'`; KITT IY. As beautiful lilltiene morning nos tripping With a pitcher of milk, from the fair of Coleraine, 'When the sate me she stunthled, the pltohet it tumbled, And all the sweet buttermilk watered the plain. "Oh what shall I do now? 'turns !oohing at you now)! . . Sure, sure, runiai pitcher neer meet again; 'rlitt9 the pride ()flay dairy; 0 Barney M'Oleary You're sent as a plague to the girls et Coleraine!'l sat down beside her and gently did chide her, That smell a tnisfortillie •should give her snob pain; A kits thou I go.re her ; and, cro I did leave her, ,She volved for such plot:Limn the'd break it MIIII ,Tssati'b'tif:rnaking-seas.,ori-1 cant tell the rea pon— • r Misfortanei never come pla'n; l'or very soon after pour Kitty's tliPlatar . The devil a pitcher wag wholo Colerulnii. A Sad Little Story. The NashvillO Banner says :.A very curious incident, ,illustrative of the power whibliCati,be exercised over the c.+niinal creatinnby kindness and care -oilraining; ocetitred but a feW days; Igo at Scottsville, Kentuck.y The sis. er of Officer Harry. Mansfield, of, this -ity, had raised a mocking bird' which die ,taught to go and come' at her call, 11(1, In return for all her kindness be ;towed upon it, exhibited a -peculiar butiness for her, Monday week Miss Mansftold-was taken ill, and, to .vhtlo MY ay Alif:s tedIUMOf the SiCir. room , he had her . little:TA brought to her , ed-side, and day and night it cheered ',kr ; witii swpct• carols, bringing to , nina maill.bapPy thoughts of field meado:Nr, sunshine and song. As le; idness,rgrew more alarming, and to t after (14i' brought no relief 'from nering, f,liii , ..wartiling of the little • Fongster rather 'served to' annoy than -lease her, and so turning wearily* on ier pillow, she • said to hiro, insh, you worry me." • Strange tb say, he words seetnen to be understOod, for Itneentocratle party than has hitherto Ltaracterized its conduct in this State. ','he bad manners of -186,S nro again be p met iced. Thi3 hard names of that el are again being repeated against ;ort lent tnen. Thus, swindler, liar, eonndret, penitentiary - bird, prison .n v i et, arc 11)6 elegant epithets applied y the Democratic press to :Northern 'ne» who happen to be in the South. Klux organivations are gotten up to at initiate h e colored Republicans - uru voting, and to drive Northern )en from the State. P t Nfi 'PITE WA n-PATTr letter from Fort Benton to The Mon / :na Herald, dated July 18, says an ex ress from Cow Island, under charge of : man named Courtney, was attacked y Piegan Indians on'TulylG, and rob od of all valdable9, and what could of be carried ofr-vas burned. A tow nys previous they sacked a post f,O »ilea below Fort Benton r and tore down I lo Btocicade.to raft themselve3 acro99 1 to river. They have atolea every tior.e at Camp 'tiok MU/ shot a man named CenlN :very place on the river between lien I , )n and Low Island has been pillage( nd destroyed. Their main' camp is .low across the line on British teTrl ory, from which they make iheurßilms poll our settlements itention to clear the whites vol it this •inter l. The Sious are raiding - en , the 'rotvs, nud kart week the Crows) killed , Sioux on the 'Upper Judith River: . TR) WAvES.—A very curious pho omenon was witnessed on Lake Win- I Ipisogee on SOMay afternoon Aug. 1, I y two men anchored off Rattlesnake land in a small heat. There was arcely a breath of air stirring, and le surface of the lake was unaffected J y even a ripple, when the center of io lake ,ii.ddenly appeared - to sink ( )wn . , aud: immediately after three tgo waves;l the largest over five feet . bight, dashed over the rocks of the f ?and for a moment; threatening des action to the boat. A member of the Arkansas Legisla tare, in speaking on an extravagant ap -1 :opriation, indignantly 'exclaimed ; I lentlemen, talk about 'adequate com -1 ,i , nsation of public servants,' mhy, sir, t• , ifing the lriteMar I was in thirty-sev ya battles, was mounded thirteen times lli.l the cause of the South, and the entire ; sy I received; was $3O in Confederate loney; every'eent of which I gave for o le glass of old rye whisky." The deposits of gold at Old United t• (nice, Assay Mice during July anioun t•ld to $035,000 including $553,000 in 1 nited States' bullion, The deposits of .lver amounted! to $165,000, including .'