The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 09, 1871, Image 3

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    Ili dikol h (iO,ll 0 3 4d1 1 it:l
The following . named persons offer themeelves a
%,odldatee for the of nailed below—trobJeot
falglon of the Republican County Couyention :
T. M. BODINE, Welhiboro.* .
JNO. I. MITOHRLD, Welleboro.
You Assoceole donor,
GEO. 11. BAXTER, Nelson.*
W. C. RIPDEY, Richmond.*
A. g. BOSARD. °mole*
L. W. BIIFFII, Blossburg.
E. T. GENTLY, %logo.
T. 0. dOLLIS, Ward.
J. C. STRAND, Westfield.*
J. 0. MORTON, BloStburg.
A. F. PACEARD, Covington.*
,icee 14, 1871. •
Local Items.
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 9, 1871.
New Advertisements
BlierifFaSale s— E. A. Pleb.
In Divorce—E. A. Fiat.
Dissolution—Truman Bros.
Brick for-sale—Frederick Megraff.
Church dhart er—J. F. Donaldson.
Trees—M. B. Prince.
Applications for Charter.
Our friend Blathers (C. C.) hal gone
to rho city for goods. "A word to the wire," &o.
NEW FlRM.—Willcox &Truman' have
commenced the mercantile business, at the'old
gaud of Truman Brothers, on the - corner, where
they will be happy to wait on all y who may give
them a Call.
RELIGIOIIB.—The - corner stone of the
new M. E. church in Ma afield will be laid Aug.
12, at half past ono P. M. An address 1, R be
delivered on tho 000aelon by Rev. C. W. Bennett,
~f Eierkira.
omit(' to announce that the time of holding tho
above Fair is postponed to the 3d, 4th and sth
days of October. •
A Harvest Hop will comeoff at BoW
en t Cone's Hall, Thursday evening Ang.
Taylor & Eishler's band will dq the melodious,
and an excellent suppere h to ,be furnished at
the Pennsylvania House.
LIGHTNING.—On the afternobn of
the 27th of July, during a violent thunderstorm,
a hay barn, in Chatham, belonging to Mr. A.
F. Smith, and filled with bay, was struck by
I,ghtning, and consumed. L+, $250.
The Addison Trotting Park will be
opened on Tuesday, August 29; the races to com
mence with three purses for the first day's sport,
all for trotters. So:mud day, two, trots and a
ran; purse fur eaep, $175. Third day, one trot,
ono two mile dashdand a sweepstakes, free - to all,
a purso of $5OO.
Tho next annual meeting of the Tioga Baptist
Association, will be bold in the Blosaburg Bap
tist Church, on Wednesday, August 23d, at
'clock A. M. Rev. C. A. Stone, was appointed
to preach the opening sermon. Contributions
for the Missionary Union. Tioga Aug. let, 1871.
E. T. BILNTLEY, Cor. Seo'y.
following 19 the amount of milk received at this
factory in the month of July, i 371, in pounds :
W P Sbumoray 12,818
B Claus 3,198
S Bliss 8,110
B F Claus 3,524
E Claus 2,412
Arch Walker 1,778 1
C Close 2,6661
W Peak 0,754'
II Kithball 2,874
If Kimball ACo 8,367
Mills 6,232
A Thompson' 6,429
P Van iloro 7,332
P Boort 5,221
N Clau 5,151
Ab'm alker , 3,364
CHEESE.—We are indebted to 'Mr. C.
(tow for a liberal specimen of choeslo from the
Round Top choeseTaTtory. The article was of
:O.• best quality, and goes far to prove what we
1, often asserted, i. e., that the superior quality
our natural grasses enables the cheese and
,fitter makers of Tioga county to compete suo.-
%;!tully with any county in the United States.-
1! a known fact, that on our hills and in 0ur
,.11e)5, the spontaneous and rapid growth of ver-
L, grass and white clover makes' tho profit able
^uiwre of the strawberry almost impossible ; and
iodiestes clearly our resources as a dairying
~ritry for we suppose every one knows that
•Le euperior flavor of butter and cheese—other
•%14, Laing, equal—ia due to the prevalence and
- -Joie:lce of these gasses.
have many cheese factories in this county,
ail doing well, but none, co far as we bave seen,
making n tetter article than the " Round Top:'
D , :.tionnry and Gazetteer is a work of which we
la !peak from practical knowledgo. It is a
work Intended to combine the excellencies of all
*dallar works, add is of_great value as a •work
.! reference on almost any iiubjeot visually treat
ii of in an encyclopedia.
It ge es a history of all countries, is a book of
~r iar,l, condensed reference for information on
Lice', customs, languago and religion — 6f the
saocn3 of the earth, ancient and modern ; gives
' 45 lit. in brief of all noted persons, past or
i.:lsent , is authority on nearly every subject—
that can be mentioned ; contains as a lexicon ev—
ar word in the English language, and is, in
, host, an epitome of knowledge for the business
311, scientist, mechanic, or statesman.
•J. C. :Johnson, of Covington, is agent for the
, unties of Logo, Potter and Al'lfean. Letters
uldregted to him at Covington, will have prompt
attention lie will visit the principal villages in
0;.0 above named counties.
The Chicago Erenin g Joarrnn/ speaks of th i e
7, 11: as fellows :
"This iq one of tho most valuable and com
plete encyclopedias that has been published in
ooentry, and is destined to be a standard
anrk of inestimable value."
XFri' ENTERPRISE.—SO6IO time since
there were parties hero from a sister State pros•
peeling for a favorable site on which to erect a
cargo solo leather tannery ; and their project was
!jawed with favor by our °Weer's, who afforded
the strangers every facility for examination of
var resources in the way of sites, bark, fuel,-etc. ;
tst we believe they decided not to chance it \; and
ye are glad they cacao to that conclusion, fdr soy
eral of our citizens, cell known and reliable men,
lave taken up the enterprise, and we are to have
to of the best-solo leather factories in the coon .
7, within about two mitre of the borough, and
the railroad. The site chosen is that known
1.! the Wakeman mill sett and the men engaged
the enterprise nro Messrs. Wright & Bailey
ud 0. 33. Lowell.
