LORD'TO3INODDY. - 1; 11 lioril-To*noady's thetEnn IlSe l bair is stralght,hut his whiskers curl; Ills lordship's forehead is far from wide ;• But there's plenty of room for the brains inside writes hie name Withindiffetrent,ease, , , 'HO is raitter lineertalu ith - out the "d's," • But what does it matter, if two, or one, To the earl of Fitzacitterells eldest son f My Lord Toutnoddy to collego wont— / Mach limb ho lo'st, mob money he is pent ; Rules, and windows, and heads balmlike; A utkori.tics winh'ik--young !pen Fitl.,it s itte! - He nerd ri'ttvoil fiisitlO of a hook'-- - In two years' lime .t dogree he toeq%„ , And the n spapers vaunted too honors won By the Earl of ritztlotterel's eldest son. • My Lora Taionimtly eauip. out in the world, Waists Worn tightened, and ringlets Virgin!. 11111giliAlCa atiti . lTlAttollB stuird. 'Tia true, his lot.l-hip is rnther wild; And in stases 1.1,r,, he spends his lice— There f s' tnik of • , :•11,! i•ltildren by nobody's wife; But we mustn't tool, close into )311Rt is dons e lfy:the of Filulotterel's eldest:son,-' My Lord T”,,, r day intuit rpttlo There's It vtloapVtiont in the family town ! It's time ho should sow his eccentric oats. Ile hasn't the wit.to apply for votes: I He cannot e'en learn hie election speech; • Three phrases he mistake in each ! And then breaks down—but the borough is won it'or the Earl l a Fitzdottorere eldest ion. My Lord Tomnoddy prefers the guards " (The House is a bore); 50 . ,--it's on the cards — My lord is a marnet at tvrepty-three, A major at tweny ; six is *— fie never (hen' sword except on drill; The tricks of parade he has learnt but ill— A lieutenant•colonel at thirty-ono Is the Earl of Fitsdotterel's eldest son: My Lord Tomnuddy is thirty-four; The earl can last but a few years more, My lord in the peers will take his place; Her plajosty's counsels his words will grace, Mei bell bold and patrdnage sway; Fortunes and lives he will rote away. And what aro his qualifications 2—One! Info the Earl of Fitzdottorol's oldest son ! , AGRICULTURE. A Prantical Dairyman Gives some very good suggestions in the Utica Herald on tainted which we copy for the benefit of ow eLeesemakers hereabout. There is ne dairying,region in America where the water is, better or purer than in our county; uu \ d to this we attribute the fact that tainted milk is very little known here.- 1 1ED. " In extreme' warm weather cheese is often found out of flavor, while the cause seems to be hidden froth the ma kelf of cheese, many times, until too Into to remedy the evil. -In the season of 1869, I had charge of a factory in Erie county, New York, where the milk was brought to the factory once a day. The milk came in "fair condition until June 10th, when it was very much tainted, and continued so until July 22, when it disappearet t l for the rest of the season. Tile &Ines were mostly small ; the night's milk was cooled soon as ioill•r,l, nntlbroughtinseparate rang to the fou pry', which was much better titan the morning's milk. About otie-thild of Ito' patrons brought good milk the l'lloll' ) . 1,:a.S011. which 0)1111111, (h • was with the pat rons. l'ne time of receiving tainted w„,- one of extreme heat, withoM clouds or ratio The farms are watered by the Ca) urn creek, which sunk In a mete t tilt•t, leaving dead, stagnant titer in shallow places lon the hocks, flout Ni con's drank. Those, that brelight tt,e 6,•st milk watered their vows at their welly, On the 23d of July we had a severe thunder shower, when taint disappeared. Was the taint given to the milk now the atmosphere, or the water Illy cows drank ? The thun tier;shott ienloved the cause, what ever it may Kate been. We wanrgood, cold water lu make cheese. Is it not 1111pOrtallt that cows should haeci-the same to &kik NV 1-1. A'[` 'I`EIE MICROSCOPE RE- V E .