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I , , o ; -.„ ~. "::. i 1: :, ;,...\. ' ' 'l ' . :: ' 1 1. . ' ' : '' - " ki ' '' ' ' 1. Li: "" 00, . - ' ~•• 1 ‘1 { j.....\ . 41••)1 4 .... ii,..,;,..,•:,,,,...„ , ~ ,:, .t ~, ~.. :,, ..i ~ „i; ~ ~.,..•.,..„. 3 ' , t t II 1.1 l , ! 1t ., 1 .. 1 , ?1,'.1',', , t '.. .1.. \ ___ :,' t. , 1 ..! L . ) 1. i t. 4'S i \-4..3:.. 3 , t , —...--.. 4 -\...._,,, 1 r ,i/ , , - i t . ' , .1 e. ', xi, . r L 4 . 11 t - . 1 1 .. ~ Is well sup) —: -, = , ..h -•-,• it ~, tl;* a( °die et '""' " t ' "'-: " "'''." • ' ~..... _ ~) l, t : :, > i 5.,. .„. .; IP , ' ' ( - 7%. . , 1 \., ,-'. ', .. ' 4 4.., ';,'. , ,:' , ; outs al , 111 :• : :—.l N. , , 1 1l 3;, , ,.,1 ril• 11 1 , 14 Arr a l) olidW :ii:(4.;, 4 ; (--(11;',i Al , Ain WA ?Fa ..:, je , 1i1 ,,,.. u . i .i t t o ~; , „,-gi 7 ,..---- '," I-4,,,i , ~;.- 4,i(0 .. ,- ,v,,, , i., ~; i, , ~,.. , , , t ~. 0,, , to ~ re k",.., 1` . I . 4 .'..i . 1".1.W.1 1 0 ',I ......: ,I(Ttt 1 1 ' , ii, , Zifi:)• • ..i , t-P; ii 10 1.' . ..1/1i 4-1 9ii. gi 11;.r e . 1 ;,„ r 0 ..../ ~i, ---. L." '.- 0 , r)1,...t,i .. i..t ) 71/4' :..• . - ~ ti • 1 i .. I ' A. 4 ,, ,„ ~..,., e,l "'" e•. 3 a 344 3 .1,11 . 1 , , ,„ , • •, is pueLISIIrp SISIT WzONTIOAT WoIMING B! P. C. Van Gelder. i EROS OF SUBSCRIPTION INViItIOIS IN ADVANCE, :.111,Arription, (per year) .... FrATES OE ADVERTISING, TO( I.CsicS OP MINION OR LEBB, MAU ONII BQD►E= Crs•••• I ita:l 3/111 t 4 Ina j 3 'Nila/dos I TYr iji le, 1 $l,OO I $2.00 I $ 60 f '5,00 1 1400 I $12.00 800 1 00 1 800 1 12, / Squares,— 2,00 k Sri 0 ,,1 I :0,1;10 iffitil 0 4- Special Notices 16 cents per line; Editorial or I ..erti 20 cents per line. - ‘ _ , 1 r tnsiditt adVflollllol3 =Sr bd paid for ikadvailca. 4 b?..Justico liiatilio, Cotiotable Blatiki,Doeds,Judg ., n t No tes,Marrtage Certificates, ae.,on band. cA.ltt•s. J. PABERUIM *.00.) 13-K.ERS, t'sr.l:l3l: l EST. ,:ou:: rAusnaits7. c. PATTISON. May 31, 1871-13mt4 Seeley, Coates & Co. ANKERS, Knoxville, Tioga, County, Pa.— Receive money on deposit, discount notes, snd sell drafts on New York City. Colleot ions promptly made.—. Ten 1,1871-y Mortnex Benev—Oaceola. DAVID Co4Tsi,Knoxville. VINE ORAVIDAIJ 414E0.- W. =ERICK ) .TTORNEY' and COUNSELOR at LAN Offico in Smith and Bowan's Blookpacroes hal f r om Agitator Woo up elixirs; [second floor.] Wolleboro Pa, Jan. 4, 1871-19. Jno. I. Illte,kellk t torney and Counselor at Law, Claim, and In urance Agent. Offloe over Krosee Drug Store, Welleboro, Pa. - Jan - . 1, 1871—y Mil A .tornoy and Counsoldilt Law, fliat'door above Couverso k Oegood's more, on Main street. 0115boro, Januaryl ) 1871 y Jno. W. Adams, It: quay and Couuselor at Law, Manofiel4, lioga •ourity, Pa. Collootlono promptly' attoridid t... Jan. 1, 1971—y Wilson & lilies, A ttututl.s and Counselors at Law. Will attend promptly to haleness entrusted to their care in the counties of Tioga and Potter. Office on the Avenue. Jan. 1, 1871 y S. y .Niril.3olq.] John W. Guerpseb kttr,rhey and Counselor tit 'Law. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. Ake 2d door south of Hazlett's Hotel, Tioga, Tints County, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1871. Win. B. %OM, eensi6a, Uounty and insarenee Agent. •C m. ounications sent to the above address nil re. .viva prompt attention. Terms mode ate, / Knoxville, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1971. Seymour & Horton, ,rneys and Counselors at law, Tioga Pa. All business entrusted to their care will receive prompt attention. C 11. Seystoun Jan 1.1871 y 77 H. ARMSTRONG. SAMUEL LIMN. Armstrong & Linn, • TTORNEYS-AT - LAW, WILLIAMSPORT, PENN'A. 1, 1871-y. W. D.• Torben & Co., Vholesale Druggists, and dealers in Wall Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass, Perfumery, Pluses, Oils, "co., ,to.—Corning, N.l. Jan.l.ll. D. Bacon, 111. D., 'l),> - leian and surgeon,lst dour east of Laugher ',,!he—Main Street. Will attend promptly to 'i all Wellsboro.—Jan. 1, 071. A. M. - Itightuii, M. D., I noeopathist, Offioo •at his Reeidence on the Arauuo.—Jan. 1, Is7l. George Wagner, z"bop brat door north of BobortF ttßail • Hardware Store. Cutting, Fitting and Re painag done promptly and well.—Jan.l,lB7l Sue h's Hotel, Pa., E. M. Smith, Proprietor. House in od condition to accommodate the traveling 1 , 1611 c io a superior mannor.—Jan. 1, 1971. • Fanners' Temperance Hotel. B MONftOE, having purchased this house, *al conduct in future as in the past, btrirtly , a temperance, principals. Every accommo i won t>r wan and boast. Charges reason aide. Jaauary 1, 1871 Union Hotel. Horn, Proprietor, Wel!shore, Pa. uouyo is ploasantly located, and has all .e omovouionces for s man and boast. Charges Tderate,—Jau 1, 1871-Iy. w. "W. WEBB, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. 'Jerke—Opurnug out of Hastings A Cole'e , ra —mar. 1,1871. Ladies' Millinery ~,,,. , .',URNISHING gTORE ! 11.,0 a complete .tie•ortuient j le.l of , 1,01 Firrnihing (r,)ods, :UL'1!1;; :It UCIII:.11.11LY Lou prices. MILLINERY `n'rY li, , nptton to F tilt everybody, and 'FURNISHING GOODS, alma L.taiW Ileady•Made - Di;eres, a corn ' th it cannot fag to please the WM& 'ee,e c 1,1,a examine Goods and prices. lt x tf t E uppo.ilo Poet Office, Main Street. Mrs. A. J. SOFIELD. r. Nlity i, 1870 tr New Millinery ! IRS. C. P.SMITII, has now on hand arr ' olo. 1. g ant assortment of alt tho latest styles of MILLINERY, ney Goods, Parasols, Glo'es, FA,Ns, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, dz.e., , :.the is seelling at very low prices. Drop tha now goods. .1t :1-tf 3,000 tishels Stone Lime for sato by ;')119, 1971.-tn FARM FOR SALE. 131 t 'ibscriber offers for sale his farm of 56 er e '. Ple43antly situated in Gatlin hollow,t'4l4.Tta count:37;Pa.; ithin about four ‘Vells og bor o and two miles of Niles Val- School house, church, mills, shops, within mile. Terms easy. Inquire on rtz 1 1 1 1 lise /87 ui I tf O. G. CATLIN. $2,00, I 18,0 Q umal 61,00 100,00 ELELAND. PA. [J. B. Nan J. C. Hoittort =EI Mrs. C. P. SMITII W. C. KRESS = VOL, XVIII. THE OLD `PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE" • LATELY knosrnrii : the ToUrtieerdifouse) ~, and fostp. time occupied by D. D. Hon day, has been thorouOly refitted, repair . d and opened by 4 DANIEL MONROE„ • he will be happy . to accommodate the old f lends of the house at vary reasonable rates. Jan 1,1871 y DANIELJIONROE. _ Tioga Marble Works. T HE undersigned is now prepared to exe cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Moan -, outs of either . . ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE, o ° thelatest style and approved workmanship 'k • • aad•with dispatch. it lite keeps nonstantlYon ta d both 'kinds of Martole and will be able to out all who may fa. vor him , with their orders, on a reasonableterms as can btiObtained in the country . . , . PRANK: ADAMS.' 'TiogOttn.l,lB7l.—tf: ' ' - ' ' .ji.. 1 Notice. LE persons indebted • tdi). P. Roberts b. 30 . Book account or Rain extregnested to critll end .settle and sere Costs, et G. W. Merilek's office. (Feb. 1, 1e711.1 R. . 01.33..03;r g - - - AtiNsPi.hLD, -PA. '. 4-.1 Tr' EEPS constantly on hand, ELGIN alfk JIV.WALTHAM and SWISS WATCH c't ES, Marina, Alarm .3: Calendar CLOCKS, , . . _ '' _ SILVER SPOONS, Pl. ted Spoons and Forks; Table, Butter and Ft it Knives; Caps, Castors and Cake Baskets; Nalkin Rings; Cream Salt Sugar and Mustard Spions; Fine Gold and Ag to Rings; Gold Pens an?. Pencils; Solid Gold ets; Pearl Fancy and Plated Buttons ; Watch G arde and Chains, ac., i A lttrge stook of SPECTA LES, GLASSES, and Colored Glasses, all at reduced prices. N B.—Watches and Jewelry tkeatly Repaired. ist,:: tirch I, 1871.,: ' .:, '.._ -. ' .1.,i . . . lA. B. EASTM.AN • 9 , . •_...- - - - 7 - e--, OPERATIVE ARID MECHANICAL / .. i samma di . - • DENTIST. , Offi a opposite Cone Iliirtse, Wolleboro, Pa. - All ope ations neatly and carefully performed. Bat ista tion guaranteed at 'live and let live prices.' F:b 22, 1871 tf • I HE SINGER Manufacturing Cornpans5 1, AT THE WORIAI'S FAIR, Constituted by the,omes: of the people-- eceived the Great Award of the lIIISEST SALES ! n hare left all rtvalti far behind them, for they SOLD IN 1870 111.13IIHRED AIM TWENTY.+SEVEN THOUSAND, I T HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TMIEB MACHINES I •in. more than forty thousand, in advance of of sales of tho previous year, and °vols/orb ftrhottarttati more than the mice 'of and other ompany for 1870, as shown by the following : uiles from SWORN returns of llto MEM The Binger fdarittfacturing'conapa'ny V ' • so ft over the Florence Sewtng Pichine Co 110.173 Ifachines S'old!ove'r the Wilco: & Gibbs Sew tnj Jfath ine Go., 08,243 do, Sold l oner the Teed Sewing Ma chtlne Co., ...; Sold foyer the Girovcr IL- Baker Serving 2fachine - Co., 70,431 do. Sold over the Hews Machine Co., 52,677 do, Sold over the itheetcr ,f, Traeon Yelnufacturidg Co,, _ all ofl w h ich is mainly owing to the popularity of wh at is known as the "New FATLY SEWMG M.l.ctr:F.," which is now fast finding its way into very well regulated household.—.Vor Cir cular" giving full particulars of Machines, their koldi g Cases of many varieties of wood and Ltioisli their Attachments for numerous kinds of work,lwhich, which, till recently, it was thought that delicate fingers alone could perform, as well as .artihlars about all articles used by their Ma chines, such as Twist, Linen Thread, Spool Cot. ton, Oil, &c., &c., apply to any of their Author ized ( gents, or to T E SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. 458 Broadway, New York. Philadelphia Office 106 Chestnut fit. March 22, 1571-tf. Ntv Music Store I OPPOSITE CONE HOUSE. ELLSBORO, P.A. ToY virtue of an' orderi , f the' Court of the moray of ITio - ka, Me directed - as - Guardian ,of Wellington:ll - Phelpii. minor eon: of C. 11. Phelps, deeeaseci,..l: will expose ' sale at public ve n dee, - ve n dee, - on the 22d - ?'day gust next s on the premises, respectively,- highest and best bidder, _the.following 41411404: real estate, to wit: —' A lot of land situated bailie borough of-Mens: field in said county, beginning east side of tho Tioga railroad; in the south line 'of land of Boor) , Allen; thence.alang said line and the south lino of the cemetery lot south; 138..degreer east, 49 Bpereaea to the public highway; - called the Williamson_ road;: thence 'iald road: south, three degrees east,: .111.8 pproheisi flumes' south, 86i degrees- West, - 10:1 ' perelfes.;:theititi south, eight degrees east, 31.4 • to Cory_ creek; thence nortdl,llB degreasireist; - :j2!..f per: cher to tho said '.oioga railroad ;• thence . llloPg said railroad north, , 2o degrees west, 21'.$ perches; and north, 17i degrees .west, ten perchea; 'itUd - north, 41- degrees west, eight rode,:.tni the;,plack, of beginning; containlng - 10 acres4.ll7 perches." Also, another lot of land in - said ;borough of Mansfield, situated on the south aids - Of_Blinira_ street, and beginning atibeiTicaliiiieerbei-of: N. Kingsley's laud; thenoe- south,- 121- degreeii east, 100 feet to the - South - 116e of Gila land; j thence westerly :dentin - U . 4,6f SUM k*.t land of John M. Pfieltit;ooctlisnd. of. A—.lkur.ls, 125 feet, to the sauthwest. corner of:iiiis:to,t4 . . thence north, 12 degrees =west, 117.15 feet, _to said Elmira. streeti,Ab44466_ long Stsset: blic Road Lettin g. north, 77i degrees eukl2kfeet ) .to the piece of beginning; contabiltig - 0 - perelies,-more or tem. - , _ Also, a lot of land'rittiatediu t thelortiashlil of tbscribers will receive orders until the Richmond, in theriaidiniglifi - ,V144 1 ‘.;...h0giac. of Angus:, fur the construction of . a ming at a post, thimoitOtAt:dotOr,,of ;_thejett;', ,ad in Morris Township, from Babbe man Graves lot ; thineatortit'4o4.3;iftirches tea. Antrim. fallen hemlock, the sou thweet cropiet 'Pr Vitliegt : tto he now let. will commence at the :P. Morris's land ; Banio - Eliadlatilf of the bridgar i near the house of Win. of George Sling '2011,4 :119.:„iregrees ( oast, 1434..4 and runs along the western° slope of - perches to a bireit - colintiit;:theums.along:Und-cif; o and a half miles to the Broughton Win. M. Barden soil& 20:6 Perches to tlie south' near the Antrim Coal Minos. The 10. aide of the road loading froraidaustbild-tAbWellsr the road will be pointed out to any one boro, past the iron ore" - bed; theater idofig.,the o examine the ground by calling on south side of said rolidliftifatb,lii deireetr• west; rrer at Antrim, or on. W. - W.