The ostabbsbainat is 1,, be of a capacity for
4 :ling from fifty to sixty thousand side' , anon
Y, and will, it,is estimatecl, require six thou
r.)rde of blrk per year
tannery of this capacity , means the building
village; it means the investment of a
izindred, or two hundred thousand dollars , the
'zpleym e nt of ono hundred or more skilled
.—it means prosperity. 'And where
... .err are two able hands, one always washes' the
" Feels vitiate leols," as Sam Weller says.
feetne quite to keeping, that we are to have
qtdm saw mil) erected within a mile of the
,mall mill at first, to saw the lumber
hr 4 e one, and that again to eut lumber for
for home use, and for exportation
r4,;^ The mill is the project of Henry ;
hwl neither that nor the railroad
vr could have been built but fur the gene
... d.tiatieti and flush prospects of basiness.—
aniveisal bulge of prosperity would
exlatenee but for that eternal, uni
s-17'-!, eased tariff system, that wakes every
" L•ih—nct to say lovely. By the dime
Lae LIM a few thousands of miles more
' . tuat and h isa a string of blast furnaces in
t ` , '` ll.3 l;• , ration throughout the iron regions
;' " 4 e SU Perkik and Missouri, some polo-eyed
t•ts ttielers Luny begin to see daylight. We can
,ti tos . e a .lionesota man or a " tnuflhead",f9j
am% about the tariff—wrong as he undouht
-14%4Y ht the Pennsylvanian who cries out for
ttIA N is A '"'" aided fool.
G Rabb 740
L Kimball 807
A Lamont 4,216
S Morgan 2,031
II Palphramond 2,965
E Peake 1,b25
C Cooledgo 1,791
II Peake 1,4'49
C Hart 3,047
E Johnston 7,0431
NV D Jones 1,840
,V 7 R. Jones 4,084
i Thomas Poako 2,588
;,I V Morgan SB2
1H Eckerson 6,630
tze CLos E, Prorietor.
COMBllt3fgo4.Mtli, ,UNUATED: MAIMS,
rro.—We published last week a communication
touching the points at the bead of this article,
which has caused a good deal of comment, and
some dissatisfaction. We thought there were
points in the ordain which wore well takeni and,
did not consider it in the least a personal matter,
'or so Intended. The present board of Commis
sioners, however, consider the article as relied
log on them, and „they LOA the public is not
generally aware of the extent to which unseated
lands have been rallied 'during the term of the
'present Commissioner', or the manner in wbtal
the board has performed its duties. As the Com
missioners felt aggrieved by the article alluded
to, we offered them the use - Of - our_ columnt fox
reply, which they roil themselves of for the pub
lication of a tabular list of unseated lands, with
the valuation of the same.
Wo will iemark that int valuation is
about three times as high 184 and in ma
ny casks still more; Tor instance, Moil known as
the Dent and ,White lands, have been raised from
$2 and $3 per acre to $l2 and $l3 ; 1000 sores,
of: the Land 'lmprovement oomPany," from $lO to
$100; and others less valuable, from , /i0 cents to
$4, Acc.
In regard to renewing the bonds, it is true that
the Treasurer gate a small commission on each
renewal; but it is also true that the Commission
ers, instead of renewing, have in most cases the
option of continuing the bonds, which cuts eff,the
T reasurer's pen centage-'-and this they have done.
As to outside pressure from agents and atter
nays o Irge landowners, we are free to say,
andc --. .. , nstrate, that the present board
hayC trgth of backbone whioh might
%,elentage by some officeholders vtho
work fola . zbhablio at much better pay.
And, in conclusion,. we have only to suggest
that the taxpayers of -the county will. by fortu-.
nate if the higher sad 'hotter` paid offices in the
gift of 14 pi3OplOATattlitarrlarBb an' a
fully filled as the Commissioner's' oifise is at : the
present time ; and faither, that thes e • WED are
disposed to, cavil and mistrust, shall take a look
at the books, and inform-themselves in regard to
the manner in whioh business is conducted at tho
Commissioners' office. "
P. S. Our paper ie the Agitator; we believe 1n
agitating every subject of .into yet
Let five disouesion'pievall and,tbe right vrin.::!'=
. The following tablushows-the number - of nitres
of•unseated land of Phelps; Dodge' As Co., and
the valuation of the same by tho triennial asse9e•
ment of the year 1871, and also other lands ..of.
the county of other companies: •-: • -
In .Delmar. . "
56 acres of Phelps, Dodge & Co., at ..... $2
4196, " ft
1628 "
636 "
In Shippen.
500 "
12018 "
3074 "
990 0
1131. "
In Bi).
891 "
679•' "
2950 "
'ln Norris.• • '
900 " ff " ' 1
990 " ff if 3
.130 " .1 t 1 15
In Charleston.
202 " St _ts . 10
470 " ft " 12
1000 acres of land of Tioga Improvement -
co., in Blobs and Ward townships, (coal •
lands,) atsloo
4700 "' ~ II
ow.; ..... 4
1000 acres of Biot! Coal and Mining co.; in
Blocs, (coal lands,) at - 59
4786 • " ft 11
• 4
800 scree of Fall Brook coal co., (e.l'd,) at 100
3052 " , St tI
.... ..... 4
1992 acres of Lent lc White, (timber land,)
in Shippen and Gaines, at ... 15
1980 .. - id dr 'l2
Lands of the Bingham estate are all Wed at 4
I hereby certify the above to bo a true state
ment, taken from thebooke of the laet adjoined
c aluation of the fleeciest/lent in the Commission;
are office for the year 1811:
'Tues. ALLEN, COMM're Chill.
TAKE NOTICE.—The township and
-orougla elections Will be held hereafter on the
riday preceding February court, which will
ring the nest township and bororuill
on the 26th day of January, 187.2; and the prep.
rit officers will of course hold over until a new
• leCtioll is hold.
We print the act authorizing this change, as
!` Sic. 1. That the 15th section of an'act end
ted . An act further supplemental to the sot rel
ative to the election of this Commonwealth,' ap
proved April 17, 1869, ke and the same is hereby
repealed ; and that in the year 1672, and annu
ally thereafter, all elections for city, ward, ho
;ough and township elections, in the different
Cities and counties of the 'Commonwealth, shall
be on the days and at the times they were; held
.s provided by law, in the different cities, wards,
boroughs and townships in said counties, prior
to the 17th of April, 1.869.
