~r. .. i====•= l A. WISH. Your eyes, my love, aro brightly blue, , itud t blighp,A;o4 . 4 it" 1164 : 1 Your very loo ks are billet4oux, That go at ouoe to their addresses. Your temperis a sunny ally, Where oldude may very rarely ralogle ; You've laid'a heap of money by I only wish that I ray sipgle. . 'Tirould be a happy task, methinks, To court you, out - of town or in it; • Lst•Oupid weave Me thickest links, And I could wear thorn in a minUM. For in a street or in a square, Or in a dell or in a dingle, • • 'Twere bliss to kneel, and sigh, and swear, I only wish that I were 'lngle, My wife Is plain and forty.five— In talents I am far, above her; 'Tin not so easy ( to Ootitrive TO think I rather think I love her I - elinply honor iind Obey, omes my =dad ears may. tingle If ever she should hea'r,me say, only Wish that I mere •tngle. The Denuporatie Party as a Retrench ment Party. The' Iteimblioan 'Legislature of 1808 passed an act, still on the statute books, fixing the numbers and compensation of the officers. of each branch of the Legislature. The number of officers of the Senate weisfixed at 1 chief clerk, 2 aselstau tm, 4 transcribing clerks, 1 libra rian, 1 sergeatit-at-arms and 2 assist ants, 1 tneseenger and 2 assistants, 1 superint en4leta. of the folding room and 8 pastels and folders, 1 doorkeeper of the rotunda, 1 postmaster, 1 'fireman, and 5 pages-32 in all. The Republican Senate of 1869 was organized in strict compliance with this law, the Republican memben pre 'outing a resolution for the election of candidates for the placesabove named, no more and no less. Btit, before their election took place, the Democratic members, to show their cOnviction that this was providing morn offices than the Senate really_needed, put forward Mr. Burnett and Mr. M'Candless to of fer au amendment to the resolution, for the election of a smaller number of offi cers, to wit : by leaving out one of the assistant inesfiengers, the postmaster, and all the- pesters and folders. For this amendment all the Democratic Se littlre voted, the vote standing 15 to 18. The Democratic Senators, when In the minority, thus plated themselves on the record as belleVing that this was all the senate needed in the way of of ficers, that tbe.aot. Of 1888 was in fact too liberal. In 1871 the Democrats had, acciden tally, a majority in the Senate. Did they(Carry oat, then, their programme of 1869? Let. us see. They put themselves on record in 18- 69 as thanking that the Senate needed no platers and folders, and that that body could get along with less officers than the law allowed ; but the moment they came Dar, power, they proceeded to elect not only all the officers author ized by the law of 1863, but more than the legal number, although the act pos itively ptobibits the election of any greater number of officers by either branch. Azi, for instance: he Jaw of 1368 allows two assistant clerks; the Democratic Senate had three; the law allows only four trans cribing clerks, they had five; the law authorizc, , two assistant doorkeepers, they had tbrto ; the law provides for six pia tens aini folders, they had eight',k they had alro three firemen, where the law allOw but one; and ono watch= nitto, one janitor, one laborer, and ono assistant lihra i iian, for none of which was there any provision of law, to say nothing iii nine pages, where they le gally could rut ploy but'flve. We the, tied 15 Democratic Senators voting in lulu that the Senate ,needed no poster-4 'mil folders, and 17 Demo crattc :.renat.os in 1871 voting to em ploy and pa ) tithe of these useless Mil cero. The lltle 15 Senators declared in 1809 that the law of NOS was too libe ral, and atio,% tql more officers than the ;--enato nesd.qi ; whilst the 17 Senators vutcd the n umber altogether too small, uuti proceed •11 to multiplx new officers without sti; t. The difference is, the JO weft" in 'tits minority; the 17 were In the majority. It is a very retrench ing and economical 'party when it Is out of power, but a very expensive ono ;when it gelti The law of 1868 authorizes the Sett at,, to elect, or employ 32 officers, inclu ding evely,t.uhordinate ; the Democra tic Senate of 1871 elected or employed 49 officers-17 more than the law allow ed, and 26 more than the Senate really needed, themselves being judges, as is evidenced by their votes for Burnett's resolution In 1869. But this is not all. The act of 1888 fixed the compensation of all these o 111• cers, and enacted that under no circum stances should