COUNTY AGITATOR. ffl 11 o cal Items. DNESDAy, AUG. 23; 111, • Now Advortisoments. .14 .leAvely Store—S. B. Wariner. , iintercial College—A. J. Warner. Inivorsadiat) Wench in Boiien di; 11311 Sunday next, at 101 a. m., and 3,p.m. > l e will be a meeting of the M. E. m Mr. J. Donne's Grove, on BLlbb t B tho 21 of Septombor, nna ,„.. umober of dri.V• E. hi, efi f.. 4! OOR Pash,r. • io% 'to attention to tile advertise •-; R. Warriner, rtihn has juste btarted t n.• in the roolm:, recently occupied by , , \ s, \ A RATTLESNANE.—On ~f fl. Lloyd was bitten by a plAying, with the reptile near TI„• icy is inn critical condition. - - - IZ l „ Q i•Ls . r.—Will such of our chi.. ferni-h pupil. of the %sit!, rooms•nr board, appriQn Profos- .f the fact ) Thompson respectfully begs his xnplimontary visitor= to call be• hours of four rta,l sii• I'. M. Business at the hoary most, convenient tn them. - . - !-.I)NAL.---.1. 0. W. Bailey, Esq., in inently settled at Ridgeway, Elk noun - GI the profession of the law, aryl we aro !0 Ira thit his future business prospects Irinl Success to our young frien]. oc:co.—The laying of the nor• ,o• the M. li. church ak Mansfield, has ~, poFtpnnetl to thn 30tii Lloyd, it ig expeeted, will &diver the wago l'ost sayp, " Anna Dick -1 i1f , ,0041104 isinter flirting tears with I h i. 1` inio the front seats of the nutlien -3,l,ireF,eil in liehalf of the ilown.trwiiien Tirts.—The finest display of to he found in any storo out orty be seen at Foley's. lie (); Gold anil r f l yney I,n !com i ty:, how to I,ny cbc p and C. linwe, Jr, Sowing Machine, markva, fir =ale I,y A. Poky. A g't. r i I s 7 I I /ENT.—On tiaturrlay,laE•l, a Mr. ~„ the employ of L. Iltinnett, Esq., was 1, 3 , a hull belangingd , ) the latter.— ,!; •• a II 111 V bilndlod by a. ring in his :lase, n getting 100'0, and Mr. S. had a toms the savauo f/11111111i, ThO bull hlornly, in the full bloom of hi:. wielt • I to •••!; care in handling. F 1.11t.---The following named in I);,•Tsin , on, Crltpbell, F. • (I. 1.. Aiken, 1, 11, Potter, Calvin 1,1 L. O. Leach and (luirge Green, corn xeentiNu• eothmitteo of the Tioga Co. “d I FOC , are regnat;tetl to meet at my , on Friday. A ugut , t 2:4 at two , tran.v.tion of important IL i,ILCS, Ch'n I.\ oTEL.—( mt. .friPtlll (the th, le 1.1.10 talhing, fur it.i , - , 11,1 , 1 - .ptiotor of tha li.tgle botch at PIIR o ' llo .1 . the Lect 'notch: in.the , v.% it . l'ersom , tisil v.llll tititit at 1110 Ea ro they will fill , ' the 1,0 , 1 of rtooolowcala Ind a live., iv nial I,,ttilloril t ).—The people Of 1%11(1(16.1m - en IVedneMay Ivith a neat which wx., vo; y t RpraL+l,lo n. h tho knr.b hillridra , tavihcs and ;, r, i to tho tore of det , truetiv , , tornado pc:forme.' very erNlitabl i y, ita opp9rhinitie!.. Jr,.,.e,1 barn.: for :11. Fsr4. Carpenter, Hotel) e-t. :n to the grcoltl, anti Evi,ar:rter. In a 1, L. 110.1 tilt flea a "Csoleme.'