The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 16, 1871, Image 3

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Loca, em..
EnNESDAY, AUG. 18, 1871.
Now Advortimmerite.
lVelleboro Graded Sebool.
rontractors-3. Parkhurst. --k
Norio.—Dr. Clark writes us that he
be at the Cot t le Home, WelMoro, Monday
s a,i Tgo.lay. Sept. 11 awl 12, 1871.
Fine gaiters, croquet slippers, and
he .• tants just received at Derby 4. Fishier 'a.
...I.o.3DENT. — On the 7th Inst., Mr.
H)bert Trull of Charleston, was painfully and
hapiuntlusis wounded by being caught on a
ilartieneit stake as he was sliding from'a (load of
b a y. hfa ems attendeXby Dr. Thompseh, and
i , in a tau. way to recover.
READ Tn - Is.—The finest display of
silver Plated War . ° to bo found in any store out.
tide of the cities, may be soon at Foloy's. lle
be! a fine, aadorttnont of Gold plated and fancy
Jewelry which be knows buy cheap and
tell a ccordingly.
_M u Original C. Llowe,Jr, Bowing Machine,
the bodm the larriked, for sale b'}` A_. Foley, Ag't.
A „,„,, I‘7l-2w.
pFttios.tL•—There will be a festival
at the house of Reuben T. Hall in Farmington,
no today September Ist, on which occasion re
'regiments will be furnished. The entire pro.
ends will go toward tho purchasing of an organ
trr the Presbytcrirn church of Farmington.—
friends are cordially invited to attend.
PEIISONAL.—Our old friend and Au-.
chest, J. 11. Hall is on a visit to this place "Joe"
edits the Catskill Recorder, the best got up coun
ty paper among our exchanges, —and he edits
tote eldes of it. Wo Irish we could add that ho
3 In robust. health;
,but . ,hoja not ; and it is to
tcuperate among his native hills that ho visits.
•ley he win the health he seeks.
_Another friend of by gone days dropped in
nas las.t week—J. B. Meld, who has °hosed
h o me in the west, but does not forget the rug.
61 bills of his nativity.
—Rev. 0. L. Gibson is on a visit to this vil
sge, tuudi to the gratification of his friends and
,Id par iebio neve,
,Ith annual Fair of tho "Elkland-Union Associa
tom" Fill bo held on the company's grounds in
➢lkland no the Bth, 7th, nth days of September
The Addison Assopiation join in the exhibition,
.ad they propose to display a greater variety
and more extensive array of products of industry,
agriculture, and stock, than has ever been ex.
b,bited in this or the adjoining counties. The
tt of pretnillrAS itt - 001111(8 to over 11 111111170 d
and it is proposed to pay farmers and
,there liberally for all articles worthy of compo.
J. G. PAnKnrnsT. Seep.
110m.L.--Dr..T. S. Up DEGRAFF
! now at home in his new rooms in hi• old 10.
etion or Water street.' Previous to the late fire
be livet)r had very comfortablo and convenient
(letters, hat his present accommodations far sur.
EL? !bi former rooms both' in eleganco and sum•
detenee.:. The public-aro invited to make an
A rec;jon of the room?.—Elmira Achertieer.
S. 1 1) A CCUIDENT.4. - As R. F. Wilson,
'rah 111.1 wile and three children, was returning
from a' tort at Sedger's mill on :Sunday evebiug
liar, la a I •vo horse wagon, the breast strap broke
:a duct:riding a bill, lotting the wagon run on to
the team, which immediately became unmanage
able. Mr. Wilson jumped out of the wagon,t
was a child in his arms, which he dropped on
tie gruuud unhurt, and tried to catch the
team by the het. lie had succeeded in this,
when he sus struck on the hg by some portion
1 the till, knocked to the ground, and, before he
mid rise, tho wad 1.1.,r;ts had dashed the wagon
agilic.,c u zturup, and tie thing w. 1,5 over. Mrs.
Wil;on was pitched violently on tho ground, with
child in Ihn atm", and irmtnntly killed. The
atld Cd(i spa! injury. Another child received
me bad Lrulses, and Mr. Wils6n hail his log
badly cut and bruised.
Mr!, Wilson wilt. , 11/1 eAtimplary wife, a food
/ober, and exemplary neighbor. She was a
hugliter of Ebenezer Sherwood, deceased, and
hrmerly a resident of this Huge. Many who
hardly know her as Mrs. E F. Wilson, will have
ihrely recollection of her as Cordelia Sherwood.
TAKE IT.—We tire not in the habit of
hug people to oltatn Eub6criberE. Our eub
rniitr: nc‘: already erowd 2000, which is fair
sra c ,aoty p tper But we thiuk there are cer
'aa C/a: , J who ought aficabs to take, ar,d pay for
tt. Nr Louie parr , thoEo
101diu,4 Ali " . t3 3 pertaining to the , county or the
ttr.t: cn enga4eci rn fm:lne. acquiring from
!ze t.'..cue apt Ncor4l in the paper , thee°,
hi can lea , l cbgllsh—a eel appreci
p e: --hottuid take the Agitator,
B;mto,,ry tub,erthers, who leave the
r,pmti,„,il:•:-'2, ALL*, but dent oarta about
the par ; recoh e espeolal atten-
(For the Agitator.)
rOll IS OUT. ,
I.L '.I .1%
the land.
;1 :Ana crime, ,
• t,,z, legal band,
.-hlon, nee and time
(X the hour,
How tho rong o'er TROW'r 9
Vote it out I
this r.,il I la the thiii • r, to rout
It Out
r..t anti V.llO 11. Hitt
We base heg'il the traffic long, ,
lieg'd it both with audits and tear 4,
l'a abate the 110°1 of wrong,
Eby it answered u a ith arieera ,
I% e aro wary of th 7COUrge t
Thir, 0..: way at his, we urge,—
' Vote it vut !
Let I' -, rise and voto it nut '
cho battle or the hour
Frt.% tlt tit, :how :,our strength again ;
f 1)
.1 ) power,
I io; w,ll io•ing the fee to pain
we 1. ,‘ u preaelftl against the. wrong,
h plea,/ with tear is of tong;
ka It 4,11 t
\- "R I , r;ly with heart ilorolit
V.,to It Out!
t. ri , r4r-Y1(1 rote it
of (ho priliul:e
I' o ,l t 01, ti, (1.1 the righl
Truth I , 0.141,1 t lu prevrtil,l
Faith eight;
We sthill ,e the 1,941-
Vote It .10
Thus put iti ud tI rant
•Voto it t, t t
Let us tize 111).1
it o. , lltDf.N. Every country editor
hate at g..rden a flack of hens That
tt nor I ,nr ti" iLtnka ; and his stiettess iu
Ice the present !•,.:5110 marked
lone the eotaf.rt t,f havizig fteAtly gathered
Ntdc,, al a ,t)? at ban,f, the garden tc eon
n.arse of interv,t and pledsate. Our puta
ml., potato ar.unis, etc., have atiurded
ktett satarifar ',had and mental
dati,al Caldatge bits Lot been a FUUCe3S :
tettel the plitt:ts and transplanted them, all
aordtnct with the h,oks, but the cabbage
0t in na them heavily, and then we trans.
ted a sehright hen n lob eight tiny chicks
the 04,,tge pat, 11 , 4 - ked lid! In
t eek the l,tc had eatert l up thu plants,
he ehtelien, bad tater) up the huge, and wo
rid them (the chickens) to the barn, where
unki Mend thew and ate up nix the first
't• The poor little mother did her beat
:cat the lit 1111 d white monster, who, was
ly eating up her family before her very oyes,
ails t aWiti.ened lig by the fuss she raised
preceeled to the epot in ctur----with very little
lung on, and found the gentleman calmly ma.
lEt dessezt twigs. Wu disliked to stir him
there and . than .; -1 1.;at his otrenbe was too fla
'tomd wt, shut hint on the spot. This was
4 1; aka ; but ITO cannot visit the barn without
3 4141 1:1 4 ed of 24 oc;•enbeautlfill linos:
t em on the head. He was always •in a semi
nude state, through the scantiness of feathers
a out the after part of him,_aud had no more fly
i hie wings than an ostrich. He was tibli cal
culated to Justify all that Josb. : Eillinges in t o
.aout ~, the rooster." To sum him np, he was a
lo g legged, aelflah, half.helplesa fraud, with sin
I n
appetite like a wolf, and few redeeming qualities.
