The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, September 06, 1871, Image 1

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„• •• • •
P. C. Van Gelder.
Subeeriptlou,(per year)
S.erd.... I lin. 3lns I <line I : cm 1 ONtos I 1 Yr
sqiittre, .., I $l,OO I $2.00 I $2,60 1 $5,00A $7,00.1 $12.001
, •
air s ti rcito Notices 45 cants per line; Editorial or
I ocal'2o cuts per line.
. ,
t'vattsient adreatlelng Muer be paid for In advance.
.4,:e- I wale° Blanks; Constable 131anks, Deeds,Judg
, s r Notes, Marriage Oertlficates, &c. s ou band.
i•A h ,
0 s
11,1 y 31, 1871;78[0
Soolily, COntes & Co.
t; A NE(KitS, Knoxville, Tioga, County, Pa.—
Receive money on deposit, discount notes t ,
:tea sell drafts on New York City. Colleot. promptly inado.—Jan 1,1 8 7 1- y
v o COATS, } Knoxville.
f)lliao in Smith - and Bowen's Block, aerbss hal
.)nl Agitator Office up stairs, [second floor.]
Welleboro Pa, Jan. 4, 1871-Iy.
Jno. I. Mitchell)
itornoy and Counselor at Lair, Claim, and In
-Li ranoo Agent. °Moe over Kresee Drug Store;
Wellsboto, Pa., ' Ja_n:l; 1871—y
William A. Stone.
may and Counselor at Law, first door above
Convorso A Osgood'a store, on Alain street s ,
Wolleboro, January 1, 1871 y
Jim. W. Adams,
L•raoy and _Counselor at Law, Mansfield, Tioga
~tints, Pa, Collections promptly attended
t, Jan. 1)1871—y
Wilson ,& Niles,
st torneys and Counselors at Law. WM attend
promptly to business entrusted to their care In
ho counties 0r Tioga and Potter. Oflloo on
the Avenue. Jan. 1, 1871 y
S. Wasor;.] [J.B.Nnas.
John W. Guernsey,
Attorney and Counselor at Law. All business
outrustod to him will be promptly attended to.
Witco 2d door south of Ha'alett'a Hotel, Tioga,
Two County, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1371.
Wm. B. Smith,
Povion, Bounty rind fnsurance Agent. Corn
munieatious setVl to the above address-will re
roire prompt attention. Torms moderato,
Knoxville, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1871.
Say mour tic liorton,
Itturneya and Counselors at law, Tioga Pa.
All business entrusted to their care will receive
prompt attention.
Al. 11. Setvuoun
Jan 1. 1971 y
tv‘t . U. AIikISTRONG
Armstrong & Linn,
.ran 1, 1871—y
W. D. Terbell Co. ) ,
holesale Druggists, and dealers in Fall Papor,
Kerosene Lamps; Window Glass, Perfumery,
Paints, Oils, Ede., ho.—Corning, N. Y. Jan. I'7l,
..11 .flacon, M. D.,
,Physician and Surgeon, Ist door oast of Laugher
Bache—Main Street.. Wi❑ attend promptly to
qil ,•ally. . IVollsboro.—An. l i 1871.
A. M. Ingham, M. 11. 1
II ,unoopathist, Oilleo at his ltesidonoo on tho
Avotnte.—Jan. 1, 1871.
George Wagner,
Shop fl rat door north, of Roberts t Bail
•y'B hardware Store. Cutting, Fitting and Re
p i 'ring d one promptly and vrell,--Jan. 1,1871
Smith's Hotel,
Pa., E. M. Smith, Proprietor. House in
to aecounnotlate the traveling
pohlie in a superior tnanner.—Jan. 1, 1871.
Farmerfil_ Temperance Hotel.
ur Ii MONIIOE, having purchased this house,
vlll canduot in Altura as in the plist,.strictly
temperance Every acannitnii
htion for wan and I,totst. Charges reason
iary I, Is7l
t;nion Hotel.
'Lorin, Proprietor, Wellsboro, Pa.
houlo is pleasantly located, and has all
.livanionecg for man and beast. Charges
ma I. , t, t te,—Jan 1, 1871-Iy.
W. IV. WEBB, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
OrpTcF:—Oponino out of flastittp & Colo's
Drug Storo.—mar, 1871.
t,, r }FIE I Ii a complete tusot lmeot
I .1,,
Ptirtt GOrdS,
•I. • g. nt u rotA) Ily prices.,
or , ry dk , ription to suit everybr,dy, and
;fling Lames' Raady-Made Dresses, a corn
"lilt, that cannot fail to please the ladios.
r:e,t,t, call and elatuine Goads and prices.
`To It E opposite Pest °Mae, Main Street. •
, ccllshorD M D y 4, 18701. tf
New Millinery !
lir RS. C. P. SMITH, has now on h an d an oa _
gant assortment of all the lotte4 styles of
M 1 lb IL IN E It V ,
Fancy Goods, Parasqls, Gloves,
ahe is seeping at very low prices. Drop
tri and aoo the now goods.
May 1, 1871—ii.
u r iaaco
Bushels Stone Lime
for \ sale by
April 190 1871.-in.
THEsubscriber offers for salo his farm of 66
acret, pleasantly situated in Catlin Hollow,
Charleston, Ttoga county, Pa.; within about four
! n lies of We'labor° and two mtes of Niles Val-
I t e7 depot. School house, church, mills, shops,
ilitbin a mile. Torras easy. Inquire on
tbs premises of O. a. CATLIN.
14 5717, 1871 tf
$ 2 , 00 .
Mrs. C. P. SMITH
EfE Subscriber offers for eale his farm, situ
ated in the -town of - Delmar,/ some eight
miles from Welisboro. Said farm, contains 75
acre/ '
some 30 of which is improved; good
fraine barn 80x42, and a good • log . house, and
some fruit trees thereon. Bald farm is unsur
passed for fertility of soil in this ow:Alan. For
particulars fugal e of the subsosiber at the °Moe
pf qeq., llaboro Pa.
AprlllB s / f. 67-
i n
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VOL. xvm
Welltboro Hotel;;
4 , • ,
Thi is a popular Hotel lately kept by B. B.
Holiday. Tho Proprietor will spare:no pains to`
make it a drat-blase house. All the stager ar
rive and departfrom this house, A good hostler
in attendance. 0/PLivery attached.
