The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 09, 1871, Image 2

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    - • • ' - •
- xafor •
'CIOOI.II,.ATION 1,900.--
I'. C. VAN WiLDEtt, Editor l and proprietor.
Weiluborough, Pa. :
Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1871.
Agitator—l hereby withdraw
my latne Iv a candidate for the,office of Presi
dro judge" of the 4th Judicial District, and re
eutnmend to my friends and to the people of the
district for that' position, 0. If. Seymour, Esq.,
ut Tiogs, f gray state in your next Issue the
reasmt tvhp ram induced to take this course, and
Frau° reasons why I adviso the eleetion'of Mr.
Seymour, roars'firuly,
July 111,..1571. R. G. WHITE.
I liqel,y announce myself as a Candidate for
Ind t.flieo of President Judge .of the 4th - Judicial
"Dieirret of Pennsylvania, and solicit the support
of ray filand?. _flutkit to the Aecision .of the
Republican County donverition.
Joy nt, 1341." 'd. 11. BEYMOCR.
Altartiolk•-pnblished in thig paper
forthe boom of Cabditlatee before the
tOnainatioh,' i Charged regular
rateeilaecording to the established ens,
torn. •
The public , debt statement for the
inonth of July shows that the decrease
in the debt for the month 'is $8,701,976
which is a fair aver*e-dim l inution.
Since March 1, 1869, the debt has been
red ucifd:5242,134,402. ,At This rate, we
allp ay oil' $104,423,723 02 during the
purl - cut. year. And there is nearly 584,-
00°,000 in gold that might - hp used to
iesken the debt and lower thii price of
gold. Why is it not?
" Timm KINGS."
it strikes us that the young - English
in 'flees are hi rather humiliating. posi
trns'just now. The loyalty of tug
beefeateis is proverbial , ; butdi hap
pens that a large portion of the Queen's
able bodied subjects are beefeaters by
eourlesy only, and these have latterly
taken to thinking—not to :Ivory alarm
ing extent ;-- but in a stolid, dogged
ay, they seem to comprehend that an
English prim.° is a very expensive lux
alter all, and ono that should not
b, multiplied oftener than is absolutely
I,t CeFFary to keep up the " succession,"
this being the only line In which lie is
of stly ni:e whatever. Now, for an En
g I Allman to go short on beef, while be
ing taxed to pay an unnecessarily large
mood of print es from 550,000 to $lOO,-
u n(1 per head, annually, is getting the
thing down to where patriotism pinch
er,-.and consequently John Bull grum
ble.. lie always does that ; but on this
pi ince matter he grumbles louder fluin
uz•id, and even called a meetingofj the
Lino%la,rtti in Trafalgar square to
i.iotest, and to inaugurate measures
,q!ainst the pensioning of these princely
youngsters, whom they declared to be
.uterly u , .elet•s. The meeting Caine off
July 81, and was a large one. But even
as they agitated, the Parliament acted
—by granting, an annuity to Prince Ar
thur of '.'-:75,010u per annium. Wehelieve
the annuity of the Prince of Wales is
there, arid thrNe of the other princes
anti print e..4es not Much less;—And
they are all like the fiddle-head on a
trig:de—petty to look at, but of no
earthly the. That a nation should be
~o•taxed to support a lot of able bodied
young men aud women for—well, for
just noth;ng at all in the way of service
ur usefulness, while many of those who
produce the nation's wealth, and dig
out by hard labor the money that pays
these annuities, cannot afford meat of-
tcncr than once a week, is hard, to say
t i last of it. The princes just now
anu traveling in Ireland, and here is
I'M( the Tribune says of thou:
' o rngli7h princes have' taken to speech
trklling in Ireland already.d - The Prince of Wales
PtoMi.ed the Irishmen last night that the Queen
uoubl , coule over and see th m ; and ho then hu
miliatH himself by defend ng his young broth
, et , from the charge of u elessness. Unhappy
lf rrin4s, who need apologies for their being in the
worla with nothing to do. Then poor Prince
Artbui• gut un his legs, and said, among other
i.ietty things, that Ireland's welfare was engraved
his heart. The penile must have been drama
hot at this distance it looks like a bialeNne
~ 1) i iyalty."
'l 1w exciting topic in Npl i l York is
who . or what is to blame for the fearful
disaster that caused the deeh of about
persons, and the Wellri ling, scald
ing and maiming of an equal or greater
number. It was a horrible calamity;
and few have a realizing sense of the
terrible agony of the sufferers-who,lin
gered hours, and even days, with bare,
burned nerves, shrinking and quiver
ing down to a merciful death. Nothing
definite can be ascertained as to the
cause of the accident, though many
theories are plausibly advanced by en
gineers and experts as to what may
'have caused the explosion. Tho cause
will never be known to a ceetainty ;
tind before the excitement of this dies
wit, it will, no doubt, be over-lapped by
unt , iiter grand accident, which, let us
I,OIIP, Will not include scalding.
These retain! accidents conic on ne
thick and fast, that no man can keep
track of even a few Important ones.—
;V ho reincniticis the Helen M'Gregor,
(ar the Bet, Sher rod? And how .many
recollect anything of the fiendish net
on a ;'outhern railroad, by which an
entire - regiment was demolished ?—the
trestle work having been converted into
a trap for precipitating a thousand then
to the bard, stony ground, by the chiv
alry? And they fell, men; horses and
cannon, scarcely a man escaping—from
a bight of one hundred feet.
The explosion on the Westfield, Sun
day, July 30, will be'long remembered
in New York, through the peculiar and
distressing circumstances attending it ;
but steamboats have " blown up" on
the Mississippi,', causing twice the loss
of life, the very names of the boats be
ing at this day almoit forgotten. The
truth is, that American eteamboating
and railroading have produced such . a
constant . line of great disasters that
men have become calloused ; the daily,
or at least weekly call on the sympa
thies of men, has deadened or dulled
the chords of feeling, and induced a
sort of.nonehalant fatalism amongst
the traveling portion of our people,
who, when about to travel, buy aten
days' accident policy, jump aboard the
first boat; or train, and resign them.-
selves to fate.