- Babb at 22 porches to a pOstlilithe_ifus!:4l.ne-of.lbe, eat& k. Specifications of tbe ' work may be Graves lot; thenee by' the Saute beith 14.5. Ter . Farrer or the subscribers. Offers to 'lobes tea auger treerfthinde=bl=sfiid Grnves lot l y the rod, and to include bridges , and west 104 2 .pelohes to the_plyse WM. W. BABB, containing 120.1 notes, mare , SAM']. DOANE, Tams made kuroiii 7 en' apiilieitiOn..or. at time WM. D&Olill, 1 of sale: 110211131111i0110211. Auguit 2;18T1 aw,:414110/1g1;-. Dealer in all kinds of s and Musical Merchandise, Plan nd Legit .nieMinn of noI'SIC in Ibis see k) eonniry. Pianos warranted for 20 orgoEt ion of 111113:1 ITelO deons and Cabinet Organs ith Greener's Patent Foot Pedal, All ki eachan•, pairing s ct InsirutuPrat bought or taken in e rand to let. 9^ All orders for re- Ond Tuning promptly attended to. J. W. MeINTOSII, Agent- OE 22, IST 1 Re. U " be tho best ith ! Standard medicines: Dr. IlliltßlC'K'S Sugar Coated Vegrita ,, Pills and Kitl Strengthening 'plasters— lin use ! Use 1 and Ca refunde.l arvell's Condition Powtlera for Horses tlo—satittfaction guorantovd or money is D abovo ar, Wollsbo June I, . Perrin's Fumigator for Catarrah. The Haag are for sale by W. C. Kress,. Ag't, o, and the trade generally. , 1871-3 m. rpnE 1 .1_ 13( 1 public R. Greek to Tha pa north en W. Babb the hill 1 Log road cation of desiring Mr. T. F babbs cro had of M be made I culverts. Jnly la 1891.-at Blossburga Cornpil;_44.Tiogaß..ll; , idIPAIIT PRONMANW.O.;f/iigit4l6o;a:'• • - 1- - No 1-928 a m 'No 3-8.20 pin No b-6.64 a in , . No 7-0.88 ain No 04247 pm; • Ngll.-1.84 par. ' NolB-800p m 16-10.14 p in 'NoI7-1.80 anv - • DEPART NBODI 7104-410*O1104ii.' No 2-4.12 p m NO 44.42 ain NO 0-0.26 ay. No 8-8.08 s m ,No 10-40,50 a m No 124140 am. No 14-12.07 p m No 16-1.85 pra No 184.18 p No 20-0.80 p m No 22-11.12 p m No 24,12.86.0 1 r0 • A.H. GORTON, L. L. auerrixiit, Rapt B. A.O. R. R. SoPlTlolla Northern Central': Railroad. ARBIV AT ti FROlt T 331 0111 Th •, TUX VIMMOILTaj'; • Eipress .10 66's m Month/El Acc....11 (X) ain Elmira 11a11....10 96 p !xtEvenlih rea s Ace.... 7,46 m. p t Ex .10 29 11 : 1 !PYPO Lp j p ;;.' 3t 1, • GOING, U. ;(101dge , amts. Morning Acc.. . 016 A TR raw", now poui Expreee 1130 e m I Express ...102.6 p m &tutus 4cc...,....0 2Ctl) I, Walkout .110, , ,L9-66.p, ZD ' /r " Z i G Y 4312 1 ;rit JEWELRY STOREt - D. P. ROBERTS • :,-/ •Arli',...re.; ‘ j.:.. , , Y. ) -;• :7n ,r j . ~ j., i - v ,l arc,: .131 Eri:•, / /,(41.-,i-:q "..') unili-ni• .! - :1 1 ..:..: A titiltlN:ll4 la 4trtCUAt : ' i ll ~20mo ) 0:!..'L... 'A . • -A: ; t - it? ,i,Pr;•?, .•...I':‘,Ei oat ,5 eol* .J.at , ,iocr. ~a) I ' . . - 4....".,9 -.- t li "7 - ., r f 1 3 2 .•;o•:. ,; 2 ; - 1 -, • • • ••• ^ 11 , ;• -. -F; .:*., '2' l •:1 r • : r '.; ' ^ ' f ' - e: i . '. - . ' I/ GOLD-OE_SILY.ER, OL OK% JEViZiw RYi;cvo..,sicr#4,lN.s, L, . 103,.:ItINGEti : PN , ;.,,T1 3 ' 1 ° 4;'- 1i 04 4 # 13 .:0914 ) :.4: - /+STERIP .P Na, - - ZUMBLVA 1 ' ) i ' - . • , : : . : ;..... ..,Ji3 . 1 1. ' , SPOON'S?! , RAZOltik4l4- 4-5 ir r `-- : . •• , ~•:. , - ...f.r;r•.,;..5. ?'• TED WARE,'; l'r•r , t r: :. e'iir-.t; • Pith moot otber,artiolea,neuallpkept in' aunb. establiebnietiOvhich it sold lo ,;,f94. . Repairing done neatly, and promptly, and on 1100 'r orica. a A. FOLEY. January 1,.1871—y. Farm for-Sale. Tim Subseribei oirsiti . for sale,his s farik: situ. atell in OD' tontn_uf Xrettriar;—sonia:-eigbt miles from Wellsboro. Bild ,, ,farm contains 75 acres, some 8 . 9 5 of which' is' improved; good frame barn 30x42, and a good log house, and some fruit trees thereon. Said farm is unsur passed for fertility of soil in this seetiom., For partilars inquire of the subsosiber at tho office of G. . Merrick, Esq.;Wellsboro Pa. April 19, 1871—tf. A. REDFIELD. - Planing - ,and Mottling DONE with .nelitneas 'and dispatch. , .• • - • BEVEL SIDING • made from inch lninber. Can plane 24 inches wide. At Hamilton's steam-mill, -on Hammond Creek, in Jackson tornahip, Tioga county. 0. HAiIIIkTON. Jacgson, June 7, 1871 tf , . ....92,831 do do. ..45,825 • TOR SALE,' QHEAT'd (IBM elegant, new; leather top buggy ; •ono nice open baggy, nearly , new ; ono Iwo horse lumber wagOn ; a good Nagle harness. WRIGHT /c. BAILEY. Jund 21, 1871 tf • Farm for Stile ONE HUNDRED ACRES with eighty norms improved, and situated near • gp the State Road, south of Mainsburg.„This Ittil • farm contains a comfortable hoUse, , two goo barns and ninety . fruit trees. Itts l well adapted to dairying aid agriculture. Tertas easy. In. quire of the subscriber at Mainsburg, Pa. June 14, 1871—tf. -• , J., A. BOYCE. • T\ISSOLUTION. Notice is „hereby, given that the co-partnership heretofore known as Tubbs, Friedley Co., has this,day, June 26, 1871, been dissolved, by mutual meant. Also, of Tubbs, Brodhead 4 Co., which ex— pired March 6, 1871. HOYT TUBBS, S. DEAL; P. FRIEDLEY,. : J. N. VOLHEA The. , business will beareaftert carried n by TUBBS, TAYLOR, k O. Osceola, July 19, 1871 31,4". LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION • having been granted on the estate of (leo, V; Hunt, deceased, late of Broo4tleld.isllpereepsitidepted to said estate and those-having glitims against the same will settle with . • - RAILWAY TIME T MI=MMUMEN wr , 4:r4 4 13_0xt0...:P4;',;.: - , =I ANDREW: - rotlin v who 1'61 ; egiab. I ;146 - CifiA#lo,lfasirY4Atii; mess is Welibbora, Obi* 442.45,40,11190.f9.11 SEWINC MACHINES, &0., IFzet„ &a. C A S 110 . iAdministrator's .Notice. MOREWEISEN , A. J. 13IMM . ONB, Brookaeld, July 26, 1871..-6w!,*, , Adw'r.• , Guardian's Sale. ME .'1•302,11 -• ' • Jul) ' - =II .11 1) - .; .11:,))(;;;;:‘,.; I ,AMIOCIM4NT pEalk o.os - ,13 1T 014. 0 I:MNB,Y,r 4 v,A.Fu., -Joint eeo urton roposznll asta,:pßattn Arnent to the Constitution-of ict• Be it Besotved by the Senate and Rom of Rep retentativiecfel Conuponforpitl,t. of, Renno,olviint iri general' Atreinbly,pee, !Opt: the fonowin Mail:4oo.°f tliectionogtrttio4 of ;this 0 enttooll 404* fle,pxoppsea.tp . the people for their atiop• tiat.pr Veileetllinfokirsuattt to the, provisions' o the,tenA ertAtile thereof, to, wit .i „ ; ) i • ; - • t EZEMI ' Strike out the Sixth Seaton of the Stith - AV -tiele of the Constitution; 'anttinsert in lieu there- . of the *Mowing :.; • . e. _ . . .• P , A.lEttate , Tteasiurer label! ibe choseit hi,' the A tialitiodoltotors of the•State.'at such Ikrtelf and tot shit[' (mutt' service, rat , shell ,b9-preeormed, lye li i ,w„tr.•lT ; •.•-) .., ;,;:,;'.r „ , , • ._•...., .. „. • ..., „-,•'; ;. .. • -•., C.- JAMES-11. WHIM,” "l' _, ', Speaker•of , the House of Repraseistittiree... " WILLIAM A. VAtriticiE,', i .. , Opediter of the Senate Approve& the 'fifteenth 'dtiy,4 Ju4e, •AtinD —,l , . , ,i, , • :J9.44:r:4EAni,.. Domini" one thousand , eight hundred and oev.. enty.one. . , . . . . . £; Prepered,and certified for, publioatiou purrs ,ant to the Tenth Artiole of the Constitution. • ' B. a oaDAN, I, ME - .'Ji.. - I+lEleefepiiVoftheetimixtohiritath. • 0141 iii Obeicter? Offtle.Oetereeiltialt4; i lierriebarg,4olfritik; Xyll; j , Keep ✓it :Before th e Pe9o3 , .7 45411 W/ g' iitilvi,htifirge OA fres4llol of ßbore • 3 A TiI - 1ff11 4 7 ,OXO:C.SN.Z4S;',ItiIV;' ~,,?