as to render all attempts at extin
pithing it hopeless. The barn WUI an eXeAliollt
sae, said to bo the largest in rho county.
Mr. Stowell loses about 120 tons of hay,The-
UCes the grain stored in the barn ; also a voids.-
Ida lot of farming implements, including a reap
er and mower, a thieshing inaqiioe, wagons;
thighs, plowt, Att. As ho is deVottng the farm
ms!oly to dairying, and hos sixty-four cow?, he ,
tides other stook, the loss of 120 tons of bay at
k time when there is no hay for sale, Is ruinous.
the lose is not far from $7,000 ; insured for $ 3 ,-
Knit (Rinds, Hofiterit and Gloves, at.
'PH CATAWIS - SA. B. R.—Some
, tlmy
since we publisheean article en'the above rail
v+ad and its probable influence ton ottrihtorects
sad prospects, which we wish \ to modify to-day.
The article to which we refer wasfaunded on In
formation derived from otHeial luarters, and was
correct, as the ease then stood. pat nothing is
tore certain than uncertainty.
I , Nithen that arti
cle was Written: there wasaligh!ope tbat : a
railroad would traverse this.eounty from a south
ewer!y to a northwesterly, point. Competent
'Vetere had been .coneultedoid their opinion'
*ere adverse to the feasibility of. such a route.—
lice of means had invested heavily In - Pl'Vrti
*long the presumed route, and had, giv9.,kt,p,N ,
ttn wi se - inventnnont, believing that' pYr.ilttql:
`Nualkin grades were tooitiffinr 113.41°Lik311-
fel civil engioeer.•
ht, after all, wo bavo strong resion .tai,be-
Ilire that such a road will be built Waugh our
" 1 /t7 within el: sears. It seem that a feasible
1;17, •
ALL persons indebted tb J. S. Illotrrey, of
°baths m.Otintir:Pa a re rapids tatt,tu:oBll, ,
end settle Immediately and save mils, or my
books will bo placed In the bands of an attorney
for collection, after September 30, 1871.
• ' ' ..
• " ze.t 0 _ Jo% ' •t 7 " : - . ' ' •
.11 !t.•
ward of Arnot, along the on the southeast
side of Babies creek valid to are assured, on
high anSaority, thaA SqUterkilioll of Of; cats** ,
ea,roisikwill be built, leaving Ainot to the
eistWard, will intersect Wellsboro, pus •through
portiona i
of Potter county, and totepeet the if.
talc land Washington road at the State
Railroad Millers may decide, on, a route this
month, whloh; throne" Soine:.nniorSeen•dillioulty,
be ultimately abandoned next month. The
cities and expense of. building a road , third
intry like this aregreit,lind not do
be ;un
'lkon lightly ;have • strong faith-in
yellsboro and State Line road at this present
a co
/i s SUP ON TRH WEA.THEI4,4O-77-"kllis,
tag (September 30) the mereurir,itatidn'tzt#
•• I nte d'annary lidint r and ill" edible vegett
itet proof against freezing may be accounted
lost--of prOteoted.
w that the brief summer is over.'it seems as
h therkbad been no sunanter at 11. For a
.oznenttt there has beep a frost ev TY month,
t, perhaps, Jury t f And just how a decent
f,oorn ban been made, is a pars o to,
t has been made ; and other crops, with the
F itton of bay, have been fully pp to the ave
. Our summers are of the briefest; our wilt-
tars ong, and oftenAisigreeahle; oar springs
too f oquently late, oolgand wet. But we never
.knew a season in 'which crops failed in the_lcor
them; Tier,'and wo never saw anywhere snob
'glorious -naturals. The man who does not wa
fer ft Week on Pine creek Witte hounds insikeh
weatlier, tcsa month at Saratoga or Long Brand,
is At or treasons, politics and business, andrde.
servo to gOt as rioh as W. B. Astor—with no
more eisure to go Mating thin Horace Greeley
Buda. •
As we write, the sun is shining brightly on the
gold, l crimson and dark green of the mountain
t t
aide the northwest of the window at which
we si i , and we just know that a deer may htt
starts there almost any hour with a good
hours . On the creek they are slaughtering van.
1804 tlt a rather lively rate. One man on one
runwaylaid over three in one day; and we'cort
fess te. a longing for a few days in a camp, far
away ll rons the 'clairings. To our . shame, be it
said, We hove not caught a trout or shot at a deer
this season—and this thing must be looked after
just al soon as election is over.
.• ,-, ,
Work is well enough—in its place. But out.
Bo callsays he never enjoyed life so well as du.
'ring an autumn in which bo,was so badly driven
with hunting that he could not get film:Cie dig
his ga l den potatoes.
Wednesday Mrs. Black called at .the jail `th see
her lineband, who is detained for non:payment
Of'a. fine. After an interview, she was let out
1 4
throw li the ball, in which several of thecprison
era we a allowed to walk about, the 'outside door
being eourely fastened .' Ati Sheriff Fish 'was
gone, rs, F.'was attending to jail matters, and
one of the prisoners took advantage of this
slate 4 a ff airs to make a dash for freedom. Hay.
lug re Alexander Stepheus'a speeches, he be.
lievod 1 at " who would be free, himself must
strike e blowr and accordingly, istruck'Mrs.
P., an;
attempted to rnsh . by bor. 'Mrs. F. dld
not rel sh that sort of thing, and letritim have it
over t e head with a heavy padlock, wilir.such
vim as to hnook him down. Ile arose in rather
shaky, onAition,iand sueoeldekinXtuihing down
the slips, but *as Pretty' sonnilly _ pummeled
with t elluidlock before.getting out of reeoh.—
He des ed across the creek and made•up the bill
at his best pees; but the thumping and lack'ot
exercise told on his. vied. Before reaching the
top lie ,as forced to stop for breath; and here,
like thelder Weller, he was " circumvented,"—
Ile ma c e a feeble show of light, but the fates
*ere aaned him, and-several citizens were ahead
of Mali Be threw up his hand, oameidoivn, and
1\ was locked up safely, a sadder and sorer man.
