The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 16, 1871, Image 1

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    t. •
p. C. Van
locriptiou,(por year)' '2'----31.:-;.--,')..'- '•:•:, VA -. ,' , ' ll.
RAT . 1 4",13e 1 ADVF.RTISINi3.
r LINES (O S14:1101;1 weicA cats Slicrial
. I lln.l3lnal4lnslUlnaJohlaallYr
,:ue.-• I 5 1 , 00 114 0 11 2 , 50 Iss
1,1 : an
7, 1 0 22,00 I 0, I 60,u1
~'-- 1
af Col
OM 1
~~1-"~} IG. 0 ..o,tl~
i Notices 15 cents per line; Editorial or
o'2o mkt per I inc.
.nivesttstrig paljl for in adranco.
tOtistablo` , Efanliajtkilsi.tridir -
Note.., !,,rriago Certificates, &c.,on hand.
t -!•41 trAs cA.*Ds:
1, YAtiKiNBBT & CO., .
DEL l'Al:h LIST.
or; PA RhII 1p
Seeley, Contes Sc Co:
~SIiEIES, Knoxville, Celinty, t i S a.—
Somivo money on, deposlt,' dime9pirt note
inj son drafts on 'New YoriklOity:- . 6 )1 14: 1 1 -
~,os promptly mado.--Jan 1, 1371--y
qt,IWAN SEELiStiSeoola . .' '
NM) COATS, Knoxville
', * f YE CRANDALL, _
(I EO.- 7 4" tr:: MERRICKi
,TriatNEti and COUNSELOR at LAM.
to Smith and Bowen.'s=l2llock;across hal
1 4 itator Oftico up stairs, [second iloi)r.];-
,rdkiwro :Tan. 4; 1.1371-1.312;
I. Mitchell,
and Counselor at Law, Claim, and In
.puee Agent. Office over Dress's Drug Store,
WeikliOro, P. Jan. 1, 1871—y
William A. Stone.
.rney awl Counselor at Law, first door above
flverfo S Osgootl's store, on Main street.
tv e il,iwr.., January 1,.1871 y
No. W. Adams,
Counselor at Law, Mansfield, Tioga
war, I`,l. Collections promptly attended
, I, 1871-y
' Wilson ..k.:
;,,rneys an,l Counselors at Law. Will attend
tomptly to business entrusted to their care in
ne cuuntio oi Tioga and Potter. Office on
he Avenue. Jan. I, 1871
John guernsey,'
,ri,ey and Counsoldf at Law. 'All business
aunted to him will bo promptly attended to.
15a 2.1 ,lour south of Hazlett's Hotel, Tioga,
toga County, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1871. :
%Vin. B. Smith,
Hal, Bounty and Insurance Agent. Com
unication4 sent to the s aknye addreps will re- .
iiro prompL,:o.ttel4tiod. ,Terms' Inodeintet,
1, 1571.
Seymour & Horton,
Irneys and Couiasedora. at lawl Tioga Pa.
I , vtness entrusted to their earo will receive
rou2pt attention.
in 1. ISTI y
Armstrong & Linn,
an I,
W. D: Terbell tti Co.,
~ e :310 Druggists., and dealers in Wall Paper,
00000 Lampe; -.Whitlow -Glass; Perfumery,
mts Qik, kn.—Corning, N. Y. Jan.l '7l.
D. nifimot..o., -
j r
and 8 tirgadn, lat door eant of Laughor
te —Main Street. Will attend promptly to
WelleberoTan. 1, 1871.
.1. M. higilalll,
*cotlitst, Office at hiscit
nuo -.l[o]. 1, 1871,
“eorge %Yagne
h p liratdoor north o
11 day, aro Store. nutting
ir in4 (lone promptlynntt svo
SinithP.s Hotel!
Pa., E. M. Smith, Propril
,t rendition to accommotla
lirin a uiperior 11)1111:111er.
l'a r 11p4IIIICC 's
M9NROE, having purchased this house,
• inSinq in future as ift tho, nsti,strictly
Le:ITN-anon principals. Every y aCC6iiimo
:l”n nis Ti n nil boa gt . Charges reasonil
lonar , ; 1, '
Inion Hotel.
V,n II •en, Proprietor, Wellsboro, Pa.
• h plo3qantly lonalll, and bas all
tor-tnan - and boast. Charges
~ti. 11. W BR,
'hysician and - Surged-li.
npaning out of ilostings
t , ,re mar. I, I Sit.
Ladies' i!tilliiiery
h:4 H)IIP.LO has a eninplele np.nrtment
~'',, 1, , -; oyie. of
. _ .
at unuvn illy low prices.
, ti••rtpti,.ti evcryhody,ftn(l
I I. IZNL-;IIANG (1601)S,
"'I ,h , heady-Ma , le Dree::. n eotn
'"".o.ll,,ii tonot fail to please the ladies.
”Nrlmino 4.londs am)_ prices :
l'ost : Office; l l.llßinlraFi.
411 S4yIF`LD.
r. m., 3 tr
New Millinery !
C. P. SMITH, ltas,ggw.otl hand an els
;int assarttnont oP all the latest stylos o
Goods, Parasols, Gloves,
ite to seolling at very low prices. Drop
i?e o Ih e now goods.
I 4, I S7I-tf. Mrs. C. P. SMITH.
ushels Stone Lime'
for Alio by
• -In W. C. KRESS.
:P.l 4bleta l er offers for sato him farm of 58
kerep plealantl
/61ton, y iitualed in ClatlirMullow,
Ttoga county, Pa.• within about four
of Wellston° and two miles of Niles Val.
tPot. School house, church, rutile, - shops,
ifi ttillt a mile, ) Terms easy. Inquire on
lltizer, C. G. CATLIN.
117, tf
•o p
Term fsait4
eNict 'HAW
.1, 1 I
I I/
od and
who Iv
• I • • • S.
j ,ITATAN"OR RVITANo litpustr - '
of thal i atest Styla and approved .warkaianship
and with dispatch. -
HO ICo*ps constantly oti - hand both kinds of
MnWio and rill be able to suit - all who may fa.
Vf/fAtica with tk9ir onierf,pq tolXo4ooAablaterm!
gegitill t be r'""
vo • Oftn.l,lV,ll-If.
and go
and Pon
Plated F
A largo
4 -g'Ninvntlkrlvn AND ISSCIIANICAL
posite.Cene !tease, Wollsbnre j ya s All
neatly, and ejtrefallYpertiikkfeck; Sit
( guaranteedat 'live and let livo prices.'
l o 1971 tf
Office 0 d
Feb 2.
J. C. flonToN
And ha
being mi
their sal
four, thol
sidonee on the
The Si
sepia oi'
Sold MY,
;sou one
Robert:344 Dail
Fitting and Ito
I,—Jan. 1; 1871
e 4 i),„ ~,
Sold 0,„8,,71,. Grauer & Ye kcr
Setae 3/adios Co., 10,431
Sold eye) the Howe Jfachine Co., 52,677
Sold eve th e IV/teller cf. 7 ll'ilBosl__
Irani', 'aurtfia , thi 't`;;;;:;4lo2gim t ; , sil;4"..a.'
all of wh ch is mainly owing to tho popularity
of Nibtit i - knoitti`nallie"Ntrw FAxtruv 13wwitta
i t i A, ijnit' .;! vilaoli,ittolvijas!,!finiiing its way
into over woßregulated housebeld.—For Clr 7
eulars'gi-ing Intl pit:daub:ire of MnbikftituVikUit r
Folding Cases of many varieties of wood and
Anisb,tholi AttuehMeritit for inutterou it kinds of
work, which, till recently, it was thought that
deligale fingers akoneetAild perform, as well its
particulars about all'artiO.'eS issed - by their...Dia..'
chinos, stich as Twist, Linen tread, Spool dot- ,
ton s Oil, C : ,
.tc., tolllloy y any, of their,..
zed 'Age is, or to - ' --- t :-..1'. Author.
eadway, New Forks Philadelphia
l i 'Chestitilt St. ' i; '4;4 ll'z' : x ^ 4
P. 2, 1871-tf. ~
hstor. House in
to tho traveling
,lan. 1, 1371.
dHieo 1 o'
March ,
orgc,t n
ion or th
ra °lad
All kin
{miring a
the best i
Ueo I 1&
and Catt'
Use Dr
above att
.Tnne 14,
Jun© 2
S . . ... . .
PTIHE S bierlher 400 - fdr:siiiii his farttfildW
X' Riad: i this town by balmat, ilonie '9O
miles fro Wollaboro. Said farm contains ' l llC'
fierce, so a 30 of which , is — .lPiprfikstf.P.rgatid,
train burn 30x42, and a good log house, and
eofne fruit trees thereon. Said farm is ensue
pass ' d for fertility of soil in this section. For
particular*, inquire of the subsosiber at the office
of G. W. ?derrick, Esq., Wollaboro Pa.
Aprli 19 1871—tf. - A. ANDRUILID:
to la,e4i R3.1/,,i"fl
tr .., -' '' 'I- \‘‘.............-N: - 1
;."-- , .. ..
• - - •
n,ll-.. 11 Y1 . ..1 . 11{,45 , 7,1, :tll . r:: , - ,1 -, ;..-:; eatr: ~ata,t,..-,a.,•Y; .
, Y 't
..... , , . - . .
1 . f ~ 1,1 4i .. 4 .. .• ~ :, , -:-• k.' - 1, •1; , -- , Trf;Lih.'3.ttc;.,l !Ir's lint.: atir . ! i • •
1 i ; ,:- ------___
.! t
. i
„4 - 1. 0.,-..,r ,it Aiti , ',' - - ."-- , , _.,,1, • , -..; i li,:t-rsgt; in:r. .._ qa . gP.4 '‘A,.')il;t'1 7- w:t. haii,ittit..;)s'.l tetgi4 ..' :• • i
I , ;ni i •t A i tri i i ; f, :z2 - 4 1 i 1 ,4 , : mi,ij ( y'- 1 - ,); --,=,; ;s , „,
7' • - 1'...-' a iIS. , . , .Tq 1 , :, , ..,- . ;.7) 1;04 6;4! ' ...". ''' s. . - .j.!-: - 4;i0 i,...,.. - 1 ,,V.,:„- ;;,,,,„,'..,
,1.1 ;1:'.4 : •. , :fa -,i i" '•
. .
%"'""""......--- ' ' . ---7 ""'" - -- - I-) ....i.: * .z......4m1.31 - , .3.7 , ! - J - . lo t'1zc.,410.4* ;
~- ,4 - 1 '::, .1 ~. 0'
1. 1 0 tap , tol . a, . /
i i: *
w ,, , ::, ,
t:. -, 1 1':',i,:.. , } , ? ,
~ • li.'!;+!:4' ' ‘:;51.1•, , , , f: 1..) , -41 NI .---=- - '...-' 1% :' • ,',-,
, l, 14: -- ".t!t • 7
, i i 1:e.l ~ . ..1 , -..i . ;:, ; !, ..
