The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 16, 1871, Image 2

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P. C, VA) GIILDIR, Naito* au ,Prpprletor.
'ls - borough, t
IVeduesday, Aug. 16,..1871.
El 3
or pr.Avr.rt
Col.. 11013ERT B. BEATH,
OF scutruczu.
During the past week, Various reports
have been put in - circulation i an start
ing from us, against one of this aspiring
candidates, which we take occasion to
deny. Ono, that we printed in slips
ahort article from the Agitator, and cir-,
.enlated them against tr.
To this wo reply that we printed the
slips to order, for pay, as any other of
fice would have done ; but we deny the
charge of circulating one of them.
Al so, *the charge' that we printed;
Mop. H. W. ; •Williams's jailer to Mr}
Seymour and Mr - , Eleymour's reply in
the Agitirlor unknown to Mr. Will
iams, is intrne;- as Mr. Williams
Was fully 'aware of the content. of Mr.
• Seysnour's letter, argi was offered the
privilege of Vtlily Idg in the same paper: .
We know of no reason why such sto
ries should bait been circulated, but
take this occasion to say that4e do not
print a paper to advocate the 'interests
of any man,-or set Of men, but the prin
ciples of the great Republican party.—
We have never yet been swerved fl'Om
our duty by wolfish politicians, and
purpose now, as in the past, to work for
the ticket made by the melnhers of the
Itepublierm pasty.
The election in Kentucky shows a
kdllng off In the Democratic vote
-00,000 since iBtll4. Leslie (Dam.) has
shunt 20,000 majority. All the Denlo
- candidates for the Legislature are
The election was a lively one. 'lt wns
Wanted on that every negro who oiler.
ett a Yote Should be compelled to read
the /MW . of each candidate i which
would not have been a bad 4104 if the
%nine rule t itad included ignorant whites;
buil.*die not, wherdhy the Democratic
maaJority was swelled' considerably.
Petiono rinits neeurred at Paris, Lex
ington and Frankfort after the dosing
of the p 0114,, in which several ,persona
were killed and many seriously injured.
We should imagine that the over
wit.eiming weight of teetrithony elicited
by the Investigating Committee might
estop, al I denial of Kuklux outrages, es
beelatly as much of it is What lawyers
eau " rehietan t testimony," and drawn
kom men who aro and have been for
Years bitter,traitors. When such men
as W. li. Forest are ilatterted out by, the
committee, and forced halo admissions
which Shey by no „means intend, the
fact is bigniti , cant. And 'much of the
evidence is given ,by menlwho are ac
tually members of the K. K. K.
In view of these facts, the denying of
everything and calling for proof by
some of our eotemporaries, is unworthy
notiee. The proof is before their
eyes—piled up until they,can't see over
it; but they shut both eyes and howl
for proof all the same.
The exciting topics in New York are:
what caused the explosion on the West
field, and :the big stealing jobs of the
Democratic city oyernment. As re
gards the explosior, 4t has been posi
0 -rely proved that the boiler was sound
—and that it Witq r nt : that the iron was
tough, and that *was brittle ; that.the
engineer Wtl9 neOeeting Ids ditty, and
Stint he was attending to it ; that gas did
it, and gas had - nothing to do with it ;---
with several other cititradictions, all of
.`which gory to show that the experta do
not and - never will know jrfst what
cifillll4 , ll the explosion, by whleh.BB per
eonS have already died, and 107 aresuf
fering from their wounds. The testi
mony as to the cause of the . disaster,
just tioN . :, leans heavily to " over areas-'
are," whatever that may mean.
I The sharp criticisms and shrewd in
vestigations of the Timcs, backed by
„other leading journals, have driven the
Tammany leaders to the wall, so far as
any defense or explanation is coneerned,
And the frauds haying been so
shown, that denial becomes absurdly
ridiculous, Tammany backs up, swings
the tomahawk, and says, in effect,.
" help yourself: we have the plunder
and the positions—what are you going
bo do about it?" What the Tribune
proposes to do, is to bring suits for the
recovery of the stolen mousy. This
may not bring the money, but will lie
very likely to bring out scone startling
About twice a week we receive a eir
sular from some firm with propositions
to nt our paper for us, one or„both
si-''outsides, insides, supplements,
eitras, &c."—as 'the "Central Union
C 0.," of Philadelphia, advertises. Are
our renders aware that 'an editor May
have his paper ready printed to his
hand, for n trifle more than the white
pilfer costs on Which the paper is prat
ted And the work will be very well
done, too. The reading matter will be
well selected, by a competent judge of
what is readable; tbor.o will be variety,
spiee,' solid reading, agriculture, and
even politics. For, if you wish to print
a rabid political sheet, these coMpanies
will furnish the thunder ready to your.
handm--radical .Itepublican, or • go-it
lAind Democracy. They are even ready
'to furnish a religious paper to order,' of
the most strictly sectarian atid.uncoin , -
morals' ng moral:type.' But' ‘ftici r liest
old is the neutralpaPer; and tliey 'O4ll
publish it more Cheaply, becauSe, hav
ing from forty to one hundred to print,
each a which Is a lac eiinile of all the
others, they can afford it, and neutral
sheets are rather in demand.
Not long since 14 lady of our acquain
tance received,'. from widely different
sections of the couutry,l two papers ; of
which each outside waS the exact im
print of the ptlnr. She told it as the
strangest coiliddencc sho had ever
Itonv,ll nod vt.n.l rot ^ !litle - Rt rr,riscd,
hen :L Irt)1:11) 'L. hilt. tleW Ihe roves,
expl a to, 1 . kcr ,..
Are tiCP wits f'i toltappelrabbunirr=
ty or forty times every week at the
same °Mee. Of course our readers uu
dcrstattd that the (mishit) of s the paper
is tlid side which includes die firtWind
fourth pages; and this is the ,
these pnj►er•deuling and ►rigti
patilui; get up at a trifle alio%
the white paper. It saves lta:
of editing ; also, it. ettitt•les , trm
a,papor, of - lomt,
is eretritable, Wlfh wi Ijl ottieri
the Nvorh—weii; l4k w sas , ,
Theappcaripic4),l tliesepal
patent o s u . pdde and ; ftgine-niftf
s °nines so incopgruo
alighaile. The first side wit
printed, the matter well eileJ
the beet p'eriodicalliterattiriio
'sharp, clear type; end- free fr
grephicareirors - . The ineide
misty, Milk-arid-watery-ftil
borrowed or 'etolen editorisi
printed, the kraintiiara sort,
thatavoalil malt© Lindh?) , M.
in his e4 - ) 1116, agll al.; kcal
incisive as - Ai belied I,carrot.
an original article,in the
❑inns, it is apt to Ike on the
of belet l ted over ,o‘riginat
making;,aper,:. '4;
We give •i.‘elow au extrabt from the
advertisement or the ' rat Union
Co." which will give ati . 1 eti'of the
manner in which the thin ' is done, -
_and wilt here' retnitik', th t all snoh
prospect tises 0 en': to this 01 'it are ' . .sint7
pifit waste of paper anti pt? tage. We
way not edit the spiartesty unty,:paper
iA` America. tinees, on the whole, we
dent : but we edit tketli aide 'of it.• • ~
, "ro show that thls adtuir.'
Is raphily,gaiffing favot.;'it I
cessary t‘ohtak, that 'wore
seventh or all puper3 lit tit
are noW published on.this
The rountry,,ed[toi iulirit lu ; rito edit()-
Halt( i all subjects, and ake ()elec.
