TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. Local Items. ‘VEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1871. New Advertisements. Clover Thresher—W. J. Mann: Admra' Notice—Mar: retVertel at 81, The Great Can 0 as, J. O. Kline a Co. THANIKS.—Hon. Simon r eameron, of the V. S. Senate, has our thank for a copy of " Postal Telegraph Report" for 1870. Sew styles of all wool eons'. goslings & Coles are agents for the -American steam safe. Also, they hasle for sale several eligible building lota. The largest stock of groceries in town ifortons'. i Co.,fr. L. Baldwin 4I ,- of Tioga, have I „ ge stook of fall, and winter goods, which the are anxious to dispose of before moving into their new store. They talk low figures. On Wepesday, October 4, the Wells -I,,onnordig will give an evening entertain ment, I f , which they,tvill endeavor to please without otrendirq good taste or appealing to be tlicaw, :The dramatic troupe will also give en tertainments during the Par, of which due no• lice will be given. New style of Empress cloth at Hor- Smith & Waite are doing a heavy bti tiuvl in Corning, and have eont us an advertise , uit „ t or their new stock, which comes too late for insert lon this week. They say they are fully' armed and equipped for the fall campaign, and art nothing behind intrenchments of goods, which the public' are invited to charge on in dou ble solemn. _ _ plaid dress flannels at Merlons'. The TIOO A CO. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE will convene at .Mansfield on Monday, October 9, and close on the following Friday. Rev. N. L. Reynolds will lecture on Tuesday evening, Prof. A. C. Winters • Wondesday evening; 'Hrs. Anna Randall Deihl will give select readings or lettere Thursday evening, Prof. F. A. Allen Fri day evening. Preparations will be made for a ! Ir y gathering, end a very interesting time may he expected. Let every person interested in the num of education, exert an influence to make this annual Institute second to none in the State. Queen's own alpacas at Hortons' Cool weather and long evenings have mebined to start the - Ffnrmaics into activity, which takea the direction of amateur oratory jaEt a , preaetat. On Friday night of each week, is a rear room, second floor, of Wright Is Bat• lee's block, may be heard the resonant tones of forenric eloquence ; and the momentous questions cf the day—women's rights, man's wrongs, toddy Terius spring water, etc., tt c.—are ventilated ex bauitively. . New assortment of ready made cloth at Ilortons'. THE FAln—October 3d, 4th and sth. We trust the attendance will be largo this year at cur county Fair, and that farmers and garden err will see and feel the importance of bringing their beat epecimens from farm and garden. Es pecially should this bo the case with new and im proved varieties of food products. We hope to sec specimens of the two new potatoes, " King rd the Barnes" and " Peerless," also of the Hub hatd and Turban squashes; improved 'varieties of oats, corn, wheat, and Mmtever goes to make up the total of, food pro Unction in our county.— Especially de we want to see witch cows exhib ied that will do credit to this county, than which there is no better for dairying purposes ;—and we don't want to ceo an agricultural fair conver ted into a horso-raoing (af) fair. We notice with pleasure that some of the most successful and best conducted fairs exclude the horse-trotting feature alt•igother ; and that in proportion as they cut oil racing and tho none t o o reputable contingents thereof, the fairs become more agri cultural and less black.legging,—to the groat sat &action of real agriculturists. Fact time and feet horses nro well enough on a race Iraok, but do-not mix well with steady-gbing farming. The argument that a Trot will call out a bigger crowd then the hest show of agricultural productions, amounts to nothing. It is tho farmers, the real producers, who raise the world's food, that such a fair ought to call out. The trot calls out n crowd, most of whom never raised anything but • the devil in all their lives. Neiertheless, if we must have the trot, let us tare the magic mile in a little less than 2:691. . The Fair Exhibitors must make their wile! on the first day of the Fair. So says the `tnetary APPLE 'FREI:: BORERS - .41G-AIN.