~ i , i , ,,1 1;
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\,,,,.... 1,
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~ ii ": 4111 ' --)
, i. I \••: .."'\, 1
II lir '.:;• . •:' t l ;) ' .I;*.ito ‘ 1 •.;3:4 — '1 - „ % i ' ,
1 . 4 .,
s 1.5.C.J1 .
1 - ' it i .-
143 . ,', l / 4 • •,„ ,
' I \ 1 .... 11
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.. i / , i' , .il 0 . 9,....! ..,- ~ 1. i , 5 , t
i . 4z:
,i tt. ,
,i. , , „
..1 / l •
(.......\-..2.:1 \...
~i)f , 4 o l: ii
- ~, 1,- „ 1„ .. .,11 -Lit
. 1 / 4 ~. 1 / 4 .„.....,..„.„...,.., . ~..:. ,„, ~,,,,.
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~,„....,,...,..f..,, ~....r... .• ~.„.,,... . , ,
...... ) ,_,,,i,.,,,,,:i,.): „. _,._,....„..,\ .... , ~:.,
i. ~.
l's... 1
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. . k
, 1 ' ‘) ' I S L, ;
.- ..
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'i 7 ,1-
I ;',..?4 ,' i , . — : 1 : - •3 .-1 " ''' ••••/•'' /"?' ' f ' - ' 1 1. 4 ' -ii••• •' --•:.;.•- - ~' 1 : •• • : ••• : 4 1'.. - • ' , l) —OE3 fn -' i' ' _::, 1 , f.... 11 1, v ;:_a.: 1.13 d In• '.•.,. ',.- '. 1 W . )* / ••I'.; / ?,-. ,t1,.•-•' - _,.._ —. • -4 N.I• 4.1 , • ''-', • •,' • - : , •
11 , 4 'tt - "1n... il 1 tz..„ ; t!itii.. , , ~,,, •,:l S.' , ,' , '‘. ' :- Lt
%'• ' '•''' ' -'" . r:1- `" t 1 " 14 I ' . ' ' I I i• 'n*: ~. ' • -' 1 '•:,'"-- . ill no frob i Atf. -- ..":.t.4 ;!.„ ; ~ ,...0: _.,ui. .1 ...!00 f.air. ilit...i - .'s. - it‘ , W••• 4 '/ . 1 . 41-.; . -..1 hh - - - -- 0170 4;•1 ' • • •'•W1 1 - .4 ' 4 1 -''' ,i• -
- . - . .
ATELY known with° Townsend House,
nd folk?' time ocoupied by D. D. Holl
ey, has boon thorough], rofitted,repalr.,
opened by
s - 44 ... ; '0.i i G 4 ' "3 / 4 11'
11l be happy to accommodate the old
of Options° at vory'retifionable refill.-
Tioga ...Marblo„Wor.ko..
nOersignim is flow
tt e.
o all orders for Tomb Stones and Idolni
.f 'either
, . .
.Peifl9no,;iniieltteit. - 0.:D..• P.. RD.hints-Am
nk account or Notes are requested to call
tlo and save Costs, at G. W. Morrick's
I, 1871—a ;• -', D ' P:-ROirTs
.- :I 1 • 1
--- . ____ L ,-. •"_..4_ -.. _.....1_
17 .... - ° .I._____Lt - _.... : '
L... , C,1313.453r 9
.„.,_3 ; I
-I‘FpEPS constantly on hand, ELGIN
.S, Marino; larm A Calendar CLOCKS,
:11.1.1VElfe SPOONS,
Spoons and Forksi Tablo, Butter and
nivespOittps, Castors an#, : cal‘q.al3o ls ets;
cifg, s; :Cream Alt;Bligar initil Mnittard
Fine Gold and Agate Rings; Gold POns
tile; Solid Gold Sets;
Pearl Fancy and
atone; Watch Gnards and Chains, .4c.,
I Glasses, all at y raduced prices, ,_ ••
?. • , ~. I t.
•Watches atdJamielry npatlyglepaired.'l
1, 1871..
..1.„ t.. __. .i_i.____.;_._
ISlanufaaturing Company,
.stituted by tbo homes of the people—
caved tho'Great Award 'iff the
o left all rivals farbpAind them, for ;they
, • •
SOLD IN 1870
I , :ii)ntrn Alin' T WEN"? Y• 8 E YEN lrifttiskiii; -
i pIIDURDA2II:)TiIIRTY • Tip nen 4 .tetv9iwf s I
~ .anefotiy , 1. t_otiean( -' fi' • i.: -t, a • ...,
pre I .
i in' allilineo.. : of
bs of the previous year, and over forty.;
sand more the's! Oo Bake of tiny,. other
for 1870, as shown by the following
rola SWORN returns of the sales of
for Manufacturing Company_
er tifvFqkrergaArafifig
it Co 110,173 Machines
the Wilcox dr Gibbs Sew
'chine-Co,, .. » .....• 08,90
the Weed Sewing Ha-
Music Store
PPOSITE OtßiE' lIIZUSFIt 7 , 1 .-
' I .
Wea)er n all itinds`of
and Musical Merchandise,
imql . o,4o(id# of MUSIC in th is see-
Country. Pianos warranted' for 20
ons and Cabinet ()mans
h Oredner'*i Piitont riocit scani. ""
is c.f Tr.blruments bought'or taken in
apla to let. ._M" All; orftere ,fen 're
Tuniug attended 1 , 1
.1 W. McINTOSH, Agent.
tli. !, _ Standard- rciedies - ,
Ir. TIERRICK'S Sugar Coated VeDeta,-
Pills and Kid-Strengthening plasters--
1 nso !
bgett's Condition' Powders- tor Hones
tt-;-eatieftietien" guaranteed or money'
, .
Perrin'a F,amkgator for Catarrah. The
oleo are fok _bate by'..:Kriss, Aet,
t, and the trade'generally.
1871 'i
•,. -• m-
legont, new, leather top buggy; one
open buggy, nearty-Arie_tc O - te two
per waie`ii
,t.d.goed - sltiglthttmen.
1871 tf
Fitrin for
. .
ERIg.itATAINY AY. . .---
. - -..,-...-3
ABSTRACT o TiitaTet?Ls; Aspimii4iii.*:l9rix, WV: • '
A , 'Jr' _ii .......l...• — ••''s I• , i ). • : CI '... ,ft r_
" ND.W and XDIPBOYBD 1100 K. Akillt
BLE }MIN° C 04.0100. combinto g all ktodorn ilaprort_
moots, are rgll throthik pJ all-Train botsr6oul3o4l9,
Niagara rolls'linspOritted rtrldge, OliweratikOncpi•
nail an ,New York,
N. York, L'Ve
Jersey City, "
Newark "
_P al
Owego `i
Elmira 1
,CovAngo, 7s t
lineheater •
Buffalo •
N lag. Valls ".
Sua:Byldge , •
Clifton "
Dunkirk 4 .
Meadville "
eicyelend "
Additioal-Looal Trains -Westward:'
6.00 a, in., tutirkhdailijr.:4ll
500 a. m., cfront Susinahnnii: '
9.00 a. m daily , friniStusgttebinia. ;
12.15 pan.Ozcopt Sundays, froaliusimolnata9
1.16 p m except. tauadays, Irons:Elmira; Stopping :at.
Big Flats 1 89,118tirnitg; 2 00, - I , itniqd ;Post an 4
tlxence, via diroi;tomifl to , arrlvlngn.CB 85 p , -4,
8.00 p oicept SdliSays;fintalllnglainton.
. . t
3.• 3.i'.'igtBWEl4.47!
v -
• -
Cinn L' re i 0-46 pre
Dayton 'I '112037a ....... : .
Cleveland.. " j 72L w1•..... :..a
AfeadVii "In 32 Din ?a4
Dunkirk 125 p
Clifton , 4 fit' a i 6
flus. Bridge 1 116 "fcl SU- '" I
Niagara Fang ! 5146; .1 I
Buffalo "t j 2140; "' • 615 ".
Itocheater [ 4,40 "
liornellsvlllei t 003 Sup 10 20 i•
Corning... " .7 83 pmll 48
Elmira ". 10, " 12.20 am;
Waverly... " 8 G 100
Owego 25 " 140 ".
'Binghamton 41.0 08 '" g 29 "
tort Jervis Ar: -. 2 83 a m 705 "
Aniddlotovrn't :=863
Newburgh "40 um:
'rumens... ' '
p. 05 Illt;
Paterson... "t 1 ;6 50 , "10 15 a.m .
Newark ... 700 " ,2 0 35 p"nt
Jersey City " '603 "'110 53 ain
Now York ", ; 700 a min 10 "
Additioikftl Lfldpl Trains E.E*lO.,
6.40 m., daily f 6 em Itornelevyle,:, 7 • -
5.45,011 g), einnlayiexcep,toCfrem
As,a(tSti., eicept Bilndityn, *Om cnteif "
4.60 AM, tix€444.l3andsys,-froil
1.68 p. m.. except Stindays,fromtPainted Pat, - ' '
2.„10 p. m., except-Sundays, from Hornonovnio, •
t Mondayi
L.b.ItILTOREP 7 - - - • W.ll. R. BARR, - •
Gon't 80p3, - Gon'l Rase .
P•lOssbnig k• Corning fk Tigga R.
N 01.0.83 a m No 3-8.20 p m Nols-5.54 a m
No 7-0.88 a m No 9-12.07 pm • Noll-1.35 pm
Nol3-6,30 m Nol6-10.14 p m Nol7-1,50 am
No 2-4.12 p. nr -- ms 4-8.42 - a m No 64.20 a - in
No 8-8.08 am No 1040.60 am No 12-11.80 ain
--. - -
No 14-12.07 p ,No 10-1.85 , p m No 18-5.18 p m
No 20-6.80 p I[o. ',No 22,11.12 p No 24-12.84,
A. H. 6ollros, . SECA rXV_" OS
up t 13.1& Vpsita-B.
Northern Central Railroad.
lisnlvz AT ELIEIAA. 7 . •
Tiff ' I&OI Malroata.
EXprese.f. 10 65 a m Morning Acc....11 00 a no,
Elmira Mall. :..10 36 p m Evening Acc.... 766 p
Enrage 10 25 pm
LEAVE ELMIRA. t , ^ " - -;
Goma . _'a'ailcO)lo6 . ll:7
Morning Ace. { ... 616 a tia . Elmira - Mall 6 66 - a ta'
Expnme ' 11 , 36a - za
Evening Ace i.,ll:4o.ol64 , l*. Y reuipOrl J1ec.4.24 out
do. . a
' •
• E lAL SB 0 I{,o_,
• 17
• • z !. 7 =
/ Q```
i j•
.„. ,
- •
&c 404 -
Witt `cs
estiihtfiticootit, which is sold low for_
Repairing done neatfi,,And-,•promtbtly,,analoti•
hurt NOTICF:
January 1i 1871-y.