Tho prisoner'p name, it appears, is 2verte,
though he calls himself ; Adams; and Sheriff
Fish sa Everte is-a graduate of Aubva ) and a
hard aim lie le in, jail on n charge IX hoise
Under our present tyranhicial code, we believe
Mrs. F.] is not eligible to the Sheriffalty : but we
venture so suggest that she makes a pretty effec
tive ilo.uty.
, ,
CR9OII.ED Doolittle
and wife have been spending rifccr_ drxya_ with
friends in this plaee.-- O their" departure for
their home at Orilla, Canada, a number' of rela—
tis and friends accompanied them as far as
LaWrenberille and Corning. Among the number
was Mrk Celia Reddington, aged 90 years; Mrs.
Nabby Ilymes, aged 79 ; Mrs. Edsel Mitchell,
aged 72, and Miss Emily Reddington, aged 67.
Three oif these persons had never ridden on the
ears before. -" • ••',
A lit le on of A. C. Colo, who is hardly in his
teens, bile returning from school by way of the
railroa , disoovered a largo tree which had been
blown 9P by the roots and fallen across thotraols.
Knowing the constraotiod train to be duo, he ro 7
turned find signaled the train,mbieli was stopped
in time to avert the threatened calamity. It is
needles.4 l to say that ibis boy. rliti free.
'MA 1
INSBUR4.—Mr.,Daniel Austin, of
Nevada son of Mr. Alvin — Austin, of this place,
is making his friends here a visit. lie has been
away ertien scars, among the gold and silver
mines o tbo Pacific coast, and of course ho can
tell'of rough times that ho has experienced. Mr.
Austin has seen too much of the red man to "feel
for him4'
I think that the importance of the stone quar
ry on tho farm of Mr. Itqct...BAolpt4.-Abo r ittigpr
mite and a half front this place, is not generally
undetsitiod. The vein lies from two to four feet
boleti t e surface, and is like a quantity of plank
and boa ds packed together. The stones can be
got out ny size desired. Some are taken up .
three and a half feet wide by 24 feet long. They
vary inManess from half an,ineh to three in
cities, an every us smoot4 and uniform in
,thickne as though it were era with a saw:, Be.
sides what have been taken iway, theris. ill now
.bout trio thousand dollars worth of stones out
.pf the karry, standing on the edges, so that we
can wal around between them. It is the gran
dest dill lay of stones ever seen in this part of
ti tl
the country. At the:price the stones sell for at
the quarry, the deposit of every acre is worth
eighty thousand dollars, after deducting one
foufth flit - is'ae , t.
. _
We had an article °it this quarry .. tif_etetteilcitt
some tittle wiithblitive it 'was prettY
widely erpied. • We think, with our eorresnond 7
reit!, 4ati this natural curiosity is not generally
lunflpritooJ, or its value apprpelate,J,,
tet that : and the ; riwtier'ol ilea
mint:lna possess his soul in , ,p4 ionie.!The
ry is a if,,rtune. :
: E.NO I XVILLE.—As there . will 14many
ruinorti i 6 cireulation throughout the county con=
ceruln,g the late fire ak this place, perhaps It will vls Stole to - pithlish - (Veal, statement' of at
, fziliy c'on,cerning the 'semi: 1
Had,Marlatt's property burned auy time
2 with
1, On laiit two years, without positive proof that
is 1:1)t. set or instigate it, three-fourths of the
inhat4t+s of the, ',dace would Ihave considered
f4in guilty ;find this isibut the resuWof . his own
a tfuns, ti hate been unwise end ancorta-
Et, te, at east 1 = ' :,. •
'Tao y ars sign last June his store was disoov
ered on re, underiSucb u„snspielons combination
I . L
of circumstances, as to cause great , alarm among
his neigl i l .bors, and the insurance agent that issued
his p" lidos immediately cancelled the most of '
them ; and Marlatt's actions silace have invaria
bly tended to strengthen and confirm; rather than
allay tho suspicions, however much be may have
debited Ind intended to the contrary.
It has hew) against the earnest prayers and
protestaioni of the adjoining merchants, that
any agent has since taken risks upon his proper
ty, for they considered each increase of hiff insu
rance as advancing their liability to burn, frPm
his buildings taking fire. With such a — atite of
feeling in 'the community, it was next to impos
sible toi ift the many conflicting rumors and form _
a entree conclusion concerning the late fire.
A-- numbef of the leading citizens, Upon con
sultation, considered it advisable to haves. legal
- - • ,
investigation of the'matttir, that no,t4cist, suspi- 4
aloes sh uld re'et upon any one. Therefore the
/ next da a warrant was issued by Giles Roberts,"
Esq., and Marlatt taken into custody. The ett--
- innination was postponed !anti) the neat Wadnet
' •
day, , fiv e ? days after the fire, when,,
,after exanaj-.
nation, hp was held to' bail in threithousand did.:
_ .
Ills appearauce n 5 he Ifferli
.$), in t“-
Pre fur is appearance at court, ha of
.evidence) in bin own defense. -
The" p inci psi points presented by thirprosecp4,
t ion were : the unusual care with which his
bold gocids and wearing apparel were disposed ,
of so as to be as safe as possible in case of fire;
the . efforis he made to induce his grandson (a boy
of six years) to go with him into the store when
..4recurned from dinner, and whom, when UM
alarm was given, be named of firing the. build-
fug ; the, contradictory statements be made of his
first no ledge prilitsfie; fibe, ,imptssibility of
airy Of hp statements being true; and the bene
fit that would accrue to him in cue his property
was burned and he got the inentimee money.