they be permitted to draw more pay or receive any extra al lowance. This wholesome provision of law was totally disregarded by these Democratic retrenchere. The pay of nearly alt the officers is fixed by that law ut $6OO each ; but the 49 officers em ployed by the Democratic Senate have already been paid $47,904 60—or an av- craw) of nearly a thousand dollars each. Look, people of Pennsylvania, at these figures. The pay of the officers of the Republican Senate of 1870 was -$26,468 06, and the total cost of the ses sion was $92,260 85. The pay of the officers of the Democratic Senate of 18- 71 was $47,904 50, nearly double that of the previous session, and the total ex penses of the session thus far paid aro $140.767 68. As there are probably over 310,000 of claims under this head yet unpaid, it is perfectly safe to put down the total cost of the late Democratic Se nate at $150,757.68—an increase over the expenses of the previous Republican !Senate of $58,497 33. This is a fair illustration of Democra tic precept and practice. That party Is profuse in economical professions when out of power; but invariably, when in power, plunges into extravagance • wit ness New York and the Democratic Se nate of 1871. Who would care to be Queen of'Eng land? Who would rule that unruly and seandal•hatching race, the British? The latest gossip concerning royalty does'nt, it is true, Accuse her of main taining improper relations with her footman ; but it is averred that she has become an absolute miser, and has fears of coming speedily to the almshouse. Her servants' table, it is added, is so miserably spread that the royal retain tors are in danger of starvation. "I'm not used to begging," said a lit tlo girl to a lady of whom she had asked alms, "'cause only two weeks agony father was a rterchant !" "Why, child how could he be reduced to pover ty so soon ?" "My father took abad two dollar bill at his peanut stand, and it ruined him," sobbed the child. Tile editor of a county paper Bays : "Wednesday's post brought us a letter addressed 'Rev.,' another 'The Hon.,' another 'Col.,' and the last 'Esq.' On the way to dinner we accidently stepped on a woman's trail, and she addressed us thus—'You brute.' Who among the lot is right ?" A WRITER in the Boston \Transcript r tells how one morning she emonstra ted with her colored servant, for abus ing his wife, unbraiding him after this mariner : "Jack, what a pretty, little smart wife you have. If I were you, I would try to make myself more agree able to her. I would fill the coal-scut tles, feed the pig, gather the 'vegetables for her; and—and-4 wouldn't strike her." The only answer from Jack was: "Why I Vele done married Lou ;, I isn't courting her 1" • A country girl rode into New Albany, Indiana, to do some %hopping, when the clerk asked if there was anything else be could do for her: be was amazed by tbos reply. ••Oh I no, air, unless yon v. ill be kind enough to go out and milk; the old ware, for Ludo tier from home 'withal b•r colt." c a .5% to' l ` t . 0 btl _ tr. it g 0 ..., co % 4 z a l m 0 1 • pi ifp i. (I) m 1 4 3 ' 4 • ,Igt - z - - fit 7- ar 01 CJ • a 1,-; P.l P c 2 Q p Albemarle Land Ai RLIZABETII CITY, NORT CA LARCM AND .MALL N Altßie at prices ranging from $6 to R. on reasonable terms of payment. Timber Lan covered with Pine, Juniper, - CMGIII Poplar Tauber, oloso to navigation to 110 per acre. Village Property, 11 Stores, Wood and Brick Dwellings Lots and Wharves, excellentelimate , f friendly people, navigable waters markets, favor this locality. Inquire SMITH & SHAW, Att'is May 3. 1871. Elizabeth 01 For Sale or Rent. AGOOD dairy farm In Voss tows oga county, Pa., about 2i miles VI Borough of Tioga. about 100 aorii and 4 unimproved. 11A2 on It th; throe dwelling houses, an apple and pti ord, and other fruit trees. Terms easy joining on the west, a farm and ti from d 0 to 200 acres as desired, with, improved, wit h a good bard, a good 'A apple orchard: Good fora dairying fa Jan 1, 1871-tf. C. 11. BEYIII, Tip IVELLSBORO Door Sash tt Blind Fa BENJAMIN AUSTIN, is prepare, rash lirst-olass work from the be , at his new factory wbioh is now la fall Sash, Door 311.211E2g0 HODEZ I AND MOULDINGS, constantly on band, or manufaotured Planing and Match' done promptly, and in the best manna beat workmen employed, and none but seasoned lumber used. gnoourage how try. Faotory - near the foot of ii BENJ. A 1 Wellaboro, Await 2,1871. tf TRESS.