-k- - WITH A MORAL. Lewennoeel; tells us of an insect seep with the microscope, of which twenty .even millions would only equal a mite. Insects of vai ions kinds may be seen to the cavitie , of a grai of sand. Mold is a forebt of beat tiful trees, with the branches, leaves, and fruit. Bottt:ril it-, :I,e fully feathered. Hairs are tubes. The sul ": our bodies covered v.lth scale , I:; a fish ; a single grain of sand I\ on I.i r one hundred and ti ft y of thcSei ea t and yet i a scale covers [tvc 11 1 d red pones. Through theise nar row openings the sweat forces itself like , va*.ct through a sieve. The initeufinake five hundred steles a Second. Each drop of stagnant Water contains a world of animated beings, swimming with as much liberty as whales in the MEI Each leaf has a-colony of insects graz ing on it, like cows on a meadow. Moral.—Have some care as to the air \ you breathe, the food you eat., and the . \water you drink:—Some and Ralph, 'coLINTI OF DllOO ED ICOOS.—An in quiis made of t4o German Poultry Joni al whether eggs brooded upon and allowc4ye become cold can be !latched; in reply \ o which it is stated that, from extonsiva bservation, it hasbeenshown that eggs w dch have remained cold for two days or ore may even then be suc cessfully broo ~ed, and that the nearer to the period of the escape of the young, the longer may tills cooling last. It is, however, necessarOlat at least half of the brooding period be passed, as, if eggs are left too long in tlA; , l 3,rst half of the period ; especially if t is is repeated many times, rhe embryo will, in almost every instance, die. In tlisecond half of the period the chick is already so far formed that a prolonged cooli is not especially injurious to it. It is !so es tablished that eggs thus cooled -quire a longer time than usual !Gnome t ma turity. - All kinds of herbs should be gatherd, on a diY day just before or whg r o in blossom ; tie them in bundles and sus pend tihem , iu a dry airy place, with the blossoms downward. when perfectly dry wrap the medicinal ones in paper and keep them from the air; pick off the leaves of those which are to be used in cooking ; pound and siftthem fine and keep the powder in closely corked bot tles. Mrs. Livermore publicly stated in Boston, recently, that "she was some times astonished at herself for being able, after what she 'knew, to meet men and treat them, politely; to go up to thelatate house, watch the meaider lugs of thef Legislature, and not hiss like a goose I" At a recent wedding in Rhinebeck, as the cle gy reached that part of the ceremony, "Lnow pronounce--" a fish peddler in the street 'shouted "bull heads 1 bull-heads I" to the amusement of some, and the cnneternaton nth era, preeenton the (anion. LORMORE / WHOLES Gr l ROC 'ELMIRA, N El= STEAM corrEE ORMORE BROS. & CO., IA ton tion of tho Trade in Southern Tier of Now York.a sylvania,, to the large and GROCERIES &P constantly on hand at. their° , and Stores ' No. 37 and 39 Ca and offered for, sale on tho .ntignetinn in all casw; guars Otag• Stea for tho 'Roasting of Coffeo a. Coffee and Spices, are of t' proved construction, and no in the country. TEA We have u full stock of cho direct from Importers in Newt Ball as cheap as any house in Sugars, Molasse from the best Refiners, and lowest New York quotations. FOREIGN DRIED - r;FRUI ii INDS 1F N Fish—Dry & We Loy from first h ands in afford n Vetter article at ale. firm in Western New York. WOODEN WARE, Cordag fall line of goods. LIQUO Wo call the attentiQn of tb, stock of \Vines and Liquors, ti 11 , 21113:ES nre n pi)3,12.1. I M POO. FED ALE—Scutt f , llOl, 11114 IOItEEI.N AN UI)\IES I IVoripcei.lll ui l ite purybasorg Auline ULIf St.bi•ls t I , Thre.g i 1,1,0 1 6 r. I, iN MEIIICINA'I, II I: KLY tli.