- 7 - - - -
A friend sends us a paper }with rutrit:o 7
count of the above ,ntassare, Heavily
marked. Evidently, our' f tend disap
proves; or, our views on Inlilan affairs,
and thus calls our attention to A massa
cre that we admit at once was a most
barbarous and unrolled for murder; 7 ---
u neat led for, but. tf tut pfp%olt - eir - Tifil
victims 'were plainly Apaches, and a
not Italait roes band ; nor were - they suf
ficiently powerful to_ Aoltt.:•_ their own.
against other, powertni ,tr pep :On the
,war path or butialo Lange—whereby
Apftches, Comanches, i.'-)o As, and oth
er tribes too numerous
.1 r.mention,
manage, to , pick tip , a Ilv ng. , .I:3eing
1 )
weak, titti , season incierne t,, and Mood
lacking, they were but; too_;.giad when
they found protection and 'food. at the
hands of United' 'States dicers; and
being unable to hold their own on the .
plains, it 'wrm) excellent Opening for,
touching\ the Indian' that peace is better
than' war; 'the coltivatio . of the soil
and the'rabilti'g of rattle . More reliable
and remunerative than linitting. That
these Ind fans were tint, rotected,,is,
and 'Will be, a - lasting 're 'roach to all
wito` were Intrusted with responsihility ,
in Indian afiluis: But the attack was
made by Papagoca—ladiaine massacre
tug Indians, according to
and way.of redskinsi•titM
I t iti elaimed.that Mosel
. sett on to the attack- by:Wl
xyie think it quite pcitthiblel
Jilt:. ;Hest hers' conies in
Lion of which we spoke,'
Jlie law of Compenaationl
long years, reaching fr i ll -lack into the
past, thise v same APaCh•B have been .
the dread of the' frontier Their raids
were' the terror of the frO itier ranches.
Second only to the, Comaneherr in dar- ,
ing and swift action, they would sweep
down on a peaceful vitiate, slay the
men, .11 convenient, capt re thewoinen
antler's, sure, steal'all t e horses 'arid
cattle they could manag , and flee to
their desert run-Ways andfastnessei,he
yond the reach of any party who might
pursue -for vengeance aui retrief.
frilis thing has been going on for ma
ny years ; latterly 144'14 American as
well as Mexican ranchel os. ! The cruel
1 1.
b l reakitig up of peaceful tomes, the en
slavement and fearful su erings of mo
'fliers and datightera, th ' Scalping and
diabolical torturing ofoys and men,
the long list of cruelties yhich has been
accumulating for centuri s on the beads
of all the predatory trib s, is not to be
eradicated in a few weel s by the peace
ful behavior of a few h ndreds, while
there are thousands on t e plains who
lose no safe opportunity f robbing and
murdering whites. T e terrible ro
mance of her who is tor, from the, bo
som of tier fauiily, tube he compulsory
mistress of a, brutal sa age, leaks out
occasionally through so He unfortunate
who escapes, or is ranso o ed - by traders;
but the story is oftener - uried with the
I v
And all along the fr' ntier are men
who have been bereft of property, chil
dren, or wives, and N%ho, so - long as
they live, will not ceas to be Indian
killers. That the strife ill go on be
tween Indians and 'wb tes to the end,
we have no tionbt ; and we think it
possible that the fag encb and remnants
of the disappearing tribes may, when
pushed to the wall byl the inevitable
march of eivilizati+, ry to prolong
their, existence by Aide and forced at
tempts to live after th 6 manner of white
men ; hut not while they're powerful
enough to get a subsiste ce by hunting
and plunder.
We can only repeat ur regret 'that
the Camp Grant Indians were not more
effectually proteeted. 3ut the attack
on them was inilaccordance with the Jr
revocable law of compensations.
j lo
For the benefit of o r readers who
have been induced to b lieve that Nor
thern people are welco ed and received
with open arms at the S uth—only pre
mising that they emigrate to that sun
ny land in good faith and with friendly
feelings—we copy a few extracts from
the Kingstree ,Squr, a paper that we be
lieve to represent the average Southern
sentiment of sectionalism fairly; and
will recommend any onb contemplating
a remove southward to Peruse and pon.
der the same.
Vud#r date of July 1
" There is between tho Nor
most intensitiQl hatred; it n ,
by either sectikm; it need no
by either section ; the heart
beat in unison with the No,
man may say that ho aceepts
does ho mean by the exprc
choice' Ts it because ho doss
a stave? Is it because the el
is agreeable to his ear ? We
and we think that we know s
a portion at least of the Son
we desire to see nn eternal
tween both, sections of the U
We may not ha
we hate the whole as a crow.
tred was not opened by us—
We desire to say to the Nort
and you are not the kind of
affiliate with. There is noel
is no gentleness of feeling,
nimity in you ; you are a B
bound up in your own opini
those opinions are right and
world are wrong.
"We admire the character of Hamllear ; we
applaud him when history teaches us that he led
his infant sun to the altar, a - sd taught his Infant
lips to repeat the vow of eternal hatred against
Rome. We applaud Hannibal, when we see him,
in his manhood, nobly redeeming the oath of his
childhood. lie was taught to hate Rome in his
- childhood, Lot history repeat itself 1 let each
Southern child vow eternal animosity toward the
land of his father's opp 'ease B and his own.
" Hate them ? Yes !ate them ! And we will &
try to instill into the in ant in of those who
? i
will form the next gene atio , an eternal hatred
4 our foes. As liamilear imbued the mind of
his infant son, so let us door duty. The Nor.;
thorn horde deserve no consieration at our hands.
They l e ave sent their alien! er•strapped minions
t t ,
to oppress us, long after the surrender at Appo
mattox. They did not belie e the venerated Lee
when he said that our cause was lost and he
would not again rese his sword. They do not
believe ns now, although we have taken the oath
of allegiance, so called. Thy would not believe
if an nget were to come From Heaven ;—and
why 11 Because they themselves are so devoid of
truth r fair dealing, that t oy suspect all others
of the same infernal gift, Ve will close this ar
ticleth tbo following lines from a German poet,
which, ave been rendered into English verse by
an Irishman:
" ' How long shall the hideous ogre, Power,
jl,enr column of skulls on column ?
Justice! hasten thy joldgment hour,
And open thy doomsda volume!
•Is7o more oiled speech !—i is time the drove
----- Of despots should hear heir fate read.
We have all bad quite encingh of love —.
Be our watchword henceforth Hatred !'"
