The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 30, 1871, Image 1

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is ItOBLISEIZU InlitlLl ViIIDUBDAT 11081111110 BT
P. C.. Van GI-elder.
übeariiitkan, (o,,ttjeas) • $2,00.
T6:+ Luce orltiprzos.OF. Lsaii, suss DNA S4UA3II
equal . % I 31/. 00 I $l OO $ 2 1 50 I Skoo-IX7
y1a . , 2 . d
R oil 001.
- 16,00
M_' 10,00
SpectiLf ttOttcce cent pec 1144 Efdltorlal
Local V cents per line.
'f t .instent adveatleing ulna be paid for in advance.'
de.) UttlCO Blanks, Constale, lanlr.a, Deeda,Jwir
th , to
;Marriage Carlini:4o2,l9.on baiter.
May 31, 1871-Bate
Seeley, Coateo & Co.
A NKERS, Knoxville, TiOga, Connty;.Pa.
Receive money on deposit, diaeonnt not
dud sell drafts on NOW York Olty., Oolloot
ions promptly made .— Jan 1 1871—y
MOBOAA 13stoLty—Oseeola.
DAVID COA79, Knoxvillei ,
Office in Smith and Bowon'a Blook t aorosa ha
trpm Agitator Office up Astro,mond door.]
Woßm J
oh Pa) Jan. 4, 1.871-Iy.
Jno. f. Alitohell,
Attorney and Oonneelor at Law, Olatm,•and In
surance Agent. Moe over Kreee's Drug Store,
Welleboro, Pa. Jan. 1, 1871—y
William 4. stone: ." •
Attorney and Counselor tit Law, first door above
Converse do Osgood's store, on Main street.
Wellsboro, January 1, 1871 y
Jno. W. Adams,
1 tornoy and Counselor at Law; Mansfield, Tioga
oaunty, Pa. Colleottons promptly attended
t o. Jan. 1, 1871—y
`Upson & lilies,
itcorooys and COULDBifloigiit' taw. Will attend .
promptly to business entrusted to their etre in
the counties or Tioga and Potter. 0118.oe on
the Avenue. Jan. 1, 1871 y
9.F.Wi>eo:t.](J. B
John "fir.' , Ou ; ernsey, ' r
Attorney and ConnOlor at 'Law. All holiness
entrusted to him will be promptly attended to.
Office 2d door south of Hazlett's Hotel, Tiogn,
Tiogn County, Pa.—San. 1, IS7I.
Win. B. Smith,
Pousion, Bounty and Insurance Agent. Com
munications sent to the above address will re
coke prompt attention. Teruo moderate,
Knoxville; Pa.—Jaii. 1, 1811.
Soymonr & Horton,
ittorneys and Counselors at law, Tioga Pa.
All busigeas entrusted to their oure will reoeive
prompt attention,
Jan I. 1811. y
Armstrong & Linn,
Jan 1,1871-y.
W. H. Terboli & Co.,
W holesale Druggists, and dealers in Wall Paper,
Kerosono Lamps, Window Glass, Perfumery,
Paints, Oils; &0., ho.-Corning, N. Y. Tan.lll.
D. Bacon s M. D.,
Physioinn and Burpon,lst door east of Lanher
Bad:Jo—Mato Street. Will attend promptly to
ill ton.. Wellsbero.—Jaa. 1, 1871.
A. M. Ingham, M. D.,
komeopathlat, °Mao at his Residence on the
Avenue.—Jan. 1, 1871,
Ueorgo• Wagner,
saiir Strop Bret door north of Roberts' Sr. Bail
tly's Hardrare Store. Cutting, Flttlng and Re
pairing done promptly and well.—Jan.l,lB7l
timitleg Hotel,
lioga, Pa., E. M. Seth, Proprietor. House in
good condition to accommodate the traveling
public , in a superior manner.—Jan. 1, 1871.
Farmers' Temperance Hotel.
Mr. B. NIONIROE, havirrg_Pasohased this h'onSei,
will conduot in future as In the past, strictly
on temperance principals. Every acCommo
dation for man and beast. Charges reason
January 1, 1871
Anion Hotel.
En. B. Van Horn, Proprietor, Wellaboro, Pa.
This eons° is pleasantly located, and has all
the eonvenlemeos for man and boast. Ohargos
modorato,—Jan 1,1871,1 y. .
NV. W. WEBB, M. D.,
Physician, and , Surgeon.
OrPioß—Opening out of lipping!! Jr Colo's
Drug Storo.—mar. 1, 1871.
Ladies' Millinery
A E RS. SOFIELD has a complete assortment
111 of the West styles of
_Milliner ! , and Furnishing Goods,
which she is ealling at uuusualls ler. pricee.
-1 ev.ry liotriptlon to suit everybody, and
1 1 , 61,11E1g Ladles' Ready•Mado Dresses, a cow
plvte outfit, that aftonot fall to please the ladlos
Please call and examine Goods and prices
STORE oppo . aite Post Offioo, Maio Street.
, yolifburo May 4. 1890. tf
New Millinery !
atRS. C. P. SMITH, has now on 14nd an sto
gent assortment of all Oho 'Meat styloe o
Fancy Goods; Parasols, Gloves
which abe is seelllng at very low prices. Drop
.0 and seo the new goods.
May 4, 1871-tf
Bushels Stone Lime
for gale by
Ap 19, 1871.-m. W. C. KRESS.
rHZ subscriber offers for sale his. farm :of be
rn acres, pleasantly situated in Catlin-Hollow,
10 14e/too, Ttoga county, P i a.; within about four
dof Wellsboro aI:UM° miles of Niles Val.
, depot. &shoal house, church, mills, Atop,
~at within a mlle. Terms easy. Inquire on
16 1 IT, f Draudies of
tf 0. G. OATLIN.
A LOMon.l 1. 77
I $12.00
60 II
22 00
00,00 1 /00430
acres, some 30 of which is
frame barn 30142, and a good log house, and
some fruit trees 'theieon.i, 8&I@ farm is /Unser.
passbd for fertility of soil in this section. For
particulars inquire of the subsesiber at the office
of G W. ?derrick, Esq., Wellsboro Pa.
Aril i 9, 1871—if. ' A. BEDIVILD:
'.; , .;,1i. 1 -4'iii - O, .3: ~ A .'1 ',I i
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LATELY_ known as the Townsend Hens! ,
and for a time occupied by D. D. Holi
day, has been thoroughly refitted, repair ;
ed and opened by
iV1.4514110E, ;
who will be happy to accommodate the old
friends of the honse at very reasonable rates.
Jan 1,1871' y DANIEL MONROF4
"Vega Marble Works. "
Tgr. u ndersigned is now preparid to eke..