—We ^.inn•t~mprers it too strong, on those having young Orehards, that the bore is destined tolde. !troy the apple trees of this r glen, if not closely •itched and somtuerily dealt with. The igno- Nriee of people on this subject is almost inoredi- Ve, and the apathy of farmers who have youn !rent it likely to cost then" dear. The notion !tat the borer is only hatched in the spring, ought to tote corrected at once ; and it cannot be 1 , 3 widely known that this pest is constantly bo ll; bred iu the bark,or young trees from April Soeember. We have taken out about 100 borers during , the present month, some of the trees having as zany as twelve in the soft young bark—enough run any young tree. We aro taking them out every day, nearly ; most of them being recently batched, and having as yet done little damage. Sharp c3es, a sharp knife, and a little practice a-a the cure. All n6atruttis, all plans'of placing •nmethlng about the crown of the tree for a pre ,.ntion, arc tot snares for the lazy. We tried it by the advice of same ono in the N. York Firmers' ;we wrapped half a dozen young treo Irian the - ground to a Light of IS inches a' , oee. It proved a are, protection—for the eggs already in the bark. ohich wo could . not have been expected, to know e, f. The eggs hatched; and when, late in the season, we removed one covering to see how things were working, we found nine healthy, nen grown borers at work, and the tree nearly ruined. Others were more or less injured ; and we haNco "protected" no trees since—save by thu knife. Go to Horton's foi : Goods. BUSINESS PROSPECTS, MA IS . UFACTO KIER, tie --It make. us just now that Wellsbory affords uncommon facilities fur capitalists who Are looking for locations favorable for starting manufactories of wooden, woolen, or even cotton goods ; while, as a point for starting a large sole amber tannery, we do not know a better. ' Aa to tanneries., every roan knows that they do not me mt~ ,•„mpetition with each other ; a dozen .s each town being nut a whit in each other's IV, save as competition• may arise in buying kirk, Of coarse we mean largo tanneries, which brin g foreign hides to the bark region and return kde leather to tho eastern eitich. There is a well conceived enterprise of this Ind on foot about two miles below the village, ni another on Pine creek—anti plenty of room, al, abundance of bark, for a dozen more. East- Ita men, when seeking a trusevees location, 11811 illy follow the great lines of travel, with through bets in their pockets, and hence it happens I L - 1 1 they often pass within an hour's ride of tho 'try place that they need, without knowing,of its e llUence. Now we think Wellsboro is just the iplace nich a good many capitalists would like to ' o4 ',—and we are going to tell them about it.— let or premise that we have one of the'' quietest, ilutanteet and healthiest villages in America, mountain scenery, fertile farms around -us, dotter equal to the best Orange county, and ty or pure spring water. That our people are morel, friendly, and disposed to give every en %ltragement to the man who comes hero in good f i'lb. meaning square business. As for manu (touring facilities, wo will state fairly what they tte• In the firstplace, as to wooden ware and Implements: There is probably not a better ..11,1ttered region within fifteen hours by rail of York, than this. Beech, rook or sugar ma Om. basswood and birch aro abundant; oleo 14r11, shltewood, hickory and ash. The latter , NOtt sawed to consldtrablo oxtail sin". the estahliChment 44, a !tem pi* mill in the village, 'for exp ortition to the East. It strikes nstliat it would better to use it here, and send the man ufactured articles to the Bast. ` - We dec. no reason why a cotton factory should not be icperated more cheaply here than in the Eastern States. When the, Wellston) and Law renceville railroad radios the Antrim mines, coal cast be delivered for $2. 50 and $8 Per ton in the village, and coal is a large consideration in ebuslaesa where steam is used. • For woolen manufactures we think this 'region peculiarly adapted. The' county. produces large '+ount of wool, whiob ought, if possible, to be worked up in the county.. And the neigh boring counties of Potter and Bradford are also wool growing counties. ding — material—brink, stone, pino and k are plenty, and far cheaper than in the i while business men and capital disposed to afford every facility in thair erinoes at Bail, bombe Easter Ists a ~ ' power o any one who comes among us to start a new or add to an old industry. . On the State road, the Messrs. Bache bad bought the, Pierce estate, recently owned by S. F. Wilon, Esq., and have bad it surveyed and plotted for a village, for which its clean, mode rately ( elevated position,, makes it particularly adapted. As a beautiful, healthy t ette, it would ho hard to beat, and the Messrs. B. assure ns that thay will give, or sell for a nominal sum, handsoine location to the, man or company that will evict a consideinble manufactory thereon, in good substantial stylo. We tte going to wend a few copies of this issue " down East;"and if business men who read this noVer intend visiting this region, let them hand it to some ono who may be looking for location in a healthy count . . 7, where land..tint her cal sack coal are cheaper thaninthe Eastern States. And any o man may likii - to.