"Sic. 2. That the terms of the different city,
ward, borough township and election officers in
said counties to be elected at the elections ,to be
held in 1872, shall begin when the terms of suoh
officers heretofore elected shall expire, and so
tith suoh officers annually_ thereafter, as provi-'
ed 6i law prior to the passage of the act of
. pril 17, 1669; Provided the terms - of assessors
or the present year shall extend until their suc
cessors are duly elected and qualified pursuant to
this act ; Provided,.further, this act shall net ap-
Ply to any elections provided for by special laws
alab° The passage of the act of April 17, 1869."
last, the wedding - anniversary of ono of the ty
pos of this office, a small party repaired to the
Woods to celebrate the day, and find a little rest
irom the excitment of the political world. The
day was lovely, and everything bid fair fora
pleasant time. We encamped on the bank of
Marsh Creek, a place frequently visited by par
ties to enjoy fishing, bunting, romantic pleasures,
l l nd the pure air of the for4st. in due time the
iulies prepared a sumptuous dinner for the weary,
bungiy, and tired party, inoluding the "pbunny
iallar." No politielfhere, ,Jusid, we, as this is w
clay of recreation. These words were hardly ut
tered, when an old erow passing above ns scream
ed out---"eaw-cus, caw. one, eaw-ous." `We rush
ed for the gun, that we might put an end' to this
political bird, as he sailed on into the distance,
repeating his miserable cry. When this excite
ment abated, we again took our place at the ta.
the to finish our disturbed meal. No sooner bad
we resumed our seat, than a miserable specimen
.of the feathery tribe, with slog° water-Tall on the
back of his head, perched himself on a limb above
Ils, and began to exult lustily in singing out--
"president. Judge, President-Judge, President.
Judge." He was soon frightened away, when,
thought we, it is possible our bead hi so crazed
that the music of the birds sounds like politic
in our ears. We listened intently for a time ,
and the m i asio of all the different birds seemed io
4pg out I distinctly the different offices to which
s 6 many candidates are aspiring. Satisfied the
"way of tbo transgressor is bard," and that
ei-erything FeClllO to fill(' to the care worn mind
or a businvEs main's life, we coueluded to return
I • •
Lome, bud c,Jt airtiiia enter the woods during the
ps, s
I da! en.qii, or until each successful candidate
gtkA i.roperly inptalled la his respective office:
IThe party enjoyed the woods intieh better than
"4n-cif, as the extreme beat and a delicate coneti
,ticAl wade 111? :41,y, thing but comfortable.
To CoIatESPONDENTS.--"J0611" writes
e: , az• 1011 , ,A5, from Dlossburg.
i‘lii the last week's issue of your paper, I read
swot: .advice which you gads to persons desiring
to write for the prebs. In 'one place you say:—
"Don't try your band at line writing, nor look
to l make yourself au author." Now if no one is
to' attempt fine writing, then where are biir.fu
ture authors to come from? Can a 'perion be
con e a first class writer without malting 'a first
at empt ? If such a thing is possible, then pleaie
explain the manner - in whiola it can be done.
seems to 'me that you are taking the Wrong
colas°. It seems as though a person occupying .
tbri position which you do, should - encourage
yoing people in their literary efforts, rather than
to discourage them. Why not speak kindly, in-
stead of replying to them so savagely? Remem
ber a kind word goes a great distanceinto a hu
man heart. Now Mr. Editor do not misunder
stand me, Jo not think that because r-ge T tly
chide you for taking the course you hive that
1 would wiskyou to publish every thing, which
`Soli ore tbo recipient, of, for I mean no suoh thing.
I obly find fault with you, (and in a kind man
ner) for malting suob a sweeping speech as you
did, Hoping you will change your mind soon,
I remain your friend."
Answer. "Don't try your hand at fino writing"
was addressed especially to those whom we:wish ,
to give as facts of local interest. We can shape
the fasts, and usually cut them dawn to half their,.
orig l itial bulk. But the advice may- yelkbe made
generiiil. .fionie papers hive contained advice- td
the young which reads like this : "Write. You
may not write well, but you can at least try.—
Write elomothing, good or bad, bat write." .. Bach
•ttl••• 4
' - 5
advice In pernicious, The 'country is crowded
With literary aspirants, many of them really able,
but never heard from, simply brausethere is no
room for them. Is "Alin" aware that ..our lead
ing monthlies, the Atlantic, Beribner's,lhe Gal
cry, and one or two others receive from 1000 to
2000 articles each month, every one of which is
written by some aspirant for literary honor and
emolument? Bach of these magazines publishes
from lc to twenty artioles each month, nearly - all
of- which are written by trained men of letters on
previous agreement. Three or four articles may
be selected from the thousand centre offered by
"outsiders," and the rest are burned or returned.
The disheartening part of the story iey that oat
of tie hundreds of :Ideated alleles, at least a
third are well written, and therein not an editor
of a leading monthly but is obliged' to reject
scores of articles each month quite
. as good as
the articles he prints.
The disappointment and heaiiburning corm.
quent on having a really good thing rejected by
all the best monthlies; one aftergthe other; the
loss of time and talent;-the bittCrness and dis
trust engendered, and large ovor:eupply of liter
ary!talent in the marhet, ghonld-be better under.
stood by those aspiring to authorship, before
making that Brat attempt.:
We have suffered too much in that line to en.
couiagO young people to persist in their literary
efforts. The chances are:too small, the pay too
little and uncertain. `--
• ,
Nathaniel' Hawthorne had genius, geniality,
and he was a sample of tittl suceessful author;
but'his writings usTer bropght him so much per
year as many a , -youngster gels for traveling
with a small bagi of tobacco or calico. 'Not more
thatt a good.briciAter ghis. Anil be was what
is.. reckoned. a sileoessitil literary man. Not
twenty authors in fijioputiort cit i thirty millions
have been as talented, on,,Saorerhuocensfui. Do
yothronder that Ere do)ot encourage young
seopjo to strive for succeis as i writers ? If our
way of speaking was so abrupt alio appear am
ago, .we aro sorry :-.Me only meat kindness.—
Not softness, perhaps, bni,to pal things right
by plain talk, which mightbe ofiraotical use.
Authors are boar not 'zimde. at, being born,
there must follow along tediols (nurse of train-
Aug, and_ a patienttiapprenticehip that would
take half a dozen sjcoessfil me n other put.-
i ista
- sults: Once in a century , the hundi million who
speak the English ginguage prodoes• a Burns,
who sings as the thitsh sings; Impulse be must;
but he is not a worldly suttees& '. l lle sings and
starves, or goes ma? to it. - -And after be is laid
away, with tired bands and braig at rest, the
world begins to And out that it hat lost a literary
comet: and to sing his pretties ant his songii.."-
Also,' having denied himlread,*lhey dedicate
costly, stones to his memory. and -bold anniteri
miles:in his honor. And we say n all kindness
'to otonng writers, that it is a rnintNs mistake to
auppose because you write well, yon are certain
'to succeed. The best writes have been rejected
by pupsher after pnbliehe 071111i:inch trash as
Mayne Reid's and Bylranu- 'Cobb's have brought
the authors fame and moue . -..-
c o
If you and Alfred Tenny•en were : each to send
a poem to the Atlantic; Mon ly, and yours were
very =oh the best, you wo d probably' have it
returned, while Tennyson ould be sure of a
,pubilsher—becauso, the na of Tennyson will
sell any magizine, and magazines are made to
.• 7,
Oneo in a long while some unknown author
breaks, ant with a sweet, plaintive poem; as did
Nanoy,A. W. Priest in her • • beautiful "Over the
river," and when snob an event occurs 'among
the hills of Tioga, no one will give suit* and
poem e more hearty welcome than we shalt.