That will do. W e 4ould fill a page
with similar extracts, abut the above is
sufficient. We fancy that few who read
the above will be inclined to sell 4 good
farm among our hills fa' the special
purpose of emigrating to Kingstree, or
And this is the p
whipped to a stand•sll t
boasting, and whose fi l l
are held by favor of ti
These blatant semi-b
themselves hoarse h
prove that there was
I : :,; I % I I % 51
they arethe Worst whipped ric*l ° Olen
on the globe—and that,
and given it all bark , to tlien4 we as
surne the right of Americans to go or
settle anywhere in. America—we" are
met by petty spite, savage anhnosity,
and " chivalric" malignity. •
_ 7 We settled-too easily—too-cheaply=
with Arch debtors.
Mrs. Wharton, Of lialtimOre, and
Mrs. Sherman; the Connecticut poison
er, are just now occupying a good deal
of space in our cotemporarlee. We do
not doubt the guilt of either: the evi
dence is too clear . ;. and we share the
common American sentiment of ten="'
derness and consideration for" the gent,
tier (?) sex. We cannot imagine a case
so aggravated that Wc..could see-,a. wo
man'h 13 geei ,i f by !Iff,xatf
,ines we could
shun the painfiOighr. AO ; ,yet, the
most painful and, cruel
,m,arders have
been ,committed, Women,; also the '
most consummately skillful,
ting and , heartless.-IDo you: want the
refinement of slow torture ? ' take Lu
Cretia Borgia's poisonings ; l or the bru 6
tality' that murdeila" a child to an Oil-
Onizlng death? take Mrs. • Bievinrigg,
,'' who whipped two female 'prenticis
to (teeth, and'hidtbern'hia gnallicqe). l .
For genteel . , Cool; Cflr l fpnif riint!Aeil
tile"':l34olver,' COnftn:end: us - i t.O tiOra
Fair or iiiiy - ona`iif ipe - half dozen girls ,
iwhOlaveshot their L A
. daceivez,V l ll2, - Aka
Ithe manner
oufof mind.
'apagoes were
I Re' tnen; and
even proha
'the . provoet
coupled vigth
For years,
And now that the guilt of Mrs. Sher,
man and Mrs. Wharton- J3ef3U2 beyond.
dispute, we notice somexery al2lO met
,aphysical articles on' the •`,poisoning
mania," So it seems that polabning
may flaring frotran uncontrollable
Ore to poison whom
the poisoner his no spitelio squat&
design. , ; •
Taking this view of , thentole; it may
turn out as unfortunate jor Mrit Whar
ton that her mania led her ) to poison
just those persons who stood In her *ay.
,A.nd the same may he said 'of . Mts.
Sherman, who is accused pOlsoning
three huSbands'and:fi;;e
dren—attending them In their
,last Mc 0.7,
ments with the sOft,:, hand andjender ,
love thatis peculiar te.thegentler, sex ;
and mourning for"' th&in, afterward in
th, latest style of hearthroiren resigna
We cannot commend the taste of el.
1 3
ther lady in the material .s e, chose.-7
Mrs. Sherman a ff ected arse lc ; which
is too suggestive of rats—n t to men
tion the minor point that it s a rather
slow, painful and sickening poison.- = =
And Mrs. Wharton chose taker emetic
as her weapon. We trust that the use
of suchclumsy and disgnsting9naterier
arose ratber'from'ignerance Of client's. ,
~ than any lack 'of estheile taste in
eithiir.lady. 1
. i
Dear Sir : Still in the land of the liv-,
ing, but suffering from hot weather ter
ribly: We are now in great need of rain
in our section of the country, so much
so that the corn is actually drying on
the stalk. Up to within three weeks
our crops were splendid, now they are
sotaewhat mixed, to be sure we will not
faikaltogether but We will 4 fall far short
of our anticipations.
Since my letter to you we have again
been visited by the K. K. in the upper
section,of the country; results, kill
ing of Mr. E. J. Singeitary, Post Al-ea
ter at Leesville, verdict of Coroners in
quest the old stereotyped one, came to
his death from gun shot wounds in the
hands of some unknown person or
persons. The facts las ,far as can be
learned are these. Mr. Sitigeltary had
been In this place all day (July 24th,)
and left here for his home (18 miles
north of this) on the cars which make
Leesville at 11 p. m. On his way from
the depot to-his own house (which is
but a short distance,“) he was fired upon
and instantly killed. He received one
load of - small shot in the breast, one pis
tol or rifle shot in the face and some sev
en of the latter shots in the back. It is
hardly possible that one man could have
done all the shots: One witness said
that bearing the report of a"gun, he got
out of bed, and while going to the win
dow, he beard a second shot ; and upon
opening the window, he saw a man
running past; could not say whether
it was a white or a black man. The
case rests right there. To be sure we
will have a proclamation made, and
reward offered, but what of that? Men
who know of these matters, either are
in sympathy with the members ' or afraid
to speak, knowing full well the penal
the Star says :
h and tho South a
41:e not be disgused
bo complained of
tho South cannot
Mr. Singeltary was a native of this
state, and had been a Densoerat, until
the last election ; since which time he
has been an out-spoken Republican.
There was considerable opposition to
his being appointed Post Master, and
lately he had been warned by anony
mous writers togive up the P. 0. or he
would be killed. In conversation with
Mr. Singeltary on the day preceding
the night of his death, he told me he
considered his life in • danger, that
there were parties who suspected him
of trying to ferret out the murders of
the two colored men who were banged
in that vicinity some font; months since.
His death causes much excitement a
mong his relatives of whom he has sev
eral living in the County, and who are
now actively engaged in working up
the case. Things quiet In our imme
diate neighborhood. S. A. SwAILEs.
th. The Southern
the situation ; what
ssion ? Is it from
res the position of
nking of the chains
speak for ourself,
omething, of others,
thorn people, —and
I atred kept up be
' ion. (?)
!e an individual, but
The volume of ha
et it not be closed.
you are hot (1;11 for,
eople wo ought to
rection in you; there
ere is no magna-
Mali race; you are
ns, and think that
those of the whole
Voters of the Fourth Judicial District:
—Consider the following reasons why
Mr. C. H. Seymour should be elected to
the office of President Judge of this dis
trict, to fill the place of Judge White,
instead of Judge Williams :
let. Judge Williams was elected for
ten years as Additional Law Judge
in this district, and his term of office is
only about half expired ; and without
hie being elected, he can continue as
such judge, with the same emoluments
as If elected to fill Judge White's place.
2d. Judge Williams has done noth
ing for his party, nor for the people of
this district, to entitle him to an elec
tion to this office while he still retains
the other, - which most men would be
satisfied with, without seeking another
while holding on to that.