„bear that we have tho best graded school in North - ern, Pennsylvania, making our school facilities equal to thoe/ of blaesaohnsetts. That we have a neat, thrifty village of, 1.500 inhabitants, _with four churches, a court house and jail, with the other county buildings usual In a county town. Also, that we; pay oar debts and taxes with very little grumbling, and have a Republichn majority in the con ty—on a full Tote—of-ahont 3,300. NEW GOODS.—llorton &Brother have just received au endless variety aid quantity of new gods--enough to supply all oreatiop.-- 7 They aro marking these goods right' dawn, aid propose to sell them rapidly at very small milts. Drop and see the now goods.' NEW CENSUS AND PATENT LAWS.-;-. We am indebted to Munn & Co.. publishers of the Scientific ;American, Now Yorlt, for a neat little band volume of 120 pages, entitled as above•lt.contains the complete Census of 1870, showithe population by Counties, of .all the States and Territories, with their areas, and the .. population of the principal Cities. Also, the now Paiont Laws in full, with forms, official rules, directiOns how to obtain Patents, Copyrights, Regulations for Trade-Marks, Assignments, how to sell , atents, &o. Also, a large variety of 'val uable information relating to Water-Wheels, St4am Engines, and other mechanism, with many useful tables and redelpts, 175 diagrams. of Me chanical Moivements, &o. We addise everybody to send ) or it as above. ' Price 25 ots. A more valuable compendium, for so small a pike, has rarely been published. " DAIRYMAID" WRITES US AGAIN. —She says : " I send you some verse—made just for fun. How will it do for your looal columns? Tore and I made it. Tom is the poet of the family, and inzy accordingly. Ile 'thinks, and we all think, that ho is a poet. Ho wrote the lines you rejected and be thinks you did'nt understand thorn. Ifl you don't )iko , this, you may send It back, wltheut making fun, as you did when I gave yqu a hint oh the goose question. By the way. I don't wonder you took it as personal." AnsWer : The lines strike us as very passable —for nonsense,—whioh the best of men aro sup posed to relish semi-ocoasionally. We Will print them; and wo think most of our readers will bat they "do" very well. We suspect wrote them, and you aided and abetted, or and amanuensis. Anyhow, hero they agreo "Tom" as advi aro : " IT MIGEIT REV' BIN." Deacon John Davis rode his mare Acioss the meadows fresh and fair, To a little cottage, old and brown, , Thht stood by a brook in Lindley-town, An I asked with a sharne-faced, modest mien, for an interview with Isabel Green. . And Isabel, who had seen him.come, Said, "Tell the Deacon I aiat to ham.' Foi l lsabel wore a Grecian bend, - An loved a young man with no end Of soap locks, clustering 'round a face On which much hair loft little apace For kissing: while aigrge mustache Made it ClOBO work to wrastle his hash. " I think," said red-lipped Isabel Green, That Deacon John is real mean, To lask a girl like me t' engage To linarry a man" that's twice her age." The deacon said, " She may be right : riallsed accordin' to the light I bed. na,only thirty-eight, An well to du, an' strong, eip' straight. I ould hev let her - kop thoipuss Sh way go furder an' fare wuss." An l the deacon straddled his mare agin— Saying only, " It might hey bin." And Isabel married Charley Cross, Who kept a ilarabletonian boss, Anil made bisliving by little games, Flat which arise unpleasant names. Ile played tit euchre, poker, and whist, Ana was a rioted billiardiet ; - I Hollought the tiger with Might and main, An t often got most bitterly slain. Y then, lie had splendid hair and eyes, d walked like a. viscount in disguise ; .poled his cane in tho latest style, ii had such a bandit look and smile ! , nu! i An, Ila An Oh, sweet to a country maiden's view Is a waxed mustache of sable hue; And dearly the maiden loves to note A Well made man, in a bob-tailed coat. Ah) sad and sickening is the life That waits on every gambler's wife ; And any maiden will rue•tbe day Sji: marries the man who lives by play. she learned to tremble at leolcand voice; / her soul turned sick from time to time the dirty deed—half trick, half crime— he thought of quiet Lindley-town, Pule e"ttage, 60 FnUg ;Lad brown, the happy, healthful, peaceful life might have the Deacon's wife On It c TIHI A toi 1 night, at Natchez, under the hill, awe to an end, as such things will : re trtui a tnitntnage, which I believe i so from aces—in Charley's sleeve. use to toil of the savage fight lc I%uketted the town at dead of night ; Pistol shots, and Bowies drawn, 1 a shallow grave at early dawn;— Ilsabel, widowed and forlorn, back to the spot where she was horn. ;often; with thoughts too dc9p fur words, w' steles the Deacon's flocks and herds; lUictly weeps to see him ride n blooming Deaconess at his side;— Mturns to her wash tub once agio, jog, oniy, " It might boy been. No Th Of An Butl I% of A od She! Or Wit TLd Sa)- ' )s ENCYCLOPEDIA.