The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 23, 1871, Image 1

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1 r C. Van '`Gelder..
atwrlption,(por year)
I 1 N LINt9 OT MllllOll 011 Itsa, war. Coliffi SCICIARI
I 1 In. U . Ile I 4 Ins Vos 01Voiki tYr -
0 I $l,OO I $2.00 i $2,50 155,00157,00
, I 3,001 4,00 f 8,00 12,001 18,00
II c 01...... 1 10,00 1. 3.8,001 . 37,002.A 00 130,0 0 80,Cti
, 7 .1 . 7:116 00 123, 00 I :30,09 I 43,00 1 60,00 100,00
:4oectal Notices it, cents por hue; Editorial or
..: , ), , 11(8 per line.
ut .ulvefftlidtig Auer be paid fur in advance.
lii.llllCa Cenetablu Blanks , Poods,Jutig•
,„ `. to., 'tarring° Certificat6s, etc., on hand.
t'S IN KISS CA-17,135.
yittlditlOST & CO* l
'.,1.1 -
• 1.. 1-ATTS.,O3.
May 31, 1571.-tinit.
f .
Seeley / Coates &
Si:EU:3, Knoxville, Tioga, County, Pa.—
Re , dive money on deposit, discount notes,
Jed sell drafts on New 'York City. Collect
;.,n3 promptly made,--Jun 1, 1871-y
:lunemi SEELEY —Osoopla.
DAVID COATS, 1. Knoxville,
0 .11 c:: in Smith and B i orren'a;Blools t aorozs ball
1M Agitator 011ie() up staira, [sooond floor.]
‘i,ll,llgra Pa, V- Jan. 4,1871-Iy.
Jno. I.' Kitchell,
1.,11qy and Counselor at Law, Claim, and In
•ar,nee Agent. Office over Kress's Drug Store,
tVellsboro, Pa. Jan. 1, 1871—y
William A. Stone.
u•,cney and Counselor at taw, first doer above
S. Osgood's store, on Main street.
V:ellsboro, January 1, 1871 y-
31/14 W. Alial»l9,
ey aml"4.%unnsolor at Law, Alanstield, Tioga
lai s y, pa. Collections promptly ettondiad
',fa 1, 1971-1
_ _
and C,oisselora al 14W. W ill attend
rauptly to bu siness entrurted to their earo in
coitutiei of . Tioga and Potter. (Alice on
Jan I, 1371 y
John IV. Guernsey,
nwy and Counselor .at Law. All' business
t“iraue , l to taut will be proiniitly attended to.
.loon south of Ilitzlett's Hotel, Tioga,
c.ointy, an . 1, 1871.
13 , ,unty and ItLiu'ranee Agony' / Cora
,tty,tl.3 :vent to tho above address wilt ro
.eivo prompt attention. Tornio tno(torato,
f.:l , KllllO, -Jan. I, ISM
Seymour . 1 / 4 Morten,
and, Couti3elor3 at law, 'fioga .La.
:as untra , trA to their care will receive
i.e Y
II -1 v %;,17110.T0
il.nliatrcint al - Linn,
/,13 1, 1571
W. D. 'rerbelt A: t'o.,
le Drußgi-t9, and fioalers in Wall Paper,
qt.rosene I,IIIIIV, Window Glass, Perfumery,
, •.iints, .4c.—Corning, N. Y..ian. l'7l,
D. Ilacqm, M. 1).,
and Horgeon,lst door oast of Laugher
•1,0 trect, IViJ I attend promptly to
.11 Wellsbetro.—Jan. 1, 1 S7I.
i. M. bighat», M. D.„
• . I ,..thizt, .)tfice tt his Residence on tho
ci no —Jan. 1, IS7I.
(;eorge 'Wagner, ,
r duur north at ltoberts ‘l.: Dail
- if. I.INY art) kove, Culling, Fitting an,l
i rt , oi i omptly ti, 1, 1871
- Smith's Hotel,
e, l'.. ..->ioith, Proprw.tor. liouie in
,I . 1 .0 accomuludato the traveling
ni,lnnor.—Jan. 1, 1371.
rosmers' Temperance Hotel.
11 1 )N i',, having purell sua this hous6,
Jrl.{lwi iu future !1.4 iu the post, strictly
Every riccotturto -
mr wan awl 1)031.4, ChnTgOO TOnsoll
- e
Union_ Hotel.
Proplitetnr, Welkboro, Pa. t •ft 11 !Oa ited, arid has all
014 , 11 11 fi OA fur and boast. Charges
(Alt I, IS7I-ly.
, IV, 111:1313, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
- f tpelp 11 , 16!i0srd4 Col,e'r
II) sr,
Itatliepi' Millinery
: . ..Jll-:1.1) vompleto .15.-Eortuteut
I c
01,,v q4IIY I " °i i°l
'lpiitr❑ 11, -01 f everyLudy, and
t (.out)S,
: Ilrosge.4, a _env'-
, !1,,. ptea , c the
L" 1 " Post Main Street.
Mrs. A. J. SIVP(
\IA,- 4,
New Millinery !
c. ` l i 111 . 1,0 litilY o 0 1..1 , 13 an t:().
4 It,t A.,4fil , mi. , cit 41( ;01 of
Goods, Parasols, Gloves,
-P,E4ling int very low pr ines t Drop
tp :he now goods.
Mrs. C. P. SMITH
5,00 e)
lushels Stone Lime
Gar sah' by
11 . 1 111, IS7
- o Jsertbpr otters for sale his, ram nlfAild
Pleasantly situpted in Catlin rialle;w,
Ttoga county, Pa..; Witl4n (that four ;
Wellehoro and two calks or Nilos Val-
School honso, church, mills, shops,
Aithin a mile. Terms easy. Inquire on
''relailes, of C. a, CIATLIN.
7 / 7 1 /In
/' $2,00
(LATELY known as the Torrnsencl,llouses
1 1 : and fella timo'oooutiled by D. 3 11.'11611-
" day, has been thoroughly rift tted, repair
ed and openedby
who will be happy to • ateornmodati ibe 'old
friends of the house at very reasonable rates.
)Je.n. 1,1871 y DANIEL MONROE.
meats of either - , - L.
o the latest style and approved workmanship
a d with dispatch.
go keeps conatantly.en , hand , i)oth",hindp Of
Marble and will be able to Suit all who limy fa.
vor him 'With their orders, on as reasonable terms
ad i can be obtained in the country.
1 toga ,Jan. 1;1871-y. .
LE persons indebted to D. P. Roberts by
Book account or Notes aro reqnesied to call
t settle , and 'tri.:(o CoAte, at 43`.'W. Merrick's
Plated Spout's add Forks; Talolo, Butter and
Fr It Knives; Cups, Castors and Cake Baskets;
kin Ilini.,s; Cream salt Sugar and Mustard
Sp onsjine Goltr and Agate Rings; Gold Pens
an Pencils; SoliaGold Sets; Pearl Fancy and
Plated, Buttons; Watch Guards and Chains, &c.,
A large stock of SPECTACLES, GLASSES, and
Colored Glasses, all at reduced prices.
IJ. D. N 11.1.8
N. 11.—W atchcs and Jewelry neatly Ite.F.‘lrad
arch , 1, 1871. P"
A. 8. EAST lAN,
111 40 '41 ii f i ' - ' . DENTIST.
. • 1 !
0111'40 oppositl3 Cone itOuse; 'SVollaVoto, Po. All
°paations neatly and carefully patron - nod. Sat
Wit tion guaranteed at. 'live and lot livo prlaeß '
F ‘ll 22, 1871 ti
j. C. ilonTor:
sAmtrr.t. LiAN.
Era I
few t
C 'II 111
Sold f ,
Sold r
• i3B
J ..iii
I , trge-t f
tion 01 I
Ili el o
Mt kip
C\ •t..:1.•
nt t,i ftrittinnAt4 bought or taken in
:\ tot t, All ejrdero for re
r..l prol.nwly attended to.
w. ,IfefSTOSII, Agent.
tti 2. I 71.
the bist
and rat
reit ncic?
I.u - to IT W
' ,Ferrin's,Funligatoi,fOr;Calatrah. The
above ar ieleg arc for sal© by W. C. Ag't,
Wellabo o trade generally.
;lane 11,
• 10 It SALE, eIIEAP.
I NE legant, new, Joathor top buggy; one
nie43 open buggy, nearly. new; ffieMytt,
horse lutabor wagon ; a good single harness.
June 2
rm for Sale.