-55,000 from Colorado, $B,OOO -from Ne braska, and $7,000 from Montana. To t depo*its, $BOO,OOO, bf which there as payable in bars, $700,000, and in c iin, $lOO,OOO. Of this amount $560,033 i a gold bars, $16 . 3,768 in silver bars, and .`i:112,646 was transmitted to the U. S. Mit* for coinfigo. Tfui Tribune notices, but (foes not .be- I eve, a report which comes frOm Louis, to the effect that a party of team s. ers had been attacked ud horribly urdored about thirty miles east of fort F ill, by Indians. We dare say that the r .port will be - found all correct. These Lidian reports have one. exceptional quality—they usually turn out worse t um reported ; worse than could have baen expected, In fact; which, is the on. rptioeming tra about them. NM =I LORMORE BROS, GROCE 113 r. J. LOUR - gill:, T. J. L010 , 1611E, L STUN COFFEF & SPICE ES LORMORE BROS. & CO., w6fila 'eti - thost* tontion of tho Trado.in the eon, ties.of the Sonthora Tier of Now York andNortfiornYonn eylvnnin, to tho large nods fell a.AAortment.of GROCERIFAS&PROVI constantly on,linini at theiroxtonstvo and' Stores, N. 37 and 39 Catroll St and offered for sale on tho most lih satisfaction in all easos guarantee:a. '• • . Olgr Stemai M Tor - tho Roa6ting or Cofioe and the- I Coffee and Sp:tcos, aro of tho mos proied constructton o and not excel in tho country. Walla:VG a full stock of choice Tea' direct from Importeri in New York f. Ft:/Vas cheap as any house In the tra fftittgalbN, illiAgaristes fronilito Lost. Ratters, _and sold a looost Now York quotations. Ditigl) FRUIT, liINDS OP NUTS, lilishowDry & Pi We boy from first Ilan& in the B: afford a hotter article at a loseor pr firm in Weiitern Noiy York. WOODEN WART:, Cordago and full lino of goods. • • W o call tho attention of tho Trade' stack of Wines and Liquors, which fo, tinenoss are unsurpasgod. IMPORTED ALES--Seate22, Iris glish, and of tho best branch conatan FOREItiN AND . DOMESITO 1 We specially invitepurehasers to ca Amino our stock of Foreign an( Licoors helm bity ing elsewhere. AIf:UW[IU WHISKEY— We p tup forthe especial benfit of the sick, a pure ar , V., ele of Old Bri orlitm Whisltey for the Druggist rade. Sole Agents in Elmira, of the UrbtinsWineioo. In brief, Nle invite a close serutiny,of ourgoods .and their prices, the whole essortmept:hoing too numerous to mention in detail. LORNORE 13 - RdS. & CO., No. 37 Et 39 Uarroll St,,Elm ( ra, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1:1 70. -iy• , Albemarle Land A ELIZABETH CITY, Nr/lIT CA4OLII‘qA. T j ABAIE AND SMALL FARMN it at price , ; ranging from $6 to $ On re:taw-1(0,10 terms of payment. covoroa with Pino, .Tuniper, qpr Poplar Tholter,relf,co t„ n t iOftati to Sltl por 3 Pro They declare an a il Stores, Wood and Brick. Dwolli gs, Vacant Lots and Wharves, excellent dim o , fertile soil, friendly people, navigable wato ,s, and good markets, favor this lOcality. Iminlio of 'SMITH it SHAW, 'At 'is n't Law, May 3, 1871. ElGaboth City, N. C. Wellsboro - rCOR. MAIN ST. I AVENUE WELLSBORO, A. Thi is n popular - Hotel lately Dept by 8.13. Holiday. The Proprietor will spare no pains to make it a first-class house. All the stages hr 'rive and depart from this honso. good 4ostler in attendance. j4n. , "-Lit-ery Jan 1,1871-1 y , For Salo.or Re) It. . • A " GOOD dairy farm in Tioga)township,Ti -11,. oga county, Pa., about 2i rots - west of the' Borough of Tioga. about 100 ac es Improved, and 45 unimproved. fins on, it, three barns three dwelling houses, an apple and peach ore)! erd, andother fruit trees. Terms asy. Alsoada joining on the west, a farm an timber lands from 40 to 200 acres a desired, ith 80 acres improved, with a good barn, a gciod bongo and apple orchard. 