His wives wore—after the manner of fentininity
thye world over—subdued copies of their lord and
tyrant. They were a trifle less greedy, and bet
tei feathered. Also, they laid eggs: every one
of which cost us a quart of , corn. . Eggs, 20.0t5.
Fir dozen ; corn, $1 25 per bushel. Make your
o , n figures—with allowance for boarding the
had of the family. One of the hens "set" her
self to death on fifteen addled eggs. We tried
art experiment with the other, the result of which
iaireapectfully submitted to the Now .York -Far
mers' Club and the agricultaral edito'r of the El
m ra Advertieer. - ..
We gave that half.naked , biddy seventeen
brown, tough ehelled shanghai eggs, and told er
tc. , go it. She did. She took a steady " sot" n
those eggs for fifteen days, when some woodla d
marauder routed her and ate the eggs. He tri d
the hen, and left her in a disheveled state; t
elm was too tough. We respect ,bis 'taste. S
seluently she proved too tough for tut
We thought this Would dissent/4e her, 11, t
it 4id hot. She stuck •to that nest two weeks
14iger, on the bare straw—when we placed her
urror an inverted barrel, on meal and water:
so itary confinement, you observe, ' Here she eon•
tinned to sot for three weeks, when, in a St of
nihlignant desperation, we removed her to the
orghaal nest, and placed twelve smooth pebbles
under her. We thought that would cool her offl
bt it did'nt. She stuck to those pebbles for ten
w eke, when, what with grief at the loss of her
eg:s and despair of ever hatching the pebbles,
be eons titution succumbed, and we found her
de , Li o n the nest. We regrat - this the More, be
ca se, on breaking the pebhies with a stone ham
m , r, we found, them "'biendshot" clean through.
W ,at they would have produced, cannot now be
It i own. And' we are discouraged with "huff
C. chins." • : t
abode." And wo are drawing dOwn the light
ninlgs of His wrath, when we rob them of their
lai.ds and make "them no fair return. We, as a
nation, sere put find
charge of two , heathen peo•
pies—the blacks iind the - Indians. •Alar, for our
unf l aithfulness in both instances. Respectfully
yo I rs. ' SAILLII E. Mortars.
1113.; 1
Ove l
a ft '
a I' l
101 l
.1,.11 1
ti 1 1
ou may break, you may rain-tbo vase,;if you
t the scant oVtbo roses Will linger ihereltilL"
(Our success as•a .ben breeder has been pest
-aided. We tome:armed ; with :thttise pump)/in7 .
. wed Shanghais, which the vendor assured us
ere " bu ff Coohins." Perhaps they were. Claw._
, bony, splay-footed bipeds, slid not sure fo ot
, o.-
ea ting a great quantity or corn in proper-
n to the flesh they laid on and the eggs they
d. l The cock was remarkable for the assiduous
anner in which La scratched for himself, , and
e prompt way, In which he rewarded his wlyes
1. en they answered hie dote of eall-4y peokitig
(Correspondence of the Agitator.}
MANOVIELD, t Anguat 1, 1871.
Editor of Agitator :—I forward to you this
ruing, a paper containing whit appears to be
autllon,tio account of a =coat massacre:, not
I but of Brune of our Western Indlaps., It le
I . y terei le to me, that you should In your edi
ial cap city do se much to, create and keep
ve the savage feeling toward the aboriginal
bos of our country; who aro' now—what two
dred years and over ofczdii -- cut% t io with the
b ites have made them—very little fly 'worso
In before,
Vhito French brethren, or indeed American
'ito men, who bury Indians to the head, alive,
the plains, and jocularly call it "-The Earth
atmcnt," lamenting that their beads were all
en off by tho coyntes before tho result of the
[ tment could bo ascertained t
he practice of scalping their Alain foes was
gbt them by the English„,who furnished them
h tomahawks and knives'," and paid• a bounty
evdry mall) they brought in. Half, if not
re, of the Indian raids on Western trains and
ches are made by Mormons and other despe
oea, disguised as Indians. Th lila well known,
asserted by some of the best informed of
stern men, who have spent years amongst the
event Western tribes.
ou sneer at our Quitter or peace policy, ea
ting that it has been well tried, dc., and 'has
ved a disastrous failure.. „ Now, if you,. will
dish, I will undertake to fiirnish you with a
l obly article, of unquestionable authority, to
iilV7 that this policy, though thwatted in all
I , '' v by evil minded men, who grow rich by In
n wars, though only tried for too years, to,
tidy the evil growths of two hundred years of
.ng.and• robbery, is by no means a failurei brit
doing agroat and good arid ouooooolui wor/s f
it Indians are ready to bo civilized and ebris
bized, and willing, yes', anxious to work; but
!not do-tiluch without teachers, tools, teams, or
of course. I will give you thelestimony of
men as William Welsh, of Philadelphia
Ashops Whipple and Clarkson, of the Eids.
al Church ; of the Indians Paul, Mayakute
Emmegahhow ; besides that of the Quaker
erintendents and agents ; men whose veraoity
set has been questioned, and who will tell the
.ler side of this tad ease. For who writes and
his the Indian side of the controversy ?
hese Italians aro starving, by ienson of the
ton destruction of the game on tho prairies ;
some men denounce our Go4ernment for feed
tbe poor remnants of these powerful tribes.
od, when ho formed them, designed them an
(Coriesponciont of thu Agitatdr)
tilt,vnit CITY (N. td.) July 8, 1871.
Echtor :—lu your issue of Juno ,?Int, which
just reached me; you gave an account df tbo
,sacre nt Apaoh at Camp Grant Ar :ono, par
ing to have been written by an e f, witness;
claims it to have been "an unprovoked
hery of wcil behai'cd Indians." 'hat it was
11.tidvised affair, admits of no doubt, but that
as an unprovoked! butchery of well behaved
Maas, IS not t rue.
i ite people of Arizona, and New Mexico, have
?red much and long from not only the roving
ax of Apaches, but those who are clothed arid
by the Government. It is a notorious fact,
t a large share of the stock stolen from citizens ,
their way to camps of Troll behaved Indians.,
qually true that thcy scarcely ever find
1r way back. Citizens of this county have
lnd again traced their horses, =cis, and
e to a camp of "well behaved Indians."—
jr a hundred mites distant, where ten; anti
;en days Government rations were issued at a
gt . it,g, theta thieving vagabonds ample
and protisions to make-the round trip, and
in a company of citizens followed the trail
a determination to recover their stuck, or
1 r out the cutup. Thoy were met by the Coy.
Tau agent, who bogged them to desist, as he
some chief+ in council, and was likely to
.o a permanent treaty, if the said treaty was
eon samatO It certainly had , very little.tiffect
tiC”, 1110 malty depredations and murders
tattled within a radius of five miles from this
t, during the Last i•dx. mouth's. Perhaps these
I halm, not do It all, hut that they did
gu share Id it No one hero has a shadow of
t. I teprodatiomi and murders are or almost,
1 , 6 Wee eeasen to Surprise any-
Iv, but whet, a leis. w.irthle,s Indians "depart
1,1,:' it is helped upon long and loud. What
I ' • , _ .
hal. e Iken 11l :Wt. tirtirok mg ettuse that
e tn., 0 imels back, and led to the massacre
Amp Grata, I do Dui Is.ilow,as I was not an
witness But I unifet':_tand that Dimly reeeni
,d,tcon, w , . Ti' traced directly to these In
-I.l= That'at the very time the killing was
, 1 , 4 .1,, tbi• 3 (lung braves were Ida, on a thrievi•
and unirileriug expedition, which fteeounti
the few bucks killed in the action. That ra
t tickets ware feunirupou the bodies of, "mell
4•lrei/ Indiarr..,"mite s away from their ,suppori
retreat, where they 'bad' been indulging_ iii
r innocent pastime of "raising hair." Thai"
beautiful hair, of Mrs. Kea4, Was tifscovernd;
lose proximititsCration tickets, Oro. .Wlietti4
1 11 this (if striotlyaruh) would justitYthe mem:
to at Camp Grant; I do .hot ; pretend to say c
that the Apaches are not 'Awl vary ii'deo_
o neighbor,s.aiV.ktio.witneis".secons-to thin k
, v. short , tositionco _ins this 5150tiOn• of. the
•o will auffi• lankly provo to the, blindest phi.
bropist. . •: 1- •- ' - - ' • E. B. C.