'ento all diders for Tomb'Stones and Motu.
meats of either,
of the latest style and approved workmanship
and with dispatch. • • -
Ile keeps constantly on hand both kinds of
Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa.
vOr him with their orders, on as reasonabletoms
as can he obtained in 'the country, ,r I
A LE persons loidebted to D. P. Roberts by
A Book account or Notes arereauested to dall
and settle and save Costs, at G. W. Morriek's
Feb. 1, 1871.—tf
It. " Min' <>3.2:Le o. 3r,
REPS constantly on hand, ELGIN
ES, Marine, Alarm & Calendar CLOCKS,
Plated Spoons and Forks; Table, Butter and
Fruit Knives; Cups, Castors and Cakeßaskets;
Napkin Rings; Cream Salt Sugar and Mestard
Spoons; Fine Gpld and Agattatings; Gold Pans
and Pencils; Mild Gold Sole; Pearl Fancy and
Plated Buttons; Watch Guards and Chains, &b.,
A largo stock of SPECTA CBES, GLASSES, and
Colored Glasses, all at reduced prices.
,N.l3.,=Watches and Jewelry neatly Repaire4.
Marol? 1814 r
'• list •
llama " DENTIST.
ice opposite Cone House, Wollaboro, Pa. Al
.peratlone neatly and carefully performed. Sat
efaetlon guaranteed,at, 'Ova and let live prices.
Feb 22, 1871 tf ki a' 0
Manufacturing Ocaxpany,
- . —Ponatttuted by tho homes of the people—
Received tho Groat Award of the
And have loft all rivals far behind them, for they
SOLI), IN 1070
cling more than; fm:ty, , 411,m/fond in, advatioo of
"iiildloif of thi piCoilduktmnr, aa d iijiebrorty
or thousand more thtin the sales of
m a»l4 .... %thei
ovony for - 18 . 10, as shown by the, follow .
gums from SWORN returns of the sales o
he Binger Manufacturing Company
sold over the Florence Sewing
Nile/tine Co
cdttocer the Wilcox & QtLa§ Selo
ing Machine Co.,
old oner the Weed Sewing Ma
'old over the Grover & Baker
Sewing Machine Co;,_ 70,431 do.
'old over the Howe Machine Co., 52,1377 do
'old over the Wheeler &- Wilson
Man lilac( uring Co.,
45,625 do.
. ,
of which Is mainly owing- to the popularity
what is known as tho "Nnw FAMILY SawING
Acrusnon which is now fast finding its' way
to every. weltrogulated household.- For
4iars giving fall particulars of. Machines, theft
Folding Cases of many, varieties of wood and
their (Attachmerifirforsiumerous kiude of
wori7wbich, till recently, it vraii — thought that
diticate fingers alone could perform, as well as,
particulars about all articles used by. their , Ma.;
chines, sueh as Twist, Linen Thread,' SPookot4
ton; Oil, ic., /co., apply to any of their" Aathor 2 ,
!zed Agents, or to
458 Broadway, New York. Philadelphia
Office 1106 Chestnut St.
!March 22 ) ,
Health l fa li nda.rd Medicines.
TTSE Dr. liDltMCK'S'Sugar Coated Vegeta-
L,) Ole Pill. end IC ((I-Strengthening plaatere—
tile best In use!
Use Ilarvell'a Oonditln Powders for Doreen
an i t Cattle—eatlefeetion , guaranteed or money
re, nded.
, Ilee Dr. Perrlik's fumigator for Catarrab. The
ab ve artfeles are-for ele by W. C. Kress, Ag't,
Wellelioro, and the trade generally.
into 14,1871-BM.
NE elegant, new, leather top buggy ; one
nice open buggy, nearly now; one two
o lumber wagon ; a goo 4 single harness.
.nis 21;1871 tf ,11-'
Farm for ,Sale.
. Et Subscriber offers for sale hie farm, situ
ated ia. the town of Delmer, some, eight
-a from Wellebero. Said farm contains 75
illossburg& • • dortilAg Tiogalt t
..,PRPART:bIIOI4 TIONA,Gonta Sarni.
• N 01.014 sin Nil it-t4:24 pin No 15-Ed4
Nd 7-8.38 a m No 9-12.07 p m `ado 11-1,86 put
AfolB-0,90 pm. No )47/014p . 1031-1.86 aro. '
•DIDPART , YBOM 'AIWA—Nara N 011414 I
No 2-4.12 p No 4-8;42 ain No 04.20 a to,
No 8-8.08 am NOIO-10.50 am No 1?-11.00 am
No 14-12.07 pm. 1.10-125 p m No 18-6.18 p
No 20-0.80 p m N 22.41.;2 pm,No 24-12.86 a
- • , :Elupt B. k. O. R. p,.; • Zopt Togs R.B.
, ... .
. , '.llfortitilrit '.Ceutral.,.- ,
~. • - ,
i--- - ,
- :1
DiFeit'llotiti'North tind pdi•- ,
tit; — 1
To Baltimore, Watdifo on, Philadelphia, and all points
south; also to Buffalo, Niagara .palls, .011001810
Bridge, Rochester, Eyracuse, and at all points , HAW
And West oil the Now 'nick Central 'Railroad air
The Canada'. 1 ;
; On and after Monday, August 7113, 1821, Train' - w4l:
run as follows : , :r. t . *..; , : f .'. _ '. 1 • t i
,Buffalo Ex 9:10 PM•I litagara Ex...,..5:28 P, i i -
Elmira Aeo'n..ll:l6 ,A.M { Rh** MA4..144 1 : 8 4 g il ,
lifu - rning Acen...Blo AMllingataEx 6;86P M.
Buffalo Ex 916 l r lif 'I I
Evening deep...7:16 pill,
Niagara Ex 4:30 Ahl -} Buffalo Ex, 10;1a . P la
?darning Ac0'n...10;45 Alf t Evening Acif,n,..2:16 . P Al ,
• . TRAINS LEAVE 801PPLIVgART , i:. - ::
_, . -, ,
Mrilliam't i11ai1....6:613 A 81 I Buffalo Ex..... 1046 P Id '
liiigitra Ex 7:16 Alf 1 :19f Wain ' t AC ( , 311 ( .8 . : 1 5 5 V Al
The Morning and Evening 'ACcaMtaudallOn norllt -
ward run through to Oanandalgua. ' ' ' , "
-The Morning and E ening Aecomino - datlein arritltig
from. thd North, both tart Irbm:n li a . dri ni3 Tgua lue . , . ,
The Expresa Trains, both ' l wayii, are•thro.neb trains.
between Rochester tin Baltimore,
_ cl ,_- ,t it ,
floneral Buporlotendeut. ,
•'•110,173 Dfachines
98,943 do.
92,831' do.
allar ' ' ho b long boon ostab
al i AB • , . - 0 •
/ ' h75, ,,,0 il v ebod in tho Jowelry bust,
1 • ~ tity".; oso In Wollaboro, bao tab:
6 . ~
~...., t , ,, , , i, i4, 1 7 , ... , :e d, nu,: 7arlond
11 L' • ""-; f - , ! k . . pticee of' , /
. ..