3d. If Judge Williams is elected—as
the law is, as published in last week's
Agitator—some attorney, who is assist
ing him for that purpose, will be ap
pointed to fill his place until the elec
tion of 1872; when there will be the
expense and trouble of another elec
tion for an Additional Law Judge for
ten years from that time. Butif Judge
Williams is permitted to remain where
he is, all the strife, trouble and expense
of such an election will be avoided.
4th. Under the Constitution of this
State, the law in relation to an addi
tional law judge cannot be repealed to
take effect during the continuance of
a judge's term of office, but may at the
end of a term. Therefore, if the office
of Additional Law Judge in this dis
trict is unnecessary, as most people
think except 'those who want the place,
the law can be repealed to take effect
at the end of Judge Williams's term,
seven years sooner than it otherwise
wili be,—and a saving of seven years'
salary, or $28,000, to the State thus ef
fected. •
eople whom we
after all their
vei and property
e bated North,
iarbariana stalked
• fore the war to
o more tight ilti'a
!it; r‘nd no,wthat
Therefore, sustain Mr. Seymour by
your votes On Saturday next. , - 1
Aug. 7, /671. ' ' A VotEB.
_ .
._. . .
LCorreipokience of the Aititator.l ,
KINGEITREE, S. C., July 31, 1871.
[For the Agitator.]
My name wpa, Annotinc , o lasp week •
for nominati on by the . Reptiblicati
for the ottice of Representative.,
I am the candidate'ring 'or fac
tion ; I enter the.. field at the' to:Melte
tion of many friends in different sec
tions of the ecsunty. If elected, I will
discharge the duties of - the - ofirce - to the
best of,my ability, and with fidelity to,
the wishes of My constitnenti; • '
' I did-not put myself forwarl in the
matter; bdt now thatl am in the field,
of course I desire JO succeed. The time
is short : I cannot see all ; and those
who desire my success should see that
my friends attend the caucus on the 12th
of August. JNO. 1. , MITCHELL.
Posrscntrr. , —False reporte have been
put in circulation against me. I deny
some of them, as follows : • ,
I never told Mr. Bodine that I would
not be a candidate against him, or that
I would support him. Mr. Bodine nev
er told me that he would support • me if
I would be a candidate; nor that he wo , d
not be a candidate If. I • would. He
never mentioned the matter to -ine
after it was publicly hnowp thati then
refused to be a Candidate. I repeatedly
.refused to be a candidatewbenurged to
. be, and reluctantly bbnappoited,after Mr.
Guernsey and Mr. Elliott concluded to
withdraw. I never requested' either
ono of them to withdraw. • I never had
any talk or correspondence with. them
or either of them•abottt it. I made no
arrangement with them or eitherof them,
or anybody for them, about it. I have
made no pledgeto oupportil B. Elliott
`or any other person, for Prothonotary or
any other office in the future,,and
-no part against ,any • candidate; in this
~canvass. No one who knows me will
;believe meeainible ;DE such . a bargain.
'All such reports.arefalse.. and -I: warn
- all my friends in.time that they may
treat such oaluninies as they deserve.
I wish this matter to be decided fairly
between us. If Mr.'Bodine is nomina
ted, I shall support him cordiallY.' The
triumph of Republican principles is
more to me than any personal interest.
Aug. 2, 1871. , .
•1 ft, 7 11
' A CARD.—A statement appeared - in your pa
per of last week over the signature , of John I.
'Mitchell in which assertions aro made that I feel
l e
galled upon to oontradlot. 'Wieh the people to
understand just the position have 'occupied as
a candidate for the Legisla from the begin
ning. When I was bronght into thelield Cl
a candidate for nombilation Rom J. W. enermsey
of Tloge, and Bp: 8:• B. Mott of Mansfield,
wen then candidata* for the same office. Some
*sons had Wonted the that Jobn I. Mitebell
Esq., had been spoken of as_o'candid'ate; and as
be lived in the same section of the connty de I
did, I did not wish to be a candidate if be was.
In order to avoid all:mistakes hovrtfver, I
• called
ripen him at his house and asked him if he was
,a candidate for the'Legislature. I informed him
I heard he was. He replied Olathe bad expect
ed to be, but that Simon B. Elliott 44 driven
him off the course. Itf en asked him if fie would
be a candidate? and told Min if he Was I would
not be. He informed me then he would not be a
candidate under any eireumetarifies. I then told
him I would be, and he stated if I would, he
-would support me, and Would do all he could to
help me. I supposed be intended to assist 'me
until some four weeks afterward I learned that
his /Yoga friends bad induced Guernsey and
Elliott to withdraw ; and they came up to Wells
bore and induced John I. Mitchell to be a candi
date. I have regimen to believe that this move
ment mac made slier it Lis aloattidne4 that
'neither Guernsey nor Elliott could be nominated
after I had canvassed the bounty as a candidate
against Guernsey and Elliott, and• it had become
apparent that they would be beaten. I do not
think it fair that they and their friends should
make a combination upon John I. Mitchell
against me after he bad induced me to be a can
didate and refused to be one himself.
Wellabor° Aug. 7, 1871
WELLSBORO, Ave. 3, 1871.
I ,
d. H. Seymour, Ek.—.DearSir :—I learn with
surprise since my return home' last evening,
that White says he left the Sold because I made
an agreement with you not to be' Wcandidate un
less successful in this county. - This cannot be•
true for two reasons, viz : let, Ho decided on
Saturday (and so wrote you) to i011;10 the field if
you would take it; and 2d, No such bargain was
In fact made between you and I.
The subject was mentioned, and I said I• did
not know that I would be a candidate if-you ear
rled this county, but that Twould hold the nab
jeot at present titular advlcioniont., B us h* wa s my
Intention, however you may have understood me.
I have made no bargain yet with any one. I did
not intend to begin at this late day in the canvass,
If you got any other impression you will allow
me now to correct it by saying over what I in
tended to say then. Ido not mean to state posi
tively what I will do under circumstances that
have not arrison, except that I never been a can
didate against the ticket, and shall not be now.
Very Truly Yours,
JUDOS. WILLIAMS, Dear Sir:--Yours of the 3d
inst., in relation to your being a candidate in the
other counties of the judicial district if Unsuc
cessful in this, was duly received. And I!reply,
that I think you are mistaken in supposing
"that Judge White wrote to mo last Saturday,
as I did not receive any communication 16mhim
by letter, in relation to the matter until tine; he
did conoludo to withdraw from tho canvass on
Monday following. I think also yon are mis
taken in supposing that you said to me that you
"did not know you would be a candidate "if I car
ried this county!' but tkat you would hold that
subject under advisement. Whatever may have
been your intention.
