CORN SONO. ISY JelIN O. WIIITTIER Its h:lrve?t 1 1 ‘ o lilucl away Ire it6le? ienyes, And !war itn I reankrca homo. Than 'stetter than the f.tbled sifts Apollo showered Of ojd,! Fair bandy the Vrel:4lEl grains sball slit, And k nead its meal cog . god t. Let cupid Idlers 101 l in silk; Around the costly board; Oive,ns tbebowl of gawp and milk, By loanes'plin beauty potired. Then rittltil •-on all the proud and vain, Whom: f. ly laughs to !corn, The bleb,,ings of our 'hardy grain, .our wtattla of golden corn. Let Earth will,hold hor goodly root; Let..oildew blight tho ry9 ; Give to tho worm tho orol?ard's fruit, And wheat fields to tho But let the good old crop' adorn The hills our father trod; let us fur lite golden earn Bond np our thanks to God• Curious Experience of a Highwayman Timuthy 'Al'Carty is a notable man. le wa4 born in Vera Cruz, Mexico, and (;urlng 'Maximilian's Biwa but eventful eign was in a dungeon, the most loath ) ame that the mind 'can picture. He ;as suffering the' penalty of brigand ! ge, 'hay ing been caught by the 5104- i n one of the Sierra passes, ith a horde Of banditti. When the ,texicailt3 discovered tbe iletreat of these Allen, in one of the mountain gorges, • hey fon ovi(lence that M'Carty Was ,) it a bandit, huCahostage. Nevertlie ess he wa , 4. to \era Cruz, and by orne hoins pocUs - ,,ivtiletilhe - United ,totes ('()1)410 03ileavorea to have right d, was imnlui•ed in otie of the cells of by I‘le;civst I,astile. In the year 1869, „‘,,,g heel; immured then for four (hos, in• 0:41 , 1110.(1 inn. remarkable man- Au alt•ratit)ti was being made in the a~tl :tail the prisoner, Whose percep. on, f• 14• rendered unusually acute by I , 1.01'4 111.• uorrfltiOn, ascertained that hf.y u+ r, mg down one ()I' 1,1)e the wall'of his dungeon. i ;).‘' of an iron dishpan, in" -, , tved his meal, and ft Itt le (.1 . he went energetically • wcati one of the-stones ()I' }le v": 111 vinegnr lie poured upon 1 Ile cement, and 141 time had the ‘ liaefra- I joy of (liwovering that it wtx,f3oft: ell I tavin as e.lelieved, , upped' Jae stiel;g(l) of the cement, lie - waited 11111 110,1, 114. had frotn , the first been ( w c i e t ,otlgit ,to keep a record of the , ;;v. Ail 1;4; ids,) and then pushed the fiptii It,. Place. In its fall it drop. ed 11 tt litt,r . ..e that WiVii stahletrclose ;;all. (mimed ,was killed, 1.-1 belly In olio the noise of the full. ( unite.; up all old tick that lay upon i iron bed, .\i'eartyjnatie a rope, by tacit Its tlrrrended, and hrider dark-- , t stt stieeee , ted reaching the Interior fter t 1.,1, ,, A%eary marchi._marked MI the niet,t poignant pains and dep t • vatio . w,, he leached ';.llouston-, Texas, o front thellee'llis return to this city as easy. been hnoekliag about I hiladelpilia for a 'long time.' Last t ight. hardfup; he stopped a mini • Eleventh street and Girard avenue, wid, iu tht. words of,modern brigands, Your money !" As t stopi,.4.: was the stronger, he easily t ?euped trttut .Al'efOy'to clutches, and f•lon itt•otigltt a policeman to the scene. wetthl-he highwayman was arrest, 'ell and held in 5800 , Terrible Earthquake in the Phillipine Islands. A !-pecial London dispatch says the earthquake in the Phillipine Islands on May Ist, Stlixted in a terrible manner t:tc stoat! island of Camiguin, five miles from INfi:.amis. 