. ,
• good bOok • for the, N'apohal Phb
inn '
Cu. o Philadelphia his' filet ,conte ',to
d ; and fro a cursory examination we have
1 iesitation i pronouncing
. it almost indishen
o to any o e wishing to become well versed,
o recent ar between Germany and 'France:
allude to McCabe's Ilistory of the War be.
.ri Gerriany and ,France. '• It will no be • for,
in the book stores, but is published and sold
• by suthdription, and the publishers there
• desire an, agent in every county. Address
eof the ational Publialting Op., 19 North
• di &treet, Philadelphia.
Tioga County Agriotatural Society.
• .ter-.-et.+..dc_~.~
Aar, fit -; Wetaborol Tuesday, Wedanday and
1 , - 4.ltr)Nrsday, Oct. 3, 4 and 3,,1871.
All entries to be made on the iirit - ;• ) day. Am.
plo, preparations made for sonvenistes of **bib.
itors. " All articles not on the list irlap be wits.
bly rewarded, if worthy of premium.
Annual membership. (admits family,) $l.
Single ticket daring the Bair, How,
Single admission, 28c. ; _
All exhibitors must become annual members.
• 1. pass IIORSIIIB.
71 let. 2d.
Best stallion, 4 years i old or over, ,
$8 $0
5 2
- 1 rr 2 1
13,95 t pair matched horses, b -4
.111 i mares, ~,, tt ii
Beat draft ho ea, (tested by dot ... 2
Igo „ h ip 6 - .
Best a year o f gelding or roarer, ' .a- ) 2
Best single ho or. mare,
_,.'' 3,- $
Committee:John B. Bowen, 0. BrIow"011, 0.
B. Wood.
Vaittil—EAßEl LIND COSTa ll _ ,
Beat brOod mare and, cony " -
Bast pair 2 year old 'colts, i 3
Beat pair 1 year old, I . .1 2
,Beat 8-year old mare
Beat 2 year old do,
Best l i year old do,
Brat sacking colt,
Commlttee ; ,John
vent!, Rlohatit Matvh
• Class
Best jack of any age,
Beat pair mules, '
eat s pa f ir mule colts, ;
Comraittee:iF D
Claes 1 '
Best Alderacy bull,
do Earbam,
do Dimon,
do Native„
Beet 'Autism cow,
do 'Devon;
do Alderney,'
do Native, 1 ,
Best two year old hei
do 1 year-old holler
do ball calf,
do heifer calf,
Committee :'N A E
Thomas. "
• Clan r-04TIZE.
Beat yoke working °ten,
da, pair 3 year old steers,
do 2 year old steers',
do yearling steers,
Best pair beef cattle,
Best beef cow;
Best yard cattle, not less this, 6 head 2
Committee: I: U Gillett Mtn Ilfiyaard;Baa
e'er Toles `. .
' Claes 17-81111BP'•
Best flue wool book,
do coarse wool buck,
do flue wool owe,
do coarse wool ewe,
Beg three lambs,
Beat' yard of 'sheep, to
Committee; Bobert
ry Searles
do Bow and pigs,
Committee: L C B
Leib, •
• - 0/618
Best cock and hen,
Beet pair turkeys,
do geese,
do duct' e,
Beet variety cot! fowls,
Committee Or B P,
H Cloos. .
Clgas IX ZAI
Best &1 tII of butter,
' do tat of bettor,
Beerfaetory eb ease,
do chador cheese,
do baud made cams'
Beat:10:lbs maple sag.
Best gallon maple IT
Beet box honey,
Committee : D I
Best acre, or wheat,
do of sort,
do of oktei,
dO of barley;
Boothelf acre of potai
Bost fourth age of bet
Bast fourth ado of oat
Best acre of bickwhei
Bost acrd, of timothy
All contestailte mue
and submit proof of
gpantjty, !to Jerome
klxecuti've - Oomzeittee,
December next.
• Claim 17- T GARII
J",teat, 6 imaan 4iabbage,l
Beet 6 or morO beetr, I
Beat sampl? 0 potato
do ,tomatoes,
do ruts bass,
do carrots,
do turnips<
do ronionEc,'
Beet bunch 'QV oeler7,
Best winter equaeh,
Best water naelon,
Best Scotch kale,
Beat musk
Best specimen of egg
Best cauliflower,
Best pumpkin;
Beat sin winter radish
Boat display of garde.
Committee: Win Pr .
Best'timbal of vrinter lwhoat,
do spring wbeat,
do barley, :
do rye, ,
do eats, i
do corn in the ear,
do buckwheat,
do clover seed,
do timothy need
do peas I
do bootie ,
Bost specimon of Lima beaus ~, , c. i
do pop oarri in the oar , . .;) ir
do millet 1 ' , ' *)-,_,_
. 1 1
Committee :1 Richard Moore, Jioopti Daling,
Elliott Rosa,. :
, . Vats 1711—F111,74.. ~ . • :-;
Boat variety of apples' , „ .i ':, tiftt in
do pears ' ', -.! V r:. 1
do peaches - . - .1. , 0
do plums . , r,,,
_, 1.1.! 0
do grapes . ; 1- 1 ', , ? ;1 1
Bost.genera display of fruit . k•• 1
Committee :1 James Fro's, Mum 8130421!.,7,
, ,
G D.Eooney. t , -1
Class xrvz l aßrcuzruigia 111M1PTS.
Besfplow ' i ''; • -42 $1
do aide bill plow •• :‘,. ..} 2 ; . 1
do miltivatoni Z ; 1 ~2 : 2;', I
do subsoil plow :..'•-"i ' 2 t.- I
do field drill;
do field I oiler ' , . X i 0
do harrow i, ..,_; .-. 2 - -A 0
reaper et(d mower , ,
do mower .. ; 1 •-5 - 41
2 0
do thresher and cleaner ... 5 , ,„, 6 Z 0
I ,
do straw matter I 1 , ' . 2. - 1
do,hinio,ralie ,_, ' 1 0
I ~", -- - : - 2 '-
do • hay todddr •,,,-,. , 1 .- 1 11
do 'horse hay fork
do portable fence ri :-- -- • 2 1
,- .
do fanning mill j' . t. ,-- 1 3 0*
t; , ....
do farm, gate I r- 2 1
' ., ~
do washing Machine ' •.".• 1 , ; ',;, 1 0
do chii;in Tower
ff Ilw "A. d
Committee; Jacob Schei . re id • __ m
gan Seeley. 1
'MO.: X.FI-421ECIIA14CAL liEn . It,* KENT.