And although you are correct irrgiayng there
was no bargain between you and , , :y,, that you
would not be a candidate in the ,Other: counties
against me, if beaten in this, in the sense in
which the word .bargain is generally and proper
ly understood, yet in the conversation we had In
relation to my being a candidate; and before I
consented to have my name announced as such,
and before Judge White had finally conoluded to
withdraw his name, last Monday, you did dis
tinctly say to me that if you were not Successful
or were beaten in this county, you would not be
I\ iv
in my way in the ther counties of the district.
You told me that when you stated to me that
for certain reasons, hich I sonsidered satitfao
tory to you) you did nlfeel at liberty to with
draw from the canvass ?otherwise disposed to
do so; and I so stated 't
Judge White and others
soon after, not because I onsidered your stet:.
merit of much importance, at in reply to enqui
ries or suggestions as to whether you would or
not be a candidate in the Other counties if beaten
In your own. But if I summedtl you are unsuc
cessful, I will not for a mome t consider you
•bound by anythincyouittaid!to m‘in relation to
your being a candidate, after, the short time you;
had to consider the matter. And I. leave it
altogether to you as a matter of tastei t id policy
whether you will or not be a' candida 0 in the
b I
ether counties of the district illyou-are sten in
this. Believing you will" think
,ea.'l do, ttut if
you are unsuesessful in this 'County, yo u emaat
afford to still claim the nomination for the`pur
pose merely of changing from one office toate
ther of th e same emoluments atid; - grade„ four r
-five years before your term of office half 'expire
to which you have been elected..l'usm ' inclined
to think that most men would be tatisfied to have
your position and salary, without asking for ano
ther place while that continues; yet I may be
mistaken. — But I do think that -if you desire
,anything like a fair, honest issue in this case,
you ought to stop , your assistants (I will not say
friends) from trying to make some of the - people
of Wellsbore and vicinity believe that I am, or
that I have been, opposed to the Washer° and
Lawrenceville railroad; and that if I ehonld be
come the Judge of this dietriot, I would try the
oases pending In relation to damages; as you,
and most of those who are trying to circulate
these stories, must know they_are not true. It
must be known, that from my residence away
from the place where our courts are held, I, and
others here so situated, are in favor, and ever
have been in favor of having this railroad fin
ished as speedily aspossible; and that if elected
to the office of Judge, my connection with the rail
road cases pending would wholly cease • and
that I could not try the either as judge or
counsel. Yours, respectful ly.
C. H. SETMOtit.
To the members of tho Vigilance Committees:--
The Republican county Convention of last year
having decided to try the " Crawford county sys
tem" of pr imary elections, wherein every Repub
lican 'rot r his due and proper influence in
choosing candidates for the variods ' offices, by
voting dipectly for them, thus removing the pow
er out of the bands of irresponsible delegates,
and platting ()Very man on• an , lequal footing, to
choose whom he pleases; yet nbmitting himself
to the will of the majority—for no man has the
ewe rig ht to vote at a primary election who
does not intend to support the candidates chosen
by a majority of 'the party organization of which
ho is virtually a member,—to you is entrusted
the conducting or inauguration of this system.—
The County Committee, in choosing you for this
purpose, believe, that your attachment• to the
principles of 'the Republican party, and a desire
for the welfare of your country, will induce you
to make some sacrifice of your time. And fa
order,to.carry out successfully the'objectinview,
(a faii - nomination,) it is desirable that you she'd
be punctual at the place of election in each town
ship, prepared with pen and paper for the recor
ding of the names of the voters, accepting their
ballets, and carefully enumerating the votes cast
for each" loandidate ; exercising the same contrst
as a regti/ar election board.
A. C4Etartit.
Tioas Auci. 4,1871
[For, the Agitator)
A BAT' TIM, Anoup WORDS.—In the
wordy wir about words netween Mr;
Richard Giant:White and Prof. X.',
'Vole Poll* Courant, Prof. X.! th* ex
presses his opinion of Mr. White's be9 - IE:
.0t our readers are doubtless
aware that Mr. Richard Graht White
is the writer of a book published not
long.ego.under the title of -"Words. and
their Uses.' The work did 1/114 impress
us as beingart.iiiSPired productioU; ,and '
'unaware of Its sacred character, we ven
tured to point out slew ofthe more ob
vious blunders of - the author; though ‘
we did not denylliat there are`instancei
where he had deviated Into accuracy:”
BY VIRTUE of sundry write of Merl Foetal,
Levert Faeroe and Venditiohl txponas; hisued
out of the' Court of Commcin: Pleas of Tioga
county, and to me directed, I will expiie to pub=
lie sale, to the higheit and best 'bidder, at the
Court Ilouse in Wellsbor . o ) on Monday , the 28th
day of Auguet, 1871, - at 'one o'clock P. M., the
following described property
A lot ofland in Union township, bounded on
the north by Ilugh Tommy, on the. west by-
Cornelius Stull, south by Joel Saxon and RoPrY
ever, and east by John .•Betnish.; containing
.2 acres, 20 acres improved,,with,e frame house,
og barn, frame barn, outbuildings, apple or
.hard Mad other fruit trees thereon. To be sold
s the property,of Wiltiant Hall, snit of Joseph
ill; Cowley for Ifse of C. 4e, .7;
ALSO—A lot ofland itillioiikfield, bounded
on the north by Orlo" Hamlin and Henry Gee,
west by Joel Parkhurst, sontlAyjnioes Tobbs,,
and east by 'Bingham landlig• containing 200
sores, 100 a,cres,improved, with a frame house,
frame :barn; 'outbuildings, apple orchard and
other fruit trees thereon': Ikt he sold,aitheprop
orty of Noble' Peldei suit of'Joel Parkhurst:
ALSO. -A lot of land in Covington, bounded
on the north by the - bighwaytleading from Cov
ington to h'rost settleM9nt• West by Edward f4t.r.
erly, and Botttlidtiiii 'east by.:ttiti i estate.:„sd U. B.