Guardian's:•Sale. 2: _ 4, 2 a P
Y virtue 4 andorder...o.l.tbcr-QrPhana' Court
, of the county of Tioga, to me directed aq,
0 j
ardian of Wellingtoii . -11: 'lf. helps, minor' Elixt
oiEte. 11. Phblpa, decensed-; . -T" will -exiose t 'tor I
sale, at_publie 'endue, on
.the 22d..AlaY . - C Au
gust next,on:tho pretniset, respectively, 'to -the
highest and best bidderilhe-tollowlng dishtribed
1 real estate, to wits ' , 1r. , 1': -- ,—..:: . :::. , 7 - .: .:.•7? Ir.q.! ,-..:
A lot of land situated to the borough oflltinal
field in said dounty,'beginaltieofttthis"easr aide
of the Tiogerailroad, itrthelcietli Hue of-Tifid
of, Henry Allen; thence along Said line and the
south lino of the cemetififiOl soith,,lif degrees'
east, 49.8 porcaes totthetpublie.highway,' eailar
the Williamson • road"; thence along.- said'. r - onk•
south, three degreesAost; 10.4,:perplios4:,tbilifide
: south,. tin degrees west, 10.1 pereheelAhetide''
tpsath,eigio degrees east, 3L4 perches-to Corp
crook; thence north, 88 degrehtweitrd.2..CpeS4
obes to the said Tioga_xisilrnad; t thenee 7 tOon :
said railroad north, 20 degrentfirtns2l3yefelite;
and north, 171 degroutr,:ireit,',lefelielehia;lilla l l
north, 41 degrees west 'Aglitligda, ; to. n tios _place,.
of beginning; confab:lift 10 acres .117.: perebad;, I
Also, another lot of 'hard to said borough of 1
Mansfield, situatod-ontlfa'sedlth:Aile 6,flTufire , I
street, An d, b egin ning ‘liSAtidi_Orth - eisit 'eons es:'"iit
I;Hingsley's land; thenee s .lll64;-12 Ogreee,
east, 100 feet to thiiistnithlitatitiflthitiats4
thence westerly al - 4414f-iiiii,alCrithifey and
load of John 31. /li - 4, 1 4 . foCIVP' 3 2III4; I
tul t„
-126 lief; to , the MA
thence north, 12 sr- „1.43h164 to ;
said 'Elmira stretiti. 'the r.' -g=isildsittle tl
north, 77i degreeslglikti IA (1 ,
to,4lo4la L eff a ni
ars. 3
li t.
beginning;. containing 6 igtiateei 3 : lso fe*Atatil
Also, a lot of ltusdalteittuntiEthe township of
Richmond, in the said county -yrT 7 19 VittlAr.
ning at a post, the nortitifilit coltier - br toe . ••••
man Graves lot ; thetrifectill€ffiffhtlilia9F i
fallen hemlock, thos "Ateitg i *IT
r pf 4 1 , 0 1 4 I
P. Morris's lead; th - ditsir,tha; 140;t4,1408t
of George Sling efauthVila *plate ant, - DMA
perches to a birch corner;..tiasnop,ployr.lalui pi.
ww. N. Barderf south 107.0. 4 penihtsi to - thee
side of the road lowdihgtfreld BrattstieldliF:Wiefilt 3 •
c liere;,;jsttst the iron"Eria / 13tidAilfikaAriiplii 2 !
init,ll4sitlO:bf said road stritk*Pi k iteoll- 3 * 484 1
2 petaled to a pookitelNigiio,ill‘.: Varidfd
fitayeelbt; thence by the same
1.1.5 T or,
ches to.a sugar tree ; thence by said Gravelielet
west 184.2 perches to the place of beginning;
containing 120 A acres, more or less.
Teams made known on application; or at time
of sale. 1. PHILIP WILLIAMS,
dugout 2,18. 8w Guardian..
• ,- 1)1 i. , ..1 i-. 4 ~.".1. : <:‘', 1 1..ct.,- ; •-•.:- : ;fl ; ''''';`,...'.'" - ' "7, -- - .
. , - • . - : - ...l i i irr e , f i r i. A .,
~_4 - . - •-•-, : -•,-
tl • • PA I&IIGUST 16, 1871.,
, ....„,r. : - .2,` .' 1- I . • •IL 43
::i3 1,
, i. t, ~.ZI ~ 1(. 4' Og at(:) . 1 . it.' TIUMAIII , i - iti _ irbri r i,= g . iv .
, ft •.,_,
,t.,,,. ~-,•:fi:_,,,,c.,.1i.- Lr;r;l3,, tsifr. ,Jr.ii , - , ',' , . ;,s% Ls '. ,c7f:. - ilil 4-7 , ;:HtZ; hn_ ,o :l_l. ; -:7 -r r1 ,4,,, .. - - ::1, r- 'l4'4 -A.V.fl
4 .3 I IJ
RAILWY =)Xttkoo9.
No. 1.
qt '
No. 15,
9 00 w in
915 "
1 11.00 a - m,
1"06 a
..... m •
11A0 - a
1186) " 8.86 "2 ,
.8 80 p) .0.17 1"
4aa 10.10 .
5 16
- 8 - 44 1* " 1).0 11
,7.8813017 - 134-110
, .:0 AAI
u. so 44 , .r.oa -4 .
se, •.4 % mit) . se
11 . 40 7.15. II
4180 a m 7.20 ."
- 1 VS ,1 1. .9.20 "
Att 'a . ' 280 pin;
1284 i) m 7;26 " I
24 ! 6 - 10.16 44
7 1 JO
. ..,. , :• . -...
No.. 12! i NO ' . ii -, I ' :-•
No. 8 I i I
2464 / .*
'• . %.;- , 1151031'
Lie.'iiiif .t (if 241 ii t
8 &5411iii3070q -I' , ' .
18 .10 Elupr 2 85n" c
11000 I ', i.)••••c• E , , • t
i fi l et,.. 1. .. : •
~ 8 : 16 •
• il.; Ilk; ff -
.' . ..y..' 43 5'96"
12 stt ' a nil 943 "
I 425 " 110 55 *`.
: 504 al! .1.1 30 , f
588 '.(! 112:03 p . 4:1
018 ."- 1241 .
. " •
.1 po “J.1i22 ";
11 40' " I 52.5 "
„*l°° ”
DE PA ta , ,FRINA 2#001,;-.Gonla
/M B 4°nO i lli 44 1) .7
NU& iiiitte!loifoleytbdist‘
nese in WollsbOrO, Imo- *l
- on ;;. salo k ,,qnool3,
kinds and risco-of
i..a~ S
4iiiije,-e.4Bottiiiqti..ftopculing an amend,
,:, „Inert t. tici I#ol(6)ll,liluti9,9,9,f,.einnehttia l
vita;_* Y - ' -.-- : . ' L" -
Be ii lteti4icili i iii4 ,g 9 1,i0 7,,u'iloui:a -,,,, Rep
'rilicafatilqs Of l'hileatheibrittitifa'cir ',mil iftivanid '
, f±f , fi'ifil'iret steisibtt ma i : Thitt ;the' following
sußeriffoierpl of the Constitution efAbis Courfuen , ..
,efferiltirth)fpropoged. to the
,people,for their trgop,
Wil t /d• yejeothitib tirade:it folti li zpirvlsioits -of
ihp;tc ri diti7al. ' o:fi to Wit:: - - —..
l' - ' litilke'd filitiViiii fliThtion - ofthe Alith' - - -- :
lielettifft onstittztlenittudinserf id lied there:
ornAfa Wa g : , _,. , ,
~ ,
h a o
Ffilisttimsdrei iiiiiin 'lto 'sliorieir _by. , tiya
t r illillial eiters Of'thiState; at inieh limos - aild
r - idfstofe 'eflefriee as-'shail hi T lirWatiffed'
.7 ,144:11 .t 1 1 ...; .' .: .1 _‘. ''•,-,, ....., , fr..:: - .3
~. 1 1„, - .4. 4 1P B- H.__,,,,,t 13 P,-.-,1
1 Boom r. t_ 9 o noose or stept:espitativ i as, „
J m". 11 7 T 1 ' tvitwik.. ii,, v(ALT I WoR
C-1 1 111 iir.E. i ,:-. - 4 , , 1 ' ' Erie* otthe sen i e • .
air:, t_7lllli , ralr, biz. , ;,„-. •.; , June, LI 1,1
.4„vpickyli the fifteen' de, of . m u tt ,
, `,ezatuj s Trt t . tioutindred .aneild4-`
1:00 p}fat
i .
011 4 4
1.. .1
,6 111115:
11., 110 k
1 , 304
tit '
oissa •
112.14 pm
12.24 4
46 1
12. 2
58 a
-2.24 din.
720. p m
4,05 a m
5,80 p
,E 1;
5.40 "
7 - .45 - sup
50 na
9.20 'A
-2.21 am
812 " r 7
4 30 - 1 g :
06.26-14..1 .
lea bit
1 2. f 144;
12.20 a
12.25 "
2.20 inn
7.20 pm
4.05 am'
0.00 "
rota s ikr,-,1 tarizgovi 4witis
evEleparlanolontilifuLfar,4knlon^ tinn.pusau.
( ayetrtoillui end' Artb?%otrnp
• 3 . clicDA;c.
office e Macy of fhe i✓ommonye~'gllb,
kilitilathrgi'Juli? if iti,1871%,"
1141-4tir. • '
• •
..... ........,
ter .
,i t . B
efO rel li e d e o pce
, , - i•
_,: ,, , , t) , (i . I ,i-.7:7,4104:4-:-/o
-.4.ltiqtetv lig largecinti fresh-lota lif thialott :.;-,,
i .11•:: -.14:11-L:Lit..a.i still'
_..-...._, ,r , :l p. ati.,- i .=10,...:tr,
,- f iz . U42oo:Eß - lES, - - YANai
iv..., - .:-' .;,..::::: ;
-./1 '''
,1514::,.; .-., 1 ,4 ~.4,-.,...5..,..„ .! ,„ ~„.. : ~:,„?,,,
:il trj- 1 .'1:.; 1 - . 1.. - .: -. 1 '.! 1: ,1, —..; f: , :::' .1 .t:
L'esbbrands of Tobacco and Cigars,
: Jai,.::7)-- ; :.„.. .
.itilt ,tiqtt 'Amery thirtgke R . iip di s * ~,u.1 10, 0 f • b, ; , - :
' Tofft;• } ; of they' dlePose of at prices; lower'
goli , ec follt4ii t : _, - ,14:14. . • '....,:. , cr-11
' Rl' ."/ ' fiinpVl66.44PgobiitiY Nii , lriiiible -id
ii l
f tpw .
.- - , 74 , q,13 - 11141:1 ,- . Rti c. , -; , ~ ..1t.G....,Ca, ;.,'% -
1., • .. 4 . Niottliiiiddedlo'tkiir Arcady:l6'o4a.
-,s)fit tit,,,la•bal c•iit.cii_fu , liii...l),* ,::
~,,, f .,,;,,.. !(v.icri solvLif .. , .::•:.; , 1,1 . v. , tZt. ': , 3 7 f". 7 t
'• _ , N i tvitis o cri ie..,, E ,_,.. , .. ,
&pr. x:i . k....,;,. 1:,,,., .., ;
----6 t..