, .• ,-
wr, , , - '6,Aitv' brf.4l4s, Kik.4, iiiNes,
t .SPOONS:' AztiriB;; I tki- 1 - .
__., ,
establishment, wide
Repairing clone' 710
hort norm.
January 1, 1871-7
T"4 -- Bruit art,
bery;.grapo vine
I am agent for the Ca
series; Wad oan flint
planting. I also bay
old apple treesi: - Tijo:
growing. areen .
dug 9, 187Irtf
lIIt D111:044-ste
are hereby' tetitle
her next,frierdAilyka
the Court ef - Cooissien
a diVoree from, the b
that eatd'Obhtt-•lidita
day of 4 figlist,
can atti)ed ffYetlabtal
g l w ori 6tl. Township,"o4ornitt.;-it—
hundred onnArtm, 4 orcis;lifunw.nifore4.l:or sale
on reasontilleterW.- Said farm - Itr now In
possession - of-Cheitilr 'deny kfict 0156 IP :-L attir
,z I
( A4'. CON
July is t ri ? '— it ; Irellaboto.
boro. 20 toyyphiliAtulttlid - on State street, 60
lots ouVbsirlektotitinait-4the Brasted Fellows
Period and the house end of of Oharlas MR ;
lame: These lots are well situated and will be
bold on reasonablq, terms.
ERIE iiithWAt.
'(MW . A ndy 4 4
tiatto i na)DSdW.llld 'Botlii Ind
SI.4.II4tWING WM:MB% COinbinla gall.iltdderh swPrOver
meals, are TIM through on an Trains between Buffalo,
Niagara Balls, Suspension Bridge, Olareland, OinOin
uatl and Now. York. rs-,q4,-"r44
STATIONS. No. 1. No. 5. No. 7. No. B.*
N. York, tire '0 00 a m 11. 005 in 5,80 p m 7.00 p m
Jersey City," 015 "0 ; ,6.46," 7.20 "
Newark " • .. 11.06 8.40 a
Paterson " 12;00 ni 8.25' " -
Turners "1048 . U , 1,185 diu 7.45 Imp 9.10 sup
Newb'gb " • • 1140 a m 5,80 pin
Pt Jersts,Arr. 11.46 " .9.20 " 101*
Itingleton ' B'B9 pin 0.17 " 2.21 a m 8.18 p s
Owego " 488 " 10.10 " 8,12 " 6.eB Waverly .* ,818 " 10.58 .4
4.03 " 4.48 ;"
lllmira..," 643 %* 11.80 4,40 - '6,15
Corning " 6 24-
12.28 a m 5.28, 5.4.5
Rornelsv'le" . 788 Su p 2.00 " 7.00 b 7.12
Rochester " 10 27' 9.45 a 914 ain
Buffalo - " 1060 " ' 6.20 m 11.20; 11.20
Mag. Balls " 11 80 "' 1.05 -I% 1234 p 1114 p rte
'km. Bridge:. 1186 " 7.10 12.20 12.20 ."
pluto n 11 40 " 7.15 " 12.25 12,25
Drmldrk " ISO m 7.20 , 12.68 I". . 12.58 "
Meadville " 126 " 9,20 " 2.20 dip RIO dln.
oujiyetond /I 8 .' ' 220 p 7.20 DIA f. 20 in
D a yton • ". 12 80 p m 7,25 " 4.06'a In too • m
Olnainnatt -" 246 " 10.15 " 'B.BO " • 0.80 r "
Additional Local TrainS estward.
6.00 a, tri., except Bundaya x frorn.Vrego.
6.00 a. m., dally; Worn Prisquelans.
9.00 s. m dally, lam ffoAnehana.
19.16 except Bundays, from earquelkana.
1.16:p in except Sum yo , from Blmtra. Stapp/KW at
Big Flats 1 89, Corning 400, Planted Poet 06 1 ' and
thence, via Avon, to Buffalo, arttring at 883 p I
5,00 p m except Bundityil, from Binghamton.. tk
Bastward. .
Oinn L've' 945 p m
Dayton....". " 1208 E. m
Clevelan.. 7 25' I'
Meadville.. " fll 32`Din
Dunkirk ... " 126 1) rel
0/111.4511 " 1 801 11
ens: Bridge " 1 1 381 4.
INiagerei Halls 1 1 461 "
Buffalo "1 2 40' ".
leochaster a 400' 1 1
flornellevillo 603 Sup
Corning... -" 1' 7'8.3 P m
81m1ra..,... " i 810'"
Waverly... " i 847 ' a
Owego " 1 926 " 140 II
Binghamton 1008'' 4 ' t 26 f 1
'Port Jetvis dr 258 a m ' 7'05 "
Mitlefetown " 868 • " 800 ' " ' ,--
Negibbrgh ." ~... .... ~... 1140 am + ... .. . •.
..:ii 880 a
Turners... " i .....' .. 906 Bit I. " 18Din 843 /tap
Paterson... " 660 I .". 10 15 a m 220 p m 788 min p
Newark ... 1 " 700 I" . '2 06 4 ,,n 5 1,6 " ~.......i...
Zersey City " 1 883 1" 1068 am 2 63' 4 ' . " 812 •'
New York "17 00 a sr:L.II I W " 810 PIM 'llBo'Pm
.- - • t i l i •
• ' Additional Lo,oal Taiailtas . 4ii•i
. . i,
•11.40 a in:, daily froin Ifornelavllle. • -
6.45 a in„ sundaya excfrptedakom,jlcorneuxvine. I c,
, 6.30 a in.. except Oundayn,,crom Owego., „ . •, -
7.60 a to., except iliand aji ' from limirii. ~ - 1
].68 p. m., except ilinlayX,from Painted Peat,
2,14 p. in., except fiandaye, from Hornellsvil le: ' i ,
tDfilly. • - I. • t Mondays eicepted. "
•L. D. BITOKB11„ .! . W 61.11. Baitili - : i
Gang pup ' s, _ ' ... . . .• • '4on'l Paile:aeti '
' 6 80 p m
6 85 .s
40 it
'lO 20 s.
11 - 48 ti
1220 am
100 "
Meet Gang
g; t + '
I ~IP~
r • • f
. r
- &a.,
&o„ ‘to
lolos uattopy kept in, Bud'
is sold low for
With alpst,other ar
- H
e AI
tly, - and promptly, and on
d ornamental trees,: shrub.
s, strawboiry -
thurfun rind Itlgtdas4ivir
b tany. quantity f0r4911
a-fine stook of two year
ee vaylettkti of my own
e.plants Omni!! hand.
Jahn F. Jackson Your
- that 'Rachel ja,Cipbbfi
'd liatilkr; has applied' to
• losa.of Tioga county., for
06. Df matrimony, and
:pointed Blonday,tilo.,2Bth
of the bearing oriel& lip.