Geroulds containing Hiiee-fourthit 4 11 . tt nor Or
with a two story framo house, outbuildings and
frult-treerthereorr.- -- To`bovArtis theilitepbrtY
of W. W. Bloss and M. E..._131055, snit of Geo,
P. Monid. • • ^ '• •
ALSO—A lot of land in Charleston townehip,
bounded on the north bylibboxt Adams, west
by John Mule" and William Bond,,east by RAI
Adams and Charlet BtOWn; liniceonth by
Butler and,.john- Cuylte; containing:- 60 acres,
with a framo house, , log:barni frame shed, appid
orohard and other fruit trees. ,Hereon i 20, sores
improved. t ro be sold as the property of Rob't
Richardson and E. L. Richardson, suit of Ira
A. NewhalL
ALSO—A lot of land in Westfield townshiii
and borough, bound on the north by Francis
Mason & Peter Edge mb, west by.R. B. Strang,
south by k Onwanesqu rive* and tali, race. of 0.
Phillipa's saw mill, a east by A. D.,,Whiteand
Willialka. oolbath a d S.D./Id/4e; contain
ing 100 acies,lo au i mproved ; with a testae
bouse,fitaine barn, o thatidinge r an apple crab
and and other fruit t ees thereon. ...., . .
et,so—A house an lot in Westfield borough,
bounded on the not s i pd-wrt by - tba Cowan.
esqne river, &Oath by ldalP street, an d beast by
R. Krusen; co•ntaining three-fourthe of an sore,
with a frame house, entbuikllnge And fruit trees
thereon. To'be sold as, the property of M. G.
Bowman,' snit
. of Sylvviter.D.,Phillips; for_ use
of Joel Parkhuist. ' . • • ,
ALSO—A lot °Claud in Delniar ; township,
bounded on the north by Phelps & Dodge, east
by Phelps & Dodge, south by D. A. Stowell, and
west by D. A. Stowell; containing 761 ores, a
part of warrant No. 4212; no - improvements.—
To be sold turtle property of Ru4sel lennedy,
suit of Joseph Riberolle. •
ALSO—A lot of land in Ward township,
bounded on the north by lands of Ruloff Lyon,
west by lot formerly owned by widow Brooks,
south by Simeon Elliott, and east by R. Hager,
Curtis Oleaveland and Ahnon Rice; containing
177 acres, about 80 icon improved, with a frame
'house, frame barn, log house, outbuildings, an
apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. To
be sold as the property of• Leroy Ayers, suit of
J. E. Bullock, and Pomeroy Brcithers. •
ALSO—A lot of land in Elkland borough,
bounded on the north byl the New York State
line, east by the old plank road, south by John
A. Hammond, and west by George Dorrance;
containing about 15 acres, all improved, with a
frame barn, two frame houses, a stone milk
house, outtnaldlnge, an apple orchard and other
fruit trees thereon. - o:tesold as the 'prOberty
of Kate Beagle,' Elsie litimmer, 'Jahn A. Brim
, mer, et. al., suit of John Parkhurst.
ALSO—A lot of land in Farmington town
ship, bounded on the north by lands of
Tubbs, west by-Janetto'Christenat and James K.
Dailey, eouth by estate of Leroy Soles, and east
by Elias Curran and John R. Weeks; contain
ing 70 acres, 35 improved, with a frame house,
en apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon.
To be sold as the property of Robert Stewart,
suit of J. G. Parkhurst.
AT.F111...:.A 10t Of land 1.. Usuburoujila of Stuns.
I field, bounded on the north by Mrs. M. E. Lore*,
east by F. A. Allen and Mrs. Laura Hoard, south
by Henry Allen, and west by Prospect street;
being about 80 feat front and 110 feet deep,
with a frae house, frame. barn , outbuildings
and fruit te es thoreen. To be sold as he prop
erty of G. . Hiff, suit of L. Cummings for use
of Ross d Williams.
ALSO—A lott.of land in Covington township,
bounded on theporth by the Elk run road, east
by Edwin Kloo4, south by Nathan Whitmore
and Nabbie Grpes, and west by C. Bailey;
containing nineraores, with a frame house, frame
barn, saw mill, Outbuildings, an apple orohard
and other fruit;zees thereon. To be sold as the
property of Jao6b Johnson: snit of Packard A
Kinney for nitilif Gee. A. Kinney.
ALSO—The following lots of land in the bo
rough of Welleboro. Ono bounded on the south
east by Pearl street, southwest by Lincoln street,
northwest by lots in possession of Jacob Stick.
lin, and northeast by. John Ether; being 160
feet by 190 feet.
aLso—Another lot in the said borough, boun.
clod on the southeast by the above described lot,
southwest by Lincoln street, northwest by Main
street, and northeast by, John Etner ; beingll64.
feet on Main atria and 60 foot on Lincoln street,
with a two story frame dwelling house, a three
story frame cabinet - 8110V, outbuildings and fruit
trees thereon. To be sold as the property of
Jacob Stioklin, snit or O. L. Willoox.
ALSO—A lot of land in Ward township, boun
ded on the north by A. J. Tinto; east by Joseph
Brooks, south by Alfred Furman, and west by
0. H. Rathbone; containing 33 Roses, all wild.
ti t
aLso—Another tract in ; erd township, bo .
dad on the north by G. W. Beardsly and Is o
Smith, and east, south and west by William
Lyon; containing 84 sores, more or less, all i -
proved, with a saw mill, shingle mill, frarhe
house, frame barn and blacksmith shop thereon.
To be sold as the property of William H. Kil
gore and Wallace Chase, suit of William R. Ly
on and C. L. Ward. - - _ _ ...
ALSO—A I lot of land in Rutland township,
bounded on the north by lands of Silas Cum
mings and Bingham lands, east by the highway
and Lewis Todd, south by G. J. Cook, and west
by Bingham lands and Sandford and Jas. Johns;
containing 54 acres, 12 acres improved, with
frame barn thereon. To be sold as the property
of E. B. Reynolds, snit of Lewis Todd.
ALSO—A lot alma in Ward township, boun
ded on the north, east and sleuth by lands of
'William Lyon, *est by G. N. Beardsly and I. H.
Smith; containing 8} acres, with a frame house,
frame barn, saw mill, shingle mill, outbuildings
and fruit aces theteon. To be sold as the prop
erty of Wallaoe Chase, snit of
~Wm. H. Kilgore.