Jawl, 1871—ly •
Tioga garble Works,
MDR undersigned is now prepared to exc..
onto all orders for Tomb Stones and Mout.:
manta of either
of the latest style and approved workmanship
and with dispatch:
Ho keeps constantly on land . both kinds
Marble and will be able t&suit ail who may fa..
vor him with their orders, onus reasonableterms
as can be obtained in the country:
Tioga,Jan. 1,1871-tf. • • •
ALE persona indebted t s q D. P, Roberts by
Book acoount or Notes are re(inested'to call
and settle and save Costs, at G. W. Merriolett
Feb. 1, 1871.-tf
• E
EEPS constantly on hand, ELGIN
ES, Marine, Alarm A Calendar CLOCKS;
Plated Spoons and Forks; Table, Butter and.
Fruit Knives; Cups, Castors and Cake Baskets;
Napkin Rings; Cream Salt Sugar and Mustard'
Spoons; Fine Gold and Agate Rings; Gold. Pons;
and Pencils; Solid Gold Sets; Pearl Fanny ansl
Plated Buttons; Watch Gnardn and Chains, /co.;
A large stook of SPECTACLES, GLASSES, and;
Colored Glasses, all at reduced prices.. • • 1
N. B.—Watohes and Jewelry neatly Repaired.
March 1, 1871.
Office opposite Cono (louse, Wo'nacre, Pa. Atli
operations neatly and carefully performed. Sat-,
isfactiou guaranteed at 'live and lot live pricoi,l
Feb 22, 1871 tf
Manufaotnring Company,
—Constituted by the homes of the people—
Received the Great Award of the
And have left all rivals far behind thoni; for they
being more than forte thousand in advance of
their sales of the previous year, and over forty
our thousand more than the salsa of any other
Company for /870, as shown by the foll Owing
figures from ' iVOßN returns of the sales of
Licenses. L
The Binger Manufacturing ILiompan3r
gold over the Florence Sewing
Machina CO 110,173 Machined
Sold orcr flit) Wilcox Galls St!10-
111 g 3/// eh in e.
Sold ismer the Weed Sewing .V n-
chino Co.,
old over the Grocer 4' Baker
Sewing Machine Co., 70,431 c f..
old over the Howe Machine Co.; 52,611 do.
old over the Wheeler tfe 11",fleon
Man 'tincturing Co,,
11 of which is mainly owing, to the popularity
f what is known an theoNaw FAMILY- Snirma
fkettinn," • which is now'fitst finding its way
nto every doll regulated household.—For
Wars giving full particulars of Machines, their
olding Cases of many varieties of wood and
finish, their Attachments for numerous kinds of
work, which, till recently, it. was thought that
delicate fingers alono could perform, as well as
firticulars about all articles used by their Ma
hinos, such as Twist, Lineti Thread, Spool Cot
ton, Oil, tte., &c., apply to n.ny of their Atithor
i .ed Agents, or to
458 Broadway, * New York. Philadelphia
office 1106 Chestnut St.
' March 22, 1871—tf.
- New Music Store!
GREEN'EIt'S new Improved Iron Frame
• and Soft Pedal
Dealer in all kinds of
anos and Musical Merchandise,
orgest and best solootion of MUSIC in this sec
i.n of the Country. Pianos warranted for 20
Melodeons and Cabinet Organs
with Oroenar's Patent Foot Pedal
lAll kinne of Instruments bought or taken . in
cliange aid to let. Air All ordora for re-
Ilring and Tuning promptly attended to.
3. W. McINTOSII, Agent.
arch 22, 1871
Health! Standard Medicines.
TTSE Dr. TIERRICIC'S Sugar Coated Vegeta
ble Pills and Kid-Strengtbening plaster/1—
(11'o beet In use!
Use Harr°ll's Condition Powders for, Horses
. Caltio—setisfse.iion guaranteed or money
pse Dr. Perrin's Fumigator for Catarrah. The
hove articles are for sale by W. C. Kress, Ag't,
VAlaboro, and the trade generally.
one 14, 1871-3 m.
NE elegant, new, leather top buggy ; one
nioo open ,buggy, nearly new ; one two
o so lumber wagon ; a good single harness.
une 21, 1871 tt
Farni for Stile.
„ .
. .
BUMPING 004t0Blifi, combining all Modem ImProveo
monis, are run thrOugli On all l'raina between Buffalo;
bilagara Valls; Silepanidon't BridgCOloroluir,Clncin
nati and Near York.
I 1• • • i ''S r. , .1
? ` ' ' r ' : ' ! :
!-: gfierlol4o: No. 1: ' :-.tio. 4';' 1;0.7: iii.. A..
. :,.
57. York, L've 000 a m 11. 00a xn 6,80 pm 1 7.00 pni
Jersey City," 9la -I 6 1,1:16." 4.46 a l i 4.40 " 1
Newark " ' 11:05 0 5.40 0 ' ,
Paterson " 12.00 m 0.26 ." 1 ,
Turners "1048 "- - 1.86 din 7.46 sup ' 9.10 sup
Newb'gh " 11.40 a m 6,80 p m
Pt Jervis, Arr. 11 55-, " 8.38 " 9.20 0 10.80 pal
Blngh' C on " 869 pm 9.17 " • 9.21 am 8.18 axo
Owego "' - 4 88 ". 10.10' " - 8.12 " '5.58 •, i
Waverly .. 610 -" 10.68," , 4,02' 4 ' 4.4.8 "
Elmira . " 644 ". 11.80 A' • 440 id 5,16 " ;
Corning " 026 " 12.28 a to 4 45 .4, 1 5.55 u
lfornelsvlo 0 7 88 - Buti 140 " 7.00. bit, 7,12 bit .
Rochester " 1027 " 9.66 a m 9.65 ain
Buffalo " 1060 " ` 8.20 Cm 11.20'S 11.20 "+
Niag. Falls " 11 80 " , 4.08 7 4, 1 2.14'p m 12./4 1 1 10
Sus. Bridge 11861 0 7,10 " 12.20 " - 12.20 ~
Clifton " 11 40 " 7.16.,0- . 19.26 " 12.26 " i
Dunkirk " --Is6 a'm y_2o, if 12 . 68 .1. 12.58 "
Meadville " 126 '" 9.20' " ' 2.20 din 2.20 din;
Cleaveland " 6 50. " 280 pm 7.20 pm e 7.20 pin
Dayton '• 12 80 pip 7;25 ~,.
4.06 a m 14.06 am•
Cincinnati "- 246 ;,.• 10.16 " 0.80 "
. I 'o.Bo "
Additional Local Trains Westward.
5.00 a. m., except Sundays, from Owego.
5.00 a. in., daily, from Susquebana. . --
0.00 a. m daily, from Suaquehana. • ; „
12.15.p.m. except Sundays, from Basque ails.