'For some months pre viously especially in March, there was a succession of violent shocks, which' openad extensive crevices in the earth, Finally, on' May - Ist, the level plain near the village of -Cartarrain began r.rialually to subside until the tops of t tie houses becataelhwel)with the surface of the earth. This remarkable phenom enon attracted a large nutuber oftoeople, Nvhen suddenly some terrible shocks were felt, and before the thundering re verberations had died away the whole level plain fell in, , engulphirignne tired and tifty persons, The plain bet Came the crater of a Volcano 1,500 'feet wide, and from it smoke, ashes and stones wero thrown into -the . air. A pause till dark succeeded, when there was another explosion mid a rain of faro followed. The woods became ignited; and men and cattle went /lying • before the flames. The 'spectacle was fright ful in the extreme. The Nolen° colt i nnes to eject stones and earth; The inhabitants have left the - Island, which formerly containedit population of 20,,. OW. Camiguin .preduced ' one-tenth• of the whole mantilla rope grown. ~• ' AFTER THE REDSKINS l'oux, August 7,—A Texas let ter says : "The army in Texas (cavalry. and infantry), to the extent of several thousands, will take up their Hue of march on August i 5 with a vieNV to con eentralion at ttAo head of the ;Waebita Mountains, front whence, under and MeLeyisie they will procee'd to the ettastisement of . the 'Commentate and Washita Indians. The troops are ex-' asperated by the treatment of their lost associates, anti go for extermination 'of the Indians." SAN FnANewse•,-Aug. 9.-The press or the Pacific coast uoanimously condemn the order of the War department, (;otiro. termanding the order of Oen. 'Stoneman for an active' campaign against tbe. Apaches, for the purpose of giving the, Quaker Commissioners an opportonity to operate. The order is denounced as handing the helpless settlers'of Ariiona over to the tender mercies of the ?spa lies. There is a masked . Political society in Charleston known 's's the "United 8. C. Avengers.", The name' "is split up in this way so that the,illiterato , can spell it. Outside of that State the letters are run together, and the noclety la known as the "United Iftwerigers.”—Adv. LORMORE BRO.• & CO. WHOLES j LE. „• ' G 0 - 9 eai 4. _,, ‘.',1"..1.' 1 PROPRPETOR in TEAM COtfEE L 7, , o • MORE BROS. dc. CO., ii: ‘ \ ten ion of the Trade in tli Suukher Tier of Now York 211 a yivipiiis, to the largo and \ • O . IIOCE MS 81, PRI , • constantly on han at theiroxt find Stores, No. 37 i nit 39 Cart and offered for sale on the on satisfaction in all ean6s Steyr ( guarikn i l \ Our Ste for tho .Roaating of Coffee all Coffee Coffee and Spices, arent th proved construction, and riot in the country. I . . . TEAK We have a fall stook of awl, direct from rmporters in New sell as cheap as any houyi in t Sugars. Molasses from the hest Refiners, and s lowost New York - q otatione. FOREIGN 1)41 , D: FRU ,111,N R 9,y_:& FiSiVemilP & We buy from firat,bands in t afford a better article at it less firm in Weatorn New York. 1 • • .AWOODEN WARE, Cordage Full line of goods. I4IQUO We call tho attention of the stock of Winos and ,Lliptors, wh fineness aro unsurpassed. IMPORTED ALES—Scotch,, glish, and of the best brands co' FOR Eft/NAND DOMES[ Wo specially invite purchasers main() our :,took , of, Foreign . Liquors before buying oltiowber, EDICINAL WHlSKEY— especial benfit'of the sick, a per Bourbon W hiskoy for the Drugg Solo Agents in,Efintra, of the In brief, we irriito a Close soru and their prices, tho NV holo.asserli numerous to nitintion in detail. TA)IUIORE BRO,. No. 378 r. 39 Carroll St., Rept. 21, 1970.1 y. Albemarle Land ELIZAbETiI CITY, NORT T"AMIE AND SMALL FAR , _ at prices ranging