Bost fdrm wagon 1 f; '.. $ 3 $ 1
de . single buggy 1 A :
do family carriage i 3 1
do platform dpring democrat„ 2 . i:: .3 . 1
do stage Spring wagOn . 4.1 'l' l ~ 3 0
do deubbilieavy harness '".'''';..., u 3 1
do douhlaitharlage harness tkTr( ,-, c. 7 3 1
• do- single h4noss 1 its 1,1 '-,, 9 3 1
Bear speciMenp of blacksmithpil :; 1.1. - , ~1
liesedisPlay of cabinet, furnit
.. 111 :1 r. - -:" 5 0
Best wheelbarrow 1 s. -.,. 1 0
Beet'speciniem of carpenter wolk 2 1
Best'pnmp ' t t 2 l. :- ;•,'••,-' 1 0
-Vt `
Beat sample of pine lumber , ,:..; ---;---...: _2 1
do-hemlock lumber , !,",,1 -:' * - i --- - -1 -
do sawed shingles i i ,:, '-• ~.., 1 0
do shaved shingles I ' C x a • -.' 1 0
~.., c,
'do' 61a l y brickE , .....4 -.- ~ 1 0
Beet4ltspfa# of finished sole :I‘,llhtit -. 3 1
t u c p a l: . e u rL s e to t r_ tki ‘---' ; - 1 1
Besttalf dozen home made broonAll L. -7 4, 1 0
Committee d E J Purple, L iay B?eives, Silas
aitlattay. I e...
'Vi - .0
Ciass X i :.- / ''
. 1-?
Be6llo *gasp( flannel _,. '",-.7-i i- 1 . -- $1
. di:eft:ill slot 4 .4 " .:;:: 1
•,, do rag .9 et 'l4 czi P - '1
•do toifil6t ' . o ' l - . :4 --- zi, 1
d 6 fiie'yerde of linen , 1.
'Bair skleimen of wheat bread ti t j ,-r , 1
lii - gr - abli - Wi bread, with rael,M l l "Ci ,7 ) I
• do, corn breed, with recipe - *1
• ---
do ltlre firm ra a 2
•do unlit) putter - cr;
Best gall 4 - . 5 -ot soap , "0 i. :-.---.
' ' ' fit - ,•.6' : , : ,i i .l
Best Ocinied of catchup n . -,-, .
1' do of - wOOTea yarn N *-,::, r i
do of dried hoof, with recipe 4:ecuringi 1 - 1
Best bedquilt?
~9. A t" Si
!Bert homemade counterpane I ,_, : 7 1 • w.t 0 1::: i
Best pair knit woolen stocktutri -> ' - ',- - i q i
,", r. ddiWoolen mittens 44 '' 9-- 3
Beet Plain seeing' • i :' • •,-, 0- 4
, ~,..
Be”eppcimee of darning ..,,.;.„, ;.. ~, 0 ' 6
n _ e
thing j" f..._ -_
do of fi . *
- =4 had. -'
Best hand _..d e s hu t, bosoni
4do mutant) made 0
or geldlug,
. Butler, 141 . 401 Q. :Ito
rig AND MORS.=
unneß, Wm B Smith, 811ao
'—UdTTLr. ~`l
- $.5 , $2
~4 6. 8
iirt 2
6 -, 1
I'd 4..
for or elegy, , 1
'or stele!, , -
• s_ 2 ' 0
fltott, Briwner, Ingo
nor more l S 3
Campbell, Idetea.Les, Nen-
11.4106 1 ,9.
• E_; 1
9 2 2
inlet, Mart 3114, 'Geo D
r -P OV% TI? Y.,
i 1. 0
not less tbakton. g 1
Ince, J vir ~ t:tisernsoy, R
r%) •
s6'_ $2
3- 1
• 3 1
.`" 2 1
31. 1
IT, 1 0
1, 0
'arab ) T L Baldwiu, W
-1 - -
,toes, , 3
Oter, '
'rate, .1 . 2
at, -,- 2
t, make entry* the Fair,
leaettremeat, , qualit y and
B Niles ' Chairman of
prior to the_Bras day of
..T. --, 1 •,...
-fi •-: ' .-
a, P i I
vegotableh, 3 . .$1
ncis, Crir746l, sligepa .!
• ,
?'•~ 1
4 1
. t••••• f
Comuiitteo: blee. C hi Usiorrond, Mu, Hi
rem.Brooks gre.liticlard Woo).
; est parlor bla; ot
do hand bou net
do dozen da las 41
do display o flowers ,; I 4 _Le
, . ,
4CL 1
do embroide , work of exhibitor
Best pair of slippers do Si i
do oil paintbig do 1
do penciling : """ do t
t , do crayon drawing ' do 1
„: do pin enehion do
7do display of. hair w rk do
eat specimenteax flo era do • 1
- do of feathetdowers do 3
I <
''Heat ottoman Over do 3
do suit of under clothing do 1
do night clothing do i
eat display of bead work do 1
, : eat card bazket do ..4
do knit tidy l 3
..; do sofa pillo 3
-do affghan ....-,,- .. 0 1., .., 3, _- i, ~. -i,. r,
Heat display of iollififery ' - -- '2" '' r
• ••liest ottoman , i
do lamp matt ' 4
''. do fancy wall basket i
do bedspread 13
Committee :t Mrs James S Coles,, _Mrs' john e W
Guernsey, bfrsJosopli.Morrie. i) ' ' i 1
Craft B TIII—DR4WiNG ,a lai ,:1.1 il
Committee :i.T W Calkinis, Chailn elfll/,.
Thomas H Bailey. i . ' • \- .
Committee ; ' Cheater Robinson, li Beebe, A T.
James, Enooh!Blaokwell, R T Wood.
Moe IfI.4.A.DIZS' pISORE.VON4R): .
Miss BannyiDyer, Mrs J li Niles; -Mrs lOU
Dickinson, lima George, Green, Mrs Rohl Camp
bell. i
Floral Hall pommittee : Hon 8 1 1 Wilson, J B
Potter, Hon it W Williams, W A atone Walter
Sherwood, J H Bogard, John Purcell, elf Hob.
limn, James Fish; J 11 F Dialiineop;Mrsjerome
Smith, Mn JD P•litir,9/ILti Walierst
Mrs W A Stone. Stn irWillia&P'lllleittUe
Mettials. Miss;Olare' Batto, Miss Anna
Mies Mary Benetton, Miss Mail Stevens. -
lizeentive Ctonamitteet J B
D L Aiken, L H ,Polter, - L ',O zlisaandlelVlD
Hammond, Ge - pr - ge qr.445n.. ,
/ifirehal, Hon Henry Sherwood; AssiataUli r
A Kimball, Addison Potter.
K. T. BENTLEY, Free% .
I. it. BODIZ!E, 13 rio'y.
Z 1
fr 0
$5 $3
8 2
2 1.
Crisk," j 'Atig'
9, 1871, Edith, lineAtifant danghtei lof N. K.
and Georgians Glassacire.
PLUMBLT.'—In Delmar, Aug. 1, 1871, ROB
BERT, infant eon of Calvin and Catharine E.
Plumbly, agati months and 3 days.
JOHNSON-4n Delmar, Aug. 12th, Triphena
Johnson, wife pf Bryant Johnson, deceased, aged
89 years and ' month.
1, 0
2', 0
$3 $2
3 2
GIBBON—GIBBON—In this vilisge444l4),:
1871, by Rev. D. D. Btu% D. 1)4' , • Bft.c;Wlllliiin
W. Gibson,
of Medina, N. Y., to Miss Jennie P.
Gibson, ofWellsboro.
EMERY—GERNET—In Sullivan on the 2d
Inst., by N. At Taylor Esq., Mr. Geo. Emery
Goodrich ,to Mid} tai
Tioga county pa. j`
2, 1
$2: $1
COLG ROVE —SPA Uli r Ditle-Aeth l i redden be
of Theo. Colgrove, in llorneLeville N. Y., Aug.
2nd, /871, by the Rev. Milton Waldo, Wm. 11.
Colgrove of Arkport N. Y., to Msry J. Spaulding,
daughter of John Spaulding, of Qattara Valley
st`= $0
I 0
1 • 0
- A. C. WINTERS, A. M., Principal.
; Mrs. S. OMIT, Preoeptress.
T. 11, EDWARDS, B. E.
B. C . WHEELER, B. B. . . .•; „ , ,
Miss H.T. DARTT, M. E: Q.-.--• ,_- . , .