T"E übseriber offers for sale his farm, - Situ,
rated the town of Delunt, ttspuldleight
}idea - fie,
. 4 Wellsheriit.l. !Asia ttritroditqllis 75
acres, so ue SO of tvhieh is unproved ; good
frame barn 30x42, and a good log house, an 1
some frui triesm, i thereon. Said far is nneur.
Missed foss fertility of son in- this set For
partieulik inquire of the subscsiber at the ogled
of Q. W. , forrioir, Esq., Vel ( sboraTa.
,April 1., 18m4r. , .4. 21EDM.L:1).
RE undersigned is now prepared to axe
ou te all orders for Tonit Stones and Mo:iu-
oh. 1, ta37l.—tf
3FL. M. C:ol2aitawr,
KEEPS constantly on hand, IILOIN
ES, hirable, Alarm b. Calendar CLOCKS,
rti i. SINGER
Manufacturing Company,
Con atitil Led by tlto Ithmeli the peop3o—
oceivod the Great Award of the
haN'e It ft all rival:( far behind them, fur they
soLD'iri 1070
moro than forty thormand in advance of
lEttles of the previous year. and
do isand more Man the sake of - any other
re - ; toy fur /870, as shown by the following
8 from SWORN returns' of the gales 'of
zinger 74ritraf‘ ricturingpplimpar
over the FloreitCt. Setavg
Iliac Co 1 110.173 Affichineti
rev the ll'itechz if,- Gibbs Selo-
,Ilachine C., 95,943 do,
;tee the geed arming Mit ,
!eel. tho Orover & ihth-cr
ifig - alArchinc Co., - 70,431 do
re): th e "M, we Machine Co., b2,f177 do
cc). the Wheeler & triboon
Co„ •
itirtiqiiring C , . d 5,625
vhich is mainly_owing to the' popularity
t is known as thi.; l Naw4'auttx - Sr.vritia
NE," which is now Saar 'firtilingits way'
• cry well regulated household.—Fei — Cir,,
giving fell particulars of Machines, their
i; Cases of many varieties -of stood and
their Attach - motifs - ter Humorous kinds of
villa, till recently, it was thought that
l o lingers alone could perform,' as well as
tars about all artiolos used by their Ma
such as Twist, Linen Thread, Spool Cot
, (to., .1.e., appfy to any of their Author
•ents, or to
Broadway, New York. Philadelphta.
10ii Chestnut St.
,Its :1?„,1871.-te::
w Music Store!
, Ls 13 11 . et; - PA .
A gat Pedal
tNq FOR. 11!;-S,.1;
Dealer inhitias of
and .Musical Merchandise,
1.1 hest !•elootion of MUSIC in this see
n Country. Pi. 1110.1 warranted, for 20
ena rinA Obinoti
Ith Standaid Medicines,
1$:. ilE'lltlt(7l:'S Sugar Cuuttal Vegeta
Polz un.l hid Swngthoning
! 1 . 1 use!
larroll's Condition Powders for Horses
le ----;:atie fAvtivri guaranteed or blot csy
, IS7II . if
j ; Y ~~~n+n
Ise #~ i ~'.~r.;',
94 SPINS .00SORF.S,contblning
thetas, are Van through on all Tra
Niagara Falls; Suspension Ilrld
nail and New Itexhi.i . • .
- • • Westward
N. York live, 'll. 00a . rn 5,80 p La;
Jersey City," 111. 15' " 5.45 " ,
Newark "
~ 11.06 " 6.40 "
Paterson • " .....-.1...4 12.00 in ' 0.25 "
Turner a ", 10 48' '-•" 1.86 din TA6 Emp'
Newb'gh -.." ' 11.90 a m 5,80 pull
Pt Jorvls,Arr. 4156 0 185 ", 9 .20 "
Ringh'tOn ' a 869 pm 8.17 0 2.21 am
Owego ' h 488 " 10.10 ."" 8,12 "'
"L. 4•1128
a:, 12 0. .20 26' :::
Waverly , " 518 'I 10.58' 0 4.02 t . '
Elmira . 6 . 644, " 11.89 " 4440 "
Corning 1 '
7 88 But) ,- 2.00. ~, 7.00 bft.
Rochester ' a 1027' ' l 4, 9.04. a m
Beal* , 4 ;4. 1050'"a . 8.20 a 133 /240 a
Niag.•Falla " 11 80 - 0 ; • 1.05, 1 4 1 2.19 p m
Bns, Driago..„ 11 85 ~.,/ 71101
Clifton; ' " 11 40 4. •, T.lO ~ , 12;25 M.
Dunkirk; '" 'l 30 a ;xi 7.20 " 12.68, ". ;
11 eadvil le . 4 . ' 1'25 ", 9.20 ", 2.20. dlla
Oleayetand " 'l5 . 1 50 280 p ra 7.20 PP 7
Dayton ‘• 12 80 p m 7,25 " 4,05 aln
Cineintati. a 245 4. 10.16_ ...• 0.30 ..
Additional - Local Trains Westward.
6.00 a,M., except Sundays, from Owego. •
5.00 a. in., daily, from Busguebana. -
9.00 a.'im daily, from Susorte,bana, , . ,
12.15 p.m. except Sundays, from Snsqueblita. ,
1.15 p Fn exiient Sandayo;tr in'Elmira; Stopping . at
Dig Flats 189 , Corning 2 00,' Milted Post '205, and
thence, via Avon, to-Butfalo' riving at 885 p m. •
800 p m except Sarldays;fr Binghamton. ' • I' s '
Eas d. - _ -, ~. . ,
and L'fe V46pm
Dayton " 1203 aln ~,
, s' • 725 " ..„
" 11 32 Dln .....
Dunki: k " .1'25 p m '
Clifton ... ; . " 680 81.811•
Bas„Pridgo " 1 " 636 " ... ..1 06
Niagara Falls 144 ' • b 46 • 615 :"-
Buffalo 240 " 025 " 41 20 . " -7 00 "
Rochester' 400 40 • , ..i 663
Ifornollasillo 603 Sup 10 20 68 ami 9 43
Corning— " -7 33 pmll 48 .426 ' l 'llo 65 ""
Elmira " 810." 3220 a m 404 '( {II3O "
Waverly... s' 847, " 100 " b 3B " , 1 0.2 08,p , at
Owego ",' 926 "
_olB, ! 't' '42 41 `•
Binghamton - 1p 014' " . 1 1.1
' , 2o'" '7 'OO 1122
Port Jervis Ar • - ••2 63 it te 705 • is 11'40 -•tt • 525 44
363 8 , 00 " ..
Newburgh "...,5.,,: ... : 1140 a m
Turners— " '• 905 Dit 1,18 Din
Paterson:,. " 560 " :10 16 a m 220 p m
Newark .:. " iOO V" i 205 p m bl 6 .. .
Jemmy City. ". 693 " j 1053 ain .265 ... "
New 'fork " 7-00 aWA 10 " 3ko p M 880 p m
Additional local Trains :Eastward.
6.40 n m., dally from It , ornelwallo. '
5.45 a in,, twindaye , exceptedifroM flOrnells7llle.
0.90 a m.. except Sundays, from Owego. •
7,60 a ut. f ,except-Sontlaya, from Elmira. • •
1,68 p. es -Copt Sundays, from Painted Pest, •
2,10 p. m., oxcdpt FAIN/am from
Lnily. , 1 4 . Mondays excepted.
L. D. BUCKER, 1931. It. DASD,
clotel Sopl, • PaSs. A 51,
Blosburg & Corn:lug di Tioga
Supt B. & . C. R. R
Direct Route North and SOuth,
Wallifra7o v • Tisliell n ,;Nil l igi°/P. lll VD,a,a4„Fcifig;
• ' xriage, eocipatei, tsyractlio s ilriapt 611 poluta 'East
And Vire't od the Now York Central Railroad and
The CittilOtta.
On and after 11 auday, August itb, 1821, Trains uOl
rug as lollpws : I . , .
IltiValo Ex 9:10 Plll.l bt ia ga rit -Ex" 6:o' P lil ,
Elmira Acc'u..ll:ls A DI i Elmira Mai1.4,40;36_1,,A
DiOrning AXc'n...G:2o A Al 1 - 6.95P1
liutCulu Ex. 9.25 45.24 entily; Axen::..aalv:3l
,Niagara EX
&turning Ac'r{
.92,8.31 do.
William't Malt..
Niagara. Ex
Tim Morning R
ward run throng
Tile Morning a
ftoni tbo North,
Thu Psxpresa T
between Recheste
! . .; 11
.' '.,,..._
4. ,1
• who
IV • vles!!