Lions tot ull,dopartmente,of hie paper,
ily tilts plan, it may tie safe estimated iy
that one-third .of the edit riai .duties
are saved. , A t tenet t wo-t l irde of the
[natter in 4 - !ouu try papers 13, , upon an
average, !' selected." N man can
make RH good select ious'or rite as goold
editorials 'for alt departraensAs he co'ld
for sotukt 'particular deparPla t nt of which
he made a specialty." .„ ...
_ . 1
By ouo of the annoying 4tistakes that
will happen In ifie best ICdated Prin'
- 1.
ting • office, two, of our le tern .in One
mall got. inislnid, ;in t.lle.a sence of:tile
eltitf. 'One , of the' accoinpanied the
paper coutolnitut "nu account' `43f the
(lamp Grant -Tuteßsaere ; a d •the other,
by a coincidence, watt' fro the 'very lo
cality of Jilt) tuassaere,ran from an old
and reliable correspondent Who knows
sontethinii,of Indians nu . llieir'ways.
Our Mantdield correspond . nt Wlll tio
tice that Indian sympathizers tiiestly
dwelt at the nisi—away f out the dart,-
ger ; and a sbort'resideuce i t
oh the Web
tern frontier usually conerts them to
bitter: Indian
li a, haters,: Thy soon end,
~ vi lig .A.Ric hes J L r , neighbors,
that they have, entirely misapprehend,
ed Ind kaR ,eh p rActer. ; We ~have. never
seen onOyhq,reukained tkp Indian spur
pathqmil after ttresidence among r them
—unlesrit be such outlaws ins 2 , ltnen
Gurty and Jack-Riley. , :i •t . • .•.. .
We have been over the
Nlinnesota massaor6, an
animus and It§ horrnrS
ones scalped and 'hinide
onx in that :raid, were 'l
fed and clothed the mu
when their ov; - 11 -11 children
ing with cold and hunge.
the unsuspecting u
the first,to suffer. ,„ . .
We ()lily wish our 'Mansfield cones.
pondent could,: go ,over ,the ground as
we have done, and listen to' the heart.
breal;ing horrors 'of that fiendish min—
nacre, as related"by eyewitnesses; thtql
fahlly saw up qie pro'vlatiori, 'as #l6
Indians thembeives put 1, , . In ft:latter
riblo raid, ahout'lloo met , Nvoitie:iii:and
children were Inirdereci, l rider circum
stance 4 !!I) atrocious, with tortures SO
Illufli,sn and plitiftil, that.
,the heart, of
a ttemit w bit.o man nau t bleed as he
ligte„ lll4 t,, the: .;:etAtat. '"lie borropt.of
that raid i•autioi s he prin ed,ln
,al psi:oar
that 4, t hi• read by wo nen au d 414
dren. But we will mention, threelmodes
of torment to which the Indian..l l
ied solitany times that they i ay be
called characteristic of t to raid. '
' Ist.Wherover it w
t hey. had a penchant fel
from tier, II) five years o
lug a sharpened Make th
wring flesh, fro►i►l fron
'ling the agonized eitifer
a log bowie or burn, thee'
Writhe under a broiling.,
put au end to torture.
The standing joke on
a young i was, to
infant and*alp it, before the mother's
eyes, thr(4 the mother to the ground,
fasten her there by driving astake thro'
her body, then cut riff both breasta•and
lay the infant on her' mangled bosom,
as if nursing. 'Phis'vra tieeennted an'
Indian joke of thettrst‘ l water.
. ••
On second thought,wrneti od farther than wilt not par
ticularize the third.
to say that it included ravishment and
death of young girls of twelve to six
teen 4, years of age, and e en , younger.—
And the horrors• of th t massacre ate
being repeated on our coutittythen"eVe
ry month in the yeat—thotighon n, -- .
smaller scale—Plot:ill thelovekland'Aute;
on the frontier, and':Whiiiever the'led'
man can catelinnd 6VdrkoWer the Whifei
with impunity, '
.In• ow ,younger days
we Were a decided Indian sympathizer.
We saw the WrongS of : man pa
thetically advanced itiovels, newspa
pers and histories. I, :heard philan
thropists on all, sides expatiating
expatiating ou
" the bones of their fathers,", and their
"weary way toward•th ;_setting sun,'!
And of the way they h d been robbed,
cheated ,
.4,:e; As we gr
l w older, we be
gan:to noto the faet."that these Tilitlan-i
thropists were', Vrry i - liitiff4iienthedlthil
willing to helieve ) *helleV i er:ii*cit4e bt .
i nj tvfy , td-tiilt_AOn . .l6i r i. - V43'01:41ii;,114:1
their tender bearta , wer „Wrung
. when
tile rect rnap v4. - as
.. wren ed., . : Whereas,,
Ihen the murder and.t, rture.of ,an nn-
&ending white - rriothe, with all,her
children, came authon t cally, report&l,
they were garrulous wth 'reasons and
eXcuses for the Indians and the founts
Ofgrief:Were dry.-
Vor onreelf;we 'Elie a' v
We believe it a man's i
teet the womeikand obi
against violonce al4
stde that ,
.00(1 (teal-
!It to pub
one side
ise find
l Waldo,
•as;to be
he well
!led . 'from •
the d'aY;'
swill be
ure. ' The
11l be Mis
t prosody
array taarn,
s s harply
f there ,lS•
itAirial col
'matter .in•
ble spawn
a only no=
than ene.
a conntrY,,
L round of the
a learned its
he very first
ed by the Sl
hosee who had
rderers, even
were euirer
i. The kind,
Is arrrifid were
!Ei convenient,
'age, by 119. N...
ilaigh the 01 7
to back, pin
r to the eidepf
.o to hapg ano
imu Wail death
mother wiih
omahawk the
• late Amer ican,
rat dttty to pro.
drat of pie race
trage. We be•
lleve the fievrrnmrti w,-....!! havedone
better had it etienttizigvoi 'anti aided
_ydlit9,etttl,frl 3 RA. 4he 11110,,54e4i)4,
htailsiialini — 4 the Minnesota, - nstead
of clothing, feeding, and furnishin tie ;
copper-colored •hrtitei' of Sioux et
t; e:
Upper and Lower Aglnci I',ii"-
These pidiane-',Wel.e._filltrialed i, ;,‘. ' ..,,
foriiible c)oilp Ai
nli, food forli nk l ..;.,, •
houses, _free iick'OOlkf t ' and
seeds and farm impleinenfs,'.itl ttg."
on the sole condition, 11;4 Jlii,"Y would.,
dQu the clothes of the...white niae,liegd.
their children to school, and affecatlciv
ilized life by playing at living I the
white farmor r lives. Nor v,i'eall a tiklallA,
the Governent paid theni for ar/ the'
grain, potatoes, and other prodnee they
would Praise, and then ,allowed;f 'hp : a:to
keep the-crops tor their own nee, best:qes ,
exempting efigi/i-ii•o7; : e.. tssiititipfi aftd.Ottk;
ing' them fer buitding fences Oaf thiln;
farms. And this,'„'while the talt . Oyliiik i
white settler, who had toiled.loiim the
cOMitry for a thousand miles, with wife
and children in 'aeot'ere:d,Wragitki,"Cenid"
get not one day's , provision , er shelter
from the Government which tared 'Will i
to keep the lazy red skins Irt hidolencei!