:/t - 11), : i,PleituietiA riiiiiy - to 'fortiish (on'`Order) i
a t ii*j.tiagazine. music paper, or anything
aaltddlor;,34 thetlineil'llubscript4opa ''solgited
'for al) p4olai p'gpeis'aiiii magazines.
11,0 1 iI`P :It
rgot toall..oppoatte .11: M. Smith's
'6o7l`,'NfOga r Fes: 3 S.. ci .' - July 28;3.871:4f_•,. '
, 1
0..;. , - 3 I,! I
1 16D;11
220 pm.
616," I,
2 55 "
810 pm
Bso .1' •
8 O%IP
' 7 O PP
''' " W r
_ I
4- - - • • ••
I[l44*gr--91:111T4Ott firat , thiar , }Tarawa/a
: ii%Mtnetittidi Tblipositol-Pitti)Braa.,
an Mnirkg...t4eritc,r4spoo_efully;lnvitortheit - friends
arid th eitnblio 1n general to give dam - .a
They goal's Ate*, satisfaction 111.01-eaves. Their
meek eonsis slot:
, ....,,,, 1,"?Ig;
i • 4 c:
.:11 P..
Bent liVer s k j ~§Ft.ek,es„
- I .cif !,1 to.;
and a general:Me:of ~stloidsr s ecOnd-tb 404 A ltl'
4,lle,etnatry;at the lowest cash glees'.
.4-1..:e., s - • :1 -40- ir• 1- -, :,..., r.," ,*.
r::,;;;;:t 0ta,.12 4.; ii.;,..1:,;
They are ithfiPai-4119 felritlaßVMOVr.
V4t I IT W2^
HAWn i gErs° ll PA 13';' - 'LAtiSOLD '
TlOW3E'FAtuiVAstor(Awty imam , - To F' ED'
~.. 5.,,.., • , • ,-,,,, .i,
Mr. a. imolf 6f-dt' 4:Z
r . tsa - -
_, a ,n. tiffru, ilrti.; , .7iWt.",• +.7 ,
7 13 ,,Y1i 8Au riN is ' 41TrIto 4mi ottar,tikrA
"'"' and " h . "lA9/1.0 1 .7. r. i sT.InK VIII
be ein on "..„IN RWII,6ir UPJ 4 Ktiinikira,r
apply at thiiti , a. moil nui. , ,s. , : ,o g u a lo id I n k
i P
-;',dtA.l,l7'l- 1 .1 . :.. a ,:. - - - ! - .x41:17 7. e••
I a:, ~- I Rtofigter'lLffotietif.d . l SIJ
- " ^ llti 's,rrin am
ilWiSKti r ti " . 4egiit t pl.,,46 Aleavicire
1.11..A134 Al%l ~ fA rtimagaftlieloWlhave.4llo4.
,their aceepn el i . OteriCettOgr f or LT,tega
i ri;4l,
°aunty, and it at imam - to - will WO presented
to the Orpha CStSsrMirilatd MritYt. ST.4 , 49n1
day,the *Silt Mg er,pii iiiitA,li s y;lq, l 2.,si'mpaki
V.W.;:faiallosii44i So49sta orig; - ,;,1,,
Account of_Rtitrafi'• I plar t X saiimicn t igr,ok
the estate of u -- IpM9 u
.„ # . 449;9‘ p c eleay, dg. r. ,
" i rrr l ; t on [ld pr i .mi ,a;14,1 . 4_l I:
crAl t pt Oi exiii lit , #pmep,..e.apinlatratcry
Jo '.ibtr 'stt jit, - asps late, " 'ot (tainea,
dec° ""' I I i; ',•., • 3 if.P I •rl,v) 1 1; S: -4 ...1,..f. t.:.•
.. 1 Account o , Jo n •Josepti'anit niamuel - bflinie.
lar, Adin in ip i r a ..pfjlie, pstate,pf; jeiln , J4l 7 ,
"appliaate of r vowel, ofits,l4.• , r r -,•,
ii goWouliit 0 , ~tiAni WO, iy(a v l; ri:Aiiiiit l
Win, Ezoouto,?l4 - obart„lrli i aiii te:stameet et:,
John'Hinnlin,:ii,egOilsft .
,c 5 . • • ~1
~,,teeount of; p .. B§l 03 / 411ritinyirfit9E,citite,
es til kr-Dalin, t ° VA 91. Igetiof T"ll3fa.. 0 1
iiiii,Clit? -- i - ~.; ,•- c - Js c'• ,, • •
4 - 0400 ofi li . le. *lfitanis4icaratei. ogpi
Ost.,Wia. and testa Q$ of +ext...4: A 9,04540, 04
'of 171311iBerol aeliaaied, j., - ~
~ 1 , Lc ., : i. .„, , ,
•:i).Alie - alitit of, fi . . - x, attlA„iiimlnyttratori4e,
1 bone.on, of 46 a , n er f atiiiAelijii+Arriiion,
1 latteof Jacks6b,il I#4 -1;f ljad; ' , 7
1 'ACCOUItt of , tia 14 t i t ic,r - kp u t 4, pe.
Arboonover, Hiple4 it;littAiWast, iy,llEniiill'aii;
lament of Tliolit'ist eti entire?, liite Of Oyer?, '
'tteal=l4l. , ~ I ..,,-.1,0 . - . • ,
-TA 9i3rlA of 1 -61 !Agpgi,Vixoco, , OLPi : 0544
0i,,;4 - t ,w. titr:elt, , ,laymiCatma i •
Ail-fAV9easell="''' `...." ti:•' -- .V. - • , ~,,, I
.ceilt4 oflA. ' A , ..,'„'?(0.54,5"i0 ,lrolly !: ;:iivg37.„ 1
4 441 - ini34440.00 - .0-17 iiratpLiiT4isaniter,"o4reT v
late of Elkland;-da iil d..' T. 36: - Dig t psTV l , :,
-'' 41-9Ruet 2 , 187,1 : ' : , ; 1 , .7: li,l 1
11:i17-PR , IMA - 01-Eflrod 4: ITArtma You
;_ko'sittutitiubY, apAtteill .tbat;Mourietta,Parsono, ,
ztiy erneic frienitg/kattlt:BillkOpviste ttpplied•
to the Court rifj;Co_pmegallimil-pfateoptiaouritau a divorce 6 9% #ootldllAlotelitrittiony; ,and
- 1110 rV 4d ewlitAtte alkittfttattMaltdaYeLtbalfdtt
`llO - 0t 4ugnati.),By,l iE for. tha!bearing
0 1164110 U 1 the !Premise! ; coession bunt
WoBsA ftch if jrtt4it PrPllfir.7 I;f' --r lo
1411 g
iti6ROS. 4 - 2 iTtiiiiinalibli),Vinfliiiiiki:
j r bi x _potifiedpritiBPKV4 l 4o)y'lier 9
OA lOnd...Tbd oliddy,11yor„1 . 10,00 vot
`tour lir 'Combi' VI ' tr• :WO4 - pty tot' a
ahowctleirai OWaiti/ ot ' i4201.,0t t rii?
?gait ()tat biro iiiitAthrildr 4 . b r 2B, - ' 04.;
:f tis tr i 181r1' for the he, A Aktil: PPR- -
il pr ; ikiiietiai eeitiuni t Yun'ea:ii
attend 'you illirtlTlstrf .14;))18114 /1"
i:q7 207P8711 4*" • ' : c •'' l ' L " -- " fibtqlt.'
rqu " 0
Al , 4 ,4 f, -, --o .R 1:1-1.. •.1 , f. I;
•.:, 3 •,-t.
ApplicOmint Glowir ..fix: ,
• Mai p iciiiyortAkt'Ab.scdiiviilg.
! a l uggtfOrtg. 06 ineorpnadon
,bankbe l ekfileS In my office, and vrilli be' praien.,
'AIWA* ithe COUICAL fbtINADAEPIios• :01.1 1 160
county, MendaYs:4l4ll4l/Ullitarbti ..:: 61: .I:.'
PPUMtiOn ' Ot4 l lgitt Bilkekar; Onot. Benson,
ro P!Aft y. maulegAmt.,i)thwi ; : under . the
AOA.4A d i reAttOftrob. - Of Rutland."'
oWfilliWn I 11144 1 8011JihgEonitottort ;O. Dozei.
George l R. Shi st,,:ttrogpteifirfibiofforAnd4otook
Sheffer, under,
~ 4/,,e mpg c9ll 'f
.010 •Pirst??.l.:2ll'
a ;molt of.Libeity." .?Alei i
c"' Sppriallonaf William Beebe, Chester Rob
inson, J. B. Pottor, and others, for charter of
incorporation under the name of " Welleboro
Water Company."
Meet 2,1871
F4l , ll';.tirit 4, ;(1 1 ::
14: 4 1 , . '
• ►S'F: l
' • • -• 4 qa:l4. 3:435
T •
ilr oaeutN• Mr tu.
„ x .,2,,.., , • ::,.
~,-;,;.:4 :, , ---.1. •, f "7 7.......1 , 1 • ' •• • ' ' ' - I iil • s4
,nun 2, lqww "Yaw'sbet , ,Y9u) itatthuefli Po . 1 "T•t - 1
Ilet; hentl#44s tiro 4;
- When, - I , • agtlikjP.P.Y ;
'- - • ;-- - i v. 7 1
.Np..,,y01f wolcii't thinir . sn, to pok i at, hAs "eyeadr, -,
' .-tat-be.,4_,P:i 4 . 1,411 f41ik t g;,4 1 1 ( 1'A ' ..................
a ti -i
I -117 . 16 : ' -•.-, lo 0- ~ :', 4%A • -, 'll 4 , 'I
- will 1
•Wi3 leiltilltq. - - eftep tqcl4elAbeig t soliktr o:T l
That Wail 9P ..e.; IfFP.:9!4: !!ka- a.:,RTI# . 1 1rAllik
r_% ;I 4_43oVer; i c „o f. ,-, 5,., 4,' ''- , i-, -.-.0... -' 't„,-. -.;.'',
/Northward na, a t,4
, i, , ,m wm3Li
Icin d ,alrf4r .. 2,l
'T'oittio Brasioii.taw isie oarlodgesiay,..:,,, f.,,,,, , ~.,,
• One broad= an:itnnSt9lol stlis, of lirottn, : , ~-
~ -..,;.,
, Avadtlat/ 1 4 0 ,gur.tga, a al IltilA-.ta ellato ART,i_li 1,:n;
X °3°ll t r lt s:9 M a #R 4.o l 4/Might; , - '. , ..,t, ws..-1
i i i _.
With my, ,brown l/ridei, wo 4.roman,,-tn t ap PliNl'..,
tbiitla Y 9 3 1 t ilkilkithlifa,. frOSOPIIi ' 41.- - :EI, ,
I 7.1: frOrjt +I -+ .... a .S, , -(1 ~., I. ~,,,t,.