• ' '
." . 14c . Ways '''.. j:jt4 kind'.
. • - -
With nansi other a . rt!eleplthlit'si!,
establiehineist, which is so a Itw for !• •
iIL I J 111.. •.•
Repairing done neatly, and promptly; andon
hort sOTICE. - I A. FOLEY.t.
January 1, 1871-y,„
rgißEES.—Fruit and ()inflater - dal trees, sbtvL-,
bery, grape vinaltottrapberiy'pla'fite,,ttc,
I am agent for tile nur.
series, and arta furnish aO7 quantity, ,foT, f4ll.
planting. 1 nleo sfoole of two Yett 4 (
'old apple trees, aboion•varintiegy: oKiny otin,
growing. Ureen hotihe altil . tys. Op, b r oil'
Aug 9, 1671 tf
• - •
John4'. Jackson.: Your
aro hereby n oti 0o d that %/sick s by•
her next friend. Edward IleMley il las appii i ed. ; to )
tiro Court of Common' Pleas ?erftek,a, county for,
a divorce from the hondp ' l 4f ,mittriniony,
that said Court 14 - ippointO4 go334ity, the 28th
day of August, 1871. for the', itiartrxsztf'sni 4 -' ll `ll o
piicant in the premistfp , onrlith occasion you,
can attend if you thipif pro • ,
Aug 9, 1871 _ iit...-117151:1-Stier1ff.
TN DIVORCE—To Mary inn,li r lte4flei
are hereby notilitld•!;lcipt:lickyaT,',_3Vbeeler•
has applied to the 'Court n of, potaalon s•gleatr of
Tioga county for a. Jdiroree .ftorattil4*.lboads of
matrimony, and that said • Cottet hab "piipriiiiPa,
Monday, the 28th deoPtirlittig, l oll3tlifoY - the - beari
ing of said applioatitlnfthekramlao; =on which
occasion you may attend.a stanAhinlivrefeti-- 1 *
Aug 2,1871.--4 w •
i i
-- 17.''';':' I fii77.V.
THE •ti; - :-
farm knownits the' l :4llttet:M.fidi. l TLtV
in Farmington ,T 9 F4,b10,,-,4,ol3infi:ittg'bilo'
hundred and fifteen titres'. ie pcpir - offert+d-fan sale
on reasonable 'terms. Said Ihteditiiniiirlikti:tlics .
possession of Chesty COy.4oli eillerlf_PPlY to i
_ -' 1, /'A. P. cot' ir,,, 4 -, , ,,.: 1
;sly .12 1 .1871.—tf . .` l 7` Tv.4414p90; - 1
• , i,:;•-_,r7. , ,, _.....,.., , a
, I.)
p/ .l
;,—.......„,_,, _ _ ..-- -• sr ' ,:..... ,- ::::... 1
-il • r' ..•:‘, ~..:. • _ ,
1 , ,
~.. .
j t , ,, -.. • - ,, , , , c
1 1,, : 1, ' ,...,!
..." ;-, 1 '
ts i 1
1 •• • ' \ 1
1, , 1 ~, , ••• N,
•,t, 1 .•,.,. . s • ‘.... •. . '••• 14 ) 1
I 1 i.
1 1
_'t . .;,.itAzz ! NV4:tt,,: , ,,: - _, ,, T0t*1t',., ,, ,
No. 6
9 9
lb 00711
....... • •,•
STATIONS. No. 124 i SJa
DF.PART PllOll 'llOO-A.--tI2•Mo Banta.
No 1-9.33 A m No 3-910'it ut "NO 5-5.54 a w
No 7-0.38 ani No 0=12.07 pm N 01 1 ,135 pm
Nol3-8,31) p.m: No 15-10.14 p m- Nol7-1.80 ala
DEPART FROM TlOA—goika Noma.
No 2-4.12 pat - NO 4 , 8.42 am 6-5.20 aat
No 8-8.08 a m No 10-10.50 aru No 12-11.80 a m
No 14 * -12.07 pis No 10-1.85 p m No 18-5.18 p rim
No 20-0.80 p m No 22-11.12 p No 24-12.35 a m
Supt Tioga R. R.
Northern Central.
I:3p AW I 1 Butfald,Ex.".4 l .ll4oP lil
Rs* A 11 ) Mouth; Ach'n,:;tllll , II
(8 WA:VA, 00BLI1WAME ''' ;1." ..
6:60 it At I Buffalo Ex..... 10.25 P 31
il5 AM ( Willlanet Acc'n. - :b:G5 I'M
d Eventng , Acco s namodationf norat•
to CantitqUaiguit.". , i : ,
d Evening Accommodationarrlviug
loth start froniVabadalgua. '. '
alas, both ways,
,ate through trains
Ir mad baltittiore. ' '
1 1 - . A-.,
8. - SISKB, •
70 ,
foul Sup't. _ _
SB i
..I M ANY; :I. _ya ~~~'_ ~~~":'3}tu'R'+w ~ s+-.
."/No BOOM and
, 11 tilpd ern. Impro,yo
- betstroon Withlp,
, Cleveland', Clneln•
..No. 8
7.00 to
9.10 p
No. I.
10.80 p I ra
3.15 am
'6.68 •':
4.43 k 1
6,16 • 11
9.86 a 13;
/1.20 "
12,14 pm
12:20 " '
12.26. 11
12,6$ ft ti
2.20 dint
41.1M 0 am
I t = No. 8 No, 3/
1 15pm
328 0
000 H
285 •"
346 sift
80p m
8 10 Sup!
10 "
830 "
6 43 Sup
738 pm
romaw, ibot
has song boon
ti ttio - Ytweliybust:
itf; has. id:
on oEl.lp, - various
and . 'pitetliof '
restAilly, tri 3 PlOkni!, 4tilie. It :,is lone ofi
f (*t4eheStgrusingsection a of , the Wist;
.iantillie prairie *Matted :in" 'Hea4Y. *I i
Idliestion4 Witk lAwnense,b,erds Of Tex-,
htidiAtile fattening far:Eastern marketwi
-;' if is no Stratigts thing to see - fr om';
th'a p tigo in , . Ei . :'4o4. rltliey are :(14you
ir6lit Texas, ftitiimeti here,_and orentu
-ally find 'their way .to St-: . LOWS' and
Chicage s'aughter houses i ,yla gansas
Ptieffio railroad to Kansie i cit y, ' thence
snort h .
• , and east to the placeis aforesaid,
ik-yike'gias of tteprairi •is as higti s as i
Itmarl sAlead iu some places, anaemic's
, ~
.thicker..anct more Itixuryint thatt r iti74iis
otheVpart iiricandds Sfet: visited by nie,
49. 4 5. iit1)% e , fitreng, rich soil. I , I:, ~„:
- ihSfs. . wel le liflliflae9 • apt tirili - 4 , :i tlio,
' #,ii,1404 o:#4y„ l iiii.4' gater-; heat/ led In
r every nese in:less-that' thirty (feet. • The
.disuvest imiei,eth'eliqpil well,' w,h'iet) Mdf-'
1 ' e ,, , , t , I Y : L i V fr PRP .°F.:P?3';.cifier , 08 % 47 feet
oeep.,i „water. invariably cold, clear so d
sw e e t„,f, The clitnat ft' ..t . Ei -)16a1t1.,iy,, air ti ey,
and clear.' X Snliot•lireeie Invariably
Skein with ths tieing ; pf the sun, am)
continues 'during the day, greatly mod.
_.„... .. . _
- A RplicatiOn's for - qarters.' - irssitig 016, hoot lig the;sun.: • The eve.
IOrACE fit ftitiii ,tiAlrea ita4 tie: fotlowingl ,
1 - nON'ittiei,cooi, tualling4lepp,an attain ,
dpplieet i iotie for oliartere, or. iaeorporattoa, a!)loVessibg even in the . hotteet prtxt,of ,
bambeen_filed la topt,offioo, Itte,ftwill be propert, outakikir. You have Aouililesft*ay4 et
-ted to',: ;the Oatirt of, qsituri4 . 4:!A ,i'leas. f mt.