1.16 p exliegt /Sundays, from Elmira. topping a'
Big Flats 1 89, Corning 200, Painted Pos 208, ant
thence, via avou, to.Bnslslo, Dr ift ing at 8 6p m.
8.00 p m except Sundalts.from Mulls ;; on.
; ' - !";DS1-1ZRESIVarili'.'..; ~. .j •
i '.- i t
• STATIONS: ' I Na, 12$ r No. 4-} •"i 028 1
'.. i . 4 .:.4
i - ' 1 • I , .. , 1
Oinn.. • L'vei• 9 45p mr- ... ..'. ii. ......
Dayton " 112 08 ara -.1 446,a m'
Cleveland.. " i 7 25 . " • 8 85p m
Meadville.. " 11182 Din; .l 8 10 Sup
Dunklik ... " I 1 25 p mi .. ... .......•M 00 '`' 1
Clifton " 1 180 "'( 630 pnii ' . '0 00 -•••
Sus. Bridge " ! 126 • " ! 5-86 , ." I. '' • 005 "
Niagara Falls i 145 . 6 I 545• "1 43 16 "
Buffalo "i 240 " I. 0 25 "‘ 111 20 ", 700 "
Rochester " i 400 ' 6 1 540 "'i 853 ",
ilornellevllie I 003 Supllo2o ." I 258 a at' 948 "-
Corning... " i 733 p 1rt 1 11'48:66.- t 4 26 " 10 56 '
Elmira " I•In.o. 11 1220 a mi 604 41 11 30 ,!,
Wa'70 71 3:,. t"i 8 47 ••,..,' ). 00 ," 1688, a ,12 08 P 9
1 ,,
0 ,,,,,. if i 926 11( I go .41 / 618 , "19 41 .1
.13111a11114.011in 08 " 228 " TOO a 122 " 1
Port Jerrie All 2 68 alai !.
•7 05 " a4O. " ~02,6 ..;
Middletown" 1 868 ".. I!8 00 ' 6 '
Newburgli - " 1..'.....:...:411 40 am , b 8 80 ,6 `1
Tamers- ." • 19 05 , Dtt• 118 Din 0 43fria
Paterson,. ",.1 5.50 ". !10 16 ast?, 2 800 In 788 0,
Newark ... " 7.00'" 1205 p In! 616
Jersey City " v 033' " 61053 aml 265 " 11 12 1 '
New York " 6 700 a mill 10s " } 810 p mi 830 p
' • • '' I
.: Ailditia.W l lo o o 11 414 1 , 414.C.*C1f.:
6. 40 a 6111 .1 dmili , frOm Itorsmayiliz ....1 , ,I .. , I
5.46 a tu„ eundaya excepted, from oornolleville.
43.30 a nt.. except Sundays, from Owego.
7.50 a in., except Sundays, from Elmira.
1.58 p.m.. except Stindays;from Painted Pest,
2.10 p. in., except Sundays, from liornolleville.
*Daily. ' ' f Mondays except d.
L. D. RUOI3IIR, . • - WM. R . DARR, !
Can't Sup'S,.. , - •,.. , Can't Rasa. 'fig%
'Blossburg & Cprningle Tioga
• DEPAR'P PIQM ‘ l/01314-41,MMa POW. I ,r
Not - 9.83 m No 3-8.20 tb 'No 8454 1 ara I
No 1-45,34 oto No vac. lioll,-1.841$ pto •
Nol3-8.39 p m Nol6-1044 p
,• No 1144 pa
• •
No 24.12 p m No '44.42 a m ,No 64.284 m I
No 8-8.08 am •-• • Nolo-10.50 a hx' NOI2-11.80 a m j
No 14-12,07 p m No 16-1.88 pDA No 18-1.-.llcp m
N 0.20-8,80 p m No 22-11.12 pLa• No 24-12.86 am,
Supt D. It. 0. R.% • Supt
.., . t__
Diiact: Routo . North and eolith;
Oa and d - after Monday, Angnid I tiiilB2l, Trapci
depart from Troy, P.1,,,1111P4 0 Wil 2 '-
- ,
Phfla. Ex:prose \, B.OS A. M. Buffalo Exproes, 11.40
W'msport Accom. 4.08.
Express Mall, 9.25 P. M. Elmira Accra. 9.52 A
A'. It. YUMA
Glan'oral Buverlatond
3. A. lIEDSIRLD, '
Mel Gong Enp't
93,943 do,
u A , imiiuLw 3
32,831 do
45,825 do.
establishment, which is sold ilow for
January 1, 1871-y. ,
r(TREES.—Fruit and ornamental trees, shrub
berg) grape vines, strawborry,
and plants, ac.—
am agent for the Catharine Highland our
series; and ciaa fiirniah 'any qtiantity for, fe,ll
planting.. 'alNo have a.fine stook 'of two, year
old apple trees, , tiliofee' vailetlee,,' of my' Own
growing. ' Green honiOplante always on hand.
Aug 9, 1871 tf , PRINCE.
IN DIVORObI== - Vo John' P: - Jackson : 'roar
are hereby notitled - thatißachel Jackson by
her neat friend Edward Hetoley, has applied to
the Court of Cointhon'Tifeellitqf Tioga count.); for
a divorce /vain' the bends 'of matrimony, and
that said Court hnaappipirittid.Monday, the 2Ath
day of Aligned, 1137'1. for the hearingorsald 'ap•
plicant in theiiromises ;' on which oCeasjon 'yr&
can attend if you think proper.
Aug 9; ism • it . . 8. , A. FISH, Shoiriff.
T HE farm DAIRY - ,
the :Cheep r - Cady farm
lulfartitintit4l„ToWnshlp, oontainlug one
hundred indsilfteenaores, Is now. offered for: Bala
on reasonable terms. Said' farm .ts now in.; the
'possession of Chester Oak and others—apply - to
-.4%.„ P. -O,ONE,
July 12, • Wellaboro.
_ _
• .
Rlllli. E&I'ATE' 'FOR SILK,
Tlll3 ettbroilliisrl will offerjoi:Eile, ilia 'fel
lowinglesfreigile village Ootiorti, I Watii.
bora: 20 toiti lots situated:on. State street; 00
lots on -Charleston' 'treat—(tho Brasilia - Bettriers
Farm,) "anti tho , houge end, lot of_ ,C,barlog,
ThtIi9IOMATC well situated-and .'ill :le
sold on reilionable.tenns:.; ••
- • ' SIISR WOOD *4IW, •
Augast,2o, IBtt-Ltf.`' '
• ..", - ;A,94ignies .,
TN the-pisfriv^i-43,ourt the - Unitcld Stereo ftir
the WegerrOtatriet'-of Penutly : ;DI
the matter of nfritury B. Calkins, baiikrupi.—
In Bankraptey.