• • icic, il•ittrivm •'; llae Dru Q“lo A : “Alt , , in Elltdra, or I it: bnrl VetJ viu! a ,•10- , 6 their the w 1111111.!7'..‘le t. It. :Ili,. {.. .let I LOB MORE 13R f 4. 39 Carroll St Sept, 21, 1'1'7(1 1} Albemarle Lan IMI I'LIZARP2III CITY, NOR ARali AND SMALL F4RM FOR SALE JU at prices ranging from S to $75 per acre, on reasonable tbrins of payriMmt. Timber 1!1 covered with Pine, Juniper, Poplar Timber, close to na to $lO per acre. Village Propel Stores, Wood and Brbk Tiotti and Wharves, excellent friendly people, navigable markets, favor this locality. SbfiTli .k^ SIIA 4f ay 3, 1871 For Sale or A GOOD dairy farm in Tioga township, Ti oga county, Pa., about miles west of the Borough of Tioga. about ~100 :aorta Improved, and 48 unimproved. lias On it ,threer balm, three dwelling houses, an apple and, peach °rob. ord, an d o thor fruit trees. Terms easy. Also ada joining on the west, a farm and timber lands from 40 to $OO acres as doslied f with 80 sores Improved, with a good barn 1 , a good'house and apple orchard. Good for a dairying farm. ; Jan 1, 1871—tf. 0. t 1 .1314YMOUR, Tioga, Pa. Wellsboro Bakery. J. BURGIN would sa • to the °Means of I Wellsboro and vicini y that he Is pre rla/41 to supply them with t•CEAD, PIES ALI) OAKES, • I of the B est quality. iWe also serve meals and and Fresh , OYSTERS to tho'se Who wish.' Call at the old S tee ns' stand. J. J. B ERGIN. Nov. 23, 87,7-1. 1 Smkac Winged. BAYER .4-GERARD, of Tloga, pay one cent per pound, If gathered Wore the•berries become red, for tho lets and tendrils, or stems thereof. They must be apt! free from rain and moisture, and cured In \ shady Om. When dry, pick out the sticks, if there be any, and pack the leaves and tendril or atoms thereof, in bags for delivery. The Millen market pries paid for veal skins. .e 28, '7l 12t Real Estate ONE HOUSE AND LOT] tirely new, finished Cottage style. Terms easy! One lot on State street, ti is being built. Ten lots on Meade street. Pour hundred dores of ti l Also, • splendid dairy ' raining 870 sores?- I iutrs Jane 21,1871 tf Wlf 1 • co LE RS, PICE MILLS would call the at• e counties of the d Northern Penn full assortment of °VISIONS tenalve Warehouse roll Street, N. Y., oat liberal terms, .teed. Mills d the Grinding of e most reoent im excelled by any ice Team. Wel - Ay-- York for trash, and the trade. At their Stable on Pearl St, opposite Wheeler's wagon shop. Single or double rigs furnished to order. They aim to keep good horses and wa gons, and intend to please., Prieesreaeonable. ' • 6.1VA3.11.1rdS A EVITOSAIII. old 'at latest and' Jan. 4, 1871-Iy. & Syrups lIT, AND ALL l urrs i Pickled the East, a - iid-oas sor price than any .6 and Brooms—A MI Trade to our large hich for purity and , Irish and En natantly on hand 'PC LIQUORS to call and ex u and Dement° We put up forth° „Lre artielo of Old ist Trude. hlirbanalVineCo. utiny of ourgooda ortmont being too S. CO., Elmira, N. Y d Agency CAROLINA. ands Cypress, Gum and 1 !gallon. Price $8 ty, yiz: f srellinge, Va can t plicate, fertile soil, waters and good Inquire of ' , Att'ya at Law, both City, N. O. EBB Eta or Sale. on Stet- attest, en coy,thro • ghont.— .on *dolt ;home ber land in Dein*, in- Robin!, son. of OHT * BariTt Ms!lM=s=l cei 'ltinsurance4 HAND 7 HAND MITTU LIFE NSURANCE OMPANY Office, No; 112 8. 