—Bract and ornamental trees, shrub. bony, grey* vines, stymbaity platitsdko.. I am agent for the Catherine and Ilighhind atm series, and oan farolab any gotantity t for fall planting. 1 oleo hats * goo stook of two yast old antis trims, 'shots* varieties, of My own growlni. Orson bass plants always On binnlL Aug 9, 11111, We. Plllll9a. .- _.Y`__":~"_'.,.i .i+is::~:►~lA?to~fa~::; - t:~.'~.'~ _.`~L'3?~~~"'~'" ry~;i+'F~i~l..;,'"' ~`~"`~ `-' m"' 13 Li] ( I ) cv I°4l F.- r o a 0 IZI ' et ts B c 3 0 = r_ft 0 r O'_ .1 4 1 ri• O ency OLIRA. ,OR OALB • per •soret, Qum and Prise $I MI , Yam ortile 101 l nd goo , of at Law, , N. O. ,nshlp,Tl salt of tho lmproved, tiee barnsi aoh oroh• ,4 Ahem!) bar lands Et, 80 aorea !rule and arm. OUR, ogs,Pa. otory. 4 to tar. t lumber, •portion. °Z , gp o order. sr. The the beet to Indus- in St, STIN. Insurance: insuraiekeet -L HAND) .ll= v INSURANCE ' COMPANY 00lee, 31.74 i. 1111 S. 4th Bt., Pixtladelphia. Incorporated Cbart'd Capital .$500,000. Aiatitii over' J . 11;000;0@0 00 EMI vi fitoak and idakaii,*oopiktainit 001;atttlidib lidate. Saipan your are ilieadylitsered lit" it" first-olau oompany, and from any amass what over, Ivey ' idler ton yearly payment ) yoajlo , n ot, or cannot pity : longer an d die-40ar intatanoe is gone and your monoy wasted. Not so in the 4 illand-IR-11AND," all Polieles-are , Nos-Post ratrennit. This company whioh ranke "among :the' moat popular and snooesefull Life Insurance Camps nice, grants policies on all,destrable plane, both with and without profile.' • • -'"' Travelingt'iPriVeleigek' nrurestrioteil• Allpolleles era imigntestibie r attir one .7641! from any of the ordinary causes. Look to your Life Insurance. Please amine the following Comparative Table. It is some times alleged by Agents of other Companies that the Company they represent is safer than others. While we unifisitatingly aleert our belief in the soundness and stability of all eompanies, We de sire to present the following for thektspeetionef those desiring to Insurt4, . irbe following companies, Compare the annual premiums °barged by each for an humane* on life at the age of 30 years, payable at death: _inuet iirezolusi lieitaneval ;%'.. f0A . 9%.: 2Etna, 22,78 42,80 • Home, ... 28,80 60,00 Equitable, •• • 22,70 40,07 Washington,• • .. 22,70 46,97 Hand-in-Hand, 16,80 32,00. If not already Woad take a polioy with the 4 914P 14 4 41 0 0 Xte. - ;'‘""F.% - theheet Masoh, 1, 1.1171.-Iy. A.M. INGHAM, Agent. Livery stable_! WATICINB & RETOII6III rr respeatfully Inform the pubs 1 4sicmgek , Ho that they have ectoblished a Livery for Hire ) At their Stable on Pearl St., opposite Wheeler's wagon shop. Single or double rigs furnished to order. They aim to leap good horses and wa. gone, and intend to please. Prices reasonable. WATKINS & REITIMABI. Jan: 4,1871•1 y. SALE. /111118 . undersigned, owners of a Portable Nu -1: gine, with is • 4:rarding,Tdaebine, tiro Zarhes and a run of "from& Barr fitoator attalked, alai prepared to All orders in their business at East Charleston, Pa. The above-property is in good running order, and will be sold — at it fair prioe, and on reason able time. For portionless, inquire of Geo. W. Merrloh, Welltboro, or ALONZG',WIIITNRY,- . on the grandam,. May 4, 1871-if Ayer's' Cathartie Pills, suffering is prevent. .p kly their tan use; and every family should have them on ban for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be the sat't• est, surest, and best of all the Pills with which the market abounds, By their occasional use, the blood is purified, the corruptions of the eye. tam expelled, obstructions removed and the Whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs Whictrbecome clogged and sluggish are cleansed by Ayer's Pills, and stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease is changed into health, the value of which char, When reckoned on the vast multitudes who e njo y it, can hardly be computed. Their sugar cox g makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching , they ,uu Lund easel opereto Without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or OcetipatiOn. - Full directions are area. on -the wrail to each box, how to use them as a Family sic, and for the following complaints, which sae Pills rapidly cure:— For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Listless. nes n Lanamor and Loss of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate m the sto ach, d restore its healthy tone and action, For Liver Complaint and its various snap. toms, Ermalache,_ Nick /load. Robe ' Jaundice or iliirooti 011101 