"• • 7 7 , 2
To whout it F,osy,eiineern : The unitereigusd
hereby : giTeceettee!of hie appciiiitteelit as as
igneasd .I . 7pwbury•Df Dalkine t - vf , M eineburg,
In the opttao of Tioga andlltate of renneylro
nia, virithlti'aitedietriet,_who has been adjudged
a bankrupt uponhis• own petition; ' e _bx the Die.
trietgourtof , Dated ther•23d 'day
Of Aagatit,_lB7l,: niSNYMOU4i
Aga SO, /Sir-- • • • - Anisiteei . V.i.: •
„.„„ c • j (.;
.114. . .0
Northern Central.
who ban long boOn'. 4
'faked in the Joiceiry I
Miss in Ilsboro, 114
iviiyki on 'Bolo,
kinds and pions of
r I &0., &;O, &O.
With most 6thot articles usually I [ opt is 'sash'
-4 -
ei A S H
• e
Repairing done neatly, and promptly, and on
, .
Joint resoluiion Proposing an amen ,
ment to the Constitution of POnsilvA
Belt Resolved i theAnat. and Jfou.o 4€4) ,-
reictitatii , se of the Commonwealth of Ponnsgbanta
in' General dumbly :not, That tho following
amendment of the'Oonstitntion of this Common
wealth" be proposed to the people for their adv.
tion or rejection, pursuant to,tha pr2visions, of
the tanth article thareokto wit :
Strike out the Sixth Section of the Sixth Ar
al° of .the Constitution, and insert in lieu there
of the'following
YA State Treasurer shall be chosen by the
qnalitted electors of the State, at such times and
for such term of service as shall be prescribed
' JAMES H. WEBS, ' '• • '
Speaker of the Howse of Reproeentatitres.
h, i ' . • SpeOber,of the Senate.
.'Approved the fifteenth day of June, Anno
Domini one thousand eight hundred and
enty-one. .... , .
. -
• Prepared and certified for pubilication pursu
ant to the Tenth Artiole of the Constitution.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
• „Office Seorotary of the Commonwealth, } ,
Harrisburg, July oth, 1871.
July 28, Is7l-I.lw. -
Keep it Before the People
IraSNP - A. BUMPLIRBY tt. 00.7 are constantly
.11.h•reeelving large andfresh lots of choice
tt ' •"..( • •
FAMILY OliOttiabg -i7ATAT,
...)5 1 64 Naas 'of IO1 ,1 4.66,04 CiegArs'
and in fact everything kept in their lino .of
Orme, which they dispose-,Of at , prices lower
than ever before. .
• Verne in and price oar goods. No trouble to
Alio* them.
They have also added to their already inoreal
sing trade, a 4
. ,
dad hold theuiteives ready to, tarnish (on order)
at book, hiagatiote. music, popper, 'or anything
its et for in:that line. iitthscriptloni nolleited
foValfpoPolar Papers and inigasines. "
Don't 'forgot to call opposite' M; M. Breithi
40131,.T10ga, Pa. , July 2¢,1871 , tf
' I No,
;la& pint
a2B tO
10 00 "'
lIHVING opened a first-Glass Hardware
Store in Mansfield, opposite' Pitts Bros.,
on in Street, respepsfully invite their friends
and the,publio Ingeneral to give them a eall.--1
Play, gparrantes eitistaetien in all oases. Their
stOolt ,
consists of ;
uci a iv* int
P. 151
I*.t. ,Work, Spokes, Hubs, Agri
- cultural Implements, Churn '
':Powers, r
and a general line of Goods, eeeond to none in
the country, at the lowest sash prices.
,T Thoysre !so agents for 'the KIRBY-MOW.
Ell, 1T11A0A. , ,, WHEEL : RAKE, ARNOLD
EOREE .I`4l *K. AND ,EAT CARRIED ~1 1f, 1 i
W. 0. Ts,titz,
FilAkakKOHLun. I • LUTZ Kona ti:
Mansfield, July 19, 1871.—tf.
' VOA , RAU; CIHAP-=-A:buggY, anttar z bar
nehaand buffalo role,' all now. Time will
be, given on approved , paper. FOr parlieolars,
apply at , tbla office. "August 2, 1871
The now in-ito6k, and will keiin,4Matdiftri .
on hand, atlholowest market gnotailete.
Wool •rwin'e, 2 it 4'taly '&.016164210',
Marlin 2 8 & 4 'elteftip.
Rnowlsi glop t'avlai, from 3 to . B tit
for gumming emus.
A full assortiy(ent'of . ,l;ake Moro&
Canal Wheel Barrows
• "in any quantity.
from I , in,ch down.
No 1 Si no I,extre, engine oil.
A complete assortment of
Honse guilders and
Houseliold Hard
ware (
constantly on band.
'Bottom prioos on
Come in andtake a look, get tbo figniee and
hee•boie it le y Oriridt, and oblige - " -
; - , , Yours Truly
Ma y 24, 1871.—tr . . • I
FllHRletting by contraet.of -the work on the
'fiawanesque Railroad; air feet gauge, from ,
Ls Rikland, about -twelve miles,.
will take nlae-at; ilia office of the , seeretary of
the company in Rikland Pennaylveils, on Tnes—
dity,Septamber,fith, :1 •
Bpecifientions and estimates et quantily,
be ready for , at the office of thee
Piesidentof the Company in slllland, and ati'l
tle office of tko Ball., Brook Coal Company in.;
Corning N .Y. by !Friday Atiguat 2ltb, WTI ;:,!•
and the line of tho road will also be ready to
amine at the same time. --
• -Haag. President.
Elkhind Pa. Aug. 10.1871-3 t. .
NM PIANO ESPII.EATIS fo sale at Orem
see branch' stoke *oho he Corte Houma,
from $4 150 to $l6. • Alio 6 l stook of MOW
• ' •'• 26 t Jfl to
.Ther rert,throngtt
Vey-p eered from I
The oo3d sea•foi, ib i
Was never as cold
"Ho, Starbook
Itun for your e i
Boattor your'
'Good °sued for feel
The bulk that lay
„Pilled with the chit
Parted Ile mooringi,
Drifted clear bb
All adrift lel
Said p.hard:feeed shipper, ",4210d help us all I '
lib. Will not float till the turning tido!" . ,
'Bald hiewlfe, `ATV darling will hoar ei,vo3all, ' I
'Whether In sea Or. Eleven She bide." ' 1
And she 140 a quaverlng voice on high. i
Wild and strange as a sea-bird's dry,
Till they shuddered and won dared atter Me.