from t on reasonable terms (if Payment , TiMber covered with,Pine,..l4tiiiier;; Cy Poplar Timber, C 1056 trlllaTig to $lO per acre. - t Village Propert Stores, Wood and Briok DR , tote end Infirm!, exeoliontnli friendly people; navigable wa markets, favor this locality.' I. sAITTII SHAM, Elliabe May 3, 1571 Wellsboro CO.II ISI4IIN T 'ft WELLSBORO SO L. IIIINNEL;••P • Thi l 4 at popular Hotel lately, ..1101idaY. Tbc Proprlotor will a make it a firat4lasa //oust?. All rive and depart from this bowie. in attendance. „p Livery ttai Jan 1, 1871-I , y ' For Salo or *e l AoA GOOD dairy fatm J n Tiofi ga eouhty, Pa., abot 21 . Borough of Tioga. about 100 a and 46 unimproved. ' Ilea on throe difellitig houses, an apple erd;andother fruit trees. Term jdtntag '. 9lt the w•lat, a farm a • (rota 40 to .100 acres as desired' I improved, with a g,tid barn, apple orchard. Good for a dairy, Jan 1, 1071-tf. We'ashore_ It T J. BUROIN 'would day to ty • Wellsboro and vioinity t pared to supply thOrn•with BI EAD, PIES AND of the best.quality. We also a and Fresh OYSTERS to these wit the old Stevens' stand. J. Nov. 23, 1870-I.v. Sumac:l/Van • RAYER & GERARD, of Tie: Per pound , if gdtheri*fie become red, for the letivelidid to thereof. •TheY must btritept free rtiolitore," and cured I In :ft in . dry, iiick'oitt 'the etioke, if cher pack the leaves eldletidrilirstir a big/ for delirery: • The paid fOrleel eking ., IYoga, Insurance ! Insurance ! HAND S~Hy4•sA~~ND INgURANCE.COMPANYS oince.;•T,o.P 2 . dt h ist” 'lncorporated Ivk' i y 234887 : hit rtlti • Assets over - - $l.OOOlO OO OSO Stock and Mutual, combining Security with - Profits. Suppose yedr alrendy-inenied , lb la first-class company, and from any cause what. Ayer, (say after ten yearly payment) you do. dot ii,t..4onnot pay longer and Jie—your insurance is 6:4 and yqqr monoy, waste 4. 7 F9ti fa ~tl;o !Mau d-INw NA, ,a II Pol la iv, Ara NortrYoli- IMITABLE. 1, - )1 1.;-. This company which ranks among the most Rophlar and succossfull lan Insurance Couspa jpes,grantrpolialos-olv tliint4 . l)to with and without profile: ;r- anea , Travelingegauras. Allliolictc after one year fronkany of tho ordinary causes. Look to your Life insurance.— Please examine : the following ffotnpar ` ative Tsb'fe 1 t is some - 'l_titnes'alloged by Agents of other Companies that the Company they represent is safer than othera. While we unhesitatingly assert our belief in the soundness and stability of all oompanies, we de sire to present the following for the Inspection of 1 those desiring to Insure: The following companieF4oo3llfpaie!P4aurillatil premiums charged by lotk-ahlniiiiitneeNin 1 life at the age of 80 years, payable at death: - • , tt would can' the at e counties_ of the at orttiornVnn , uit Assortniont of Manua premium Ton annual 1 ' ' fur life. , psynkonti!. d _ Travelers' $16,84 . • .1088;2L,' '4i.; /Etna, 22, 78 ' t_ - t.' 4 41.;8 0 _,• -- -.:' Home, .23,30 60,00 Equitable,. ,22,70 ' 4097 . -- Washington,. ; .:_.'22,70::: - . •i -)40 ;97- ~ .., Willikin:liOad;o3. 6,so, ~ p , .2,16.0.'1. -. 1 .:, , •• If hot. alr clelkleaut e take ;Itipplley, - .lyith t di. "HkiIIIAND." i tho best Mutual Compan -10 - -theA lltitet:fltates.N i ;March, I, 1871.