44- - -17-114 ' , s .' l 4 ,l4icitti' . ,KatisapA 'I . wi ll ; give , you
r Ac1bt7 ,1 4." 14 1 4 Yr iiiilet9 B _,.; :WA 1, , , %.„' ' r',,t ~ , ~ r. 7 , , , , .
ii,..4opticition (icßimir ar,,,uscips s qn:o..)39Divm,; :au Account of the drouth wehave expe-
J1%.4)4503} V. TO' Him. 'lO ;.9iliPrsz Ali.dor,44 ll ef • zrellati ti! is sublimer. Uponentstitiititg
itatrie,of the 3d 44e M; /3. Miiitr, o 4 , o7/i3U,, „iIPU'Ai ' A ,' F, t , t i rgi .,„- I fi nis it too r i onei c Imb - iv : il i a
Aliplicetion cif ldlelfeol silefyiotom c.,0 0 x,. '. , e, , ,-.„7, o,s , - i .- = . • -r, -
'Cleorginif Shifter, Peolle,ilftkeffmran,d,lefo*. ,:jvirmige,..twiiei.*esKialuge.toe B r et
Sbeffek t ßader the thane Zie iho ' vir.o, o4 , h x. jvr 0 ,), 1 ., ivaim, gratefil fahowpis t ,.. that
~. Atrop:or Libert,y.,"y 1 , e,..„ ; ,,, we r,,4 $
, I • : 1 _,,, t ,: ~ , 4 i ii tto eilm, e 4, gigq tk i t i mtia „ ix is t ited .00)
' Application or 'layman . kia .01riter en? , 4,, , r ,4 ~ .11e : , '' 11
/Aeon, J. B. Pott4r-,ttnA n 4itiri. Jur -. e,bl.rt,er,mf i
• that ktptuvned , sod of the . : prairie; • an,
litix•riperatlen teid 4 i t ,l,9„„elfu? lir., ",,W,9llekcaep nsi Wei l ow e d thcirhoed, to a; tit ht of ,
1 3 , 7 °, , v: . :50C , P"i:;" ' ( AL I '• 1 aeVc.ta' feet' shitii = thei' M 1410 4 ,141 MO. '- - -;:.1
, -,,..,,„:, - r `.. a, k; , TtpliAl/PsoN, Pro'' , . ' iii , '' . ' 4 • '
" - Anglia 2, 144 .; ! ~, .! - , . ‘ 4l9, 7T rteAftd . 0f1,62 'fa4?' ..barvaatie . .,:prigiti- . 1
•- ,-.1: ~,,,-) ..1 , ,c.. . — .4.. a :11, ~ - .i . ! ; ....7..' - i In' -: -1:. , ff , d 1 . 1 , lot,
-.. , 2,r ;.- t ~...,, , • iti.._
* A' t '
`r -)i 11161 ti 3:4 i'...71
PJ ,02.11.
- 7'l •
4. t0 IT
; ,
r yitt
e i * cs a • I 4 , !•
,iSWELLSBORk;TIOGA ~,0013101"4 AlAttia t.l -
..,3) tg,k . '„ -
I , lt 1,
I.attii'liii:9 Alit(' liiikliti "oi itir s '''iii,Yb
, ,
;YT WON- OF PEFICNS ttirliNte " '
•Joigt 9 Worniion ;Proposing an janzeterZe;
• . o zOitt ( 9 "4 till; COnittitygi . on of Pennsylva-
• ''itia.
.64,.itc. quect tithe Seanta and !Pique of Rey,.
r'ea ) Optali " edf:the' Commonwealth tif Pitp4ltianq'
AA . den , Zii ,Atmatblg• . nut, .!That •• !bpi foilotielf
Alien+ nt of the . Conatitpt!on ,of this gotpteoß.
"IviAt b proposed toitle4ciOpli foi (bolt lidi)p.,
Lion 'o tojeotlith, virettaut to tb ti' •in ivisihoti 'of
the To ty erAip)o i lbereof, to
• •-. i .. . AblgNDlppi. • I " , :
t ''Eltrilpl..4g,it a° Sixth, geettOP vf, MP 0001 .A.r- ,
'tiai, Of the Conitipitton, awl, insert in lieu,t{o. :
of ttie fellowingi -' - • ii, •• -1 -, ..- ,
"A 1 State Treasure; I shall abe. lellOida by the.'
4ittitit(ed electors of tho State. atamoh times and
or sit term of service as, titian be prescribed
• JAMES IL Virßali
_ .
- 1314akot of the Roust of Ropieseitotivas.
Blioaker *Ube Senate.'
~o,Appt?yed the, fifteenth day of June,i Anno
Domini ene thousand eight , hundrod and' sov
JOHN W.' eillnY.
, .
Prisiieri'd end certified for' publioitfen` piltrin
'enttii the Teeth ArtloWof the Oonetlttitiorl.-
ieetalltarY•of tbef
SucrittiitOf tlio'Comblonsill9ll l l4
Harrisburg, July sth, 1871.
187!--11.w. . . „ _17..
: ' ofIL
icepp'.l,o3 - 01pre,,tho P e 000
ar42,lAvi - riti 3 attelzilTi,ettt aorferioTerY
-Ic4S*W,D:24:IO2VS,' i'B - 1117*
Best fwands of Tob4ceo and Cigars,
, , f -
and 14 fact everything kept in, their line or bur
'Meese, which, they dispose of at prices loiver
I than. ever before.
,1116rno in and price our goods: No trouble to
I.ehe'w them, 1 • ; ' - ' '.,
They have aka added to-their already, inerea-
Sing. trqdp„,p, !..,.,: , , , ,
~ . .
, • i ••,-- ... . 1 .
...... ' --
, . -- EWS OFFifeß i ,
and ...
a beld:tbsucaseiverzeady-to fornisltluti.'ordilt
,any i bqol,:, maset#pr.-intasferiffwer, - breatirtkipg
aulted,fer trither - llte. - BUbsertpliol(e:(olleiteta
, for inli popular y4ifiiiii iirid)34gazi lien .._ „..., .
• Don't forgot to. /doll: opposite' B.lll.'Stuith'o,
hoteliTioga,- Pa. • ,- • - July 28, 1871 tf
, . ... :
~ ..
on 1 i
.111,ING opened a Erst•olass l 1
' Store , in Manstlold, opposite Pitts 13r0a,.,
lain? Street, respeosfully invite their friends
and ttip publie•in general to give tbeni a call;
Whey guerrantee satisfaction in all oases. ' Their'
Stock consists 0 1 . I
Ware s flans,
'tent Work, - Spokes,
qulthre IrOgeme•hte;lehiirii
- owers,
and a general line of- Cioeds," sehorill'ficnoirttn
the country, at the lowest real prices.
They afe also agents for the 81:11BY MOW
W. G. litiTi a •
FruanClCoutiiii." JJ, Aptz,
ManeBetil i! Tgiptio,,-3,87,1.—tf. ,
F " 8 e
e4 finibliVAr--A beiggy ti *antler, het ,
nee ‘ tel bufelo robe, alt Timebe given op ,appyfived . `
paper?,: 'For ,pnitielilea,
npply at tbitoffkee.
I\l - `O4l-bEtelf.jrch, gi,V901161, thu:.Exeittors
,1.11 - • and 4dliiiinsfrators untied likelow,hav,ell44l
tbefreeeoulitiliatit',ltegisicies' Ohne ,f;#, 1 4 0 1 , '
county, and that salentlibkrnts:vill, he Otitiontedi
to the Orphiris' Clififrtfor.,olitik'boUttty,..ou';'lstott
doy, the 28th:darLef Augp'stil.B7l;,at.2,,o'cipoli
P. .K., for alleivatsceitild ,6hrittiuta4 .: ', ' •
--Aeo6unt Of Eimoti X.'lltitler,'Altrulaletritior 4.,
r-.aticsiiitry of Isitueoulutlir;l!tt'9: V •?Ifi.lii - i , r , , .I°7,
, , ,- 1 ,,.. .
_ Accpuu.t Of I .l . oshtiti T. 3tialisetL'AdAliitratai.
of the estate riet3:B; Barnes, 'late of Cattiest;
decoasod. •
Account of itilte4eisior,,ti and, itasnuOl_,—Swirue
la r, A d„mielstrlitorit'V the' *We
~* Johu lo'-,
Beph, into of 11YO411ild';doeeated." - ,'„ .' :,',;
Account f' 'Willialii T - Pest 'Ord ' J...ll;lEod
w in, Execu ofoleTthe East' *Hi r eek fostamelt, of
JelutEatol ti , ,ldecleased. -::- `
,' •••' -,-: ' „ .