Wo bul 3 ol fir 41 :SriliT a_ll7;b9r_ a 9.Yas,: IlTill O P.-
- '.l•Altr-9. 0 h _i,i .i 2.2 - t.72.1.10b 4,1 '11 , ,,1ii: , II t'...lzr r
• har4ARMY,4O.4..4MINI it t 3 .....
...„ 7 ,,.., 1,„„ . T-... So. C 7,09 IA ,dqvigrsing ei_a_d_p oil
o' • - ..., • • l:ln4 lea ' taaelt6FAeVen ttt tqa
a. Simir rfotAt:s. om.tof Ts Li3d, to g•
: , Jwitwun
.I,la% t anpi.,_ ptatet never it, liap,o l l
Ilk her toile Ira ztavirarinhar
.tAcilliwets, r ,l4o,. :
- clo v er I ! ---, i cz: ~ 'i - z1i.1 ,,, i. f r 3,4 7i • G 1) :• -
llurrie&brown,ettlt,reniihadl,l9 , thp,4ttwi ,uf_the l
-a- sung; 11. .1.,;.1 ',,,.” :4: 1 0 1 , - '.i, ~.--,, oi - 4 tr. , —
i4 4 , ,ll l. 3 a l s taF4,Afla. t : 1 415 ) Jtifls;t4Plateif.
- ' . uvv ' e, - 4 434 V''' -'i '," •: J. '. ^,tr-recutll ai
And'as lad i W,I* 'bre 0 'ilikhear,(Tytimit• beele
Fn itis hotizageumaworje iiallieet loyel,-„, ~ ~; ;, 3
Oritilflieli kitrjelkhoate'bi,ifs, bitiflen,,e,t- sweets.
i •
y o
We'„;., : - ..5. t,,`,” c . ---.1, orld IA.:
lay le w i adires,a,on4ihisliroad i plailvllevela,,
‘ Cti i" t9V-Q/B Il d
, ; 2M ,i B PgilILF4Yin, b1i49.•,-, .d.
;YRiarly fall aj un•af . ops fpAiily, - j a t , ;;i.;;-, Lc
F9.149-Cutt . I *ii ir.a..; ?Vv.:at/4'4 l e dff.ll B ,- , -.TJC,;:`' r i
Af. geil 4x= 9 , P,e4hamiit.i 9ortbiLtracth I, I (/.,t:
. .WAterrneee h&A, f.trilio4t.,-,"liet. thßfiun go illlyvn 6
8991 " 4 "' 41. : ,1 kl*t4 4 i bearded : 01 40V011fr:
Alt 1 1 -9-Pael!) %..." .....,*",,,VPWYPE, NIT .9 11, 1114:PaStlfrii. -
nuiding fast P . .; ', q. i 4-,,IfM•r:0404.1;(0,i(11110 TO. :WS
" Ottlii` g i -- E,l ,":•=rt Q. ~: .'
,Lt.:l: - , - • :_!• •,..•1:'; , • '
1".411f1.r0r Janif•Wat and gliinged4wiftlynr,oupd,
Andthen dreptied, es:1( shpt, with ida ear, teatbe;
- grounds,..;, ~- . !.
_,. , .
~ ,
f,Thigi againitikhiAfe'et and:Co ino,,ip My hride, - : i
Whi,le his eyes were l ike fire, his fee° likeertbrondi r,'
'RN' srift- liken his baa4lilte,n alowlit
. Atid hibe4andandsbrill, as,if bic...wn-frorn-w
• k0• 6 44pal imaosjand
hrieleto stood ,
_-;-', , ,dsqit °4 if 9vaiffar,4 l (;lil WOO l spoeda2si.
- Ana,al , e'rpr your ; iivel-for your livus' ion:meat ,
t 144;:..
ell 4 , - i 0 - , I.' ••! : -I , ',, I ". . 7
rsii• - .Alqraiis itifatne,,,the prairie . oa,flre., , . •
Add F eet b tvidiborses, , hard flying before,: (~. ~
I 'heir Ilite a . ) - neo§iting high-on thelibore, -, ,
While 111 ,,, 613 aWfk gluon like ansurge - of the eetV. .
IlllYiiii Si pp;
ilame; driving last on as three,'
As a .harriearte oemesi orashin g. palms in iihrire,;" ,
'• 1 -I :.'"'" 1 71r., c;.:1: :•i4, I.- .: ..-..'— ! ::.
• Wti die*: Nth+, litabos,:seised saddle andrein,. i-L,
-Threwthemlort, sinehed them on, sinehed..-them
And again rimy the - girthpeast asidnitho' naabh-r'
-• •- -evil, 1 33-.•Tn-_: i • -.1-, ',ii' I:, 1 - 7 , t " , ',17.• '•ii::
- oat p t way .: trdiaxts,toosed tb o lash from its - foltip
Cast agido 't tterattumared and spangled with gold;
'Ana rila'tnritntad.:Oolt'e, true ..eompanione. lbr
r .tlyettiii;
Cast /hexed silk serapes to the.windin a breath;
And stain% to the skin, sprang all haste to the
. 1
Ati,f? i sKep ea , hen born—as -when - now - . (rein the
•_, and P , ?f,',! r I •.7 1 • .., -_
• 4 Trr.
- Or 04 . 44tilihIitiWOrd, or one word'ofeominandF ,
I "4'arheA, hoe/ to the'Brazoe in: a. -fed-race with,
'l' ..:4leatiki, lc:- ' -; -i - . - •f:., 7c.,;
uttilialle4fl totbe.BrazoS witlra breath n , •the
,"140 ;; , ^ 13 .1701•1..' -' - •"7 , ' - !!:-.- 1 '•-,l:_ ._ :17
Islayring_hot frani a- king! leaiing " 'death ;lit - hie
----eonrea; 10 :. , , , ...m. :.. -, 7- '' . 7 r .L. ; C..i•
Tar/36d14aq to ithe:l3razeS with a sound! ins Ow:
ate It 1,1. .11 - ,r I-. ':,O 7 L'.,--7_•.•C.' t! ! .
Like-the - Mehra , 'army, bud t Ilesh lal alai eye'
;Of arrild - iiit# tifEfifEefonobing-4 to theikpio ~ • ;
fitretehing Soma in iltrfsinft of a•hlaohrolling shIS,)
Itrufidngfiell upon ins arr, ttel wind arweetling freer i
Itnet Witrliotn.the - deserti bearing:death ,anti'lltS.:
plitlrP.F. i 4,7 0: ,k. , :t: •
.1 . , !,-; 1.7.,' -.., •!.-- :
I! L•7!:.-4.!,h.ff:!: 'I i - : C.: ,3-',. : ,ct_ , • , ,*. '; f f,:.:,7;•.: -i : lc!!
:Rot risobrd, at - a:wail, from a lip was; lettali, ,
- NetsMal m my , bridtt, not a look:or leir -d e ll-.
eriaseriftteior. oonrage;•Wet on - o'er the 'plain' ' 1
ilb deadY_Mid - still, loaning low to the mane,
With the-heel to thmfla - nkand the -hand-- to = th e
al - P.:- ..,reirriii i •,- , 7! 'f 7 , i... .1 _ . ; -., -. ~ ! ... -: -v..
• ,f " t e . dn tso•onA rade: arntlres, i . rode , we
gray 'to
il e,
-itdadst, , : i I n
-Resehinglong;breathing loud, like.' a.,,, ) ,tid
...-. 73itindr,bi02; -....-:,... 3 :,, .. : :.,•?, ..---77 Jae.)
IC..akt•-vmbroice not a whisper, we breathed I - 'hot' if;
..,,,..---- „ - Owyer4 .11
!ave; was work to be done there was death in'
the air, . .
-And the chance was Saone to a‘thotniand for all.
. _.
, -
17, L. , ) (i.
3tray p"ciee ll gray nose, and each steady mustang
AtretCheil neck and strotchechlerve till the hol
loir earth rang, : -. ;7, 1;-.._. - .-......,:
And'; aid feamlrora tbur.flattli and: the ()rug; - and
the,r4kl . 3 c: , ;+- .r,,,1.s ,- , ._,,..., ,1 ., ,• : ,1
• Vibir ar,lititid lilmttle. - sitraY. tin a :storni-drittelt i
'- .-- , A ge 're. : :-.:1! 17:4:: !,..::: ,..-...-, -: ~ ,:-.43
, mi l n ..134113s I thirty -, miletil.:- . :a . dim: distant"
::. 'ln% • , '
-' , a; i lPfig?tr i i.' " •:. , . •!..-• ~:
allmna,„ Au -reaching lino, and the-Brazos in
-- , irdit ul . .1.7.Z1 , :A. ..ii-.:.i „:d.' ._ :...-, :.: r
Xhill rttosii royitipttiwftlr,ti•eholit-of delighE ,:.:
Joitooitirt.. 5a qttlitupladit ;lacked of mg;righ4q art
134,11e1ek al.-Ilentiittliartacatt bylnry Oneida!:
1 ?
.4i4..sirr Nal horiai itaggter;.4.laiatiishsruldrooV r t
141,1d.,001tielbrititet,...itria his tn itked, breast! Jabitipl. ,
" - •‘g-- - 1 :At .'.l .;.ttt! - _3 .14,.7:. 11,,.tt ..,, 1.., . r z Lif
. - .'"
4 34 the - , • ~,, i
oir - _ 0w i ..l , .
.inane,cas- , tiw fterland-buldrtr2 , ,
reenyatngfil , tmanclhalel-fritid fire,- ~, -I,i
T,Vgi) pd
. o.lnfo Week buffalo caintir-2.--I •
#l4lO jOid ililnillitinfirrollingla in dettpaar, -"A
. ill' t :,eii,beirds.teAthwdtutand Ithick, rude ,i i i
'44 Alir, I tla.7 '-1 . .'."l. h.1 1 01:ft t :-...! 15 . •;_l
: ,411, i literrple turf marred zenaif itirmisLi !. ,-- ..::-',3 'I
MI ' ! k,44,1 hi:therlaw,eimeilingitiglr,s..!runellidg ,
1-1-7 , 00; : ..-'tun{ 101 l 'r,;,J v ..T.::!!..1 1
'Ail l phireineektatiiiekAo.i.bulfalo bull,
7 c o, Aii rQh of millions, with shaggy-mane full
.' 'eMb , Una -of thast„ , arid lit Ishodic with desire %
); l oiitillutige anitaritht F bellowinge loud - : -,
Andctineitypily4 isird lift through' its :lowering
t 4d . ~ lii 1 1 '.. .: : - uCILi o' C,V„:-‘1,.. • : .113',
a - Mir - ,thtf, fiaiih: of hisreyes like &half "ridden' tirei.
114111 h hiti,Vettv:erdoired. horn st.through t he' stenni
';* "61:his ) thtine .-,-e.? - .•,.., -..: a 17: , 1 .f. •
VW %lig:lances lifted And lifted agaik;
'ititif,f ibtkoti but this once, - Tii - F4lier-fire-- , naiad
, . th i r, ,Vb ..:
Atia:till roil ',:vo ;ado: lwo an.d.,two:
• „r •s; ' sto,d(l l 9_ . .••• 17.11:1. ,::: :10: : d , ,; ~ . 1 ,Ii
'l,r•ltiykBd,td,liyidurvltherkittaii &cans(); (494; - :.,411.