-Iy./ , I I:t • •;i - 1 1, ' At • 31 1 INciffii , WAilnt 1 , , i i, oyisro NS costae Warehouse oil Street, N. Y., ost liberal terms, Mills the Grinding of mostTeeent,iot- . spelled* any o Teas\ We buy ary foioin3b, and e trnde. Syi'i • ps *:. at Wog an , AIT-4T NINE; *. TT iatteciii)il.,ll:lStailathe pbr„, Rsl. lie that they have al tabllehed a Livery for fire, At their Stable on Pearl St., opposite Wheeler's wagon shop. Single or double riga inrniatied to bider. They aim to Keel gabd'hofeetsnd WA gone, unit intend to , tileate.lPrOlreitaonable. i s, • WATWItaI Jan. 4,1871-11 y. \ . . -4 ,ib-,f7 , • ---, rrtLIE undersigned — owners of a PortahlerEn - 4' •.1.. \ , -' . • gine, with a Carding Machine, two Lathes andss,run of Typ.rah: purr AtOneislattached, are preptatql to 1311 orders in their business at East Oltarleaton, Pa. -,„'...The above property is in good running order, and will b4l, sold at a fair price, and on reason able time. \ . Fer partiotilars, iruiuire of Geo. W. Merrick, ,Wellsboro,l or \ ALONZO WHITNEY, \ ' on the premises. May 4,1871—t1\ AND ALL , TS, iekled * East,nd can r "price t ian any and ,Broome -41 01 Irado to our large ob for purity and Is, 'widely known as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered , for cleansing \ the sys- . tem and purifying the blood.. ,It has stood The tst years,' with a skandygrowi \ ng rept, utation; based on its intrinsic virtues, and 'sustained by.ita re 4. markable cures. •So mild aa'tO be safe and beneficial to children, and yet So searching as to effectually purge out the eget. ear ruptions of the-blood, such as the Terc.fiziorta and syphilitic ccintamination: Impurities,, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear, Bence. its, wenderftil cures, many of which are 'publicly known, of Serollulni„ - sorothlonirdiseasesi . - lUlc#r4, Eruptions, sind eruptive die- Orders of lieskin, Tumors, 01,043he5, , „ Boils, P Sores,St. Anthony's Fire, Ro e or Erysipe las,* Tet,ter, Salt timid Head, Ringworm,: t ai rtis hateraal Ulr eerations of the XY , Stomach, and, Liver. It also urea other. com plaints, 'to which it would not seem especi ally adyted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep s, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Female Weakness, Debill% and_ Leueorrhcea, when they atelgialiireSkil tions of. - the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing dui • appetite; and vigor of the digestive organs, _ it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of season. Even where no disorde? appears, people *AI lonabri, for cleansing the Mood. i system matte on with renewed kigoi and 4 neWJease bi Irish and En- I stantly on hand. C LIQUORS— a call and ox and Domento • o put up forth.) iv article of Old ;ist - trade. Urbana Wino Co. y of ourgoods iment being too & CO., Imira., N. V. Agency OAAOLINA. 7. S FOR BALE 6 - $76 per acre, 'ids " press, Gam ara anon;• Pm iiiSt SEWING 'MACHINE 4 - NIZ:` Singer at. the ,Headi Ilinge, Vacant ate, fertile soil, ere and' good iquitorof UNI - !ARALLE7:,ED 8UCCE,..9,54 tt!xs at Law, h 9ity, N. C. NEE 7 • • . )Voman's best Fritigi. • 59 , 624 i si;111112181313: E AVENI7E, PA. ~.~!.~_ OP / P. kept by„B. B. are no pine to. the stager ar. A good hostler ,hed. d T tho boot abnaeW%teaoh ne,- on e best I.niaohlna abused in the wide world, Tr' It and you will like it, It never dieappointe. The •above ihots•speak louder than words of praise , by us. •• 44 M 'a towea@ltip,ll:, filet tiestof ttie 'ores improved, t thrio barns, nd peach ore& ea*Y. - Ahead& d timitar Incari with 80 motes hblitOand' g farm. Y - M011R; Tiogit,Pa. v. , v. 06ABcibi r Gong Agent. for' Tioga N44l.