The' fog drove down on eciolt laboring crew,
Yelled cite& from' each itialthe sky and shore.
Theirs was not a soltid' brit the breath they drew ?
And the lap of water and creak of ear ; [blown
And they feltl breath, of,thp downs, fresh
O'er leagues o f lover and cold gray atone, ;
/tut not from he lips that had gone before,
:Tboy I,ortui nolno l ie. But they tell' the tale '''
'TliS,Ii then yogS ; nroitofbptho harbor ree4',
..Ttt; pitt;e4r,el fisliticatiesten. , : ~
4:11 -44 - 11 1 .14/i t itk it - 0-lio l s.znill . !Ong. Aiif ,--- ": 0 .
, ;11 4 0 , 1 ,114 - i.,l' ' Pkolk•PCOAftens, l44 4:4 it 4 i 4 7l!; -.
T 4 n • iltr a.pllantorm liultithotcdri!pid or )? f'
Through channels whoso , fatcrr Meyer fait'.
Llt , ir bat a foolish ehipman's tale,'
A tiMbo foi a poet's 'idle page,
But still when the',niiisis of doubt provail,
'AO walie begalmod liy tho'ehores of Ago,
' • • .'Yo hear, from the
,iiiety troubled ehOra
he vobie of,the children gone befOrie,
Drawing the aqui, to its anchorage,.
/ •
M15C.8.L.14,1V*017 .
~,..„..,,,__.„..<_,..., 2_l'.-..:-.. -.-?„
~. . ,
Let us go down town. We can talk
,ou the way. Tur and' look it thehouse
wthave pet left. f It . would - 'nOtrhaVe
been injhehandlES of its preserit possesi•
For lead he not •Ilept t ; t his own' +use!
, While trying to make the; purchase.—
Tbe nearest neighbor Said, so soon top
lie learned that "a Ilanke was to be jux
t4osited, that he CoUld not, for his life,
; see what B—,—, the former Owner, was
thinishagof, when he sold that proper
ty' 'to a mean, mean Radical. Th e
neighbor is a Judge ;' hp is,gin appointee
Or Goiernor Bullock.' If he has raised
ittaivojee on, behalf; of any Republican.
zr , liberal measure during the campaign}
just 'closed, lam glad of it; I hope 'he.
will again'. ' Bat beeause,he is the recl=
plant of iiiiiille ,favor,' he', is suspected
and Watched ; suspected, by.the whites;
Eels not a bad man—not very-.bad.--
le - Would do-me a , good turn' slyly, if
'hlta;Whitafriends did not. him .out,
:gioaiid.a . e f Al i , payehia debts ; tries to
administer thelaw impartially, but can 4
noteee that negro Jurors should bell m•
Liatinelled f does not like' to be reproien
ted-Bylpa-runiler-maroo--in the Leglelah
ture; and when he is compelled to shake
bands with a Yankee—a Yankee Radi
cal, mind; and in pnb/io—holds his pal ra
as 'close close to his body as .possible, and
hopes node of pia friends are look
ing on; at least, none but " his colored
friends." The judge,himself is on tri l
al , . lie fears his white townsmen, and
bi 3 fears the terrible Radicals, Whose
eyes are wide open and bent on him ;
for every, one' of theta, he. believes; is
ready to' use theails and the expressand the telegraph n reporting ;him for
the least oilldial t pping or alliving.- 1
He has a nice UPI of it, to be sure.—=
The American' w o. dares not speak of
What Is in •hls , ll t, 'Should hall 'front
, iiiine other , land: -: • ' ,
There are a great Many foolish ToY-A4
here, whe foolishly think they can 'walk
in a middle course, and stand well with,
both races, both parties. These men
deceive themselves alone. • Hoosiers,
, New Yorkers, Massachusetts men; cow l
ing South, should put a flag in their
carpet bags, and - a constitution in their
wallets, and havethe Declaration of l'n
ddipendence or the' emancipation proc-,
lamation printed on the back of their',
business Garda; and, while they need,
not be offensive Or 'insulting, lot thorn;
.notpc,lvraidly'TsPeak ill of the, dearest,t
; freest part : 4A our free land, New Eng-1
.land and the West, and theyest, , ;
. . _
Wo pass some womeu,;,,Vve pass;
them_ You need not tip your hat when'
With )31e.
', OA - ere:comes a man who killdil a f! - eed-i
man two years since. For a wonder,l
he, was sent tolite penitentary for ten:
or twenty years. By some " hocus po-'
cus," he is out, and he looks as though
his conscience were easy. A man who
passed a "raised" two dollar bill last
summer has%been in jail longer than
the murderer. Here is one of the mer
chants of this little town : "be drinks."
He drank too much during the hot wea
ther, and•came near dying. He talked
of what Wan on his mind so freely, that
his familymoved him into a front rain),
that the colored help might ni,t hear `his
ravings: His gun was brought in and
stood neer hiabed. A few yeap t before
he had taken a slave into his smoke
house and beaten her, and left her tied.
The ziext morning she was found dead:
But this merchant survived last sum
mer's attack of fever. He IS buying
cotton now, and watching the arkets.
He does not like the melt of ' niggers,'
he has not quit drinking, he , ewe; he
nurses Yankees, sees the dar aide of
life, and is "as'lniserable a sinn r as tta
. 1
The Radical postmaster gOes by ; hp
is from ' Vermont ; he weighs, may e,
260 pounds, and is six feet high, I as
lifted 1To 0 . pounds, and served:throu h
the war. "You should see how frient ly
are - the greetings of the people. e
smiles and lifts his eyebrows, as he
catches our eyes, and frowns and shuts
his lips, as he hears a disrespectful re-
mark close to his elboW. I have met
almost 'every one on the Street often, in
my office, in their stores and shops, and
at ohurcli;'and yet I feel warranted in
Speakinginbut few. The colored peo.
pte nearly alltouch their hats and make
hips:offal 'obeisance, thereby inciting.
the. faVorable criticism of Abe white
Georgians Standing near. . .
The teachers of the colored school are
passing, two American Missionary ap
pointees, They are plainly, fashiona
bly clad.' The men stare at them.; the
women look—after they get by. The
teapherS are not afraid; they are self-
Poiniessed. They look about, see nobo
dy—no %/Mei • Brink to you 'and me
SEPTEMBER 6, 1871.
ho ascots of the seaport town,
s he dooks of the ebips• where'
Come whitening down
.r white as they.
and Pinckney andTeuterden
elope; gather your men,
lboate on the loWeir bay."