4 :- A hrtorif,tl ;,Att ,ca,A.: Aoirm .1 : :so • ;nir ,t.r.
Oafik'iibi.lY, eitkiiikftetilebliik j i, 6 Iftitid6 )'3 l'i
4 0-11bOuCVAXlial,HabiliNcifigotYtffil3Eliek::1
1 - ,-,,. h ..,!'"- -516:i €:,71,47:a i', , i•. - ;,-1.•:,:;;L - ,i c:,
rVdAiefini,,fill .itt.rainh hot two :m strviillins oyes ; i
_lth' - ;!, Tonging and love, yet 6 , --16bli• 'of .dAsphir
:).Aritfi,iyfill,t.fOr me as she felt, hri'-iniiiikerfoid her
- 46 a fitinielO•daohingstartorbor_gloylon - 07hair: - :: - ,a
$161; ititikiptriFfalWed;riiiiii-bokOrhaii folf -,4 •
'TO' hatl'ilic litii*Ai: 6;ll l4 l ,ttio*Vt(ihrdit : c.
Iddliabtido, li i irtiOpd . 4,_niiiiiiiik ,npryea:,fall.,;aa.,
r:c. id - t hyd?':• , .. ', ;', , ; • 7!; 1 2 .
~:,;:,: i -!;),-/
~, y .,-•!::tt . , -L ,..,;:i
trhiiiilello th ' a ) t.ony-iitiwiritita_Latill: lotided , :iiiir
; rre.i i -a r d . ...4 , i .1.•:1:1 ; , -...-:.. , .-.1 iy..-:•-,..• . t . , .•.., kr ,3::71'.. 17
6 W itli ilbOk 4 rilAriiiti. : Affill; 040; iOil",ine . •
. CVas!li 6 r Titthlelit'An4,9s44;4,l46:omiv , oigitiitity:
Fiadraftifffli-Igholaltot:tio ail/moping : every 1 •*iiin g,
:4 veloo T h . 0 ;,:fctic,:::.. , . r.f-t,',it'; ~ . -•.,G t. • " ,1, Vic, , :
l'ir ti;-ni ; de wilerel fikii
i r 7.‘
trotri i: •' t, loil 4 :7 iaki , i ti „„, , ',r .- ari7ld,:-`• t-
l - u „tr
: I ,
Mid 46 ' *lienX*9lttNti4t* f liaitPC;Yd443-;
41+ 1 neighbfr's csin.dasaliettettemy'txhill;!:-
..,-,- „I
- - Atka child ifi" tha• kingly ntatethiat a: 4ila 5 tkiiio44. - . 1
'll thi _brlitlght the this' skiff VO. the biAiler ibilitigitt
mile mat 'MVOs and me in her iieriltais fighi'--
-iPriiireth'e lodge hi thei chief 0- ther , h6lll; ;Ititittif
Sidi; , {,, i ...,_,:: , , , f ,-,, , - : . t ~..,
~ ,,_ _,..7 . ,111-.!
-Aid tfaiti;'o hat ittegif4k;oe,itr'iiir;lh'cilWp'o';, - L''
-Atte if jeptitit halo ari,j ; ,; - .1344,-slietild:rldrolig,l:-
, The'iteet-41, t dfPaohefseif kiwtohnYld ,pF1T211,6
, t3shOtild en y'rritrith - out elber'aderil":..'
41341 66.1444, ri: P •_NP,trP 4 :lol . o'* l •l4t-IVYl 34° i
-I o rft;side;tl'4a t,,,`,,,;;„, G 11 . ii?s-Atr • , 1:1 , -!,, - t i'- ' • - r-/All,B',dikAr
/ A 11 , 8 ' ,di kAr .Ve 5ArRi melt Dtill.thit;z-neat,‘-i&OiliiA.l
:1•:.)1L Labatt . 1 . , :barAnzji ,t)GI7I tolnis ,?:7,,10.0 7 O. Sr
rfirtie'llk bhintitifiria tl(B 7 iiii . itrai'il'lllo :I;preb , ,
:: 0, hi ce i gAi -.aoc.:.:a mut. ... f i rr ."„ ~,:,,,,, 0: cr!
I Aid swift-sliti would join me, staLall.....„*.eitiii_Lbci
I .)k - it:Well/ •A ' r ff-ri-JP 1-, r,- r-, , , ,r‘l , 4,
•Wiltlimit•blObliohod' if Word:AMU 'us:inc.s - shis'fblr
Wad thlt;frent,'ate wentdow4 ial Om= ocean Of:
:t: ili:tmgstic. . .w.i...::',7., - ,..1 . :. IlitA C 7 LTV r
V/ eagetlbta Ise was rola&if - delight fiat
. ;rablitl.taionill'etoa a—a lavailirktestro-;- ',-. :,°.
.7Zahtaitatictrord; of a looksiiilaiip6iii ~ ,Inn
Rettraliduld Teal: handiehtrard aithr hand usi
.liiitifttlyrilifil , .t ) 3 .7.07r-11:11 A y. ,
Vallilnlitisrittor her in mytenible.lllot.
li::•,fos ,xsli_oe• • • 1., 1; t 1.1410,„ 05 .,, 1 , „. z . ,
, Tlikilitiitrillihing of fire, dtwne f.,
.0240,1 .so!; •!..15!,5, - ,-.5 zeri!l: - .:,/ ,• r k , 1' .:+1(0
ditultilwballo‘in g of peastlrivilidsilie *so wick:4V
.51 NtbrllitleF-4 Jr:lif.:', .< ro E, ;S:r.
Dineko - koin'ing and hlirtilkre'll'ilofeed onward
i J - aalover, .!!.4-.-z:f. 5 airs:Cf • ,• ~
Arirthel litiSteounteLfiamerfieso'hed' tironnd thorn I
..,' , imtkiittrAt her; e;!.. , ?. ritl , ::!'-, ,I•'.. ."_.• ~. , I
Ifindsitithhiihair, andilinustitibitillthey dled.;.4 ,
Tilt Ahoy Asa with ti, wttopia a disolato man, di
Asoraealiftlart-broken oirtlfelirsidAriciwn stone "
zitzdlntalholiitatoo....ksodisriat alone,-* - -
• •
: f •'.._
ailiilciitexiiive only ft,ticasetr, ofik-liiiit et;
baa dila bare aniclAnstrialiM,thel; skin .
Then just as the terrible sea came in
And tujnbled its thousands hot into the tide,
Till the tide Me
r brimmed
In addles, we at
* * .
At; h 4
ked up, and the swift stream
ok on the opposite aide.
• • • • •
- : ,:,. ~,:ioi,-,,,
f4 . 1:44,.:. i-.
Yati 14401lept 'iind"partook lA , my'
ahem' • t, L
'Atrao. 4ll ,3l n 1114.0, 0n34 thlsruggeal
For theyirnyti the *OM rough,' and • 0 amanohoi
•;+. '
'gat, youlthettlifi 1)10 up,l. (Auto yoßr dirty skin
Aotildri:t 1410 thtitiibt you in niggaidly. Vomit
po'yntiMiii lb t dilikolboolti think an old moue-`
tiCinelal!z"-k ;., •
tbo,toOgh .. .hOrder horn has no trita-iiiva at all i
1 7 6ifbny 11131: 1 4 l A' bag full of gold I
X41 . 4:11h0nVP133 - P/Zollballaitho.talo I have told I
,bPfre, ta! Ind is and
319:rirtlic up-yonv n 0 and - spin, .
bil* !oi , kbm,,t Y9Pr
3 '
:• _ _
• -1 , --- MSCELZANBOUSC''
,-.'''.. r . • : ,
`'i'lLet' tho-Ameriean PC6ple 'Ponder.
C..i' 1
1 I ----
;; :4• '
.71 Oeir- itidebtedito,,l. la.illinton,,
.6fiCridiai ornhe'Reptiblican-Vkxeculikve
- nl
ij atiW.ashhagh:ini for-thebfo,l-. ,
....1 . . ' .., ' StrObzlifilctagatberld by the,
Oeugte!" esigazilf*AoF _ ri n veati gat' n g
ci.tititii;: ..001111410519,n0., canunittee lur
*ld #4q 9g the:Kukfox yillainy-a sub
-4661W4,0441ATA1NP00R a-9,0 ana!ler:
Isub - -emuni - iiiMelpSout)i.Careline-.4ve
now lifil hOaily, ; session. more than
tiiim i un i n h6g4in i d 'hive 'laid sbe'fore them
_Many ,:o I es Tof,Wlt:nesseS from all see:
tr.oriii ot: II S 'll i lii inisurreqtionar'y States
4410ti'_ - o lii;i:' `high and humble sta
iion-,:',Presiding' eildpils,' 'preachers, ex
me - mbersi brflie' federal Congress and
ei'7,ideiiiheis t of 'the' corifederide Con
grOiiih og-piirietals'Of both armies, Gov
rernore , in);&leic , Giovernorri, indges; soliL
-pitotr4'sli' riffst,;reventie officers, o ffi cers
- 4:if4lie'ar yi postmasters, school Wadi ,
_ors; repo tank' ? spill anrepeotamt. m mu, 1 1
lieitt:i;if C.U.l,cipc, f ,latis,., and ilozeps of i
thek „M'aig - isd`,,tsnd, suffering, •victims,
black .and wake. ~_ _, l
~. i ,
• ';`' Mil 1414 .bile, iftis i p i
tient and 1.149-:
xbilitti' t :m3'o4;kltioti ",eatatlftill&l—iiiiir
,esiablistied 'beyond all future 'cavil and
Jiinestlon'4 - These atrocious Inds:
't Tholii ;fin , tile late 'insurrection
and States,lifid generally diffused, tho'
not 'found in eVeiy county; is' au 'oath
biOnAoiffOcirstioiganization, working on- 1
,lii atidgb i t t - audits member always, in
disgulie, twithy. officers, signs, signals,
-MtAt'f i l i t,,il Ligrik tAnd all the, necessary
itexei - A4ER ilti4,-with.' the ,pledged and
aworwlin VclA l 9,f)PfteftWlNl./, t4c .4e- .
44fbitittri 1440-ci l tigAip , the, pentcratic
parlay ( " l ien in different localities
among th4tßlPate4 hydi ff eren't iirtules,
but every, here recognized* by •the gen
eral, cbgninn i en', "'ltuklux." 1
1 , " a. Thitt4diginfiatibri came - into
'b'elniatekt montlis'Previous to the last
l'restii:titiliftition, during Which Can ,
- iass waisTrt. ts natist -, vigorous condi
tiiiiir,,:lbfit) in ow '4,hroughout all• the
:C?ithta iiittkis ore , tefficlent discipline
f. 0 ... •:•..
ajid.effentiVe - Irectkin than ever, rev.i
'vitig;sin.Oepa ation for the next Presid
dOtirtimpidgui , when, , as they . told
,plie '0 their victims In Tennessee a few
'Weelie sin` ovi vno 4- 7 -nd radical voting
licfp' i liff tin anyi3Outherii State,
li t%
rby.blac, ' t., ii,b,ite.', 0, ~ • -
ik . .