The Cameron county RepulAican
Convention met August 1, 1871, and chase the
following gentlemen as delegates qt the4everal
conference conventions: •
Judiciary—J. C. Johnson, J. B. Earl, L: Tag
gart. Senatorial—J. W. P4elptt, E. 11:1519.yo,
Charles Barclay.
The concert at the Baptist hall was a
pleasant Bums; enjoyed alike by teachers, scho
lars and spectators: The hall was crowded to its
full capacity, and the speaking, singing, recita
tions, etc., were listened to with interest.
The Society is under obligations to " Charley"
= several communications are laid over
for watitof room, and some . came too late.
BT,AcKuntns.-=Many of our readers
may hokie noticed the colony : eff . erow-blackbirds
that mike the grounds of Reboil. ' , Siltipson vocal
--sot, Musical—every spring, and durirAg the early
summei. It is the orily: resting pleolrof this
species that we know of
. in the cibil,Lt:ind we
have often been entertained try the bettlej which
frequently come off between these:anitthe robins
who affect the samegrole as-e breeding ground.
Theie blackbirds interest es 01 another tiartieu
lar. Last season they left . eii?'dattirday, the sec
ond of July, or during the 'night; pireughe - ut
the day they had been unusually busy - amp:l°lBy ;
but on
. the following morniiai_there was got one
to be ,lee,en or heard; itsnd just twelvemonths
after, to.a day, they repeated the performance.—
Ott the anniversary of thal*.day"they Were again
busy and querulous; on the .following morning
they were gone. It will be 'Worth noticing, if
they continue thus punctual in : eubiTquent annual
c• -
13ASEI BALL.—A match game of base
balLtooktplace between the 2d•Smine of tho Ao
tiveirpt Welleboro, and Meld nltteiof the Rough
and Roadies of Delmer, on the. grounds of the
latter club on Saturday Aug. 54:416eulting in the
Buena Br Israsus. Rough and Readies-3, 2,
1,0, 4, 7, 1 ,0, 0-19.
Acrrens-15, 2, 15, 3,2, o, 2, 24-48
Flies caught Rough and Readies 10, .4ctivee 7.
The Railroad trains, are running on
the Wellsboro and Lawrendeville IV. es far up
as Ifollidaytown. In a few Weekithe whistle
will ho heard in the Borough. Geo. r. Card
loaded-the first three oars that took lumber down
stream by rail.;
ARNOT.---Thera have been sixteen
houses built here this summer, and 24 are to be
built. 'There are 800 tone of coal mined and
shipped here per day. This people were very
sorry when they heard that the company bad
sold out, for there can be Ito, better company.—
There is always steady work,;and the money is
always ready, and the wages 'liberal. We are
glad to learn that F. N. Drake sell his
share; and is still agent. We wonasay to such.
memas J. Gould, that this :6nrity Ins a large
coal field yet unexplored, ernd what coal is now
mined is only a Ilea bite to .what Will be mined
a few years hence. The Binghanss awn a largo
tract of land near here, that is underlaid with
rich veins of coal, yet the sonpd of the pick and
shovel is never heard ther& Where are you,
men of wealth ? What great fields for enterprise.
Wifunadtwat.—After die consideration, and
for what to mo seemed good And sufficient rea
sons, I havo concluded to withdraw my name as
a candidate before the Republican Convention
for the position of County( Commissioner, and
in doing soy I desire to express ,my• • thanks to
those, who have given mo assurance of support.
Wellsbore. Aug. 3, 1871.
:1 , Leaving the East and arriving at Chicago or
Indianapolis, how shall we 'reii,oh"7 the West ?
The best Line is acknowledged to'be the C., B.
Q., joined together with toe B. M. Railroad,
by the Irdn Bridge at Burlington, and called the
.Thermain line orthe Route ruriningto Oniaha
connects with the great Pacific Riede, and farms
to.dai,the leadingtroute to California. Tho
dlo Breifeh, entering Nebraska at Plattsmoutb,
passes through Lincoln, the ttate Capital, and
will this year be finished to Port — Rearney, for
ming..the shortest route across the Continent by
•Oier ioct miles.
Another branch of the B. M.; , diforging at
Red Oak, falls into a line running down the Mis
souil through St. Joe to Kapple and all
Ra'autes.' Passengers by this route to Jeanette, ace
Illinois, Southern iowa, and lifissourl,„aria, by a
slight divergence, can see Nebraska alga.
Lovers,ot' fuse views should remember theißur.
liugton Route; for its towns "high-'gleaming
from afar"—itz tree-fringed streams—tts rough
bluffs anti quarries—its oorn-oceaps i . tretching
over, the prairies further than eye can resell.
Land-buyere will be sure te'remenaber it, for
they haie friends among the twg thouiand who
have already bought farms froiaGeo. S. !Terris,
the Land Commissioner of the B. M. R. R. at
Burlington, lowa, or among. the four thousand
itiae:iteider g e and pre emptors who last year
filed claims in the Lincoln land office, where
"Uncle Sam le rich enough to give us all a farm.'
July 19,187104
GOOD Ltoxxx.—A Colorado saloon
keeper said of a rough o ro w d
ectuldn't get their whiskey strong
nough for them, so after trying every
way, I at last made a mixture of poison
oak and butternut. That fetohed them.
I Called it the sheep-herder's delight,
and it was a popular drink. The first
Pike I tried it on yelled with delight;
the next one took two drinks and turn
ed,a qoitiqe somffsot
thelOtis.' A:peddler came along,,and
afterhe took several drinks of my sheep
herder's delight, he went off and stole
his own pack and hid it in the woods."
• _ 4 - • 4
Two gentlemen liittallrg wet' the
late nominating cork 4ikl sli t hil`tither,
day, in front of Incie dance bell, and
a waif of their conversation was wafted
to a passer by. "I assure you," said the
first, "I went there prepared :to be
knocked down." "Did you?" replied
the other. "Well, I Went there pie=
paied not to be knocked down."—Jour*
WOOD'S EOM:1E1101.D EAO4IIIIOE for August,
(the brat number we have reoeived in three
months,)liontilvkAo illaollIttith?:;710
ful eactovila'Whiii vhae; de' t Vfle o f
during the put four years. Its motto seems 'to
be 4 how Much for How little ;" for there is no
other Magazine in the world, which gives eo
mtteh for ao little money. James Parton, Phoebe
Cary Thomas Dr. Die Lewis, Rev. Thomas K. Beecher,
Dr.\ .W. Hall and Gail Hamilton.are regular
contr butore. Among its oecasional oontribu
tore' e Harriet Beecher Stoke, Horace Greeley,
Bd.? Pomeroy, Mary (Hemmer Ames, Joel T.