4/ A or:which occasion you
proper.: r,c. -
L A. , 01811, Sheriff.
Augupt 28, 1871-0 t
1 15pm
828 "
10 00 .g!
285 ."
445 am
885 pm
1000 8
0 Sup
805 ,"
• 13 15 "
7 "
1056 iu
948 0
41 . 30
i 2 08 Om
12 41 ".
1.22 "
625 "
/I 20 :0
268 em
6'26 "
688 "
818 "
700 "
11 ao
ti*pgiqi:::: : iiippi..:' , qq. *Ts:IA.4 _ova: 30; 1871.
lonoposED AmEtirDmilitii' OP 'TIM COtt=
JoirWrescilidion Propotrtnil
anent to th'e Gonetitution of Peitiuliava 7
ft:- • -
Be a Resolescl by The Senate and Bones : il
rucntativet ofrhaX;(!:onntonwealth, of Pennsylvania ,
in General Assembly met, That the following',
emendate* of the Constitution of this Common
wealth Ito proposed to, thopepple for their addp;
tionlor rejection, pursuant ie the prvilsions of
the tenth article thereof, to, wit : ' "
_ . ,
Strike out the Sixth Section of the Sixth Ar
*lot@ of the Constitution, tip!' insertin lieu there
linter shall be ohosen by the
° u f n ' al ltiA l e fi Sf e t i lit el l' a irri o n tr g rs of the State, at such times and
f or muolk.term of stkrioo as shall lbo prescribed
by law."
Speaker of the HOUSO of Representatives. I •
• , Speaker of the Smyth);
, Approit the fifteenth day of, June, Anno
Domini ori, th'eusand eight hundred and soys
Prepared and certified for pubßeation
ant toitharenth Artiele'of tholionstltution.
;' ;4.46/MAN,
, &meter, of the,Commonwealth.
oroiary of the Commonwealth, 1
Harrisburg, July 6th, 187 L. J
1871.--11 w. ~4
omoe Be
July 26,
Jieep .it 'Before...the People,
T6IIIPEURBY & 00. are constantly
receiving large and fresh lots of choice
Best brands of Tobacco and Cigars,
. ,
and in fact everything"kopt in their line of bn
.siness, which they dispose of at.pricea lower
than ever before.
Come in and price our goods. 'No trouble , to
show thorn.
• Thei-hayo also added, to thole already increa
.trade, a ..•
, .
•. •
aid lia/tbtliemselree ready to furnish '(on order)
any book, magasins. music, paper, or anything
asked for in that line. Subscriptions solicited
for all popular papers and magazines.
Don't' forget' to call opposite E. M. Smith's
hotel, Tioga, Pa. July 28;1871 tf
UTZ i . ,114„ KOH
VIKG opened: a firstAdass .ffardward:
• toroltin Mansfield, opposite .Pltts .13ro.;1
ow In Strait, rospeosrally Invite their Mends
aad 4 a publia In generaLto give them a eall.' l —
, 1 norrasoe satisfaetlon ia.all; eases. 4 Their,
ate° tQnßlats,pf- •1-: . 4 1
. \
~ t r
' P3Ea 4=loPr-,31Z3
Tin-Ware Nails
Xl = LCt>l2 .
Bent Work, Bpokes,. Hubs,
cultural Implements, Churn
, '• Powers,
and a general line of Goods, second to none in
the couotry,at.tho lowest cash pleas.;
They amalso agents, for the ,KIIIBY
49 1 0 E PARK AND .11AY,,VARIliNitt
'.1 7
1 '
FnAiirt ICoin4o;7' 3 liVl7 & 1101gF17...
•• ; liiiiAtfilfX, duly 1841.4 f:
. .
FOR SAL l; OREAP- 1 - 1 A buggt; . onttet,l ad
miss ittid buffalo iobV, all now. - ' Vale ajkl
be-glvon ..approvad 14 , 316: '•l'or'liaitlealatd,
apply at- thtit offiee.t ., August '2';- 1841
T_Tias now In stook, 'M1441111 , koop oonstantl3i
iLL. on band, at the lowest roverket quotations,
.Wool Twine,2 & 4 ply cotton lkjutOtwieCt.
Marlin 8, Ba. 4 strand. . • •
Kuwaiti, pat. Stop Ladder, from 8 to 8 ft.
h fi-ts , 9as CREVirs,
WIRE OLOTH & WIRE ,400 . 11:43
for AunktuiPg PRirs, • : •
A fall nesortment of Lake Ifurett - - Boreal
Canal; Wheels , Barrows
. - : in any quantity," '
. Inas dovcn: !
No 1-11 no / estra engine oil,—
A opmplete assortment of
House Builders and
Household _Hard-,
.‘, ware
j donitiu‘tiy op baud:
.BOi!ietri ,prloes:ortc • -
bolt, gat and
'fie bOw' It la 'Dimwit, and oblige • , „:,,
XOure Tridi•
J. 8011liall!FICLAN,411.
iIE lc tting by contract of the wails 'on the
Cows snesque itailroad, sir feet gauge; from
Lawrenoeville to
about twelve milee,
Will take jplaee at the offic e of the aearetary of
the - zompmay in Elkland Periwig'yenta, on Tail.
day Beptembarlith,,lB7l.
Specifmationaand estimates of quantity will.
be ready for examination at the aloe •of the'
President of the Company :In Nikland, and , at
the office of the Fall Meat+ Opal+ Company -in
Corning N.Y. by. Friday August .25th, 1871;
and the line alba read will aleb be ready to ex.
amine at the same time.
• eacep.
ATEW WAND SPREADS for sale at Green
-11 or's branoh. More. opposite the Cone Rouse,
from $4 50 to $l6. Also a large stook of new
Mull°. July 20,1871 ti
~ '7l '4,11;;"..
------- • 1:3;,j .-.;-_-
~ ,
. • • , President.
Ps - cfoi/rßit':'•
I • •
• LO
_ AT ItA.
u t
rl: r ,---) ;77 ~; .4..—;, . - - -•r : -4
Foam-oreatoil war a frvit.morn to night t t,
That nudisil FQ 11. the ifoop blueddry, ,
With'.heia and - th e a `s'eatiin aiii*, i ,• "Whioh canto; the 4 ii:iitatiectto tho'LaYo. • • y- '
9Ft 0 1 1iertag,waha a ehapo, far behhid, • . ;
A.Nateh of ailver reaol4oLhatii.; • .
'With shrill voice a'aiig the self4oliivind ; _
irk : a; Vetral hoiere'd in our freak.'
. ..