."-.',l"h t this' uiiiiix 6iganization
is ihe prehAlt ic
itated and determined
-scheme for carrying` the' 'South fat the
next election o; Pretiffent, 'and - so, by
*curing! he :- tali° elecitoral -''cote of
: *(liat:,egetithiviiiike 'sure the' eleetion%of
thoDemopiati iliOtnitiee.:: • , ,- • -,... • .
f , :actlifi tth tffibertaindestabliiiliera
s t
: WV - 44i dens r - ..(ea illCY'F.aPlAMPtlatelYT
ealfthobit Swart* .bands) , -All9 ),-ead
ltiield-ileklY9 • Derae . Cratle politicians
9--f' - '-_". 41 fth. , ..- ' ... ;x1 , ,... • ~
~ • ,
" 5. - That ill stpia j enNilas .the hearty
good will of a arge section Of the' nein- n all those States', and
.tfie i lifchkii4sce ee of nearly_ the entire
litirty: :r" ,
'" f. Tiiat ,th; direct `
awl cllietput2
pose of the l py aniWion ? a ewiya by,
all the v .qty:rie, As o the assertion tint- .
*tVli rPad,h , , - theili = :bi, these Mid - '
)440i HO liiii'libinbpratep 14 - tife '
1 1
1 - utitierstil t' : r OISP I 0 ih*S ' iSlielltillt:
I AV - di - 414p itig ' ' ihriNet's 9 oethe order, is
A*: tkis' file - ga tiWn iof the n'epub
-1 AhNiup s -aiiii Nit; tittinglip of the Demo.
'eraiielikk : i 1 f .. , :1 C... ,', ~,•.: , , - ,
r: i .A l . r,O t_vtil le l the 'Democratic and
I AC.ailiiii' itnelises on their direct exam.,;
I ination' kis ally . siinv i A )Y0 g)o4ii i i,cat, i ptir 7 ,
I t ri ttt i rPilera sf ! , , erg. Oat the Icp-,
1 4,14 pr,stiA, aolin,necceipty'giowing opt'
ef the abrititoil e l f - Oil> .!)lit u piterof; that
they lieve!t!'.i (i(ptfp:i(;''d , 66:ark' 1,6 • Reek)
the giggenia lullieliiiiatie' ; 7 ' that under
-the: .inilu ' 'cii •'of 'llididitt - legiAlation'
i tiji - q'll4o4i Olt'- iireinliiiig ' the" n iggers
404Aa t iott cweott4BBLicy . ,' anti' with-
Autate fiiriaiitnkitik: visit' would L
' begin to hink , thepieSiVes ai good Its:
whAtt4 Nike ;,!.-!antililiall,:tileti .frequent
.fteggrom r o4,o4.o.Cealli ued nui Mei' are;
irece.**ary: Ito- maintain sucii,a;state • of
1 4701414Mig.tiiicrifft fie-will _permit
-4k fi ltl e ,;Pi tt l i !g' ) ! , . t tldt ( 3 - I n Y, A'J.9)or:
244 ."°Pg.4;1. - i'l3lc.'-%,0 1 P 'Pl,* (3x-lun 7
ttial - fotrj-fliefiri wttnessesso; very gee- I
, firiiis: w c, ,ali• 'kOfl,Sil i gif tie ''eightly, eim
fess that tiffi f liiifiii r ibirietaii` 6.fiiotiti'egl
*:l:re 1! t R pairliWelit , aiitYrn6t tx; be rc; •
r ifre tt e il at e s i i iei - 31..11 ' ' lo ~e ' ..
jitk,, 4 1: 1 04-445 1 sedifte aril; ', pip , pose, 'th e
ffirt f tlardevbr cot the; Reputlican . and
I'Oeiiiitting cipctti* ,Decootattc par,
2fYi~athroW am grandinieesure—
Lth's 4, l , l3 Sii9coßAP4b.Vicaki voters,:
,1 44340 _4,lo , H,.,tklklPP.cial!Ylt l e de::
aneileris d 41R Im pKg, „14 1,1 1 1111 11 f1,14 '
iik:Acgagfi l urOn - gli - o:ll4es,and stores arid
AtilfAipsfAiritiftpck.hy. r tolir lby IV h:i . A;Pil'lss
iatii:ncha s imiejti4' - eitileity'ke:Ofteiiceo l end
lii diailifii6iiiiiiiie4eniitaid tiai n hil
inalvin 0 ; blitiiiiiiiiiiiiitidif f ri n Willa ri A3r4
'tin - A suchr: t4itilfiriiitkirkfer and' , wLb
4 t)
44.1i4 . 110 deVkir - Aiiiniaistriketer err
',IVO , Twhill oditinntiesli Uzi& bring it us
lkiiiilkaPib ican,Szotirt're ' , two , orsth ee
015041/At.64eSintilen a in& glpfieti . it •
T to
I,:i !iiii:Affatte%schpoOsac pi, -a iid,ipr a-• .
11 404i0,t,eP 4 i44941,§t , PAtrsit , No.4 0",
' O 2 B V. to'l :Aksiilekineltic,Rilinv 3 Pee-PS:
,i 1 4 3001 110 ckprAtieimeiAmit; 1 ,0 13.."A',
4re4B et' se 'V l it l . c riffilcW l l* l44° Al Bl Sl
, bildiefies hatg ? rivhop9 , ,9.,%tlq,:flitiTE!s,
imi , ~ ,o (irisOrdom will tihadiAghSst;'
#lti:'4is ,VmMei.B #6vPthe' i l3cOres' of
,•,, .., ,e, aekihifi f il ii. 4; 64iii:kreitelf-'
'et*, itlit,, hriiiii i l. ~ thilittle ellen O3rs , 1
1#414tiZ? , 411eif 1 aiii 4 9 3 3 4, 64? 1 *( 1 0 41 i Veal
04ipfili ! ORA biiikPiAilid; i iii:4Onie
infilianfts, itaisilAte,edilliutived AV thsx
ptc li . `ji 1 G viereLnAgrin bJ. 4.: i'‘ , .1.., , .., ,, 1 )
E.., tAkciATii,airel,Untuottilyuorie , hilltiAhe
lAtitersx'S t 11 14P0. 0 (144 1 41.1-,W 0 Y4'._1544 1 .e1 1,
.11^-#Ol4-gollignik-141813410551*P;; every, 4 l .oAtixt .6 4l9ing 94" ' ' !.P-- ( f;itni!!"1
elionerwhich.4re i r._ykO. i x t , ariq. parr .
/utlir e hPß l PlY4g '4?; ii lMi ( I C erp:!!!"11
4. l .glifill 1: ' , T
zit. 0t9 , .. ~ I LA vl 4 , A.L1 , 1
1 1 , 1,4 4 I]atiaThalt IL /motel , ana lin ilea late:.
ly c loAliki saai l dklift 'nil? 1 fi c i'llaie'ptirl
tyLit e li r tgell r 638:ffrA r YneAuff'
heartily. approving . ; large numbers of
the party North attempting its pallia
tion by! excuse, and its shelter from
'scorn by covering up or denying its
1, .i•t
+1(!;` ~f'..•1l
11 i ,
.' . -
,~:_ v
'' :~ e ix
orllnee,, 'if 'cowardly asaination
.could be palliated, and brutal murder
,excused ;4-and the Demcratic party
throughout the land rejoicing in its
promise of help:, So,. either by open
and t:l43Acnowlc4lged act on, orby the no
leis" criminal.and tb
,more cowardly
Particjpatidn of extenuating and shiel
ding ifid crime, the party, Sooh and
fsiorth, becoine, before* the people and
before god, equal sharers in the respell
' `" Out of . the "mouths of More than
two hundred'witnesses every syllable
of this established f and more than ten
thousand of the shrOildless dead, from
hiddtp places—by iwayside;. in swamp
andftountain; and from the leleepless
ashes of flied homes—shout their ghast
.!.f.Ajtjpgic,instattoe of these thousand.
outrages, p,rpotrated upon ,an Amer!,
cay olden, on , foreign soli, would be
thought i . cause for war; and our,
(Mare navy would hasten to enforce the
, riatiOrk i el}idignatiot. And Such abdss
tis 'is dailY meted out to these humble
Methodl4 preachers, if offered one of
our =Missionaries on heathen gronfid,
would arouse th e whole 'American
Church, ILltitil every wind was laden
with demands for protection.'
" The thanks of alloitizens who love
Right and hate r Rapine, are due the
faithful Men ofAhis copimittee, who,
fOrgetting•their own' ease; 'have so in
dustriously' deVotedt these hot months
to the unearthing of this giant villainy.
" Chrisilan trieo of'our country! hu-,
mane men! all.decent men !--we ap-'
peal to you. •• Is' a party worthy of fife
`in thiti' !dud; which seeks supremacy
through Binh hell-born measures?"
" , Tile Wopleil of India.
Ti . I/ irei 7-77 has• i
le n z n Mfrrbr an artre
the improvement which has of
been taking place in the position
prospectel'of the native women ol
dia. It, gays :..1 ; • 1
• " How 'do the Hindoo women of Ben
gal manage •to exist; and what horrid
creatures thidr husbands are to' shut
them up '1• So exclaims the Ugliest of the
batch of young ladies landed in Calcut
ta by, the last steamer that came thro'
the S uez. 4041. .That strange word 'ze
alma' suggestato an inexperienced Eu
ropean mind the. vague ideas of genii,
dud mountain eavea,, and wonderfully
slender !edict' in slippers andnose rings.