4th St; Incorporated Feb'y 28, Chart'd Capital $5O Assets over Stock and Mutual, combining Security w Profits. Suppops ydur aro already insured in first-Class cpuipanyrand Irnm any:,cauffn what ) ; ever,:(say aftar_ton yearfjcpuysuent) yon do not or cannot pay longer and die—your insurance is gone and your money wasted. Not so in the "Hand-IN-NAND," all Policies aro Non-Fon- IMITABLE. This company which ranks among the most popular andjsuccessfull Life Insurance Compa nies, grant's policies on all desirable piano., both ,with and without profits. ' _ , • Traveling Priveleges unrestricted. All pollees are inoontestible after one year from any of the ordinary causes. Look to yobr Life Insurance. Please examine the following Comparative Table. It is some times alleged by Agents of other Compardes that the Company they represent is safer than others. While we unhesitatingly assert our belief in the soundness and stability of all companies, we de sire to present the following for the Inapeetion of those desiring to Insure: The following companies, Compare the annual premiums charged by each for an insurance on life at the ago of 80 years, payable at death: arnual premium Ton annual for life. payment,. Travelers' $16,84 $88.21 /Etna, 22,73 42,80 Home,... . 28,80 " 50,00 Equitable, 22,70 46,9 Y • Washington, .• .. 22,70 40,97 Hand-in-Hand, 16,50 . 32,60 If not already insured take a polioy with the • • ---- "HAND-IN:- - 11AND." - - ''l he.beet Midual Company in the United Stated. March, 1,1871.—1 y. A. M. INGIIAIIf, Agent. Livery Stable: ATKINS ' & KETOHAM yY respeothilly inform the pub• that they have established a Livery for Hire, SALE. TBE undersigned, owners of a Portable En gine, with a (larding Machine, two Lathes and a run of French Burr Stones attached, are prepared to Sit orders in their business at East Charleston, Pa. The above property is in good running order, and will be sold at a fair price, and on reason able' time. Por_partloulars, inquire of Geo. . Merrick, Wellsboro, or. ";-• • ALONZO W 195111 Y, on the preuiteder. May 4, 1871-11 Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For the relief and cure of all derange ments In the atom. ach, liver, and bow els. Theiare a mild aperient, arid an excellent purgative. Being purely vege table' they contain no mercury or mine ral whatever. Much serious sickness and Buffering is prevent ed by their timely use; and every family should have them on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be the sal est, surest, and best of all the Pills with which the market abounds. By their occasional use, the blood is purified, the corruptions of the sys tem expelled, obstructions , removed,, and the whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs Which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by Ayerfla Pills, and stimulated into action. Thus incipient: disease is changed into health, the value of whichieha l r i lfe, when reckoned on the vast multitudes why e uy it, can hardly be computed. Their sugarcoat i ng makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length or time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild and operate without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given On the wrapper to each box,"how to use them as a Family Physic, and for the following complaints, which these Pills rapidly Cure For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Listless. nes., Languor and Loss of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the atom acli;-rindsestore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its various rump toms, Bilinus,_lleadache, Sick:Mead* ache, Sanndice - orlißreett /Relate's, nil. lons Colic fled Dillon, Levers, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. Or Dysentery or Diarrhoea,' but one, mild dose is generally required. • For itheumatisin,Giont, Gravel, Pal. SRation of the Igeart, Pain 'in Site ide, Back and Loins, they should be-cOntin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear; , . • • ." For Dropsy and "liliropsictil they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the'effect of a draetlo purge. - For Suppression, a large dose should, be taken, as it produces the desired effect by aYm• pathy. As a Dinner Pill, take one or two Pills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite; and Invigorates the system. Hence it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well often finds that a dose. of these Pills makes him feel decidedly better, frond their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. PREPARED BY .Dr, J. C Ai.E. 1? & CO.; PraotiCal Ohentiots, LOWELL, 2114813., V. O. A. FOR SALE BY ALII DEUQUISTS AVRRYITZIRRE. June 14, 'fil—ly. W. C. K131a4, Agt. ellaboro. 