•Aceoent of P. , E:ficciltliiii r dAtiiifoltratoi`of .tb?
estate of Daniel ' , WOodBtild, lofoief Tinge, ,de- ' ,
ceased. s - -1 '• :( ' ,n.- r ' l '
Account of H. W. Villiatus, laiocutor, of rho'
Jost IrilLan 4 testanicik Of- . ,tery•l.' Vl'hols',„', lute'
: - ,of ilt?ell'sborp,'4lobeased. .., ' -" - '`, a
- Account of,t1;11:1I-Wit4rrner„•,AdinItifitru - tet',_40.
boula• non, of .thkestilfii of Theeddrllo,' Utrie r e,i,,',
late,et Sackitorti"dte'eeiseB•:.- --,- ••••• ' ' ' ' ''''' '. --
' 3 •Ahcoun t of- 0114 in du - =Soh 0,4 44" and - '' ; ?;;,..V. '
Erboenohr L iEitheitoro of"tlie' !alit will (114 taw.'
littler:it of Theitaa Schoonover, lett; - `lsf elprieri,,,
Acctitiot of itui.l.llOott, Executor of,tho hitt
wll.l awl testicurtent - Of J.-T.- Strelt,lifkof Mina
field; deceased. i-• • :r. 0 ~. .11, r. • ,
Acourit, of A. T. WooT'stid'll6llsf ' 'sii4f6.",'
Adirdnistraters of !the estate of Teditiolei 'thittet, ,
lite Of Elklaind, deeeased. - 1".0 . :1,. pEAEE, ',- '
August 2, 1871 . ' - ' ' Reglitor' ` ',,
T ' A
N DlVORC,t.LTo`istlinid 4. lloreOne: Yolk
are hereby'noticed'ilaVfenrietta Parsons,.
b,4 , her next friend; h_OliciF4'Vieljuii # ,
to the Court of CoO)tiion,:potia- of TiegE} CFMnkt
,for a.diroree :friita 'the' benda of. mittrfpooy, and
that said Court tufa'app l ointed 'Monday. •thet .4tll ,
•dailof A upatt , ZBfil , for Ole hoaxing
plic4int ; ln the p,teritisee 1ini11i9 1 ,pc0,q4 401 2,-YoU
can attend if' .litt tNotcloioyer• .'"
A. 'IS.% gptnlif" - .,,
• ,
DIVORCE; 4-4To',76bst l Coolsce.-Voir are
by notified , Abut •Friitsees T. - Cook, by,lierto
,noshfriond, Thdroas Holidityiltes ayst,liod'tottlie
C • qurt of,ponimon'Pleaslot•Ttogalcount}''fb}fil
divorce from the bonds of tniiirimo,try;:ltudlbit?
said; Court bits, appointed bion4hy,•". the 2fitiilly'
of lAtsgtiNt, 18‘71,-for• the betuittg , ittf said at
cent it? tAe Pietaistis oin , whielvocoesion t you can'
Ittle6ltf, you think.protier....- 'IL A'. FISH,
Am 2, 1871 stw " „ ..p , •:e • Sheriff. '
' 4 V. , .1=.
• -
,t :"Ncit
) )
3 ; ~t
I V,
“"' t !7" 3 ,-` •
F" t
l~( t y . ~1l
{ +
3 11' P0.82' 0 8 '6o3ititfg.W.:i ' t::s
415 i 1
ittlicittf Ansui, sus 1 7ITL8
• BY 1 1
;,- iqoci 0-b0 a#
A abitior , faLtef wialred , goite i -' • • ,
,4 0 slier flourfahad &tali part—, ,
- 1 3 tifore'riik ohattga - of bout: 1 "
P-Bat Risco B.aia regeierate;
r' Y ll , ! 1 74 t1: k kelP MYIValk, BB straight '
7. , vfaR.4,,„40*. of in.
'• •
I .lstils yrilierptitßi' alp. ; ;
1 ,
Tito.rightvidat rind to itutka ;theit 4 Wadi •
At B . 3 lnik Of my ispaoions ttaitts a t"
',B4t nor thes-aay, adcalristslYa
1• ' ' that Ileaven pro9orSße.. •
1 ./..ridisothetimei it 4bis *Dm to itie t --r ' . 1 „
, , r so-)f it Pith 1
4 /4 O bi ll'i,4l ll2 oa r olAtitti.w9tt4-7. - ••••
,bat s'ai tbo #alt of earth:. - ,
W. 4 Jo.ora,iyo,hoep,opluted.; •
)#j bail toiigsio ; beeie eiiecat;ill'
Put) bmihreii;l Mako'bo aomplalaf 1.
rat a ' -
hipt that ate dreadita,znan7-
, But;Yri . tarytai, I'm liberat :
I'4 otaiio Vat last oortt of my.polf :
hi bit4a, at tale, of,othar"a woos,
Stisighiiay labi,'MY 'pocket goes.;
' .iiiid 4 4lll4frifeep warm tears' ofohar
' 1134 6 .! ho 4 it there t "
•, Bqt rvio too kap . > rlghtooms quaZgas
bkibcfrit •
M ri)t tath i linoirn
What alma my right bath Bono
• •
Thpy say I took thirty per oeat.
Pr m ITAAONT:Joncey for money ioxit;
Aertritviti `
goktig heaven, , . •
2 , Jock exaotlisay,m3—.
itellideti.taPperquieltele to wit: , • c
Ritteeq pc!: cent, for findipg
D'EtootintOn nOle;fiveizore—ltod tbree
•.,j Pei 'Cent' . ?rattrity
. rt. ! •; ' .
otli h a little, shave .
P*; who,toilland pi.ach and envoi •
And wrestle with, the Aerie:lifer, !vhior -,
owed" oflioby t
to the poiif,"titollWta'
Sooll' . don i t'it'fagiv'eth to thei r iccd,!"
ryo itiateti .r my;4l ttillitn, i 'Tim 144,
Atiiveliv H e,per cent,!, ; , ,i;
Stilt / 1 111t:Ft treat man-- ; ;
An 4, I')r etki:4l3,.-you tuti7 'scarab c froro L ben
To iiiereholia,"wltiloulec,efng
A tinily feireoi, being
I onliisll4i'toii the : * ohter •
. •
AmOdijot4oru3itad. I'd as I n tof
Bo e4119d p c -Manor; and himo florto svith it
1 . ,,As collects. hypoorlto !
[Oorrespondenoo of th;b'Agitidor.l
llrrto jaky, 2U, )871
'Thinking that a few Words fruit this
`part of ,the West.might be of, some in
terest to you and :others in' the ',East,
partioulerly to those 'Whe`Atemplate
, 3 ,'„,„, 4 „ 4 „ vrx... —.. 4,otitt'fi - vtiitc::::krs -- ming;
would particularly call your attention
to this part of the State of Kansas, and
partiOularly to this colonY. fly refer •
ring t 6 the map, yon will find that this
(I,l , ..pherson) county is situated south of
Salina County and west, of Marion, ..,,It
_inv.e,ll * atetp:d,by,branchea of ths,iiit,
:tle .ArkflusamVithiar-fotmcariletwork-e,f .
sinalllsireanis' near *the center Of the
county.; T h is place, `" Sing City, is
known as the Ohlo,Celp . ny?, la ; inpated
near the center of the County, and stir
l'Ounded by a beautiful farming coun
try!. Tile town site is a fine one, being
at the junction-of - tVits creeks, tI7O RUlzi,
tiiiig Ttiritcy, and tlie,ppihikTuikey.—
A tine !greve On :the _margins 'of the
streams is set apart for a park. The
i"town Plan is admftable; to gotten up
by the 143ecretaiy ot the colony, • Mr. J.'
U, Fellows, who 'is the postmaster at
•:thii3•plaee. The celony'a pioneers rea.
''o6o tti 0 ground early•in May, and then ,
ii4Vaings but' n bmtd - expausi - of `rattle'
was to .be • seen; ..:.rThe' co4reks ef e
divan:a :Conid7 voiiii, 9 d far , across, the
,country! by. t:lvi ~few: trees upon their
banks, :Noy, my _ few:
o . f . one stnrO,.
Ripest office, blacksinftlisbnp; tWcilinar-
ditiiitonses and a brickyard, all In opl
agation.. -We ,have-also a oountiy‘ fi ckvit'
paper, -y.nOwn - as the - M , PkbersdilCaiin,i,
'O.:Vines. Five dwellings_shaw tlieni
seyes up
on the town altit::=Setinf mere
• -, •, • i _ -.I
--can •be seen ln 'different dirOtions'n,l 3 y/P,
the:. t t a iria, c gaisitig'- i ta 'illetanCifrOuk
:444'0 f i lizie Miles from town. ,, : Several
Wore: 66 4 rapidly 11fRotak-,6004410P-:
•Tbe4neo *i.•#' 0h0*1.4,`, '0 :',Oitirtfi- . 40:
eriteroi4a,itikfaijiii,tral, ebaragltallatio
i Of, taetetuipeople. , L'Somit are 'engaged .