—The under aving been requested by Mr. J. C. John 'vu Zell's Encyclopedia an extended and ZEL signal son tog criticid ment, a )f matter, it is equal to twelve volumes eton's Encyclopedia. Its articles aro ivith great care, and so condensed as to ho matter essential to a knowledge of O treated. It is brought down to the lay : giving an ncoount of Sadown, So . tho fate of Napoleon — Hl-and the POO- Nre. . amount of App written contain the E u bj present dun, an and Ent, department of science, it gives the ro d latest research, which adds very great value in comparison with any other oy ; while in its oopioue Mos/rations it is Iwitlioat a rival. In tho stilt of e ly to its elopeilia, entirely Each ,1 us having examined the work with respect t!ri our several departments of study, do cheerfully owl warmly recommend it as a most valeiablei and reliable work, whose general use cannot fail to exerci.o a most important and ben eficial ibiluence. It fs a successful attempt to give tht American people a library for a sum which p aces it within the reach of all. Nriro, Aug. 21, 1971 Mill Dear the beet vested. every to The a through from us haustive in itself. always t hand for reference; costing nothing after thet purchase money first paid, but always remaining a bank of knowledge on which drafts are payable at sight. We may add that this work Is being universally endorsed and adopted throughut the country, by scholars, savanti and solentist4. Address J. O. Johnson, Covington, el followed her unwise choice xatnination, make the following state tho result of.their investigation A. C. WINTERS. N. L. REYNOLDS, W. W. WEBB, Hon, J. IL MILES. Mansfield, July 31, 1871. consider '!Zeus Encyclopedia,' , ow in use, fur tho amount of money in- The work ought to be In the hands of cher, and found on every teacher's desk Yours truly, F. A. ALLEN., love named gentlemen are too well known 'ut this section to need any endorsement and we need not remark that an ex encyclopedia is a library of knowledge It is a silent schoolmaster-in tie house, • • • 111 3 BUtielV.L. - ::- - 2 tearing theßaat and arrietag et , Chicago or lin reach - the West? The beat Line is acknowledged to be the C., B. togethia *Calm, Lit M. Railroad s by the Iron Bridge at Burlington, and oalbilthe Buntanaron Rouen.: -• • ••• -• • . • The main lino of the ltonte running to Omaha connects with the great Peelle Roads, and forms to,day the leading route to California. The die "trench, entering Nebraska at Plattsmonth, •passes through Lincoln, the State Capital,: and will thin 'year be finished to Pork ,T4earney,,, for.; ming the shortest route morose the Ccintinent by over 100 miles. - Another branch of- the 'B. M., diverging at Bid Oak, falls into a line nmning,dowrt thews. sour' through Bt. I'm; • to Ransil Oily, and all Kansas. Passengers by this route to Kauai, see 111Inois,.Southern Uwe, andAtiasouri,"and, by a slight divergende, loanrsee Nebraska also. Lovers of llneviews should , remember the Bur lington Route; for Its towns "high-gleaming from afar"—its tree-fringed streams—its rough Run and quarriei—its oorn4ceans stretching over.the prairies further than eye can reach. Land-buiers will be sure to remember it, for they have Mends among the two thousand who have already bought farms from Geo. B. Harris, the Land Commissiotier of the (B. d M. R. R. at Burlington, lola, or among the four thousand home=steaders and pre-emptors who last year filed claims in the Lincoln land 'ale(); where "Uncle Sam is rich enough to give as all a farm.' July 19, 1871.-tf , SPECIAL NOTICES. AVOID _:QUACKS. A victim of early indiscretion, canning ner vous debility, premature decay _ I to" having tiled in vain every advertised,rimedy, has die,. covered a simple means of self-cure, which he wilt send free to his fellow.-sufferart. .J. H. REEYNO, 78 Noonan St.r New York. • „ , Aug. 9, 11.871-Iy. • -• 4 1 VI (r " 11 4 7417 NS CC • ' a, • .. Booksellers and •Staitoners, A T No. 3; Bowen .t Cone's block, bays jint joilL. -received and are now ; opening their fall otodk bi 5,,. t. WALL AND WINDOW PAPER. They keep constantly on band,in 'all varfe:: ties, every articipjumally gold in a first clan bookstore. Stationery, slates, school books,. sold to country dealers, at jobbers' rates. • Sept 20, 1071 if Missionaries and others sojourning in tor elgn latids"ehould iot tail to take with them a good supply of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. It is the most reliable medicine for all purposes. , there is in the world. . Contagious diseases, snob as horse ail, glander, .4e., may be prevented by the use of Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders. Persons traveling with borses,should take note of this' IT HAS NO EQUAL . . , In 'all cases of Dyspepsia, Liver Complelut and Kidney diseases, bflantattt's Ranilittrztuf will be found a reliable remedy. It has beelbe fore the American people for over ten years, and recognized as a standard preparation. It is sold by Druggists everywhere, possesses the confidence of the people in a greater degree than any other patent medicine, and is endorsed and recommended by Physicians in every section, of the country. The Messenger of Health. A large size paper, descriptive of disease, I its origin and cure, will be mailed free to any ad. dress, on application to Dr. S. B. Hartman ct Co., Lancaster, Pa. . - • • Sept. 8.1871-1 i DENTISTRY. —C. N. Dartt, dentist office in Wright & Bailey's Block, where ho eon tinuel ato make tooth with the new iniprovemeit whieh gives better satisfaction than any thi n g else in uee. To ho had at Dartt'aonly.