'.Yfi ^, '.',.4;e !` i • "_ ^6 ' >~F'< w~S9 ? ~.i»,l`.~w?~b4? {': v~;FtisC,st.'t,.:?„~g4 i~t• . e!~»'~I15 ~ V 'tlLK ' ~'i .a~~Jfui~ ¢ s_:u`~Et~,.'i;F`-C'..L2.:'+.:Yvk'i]"~°`~tiV~uilsi tW'i
ZETAIS EiroiaLoPEDIA.--Tlielinde9nr
sienid beviagbeenmnitsted by lifsp4.ll..Tehtki.
spisttiVvaZegelleyelopedb, sto, 6 ltottended. and
cri!foal exitnitiation, melte the - foliolvlbg, gate:
ment,Acibe.. result of "Asir investigation. In
amount of matter, It is equal to twelve volumes
~ o ft . Appleton's Encyclopedia - . ti Iht; ,artielee are
writbinAildi greit%aieP , Midifo Clitnittaiddlas to
contain the matter tessential to a knowledge of
the subject triateid.!' It le iiritightviddwit to 'the
'-preinitit dip i raivirifen 'adCtinrit'Paf f Sedows,'Ei;
den, and the fets_fif.,,N,apolepu 111 and the ,eoo- /
ond f Empire.'-' '-'' --• ' • ' ''' • ' " "
• - .1.,•1
In the d7artininit btiiiiiiice, it gives the rti. , ;
salt of - tite. goat reveatitOthicb rt, ilda - V006 106 - 14 :
I3' to Ito,ve tkin , compirlson with any other op'
olopediarwhile Mit% 'copal:is illustrations it is
erk,_ _tirelY,,vatkr, * X isql&L 47,11 iiioi c e- ,
L f sitaltql-12 naviet" m eu. , t icor ! s itu
tralpPeet kg*, - tilikrilehreents of study, do
,Eipefirfiliyand-,armly recommend it as a most:
•veltilibledered- liable work, whose general use
cannot fail to e °raise a most important and ben. •
eficlal Logien& '• It is' a- sUbeesaful attempt' to
give the Americanpeople's library for a ' sunk
*blob pieces it_witbm the reach of all. i j i f.- , ;.
• • - ' ' ' ' . ' A: C.,WpsiCris, :• .„,
N. L. linikef, , ps;' ~ ..,
W. W.Vain. ' '
.. • „ , • 2 : , lion . 3. B. himps.
Welleboro, Aug . . 24;18'0. •
. • .
_ hiandfiald, July 94 - 1871.:H •
Dear consider -"Zells EncittloPedits," -
the beat DOW.ill use, for the amount orgioney, in-:
vista+. The work ought to be to the:bandit .of
every teacher, and round on every teaoher'A desk..
. ,`t, Yount truly . * .E.- 'd4l4dttk.
she Above named gentlittuittiAretoo well known
thraushont Ude fectistfitb teed any eheloramhent
:front - liar; and weviletutlibt remark that an ex
haustive encyclopedia is a library of knowledge
in itself.. =ler a 'silent sehoplinaltur in the_hOnee,
alwaYs at bane ibr"iefire' nee; iiostliti:pathiiii
after• the pnrchasetuatiay -btltalwayi
A•enialning a bank 'of knoitlidgifienWhiefiA drafter
are payable at eight : l VTA may Add 'that this
work is being universally endorsed and adopted_
throughout the country r by scholars, ravine-Mid'
scientists. Addrpss Johnson, Covington,
Leming tho,Raat ttnd arriving at Chicago or ,
ehall ive reach, the.. l l . fait . ?
The beet Line le,stokepwledgeei be the C., B.
& Q., joined together veitlttie 1t.4 M. Railroad,
by the Iron Bridge At Burliogton, and celled the
The mainline of the'Route running to Omaha
connects-with,chelfreat Paoiflo Ronde, and forme
the litidiniintite to California. The Mid.
die Branch, entering &brach& at; Plattementb,
passes through Lincoln r the :State' Oilpftiti, and
will-this'yeuir be finished to Fort Kearney, for.
mint ,thil'shortest route across the Continent by
over 100 miles.
Artether •braleh of the B. M., diverging at
Red Oish, fans into a line running down the Mil
trouri. through St. Joe to Rams Cilh':.atsd , lail
!Passongers by this
Southern lowa, and iTesonri, and; by
slight divergence, can see Nebraska also.
Lovers of fine views should retnomber the Bur.
lii,gtc l on foi towns " 4 /high-gleaming
from afar"--itst!ye T fringed • atrenms-Ata, ;pub;
Anarries^:tiltlyorn.ctorans ittretalaing
over the prairies further thaWeyeeiwratiol:
Land-buyers will helm-ale iemember !It; !Or' .
they hirs f4cnd4 among theAWo.shansand who
have already bought farms from Geo. S. ,Marcie,,
the Land Commissionary! the V.,4*.jit. It. At
Burlington, lowa, or among the tfour Dthouttand
home-steaders and pre.emplots who lastlyeir
'filed claims in. the Lincoln land °Mee; where
"Uncle Sam is rich enough to givens all I Wm.'
July 19, 1871.-tf
A violin', of_early:indisoretion, causing ner
vous . premature decay &a., baying
tried in vain•overy advertlsed•remedy, has 4318-)
covered a simple mennenf self sure,' which he
will send free to ; his fellow sufferers.
RBEIV.VS, 78_Naleau,st., Frp, Ev York., •
Aug, 90.1371.-I.y. . :
MI ( 6 lig 'Tpixtg(f..,.6s 1104
Booksellers and Stationers,
A T No. 3, Bowen .t Coned Mak, htive just
raeeived and are now opening their fall
stock of
They keep oonstautly on band, in all varie
ties, every article usually sold in a first Was*
bookstore. Stationery, slates, school books, do.,
sold to country dealers at jobbers' rates.