!' Ta thethiek midday
'7 the rotting pier,
dren in happy play,
;and drifted olear.
47orid reaoh or eall,L
lien there were in
Ilia lower bay
and - then Colored men. and. women, come
of them, and to the children., `Pley
are doing their work. If the Associa
tton had not sent its teachers here, there
•wonid not have been so great a change
in the freedmen's homes, nor 'in them.;
selves, nor their children, nor would
we have had so peaceable a posit `cal
contest; nor would our worthy goVer
net' have had this little local victor to
cheer him in this dark hour of gen ral
Democratic triumph. If the Aeso la
tion bad had $2,000,p00 a year given it,
instead of thesinall contributions of ;the
past, and the, corpl of teachers odpid
have been many times greater,. the gov
ernor's heart might to-day be beating
lightly, and he might see a prospect of
the successful working of his plauifor
the future growth of the Southern m
pire State. 1
Have we looked upon no good on our
Way Oh, there is good here. There
`are good men and good Women, good
whites and good blacks. Sometimes,
When the sun' shines, and my dinner
does not disa gree with me,' and Judge
A. and Col. 8. , greet me pleasantly, I
think Georgians are not so' bad as I
have sometimes painted them.
'When ,I read , , Column after column of
treasonable newspaper stuff, and hear
that a negro has Just , been killed, and
that,but little effort has been
. made to
catchthe murderer; And when I mat
eold,Pe:noel:We plergymeu op the
stlifei,Wlli?)tist,dare speak, to me, and
betlittig More and hear o f the remark?
iieighh6ro rciiid.i; to say
'the people have no good in 0 . 361, and
- that this wholeeection is but awaiting
God's Judgment. --Advance.
COnsumption of Liquors in the 11. S.
Letter from Dr. Young, Chief .1 the
Bureau of Statistics.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 16, 1 71.
Secretary of Massachusetts Te pe
ranceAlliance, Dear Sir :—.I hav the
honor to acknowledge the recel tof
your letter of the 4th instant, in which
'you request a statement of the aggre
gate; annual value of the sales of liquors
in the United States, and' in repy to
i ii
'say that I have not, as you'in ti in ted,
Made any official report respeetin the
aame. Tables prepared by me o the
subject were published , in the appe ' dix
, to the report of•tbe Special Comcmis'
sierierhf the Revenue for 1867; but the
facts were so grossly misrepresented by
many temperance men, even after ex
planations were made, that I am now
extremely careful in publishing an es
timate of the annual Bales of liquors.—
.As ' a consistent temperance man (and
boy) for 41 years, my experiencen'd
obßervation have convinced me tha on
this question, as well as on all oth rs,
" honesty (of statement) is the best ci-
Hey," and I have no sympathy 'th
'the terniclous maxim that " the nd
v k
justifieit the means." • I wish to impr as
upon the youth now fighting under t,ie
temperance banner, as well as upon all
other persons, that it is •al.Pays safe o
do right. .
'Temperance, in common • with alms t
every good work, has suffered from tne
totemparate anal or Its advocates, an
from ne cause to a greate r
...A extent, pe/ I
haps, than from the exaggerated state
ments of alleged . facts. Whenever a
temperance lecturer tells the sellers and
users of intoxicating liquors that, the
annual' sales amount to from 1,600 to
2,000 millions, (sometimes it is stated
as sufficient to pay off' our national
debt, nearly 2,400 1 millions, or $6O for
every man, woman and child in the
country,) every intelligent hearer knows
that it is a gross exaggeratihn, and has,
therefore, no confidence in the state
ments of such a man. An enterprising
rumseller,' whose victims are exposed
to publiegaze, does more for the tempe7
ranee: cause, 'I firmly believe, than an
advoi3atoteb6yses such .o)taggerations.
''The - tables chove alicided to , were es 4
timates founchid on the receipts of In,
ternal revenue of the sales of nierehan
chise,-incluctin,ry liquors, by retail liquor
dealers, and not of liquors alone. Ci
gars, tobaccO,groceries and other mer
•chandise were included in such' sales,
liquors being in many instances but a
small part. The estimated sales of such
merchandise, including liqUors, wore as
follows : In the fiscal year 1867, $1,483,-
491,865, and in 1868, $1,621,457,65E4 (I
hope the figures I will not •be quoted as
the values of liqbors sold •in the years
named.) • -11 .
In the ahsehoe : of apenrate delta; the
following is, aniesUmate of the sales oti
,lignefii•in the Vulted States during the
flseal.2y r eai' 'ended June 80,'1871 :
Whisky- 7 00,000,000 gallons, at s4` .
,retail • • - • 4...tn0 nort;coo '
ftoportoil . spirits-2,500,0011 "gallon', •
at $lO retail... ...... I ... 25,000,000;
Imported svine--10,500,000 gallow,
at $5 retail 1 . 53,500,000
A le, Leer and porter 05,000,000 bbls:
at $2O retail 130,000,000'
Native brandies, winos and portliiiia,
'yinntity unknown; outimatiect vnlur, 31,500,000
As a proof of the correctness of the
above, it may be stated that dnriag the
last fiscal year-the receipts from retail
liquor dealers who paid $25 each for li
cense, amounted to $3,050,000, indica
ting hat there were 146,000 retailers of
liquors ;in 'the united States: By in
cluding those who escaped paying
tense feed, estinitited at 4,000, the num
ber increased' to 160,000, who, on an
average, Sold at least $4,000 worth of
queraeach, making $600,000,000, as be
stated. These figures are sutlicient
ly startling, and need no exaggeration.
Sax hundred millions of dollars ! The
Minds of few persons can comprehend
this vast sum, whibh is worse than was
ted every year. It-would pay for 100,-
000,00 barrels of flour, averaging 21
barrels of flour to every man, woman
and 'child in the country. This flour, If
placed in wagons, - ten barrels in each,
would require 10,000,000 teams, which,
yards to each, wimlti ex
tend 45,455 miles; nearly twice round
the earth, or half yaY to The moo7il If
the sum were hi $l,-notes, it would take
100 persona one year to count them. If'
spread on the surface of the ground, so
that no spaceS should be left betweein,
the''notes, the' area covered would
20,448 'sores, forming a parallelogram of ,
6 , by a little over 61- miles,' the walk
'round it being more than. 22.1 tu 11'64:
•" AS you 'have made no inquiries 1 - 11 re;
tO' tobadco and, 'cigars, I - furnish
no eititnate of the annual consumption
of - these articles, but volunteer the in-'
formation that tbp influx of Chinese
has introduced a new •luxury, viz :
Opiumi prepared for smoking, the lin,
portation of,whloh• for the la4t
year was 816;121 podilg, of the value
of $1,928,915. With ardent wishes for
the success of the cause in which you
are engaged, I ana,reapeetfullyours,
John Atwood; a laborer, was , ,sitti g
on;the perch of .1•01ku Crenshaw; sonde
twelve miles froin'St. Louis, on Sunday .
night last, singing in a very loud ton t.