. ,r,1.511 F.l hill-though they pro ' hot boo), , 01.Prri." , an 1 74,tle=naltri. On IVetines4l:ty, the 9th P,Arr , r«Aor ,+1 St. James I, , Olt kith flitz ME 11111,.. d.tuL.htur, when the hurse rl n d.i•tanee, and nU were 1 , 117, , . Mr. Barmws and Airs. the little girl e MEM Co.—Meo,srg. , tchol no•ent,s for the Union Den Ni.ltilotown, N. Y., and „flir q with WL A. Stone, in ' 1 o•• lo‘ tta :‘ircotiop I,,their o :,ttraotcd trinqh lit t ;'' . a ,••• Wi t' i 141 ' I )4. - IR -- 11 RO AD ,-..' ' • ,-, iks--rn , • — , ,r,-..111NG-'- , N i i , I 2 45:z. The track is laid, and the Cara are rannlng fo the long bridge which they are putting up across the stream near Tioga, but it would take a great, deal, longerAiputi thanAhat to I?ridge tho‘ continually inbroaeing 'Bl WIC , 7, ,4grt inst received. this place twall th have a first-rate s Vogul July 8, 1871. El JUST 'RECEIVED AT iikiTglvs, DRY GOODS EMPoRiUM. 1Q dozen:44oA tip: prices $l.OO to $25. ~.. ~; , • ' :._ '' ' : '' , s dozen' Pataar at 'priceS' front t 0.55,00- ••': 1 ' • . 1 20 pieces white Dress Goods, wel adapted to - this season, at prices =. from 15 cents per yard to 6 shillings.:- .'ir'.• ,-' -: 7 . ,'--. - . ,--- 25 pie r ces new and popular Dress Goods, some ..4 WhiC h hang not been `be: - Yo . re qffered in this market, at prices from 25040.41, Per...yard s - 5 pieces Blade Silks, at prigs from •:$1 tci! t . per yard . '. :,10 pieces .SlaCk.AlpaCcis,' at prices from , 2a6d to11;00ioi yard: . • 100 'dozen Ladics' i , Calm} .1.10.9c,,,gt prices fr i nt 10C to Os per pair. ._ 25 dozen Ladies' Linen .t.tandkerchiefs a ' rifts !ram Ac- to ,7549 , :. .. ..,.:, An. endles.ixario pf.Rik4ons,,Laeis,- , broiderielt,. And aliO a full and complete stk.; 'ot,'Pr: bits • Gin:4lLepit 4 , t 0 , , : i. ,! ~ E . 4 4; . far: l ,qp De . ,,, , n_ cr „ er intes,„ i .,7li_, c „ kings, - i t.._s/I ,iin....q:ii la (, pricis to. Mii , ? '''-' '• ' ' the trade.- -' • ' ' • - JULY 5, 1871. ,-„%L.AnAmmense , :.:t&ek of the 'New Dry Cr -J UST RECEIVED, All' , • z 4, ` 1 . „ 4 t` - --- AC,4I3°XI'3EI (Baoho's old filand) Main Street, We ti • •' • •,. -t" r-% ''• • , - 1 'rt 1 tii:r, i• gel 8 I D ,-.. ', ''••• ca, •r•c....:,•! . . - i t . :: .;!,: 1v.4r.,1 :.....; 1p •c..4.g , ..1 „Lir, :, 'I; :,GODOSar,taN 17i1at5,.., •: „,!,. ,:...,,,,,• .if,..:.,it . ,„,;4,•„,.,„,„,,.„., ..„.4; ~,..,„". , DOMESTIC GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, 1911 . ; , ,B.RO 11 1„4 4 D SHOES SPEC!! . . ,VATS AND DAPS; i •, ( , =2 rr AND A PULL STOOK. OP • to, rif; fiz 49 31 5 1 ,:1?aP il 4:244L.C°C.1 • _l.'" h I I The Highest .111arketiliee'petitifi r ESISEE TERMS-STRICTLY- CASH. __ < .A 9;• t --:- I #-May 11, 1871 v-, Mil • , _ d ', - , .4", ---rt - • , 1 9 fial ~ I ''''':! . ..;..--," , :i ; ',." . :-" -: • 7 0,. , ' • , --,. i '? • 11l I'e. . I L -ksl ir . I.A ea _ ....-..,,i,....: ~;-•,,,i 11s . t , fs, t t c)re e 41);_k• ' . - 1 , il, 4 . .;.' t : ,7,:l 4 ki t i t c,iii i i iir i i -- ~,,... ; i 4 ' 4 ''' ' 'Atie ~, ,I, , il t _:,--..,, .11 -`1 . . 