Sept 20, 1871 if
Missionaries and others sojourning in for
eign lands should not fail to take with them .a,
good supply of Johns6,Mi Attegitcjitmjmointi _at
is tho most reliable medicine for all purposes
thero is in the world.
Contagions. diseases, auoh ashore ail, Blander,
&c., may be prevented by the use of Salsridati's
Jxvatry Condition Powders. Pomp; traveling
pith horses should lake note of this • ;_i
In all eased tle; . 1 :144 1, ,‘4 1- ver, 06 41 1 1 t
suellidney diseasis,•ldkaucitu'i
will be found a reliable remedy. It has been be.
fore the American people for over ten yiare,trd
is now recognised as a standard preparation. IC'
is sold by Druggists everywhere, possesses the
confidence, of the people in a greater degree than
any, other patent' medicine, and irendorsed and
recommended by Physicians in every section of
the country.
The Messenger of Health. -.
largo-align papiraigtisalt_Lotilitasaidvitt
origin and - cure, will be mailed free to any ad
dress, on applioation to Dr. S. B. Hartman tt Co.,
Lancaster, Pa.
Sept. 6,1t371-kin
DENTIBTint. —C. N. Dartt, dentist
office in,Wrigbt do Ballay'a block, what'll ha .ecas
ttuuestii isithi4 . 3
tnsus i59044 - at
wbiohitveibit'tbeiiitiifiatiati th an any 'thing
also in use. To be bad at Dartt's only.—Aug. 24
TITAVIEfra: hien buriseo;tnai and• lost tho fed-
Kg. der on erbich'l relied for wintering a large
stook of cattle, lam induced to make the fol
lowing proposition: 1 helve 80 cows, it , year;
lings and 28 calVed, all - df which will lot tint
"td inter Mahe :I:.have 8 'ritne.sroilob
cows ;or Bsle, on tint's ; or for_oash..,,.. . r
Oot 4, 1871 " 'D.A. ST DWELL.
113 #""Attr'*4 1.‘
id ; t I
ILL ?E eLosi.ta.bl42,..
04 . .4extt 111 it7:44,3'clit •A •\,y \
Sept SO. 1871 4t WILLiCOX & CO.'S
Watto tajr to the eititecte 2,1 f ,Fellatioro
ahttvtaiaity, that elkas, pr e Ito do
all kinds Of ct,
Fluting Stamping Finking
.): ~, , Tuoknagi Cordingi
Pateq'fkathering for Taffies on`sho.s 8314.9.'410
1 3
at her rooms over Mrs. Sofie ds Millinery store.
Wellaboro, Sept. 20, 1871— m. . , ! ,
Gen'l Insurane Agency
- ,
Life, Fire, .and toidental._
.... r __ .._ _ -
Assets over $24 4_,..... , ,001?..,.
Ina: Co. of North America, Pa- $0,000,505 80
Franklin Firelne. Co. of Ph11a,Pa,3,08tA2115..
North Britlek Mercantile Ine. Cp.•
of London and Edinburg, I - 1 10 ; 00000o
North Amer. Piro Ins. Co. of N. Y. 500,000
Ntagarit!Fire Ins: Co. oi`N - .-Y; 4-‘; 1,00;000:
Fartaeri MIA: Tire Ine:CoOork, Pd'..099,80010;
Pbcenix Mat. Lifo Ins. Co. of Hart- '°'
ford, Conn. * 5,081,970 50
Pana'a Cattle Ins. Co. of Pottsville. 000,c100-00
04,229,847 84
insurance promptly effected bimaiPor other
wise, on- all kinda ,of Properly. All losses
promptly adjusted and paid. Live stook insur
ed agaiust death, lire or theft.
" lam also agent for. the;Aeldes Fire 6 9 . Co •
Of Cincinnati. Capital, E 1,50000 - ".•
- communications promptly attended to --
otruie on Main Street, 2d door Above Church at.,
Knoxville, , W,141 B. BUM
Aprll2s, 2471 -if. Agent.
' Total
Or Cediti;Litilitli.
otir GO TO nSZt
Drugs and liedicine
(Ptrlp or °O4!*74 ,116 ket •
PAINTS. OlPst. v4IIIOBIIEB, Kitt.44k
,„ "r .
. .
; •
'lot:ittyttikkif *waw a ie: . : U
itto---00- TO 132 140-QtrukßT,Ell.Blot*lit
Choice - - tivikOrar -cigars
- and. fesi 1 ;
o t t ifirt i o „!
Religious, Historical, Medical, Legal, blank int'
BohoOl.—N. B.A. full assortm ent of As, I . ,attg.
Also, an excellent assortment' or ' • -
. _
C 041346
On Teas, !lagers, Coffee, 8 tip, tdolasses, Aloe;
Spices, Soda eto. We will - notobbleitin Prlie
or quality. We will sell choice Teas by the chest
Of sum by tliB'.bbl.4t tie Tow fignreeastliellanle
din bethought at Obi
P. s? i fiiiz
of the newest styles, and , lamp 'ohitnnies that
will not break.
Liketviee OULTURT AND iriVELtiir,' .I °`
W#l/03 AND -LAME&
We hold twenty desirable village lots for sale
la 1/s:central part of the town; ' and: Wll)'' also,
1 0 . i s piAney at reasonable rates.
B. Dr. W. W . Webb hos his 401qa, is en s
store, whefehe niarbe - o6n6silit &Tit' iidvloo eV
troorent. ; -, , :j r t - , cy •- k •- r, n-, / •:- i-,
KA?riGs,, 09-t - nrs,, i
:' gept 20, 18Yi—if. ,: .', c , i- - 0 i- 1
.. . . .....;••;•\ .1- . - , 1 ::- -let
For Sale.