Head ey and John G. Saxe.
T.ll publishers have not only procured the
ver* best literary talent, but they have secured
sac it . yarlea adaptatiztifmatter asseake,
it reit 4 ' Ortifi l lti Alk o nlgeelt.',lf
Wort sitici %ft XNe :tittn lir •iiiki-to
enlig lefillitiqtinliiiiitiinlini• itiiW v Iliff Ace'
afreponif iiia iti Misrithfy vieffinict welcomee
alike by the young, the middle.aged and the
------. T .-................-..--.-.-..;..--.._...' -
A l. :_imautiful picture is the full page illustrated
in tine week's issue of the Illustrated Christiat;
Weepy, entitled "Nature's Looking-glue," A
little bare-foot ;girl stand on the brink of a
etroalu, overshitdowed by woods, gating into Its
&pas. "Life in the Coal Mines" is illustrated
with four engravings. In "Wind and Water"
we have a picturesque Hudson river scone.
"Specimen of the Work Done Insi4e, is, an ef.
feed*. temperance lessen4zWp,wiik`tbe AMerk
can Tract Sofiety Media listtletetiable work" of
placing a htfaithy and cheap illustrated weely In
the hands of ens people. The newsdealars have
it formate.
:11reustRz4ays., ,
ADAMS—TR I L-- n Wellsboro, July 16th,
by Rely. N. L. Reynolds, Mr. Frank Adams, of
Von, and Miss Theodosia Trull, of Charleston.
In Corning, July 20," of consumption, Mrs.
Mary R. Douglass, wife of Charles G. Douglass,
of theffirm of W. D. Terbell do Co., and daughter
of Da,hiel 7. Brown, aged twenty-five years.
A victim of early inditierotiort, causing ner
vous ,debility, premature deco &C.; having
tried iu vain every advertised remedy, has dis
covered a simple means of self-cure, which he
will sand free to his follow-eufferers. J. H.
REEVES, 78 Nassau o.,,Fewpr.c , rk. _
Ana:, 9,',187,14):: ?
Pisio—Mr. A. B. A. Briggs of Middlhury,
has on exhibition at the Cone Rouse, one of
Mathriehek'a celebrated Pfanos. All lovers of
musio are Invited to take a look at thif inktru.
went, Dud observe the advantages it has over
other Pianos in its general construction and com
pleteness of tone. „
Mr, Briggs fufnisholf Organs
very teasonablc rates. Addresslim at' Crook.
ed Crebk, Pa: ,;.
,Tulyel9, - 187i?-tf
The ruiernsabpa'ahtuv.s-th - eiLiittliiiof .41f0lEibistr
due„,to a deposition of pigment in its substance.
litlien.thoe bait .
pigment P ais tire salAiliktOtheithAticitsltehoran
white,'or , fall out, prO'dliclng baldness. 318alaness'
is eas„l,to prevent but hard to cure: Arra%
Ram Vinod. stops it: even restores the, hair_
aometimes: always restores its color. Immedi
ate renovation is at once visiblo : softness, fresh
ness add the gloss of youth. This groat—orua
ment should be preserved sinc'e_it can
lozzres'llata Irmo, which is beautifully clean
and free from anything injurious to the. hair.
[Tribude, Springville, N. Y.
Mayor of the City of Lancaster; Pa., writes:
"MISIILER'S iIERS BITTERS is extensively known
and used, and so sqwssful are its curative
ers that it lade bowline astlantiliftriali a libtii& n
hold Word arid a nei3essatyndditlpn In ihtfined.
lea' requirements oteiiery tluted
it myself and knowtrtE others who hav used it
with beneficial results, I can only add that in my
opinion it is the best remedy ever introduced for
the cure of the numerous ills to which flesh is
Recommending Ithaniza - a'nann .13irrEtte to a
friend, pronounced it the mo.t wonderful comb f .
nation of medicinal herbs be ever eaw.
Auguat 3, 1871. 4ixi ., : ,. I ir q °};'l ;, •,•,,,:
The question has often bairn asked by those
interested, "Can I have my gray hair restored to
its natural color, without coloring the skin?
and can my thin locks 'be thickened up-P" We
answer, "It can ;" and would advise you to read
a treatise on the hair, whiohis . published
P. Hall Co., Nashua , H., who sands it free,
upon application. They are the proprietors of
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. We
learn from Atilltelair, in a porfeatptato otheilth,
is constantlYttitliiie ont, -and 'zieWe 'hers ' irow
from the same tubes;
but, in case of any disease
of the soalp, or by the we of alcoholic) .prepara
tions, the hair-tuba become e coittramodYatn
mouth, and prevents the new follicle from reach
ing the surface. Their preparation will create
perfectly healthy condition of the,isiiiit,**C-liy
its tonic propertios, will preserve and strengthen
the roots of tho hair.
Statesman, Des Moines, lowa
• DENTISTRY. N. Dartt, dentist
offlo'e in Wrightzarliailey'e-Elookorherele'46ii%
Unties to make teeth with - the new ileprovement
which gives better satiq:setion, than snp, thin
else in use.. To be had at Dartt'eonly.—Aug. 24
TRBEfi--tHrultlind ornamental trees; sbnib
bony, grape vides, strawberry plant's, eitf.===
I am agent for the c tlathsrine *nil Highland-nur
series, and east initial& any' tinanttty for fall
planting. !. 1 aliukhayo s fine. stook • of two -year
old apple base , oholoo: varieties,, of thy ~own
growing. Green hoagie plants always on band.
Aug 9, 1871 tit. f , IT „ • M. B. PRINCE.
.• • .
175," tioo , Thrick for Saiie,.
Dl' FR FD MARSqt4iF, Kiln, opposite - the
Jill Fair Ground;
-Any-one hy taking the whole
Kiln can have it a $7,50 per thousand.
Aug 9, 1871-Im.
tofore ekietine nnaer the 'name of Tru
man Bre them, Witif;ditsolivii 1871;'-by
mutual consent.
Aug. 9.1671-3t.'
1.17 DIVORCE.—"To.Min,P.--Jaokeon • ryour
are hereby:n(4l4lAtlfat Raehel ilseksfin by
her neat friend Edward Beinley, has applied to
the Court of Common' Pleas Of Tioga'county for
a divorce frona. ; .,the. ; -hou,.t/e-;stf;.matrim:onp . ;,--zaid. -
that said Court has appointed Monday, the 28th
day of August, 1871. for the hearing of said
piicant in the premises; on w'bloh occasion you
can attend if you think pfbper. - - •
Aug 9, 1871 E. A. FISH, Sheriff.