- CHAS. 0. THOMPSON, Prof. of Drawing.
i. Miss H. W.:TODD, pagp. and.: Vpal lifulte,
, 5. 44. : 4: 1 •-:,
1...:,. ; , ,;-•
. 4 ~`: ~ t 4.1.
(Free to ail real onto of the Borong4
Common Eiglish $5,00. - Higher $l,OO.
.. ?
Frond), Gotiman, Latin, Each, $1,0% ,
Italian, $2,00, Inctramental
Drawing iW:clareca, $3,00, pr1vat0,...55,00.
°I Pain ti n s..I•J•Ar!, ..................
1 w
Co, ,rBO,I. of { Study !
,_ , (
Topii, 142GuAGEs.
Freneh Grstreuty. „ylender, Toleteiel.sno Cox !
risme, Charlotg Ml'• --. =.4lgt=filffetsWer--454h - 64:PC'
taLiota.—GernOn Grammar, Reader, seleotions
from Schiller,Apethe d fiessing
,Daily nrig in .
speaking Gera:tali. Atlllan fiiitelititiq; ~ liter/
selections from Alfieri Goldoni" Vaud. fly
practice in cotecreation. •
1.11 Historyore will be familiar lecture& upon
noted Cities d.places visited by . the Principal.
itßeading„ 'ring, Spelling, Declamation 'and
composition, Bluer be taken by all.
ti accord. •co With the earnest recommenda
tion of our abi.: and praotical State Sup't, a Nor
mal Department will be organised in•which spec
ial instructioti will be given in the Thehry and
Practice of Tdaching. Daily drill in a school of
400 pupils carKully graded, and taught by oar:
nest teacherstiacording tti4he moat approved:
methods, willrgive the bestioosetkry4oVit°ll
for suecessful-;teaching.
alrt.osf,t 4 , 62? ) ) .
4 - :".0-
Upon oorogeting the course prescribed, Diplo
else wilt be granted end preference given to
them in the efeleotion of Webers. •
L- 7
El 1
The Princi .1%-fs ntrathaate of Rochester VW.:
varsity and h - tidppleinettterrhls Cron* (lours*.
by two yearsotudy in Europe. His success la
the past is a guarantee for the future.'
Mrs. Hart la a graduayi et p e lesee tt fyleyan
Semenary—hts been Prokatte 074 - 44* -
ant Seminari a in N. IlAceld-01l a reds tly'beseu•
invited to a S mllar position in two of the older
and most flourishing Asa donates of the same state.
Prof. ThomPison's class in drawing at IllanefieTd r
is said by the:State Sup't Wickersham to "liaise
sustained the beat examination ever bad in the
state." t
.7.-i) - •.1 .. ..; . . ' , .••"4 4 .1
Misr. Toddlas availed herself of the bast ad.
vantages affodded by the city of Boston, and has
.xla r
conducted with a oess the Mgsloal Department,
of the Elmira , ,t4. 4 7, 0 i1faW inlitritwon.op
also be obtairip from . othe, fiat oliiii_ . telionerr.
The teachers have bedi selected
with groat ca •, and are llryofighty
qualified, ear. •at and eueebtelnif• OA , --*. i% 6712 %
The numbs iof pupil. has increased lri4ii i ; 4
year, from 15
~ to nearly 400. The per cent of
attendance, and absence of itardincss ,systs .no. '
eaceded in tht State. Persons representing - Over
$150',000, has , durhse i lm pestsjx menthe moved
into the Boro or'signin' accoun of-them:ffed their intentions to'do
so, oboob: --The- folly_d-sendc
log annually rom $3,000,, to $5,00 to enrich
other looalltics, and build tql - othor e sebno l is ,at:
the expense o our own, willlnotat is.Hopla the'
repeated, ou efforts now shall be to offer snob
advantages a alsoliritrawietisaistbiw id .:, ii 4 E l . 4
0v:zr...1141 J,4;:1:10 1 , 1 •1 , ;:.uo:. - .
, thl.001ETION;z 1 . '., ~ ,-i =-, -
None more! . favoratlik 'f . cii ii,'''isoh bil' ''tiiit' 114 i
filaud in nortiter n Bapktryllutaiirif .i.rit A %,, , ri ;
Tho ollinat is healthy, the surroundings - beau.
t ful. The kapbandhAfatodrsiud itilaelt.' 4 .-;Tha‘
Lecture °masa hriligailer,utethil motto edistinsc
gulshed Lecturers of the country. A t ki,l?rary.ti
proposed, I rgee.thidiiiifttithan a 0416 6
100 rail". t Mona: z ,',.. •3 I , i Lii
,J St .1 1
The fact that primrtA s:4 s yaltier,
In Wellaboro,4riAblOt, rem slikkit,','"antAl44,
I t,
the immense vinafivair t rlitaith of 77ogt
county must greatlylitiOldit t lar.litilkb'safratig4.
furnishes a 4trong pecutuniMuinik.742
those having ,children to educate,,,te. g at
the County seat. r t.s.i A • ,
I' - -
A record of scholarship department, atten
&0., is lutilta i raittotig(fMn l / 4 tattatnt i l
board (s3ooie rfuyi Nrthen i Ages-R . 11140x!
dross the blp ih.: - ' --- -1 - -- 1' - -
15ots 4,4*. v tiv. i .: r . ,m,,,1:-.4.
7th Year/ t a 8 "0 ;•iiE - - 7 =i ' 3
Arith. 1 Glifop rpirjta3 aka tinjkle 10._
•• 1 ws-• • s•
r ~ : ,114womothAtbipiveacwg.
itYear --.11i W . 3 . 0h001:
•t.-htt.-Firiti,i 3 r: - -- -= ._
u Nat. 111111..- ,Phreog.•
. " Botan ! -4 ,
.-. -...:..A
oth Yca .....b
II Caesar. Physiol. 1
• " ' Zoology. Pbje.lailliffl
i 1111 Astron'y
J loth Year.
G . rapt . mar 1 Ci i c r e g r i ci l l o tTiliak+
Trigonom. I • it .
Ladies ma eubstl t r n .
Higher Alge ra; dr a o illy a d eno o
German map e studied instead of Latin.
Drawing +3 , ...bek WI% 4104 - 10ke entire tity*
Iligh'r Arab
H. Algebra
T. farm tsnown as the et if 41
j . in Farm ngton Township, containing one
hundred and ftcon acres. to now offered for tale
on ron„nabl4 torma:uifiaiifiiditiis ‘adii.)-hil'thee
poseeseion of theater Cady and otbersm•apply, 01 4
-.' . •
July 12,1111.• ff A. P
N,Wcox%illibop. I
' 'MATO&
rirfxsal itslic•vvos .a.rums INXICINLICI
1201 MUSS TA*lO NOTIOE, that I' am now 'mailing diraOtfrout:NeiT Tory, a tut! end
„ I x it polaplat f aaportwent„ of e ; - :tt ' -, - 4
.../. - -\..1,....A. [ 0 • is' - .Pt.._ k - 5, •
- e ' tr , . '.-.,. r 1 ~,, il •,'i ~.. t . 7
Dry Goode, Notions, 800 Shoos,
Hate and,
Croekery, Cloths and Clciihing, Laces, Einbroide*s - and' White
Goods, &c., &c.,
•lik' ~/ - . ~ 't •i,
are unusually fall, which I propose to sell at the vary loweikprisa /or, (midi.. I h ave tried
long and short,time credit, and find it doss not pay me or my , biiitamera.' . 11ersaftarit 'ROM
TIVELY NO. LOOK ACCOUNT WILL Bli IIIIPT,:so 49 Rot aelF (or credit.
z*i an I t a l TaY l 4l34/ 0 show, Goodp aad pot, offendad, iljou do not buy. So do not' be afraid
to d - look. `Alt
,goodfsoorlted Ili Ogures.(Pnit rit? boner tear goodios
ers. - flo'onlyone Wee. Plesie"renteinter, yotipay only for in tyoulory—•nolad debts. to ,
pay for.