„ •
LY an sere orkind for ale;'in' That 'part
of the borough known as germaniMeri.--=
Enquire of Lucinda Black, at the first house
below Santqel Biekinson'e. Terms Ttetumistblm -
Vil ellaborai Sept: 20,4871—5te '1 •
E now rooelv ng rpm o
i t: • Its- 1
. 1 eciTtmont of ;
- ~• 1{;
' •
;;., • ,
, •,' C as
VANCV - r ''Gtllo"iirns
whichlhe Nierstcatilittillet.:afliiit-fatiiie;;;•
. Hyenalag usually found In a •
TIMM Otis) z 3.
will be kept on hand and sold low for each,
The Wilcox and Gibbs sewing rasohines for sale
and to rent.
Wellaboro, Sept. 20, 1821-Iy.
11 1 1101MILB DREG, Mt'
Aler_AND OIL 13;
Fit Art ...a
PA.l 3 lIlt, WINDOW oLAISs,
.1 j 11.1
E0R,AW1R 4 1,,,,4,0, 4 111 .1414.
Sold a t *holosalo Priam. mai - era avereqlestatt
to oall and :git"quatialosti;b64ite g r efiffdleilit
-31r.Irso I. 3 s - -
I A • • °: •:'
f Oir.,,D,FIRIBE g LI.4 013 4
Corning, Ns. V - , ran. 't; 11571-1, j
t i
. .;).„..,,...,....,r,,,..-.:, -6,„.,,,„:,L,,ref,,,,,!
FurtatureA).c. , o urmiure I
:el 'YJ d 'Jr. _
rt vAzetiOAN
11t.4yINci completed his iteir, a t;ittiiiliet Ware.'
'Annie on Main street, Werilititire, hid stock-)
with a large and superior asserted stook ai l
Oh ampiii Suite, Waln*iiiiiiiAkaple;
:: 1 '.•aii.;
,t a c i:, - - EEG 4: - ) 7
z 16163 Sal:1 , 40111j ' and as shop
MIAs its_dt Qua ite Aga_
fritterrsiddlut --- "
Parlor Suite, Waht - ,exrf,
4 Mahogany, Rips or Hitift
from $125 down. Ale.;
. . ,
tOFAS, Lousaisp, COIRiBER, TEI El
ii ia.ll 1 • " '
'i! C - ,1 - 11 1 11 iLi't I i
wits I Ir t
_ i ttil
tti r t h i4aVe°t.`,,:l'.l! j..)
Con ter,Tables Walnut or Marble T ope;,
Looking9Gitaissa i Brackets, Tal*i:.2'.
per Raoks, Rocking Chaim
all kinds,
triaolesale i rn ikafTitiditit.
~,,T. m manufacturing
_as umiak and intend to
Oa fail Wok afisatilthonseltita billyniiid
at times. My Ware Booms arewpasdans Ind
-14 and now contain the largest, costliest and
bit took of ifslnkare, vier brright t inte_the
county. . trg. t .1. akt 91; :i ..t.".V.A
F' .....,1
liglaniug mid Matching
77 1,10/14/51111A - Wifti 3, MOULDING,
done io order at the Baetegy
• 7,4A0.V.Za.4 , 1, 4 4:-.4.
• 4:1,',7
oi l
ItArt 01? 000D01.7romly to moot a'
, ALL OUR,OLD CuollllTol4lllto, as many now ones, adtbityoboold id hob
!tit i s,"; , ition to a fall stook of 2it
- • . 1 ) 1 : ilies_oto,ni budgie's, 0P1101?&LTI,
t e.;
71 1, luaveialwie variety.
' SIM,38110; which ire '
sell by the yar ds or MAKI 11:1
*vet experience rrorkm hors native.
. ' "'I `` ' 1 • •'
ranging front 25cts. t© $2 50 per yard. i • • ••=,,
r 1 . 1 1 .+. Y !,
Our otooleHloin's:LAßGEST, GOODS 401/ BUT, PEICEEI TUE LOWEST, of ady store
h; CORN/NG, acd trobably ,
COMO, 041 4', lin.
..-•%-t.'"r .;', :,.. :'-`: ~.. ,- .
......... 7' 4, ..‘
Al .' 444 4 .1 4 )6V1 I:b‘ '
lACI4:O4t) I , ."
. •
Pitt* kg 1 Ifo h 4204; ) 17,11d4;` eh - ancrlnsh-.Nplbas Japetnese-Silka
, : $
~.z ; 1-. ,, 4,, , , ~ i,-- . ciFafuty ',Color N od lack Dress Silk§ ''.'- "" '' ' .
• - -.:. • (
. gnat prioessoneh loss than have boon. , fOld for lsfin i fi. s :''irSirsafp w fail Mao at'
. ....
Anew ' foods - Yankee IVidigns 844 , out. Shoei`i Hatold oaps, '
sag. gill? ;;.:4 ° : 7 11` ': :TUT .L,l!•flt'J.l% •:'9,, _
__ ./. _ _-__
mar ttaingw...y ' ', - ... 1 1 - ...1:4111 t44.k r o§f.'ll!rhildrions i ilhoes from SO obi. to $1,25. - ,
DO lif2tla , yr........4.....r, $2,50 to ; 15,50. I Hats /mai- .... • '.2 5 / a ts. to 1 8 , 56 ;
'NS ethoes from ' " ' “ 11,26'1615,50. I Claps fr0m2.::.„.....:--... 1 15d out. to 11,25.
"Bop' 8110011frotti, 11,90 to 11,50. I . ! !., ..; . ',•. •
, ,,, , ,
-• . ' -` ," :1i1 ,un a bl e G oo ds 'at. - unpieOed paitad LQ.W rises.
, ,_. . ....::. 1
ReadyTliade, Clothing in ab9i ( dance
1N -- ir
•itaill tilas:Tattory•for ..... ; . ....''.....1110ti. ' • • Pesch (linghams • • ! . ' ' 25 ono.