1 WAot SOP lona Colic and Billions Ifervere,msy should he jridicionsly taken fer sack ease, so-norms the diseased action or remove the °bet - motto= whit% astute it. For Dysentery or Dharrhasei bUt one mild dose is generally re a ired. For Rheumatism_ eons, Gravel, pat. Wanton of the Ideas% Pain In She Ride, Meek and Loans, they should be ambi tiously taken, as required, too the diseased action of the system. With mak change those complaints disappear. For Dram and Dropsical _Swellings, they should Be taken in large and frequent dotes :Educe the effect of a drastic . ' r alweepreselon, a se should ha , as it producof the' , -elrisot by craw pathy. As a Dinner Pitt, take one or two Pins to promote ftestion and relieve the stomach. dm occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and Invigorates the system. Hence it is oftn advantageous where tic serious derangement exists. One who tads tolerably ,well , orter:or is c a - dose of Moss Plus makes him aid bistacraroza their cleansing and roc mos On' tito digesilire and , 1 Dr. J. C. MDR & CO., Praolted Cliumgds, ZOWNZZ, NASA, V. *OR lA= 2111' ;111.1. MMUS 4 • • June 14,'(14y. -W. O. ILBBBS, At. Wiinikorn. as now in mask, and will kiwip oonstinily Al. on band, at the lowest market quotations. Wool Twine, 2 & 4 ply cotton & jutetwlne. Marlin 2, 3 ct 4 strand. Enowls pat. Step Ladder, from Bto 8 ft. • JACK CREWS, TACKLE BLOCKS, WIRE - OLOTH & WIRE GOODS get:tent/Iy, EMERY. WHEELS for gumming saws. A full assortment of Lakt Huron & Berea GRINDSTONES, Canal„ Wheel Barrows in any quantity. MANILLA ROPE from 1 soon down. No 1 1 no 1 eaten engine oil. A oomplete assortment of MECHANIC'S TOOLS, House Builders and Household Hard., ware constantly on hand. Bottom prises on • AGRIOULTURAL lIMPLEItIENTIL Come in and take a look, get the firma and see how it is yourself, and oblige Yours Truly J. ioußurmirt Ma y 24, 187_1.4f. • New Tobacco Store TUD subscriber has itted,up the Store pat door east Thomas liarderes dry goods itture, for the manufaeture and sale of CIGARS, (allgradee), Taney and Comte smorallo TOBACCO,MicAigan ANT? OW, 011ZWIN anditkincli of P,LrIO TOBACCO, PLPEB, and thscheis seat Brand of ORMRS. AP- Cali and bee foijciursilm. JOHN W. WOUIIIOI9O Jsa. 1, UMW, • -1‘ T : lii rf yliti . 'Ol-Midd :,Chartered .by 4c€l Legislature of P4nithybidnia. •••• • , , •- IS SAFE I , IS RELIABLE) IT IS CHEAP I- ~D ETTER - ;THAN LIFE INSIINANOE I ' AND. FOUR: TIMES QIIBAPER I • • ' tell' :- 4 sLegatly-ineorporattd., A, t i • Striotly,lutual Co upon th i e Co-operatwo Plan A,BoomER vEI STOMI/191,DER, AM!) BACH ONWSPAST - AND PRO. t3PEOTIVE INTEREST," AS - Mat, INTVRITY AND HONOR, IS PLEDGED ASTER CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY. Uow. H. B. BEARDSLEB, Honesdale, Penns. 1101-PRISIDSNTS, 0. W. DOUGLAS. Supt. South 814. B. 8., L. L J. H. NORTON. Middletown, N. Y. , I'o • . . . . DIREOTOR . r. . . _ Hos. H. B. BRARDBLEE, (rouselior at Law, J. H NORTON, Eon., of Branklin Printing Co.* Honesdale i fs. 1 Middletown, N. Y. . . ,_ lib - s. wia.m.R uroN. i Nt or I,ii i iiim, GRINNELL-WHET, Esti ,Preii. Werwlek• Val. i..i Pa. ," 1 .r i t t i leY E. 11., 'Warwic, N. Y. % 4.108iMAY, , ,E oikyobse ' as s' 6 I ,t , o ft JAIL B. HULSE, Egg ',' Pres. Middletown Na. ' aryls, N. , I"; tional Bank - hilddletown - i , : . ,N. Y,, % Got,. D. C. IkIIBENBERRY, Jeweller, Middle- JO£IIIA DRAPEiti'lf.'D:; 'Pres. 'Middletown town, N, Y. -Bailin _•. ... Hon. map. B N AMODELL, Ert•Pres. go ELIOILB.I. WHEELEr 81144.Y1 0 0-rivil• Mkie d t landliallwisyddiddletown N Y ' 1 , . La EialwWNSitbusgb, N.Y. I D. , WRIVIELD, M. D:, itsljenuty Oluk Ore O. W. DOUGLAB, Esq., Supt. South Bide R. R. ,i . , • i lairi County, Middletiiita; N. Y. Long Island. .-•-. -: ,H. LEW B.OLABIL7EO:, - Mitidietown, N. Y. ocixsuileirt f 4 IliiilolAliii. ' rl = !: .. • ' '' D.A. (mama, at. D., hUddletown, N. Z. G. 4 .l ) VE±XEPOkitelic; Pi, HotirmiAls l P, if.. . 1 '';' c'-f 4 ( , -:. ALTDITORIL- - - •• •• 'Hon. GEO. R. BARRETT, Mauch Chunk, Pa.lllon. T#Oll.AB ' GEORGE, - Newburgh N. Y,' ..President Jud 0.224 Jwdialal Dhit._Pa. _ 1 _ 1 ' OutintYliiiigtv of Grange County, N. Y. To become a member or members of this Company', the PaYnsentiand !llenellts" are as fol. lbws ; . :•• i - * ;,'..f i ;, . ~ • • - MEI • . To consist of 6000 members eaoh. Benefits - 20 000 in it fall Division; or $1 for ivory member In the dividon at the.tlme of death. Division xi 0. 