IN DIVORCE—To Mary Ann Wheeler: You
are hereby notified that Royal Wheeler
has applied to the, Court of Common Pleas of
Tioga county for .:llvtircis fioixi"ttier bohd," of
matrimony, and teat skirl ?Court', has ( obpoitited'
Thurs., the 31st day:of Auill 1811; fprtbAheir4
invef said ,applicsxik thelirefnitet;,, cin4
occasion you may attend If you think proper.
Aug 2,1871.-4 w, E. A. FISH, Sheriff.
1 " '
Applications for Charters.
"rOTIOE is hereby given that the_ folievring
J.' applications for oharte;d:iof .trioorporitroU
have been filed in my office, and will be presen
ted to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga
county, Monday, August 28, 1.871: r,
Application of Elmer IL' ticitet.,'Jno."ll44l:44;
Jr., Peter V. Van Ness, and lathers,' undeir the
name of the 3d "At. B. Church of Rutland."
Application of Michael. Sheffer, Rohort.o:9oX
George R. Sheffer, Fret:wield. Sheffer azi&Jainfitt
Sheffer, under the name of the "First M. E.
Church of Liberty."
Application of Williark-Daehe t ClieSter "Reb
inson, J. B. Fotter,' - dh+lltlitrri for charter of
incorporation under the name of " iVellaboro
Wator Company?'
August 2, 1871
! . !...-':r4Wr: • ~ :- '',: '-"
7 77 .
' ..
- -
,: . -: - , ,
-''... MIMI teriarCINATEVI 3'
i l'r
, 7 :: 6- ,'lltitili3,3Eol
TrBABE T.ok NOTIOE,, that lam now r e ef: iii'diiitet fiom New York, a full 'aid
oamplate assortment of 1
I-...-, ~ -...: i-- ~ ;.
iIE/tey Goods, Nati0w41134.00,03104130,_
Eats anal qiiiisi '. , ''' '
tr'oekciiii . ~,Ciiitlia and Clothing, LA , 8105:44666 and White, ;:.
Goods, (Std.,' ite,.; 2 .:,,' : • '.
, , 1 -
aro ninuallY full, which I propose to soli at the - fiery lowest price for cash, I bare tried
lon and shoo time 04414 and And it does not pay me or my customers. Hereafter,' Pon
! 1 *
X'Y NO grpogc 4,A0,0011NT WILL BB KEPT ,,; so do not ask for credit.
__ r,
c i
„/.I; " t ,' ' i Ai . . •
•Ix utalwaYeglia ico• now 'broods and-riot offended if you fil o not buy; lio do not , be afraid
to came and look. All goods Marked in plain figures. , One man's money ia as,goodis anotht
err. 'Ho only one price. Please remember, you pay only for what you buy—no, bad debit to
pay for.
July 28, 1871. i
, - I—., - . ' ,O. B. /IBLLBY.
ii yli
The track is laid, . fkik, b.ridgo„,'W)44%'
they are putting up across tiler stream ne4iaioga, butiit wuxikttakelf.
opo 4 .lopp4spLin,,illep,t,tigto btidgfiltherseontinuallr:inereasing,-
u e i v,714 024 ff44l cs i CC-: 'I
d x , c7 l,
7: I
• r- 4 •
Wickham 4 A
S 1
o hi l lok at the n
-..-,, ~..: • , _
- t.i • ..: f ‘ t -.• r . Ci Z. - -
OF -
Jtiet.receivede. i When they have'lhoro tim
this place to -all their oliir customers, toget
have a first-rate stock of Goods at bottom p
'Bogs, July 5, 1871.1- ;
. •rA • ' ' ' , -
':"i 10 41,ilhaii , ls at'peigo froin $1,50`.0. 05'. . ; , - v .
it - elditi Parasols at prices from 84 ..lo 85,00: - , . '
20 pieces white Dress Goods, welt adapted to this season, at 'prices
from 15 cents pet yard to 6 shilling ..' i' - • .., _ .;, ,
25 pieces, new andpopular Dress Goods,s6 e of whieh'have no.(been,be
fore offered in this market, atyri, a frpm, 25c to 81 per, Ord.
. : j • 5 pieces. Black Silks, at price , from 81 to 83 per, yaid.
10 p iec e' s Black Alpacas, at prices front 2i6d to $1;00 per yard.
100 dozen Ladies' Cotton .Hose ; at pkic frinn.l.oc to 6s p 4 pair.
25 dozen Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs at prices from 6q to .75cts.
....—.---,: ; _An.enclless variety-ot.Ribboit i s n ;A.cces, Embroideries, ;' '
.. And_ also att,,,l and _goy l , Stock- of Primtg,' 1, - -1, - . 0 67412.,
-.... r
.1 ; t '7 ; . : :.„1 ~,f ., ..,..,: ,
~......wn4:;- eVitTg-s, PPving 9 ,l4- Sheetings, at prices to suit
. tßelraete. -1 ' '
5, 1871.
14.:Ani.Immen'Se Stock of they latest
ilvst.4tEcErvED, - -
• • 'h.:- '••• • t - N• - •;•-1 t••• t '
1,14 ,
. v j'.
- -.: (
_. ~
l.oice - •" - roCeriesL
Sugar, Crackers,
syrup, Rice„Saleiatus,
Cliffee ' Tea, • Crackers, Salt. Fish, Flo4r.
J a •
&C , aps:, - 136 .EBTio - sei,'"Rubt4ii,'Crocliery, Wooden Ware, &c.
- - r , .. - - • ,--- 7 -
•„, • Cash Paid for BITII-El, or shipped on Commission. I.
,`,Ple_ailitliajt,a ati.look our-Stotk over..-4.0n - will always find us-ready- and willing to show
Wellsboro „May .10 1871.—1y..ts
,:,. • • ;:.:;: JS 41,
' - ARK E R:
Fir Wail Patir Windolx7' •
Doocriitititi PApor; Bd eta, Cords, 'Lyme* Ololh
'Ela4eo,l3lptyOurtai (gilt) Window Eixt res,
Riottwea', 4 Pictlare Frain e, 'Picture (lass, aid
every other article neoeccary to beautify
ThikUrgeisfasifoirtMen - t 6tiooiisVier
brought into Tioga county. Call at our NEW
STORE No. 3 Smith dc Bowen'a Brick Block.
WrilfEß'BV.g:rdinlikittlf bard work,
fearing to steal, and despising beggary, will
take his obances,,with bis,neighbors, as, a csjadi =
date foto.C9klitatilidtii#,4lll4e6l. to fhb decision of
tb Republican Convention.