11 as no* in stook, and will keep constantly on hand, at-the lowed market %notation.. Wool Twine, 2 £ 4 ply cotton & jutetwine. Marlin 2, 8 & 4 strand. Knowla pat. Step Ladder, from 8 to 8 ft. JA.O CREWS; TACKLE BLOCKS, WIRE OLOTH gc WIRE GOODS generally. • EMERY WHEELS' ,for gltmming , A full assortment of Like' Huron diets GRINDSTONES;., ~•,•- ,4; 1- • Canal Wheel Barrows' • - • in any quantity. MANILLA' Rolm from 1 %oh down. No 1 16.rt0 1 extra engino•oil. A complete 'aceettreent'Of MOCHNIC'S TOOLS, House Builders and Household Hard ware constantly on hand. . Bottom prides on e • ti AGRIOULTIIRAL /DIPLEMENTS. Come in and take a look, get the ilgares and see how it, is yourself, and oblige Yours Truly J. 10(1111118111LIN, JR. Ma y 24, 1871.-tf „ Ouard4n's - atle . • • IWILL mese. t 0... WS; on M. I,* i o n di e Bloeahnig, on-, the 110th ot Stiptenkr, , 1871, the undivided one-fourth of the folk g denoribedyroporty i r., fi Lots known and designated se , Non. :one said two in bloole number live in the said village of Blosaborg v lying os the West side of Williamson ' etreet, being 125 feet in front'said j iaTee4 and about 188.feekin depth, - as by” the map At Gu ll olo- eddlitoirto,the village of Blom. bug ; with frame Otiep time barn and fruit gees thereon. Terms; Otte-fourthtittocinfirnia tion of, sale and the hairaou twa-eimal enaa J. a. .41011781011NR, 144'8,1471 3w WI Ci"Mein hlladelphia. 867. 000. 100 00 anzz , .. „ :f ~ ~,1 , , . • WE WOULD announce to the pe,oplp er: Welleboro' and ;vhdnity,"that'we ~ -,.. are receiving and inime,nae atoak-of, • l' _. `, •l , - , , El ,PIIIIIIG Seasonable goods at unprecedented Prices. There bas, ust been a great decline in PomUsitio Cotton Goods, and they are noy selling for less than at' any Limo gime 1860. We do not believe In paradlisg a long liet 'of prices In news. papers, but we mean what we say, when we °ham to'soll,Cloods cheap. ' People from out of torn are sure to make money by coming hero to buy goods:', We have aspAnsidd assortment of N _ Dearable Dress Go ds‘,. DeLaineis, Pero:dos, Mohair's, Plaids, Frencih and Irish Poplins, Japa. and many articles our space does not permit us to speak of, but if you will call we Will show you the LAI:Lc/131n STOOK in town, and at prices that "cannot be beat" anywirtwa. ' • Corning, N: Y. April 19, 1870. NEINTELL & OWEN. • The Largest lIAVING faellOies for them at the lowest J. vanes over wholesale Sri • LL BEAU, BINQUI AND DOUBLE E'LIIdOK., I;ALL ZINDS AND OOLOBS. HES AND VARNISH BRUSHES, A FULL STOOK. Dornameitits, ;Jtiripeing Penile ana rushes li t er Carriage and Gutter Ornamenting. Afiall line of all classes ofjoaoods appertaining to our buelneeiP kept In stook. Feb.l, 1.871-Iy. • W. C. =MS. Transfer„ =I LEI . 