1;:e i l ill 't ..: I 1 loirei 4r 4 ;Al''' ' '''slitOrtteAte D h 4 _,..,.,,,, ~, s ;Goads ry(i , . . ..,. . ~, ,„,..., , 'vim Arte ,4 *'t ••• i -, 1/1 - ; ~:z"4.' :e D.f : ''.ll ' . / ;‘ ‘ .ylit O lit W Iti 11/taa 'rimy obeaP i.4LADIES! ':' A ~•J..,,,,1,- r'* ,;' r , ~ t:o- sf , WHITE I PIQUE .U, •8NT0k4,7 HIND ; 1 ; ~ , .r 51.- „ 411.40TH5: AND OASSIMER Es, •' „LINEN GOODS,' '' - ' ' ” • POPLINb,•I • WIII'rE.GOODS, . ,-; ,sA,, , .:. ~ t.. ~, . glovesi Hoag)", Itillt.Oonds atiA•N`oifqni.i. ~" ' ' l ' l ' - ' ....1 r,..i.h. , .(, tli ~, , i • Ipii..? ~. t 1 ~- .. ~ 1 1e.'yb141`' , : ,L., .1 us th .ill s ~ , 1, t of e 1 '0(1 , ,--, • • ),.1 i) % , , f'S. 1 f 111‘ 1 ff. ' rocerie. . ugai, Soap, abteco., , 15,yrup, ) : Mee 1 . Saleratuti, Coffee, Tea, , , ...,_ .1 X , .r. , ... ..I. • ; ° en 't °all * i gAsh• 1 ,Viour• . Hate - & Cilia Soots &Shoes, Rubbers, Crock° y, WoOdeti Wtiti, &c. I / N ~. s' ef, ; _ g- ~. Cash Paid fski Buv Elk, qr shipped on otnmission. Plisse *all' 4 and Wok our Stook over. )AL - 1111 always Suns ready and willing to show goods. " 1 ~,<"'-. I` , -_, • .. ...4,1 Wellehozo, , Blay. 10; 1871; , =-1y. : I. R. 'BARKER. Ii . . f 4 r; •,, /.i :y i - ' ---,-. i , ) 3 ! aPell WiidOW i r t .ra 1 4 0 h Bord 0, co de, Tan ip o t"des 914 ' , ktain l / 4 100) tirindovi 1 re , iituree,"Pietnie Frames, Picture Glass, and (Wag gme,F, pirti do,Rormary to, betatifyiHmt l i l'Ar-laigdit,ithietinieni of &alai Of go ods ever brought into Tioga county. Call at gar NEW STORE N 0.,, Smith &,Eare4ll,oo3l". s' , May4Wiiifit 3 Kiiii*iiiiiiikei tit 75 4 200 0. 1110 4 1 L TOO Sniti 1.144 : ,) ,, ,na,5t 1B • Y FRED MART:LAST, Hilo, opposite the Fai? 6111114,65,14firkitlpy9Peke man PR)! MARGItAIiI. Aug 9, 1871-Im, 1$ 4 ' DISSOLIITION.—The co-partnership here- I Wore existing under.tbe name of Trn man Brothers, was dissolved July M 0,1871. by l mutual consent. • L. F. TRUMAN. A. A. TRUMAN. EV= Ell I'Mil To look at the new ~. ,;,. {~~ . K. ,-•.,,,,, Fi i en they .have more `tizne, th e it old = eutitomerS,' together , k of Goods at bottom price AM .t FARR. En e ' '• Ready - Made Clo The patronage of she public ss 67: a* MEN 1 a.e. 12111115 MEI k 4.4 7 . .. CUS „.i. . ~ .t 1 1 .:. , -.'h- .> ` • ~...::11- . 1?,', -.44•D EN=ZEE ions, u , will pat in a notice in Tith the new, that they , ' . • . `• 14E:: HQMA HARDEN: il:Syles of late MI D 8 ' i , --, , 11811 i s ,lattoro, ti MI INTS_AND HOSIERY,' hing, ),h; BOOKS KEPT. NO 910 1 . '• '„ , C. 0. MA.THERS ilt., v. l 1 .1 I ) P I NNBYLVANIA ' U i Sfotel NoTpua Sohopl., , i ~ 1 . ;.. 40101riiiiD. t'l W Oil AI /4;4 t 4 1-p ig rfill tiral ;rill 001XiMen00 W 0 ti 1410410 , ' Anil , 471. For Catalogue or admlti4lOu ei4:4l3Ptii' obatioa .R. 5.13. IL VERRILL; A M. , Phoofpal. July 5,18742 m. ' i [ ..:ThoP‘Clouressiontor abinvakid. rIIOLISHUD oli ii . '4aiptoilit3'foo i;onoll t of . $ 1 *7. , :ii•t och i e rig t tzikno 1 6 , - 4z pr. fig b, ~,e„ 4 ootell Ithotot stud - lona - rho on t ' v - 1 1 P05t.44.434ine.104 6 .13,04 0 3. -. Ad rose. NTAIII/LIWATtAIS. Bro 6l tii ti.,ILIY. it ii i etri l fikt " : :,, ~', , t: ) i V.t.i c .'