- . • -,,- , '- - ', 1 ,. ~ -, - • ,: - ~, 'tc ilatrzfeltzds& v" , ~.., 1 ' ~_ , 'l' . - I,7rd ift., , , . - r• ,r- & t., •, ,- : • :, - 11: .73c4Ozcpylf 1 ~,, 9 :f ,Tobam ,anc.l Cigarai ME . r i , 1 • lolt.„-3. ~- c i ~ .1 r ' .1 .I; '-•.: , L : .- -. ! - pt to:fiteiaierYthing keptlti - tholit lliser,6f- bit' ,s_t sij "sehiebT tiles , Qtapbezildr - at friees - 1001 ' l nane,balmii _Lt. - i , aeu f..::,,1 s?:.:. r, .Ir . . • omirftrandltif&eur-188otidll =irfifAul3l6 - iii i!, atasfri.e. tx;irr 1 toss .icni • ~..mr: ~"..t- s .>: - v.)/ ~,,, harbavitAlso' added' to' droll , alfiadf ilfeileti::' alp trade, a .-, ~_ ....., 1 ~ 1 1,f.1:. : . •f. I - NEWS OFFICE : ~ad bald titeniselreitiead to furnish (on order)' :awl bOok;:insiy 'aim. dilate, 'pet:pli', or anything asked ibr lit that line. Subscriptions solicited: .forl 'popular papers and magazines. ' " ' E 4, on'tt•lbrget:to call oppbsife L. ht., Sniffles', ,. tot y-TiOtta,Val, -- ' , - • July 20, 113t1. ft r; Hi i ) ' ' :.• ~ ),;10/C. , - , ~ . ..... ~. , - !.• ' 8 l'-''lal " 1 ....t 0 . ~ , ' ,....1 ),:)•:, : 1 . ,0 . , n , c . ---• I:tiOgiov.Y.i. , l , ',l ~ • ' I_,. ~", .: ~, . HARDWARE.r. , ..,,~ ~. I ~,,,„,11, i.. ,„,• .0-4-4 ~,,i ,:,..., .., .. . „ . .17.1.,t'l 7J t • • 1 . 503 L lir.' K • I l i:. %.'4, I " I a t =ES • .__ . 0114 it irvx*, . opened: a . fire& elses - lietdware Store is 111 . .artetieli A 1( oppoeita .Pitts Broil, O.Str,eetirespeoe ly invite their friends arid tteliabliq At gettaral 'to give them. a ealll— in evil eases, -,, Their Off PPOnYI4 of I, :, , . • - -r, • alid a . ganerallini 'Of, Goode,. - second to done•in the country, at the loweit,optelt prlcee. ••• They ore also agents for the. HIM" MOW ER, ITHACA WHEEL RAKE, ARNOLD HORSE PARK AND HAY CARRIER, W. G. Lutzir.' Fnelvg. HonLanz: J LUTZ KOHLER ManefieldkJtely 19, 16' . 11.-te , . • TN IJl`443li,dt,a'Yo Royal Wheeler: You are herehY 'notified :that Mary Ann Wheeler bae tip. the . „ennkmon,Piews of, Tioga ocrinity , Itisiroe.-frona ,the t t#9l/ds .of, roatrimeri)V4o, 7 o4 :hlus. Appointed Friday, ; the 2801 ; Oil bf,'3,AY;.,1,1371; for. ;he hear— ing oftihkaiiplidant the premises; ,- on widob ' , peewit° yo'n'lnay.attiktd if you Think -proper. • Ang - E. 4. ppri, Sheriff.- FOR 6 " t C l/ OAP -14 buggy, cutter, bar ' ness arid . ufalo zobe, , all new,: Time' will bo given on approAe4, paper. , or. partienlari; applyat,tblsepe. August 2i.1871' • Applicatiorts : for • Char,te.rs, . • i\r • 41 - Yerithat, the ; , fstlit;, wing 'aPiPllZ'qtyp t ihtti.Fl4aftm , li of inporparation have bnonfgcr,4`4,;ity °Zen, -nnd will A)p bratton, ted to thcf.Cait,tc:',9c.P:fitnnatin„ Pleas - of Tioga county, Ditatfaay, ktirowatpfclOri: • ; Applicaticia eu EltitOra t k t;;Ba n ol{,A Ti na. tinsoni Jr., Peter V . Van Ne#:,. otiltera t. - uador,the nave of the 3d 4.; T EVhitioh of lltatland." " 3 :"re . 3«PI 4 Z4LDSCIO, •,- Angutit 2, 1871 , NOTIOE le,hereby given :that 'the ,Exec:ntini and: Adtidaistrdtbre nitric d liaYafiled ;their - ace ems UP lit tlar Eagletin:a -office ,T logs: 'entir f fy, a 0 &that tafdAtteetititsiilll helarekltMted to the Orphans! Court for - said •Ciiintty'i on - Mob day, the 28th day of August, 1871, • at 2'ct i cleolt P. M., foe allowance and confirmation • • ' • Acoon t 7. Ea tler, - Adiatnintrater o , f thn estatelof 6lnfoon'llutter,- late of - ceased. ' • • - • '- • Account of .Toshus•T.lis'elreoti, AiminiStrater, - of - e state ; '8; ft' 'lt atlas,• late' of Gaines, deceased. ; ; , .• ~ . Account, of John joseph.endSamuel Belme, lir . ; A dministratdre of the °bate- otlohu l Jo aeph, late of.l3fookflald, dectoiseC 'n Account of William T, Pat , ind:: 41. 1 1 .0. win, Executors of. the last will and tenement of Jobt.rliamlin, deceased.' , • • ' • Account,of:E. E-Staith, Administrato r of the eatete a Daniel :Woodfield; lite of Tioga de . ,C.0880d.. ri;:7 . • .7.:4l4coutit of, • H.:t7, Willitunti.' Executor of ale 2 1 a .st irili cud testament of Levi L'Vichols, late Of WellOoro, deceased., •; • - --Account of S. B. Warritter,• Administrator, 'de . bOtiis.non, of the estate - of Theodorue Larrison, late of Jackson„ -deceased: ' . .. - ttocoant ,of Clarinda , Schoonovet and 14 M. 'srhci - an.evet 4 , Bzeeittora of the last will and les tateatit of The Emir Behootiover, late of Olyiner , • -. deceased. •-. • - Account of Wm: tooth; Bxeentoi.of atelier ,wlll2and testament of J.-T. Streit, lata.of Pilaus; Seldcileceased. AcCount of R. T. Weed and Dolly Culver, rAdminiatraters of, the estatn,of Leander Culver, iiitcrot Elkhind, deceased. : D L. DEANE, 4 40 0 2,1 8 f l! .- • ;\ Register. . • , EdWatd-Aparsoner: You j...ore.hereby nbtified - that llcinrletti Portions, by her neat friend, Robert•Blithop, has' applied 10, - the Court of Common Pleas of Tiogo county 'fbrit'alvorce front the bonds of matrimony, and :that said Court has appointed Monday, thse2Bth datti,f Augast,lB7l, for the hearing of sztid\ap ..ppoOt}tip the premises ;• on which occasion you, :'VILA attend if 701 i think proper. .;:.:rAng-2, 1851.4 w -1 P. A. FISH, Sheriff. MirOlttig.•-;—To - ''jOhn Cook You are here by notified that' Frances T. Cook, by her melt friend, Thomas Holiday;'has applied to the • Court'of Common Plea* of Tioga county for a divorce from the.ho •ds of.intOrimeny, and that said Court has uppointed•Blonda,y, the 28th day :of, A,ugust, 1871, for the liming of said appli 'giant in .the premises ; on which 'odcasion you can ' often:4'lf you think propel.. H. A. FISH, Ang 3,1871 4w Sheriff. r• 114t' u 1.11.. TIO G- 'f. z.A.-ft "-- " 1 - I`TTZTT. 7 ", 7 I . 'ffikßpWAßE;''- - ,i~,air: ~:.~1 _,, ~ . s .. S _ .. i Titi:7lffate,''. - .Na*,. . I~.QN, ent Work, Spokes, Hums, • Agri caltural Impletlients, . . Powers, - • =MEI Beg Notice:., OEM I i II • • • ' • •.. --- _ — , c.- - „ 15NTY'r'''RAiii . 1 AI7O, I STO; -1871. M • - • ~ '' A STEIttiNG "OLD' iittl Who..aiiailjndge man lam Me Whi!ilksli know him by+ll3 ~Paupers may be At for princes • ' Prinoes At peruething less Crumbled ehirt , and ditty Jacket :.;MaY betlathe tile - golden ore IN tho ;deepest ithonghte and fe , _Batin bast can do ndiattio.• '' , .1.,i .1..i , 1 ,;.' .. ) ,;;•• ~ ' ; ; I . .Where arc atria= of cilital tooter gvotflowlng outer stone; i '; , Thera aro purple bells-tied kojdeiti , , ,', 4, tfidded,lort4hod;alti,overttilresi.,, , f ~.. dad, *Lib cinino by .84* 40 , . 1r 1 40 11 , 1 . .; , ' .t 6 lrizi a id, o*.so:•Yo n , O ti O ' f'f; 1 ;.. .: 1 Whi4 : ltAr s ad ei g4 031 9 51 4, 1 P )iigheq ' ~,..;-•,', ' ?1 , it aivtiblioq..4 ih! Pea.. + . . ' ; Min tiptaidefi alurve'ide't.o 4 !') • " . ' -- qfthiritets hie' lap ire',9i2R i i 4tif 44 ,,,. 