1 . eludes perso n s from 20 to 40 year / of age. Division No: 2 includes persons from 40 to 00 years o age. Membership fee to either of these division $B. Assessment at the death of 4 member, 2. plct ) ;'''.' . ' . for husband and wifee-dienefits payable to the survlveor. To consi, Lof - 5000 Joijat Cad Antes, each benefits $l,OOO in a full division, or $1 for every certificate in the division .at the time of death. Divisions o. 8, includes persons from 80 to 40 years of age. Division No. 4 ittoitedes persona from 40 t 00 years of age. Membership fee to either of ibis* divisions $l.ll. Assets went at the de!!! I a member, ;1,10 ' j,_ .: . - SrECIAZ Pririagiallo.Single Memberships, - . .. j • • - To consist of 100 members each. Benefits $6,000 in;a MI division—or 8.5 for livery member pf the division at the time of death. Division A includes persaiffrom i 2 . 0 to 85 years of age. .. B 4.. 41 - ..iri 8 5 11 50 II 11 11 0 11 :, 41 41 50 aBO g. gd . , it 1 Membership feeto either of this" divisions, $l5. .Assessments on the death of a member, $5,10 - ' I REMEMBER THE MEMBERSHIP SEE, 18. 'ONLY PAID ONCE, . AFTER :WHICH YOU ONLY PAY WHAT MORTALITY RATES MAKES THE - -.- ACTUAL COST. NO ANNUAL DUES CHARGED. i in lids Company, and by this Plan, the Poorest Man may Provide a Competency for his Family. 1 • . For the relief and cure of all derange ments in the stom ach, liver, and bow els. They are a mild aperient, and an excellent purgative. Being purely vege table, they contain no mercury ormin o ral whatever. Much berlous sickness and Reliable insurance statistics assert the fact that out of every 1,000 sound, healthy persons be tween 20 and 80 years of age, not more than 7 or Bon an average die each year. and this holds good:tbrougbout all these ,years. Therefore, for every 1,000 members of the trerrox Damn OotiPsitz, in a division of which you were a member, you would be assessed if or 8 times in each year. WOULD A LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY INSURE YOU FOR A THOU SAND DOLLARS FOR EIGHT DOLLARS AND EIGHTY CENTS? 'Moe with Wm. A. Stone, in Wright & Bailey's blink. At the same office you oan insure your property against fire, your hones and cattle aginst death end theft.. Rates low and Companies reliable. August 23, 18T14m • The Largest Estaltlishment in Northern Pa. ! gnantitioe 1511rATING-bailities for buying pile hanakoo--....large l i nantities of Goods en abl es him to eli them at the lowest Jobbing; .In our retell apartment goods are et a nom a vanes men over whOlesale prices. At law., te es of : • ' I ) . C- • : - '' l',: ~y`, !- :- • , : . ••••. 0 1 ':,. 't! - GLABO, Lts, Mak =On LSD DOIMIX MUIR. PAINTS, amp Hasse AID Cognise, VARNISHES ABED VARNISH DITHES, A. naL MOE. i . . Wiranpier 'Ormtamthtsp!Stiripeing Penc il s • , EiliQVBLk SPAtiE S, • VOMES, BE NOR soREwa, BARNDOOR HANG/NGEI, a new thing, and made for use. These ale but s few ofthe many artioles composing the - stook of Hardware. I invite the ratio to *all and maligns for themselves. I aim is keeptim best quality of goods in my line g and all work to order done promptly and well. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, AT FACTORY PRICES Wellaboso,Feb. 1.1871-17. WILLIAM DOBIRWIL IRON, NAILS, OARRIAGE BOLTS, HORSE SHOES, AND . HORSE NA]LB, ' LEE Officers coriito Company iailalitimit'a, COL. D. C. DIIIIIINDNRRY, Mlddlatown, N. Y. razeivatlT, - GENERAL 'DI VlSlON.:.—Sisigle -Miaershipal &E-NE.RAL DIVISION.oint ilAftmbaiship No unsound or unhealthy persona received as members. Divisions are all filling rapidly. 8.0. WIIEELZR O. W. LANQAN. WHEELER 'ilk LANGAN. General Agents for Tioga Co., WeWhom Pa. c. Mran.3IMIEUS, DRUGGIST! RIMPB tISLAND AND WATER Mil, STONIi, and MinUN% lOr Carriage and Cutter OrnatuentiUS• &fall lino of ail oinlisek:,of 4041 ilpportaining to our businera kept In stook. • Feb. 1,1891-Iy. Stoves R. C. BAILEY', (Eluooenor to D. P. RCIDITTB) WALED IN STOVES, C:Y,43.2:.te•rms" rXic•c:olso A. general stook of Builders Materials. LOCKV, RUTS, LATCHES, ULNAKV, &sr.; Also. WRAPPING PAPHR• at ssaasetsturert prices. SOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. • .:, :'• • - • ital•teriss CAA, and plebes teasonable. Vint dope el , pooe Cone /louse. Wellsbutsp, Zen. 414 UNPAr• E. C, sanair, Charter ,Perpetual. s ; esolutTAny, . M. LEWIS OLAER, Mi4dfetinru, N. Y. :..d WHOLEMALE AND AMU Stoves Having on hand a largo stack of Oa, Stoves and H ard ware, the undersigned takes pleasure to announce that he has at a great outlay, ad ded to the twin' stook lathe old stand on , MAIN STREET, WBLLSBORO, a complete assortment of Shalt Has4waze, of *Melt he °lmamate the tenoning artfoles I NAILS, 'SPIKES, CROWBARS, X OUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, - OARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTS,BITT swap, lIATONETS; on' s. TIN AND HARDWARE, MEM ES EMI rIIIEI W. C. K$ e. ME==l j, - ,:; A.,, - :. P4'r,o,,bu We intend to keep this Stook frill ofall desirable Goods, a. impeding tallow:44W oar tirade lasitWiy. We Ile now selling s . , PRINTS, SNEETINGS;-:-'} - B. DENIMS, ': - TICKING%._I , Si COTTON YAW* .