17ettabOioirebAi18!1iy. - "k. I IRON, NAILS; 0 SOB BI wstagaroaik. REAGULAT • fj i .5 _; and are ready to supply all who 'may come with MEM neee Silica and Icobee, Fancy Colored and Blach Dress Silks, II \ Am, at prides very much less than last season. We also keep a full line of s \ 1 \, Yi tic da„ - IN.Y 'Cr A. wit =I Yankee Notions, Boots and Shoes, QROOERIES, ORNKERY, Establishment in Northeen Pa. ! DRUGGIST! Ibl:wing and handling lazge quantities of Goode enables him to otler bbtng prices. In our solar - department Goods are sold at a email ad. !s. A large spoil of STONII, It 4LASS, PAINTS VARNII3 rib/I .; t, Oiltt;ioeiilOt to ii..1. - RosERTEry DEALER or STOVE TIK AND HARDWARE, MIAMI DOLTS; HOSE MONS, AND, HORSE, NAILS, IRE ft)orkteres"- Cf igeneial otooli o A, BuUdere Matsrtile. LOOFA BUTS. TIATORESs HINGES. " 4 eo J ~AI} &P INSPAPBR taitAltAtettitert prim, I - - aillPTiT itTittNßEi)'TO „.. d rialeonable. tint (hor above Con• Rowe. • Re O. AMOY' eORNINO, N. Y. = DflY 1111 J • .~. . ti ~-, -~ ~ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1!1 OIM ISLAND IND WITIM LIMB, Stoves Having on head a large stook ant), *eves and Hardware, the undeceived take; pleasure to announce that he has at a veal outlay, ad. dod to the usual stook of the old stand on MAIN OTIINET, Iir*LEIBORO, a oompleto aa►ortmeat of NW Hardware, bt whioh he elkellierate the fellowitkg aztioleo NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X OUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS; PUMAS, AXES, AIIGNREIXTTS,BITT STOOKS, HATCHETS, mums, SHOVELS, SPADES, FOWLS, BENOII - B4RNDOOR I"4ANGENGI3, a few ofthe many ardoitts ookpartoi the stook td examine for theasolvar. I aim to lrespebt Jrk to order done promptly and welli riiil r 'lLT FACTORY PRIOIOO3 . WILLIAM . MODESTO. Ct 'l,'r BA.ILANIt, IPMM ~fs!_ ;. !i ... =ENE MBE ~~r ~ 1 GOOODS, ; ' i , '? MEE IN \ \ \ \ =M!=MMO=9MMM OEM 1111 I r ) 4 , ' ,0 t . II R 6 g . g ~ I ,1~~ • t-i ..." 14. „ I 7 w , m . 8.1 1 El so -4 .2. o . itti is I x t \ \ tal \ , 1 \ l' .. gm Nis \ P A lso or, g rpo 4;1121 srtgir Yqi ;I[ 4 P 4 l fr a4 rtic F‘gi 1 01 ,ER 41 1 8 tg, C4 mti 44 0.2 I Mr.,A rfa 0 ,$ 1211 Ooteutp-:lll4.iisTat CORNING, N. Y, DRUGS AND, MEDI INES, PAINTB AND 01L8, THODEUS ,DAVIDS' CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, IREDEEVS FLUID, EX- BURNETT'S 0000AINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES,' ROOII ESTER PERFUMERY • AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE• El Sold at Wholesale PrioeS. Buyers arerequested to call and got quotwtions before going further Bast. a `/ W. D. TERDELL & CO Corning, N.Y., Jan.l4Bl:l-y GP , ct• Furniture 1 Furniture I , 1 13. T. VAN HORN, VEAVING completed his now Cabinet Ware house on Alain etreet,'Wellibere, has nuk e it with a large and superior assorted stook of n Ohamber Suits, Walnut, Ash, Maple, from $l5O down, and as cheap as the same goods can be bo't 'in the cities, freight added. Parlor §uits, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE IA-TETES, Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops, Looking Glases, Brackets, Pa per Basks, Booking Chairs, all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. I am manufacturing as usual, and intend to keep a lull stook of ware, home and city made at all times. My Ware Rooms are spacious and neat, and now contain the largest, costliest and best stock of Furniture ever brought into the county. \ Planing and Matching, A SCROLL SAWING A:MOULDING, ' done to'ordor at the Faotop. Jan. I \ ,l,lB7l—tf B. T. VAN HORN: Inglimn's Woolen Mills! xuE aubseribers will pa‘y \ Caab, Full-Cloth, Casalmores, Flannels, •te.;\ ,te., for Wool Theyalso'lhattufaettillt as usttal- TO c 01101111, OR' ON \ &HARES to suit customers. All work warranted a e rep resented. They invite particular attontibn to their Water Proof CA SIMERES, whioi are warra ted in every respect: .Partiou lar ttention given to R I OIL -. CARDING AND INGRAM'S largo stook of Cassimores, ~25 per emit less than any competitors, and warrant. ed as represented. INCIRAhIS manufacture to order, and do all kinds of Roll-Carding and Cloth Dresaing, and defy aompetillon. INGHAM have as good an as Full Oloths, Oassimere and give more for Wool In exoban other establishment. Try them and selves. INGRAM wholesale and retail animus Mills, 2 miles below Knoavi Oar Olathe are warranted, and sold by tho follOwlng persons: 1 0. B .101LLBY, Wellsboro, Pa. T. L• BALDWIN A CO., Tioga, Pa. J. 0. BBNNETT,Oavington,Pa. Deerfield. Jan 1. 