—M a oil nes dellyorati to isalLoMultia !rao oroh arm. ,"Xil . :lBBll.etd, May 24, 1871 y Ilikit; Shoe, Leather and !erv. ••, he eitheniof .jet b?:ie pre? CAKES,' Tre,rnsals and • wish. Milted I • PVROIN. mr2 ir: iirj _ ll " B 4ribora V9914104.4'3 Oterittitatei I;'44 : fi - crailanieti fast dip) , are „doing a jsal '49 , taa)katm t i butitiatt 4 W;i l lo4o: 7 .s l 4Witi3Olii‘t'l FAG ;410t4.4.414ificifiti.0 q1i 3 • 1 4 aukaltgpapta.anit avana . myvitatti fair 4444 . 1 k P a -.:gent; also any ktapar bk propls, an c an. ,,c „. al l H. E. EIBI/Til SOAT. ; • r•,•;;ept ' 40114,04,11171 tf 1 , 2 Eir, E 731 la Oa° coat re t i ee: dal; ar iftsilip !tom palA b? tbarsl4, mariteCVrice. ta. ` I =I =I Liver? A smEer'll4_, Sarsapari4la PREP I.t. AYER & CO., Lowell, ka'sisi Prttoficat anci_A?lalyttcat Chentista. SOLD ] ALL DRU GJSTS EVERATUNitg Jdne f 4, '7l-Iy. W. C. KR 1310, ^•'' Wells ol O. The 1-4 127,833 oola In 1870. 86,'701.43016iin 1869 It !level S EEO • I`..J 43,053 sold in 1870. "~ ri.i .r i ii < • lria,ging_ --- WM F • fti 9 t , ; V riifi cc ' E:: SILL 11..- al" ou ax, Pa. MEI I ur ;„.1 , =US 4- , Vain Y ; i. .'.: i:::::'::.'..i'4",.\i - it '0 ,- .2 , ....,-..4,.4.4 ;NVE WOULD, tiouounee to the people of Volell4oro aud.ylelutty,,that We gtrorisagivlnig and innoimia Actoiliebt , , • • • r 4 r e-;* t i • ; •i ", 1i • . ' t •.:',-..'. • • • .. . '....". 4C• ' , 1 •.' • . •.1. .1 ;"., , 1 4.1 ~ ~, 4 I !,.. i'• , i- . , i , ~ . , , 1 . ,aa I A' s 'Theis has:ju;ebaen a great .. .fief:lfni; Aix liiiMitistlerboa Goods, 'gild thiiarti nciWtelllng fot loss than at any time since 1880. We'do not believe in parading a long l ist of prises in nowi-' gapers, but, A we, mean shat , eky,...when„ire claim to Gila Goode cheap. People from out of town are aura o make money : b owing Ire to buy goods. We hitiro a splendid asiortinent of .4 g , V' • • Alt A A i li 11 .1" , 1 1 i . - ..3 • '` ' t fi ".- 1 ( :1. '•-:' . . 4- • ..:. • ` 4. .. .e. • i ..'" ~. „i ) ' . .:4 . , ', - a 7 bl OMNI inger _ .... lIEME BEIMMII IS u:. sij~~ 1 • F 1;. 1 8Z ,>• t.- •(, i , +l:,'; - ---- --- ------ ------- - ---- - - -- •lnc.lw.lft , -:i -,. ;. ~ ...,11.!..-. . ti , , tjA,g4tiorttletoolotfAllttilin , - 11VVI.q14(101C.tifirters, Isii 4 iiiii:iiiiiirEiii,:L ' .; '''' •—: " Al s o . WRAPPI APEat at toi , lnaf•ettirtirs Moss : , ..-:.4...r:cr0l • ~ ~..„„ - 1 , , . i d.; ...1;, ) L.:, otiiii. : .- ; 11 - Mr , !:-friiN: i.i.T. Iri:1 CT ' _ uol : !I; t ' : , _ll :I' 0' -.',;-, Ail';. - . 1 . :11 - r , ~, i ,401, 1 ,11i04 4j, .. 01 ,) 4 v ir ,,„„g: on. .' TLIVATTEtitn - T .------- _ --- - -1-.:- . ' 9 t .Iq.vse,,fill!tr, I • ~,,,,. . • . , ,11,.! ; 4 411ft: tili l l 'V Pri4e..4110.94010.......Fir5td00r40ve Co ne , HoutioiK 0...',„ -,, IT •.';' ..1 -,;'.,. - - othiborai an. 4, ll—ly. ~ - ••$.- ' -:4 : 1 'l' 41441 , ,i , i , t, ~ .14 ,•''' - ' 1 1i ., 5,1 ,,- ij• fel' a ; .... , ~, 1 :1+ 9.!,# 1 4. 1 0 Xt 1.1 • 4 6,. A . •, , •-q7.+ , q!4; .:. , 1 :.II ! .t.!.,f.7.1. , ~ i... RG-TTLAXOIt, - - - Suits I.:t 074 - API. , '4. :• - 71,10 t "": .; 11 y i.. =1 - ..t• • '•-• • , l Y and are ready to supply all who taig„,eop4sriOt4 r BEE Spasonable4fiowja i ,tunpreoB ed' d Prices, 1: „, • I. 4. , • • , fill r r"-It Desirable press Goods, { 4 ME 'DeLainea .Porcolaa, Fivadi and Iris} Poplins, Japa. 3ON fS4P Fancy-..Colored'aild Blach.Diress ri, -17,, BEE - )1 } •4 (IROcEIIKES, CROOKERY, IWHOLESALE, AND RETAIL ES 1 .1 ME ISM ,t 'l, =I ..-lf ME ' . • GQOODSI ~~.•,. , _ =I MEE SIM 1 OM MN `, l =I las on band alarge - etook of Tibillteras ardware, the ouletalgaeA takes pleasure ounce that harata great outlay, ad. ' the lunar/took of the old staid tin I," .A 111" OTREIT, WELLSBORO, tplete eaeortoteat of fitwdf Hardware, ,tah he enumerate die forlOwing 48, SPIKES, CROWBARS, JUT, 31;IILL - ,-HAND,' ; AND re, BUTTS, - sintAp" HINGES, VENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, .ItEB, AUGERS, BITTS,BITT STOCKS, HATCHBTS, CHISELS, -1 E ME • ... )' litil MI • .; IMI =I EMI =I El IMMI ME IS IS • ' lAA I OW 1 0 . 