‘ COTTON BATTING, Si 1. " ' •' • 'CARPET 'WARP. - DRESS GOODS -DEPA.RTMENT. 1 •„ 1 • ' 'SHAWL ~DEPARTMENT. • . HOOP SKIRT DEPARTMENT. . .. , .. , - :.: • 4 , 1 Wi sbaltkeep tiTery large's - took of tioods in "(web of lha 'above Dollarlinenta, and fell thew at rotas that will satisfy-the .loves! buyers. . 1 • BLACK SiLlCl3.—Our 'MALI now very largo, nearly dolible ever kept before, anti being Old at the low prices of the Spring, making it tho most attraolire stook-of Silks, us to quality ;and prices wa•bave ever Offered. COLOBBT; BILKS, a handsome assortment FRENCH' POPLINS, in great varietl BII.A.bi.eiIPAOAEL—Our regular Blook—the iamb we suablenutabers, for 25e..810. Brio. 440. 500. Apo. and 621 c. • .4101 X PURE *MOSAIRS.—ThIe stook we tnakera lead l numbs at all timer, and selling them at such lOw prices' as td 811. a , at tl b loWeet mar! nlar IMAIIIINSK. STOOK OF " ' Conslstini of all the new style! In low and Medium priced go. ellt of the limpet stookand lowest priors, to be found. ' PILIBLBY ON4WI.B.—We skall keep tbis stook full of to t dltun, and flne Tiallttes...-ielllng them usual °trooper than no , WOOLIik#IIAWLIEI.-..fn all the Newest Style., to mutt , market rates. WATTIA 13,0012 OLOTHEI, faney and solid oolore. ' HOOP BKIRT6, in greet variety, in all the new styles FLAN - NKr. DZPART , tam aura thikatook than e!ar before, in now and choice styles. Which we shall sill'at very oloie ligareg. Ale° Trlmago:a for Snits bllled . at low prices. . Good Brown Table Lhasa, 81 eta. per yard. • . , Good White Table Linen, 60 eta. per yard. Toweling, 10, 12, 15, and 13 eta. per yard. Cheap. , Linen Handkerohlefe,lB,lo, 12, la and 20,eente. . Linen Ilandkerehlefs,'2s to 50 cents. . .11.11.L21108A LS• I , 1 . A Good Hur l y Balmoral at $l.OO A Good Hem', Balmoral, high colored, at 1.25 Extra (pant* Balmoral, at $1.60 to 2 00 NOSIiRY, very cheap. COSS TS, a Good Oomt, 78 at,. NOTIONS, al all wry eheap. t ' BOOT ft. SHOE DE PARTMENT. • , I Wernsk• this stook our leading Department, peep i ng ar t unusually largo variety of ma =- Made work, and selling at lower prisms than any one in the 6 oe Trade alone oan afford tor dell. The largest portion of our Stook is made espeolally foe' us, and we WARRANT all work that 1 wo eel! for Custom Work. We have . an Imniettett dock of J. 4iellardsre3 Work: , . In Mena' two-solo Stoga Boots - Women's Calf Balmoral and Polish Boots 'ln Mens'l-2 d. sole Pine Rip Boots Misses' Calf Balmoral and Polish Boots Men's 2 sole and tap /tine Rip Boots Children's Calf Balmoral and Polish Boots Men's 1-2 d. sole A. H. Calf Boot. Woraon's Kip Balmoral and Polish Boots Mon t e Tap. sole A. H., Calf Boots Mies I s' Rip Balmoral and Polish Boots Men'. Tap sole !french Calf Boots Ohl' ren's Rip Balmoral and Polish Boots Men's it Q. s. sewed " Obit Boot. Wo en's Goat Balmoral and Polish Boots - MissMs' Goat Balmoral and Polish Boots Children's Goat Balmoral and Polish Boots I Boys' Tap Solo A. H. Calf Boots • Bop' Tap Sole Fine Rip B'oota Boyeq, double sole Fine Kip Boots Boys' double-solo Stoga Kip Boots - Youths' in same styles This entire line is of one make, and has been kept by u been tried and adopted by a large portion of our Customers nation work. .. We also keep fUll lines of Sewed Work, in Ladies,' Mi al, Half Polish, Pall Polish, and Button Style, made of Cal Serge, single and doable Sole. We invite all glom buyers before baying, as we have the HEIST CLASS of WORK MA AT MY LOW BATA'S. We make large eiaims in this stook, but the swoons of l in so doing. Corning, September 8, 1871. New Store 1 New Goo NO. 1 BOWEN f f. CONTI'S BLOC WOI7LD liy.to the citizen' of Wel'about' and vicinity, full operation, and will at all times keep a general the lowest prices. We cell Yard wide laetory for TO o ts. Yriate for etc Delakiel for CI •••• • •••••••• 11 urea 20 ota. .Parealset; Mohair., ' Plaids, Fr*nok f and fr,ish,qplins Japanese Silks, .Fancy Colored and Black D ry Silks, allot prleeil rand less than bars been sold for before. We keep a full line of Amay Goods r ra likes Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hata and Caps. Hosiery from. I. ... ~.10 to 60 ots. 1 Childrons' Shoos from a 1...80 ots. to $1,5. Boots from .............. ..... .7.82,60 to $5,60. I Hate fro m ....... ........... T 5 ots. to $3,450. Mons' Shoos " from $1,25 to $6,50.1 papa from 80 ow. to $1,35. Boys' Ohms from ..77........... $l,OO to $1,50. i • 1 Till/ from 60 eta. to $1,60. Coffees from , A Supra ... 