1871—tt WI LLSBORO. AND MANSFELD STAGE LINE. fieggil THE undersigned, propraetor of this line takes this method of It:- for:tang the pnblio that the above Stage rune daily (Sundays eacepted,) botween tbo two pla colas follows:. 3 . Leaves Wellsboro at 8. a. m., and arrives at Mansfield at 10.30 a. m. 'Leaves 2danslield at 2.30 pl m., and arrives at 'Welleboro at 0 p.m. Atiftl'are $1,28. - Jan 4 1821—tf W. B. VAN HORN. THE BEST HOTEL in the 001INTY ? THE CONII HOBE." NEW. Rooms large and well veutila i tod. Acoommodatione not surpassed by T. say first class hotel in the " Northern Tier." Emu no higher than at second and third rate hotels. Location, oornor of Alain and Walnut streets, Welleboro. A good table, good liquors, good order, and a good hostler. A. B. GRAVES, Vrop'r. March 8,1871. T DERBY & FISHLER'S SHOE ASTORE, ON MAIN STREET, WELLBBORO. June 1',1871 tt Farm for Sale ONE HUNDRED ACRES with eighty - • some Improved, and situated nearill the State Road, south of Maine:nag. This • farm eontalne a comfortable house, two goo. barns and •ninety fruit trees. It is well adapted to dairying and agrioulture. Terms easy. In- Attire of the subseriber at tfaineburg, Pa. • , Jane Id, 18fintf. J. A. BOYCE. ON Thursday morning, August 81, I found a horse in front of ray house, and also found one of my own horses mi sing. Mistrusting that some rascal had swapped hOrses without leave, I took care of the strong horse, and went on a toont for ndy own, wh ob I found. some three miles above Knoxville ; also the thieves, throe in number, who had the horse in possession.— The thieves are in Jail; the strange horse is in my barn, and the owner can have tho same by hroving property and paying charges. Said one is light gray, old, and has the mark of a tiogbone owleft'fore foot. , 1 ' BENJAMIN. PREN(IIH. 'Logs, Sept 8,1871 80 . Mini TRAOTS, PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASU LIME & AND DYE COLORS, FINED -OIL FURNITURE. &0., dte., &c,, from $125 down. Also, with Upholstery to suit ELD, CLOTH DRESSING. Cash Paid for WOOL, HORSE FOUND. =IM=E BOOT AND SH I - • _ TIE RBY 476 FIBULPR hay i,/ now on.; hand a large stock of_Dootn ano Shock, and propos ' Nebo 4610 eon tlnuing , the manufacture n `"--the game, a the shop lately o a lr (milled by Pichler Is Runde ph. _ They also pur. pose reducing prices on all goods and gelling' strictly • We keep n gopd ro , eortinent of fiats and Caps, BOOTS"' BALMORALS, GAITERS, - BOOTEES, BROGANS AND 0 AI.LiGASKINS, 1 1 t wariamted to Et any foot feoto No 0, ti. la fu FRENCH CALF, FpliCH KIP, TIP PER, SOLE, e'OMMON CALF, LIN,ING€43INLoiNO, MO \ ROCCO, will be kept up On Findings we shall ways, and we shall end, satisfactory to, the tradel CUSTOM, Done promptly and on abort notice. Drop i 1870.-ly TO TUE VAIIIIMERS OF TIOQ-A COUNPY. T AM noWbuildlng at my mnufactory,ta Lawrence ji. ville.a superior F4NATINO MILL, which pm:meets the following i advantagesover allothe mills: I.lt eeparateerye,oate,raflitter.andfoulseedr and chessand cockle, from wheat! 2. It oloans flax seed,takea out yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. • 8, It cleanitlmotby seed. _ 4. It does' ll ottierseparatingrequired of a mill This mill is built oftho boat and most durable tin. bor, in goodntyle,and is aol. cheap tor cash , or pro. disco. Twill flt a patent sieTe, or separating oatafrom wheat,tootbermills,onreas.nableterms. J .11 MAIIIEIt Lawroneeville,Jan.l,lBllo—t WALICER LDEALE HARDWARE, IROis.f, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, TIN-. ARE, LILTING, Si S, C TLERY I WATER LI E, , AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, - Carriage and- Harness Triramingc, HARNESSES,IADDLES, . &c. Claming ; N. Y., Jan. 1 1871-y 4 'ZZ.I 1 1 1 1. 