I,'-in buildink, - ')firAiellffi 130014.4*010et
'I at' the ili4Ortti ckti4ri`iii..ttautfui itiut. ,
!t ie r r ;,, , , , ,s z t ;l : th T ft ii i ie th z i o d u , n o d r of s a n g ;
ilt and „ b , az i:
Fille. hdari l :ke . the 1 4 1 ;11i 2V ,, _ Win the. Like,
:IPPta"ta?aiatiaaes draw:curlonsty) near, O
lt surprisetNtut- Of th,elii i - 'nfitaii)ls:sl4,,
l_f i y . ti'dl'AOU4, l3 .4**itiltiiiii; ter ilui 1
A 0 Aced strangers. The country:kw,
ill Ile rolli tg prairie, very rich;': - ,The soil
lis - trotrftwotofourteen feet deep ? and,
t'• ;
-- -.._
, , •
I mug well. Vegetables grow h ukiely. • •,. 7
.12 • Th: place was seleetiid. from Tanr,koag'
than others, by,a committee appointed
•bY=tl#) colony for 'that purpose, ,as the
most desirable one in the ;State. We'
:are' forty miles distant from Stiiina t dna
ilsontli; Newtim twenty miles east, on
tho„'4tchison, Topeka and Santa Pe
railroad. Lands open for homestead
' lug or preemption 'can' be had within
three`and a half miles of the town site. -
A 1 d :taking all things into considera
tion; 'I think It a most desirable place
forsifirming, or for other, purposes. I
have i tried to give a truthful account,.
andmould say to any whci purpose ma
king the p'est their bottle, that for ua.
tural advantages of ()palate and eon,.
gpnd propeet , of, a railroad,
,Atc, and
with the advantage of 'being near, or
oneof no enterpri,aing, 4 aw7abic!lng and
intelgge , t people o, that, this place offersl/
' 114143eni ents te.the ,etriiiirtint that are
, unatirplisied;bY an,y ether 14 Itie State: . ,
1 I,P4•oappqn
.Yor',Yartning, , .geo A' ; ' for 'me.'
pbaptiee;• toed.' )•' StieaniEt - '.are stocked
*i t i.h illiti'fishi'llaSs and - Ciatilsh; anti-
lope, ,rabbiti, , 'plicate Ilene and quails
els), sehru daily ; Men ty (if buffalo -about
twenty dilleEi distant; west. ,,
liOpingl. have not•weavied'you i with
tilla l seinewhat lengthiyt account,.. I re
, &EVA !yours,. respectfulty- .
' ,1,„ ~ . ~i !, RUALAD.A.) ()DELL.
. , • =. . •
Vorfrpondonoo of th e 'Agitator.
' • i , Itst.4ioans, (/11.4 Augoot 4.,1811.
• A (w days since we ykidtedhe . hOrne
Of Eit?•4,3*i'b sDnpp, the grist e,",,an
gen)* lib)," parkitika, Is the
has pi.ettn4tEtti*ore people, _add been
the insitkitinint `ist more 'coAverslons,
than gni Othe i r ininlster in America.—
A'.. nnuiber - of Olergynion with their
wives,! reOifived iippclal 'invitations, all
of who - ll:responded, and at the appotn-,
'ted' tin - oft:net at' his 'home; aiid enjoyed
his hoititteons'hospiffility. ''Eld: Knapp
,has Wed . prontin - entlY before the publte
for_triortrthag forty year ; and is now
enjoying - a.igteeir phi. age; surrounded
ig 401, Ohldren.'apd'grtiruichildren, 30
; i& nunaber, and a•large . cirele of friends
who, - cdeligt,,to honor flinch ,- /in Is a
fairnier as. 101 as preacher, and.
hls cus
tom,bits h en to,wori his farm lu sum,-
tit'er'and'i the winter to hold " pro
`. trit4 m e ed :tinge" halm htrge nitres tnd
towns of `t*.ef -United' States,- and 'even
, ln - the Br Ugh 'Provinces. More than
Oticihnodi - d thousand Souls have pro
feWeit to:h; V - e' heinFrnonverted through
hia,knaiu I. entality: Although a man
'of over seven ty -years, he seems to pos
sess• the fire -rand vigor of youth ' ; raid
his preaching in Boston last winter was .
'Marked z bi the same power and won
derful 'results aecharacterized his labors
in that, oily thirty, years ago. His farm
Is in innehago county, liliftois,nhout
four miles,,from Rockford. Its situation
is beauilful.:_lt containe 1100 acres of
as fine rolling Prairie lad as can, be
found any Where in:the Mate. This
farm is, Well ttilsd 4iti stocked, toa,ev.
erythirig showSielina of. ihri it and iros.
pert ty. His sdorolttug, house; recently
lotillt, blialargaitructure,' Ivy» ..nat... e .
ted, and iti - hetipitiewith, Its surround
ings, situated Otta'high rolling prairie,
and can be seen at'a great distance. It
is finished and,furnishedlin good taste',
and ev6ry,thing about thepremises has
the appearance of. comfort 'and repose ;
a'heautifnland.roagnifteent ,retreat . for
-its , honored; owneri to .return to after;
Months, of Attpida s Pr.rind toil amongst
Ettrangets, in, , preaching and praying
and.worktng for the igoOd of others.—
We felt
,glad . , that one hard working•
Ininister,,iyho had spent, so much time
In laboring to adyance the cause of the
Redeetrier ?, had been so highly, blessed
with iheloCd i thingS,' of this life ;
in his old' age," when
cannot serve
the church,' he will pot haye to depend
on thoorild'herity of the'orld.
The soasion-in the northWesthes been
a very frtlitfurene t Perhaps itkiirkti 'no.
vet so much so irftiorthern liiin'els: A
, very. large -breadth of corn has- been
planted, Wirickproitilses well, and the
'6it't OOP isonor,raCtis ; the yield is from
sixty,tdeighty,bushels per. acre. The
wheat &pp le fair,„ hut not. SO great a
`yield*kiett.been,gathered •soran years.
I see by,the : f lpitai,or that the farmers
,y_rr yle:initx,,have ha4-rathora hard
'ipcte of k i, but ; Illinois can fiirnAsb food
for the, Militen : ' Oats, are' [ Row. selling
for twenty:cents:per bushel, .a e d only
about sifdyeerits'are'Offered for :wheat.
.Thii.,reagoir of tiiiii leii'prfeetirl4eS from
thefact that ,oitr fai•inpre' are
, short,o
cash; tin 'every pal. is bringing forward
Pfog -}packet , 4Va I ,Aii ket., Whilch ben: a de
J 1
intluance.i ft is a good- ti ors, to
tairehtis4.- ' The market will rale higher
rafters little. , . L
-1 , .k:** fr
_„ , .
` ' B Vell ,''.e.'h! i N', l3'l3 •Wpgk.iill ) re' . 0 . 1 4"-I,
in'Atc, , S,iiingdom Of: i li),8 N s .41)0111•Itsk Nla
rje'st;ii..,-IPeilidrleci, address* My friend,
PletulliFirrisou,,who mita Aozing„ at, au
10 11 1 1 fy, 1 0,4fiviioWlifi Lite)bine'Bay of Na. ,
..1,/ cafunitierillis very , eyes:'' '•, ..- -,,
' W Wet' s,,lt t y,' yett i - citettbi.fg . out fo:i:gar T.
eilles, al6d'thenei,a,iiotrie, in A • litteltet ?t,
'.B4l.t.j , louraelf; and. W 14' alo-csvci•'
A.,••„., ~ - ( , . ',. ' '
- tnei!'reldlielllairliiiii-;' - ' we ' have been
'iwOritY" filPtiti3a delni.rthat r which we
;,ini,ktOd'ou'reet-crea to Derformin in- Tie
year. ,Aliici ought lo hiCioii been off lotig
t•ttitolt atii if yoU please,- ; i'ral: , iread,y to
10ai?C'VY the, steamer' iii 4fe h'Atlifto to:
~ , .
1 cNoiag fai t '! I replied ''... " j ao.) loos as., .