,Ltnlicederm in arm, whenophies were fair, 4 i •
..,W. 13 trod the deek,Witki th o ughtless aim,, . ,
Or sometimes Idly seated there, , )
Watched the fair ealiffrildah wen t and came
t Or, geeing down along the deep, • i • i• •,
WA,marked the long, dark indolent ewelle s ,
And eaw the bounding perpotee leap,
And beard on board the halt-boor belle, •"
Oh) what•to aq ntga filtue's swift -•
Orl'hue Ilse/4 i keyoud n name : ,;
041, wpat l# as thonoon,or night, . •
wlioni alksoiis oria were tlii),situke T
• , .4) , . 7 i, 1 '
For love possessed our souls, and drew
Els rosy veil before our eyes, ,
AO, slipped iu
,b)iss,, our souls looked through'
The open 'gates of paradise.
Loft. far behind the now world lay.;. .
Diaf i distant, shadowy, and vapt, l )
The old world logo before opr,,woy.,
.lioplete with rooorda of the past.
,Whattime fair Hesperus, rising, gleamed
: in *Amon deeps where , seo the, breeso,
The red Alin from the far went Beamed '„
• To' drop Into the purple seas.'
And on the farthest yap otalg'ht
;Bola the fall moon, llktsorne Pale Min,
Her face all wet with tears, ankwhite,
When the sweet vesper hymn is dono.
Or•salling on from high to higher,
By skirts of silvor shining clouds,
t:iho scorned at times a bell of Aro,.
TPV„squggled in 4 tiag,tail dark shrouds
o,' our lide, , ipinned with quivering light,
Iho phosphoreeoent neean lay, ,
A • d on the , ether, lest Relight, , „
Zia shadowy waves. etrAt,9,44, for . tpvay,
a d itinietlEnbe, MO a ititentgbost,
I lavoutlined on the dark night sky,
So .. e fair ship, from a foreign coast . ,
n distant seas would pass Us by.
Oh f soft,•still night; c t h 1 rioh dais,
To which my thoughts Ilk& surients bend,
ja,whotle,bright.•tysice'my &pg. plays, • nttycgage 'hut imtb its,cod.
•••••:“ • • , _. •
AMO morn I wokei`o soer4,the,tireeso . ,
OvAißi 3 Bl lB 4 4 9viti4;!tad AwePi;
AnCruttn4.9nr pro w in sluggish saner - I
The,waters of tho.hlersey slept. :
•, ;ifir. B. o',
i"' 'Thit£lBol3lil,.. - d:HBO ;
At 5 ,
• The Green Sea - of the Northwest,
: • I - 2
1W 013ARLF,fil C. COFFIN.
Throw , dowb • your pen, key your:,
booke % your htisbiesa..letril. e e be
iiiiid, ne a'-carpet-bagger lOr , a cuttl li
and.take a run, vtirith'oleititothe , Orth
west, if yeti W9ldtiee how ~an. e Ore'
grows: You cannot • see it in • N..,. . f ork '
oii3oston, oil ii Chicago: •You 'ad .un
'dersiatidthattliode end ,all other sated;
are getting on ; you c an comprehend
by the census statistics that the natidn
is increasing in population, and wealth ;
buttlt is only when ,you- get. op.on the
frontier, and : at this : . time ;upou; the,
rlsTorthwesterktrontier,,that you so, the
grOwth. of tile great repnbilican,empirit;.
Take no : ' biled ehirts' with you, as
they'say out , here; but put On flannel,
put your stove pipe hat; into its box and
'set it 144 in the closet; ' wear a Wide-,
-a*Ake, take a roll of blankets and 'a
'carpet bag,'-l-be ready for roughness.-;--
Make up your Mind that salt'pork` is
good eating; that the broad canopy tit,
Heaven is the'best bed chamber in the
:world on a summer night; that even U.
drenching In the rain 'will do no one
any harm,—Make up your mind to have
a good time; and you will_not be disap
Ifiefe you ever seen a fleet of prairie
schooners? • If you have not, it will . be
usigilt worth eeeingi. • Take audit with
me onanlndian pony, this sunny, of
and let ;the fleet,-4
Here Ave are out.on the green °eon of
the Northwest., People at ; the,
speak of nee , the, Red river, ya le f e, of
the North . ; but it is an ocean. t is; a
dead caltit 7 -,a .srutigh. and level sea. of
wavihg ' . verdUrti. r.)o you, call ;that; a
"COlittailictlon of terms? . Watt t li, you
lays 'seen • it before 'ou - qtiestA the
Staten:fent: '' The soa'ill ' Sit oaf]; ' nil 'as
even ii the stiOaeeot the paltriest lake ;
but now that the' balmy ' breezed frtiM'
the west are sweeping over it, '1 behold
it Waving With rankest' vegetation.—,
The plover rises and whirrs away on
'quivering wings ; the. Curlew. ciroleh us
in his airy flight, and calls upon us to,
' quit it, quit it, quit It!' But we tau ;
not. quit it. We almost despair of ever,
getting . ont of., it, or bailing across, this;
shorelese i ocean- 7 -shoreless to the sight.
Far away we see - green lelande. They
appear, then vanish into airy nothings.
The mirage, lifted:them, then let them
drop beneath the leVel greenness..,
„ „Access this sea the prairie , schooners ' ,
are, sailing in endless pro Cession, ,pro
pelled by ox, horse and mule
Theee . motors nestl i ng, like the (lunar
dem of the Atlantic take in a cargo of
• coals. for censumption on the, voyfigp.- 7
They feed themselves, and fatten, hy l the
way, and are stonter‘ond stronger at the
end.thnat . the beginning ofthe Jour
rioY.' , ' ..
The White-winged'ehiPS, ever hover:
ing_areuti,d the Narrows, or, standing
boldly out upon thoeeeau, with every
anti spread to the breeze, sceoe'no
more beautiful to 'the eye than 'that
whioh we gszeupon as we gallop ove'
these prairies en• this sunny SuntMer
day. • See thelong 'procession; tiow 'it
etreteheittWaYtthe white cansidkeov
timings of t the wagons' list agalOid, ; ttle
biii4 green, of, the luxuriant grasses!
l'here is music in the chucking of-the
wheels as they: roll upon their ,as leo ;
lathe bleating of .thesheep and latubso
and the lowing of. the cattle, and. the
crowing of the cooks -that acconilienr
the teams. , Each -immigrant bat his
cow - , his sheep,encl every wagon has its
cliicken coop attached. ''' l.: ;
, teok 'at this onefamily : the `wife
`end the younger children are Mindftig .
i ti t he lenibs
,und,. (milt
,aid, c i aiVee: i,rti 0
i me4ter is ,4ressed for the. eceasien— a
Mg n. P. 01414 And calico gow n. :Yoii,ean
seftlierlheep skirt hanging to the .Avage
on ahead. Call upon obei. in her new
log home, -- a few days hence, and you
wilkflodsliuit.J.flied up'. tot IcOmPan# ;.
but just now she is loriditigLe :tielPing ,
band to get the family on in the world.