We would 'not Wattle The -Indiana Tor_
tha4 ; but tt is' matter of histotrAbit.
these agency Indians ,Avpro ( samtrhgillpp
first and fiercest to spring to the tdma
hawk and scalping knife In the Minne
sota massacre.
' 4 And will our correspondent•delleot'
Moment on the , follbwing- I peirit : 4 •INVe
have often told some tale of slirtong to
the red man in pirealneoblittiphillUrt
thropist of 'the Indiati-sYtfiliathizieg
dicier, and watched the earnest', indigl
nation witti'which he•or she' wouldits.
teu to the tale ; we ' would :not make , it:
strong. A simple ease Of upwarraht 4 4
ehootlng, or - even the robber
was enough to' excite the tiottespivratti
and warmest sympathy from thfi
er. Giving him or her litne t to cool, re
Would then relate the story of o l t he
ell defenceless women, ,and glrle,who
were . trylug,to escape from ihe i tntissa7
ere in a wagon, when they were met by,
two' Indians, one ; of whom held the
horses while the other intopod intothe
wagon and murdered the eleven.hrink!
log, pleading, fear stricken women, by
dashing their brains out, one after alio-
ther, with a dull tomabawk;--scalping
them afterward, of course. Or the sto
ry of the ,poor little fellow who, after
Witnessing the horrible 'murder of
father, mother, brothers,and slaters, had
his feet chopped-o ff at the, ankles with
a tomahawk, and ,was
death in the endeavor .to mtkke dim
run ou the bleeding: stumps. •To PUT,
shame and disgust, we have always
found that with these people, the , get-.
ting of an Indian drunk and robbing
him of his pony and-blanket, awauld
excite - more feeling and *licit Stronger
reprobation . than the itinVAerinita and
torturinge we have ment,iiktfidabbvti
and We must be excused (rein any
pathy with the philanthiopista
feel tie intensely for the Indian that
they foiget to feel for Amer ivoi
and ,children who . are ilendishir tor-,
Lured to death,, :without, gVeX i tririmit,,
given a particle of provocation, to these
red devils, whose living , is :prey, and
whose trade is murder. ,We.bave
ped, hunted and lived ,with, them,' and
we speak the thing we know, when we
say they are brutes, primaily and anal.;
ly. •
We believe the story, - 'oflautylni
Indians alive On'theliraiiie litlieki
nard, though we do not greatly - Ugh, if
t be true. And we 'wish the entire
tribe of Sioux who aided in theginne
sota massacre, together with thebatids
who have made a business of plunder,
ing :and murdering on the overland
route and frontier, were ten,Milekgrit
at sea, with grindstonee for
En passant, wemay remark that the
Indiana did not learn 'scalping of -the
English." Scalping and' hurning ante
by slow fire have been Indirm.instittt.
tions, from a time to which
dition runneth not.
A new 'American poet, wla sighs'
himself " Joaquin has broken
out in a rough rash of verse, ahcl.lsliiVt 7
ty strongly endorsed and itied,ti t y
some of the leading English monthlies:.
-He ip also attracting atterition, A 'Oß„lhjs' .
-aide of the ocean, ,and ,h 4 .3 PPeni,rP
Soon to appear in VOW
the paper will be out of proportion to'
thaprint, and the price out otpropor-.
non to either or both. ' 'l,•
His poetry—or ratherhis adviAn't se `s`
poet—reminds us , stronky'OeW a 1 t
Whitman's " Leaves of ttratip,,h , OM
that the new. poet is 'quite , decent,,A .
rough as hatehel teeth ; and die is, more
rhythmical than Whip:lßO,: if .1 e a 13
grammatical. He has Jumped illio c#T
lebrity at the point where,critickl ,cease,
to cavil and nose out faults, to, hunt for,
and hold up poetical beauties ,and .virTi
tueta;—being led and incited thereto :by
some leading review,- , -after , tlieyvmy
and manner in which' the Attciitlidled'
Won Bret ilarts's " Heatterktilibiee."
ustice and patriotism fertld` thattWe
should send our little arr W tiftir an
American poet, whom thei ,
monthlies and quarterlies . derse: but
truth • ia truth. The t fearit4, passible,
but improbable incidents of " Kit Car!
son's Ride," have more to do with the
popularity of that poem than.the poet
ical handling of the subject, which,qto
our thinking, is clumsy.' ', As to the'
grammar, rhythm and rhynie `of the ISO•
em,.they are all bad; ' 'The ponnepilon
is grand ; and there are ' glinipses'icif
'rugged, breeiY p9;etry,:iliat;;,iii.lst96,i""
Meris_of terse, viOrous7b r ilAain t,
leave little to tzle desired. *R t gime
. 9
poems j` Kit CaTs 6 . l l'S,llo,'!, o l3oUriirst.
page, and our readers canjudgeof i lfe,
inerits•for themselves. Whether eithAr t
Bret Harte, or JoaqUinnlitillerAis , ithe
coming 'American poet time lvill show..
§oMehow the Slope poetsdo not trans
plant well. Harte, , who `really wrote
- about the best prose storlei hi'Aitteri-'
can literattire, and whtahef poet?) , fWas •
read and ,qUoted tO a miiitattiifikote
extent while he'reMaineti'OnAlitcol46 ) ;
seems to hafe lOst i hi giiii i i ii 11 1 0'.'4. UV,'
_and cannot Wor k -at all ' to m gii i '
his PilhliShsr'Cl, 4044°8 .' tma,- . .;
of,thezßierrika t ,: 4e„#9RAt, " ''lli.l e i
'loft to develop hlsistke i ngth i pikommia.i.
alr, , instead of, being itaPtal krd i gititit
tern consumption,' aka prloew_hichi In
itgelf, Was , oppressive and suppressive 1
to an IndependentandiensitiVe nature. -
' Those of our readers whir 'ate at all ,
conversant with` English`quAttY, Will ,
WIN to think , thitt the talthOr ot. "'Kit (
Carson's Bid," hasbeen : gUllty, of plaL•
glailsingllrownlug's rlitil'frcati "Ohent
to AIR." It IsAup to the poet to eltY.
that he to an nialett
d, : , e #44;,iiiii,
from the heart, ami ~ OS OW
~, ilevPr rpail ^,, ,ell r.rAwning's poein ,
at the tithe be (Millet) V 4 rule " Yi:it. L'ar•
k• ,ri 1:94 / A,o' , illtVlA,Pli k ta
his - fortunes lit - tnellutii the truth tie
jugt that the mutual admAratioa party
- et litpato4 and Cainbridgti, eau furnish.
in the poetry requir94 b y Or ; gash:, orrt,
iiiiinthlies,l with:c i ll*ro 4 ov,Oriikuptii
for festivals, aihnmai; etel• ,ti+iiliiri 4
itiek to the Slope.; -, 1 ,' 1 , )-, .
; „„„
In Wyoming, serv ant girls receive $7
, a - week wages and_the right of suffrage.
(' r rl ,':- .:k : [For - 01 f t g itator,l
Mr. ill i tbi. : -41 or several &biltiiiikl havelaiiii'
made the sabirt of attack by uorrespondente in
4otifitlttiii e. - Pindliii life nen - foss 7, 1 ' lid lief :
reply. ii rfe t that I 'could etprd to let theleveri l td
articles di oted against me Pose iinnatioad.'..:, - ,
Noir.:hpire eri,l propose to reply to one of them
briefly, but plainly. -.3 f',- •,' t t, , ' '
/it )cur paper of August 2, In 97 letter °rattle
signature Of my colleague, the Hon. It. Whitt,
ttrathe folltring.statemsnic.: ~. .' .