. i ii 4G.a.,. ,, .:. • - - 7b Farmers and Stock Raisers. rrHOROOGH MID, pure blood, Ohio im proved Chester White pigs (stock brought from Ohio) for sale at Covington, by FMB, O. s..E.BLLoy. EWE NM 1 ~ = ME 111 . I MEM i'v ~ ~' ~ ~ ~r~ oittpM4,-) , N f, EW FIRM 4 • A. M. Ingham & Co:, T-4" pleasure in announoing to the oliisens of Wellaboto and vicinity that theyi have purchased the entire stook - • formerly owned by P. B. Williams, and are ad ding to the stook a fine line of. Goods, consist ing of Pare .rateq , Medioines, Yankee Arotione, Piti7llll. Varnishes,, ' hruBhas,_Parini • ' t „• , • , Paint Brushes, Ebbing Tackle, and in faot"OvOiythlig usually kept in a first class Drug 'Mote In the line of -"' Wall Paper. Wiplow hades and Mx:areal we cannot be undersold. Call and examine Goode and prince before purchasing elsewhere. 3 Particular attention paid to Physioians Prescrip tient, and compounded at all hours. Tholpatronago of thO public is solioitodl- A M. 'NanAm V. 4Loox. May 4, 18Y1. - • Sill '& - squires, ''T, IVROLEBALE DEALERS IN A.- 'el -Fa ign It Domestic Liquors . • Agnats for Fine Old Whiskies, • CYRI3B D: ElitL;l G. N. SQuinEs, f CORNING, N. Y. ' May 17, 1871. . ' , Every . Year increases the popularity ,of thiS: valuable Hair Preparation; 'whiehiiS due to merit alone. We'can as,snre our old 'patrons that it is, kept fully - up to it 4 high standard; aad it is the l ouly reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring .434.AY OR FADER HAAR to its youthful color; making it raro,s lustrous, .04, silken. The scalp, iii becoMes white and clean. .It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents t hail:from falling 'out, as it 'stimu - rates and nourishes the hair-glands. By, its use, the hair grows thicker and ,"stfo.ager. In baldness,, it restores the . capillarrglands to theit• normal vigor, \, , arid will lareate h new grrowth, Except in extrethe old ap. It is the most economie4l HAIR PRESSING ever used, requires fewer applications, 'and the 'hair 6.."SPlendid, glossy tip pear nice._ A. A. Hayes., hLD,, State Assayer of Massachusetts, says; "The . „eppstitments are pure, and carefully , selected for excellent uality ; and I. ~ c onsider 'it the BEST PREPARATION tar itaintended-purposeS - ." " • Sold by all Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines. Price One Doilar. Buckingham's Dye FOR THE WaISKERS. , . • As our Renewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much ca 4, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers,, we- have prepared: this dye, in one ijriparation; which will quickly and t effectually ccomplish this result. It is easily api lied, and produces' a color which will leither nib nor wash off. Sold by al Druggists. Price Fifty cents. Man** ed by R. P. HALL & 00., ASHIIA, N.H. Aug. 8,1870-Iy. g, .1. . L- Oo'3 0 r-1 C 3 0 4 0 6 0 . i IA C-.. ,•-•4 c• co 03 , tll , oa CC) B co soi i• co co io uo co co co_ co t- 0 ecia. i. , c ; CD '.4 ri ,: - cc x- - C ca 6 tz, w F 7, C ts es L 0 r- M-4 ::: ErB .4.1 e. vz .5.1,.. tri ,O. ~ _ • :,,,.. I,‘ ~ . '.O ~..... , 0' ..1 , _1 ) 0 ' : b : • : : 2 W.'