To one that has . been out from Europe
in this country some tine, the zenat;
takes a, more delft:lite shape. Low, di -
gy teethe,' where the light of the sun
cannot enter, dOore barred and locked,
floors damp and reeking, about' which
the miseri • ble Hindoo ladies, half blin
ded and 13 tlf choked, crawl about and
clank `thei,r (Amine. When things how
ever are at the worst they begin then
to mend. Wise nien have seen aslight
improvenient of late even in the zena
utt. We need once •to hear youthful
Bailees, ivith a senthhental turn, grieve
oyer-.the•fact that, for the life of them,
they could not form any idea as to what
their wives' faces were like. They were
never allowed to,have a glln3pse of the
deer Onee, fan d never admitted into their
society kiefere twelVe o'clock' at night;
and at ihrit: , advanced hour of the night
it was ndtinosidble to Catch a glimpse,
liecatiiie the 4e,e.r" otitis 'always put out
'the lainp before their liege lords enter
edthec,rdetn, - But IS not all this much
changed. at, t e present, time? The
youthful vif of Bengal is not only not
e l
pad leeked, 13 it-sheds visible' to her h us
, baud at atty. hour of.-tire tlayandnightti
If tile honee, quarrels with
Bahoon3a; theipahonquarrels with that
person, and thre . aterut ; 3,o reduce the al
i thewtiole Eamily. 8ah00...,
..., ~..
ma is everyday , .,itabibing
,the spirit of
Englishelvillzation through the porno
' tom•pot, ana the pciwde'r . pu;Or in atk
•OceasiOutik :Ounce of - pOrt vine. 813:
.eats Abe delicacies Of the tie on. Talk
Hof jewelrY ! Erteh'of the Y ung lady'
ears are bored at leest 36 el t difMrent
i i
places,. and through each of hese 03p - en:
ings bangs jewel; and the a are jevit
els about lier • nose, .(which is now-a
daYs helit4 bored right 'through,) and
I tiren 'there are jewels on her neck, and
arms, add' feet, which tinkle against
. each'iotheo, and thee every move of the
enehanting..!qoature ,le. Music. , She
reads and (v r& and embroiders,
-composes Prole and poetry, ,talks Hill
.dostanee AO the hearer, arid seasons her
vernacular with many an English word
and Phric3e.' 'She - freely 'walk's On the
terraf.e, Ise,elds thh •servants, 'criticizes
the curries, '3.l6oktii the clothes, and She
. Poollife`Chs the household god. 'She
Menages allthe'etoetisee of the family,
hen peCits' heti , 13 usband,.3 and browbeatr
her tnothet-in-laWl-! • • p
-- A" The , iemintri tberefotp; in nittni- an
ill bli Lin (,!L • , If not exaetlY: a'paradise, is
neithera prison nor anything lii,se it.
• 'i'• it 1: 1 ; foolish to believe that thlkcon
ilition!of svoinen in this.conrttry is one
of unmitigated misery. They fiertainly .
are ashapOy[as good living, affection
-and carikoan make them. But no doubt
3.lley,rtsgair6 , ,i higher arid tetter'happi
rieell such.: es;•restits 'from the enjoy
inent OT'a more usefuirand elevated po
sittOiri a 'society•than - they. now.occupy.
IWbeileVe the zenanahas•arrived at a.
%t. ilk , ' Of i 'la provern ea tvw.he re it. cannot
stop;'ini'd' the next step to_ aldell is the.
'withdraatal,,to . a i greater or less extent,
of ili' absolatepriyacy which hitherto
'has characterized' ',the , condition
,of our,
woraene Our ladies must see' a little of
the World.' liiii,in''lbiabay and Ma
•dras the7,ertatia tu sYetkini ' doeit 'not Pre-'
i yaikand 14(116 Of 'the indit respectable
.farrWies cap 0 ; 0 iiti place which they
have cialcksiori , =to'lriAlC'•• But the tines;
tAon ia,whtither the native ladies otlii a
-1031;ts ; and; ilernbaSrarii,in the ' proper,
sena t e 01: - the' word more advanced. than
'thei oilisi,s'N'v.tisters,of_Biingall t . '' •
i " " 3 .g. inei , e destruetiens of the zenana
`sYlikern,Aheu f #.0,41 , 1e tgkijing out of our
Veriltii ''' in }open, - 4 'eorrveynneee, every-,
:where, le; net theend-ail to which the
~,, ...., :I . 1 t - _
_I 1 4 ,
-cOndition c 091.11. ,'l7 , l79lXlerk tepOp
,at the
tutu re:rt ll'his? 'Milk ''iii *4; ti,avd 4tid,,
:seet.theE-orld arid riiii 'in kelety, h bilt .
rthey,.shonithbe 9, niaVe flt tes:'deilVe - *nor=
mini; pleas - di - It` iiiiiif dife'lrititincitlbn' from
tbcso4 l ) i Witvi-doeii*riet'kno* what'
',.,ruischief,aitlngriffieb3rltldtiliatiorf; corn
hies ill M, lit r: FA, e al- t y,0.0f ' freedom', , has
. wroughtarnong our ycnint pen •7 . Has
`hilt the 'ackneyed:title !of Young Ben
lialiheen li reproach to Rl:4a we call our
•.bittieafeti, cot:nthilk*, fora very !brig
tithe?And'the oimiii"or the evitalm
4AylisAliat out:yea:mg:Am; noisappl4d
P tivatil trdlie lit/mint drfile4ol 14141 'MP
gious training, have been let loose upon
the world to do as they please. Nor is
this all.
"We kbow bow this exeorsble ous-
1 -.‘•
1 NO. 33
e on
1 and
The Akiiitior' •
. . „
o°o & Job
_holing louse,
Is well supplied with Presses and Types to elte.
data all kinds of Job Work with meatus. and
I • dispateh.
Largo additions of all the 'late Styles 'of type -
havo boon added to this department. , .
looation--Boweri & Cone,s BIOa; 2d Floor
torn of exCludling weMeri sprung uli In
tills part of the counry. It grew only
because there was no protection to the
women. ,Is there mu h protection now?
Supposing a native lady presented 'her
self In a place of public resort or amuse
ment, would she be treated with the ho
nor due to her fl , even by 'her own
ceuntrymen, not t speak of foreigners?
What law Is there f civil. or social life,
of honor, or chivalr , to defend them
Nom the outrages of the unprincipled ?
How are good wornen to be distinguish
ed from bad women in public places?
It is - fortunate, cony dering these elk
cinustances, that the ladles themselves
have, and express, a manifest aversion
to being forced out oNferywhere. They
seem to understand thee subject much
better, fronalthe plain point of comb:ion
sense and *from a natural, solicitude
about tb l eir own honor and position,
than ninny of their male relations.—
What then ? Are we atinst, the idea
feale.liberty ? and - i the future; of
the zenana only to be a Inilkand-water
edition of its present state? We hope
i [Correspondence of thei Agitator.] ,-
1 ' Ito:utmost) Wis. July 28,1871.
l Ed. 21gilator :—Recently I have been
making a short trip over to Minnesota
and viseting the city of St. Paul, Min
neapolis, and fortSnelllng. At thelatter
place, I organized' a small party who,
like myself longed for sights unseen,
hair-breadth escapes, and a rollicking
tithe generally. I had long
_wished to,
gratify my' curiosity of seeingthe "wild
Indians" in their native costumes, and
-hear the shrill whoop of their warriors,
and take a peep at their better 'halves.'
Before reaching their, village, I I threw
Out a couple of pickets to ascertain our
location, "take soundings," get Our lat
itude, and like the spied Isent" ti:i can
,iin, bring 'as a discription of the _
country. and its alum/1143g5. In about
three hours they returned highly ex
cited, bringing the startling inteligence
th 4 the oat of our ambition was sr i tim
toe realized ; that a very large Indian..
village w s only dshort distance direct
ly': in our route.' As the sun wasgetting •
very low in the western horizon, we
conclude to bivouac for the night,
then and there, or as an old to would
sag.; » •
, turn in.»
After feasting sumptdously n some
fresh venison and brook trout, which
were taken during the aftern 'on we
made a smoke to:drive away ' the mus
quitoes, who appeared to be out in full .
forte, er on dress parade. Soon 4 the
still ness of death `reigned supreme."—
My sleeping during the night was
what a medical man would term "ln-
tennittant" with a strong tendency to
soninambulism. But thanks to the di
urnal motion of this mundane sphere,
ttiOning came at last, and with it came
a hearty breakfast. Peace on earth and
goof will' to all men was our battle cry -
for e day. Itepaeking our knapsacks,
and priming ourrifies, we proceeded in
solid column to ;visit the but of the ;
Siollx chief. Some timid- member of .-
our band- exclaiMed,' in a, low voice
"vent vidi vici," J proposed singing .
"1.101 to the chief." . . .
*Soon we saw a body of Indians ad
vancing to meet us, beaded by a large
braWny broad shouldered six footer, '
wl4ni we concluded to be the chief„
when within speaking distance
came suddenly to a , ' licit, grouiaded ,I
their arms, an to our astonishment
unfurled a large American flag, which
the waved to the breeze, singingat the
'saute [line a pechliar chant; marching
in El circular form around.the flag, each
embracing it at regular intervals. They
ther came forward, taking us' 'by the
d exclaiming, "welcome, welcome"
iin.poor english, then forming in a line
'with great precision, they beckoned us
t(i . ifollow theni.l We instantly com
pli Al with their requ'est, and son saw.
~ I n the distatice a large village, and a
cencourse of its inhabitants: When
entering the encampment we were
rnalrolie4 ' through in double file by
Indian warrior§ to the "council house,":.
in the center of tde village. ' Assurding
the position of leader, I had the honor
of prst being introduced to their chief;
who arose and 'shook hands ' very hear
tll3:,, .saying at the same_ time, "peace, '
.peace, have Oipe.! l I took the proffered
article and anon large celuhins of jet
smoke arose gracefully.tow4rdsthe zen- -
ithi Wo were now motioned to seats
consisting of hear skins, lying ,iu a
cirCutar position on the ground :, meat,
, _
maple sugar, potatoes, 'and corn Cakes
were Soon spread before us in large
quantities, on square pieces of boards.'
A largC kettle of soup was brought for
'wa 11 by a blue-eyed squaw, 'who, after
de l °siting it On the ground hastily left,
casting at the same time, whatwecalled
a peculiar wink. Reader, ' that soup
reMai nen untouched, each declaring•
hipreference for the other dainties.
s ,
So ii after we missed our famous dog
rto , er :
(Minot, go down' that
time with us. . One of our boys paid
that was the "dog gondest soup opt."— -
Thle potatoes were i'ery small, and were
termed by the boys "Indian,. vegetable
pits." 'After'our *eat the 'chief con
versed with 'us' through an interpreter,'
'onimatters pertaining to their tribe,
V•the "Minnesota masacree" blew
, "Little CroW" for all their loss and
ble, saying they could never again
owe of any note; that the poor In, _
would soot become extinct during
rtion - of the time, wbiie speaking,
powerful frame shook like an aspen
learning our determination to de
part, be came forward, gave each one
his hand, exclaiming in broken english;
"glyon see poor Indian no more, soon ,
th prairie wolf will howl over his last
re t
ting place." Giving Mtn afewlpres- -
en 9 . webado adieu to all,' and minded
ou way towards civilization; glad to •
!lye' this den of filth and misery.. We
ca ght tWo bear,' two deer; one lynx,
andfollrhundred poundsok brook trout.
Clt Irlentls at St. Pa‘sl, on our retprn
ga, eus a sumptouedinner,, alad music
diScoursed in pleasant strains Until the
"vice ma' houre, of thpmOrning.'
• your 4: hastily,,.
~TOinsi: S. 4ATAI;MEN.:-
. •
A, spindid . Story, is told of Marshal
M Mahon when a colonel. During*
p i i
i rade he bad' ari altercation with an'
of cer in the ranks Who revised to
hi u. I . lk'Mahon •finally threatened the
o bilder , 'arid the latter , drawing a 'pis-
iel A.Oo - kdolibarate Rini- 'and ' - pulled.. the_
ggeroytunately,only:,the cap - snap:l.,
p d. Without the slightest sign of fear,
c of and 1 imassable, Isl'Mahon said :
" Give that man fifteen days for having
h 8 arms out of order:"
t, .