The bare footed, frowsy-haired urchin,
With a face like the tall moon, trotting
it 4 K"{ . 4. 4 4 .- 4
by her side, his hi;hands full o riches
Mich ai Soiornori in all his glory could
not' comniand—thit lilies ` of the field:—
Zia - elder iliter; with her uncombe.d
hair . streaming in' the wind, is minding
the lamhe,:who' ill the time are tempted
to-stray into the green; pastures. The
brbtheriatill older,' is- driving the team
of; steOrs. He Ja fourteen; maybe; but
he is. a men. He shows us that he
knows wbut heir about, by punching
up the off steer with his goad stick, and
singing out, ' Whoa, gew; what are you
about, tharli He aspires to be a man,
tind"would hays us think he le one. 'He
is only doing just what we all did when
we wereboye. The father drives the
other team. ''He isg etting on in years;
has a grizileil, beard 'He sits beneath
the sheltering , can as, with goad in
hand, guiding and urging on his stal
wart pair of oxen. - . ,
A little tow-hea d child, with ,ivon
,! . n, her deep bl_ ,eyet3,,ia nestling li
his anns,-•Nfluthit h, r, tt,ny
. hands, noNki
; ,3
Ada beard, and now pointing to
,the. ll Qw.6 l o - . -- the golden lilies, the white
'merning glories,. and the acres of wild
` roses bloOnciing around.: ,
see I see, papa Ah, it is pleasant
music, that prattling voice, sweet as an
angel's, mingling with the larks, and
the bobo'llnks, and the curlew's quit
it' cry.
' Where are yon from?' is my clues
tlon, to the father. Jr
' From southern Minnesota.'
'.What are you coming up here tor ?
•Id you not have good land ,down
Yes; but I tinks dis is better.'
He is a IsTorwpsiati, and Abe th will
nbt trip' readily from his tongue, and
so he Unite dis is better land.' With
hundreds, even thousands of , his neigh
bora, holies sold out the preemption
there to start a homestead here.
Look where you, wilt, you see them)
prairie "schooners-families with bag
and baggage, with . flocks and herds,
plow,and shovel,
,stove,, and bedstead,
churn and chair—moving on to the het
tet land.
Id° not wonder that they come ; for,
of. all the domain of this republic, there
Is no region exceeding this in fertility.
.Think of it, ye fa:we're of New Rog
iand, or of the - Middle States, who look
upon your broad twenty acre fields
with pride—think of a volley so. level .
tlaat you may turn a furrow, unbroken,
by t laillOck or laollow, save at a river
crossing, jifity mites in length, if
driVe 'your team from the east to the
*430 across this valley! Think of put ;
thigYour plow into a furroNo at NeW
York and never taking 'it out Until you
reach•thifeity of Washington. ouch's
furritiv you -might turn, were j;stf to
start-your team afield at Breokenride
and drive it to lake Winnipeg, -in Brit
/sh Aineric,a, were it not for the (frolic
ing of the streams tributary to the Bed
river of the North. . ,
' year ago ttats V Mit expanse :zwas al-
Meet a solitude; but now it is quick
with hie.
• The Northern
read,ii the cause 'of this naparalleled
irnail,gratfon. The railroad will not be
completed to the Red riVer'before Sep
tanher;4 but the immigrants 'are here
ahead of 'it, taking possession of all the
tdmiee lands belonging to• the-govern
ment sections, each man staking off his
,preemption ,claim of one hundred and
acres,, • Many er the settlers have
Redo arrangementei with the railroad
company, and have taken land belong
,to them. It is estimated that not
lees Than twenty thoUsand persons have
settled along the line of that railroad
the - present season I The immigration
'from Can'ada has been very _ large to
Manitoba. A gentleman from Motre
whti into been spending a few mo uths
in the'vailey, informs me that not less
than nine thousand ) have
passed.northward to take up .homes in
.Polanitoba, three hundrecl , , miles north
of,•the line of, the Northern Paeltlo rail
road The lands hero are just as havi-
Ong as these in Manitoba; but,,, ,having
been subjectis of Lbe Queen, with all
their associations connected with Caw
ada, they are not quite ready to become
'citizens of the republic. It is the as
tonishing, fertility of these lands and
their prospective nearness to an eastern
market, that Make them so Ikttractlve.
It is only two hundred aud thirty
milled from Red river to' lake'SUperior ;
and Duluth, ass shipning,point, is just
as nearas Chicago to New York or Bos
ton. The railroad, when' completed to
this 'pOtiat; •Inatead of reaching a wil
ilernessovill run through a country al
ready settled. •
These"Wayfirers,:now moving on to:
establish new ,hotnee, will a year or two
hence load down the. , Cars ef the com
pany with , - eho)cest 'wheat itpa otey
rottutrigit,:tbeir arms ail &Liu way to
New Yerkiand"Boston,•'matt
ttOtis,(tie . preducits of the East
*return , Towne 'and eities,Avall.rlse )
like magic over these 'green fields. ' The
loeomotive will bring them a few days
hence. ,
• A year ago, a profound-solitude; to
day, allve incoming popialation ;
not yeer, reapers, mowers, threshers,
vacies of children learning - their les
sons in school, and church bells ringing
their music on the ambient air!
• So this green sea of 'the Northwest is
changing from silence and solitude to
life and activity,. at a rate unparalleled
in the history of the-republic.-
Shoyirithe Differeaca in the Copt/Mort
the Sate for Ten i Years under De
; ' mooratie and yen re d
ui.u . uner
' Republleisnlictiictiteineni.
The MAl:morals bled au ainithit
PciiiiisYlvanitt from 1 866
, to 1800, and the flephbllcana have heeti
iu power , triost of the time from 1860' to
1871.1The'reeords made by these partres
within thctie ,perlotisl in the inauagil--
msut otthe 'finances of the State, is a.
fair ; ,test.,by which to try theta: ,
„Tile Wale debt on the tat of Decetn-,
4 1xi,r0850, and on the 88,1328 dats f pf the
tea years following, is given, Au ;the A 4-.
lowing table, compiledlrom the annual
reDurta of the Auditorl General :
State 'debt 11ei). 1, 1850 ' $40,745,485 42
" i 0 1851 ... 40,114,236 39 1
1852 ' 41,524,875 37
1853 48,566,279 54
1864 • '40,418,160 07
.. ... 40,198;1124 22
1858 ' 40,117,834:25
1857 ' ' ' 39,881,738',22
1858 • - 89,488,243.67 '
1859 .... .. . . 38,638,981,
1860...... . . ....... 37,969,847 50
`lt will be seen from this table that
the - State debt remained abol?? fot . ,ty,
mliiierie—sei6e years increasing, all()
others deceasing slowly—until 1856,
when the Democratic ascendency be
gan to be shaken. , The public works
; t •
~iias~ ,:t; .:~:
1: t ‘ -
, .