ALSO -- A lot of land in the borough of Mains.
burg, bounded on the north by Main street, east
by tleorge Staniftir, and smith, and welt by Jno;
D. Strong; containing abont ono acre, with a
frame house, frame steam and water grist mill,
Immo shed, frame horse stable, outbuildings
and fruit trees thereon; together with a mill
owe and dam attached to the same, bounded on
the northeast by George Stauffer, highway, John
Pox G. D, Main, Baldwin Parkhurst, Peleg
Don , Seth S. Rums 4, H enr y and Demond Dew
ey an Joseph D. Austin, and on the southwest
by J ohn B. Strong, George Stauffer, highway,
0. T. alid. A. Haight, 'and Lorenzo and Peleg
Bond. "To- be .sold as the property of N. B.
Calkins, sit of Pomeroy Brothers.
ALSO—A \ lot of land in Delmar township,
bounded on t e north by lands of J. D. Wilcox,
west by Orsam s Borden, south by Salome Sim
mons, and east y the highway; containing 15
aortal, more or le , four acres improved, with a
log house thereon. To -be sold as the property
of John (Mote% ii it of A. W. Potter.
ALSO—A lot of land in Motris township,
beginning at a stone beap, the southwest corner
of land formerly of John F. Harrison, deceased;
thence west 128 pastime to a post; thence north
80 perches to a post; thence north 80 perches to
a stone heap; thence east-128 perches to a post;
thence south 80 perches .to the--Iplace of begin
ning; containing 60.2 acres, 2g acres improved,
with a - frame house, frame barn , an apple orchard
and other fruit trees thereon. To be sold as-the
Property of Richard Campbell, Rut of Henry S.
" I
" ALSO—A lot of land in Cbarl ton town
ship, bounded on the north by lands ,of Joshua
Atherton and Jason Smith, on the west by Jason
Smith, on the south by lands in possession of
PolitoS Befinge, and easthy the publiO highway;
contelning 35 acres, 30 acres .improvoci, wlkh a
frame-house, frame barn, outbuildings, an apple
orchard and other fruit trees thereon. To o
sold as the property of Franklin Borden, snit o
0. L. Atherton. ,
ALSO--;---A lot of land in Chatham town
.ahip, bounded on the north by lot No 285 of the
ailotment of Bingham lands in the said town
ship, formerly under contract to John D. Perry,
east by lot No 389, contracted to be sold to John
W._Bailey, and lot No .987, contracted to he sold
to David Bhort,,eouth by.the south lines of war
rants NOs 1338 and ]B5l , and west by. lot No
193 f Containing 88.7 acres, with allowances, it
being lot No 192 of the allotments of Bingh am
lands in Chatham township, about 15 acres im
proved, with a log house and a few fruit trees
thereon. To be sold as the property of Jerome
Crandall, snit of Reuben Morse for Me Of F. F.
Hecker. - ".
• E. A. PISS, aorta,
Wilbur°, Aug 9, 1871.
Meeting of tho - Connty-Onimittee.
ntretl4oe of ptlor
Cou rit jt;Oceessiltteti ilia sit the • (Wit; lions°
eisepPolisted the 'following Com.
teltte4 - 0 of Vigilance for tho several townships
1100.bordusbi in tbn cOnnty of Toga, who shall
eel:apple the boards of election for the several
'tlistiletkin which they reside:
Blois-A3tepltiliitoron,Tohb Evasii; 3r.. Yaws. Dlar
ntAsre. 1
rkesid—B liturdock, Wesley Gylflln, Wllllalo
1 Ohatham—C II Van Dunn, Sydney Heart, S W Loa.
n-- L A th erton y Joists, Oil
Covington-4.H;Richards, Marvin, Bigler:, John
;Lewis. • '
Covington Borougli—lra Patchen, Isaac Berry, Ja
cob Hartman. - -
Clymer-LOkArdiley, E H Stebbins. B W Skinner.
Delmar—Edarlt,Catapballillobert Roland; Simeon
Bacon. , •.s_ - +, • ,
• Doeriteid—J inghirm,W WHilbeit, 61 V ta4ile,
' Elk—John illaynard;Janum Farley, Loren Wetmore.
Elkland—BouJamin Dorrance, J II Parkhurst; Wm
B Mead.
Farmington;-Jamea Peters, Oliver Blanchard, J R
Fell Brook—D -IV Matistit, 81 - Stratton, A Pollock, Jr.
Gaines—D K Mardi, Wm Vermilyea, Nathan Strait.
Jackson—lkl H Retan, Ed Kinney James Doty.'
Knoxville—V AI Crandall. D W Reynolds, Jerre
Stoddard.- - • - • _
Lawrence-0 eorge llnrlburt, Henry Oelestove,ln
clan Smith: -
Lawrenceville—James Stewart, 0 B Mather, Henry
Wheeler. '
Liberty—Benjamin 'Blaneval,-Sob n. - "B Ault, John
In to. -
Morrie—Sob 80010, Wm ßabb,4:lloCh'BlaCkWelt. -
hliddlebnry—Dentel , G Stevens, Or D Keeney, John
I Diamond.
Mansfield—Wm , Hollanda Phil Williams job n Rol.
. . .
Igalnibtirk—e D Taught] - W Smith, Plenty
Dopey. • •
Nelson—Philip Tubbs, John Bolt, Jessie Bowe.
Osceola-0 It Teylar,flenry Tubbs, Dr Reggie:
Richmond—W W•Baynes,Thos H Bailey, D P Shaw.
Rntland--Teter:llVati Ness E Benso Wm Law
Shlppen-ZJoseph A DarilikA D Leib, George Die
~s unrs;:ii=ititiott'ilAii; R I' Baker 's4 no Palmer.
T foorwatlL'AlkenTlMNilesalltdi 12*
Tioga Borough-0 B Lowell, T Baldwin, John Ste %
vane. ,r 1;2 1 ',.... • ;. - ,7
Westfield—B B. Buckley, H N Aldrich, G D Walter.
Westfield Borough—N W MsNaughton, S D Phillips,
Albert Weatherby.
....-Ward—Wallace Chum, Da'l Sparks, Andrew KIIMID.
, Wellsboro—John Diokineorr, C U Osgood, J B Potter,
• The Committee pa'said the folloWing resoln
Ist. That voters belonging to the Republican
Varty, in each township and borough, shall meet
,on'the 12th jlay of August next, at the usual
places if bidding eleotiond, at 2 o'clock P. M.,
and proceed, to vote for one person for President
Judge, two persons for Associate Judges, one
person for SenStrir,one person for Represents
&et one personi• for Commissioner, ,one person
for District Attorney, and ono person for county
2d. That the polls be 'opened at two o'clock
P.M., and closed at 7 o'clock. The voting shall
be by ballot, written or printed; and the, name
.of efteh,perion voting shall be written on la .list
'at the 11M0yoptItIng; and no ,persoso shall' bo
Wowed to vote more than once for each office.