—Ang. 24 WILL BE CLOSED OUT, -111. 11 30 a C3 O 031 1 1 11 , ,tho next thirty days, at Sept 30, 1871 , 4t WILLCOX & CO.'S DIRS. C. E. CAREY , WOULD stiy to the citizens of Wellsboro and vtcinity, that she is prepared to_do all kinds of -Fluting, Stamping,-Pinking, Tucking , Cording , Patent Gathering for ruffles on shertnotice. Call at her rooms'over Mrs. Sofialila Millinery store. WeUsher°, Sept. 20, 1871-3 m. Gen'l Insurance Agency KNOXVILLE, Txpq. CO., P 4 Life; Fire, and Accidental. Assets - Over $24,000,000.- ASSETS Or COMPANIZi. Ins. Co. oiNorth America, Pi - '43,050,5'3'511b Franklin Fire Ins. Co. of :PhilavPai 3,087A52 3i5 North British &7 Mercantile Ina. Co. of London and Edinburg, • 10,000,000 North Amer. Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y. 500,000, Niagara Fire Ins. Co:oflq. T, . ' 1,000,000 Farmers hint. Fire Ins. CO.;Tiiik, Pa. 909,889 16 Mentz Mat. Life Ins. Co. of Hart- ford, Conn. • 6,081,910 60 Penn'a Cattle Ins.,Ce. of Pottsville, 600,000 00 Total Insurance promptly effected by mail or other wise, on all kinds of Property. All losses promptly adjusted and paid. Live steak instil.. ed against death, Aro or theft. I am also agent for the Andes, Fire Ins of Cincinnati. Capital, $1,500.000. „.. • All communications promptly attended to Office on Main Street, 2d.door,above Church at., Knoxville, Pa. ~ WM. B. SMITH ' April2s, l i B2l—tf. • i Agent. NOTIC A LT, persons indebted to J. B. Blowrey, of A Chatham Center Pa. are requested to call and settle immediately slid save costs, or my books will bo placed in the hands of an attorney for collection, after September 80, 1871. Sept. 20, 1871.-3 t. JOHN IS. MOWREY. Real Estate For Sale. O NE HOUSE AND LOT. on State street, en. direly new, finished nicely throughout.— Cottage style. Terms easy. One lot on State street, upon which a house is being built. Ten lots on Meado street. Four hundred aores of timber land in Delmar. Also, a splendid dairy farm in Delmar, con— taining 875 acres. Inquire of Juno 21 , 1871 tf • WRIGHT As DATLI/Y; Wellsboro School Tax-1872. -NT MOB is hereby given that the Board of 1. 1 1 School Directors of the borough of Wells boro will meet at the office of John I. Mitchell, in Wellsboro, on Saturday, the 7th day of Oc-- tober, 1871, and remain in session from two to four o'clock P. M. of said day, for the purpose of receiving applications for abatements of school taxes assessed by them for the school year ending Juno, 1872 ; after which time no applications for abatements will be considered. Attention is palled to the reasons for issuing the duplicate at this time : 1. The law directs the tax to be levied in Juno of each year. 2. The practice of detaying collection till spring ie bad, resulting as does in loss of tax on transient persons, and- in confusion of ac counts at the end of the school year. 3. WT are compelled to collect the tax elan early day, to meet the expenses of the schools. The taxables of that part of the district taken from Delmar refuse to pay their tax for last year, and thereby we are deprived of about $l6OO, which cannot be collected in time to meet current expenses. The question must be deci ded by the Court. Many persons have signified a willingness to pay their school tax in advance. All the dif ference is in paying next - month or next spring. It will be better for all to comply with the law. The Directors only desire to keep the credit of the district good. They are required to pay their own share of the tax, and in addition, now harp the work of caring for a school of 400 pupils on their hands. The* school opens with a prospect of enough foreign pupils to bring in about $l,OOO tuition for the year. By order of the Board. JOHN I. MITCHELL, Sept 20, 1871 2w Secretary. OR SALE.