Joseph Buetiolt told h1;1 to stop. A. •
wood replied, ," This is free country,
and I will sing its I please." Sumetich
then stepped till in front CA . Atwood and,
kicked him in the stomach, killing bbial
instantly. Sumetich has not yet bee
arrested.—Telegraphic lA:patch.
-There are two Bides to the above stor
Private advices tend to show that Jo S;
Sumetich was a foreigner, who his du
ties knew, but also knew his right,
and knowing dared maintain—or words
to that effect. I He was formerly aj °in;
zed of the Sandwich Islands—Sume
-bleb was—and when he came •to this
and of the free he brought with hill,
n a hempen beg, a god about a foci
nd a half long, which he himself ha l l
hittled out with his own jackknife L•
being somewhat famed as a Joss cm -
psnter. He set up his basswood Jupi
ter Ammon inn hen house about"twelvs
miles from St. Louis, and derived much
consolation frotti the frequent worship
thereof. The neighbors did not object,
though . the widow who owned the hen
louse thought she missed some spring
chlekeni, and',thought they bad been
offered as a sacrifice at the al tar of Sume
tich. The devotions of the heathen
were occasionally broken by small boy's
Who playfully warbled "Hi I hi!" bo l t
John Atwood and others told him to
gonhead, if he liked It." This en
couraged Su tnetich , who first entreated,
then commanded Atwood to bow at the
same - AtwOod` said, he'd rathe!r
not. i
This created an irreparlble breach
between the two. One night Atwood
was sitting ou John Cranshaw's bac
porch, singing,
"From Groonland's joy mountains,
From India's coral Wand,"
alluding ,therein to the ' Error's ohaini'
which has for a long time bound the in
habitants of the Pacific isles. Sume
tich considered the song !personal and
theologically offensive, and requested
AtWood to set his music box to another
key. The 'amiable' minstrel conceded
that the point of order w 8 well taken'
and immediately struck up the StO
Spangled Banner. The sensitive Su ,
metich thought this an I,
suiting fling
at the Otaheitan banner, and ordered
him to stop, at the pen of having a
head pit on hirir. Atwood reminded
him that this was the U. S. A., that the
breath of 'tyranny had never cast lie
belluginons wreaths in our pellucid air,
at that he would desist until he had
obtained the protection of the constable
of-the town. To him he wrote, and
asked that the belligerent 13mnetich lo,e
arrested. Next day he received the fol
lowing: . I
, " Johni Atwood :—I have exanainJd
all the la i ty books; and have coneludtid
to suppress you. It is easier to sit
',up Atwood than te shut up , Sumetic .
He is also clearly right, and you are as
•clearly wrong. Nopan has\a right to
do anythitfg that will exasperate ape
ther man. It Is one of the chief duties
of our goverunient to protect innocePt
people from haling exasperated. I have
therefore the I °nor to &quest _you to
hold on, anti]. ot sing anything more
that will offend the , prejudices of obr
adopted citizens. I
1100ALASS, Const.' 1
Atwood was ,obstlnate. He eheriA
ed the, Miserable delusion that au Anie
riean may inn4oently sing the S i tar
Spangled Banne&, ; so he piolonged is
melodious uttera me. Sumetioh could
not stand it. P: tienee ceased to b: a
virtue ; he endur.d it as long as possi
ble; then he_rtildly kloked the offen
der_in the stotnael and , .killed
The Conner sat on him and raturue4 a
Verdict " in a lit of justifiablelsim
aSperation by (some person or pers( us
unknown."— hicago Poe. ; ,
Married Women at Lo g Branch
Olivia, the gushing corrtspondent
the Philadelphia Press, !Ives the
Nwlng sketch of a certainiclass of m
rled women at song Bran ! h : •
" All gatherings at. L'iug Bran h,
whether they take place in the water,
on the lawn, or in thelarge parlers,El4-e
-mind the observer of a woman suffr
I go
convention. - According to a physical
necessity, women must have matters
all their-own way. Whilst men are at
home tOling at their •self-appointed
tasks, Women are here spending mo+y ;
as though it were water. In the Ori
'ent a woman must hide her face, and
'keel) herself sacred for the man wpo
furnishes everything to make life jiigt
what it is In the highest ranks of tl.he
East. According to this custom, there
must be some secae return for the v
turesome outlay „
" In the Occident, women are nil rs
and men are slaves, thanks to the pro
gress of the nineteenth century. iA
married woman of the fashionable kind
at Long Branch, has arrived at that
point where there is nothing•more that
can be expeeted or desired. She has l a
suite of rooms set apart for her exclu l -
sive use, She has servants who have
neither eyes nor ears. She has ti,car
rlage lined, with satins as luxurious ftS
eider down, which comes and goes byl a
wave of her jeweled hand. She has a
professional bather to take her into the
briny fluid, who knows how to man
age, so that even the Atlantic shall nOt
visit her - cheek too roughly. She hils
usually a very young man attached to
her by invisible reins, after the drama
tic manner of Aunt Trotwood and Mr.
Dick. - This innocent eieature flits the
measure of her vaulty, when nothing
better has beep gathered for, the slaugh
' " The most desperate flirtations are
seething and bubbling whilst the litis
hand' is grOwing bald with hard think
ing in Will street. If this woman IS
cursed with any progeny, she has agovi•
erless or'nurse , for every child, whilst,
a 'renoh maid waits at her 'elbow to i
co ub and adjust her false hair, to pow;
de . peach and paint, to unhook, un4
la e i or untie. Why, queen Elizabeth
was denied more than half the luxurie4
this American princess enjoys. INTInt
return to the welld does this woman
make for all she takes out Of it? Her
mentaln organization is as false as her
physical, and yet N. YOrk sends scores,
of-just such women to all the fashiona
hie 'resorts in the country. Cau womani
heaid to be enslaved, when we have
inn Irpletnres before our eyes ? If such)
a .ilibothifige, it is only the God who:
n t
er sited thou can unseal their eyes, not
withstanding Mrs. Cady Stanton, and
Parson Beecher. i
NO. 36
Anether Case.