'Good tor a dairyi .g form. n 1, 1871—tr. C. H. S Yillollll, Tioga,Pa. Wellsboko Bakery. T J. BURGIN would say to t °Moms of Wellsbore •ed vicinity, that he is pre pared to supply, t with BREAD, PIES AND OASES, of the beat quality. 'We also serve meals and and Prosh °MEM to those wit wish. Call at tho Old Stevens' stand; .BRaGIN. • , 23, IS7O-Iy. , ( ' Sumac Wanted: • . „ .. . . AYER.. Is GtEltiltb, Of Tiogti pay °nil °eat 10 per pound, if gathered here e the berries become rod, for the kiairei find toniiiiis, or ate= i 'l thereof, boy must bo leopt free- out gaud moisture, and cured in a chat , piaeo. 'When dry, pick out the sticks, if ther bo any, and pack the leaves and tendrils, or'atorno thereof, in bags for delivery. ,The highest market priff paid,for veal eking. Tioga, Jan• 29,'71 12t' Mil Mil wgoL,E§A . tp.f, ELIIIRA 7 ,I'. Y. PROPRIETOIII3 OF TEAS. I LIQUORS Tiniher Property SOL. RUNNEL, PR 11174. Insurzirie . l lIANOIALUAND •• MUTUAL LIFE • co . Mr NSURANCE COMPANY MI Office, No. 112 kiw 4tliStai MA ; ;.I'neorporated Feb'y 23,1887. (hart'd -pasi(iti;ooo; Assets over ' . • '''''t.l;if#BB;l:loo, 60 'Stock and 'latitao)i norabiniag geallitS Al tiot Profits. Supposolovir are atroaaritfsatodloos firstAlateratimpany and from any of.ueo what. sitirlyTpayniant) ton do not ever,.(say.aftei todyk. .4y4n or cannot pay longer and die—your iti 3 O snra u t iP ce -- is gone and your money-wastell,J4_9l}lBo in the;p "Band-IN-01-routter- over isit:foti: art...alba. ' This company which ranks sunenit the most -popular and auccessfull Life Insurance Compa nies, grants policies on alt desirable plans, both with and withouOrofits. Traveling Privelegg9Wgeriqed ' All policies arc • incontektibre.a htl)..l)efir from any of the ordinary causes. Ipek to your Life Insurance. lilease examine - tbdfolleving Comparative Table. It is some times alleged by Agents of other Comparkpatittgr! the Company they represent is safer tharreiktall, Male we Unhesitatingly assert our belierliLtlitiV soundness and stability of all companies, we de afd topresept the following for.the %nepotism of Lthe'se desiring ioltis'droil.,=. - • lot The•follawiall slintior premiutne 'chargedfor_ by each au-Ansuratme''on • life at &hp ago of ao -yeareAtitykbldiktililitlir* t Annual premium Ten annual for Tlfl4,paymv4lf. 4 Travelers' $10;84 i 1441 i lEtna,AVS , 1;32,, 0 Home, 2310' I' 110,00 • • Equitable, ?2 : 7 7 0 0 4 6 0, 9 9 7 7 Hand-in-Hand,r16,450 82,60 If not already Insured taice,, a polioy r 'rVlth the the best Mutual Company_in the United States. March, 1, 1811.-Iy. A . M. INGE:CAM, Agent.' ENE lONS arab:mita) eet, Jerit terms, linE kintlirlg of recent WI ad by any jar ATKINS 41 - "ICHT611Alllr VV respectfully inform the pub/. thOthay have establishpd . Livery-forlfirgio rl,ll -if - At their Stable on Pearl St., opposite Whosier'9 s wagon shop. Single or double,r4s tfttlillshoa to order., They aim`-to lieeip god ditotticill and wa gons;and intend to please. Prices reasonable. WATKINO h KETCIIAId. Wo buy 'r cash, and yrups Jan.4,1871-Iy. latoat and IND ALL MITE undersigned, owners of a Portable j En gino, with a Carding Machine, two Lathes and a run of French Purr Stones attached, alt, prepared to fill orders in their hnsinese At East) Charleston, Pa. , The above property is In good rupning ,pr er g and 'will be sold at a fair inKon;ritasdnF, able time. e kied et, and oan co than any For particulars; inquire or (leo. W. Merrick, We'Moro, or ALONZO WEITN, on the Tor erniol4 _ BtooMS—A bfity 4, 1 B.7l—tf - c' 1 Ayer's gargaparflla :,... /a " widely known s' as, one l )ef• the itnost effectual `, Tel:nachos; ever dyeovered - for eleaiisitie the'sysl l "' tens and-Atturifyink the blood: '\ It ,hatt.,, stook the test pf years, with"a con= ' stantlygrowing rep: , iitittion,lsiuid4d - Ri intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures.-' SO mild its torn Safe-gal beneficial to children, and yet so . as to effectually purge oat thi;igtetti , c ' ruptions of the blood, such as the sereildoui and syphilitic contamination. Impuritim, or diseases that have Itirlieci . ;:in•;thesyi a tp ~ for years; soon yield.. to this4oNverfalf do ,and disappear. Hence its wondertidt ' cures many of which are publicly known, of . ScroftilA - - - tuul all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, T_Erupirens,,and eruptive dis orderstiof the skin, Tumors, - Blotches, Bolls; IFtimples, Pnstuletialogo;z: Anthony's Fire, Rose ClrE a' . las, -Vetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Read, Ringworm, and internal TA* . cerations of the Uterus; Stomaeh," and 'Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to whielrit would not seemespeci: ally adapted, midi AsiDll)4Y, PY1 3 : 8 11 'Female Fits, Nedralgia; ea DU ' 'Female Weakness,, D IVO, a at Leneorrhrea, whit' t,tliet tuanifestAk tions of "the scrofulous poisons. It is np excellent ffewkrer i ot lie9lty: pit Strength, in the Spring.'` - 14'57 Aritiv4no t tisq . appetite and victor of the digestive bra s,' it cljssipUtes the depression and listless lan gnor.orthe season. Even where no disorder apparOißeople feel better, and liye,l99g, forleleaWsng the blood. The sypfeW,Ml on With. renewed vigor and a no* lease o ,lite r - j - - _ -i .-.; P.R E 1" - A --- 1? ED BY .=.• Dr! ,f _.„ LC, AVER n& CO, , L owell, Mass., r :-. • i Practical and Analytie4 4 474l."- --; SOLD BY ALL BiniclaisTS EVERYWHERE. _Juno 14,'11-Iq. W. O. RUBSB, Agt. WoUsbore. I to onr large , r purity:lnd and Ba l.), on band. IQUORB -1 and ex- Dome!iota gency FOR SAVE 75 For sore, , ds 6 99, (um And , n.. Price $3 SEWING MitHl*, 'viz: Singer at-: the-Head. .-( 1..1N1.-?A.RALL' C , CI , ;CO TT ,is 'the best abused machine, and the - beat inaobine abused in the wide world;stiVryit' and you will like it, It equiftr disappo►"ats: -Tho ante facts speak lender thin words of prairie by us. . G en'l Agent Or:Wt.:gm isoPtikra, N. 8.--i-Maebinee delivered tealrebasere free of elanrge. ' 1 .`. 4 TO 1k:11170 Minefield. May 24, 1571 7, : v Ittu Boot, Shoe, Leather awn '^a4it's •I , v,!,, Icitsi4"Ati .t 1 "k • O r \ •.r.,`• T #2, init l ta b ez'Zt a t/404 1 e 9 ":14 61 M 4 :11 boot and Shoe business on \ , Nyi a 4v . 4caltite the. late StnitliNdet, . alley heel) bvotitcl all kinds, and shoes ; to salt everybody, both for ladies and gents; also any 'kind of children'. Wear. Drop In and see. gimmi & SON. Jane 7, 18,71 ti. Ea:W . 4%AL 4E4 4 52 V: iL*4t:171....:40t: Liver y : stithittelp 'i4 . 1 , , 7; ,'•iit i 3 t 4 ._ SALE. Yrhe 127,833 nold in 1870.;;:- 86,781. 40,1 d 11,3„1889. Woman ' s best rrientut..- 59'629 sold I It =never Tifo,g-*t"_:),!'. 43,053 — '0014 E. W.11:011*110iM'.--- 0,01 si , n rindiiitg- store. -- 71. - Pouts; YVosia' o?ti Pk. IRE MEM I L -" Qt.! - lIE 'LI' .;VirOt74P - ailnanka f.lieimro and vicinity, that we , favkraceiving epilicliaepoe stoolr, „ - . , . , . S -, . - . --11 , ~ - :. 1: : : i i . , - - 4' '''' I "..." .1, '" - - - 1 447 . "" "'" ; g'• . : 7 : , ' ' 7 k-7 vr: 1 and are ready to supply all who may ,noma with • . „sea'sonable, Gooda as,ast IZO: 11 TZO , 9"j::: ,i" c 313i1 111. i ~: i t :,,i, It ' i"= *_ "-‘ • i f! i), i ~, g ,7 t f 4',t Si i?, • , f J U, •‘ v... Thee has last been a great decline in DOtietrildfflotton Guide, and tio_sy nit eteliv-keninglei . Wii.nri at an4tidie : enc. 11:48 - 0;(-r:e 40 !tot licative in parading a long idayat-pdaaa-14-400.. papers, but Itieltriirtuttiva - nay; When - we Oatin to eell Geode : ebean,., Piepla fFRAn- ' Ol O . 1 town are sure to make money by coming here td buy goods. baie opliiiitWassoitsiettW, 4su '. 4 ..1•Cn,'Z ; ;;•3 L•• • ‘-‘) t.T.:(.4 ..lie s i t er,i4 l bp 27p - o d a giGoodit • .• , . . • DeLaines ' Percales, Mobairs, French iiiiefilidirPcliilfiti,4aptil neseSilks and Robes, Fancy Colored and Mach Dress Silks, &a. atitricea ory much Jess tban last season. We also keep a fallible Of -- • • - - • - 'EC' ii ' '""i'. . F 'A‘ ` -V '''' 4 * t : .... fl; !_ t - • ( or , , •., EMI Yankee Notions, Boots and Shbei, 5 , , , and many articles our spaoo does not permit us to speak of, but if you will oall We will show you the LARGEST STOOK in town, and at , prides that Nannot be beat" anywhere.' April 19, 1870, .. . . Ile Largest Establishment in Nerthiril = . . . ... , .., .1......) xd itivzi bar. tv_tl , ,:-..