12k oho. Spices, till kinds. Porters* Sugar at 121 ate. Soaps, all kinds. One motto is, "fair dealing, low pities, 'and Strict attention to busine s," whisk is always the key to mean. i We invite eery ono In want of anything in oarline, to, drop in and take a look through our Stook, as vrip aro always pleased to show our Goods. Wellsboro, May 4,1871. New Spring Goods PEOPLES' STORE, Our Stook Is notv very large and complete, and Goode very &cap. But Prints 10 canto per yard. 1000- yda /Malmo, from 12i to 15 eta. per yard. We l liave the lamina stook of '- is Southern New York, including HEMPS from 25 to ,40 ots.; Ingrains from 60 to $1,25 best Tapestry 13rnseel1 $1,25 ; English Body Brussels $2,00 to $2,25; also a full line of Rugs, Oil Cloth, Plain and h- .t.. I , 'bg og We invite a careful examination of our Stock and prices, and w•e pledge ourselves that we will Not be anderee/d, and when we say that we mien what we say. Come and-see ue and we will do you good. Corning, Aprll. 12, 1870. New Fall G DOMESTIC DEI'AR :or Dress Goo and UniUn Cloths & LINNIV DEPARTMEIVT. WE Horton $ 151 Ls►tLi.ess' =Promo arcocogles All Seaisonable Goode at unprecedented Low Prices. Choice Groceries, Etc. CARPETS, We would call especial attention to our stook of Cloths and Cassimeres, 2 which will be made to ordar by doblnek or Einott, at very low prices. =1 == a for a good many years, and' has a In their purohaeas of anbstantial pees' and Children's Sizes, In Dalmor , Pebble Goat, li,foroeeo, Rid and to look at oar stook of Fine - Work, DH IN THIS STATE, AND SELL our business 'in this lino warrants us Jo A, P Brother, Minna of inarohandlso, and 101 l a r Ingham, 26 'Own Alapaos, (speciality) 81 to 750. French gizmo' 4T TUE CORNING, N. Y., .Co. DIENT. d to sail them at very elm ream, t bottom'prices ; , EACIJED MUSLINS, RIPED SKIRTINGS, IRTINO GINGHAM, ye kept for years-I-In all the de. Ing article now, keeping all, the suit the cloaca buyer'. kot prices. ~ We Moo keep our reg• as, giving our customary the ben. argaioa in all the grades--low, me. .al. about every one, at the lowest ENT. fine; medium and low . quilitiea in =ID RSONS & CU. s I Nevi Firm. IV ELLSBORO, PA. that they have their tote now in 25 to SO oti , W. J. NORTON .4 CO. SMITH &. WAITE BOOT AND SHOE STO r 11 ' —l- 1 t - 1 EnoliwYont anTailllalrgell Rav e • 1 D it of Booth and Shoes, and prOpose alibi , 411 continuing ftbe manninetnie of " the tame, at ibo shop latety on. copied by . Fishier ar. Randolph. Tiny also pur posectly reducing prices on. all goods, and lilting stri . FOR CASH. Wo keep a good osoorivoont of fiats and Caps, 1 BOOTS, It/kJ/MORALS, GAITERS, 1 BOOTEES, BROGANS AND 1 GALLIGASIONS ! 1 I warranted to r tit any foot from No. 0, to 18 in 1 elusive. I I 1 Our Stook of FRENCH 'CALF,, FRENCH U PER, SOLE, COMMON CALF, LININGS, BINDING, MO- t ROOOO, &0., will be . kept up ac heretofore. On Findings wo shall be found at home al. ways, and we shall endeavor to sell atiprlees Safi/factory , to the trade. We *won't be under sold. CASH PAID VOIP HIDES. CUSTOM -WORK Done promptly and Well. Repairing done on short notice. Drop in and "beegavirkerd. DERBY '.lr, ; 0.-1 y Dee, 14, 1 TO TUE FARRIERS_ TIOGA COUNT T All now building at my manufactory,ln Lawren ce Vino. 4 enporior FANNING MILL, whichpossesses the followitigaliva f ttagesoverallothi• miller Lit separateerye,oats,rat litter.andfoulseeds,at d ebessand cocklearom wheat. • I 2. It *leans flax seed, takesont yellow see ,and all other geode, perfectly. 8, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other !separating required of mill This mill le built ofthe beet and moat durable tile • bet, in good style.nuel ia sold cheap torcaeh I or pro dneo. - - I will At a patent sio7e, for separating wheatito otbermllle,onressernobleterms. , )11 If Lawresetiville,Jan.l)lB7o-t f WALSER & LATUROP. DICALWOB IA HARDWARE, IRON, _STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, TIN- WARE, BELTINti,. SAWN TUTLERY, WATER LIME I I , Z AGRICULTURAL IMPLMENTE, Clarriagn and Harness Trinnainge/ HARNESSES, SADDLES, hi Corning, N. Y.,Jan. 1,1873 Ty • t , sABA ;•,4 ~..s. 4 ',...1, T • ... •.