—The subscriber offers for gale, on reasoablo terms a quantity of house. bold furniture, consisting ct, tables, bureaus, chairs, bedsteads, sofa, stoves, ac. Also, a num bar of swarms of bees, bee hivesandloney box ea; one cow, bog, sulky, cutter, buggy,and hay scales. He will also sell or rent the house and lot where he now resides, and sell on reasonable credit a number of town lots on -•Pcarl street, near the academy. ' J. EMERY. .Welloboro, dept X 0,1871 tf . . HEAD QUARTERS Drugs and Xedicines, '(Patent or othonrii(i)- 1 -Also for ' .PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, I PUTTY, LIME, and all atylas of BRII9TIES, &a. ao 1.0 ,11,4 AD, QUART/ARS icat.4o Choice Liquois,' Cikarosi Iteliglopi,.llistOal,.llltheifi'isillal i blank or, . full as /fabliau!' of the Also, an excellent asstOntint ot,• . . ALBUMS, PICTURE FRAMES, STATIONARY; CORDS' •-• CiAa v ICO erle4iiie" On. Teas, fiagars, Coffee, Syrup, Molasses, Bice, Spleen, Boils *O f We will stoChe hootowitrprioo or quality ! ! Vi r e , will choiwTambxtbe ottret or sugar by th e bbl. atas lowll garlic as the came can bo bought at thbs.aido of Now York. - 'P. S. TRY OUR 4 SHILLING TEA. LAMPS CHANDELIERS' of tbo newel atTlea, and )amp.„abin?nlea that will n o brealt. Fancy dc Toilet 'Articles:- PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS , PO MADES, BRUSHES, &C., &C. Lilcewisb 017LTUR; MID JEWELRY, .We Mold twentY.desirable village lots for sale in the central part of the town; and will also loan money at reasonable rates. N.-B. Dr. W. W. Webb bas his - - 011ie In our store,. where he may be consulted for advice or treatmehlC Sept 20, I.B7l—tf. RALF an acre of land for sale, in that part of the borough known as germantown.— Regain of Lucinda Black, at the :first ,house: below Samuel Dickinson's. Terms Reasonable. ellsboro; Sopt. 20, 1871-3 t. MRS. A. J. SOFIELD IS now receiving from Now York, a fine an. &Timone of alEllll33.o±W r AND FANCY GOODS, ivhloh oho offers to the public at low rates.— Everything usually found in a • VP.,LECT 01111211 0 . mill be kept on hind and sold low for oash.— The Wilcox and Gibbs sowing mnobines for sale and tojent. Websboro; Sept, 70, 1871-Iy.i WHOLOSILB DREG STORB. 41 - 1111iGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS ' OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS'ENXS, - KEItIt'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, IREDELL'S FLUID, EX . TRAM, BURNETT'S ()COCAINE, YLAVORING EXTRACTS, - SERCSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROOII= ESTER PERFUMERY . $24,229,847 84 AND FLAVORING EXtRAOTSTWAL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN &," CO'S BE- Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers arorequosted to call and get' quotatione before going farther ECM AVING completed his new Cabinet Ware n!,honioun Main street, Wellsboro, has stook ad it with a large and superior assorted stook of Chamber Suits, Walnut, Ash, Maple, from $l5O down; and as oheap as .the same Too& can be bo't in the cities. freight added. Pal Cdr Stiits, Walnut, Cherry, and ; Mahogany; Reps or Hair Cloth, SOFAS, LOUNGES,:bOUOIIES,ITE ' TE- Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops, Lookingglasses, Brackets, Pa per Raoks, : Reekl4g Chao,. all kinds " ' - • I aril manufaoturing as Usual, and intend to keep a inn stook of ware, home and city made at all Hums. My Ware Rooms are spacious and neat, and now contain lb. largest; costliest and best stook of Furniture ever brought Into the county. ado TO 91Jiiit FOR and TOBACCO.. Also for it.cicsamist.; AND TASSELS, &C. 1.7,” ! N'HT.PI3 AND LASHES. HASTINGS & COLES. For Sale. CORNING, 'N. Y. ASt{-LIM AND DYE COLORS, FINED OIL. W. D. TERBELL & CO. Corning, N.Y., Jan.1,1871-3r Furniture ! Furniture ! B. T. VAN H9RN, FURNITURE. &0., • &0., &0., from $145 (loin: Also, A-TETES, - with Upholstery to salt. Wholesale and Re4alla Planing and 11,1chilaykg, SCROLL SAWING A;;MOULDINO, done toprder rti the Factory. Jan. 1, 1871-tf B. T. VAR HORN. Min shall not NOT ME tf i n ' 1V1101337::k Not 81404, but good, Warm woolen ell neighbor wlSo understands elo4nisind el' new suit for your horse yen 'don't go to` t 1 yourself, you do; if your aro wise. E `4l*,‘lgliiie . i,? Iffoi witnt' olotiking or ?loth or soy qualityon, AND 'GENTLEMEN'S PURNISHIN and amloortibintly receiving . DOW tavdioes to linos: / make no obarge for DDrop . ' • • , Sept f2O, 18f1. - • z T it- NEW - FALL GOO INZI r t tr.a4 - Js. ,4 . Sept. 20, 1871. ._e. ... Fall Q-C)ObS, Sept 6,1811: Caothlxigg ! FOR MEN; JUST RECEIVED AT HARDEN'S Sept 6 a 1871. =MI C an 'The. . tra.okis laid ; and , ` the'Cari; are' runniiiioo...theiong bridge which they are pitting up tioirose the stream near Tioga, but it would take a great deal longer span than that to bridge the eentin i al ly: increasing cusio Ells & Fa,-.,' MPH OF Wickham STOCK OF GOO Just reeeived. When they have more time, they will put this place to all their old customer% together with the n have a firab-rate stook of Goods at bottom prices. Tioga, July 5, 1811. x. Imo. . 23.A.rummwes Cheap Cash St ta Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Vi!Mob be sold very sassy. •• , • ' LADIES' DRESS GOODS,. '''BUTTONS,' ALL Kik.