41:1 o. B N CM r .....4 lAA' = IMO 1 ~0~ ~. 1 a- E ------_____ 1 ---- kl R. Q 0 t oIT 2 1 j t l' gt EA CF4 5 4 i, r A" a i e it t*. IV 0 Ft 'lto sa.o a . re' r e 1 : 1 , b 1 ,51 kiiii g Ow 07 rai ITS t I V 1 . 4 . . 4. yttog 5' Is m 0 , 1 hd ll 0 , 1 ° . . €T ;7 . ci. P a I r' o . ? 1 1 t. E: ti , . k tt i g 0 7 ll+ 8 9. g tc, rs " 11, 1 11 I I I°l 1 4 E l f i k . • P 4 0, , tl 5 o °.4 1 ' ' A 0 0 -I tol d Cr I :1 • ci) P ll . . 2 0 ' • , -.1 " 0 , - 11 0 ' •CI 0 1 ' • , t , • M. , cp 41 ' ' 62 rk S' .g• Pas .• ,-., f.; , 0 • 4 .7 - 12, ' ; LI 1, , P .4 4— ,E 4.. ! .• :- 3 .,;1:',,', ' r,- I 11111 =II . 1 =lei RUGS AND -MEDICINES, PAINTS AND ,OILS, . • - =EI II U tc " 13 ~' ad 444 i- , A et- ' Li n WHOLIMILB DREG STUB. OORNIN.G.., N. Y. ME THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, IREDELL'S FLUID, EX TRAO7, BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROOD , . ' ESTER PERFUMER•V AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASH L ME & AND DYE CO ORS, AGENTS FOR MARV! & 00°S RE- FINED OIL. e Bold l ,at Wholesale Prioes. Buyers areroquested to oalland got quotations before going further I Rant ' W. D. TERBELL & 00 Corning, N.Y., Jan. 1,1871-y Furniture ! Furniture I B. T. VAN R - ETA:WWI Completed his new Cabinet -Ware house on Main street, Wellaboro, ban stock ed It with a large and superior assorted sleek of FURNITURE. Chamber Butts, Walnut, Ash, Maple, &0., &0., from $l5O down, an as cheap as the same good} can be bo't In the cities, &Olt added. Parlor Suits, Walnut, eh6rry, and . Mahogany, Reps or Haiil Cloth, from t 1,25 down. Mao, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE- A-TETES with Uphoiatery Ceuter Tables, Walnut Looking Glasses, Bar i ber Racks,—rtooki el all kin •al Wholesale an • .lam manufacturing as usual, and intend to keep a full stook of ware, homo and city made at all times. Dip Ware Rooms aro spacious and neat, and now contain the largest, costliest and best stook of Furniture over brought into the county. Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING A.;;MOTJLDING, dono to ordor at the Faotofy Jan. 1, 1871-tf Ingham's Woolen Mills ! DisIERFIELD; PA. YboEE subsoribers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth, Oassimeres, Flaunt)ls, &0 ., &0., for Wool.— ys's° manufaotalo as usual_ TO ORDER., ,OR ON' SHARES to aultcustomere: All work warranted aarep. resented. They invite particular attention to their Water Proof CASSIMERES, whiob are warranted In every respect. Pardon larattention given to ROLL CARDING CLOTH DRESSING. INGiRAAII) large stook of Casstmeres, &o per cent less than any competitors, and warrant ed as represented. INGHAM manufacture to order, and do all kinds of Roll-Carding and Cloth Dresaing, and defy competition. INGRAM have as good an assortment of jrull Cloths, Otissimeres, tri, I 1 . and give more for Wool f in exchange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your solves. INGHAM wholesale l and retail, at the Cow anesque Mills, 2 miles below Knoxville. ; 1 Our Cloths are warrantees,. and `old by the following persons 0. II . KELLEY, Wellsboro 'Ei„ • . T. 1.• BALDWIN A CO., Tlizr, Pa. 1. 