1 aai for bur i l eturn,',l` dabit espect,`to. ' A week cannot matter much,' Ire
hurry l lie tiilit."'§iiiipO we Say thisPlfed, 'but f,hopeyon will not ask fur.
day week?' ,"- •- 1 i • ' ", ' ther p'ot . it nonernetit.' : „ ~, ~
l'," At( riiht, ) ; 'reininiffi'ttetn. - ' ' I'll I;kfuly, then,`. he answered
1 , :Arr.. • ,
3 .I'vel . gest - ti,good miiiik'things' to 'a., . though, to teli.yon thejrnth, 1' would
:3tette i eqo tinned ; ' there are those Dein sooner 1 bad post tickned it
,!A month.'
frltZsitt,E,,Aticlrea§ l ,i;4l,lo43 , .l!re dirt' vilenti. ' ' No. no. C1eu1, , ,„1 yeti/riled,- 'it will
a#ol-ithlkilf,,,l'll:PUl'Pliaftoqketn.,,, ( may hot di) ', •we can't„,rematu longer than a
.neVerhivqtuplkft i . el4tAnee ; n.„7„aj it_•.,,and,, forth igh t lfl thatja understood, I'm
Citirii, - -Pin half,insilped t 0 .,, i t 1 , ,.y., vi9 , ,T , agreed ti:tin't I, • caonef, defer , It, a day be.
old, -- calue from that,.ojd. hewr,. fkla.Eti- yowl that tin*.' ' '"
111.:X were sure : fll'O' , .vi, e i l;C ,k!:llUtrle. ; 1 -'d r 4, ,Well, Fiisi-,' ho answered,) 4 be It as ,
bixuliAl4 4, p'llOiiie,sq!eT,,-.-r 4 - 1 i"lt s 9 "“-•1'1? 4 .' you w' 11 I sha'id, cotnplairt '
'''rfear be 14 ; trying to` oil' manic tu'o •,, ,
' - - -,•', • -,--..,,A.5 ~ .1.) .•' . - ' ~, , , *.F a ithful to mylprorrilse,• I ,made' the_
dery enifidle u P °n '''P' • *,,‘ i• • , - ~,, appointed visit. i We found Lugi ab
• ' l'ii• ' - i6
i • ti•Olertif lit l b. c
,r, it - very 'prov?k.,ing
sent,with 'his boat, but Teresa and Ber
ly. regarded 'inb Wltii - : 4 40# Ile; hal firtir , tli ,
ta -received us very hoSidtably. liajilla
and halt pltY.-i- 1 8 , s' '. , - ' r -- -- ,el had .evidently been' 'reihearaing Sortie
[ . . 4 A f ter.alt •yetithave heard` a that ras:- grand ,a - tor,ies"-aboue Harrison's' 'Wealth
eal'a tricks,' -lielaiddr, - A-yoildCaerii.3'te be •
and itupOrtanceandl-I• feat-Clete tioas
cheated if -sron--trubt. , :hutf.:, , cy(itt gtiow
not:linofant of-it .either. ~It was sur
• he, deal), !tic' , theilantiquitY - Awe -'sir '• 4 Oiidiak hew quickly lie made himself
eligaril.capititli!'o - :1 - t. ', . '-. l'i• c - i , -- "cl''' " • welcome 4 ' l nes abode._ ,Onthepres
' Well, i,'ll COnslderlt,,t-l!e lined ; 'time ent Occis,mi he
_hrOught soMeprOty lit-
' col na are iestaudable';errotighoiind At I- '-tte , -gifte•' • oi 'Ate inettiCr'' ,anddaughter,,
1 • • ' it ) •
titill3eoe ed:finbalknotipay ',very , dear--' Ad - 1)y i e hiii4iie.4 . 4hlch'en'ltneed Ber- 1
ly :for ti - ;.(3 i1ftc.,11 1 1.91 1 -?"10. - I 11, , ,:n , ~',": -' • •_ta'a7fipe, -, alidilie''sjtirkle which litber
Harrisonwatileauiniptint the window smother , ' 1 esces•, l •l 'nereelyed • that Clem
puklapoke, iltit,tle f t o, denlysetxtrA4* for ft)4,4fittaito a th i pid hilitatie'elit iiii , !)l i eiyn , -,
the ddor... ' -.- , - ~• I- - .5: '5 't '', 4 1 4 1 a44T-:- - f• - •'' r i' 1.3 l ' ',' -'-'
' -
..‘ .
5., ~,,,, , • f.:555' ',.. • ) .. ,5). ') f
": . i- V,ii to hatiti ; jta t ai rnoxrient2)(he criedvi . :Riff ,st altd , noW''bdettine so constant'
- - Als ' 'hi:hurilPik: 014Wn i; stlairs...-, ,Preacntly 1 tat :he:Bodice!) , hadany • time to spend
lie ,rettinitd d, and appeared to. klq7 4%11130. with ANM during ithtz,' day. Raphael had'
-'•• ' : 1.1-`p, --. - 4 ;,- , )1‘ , -m . ) - -i'L...
_ ._
4;: •. - V - 1" 7 •ji•' 1 7:4 ' ?'..' "'i-' . 7 2 ; ... • ! -; : .-•' -'•
.1-'. `"ZYi.•• ' - I ---...
1 .t.•
i t ,,, :i . ::
,•.,‘.. :4 -11111 / ( 11 . . * tit \ i
• 'ti:l' •,
\ I .
t *
..N,........ ;
. . - .
r. ,i,
elated about ammetEtlng.
Filar,' be Bald, (be 'generally Eippke
to me tbua it was a nickname; he 11ad
given me, from the fact that I 4 4 ore iny
hair clipped, and-had a bald spot on l i the
top',, of my, head • which !resembled the
niiip . p,) . ',di . ) you remetn ber tha t splen
did yead too atm in the Castelll Gal
I replied, What about it
' Only that I just now !saw It In fleth
and blood ; a living fano', and as divine
ly beautiful. Oh ! you' laugh, hey
Let 'we tell you; that in all your travels
you'never saw beauty like this.'
Where did you see her ?' I inqui4d.
' At the door, taping to Raphael
Her father was with her; . be is a fith
erman.r • .1
' I don't Bee why you should be p:r
turbed about it,' I rejoined. What is
~.' Not *web,' he returned; ' but l'pl.
going to, visit th at .girl before I /ear)
, .
"Naples.' -
"1, can't itederaiend •your object,' 11
Perhaps I haii'nt got any,' he re
plied ; but, object or no object, I am
determined to become acquainted wit
'her.' •
, FDo you know, where she resides ?'
Yes. Raphael intredueed me to both
14 ether and daughter ; but. of Course
ad tiolcenversation with them; the
,eft itemediatsly., Raphael says the
only live a few miles from here, pild,ar
distantly connected with his Mother'
family; He is going to take me dor.
th'ere.' Will you go, Friar?' l
• 'Thank you,' I replied, 'lll wait uti•
tll you are acquainted ; then, perhaps
I will make a Visit with you.'
There is a ‘smell road skirting the bayl
of -Naples, and:sunning parallel with,
that which leads directly to Sortento,l
doted all, the way with neat villas and
picturesque buildings. You'need trav-I
el; hardly a league ere you reach a clus-.1
ter, of Small cottages , situated near the'
shore ) , where the blue waters that have
swept by Capria break gently : at your
feet. Here lived LUgl Radio, the fish
erinan, with his 'wife, Teresa, and his
daughter,' Berta. He was poor but in.
dustrioui, telling for the'd ally bread of
his family upon the Mediterranean ;
and though he was not a whit superior
to anyOf the fishermen in point of so.
cial standing, yet a life regulated by a
severamoral probity caused him to be
more respected and, his advice more
generally regarded than any Obis class.
,He had someedneation ; he could white
as well read; and properly lamenting
anti . eSti Mating ,the absence of kliew -
ledge in himself, he had managed to
give his daughter as many scholastic
advantages as his slender purse permit
ted., This was pot a great deal, hardly
more than 'fie himself possessed, but in
those days - It was something not to he
despised. - ,
''A, Sinall convent near to where Lugi
lived had supplied the scanty store -of
kneiv ledge. his ,daugliter had acquired.
Its kra'v, walls grew dismal enough.
when contrasted with the smiling ver
dure which surrounded it. Lugi often
gazed at the old timeworn edifice with
a thoughtful brow, for the, good sisters
,were disposed so kindlj , toward hi.i
child, that he feared rile might - be in
duced to enter this soeletY. This, per
hapss, Was - the main reason why he set,
4eredfier education to be abridged ; fur
though l his 'avocation . could ill allbrd
Any additional expenses, still he might
from his earnings have eked out afew
more pistoles to keep Berta longer at
the convent school. But hie mind had
never bed, free from certain suspichins
which eventually rendered him,so un
easy.4lille his daughter was' receiving
her 4tulitnentary store of knowledge,
that her school days terminated all too
soon for one so fairly gifted.