,faly $B, 1871.
1 1.1
E , „ ;
f taii the long bridge .which
they are putting up across the stream near Mega, but it would take
-gees4 deal %longer span .then that to bridge tlia" i4efreaping
• , • .
• .
• , od:r
Just received. Whe i m they have more time, they will'put in a notice in
this place to all their old customers, together with the-new, that they
ttIITO, aittlat-rity)zstpg,k oc cilvirdwat bottom pride!.
s 4.1
; •
Una, July 5, 1871. I
,;(__ i
.. ~ t
. - ~- •
1--40;. - :,
. .
. -
. .
I• ..-. , .
.14 dozen Shawls at prices from 1,60 to $25.
:5 dozen Parasols at prices from $4 to 1i5,00. 1
.._' _,. 20 piepes white Dresst Goods, well adapted to 04 season,. at p?!ieeq
~. rom 16- j eents pp and to 6 shillings. i,
25 pieces new and popula Dress Goods, some of whteh l have ;not been be
. fore offered in this market, at price.i from 25c to $1 per yard.
5 pieces, plack Silics, .
.a4rices 4 frilm.‘ , el:, to -58 per 4ard .
f? Li ~ Isess o iVilieV.4l4Kas,;W#A4s;f4m 2,50 q to4l,ooperrycird. -
' '-.
4'il li
100 dozen Ladies' Cotton Rio e, at prices frO ni,l,^olo: es per yak. ',
—. 25 dozen Ladies' Linen H ndkerchiefskistinicojrOm 6c : to 7SPI.s.,
An endless variety of Bi bons, Laces'{,Emlrro• eries,,,:; , -- !, .
• .4.lWHilso-fetfull and • complete stock •lif Prints, • , Gingiqmsli
Lawns .Demings, 'ckingo, 64 q4etetz,lN. l at I)Wces: to .suit
the!trade,. 1. 1 . : %IA! - “ IL , ; f'ai , 2' ~:1 ,i, f ,.2.-i ' h 1,
1 ''l
a -j '' '.
''' 7' 3 -1
' 1 t ' ' ' ' ' t. 'f
f illoblAa HARDEI4:' ''- '-,
• .k _L.,
JULY 5,187 h
• .
A - , s•--. • -•,',
- -t''-Ar---ttintretm-Stotk--vfe- - - latest Styles .of
: i-,14 '•l'''' 1 • ' ~1 ..: i
I s t,
- ? - 4.0.§ . r ~-ll i a 4.:.) t )... k r i ti 0. f, 1 ,,, , rrr 0.•,t • ~ i . . .. , •
'",,' 6 ':‘. , 2!ii:1; 1 ! ... ; .: 1
' ' . '''''
' '
e - vv - Dry , *AL D S, - :
'' 5:
. , . r•:':•717: -.' ' ,
„;-. ••,: - • 1 - , -:),:- ..- ,
1. It v_l;:';` , ) : ~..•,) '•,,,, ~ . ;
•.. •..o. ' - „,;: L v.., , ,,L; ' , .
_,, , -., .1-s ~, ,,-. - . . ..L•tit.. i, ;.., , - ...
. -
.. I •ii d t • i '
•'• i •
~ i :,1.-ri .f i ~, : wArttljaslD • 04 , 111; !; .-. • - '-,, • ... ,
. r . ...;_ . r , .th,. •, ',.,., IG:, - ,',..' .5:!..: .1.,; L.. 40
~ • - ~ • • J •
~.: A..; A ~, :...• HO •-•• f.. ~ ..1 • .p, 6 I ~ ;. ' l. *. ;,' •I , (":4
' • . ' Rea ~ r_m... ~ Clothing,
ti !A ci - 'd v , 1 • 1 ,0 .cily,li _,,,, ,
__•, z.,,i.„.‘iit•% ~
:,•, t.
.: - .li ,;1
5)7. fl '.V -,.coarcpcmartess.
tq?4.; 0 •1, : .• •
The _th:qkesi .11.1arkei Price pa i d for Country Produce
gln:filn'•q , ' A ,C.: , i :1,.,
.. ,• $
- -- - --- - -,i . 7 .- - - a- - ..... - it. - --ldaommuriail.,rea
, fr-
r i ,,,_•)' • 7 ~.... . _ ~. , ...
t. - ...Ciie-- .; . ' -....--?, 0' -
- - - - ,Iltsh i . Store
--' - is
...:,11 3 -, : , fi VAS- :
}7 r... 4 O,II,TMBNT OF I , rs,w ? ODDS, SUCH 'A •
r;..1 r„.!j..., . t. .. .
,:, .
~ ?,.„,,,,,,,"-.. 7 •',,,,,,.. ,
.. '..a.,,
0 1 '1 .
" I“ Ftireicirt* ;;'' and ; '::
4Testic , t Dry ''Goods,.
„ :;•,.,,,-,,. _,...
• Lc ' 1,5,:,..."ki 4 . ),- - ' , : -- P ‘• -I;i , :t.
14: ..:. ~ ~-5 , , ,, v,—„2..,..; , ./V,1.)4%—,, -- PA -494 1 4 very cheap.
•._ .. , I": ",04:-:----- , ',;....,,..?...:4.. ' ,-;•., y,..- , ~..', ••-, :•-• - ':. 4,- • .-W HITE ; i - : •
• "j 1
titi/S*DRESIS , GOD i q.' ;::- ' :: '1 ! PIQUIp-' . .. • ' '.' '. . ,
. ..
?• 11 BintOr l iA . "4 1 , 14 V 5 S''''' ' ' ,, ,V ,/,' - .040$ AND iiAS§I ' MERES,
,;It / LYNOTht 40)) - 2-1,1•;;I:P.4J'-;'-ttj';;Iii11,,'',-,..-:'::"..,!-::,,..,:P0,,
•o ne„.111S 33 WRITE 00Q,DS, , -
„ : ,1., ~,,..,, , i .. . c .. ,: : ), , ,1f. , t it T i.; ; , , , , , , ),_4 , t0, , ,..... -- . , ;. .r .t y 1,, , , iii:12, f) ; s#, ;; lfiu I lotions.
.P . - .4 ,!•. Q 4", -,,,. . ,„.. 4- . ilt. ir :4 l . , 1.,-.,. . •
•°-. '- ' , '''
', t5 -: 4- . 4" 7 -; 5 • 1 *. '.
' S . - 'l' ' 0 , e - ra.s. ...,-. • ,
sugar, 7 ' e - .4 .;;t1139 . (11:4 , '';M.Akii1,i -
~ (144 , -;', . , , , ! .: - , Syrup, Rice, SaleratUß„
COffee, -
~itf, l rtimi.v.;-0- ; *_;, o ;," • .-' , ;,..'"?',.... ' - Salt.- Flab, ' Flour.
.... - . : „.w3, - n...;..„,‹ ..16., , ~,f' .r , • •,, 4 .. „
8441704 T it • .., - • • . ''''
- - .gir' t r .... gr -,_ if
- 43 4 ,,cap5,800t5:,& de. .rial ere, °roc ery, Woolen Ware, &c.
:,/ 0/ - 1.1417.A:1;4:d ..sil/ 'Climb' Paid ifor BUTTER, orgibippod on jOomroleilOrt. : ", . i •
.a: Please oallJand look oiir f3.took ) over .:: You will.rilslys fincl, nu ready and *Mips ;to ebow
grottai --. • .tw - : I J,I bat, E.: VT: L: 4, .`tl 7 •01/: , ..;13 I, i 2:st% •, :1 i ". '
_ __Wellaboro...lkkay 10,. 18.71,...--iy. _ . . - 3. R. BARKER.