0. BBNNETT,OovIngton Pa. Deaelleld. Jan 1, 1811-tf WELLSBORO AND MA SFELD t • STAGE] LINE. ifilit undersigned, proprsetor of - this line takes this method - of lin fora:Ling the ,ptiblio that, the above Stage rune daily (liinndays excepted') between tbo two pla ces as follows: taaveaViellaboro at £4 a. m., and arrives at bianetleid at 10.30 a. in. Leaves Mansfield at 3.30 p. rn. and arrives at Wei Moro at 4 p.m. ,"Fare 361,25, San 1, 1871-4 W. B. VAN HORN. THE BEST HOTEIi, in the 00UNTY, THE " CON' 110USB." NEW. Roo Ms large and well ventila tftad. Accommodations not surpassed by any 'first class hotel in the "Northern Tier." Timm; no higher then at second and third rate hotels. Location, corner of Main and Walnut streets, WellaboO. A good table, good liquors, good ordor, and a good hostler. , A. B. GRAVES, Prop'r. March 8,1871. , Cash Paid for WOOL, [ A - 7 T DERBY & FIISHLER'S SHOE STORE, ON MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO. Juno 7, 1871 tf ' I Farm for Sale: oNE HUNDRED ACRES.with' eighty - acres improved, and situated near the State 'Road; south of Idainsburg. This ;u farm contains a comfOrtable house, two good barns and ninety , fruit trees. It is well adapted to dairying and agriculture. Terms 'easy.? In quire of the subscriber at Mainsburg, Pa l / .ftine 14,1871-tf. • J. A. BO OE. A 1 AdMiniSiitator'S LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been granted on the estato ofOoo. W. flout, deceased, late of Brookfield, all parsecs indepted, to said estate and those having claims against the same will settle with MORRIS miErt, A. J. SIMMONS, Brookfield, July 26; 1871.-6wel ' Adm'r. Planing and Ilfatcling D ONE with ocular and dispatch. Also, • 'BEVEL SIDING aide from inch lumber. Can plane 24 inches wide.•-At Hamilton's steam mill, on Hammond creek, IA Jaoksoa township, Tioga county. 0. ITAVILTON.. Miami Arne 1871 tf Mil 1 1 ,0 Salt. r Aim%le Tops ! oketN i Pa g Retail. B. T. VANIIORN. AND BOOT ND SHO ERBYk, 4.ISIILER har t .'.,.. ju now on ha d a !orb) Heck ot Boots and ,s 1 ocii, ant ( propodo ~...1-rontintrink, the mannfacture of the sumo, at tha'shop, latety op. puplod by Fishler Sc. Itandoipli:. ''hey also pa r . posa i reducing prices on all er oils Anti telling strieitly FOR CA; Wo kecp a good Hats ;Old' BOOTS, BALMORAL BOOTEES, BROC 0 A LLIOA Si< warranted tu fit any foot fry. Our EhGek CALF, FR , SOLE, Cold INGS, BIN I ROCCO, Ii be kept u ti?\ FRE on "EI LI On Findlngo we shall bo aye, and we abut! en leave tlefeetory to the tread:. I .Id. CASH p FOR DIDIES. CUSTOM WORK IDone promptly and well, Repairing done oa short notice. Drop in anal to ornvince.d. WEETY ,SL,• Dec. 1-1, 15 0.-1 y TO ,THE EA NIERS - OF TIOGA C9UNTY. . . Jar uo'w building at my tuannfactory,ln Lawriate vllle.a superior I . iil A NN IN Gr ~ i All L 1., whicbpoiaesseathe followluga vantagemover alloihee mina: I r ) Lltseparatearye,oate,rat 11.tter,andforilacetib i :U': oheasand cockle,from wheat. • 2.1 t dulcet, flax selY,l,takeso l t yellow seed, sea %II otber Heeds, perfectly. Si It cleanationothi mid. I f 4'. It does all otheraeparatingrequireti of a toil i This mill is built of the beet and moat dur , ,ble tap bar' ,th gol)(lstYio.oHd Is sold Cheap tor canh, or pi v dude. J 001 at a Putout sieve, for aeparallug oaten,,: otbee snllla,onrentoonublo terms. 