Were s i eld R
1857,`in 1858 the epuh
els • carried the llouse, in 1859 thi
as fled both Rouse and'Senate, and
1880 they elected the Governor and,
majority in both houses. -
Dttring these ten years, the
party •had. the benefit of the reveni
from the State tax on real and person
estate, and the tax on tonnage .031 t
Pennsylvania railroad. The raven
from these two coulees, durtiqg the
°ado referred to, was as folio ' s :
Tonnage Tar e ' 'Slate 71
$9,614.71 $ ,872,170
...... 31,270'88 ,869,830
...... 07,22! 92 ,881,550
118,206 11 ,610,408
... 181,124 25 A,721,11.4
250,94724 4,682,035.
___ _ _
1857 204,504 11 1,414,687 i
1858 224,595 82 1,010,220.
$4186,207 75 $15,024,084
Total Tovetwe from these souroa, $16,161,3811
And yet, with alt this revenue"
$BOO,OOO additional paid in threeins
ments, 1858, 1869 and 1860, by the Pe
Sylvania railroad In redemption of
bondd given in purchase, of the, pu.
works, the public debt remained alm s
unchanged for six years, and was fin
reduced in the following four ye,
but a trifle, as these figures show :
State debt DeeembeT 1, 1850 $40,775,485
State debt Deoetuber 1, 1880 37,909,847
Total reduction in 'ton years $2,800,037 92
Or an average of 'about $280,000 a year.
Shortly after the Republicans came
fully into possession of the State gov
ernment in 1861, they were confronted
,with the necessity of arming the troops
of the State called out to suppress the
rebellion, and to put the State int a
condition of defense. Hence the ne ;o
tiations of the war loan of 1861. They
therefore commenced their decade with
a debt of over forty millions, atifollov;:s :
State debt iDeoember 1, 1860 $37,969,84710
War loan of 1861 3,800,0001'00
Total:;r , $41,4.09,847 GO
The tonnage tax was repealed in 1861,
and subsequently, in February, 1880,
thethree mill tax on real estate was to
pealed, so that hese large soureeslef
revenue enjoyed y the Democrats were
out off from their successors; the annu
al payment into he Sinking Fund by
the •PerinsYlvtin a railroad being lu:
creased, by the repeal of the tonnage
tax, from $lOO,OOl to $460,000 annually.
With the tonnage tax repealed singe
1861, and ithe three mill tax 'abolished
,1865, the Republican, administra
tion of the State has still managed to
reduce the public debt more thatt one
fourth. A statement published (0.
Wally) ,by the Commissioners of t ie
Sinking Fund, shows the public) deb ,
July 1., 1871, to be its follows : 1
Debt bearing (min intoned 84,507,800 0
Debt beating int't in U.S. 0urtreney,24,782,446 ' 0
1 0
Debt on which Interest has °basest, 165,970
) (Debt bearing no Interest L. 100,800 5
Total debt July 1, 1811.... .'.... —529,640,587 TI
We eau thus fairly compare the tc
'guns of the two decades :
kitate.dobt Deo, '6O, $40,776,486
" 'OO , 87,868,847 60
Redaction in ten years under Dern.
State debt Doo. '6O, $87,969,847 60
War debt added, 8,500,000 00
- , $41,469,847 b 0
Debt July 1, 1871, 29,640,687 71
$11,9x8,259 7U
Reducen in 10 years under Repub.
Difference in f l aver
of Republicans, $9,117,621 57
Average annual reduction under
Demooratiol rule
Average annual I reduotion udder
Republican rule 1,192,32 91
Annual difference to the people of
the State 911,762 13
; Au this, be it remembered, has been
accomplished with not merely a rechicl
'awl of taxation, but under a total ref
peal of all direct taxation upon the pro
perty of the people. ;
We cotu l mend these figures to tb,
careful attention of the voters of the
State. ' I.
Story of the Microscope.
Some tire ago, I was in coropau
'with a Medical. many Whom I will cal
Mr. 13—-, who fe into conversation .
on the uses of the thisroscope, in the
manageme l nt of which he was an adept
_".Now said he, "I will tell you a story
of what happened to myself—one which,
I think, well Illustrates the importance
of this instrument to society, though °I
was put inla very unpleasant position
owing to My acquaintance with it.
hays, las you' know, given a goo I
deal of attention to comparative ana t .
oroy, especially to the structure of the
hair as it appears under the microscope.
To the unassisted eye, indeed all halY
appears very much alike, except as it
'is long or short, dark Or fair; straight
or curly, 'coarse or fine. Under the
microscope, however, the case is very
Inherent ; the white man's bah. IS
round, the oegro's oval, the mouse',
'apparently jointed,. the hat's jagged!,
and b ' o Cal. Indeed, - every animal has
hair of a peculiar character, and, win 4.
Is more, In character v,aries accord.
leg to the part of the body from which
it is taken! an Important circumstance,
as will appear from `my story, which Is
thus :
onslo-reeeived a letter by post coal
tattling a few.liairs, with a request that
would examine them, and adding
that they Would be called for iu. a feW
days. Aceordingly,' I . subniitted the,
hairs to ,thk,misroscApe, when I ills;
covered that they were from the humeri
eye-brovir, and had been bruised,
made knote to: this effect, and folded
it up with.' the hairs envelope 4
ready' for the person who had sebt theme
Its kfew, days a stranger called and
, quired whether I had made the invests
. . • • -;
rion. ''Ok t ,Yes,' said I, 'there they,
'are a aitif you wi)l find. them 'and their'
IdijOrlption in this envelope,' handing
: it . to 'him at the 111141 e time. Ile ex-i
iireseed htinself as being much' obliged,l
'and-orfered ine a fee, whinh, however, ;
deelitied,'telling him tiutt I could noti
think of taking Anything for eb email o.;
xnate ,
'tit turned out, however, of tnorecou
lequetiee than I had imagined, for
vithin- a week'l was served with ,a
Subpt:enN to attend as a .witness' on a
iris I for murder. This was very 'disc
gr .eabie, us 1 have said, but there us
no hell{ for it, now. The case was this .
in , n had been killed by a bio , from some
6f . in intitrnMent on the eyebrow, 'dud
Lb ,-. hats Sent' to Me for examloatiod
froai a liatbmer in
posilession 'or the r suspected murderer.--'
I waw put in the witnes box,' and roy
testiukouy "that the hairs were frock
the hunknu eyebrow;_ and:Thad been
bruised," was Just the link in theohaio
of evitience which sufficed to convict
the prisoner. The jury, however, were
not °gaily ostiefied that my statement
NO. .35
07,682 68 1,888,602;
81,425 15 ' 1,444,6741
280,483 7
• r
- : yr" -
- The
look & Job
Is well syplied
cute all lab of. Job
Lavge additions of el
have been added
was worth unythin
solemn assurance
a conclusion was •
once to convince t. , 0 1
net upon it. I
."One juryman
farmer—was very
thee mean to say,'
Can tell the hair of
swered that I woU
self to assert positl
so, although I bell
said he, 'l'll prove
"The prisoner, •• 1
ted, and I went h o i
life of an extensiv::
about my obstinat
years afterwards,
an entire stranger
with afew halms,
of paper,' which he
ine and report on.