Bdok & Job'.
Is well supplied with
ante all kinds of- Job
- dia l
14rge additions of aI
have been added
Lociation- , Bwm &
Twci Ole'
In a small old tx
stu#e, there used
named Jack and 4
friends, and had
them, and went of
They Were boll
and sunburnt. T 1
and both wore 100£
they could never n
the most eleven;
II know the best
erel, and herring,
. ',So do I ; and I
to sell them,' said
do I,' ans'
know the hest wa3
"So ,do I„' anew
is the: !use of all thl l
got any ropes for o
'lf we had time Zv
said Jack.
' If wi) had mo
some,' wild Joe.,
'-If we knew.wli
some,' salld Jack.
'lf wo knew w I
some,' said Joe.
Just, then the bel
the hill began toll!
' They ring thos:,
said Jack.
' And the ropes a l
Joe. Jack began 't l
t•) laugh.
Shall we go to c
nttht 2' asked Jack.
And shall we 's
asked Joe.
Up the hill went
•They stopped in ch
Were all over and e
home. • "
• Now is our time,
It is our turn nos
Off they *rent to 1
bells were hung. E
long, strong, thiok i r
One for me,' orlei]
And one for me, l l
Up the ropes °HMI
sailors, like a couple
' I'm up at the top,
And so am I,' Mi l
Jack pulled a knit
so did Joe.
Lick! stick ! wen
A l t through the rope
dowin lie and bra
stones at the bottom,
orickee!' grot
bottom; who coul
What a stupid he
Joe, at the top; yot
RS I iio.'
With these word
close under his feet.
lets, t itn hauging, by
Oh, erickee !' cried Joe, at the top,
wh() ) ,(.4)uld have thought of that!'
What a stupid bead you were,' cried
Jack von will have' to hang there till
Awl so he did, and made his arms so
stiff that he could not move them for a
week. l , It was a sad night for the two
clevtir sailors. They cried, and prayed,
and groaned; and
_said bad words till
morning. Then Jack was taken off to
the hospital, and Joe was taken off to
Some Popular Errors About our , Eyes.
There\ comes a time when normal
eyes find their powers grown -limited,
and reqire more light, or assistance
from gla ses, when looking at -'' small
near ohje , ts. When this period arrives,
it is au or or to persist 'in endeavors to
do as for erly with the eyes ; but much
use must l e avoided, except in a clear
light, or wi h the required auxiliaries.
It is also a
ti intake, as•will hereafter be
shown, to len ppose that glasses should
not be wor while it is possible to avoid
doing so. In the contrary, they serve
to prevent straining of life eyos, and
preserve ra her than injure vision.
Certain efects of refractive power
are due to alformation-of the eye, ei
ther existih from birth or acquired af
terward, an are not to be removed by
remedies, o by manipulation. It is - a
mischievous error to suppose that the
form of an elastio globe, filled with flu
id or semittuid substances, can be
changed, ex ept for the moment, by
pressing upoh it with the fingers, ashes
been recommended by charlatans. ; All
the theories that the eye can have its
form. favorably' modified by rubbing it
alwaYs in oii direction, or by anyoth
er maul pulatf n, have no foundation in
facts. But, while persistent squeezing,
occulting.; to-t ese methods, can never
do any perm rent good, it involves
great 1 isles. I may lead to congestion
and hemorrhage withiii the eyes, or
give rise to•desirnetive Inflammation or
,the formation of cataract, by disloca
ting the crystalline lens; or cause al
-most iininedia,te loss Of sight, by sepa
ration of the re Ina from its neighbor
ing parts ; or m ty increase the giving
way of the ha .k part of the globe,
whiob is oireat y often begun 'in near
sighted eyes. •
The same wa
equal force agai
fitted with rubb'
form of the eye
they are, persons
purchase and try
Our Ames
Mr: W. Robin
elate editor of Old,
sited the United
our climate:
"Oh, Americans, never blame the
climate, for k, is an admirable one. The
succulent vegetables of the old Country
grew here, with very few exceptions,
and by their tide You gather the ears of
the stately 'and graceful maize—most
t r
useful ~t• its woad rfully useful family.
Muskmelons, bet er than those which
coil an English c un try gentleman six
doliars esch to produce in lint beds and
In glass houses, gri>w side by side with
sour delicate sweet potato, which I Used
to grow as a curhOty in a hot house.—'
- Our popular Williams pear, (you call it
the Bartlett,) larger, sweeter and more
golden than with s, falls by the side of
t .
ogg plants, with fr tit so large as to pea
constant cause of s uprise to me, who
had often grown ti GI fruit to the size of
a turkey egg In ho houses In England.
Rosv-cheekd English apples are seen
shove the quaint, largel flower of the
okra, whic iii to us IS au impossible
otic. illesscl by very variety of cli
mate, and ‘sfith its eoples not hedged
out from each °titer's ImjDrovemeats by
Strange tongues, - I Ihok forward to the
time when this vat country shall be
more fmous for rurl , beauty than for
the w alth of her ' any cities."
Piloting House,
vessel bud Typos', to a x e .
Work,. with uobtubso and
the late 'Myles , of typo
to Olt doliartmont.
cone,E; Blook, 2d Floor
er Sailers.
' - n built on the sea
to live two sailors,
oe. They were great
one boat between
. t fishing together.
I strong, and brave,
liey both liked nun,
A e trousers. And so
11, ake out whioh was
way to •cook inaok
nd-aole,' said Jaok.
c now the beat way
'ered Jack, and I
to catch them.' .
red Joe ;
' but what
i s when we have not
r nets ?'
0 could make some,'
1 ey, we could buy
re, v0:43 could bOrrow
ere, we could steal
a of tre church on
1 g for prayer.
bells with ropes,' -
. i
e very good,' Bald
mile, Joe began
Ira', my mate, to-
y there till lot?'
he two old sailors.
rob till the prayers
•erybody had gone
' said J4k.
- ,! said Jo .
he towerhere the
ere they fund two
Apes. •
• Jack. I
!cried Joe.
ed the two clever
of moo key's.
',' said Jack.
) d Joe. '
e from his pocket;
Jack's knife. He
over his head, and
ke his pate on the
ned Jack, at the
have thought of
d you were,' eried
shiiuld have done
. '
he cut his rope
Down it fell, and
two hands at
niug will apply with
st the use of eye cups
rr bulbs, to alter the
all, as is assured, by
liess and dangerous as
re. Often persuaded to
I. -
leatt Climate
100, of London, asso-
Field, who lately vi
tales, thus speaks of