Printifor......-....... - ; • .w....... 10 oar. • • ' , Alava*? Own Maptia,(spealallty)'3l to The.
Delahres for - --.20 oat. 1. • • ' ' I
- ice, Choice -.4 3 / I to6elit jEtc,•
_ _ • , .
Tiiiiiiiii'' '
4 60 01113 0 . #1;60: 1 1. ',coffees tram 25. to 50. et*.
nifillif .
.. 7 ............121 siii, •', pploos, allillinds: : .f. ' . .1 f
ma Sugar at . ......... ' 12i sic ' Soaps, all kinds. :-•• ! . ' '
our ramp Is, at* dealing, low psloss, wril strlstatteattiM to, bailboss t 'r whioh is,' auci44,
ttaiketteintOese. .'' ' ' ' - q - ' ' ' ' -
ii L
-'• ' '
We invite every one in want of aalhing,in our line; to dropla aud_t six look through our !
stook, as we are always pleased to ' W tfur'clolis. .. ' ! .
••-;'• , . .•-:•.. ...• • •4•;.'• ...e.•.,:t•lti.f-',z.,•:',:: -- .- 77
- - .,.• - ,5. •_•-......:.22 . s• ! ...: ,
''''Wellsbore r Oot ... 4 -lan .: -
' ,
.W. Y. itop.Torr e,, ao.
, . • 7 ...
. I
.. _`J ~,:
.ji~ lC
c '
.. 1
Vit ;t, - : iv:-
. _ollopt-20,75,101.
, „..
;;R:1 •ii,)5 . 4.„-i;;1 - t - ..,. -, ;:-., , : i74-(4, - , , : i; , ...-, 1,,i,,,,.., i . , ,, , ,,
._.,e, ;1' , .? , .:.. - .! ii:...p1..... , :; , _...if; , 4... , i1 Ififf';-!-,•"::
ficf. ~ ..- 1 , . .511. 1 511;,, 1: .•.,I.l_ q F,,,r,
- .111
' ' JOST REOBITED. iiiit:2 4D -1..p,ti, ,
~, ii;ii,i - ;,..,--;, , , •
.4..... , A,4: -f!... , .'. 1 q; ; ;' L ' 1.;:i1,1 e 1 j,74-`),, L...„, st A 4 0,
1 -,
%' .. - ,.t e l'il ' iiit: .
~,,,,.„. Of: .-
: - :. I; ?:iii . . ', l.` , - ' '‘‘..
-,2.': . . 1 •
•I' I.' P .-- . 4''i,•:: .... ~..-.•;,', ...•.`t'' '
,`; i. ; 1 P::-Ii..13.;Y:;; U .1 - ''14'. - ,:...,? : ::: 1 `:' , 11'.,11 . !' • •:-z
; • 'BORt 60,8 1 ti: '
. :il.:•:: :!,...:,''.•, ';'''''
, .„,)
.s i
v 7 ";7. •
...7. - 1 - _•--- , nlL: -- r.:2•+.or—: - --- ...V.Z.O. 11 -- ''''' *-' "." `
Pltetwitthetu. - not Live - by likissiit ii ono I
i d ...A ?--- ~% '✓Ln . NOT •Ibi THIS °LIMA TB,
130111, 4 X\T3:133017a1E4 C,X..Cori"II3C7 G i p
'-, 1 : il'lt '-' '--. --. ;I: 'i;,. ‘ - • :- .-.. ~'..
Not Siteddii pwit'geod, warm wooliwolotbing, and needing thia.l46 moss well daal with Ida
lialetbiir Witeliadetataada cloths and °lathing. livery roan to hie Oadti. Whin - ion Want 'a
i nnw f i tqcfni yoaCtt• you don't 'w i t' thallpthitl; when yint=hood - a fall Or winter barnethh
i TIVO.V.yon !w e lt qv ore Witipi.)i I l il I i.i, I 4
op .
,_ 1
.. . .
: .
.ciallq.„is, Clothin • -
~ . /.1, 1 ..::-....,• g,
. .. , 7, .
If you waft clothing or cloth ofatay quality, I oda gnomic,* oasticitaplicaT es 19 pries mad
tt..A..jr;.... :-.., . --..;,: e....ft:c,. ~-_-, 1 ~ - --: ._. . ,
, . clorirgs, cfsstix A i riEs 1 - , -.-:
~,c,..., . 1.11,.. tvi C.J.I !:.. :. al •:•: T j.. ir.."A• ' I ,1.. .. , '....A;;A:, A'... e.,k.:,'..r.: !..- '0) ~ t:,
0.,M141 ~1) , 11. 11: !..1
AND GUThBIIrn'B FURNISHING GOODS, tow holm*. I sligltsel),S i RIP *Mt 9Z
: ..\,......' 1..-.,',,'. 1 ,..
• L l : t Zi,u:'
1 I ' LAi),I.ES' DttESS GOODS' '.'
.711 - ......: , :::7 r: / - . , :f ca.,. ~. • :,: .c.tvi`-'i- , -:: \ '
. ~...,::- : .V.E1Z1,,1 .ut.i.',ino.isilaW _I 7. : ."; "•:: . 77 i;:fir , l*
and am constantly reosiving new loveless in all linos. 'I make no chap' io7 Wciv lei g 1 iildtity.
Drop in. , . '
~ i Y'.L ~y JE't~
1 4 1:.x
. ""Tb r 4,
fancy and map Ty . G o od s,
Vit , ;ll s) j;llKr 7-%
for iiidieB; Children, , dollenien And
h.' ' •
-- ,'.) , _li'
~ ,
Pile' . :llll4o4lT4 , Pieces,
I , k,t*
, ~ N EI
~ ‘l. •', .., Wt.