"_'ls this anoth
inquired ; for If s°
to do with It. I'v
sort of *oat.'
" 'No, no,' nab' I I
the kind. It is
osity, which I eh,
obliged If you wo
will do it I will ea,
suit of your exami
time.' Having mi l
I undertook the in
"When he was gi
ure I put th.e hairs!
cope, and' soon d
were taken front
way rat.
"Two i ,or three da
was sitting in my
old farmer-lookin:,
in. 'Well,' said he
them ha l irsT'
- - -
" 'Yes I ,' I answer:
they are-from the '
"'Well,' exclaim .
,T hou bas forgottOn
forgotten thee. Do
trial for ,murder at I
I would prove thes,l
them hairs come
rat's shin my
,son I ;
way.' So the old - gi
satisfied with the
had put me, and
Was well pleased th:
gacity had stpod su'
this; and more cony,
the value of the mic
Here the doctor
which I have givian
in his own words,._s
elieve that a till
ay he planed.— To.
There was a fearf
lamp_ fa the Eagle
n'the morning of
Twenty then were
gangway at the ti ',
which tore away t
fug the roof, causin
lug the men kmp
rocks, with no line
the debris could be
volunteers who we
to the rescue, could
utes - at a time, and s
drawn up insensibl:
choke damp. W i tte
finally reached, the
Seventeen lives wer
for which somebody
had a blow up .on l i
The steamer Chatita
ing six miles below
boiler, killing anld
persons ; eight airea
who cannot recover.
past midnight on th
an explosiOn in the
old frame 'building,
which the building
stantly enveloped
females and a boy wt
And there seems to
disastor was the wo
who'were working t
ney fraudulently.-
vier, of California, •
married woman by
at a
_hotel in Stoe •
Julia Sayler, his la
enraged.' She went
ped at the door of
was admitted, and
Remarking the state
to Mrs. It., " I will
which t,he proceede
three shots at the . 0
all of Which took
proved fatal.
atd - John M'Carthy
e anged four pistol
i tOn, - oo Buena Vis
thy was ;mortally •
shortly after being s
Phis is the Benet
y tonnage the ip
ton. Tice Bostot
' For earns time p ,
be•ti frequently mat
tb= Chief of Pollee,
'old and young, ole
un•uSpeeting labor'
ea ed a few dollars
Wes of their familia
,in" to gambling ho
what mousy .they,
'plaints became so fr
era! Invitation was ,
lirletors and landior
gambling houses in.
the office at the Chil
day, and in iespOn:'l!
pi sixteen of-,the, ; !
on hand. When inr,
rho Chief, that billet'.
visitors the object
lag that the practic
and - windows and Se
lug property to be
next hour wasnt
able system of lie:
etvased rather tha:
,vii, as there was Jill
vimiplaint less. NI
thew that he desire,'
ly, and, had invited .1
for the purpose of 'r:'•
close their places aril
loess, and he matt'
wolpkid use ap t wane!
aid thetiiini he ace
object '6l
putting it ratherlfi
Possibly, , the lang
ironic, ,but if _not - 1 ,
here its extreme. I.
'however, `that the p:
apparently sensibly ,
importance, of the su
gambling houses we
day night.
Printing ° House,
roma and Types to exe.
" ork vrttlt neattmo and
the late styles ot type
o'thti department: '
one,* Black, 2d Naar
; and it required the
the judge that euoh
ithin reach' of col-,
em that they might
r 1 particular—an old
and to satisfy. 'Does
says he, 'that thee
any animal V , I an-.
d noktake upon my
ely that I joould do
ved 1# could.
: I said, was convlc
.. e, and, in the busy
practice, • forgot 'all
armer. About two
(however, a person,
me, called on me
Ireweil, up in a piece
asked me to exam-
r murder ease?'
I will have nothing
ha• enough of that
y a
d s.
1 or
is nothing of
matter of ouri
be very much
lye; and if you
end for the re
in a few days'
es t, atlon.
and I had leis
'er the micros
ered - that they
bank of a *or-
vs afterwards, as I
onsulting-room, an
s wan was ushered
1, 'has thee looked at
d, 'and I find that
'sack of a, Norway
d he, 'so they are.
me, but I have not
-s thee recollect the
—assizes ? I said
and so I have, for
na' the back of a
:ea me froth Istor.
i tntleman was quite
proof to which be
s you may suppose,
t my skill' and ea
!h a queer proof as
need than ever of
ended his story,
as nearlyas possible
nd upon, Which r
I rough dependence
rnal of Microecopy.
1 explosion of lire
shaft, at Pittston,
the 14th instant.—
iorklng in a new
'43 of the explosion,
e timbers support
it to fall, and leav
isoned behind the
us bf escape until
leanied away. The
t down herolpally
ork but a few nain
veral of thein were
from the effeots of
the victims were
were all dead.—
lost by this affair,
is to blame.. t
ostox.—They have
I hautauqua la4e.
qua, while wOod
ayville, burst her
1• ounding some 30
1 y dead, and more
Cause unknown.
LlFg.—At a little
15th, there was
lower story of an
Jersey city, by
•ecarne almost in
flames, and three
re burned to death.
e evidence that the
k of incendiaries,
set Insurance mo-
ivrisT.--;A Mr. Sa
v. a s living ' with a
II e name of Lake,
• ton, whereat Mrs.
i •ful wife, beoame
to the hotel, rap-
Mrf;. Lake's room,
mind Mrs: Z. sick..
t of health, she said
eke you sicker;"
to do, by firing
.t forttiyate woman,
•ireot;- The shots
-=-Dennis Dardin
two sporting men,
shots in Washing
avenue. M Car
ounded, and died
Ile way in which
14 tiling element of
A,dvertiser says:
et complaints have
e at the office of
that countrymen,
s in stores, and
ig men who had
to meet the often
were being "roped
ses and fleeced" of
had. These com 7
queut that a gen
xtended to thepro
sof ail the noted
his city to cal at
.f at noon, Wednes
'thereto, fourteen
vited parties' were
• ern bled alone f with
I.r explained to his
the interview, say
. othreaking doors
zing and destroy-
gain replaced the
.t 'a very question
ass, that had in
dimintehedl the,
t one place or .one
• 0 Chief also' told
to treat them fair
awn to the office
. questl ng_, them to
give up the 'bus
ed them that he
! at hisoomtnand to
mpgahment of au
' be 'deglred;" This
ifilto say the least.
age is . decidedly
oral suasion, finds
is reported furtfmr,
: rtes left the office'
mpressed with the
i eject, and that no
I e opened WedneS-