11.: I NURE D11:INT:7TII IVe a I - I 0 4 -. ‘ :• i •:. iCOMPO...;:I ItOSA DALT :3 :tra 0 ,- i 7,.. ; 1. , , publi,ll«l ort every t: Tcag.e,tlieri ...," 'tire it is , - iotl a .4 0i/ 4 ~ Op ,rit,on, e.onsequeetl . ii # ''''. -1 ,PiIYSICT t r , '; SPI - ;}:-•Ciltili: I i I , i f t 1.3 a certitii cult for :•rroftit . a, -4, 4 4 I-. • , i • • ,„ • - • 1 , , , p,11,...1 , -, 1 . 1:1 .1 1 , 7, i ifi,, I, ),t,11;i1. ..- 1 , Ili -'l - .i , :-! Itt , I 1-; . c i n ~ • 1., .r: Coq] - • -''''. (O.:. I l ;,1.:,4 .., .11-i J.• t• ,I the .11.1iloti S fi« '-T* '4 • i . 1.,4 w * ll - July 1.9, 1 ortmen t o New llus,ic Store. NOW opened in Smith .15 Bowon's block, sec ond floor, a music room where will ho kept on exhibition, and for sale, Steinway andlother Pianos, eabinal Organs, and a Ohoico selection of Sheet Music. Now music _ reeeived every month.— Lessons 'on Piano and I Organ, and in Singing will be given. Opportunity for practice afforded those who may dcairo it. 11. W. TODD. Wdllsboro,Vob. 15-3m0.. Bco., e than any Hey your- t the Cow ie. New Tobacco Store t • 1 TI Esubse r berbnsflt:dvta e !tore firs OOreastlhenesiaordrygodsstore for tlke aftuufsoturo and`, e l filo of (I IGAR 8 , (411 grades i ), Fancy and Common )I SMOKING tOB AC I O 0, Michigan Fine Cut WIEWIIPT G, nd all kinds of PLUG TOBACCO , ,- PIPES, and the eloi- Or' Call and see for yourselves. JOHN W. PURSEL I—tf. ollaboro, Jan. 1, IS RIGA BR • 0 R DEr keeps constantiy on • if hand ! Tu e .Drugs and Diedicine , Chemioals, Paints and Oils, LiimPo S: Stationery, Yil-nkeo Notions &.c. ,CPIILLY COMPOUILD. I 11. 11. BP RDEIC PRISBODIPTIONt3 OA Tioga, Jan. 1, 1871 Gen'l Insu KNOXVILLE Life, Fire, Assets ov Ins. Co. of North Am Franklin Piro Ins. C. North British t Mere ' of London and Edi, North Amer. The In: Niagara Pre Ins. Co! Farmers Mat. Fire I: Phomix Mat. Life In ford, Conn' Pennies Cattle Ins. 01 ,Total Insurance Prompt wise, on all kinds promptly adjusted a ed against death, fir All oommunioatio 1 0floo on Main &tee Knoxville, Pa. April2ls, 1811-tf. OB STORE, , FOR CASH. Our Stock of a. 1 9 1 heretofore. .1 be found at bode al. eaV, or to eel) at pricee IWe won't ha under- PAID CASH MI FOR Ii WORK ! 4.11. Repairing do te and be oonvinced. i .L.:: AL: in'74 trn boil !cd . •!! • - :=ar wird f-t-'r BE : Z t • 1:1.! I f • 1 HI 1 • '41,,--nt ME lEM ) . ) I • 'N 1, .la:\ 1:71; A t. 1 1 111 C. ME ‘,. 1. V. .1...Li...1L1—1na. hto , :I. 1.. l. ; •.. . • t. .0. •t - Tt.i'. ..N: c:,i, 1..). C:o•rdonsville, Va. 'S.t..a,'l.. C. rkItTA_DI.:•EN, Murfrees• \O„.\1.010, 'I Om:. : nv •- . ••• Iv ill not allow o f auT ex trit.•,/ i ~ ~. '... in )t.:ation to the virtity•;c , t .I,te. , ialia. Tothe .Ifedical Proto.-N..n ie ghat ar,tee a Fluid. Ex tract supt.nor to any [lick have ever used in \thp ti oa•mont of diseased Blood, and En th.• aid., ted we say try Rosati:ins, aid 3 on Nt 111 be restored to health I Rosadal . ps sold by all Druggists, price 8 per bottle. Address DR. CrISENr.S & CO, N nufacturing Chemi4h, BA~TIMOUE, SID. 871-Iy. 1 cest Brand .f CIGABS G STORE fiance Agency I'IOGA CO PAD. Accidental $24,000,000 JP COMPANIES ASSETS , 'roa. Pa $8,050,5 35 . of Pbila, Pa, 3,087,4 52 utile Ins. Co. . burg, 10,000,0 . Co. of N. Y. 500,0 of N. Y....... , 1,000, s. Co., York, Pa. 909,88 9 Co. of Hart-6,081,9i0 .. of Pottsville. 600,000 2 3 , effected by mail or °the of Property . All lone d paid. , Live stook lose f e or theft. ns promptly attended to -I- I, 2d door above Unroll sq, I W/K. B. 83111 1 -• • Agent: 1 ,11RICer, ,$24,229, 84