1 3.11 NIATIi Rh Geliwroaceville,Jan. I, tli7o-• 1 ' i. WALEEU & LIATEIR tr. DEAL HS IN I4RDWARE . , IRON, 'STEM, NAILS, STOVES,TIA 7 -WA 'E, BOLTING, SAE', CU Int WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL lIIPLEMENTr, rriago_ rid Harnofiu TrimtrOugs, HARNESSES, SAIYD - L - E-S- 3 -Zrx—__ I Ding, N. Y., Tan. 1, 1.871 ,OSA ,j'...L.,1S ii! (I j IIL INGIII.II)PENT: - 4 THAI. COMPtIiS 1.1)A I.IS published cut ev i pry thon. fore it is not a ;,•f 1 ,0) , consequently , 47 PHYSICIANS PuscElm: IT It is a certain mire for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its I lhrtns, tisra, Skin Dist , a_c::, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of ti.e Blood. OITE BOTTL; 1'.02.1,D1>,L1S n ill do more gdod than to) hottles of the 'yritp l s of SarsuArilla t THE UNDERSIdNED have, used Rosa da lis in their practice for tlio past tlit-;ce yeals and frcely endorse it as a reli:ibla Alterative, and Blood DR. T. C. PI:GTT, I Pt Baltinict v e, DR. T. J. BOY DR. R. W. C A nal. .1 1 DR. F. 0. DAN N,VLLY, " DR..I. S. SPAM.' S*, tiieholts‘ ille, KV. I - DR. i. L. McCiII.THA, Columbia, S. C. DR. A. B. NOBLES, I:dgecomb, N. C. SED AND TIiDbRSED BY 7. R. FRENCH So FONg, rail RiVer, Mass. P. W. SMITH, .. I ,7.eksor„ Mich. A. F. WHEELER, Luna, Ohio. B. HALL, Linza.b) io. CRAVEN & Col, Gordonsville, Va. SAIVPL. G. ItIeFADDEN, Murfrees boro, Tenn. - Our space will tot allow of any ex tended rental iin relation to the virtues of R osatlnlis. Tot he Medical Profession we guarantee a Fluid Dx tract superior to tiny they have ever used in the treatment of diseased Blood; and to the afflicted we say try Rosadalis, arta yOn will be restored to health. lloaadalis is sold by all Drug g:..0, price 81.ou per .)(:,ttle. Addres3 DS, CLEMENTS d CD, Manz.far i turing Chethi4ts, i t DALMIOIIg, MD. l my 19, .1 '7 1-1 y • , - New Music tore. . S iv --awopeacti in Stnith & Bowen's block, sec ond flo s r, a music roam where will be I•ei.l on exhibition, and for sale, , Steinway and other Pianos, I Oabinet Organs, and a choice Ef: Icc tion of l4cei Mu im New music received every womb.-- Los one on Piano and Orga!n, and in Sibgiug will betiven. Opportunity for practice ellord, to t lose who may desire it Ili. W. T011ii) 11 elleboro, Fob. 13-limo. " 1 . i NtT Tobaca Store 1 - AR subscriber has fitted , I tip the Stoic til : t [ H door oast Thomas arden's dry good stoic. o manufacture and Bak 11 PARS, (all grades), Palitey and (A»fi in op I KING TOBACCO, lqich i !lan Fine Cut O,IIEPPING, and ell kinds of I G TOBACCO, PIPES, and the r-hol• 1 test Brand of Cio 41?8. ~lfl PL b: Call and 800 for yours Jon !llsboro, Jan. 1, 1871— tf. T ORA 1111WG , , , BORDEN kee!ps coustur i ti .! , Of band: Pure Drugs and ,r Chemicals, Paints and Oils, Lawps ptationery, Yankee Notions &c.. 4.CACRIPTIO'NS CAnnpur.r.i , ComporNDF.l.. fr, BORDEN t, 1871.-ly en'l Insuranc KNOXVILLE, TIOG Life, Fire, and Assets over $24,01 ASSETS OP COMP: TA a. Co. of North America, Pa iFF' anklin Fire Ins.:Co. of Phil orth British It Mercantile I of London s and Edinburg,... orth Amer. Fire Ins. Co. of 'agora Firo Ins. Co .cif N. Y armors Mut. Fire Ins. Co., Y. Phoenix Mut. Life Ins. Co. of ford, Conn ...... ........ Penn'a Cattle Ins. Co. of Pott Total Insurance promptly effected wise, on all kinds of Prop promptly adjusted and paid. od against death, fire or theft. All communications prompt Qffice ory Mai Street, 2d door Knoxville, a. W !TIM, 1 71-tf. (. • Ell 'OP E. El 11 i l I nie (61 - ' i ' ill Witi OAITERS, NS AND .1 , :0 6, to 13 j CII KIP, UP lON CALF, a, b 10• C•, I eret4foro. Hund at boine r to 2011 al pride '0 won't bo under. EEC MEI W. PURSET, STORE ! Agency CO., 'ccidental, ,0,000. $3,060,5',i;" , Pa, 3,087,152 9. CO. c. I (1,(100,0 00 ,500,(100 ct,000,000 Pa. 0t09,889 lL 5,081,970 L',o 6 , 00,000 vO $24,229,847 64 by Lonil or oilier ,ity. All losses ,i'vo stock inour- y attended to labove Church St., • 8. , 5.511T11 Agent•