( the was an apt girl, with an appreci
ative mind, 'Which would have enabled
her to 'aNtilre information yeryl rapid
ly.. Small as her advantageS had been,
she ,Small
improved thent,", and
.00nsequently was Much better inforined
than the children of the less fo tunate
people among whom .they abod .
ineroent Kterrison bad not ellolnty
ted bea.when be spoke of her.
iHlie ,i•zifi a rare type of loveliness, and
-slughlarly,enough, seemed to, have no
•enoceptioli of her ()ern charms. The
childlike simplicity - of her deportment
3 1. - tiere4 her doubly, fascinating.
:' ,48 , ;May he sup Posed, Harrison \did
notsuffer much time to elapse ere he
paid a visit, to the fisherman's home.—
Ot. the second day after meeting Lugi,
ite**l•at the actor of the cottage with
Ai i kpli ! *l:liy . his , ph* :, Fortunately, the
Behertnari was
at home. He received
. V:l*,rison respeetetillY,'but With no ser
vility, apologliink'for his, loWly home
With such an easy and unembarrassed
frank ties's; that ills' guest, felt for the
°M i l , 40 was-iseafed under the roof of a
man who knew how in be contented-in
the4tatiowitk•which he had been put.
.-, Tv wise late :when Clem. returned, and
he .gliverne a detailed statement of his
,:y.1.01,, tputiing„wp premise, o accompany
..OM, thither the followpg'day, , but one.
‘-'•-• ',fitippose we alter our 'arrangetnent;',
lie'sid . „ ' and fix ?Our departure a' week
late."' • : ' ' ' I ,
... . .
E ... - onki not help Bruiting at the earn
elaness of bli Manner;: his Whole mind
'seemed t(') hentlerbed In the new im
pulse.which: had I.4en awakened in'his
'heart. i'
NO. 34
The: Airiititcir
Book & Job Printing House,
Is well supplied. with Presses and Types to eta- 1
outs all ,kinda of, job Work with neatness apd •
Largo additions of all' the, late styles of type
have been,added, to tl4s department.
tontlon—Bowen pr. Cone,e. Block, 2d Floor
- donned a. new suit, of clothes, and
seemed unusually well supplied with
pocket money. I: do believe if any per-.
son-had uttered a disparaging word of
Clem Harrison,. Raphael would have
resented it as a p rsonal affront.
' Days, sped by and Harrison (as I
feared would be he case) was over head .
and ears in love with the fisherman's
daughter. I often pondered how all!
this would terntinate, but the sequel
fell far short of my reckoning. It now
wanted but four days of our - depar
ture from Italy. Clem had been a
habitual visitor at link'. Rudio's house,
and unknown to me was engaged to,
marry Berta ; the father and mother ha
consented to the same. He broke
the news to me in this wise:
. ' Friar I'm going to be married.' I
war reading artbe time, and looked up
from my book, regarding him 'with sur
' It's no use to pretend as onishment,'
he said ; ' you tnust lave e pected some.-
tit! ng of this sort. .'Did ou leaped' I
would run the
_Sortento road' so often
just for the fun of it ?' , .
'Clem,' I replied, deliberately, lay
ing down m book and facing about un
til I sat dire tly in front of him. " You
are you r'ow master,
can act as y please. lam sure no ad
vice I . can gi e you will alter your pur-
Oose. I the fore have nothing tosay.'
' I don't know about that, Friar,' he
replied ; - 1 Vve followed your advice be
fore to-day, sometimes against my own
' Did you ever have cause to repent
it ?' I coolly asked.
' No, I can't say I ever did,' be re
plied. r-, _
Do you ex
wove your p
j NO, I don(
iiut I wouldi
lons you caul
nkve n numb
' You can Lave them,' I replied. ' To
me, as your
I tem), it would make no
difference w m ether you marry an Ital
ianl lisherat 's daughter* a daughter
of him who sits in yonder palace, and
to whom all the populace doff their
hats. ,Only this, : no more. What will
you do with - her when (as I suppose)
you take her to your home? What ac-'
count will you give of her? She will
have patents living. Will you say that
her honer is a fisherman? What will
yetir proud aunt in Beacon street say '
when zdle hears that? The manners"
and -ces toms of our country are vastly
ditrerent. fromehose here. Did it ever
occur to you that she may tire of them,
atilt wish herself back in her father's
fishing house ? Your people are of Pur
ri tan stock,; they don't lovetlie religion
in w toeli she worships.'
Harrison waited until I had ceased
speaking, and then he said : '
Friar, my paternal grandfather was
a fisherman, and however much Aunt
Sperry of Beacon street may vaunt of
our aristocratic connections, she would
hardly deny the truth of what I now
assert. Our turnily originally came to
Bostou from Marblehead ; mygrandfa
timer fished and commtan4ed • his own r
schooner frond - that port!' and; Friar,
they had so little reverence for him in
those (103-.4 that tradition sags they sty--
led' him 'Schooner Dick:'' By lucky -
catches'fie accumulated' enough ma=
tiny to leave the water, brit he never re
linquished the tish'husiness. Alm! no,
be prospered, iu it. It was the mode by
which Ills money was transmitted to •
Aunt Sperry as Well as my father. As
to my religion, Ican't see that it will
make any difference to our family, for
I never heard of there being a saint
Among theue - great or Knell.'
- - What''ot.l have said,' I replied, 'in
nowise a Teets the present, though it
may the . aet., But we don't live blithe
past. It is what your people are, :mot
i what they were. You cannot by any
Sort of sophistry convince, your WANT
that you have introduced a proper per-
I4on among them, if you marry this girl.
They may receive her kindly—doubt
-I,less will do so, for your sake—but they
will never forget front whence she
'came.' --'
I'did not expect to convince eletrient
Harrison of the wisdom of my remarks,
Flea was not surprised talindhitn snap
his (lager at It. So-I accompanied him
to Lugi Redio!tm with as , little concern
as if I had been going to the theater.—
t *as one of those clear blue days, the
ofluence H of which one, so often feels
nder Italian slays. We bad passed the
morieing iu Wandering about the shore,
1 ..
and Were seated in the cottage awaiting
dinner, when a dark visaged man, bent
4. it
,Were with Infirmity, approached
the doorand extended bis bat for char
ily. Harrison incautiously pulled - from'
it' pocket a purse well filledwith gold,
and generou e ly; tomswered the beggar's
appeal , _
pl 1T lie :Maim raised his bend in
tmenedletioo, and invoking - the saints to
less the donor, , withdreW. It 'Arty*
time he moved away with au unaceoun-
Able. yapidity when compared with his
'miner gait! I however did not 'think
touch atiout it at the
,time. Lugi was
Absent„.and did not return until a short
time before our departure. Re accom
panied us a short distance down the
road, where he hid lls good .bye.
Seareely had he turned hfs back,
'whe a dozen stout, fellgsrS leaped from
their eoueealment by the roadside, and
nan instant we were prisoners. ,
Clem tittered a i l -bout. Lugi halted,
turned hackwarl for a moment, and
then fled toward I% s cottage., A pistol
we.= plated at Harrison's head, with a,
wernieg not to repeat the cry. It was
Dot. hard to distinguish among the ras Is the Men, who had begged alms in 1
'IT morning, but he was no, longer time
I ecreplil individual' he had appeared.
We were now told to deliver up our
tiileneY, end as wet X;ere amt in a , condi
oe to resist the delnand,iNve,forthwith
emptied. Then trey AeaYched ',us, W
ipe. away our war lies and rings, and
Marched us, away. Evening ~ found us
captives at a Col)§id eable distaace from
Tilimire we started. I A close watch was.
kept upon us, nor \Tap it until the third
day that we were Jiberated and. told to
imroceed whither we would.
1 The colt:Ur - 3 , was wild and billy, but
we were fortimittte'enoughlo find, a bay
'Wenn: sotne . Simeeli, who directed up to
a smell village where we sought redress
- 1
'i,Y apia.aiirat ln"rin':;offleet" whim elm
t e,
mended a detach ment_of, troops station -
Al there., He listened to outatory, and
hrugiog. hie 'elmotilder's,"'iyeirtred we
eeee unfortunate', - 'tat assured us be
!mild render-us no assistance. ' • .
It,was eselesS to mate any
. further,
!onaPimillit, et' we c6itinued cairwayito,
ard Naples. Sadly--worn, , tired and
act nue to say that I tip
oject?' • •
t ask that,' he answered,
like to hear what objee
offer. tam sure you will