..' .
-, litiiptf . -4 2 , ifir gi rd-the senora on the - Sd of str.
,liiii;'init th Souse abentiliat titite, and wail 'a
proved Ville (Invernoi on the leth of May. ' t
th'e time of its passage in the Sedate, Messrs.
Wilion aucliWillismeWere at Harrisburg; ,a sin
gular coinoldisit4. They traveled together fkom.
Wellebiroje Harrisburg; left Harrisburg toge.,
Alier,on their return home f canto alp far as Troy
"tokfAli r,itt whioh place-they' separated, one of
iNetici turnpg here in the Troy stage, and the
otherAMiuning'on byre% via Elmira and Ocir
'dig; to' Tioga and thence by stage. After their
, - 4.ealittkharc; the report Was leou'ourrent that as
' tingibientsibad beeninallato secure the Oda of
Addaitilinal Law - Judge '' . :Wilson, - previdedirli•
Items 'molded iit Vehtg eleotad - Pres'atidga: . o
These statements hiive'been repeated is proof
of woommq combination between Mr. Wilson and
&vicar. Theylite been used 'widely; and cont..
ented, upon with She intent to defame and in-'
jhre,me: • o,f ex& and iviry 'statement:44l4lns . the above paragraph, I t desire to lily
Utato t 4gjoity 40d absolutely fig** / 11,114.110 S
In_ l'itiashi oh the 8d of *oh* nor ail Oka
thiWirlisti Vie bill Shiva to wuriboforo 'ollitti*
the @lost* 41 al. House.' Sit Wilson it& sly:
olf.neyer made any soh journey from if arriai
Mak ' that described. - We never
went to Harrisburg to see about the MU, and I
never confeired with' anybody' aboutits passage,
I_,littvetion in Harrisburg but once in the-last..
ytiti , .i' - `Thitt.was in April last ; eta T went , iritirt .
Afr.lirilsoulat the earnest &quilt cifolur batten'
men to, aid 110 ' tie Palters of the 'bill - for oar
Welisboro and State - Line railroad. We were so.
,compmiied from Williamsport by the ittornerd
the Ostawiesa railroad. Atit Harrisburg we met
Mr, Strang and 'Altaic We found' J. H. Niles,
"Esq., of title borough, there onprofessiontil buss=.
need. *' Se at once turned MS attention' to our
'railroad • bill, and
,Worked Wl* us 'constantly
wbiloyro,rotaainedi' We rettnelnd ott''the sates'
train i with Messrs:John 'Dickinson Arol UMW
Dickliisen. 1 We Oil Alt the train at'Troy together.
We remained there that night, and the next day,
all came. across Via Mansfield' home; Mr.lirilson
riding with,theDieltinspw and I riding In .1.
buggy wititimy brother„ whom I met at Troy - ,
Neithei of us " came by 'stage ;" neither 'of na
Game "lip 'M
ira and -Corning." ' -
Thetas a rts are false' in fact—false in the
inference. i ey seek 'to raise. every separate
statement is false—absolutely, totally false. I
Will not lay(they ore talfiilly so, for I am', not
willing to believe it: 'I am ready to believe that
Judge White was'told by some 'person just what
- he has written. I am ready to believe that he
put the story in print dopitotiog it to be true. I
am also ready to believe that he will be ' glad. to
know, it riot true, in even the least particular.
' I append ft letter from Mr. Strang,' to myself
upon this subject, one from Mr. Niles, one , Seta
'Mr7kWilsoo; one froth several of those - at ,w • •
request ,I, went to' Harrisburg, and one from Mr.
Diokinson, corroborating every statement I have
' ritadein this article: '-, , ,
have.made attaeks upon no man during this
peneasis; I shall make none. I make this de
tenji at the r instance of personal friends; I make
It'aftk. the lawful is over.. It, is not therefor*
ba.affoot votes, furor against' me, but to•rellave
myself !man officer nud.,man from -an' unjust
i sniran ant:minded cbarg6.
- • . W. WILLI/oats:
WESTFIELD, August 9, 1871.
lir. Williams :—ln• relation to the
charge's:ciao against you by some parties that
idyl were at garrisburg during the last session of
Am Legislature, to aid in the passage of the bill
Conti wing tie act providing for an additional
-1 1 1 47 judge, it gives me .pleastire to state that
about the 28th
April last / telegraphed lion.
S. Wilson to got yotsrself and some other par
sties to come, to Harrisburg , for the purpose of
ionsultinesshout the meatus necessary to procure
'the passage Of -the gatassissa railroad bill. In
obedient.; t o o whieb,,,burself and Mr.-Wilson
tame. x think you setae on the 27th, and left
ou'the /Bth of the same month. Wbether the
'bill rolatidg:to,the additional law judge was on.
.the filttof:eltherhofure, I cannot say' from mem...,
t but that your.visit bad no relation to it,
atitjfaYnOt dlictufsed by you, and that, so fix.
a I Traci*, you exercised no influence to secure
its passage, Loan state with (attire certainty,
. ~Vary truly yours. D. B. Snciasse.
. •
:—+We take g re a t - pleasure in
,saying that wo knew of your visit to Harrisburg
in AJPril,inot; that Uri Wilson and yourself went
at the, earnest request of the citizens of this
place and vicinity, to look after our railroad in.
Wants; and that we were among those who
u n om rgekyou bOth to go.
. Allen.
John R. Rowan
O. rtoblnison:-
• illsamsnotto, August 12, 1971.
W. Williams :—I have examine& yew,
reply t011io! statement of Hon. B. G. White of
our irlp , to Harrisburg LA April last. I fully con
cur in every fact stated by yon, and know that
they'rerally and collectively true.
YOurs, &o; S. F. Wttsox.
WeLLseorto, August 12, 1871.
• Afaa..ll. If - . Williams :—I have • been shown
your stateMent in relation to your visit to liar
risburtfn' itprll,,jasti, end can oheerfally- stale:
that' itillitrue In' Emory putieular, so furs Theme
any knowladge.' I was in Harrisburg about the
:ttWOl — A`p,iil last, when yonraelf.and B. F. Wil
ton' *satiate that place to aid and assist in the
passage of "the Wellabomand State Llnerailroad
h.l l l. .was present .at 'several meetings , of the
.frianda pf the measure, at which were present
'Messrs. String,' Olmstead, Wilson and yourself.
jThelirtilroid bill was the only measure I heard
dimuluesle never heard the bill relating to the
continulinox f. the additional law judge alluded
16 in anylway, by: yourself or any other. person,
!Was at Harrisburg. Very truly yours.
• . :,..Tanour. B. Nxtze.
am glad of .the opportu
niqrfof saying that I was Sn Harrisburg in April
last With Mr: Wilson and yourself; that we re
tamed with you to Welleboro via Troy ;• and that
-beill'idi.Vilson land yourself came via Mem
field' Mlti: . tfdr. Wilson rode with us, and you
with "roue brother. • Jourt DICKINSON.
VAL— drew Barites; 'James Cols, Robert Roland,
'Charles Grinnell, Devine Stowell, Delmar; Stephen
Chase, John Dougherty , Covington; George Orippen,
Alb drilliatisflard, Rutland ; Charles Davis, Richmond;
- George- Dewitt, Jackson; Edwin iiikadrietti.