11 K,__ €.lr. 5 7.l9l4§PPRIPAlitc -, -1%.. , e . ~.t.4 ` ts_rrff',l / 9 4 1 4 00 1 4 hit4flira Awl :- kl`,..k) ti4e,riiPi illiori-Paoßfifstolhaki ''.! i r - - 1 11 ." -1 "," CI ;s944ofitimitiabtaldizeinf et framel;• ' '.' • 1 1 ' gab:dil a / I '4lllW light* , fel ittheiliii; 't ,;I. . •,:', ell Itvar.manfisinnabitriliiiael'-41 1 ' ._ii.'L;- .. hi ? '_ 1 - • : ••,-.=:- .-:t ori-;T .3113 v. . -.. i . r! ..; .Wttar!skris foattiambiatlarkttlioaliri;: , ' - . .-' 1 ;, .12`tiord.airalittlivirbild-Vaditilla i '' .l . f' --'" ' +.ll`here arbritseliii itiolillffit gli), l oit?' ' 1 V '' l ,'.Chet l 4 ;'.4 . 3 sr .l3 i l' fl i;ll P ; ' fit :, ''' • ' ' ' ' ds 4''.W- - . 01 3. 1444 5 't4 • i ,„°. v ", 414 trePelikriclilfm 4 pit; 1 ~:' , ; -. 0 Pre '*9ll l l3;l;tvailtrAtanOt,istwi ,e 1 1 1 ' ! : Aro Pit tfobblet !nib, sea: ff; tr. ', Toiling hands alana_ara hailde:ra . Of a tzeldniee wealth and twee). , Titled r:11- litl:Wfritfitl44l6ll.4so4l44 "'1 c. " .qte !MR 4 1! I P ,V 1 k Vilfg ti lerieff9PP4Wi al p Ahdtiltlo4lY.tGatitdaar- I • :! I- • , !7 ; O hllscE a 7..1 . Ir i i t/ .#VadeF l ) 4 !, C er ' Zk l'' : ,' ,' ;,milifaines,, r• - Oioxst-nlige Dian never prosper • While there fs a sunny right". • ' God; whose9tOildrltle 'tioled is singing ' ' tOundies:6fave to yea anikiee, with its titles • Ilut,aS pebbles in the e'en, ;-'1; -. • ; • State,eyniin i ittee CillnBY V • • of I )rior..--- t ali Republican party,-; in 3 appeal law 'eneetilokelto t tlin fie4i6 of ihitl:Stittbfor re 400.06.4; Pol.ntdWith 3 4.4,P l itAit to , , , record, end it. fearlessly claims- the.: ,l'tfesived confidence ' Of the pei r iple;,,hei.l aysisfit''has,"been faitliful:te.#4..truist,, tol 'I;", committed: to: the '.only ;line of: litii cy that can secure continued pins.' `parity to the State and nation. I.The Republicans of this Sate.first t7rkiedtiatli branches; of the ILegisla.- re h 21859; And, first ''electetlAi,,Gover or, ingito; Shute then ithais held conar t of -of theaegielatiVe and 4,JzreciltWO, l l h 'an cis eyo fAt e:poi,iiiinir,tetti'd4l - ialiti t inter,. when .this ilDernociate obtained. Control, temporarily, - -of-the Senate, , : . :,-37 , 14:1861, when Geirerner Curtin Caine into, office, the , State , 'debt, - in.round 11 ,m hers,. teas $40,000;000. Shortly af 'ter and the • Southern- reuemon 'broke' mit, ; and the State w,ai'Coinpelle'd tohor rO* P,ste,ogo, to itrin the trOops 'and protect :our - borders, thus adding that muclr felhe , stiteciebt. -- . .- In the - ten years that have sineepaisz aci away, this iv - at lean 0f.53,60ef,000 his been paid off; the State debt. has been reduced from $40,000,000 to a little over $29,000,000 ; the three mill taxi which :was levied for State purposes on real es tate Prior to 18,61 2 . , "has" been repealed ; the t4 . '§ii: professions and, occupations h has een taken off ;-: the' an rin al'. con trl- ' bution - of the, State. t 6 the public sch6ols has been gietitlyenlarged ; .alsieteM;Ot. ' schOOlia hes - been ,bralt up for The educe.; tion;and supportiOtthe orptuin of Soli, diers w t - ho died r ini the Waa nobles ben:,:. etwittoo,:c ' eatitii, over,:ctSif 'a million. yearly ;- end Illi.affairsof the Stategenj. , orally have been So Managed as 0 tie; 1 cure prosperity to the people.. . , ,:,: The Republicans of the 'nation elect-' ' etitheirTr'esideritial CiindiUte 1ri,1860,: " L iiiici.-,ii . ei.iiededfri against , inany l. 'angry, , ttrea *Om the opposition; in ptitting, an 'b ' n 'offi r celillteroli;4B6.l. Almost immediately immediately after*sid the Government was confronted by ., an .armed• rebelllOn in the South, (openlY,as well se ‘tieretlY encouragedby Many Dernoorate r le the NorthY whose sympathies • still remelt =with _those wtri then "took artnittio , 'ier, throw tliie CrOverrun,ent,) end NV,Slc9in pelid los Maintain the-honor of :therm.; tiOnal fiagiand the:lntegrity Of the eouri: tryst WI ateyi,3,r 'cOrs4'.and, t hefOur,years'll l'lrar Nip Veli, roupiko necessarily. entailed *hyy::debt 41,nd:burden San e isiailon .u P 612,..thd0 R1 0 .',;• - :.; ' ' - • ; - 't'':' ' - ',Ouci),ttioYsuppression • of ,11otne rebel- Ql3, the counkylias not enly're iirned . tor petite_ * but,ttl, prOsperi ty. : T h etk/.a rs of MTV t h at themition , woujd . be . ban I' riipted herindustry paralyzed 4rid be [ people liol,tol,*ai*:;*Pk;l?e'eA:refibal;d: 'No f 3 'Ne O Ol9 , ever: recovered :so soou; CO 'st4idily awls° ihreir, frourthe conCe-' quences of,:7;Var;',tol virebiye, ", done hand forthialimoVery from i the destructive ' intlo6*esiof civil strife, we are Mainly indebted - CO thOthstering hand hetd out by the national Government to' the - in ' dutitriesi of the people. ' - ' . , ,- , , , .. Among the necessities grow ingiciu t of the rebellicin, the national 'Government foundAteelf , corn:Pelted to Submit : to 'the - States for their ratification, three a mexidnientS- to the Constitution : one (knoWnlas the thirteenth) abolishing slavery; another, (the fourteenth ) ) se curing the 'rights of citizens to the en franchised slaves, and prohibiting the _ i . repudiation'of'anY part of the national debt,' or die,payinent of any part of the rebel debt ;7.and another, (the fifteenth,) prohibiting the States from exclUding any-one from the right of suffrage on account of race, color, orprevioa conl 'dition Of servitude. ,' ' , - , These three amendments having all been duly-ratified in' the way pointed out by the Con.stiuttion, are now, alcom ponent part Of t hat instrument. r 'l l lseir adeption stanches's the grandest pea Ce -- ful.aehieVenient of ancient or miidern times:. - ITO party ever before undertook so:great iii. 'task ; and Re - , accomp lish= nient, in so ilhOrt a spice of time Is a work of which- the Republican party -may well feel proud.,; - ' __ To secure the complete protecti, `these emancipated and enfrand ii3ple, is noiv one of the unquesti dutJ\es of' the nation; and no part 3 fit tO \he entrusted _with that duty t partyiil r iteh ling - 416nn:the. Tireltnil work: he, party 'Which' has hit dontinuonly resisted the policy one;established, not the e; now; ry lt oUt. i\ i-1: ' ''' !ME EMI rOETPs cot ±purinktivitil for siiiii#4sSing. the iebelliOn; and l irt'earrYing ont tbegreit 10dastrvis •Whieh Ittrec necesettillY'flovi-: ed•fron2 l'it, , ' the IDemotratlo party 'iths 134ntinuottely bi3en I natio %opposition.— .. 4 •opposcuF the adoption of stringent Ineaeure4- to, put -down the •rebellion 01 3. 