-Ds, LINEN GOODS, , #.ll.oice G-roceri 1114. Sugar, Soap, Tobacco, Syrup, • Rice, Coffee, Tea, Crackers, Salt, Fish, • Hats •& Caps, : Booth dr Shoes, Ritbberi, CrOckery, Woode Cash Paid for BUTTER, or shipped on Commisaion. Please oalfland looronr Btodle - 0 oven. IA au will always end na ready an goods.. • - Wellaboro, May 10, 1871.—1 y. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, WI i6?' GO AND sEE THE 49, Mill : ,, '3IIST4tECEIVED 'AT 1111 MEI NEI JOT REOIATRD, I ' AT ao a. maimaltv,.%% IA 24 1 I THE RAILROAD Ii:-..COM1 HAS A FULL ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS, SUM, /1.13 WHITE PIQUE. CLOTHS AND OASSI POPLINS Jr. WHITE I Gloves. Hosiery, Knit Goods and Notions. . ' 7 .i, fia EC 141411 EMI Csloth. of every description. r - FOR YOU?HS, FOR BOYS, =I - ' EMI To look at the new ono ar, with hie in wane A heroin for price and El U stook of o lag goods. M )7LBON. WILLI DS, El I - XLiN CI r 9 S DS, in a notice in ew, that they WICH M dt, FAIR, re! IdERES, 'GOODS. MI! Saleratus. 'lour. n Ware, Sm. d willing to show ARKER. J. R. NEW FigN. A. M. Ingham pleasure in &num:mob - I of We'Moro and violnity purchased the entire stook of DRUGS AND MEDICINES formerly owned by P. R. Williams, and are rid ding to the rook a fine line of Good's, cow/tot ing of Pure Drugs, Patent Medioinea,. Yankee NoiiOns, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, Varnish Brushes, Paint Paint Brushes, • , Fishing Tttokle, and in feet everything wally kept 11V.t Bret. elan Drug Store. In the line of Wail -Paper, Window Shades and Fixtures, wo cannot be undersold. Call and examine Goods and prices oefore purchasing elsowhere Paxtionlar attention paid to Physicians Presorip tioni,xnd compounded at all bouts. ' The\patronage o the public is solicited A .111Ixonelt V. Ki.ot, , May 4, an. Sili & Squlitles, _ WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign.tt \ Domesti6 Liquors Agouti:l for Fine \3ld Whiskies, c 0 hr . R; 7 7 . 8 /D Q . U S I T R L E L S% • \ CORNING, N. May 17,1871. • ~~ ‘NKUiI - 104' MOI - - Everyi year increases the popnlarit Of this Ivaluable Hair Preparatior4 which is due to merit alone. We can assme our old patrbns that it is kept fully up to .its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring GRAY OR FADED HAIR to itsyouthal color, making it soft, lustrotti3, and. silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair Om falling out, as , it stimit lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its tis, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create - a iteW groWth, except in extreme old' age. It is the most economical I - Am DRESSING ever used, as it require fewer applications, and gives the ha r a splendid, glossy ap pearance. t. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of l'i assachusettsY says, 46 The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for xcellent utility; and I consider it the BEST PREPARATION for its intended purposes." I Sold lig all Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines. Prioo One Dollar Buckingham's Dye FOR THE ViLuiSKERS. As our Renewer in many cases re quires too long' a time, and oo much care, to restore gray or 'fadel, Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily, applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H. Aug. 3, 1870-Iy. 7.41 00 r. t. II) cD IC) .0 4a c=oo WPticm m !le i s O '1. 5. 'A 87 . 1 !-',:' ` 4- g?: 6 : _ 04 4) fa) E ) : 113:1 .. , P g 0 IV. 010 r-i 0 k 4) NT , . .-z, bp 0 - i . CI a ,-;" . ici of ce car ,-r . 4 ,, 1 es . • 4 -- 1 0 •mf :•li Z 'F''' a —, 0 ".4 u til 0 - 114 Cia' 43 ..I 03 01 0 :. Ai (11 "" •-• 0 C 0 41 a) ci, t As • C ' ) •of h.t C 24 . 1= 1:3 •^. 4 a ai A 1- , - O- • ...I as OS 1Z r.. o it, d i .._, _,!_ ,-.. t ~ t i l 1 .r e i 'J', P 4 ILO a ''' '. 7,; :a ail Al C.) ' 03:3 1 1 3. . F. l ,-., , " F.t • 0 g • " - " 'tC4 I" a 6 - U' '' '?.. CA O 1..., -t:.; ii. ..) .::: 4iii 0, ott PI R 4.0 Z.: 0 en c,.) a) 0)1 .ct N iiv *NA 0 CS Q 1.4 imip• •••• V .I 0 0 3 pii ••••1 c e in, Ca ir-t V 23 54 ...., O v l= PI S. ( 0S 111 ‘ 4 , 1 . g 0 ILd °3 8 ja u 0 a - - ;4 of 0 ..4 •••-• .. RC 11° §r) f 3, .c; toa ' ,?, "rn t.., cit , 4 41 . 1 6' ) C ) IQ = {.) g 0 E ,E. 12 0 co e s cl, Iv 02 4. , ~.. " A EI V CI M 0 7.:',' ,ID i-I :ILI „, pi r) ,:! 4 ,--, R ... ~.. a) '.. - 4 4Z att ;711 (1) t" E = 2 . ) . f 2 a . 4 1 •t 1 . 4 sl '-' cn al 4) 'CD m •i ri , co .0 .., fq p-.. 0 a) a I= -. 1.. 'a) 8 le CD _,,-. di as g El ,za ).. a) •-• . E 6 1 .5 $4 0 0.) fa .2) :,- 0 w 0 00 03 es p., 00 4 .i 1.4 cz P . b I-. 