- • 4:1 C- ) 0 Oi 401 4 • ;at it cori- • ° ta4 Pi--- , -• 0 'P' 4 '• i *a ,b 3 c) .OI 733 0 2 at t .t 4 $•.:; . - In- k, 0. -in • iz , 2, 0 s .5. , ,3 p, .r o , 0 4 ',in c,.. ~..- ~, , ig i , ,,,„ —, „ z , dd 'Pli pN 4 .' 42 EI 0 a -41 -0 4•P4 Q ,14 V is: I g L 4 C.) .6. El M . ili Fl El 14 4 -0 la 4 U 0 . c 7, .. 4, Q cl 8 a) . • VP es Pv , a'. 14 +--• ca •c:•4 1 ,0 , ,,z ! . _.% c n ? 2. o 9 --i-• 0 . ' • 0 , i , arim ,T U JO IQ Ls c; Pi M ' 1.4 co 4, O . ; . .1.2-i oditim 7:8 ,' rj o . 1 2 8 _. f ....,, 7 6 , „O r 0 GI i t'a l ("5" a- a 4 1--, .r... AD _ ,s 0 1.1 2. 3 ',6• cc. 0 o 7.: K j i:', r. .-. ,-, lig "ell cl i--1 .V , L ~ -, 1 ',9 , gv. .e, 10 •-• .a, a Pi ~,. ~. i v a a, ' 0 "" . °V ot • '" = t) . S T, = 01 'Ol . 8 12 0 P. o m 0 0 xi a (+-' 'A .O 1 ry, c f.! a 2.) z Pi P-4 P 4 "q 4-4 q' fr, P E-t 2.5, =III VWIIO , I INTS TO BEY _ tt RA HOUSE AND' VOT in Wellsboro I' Or a desirable lot? 'Or a fartiivithintwenty fo Minutes walk 'of IN ellsbote, I.AoW, for sale, 01 on reasonable terms, the property : ri A well finisited, new two story dwelling house. P containing -ton good rooms ; - :Witlx la bolt acil l o lot, good barn, good will of water; and every P )ray desirable as a rosidence. London, corner of Walnut and Monde sefiets, , licijoining the , tl Clymer grounds. • „, • And a desirable farm ' , in belinar, oontaining 105 acres (known as the Whelatt lot) Said farm cow priseS a 20 tore meadow - newly Seeded, a, about 80 acres' of excellent timber, consisting t f ash, hickory...olp, basswood, whitewood and item look: • The farm is well watered; and abuts on two roads—the new Stony ,I?ork road and the road leading from' , Sanibel' Dit Itinsou'ii to Wm. Eberens's piece. ' All of reasonablo terms. In quire of WILL TAM CA 111101.1. Wellsboro. Juned7; 18711 tf Wheeler .&: laaagan, . Fire ; Life, -Horse and Cattle Insurance .Agency ; WELLSBORO, PA. RTES luwes'A °liable. Ily t• in ouring in thellationai Life of U.S. at your death yikiit heirs will receive the polio. spepified, together with ell • p remiums paid. hence. the poet for - insurance no mote, nor lons 'that the intercst utiori your annual promiunas. Bute.r. W HE/MRII. r , r r 'OEO W. LANGAN. J •, WQSDIIEh'k LANGAN. Office with Win:4 Stone.; • P7elleboro, July • '• HE ea" 0N 1 V3140 1 2421ita tl le 04 1 13 y eontraot.of the work on the', Gown eliquet gauge,: from] 'Y'atirrehil • Illy to s Elliland, ‘bbi)i A t twelve miles.! takir iieitiiiree of , the secretary of Me itompa Y, in A i rif d"i'iMnitylvania; on 71%Ss? day Septa' Vet 6tii?, /. • 'Speelfle ' ens ott(f*iiin,iittis,or: toe seedy of - exitinlooo,iit„iti, the - °Clot Af the President of the; diiikiip3;- , Eyflinia,•and (he; bireti Of 'the the; rook`C Con Conimny in Corning N. y. by Friday August 25th, 1871 ; and the line 0f,11.e roid will also be ready to ex amine at the same time. O. L. Parrzeon./ Joel. PannuußST. Beeey„ President. BEININ , INGHAM •dr. CO BE= HAD? EWER, FIRE !NSURANCE. NO. I. MITCHELL, Art, _ - MZI;LBBORO; PA, Issues Polll s in firet•olnog Conipaniee atm I,..acrlacr Ptettoess 110 914 RELIABLE COMPANY =I will leant Insurance Jan. 4, 18 71.