71)r.: Darbliataaron; of Wititrilbld tiojelglii'taill bad
candidate for the office of Associnte`;erdge , estiktee - E'ro
the decision of the Republican County Convention. •
30111 , 1 MAYNARD of Elk Township, is recommend
d by his friends as a candidate for the office of Coon
ey Commissioner of Vega Co. Subject to the decision
°tithe Confonsloa. •
Odkil n .T
New Dry r II! OIDS,
D ,l xL:
~` 1
'.d r. a'Y;
Ready - Made
C.ltic,lo(3. Glirri
r .f
. ,
The Ilighot Market Price paid for : Country PrOduce
-- Ttrafg--STRICT.LY CAS/I.
~314 r 11, 1871.
arii,- wz...., atisda.i:Lici.m3R6 9
I s o h
.eap r as Store 1 .
Foreigp ,and: Domestic Dry Goods,
• . '' '' l ' - '-' -:.:' •=*:,. '-: ~ ..rOiti' will :"4ii • 'sold. ?mi. cheap.
LINEN 41001)$, - - .... ', - ' , POPLINS & WHITE : GOODS,
. . : ..., ... , Gloves, llosiecy,,Koit eoodaanii Notlinte.t ._:- ..•
(Bache's old Stand) Main Street, Wollsboro
' .!..? ,--.
ge patronage of the piblio !solicited
Confessions of an Invalid.
110,1311LISIIED as a warning and - or. the benefit of
young Men and other*, who Buffer from Nc} - voua
debility. &c., eniplying Tan - itcerie or Bur omit .
' Written by one who oared Maisel, and Bent` free on
receiving a poet-paid'diree_ted envelope.
May 17:,1671.-fen. _
Farr 's
, they will ,putt in a notice n
'or with the new, that they
sixoaiaks HARDEN.
Styles of
iState Normal School.
:coos Co.
IHE fall term . will oommenco Wednesday,
• Aug 80, 1871.
For Catalogue or admission apply to Charles
July 5,1871.-2 m.
TO icanners and Stock Raises
TIIOROOCiII BRED, pure blood, Ohio
proved Cheater White pigs (stock brought
from Ohio) for We at Covington, by
10! 2 8 , • . e
MKE pleasure in anneunoing to the citizens
of Wellsboro and vicinity that .they have
purchased the entire stook of •
formerly owned by P. R. Williams, and aro ad
ding to the stook a' line line of Goode, oonelat- 1
big of i
i .
Pure Drags, Patent Matioi n Yankee'
i Not jam, ,Oils,, Trarniihes, '
. ' Varnish Brushes, Paine
Paint Braga,
Fifahing hackle,
and in fact non* kept in a Brat.
i Ding ptore. In the lino of
; Wail ftver, Window Shades and Fixtures;
we cannot be undersold. Call and examine
Good and prises .before purchasing' elsewhere.
Siartronlir attention paid toPhyslidans Prom:TIP.
tiens,andtoompOirmhrd at all hours.
Who patronage of the fiublid ie.solioifed. -
A M. Inagest.
May 4; 18171.
t - • quires,
Foreign it Domestic Liquors
Wines, gke., fc.
Agents for Fine Old Whiskies,
cytuys D, sna g
d. I N. SQuillEB, CORNING, N. Y.
r „ lirA T,17/3 ,
~ ~Aiii, - * ""v VEGETABLE SICILIAN . \
;(6: - .:.'31 3 .t:'% ...V..' V.• 'LIM 1
, _.... ..
.... 1 ,:-.1.-A4
__-_,...---.4--- RENEWER
Ire:ty year increases the popularity
of tins valuable Hair. Preparation;'
which is due to merit alone. We can
assure our old patrons that it is kept
fully up to its high standard; and it
is the only reliable and perfected prep
aration for restoring:G.nty on ELDED
HAIR. to its youthful color, making it
lustrobs, and 'silkeni- The scalp,
by its use,lbecomes white and 'clean.
It removes ally eruptions and dandruff,',
and, by its 'tonic properties, prevents
rholhair from falling out, as it stimu
late' and 'nourishes- the hair! glands. ,
By its use, the hair grows thicker and
stronger. In baldness, it restores the
capillary glands to theirvormal vigor, 1
and will create a new ,ccrowth, except
in extreme old ago. It is the most '
economical HAIR DRESING ever used,
as it requires fewer applications, and
gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap
pearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State
Assayer Of Massachusetts, says, ".The
constituents are pure, and carefubi
selected for .excellent quality; anal
E.uissiam- .It 1711(3" "I`JE; 51: '..3AP.r.a-Li , e l,
for its intended purposes."
Sold by all Drugyist; an(f Dealers in Medicines
Price One Dollar.
Buckingham's Dye
As our Renewer in many
,cases • re
quires too long a - time, and too Much
care, 'to restore gray or faded Whisk
ers, we have prepared this dye,)n ono
preparation; which will quickly and
effectually accomplish this result. It
is easily applied, and produces a color
which will neither rub nor wash oft
Sold. by all Druggists. Price Fifty
Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO.,
Aug. 3, 1870-I,p
Les L- ea .414 to § g
, s .
ao -4 co c› ,n o "Caa
0 / . 1.0... VD .. 0 ).., .0 . 0 V
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8 WI = 41 Af
0 01 S P• S ' 05 0
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4) .0 0 Zi al. 1:64 4 S
.pwakii, a cr4 N. &i LI
an - A lIOUSE AND LOT in Wellsboro? Or a
qui desirable lot? Ora farm within twenty
minutes walk of ellsboro ? I hold for Ole,
on reasonable terms, the following property':
A Well finished, new two story dwelling }Wise:
containing ten good rooms ; with a half Isere,
lot, good barn, good well of water; and Etrery
way desirable as a residence. Location, corner
of Walnut and Meade streets/ adjoining the
Clymer grounds.
Also, a /arge,village lot, containing about one
acre, and In good shape for,dividlng into three
building lots. Location, corner" of Meade and
Grant streets.
And a desirable farm in Delmar, mita:in:lig
10.5 sores (known as the Whelan lot )-4 Said
farm comprises a twenty acre meadow newly
seeded,,a fine field, of winter wheat, and about
-60 acres of excelleul timber, consisting of ash,
hickory, oak, basswood, whitewood and hem •
lock. The far ni is well watered, and abuts on
two roads—the new Stony Fork road and the
road leading from Saiauel Dickinson's to
Ebetenz's place.