9•10 , v3rpg of troops to suppress it; the • b rroWingpf money to pay, the . cost of ate war; the ,emancipation proclama7 tinii Of' President . , Lincoln ; the adop ' tioii of l alithe'arcietidinents, to the Cenr irtitution r•tife redorietructlon . inedstires :bywhich the revolted States were bro't bieli 'int& the trition; and, generally, I e 1 errmeasure necessary to the suceesB;• f I).prosecution of the war; or to •the• l i ccAisful. restoration of-peace. • A' c t pretent, too ,I it is opposed to the eans,t2 cessery for raising revenue to i P 3i - „th . e interest op the . publle debt and a ekt•itisteadyreduction • is ,in favor $ 4 R 6,419 m dhi tion of,t,itat debt, by . 1) yittgl.• n a depredated Curtency,, if p id' ilt el ';. is wti ehing for an opportu -1 22 ti.:s *until the new ainendments to, itliiidattalan ;ll find 16 generally CoM. l)iitiiirte tti2Y line of polloy'WhidtfWfli temit the country to its condition pribr 41860 i t .. - it . 11 , - ..! I : . , s 'I ' may botrged; berd,lthat the'rfeix e ecpsitY of-this State, in'the ninth elate rot the . jplatform-adopted by' 444 tatenS‘to Con ention, has •acqules feed .tin tkefadoption of. .the amend men to oft tirl.4:l9l4Attlitiett we have referred 'to, and eannot now be charged W1).1 hos .tfyty to them. We answer thdt the ac -I:loltPefirmo expressed in that resoluticin . 1i • silotlteelfi been acquiesced in by the , r- ra • )(4924,13,19 of, the party., _Over .one th rAscertillAet,c 4 9. l 4Y93:4ol: l ,o: Yotod strertul•- ft . V:fII.OBPA and lig, ll 9l),•ori of, the, 'Ac • xlMt9la,.l4lV. inc TePudkait•ed, , • rtkony i leading Men , and journals of d, ::ierly."', 'BeShies, Whatever acquies de • ce r ino! been giireri, • 'has been given au letilY and l idoi qeartily—as a matter of aiolloY;te l Pringing from' party neces elty,iaild'not' tro 'a conviction of its proriety. • Whe re ver a vote has'been )120 estly given, onl voice sincerely rais ed, 'this "new departure," 'lt 'May :v4y - propetly be regarded its an extort ea toonfession. that the' -Republican par tybss-all along been right in what the Den3ocratlc party has steadfastly op= I:lt:tied ;,and this confessed, what need is 'them ox can there ] be, for the further • • 9;!5_te..9%.9f 44!),,Dpraocr,atic party_? . 4414 .1 • 11 1. "armors P-1 =EI It , ' • ME WI ME ~•'.;!7 !I . MEM I= 'T.:I 1 :JO MBE I= 4:,a1, S r,,, - ' l- W4ell.o.enbrerant came into office, In iiiiip, ; ,/ip announced_his-determina tiontoffenre the honest and ..faithful eellecilou of ‘ the revenue, the steady re. Illation of the public debtond such an abi t t , ement in - taxation 'as ' - Was' consis tet with i thia policy., In tile' space of, little*OVer i , tWO u years, this' determine tioit, faithfully adliered,to, hug resulted. In paying' offs2ils,ooo,oi)o;of the public 7 dehti,'lllid' in the abolition of nearly all. 4lysitaXeilixOsect'under previous laWs. a . In - addition tO 'this he has, by his wise : in'tliiiin ! ioreig ' n policy, succeeded in 19 43 .. . ttil4l4.all 4' • (mi. outstanding difficulties, with Great tritairil' in a Manlier alike himoyable and adVaptageoue to, us as a ,peoPle: The treat lately ratified by both #a96118, whin removes all causes 6 , 1"-. ilitarrel - and 'es t abliabes peace and ariptibetvieen - them, has commanded the aatitiration of the civilized world, and!pladed the 'United States in the' foreinost rank among the nations of the, earth: , This result is one of which ev- . ery,' Anierictuirnay ,justly feel proud. ' To bontititie the'lieriublican party in . , power; into continue the policy begun, both in State and.nation, of maintain ing the public credit, paying off our debt, _reducing tifir,ttion, settling inter national difficulties, without bloodshed, add s4tiiihing the great principles in, 'vroTv'e 41 in the measures necessarily grOWitig out Of the War.' 1 • . iTo' iiiiie the lemocratio party to Poitter,ls - to'clestrO the public credit, •pave the Way for bring in the olaftide of corruption, mismanage :'tnetit and extravagance, and open up anew all the qUestidns involved in the Tenoristruetion' 4:4'the Southern States, now iettledllpon 'an honorable basis. , .IrOt present proof of this, we refer to . .the:conekneneee fl wing from the ac. in *' majority o the Democrats in 4, l 4i'Statet.Senate las winter.' To - that tt ;tack We owe a 'Session prolOnged to tne iniddisraf MaY; et an extra cost of $lOO,-, '006,"; - ,the re-establishment of the forsa ken ,policy', of employing extra (and 'useless),Oftketa l irOthe legislative bodies and , granting thent i liXtra pay; an fitP - prOpriation' bilt 'ln ieased beyond ;all lormercfionnds, to the extent of half a itillibri ;, ,the'defeat Of all measures for ,callillg•ta Constitutiolnal Convention at ,an early d . ay , to pa iitt end' to that curse .of our • State;•Prdt 4 s.t,;'l,E . Glstqi.pciN ; # ll dC,4l l (dea i rPiAnOi . te'shOw that this cursetailminid :net ,bel removed by their, ' aid ;, I, be, enskrtmane,ilf the enormous 'riiitakieriof 180blciCa4bills. - And thi4 is but aitityliO3t 'what ' a l ihonla have had toTenktuA l ",4o;l4ey:Atad both houses * r ttbi..l4,o:vermor.p.o pbal r shl e. ; . ~ sit . sill I:fti athei prvior Of' the' 'unfitness =off thriv piafty"to he eritrititea with; Pow. et; Ilii, to be Mtinct in tliie Meiancholy his • tory-of l i the late riotsfl*lew York. In MW U city, the, Del:neer , ts have ti ndispu ted'S, tinci,"throl it, in the State. tbeYlinlirthe power 'n their hands to , prey - mid this riot tin bloodshed; nut thO.ltiliuid - not use`' t, neither at the right firuepor in the ight waw l , _Why?, Because . W. kiartY l i :. pc.9sesse of no prliacifile* . lett can ead it to respect tiniiigliterof Inantebe l they civil or reli gious.,, Its. sole idea of right's is derived from the , Antoklict: - Ahat ' ItIIGItT makes Et9wr. I Thin' Nva.4"albariy evinced in the cebate hi. Our i Sta4 - Senate in 1861%. on theflifteentia Atnedment, in which the Dettiocratic leader 4n the State -scow; ted the claim' that there`were , any Stich things'as human rights. The . idea, he said, vas a . myth and a humbug. , , And this sentiment Of the Deinocrat ic leader in Pennsylvania hat been car-, ried out to the lettec in New York. A few thousand - men, -In the exercise of their constitutional right• to assemble toget er, inform the authorities of their pure, se to. pattide the streets o n' ' a' . Cer tain L ay. , Ancithet.hody of men, who alwaye - siote. ihe Oenloorettie 'ticket, and 1 numbering niatlyrnera thousands, no- . tify the authorities 1 that this parade nitist tilSt, , be timinitted i and that if it is, theY,,Vill attak,ik- lf,' and iclisperse' it, no matter tit i l / 4 1 ilitit:'enSt - Of ,iife or limb to the party!. aitackeil.! The Demooratic . ruleriii'of *it )(Olt ,at once decline to' detend;th4 feW against the many in the exercise' dr Weir :conetitUtionai right •'. derijihatt,tit-Tere is any ineh right ; an j o . Yield . to pie ,defiance of Pis mob s be cause,it has might on; its side, •-nd, at the deinand-Of that mob, forbid the peaceable and law-abiding citizens to nssemble togetner_a 1.. s 'the ConstituttQu il "?.. ME in of hised coned isso the'. nary, lerto thus car- mil ' r • I , ' =I t ' permits, or to exeroise the rights tho law • hist hohr, when' Ufa true, that' at the . thopublio indignatien had been arous'e'd at this base abandonment of the &VW rights of , thO people, the State' anth ties stepped in-and permitted what te: 'city, authorities had• previously forbl - den. But .the mob had already, t 1-' . urnAhed too far to yield, peacefully to : this sudden- change, and the slaughter Which followed is attributable solely , to the Official cowardice Which first yield ! ed to a mob it was afterward unable to' control: ' It is plain, 'moreover, that the first act, of .prehibiting the parade, was the legitimate outgrowth of the, principles controlling the Democratic party-4-that Men have-uss inherent rights; and that MIGHT alone gives BIGHT. It brqught into- view the ferocious claws whith, though afterward-withdrawn', the fur red .felot could not- wholly Conceal. It 'was a clear indication of -what we may 44ppet thrpughout , the country should the D emocratic party ever return to Pcr'o',T our, civil and religious, rights are to be preserved ,in this country against the attitelia of 'turbulent mobs and the de malitis 'of' wild - fanaticisin, they can bepictiervild only by the party bailed bimonthly redeep regard for human rights'and constitutiOnal guaranties:-- ndin the light of theselaots, we ap ilealito the people of Pennsylvania to rally.to theeupport of their imperiled constitutional franchises, and, by the defeat of . th,e Democratic ,party, which lirts,Koyert iteelf,. alike, unwilling and able to Uphold them, teach, it that the - people whit hear no , yielding topaqb "Violence, 'nor tampering with their con : . stitutional rights; and Will never per mit, the surrender' of the citadel they have erected at a bloody cost—sacred, now: and forever, t CIVIL AND BEd- MMUS LIBERTY. '! RUSSEL pRRETT, 011'n. Bei Butler at College. We haVe.ia very good story of the Hon. Benjamin F.. Butler that has not yet found it¢ Way,into the 'newspapers. When a student in college it was bind ing on the students to attend the col lege church 77 a,duty which to him was irkSOfrie.' On one occasion he heard the preacher (who was also a pro-' lessor) advancing prcipositions like the folloWing 1. That the elect alone would be Saved: 2. That among those who, bythe wOrld, were called ii tians, more than one in/a 'hundred belonged really and truly to the elect. That tile ,others, by rea- Sont their,christian, privileges,.would Butter more hereafter than the heathen, wile had never heard the Gospel at all. butler, whose audacity was as_con ;picuous as his reverence, made a 'note of these propositioni, and drew up a petition to the faculty on the strength of theiti soliciting exemption from fur ' ther attendance at the church, as only .• preparing for himself a more terrible future. " For," said be, " the congre gation .here amounts to six hundred persons; and nine of these are profes sors. ~New, if only one` in a hundred is to be saved, it follows that three even of the acuity must be damned." He, (13enjaMin F. Butier,) being a mere stu dent, _could not expect to be saved in preference to a professor. Far, be said, be it fr - Oirk' him to cherish so presumptu ous 'a hope Nothing remained for him, therefore, but perdition. °ln this melancholy , posture of affairs, he was tratu:rally anxious to abstain from any thing that might aggravate his future punfshment; and,' as church attend ance had been shown in last Sund a y's sermon to have this influence on the non-elect; he trusted that the faculty would for all time coming exempt him from it !, The iesult of this petition, written out' 14 an imposing manner, and for-1 mallY presented to the faculty, NNtap, l that Butler received a public reprimand for irreverence, and, but for the influ ence of -one or two friends in the facul ty, would have been expelled.7—Hor pere. , Mark Twain on Oar Peddlers. "And there was the peddlers. I bought out the pop-corn boy d .to get rid of hii,.because I was trying to com pose a poem for a youfig lady's album, and did not want to be disturbed. But be cable righ back with a stook of pea nuts. I took a few and hurried him away;and he returned with• some ice . cream candy. I cloia't like ice cream; candy and pea-nuts together, bat I in vested. af once because an inspired• rhyme 'had been : born to me, and Wanted to set it down before it slipped m' mind.' ' Then the scoundrel cave back to. me with tobacco and cigars, and afterutards with oranges, imitation ivory haby;Wkistles, figpaste and ap ples; -tiien he went away and was gone some time, and' I was encouraged to hope thntrain had ilia over' him. lie was only keeping his, most malignant outrag6'tol the last. Fle cuss getting his literature ready. And from that time ,forwardthat degraded, youth did noth ing but march from one car to another 'and afflict the passengers with, speci men copies of the viles hlood and-thun. der roniances on earth. "The Porjer «Ws Doom" and "The Desperado's Re venge" were SOrne of his milder ivorks, arid on their backs were pictures of stabbing affrays and dhels, and people shoving other people over precipices, and wretched woodcuts of- women be ing rescued from terrible perils of all kinds; and - they are always woraeti who are so criminally homely that any rigi -minded man would take a placid satisfaction in seeing themeoffer sudden .and Violent death. But the peddler boy peddled those atrocious books right along for hours together, and I gave up my poem at last, and devoted all my energies to driving him away, and trying to say things that would, make him Unhappy." Referring to the New York Demo crat, the New York Express says: "Three daily ; New, 'York city news paper p, two 'evening and one mofning, bave_dieci Within a month, and more mnstAie ori r their last legs. None of the dead joninals had a long life; but .they lived loicqr enough to lose at.least three or fenr ha ndgome fortunes. Take away governinclit and official patronage, and forty per"Ceat. ()till the journals'in the country. would ot. It takes long yeas of lab'or and, large investments in cap ital pp, peto 1 sb, or maintain a suooeiss ,fuljournal;ifatiTiVat33o in thisthiecity alone O. 32 Location—Bowen & Cows Block, 2d Floor