0 15.4 44 MI C l 4 ai , 1 ,-, a fr, fri, E. Es. To Farmers and Stock Raisers. TOROOOFI BRED, pure blood, Ohio lm proved Chester White pigs (stock brought from Ohio) for sale at Covington,- by August 2, 1871 2m C. F. AFTER 20 YEARS Of thorough trial it has become an established fact that ROY'S CHOLERA DROPS is the boat Family Medicine that can be found for the cure of HIARRNA, DYSIINTHRY, Colic, ramps, CHOLERA-MORBUS SUMMER COMPLAINT And all those disorders of the bowels which are so common in the Summer and Fall. Thin medi oine never fails when rightly used. It is no OURS-ALL, It is not recommended for anything else. It does,not contain pepper like the Pain- Killers. It does not irritate,lnt is mild - and soothing in its. operation. It is not: like any other medicine, thertfrore ask for ROY'S CIIOL ratit DROPS and take no other kind. PRICE 50 CT'S SOLD EVERYWHERE SsILVTIFER ! FOR MAN and BEAST. This preparation has gained Its present repu. Wiwi because it does not disappoint the pur chaser.' It is one of those useful things that is altraye kept at hand in every country home. As a_family medicine For animals Salutifer &duffer is the applies- has no equal in the tion for"— cure of-- Neuralgia - Polißyil, Rheumatism, Ring-bone Stift Joint?, 'Chilblains, Harness Gallo, Spaying Diphtheria, Sitre Thro.at, Sweeney, Wind Puffs, Croup, Quinsy, t . Swatches, Lameness Sprains, Felons. , Callus Bunches, Accidental Injuries, Foundered Feet, Bee Stings, External Poisons Lc. Th la reiiledi I retind 'useful In every House. 4 , Barn. Bold by Diuggiste and Country Morobanto gon orally. ' • Sept. 1.1871. Co., to the anisette at rthey have INGRAM dr, 00 1,7g1 - 4 VEGETABLE SICILIAN RENEWER. IRE INSURANCE. ', MITCUOGL, Atrit. lEEI WELLSBORO, PA. firet-olise domianles stag as any. RELIABLE COMPANY will giant Inaurawoo. , t 1 4, 1871 .- Iy. l ,JNOi'l. MITORELL. MI The Sheep sit Plao e fa r the, State For Photographs!. ODD'S OILLIIRVI! 10 . CARDS for 60 cents. Large pictures and ,frames for $l. Old pictures copied, en and finished in the finest style. Now amen and everything kept in atallery on , or furnished to ordor. arge. etre band„ E LOWEST PRICES AND THE BEST-WORK. ma over Gardner'e grooev More. 1 1871 tf Wellsboro, Fa. Va wade Town Property 1 FOR SALE. MIER subscriber offers : for sale the following property, • viz 20 village lota situated on Statti Street, 4 lots situated near Sudden • et., 9 gores of land near the cemetery. Thie property will ito sold _ at moderate prices and time given; also be house•and lot of Chao. Williams, near the AL E. Church. The subscriber is also agent for the North Carolina Land Company. Par ties desiring to visit that seotion can get Rail roadltickets at reduced prices, and, also valuable inforination in reference to the Company from Mey 10, 1871—tf, W. SHERWOOD. i hotograph Gallery ! II OUGHTOII, ORR &. CO., t3"ONY FORII, PA.„ Afanufaaturergtnof Buggies, Sulkies, latform sp ing; Truck and umber Wagons, CUTTERS, WITS r AND 808 SLEDS. SLE We on sho faotio are prepared to do anything in our line it notice and in the beet manner. Satin. guarrantoed. TIOUGIITON, ORB 14 CO. TINS 14 CO,ES, Agte, Wellaboro. Ston y Fork. Aprl Wonders Will Never Cease. fAYE you tried the latest and greatest mea ieal discovery of the age? Dr. M. L. Bacon's Magic Pain . Remedy. It cp) colds, diptheria, cramps and pains in the st omach, indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery, summer complaints, cholera merlins, cholera, by magic). As an external application for frost bites, chilblains, sprains, bruises, fel ons, rheumatism, sick headache, toothache, neu ralgia,:paits in the bank and loins, in a practice of six -years, it has been found to bo second to no preparation ever offered ko the The proprietor or this medicine feels warran• tad in guaranteeing it to be the best remedy for the above diseases in the market. ' Mannfactured and.put up only by Dr. M. L. B cou,lßlossburg. Pa. Whole's:lle agents-Hallett, Soarer dr, Burbank, 1 9 Chimber,etteet, New York • W. D. Torben .t Co., Conlin, N.I. y. jury 12,'71 ly ham's Woo e i n i Mills! bEERFIEL , PA. 15' 14111'; auhscribora will pa ash., Full-Oloth, Classirneres, Flaunels,&s.; 'o.,for They affo iminanottik no Initial— • To iHil 'OR SHARKS, to suit 4iustookorc All work warranted asrep rattoutou (shay invite particular attention to their Water Proof 1 CASSIMERES, *Mob are warranted, in every respect. Pardon tar attention given to ) LL IL'.CARDING I AND dailli iIItESSING. LNG 111 A N'B large stook of Cassimeres, /to ~26 per °Doi 108 f than any competitors, and warrant ed 'tP reiaremonted. INOIIAMB m lnufactuie to order, and do all kinds of Roll-Carding and Cloth Dresaing, and defy , competition. 'MUMS have as gOod an assortment of Fuil Oloths, Oatsimeres, • and give more ior Wool lln I In exchange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your selves. { . INOKAMS wholesale and retail at the Cow aneequelldills, 2 mike below Knoxville. Our Cloths are warranted, and sold by the following persons: C B . KELLEY, Wellsboto,Pa. • T L BALDWIN & 00., Tioga, Pa. J. 0. BENNETT.Covington,Pa. Deerfield. Jan 1, 1871—t PAY A LL persons indebted to the late ft. B & .T. D. Campbell & C0.,.-Nel are requested to call and settle with the ber immediately, and save oasts. j B. B. CAMP, Nelson, Sept 6, 1871 4w rtatem, 5, 1871. P. of E, on, Pa. onbrorl- EEO