Likewise, ten fine yearlings. All on reasona
ble terms. Inqire of
' , lnc 1, 1871 tf
An FOR Sna
p/1E farm known as the Chester Cady farm
in Fartuirigton Township, containing one
hundred\ and Oeen-acres, is now offered for sale
on reasOitable terms. Said farm is now in the
possession of Chester Cady and others—apply to
• ' A. P. CONE,
July 12,
Wilisboro, J
Wheeler & Langan,
Fire, Life, Horse and Cattle
Insurance 'Agency,
DATES lowest and 6ompanioa reliable.
jnsuring In tholTati ori al 1.10 - of IL S. at your
death ytMr heirs will iseeirp the polioy specified,
together }with paid. , Bosco, the
obselor Tosurance is no more, nor roes than the
interest upon your annual premiums.
BEr.r IC. WurnLen.
Office with Wm. A. Stone.
A. M. Inghain & Co.,
INGRAM tt 00
N.A.81117A, N.H.
..,1 4 0 O 1.-, t" . uJ
N O O a C •;•-.-
Issues Policia In first-elses Compsules at as
La:7o'W' .lE:tomes,
The Oheapest Moe in the State
logA„Ntsfof:66o cents, )Large R o l
o o tn i r e e d i s , a e n ti d:
laiged and finished' In the finest 'kJ.. New
etyle framesad everything kept in a gallery on
hand, or far itched to ordor.
Rooms ovor GardnOr's grocovy atom
Fob 1 1871 - tf - • Welloboro, Pa,
BD. Just published by DR. LEWIS. 288
pages. Third Bdition. TDB MRDICAL „COM
radical cure of Spermatorrhcea, or fieminatWeak
nese Involuntary Seminal Losses,lmpotenV,
Mental and Physical Inoapaeity, Im pediment‘ to
Marriage, eto.,,and,the Venereal and Syphilitic
Maladies, with plain and clear directions for the
sii3lsdy ours offleeondary Symptoms, Gonorrhata,
Gleets, Strictures, and all diseases of the akin,
such as Sourvy,,Sorefala, Ulcers, Belle, Blotches
and Pimples on the face and body. Consumption,
Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence
or sexual extravagan-:e.
The celebrated author, in this admirable Tre
atise, clearly demonstrates, from a forty years'
successful practice, that the alarming conse
quence of self-abuse may be radically cured;
pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, cer
tain, and'effectual, by means of which every
sufferer, no matter what hie condition may be,
can be effectually cured, cheaply, privately, and
This Book should be in the hands of ev
ery youth, and every man in the land.
Sent wider seal, in a plain envelope." Prise !SO
i cents. Address, DR. LEWIS, No. T Beach St,
New York.
liareN 8 1871.-6 m,
Valuitble Town risoperty
TliE eubscribor o ff ers for sale ; the following
property, viz : 20 village lote situated on
State Street; 4 lots situated near Sheridan at., 9
acres of land near the cemetery. This property
will be sold at quederate Prices and time gives;
the house and lot ofChas. Williams, near
the M. E. Church. The sitbscriber is also agent
for the North Carolina Land Company. Par
ties desiring to visit that Section can get Rail
kOd tickets at reduced peaes, and also valuable
information in reference q the Company from
May 10, 1871—tf. W. SHERWOOD.
' I
Buggies, Sulkies,
O 0 d 1 ...-
'6" g 2,
SLEW [ 1:1
We are Foopared to do anything in our line
on short notice and in the beat manner. Satis
faction guarranteed.
DrAVE you tried the latest and greatest med
loal discovery of the age?
Dr. 31. L. Baton's Magic Pain
Remedy. '
It cures colds, cliptheria, , r ' ramps and pains in
the stomach, indigestion, iarihea dysentery,
summer complaints , cholera morbus, cholera,
A.o. ' as by magic. As an xternal application 1
for frost bites, chilblains, s rains, bruises, fel
ons, rheumatism, sick headache, toothache, neu
ralgia, pains in the side, - . bank and loins; in a
practice of six, years, it has been found to be
second to no preparation over offered to the
The,proprietor of this medicine feels*warran
.ted-inluaranteeing it to be the best remedy for
the above diseases in thb market.
—, lkfaaufectured and put up only by Dr. M. L.
Baden, Blossburg. Pa.
Wholesale agents-Hallett, Soarer & Burbank,
149 Chamber street, New York ; W. D. Terbell
Co.,'Corning, N. Y. • July . JA '7l ly
.. z.? A CECTURE
Just BIN ished, in a .54:vied Envdope. Price six cents.
A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and.
-Radical Care of Spermatorrhcoa,or Seminal Weakness ,
Involantary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impedl.
ments to Marriage generally ; NerTOMMOBS, COD SUM p
tiou.Epllepfiy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incl.
pacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, Ac.--By ROBERT J.
cutvEawELL, M. D., Author of the "Green Book,"
Ac. -
The world renowned author, in this a dmirable Lec
ture; clearly proves from his own expo!once that-the
awful conaequences of Self Abuse Maybe effectually
removed withoiat medicines, and without dahgerous
surgical operations, bougles, instruments, rings, or
cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain
and effectual by which et ery sufferer, no matter whet
his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply,. pri•
'rately, and radically. TM'S LECTURE WILL PROVB
Sent under seat, to any address, in a plain Seale
envelope, on the receipt of six Cents, or two potage
sumps. Also Dr. Culvetwerl's, "Marriage G ide;
price 25 cents- Address rho Publishers,
r 27 Broadway, Now York,Poac-oatce B o x 4 i N.'
July 12, 187I—ly.
CI NE HOUSE AND LOT. on State street, en.
tirely new,
flubbed nicely throughout.....
Cottage style. Terms easy.
One lot on State street, upon which a house
is being built.
Ten lots on Meade street.
Four huddred acres oCtitaber land in Delmar.
Also, a splendid dairy:fad% 'Delmar, con—
taining 875 acres. Inquire of
June 21, 1t 71 tf WRIOHT . ct BAILEY.
NEW PIANO SPREADS for sale at Green
er's branch store, opposite the Oono Sint a,
from k 80 to *lb. Also a large stook of now
is an;
will grant Insurance.
an. 4, 1811.-17.
For Photographs!
Photograph Gallery !
5._!------- GO To Ne
w01t , ..
NA- „ 7
~ 10.2 6.
..-- (1,
k alt
L\ rictitres
OldVictutes coPred sod en
arged to tttej alto•
Si Ott3S., &VIZ"
to• 1:5•3143. Street,
..postrz 00103 ttot3sr..
May 11\ 1
Manufacturers of
Platform Sprig, Truck. and
Lumber Wagons,
HABTiNS et COLES, Agte, Wellsbor?.
Stony Fork, April 5, 1871.
Wonders Will Never Cease.
Real Estate For Sale.t'