`Abehbl,y, Tidga Bora; John `Sogatimmini. Knok .
•Willlansslisysir,* Sintiimit•Thototisbn: DIMS; 61
ITnion; Marlin King, Mansfield; Eugene Rob.
taxon, Wolieboro; chandler Rowley, Julius Trey:Lai%
Lawrence; Thomas Roo Middlebury ., ; , , t
• PIEBT WEEK., ; - ,t;
David S. Aiken, Che.s.tWiLOTl/088, Vega; Ira Bets._
nett, James 'A. Doty, • Chas. P. Zikdlito,-.7oAepir;-
Wish BrAtighton, • 1 , ;.P. Coolidget .gutbs;
Robert Lloyd, Delmar ;Blida Brown e charlimEimiSer,"
' Josephßiberollp, PrestonlAs;Drederick E.
laright,',Wfasboro; Horace Broughton, Eldippert;
James Beeb Campbell, -Amon
ingtot;Bowcii, 0 P Taylor, Bless • Enoch
'Campbell', An ony Lugg, Nelson ; John 8 bliirdaugh,
Daniel U Pitts, Mansfield; Jerome iNderorth,Maini.
, burg Martin 1. - Cask Chan A OweAst, 'MUGU/ 'Wit;
son,. Barney. whitither; , .ltichmondr. Manion 'Dona'
alines Ferry, Onion ; , Jared Davits, William. Iliac:hell,
Middreburrp, John Abitidpo, Clymer,., Meter, Gray,
Matthew .8 Kelley, Covington ; James .Eraron, jam
lifritnaviVlAbby Philip, Fall lirAk ; Samuel Solider,
Asish Ream Daniel Efte;WillW2.wetiter,"
feu . ; Weide*. McNaughtiroliristrield
, RommyjiliAlivios-taDaloa RettfOr(l l Oatmeal' AUgnettie
J '4,o!? /t ?Ft tk t• fIitCPN4 ) Ve4er , 8uW!! 2 0. -
irJ . 4
. 038,1(Thwille.; wutbanAlistltt, Charleston; ieregneMottore, Farmington; Warren Bonney, Brook.
SOILS r Brown, William Campbell, David Seise,
Rich re; Jacob Navel,- William Stowell, Del.
par; ValtariConklini •Joslahlrewell, • Caton ; Peleg
Dond, . Joseph Dewitt, Mainsburg Ira Edgeollib,
DinnuelL Poisej Westfield; Edwin P glob, Gaines;
~f ha. Goodspeed, Nelsen Stevens, James E Taylor,
'Deerfield; Look Granger, Asa C. White Lawrenceville.
'Robert W. Stewart, Lawrence; Robbert Hammond
_ .
ObediSh Insclio, Jackson • Jos Mooney ARM
'James:Bloat ; Henry Oldroyd, A aron Wood, Rutland;
Dims; N litunseF John C Knowlton,-Sullirsit ; Stephen
;l3agor, - Warst ; lijah Stebbins, Clymer ; John Moon
, bret, Sliticipen; hitt+, Middlebury.
A*s.List .for August Term, 1871.
. .
-,1. Swap gotobinlon, vs H. H. Lawrence,. at a
gram vs John Markram.
rth siden vs ;Calvin Butlar. -., - .
Agt. l 3.. Whir &al wt. Dwell-Burr.' .- --. ..
Atia. Alas* gs vs It: T. Wood. - P
let ggeph :4;,.vn.Asa R. Bronson: 1 ;
' . Ca 1 rs Z. Malloroy. t et.
4 1 '' bit j . vs :J. O. Johnsott.l 1,
tilllakßall, vs Isaac Bemis t al.
Joha,W,, , , guernsey vs Collins Soper:. - •
Rose*rspu Gurstiey vs Collins Soper
" AleYinder Jones ,1 . vs Abet Hoyt.
Gdo.-W;Hymes vs Geo. Short.
L. D. Park - - vs P. W. HoskirelL
e r ,BurOitt , vs Franklin Russell.
Btennell .vs John A. Hammond. •
Alhilrlh Lovell vs C. M. Seeley, tidal% .1
t IMoinqu, Plank •.t. .vs Geo.' Chambers.
SulifTandsrhoaf vs .A. D. Colegrove d al:
Blass vs Joseph White •
Baste Vanderboof vs Amos Colegrove.
Vs Win. Hoagland.
4,00401 - ) vs J.S. lidsmarbra. •
A. P. Cone.
W. A. Stone.
Jabal. BlMhen
J. D. Potter.
Tittre in Lope for Virginia. Tia 'best
papers are ridiculing the 'tournaments,'
and telling the youtik [Wr einfk fool
' Weeitiiittairnik,'4•:.-1,L...4‘.0.PT-1,*”.Y.:
littl4/4 MON.
Leaviag.tikeßast au r?k y at Chicago or
.IndliinilittiAllow :14:'reaoh the Vest?
Ala:lmA I* . leaelftrtit*ll to ho the 0., B.
4 10.'
',Voltuattlgeiliei with the B. & M. Railroad,
hy•the iron itridga atßoilleiton, and called the
The meta line of the Route loaning to Omaha
ootnieetawltlt- the great-Pruden Roads, and tonna'
tOltl i ff-thelfafing Noce taCa!tfornth The
,dl4 aittartogiflefirtnika at ?Latin'
plumes through pfooolptho State capStal, and .
wlll thle year 6ea[ab tg y so"r'tear6ey, for
atning the thorteetsoute'aotest die' Continent. by
.owes 100 toilet), ' e
• .; •
Another branch ,
ni the' /!,.'Bt,,,' . 4i:t . rergi,nit
lied Oak, falls into a dewititti
*marl through St. Joe to Kansas Oity i and aU
PaStiengerat?Y•thtaroate to Minns, !et
Southern Tc;wa,,andllissouri, and, by a
slight divergence, , oate seaNebrasirts •' ; '‘f -• lo
Lovers Bric views shaula remember the Nut
lington Bouts, for its towns, obigb.gleambrig:
from afar"its tree•fringed Streanis-4br rough
bluffs and iiner,rjem- 7 ,lte corp•ocesytht, stretehips
over the pralffes ,forther,than,eye.oan, reach. •u c.'
44,4,linYerp will be sure to rereembev it, f 4 !;
'they have lesde among t e , two. thontand
have alrel,"Wil ) 4Pia feria from, two,
43.; ,Souris,
tho land`Cotamistioner of the B. & M. B. R. at
Btirlingt4i; lowa, or among tha for 'titfuslind
_Ors stopteis who. last year
filed claims' la, tiii!.r..iatipbs' land — Ottiee, where
"Uncle Sam is rftili ettongli #ai give r all a farm'.
g;10 .
•::"0 . • ••••
. ,
' - QUACKS.'
. Ai victim of i 'earlir! indiscretion, cousins nor
emu,. deklitty, iiramatorti decay ./to;, t!e:Tirlt
tried to vela everradver,i4eitiCY4.o43olf!!!'
efiveied a eluiple means of eiltetlie, whlori: be.
w ill ; send free to hie fellow;entrerers. T. IL
'REI3IVNI3, VrNeesau et:, New York.