-:, ... . . 1 1 i i 1 Drviii . Vie il , " 0:.{ .. ~.:''..:....:.:. , ' 1 ;. ti i i '''' i I i ' • ,'' . ' • , i i ,7',l', 4, 1 711Z417 !AV, . lEit4Vgitijaillijiti for buying and handling barge quautktsfot 6.4.05t0 , 0xramei.10140..441 them at the lowest Jobbing,prices. in our retail department (koala/106dd aciyaa.4l,l4 Vance over wholesale priors. A large stook of • z; -41 Alf f lu . A air n R ull 5 1 411111 AINIV A - GLASS, Ai -- -PAINT% VAIiN Trailigifor .0 OEM A full lino of all chigoes of Goode appertaining t_o ourAtteinemk opt in, eect l • eol • ••-. _ Au _roc . s 3 1• '; zi' 111 ica1i t 4 14 .; . 3 arr.ll7.)b . ' J a Fet~..l;:lB7L Iy.: ni;MM - MS V I Sri . EMI a qicl,-:;.: • ' 1 kt, SPADREl,clFtittipilitfaii ;VWS, BARlnjoretita/404! mititting, and inikddror twee 'Thou are bat a tow *Me many artioloo oomposiattha ttodt . 1 X Intitelthe publioto Mtn and *minden for tkomnottrok, taiwitozkodgtko' ot quality of good(' la my line; and all work to pribtr dOno prong:47Bnd !OJT d,T , ~.• tASH, DOottS, )314NiDS, FACAEORIE,•,PRIND . E , Idlloboritirab.l;lB7l-Iy. •*1 - -ivridifibeitii•Beirs. • of be i 1 4,4 ( t4' , 211 • r. i? 4, p. •‘. , ' ~. ~. - : twit:.'« 'o.olt-: vicri'v ~ .48ucoesso4tolKItiR01311241) aLIEALSIL-IN , x ~ r, 'Cj t; J. ": ': '' , t`i S:114 t','.',4 , .. ,7. .:p7-_.•. ', t 1 074 W, 1 1 , .. , ‘ ... ~• , , ,.. , • . ~., ~..,...,„... ~.. ~...,"/„4.,.,.. i, ~... ' 4 — l ).11— — 4 4 '44 s 4. t 4 4 4 4 • .4 '; - ' ‘,. i , '' '.- ". I, ' __,, ' A9.1t.N:44.1 4 3,. picettiAcm,Bovra` goads tigorsp AND HORSE NAILS,' . .. .i ': ~ .:, ... .1 • - .7i,:<.;.i.:;-•.. :i iI, '-', ~.' ,!, r,i I , - - I • :-, ~ ,! ~,,, . Jr. •- 't t 't*' 4i ' 1C561/XlCPDXliterai . M I CI 1 14) .'S, ~:.,A, - • ;;:::: ! ! ,-'. '.: ' ,' -- -:::''t .1 'l' ...7 .., ; -.-.•,, ; : ,.-.. , ,,i. •••, I Tit', )h4 er t r,# . o94,4t.itialldoe iiiiitiglgtr - LOOICO i j e LATO/188,11/KGI m4i4T 41 ollt‘?4 - 14 i 0; . 1 744PP1N0 PAPPA,AtomAkibetpreripFloes) - ' -c , 0 ....1011. ; .'. -, r-1. I t o. t : ....d4,E14, i '''''''o9lll'N.G. PAIONEtsrLiT' 2 A,TTENDSSO TO. =ME 1", 4 5 ."-Tersais Oink slid Pvtoes senectnable. Pint deor above Cone ztonee. Jan. 4,1871-Iy. t . - Try Air `[ 1: !fit .r t 4 i ; .• 11 ; t , • =SEM ENE . . RAlffirr aosyle GROCERIES, CROCJKERY, • mc.rtmasis, •71 • 1 * " L WO, B/NO/X Atli) DOUBLET tPF:: • 1 , ;; KINDS AND OOLDELA, t: • (1 , $ ,- ANto VARNISH BRU 8, A ri7LI. STOOIC. “c67eiktl 1.1 r namouts, Str pc pgr , irp t plet * .., J ,,nd pruskes !Apr Carrtage flfld . Cutter Ornai*eflttig, .:,: ‘z., :` ) • • ,- .!„ •, ~ . :,-, - • . ' ~ ....t i .. 1.U1ii ,, ,Lr ,, . • . , IT ii R. 2 t : , ..:"; • O p _ : ,:,!, . 13 . f; . '-') _ 4 1..[... t i t t , I ; ' ' . ... tt , t ; t. s 131 MS ' t - . ---,; T. , ." -,-;`...,:-';; ',-,,,-,,,a.-i1,:,,i-,, CORNING, N. Y. - ,t 4 ; t, i ', =A , le A.,..":-: - ' - .. -. ;...,, - , 5.,,..-',,-,' - ',, link° dintjteftri46o,:ii -- z) . „ st ..-„,• --• ~,..a -.I .;.i ~, .. ~, A ~ ...I.:i T.C. - : 3.i ! .;.' :--';' - 1 , 7 (~ r.:0 ,- " --- '• - ~ T l:...s l: Srifq 1 i 4: = ME IMIN 111111 :--:aw.~ WHODUALD AND RETAIL '1 1 ; • EMCEE Y.s.f - t: -.1 t t •40,Zi o.L.j.' , .''' e. ii c,„.: 7.,..,,leti i i : Art Gu_d_ro-a i 01., - -a s lag on and I a arga•atee MinsAtarel irdrerl, the undersigned takes-414ms* tonnee tint he has at a great ugtlenga.. I L liti_ llll /Yrf t t 2o 9F4l49. : _,___P/4 0.4a4,9. 1 k, •,.. iA.1 4 01 - IiTRS ' ST ik, W " KULA SO , : t-i , ' , !' .rr tur vr 0 lityf nu AW.e.fr' - ...7 itACA't• itateriastutilni Ligstitillitkstatv, loh he etituneratettusfcd.brallagaztirdsiss; 1 ; e t , ~,,I;f 1, ,trttruo otitl - ., - 151 , 'SDI : 0it 1 4 1. 01 ill: DBOWSARSi: ,l PUT, MILL, lIA p Alp . 81101 k , ..., .8 IS* 13 % 5 ii.; .: ' 1 ' p., „Mak : 1 ASPEN . l i . AXES,;AtiCißitboiiinilißlTV . -. . prooKsuevarpa; - . , :: , • : ',.‘ . 1 z at i : ~,,,,J •' . ,• - • I ISE MEM 1111 ==== ME MI ER 1.! .. f, F,.:. S. _.l le, 4r t :1,14.;..7., L +~+' i% ,;;;1":17_, =, .') 