'After the po ll s are closed ; the Board shall pro
ceed to count the votes that each candidate has
received, and mike out the returns accordingly,
to be certified b i t , the Board.. ,
3d. "One , of th Biota-Of each ,district ; I whi.
shall ke seleote by a,majority, of each- Board,
shall Meet at thblieuit'llouse In Wolishoro, Oil
Tuesday, the 164 day of, August next, a t 'One,
o'clock; P. M.; having the certified retdrns arid
'a list of the i'voterh.,together with - the 'totes
cast fok each candidate; and the person who
shall Wave the highest number of votes for any
ofilee, shall be oeolared
_the regular nominee of
the Republican party.'
4th. Any two or more persons having an equal
number of votes for the same office, the return
judges Beall preceed to ballot for a choice ; the
person having the highest number of votes to be
the nominee. I „ ,
6th. The return judges shall be competent ' to
reject, by a majority vote, the returns' of any
district where there Is evidence of fraud; either
in the Marini or otherwise. And the 'return
judged shall have power to appoint conferees—
Senatoriaratid ',judicial, or either as the case
may require — who shall be Instructed to support
the Verson who shall have received the highest
number of votes cast for that office in the °nun.
ty. And.the return Judges may at their meeting
change the mode of 'sleeting candidates; if they
are satisfied that a change is necessary. And
the return judges shall appoint a Standing Com
mittee for the county for the ensuing year.
6th. In case of vacancy in any board at the
time fixed fort opening the polls. the vacancy
shall be supplied by any member or members of
the vigilanceommittee who shall be present or
in attendance
, S. F. Wir,soN, Ch'n.
June 23, 1871-7 t.
as now in stook, and will keep constantly
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Wool Twine, 2 ac 4 ply cotton & jutetwine .
Marlin 2, 3 .fz4 strand.
Knowls pat. S tep Ladder, from to 8 ft.
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Bottom prices on
Come In anil take a look, get the- figures and
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Yours Truly
Ma y 24, 18 818
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C7=3 A. DANA. Editor .
Zile Man e Viteltig *tn.
A Newspaper of the Present Timer.
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up of club), est= Doll a rs.
Fly° coulee, one year, sip *44 addre ssed
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In Post Office orders, eh eche,
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aura ow, ncir 1r0 , F4 OW.
Jul 12 187/-Bm.
, . ,
Door Sash tt Blifid Factory'.
IDPNJAbIIN AUSTIN, la. prepared to fur•
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r d.
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constantly on band,nrinanufactured to order
Planing: and Matching
, -
done promptly, an. In the belt manner.- r The
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WeUtwo, Aagust 2,18 n . tf
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°Lost\ -- 1, 1112 OUT
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We have - a very desirable Stock
of the.above-named Goods, which we shall offer at extremely Low Pri
ces, in order to sell out clean for Fall Trade.
Any one in need of Goods in this line will do well to purchase early.
J. A. - PARSONS Sr.,' CO.
Corning, August 2, 1871.
New Store New Goods 1 New Firm.
J. Horton Brother,
• . ,
WOULD say to the citizens of Wellsboro and vicinity, that they have their stet° now in
full operation, and will at all times keep a general assortment of merchandise, hind tell at
the lowest prices. We sell 1 .
Yard wide Factory for It) cts. French Ginghams ' 25 Os.
Prints for • 10 cts. Queens' Own Alapaca,(spociality) :',l to 7: , c.
Dolaines for r 20 ots. 1
X.Netclic):s 7 3:›ressifis Gc•coclei
Parcales, .111ohairs Plaids, French and Irish Poplins Japanese Sills,
Fancy Colored and Black Dress Silks,
all at prices much less than have been sold for before. We keep a full line of
- _
Fancy Goods, Yankee Notions, Boots and Shoes, hats and Gip, , '.
Hosiery from .
10 to 50 ets.Children,' Shoe, fr0m...... 10 eta. to i'1.,2,.
Boots from $2,50 to $5,50. , Hat, from ~...7,5 cid. to s , i,g ) .
Mens' Shoes from $1,25 to $5,50. Ceps ) from , ,80 cts. to 81,25
Boys' Shoes from $l,OO to $1;50.
. --
All Seasonable Goods at unprecedented Low Prices.
. , I
Choice 6 - roceries, Etc.
Teas from 50 eta. to $1,50
A Sugars 12} ota
Porters& Sugar at In ots
Our motto is, "fair dealing, low prices, and strict attention 'to business," which •is always
the key to success:
We invite every.ono in want of anything in oar lino, to drop in and t 'ke a look through our
stook, tie we are always pleased to show our Goods.
Wellaboro, May 4,1871.
4, W. ~ MORTON •.4 CO.
New Spring 0-oods
Our Stock is now very large and complete, and Goods very cheap
. I
Beat Prints 10 cents per yard. 1000 yde Delaines,frotn 124 to 15 et& per yard. We halo
the largest stock of
in Southern New York. includina 'TEMPS from 75 to 40 eta.: In , 4aips from 50 to 31,25
heit Tapestry Brussels $1,25 ; English Body Brussels $2,00 to $2.25; a lso a full lino of
Rugs, Oil Cloth, Plain and Check Canton Matting, 6)ir -Matting, Art!,
Cloths and
which will be made to order by Schick or Scott, at very iow prices
We invite a careful examination Of our Stook cud prices,
will nokbe undersold, and when wo say that we metal what MI
will do you good.
Corning A.pril. 12, 1876.
We would call evecial attention to our btoek of
Of thortnigh trial it has become an established
fact that ROY'S CHOLERA DROPS is hest
Family Medicine that can be found for the cure of
Colic, Cramps,
And all those disorders of the bowels which are
so common in the Summer and Fall.. This 'Medi.
nine never fails when rightly used. It is no
0111tE-A.LL, it isnot recommended for anything
else. It does not contain pepper like the Pain-
Killers. It does not irritate, but is mild and
soothing in its operation. It is not like any
other medicine, therefore ask for ; ROT'S OHOL
ER A. ; DROPS-and take no-other htzta: ---
' _ _
nip mown.
- Aug. 2, 1811.-36.
Coffees from
Spices, all kinds
Soaps, all kinds.
25 I to 30 ete