. ..„. . 1 ik . 1; . - ~ .. i• ; - I Li 4_l
...) 1 , .Y. . H e't I\ :"...-. i
Jam' Pall Poen . ~indow—Pape I
Psraotetlon Pap; Borders, Cords, Tassels, Cloth
= :hie r r,44l3. &in, (gild:W hitlow Fizgirefi
JosOlolrtatte . Promes, , 3Pictuife
overrothoir.artiole neoeseary to beautify Hoax.
ligiiiiiiitartinent oFthisiinisif goods ever
bionett into Tioga county. Call at our-NEW
STORE No: 3 Smith dt• Bowen's Brick Block.
rtf. - r ou .
-I+- 4 .
UAL, Tor t Wide.'
gilitrmAlm,Narr. $419
ounli ukbrj4oteekivi , amg duo *bulb
I 'olui have it at $7.50 per thousand.
TrISOLUTION.—The co-partnership here
: , IptoS.oalegnx ender the neTni? of Tr 4-
ralßroAtioltitiliTtect liily`gt at: 18 TI . ; bi
inotiiiitoilten • - 'l2: -F. TRUMAN.
„ Aug. 9. ini4l. 1 -
„7, .,114; - • 4 ) .2.- 146 fl
:7Jvi :~"...
r; : I '
• t
1 t
O •
/ •
!t. .i~~.
~::: C.
(Bacho's old Stand) Didini3treet,
' • `I '
'Tffo' patronage of the public solicited.
Ii T' ()
a 1?
To look at the new
ii , J '
!. [(.f • ,
• t cr.icvn.f
.. . .. , .
. .
~-----z PEDTINTSVLVANI.k ' . • •
State" Soling School.
. ,
_ SIANSPIB!..D, 1100 A Co.
E fall i tem will oomfuenatz Wednesday,
'Aug 30,: i ltirti.i'. ''. '. .. ,*- --'. a z T -
For Catalogue or admission apply to Charles
1 CRAB. B-XAMlL l ektt% -14.,
- - • • I.# tlalfil. —
) 71'. ni , Isii.-21D. ,
i . 1
id ) : i
0 Oonfoo4opo j ot sui-Inyglid, 1
1b113111411126 as a .a.,: tk ii, t ,pik,,‘to, 4m'; titian% or
.scs,eten and Darn, wbo suffer from Nervous
ilit init nlte. supplying vim za_ute or Bair was.
Written bino wbo cnred Miami iind lent free on
receiving apo paid directed envelope. ' ' •'
Address, sruarnaLMArresa. Broohl3n, N. Y.
May 11,18T1 at.
To FaAners and Stock\Raisers.
blOOd, Ohio Itia
proved Chteter 'Whitto 2 pige . (*tea brough
from Ohio) for lialolt Covington; by
v Ansns, 2, ler!, Rot 0 CA% Itrif.4.
• •Q. B.4IIIiLEY.
1 . 1 1 2,1
.W.ict#.4lK ;S'ARR.
I:). r 1r
• %t
<- -
A. NI. - Isigham az Co.,
TAKE phloem in annonnoing to the ()Rigout
of Wish- - Id viol..' 'th, ' -ve
- -
• i;
f°11148117 0.4 4 14 . by p. R. Williams, and are ad.-
ding to the stook a One line of Goode, oonaist
Pare Drugs, Patent Medioines, tankee
° Nations, Paints. - Oils, rarniehM
Varnish Braahte, Paint
Paint Bras ,
"Fishing Ta
and in fact everything utuall kept In a Aut.
class Drpg Store. In the line Of
Wa?? Paper,.lrictsita Shades and Fixturisl
we, cannot be undersold. Call and examine
Goods and. ice. before purchasing elsewhere.
YASUO:du attention paid to Phy deans Prescrip
lions, and compounded at all hours.
The patronage of the publici Is solicited,
A id. Izreans
/lay 18t1.
I ss= 7 4 . 4. \
Every ti - ear increases the popularity
of thi, valuable Hair Preparation;
which i± due,to merit alone. We can
Fe* titre our old patrons that it is kept
fully op to it , : high standard; and it
the only and perfected prep
arttion for restoring GRAY, OR FADED
.11—la to it, youthful color, making it
soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp,
byi its ,inse, becomes white and clean.
It removes all eruptions and dandruff,
an 1,11)x• AS tonic properties, prevents
the hairh'roni falling out, as it stimu
lateS 'and• nourishes the hair-glands.
By its use, the hair grows thicker and
stronger. In baldness, it,restores the
„capillary glands to their normal vigor,
and «71l elcate a new growth; except
in — ex - treme - old Rae. It is -the most
eeo n °laical HAIR DRESSING ever used,,
as it, requires fewer applications, ands,
gives the hair a *2llendid,glossy ap
pearar ce. A. A. Hayes, 31.'D., State
ASsayer Massaelthsetts, says, "The
cOnstitnents ;are - pare; and carefully
'selected fir excellent quality; and
;consider it the BEST rIIEPARATIDN
;for its intended purposei."
Sold by all Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines
Buckingham's Dye
As otir•Reflewer in many cases re
,quires too lout.); a tinie, and too much
eare,:to restore gray': or. faded Whisk
ers, we have' prepared this dye, in one.
.2*.eparo , tion,;. which will quickly and
:effectually accomplish this result. It
ii'eaally applied, and produces a color
which will neither rub nor wash off.
sold By all 'Druggists. Price. Fift t
Manuf: otured by R. P. HALL & 00.,3
N4.lllltral i N.H.
Aug. $, 870-Iy.
L g 88 8 A "t".
. 1 !: 0 -.. 'a §
g. 3 8. tt 4 4 .
u 3 u, .. ,3 c, r- 0
". /I A e 141 O QC 1-7 efr gi c, i-: a l A 6"
,te.z. tr 3 a . cll ":1 3: tZ 4eag o '4
co vid - . 4- .1 ~.5. of l-4 . .. 41 1 3
PC 45 . 69'
Igi " 4
Pe CA . di • • sa 12) Lo
• •
i: ti :ii 4asdi o St
. 1 9, C,) ti 0
.1). , as s 1 341 : 14 /77 8 co > 1
Z ,b 4 ; i l d 6° -
• i ;" ' t 4. 1 ti i ; „. 4 4
, 2 in n ~.i
IZI tt tO t Vs ° °:l. M Ta P 4
H 'S I g
i A mpi ,cl' 4 :A4 S-- u... 0,
.T. u .... p. i+.l
6 4U A b 8 . 49 ,C; I ° 1
g7' GI cl Q 1 1.-/- —c) Iv cs
.42 cl ea ei 0 0
.". ip us 0 C: 1 :b . 0
a - " X l P.H.4 , 8404.. 2 . 9
02 - E o i 6 p i . :„„ fi, g.,,, <I ,:
i... 9 C.;) ° 2".a-g'' - "0 . , f
63 0 ., 0 at ~„ pi r.. 4 PI 1-4 or p. 4
ti p
U. LII Igl 5 , 0 r.-4 zi
..., 0
41— , p i as t i,
to g- g, E. ....°' 041 •,c , P T A a — 0 s-.
..113 = --, = p...i a, •-•
bl) th r 4 r.i co 4 I ) b 1) co la ro ••°
.. ..4.4 CI i."l p o 11 0 .-. ~., 0 91.4
' 17 4 -.4 14 SH 9 '..1 .-1 'cli i 0- 6 '4
cd 4 F.,— ~. ..:1; ...I p.
! ' 'EI 1: 1 , 51 Izt PBln ° C. "- o ' a 3 0
0A 13 ~4 -• c., 1 1 . 3 1:3
I bi 0., a 4 w .., A 4, w&4 , E'
A ROUS I E AND Lo 7 in,Wellsboro
1 •
desirable lot? Ors farm within twenty
minutes walk of IV ellaboro ? I hold for sale,
on reasdnahle,terms, 4 the following property:
A well finished, new two story dwelling house,
containing ten good rooms ; with a half acre
lot, good barn, good well of water; and every
Way desirable as a residence. Location, corner
of Walnut and Mende streets, adjoining th
Clymer grounds. „.