7- N.,..5. 'ii . .d..: ,':ej z.:Lv.;;Ct„ ME BIM I tfr ~~'•' ~ r '.32, . ~~ 24. Q. DAMN, lIMMI 1.'.1: , 0.:„1..`,4,bl ~ , 1/ 4 . .. t ~.i .. (.•• 3 i 1 ,i, ‘.., ~, ,' ~' ,-.`i t. . , .V.,/: - . , 1;1 oil; ii, ~. ' •'!: ` l ' ' ''' i ~ z - -1 ,<*°"?::;Yo"L': 1,. •_ . - ,_ ./. ')IP d'a Tr Riii.: . :l ,, , , 1 • : ~ i,1` .... ietirr'''.., 1+• 'V•--',•i $1 1,..1 ' . 1 .: ...t.:.r•' 1 :" , .i.C : i:i.... .r s , t ^ t ..., V; ' 'l'• ;Xi • .C.A -i t s'l. .• . I , ' . i . .f' ' Vi .•: 4;:i . 4 - .. - 40..;v:,r t,'' ' ~..E, V -- - ,! , ~..- i ( rP ec t , , , 1 0 -'‘'.'!'.',i'.' - il 4 ,• - ti r, . - ' Al .i.: ;,,, ;., 1 v[st., . . Mil II 311 • ~ -*- 1 .1:$ ,b4' ME 1g .4 ONE IME - ~., s : s Ell = ME =I 11/1 MIME UZI MEI ' t ; ME =I , .., _ f' ' C ' 111 KIM - _:~. -. _;i !;. ME MEM = - . ; - f - .11. t rA 21 0: ii , crINI ri. lig „, o w „ 7 „,„ g 0 ! .1:: 5 M, .1, • ; 'l3 -, c-r, . ,t J ; r..i. 1 r, • •i V ~.1 , 0 1 ::: ,ss ii'l - . „ , 'O.: tp PS FLA . • • be Cu pr e . t. _ 51 1 3 ' cn _ go • -.. .. M In • ra a: r °4 01 5 0 i 4, :-( 1 4 -.' g.: Pki )- cf *4 ilv, —..• i %,: i 3 , 0 r v iii v . : . ff; = 4 1 i 4:14 1 ... , 14 1.. all NII J 0 0 , ' 0 ' r t.. . ~ IV .. : a ct, .3 i. J : 0• :I P i 164 ..:: 4, 1 4 : ,:ki d'R . *A .11$ )0 iii ~..oS is bf‘••-- • t„,........„..„, • y . ~ •,:ri • - ••.. 0 •';'.. . ~. , _ z • ........ :1 ~, 4 , , R • •CO itt 2 a 1 0 1111 .4 8 1271 :0 0 , „,, . ,4o =I DEEM .1' % + ffill INIE BIE ~•.:s :7 • 1: ,tl., . Mill 1 u:. c.: ~~ • = ME Mffl MEE .._. ~ =lll =MEI 13 33 . , 3 NEI j 14:: c ,~ I El EIS =CM .3,1;4 4 , , c' , Ell I { ~' Eli t ."1+~'.7 .i ae4 MIA .l t t ~ ~I~.V EMI ~. lq : '.-- s , t , 1,...-• rT. t ,::. •i., i '..Y 1 ; - a t'g 4 W ~.• •41A.? r i• 1 A' N uil ~~ o• oti ,F ,F. o g) m <> 1111 IL o p c , (1) a 0- El 511 ,i n ,..,...-,,,,-4,:;,, 4 } J..r., ‘,.,..... , k Pt. es. t, g Ca , 0 R. g 0 1 4 %zs , o , CO 'I (1) - ' % ' ft , 061 ' at n P . i . •;:37.' . . E . : 1 ~.... ME ME ?„ 400 1 ' ' 8 0 mit MI to to • ' 1 4• 4 9. 14 • 0 Pt , IR ( .1. 6 s' 44 tik• 1.0 1-1.1:1 • • 0,0 16.41 gad olipt ‘,l„ - NI r 0 NM ,• - 4 • A ig ° 141 e 1;10 i Cr . rl CD I :14 n t .ro -r;,:• 0:f c k a, ft e rt, 10 t 4 tO Ell VIREO DREG 'll‘ORll. 001:MING, N i Y. =I bRUGS AND romorsis, PAINTS . AND OIL% , 2 THADDEUS .DAyIDS'_IN ; KS, KEITH'S - 'CONCENTRATEDN DICINES, 1 • iREDAivs FLU'., , EX - - TRACTS, ' BURNETT'S PO9O4NE r FLAy,quiNG .0: - Exruers i KEROSENE LAMPS', PATENT MEDICINES, ROCH. . ESTER PERFUMERY I, 7 • ANO FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW?GioA,SS,- . WHITEWASH LIME & _ ANA DIE -.OOf.pRS, IMB AOENTB FOR MARVIN CO'S RE ttol.dat:WietiloiniTo7irites. J3uyers,arorOgnoalod to et a / a nd got guotationa„4oforo going farther East. W. D. -TERBEIX a - 00. Cloning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1871.--y. yurniture ! Furniture ! 1 4 . AVINO oompletod his new Cabinet• Ware =home on Main street, Welloboro, has stook with a largo and superior assorted stock o MI FURNITURE& Chamber:Buns, WS.l#iAt, Ash, Ma pie, ' -•'*' ' itp.,," 060 ., 4, - ' OM, koal-$1,c60 dow.n t and as cheap ae- the lime gopda ean.bo bo't ~ • nkhri cities: freight adiled. Parloi Suits, Walnut,' Cherry, wild Mahogany, 13,,913!3 ii:i Hair,Cloth, E SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES,) TETE A=TETES, ' with 'Upholstery to suit. Center Tables, Walnut o 1 Marble Tops, Looking Glasses, Brackets Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, all kinds, Wholesale- and Retail. I am Manufacturing as usual, aria intend to keep a full stook of ware, home an city made at all times. My Nate Rooms are,sPacious and neat, and now contain the largest, costliest and best stock of Furniture ever brought into the county. Planing and Matching, senciraL SiViIaisTG:A;MOULDING,' • done to ordlir at the Factory. Jan. 1, 1871-tf Ingham's Woolen Mills I THE *subscribers will pay Cash, Vail-Cloth, Classimeres, Flaw:lets , Ice., .4 c., for Wool.