-ly. 'The IJheapest Place in the State For photographs! • • ;AT WOOD'S -111LLBRi! O CARDS for 60 cents,. Large Oahu's') and .1. -frames for $l. Old &tures copied, on larged and finished in the finest style. New style frames and everything kept in a gallery on hand, or furnished to order. TU E LOWEST PRICES AND THE BEST WORK. Rooms over Gardner's grooew store. Fes 1 1871 tf Weßebore, P MANHOOD : HOW LOST, HOW RES 18.- ED. Just published by DR. LEWIS', 256 C 0 pages, Third Edition. THE MEDICAL 00 - PANION AND GUIDE TO HEALTH, on e radical cure of Spormatoracoa, ot Seminal We - nese, Involuntary Seminal Lodses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Ineapaoity, Impediments to Marriage, etc., and the Venereal end 43yphilitio Maladies; with plain and clear, directions for the speedy care of Secondary Symptoms, Qonorrhma, Gloats, Strietures, and all diseases of the skin, each as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Boils, Blotches and Pimples on the face and body. Consumption, ,Epilepsy, and Fite, induced by self-indulgence for sexual extravagance. The celebrated author, in this admirable Trea- Mee, clearly demonstrates, from a forty years' succeisful practice, that the alarming cense !gamic° of self abuse may be radically! cured; Ipointillg out a mode of cure at once simple, m it'ain' nd effectual, by means of whiolt every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, 'can be effectually cured, cheaply, privately, and , radically. i ARP-This Book should be in the hands of ee ry youth, and every man indult land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope. Price 50 cents. Address, DR. LEWIS, No. 7 .Beach St, ew York. . . March, 8 1871.-Bm. ' Valuable , Toivn Property SALE. HE subscriber offers for stile the following property, viz : 20 Village lots situated} on f 1 . tato Street, 4 lots situated near Sheridan- et., 9 ores of hind near the cemetery. ,This property ill be' sold at moderate prices and time given; leo the house and lot of Chas. Williams, near t to M.r . R. Church.' The subscriber is also agent r the Noritr Carolina Land Company. Par. t es desiring to visit that section oan get Dail r ad tickots at reduced prices, and'also valuable 1 formation In' reference to the Company from May 10, 1871-tf. W. SHERWOOD. Photograph Gallery ! 