Aug. 9, 1871.41;1'
PrazO- , -Mr. A. B. A. Briggs of Middlebury,
hail on exhibition at 'the. Cone' Ratite, one of
•• thnehekl celebrated Pianos. All lovers of
ledge are invited to take a look at this bairn.
soot; and' observe. the -advetntages lit has ".; over
other Pianos in its general construction and corn
'pliteness of tone. . • • •
Mr. Briggs furnishes Organ's Zr hielodeins at
yell?. reasonable rates. Addrepolana at Crook.
ed Creek, Pa. • , • . •
Jaip le, 1871.-4 f
=Mayor of the Oily of Lancaster, Pa., writes;
ultimutaa's Hans MUTER, is extensively known
andised, and so imooessfel are its ourative pow
ers that it has become as fautillar as a House
hold Word and a necessary addition in. the med.
Ica regniretuents of every family. Having used
it myself and knowing others who-have used it
with beneficial resultej can only add thatin my,
opinion it , is the beet remedy over introduced for
the cure of the numerous Ills to whioh, flesh Is
heir." ' ,
oommeadidg.Mrestss'e Halls
,friend, prortouneed it the most toonderfot eon%
notion.otmedioinal herbs he ever saw.
Augait 3,4871. 1m
DENTISTRY. N..batit t dentist
office in Wright //c Bailey's Block, where he con.
tinnee to make teeth with the new in:promos,
which gives'better satisfaction than any thing
Cie in use: To be had at. Patesonly.-‘ , Ang: 24
1810.—U'. ,
TRFEs.—Fruit and ornamental trees, daub
bery, grape vines, strawberry plants,'ao.—
I agent for the Catherine andAfiglkland attr.:
series,. and *an tarnish any- quantity for fell
platting. 3. also have a fine stook' of two year
old :•apple Mel, cholas varieties, of own'
growing. (keen house plants always on hand.
Aug 9, 1871 .0 11. B. PRINCE.
JEIt DIVORCE.—To John_ P..-Jaokson :
are hereby notified that Raobel Jitokioni 1:01
er next friend Edward Ho:Miley; has appllfid to
the Court of Common Pleas of Tlogs county for
a divorce from tho bonds of matrimony, and
gist Said Court, has appointed Monday, the 28th
sisrOf Aukust, 1871. for thaleattarbf *aid api
pitcant in the prettifies; olitrhich't oofitieM you
'ortrotttend if you think proper.
Aug 11, Tan E. A. FISH, Sheriff.
DiVQIIOII. , -To,Mary Ann Wheeler___,: ,Iron a re 'hereby 'notified • that Royal, Wheel er
h a s applied to the Court of Common. Pleas of
Tioga oountY for a divorce from the bonds of
matrimony', and that said Court has appointed
Monday, the 28th day of Aug, 1871,ibr the hear
ffig of said applicant in the premises • on which
oraudon on may attend if yeathisa Puller.
f I •
Au 2,1871.-4 w E. A. tbariff.
BY VIRTUE of sundry *its ofilerl Radio,
Levari Paden and VenditiOni - Espana', issued
out of the to
of Common Pleas of Tioga
count 4 and to me divided, I will expore to pdb
lie sale_, to the highest and best bidder, at the
Court House' Welhboro, on Monday, the 28th
day of Angist; 1871, at one o'clock P. M., the
following described property! • •
A l lot of land,in Union township, bounded on
shyorth by* Htsgh Tommy, on the west by
C V lin' Stall , south by Joel easonand Henry
i %
r,' and east by John midi; containing
;aores, 20 sores improved, With a frame house,
log barn, frame barn, outbuilding', apple or
chard and other fruit tree, . be sold
is the proiiarty of William Mall, nit of Josepft
B. Cowley for use of C. dt J. L. Robinson.
lot of land in Brookfield, bounded
on the` north by Orlo Hamlin and Henry Gee,
west by Joel Parkhurst, , south by Samos Tubb.;
and 'east by Bingham lands; containing 200
aores,•loo acres improved : 7lth a frame house,
frame 14*, outbuildings, apple orobard and
Other fenit trees &tram!. To be sold asthittrop
erty of Noble Pridi, suit of Joel Park
'ALSO--A, lot of land Ili Croylnitob, bah del' on the north by the hlsltitay leading from ob.'
ington to Prost settlement, west by Bdrrerd est.
erly, and south and cut by the /state of B. B;
Gerottlos ; gontaining three-fourths of an, sore,
wish a - two story , frame 'house; ontituildlnge 'and
fruit trees thereon. To I ti_serai(the property
of W. lir. Moss and bf. B,- 4
,'snit '00:
ALSO—A lot of, land in'Olittriciton township,
bounded'int the north by Robert 'Adams, west
by John Coyle and William Pond, east by Rob't
Adams and Charlei Brown,' and south by P. M.
Butler and John - . Coyle; containing 00 acres,
with a frame house, log barn, frame shed, apple
orobard and otheefruirtrees. • *green • ' 2O 'auras
improved. To tesold'as the propert y of Rob't
Richard/ionßkolia;dson, snit ,of Ira
Ajlartha/1.- " ' ' ' '
ALSO—A lot of faiid - in' Westfield townehtri'
autborongb, bounded on the north by Pranors
fdasoo & Peter Edgoomh. west bill. B. throng,
south by- c 9 wattosquo ricer aid ' tail race of C.
Phillips's saw mill, and oast by A.,D. White and,
William S. Colbath 'and S. D. Plailllps ',contain
ing 100 acres, 70 acres improved; 'With a frame
tom, frame barn, outbuildings an apple orch
ard and-othatfrnit-treett
Anso--AchouSe'and lot is %%Weld borough,
bounded on the north and west by the Cowan.
elope river, south by Main r itreet, and east by
R. Etusen ; containing three-fon:rant Of an acre,
with a frame house. outbuildings and finitlrees
thereon._, To bei sold as the propertY,of IL, G.
Ppm:oats, suit of Sylvesterl Phlllipa,foe.nse
`Of - Joel Parkhurst. •
ALSO—A lot of land in Delmar ,tornisfdprr
hounded on the.north,biPlielps 'Dodge, fast
by Phelps le Dodge; 'tenth A. Stowell, and ,
west by-D. A. Stowell; containing F9-acres,
part of warrant No. 4212; to ; I, Provtinollis.—:
To to s old as ' the' oropert * "Ofltnattet s lFerthedyi
suit of Joseph Riberolle. ' '
ALSCI—A` lot of land in Ward toanship,
bounded on the north by - tands - or itilogt Lyon
west by lot formerly owned` b* irtidoirs Brooks,
,sonth.byflitzteon Elliott, dad ester by D. Itager,,
,Cart Clitaveland and Alison;. aka,. Containing
,/77 acres, about 80 acres improved, with*fratide
one., from* barn, log. house; ' (*buntline, 'an
apple orohard and other fruit treettlsereotn To ,
baeold as the property of Leroy Ayers, , suit of
J. B. Bullock, and Pomeroy Brothers. •
lot of land in Elkland baron"
-bearded on the north ,the Now 'Pork State
line, east, by the old plank road, south by John
A. Manniond, anciwest Al George, Dom:floe;
containiag.abont 1.5 neri,it, 01.14eiprovid,:wIth a
fralawrixarnj two tlizoo liotaes o " •.‘, :stone 'milk
bonsoc.outbui/dings, an apple - ololtard and gtlier
fruit ; hereon. To'baaold as .the Pteparty
tot Bite Bftgle;-Plip.,Blrilik,,-,Ti.
alter, ali„;.suit, of c
ALSO-14.'1ot' of
~.IDINIdnSI 4 4 ;t.AWOI,
shipAvitated on the' niriti, Irxt maim.
Tubbs, west by Janette Claiiitenat and James K.