— Thayaloo taanufaottillo as usual— TO UDR OR ON SHIRES to euttonetemers.: All 'work warranted asrep raeented. They invite particular attention to Which are warranted every . respect. Partin larattention given to ROLL CAIMING-- AND , •%111111 • ES -SiNG. BE INGHAM.% largo stock of Vassimeres, dco ~25 per cent less than any competitors, and warrant. ed as reprodoeitod. , INGRAM:4 manufacture to order, and do all ktudsof 8011-Carding and Cloth Dressing, and defy oompotition. In:3111AM have as good an assortment of Full °laths, Oassimeres, &e., and give more for Wool in exchango than an other. establishment, Try them and satisfy you selves. 1 , INGIIAMS whoins'ale and retail .at the Co snpegae Mills, 2 miles below Knoxville. OurDlotint are warranted,- and sold by the followingvereOne: KELLEY, Pa.• • L't BALDWIN A- CO., Tioga, Pa. • - J. C. KENNET T, Covington, Pa. ' Deerfield. Jan 1,1871-tf ES II WELLSBOII.O AND MANSFELD STAGE LINE. /ME undersigned, proprsotor of this line takes this teethed of in forming the ptiblio that the above Stage runs dalir(Sundays'excepted,) between the two pia. oesas follows: :1 Loaves lirollsimro at 8 a, in., and Arrives at Mansfield at 10.30 a. in. 'Leaves Mansfield At 2.80 p. m., and arrives at Wellstiofro tit tO. in. A.Vol'are $1,25. 1871—tf W. It, VAN HORN. koiluf4*;(l4 0 0 CTIMMiI TRH " CONB ROUE" n , NEW. - Rooms large and Well ventila ted. iAccommodations not surpassed iy any first olass hotel in tho "Northern Tier." RI - m.4 no higher than at second and third rate hotels; Location, corner of Main and Walnut streeis, Welleboro. A. good table, gooOlquore, good order, and a good hostler.' +B. GRAVES, Prop'r. March 8,1071. =E =I Cash Paid for WO AT DERBY & FISHLER'S SHOE STORE, ON MAIN STREET, NVELLSBORO, June 7,1871 tf Farm•• 'for 'Sale: ONE HUNDRED ACRES with, eighty -, sores Impreisa, and situated near l 3; the gtate Road, south of Mainabnrg. This l'•ii far* aontiins a'rmirefortable . horise, two' good ,buns and pinety fruit trees. It is well adapted to dairying and agrienitgre. Terms easy. In. quire of the subserr r . : at Mainsbarg : Pa. O'une,l4i 1871—tf. - ' 'J. A. DOTE. 'ti Administrator's _Notici , . LETTEits Or AriMINISTRATIOII having 'been granted on the estate of Geo. Nit. Hunt, deceased, late of Brookfield, all poreone indePted to said estate and those hiring claims against he setae will settle with MORRIS KISUR, • , ' A. S. Bridtd01•18 ) Br,ookfield,Jttly 2d 0 •V871,-eve' Adm'r. ill= - . • Planing ad Itatching . • pOlin with ntia:tpOsS . and , i dispatoh. Also' . 1 ,t E ,;... _fl , • ,__,'". ' 3 „r :, , i6: ' ,: a r ti 0 ) Br L ' StDiXO 1: ~ ;; ; , ,`,4,: - . , : 4.; . made from inch 1 mber. Oan plane 24 inches wldo. At Hamilton's steam mill, on Hammond , creels in Jaoksonitownakip, Tioga county. - - } -4 0. HAMILTON. I Ihioksion, 3tuto 17, 1871 tf INC FPIED 044; B. P. VAN' HORN, from $125 down, Also, B. T. VAN \ 110BN. lii:ERFIEtD, PA. their Water Proof CASSWERES, .10.*I1/.NI•••Ma0. BOOT , AND SHOE STORE. _ DERBY d• PISIMER have i . t , now on hand a largo stock of Booth and Shoes, and propose illgigi " 1411 continuing the manufacture 0 the sainoott the chop lately oc cupied by Fishier .Ic , ,llandolph: They also pur pose reducing prices on all goods nod ceiling strictly., i - I . , - 1 FOR CASIII.'I l'iro keep a gootliassortment of ilatS •and- . Caps,- BOOTS, , BAPIORA LS, 'GAITERS, BOOTEES, BROGANS AND • 0 ALLIGA SIC IN S viarrant'od to fit any fOot 'from No, Q, to 13 FRENCII CALF, TRENCH' KIP, UP PERi SOLE, COMMON CALF', LININGS, BINDING, MO , ROCCO, &C., will be kept apes hereturtire - i • On Pindingti we shall .be found at Lome al ways, fincl we aball endeavor to sell at .ptiees sasold tisfactory to the trade. We won ) 't Le under- CASH PA ,11) CUSTOM W OBU Inl.l l vroli. RepOring done 'ff, in and ho convinced. DERBY & .14.SDLER.. Done promptly on hit or tnot leo.' Dr Don. 11, 1870.- ly TO TUE TIOGA ---7.- i • lAm now building at re y m a nufactory ,i n n E. , awrnc4„ vilio.a eniierior - . • 1 ' FA ZI IV IV G .111_1_Li.L, • *Ma possessoa the fol owllngadv(ntage'soier another Mini,: .1 I:ltseparatearyo,ottls,rat litter,andfoulseeda„and OhOBOIIU4 CoC,k to, frotn"vrheat . 