.- :• • •.; .1 14%18i lillosrraD BY
~• r,•••";:. ..• „ ,
t 7, •
.ab oicitit
Airt..a WI"
- Iv
. •
• - .1 4
~.. '
, .
. : -
•• • • q•
4 - L
: I imius: ".
r, ' • 1. ~---
WT all
. %Ai
• _ ,
•- •
l J
.„ . • _ _
", t .
and liguippod for the
a ptil st99,ir, ; embracing
w' ~. •.. t
i,',.. , ,:' , ',.. ' '.,' ' . .,e'5 ,, ..:, .'-gi'',:f. , ... i-,..,
I rlVa''. i1t,,...%,;,2:t
• - ” l '' '..' . !4. - . -„;
1,"4$17141:; -. :
_ a 1,1.. -':c . .1,.9 rfi I,'
supra & WAITS.
.71r:7U7, , 1' , _.
A Id
• •
.. ,
, t; ,
-5 ; -;
' t.
TARE pleasure in annouesog to the e itt e e ne
of Wellaboro 4nd vicinity that *key have
purelased the entire stock of.
A' - i>
us 'Wm
formerly owned by P, R i Williams; and are ad
tto stook a 11'nelline of Goods, conflat
by the
Pure "Drugs, Patent Mectioinie, Yankee
• Notions, Paints. „Oils, Varnishes, _
Varnig Brushes, Paint •
Paint Brushes,
and in feet everything uonally
dale brag Stow. 1 In the line of
Wad/ Paper, Window!Shades and Fixtures 3
we cannot be undersold. Call and-examine
goods and pricei Woke purchasinvelsewhere.
Pailiculer attention paid to PhysiolanePrescrip.
dons, and oompounded at ail boars.
The patronage of thelPublto is solloited.
'A - "lit. INemex
Foreign 6: Domestic LiquOrs
Wines,. lice., -t - c.
1 ,
Agoute for Fine Old ,Whiskies,
cyrws,D. en.L,
- o tr } 1
. . Stionms, CO ' NING, N. V.-
histy 17,1871. i
..leo , .
year increases the popularity
'ot this valuable Hair Preparation;
which is due to merit alone. We can
assure ,our old patrons that las kept
fully :up-to its high . standard; and it
is the only reliable and perfected prep
araiion for restoring GRAY OR FADED its youthful color, making it
soft; lustrous, and silken. The scalp,
by its use, becomes white and clean.
It removes all eruptions and dandruff,
:m d, by its ionic properties, reVents
I Le hair from falling out,, as 4 aim'.
hus.-3 'and nourishes the hair-glands.
its use, the hair grows thiCker and
amnion In baldness, it,restores the
capillary glands to their normal vigor,
and' - will create a new growth, except
in, extreme old age. ItAs the meat
~, c omemical HAIR DRESSING ever used,
tn:L'itfrequires fewer applications, and
'41444 , , the hair -a splendid, glossy ap
,..flearliim,!,3. A. A. Hayes, - .M.D., State
-Assayer 'of Massachusetts, says, "The
- ,Constituents are Lpure, and carefully
aplected for n
excellent, quality; and
consider ttieß.us T , ;(Pituri.4.ll,s.'orr
'for intended •pi`fr i i)oses." •
Sold bit all Druggists, ' ane.l9erilers in Medicines.
- ' Prioe One Dollar.
Btickingham s-Dye
- ,As our Reneter in many cases re
quires too long a time, and too naualir'
Ore, to restore gray or faded Whisk
,erit.•s have prepared this dye, in one
. .foreparietion; whiCh will quickly and
i,effectually accomplish this result. It
.4S:eaiiily applied, and produces a color
which will neither rub nor wash off.
Sold by all pitiggists. Price Fifty
Ceuta. _
.Manufaatured by R. P. HALL 8 00.,
.1018.1117.6., MIL
14.14 1670-17,
' it 8 8 'a 8:,-,-u" 88 4,1 V
y e i - Z 4 3 E c )52 28 c c g
.7 .°,_ r l• ill
)• - ' . - : ..., .... Ir 3 do oz, ..... oo co ~- 0
'AO i•-• co I , 4 a• a,p.V. ,' " 4) tg) a l
II . gEP., - ai - § , F . 4 -: 4 D 44
g i
, 2 _
- , ..n. ri , (27" air CIIS . VS . . ~, 4(4'0
I; - 4 :,:', !'i k, ••2: z 13
et • oi ii. o', 0 ,
. 14 o 0 : rt 41 . 1 iii 4 1
43 ,
— A ' i toi f igP4 4 w
;1 i , r0,1::::1 l4O
mg gi s ;) -I : 4 N .. g ° I ; -4
x '',4 0 4 rPid . 2 C 4
- 161 a 0 r.) -a io.
..a ;.; I). 3. r,..) c 5 l 0 o o
.—e , z , C) ,c)
: Uhawavos
. I a'0801• co 1 . INV i
ao a ,
. 4
„ 0 ,
rMsltt i a " a ° V . " cd p
4 ilig 'if, b 4 •• 01 4 ; 2
'-14 7: - E i• 4. iT I - .v. fl - .. - i s
• tri 44 Pw NA tA, 41 kl 4.1 g
2 ) ,
To Aiiiin"632fuid Slack Baiiert!' '
).'. e.f. • , . • • ,
TLiOßOOGlV r ititilD;s purit blood, Ohio im•
•grulted,Ohestato"Whito pigs (stook brought
from:l,o6lo,h} tiled- eovitigton, by • . ,
August 2.‘181 0 1'-‘2lu.. - '':, ~-, C. F. KING.