Itairey, south ,by eitate'of Leroy bolds, and east
by,ll,ll.salluran and John. R. Weeks; contain
ing 20"acces, 80 Unproved,' With a frame'hbute,
inapplelotahlud and other • fruirtraes , thereon.
Tube sold as the property of Roberrtheatert,
salt'of:J.. Parkhurst. ,
ALSO-A lot, of land in the borough of Mans:
field, bounded on the north by Mrs. M. E. Lose,
east by P. &Alien and bird. Leant Board, south -
by, Retry Mao, and =wrest by • Prospect street ;,
being' *Mint 80 feet front and •11 - 0 feet deep,
with *frame hcnue ' frame -barn, outbid:l4ll4i'
and fruit trees there on. 'To belkold'as the prop
erWatzta.B. Miff, suit of L. 'Cuttlitings fol. use
of Boss-416Willims.
ALSO—A lot of land jo Covington township, ,
bounded on the'north by the Elk TIM road, east i
by Edwin ILlook,isonth by _Nathan IVldtmore _
andignitddioaliftsik.:ind Ifist , `liiive - Afilley 1 .
containing nine wires; with'iTrame House, frame
barn, saw mill, outbuildings, an apple orchard
and other fruit trees thereon. ''
.To be Sabine the
property of Jacob Johnson. suit of Papkerd 'il4
Rime, fOr,use of Geo. 4. Kinney. I i ~ •''' '
,'._,-- - 41+60;-..jhb„follittring tote oW itnd;iii" , 'tho,bril.
' ll. l ' .4)f 7141,..i.0.,,,q0b0.0110,4 WO/oth.
"east by,PC rißebt;sotfferestlij? Mooofiiitraet,
IgiqftlataoAV klitinrtiorsession of Jitibbligiolc.
-flu, an uoraluist . , 4,:i. 1 4f4 , 0111 Ether , - being 1410
feet by ipseet: `_
stiso-4itother.lot in the said borough, boun.
dad on the loicitticast by the above described lot,
southweet.byldneelwetreet, northwest by Main
street, and northeast by John Htner ; being 160
(0;0 . 4 Main street and 60 feet on Lincoln street,
'With a two story frame dwelling house, a three
story frame cabinet shev i outbuildings and fruit
Itiseir ditifixdirlVte" t6ld ltelhe property 'of
Jacob Sticklin, suit of D i rit r ,Willesp“ •• —. -+1
A.LSO4—_, A lot of laud% Wird tolirfiship,houn
dad on the north by A. J. Teeter, easkby Joseph
Breaks; south by,Alfred• Burman,-and• west by
o.'R. , Rathbone; eentsitsing.33 • aorea, all. wild,_
asio—Another treat, in Ward tOwnikip; boon-
Aeffou the north by G. W. BOlrdsle, and Teams
Smith; and east, south indweit by William R.
Lyon; containing seacres, more or ess, ell im
provekwith a saw mill, shingle ill, frame
I tleule;Yrinae. barn and blaeliemithith p thereon.
'to be sold 'as the 0004'4' 'of-Willl m IL KR.
gore and Wallace , Dhas6, suit of Williartilt. Ly.,
on and C. L.• Ward:
ALSO—A lot of land in Rutland lorahip,
bounded on the north By lauds Of Silas ' um
' MingisAnd Bingham lands, coat by the hig way
and 4T4pwls Todd, aiihthly G. J. - Cook, and west
by Bingham lands and Sandford and Jas. Johar;
eon sting;64 - acres; 12 - cides - improved, ;with
frame bernithereon. -To bo'sold as the property
of B. Reynoldsomit of:Lewls Todd. -
ALSO--A lot of landin Ward tpsynship, boun
ded on the 1tt9;14,, east and south by lands, of
William liyon west by G. N. Beardsiy and I. H.
Smith'; containing 8?; acres, with a frame house,
frame barn, saw mill, shingle mill,- outbuildings
anfraltlreefi thereon. To be sold as the p top.
ot of Wallatiellhass, sult.:.of Wm; 11. Hapra.
t l 1•11N4 lot of laidin the 'borough of Maine:
b , breaded on thanosth , by Main atreet, east
!S tauffer, and south:and west by .Tno.
BilltrOng ; COnteittinettUUt .One ;ogre, • with a
frame' houpe;frausse - °team and wt4er grist mill,
frami shed, frame horse • Stable, outbuildings
and fruit trees -thereon ;etegether- with a' mill
'race and.dem.attnehed , to the same, bounded on
the northeast by George Stauffer, highway, lain
Tea,_l G. D, MaN Baidwit, Parkhurst, poles
Dond, Seth S. IthreseY, Henry and Demond Dew
and Joseph B.;Austinkand•on the, southwest
byJohn B. Strong, George Stanger, highway,
0. T. and A. Haight, and Lorena? and Peleg
Doud. To be sold as the property of-N. E.
Calking, suit of Pomeroy ~ Brothers. • +,
- t ALSO—A . Iot of land in Delmar township,
bounded on the north bilands of J. D; Willcox,
west by Oriamus Hoiden, eolith bilialome Sim.
mons, and test by the highway ;. eentaining 16
sores,' more or lees, four acres improved; with • a
loghouse thereon. To be sold as the - property
of John Gitchell,..anit of A. W. Potter.
ALSO.-4k lot 'of land in Morris township,
beginning at a stone heap, the southwest corner
„et •Ithid formerly of f John F. Harrison, deceased ;
AMMO) ice trpet,l2B perches to a post ; thence north
,80perehes to 'kneel; 'thence north 80 perches to
a stone Matt J . - thence east 128 perches to a post;
thanes, south 80 perches to the place of begin
ning; oentaining 60.2 acre , 20 acies improved,
with a; frame house, frame arn, an apple orchard
and other fruit trees there . To be sold as the
property of Richard Camp ell, snit of Henry S.
; Archer. - • 1
ALSO—A lot' of , •
.'n +Charleston town
ship, bounded on the nor, s by lands of Joshua
Atherton and *aeon Smith, on thawed by Jasop
Smith, on the south by, latch in possession of
Polito+, Beaugq, and east by the public highway;
containing 60 acres, 30. acres improved, with a
frame home/arum° barn, outbuildings, an apple
orchard and other 'fruit trees thereon. To be
sold as the property of. Franklin Borden, snit of
0. L. Atherton. , ,
ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham town.
ship, bounded MI the north' by lot No 266 of the
allotment of Bingham lands in the 'said 'town.
ship, formerly under contract to John D. Perry,
east by lot No 869, contracted to,be sold to John
Bailey, and lot No 867, contracted tabu sold
teDivid Short, south - by the South lines of war
rants Nos 1838 and 1861, and west by lot No
1913; containing 66.7 abres, with allowances, it
being lot NO 192 'of the allotments of Bingham
lamb in Chatham township, about . ls acres im
proved,: With , a log house and a few fruit' trees
thereon. "Tb be sold as tbo property of Jerome
Crandall, brdt of Reuben Morse for nso of! F. P.
Becker. ,
E. A. FISH, Shtiriff.
Welisboro, Aug 9, 1871.
"MO now . in stook, and will keep oonetantly
Jl.l. on hand, at the lomat market quotation&
Wool Twine, 2 tt 4 ply cotton 4 jutetwlne.
Adt4 - 2; 8 It 4 arena.
Knowle pat.. Step Ladder, from. S to 8 ft.
generally.) •
; for gumming saw.