2. It cleans Llazseed,ttikes eta yellovil, aced, and all other seeds, perfectly , 3, It dentin timothy ffeod , 4. it does 9 all other nopatathigrequired of a roil! ,Tbisntill in built °fate best and nunit„durablo Ow • ber v ia good stylo;and is Bold Icheap Joe - Cash, or pro • duce. _ • • I will fit a patent sievo, for separating oatbfroa, *beat ,t o otberrniiityinronsonableterins. ' ' J•. 11 MATIVE,It f i awroncoviileiJan,l,ll37o-t f VitatirEat & LAT/-170P. r./. Dl,Erts iii 1. lIA DWARF, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, • STOVES, TIN-W-.11.1?E, BELTING, MS, • WATER IA i AGRICULTURAL IMP, Carriaffo and Harness HARNESSES, SADD Glorying, N. Y., Tan. 1, 1871 0 ...tt S •.'• ' • S ;•!!•., , , I ~,..‘ ,„..„, 1 .... ..„ ~-..„ A...„ .....„. •...,..; ~-.17, 4 't.. . .6k. ;Al* .. ~,... ..... 0 ,,..“44. '. . ; i• - ,C 3.:1 1 : 4 ~ 1' • • . . A .;-=',' \ •e. • *•• - 1., , I '.- 1 .... \:. 4 ::' July 10, 1 New Music Store. I l i Vr OW opened in Smith 4; new t block; sec ond floor, a music room where will bo kept 'on exhibition, and for sale, Steinway and othei• Pianos, Cabinet Orgari, and a choice st:loction of Sheet Husio. /Novll3llBlo received !every month.— Lessons on Piano and Organ r and in Singing will be given. Opportunity for practice allorthoi to those who may desire it. 9. W. TODD. Wellsbero,Feb. 15-4uo. ' New `Tobacco More - THE subsbeibor has fittelp Store first door ens( Thomas Harden .1 dry goods store, for tho manufacture and We ,OTGA g,(alt grades) , Pad( y and Common SMOKMO TUB A 0 „iliehiga Fine Out COE IVING, and all,•italm cf PLUG PpBACCO; and the rho cest Arand of C 10,41 M.' Ate- Call and see for yourOvee, PITE.SEL Wollsboro,,,,Tart. 1, 1571-11.1 TIOGA DRUG , • . I " BORDEN kodps constantly oa ' hand: Puro Drugs and Dlcdicinc-~, • Clietritaals, Paints/ and Oils, Larqp9 • Stationery, Yank 90 'Notions &r, 1 • 01VMSCRIPTIOMS CARL FUI.I),Y COM POUNDED . ,OL, Tioga, Jan. 1, 1871.-ly , Gen'l Insurande Agency KNOXVILLE, Tr+ CO., PA I f Life, , Fire and Accidental. 1 Asiets over $24,000,000;: 1 Assns or corr.krirEs. Ins. Co. of North America, P. $3,050, 5 : 15 61 : Franklin Fire Ins. Co. °UPl:ilia, Pa, 307, 452 3 ' North British k Meroantilo 4 . DEI, CO, - of London and Edinburg-, 10,000, 000 North Amer. Fire hie. CO. of N. Y. 500,00 0 _ Niagara Fire Ins. Co. o f N. 57 1,000,000 Farmers Mut. Fire Ins. Co.,iYork, Pa. 909,88 9 15 Phoenix Mut. Life Ins. Co. lf !tart ford, Conn 5,081,97 0 50 - Pent& Cattle Ins. Co. of Pittsv illo. 000,000 00 --------- , 'Pr, n , $24,229,847 64 Insu onoo promptly °et t ed by milli or other wise, n all kinds of • Pr l pperty: All losscs '064 lylailjusted and, paidp - Live stook lour- od ag est death, fire or,th4ft. All mmunioations proMptly attended to Mee' n Main Street, 2d dOer. above Church st., Knoxv Ile, Pa. Will. B. SMITH Aprl 25, I.B7l—tf. Agent. Our 'Stock of FOR II IDES , AII I IIIIIE#S OF COUN',IIY. ETLERY, Al -E5 EMENTS, 'rrimlDin~,TL E, h.c I y :1 NaREDiENT.. TI IA T CONIPQHF; .1(0:-.;11 Fs \ I It; ann publislitqf on rVe7v c 3, t r foto it Ic 'not a r. ;, It , corlsequerkl.ly IT It is Z! Ccri.:ll •Yif,!1();1, Sypillik ill all 11, 116 Iltt , , ii - kl•C`t . 1111 , tISIII, j - 1..11..;• I r COI A) LI i t :.1:41 .11 01 In ' LOU 3 r of t . - lAte3 run': uNcA .( fur ttko , entiortAl 1, 1 Wood tfurai, r. (" P.( . 1)11 11 11 1 • .1 1:.:.• Alter,niVe =ME , / 0 . 1. l ~Iv.:abi 11TIED 1.7; ' j. II S. ' i a.,, .I'. .F. SAIITIf, J., .; A: NV1i1..C.1,1.3t.. BA CRAVEN S.l CO., SAIIPL. O. Mct .Xl boro,T Our 1,0 111ot tended t mita' 1,: e tit virttivsol pr o i,,sz,un t i. e guaryi tract super k r to i nsect in the tre. tit flood; and to the a Rosadali , l, and y Al to health, , MEM ,L 1) BY )11,11 Maim-A tilo, Vl. o f any Es , . ri 1:1111 , t) t) Oh Tothe Medical a Fluid P‘- t hey have ever lOLA or diseased I;rted we say try will he restore! by' all Druggiqt?, t le. Address Rasadali9 is soli]. price $1.50 per be DR. CLEUEIiTS & CO. mantoctuiin g Chemist :11xL - rxmoxr., MD ME STORE I 11. BORDEIs: t 11.1%