•, ~....,_,, , lit. 1.,Gitt,D11.04 1,- . , I 'IIAI 110F3_,A.DA1.., 1 15, ar,+ 0 puLlished on evqty'it icliage, there ,.,....... , . lore .1. .1: mew 1. lit (I , 'ration, coliscque it ly i i . I • 4 ; , . '''''''4' Z ' ' • • 4. r ~..: I ' . :..-:..] :...n -...*::.....] C.:l 1 . ...' ~. \..1 . . ) ..V141:3 j g a ...,:l ..,,, ir.:,-...: ~, , :o d 1h 1 t..2i) bottles 4: A ~•I ...,, :'.. mi.:: 4,: Z - ': r:aparilia. , AMIN :1 ki ... '.; 1 , . . ,',. 01 H v z. , .; cIA N g ..","‘ 21,, A,I r i t :A r• • ~_ . . 4 , .: .4„ t.„..„ ....., „„ ~,,:_. ....,„ k - tis It, I,JI pli t h4 I t % ell ;:-.lill - , 1 Liver Com ;‘u,l of the In 1. - c .. c. , ! ..,, :'...1,i to thcirpractico Ole p 0 t 1 :ihr.O. yearn and f:ecly .. • .'.;_••• ; it :..i a ; ( !•ablo Alt9rativo a. al i.;0(3:1 hitifl.-.. .. 1 ~. it. T. C. 1' L" •11 ( f ralloacio. . I'. .1. ra'l" 1;1 N . , - it. p. \V. C A 1:.::. ,a :1.5.F.0.1)A\ \ ILLI," • -a. J. S. L s :ARKS, ci NiCllO l / 3 11/10. 1:y. , c ,Dit. 3, 1. , McCATZTIIA, Columbta, S. C. Pit. A. E. N0r.1.::z.,. tn.i•joc g tard)., N. C. h .c.--. ''' : -- -‘ - — DO ?,,c I ED BY I ----- ' - - '4 — • • J. r.. 7 - 1 - ,:::' , ' :..'... 'ON - i., rail River, ". -,„': %"7 -- . 7 • ' - ... Mid:. • 1,-1.1. I !:-.1,0. 113. 1, %A• 1„1.;:u - v. CPA"NZ; 1 . ,C... lo;;Evlilt,Vs. I SIYU: C. ricrADurN, murrros . 1.,01..), Tenn. . ' Oar •.'r Irn 1-;11 nrt \olleitr n ! t any'ex• tra-:,.. :'. - - .1,5 ia ic!alicit Co tho N•iri , to3r), i:.,...a.1a1r!. TutiLe Yedical • ',.1 . • . 1 5 5 A • 5 1 , , kl• 4.1-• ' d Prefeslioll t r etre Ftut .Ex - trietsuperier to env they flare ever used In the trez...incnt oil diseased !Blood; and to the afflicted we say try nosadalls. and you trill be restored to health. • I 1 lioaadalis is sold by all Proggists, price $1.50 per bottle. Address DR. CLEILiENTS F. CO. Manufacturing Chemists, 0..43.1•11).0n5, 3.41.• July 19, 1871-Iy. TIM. DRUG ST6RE 1 ..--- BORDEN keopa eon ' f tautly on 1 band: Puro Drugs and , 1 edicineE, •.i.. Chemicals, Paints and 0 Is, Lampe ' 1.!..' Stationery, Tankeo Notlt de. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY 001I I POUNDED • H. U. BIRDEN. Tioga, Jan. 1, 1871.--lic .~,.. The CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. Zhe gain gitletill bun. A Newspaper of the Present Tinian. ' Intended for People NoW on larth. Including Farmers. Mechanics. Merchants, Pro• felsiown Men, Wufkofs, Thinkers, nod Oil Man• nor of Honest Folks, and tho Wives, Sops. and aughtors of all such. ONLY ONE DOLLAR. A YEAR. IS ONE HUNDRED COPIES POR 850. Or lose than Ono Cent a Copy. Let thoro be a $5O Club at every Post Office. I • SVIII•WEEKLY SUN, $2 A YEAR, • of the same size and general character 113 THE WEEKLY, but with a greater variety of miseellaneona reading, and furnishing the news to its enDscrib'ers with greater freshness, 'heparin. It comes twice a week instead of once only. THE DAILY SUN, SO A YEAD• A praminentiv readable newspaper, with the largest circalation m the world . Free, inde pendent, and tearless in politics. All the news from everywhere. Two tents a Copy ;by mall, tit) cots a month, or $6 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. TUE DOLLAR WEEKLY- hiIIN. Five copies, ono year, separately_ address.d. Four Dollars. Ten copies, ono year, separately addresied (and an extra copy to the getter up of cluby.i Eight Dollars. Twenty copies, one year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to the getter Up of erob). Fifteen Dc Hare. Fifty copies , one year, to one address and the beml•Nir eekly one year to getter up of c üb), Thirty-three Wiliam hit , " copies one year. separatelyikadresied (and the Semi-Weekly ono yearto getter nn dfclub), Thirty-Eve Dollars. One hundred conies. tine year, to onOI address (and the Daily for one year to the getter un of club), Fifty Dollare. One hundred copies one year, separately ad upoeednnd the Dany tor one I y B e xt yDol g ar r . TEE' SEML.WEE KLY Strit live copies, one year, separately ruldre.44, Blahs Dollars. TO, OODiell, One year. separately addressed (and 'Om extra copy to getter up or oln b), Sitteell Dollars. SEND YOUR. MONEY ' LD.Post Odle.) orders. cheeks, or OrOft4 'on New xf:trk, wherever convenient. If not, then register the Attars contaiolna money. Address Z. W. SITGLAITD, Pablieber4 ODA orlSoo, Now Yor Op , Ad, 3.90,8/1..31v. II li II 1= Il EI OF lontsfrom TREF. IS r