A full assprtment pf Lake \ Huron I.; Bores
Calla' Wheel Barrows
I from 1 loch down.
Nod eitra engine
A complete assortment of
Homo Bitildoto and.
s Ware
Bottom p ices I
' , Come lula4vl take a look, get the, figures and
litilibOw . it Is, yourself, and oblige •
q .'• 1 ..1.1 , t I Yours' Truly
' 1
Ma 'y '
24 '1371 ? —if.:*. . .. -. :, ;
the @On *teat #ult.
NewsPOPer of the Present Times.
' Ititended for Peoria Now on Earth.
' including :Farmers,. Menlo:into, Merchants, Pro•
revibund lAi!.n,Werlters, Thinkers, and all Man'
110 of Elettest Folks, and the Wives, SODA, and
of all swab.. ,
• •
• 0 test 'than One Cent a Copy,: Let there' be a
• :$3O Club at every P ost Office.
of , the same size atta general' character as
TEN WltelczY, but with a greater variety qt
thiticeilageou, readbrA and Arabians the pews
to lbi'sneecriberivirithOsreater, ttealunitikbilaainp •
it 001124 tiVICp p Wei* Inland of once only,, .
DAILT BUN, 80. A )(Wt.
A ta •••Instriel readable' newspaper. witn the
largest .1:11;calation su the . world . Free, hide ,
Pendent, and. tearless In politics. All.tho news
tritra everywhere. Two coa J ean copy; by roil,
GIP cente a month, or,se a
',S;;Yet ooples, one year, separately addressed,
, p our Dollars.
'" freli'dOttles, one year t `senarately addressed (and
-an extra copy to the gettorup of club).
• 1 •-• I Eight, Dollars.
Twenty copies, one year. separately addressed
(and ah extra copy to the setter up of Club).
' • • ' Fifteen Dollars.
4,,sta a ftPirtEens rear, to one address • (and the
." ee SJY gin yeas to getterrtrpse club),
t , „ TAtlmlthreo, Dollars.
"•lutycootesiono.isu.separately taadressid(Pad
, , tite•gatal•Weektyoneyn tb getertrtofehm). ,
c • 1 • . .41to'Doltars.
diss rated. co lea , ear. to .nno addrea
7 •- the q t ly for . ono year tattle getter up of
MO). Flay Dollars.
) %Urea oopils,onS year. separntelv
(end the Pally tor ono rear taitte tar
up o clan), iselEllzry aro are.
TEuF, isznitiliregator spit.
ldtte separatelL ie d
ge Do t "t ed de rs'
vat CoPlis,'oue Tedr,aeliltratel# addressed (and
- *run copy to getter up'of club),
•tlizteen Dollars.
. 14 itsi Office Orden,
.eicooko,_or., drafts on ow
z0r.14 whorenr convonurns. u not. tont regular
i no lotten contsionuttooner: Address
• . .
i .
.1. Vit; --n.•.811, 1W IP"aD. Itablinuw
*lTely . Tom . 01 1 71 ? :
, . ,
Jul; 12; 11171-faut.
Door S'ash ct, Blind.Factorl
BE"4aIIN4III3TINeIs prepared to fur•
pleb firet•olass work from the best lumber,
at bli new factory which is now in full operation.
„ Sat** 10001 Mi
3111143t0 7201111100 6 •
_ ,
oonettintly on hand, or , manufaetured to order.
Planing iad afbing
done promptly, and in the , best manner. The
boat Workmen employed, and none but the beat
seasoned Itimhir used. ", Encourage home 'ado.
Factory tutu the feet of Mtn Bt.
Welleboro, Asguet 2,tf
Summt4 Dress Good
We have a very desirable,
of the above -named Goods, which we shall offer at esteem
ces, sell out clean for FidlTrade.
Any one in need ()Moods in this line will do well to put
Coruitig, August 2, 1871
New Store I New Goods i Nev/ Firm,
%Tv Horton Cc Broths
WOULD lay to the °Menu of WeHeber° and vicinity, that they have
operation, and wnl at all times keep a general assortment of merc
the lowest prices. We sell
Yard wide Factory for I 0 eta.
\ 10 ate.
De'einem for \ 20 au.
Parcae; Nohairs Plaids , Franck and Irish .I;)rfplins J.
Fancy Colored and Black Dress Silks,
all at prices mach less than have ' boon 4014 for before,
- -- , •
Fancy goods, Yan k ee Notions, .Boots and Shoes, Hat
1 \
itosierr . !tom . 10 to 40 cts
Boot. from - $2,50 to $5,50 .
Nene' Shoes from $1,23 to 135,50.
Boys' Shoes from $l,OO to $1,50. I
All Seasonable / Goods at unprecedeated Low
Choice °I Groceries, Etc
Teas troth 50 eta, to $1,50, Coffees from
A Sugars 12/. etc tiptoes, all kinde.
Porterea Sugar at 12} ots. Soaps, all klnde.
Our motto is, "fair dealing, low prieee, and_atriot attention to baeiness
the key to auocere. ' I
We invite every one in want' of anything in 'our line, to drop in and tak
stook, as we aro always plesied to show our Goods.
Welleboro, May 4,1871.
New Spring 0-
bin. Stock is now very arge and complete, and Goods
Beef Prints 10 cents per yard. 1000 yds De!sines, from 124 to IS cts
tha largest Stook of • -
In Southern New. York, Including 11.ERIPS (foul 215 to .40 eta.; lour4i
hest Tapestry &Impels 5T,25 ; English Body Brussels $2,00 to $2,25; also!
Asilk Oil Cloth ; -Plain and Check Canton Matting, Co
- " Oath. - and ' Cas's'imereH
. ~ .
" .
. ,
• which will be in da'4o order by &blink or Scott, at ver,t 11
We Write a careful azaminatio of our 'Stook aid price!), and we p
wig not 6. tanteraold, - and Whoa / w lay that we moan what we clay. Cot
will do you good. , 1 . . 1
. , .
• COI/1112g, Aprli. 12, 18t(. •
! 1
Parasols, dim.
We would 'call especial attention to our stock of
i . I -- I .
I fie ßa-At
Of thorough trial it ha. become !Un astablished
foot that ROT'S CHOLERA . DliioPB ie the Lett
Family Medicine that can he fours far the cure at
1 1.1
Colic, Cram!ips o fi
end all thoger cllsordare of the b 1
so common In the Summer and •
pine,never fails when rightly n
ODRR.ALIA, it is not rocommend '
else, It does not contain peppe
killers. It does not irritate, b.
soothing in its operation. It i.
,other medicine,, therefore ask for
ORA DROPS and take no other
3E03 sp - cm„iee.
Aug. 2, 1871,-Bm.
French Gingham'
Queens' Own Alspace, (spe
We keep a
Childrena' noes from.
Hate from
Oapa from
(ail.w° whichuTh
i lue a d r i e .
lied. Xt is no
!ti for anything
liko the Pain
ft mild and
I not like any
toc i k
r 37, Low ri-
l ehase early.
'heir afore now in
andioe, and cell at
25 cts.
iaiity) 311 u 75c.
I, pancse Silks,
ull nue of
and, Cap, y.
.30 et l. to $1,25.
.75 cos. to t" , ,69.
so.cti. to SV2S.
25 to 80 iga
which is always
Ft look through out
per yard. We have
.8 from '5O to i 1,23;
a full line of
it. Matting, LILT
edge ourselves that s 4
ue and coo us end