AFTE-11. 10.: YEARS
-Of tfiorolfgh 'Vecome an •establlahed
fact thal.ROV'S CHOLERA DROPS le the belt
Pandly Medicine that can be found for the ettre of
.~, ~ ~
• ;
And all thciaidigorders of the bowels which are
so eommouin:ObSummer.endlall. •This.tmedi
tine never fails when rightly us - ed. It is no
It.R.ALL, it is not reoommeided for anything
also. It does not Ftritahi pepper like the Pain
killers. It done not irritate, but is mild and
seething in ite.vparatlon.. It is not like any
other auediolue; : 4heivirote ask for ROT'S CHOL
ER A DROPS and take no other kind.
St~L !
MAN, and BEAST.. :
. ,
't his prefsration has gained its present repu;
(Litton because it does , not disappoint the pur
chaser. ft li out Withal!. - ;usefuL things that: '
always kept it hand' in every 'gauntry home,
As I finillY nioitielue ' BE r animals Baluiifer
Salutifer is the applies- has no equal In the
do' for— _ onto of •
Neuralgia. . Pell Br%
itheitmatism; • ' Ring-bono,
Chilblains " - Harness Galls; Sparing
:Diphtlietiareera-Tbro4 r Elwooney,- Wind Pairs,
'C_roup. Noratokes, i f amonaga.„ .: ,
4 RlPrathot APIPAIIO)t.I.,:rr gurkehea,
. t
'Aetteehlelattjutlesi , .
Bas. o dogitAlatterald , POlllorm ,
This sungtedy blind niefal in-every
-F lTrva:
pold by nista ountry Maotuuns gen.
7 ONO. I litais
A. M. Ingham & Co.,
g _irti9k!e,
Sill & Squires,
• -I S
. 1 . Ifil i fV, ELL,
.Akg , t,'
I, - • . ; I
Issues Policies in firetrelais Companies At* ; I
. f
3c:riatr .IFLEkte•ses
1. It!!! grant Insurance.
Jan. 4, 1871.-Iy.
The Cheapest Place in th'e State
For Photographs!
CARDS for 80 °ants. Large pictures eta
Old ptetures oopied,' eb.
style. New
larged and Ilnished
style frames and everything kept in ago,
hand, or tarnished to order.
ROCktll6 over Gardikor's groceti t y store.'
Fes I 1871 tf Wen/bore, Pa,
Valuable Town Properly
TAE anbsoriber offers for sale the.following
property, 20 village lota situated on
State Street, 4.10 ts situated near Sheridan at., 9
acres of land near the 'cemetery. This property
will he Broid at moderato prices and. time given ;,
also the house and lot of Chao: Williams, near
the M. E. Church. The' übscriber le also agent
for the *milt Carolina Land Company. Par
ties desiring to visit that section can get Rail
road, tickets at reduced prices, and also valuable
informs'" any from
Ma; - W. SIM" Troop.
• -
N 0101% 4
Vcittres and
Old ?fetses purpled sna en. .
lesise.d. to any else.
atj-; OUlrf.
'Auto_ tseet,l
rtni.:ll3 15.010513.
May 11, 1
HOUGHTON, 000 & CO.,
Platform Spring, Truck and
Lumber Wagons,
We are prepared to do anything, in our line
on ShOrt notice and in the best manner. Seth•
feotiou guarranteed.
HASTINE3 & COLES, Agte, Wellabor°.
Sioni Fork. April 5, 1871.
' Wonders WilMeyer Cease,
llrAi'g you tried the latest and gteateet med
ical discovery of the age?:
Dr. 111, .L. Bacon's Magic Rain
It cures colds, diptheria ' cramps and pains in
the stomach, indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery,
summer complaints, cholera inorbne, cholera,
die., as by magic. As an external' application
for frost bites, chilblain!, sprains', bruises, fel
ons, rheumatism, slok headaohe, toothalohe" neu
ralgia, pains In thq aide ,. back and hfine,4,ln
practice of six years, it hes-been -found tp be
second to no preparation ever -effete& to the
The proprietor of this medicine reels warran
ted guaranteeing it to be the best remedy for
iirelebtnte ,diseases in the market.
,Mattefeeturtid'and put up only by Dr. 14. L.
Bacon, Bleasbutt. Pa.
Wholesale agents-Hallett; Soarer d Burbank,
t 49 Chamber street, New York; W. D. - Terbeil
& Cu., Cur log, N. Y. -
m's Woolen st'
1) - tIERFIELD, 'PA.
/PHE eitbaoribere will pay Ca* Sall-Cloth,
Casaimarea, Navels, so., &a., for Wool.—
Theyalso'manufaotdie as aaual—=
to auitcustomara. All !work warranted aarep
resented. They invite particular attention to
their Water Proof
which are warranted in Avery respect. Partin
tarattontion given to
cLeirn ilitEssi 0.
INGHAM'S large stook of Cataimeres, Ac . ; 26
per cent less than any'competitors, and warrant- f
edcs represented.
INGHAMB minnfaotare to order, and do all
kinds of Roll:Carding and Cloth Droning, and
defy eonspetition.
INGHAM hare as good an assortment of
• I
• Full Olotbls, , iias imeTes i .l4. l
and give more for Wool t exchange than any
other establishment. Try theni and satisfy your
n_s3NoUAMS.veholeaala awl retail at tilt) Cow
&amigo') Mille, 2 toile! below Knoxville.
Our Clothe amwarrapted, and, sold by the
following persons: ,
0. B • IiBLURY, Welleboio,Pa.
• T. Tr BALI)WfI lc 00., Tioga, Pa.
J. 0* litainineCONClDStOZbPa.
Wald& Jan 1, 1871-tf
PAY itit's
. -
LJ pomson4 indelliod to the.tate firm of Z
‘.::‘ •ft J Catapbeit& ,Velt , on,
e'Vetineiiiegite (:lair and' eettlelifth the auhaeri
Viilintnediate g, and save costa. -‘•
t R. D. *; •
U any 1,
ery !
lAlantifitelarora of