1/ ay I 'HOUGHTON, ORR & CO., STONY, FORK, /lA. *annfooturors lof I of • Buggie's, Platform Spring,.Truok and Lumber Wagons, CUTTERS, :41 LEIGHS AND 808 'SLEDS. . , . , : : •• . , We are prepare d to do anything in wir line n e l hort notice and in the best manner. Otitis. act en e guarrarited. . . • ' • -•_: •' \ . , & 00. s s, I ASTINS P9DEs, Agte, Welleboro; S ony Fork, April 5, 1871 Wonders Wilt-Never-Cease. , AVE you pied the latest, and gTeriiest:tned teal discovery of the age? Ir. M. L. Bacons Magic Pain Remedy. cols colds, diptberia, cramps and pales in no istoinefh, indigestion, I diarrhea, dysentery, umular complaints, eholtira morbus, cholera, 0.4 as by magic. As , an external application )0 fiosthites,.ohilblains, - sprains, bruises,'fol na,l4rhentantititn, sick headaohe, toothache, nen. algid, pains in ,the. aide,: aok • and loins, in a ractioe of Fix years, it. as been found to bo ecend to no prepfiratiOn over, offered' to the The proprietor of this medicine feels warren ad in guaranteeing into b y e the best remedy for ha hbove diseases in the Market. 'Manufaetured and put up only by - Dr. M. L. tenon, Yilossbarg. Pa. wholesale agents—llallett, Soarer do Burbank, 199 ,Chamber seep . et. New York ; W. D. Terbell Qt CO., Corning, .Y. . July 12,11 ly all? LECTURE - 4 g A - -- - -TO Vous El- MEN' Jut Publ (440, in 0 Sealed Ednekpe. Price frx cods . A iseeture on the N attne b areatment and liaditail Cure of Sperma torrhoM, or-Sem fuel Weaknos 8 t Involuntary Foliations. Sexual Debility, and' Iropedi remoe to,Marriage genet ally ; liervousnese, Consump tion lEpilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical Inca. pacit,y, resulting from fielf•Abnso,ac.,-.lly ROBERT J. OUL'VERWEIdIui Al D , Author of the •"Oroeu Book," &a. 1 Tha world ronmened author, in this admirable Lec tate; clearly prose i from hie own experience that the awful consequenoe of Self•Abuse . ;may bo effectually, ronioStid without Medlchws, and without dangerous liergiesl V ., pkratiousi boggles, it:min:l:tents, rings, or cordials, !whiting out a mode of cure at once certain and l'il , ctual by which every sufferer, no matter' hat ' hit cbatiltlati nay be. Masirure himself cheaply, int vote y , alai rad, oily.; TIT IS LECTURE WILL PROVE 'A 0 ON TO TN BEANO S AND TIIOIII3ANDS. i pa a, under acid, to,apy address, in a Plaiii' iwalod fr ,4, 1 ,,,,, „ u tha receipt of nix cants, '9r two tostatja atampo, Also • Or. Cu !eel ell's'W ‘,slarrlage elyilio," , 014. mi ' , a ets: ' Addreas the' Publishers ' , ~ 1 , ' 1 MIAS. J. 0.,1(1.111P. tlt OW,. ;-, AT? firoadwity. New York .Pinit!Ofilce Box, 4,688. • - .la ) .:. 1811-Iy. , I • t , 1 ~* ' ' , steal Estate For Sale. P 1 __, ,__.., ~ . N tiOu,pa It 4.ND' LOT. on State !treat, en- I timely, now, ailished 'tuicely throughout ' ottitge stylo.;, Terme easy. Ono letup Otatesiyeet, upon which a banes Is Wittig biallt...t ' . , ~, , , ~. .. , Ten lino ek, :31"edder aiiet.'t'. l - ' • - • PAUit:.hundrecl aerosol' tirtilttor land in Delmar. 3 4,lro*...i.ppleiidid dalry`farm- in . Dolmari` con ' lainin'ellls inti•es. Inquire of Jtino 21, 1 7 l tf WRIGHT /6 BAILEY. NlEiw PLANO SPREADS for sale at Grken. er's branch store. opposite the Cone Houte-, trom '4.50' to Vb. Also A 1:1'10 e . JNO. I. MITOIIELIr