over aixty pa . pers have been darted and died after losing'atj least twenty mill ions of dollars." , [Correspondence of the Agitator.' , 'Font Don'en, (liiiita,) July 5, lel. s - • Homeward• bound I After 'spending the 4th in Yankten and attending a celebration at Springfield; I started for old PennsylVania, to look once more upon it's hilli and valleys, the old fami liar faces, the home of my early days, and the spot of many pleasant recollec tions. We were delayed at Fort Dodge over night, and here, I viewed, the lo- eallty made famous, itt our land of jokes and deception, as the origin and birth place ..of the "'Cardiff Giant." About a mile from tobvn is the gypsum quar ry from which the statue was care d, and here the burlesque originated whi ‘ h 3 duped so many of ourpeople; and ev n after the fraud was exposed, I saw ixia• ny placards and show bill's upon fences and buildings along the route, adverti sing the swindle as still on exhibition ; but having learnedfrom the experience sit 4 :':+.. Ward," I did not invest in the Ohow,bgflineso.. The depot is built out of t he same material, and some fine residences also, as it is of a nature to be easily•carved, and luta the appearance of, blue marble, hardening as it is ex• posed to the sun and weather. • Along the Missouri , are endless quan tities of a rock Somewhat similar in for mation, called the chalk rock; which, is being , considerably used for building purposes, and if a success, will be a, cheap mode ig constructing residences in a country where there„is . a scarcity of timber. ' , What a relief to be once more floating upon the broad Viasissippi, after the :dust of railroading and indulging in the muddy waters of the Missouri; to ;enjoy the cool breeze that fans you as you are moving along at fifteen miles ian hour, and listening to the deep brea- Ithing of the engine, as it propels the htige vessel along against a rapid cur lent. The wooded banks upon either aide are a relief to the eye, after having traveled for days over the prairie, with :nought but an unbroken waste around 'you. Our route is via La Crosse, Mil waukie and Chicago, and thence east :ward to the ." land of the free and the ,home of the brave." In all the States ,through which I have passed, there is a prospect of an abundant and unusually large harveSt. Wheat, corn and oat fields of hundreds of acres are upon ev ery side, and it is said never looked bet- I ter. It looked as if lowa alone were .1 :raising grain enough .to supply the whole Conn ; and yet it is but a drop of the greaowhole that is growing in ,our broad land. Gaunt famine can ne ver stalk through a country so bound fully fertile, or so well adapted to all of life's necessaries. So far as u3y -experience goes, the !nights at the West are, invariably cool rd the bays invariably hot during the eummer, Beason ; and what they aredu ring the winter, when they have the [benefit, of a breeze accumulating for bundrede of, miles over an unbroken prairie, is -more than I can say, 'althol the presutoOlon is very strong that it would at least bo very invigorating.— Along the entire line of the Missouri river over which I traveled, the bank is washing away from one shore and malting up, on the other, alternating at every bend in tbe river, and forming new channels so Often, that it renders li bavigation quite difficult. Thisaccount% for he thick, muddy state of the wa ter. Emigration westward numbers its thousands daily, and every ]main tho roughfare is dotted with the white cov ered wagons and ox teams, looking for homes where land is plenty and cheap and crops grow spontaneously from na ture's fresh soil. In many localities the foreign element largely predomi nates, being mostly Norwegians, Ger mans and Swedes, an industrious, hard working (class of people, who would gain a ,competence out of the sands of .he Great Desert. , Cities and towns are springing up as if by magic, I and what is to-day a tenantless :prairie, may year hence boast its thousands of habitants, with all the facilities and improvements of our modern civiliza tion. The greatesd improvement ot modern times, the telegraph, intersects the country in all directions, and rail ' roads are being built with a rapidity 'that far outstrips the East, and with about one-half the expense, the ties be ing laid without much grading, and the undulations of the , prairie alone chang ing the monotony of the scene. Such is ,our great West at present;— and who shall prophesy of its greatness a hundred years hence ! The history of Centuries long gone comes feebly whis pering in our ears as monitors of what has been and what maybe, and admo nishing us of the instability of all things human, and in sepulchral tones it echoes through the land the admoni tion of "passing away." It tells us of a land of rest beyong the 'river, when the tumult of. life's battle is ended ; of the great bye and bye that is awaiting us beyond our earthly goal, where the sun ever shines and birds sweetly sing. Happy, thrice happy is he who heeds its warning and pr?dts by its teaching. 'The spirit of my reverie is broken by the shrill whistle from the engine, a name ieng familiar to my ear is called out, and I am landed among friends with the glad shout of 'welcome home.' X-27. i ANECDOTE OF SPURGEON.—The Lon c on Press gives what it calls a charac teristic anecdote of Mr. Spurgeon. RL cently an eminent ,Baptist called on him and made a statement to the fol lowing effect : - Ten years ago he bad set aside £l,OOO toward building a cha pel, butuntowar circurnstances bad ir intervened and p vented the execution of his design: 'his he was now, he said, desirous of carrying into execu tion, and 14, trusted Mr. Spurgeon wo'd render him his assistance. " What do you wish me to do?" askedlthe pastor of the Tabernacle. "To give, me your powerful aid iu raising a second thou sand, which, is imperatively required.'? i understand," said Mr. Spurgeon ; " but let us see: you have had the use of ills money ten years?" " Yes: l ! During that time it must have been worth tp you at least ten per cent. per 'annum ?" " Well, I dare say." '"then, my dear sir, you have got 'the , money, without troubling me. .Go, and. build the chapel." And, 'the applicant de , palled. satisfied 'with, this business-like and thoroughly praotioal view of the ,z:o4tter. 4 _, i , .lie .I.l%gitititor f - ; I'. & y "., ~ J ... -.1 ~,,,: ~..; Job Piloting. 'House _ 1 i)ited with Primes! and Types to one- Ends of Job Work with nestling dud dlepatob. .go additions of all the late 'Wei of typo' have beau added to this department. WM