And a desirable faun: in .Delmar, containi
106 aerlis (known as tho Whelan lot ) Sal(
farm comprises a 20 acre meadow newly seeded,
about 80 acres of excellenl timber, consisting c
nab, hickory, oak, basswood, whitowood and hem
lock. The farm is well watered, and abuts on
two roads—the new Stony Fork road and the
..road leading from Samtiel Dickinson's to Wi
Eberenz's place. All of reasonable terms. I
Wollsboro, June 7,.1.8• 1 71 tf
Wheeler' & Langan ,
Hc4'se and Cattle
Insurance Agency,.
• 7(ALIISI1O1i0; EA. ,
RATEB leirest and Companies relinblcl. 1
. insuring:in the National Life of U. S. at yo
death your heirs will roceicathe polioy speetfie
together with ulll premiums paid. Hence, t
coat for 'neurone° is no more, nor loss than t
intereat upon your annual premiums.
lisis?.r. O. WnwricEn. t
.OEO. W. , LANGAN. „ '
Office with Win. A'. Stone.
Weilaboro, July 26, 1871.-tf
lettiniby contract'of th ewort ' on t
cownnesque Railroad, aix fait gaugq,
reiuiovillo to Elkland, about twelve mil ,
Nail taka plaleat tho 040 - of tbo secretary
the company in Elkland 'Pennsylvania, on Tv::
day September Rh, 1871. - •
Speolfloations an i estimatea quahtity wll
be ready for examination tit the office of the
Prosident of the Company in Elkland, and at
the office of the' Fall Brook' Coal Company in
Corning N. V. by Friday - 'Auguit. 26th, 1871 ;
and the tho road will also be,ready to ox.
.amine at tlicaame time. ' I '
0: L. PATTIBOri. - JOEL PettattudeT.
Pa. Aug. 10,1871-3 f.
~, ~,~
Prino Ono Dollar
L MiTriELL, Art,
'class Companies at as
1-8 i e nz iLeitegif.
11 19 y
Buie Polioies in iiret-'
an. 4,1821.-1 y
e Oheapes
For Photographs!
CARDI3 for 60 cents. Large &tures and
frames for $l. Old pictures copied, sit
ed #nd IL:dolma in tho finest style. New
°frames and everything kept in a genery on
d, or furnished to order.'
ooma (Ivor Gardnor's grOoew store.
e 5 1 1971 U Wellsboroj Pa. •
lI V A .ED. Justpublished l by ' D ; R " ..LEWIiii. 25 5 "
: g as, Third Edition. THE MEDICAL 002 -
dioal ours of Spermatorrhcea, or Seminal Weak- .
. :as, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency,
ante' and Physical Incapacity, Impediment.. to
, arriage, etc., and the Venereal and Syphilitic
~ aladies, with plain and clear directions for the
..sedy oure of Secondary Symptoms, Gonorrbcea
e testa, Strictures, and all diseases of the akin,
• oh as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Boils, Blotches
nd Pimples on the face and body. Consumption,
ilepay, and Pits, Induced by Golf:lndulgence
.' sexual extravagance. { .
The celebrated author, In this admirable Tree
se, clearly demonetrntes, from' a forty years' 1
.ucceseful praoticte, that .the alarming eons.-
, l uence of self-abuse may be radically cured;
.'ointing out a mode of cure at once simple, oer
ain, and effectual, by means of which every
~Uiferer no matter what his condition may be,
an be effectually cured, cheaply, .privately, and
edically. '
11 - figir-This Thiele should be in the hands of ev
.7 youth, and every man in the land.
Sent under.seal, in a plain envelope. Price 60
:nts. Address, DR. LEWIS, No. 7 Beach St,
iew York.
~ March, 8 1871.-Bn,
aluable• , Town Property
enbScriber offer for sale the following
property viz :. 20 village lots situated on
tato Street:4 lots situated near Sheridan et., 9
eras of land near the cemetery . This property
ill be sold at moderate price - s and time given;
Ilse the house and lot of Chas. Williams, near
eM. E. Church. The subscriber is also arnt
'fcir the North Carolina Land Company. Par. ,
tips desiring to visit that section can get Ha
rd tickets at reduced prices, and also valuable
°formation in reference to th ei Company from.
May 10, 1871-tf. W. SHERWOOD. •
hotograph Gallery!
A t ja
N Ati'D F 3 I°l3 ,c 11069
an d re
letwcs Copia& r.nd
legdto w
way syte•
b:1.11A N,1010)
:O. Stsuot,
11 • ' ••051:tr, COE 110X:15E.
• ~
('• C ,
Manufacturers of
Platform Spring, Truck and
Lumber Wqgns,
We are prepared to do anything in our
lehort notice and in the host manner. Salli
e ion guarrantoed.
tong Fork. April 5, 1871.
1 ,
Wonders Will Nave ease.
AVE you tried the latest an. oatest med
teal discovery of the ago? '
r, M. L. Bacon's Pain
t Puree •olds, diptheria, cramps and pains in
ill • itomaeb, indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery,
so mer complaints, cholera morbua, cholera,
fie, as by magic. As,an external application
for frost biros, chilblains, sprains, bruises, fel
on , rheumatism, sick headache, toothache, neu
ralgia, nail's in the side, hack and loins, In l a
pr4ctiee of r-is years, it has been found to be
teCond to no preparation ever offered to , the
• The proprietor of this medicine feels warran
ted in guaranteeing it to be ‘the best remedy for
thk, above diseases in the market.
Or a
-' fanufuotured and put up only liy .Dr. M. L.
Biition, Blostburg.-Pa.
Wholosalo agonts—Uallott, Soarer d: Burbank,
l 4 Chamber btteo t; New York ; W. D. Torben
it Co., Corning, N. Y. July 12, '7l ly
. _
i •
Jilst Peiblishecl, is a Seated Ear:lope. Fries six cents.
AI Lecture on tho I' aturo, Treatment and.
Radical Ouroof Spormatorrhcen,or Seminal Weakness,
involuntary Etuitisions, Sexual Debility, and Impedi
ments to Marriage generally ; Nervousness, Consump •
don .E'pllepsy, and Fite; Mental and Physical Inca.
psOity..resultlng from Sol fabuse, &.c.—By ROBERT J.
CO LVFlittV E Lt . ,,, M. D., Autjior of the "Green Book,"
S 4 - , I
'Filo world renowned author, in this admirable Lec.
tqe, clearly proves from his own experience that'the
11%fol consequences of Self...thuse may ho effectually
re loved without medicines, and without dangerous
ha gical operations, boogies, instrumen le, rings, or
cordials, pointing nut a mode of cure at once certain
tal , d effectual by %Odell every sufferer, no matter what
hi condition may be. may cure himtelf cheaply, !pd.
rattly, and radically. Tlll3 LUCTURE WII,L PROVE
ont under seal, to any addroes, in a plain sealed
oavelope, on the receipt °Fehr cents, or two postage
stamps.' Also Dr, Calvet well's "Marriage Guido,"
.pllee 21 cents- Address the Publishers,
i . CHAS-i.e. KLINE & CO.,
; 127 Broadway, New York : Post-Office Box 4,680.
July 12, 1871-Iy.
Real Estate For• Sale.l
I' . • 1 • '
NE BOUSE AND LOT, on State street, an
t, • tirely now,
finished nicely throughout.—
,On e
style. Torras easy.
lot on State street,. upon which a three
being built, . 1
I Ten iota on Monde street.
Four handred acres of timber land in Deltnar.
I Also, a pplendid dairy, farm in Delmar, con
; Wing 375-acres. Inquire of
June 21, 1 71 tf ~., Wftil/11T 4; BAILEY. ,
' EW PIANO SPREADS for sale at Greet.
1 1 or's brand' atom opposite the Cone Route,
ooa $4 50 to $15.• Also a largo stook of Jima
1 . "ludo. • • - 'July 20, 1871 t•E'
rant Ineurattae
. PdITonELL.-
Place n the State
Buggies, Sulkies,
RR' k 00